! Run parameters for 14th-Nov-2007 small Hinode AR 1024x1024x256 on 1024 CPUs ! &run_pars ip = 14 nt = 500000, it1 = 50, isave = 10000 max_walltime = 85600 cdt = 0.4 dsnap = 10.0 lwrite_slices = F tmax = 7200.0 dtmax = 1.0 dtmin = 1.0e-6 bcz = 's:a', 's:a', 'a', 'hs', 's', 'pfe', 'nil', 'nil', 'a2' fbcz_bot = , , , , , 0.2 , , , lpencil_check = F lpencil_check_small = F lseparate_persist = T ldistribute_persist = F / &eos_run_pars / &hydro_run_pars dampu = 0.04 tdamp = 3000.0 ldamp_fade = T tfade_start = 2700.0 / &density_run_pars idiff = 'normal', 'shock' diffrho = 0.2 diffrho_shock = 1.0 lmassdiff_fix = T ! Improve energy and momentum conservation by compensating for mass diffusion / &grav_run_pars / &entropy_run_pars iheatcond = 'chi-const', 'shock' chi = 5.0 chi_shock = 1.0 / &magnetic_run_pars iresistivity = 'eta-zdep', 'shock' eta = 100.0 zdep_profile = 'cubic_step' eta_width = 150.0 eta_z0 = 450.0 eta_jump = 0.1 eta_shock = 1.0 / &viscosity_run_pars ivisc = 'nu-const', 'nu-shock' nu = 100. nu_shock = 1.0 / &special_run_pars prof_type = 'prof_lnrho_lnTT' init_time = 600.0 ! Switch-on half-time for radiative losses init_time_fade_start = 900.0 ! Switch-on delay for radiative losses init_time_hcond = 600.0 ! Switch-on half-time for special heat conduction terms init_time_hcond_fade_start = 600.0 ! Switch-on delay for special heat conduction terms K_spitzer = 1.6875e-7 ! Spitzer heat conduction factor k [kg*m^4/s^3/K^3.5] (SI: 9e-12 =^= ln(lambda) = 20) hcond1 = 50.0 ! Field-aligned heat conduction factor [m^2/s] hcond2 = 5.0e6 ! Field aligned heat conduction factor k [m^6/s^3/K] (SI: 3.116e28) hcond3 = 1.0e6 ! Isotropic heat conduction factor k [m^6/s^3/K] (SI: 3.116e28/5) Ksat = 1.0 ! Saturation percentage of maximum possible Spitzer heat flow due to internal energy cool_RTV = 1.0 ! Radiative losses (dimensionless) b_tau = 0.001 ! Restore initial vector potential (inverse time scale) flux_tau = 0.1 ! Restore total initial absolute vertical magnetic flux (inverse time scale) Bz_flux = 120978230095130. ! Initial total absolute vertical magnetic flux tdown = 4.0 ! Newton Cooling: inverse time scale nc_lnrho_num_magn = 8.0 ! Number of magnitudes in lnrho where Newton Cooling acts, starting at lnrho0 nc_lnrho_trans_width = 4.0 ! Width of smooth transition for lnrho dependant cutoff nc_z_max = 300.0 ! Maximum height where Newton Cooling acts nc_z_trans_width = 60.0 ! Width of smooth transition for height dependant cutoff lnc_density_depend = T ! Density dependant Newton Cooling target profile swamp_chi = 50.0 ! Swamp diffusion in temperature swamp_diffrho = 1.6 ! Swamp diffusion in density swamp_eta = 0.0 ! Swamp magnetic resistivity swamp_fade_start = 11200.0 ! Swamp layer starts at this altitude swamp_fade_end = 13200.0 ! Swamp layer ends at this altitude lnrho_min = -11.736069016 ! Minimum natural logarithmic density (SI: 8.e-14 kg/m^3) lnrho_min_tau = 25.0 ! Inverse time scale for restoration of minimum density [1/s] luse_timedep_magnetogram = T luse_mag_vel_field = T luse_vel_field = T tau_inv = 0.5 ! Velocity driver: inverse time scale [1/s] / &shock_run_pars lforce_periodic_shockviscosity = F lshock_first = F lshock_max5 = T /