Input measurement type: Azimuth +east of due north for meas1, Elevation angle above the horizon for meas2 Uncertainties type: Uncertainties computed using MC runs with lower cost function value than the purely geometric solution Reference JD: 2458400.542869698722 Time: 2018-10-09 01:01:43.941970 UTC Plane intersections ------------------- Intersection 1 - Stations: 2 and 1 Convergence angle = 56.08093 deg R.A. = 266.39059 Dec = +56.80918 deg Best intersection: Stations 2 and 1 with Qconv = 56.08 deg Least squares solution ---------------------- State vector (ECI, epoch of date): X = 3145878.43 +/- 4.34 m Y = -3514935.90 +/- 14.43 m Z = 4427274.51 +/- 20.48 m Vx = -957.32 +/- 12.69 m/s Vy = -13010.13 +/- 30.22 m/s Vz = 19420.83 +/- 60.86 m/s State vector covariance matrix (X, Y, Z, Vx, Vy, Vz): +2.019430e+01, -2.205163e+01, +3.112666e+01, +4.817776e+01, -1.408015e+02, +2.075159e+02 -2.205163e+01, +2.218128e+02, -3.040574e+02, -6.960796e+01, +4.008801e+02, -4.997818e+02 +3.112666e+01, -3.040574e+02, +4.348121e+02, +1.093933e+02, -4.715508e+02, +6.233339e+02 +4.817776e+01, -6.960796e+01, +1.093933e+02, +1.653588e+02, -3.881615e+02, +6.080114e+02 -1.408015e+02, +4.008801e+02, -4.715508e+02, -3.881615e+02, +2.014698e+03, -2.548005e+03 +2.075159e+02, -4.997818e+02, +6.233339e+02, +6.080114e+02, -2.548005e+03, +3.376121e+03 Timing offsets (from input data): 2: 0.001900 s 1: 0.000000 s Reference point on the trajectory: Time: 2018-10-09 01:01:43.941970 UTC Lon = -81.208879 +/- 0.0001 deg Lat = +43.373535 +/- 0.0001 deg Lat geo = +43.184464 +/- 0.0001 deg Ht = 101259.30 +/- 22.50 m JD dynamic = 2458400.543670439627 LST apparent = 311.8286405132 deg Radiant (apparent in ECI which includes Earth's rotation, epoch of date): R.A. = 265.79162 +/- 0.0678 deg Dec = +56.11007 +/- 0.0217 deg Azimuth = +310.06661 +/- 0.0421 deg Elevation = +58.36934 +/- 0.0374 deg Vavg = 22.59698 +/- 0.0332 km/s Vinit = 23.39548 +/- 0.0674 km/s Radiant (apparent ground-fixed, epoch of date): R.A. = 266.86056 +/- 0.0678 deg Dec = +56.61181 +/- 0.0217 deg Azimuth = +311.12310 +/- 0.0421 deg Elevation = +58.91719 +/- 0.0374 deg Vavg = 22.46105 +/- 0.0332 km/s Vinit = 23.25955 +/- 0.0674 km/s Radiant (geocentric, J2000): R.A. = 261.98314 +/- 0.1169 deg Dec = +56.22088 +/- 0.0473 deg Vg = 20.59427 +/- 0.0770 km/s Vinf = 23.39548 +/- 0.0674 km/s Zc = 31.75266 +/- 0.0515 deg Zg = 33.82779 +/- 0.0649 deg Radiant (ecliptic geocentric, J2000): Lg = 246.04488 +/- 0.2883 deg Bg = +78.99011 +/- 0.0584 deg Vh = 38.63498 +/- 0.0570 km/s Radiant (ecliptic heliocentric, J2000): Lh = 281.95674 +/- 0.0362 deg Bh = +31.55240 +/- 0.0827 deg Vh_x = -6.82082 +/- 0.0200 km/s Vh_y = 32.20897 +/- 0.0233 km/s Vh_z = -20.21684 +/- 0.0760 km/s Orbit: La Sun = 195.438504 +/- 0.0000 deg a = 3.131714 +/- 0.0394 AU e = 0.682041 +/- 0.0049 i = 31.599648 +/- 0.0824 deg peri = 172.682906 +/- 0.0960 deg node = 195.439378 +/- 0.0000 deg Pi = 8.122284 +/- 0.0960 deg q = 0.995758 +/- 0.0001 AU f = 7.315057 +/- 0.0960 deg M = 1.013479 +/- 0.0390 deg Q = 5.267669 +/- 0.0787 AU n = 0.177841 +/- 0.0043 deg/day T = 5.542091 +/- 0.0995 years Last perihelion JD = 2458394.844866 (2018-10-03 08:16:36.382137) +/- 0.0804 days Tj = 2.628174 +/- 0.0249 Shower association: IAU No. = 9 IAU code = DRA Orbit covariance matrix: e , q (AU) , Tp (JD) , node (rad) , peri (rad) , i (rad) e , +2.757949e-05, +1.720967e-07, +2.786930e-04, -5.474575e-10, +5.079936e-06, +7.830802e-06 q , +1.720967e-07, +7.202029e-09, +6.745144e-06, -5.438737e-12, +1.434008e-07, +7.747390e-08 Tp , +2.786930e-04, +6.745144e-06, +6.909788e-03, -7.191446e-09, +1.426574e-04, +1.025812e-04 node, -5.474575e-10, -5.438737e-12, -7.191446e-09, +1.155004e-14, -1.378370e-10, -1.650720e-10 peri, +5.079936e-06, +1.434008e-07, +1.426574e-04, -1.378370e-10, +2.973142e-06, +1.965391e-06 i , +7.830802e-06, +7.747390e-08, +1.025812e-04, -1.650720e-10, +1.965391e-06, +2.359432e-06 Jacchia fit on lag = -|a1|*exp(|a2|*t): a1 = 13.926314 a2 = 7.384768 Mean time residuals from time vs. length: Station with reference time: 1 Avg. res. = 7.418e-06 s Stddev = 2.72e-03 s Begin point on the trajectory: Lon = -81.209045 +/- 0.0001 deg Lat = 43.373637 +/- 0.0000 deg Ht = 101288.33 +/- 15.82 m End point on the trajectory: Lon = -81.160880 +/- 0.0000 deg Lat = 43.342864 +/- 0.0000 deg Ht = 92543.82 +/- 10.20 m Stations -------- ID, Ignored, Lon +E (deg), Lat +N (deg), Ht (m), Jacchia a1, Jacchia a2, Beg Ht (m), End Ht (m), +/- Obs ang (deg), +/- V (m), +/- H (m), Persp. angle (deg), Weight, FOV Beg, FOV End 2, False, -81.315700, 43.192800, 320.00, 13.988836, 7.616258, 100359.63, 94197.60, 0.008982, 13.67, 8.05, 29.63, 1.0000, None, None 1, False, -80.772100, 43.264200, 330.00, 12.119972, 7.671064, 101288.33, 92543.82, 0.003548, 6.09, 1.86, 14.55, 1.0000, None, None Points ------ No, Station ID, Ignore, Time (s), JD, meas1, meas2, Azim +E of due N (deg), Alt (deg), Azim line (deg), Alt line (deg), RA obs (deg), Dec obs (deg), RA line (deg), Dec line (deg), X (m), Y (m), Z (m), Latitude (deg), Longitude (deg), Height (m), Range (m), Length (m), State vect dist (m), Lag (m), Vel (m/s), Vel prev avg (m/s), H res (m), V res (m), Ang res (asec), AppMag, AbsMag 0, 2, 0, 0.060524, 2458400.542870370205, 204.64100, 12.45500, 24.64100, 77.54500, 24.64841, 77.56291, 320.56901, +54.21983, 320.55542, +54.20370, 3145921.66, -3514348.30, 4426397.37, 43.370374, -81.203969, 100359.63, 102405.21, 0.00, 1056.65, -123.72, 0.00, 24459.36, 16.32, 27.69, 64.73, None, None 1, 2, 0, 0.092524, 2458400.542870740406, 205.83500, 12.47400, 25.83500, 77.52600, 25.84184, 77.53948, 320.95921, +54.09912, 320.94901, +54.08699, 3145959.41, -3513835.29, 4425631.59, 43.367614, -81.199605, 99574.20, 101610.53, 922.51, 1979.16, 50.13, 28828.45, 24459.36, 12.21, 20.72, 48.82, None, None 2, 2, 0, 0.123524, 2458400.542871099431, 206.72100, 12.49200, 26.72100, 77.50800, 26.72742, 77.51913, 321.24856, +54.00885, 321.24023, +53.99884, 3145987.33, -3513455.90, 4425065.25, 43.365572, -81.196407, 98993.35, 101023.91, 1604.76, 2661.41, 7.12, 22007.91, 24459.36, 10.03, 17.04, 40.37, None, None 3, 2, 0, 0.154524, 2458400.542871457990, 207.66400, 12.51400, 27.66400, 77.48600, 27.66928, 77.49411, 321.55573, +53.91138, 321.54979, +53.90408, 3146016.73, -3513056.33, 4424468.79, 43.363420, -81.193032, 98381.61, 100407.38, 2323.29, 3379.94, 0.39, 23178.44, 24459.36, 7.29, 12.38, 29.50, None, None 4, 2, 0, 0.185524, 2458400.542871817015, 208.57800, 12.54100, 28.57800, 77.45900, 28.58354, 77.46668, 321.85562, +53.81779, 321.85011, +53.81089, 3146045.07, -3512671.13, 4423893.79, 43.361346, -81.189783, 97791.89, 99814.23, 3015.97, 4072.62, -32.19, 22344.50, 23830.72, 6.87, 11.66, 27.97, None, None 5, 2, 0, 0.216524, 2458400.542872175574, 209.47300, 12.57100, 29.47300, 77.42900, 29.47912, 77.43673, 322.14974, +53.72537, 322.14426, +53.71842, 3146072.66, -3512296.26, 4423334.19, 43.359327, -81.186624, 97217.98, 99238.11, 3690.09, 4746.74, -83.33, 21745.94, 23353.76, 6.89, 11.70, 28.22, None, None 6, 2, 0, 0.247524, 2458400.542872534599, 210.45500, 12.60500, 30.45500, 77.39500, 30.45949, 77.40018, 322.46997, +53.62064, 322.46661, +53.61598, 3146102.58, -3511889.56, 4422727.10, 43.357136, -81.183185, 96595.38, 98614.52, 4421.43, 5478.08, -77.25, 23591.61, 23207.84, 4.60, 7.81, 18.96, None, None 7, 2, 0, 0.278524, 2458400.542872893158, 211.38400, 12.64300, 31.38400, 77.35700, 31.38883, 77.36214, 322.77563, +53.52204, 322.77239, +53.51741, 3146130.81, -3511505.95, 4422154.47, 43.355069, -81.179948, 96008.13, 98027.57, 5111.25, 6167.90, -112.69, 22252.29, 23067.54, 4.55, 7.73, 18.88, None, None 8, 2, 0, 0.309524, 2458400.542873252183, 212.16400, 12.67500, 32.16400, 77.32500, 32.16698, 77.32798, 323.02979, +53.43622, 323.02841, +53.43354, 3146154.44, -3511184.83, 4421675.11, 43.353338, -81.177260, 95516.53, 97536.99, 5688.71, 6745.36, -260.49, 18627.75, 22706.93, 2.63, 4.48, 10.98, None, None 9, 2, 0, 0.340524, 2458400.542873610742, 213.24100, 12.72400, 33.24100, 77.27600, 33.24100, 77.27600, 323.38209, +53.31669, 323.38326, +53.31670, 3146186.62, -3510747.53, 4421022.33, 43.350980, -81.173551, 94847.11, 96870.86, 6475.09, 7531.74, -199.37, 25367.12, 22667.74, -0.00, -0.01, 0.02, None, None 10, 2, 0, 0.372524, 2458400.542873981409, 214.28600, 12.78000, 34.28600, 77.22000, 34.28706, 77.22091, 323.72917, +53.20165, 323.72971, +53.20083, 3146217.84, -3510323.22, 4420388.95, 43.348692, -81.169960, 94197.60, 96226.11, 7238.10, 8294.75, -185.01, 23844.01, 22701.49, 0.80, 1.36, 3.37, None, None 0, 1, 0, 0.000000, 2458400.542869698722, 109.08500, 20.67900, 289.08500, 69.32100, 289.08423, 69.32068, 283.26973, +46.49287, 283.26903, +46.49259, 3145877.03, -3514954.85, 4427302.80, 43.373637, -81.209045, 101288.33, 107791.81, 0.00, 34.09, 269.70, 0.00, 21437.61, -0.23, 0.76, 1.51, None, None 1, 1, 0, 0.031000, 2458400.542870057747, 108.95300, 20.64300, 288.95300, 69.35700, 288.94802, 69.35493, 283.32392, +46.44735, 283.32088, +46.44554, 3145895.64, -3514702.02, 4426925.39, 43.372277, -81.206958, 100901.21, 107355.16, 454.66, 420.57, -69.07, 14666.40, 21437.61, -1.47, 4.87, 9.77, None, None 2, 1, 0, 0.063000, 2458400.542870427947, 108.69400, 20.58300, 288.69400, 69.41700, 288.70319, 69.42085, 283.41498, +46.35807, 283.42043, +46.36143, 3145929.08, -3514247.49, 4426246.89, 43.369832, -81.203106, 100205.30, 106567.79, 1272.01, 1237.92, -0.38, 25542.27, 21437.61, 2.71, -8.94, 18.09, None, None 3, 1, 0, 0.094000, 2458400.542870786507, 108.48200, 20.52600, 288.48200, 69.47400, 288.48928, 69.47706, 283.50111, +46.28561, 283.50556, +46.28826, 3145957.66, -3513859.11, 4425667.14, 43.367742, -81.199830, 99610.67, 105895.70, 1970.42, 1936.33, -27.23, 22529.33, 21437.61, 2.14, -7.06, 14.36, None, None 4, 1, 0, 0.125000, 2458400.542871145532, 108.25700, 20.46300, 288.25700, 69.53700, 288.25829, 69.53754, 283.59627, +46.20916, 283.59731, +46.20963, 3145987.99, -3513446.84, 4425051.72, 43.365523, -81.196344, 98979.48, 105182.38, 2711.78, 2677.70, -11.12, 23914.96, 22172.47, 0.38, -1.24, 2.54, None, None 5, 1, 0, 0.156000, 2458400.542871504091, 108.01600, 20.40300, 288.01600, 69.59700, 288.02091, 69.59909, 283.68755, +46.12741, 283.69087, +46.12920, 3146018.58, -3513031.20, 4424431.28, 43.363285, -81.192828, 98343.14, 104463.52, 3459.21, 3425.12, 11.04, 24110.48, 22658.28, 1.43, -4.71, 9.72, None, None 6, 1, 0, 0.187000, 2458400.542871863116, 107.76700, 20.34300, 287.76700, 69.65700, 287.77754, 69.66151, 283.77918, +46.04330, 283.78599, +46.04715, 3146049.33, -3512613.32, 4423807.49, 43.361035, -81.189292, 97703.39, 103741.11, 4210.67, 4176.58, 37.24, 24240.60, 23001.04, 3.06, -10.07, 20.92, None, None 7, 1, 0, 0.218000, 2458400.542872222140, 107.58000, 20.29500, 287.58000, 69.70500, 287.58747, 69.70821, 283.85236, +45.98055, 283.85748, +45.98328, 3146072.78, -3512294.64, 4423331.78, 43.359318, -81.186626, 97215.51, 103191.23, 4783.73, 4749.65, -114.95, 18486.02, 22770.87, 2.17, -7.11, 14.86, None, None 8, 1, 0, 0.249000, 2458400.542872580700, 107.29300, 20.21900, 287.29300, 69.78100, 287.29622, 69.78240, 283.96821, +45.88485, 283.97093, +45.88603, 3146108.35, -3511811.21, 4422610.13, 43.356714, -81.182514, 96475.44, 102355.70, 5653.07, 5618.98, 29.12, 28043.05, 23012.55, 0.93, -3.05, 6.43, None, None 9, 1, 0, 0.280000, 2458400.542872939724, 107.12400, 20.17500, 287.12400, 69.82500, 287.12110, 69.82374, 284.03545, +45.82875, 284.03464, +45.82769, 3146129.09, -3511529.27, 4422189.28, 43.355194, -81.180170, 96043.82, 101870.07, 6160.06, 6125.97, -189.15, 16354.49, 22774.49, -0.83, 2.74, 5.79, None, None 10, 1, 0, 0.311000, 2458400.542873298284, 106.89500, 20.11900, 286.89500, 69.88100, 286.89144, 69.87944, 284.12150, +45.75288, 284.12042, +45.75157, 3146156.06, -3511162.83, 4421642.27, 43.353219, -81.177083, 95482.85, 101238.09, 6819.02, 6784.93, -255.45, 21256.68, 22575.67, -1.02, 3.35, 7.14, None, None 11, 1, 0, 0.343000, 2458400.542873668484, 106.60300, 20.06000, 286.60300, 69.94000, 286.61701, 69.94618, 284.21374, +45.65597, 284.22337, +45.66112, 3146187.74, -3510732.26, 4420999.54, 43.350898, -81.173438, 94823.74, 100495.40, 7593.28, 7559.19, -229.84, 24195.88, 22524.75, 4.02, -13.13, 28.18, None, None 12, 1, 0, 0.374000, 2458400.542874027509, 106.35800, 19.99500, 286.35800, 70.00500, 286.36235, 70.00693, 284.31348, +45.57598, 284.31743, +45.57758, 3146216.52, -3510341.18, 4420415.75, 43.348789, -81.170135, 94225.08, 99821.39, 8296.55, 8262.46, -251.83, 22685.98, 22499.38, 1.24, -4.06, 8.78, None, None 13, 1, 0, 0.405000, 2458400.542874386068, 106.07700, 19.92700, 286.07700, 70.07300, 286.07960, 70.07416, 284.41874, +45.48439, 284.42176, +45.48534, 3146247.88, -3509914.98, 4419779.54, 43.346490, -81.166523, 93572.68, 99086.93, 9062.97, 9028.88, -210.67, 24723.24, 22546.78, 0.74, -2.42, 5.26, None, None 14, 1, 0, 0.436000, 2458400.542874745093, 105.83000, 19.87200, 285.83000, 70.12800, 285.83545, 70.13045, 284.50466, +45.40402, 284.50955, +45.40603, 3146274.35, -3509555.24, 4419242.55, 43.344549, -81.163494, 93022.03, 98467.87, 9709.86, 9675.77, -289.05, 20867.33, 22535.74, 1.55, -5.04, 11.05, None, None 15, 1, 0, 0.467000, 2458400.542875103652, 105.61500, 19.82300, 285.61500, 70.17700, 285.61918, 70.17889, 284.58122, +45.33447, 284.58547, +45.33602, 3146297.33, -3509242.85, 4418776.22, 43.342864, -81.160880, 92543.82, 97930.93, 10271.63, 10237.54, -452.54, 18121.58, 22431.42, 1.19, -3.86, 8.50, None, None Notes ----- - Points that have not been taken into consideration when computing the trajectory have '1' in the 'Ignore' column. - The time already has time offsets applied to it. - 'meas1' and 'meas2' are given input points. - X, Y, Z are ECI (Earth-Centered Inertial) positions of projected lines of sight on the radiant line. - Zc is the observed zenith distance of the entry angle, while the Zg is the entry zenith distance corrected for Earth's gravity. - Latitude (deg) and Longitude (deg) are in WGS84 coordinates, while Height (m) is in the EGM96 datum. There values are coordinates of each point on the radiant line. - Jacchia (1955) deceleration equation fit was done on the lag. - Right ascension and declination in the table are given in the epoch of date for the corresponding JD, per every point. - 'RA and Dec obs' are the right ascension and declination calculated from the observed values, while the 'RA and Dec line' are coordinates of the lines of sight projected on the fitted radiant line. The coordinates are in the epoch of date, and NOT J2000!. 'Azim and alt line' are thus corresponding azimuthal coordinates. - 'Vel prev avg' is the average velocity including all previous points up to the given point. For the first 4 points this velocity is computed as the average velocity of those 4 points.