- Param(IN) -filename=ngc104.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_ngc104.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [09/10/17 16:49:29] TRACE: Initialization of SaadaDB generated.saadavizierlocal.SaadaDBStrap@33a10788 [09/10/17 16:49:29] TRACE: Spooler currently supports up to 20 connections [09/10/17 16:49:30] TRACE: Spooler ready [09/10/17 16:49:30] TRACE: Reload cache meta [09/10/17 16:49:30] WARNING: META DATA INCONSISTANCY [09/10/17 16:49:30] WARNING: The IMAGE class im_J_AA_572_A63 is declared in the table saada_class but has no description in saada_metaclass_image [09/10/17 16:49:30] WARNING: Remove it please [09/10/17 16:49:30] WARNING: META DATA INCONSISTANCY [09/10/17 16:49:30] WARNING: The IMAGE class im_J_AA_572_A63_1 is declared in the table saada_class but has no description in saada_metaclass_image [09/10/17 16:49:30] WARNING: Remove it please [09/10/17 16:49:35] INFO: New Builder for ngc104.fits [09/10/17 16:49:35] INFO: Builder bound with ngc104.fits [09/10/17 16:49:35] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [09/10/17 16:49:35] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [09/10/17 16:49:35] TRACE: Spectra axis: No valid CTYPE card found [09/10/17 16:49:35] TRACE: No regular WCS spectral axis found:Keyword CUNIT1 not found [09/10/17 16:49:35] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [09/10/17 16:49:35] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [09/10/17 16:49:35] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [09/10/17 16:49:36] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file ngc104.fits [09/10/17 16:49:36] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)25 [09/10/17 16:49:36] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [09/10/17 16:49:36] TRACE: Building the name [09/10/17 16:49:36] TRACE: Map Space Axe [09/10/17 16:49:36] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [09/10/17 16:49:36] TRACE: Map Time Axe [09/10/17 16:49:36] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [09/10/17 16:49:36] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [09/10/17 16:49:36] TRACE: Closing database [09/10/17 16:49:36] TRACE: Stopping Spooler