Definition of Flags for runaway Hipparcos stars

Option: 0 (0=show all flags, x=hexadecimal)

1 other candidate absorption lines with Wr>=3σ(Wr)
2 the profiles of the 1548 and 1550 lines match within 1σ for >=68.3% of λ range
4 CIV 1548 outside H2 forest
8 CIV 1548 outside Lyα forest
16 Candidate Lyα with Wr,1215>=3σ(Wr,1215)
32 |δν(CIV)|<=10km/s
64 1–σ(RW)<=RW<=2+σ(RW)
128 Wr,1550>=3σ(Wr,1550)
256 Wr,1548>=3σ(Wr,1548)