Title: High-speed photometry of the disintegrating planetesimals at WD 1145+017: evidence for rapid dynamical evolution Authors: Gansicke B.T., Aungwerojwit A., Marsh .R., Dhillon V.S., Sahman D.I., Veras D., Farihi J., Chote P., Ashley R., Arjyotha S., Rattanasoon S., Littlefair .P., Pollacco D., Burleigh M.R. Table: Observation Log ================================================================================ Byte-by-byte Description of file: datafile2.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 4 I4 --- Obs.Y Observation Year 6- 7 I2 --- Obs.M Observation Month 9- 10 I2 --- Obs.D Observation Day 12- 24 A13 --- Instr Instrument/Telescope Used (1) 26- 29 I4 --- N Number of Images obtained 31- 34 F4.1 s Exp Individual Exposure time 36- 40 F5.1 min TExp Total duration of observation 42-209 A168 --- Comments Comments on observation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): Instrument/Telescope Used TNT/ULTRASPEC = ULTRASPEC camera on the 2.4 m Thai National Telescope (TNT), Doi Inthanon W1m = Warwick 1 m telescope at the Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory,La Palma -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2015 11 28 TNT/ULTRASPEC 292 8.4 40.5 Mostly photometric with high humidity of 90-95 percent. Seeing ~2.0-2.5". 2015 11 29 TNT/ULTRASPEC 1130 8.4 158.1 Mostly photometric with high humidity of 90 percent. Seeing ~2.0-2.5". 2015 11 30 TNT/ULTRASPEC 1516 8.4 160.8 Intermittent cirrus. Seeing ~2.5". 2015 12 01 TNT/ULTRASPEC 1677 6.4 178.1 Patchy cirrus affecting the first half of the observations, poor data has been removed. Seeing started at ~3", improved to ~2" throughout the night. 2015 12 05 TNT/ULTRASPEC 9183 0.8 114.7 Mostly clear, with a little bit of cirrus here and there. Seeing ~2". 2015 12 06 TNT/ULTRASPEC 1481 5.0 174.1 Lots of cirrus, particularly near the start. Seeing ~1.6" 2015 12 07 TNT/ULTRASPEC 704 5.0 59.2 Intermittent cirrus. Seeing ~2" 2015 12 09 TNT/ULTRASPEC 2053 5.0 172.6 Photometric. Seeing ~1.6-2.4". 2015 12 10 TNT/ULTRASPEC 2259 5.0 190.0 Photometric. Seeing ~1.8-2.8". 2015 12 11 TNT/ULTRASPEC 2783 5.0 234.1 Object at high airmass at start, so initial data is noisy. Photometric. Seeing 1.5-2.0". 2015 12 17 W1m 340 24.0 151.1 Light variable cloud passing through. Seeing, early in the night, was ~2 arcsec, by the end it was 1-1.4 arcsec. Some transparency variations. 2015 12 22 TNT/ULTRASPEC 1663 6.4 176.4 Seeing started out at 2", dropped to ~1.5" after a short while. 2015 12 23 W1m 384 24.0 160.0 Clear. 3" seeing at first, but improving during the course of the night. 2015 12 24 W1m 441 24.0 176.4 Clear. Seeing variable during the night from 2 arcsec at the beginning, reaching 2.8 arcsec from 22:00 to 01:00 UT and down again to 1.3 arcsec at the end of the night. 2015 12 25 W1m 367 34.0 209.5 Some clouds at low altitude. Seeing variable during the night from 1 to 4 arcsecs.