----Table 'J/ApJS/206/17/table2' (22060017/1) (List of correspondences between unidentified 3PBC hard X-ray sources and WISE {gamma}-ray blazar candidates) dbase: c22060017t2 in viz7@VIZDB dates: 2013-10-01T18:50:06 (release) flags: 0000(media) 00(status) records: 24 coord: #5(J) Eq=2000 Ep=nan prec=1000mas columns: 17 in table (markers: a[additional], *[pk], =[displayed], +[required]) # h bh u bu s bs f o c C D L N F #0+ recno recno 000=i 000=i %8d x2002 meta.record RECORD Record number within the original table (starting from 1) #1= 3PBC _PBC 004=a 034=a %-12s x4003 meta.id;meta.main ID_MAIN 3PBC name (JHHMM.m+DDMM) #2= OName OName 004=a 024=a %-23s x4043 meta.id.cross ID_CROSSID 3PBC counterpart name #3*= WISE WISE 004=a 034=a %-19s x6403 meta.id.cross ID_CROSSID WISE name (JHHMMSS.ss+DDMMSS.s) \yMore{Display the Cat. II/311}{-source=II/311/wise\&WISE=${WISE}}{${}} #4= UV UV 000=i 000=i %3d xFFFF80C3 meta.ref.url DATA_LINK Number of UVOT observations in table3 for this source \ignore{X}\ifnum{${}}>0\vMore{-source=J/ApJS/206/17\&-corr=FK=WISE\&-out.max=999\&${=WISE}}{${}}\else{${}}\fi #5= Cl Cl 004=a 034=a %-1s x4003 meta.code CODE_MISC Class of the candidate as designated by our association procedure (A=best) (1) Note#1 #6= Sep Sep arcsec 0.1arcsec 001=f 000=i %5.1f x0043 pos.angDistance POS_ANG_DIST_GENERAL Distance d from the 3PBC counterpart #7= f_Sep f_Sep 004=a 034=a %-1s x4003 meta.code CODE_MISC [s] s: This value represents the distance of the WISE source from the 3PBC source #8= z z 10-3 001=f 000=i %6.3f x0083 src.redshift REDSHIFT_HC ? Redshift #9= r_z r_z 000=i 000=i %1d x00C3 meta.ref;pos.frame REFER_CODE ? Reference for z (2) \vNote{<"Note"\&catid=22060017\¬id=2\&-out.emph=${***}}{${}} Note#2 #10= Fr Fr mJy 0.1mJy 001=f 000=i %6.1f x0003 phot.flux.density;em.radio PHOT_FLUX_RADIO_MISC Radio flux density F_r_ #11= r_Fr r_Fr 004=a 034=a %-1s x4003 meta.ref;pos.frame REFER_CODE [nspf] Reference for Fr (3) \vNote{<"Note"\&catid=22060017\¬id=3\&-out.emph=${***}}{${}} Note#3 #12= u-r u_r mag mmag 001=f 000=i %5.2f x00C3 phot.color;em.opt.U;em.opt.R PHOT_CI_U-R ? u-r color index as derived from SDSS-DR9 #13= IR/X IR_X 004=a 034=a %-4s x4003 meta.code CODE_MISC Comparison between IR/X positions (4) \vNote{<"Note"\&catid=22060017\¬id=4\&-out.emph=${***}}{${}} Note#4 #14= SimbadName SimbadName 044=a 024=a %-26s xFFFFC043 meta.id ID_ALTERNATIVE Designation understandable by the {\bf\fg{FireBrick}Simbad} data-base \wSimbad{${*}}{${}} #15= _RA _RA deg mas 311=f 000=i %09.5f xFFFF8023 pos.eq.ra;meta.main POS_EQ_RA_MAIN Positions from WISE names (right ascension part) #16= _DE _DE deg mas 011=f 000=i %+09.5f xFFFF8023 pos.eq.dec;meta.main POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN Positions from WISE names (declination part) ====Total for Query #1: 0 ----Table 'J/ApJS/206/17/table3' (22060017/2) (Optical-UV photometry of WISE {gamma}-ray blazar candidates observed by Swift-UVOT) dbase: c22060017t3 in viz7@VIZDB dates: 2013-10-01T18:50:06 (release) flags: 0000(media) 00(status) records: 96 coord: #0 columns: 11 in table (markers: a[additional], *[pk], =[displayed], +[required]) # h bh u bu s bs f o c C D L N F #0+ recno recno 000=i 000=i %8d x2002 meta.record RECORD Record number within the original table (starting from 1) #1= WISE WISE 004=a 034=a %-19s x4803 meta.id;meta.main ID_MAIN WISE name of the candidate (JHHMMSS.ss+DDMMSS.s) \linkRole{3PBC properties (table 2)} \vMORE{-source=${$cat}\&-corr=PK=${$col}\&${===}}{${}} #2= GLAT GLAT deg .01deg 001=f 000=i %6.2f x0043 pos.galactic.lat POS_GAL_LAT The Galactic latitude b #3= E(B-V) E_B_V_ mag mmag 001=f 000=i %5.2f x0043 phot.color.excess PHOT_COLOR_EXCESS The E(B-V) value #4= e_E(B-V) e_E_B_V_ mag mmag 001=f 000=i %5.2f x0043 stat.error ERROR E(B-V) uncertainty #5= ObsID ObsID 006=. 006=. %11lld x0003 meta.id;obs.param;obs OBS_ID Swift observation identification number #6= Date Date_1 "Y:M:D" d 020=i 000=i %10J x0083 time.epoch;obs TIME_DATE Observation date #7= Filt Filt 004=a 034=a %-2s x4003 meta.note INST_FILTER_CODE UVOT filter (U, B, V, M2, W1 or W2) #8= Exp Exp_1 s s 000=i 000=i %5d x0003 time.duration;obs.exposure TIME_EXPTIME Exposure time #9= mag mag mag mmag 001=f 000=i %4.1f x0043 phot.mag PHOT_MAG_UNDEF Magnitude in filter, or upper limit (1) Note#5 #10= e_mag e_mag mag mmag 001=f 000=i %4.1f x00C3 stat.error;phot.mag ERROR ? mag uncertainty (1) Note#5 ====Total for Query #1: 0