Title: A Sensitive Identification of Warm Debris Disks in the Solar Neighborhood through Precise Calibration of Saturated WISE Photometry Authors: Patel R.I., Metchev S.A., Heinze A. Table: Debris Disk Parameters from Single-Temperature Blackbody Fits ================================================================================ Byte-by-byte Description of file: apjs493197t7_mrt.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 6 A6 --- HIP Hipparcos identifier 10- 14 F5.1 K TBB ? Blackbody temperature 16 A1 --- l_TBBl Limit flag on TBBl 18- 23 F6.1 K TBBl ? Limit blackbody temperature 25- 30 F6.2 AU RBB ? Blackbody radius 32 A1 --- l_RBBl Limit flag on RBBl 34- 39 F6.3 AU RBBl ? Limit blackbody radius 41 A1 --- l_thetal Limit flag on thetal 43- 48 F6.4 arcsec thetal Lower projected angular extent of dust (1) 50- 54 F5.3 arcsec thetau ? Upper projected angular extent of dust (1) 56- 61 F6.2 10-5 fd ? Bolometric to dust luminosity ratio 63 A1 --- l_fdl Limit flag on fdl 65- 69 F5.3 10-5 fdl ? Limit bolometric to dust luminosity ratio 71- 75 A5 --- Notes Additional note(s) (2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): A null value for thetau indicates that thetal is just the projected angular extent of dust. Note (2): a = W4-only excess: The W3 excess flux in this case was either saturated or >3{sigma} below the photosphere. A limiting temperature and radius for the dust cannot be determined. b = W4-only excess: The W3 excess flux is formally negative and an upper limit to the excess flux is used to place a 3{sigma} limit to the dust temperature and radius. c = W4-only excess: The W3 positive excess flux in this case was used to calculate a dust temperature and radius. An upper limit to the W3 excess flux was used to calculate a 3{sigma} limit to the dust temperature and radius. d = W3-only excess: The W4 positive excess flux in this case was used to calculate a dust temperature and radius. An upper limit to the W4 excess flux was used to calculate a 3{sigma} limit to the dust temperature and radius. e = Lower limit to the fractional luminosity was calculated for a blackbody with peak emission at {lambda}=12{mu} m as described in Section 3. f = Lower limit to the fractional luminosity was calculated for a blackbody with peak emission at {lambda}=22{mu} m as described in Section 3. g = Significant W3 and W4 excess found in these stars. Dust parameters are exact calculations. h = W3-only excess: The W4 excess significance in this case was undetermined as the measurement was ignored in all W4 analyses as its ASC measurement was >2{sigma} discrepant from the mean Single Frame measurement. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 544 < 162. > 2.3 > 0.17 6.0 > 0.23 b,e 560 < 138. > 8.1 > 0.21 16. > 0.57 b,e 682 < 160. > 3.2 > 0.083 9.1 > 0.35 b,e 1473 112. < 263. 28. > 5.1 0.12 0.68 2.5 > 0.064 c,e 1481 < 185. > 2.7 > 0.065 9.6 > 0.36 b,e 1866 < 177. > 0.99 > 0.021 27. > 1.0 b,e 2472 137. < 311. 22. > 4.2 0.08 0.42 1.7 > 0.055 c,e 2710 < 208. > 2.7 > 0.065 3.9 > 0.14 b,e 3210 117. < 276. 7.6 > 1.3 0.03 0.17 6.3 > 0.19 c,e 3279 < 215. > 1.9 > 0.028 6.0 > 0.21 b,e 3965 < 207. > 5.5 > 0.082 3.7 > 0.13 b,e 5462 101. < 216. 5.7 > 1.2 0.027 0.12 19. > 0.43 c,e 5631 < 134. > 5.4 > 0.16 3.1 > 0.11 b,e 5709 < 199. > 3.3 > 0.06 3.8 > 0.14 b,e 6490 < 205. > 2.2 > 0.03 7.5 > 0.27 b,e 6494 < 217. > 1.5 > 0.032 8.4 > 0.29 b,e 6679 < 175. > 4.3 > 0.088 6.1 > 0.24 b,e 7345 133. 17. 0.29 31. g 7576 < 146. > 2.4 > 0.1 6.1 > 0.23 b,e 7699 97.5 < 183. 13. > 3.7 0.078 0.27 21. > 0.43 c,e 7805 98.2 < 174. 14. > 4.5 0.067 0.21 21. > 0.42 c,e 7978 < 96.7 > 10. > 0.58 10. > 0.20 b,e 8109 < 244. > 1.8 > 0.041 7.3 > 0.23 b,e 8122 < 140. > 11. > 0.15 7.3 > 0.26 b,e 8241 123. < 213. 28. > 9.3 0.15 0.45 3.6 > 0.11 c,e 8987 94.4 < 269. 4.2 > 0.52 0.013 0.11 24. > 0.46 c,e 9052 210. < 374. 4.5 > 1.4 0.02 0.063 3.8 > 0.14 c,e 9141 < 217. > 1.5 > 0.037 8.9 > 0.31 b,e 9902 181. < 221. 2.9 > 2. 0.045 0.066 20. > 0.77 c,e 10054 155. < 288. 12. > 3.5 0.05 0.17 2.2 > 0.082 c,e 10670 94.4 < 175. 42. > 12. 0.35 1.2 7.5 > 0.13 c,e 11157 < 182. > 1.9 > 0.034 12. > 0.46 b,e 11477 95.2 < 190. 33. > 8.2 0.18 0.7 7.4 > 0.13 c,e 11847 78.9 < 91.7 22. > 16. 0.26 0.35 430. > 4.0 c,e 12489 < 225. > 8.2 > 0.12 2.2 > 0.069 b,e 13141 95.2 < 245. 33. > 5. 0.1 0.66 4.2 > 0.075 c,e 13209 234. < 314. 14. > 7.8 0.15 0.27 1.8 > 0.046 c,e 13569 94.4 < 210. 23. > 4.7 0.064 0.31 10. > 0.18 c,e 13679 < 170. > 6.4 > 0.15 3.4 > 0.13 b,e 14684 < 242. > 0.92 > 0.025 7.5 > 0.24 b,e 15929 86.6 < 167. 14. > 3.7 0.05 0.19 41. > 0.55 c,e 16449 < 140. > 13. > 0.18 8.4 > 0.29 b,e 16908 < 244. > 0.71 > 0.018 13. > 0.43 b,e 17338 96.7 < 192. 5.9 > 1.5 0.03 0.12 36. > 0.71 c,e 17395 99. < 189. 22. > 6. 0.14 0.52 9.6 > 0.19 c,e 17764 87.3 < 161. 18. > 5.3 0.098 0.33 30. > 0.42 c,e 18187 90.8 < 210. 12. > 2.3 0.056 0.3 16. > 0.26 c,e 18481 146. < 218. 14. > 6.1 0.087 0.19 3.9 > 0.14 c,e 19610 522. > 274. 0.27 < 0.97 0.0044 0.016 25. > 0.078 d,f 19793 < 152. > 3.5 > 0.074 9.5 > 0.36 b,e 19796 131. 6.8 0.15 > 0.14 a,e 20261 < 169. > 9.8 > 0.21 1.6 > 0.059 b,e 20693 < 163. > 4.3 > 0.086 8.4 > 0.33 b,e 20737 < 194. > 1.3 > 0.035 15. > 0.54 b,e 20794 < 119. > 11. > 0.15 6.1 > 0.19 b,e 20901 < 196. > 8.4 > 0.17 3.3 > 0.12 b,e 20998 181. < 353. 3.2 > 0.84 0.016 0.062 5.0 > 0.19 c,e 21547 180. < 344. 5.5 > 1.5 0.051 0.19 2.4 > 0.091 c,e 21983 < 202. > 0.93 > 0.02 22. > 0.81 b,e 22152 < 219. > 2.4 > 0.073 6.2 > 0.21 b,e 22192 < 220. > 4.5 > 0.08 3.3 > 0.11 b,e 22295 < 246. > 1.9 > 0.032 4.5 > 0.18 b,e 22312 < 200. > 4.6 > 0.066 4.3 > 0.16 b,e 22394 82. < 212. 5.9 > 0.89 0.018 0.12 110. > 0.57 c,e 22509 99. < 410. 40. > 2.3 0.034 0.58 4.7 > 0.029 c,e 22845 110. < 207. 24. > 6.6 0.19 0.66 4.9 > 0.12 c,e 23443 < 224. > 1.7 > 0.044 6.9 > 0.23 b,e 23497 99. < 282. 43. > 5.3 0.1 0.82 3.9 > 0.078 c,e 23871 < 178. > 11. > 0.19 3.3 > 0.12 b,e 24528 156. 9.1 0.12 10. g 24947 119. < 254. 7.7 > 1.7 0.035 0.16 6.9 > 0.21 c,e 25183 < 191. > 4.2 > 0.059 7.2 > 0.27 b,e 25376 < 236. > 1.9 > 0.033 4.1 > 0.13 b,e 26395 128. < 173. 16. > 8.7 0.14 0.25 9.4 > 0.30 c,e 26453 99.8 < 146. 14. > 6.4 0.11 0.24 38. > 0.80 c,e 26563 118. < 235. 24. > 6. 0.14 0.54 3.7 > 0.11 c,e 26990 < 205. > 2.1 > 0.039 9.0 > 0.32 b,e 28498 < 227. > 2.4 > 0.044 4.2 > 0.14 b,e 30252 99.8 < 142. 22. > 11. 0.15 0.3 27. > 0.57 c,e 32435 97.5 < 178. 13. > 3.9 0.07 0.23 23. > 0.45 c,e 33690 < 182. > 1.7 > 0.094 9.9 > 0.38 b,e 34334 < 234. > 1.3 > 0.018 9.2 > 0.30 b,e 35198 < 215. > 1.1 > 0.031 11. > 0.38 b,e 35567 135. < 153. 13. > 9.9 0.14 0.18 28. > 0.94 c,e 36515 177. < 351. 2.3 > 0.58 0.026 0.1 4.9 > 0.19 c,e 36827 < 180. > 1.4 > 0.055 9.2 > 0.36 b,e 36927 < 194. > 0.97 > 0.038 7.9 > 0.30 b,e 36948 < 139. > 3. > 0.085 31. > 1.1 b,e 38369 < 170. > 3.4 > 0.052 6.5 > 0.25 b,e 38538 < 283. > 5.8 > 0.085 2.3 > 0.058 b,e 40693 101. < 199. 5.8 > 1.5 0.12 0.46 26. > 0.55 c,e 41081 199. 8.2 0.12 6.7 g 41152 < 155. > 11. > 0.22 4.0 > 0.15 b,e 41277 86.6 < 238. 2.8 > 0.38 0.0086 0.065 140. > 0.97 c,e 41307 104. < 186. 41. > 13. 0.34 1.1 5.7 > 0.12 c,e 41373 103. < 176. 28. > 9.4 0.14 0.4 9.0 > 0.19 c,e 43121 93. < 171. 28. > 8.2 0.15 0.52 12. > 0.19 c,e 43414 128. < 229. 18. > 5.8 0.11 0.35 7.9 > 0.27 c,e 46843 < 190. > 1.4 > 0.08 5.3 > 0.20 b,e 47135 88.7 < 254. 11. > 1.4 0.021 0.17 15. > 0.22 c,e 47792 88.7 < 249. 5.2 > 0.66 0.011 0.089 36. > 0.55 c,e 47990 < 210. > 2. > 0.029 7.5 > 0.27 b,e 48423 < 150. > 2.9 > 0.089 11. > 0.43 b,e 49593 < 224. > 4.8 > 0.17 3.3 > 0.11 b,e 49809 < 219. > 3.4 > 0.12 3.0 > 0.10 b,e 50155 < 190. > 1.5 > 0.027 11. > 0.42 b,e 50860 < 266. > 4.7 > 0.063 2.6 > 0.071 b,e 51194 < 244. > 4.9 > 0.072 2.2 > 0.063 b,e 51793 301. > 196. 0.38 < 0.9 0.007 0.017 15. > 0.10 d,f 52457 < 184. > 14. > 0.2 1.8 > 0.065 b,e 52709 < 217. > 5.7 > 0.079 2.9 > 0.096 b,e 52947 < 181. > 4.7 > 0.063 6.1 > 0.23 b,e 53954 98.2 < 183. 36. > 10. 0.27 0.93 8.1 > 0.15 c,e 55057 < 215. > 1.4 > 0.025 11. > 0.37 b,e 55130 104. < 278. 26. > 3.6 0.049 0.35 3.1 > 0.069 c,e 56253 < 215. > 5.1 > 0.086 1.9 > 0.065 b,e 57971 < 178. > 9.2 > 0.12 3.5 > 0.13 b,e 59394 92.2 < 179. 38. > 10. 0.17 0.65 8.8 > 0.14 c,e 59422 < 140. > 7. > 0.14 8.0 > 0.29 b,e 59608 < 200. > 5.6 > 0.11 3.7 > 0.13 b,e 59893 < 188. > 1.4 > 0.021 22. > 0.82 b,e 60074 < 167. > 2.7 > 0.098 9.1 > 0.35 b,e 61558 97.5 < 175. 33. > 10. 0.15 0.48 9.2 > 0.17 c,e 61960 130. < 209. 15. > 6. 0.16 0.42 4.5 > 0.14 c,e 62492 < 167. > 4.1 > 0.06 7.5 > 0.29 b,e 63076 < 258. > 2.7 > 0.091 2.7 > 0.077 b,e 63286 < 188. > 4.7 > 0.077 4.3 > 0.16 b,e 63404 < 177. > 1.5 > 0.035 10. > 0.41 b,e 63973 150. < 254. 2.2 > 0.77 0.023 0.066 12. > 0.45 c,e 64461 < 175. > 3.3 > 0.054 6.0 > 0.23 b,e 65728 < 194. > 11. > 0.16 1.2 > 0.04 b,e 66065 < 258. > 5.4 > 0.076 1.9 > 0.051 b,e 66234 464. < 633. 1.4 > 0.73 0.013 0.025 23. > 0.13 c,e 66257 131. 19. 0.41 > 0.42 a,e 66634 < 231. > 5.5 > 0.1 2.0 > 0.063 b,e 66765 < 227. > 0.93 > 0.059 6.9 > 0.23 b,e 66901 < 182. > 3.4 > 0.066 3.9 > 0.15 b,e 67682 86. < 305. 15. > 1.2 0.019 0.24 8.6 > 0.13 c,e 67782 < 288. > 3.5 > 0.053 2.6 > 0.065 b,e 68593 < 244. > 1.7 > 0.042 4.3 > 0.13 b,e 68755 < 150. > 1.9 > 0.03 20. > 0.73 b,e 69281 < 187. > 2.7 > 0.045 11. > 0.42 b,e 69508 < 212. > 3.7 > 0.052 4.1 > 0.14 b,e 69682 < 160. > 2.9 > 0.046 15. > 0.57 b,e 70239 < 238. > 2.3 > 0.04 4.7 > 0.15 b,e 71602 < 212. > 3.2 > 0.049 5.4 > 0.19 b,e 71718 < 210. > 2.2 > 0.042 6.1 > 0.22 b,e 72104 95.2 < 238. 52. > 8.3 0.13 0.79 4.3 > 0.074 c,e 73798 < 149. > 2.4 > 0.034 21. > 0.74 b,e 75158 < 191. > 4.5 > 0.06 8.1 > 0.30 b,e 76280 < 193. > 2. > 0.047 5.2 > 0.20 b,e 76757 < 196. > 2.3 > 0.033 6.7 > 0.25 b,e 77094 < 175. > 4.6 > 0.077 5.4 > 0.21 b,e 77464 < 160. > 11. > 0.21 3.1 > 0.11 b,e 78010 < 193. > 3.2 > 0.052 5.9 > 0.22 b,e 78045 < 171. > 11. > 0.16 3.5 > 0.13 b,e 78979 < 208. > 1.2 > 0.02 14. > 0.50 b,e 79797 177. < 271. 7.2 > 3.1 0.059 0.14 3.1 > 0.12 c,e 79881 < 210. > 7.2 > 0.17 1.8 > 0.057 b,e 80781 272. > 174. 6.4 < 1.5 0.094 0.022 0.15 > 0.039 d,f,h 81800 < 219. > 2.1 > 0.073 3.1 > 0.11 b,e 82587 < 244. > 2.8 > 0.097 4.5 > 0.14 b,e 82887 < 272. > 0.82 > 0.013 9.2 > 0.26 b,e 83494 < 234. > 4.1 > 0.074 2.8 > 0.088 b,e 84183 < 242. > 3.8 > 0.089 3.0 > 0.091 b,e 85157 < 112. > 16. > 0.38 28. > 0.76 b,e 85523 160. < 590. 1.3 > 0.094 0.021 0.28 0.84 > 0.18 c,e 85537 131. 14. 0.23 > 0.051 a,e 85699 < 197. > 5.6 > 0.12 2.3 > 0.082 b,e 85922 146. < 242. 11. > 4.2 0.087 0.24 4.4 > 0.16 c,e 86178 < 185. > 8.4 > 0.12 1.9 > 0.071 b,e 86305 126. < 164. 17. > 9.9 0.22 0.37 14. > 0.46 c,e 86598 122. < 249. 7.2 > 1.7 0.024 0.099 8.6 > 0.27 c,e 87108 131. 22. 0.71 > 0.17 a,e 87558 109. < 334. 13. > 1.3 0.043 0.4 4.2 > 0.11 c,e 89770 123. < 165. 11. > 6.1 0.11 0.21 24. > 0.78 c,e 92858 < 272. > 0.64 > 0.027 11. > 0.30 b,e 93412 90.8 < 216. 12. > 2.1 0.033 0.19 19. > 0.31 c,e 93542 109. < 130. 62. > 27. 0.45 1. 12. > 0.24 c,e 94184 < 169. > 6.3 > 0.12 5.0 > 0.19 b,e 94491 85.3 < 155. 23. > 6.9 0.11 0.37 36. > 0.47 c,e 95261 177. 11. 0.22 25. g 95270 < 88.7 > 18. > 0.34 220. > 3.3 b,e 95619 86. < 126. 140. > 65. 0.92 2. 12. > 0.13 c,e 95793 < 266. > 4.1 > 0.067 2.3 > 0.06 b,e 95938 86.6 < 167. 14. > 3.7 0.068 0.25 39. > 0.53 c,e 99273 83.3 < 99.1 19. > 13. 0.25 0.36 290. > 3.4 c,e 99742 90.8 < 181. 39. > 9.8 0.21 0.85 8.9 > 0.13 c,e 100526 < 166. > 8. > 0.11 5.3 > 0.20 b,e 101070 < 182. > 6.8 > 0.097 4.4 > 0.16 b,e 101163 < 266. > 2. > 0.036 4.1 > 0.14 b,e 101800 103. < 204. 31. > 7.9 0.14 0.53 5.0 > 0.11 c,e 102238 500. > 235. 0.17 < 0.72 0.0026 0.011 33. > 0.14 d,f 102419 < 181. > 4.8 > 0.082 5.5 > 0.21 b,e 102655 < 170. > 2.7 > 0.049 13. > 0.50 b,e 102727 < 227. > 2.3 > 0.034 4.7 > 0.16 b,e 103048 < 169. > 4.8 > 0.069 11. > 0.42 b,e 103131 111. < 299. 9.1 > 1.3 0.022 0.16 7.6 > 0.21 c,e 105388 84.6 < 244. 10. > 1.2 0.029 0.24 16. > 0.27 c,e 105819 90.8 < 276. 31. > 3.4 0.045 0.42 5.0 > 0.078 c,e 105966 < 272. > 4.5 > 0.078 1.4 > 0.035 b,e 106741 < 202. > 3.1 > 0.061 4.8 > 0.17 b,e 106914 < 313. > 1.7 > 0.026 5.3 > 0.12 b,e 107457 < 270. > 0.93 > 0.024 7.5 > 0.21 b,e 107596 < 167. > 9.7 > 0.14 5.0 > 0.19 b,e 107919 < 150. > 9.6 > 0.14 7.3 > 0.27 b,e 107947 < 258. > 1.7 > 0.037 4.8 > 0.14 b,e 109656 268. > 175. 0.59 < 1.4 0.0081 0.019 21. > 0.13 d,f,h 111188 188. < 303. 12. > 4.6 0.11 0.27 1.9 > 0.064 c,e 113477 < 219. > 1.1 > 0.027 7.1 > 0.24 b,e 114189 134. < 225. 9.4 > 3.3 0.085 0.24 6.0 > 0.21 c,e 114822 < 188. > 11. > 0.15 2.7 > 0.097 b,e 114948 < 297. > 1.2 > 0.058 5.3 > 0.13 b,e 115738 96.7 < 189. 36. > 9.4 0.2 0.76 6.0 > 0.11 c,e 115819 102. < 258. 2.2 > 0.35 0.0054 0.034 160. > 0.74 c,e 116431 < 86. > 21. > 0.31 110. > 1.5 b,e 116973 < 169. > 1.3 > 0.029 21. > 0.81 b,e 117481 < 212. > 2.1 > 0.062 6.5 > 0.23 b,e 117915 248. < 1000. 0.86 > 0.053 0.0013 0.022 21. > 0.063 c,e 118008 < 197. > 1. > 0.046 8.7 > 0.33 b,e