Definition of the characteristic flags

Option: 0 (0=show all flags, x=hexadecimal)

1 Redshift source from SDSS (see Schneider et al., 2010, VII/260 and Hewett Wild, 2010, J/MNRAS/405/2302)
2 Redshift source from 2QZ (Croom et al., 2004, VII/241)
4 Redshift source from AUS (AUS project; S. Croom et al. 2015, in preparation)
8 Redshift source from AGES (Kochanek et al. 2012, J/ApJS/200/8)
16 Redshift source from COSMOS (Scoville et al. 2007ApJS..172....1S; see Lilly+, 2007, J/ApJS/172/70 and Trump+, 2009, J/ApJ/696/1195)
32 Redshift source from FAN (Fan et al. 2006AJ....131.1203F)
64 Redshift source from BOSS (see Paris et al., 2014, VII/270)
128 Redshift source from MMT (see Appendix C of Ross et al., 2012, J/ApJS/199/3)
256 Redshift source from NBCKDE (Richards et al., 2009, J/ApJS/180/67)
512 Redshift source from XDQSOZ (Bovy et al. 2011ApJ...729..141B)
1024 Redshift source from PAPOVICH (Papovich et al., 2006, J/AJ/132/231)
2048 Redshift source from GLIKMAN (Glikman et al., 2010, J/ApJ/710/1498)
4096 Redshift source from MADDOX (Maddox et al., 2012, J/MNRAS/424/2876)