Title: MARVEL analysis of the measured high-resolution rovibronic spectra of ^48^Ti^16^O Authors: McKemmish L.K., Masseron T., Sheppard S., Sandeman E., Schofield Z., Furtenbacher T., Csaszar A.G., Tennyson J., Sousa-Silva C. ================================================================================ Description of contents: ReadMe: This file 48Ti-16O_FFN_ca_33.energies = the relative energies in the free-floating network incorporating the c ^1^{Phi} v=3 and a ^1^{Delta} v=3 states. Singlet_a_Spectra directory Singlet_d_Spectra directory TripletSpectra_fromX directory The directories contain files with predicted transition frequencies using the MARVEL energies. The format of the transition files is: state' J' v' Omega' state" J" v" omega" transitionfreq uncertainty System requirements: None. Additional comments: None. ================================================================================