----Table 'J/MNRAS/425/1394/stars' (74251394/2) (Atmospheric parameters, magnetic fields and other properties of the white dwarfs (tables 2 and 4)) dbase: c74251394s in viz7@VIZDB dates: 2015-02-04T14:15:10 (release) flags: 0000(media) 00(status) records: 59 coord: #5(J) Eq=2000 Ep=2000 prec=1000mas columns: 26 in table (markers: a[additional], *[pk], =[displayed], +[required]) # h bh u bu s bs f o c C D L N F #0+ recno recno 000=i 000=i %8d xFFFFA002 meta.record RECORD Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. #1= WD WD 004=a 034=a %-8s x4003 meta.id ID_ALTERNATIVE WD designation (HHMM-DDd) #2= m_WD m_WD 004=a 034=a %-1s x4003 meta.code.multip CODE_MULT_INDEX [AB] Multiplicity index on WD #3= n_WD n_WD 004=a 034=a %-1s x4003 meta.note NOTE Individual note on star (1) \vNote{<"Note"\&catid=74251394\¬id=2\&-out.emph=${***}}{${}} Note#2 #4*= Name Name_1 004=a 024=a %-13s x6443 meta.id;meta.main ID_MAIN ? NLTT identification number (NLTT NNNNN) \linkRole{observations in table1} \vPop{${$cat}/table1\&${===}}{${}} #5= m_Name m_Name 004=a 034=a %-1s x6003 meta.code.multip CODE_MULT_INDEX [AB] Multiplicity index on Name #6= Teff Teff K K 000=i 000=i %5d x0043 phys.temperature.effective PHYS_TEMP_EFFEC [5300/14350] Effective temperature #7= e_Teff e_Teff K K 000=i 000=i %3d x0043 stat.error;phys.temperature.effective ERROR rms uncertainty on Teff #8= logg logg [cm/s2] .01[cm/s2] 001=f 000=i %5.2f x0043 phys.gravity PHYS_GRAVITY_SURFACE [6.3/8.6] Surface gravity #9= e_logg e_logg [cm/s2] .01[cm/s2] 001=f 000=i %5.2f x0043 stat.error ERROR rms uncertainty on logg #10= n_logg n_logg 004=a 034=a %-1s x4003 meta.note NOTE [)] Uncertainty flag on logg #11= Mass Mass Msun .01Msun 001=f 000=i %5.2f x0043 phys.mass PHYS_MASS_MISC [0.1/1] Star mass #12= e_Mass e_Mass Msun .01Msun 001=f 000=i %5.2f x0043 stat.error;phys.mass ERROR rms uncertainty on Mass #13= Age Age Gyr .01Gyr 001=f 000=i %5.2f x0043 time.age TIME_AGE Star age #14= VMAG VMAG mag mmag 001=f 000=i %5.2f x0043 phys.magAbs;em.opt.V PHOT_ABS-MAG_BAND [10/16] Absolute V magnitude #15= e_VMAG e_VMAG mag mmag 001=f 000=i %5.2f x0043 stat.error ERROR rms uncertainty on VMAG #16= Dist Dist pc pc 000=i 000=i %3d x0043 pos.distance;pos.heliocentric POS_GAL_HC [17/204] Distance #17= e_Dist e_Dist pc pc 000=i 000=i %2d x0043 stat.error ERROR rms uncertainty in Dist #18= Nm Nm 000=i 000=i %2d xFFFF80C3 meta.number NUMBER Number of optical and near-infrared magnitudes (tables A1 and A2) \ignore{X}\ifnum{${}}>0\vPop{-source=J/MNRAS/425/1394/tablea1,tablea2\&-out.max=99\&Name=${Name}\&m_Name=${m_Name}}{${}}\else{${}}\fi #19= Nv Nv 000=i 000=i %2d xFFFF80C3 meta.number NUMBER Number of valocity observations (table B1) \ignore{X}\ifnum{${}}>0\vPop{-source=J/MNRAS/425/1394/tableb1\&-out.max=99\&Name=${Name}\&m_Name=${m_Name}}{${}}\else{${}}\fi #a20= Simbad Simbad 004=a 024=a Simbad xFFFFA051 meta.ref.url DATA_LINK ask the {\bf\fg{FireBrick}Simbad} data-base about this object \ifregexp{[^ ]}{${Name}}{\wSimbad{${Name} }{${}}}\else{${}}\fi #21= Bl Bl dT 0.1dT 001=f 000=i %6.1f x00C3 phys.magField PHYS_MAG-FIELD [-333/21] Longitudinal magnetic field (kGauss) #22= e_Bl e_Bl dT 0.1dT 001=f 000=i %5.1f x00C3 stat.error ERROR rms uncertainty on Bl (kGauss) #23= Lines Lines 264=a 024=a %-27s x4043 meta.id;spect.line SPECT_LINE_ID Lines #24= _RA _RA deg mas 311=f 000=i %09.5f xFFFF8023 pos.eq.ra;meta.main POS_EQ_RA_MAIN Right Ascension (J2000) from SIMBAD (not part of the original data) #25= _DE _DE deg mas 011=f 000=i %+09.5f xFFFF8023 pos.eq.dec;meta.main POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN Declination (J2000) from SIMBAD (not part of the original data) ====Total for Query #1: 0 ----Table 'J/MNRAS/425/1394/tablea1' (74251394/3) (Optical and infrared magnitudes) dbase: c74251394ta1 in viz7@VIZDB dates: 2015-02-04T14:15:10 (release) flags: 0100(media) 00(status) records: 60 coord: #0 columns: 13 in table (markers: a[additional], *[pk], =[displayed], +[required]) # h bh u bu s bs f o c C D L N F #0+ recno recno 000=i 000=i %8d xFFFFA002 meta.record RECORD Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. #1= Name Name_1 004=a 024=a %-13s x4843 meta.id;meta.main ID_MAIN Star name #2= m_Name m_Name 004=a 034=a %-3s x4003 meta.code.multip CODE_MULT_INDEX Multiplicity index on Name #3= Vmag1 Vmag1 mag mmag 001=f 000=i %6.3f x00C3 phot.mag;em.opt.V PHOT_MAG_V ? EFOSC V magnitude #4= Rmag1 Rmag1 mag mmag 001=f 000=i %6.3f x00C3 phot.mag;em.opt.R PHOT_MAG_R ? EFOSC R magnitude #5= Vmag2 Vmag2 mag mmag 001=f 000=i %6.3f x00C3 phot.mag;em.opt.V PHOT_MAG_V ? FORS V magnitude #6= Rmag2 Rmag2 mag mmag 001=f 000=i %6.3f x00C3 phot.mag;em.opt.R PHOT_MAG_R ? FORS R magnitude #7= Vmag Vmag mag mmag 001=f 000=i %5.2f x00C3 phot.mag;em.opt.V PHOT_MAG_V ? Published V magnitude #8= e_Vmag e_Vmag mag mmag 001=f 000=i %5.2f x00C3 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V ERROR ? rms uncertainty on Vmag #9= r_Vmag r_Vmag 000=i 000=i %2d x00C3 meta.ref;pos.frame REFER_CODE ? magnitude reference (1) \vNote{<"Note"\&catid=74251394\¬id=3\&-out.emph=${***}}{${}} Note#3 #10= Jmag Jmag mag mmag 001=f 000=i %6.3f x00C3 phot.mag;em.IR.J PHOT_JHN_J ? 2MASS J magnitude #11= e_Jmag e_Jmag mag mmag 001=f 000=i %6.3f x00C3 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J ERROR ? rms uncertainty on Jmag #12= n_Jmag n_Jmag 004=a 034=a %-1s x4003 meta.note NOTE [b] b: Kilic et al. (2010ApJS..190...77K, J/ApJS/190/77) measured J=16.20+/-0.04 ----Table 'J/MNRAS/425/1394/tablea2' (74251394/4) (SDSS photometry) dbase: c74251394ta2 in viz7@VIZDB dates: 2015-02-04T14:15:10 (release) flags: 0100(media) 00(status) records: 18 coord: #0 columns: 13 in table (markers: a[additional], *[pk], =[displayed], +[required]) # h bh u bu s bs f o c C D L N F #0+ recno recno 000=i 000=i %8d xFFFFA002 meta.record RECORD Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. #1= Name Name_1 004=a 034=a %-10s x4803 meta.id;meta.main ID_MAIN NLTT identification number (NLTT NNNNN) #2= SDSS SDSS 004=a 034=a %-19s x4003 meta.id ID_ALTERNATIVE SDSS designation (JHHMMSS.ss+DDMMSS.s) #3= umag umag mag mmag 001=f 000=i %6.3f x0043 phot.mag;em.opt.U PHOT_SDSS_U SDSS u magnitude #4= e_umag e_umag mag mmag 001=f 000=i %6.3f x0043 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U ERROR rms uncertainty on umag #5= gmag gmag mag mmag 001=f 000=i %6.3f x0043 phot.mag;em.opt.B PHOT_SDSS_G SDSS g magnitude #6= e_gmag e_gmag mag mmag 001=f 000=i %6.3f x0043 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B ERROR rms uncertainty on gmag #7= rmag rmag mag mmag 001=f 000=i %6.3f x0043 phot.mag;em.opt.R PHOT_SDSS_R SDSS r magnitude #8= e_rmag e_rmag mag mmag 001=f 000=i %6.3f x0043 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R ERROR rms uncertainty on rmag #9= imag imag mag mmag 001=f 000=i %6.3f x0043 phot.mag;em.opt.I PHOT_SDSS_I SDSS i magnitude #10= e_imag e_imag mag mmag 001=f 000=i %6.3f x0043 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I ERROR rms uncertainty on imag #11= zmag zmag mag mmag 001=f 000=i %6.3f x0043 phot.mag;em.opt.I PHOT_SDSS_I SDSS z magnitude #12= e_zmag e_zmag mag mmag 001=f 000=i %6.3f x0043 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I ERROR rms uncertainty on zmag ====Total for Query #2: 0 #===Items in list: 3