HD 358: Full spectral type: kB9 hB8 HeB9 III (MnHgSi) (metallic lines). A faint metallic-line spectrum is visible. {lambda}4030 (Mn I) is slightly too strong and {lambda}4481 is very slightly weak. Abt (1984) classified this star as {lambda} Boo, but we do not agree with this classification. HD 2884: HD 2884 (HR 126) is a visual binary with HR 127, classified as A2 Va in paper I. HD 5737: Full spectral type: B7 II* C II ((metallic lines)). HD 6457: HD 6457 (HR 311) is a visual binary with HR 310, classified as A0 IV-Vnn in paper I. HD 7374: Full spectral type: B8 IV-V HgMn metallic lines. HD 12534: Close visual double. Spectral type is for the composite spectrum. HD 12767: Full spectral type: kB8 hB8 HeB9 III (Si) ((metallic lines)). This star also shows a weak {lambda}4481 line. HD 13294: HD 13294 (HR 628) is a visual binary with HR 629, classified as A1 IIIn in paper I. HD 16046A: HD 16046A (HR 749A) is a visual binary with HR 749B, classified as A5 V in paper III. HD 20863: Member of {alpha} Per cluster. HD 20961: Member of {alpha} Per cluster. HD 21071: Member of {alpha} Per cluster. HD 21551: Member of {alpha} Per cluster. HD 21931: Member of {alpha} Per cluster. HD 21455: Member of {alpha} Per cluster. It is an emission-line star; clear emission in H{beta} and H{gamma}, H{delta} looks filled in. HD 21641: Member of {alpha} Per cluster. It is also an emission-line star. The emission is detectable as a slight filling of the HD line. HD 21661: Non-member of the {alpha} Per cluster. The Ca II K-line looks slightly weak for the spectral type. HD 21699: Member of {alpha} Per cluster. Full spectral type: kB8 hB7 HeB9.5 III Si (C II) (metallic lines). Prototype of helium-weak star. HD 21790: Ca II K-line looks slightly weak for the spectral type. HD 21933: Full spectral type: kB8 HeB9.5 V (HgMn) ((metallic lines)). HD 22203: SB2 HD 23288: Member of the Pleiades. HD 23324: Member of the Pleiades. HD 23324 (HR 1144) is a dagger and high-vsini standard. HD 23363: Member of the Pleiades. HD 23408: Member of the Pleiades. HD 23432: Member of the Pleiades. HD 23441: Member of the Pleiades. HD 23480: Member of the Pleiades. HD 23630: Member of the Pleiades. HD 23630 (HR 1165) is a dagger standard. HD 23850: Member of the Pleiades. HD 23850 (HR 1178) is a dagger and high-vsini standard. HD 23923: Member of the Pleiades. HD 24388: He I 4384 has an unusually broad profile. He I 3820 is slightly strong for the spectral type. HD 27376 = HR 1347: A close double with {DELTA}m=1.0. Probably a composite spectrum. HD 29305: Full spectral type: kB8 hB7 HeA0 V Si ((metallic lines)). HD 32039,32040: Components of a visual double. Both stars have very broad lines. HD 32040 (HR 1610) has very broad, but shallow hydrogen-line wings. HD 32273A: HD 32273A (HR 1619A) is a visual binary with HR 1619B, classified as A3Va in paper III. HD 32549: Full spectral type: kB8 hB9 HeA0 II-III Si metallic lines. HD 33904: Full spectral type: kB9 hB8 HeB9 IV HgMn (C II) ((metallic lines)). HD 34085: Dagger standard. HD 35281A: HD 35281A (HR 1778A) is a visual binary with HR 1778B, classified as F0 V in paper II. HD 35497: B7 III standard (Morgan et. al. 1978). HD 38899 = HR 2010: Low-vsini B9 IV standard. HD 40312: Full spectral type: kB8 hB9 HeA0 II Si (metatlic lines). HD 45380: High-vsini B9 V standard. HD 49023: Hydrogen lines show deep, narrow cores, {lambda}4233 is slightly enhanced, and H{beta} shows faint emission wings. HD 49028: Cores of the hydrogen lines look narrow and may be shell-like. Presence of {lambda}4233 supports the classification of this star as proto-shell. HD 49151: H{beta}, H{gamma} look slightly filled in. HD 49606: Full spectral type: kB8 hB7 HeB9.5 IV-V ((C II)) ((MnHg:)). HD 51250B: HD 51250B (HR 2593B) is a visual binary with HR 2593A which we classify as K2 III. Component B has peculiar line profiles and may be an SB2. HD 56022: Full spectral type: kB8 hB9 HeA0 V (Sr) ((Si)). HD 65663: H{beta} in emission. HD 66066: Non-member of NGC 2516. HD 66137: Line profiles indicate that this star may be an SB2. HD 66684A: HD 66684A (HR 3164A) is a visual binary with HR 3164B, classified as A1 IVn in paper I. HD 71487: HD 71487 (HR 3327) is a visual binary with HR 3328, classified as A2 Va in paper I. HR 3327 is an eclipsing binary and has hydrogen lines with slightly peculiar narrow cores. HD 76728: Full spectral type: B8 II Mn metallic lines. HD 79931: Shows an extremely weak metallic-line spectrum. HD 87901: Broad but shallow hydrogen-line wings. N3532-157: Not a member of NGC 3532, but perhaps a member of a background association or cluster. ##25, 191 (an 07 I star), 229 and 251 (B3 stars) may be additional members of this background association. HD 103192: Full spectral type: kB8 hB8 HeA0 V Si (metallic lines). Hydrogen lines have curious rounded profiles. HD 106625: Full spectral type: B8 III-IV ((metallic lines)). Classified as a HgMn star in the BSC, but the usual lines of Hg and Mn are not visible in our spectrum. However, a faint, but rich metallic-line spectrum is visible. HD 107832: Low-vsini B9 III standard. HD 110073: Full spectral type: B8 III Mn (metallic lines). HD 112413: Full spectral type: kB8 hB8 HeA0 II Si (Eu). HD 112413 (HR 4915) is a visual binary with HR 4914, classified as F1 V in paper II. The magnitude difference (AV=2.70) suggests that the primary, HD 112413 is subluminous for its spectral type. HD 114911A: HD 114911A (HR 4993A) makes a wide double with HR 4993B, classified as kB8hF0: SrSi. Probably not a physical pair. HD 118991A: HD 118991A (HR 5141A) is a visual binary with HR 5141B, classified as A2.5 Va in paper I. HD 120642A: HD 120642A (HR 5207A) is a visual binary with HR 5207B, classified as A7 V in paper III. HD 129174: Full spectral type: B9 III HgMn metallic lines. HD 134759: Full spectral type: B9 II Si (metallic lines). HD 144206: Full spectral type: kB8 hB8 HeB9.5 IV HgMn ((metallic lines)). He I 4026 shows an unusually broad profile. HD 144334: Full spectral type: kB8 hB4 HeB9 V (Si-4200) HD 145389: Full spectral type: B9 III (MnHg:) ((metallic lines)). HD 145501A: Full spectral type: kB8 hB4 HeB9 III (Si) (metallic lines). HD 145964: Very high vsini. The K-line and the He I lines look weak for the spectral types. Mg II {lambda}4481 is weak. Spectrum appears almost featureless except for the hydrogen lines. HD 146416: SB? Both Ca II K and He I lines look weak for spectral type. Very broadlined star. HD 147010: Full spectral type: kB8 hB8II HeA0 mA2Ib Si (Cr:). Member of the Upper Scorpius Association. Very peculiar spectrum. Hydrogen lines indicate a luminous, late B-type star, but the metallic-line spectrum is rich. The metallic-line spectrum is composed mostly of ionized iron and titanium lines and looks very much like the metallic-line spectrum of an A2 Ib star. Si II {lambda}{lambda}4128-30 is also enhanced, and there is a very peculiar line pattem between H{epsilon} and H{delta}. The spectrum shows variablility in the Si II doublet, and possibly in the line pattem between H{epsilon} and H{delta}. A slightly enhanced {lambda}4077 line is responsible for the Cr: classification; the Sr II {lambda}4215 line is not visible (however, there is a Si II line near {lambda}4077, and this may be the source of the line). Thompson et. al (1987) have recently shown that this star possesses an extremely strong magnetic field. HD 148199: Member of the Upper Sco Association. Spectrum is quite similar to that of HD 147010, but not as extreme. HD 162305: Full spectral type: kB8 hB9 HeA0 IV ((metallic lines)). {lambda}4481 is slightly weak. Cores of hydrogen lines shallow? HD 162576: Full spectral type: kB8 hB9 HeB9.5 III (Si) (metallic lines) HD 162586: Close visual double. Spectral type is for combined spectrum. HD 166937: Slight suggestion of emission wings around H{beta}. HD 169512: Non-member of NGC 6633. Close visual double. HD 170000: A slight variablility in the Si II {lambda}4128-30 doublet can be seen from plate to plate. HD 170200 = N6633-102: Non-member of NGC 6633. HD 170881: Probably not a member of NGC 6633. HD 177756: Moderately broad-lined spectrum. K-line and He I lines almost invisible, Si II {lambda}{lambda}4128-30 and {lambda}4481 marginally visible. Spectrum otherwise featureless. HD 178065: B9 II standard. HD 184707: Full spectral type: kB8 hB9 HeA0 Va (Sr Fe II). Hydrogen lines may show shell cores? HD 196867: High-vsini, B9 IV standard and dagger standard. HD 209952: High vsini; C II {lambda}4267 marginally visible. HD 221507: Full spectral type: kB8 hB9 HeA0 IV HgMn ((metallic lines)) HD 222847: Hydrogen wings are very broad but shallow. HD 224112: B8 V, low-vsini standard. HD 224113: Eclipsing binary. HD 224686: B9 III, high-vsini standard. HD 225119: Full spectral type: kB8 hB7 HeB9.5 III Si metallic lines. Rich metallic-line spectrum includes {lambda}4077 {lambda}4233, {lambda}4325, {lambda}{lambda}4172-9.