----Table 'J/ApJS/190/418/sne' (21900418/1) (SNe positions from Simbad) dbase: c21900418sne in vizA@VIZDB dates: 2010-11-30T22:45:17 (release) flags: 0004(media) 00(status) records: 165 coord: #5(J) Eq=2000 Ep=nan prec=4000mas columns: 7 in table (markers: a[additional], *[pk], =[displayed], +[required]) # h bh u bu s bs f o c C D L N F #0+ recno recno 000=i 000=i %8d x2002 meta.record RECORD Record number within the original table (starting from 1) #1*= SN SN 004=a 024=a %-15s x6443 meta.id;meta.main ID_MAIN Supernova identification #2= RAJ2000 RAJ2000 "h:m:s" mas 311=f 000=i % 010.1A x0023 pos.eq.ra;meta.main POS_EQ_RA_MAIN Simbad hour of right ascension (J2000) #3= DEJ2000 DEJ2000 "d:m:s" mas 011=f 000=i % +09.0a x0023 pos.eq.dec;meta.main POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN Simbad degree of declination (J2000) #a4= Comp Comp 004=a 034=a Comp xFFFFA011 meta.ref.url DATA_LINK Link to comparison stars \vMore{-source=${$cat}/table7\&SN=${SN}}{${}} #a5= LC LC 004=a 034=a LC xFFFFA011 meta.ref.url DATA_LINK draw the light curve \vizContent{timeSerie}\vGraph{${$cat}/${SN}}{}{${}} #a6= Simbad Simbad 004=a 024=a Simbad xFFFFA051 (unassigned) DATA_LINK ask the {\bf\fg{FireBrick}Simbad} data-base about this object \ifregexp{[^ ]}{${SN}}{\wSimbad{${SN}}{${}}}\else{${}}\fi ----Table 'J/ApJS/200/12/table1' (22000012/1) (SN Ia discovery data) dbase: c22000012t1 in viz7@VIZDB dates: 2012-08-27T15:25:22 (release) flags: 0000(media) 00(status) records: 94 coord: #5(J) Eq=2000 Ep=nan prec=600mas columns: 14 in table (markers: a[additional], *[pk], =[displayed], +[required]) # h bh u bu s bs f o c C D L N F #0+ recno recno 000=i 000=i %8d x2002 meta.record RECORD Record number within the original table (starting from 1) #1*= SN SN 004=a 024=a %-14s x6443 meta.id;meta.main ID_MAIN SN Ia identification (YYYYaa, snfYYYYMMDDNNN, or PTF10bjs) #a2= CS CS 004=a 034=a CS xFFFFA011 meta.ref.url DATA_LINK Photometry of comparison stars in this field \vMore{-source=${$cat}/table4\&${===SN}}{${}} #a3= LC LC 004=a 034=a LC xFFFFA011 meta.ref.url DATA_LINK Plot the light curves from natural system SN photometry (table 5) \vizContent{timeSerie}\wGraph{${$cat}/table5/${SN}}{}{${}} #4= RAJ2000 RAJ2000 "h:m:s" mas 311=f 000=i % 012.3A x2023 pos.eq.ra;meta.main POS_EQ_RA_MAIN Hour of right ascension (J2000) (1) Note#1 #5= DEJ2000 DEJ2000 "d:m:s" mas 011=f 000=i % +012.2a x2023 pos.eq.dec;meta.main POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN Degree of declination (J2000) (1) Note#1 #6= Gal Gal 004=a 024=a %-29s x6043 meta.id ID_PARENT Galaxy identification from NED \objS{\sed{s/_/ /g}{${Gal}}}{${}} #7= z z 10-4 001=f 000=i %7.4f x0003 src.redshift REDSHIFT_HC Heliocentric redshift (2) Note#2 #8= zCMB zCMB 10-4 001=f 000=i %7.4f x0003 src.redshift VELOC_CMB CMB redshift (2) Note#2 #9= E(B-V) E_B_V_ mag umag 001=f 000=i %7.4f x0003 phot.color.excess PHOT_COLOR_EXCESS B-V color excess (3) Note#3 #10 e_E(B-V) e_E_B_V_ mag umag 001=f 000=i %7.4f x0080 stat.error ERROR ? E(B-V) uncertainty #11= Ref Ref_1 004=a 034=a %-9s x4003 meta.ref;pos.frame REFER_CODE SN discovery reference (4) Note#4 #a12= SNcat SNcat 004=a 024=a SNcat xFFFFA051 meta.ref.url DATA_LINK Display the Asiago Supernova catalog data within 3" \vMore{-source=B/sn/sncat\&-c=${$poseq},rs=3}{${}} #a13= Simbad Simbad 004=a 024=a Simbad xFFFFA051 meta.ref DATA_LINK ask the {\bf\fg{FireBrick}Simbad} data-base about this object \ifmatch{2*}{${SN}}\objS{SN ${SN}}{${}}\elsifmatch{snf*}{${SN}}\objS{${SN$1-11}-${SN$12-14}}{${}}\else\object{${SN}}\fi ----Table 'J/ApJ/700/331/table1' (17000331/1) (SN Ia discovery data) dbase: c17000331t1 in vizA@VIZDB dates: 2011-10-14T15:59:09 (release) flags: 0000(media) 00(status) records: 185 coord: #5(J) Eq=2000 Ep=nan prec=600mas columns: 14 in table (markers: a[additional], *[pk], =[displayed], +[required]) # h bh u bu s bs f o c C D L N F #0+ recno recno 000=i 000=i %8d x2002 meta.record RECORD Record number within the original table (starting from 1) #1= SN SN 004=a 034=a %-6s x6003 meta.id;meta.main ID_MAIN SN Ia name #a2= LCs LCs 004=a 034=a LCs xFFFFA011 meta.ref.url DATA_LINK Plot the standard system light curves \vizContent{timeSerie} \wGraph{${$cat}/table5/${SN}}{}{${}} #a3= LCn LCn 004=a 034=a LCn xFFFFA011 meta.ref.url DATA_LINK Plot the natural system light curves \vizContent{timeSerie} \wGraph{${$cat}/table6/${SN}}{}{${}} #4= Gal Gal 004=a 024=a %-13s x6043 meta.id.parent ID_PARENT Galaxy name \ifmatch{Anon Gal}{${Gal}}{${}}\else \object{${}} \fi #5= Date Date_1 "Y:M:D" d 020=i 000=i %10J x0083 time.epoch TIME_DATE Discovery date #6= RAJ2000 RAJ2000 "h:m:s" mas 311=f 000=i % 012.3A x0023 pos.eq.ra;meta.main POS_EQ_RA_MAIN Hour of right ascension (J2000) (1) Note#2 #7= DEJ2000 DEJ2000 "d:m:s" mas 011=f 000=i % +012.2a x0023 pos.eq.dec;meta.main POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN Degree of declination (J2000) Note#2 #8= Circ Circ 004=a 034=a %-4s x4003 meta.bib.journal REFER_JOURN [CBET/IAUC] Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams or IAU Circulars #9= Num Num 000=i 000=i %4d x0043 meta.bib.volume REFER_VOL CBET or IAUC number #10 Disc Disc 004=a 024=a %-25s x4040 obs.observer ID_HUMAN Discover #a11= cmp cmp 004=a 034=a cmp xFFFFA011 meta.ref.url DATA_LINK Comparison stars used \vMore{-source=${$cat}/table[34]\&${==SN}}{${}} #a12= SNCat SNCat 004=a 024=a SNCat xFFFFA051 meta.ref.url DATA_LINK Display the data from Asiago Supernova Catalogue \vMORE{-source=B/sn/sncat\&SN=${SN}}{${}} #a13= Simbad Simbad 004=a 024=a Simbad xFFFFA051 (unassigned) DATA_LINK ask the {\bf\fg{FireBrick}Simbad} data-base about this object \ifregexp{[^ ]}{${SN}}{\wSimbad{SN ${SN} }{${}}}\else{${}}\fi ====Total for Query #1: 0