Table 2 M31 Satellite Parameters: Distance and Associated Parameters of M31 and its Companions Source Distance Modulus E(B - V) Distance M31 Distance Literature Distance Values (kpc) (kpc) (kpc) M31 24.46^+0.05_- 0.05 0.062 779^+19_- 18 sdotsdotsdot 785^+25_- 25 TRGB; McConnachie et al. (2005) 784^+17_- 17 RC; Stanek & Garnavich (1998) 765^+28_- 28 Ceph; Riess et al. (2012) And I 24.31^+0.05_- 0.05 0.054 727^+18_- 17 68^+21_- 17 731^+18_- 17 TRGB; Conn et al. (2011) 735^+23_- 23 TRGB; McConnachie et al. (2004) And II 24.00^+0.05_- 0.05 0.062 630^+15_- 15 195^+20_- 17 634^+15_- 14 TRGB; Conn et al. (2011) 645^+19_- 19 TRGB; McConnachie et al. (2004) And III 24.30^+0.05_- 0.07 0.057 723^+18_- 24 86^+25_- 15 749^+24_- 24 TRGB; McConnachie et al. (2005) And V 24.35^+0.06_- 0.07 0.125 742^+21_- 22 113^+9_- 6 774^+28_- 28 TRGB; McConnachie et al. (2005) And IX 23.89^+0.31_- 0.08 0.076 600^+91_- 23 182^+38_- 66 765^+24_- 24 TRGB; McConnachie et al. (2005) And X 24.13^+0.08_- 0.13 0.126 670^+24_- 39 130^+60_- 17 667 - 738 TRGB; Zucker et al. (2007) And XI 24.41^+0.08_- 0.32 0.080 763^+29_- 106 102^+149_- 1 740 - 955 TRGB; Martin et al. (2006) 735^+17_- 17 RR Ly; Yang & Sarajedini (2012) And XII 24.84^+0.09_- 0.34 0.111 928^+40_- 136 181^+19_- 87 825^+85_- 159 TRGB; (MCMC without MF) 740 - 955 TRGB; Martin et al. (2006) And XIII 24.40^+0.33_- 0.49 0.082 760^+126_- 154 115^+207_- 2 890^+360_- 361 TRGB; (MCMC without MF) 740 - 955 TRGB; Martin et al. (2006) 839^+20_- 19 RR Ly; Yang & Sarajedini (2012) And XIV 24.50^+0.06_- 0.56 0.060 793^+23_- 179 161^+81_- 3 630 - 850 TRGB; Majewski et al. (2007) And XV 23.98^+0.26_- 0.12 0.046 626^+79_- 35 174^+46_- 32 630^+60_- 60 TRGB; Ibata et al. (2007) 770^+70_- 70 TRGB; Letarte et al. (2009) And XVI 23.39^+0.19_- 0.14 0.066 476^+44_- 29 319^+43_- 27 525^+50_- 50 TRGB; Ibata et al. (2007) 525^+50_- 50 TRGB; Letarte et al. (2009) And XVII 24.31^+0.11_- 0.08 0.075 727^+39_- 25 67^20_- 24 794^+40_- 40 TRGB; Irwin et al. (2008) And XVIII 25.42^+0.07_- 0.08 0.104 1214^+40_- 43 457^+39_- 47 1355^+88_- 88 TRGB; McConnachie et al. (2008) And XIX 24.57^+0.08_- 0.43 0.062 821^+32_- 148 115^+96_- 9 933^+61_- 61 TRGB; McConnachie et al. (2008) And XX 24.35^+0.12_- 0.16 0.058 741^+42_- 52 128^+28_- 5 802^+297_- 96 TRGB; McConnachie et al. (2008) And XXI 24.59^+0.06_- 0.07 0.093 827^+23_- 25 135^+8_- 10 859^+51_- 51 TRGB; Martin et al. (2009) And XXII (Tri I) 24.82^+0.07_- 0.36 0.075 920^+32_- 139 275^+8_- 60 794^+239_- 0 TRGB; Martin et al. (2009) And XXIII 24.37^+0.09_- 0.06 0.066 748^+31_- 21 127^+7_- 4 733^+23_- 22 TRGB; Conn et al. (2011) 767^+44_- 44 HB; Richardson et al. (2011) And XXIV 24.77^+0.07_- 0.10 0.083 898^+28_- 42 169^+29_- 29 600^+33_- 33 HB; Richardson et al. (2011) And XXV 24.33^+0.07_- 0.21 0.101 736^+23_- 69 90^+57_- 10 812^+46_- 46 HB; Richardson et al. (2011) And XXVI 24.39^+0.55_- 0.53 0.110 754^+218_- 164 103^+234_- 3 762^+42_- 42 HB; Richardson et al. (2011) And XXVII 25.49^+0.07_- 1.03 0.080 1255^+42_- 474 482^+0_- 425 827^+47_- 47 HB; Richardson et al. (2011) And XXX^a (Cass II) 24.17^+0.10_- 0.26 0.166 681^+32_- 78 145^+95_- 4 565^+25_- 25 TRGB g-band; M. J. Irwin (2012, in preparation) NGC 147 24.26^+0.06_- 0.06 0.173 712^+21_- 19 118^+15_- 15 675^+27_- 27 TRGB; McConnachie et al. (2005) NGC 185 23.96^+0.07_- 0.06 0.182 620^+19_- 18 181^+25_- 20 616^+26_- 26 TRGB; McConnachie et al. (2005) M33 24.57^+0.05_- 0.05 0.042 820^+20_- 19 210^+6_- 5 809^+24_- 24 TRGB; McConnachie et al. (2005) 964^+54_- 54 DEB; Bonanos et al. (2006) Notes. All distance measurements utilize the data from the Pan-Andromeda Archaeological Survey (McConnachie et al. 2009) and have been obtained using the method presented in this paper. A value of MTRGBi = -3.44 +or- 0.05 is assumed for the absolute magnitude of the RGB tip in CFHT MegaCam i band, based on the value identified for the SDSS i band (Bellazzini 2008) and justified for use here by the color equations applicable to the new MegaCam i-band filter (Gwyn 2010). Values for the extinction in MegaCam i band have been adopted as Alambda = 2.086 x E(B - V) for the same reasons, with uncertainties taken as +or-10%. The extinction values quoted are for the object centers, though the actual calculations apply individual corrections to each member star according to their coordinates. Note that the uncertainties in the M31 distance are based on the sampled distributions while the quoted value is that derived directly from the Earth distance as per Equation (7). The last column gives alternative distances from the literature. TRGB-derived distances are quoted wherever possible. Distance derivation methods: TRGB, tip of the red giant branch; Ceph, Cepheid period-luminosity relation; RR Ly, RR Lyrae period-luminosity relation; RC, red clump; HB, horizontal branch; DEB, detached eclipsing binary. a Andromeda XXX is a new discovery, and will also be known as Cassiopeia II, being the second dwarf spheroidal satellite of M31 to be discovered in the constellation of Cassiopeia (M. J. Irwin 2012, in preparation).