================================================================================ Title: The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project: Photometric g and i Light Curves Authors: Kinemuchi K., Hall P.B., McGreer I., Kochanek C.S., Grier C.J., Trump J., Shen Y., Brandt W.N., Wood-Vasey W.M., Fan X., Peterson B.M., Schneider D.P., Hernandez Santisteban J.V., Horne K., Chen Y., Eftekharzadeh S., Guo Y., Jia S., Li F., Li Z., Nie J., Ponder K.A., Rogerson J., Zhang T., Zou H., Jiang L., Ho L.C., Kneib J.-P., Petitjean P., Palanque-Delabrouille N., Yeche C. ================================================================================ Description of contents: This package contains a .fits file with 1214 extension. Each extension provides the g and i light curve data for that source. The source information is given in Table 4. System requirements: Any FITS capable reader. Additional comments: Each extension contains 15 columns. The columns are: ID number Band identifier Detector identifier Modified Julian date (days) First differential flux (counts) Error in first differential flux (counts) Second differential flux (counts) Error in second differential flux (counts) First sky background measurement (counts) Second sky background measurement (counts) Local average sky background measurement over Nsky pixels (counts) Local median sky background measurement over Nsky pixels (counts) Aperture flux over N pixels (counts) Number of pixels (pixels) ================================================================================