----Table 'J/MNRAS/426/1845/tableb1' (74261845/1) (Reliable and tentative radio, 24um, 8.0um and i-K identifications in the Lockman Hole field) dbase: c74261845tb1 in viz7@VIZDB dates: 2013-10-27T17:42:50 (release) flags: 0100(media) 00(status) records: 153 coord: #5(J) Eq=2000 Ep=nan prec=1000mas columns: 35 in table (markers: a[additional], *[pk], =[displayed], +[required]) # h bh u bu s bs f o c C D L N F #0+ recno recno 000=i 000=i %8d x2002 meta.record RECORD Record number within the original table (starting from 1) #a1= R R 004=a 034=a R xFFFFA011 meta.ref.url DATA_LINK Display remarks about this source \vNote{-source=${$cat}/notes\&Name=AzLOCK${*No}}{${}} #2= No No_1 000=i 000=i %2d x2043 meta.id ID_NUMBER [1/91] AzTEC source number, AzLOCK NN #3= Nx Nx 000=i 000=i %3d xFFFF80C3 meta.number NUMBER Number of identifications for this source \ignore{X}\ifnum{${}}>0\vMore{-source=J/MNRAS/426/1845/tableb1,tableb3\&-out.max=999\&No=${No}}{${}}\else{${}}\fi #4= AzTEC AzTEC 004=a 034=a %-15s x4003 meta.id;meta.main ID_MAIN AzTEC source name (JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS) #5= S1.1mm S1_1mm mJy .01mJy 001=f 000=i %5.2f x0043 phot.flux.density;em.mm.200-400GHz PHOT_FLUX_RADIO_250G 1.1mm deboosted flux #6 E_S1.1mm E_S1_1mm mJy .01mJy 001=f 000=i %5.2f x0040 stat.error;stat.max ERROR Upper error of 1.1mm Flux #7 e_S1.1mm e_S1_1mm_1 mJy .01mJy 001=f 000=i %5.2f x0040 stat.error ERROR Lower error of 1.1mm Flux #8= RAJ2000 RAJ2000 deg mas 311=f 000=i %09.5f x00A3 pos.eq.ra;meta.main POS_EQ_RA_MAIN ? Right Ascension (radio, or mid-IR or optical) (J2000) (G1) Note#1 #9= DEJ2000 DEJ2000 deg mas 011=f 000=i %+09.5f x00A3 pos.eq.dec;meta.main POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN ? Declination (radio, or mid-IR or optical) (J2000) (G1) Note#1 #10= S1.4 S1_4 uJy uJy 001=f 000=i %4.0f x00C3 phot.flux.density;em.radio.750-1500MHz PHOT_FLUX_RADIO_1.4G ? 1.4 GHz flux (G1) Note#1 #11 e_S1.4 e_S1_4 uJy uJy 001=f 000=i %4.0f x00C0 stat.error ERROR ? Error of 1.4GHz flux (G1) Note#1 #12= r1.4 r1_4 arcsec 0.1arcsec 001=f 000=i %5.1f x00C3 pos;arith.diff POS_OFFSET ? Distance of the 1.4GHz ID to the AzTEC position (G1) Note#1 #13 p1.4 p1_4 10-3 001=f 000=i %7.3f x00C0 stat.fit.goodness STAT_PROBABILITY [0/1]? Probability of the chance association of the 1.4GHz ID (G1) Note#1 #14= S24um S24um uJy uJy 001=f 000=i %5.0f x00C3 phot.flux.density;em.IR.15-30um PHOT_FLUX_IR_25 ? 24um flux (G1) Note#1 #15 e_S24um e_S24um uJy uJy 001=f 000=i %4.0f x00C0 stat.error ERROR ? Error of 24um flux (G1) Note#1 #16= r24 r24 arcsec 0.1arcsec 001=f 000=i %5.1f x00C3 pos;arith.diff POS_OFFSET ? Distance of the 24um ID to the AzTEC position (G1) Note#1 #17 p24 p24 10-3 001=f 000=i %7.3f x00C0 stat.fit.goodness STAT_PROBABILITY [0/1]? Probability of the chance association of the 24um ID (G1) Note#1 #18= S0.6 S0_6 uJy uJy 001=f 000=i %4.0f x00C3 phot.flux.density;em.radio.400-750MHz PHOT_FLUX_RADIO_600M ? 0.6GHz flux (G1) Note#1 #19 e_S0.6 e_S0_6 uJy uJy 001=f 000=i %4.0f x00C0 stat.error ERROR ? Error of 0.6GHz flux (G1) Note#1 #20= r0.6 r0_6 arcsec 0.1arcsec 001=f 000=i %5.1f x00C3 pos;arith.diff POS_OFFSET ? Distance of the 0.6GHz ID to the AzTEC position (G1) Note#1 #21 p0.6 p0_6 10-3 001=f 000=i %7.3f x00C0 stat.fit.goodness STAT_PROBABILITY [0/1]? Probability of the chance association of the 0.6GHz ID (G1) Note#1 #22= S8um S8um uJy 0.1uJy 001=f 000=i %6.1f x0083 phot.flux.density;em.IR.8-15um PHOT_FLUX_IR_9 ? 8um flux (G1) Note#1 #23 e_S8um e_S8um uJy 0.1uJy 001=f 000=i %5.1f x00C0 stat.error ERROR ? Error of 8um flux (G1) Note#1 #24= r8 r8 arcsec 0.1arcsec 001=f 000=i %5.1f x00C3 pos;arith.diff POS_OFFSET ? Distance of the 8um ID to the AzTEC position (G1) Note#1 #25 p8 p8 10-3 001=f 000=i %7.3f x00C0 stat.fit.goodness STAT_PROBABILITY [0/1]? Probability of the chance association of the 8um ID (G1) Note#1 #26= Kmag Kmag mag 10-3mag 001=f 000=i %7.3f x00C3 phot.mag;em.IR.K PHOT_JHN_K ? K-band magnitude (G1) Note#1 #27= i-K i_K mag 10-3mag 001=f 000=i %7.3f x00C3 phot.color;em.opt.I;em.IR.K PHOT_JHN_I-K ? i-K colour (G1) (G3) Note#3 #28= ri-K ri_K arcsec 0.1arcsec 001=f 000=i %5.1f x00C3 pos;arith.diff POS_OFFSET ? Distance of the i-K ID to the AzTEC position (G1) Note#1 #29 pi-K pi_K 10-3 001=f 000=i %7.3f x00C0 stat.fit.goodness STAT_PROBABILITY [0/1]? Probability of the chance association of the i-K ID (G1) Note#1 #30= z z 10-4 001=f 000=i %7.4f x0003 src.redshift REDSHIFT_HC Redshift (G2) Note#2 #31 E_z E_z 10-4 001=f 000=i %7.4f x0000 stat.error;stat.max ERROR Upper error of redshift #32 e_z e_z_1 10-4 001=f 000=i %7.4f x0000 stat.error;src.redshift ERROR Lower error of redshift #33= qID qID 000=i 000=i %1d x0043 meta.code.qual CODE_QUALITY [0/3] The category of the ID (G4) \ifnum{${}}=0{${}}\else\vNote{<"Note"\&catid=74261845\¬id=4\&-out.emph=${***}}{${}}\fi Note#4 #34= bID bID 000=i 000=i %1d x0043 meta.code.qual CODE_QUALITY [0/1] Flag indicating if this is the best ID for a given AzTEC source (1=Yes, 0=No) ====Total for Query #1: 0 ----Table 'J/MNRAS/426/1845/tableb1' (74261845/1) (Reliable and tentative radio, 24um, 8.0um and i-K identifications in the Lockman Hole field) dbase: c74261845tb1 in viz7@VIZDB dates: 2013-10-27T17:42:50 (release) flags: 0100(media) 00(status) records: 153 coord: #5(J) Eq=2000 Ep=nan prec=1000mas columns: 35 in table (markers: a[additional], *[pk], =[displayed], +[required]) # h bh u bu s bs f o c C D L N F #0+ recno recno 000=i 000=i %8d x2002 meta.record RECORD Record number within the original table (starting from 1) #a1= R R 004=a 034=a R xFFFFA011 meta.ref.url DATA_LINK Display remarks about this source \vNote{-source=${$cat}/notes\&Name=AzLOCK${*No}}{${}} #2= No No_1 000=i 000=i %2d x2043 meta.id ID_NUMBER [1/91] AzTEC source number, AzLOCK NN #3= Nx Nx 000=i 000=i %3d xFFFF80C3 meta.number NUMBER Number of identifications for this source \ignore{X}\ifnum{${}}>0\vMore{-source=J/MNRAS/426/1845/tableb1,tableb3\&-out.max=999\&No=${No}}{${}}\else{${}}\fi #4= AzTEC AzTEC 004=a 034=a %-15s x4003 meta.id;meta.main ID_MAIN AzTEC source name (JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS) #5= S1.1mm S1_1mm mJy .01mJy 001=f 000=i %5.2f x0043 phot.flux.density;em.mm.200-400GHz PHOT_FLUX_RADIO_250G 1.1mm deboosted flux #6 E_S1.1mm E_S1_1mm mJy .01mJy 001=f 000=i %5.2f x0040 stat.error;stat.max ERROR Upper error of 1.1mm Flux #7 e_S1.1mm e_S1_1mm_1 mJy .01mJy 001=f 000=i %5.2f x0040 stat.error ERROR Lower error of 1.1mm Flux #8= RAJ2000 RAJ2000 deg mas 311=f 000=i %09.5f x00A3 pos.eq.ra;meta.main POS_EQ_RA_MAIN ? Right Ascension (radio, or mid-IR or optical) (J2000) (G1) Note#1 #9= DEJ2000 DEJ2000 deg mas 011=f 000=i %+09.5f x00A3 pos.eq.dec;meta.main POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN ? Declination (radio, or mid-IR or optical) (J2000) (G1) Note#1 #10= S1.4 S1_4 uJy uJy 001=f 000=i %4.0f x00C3 phot.flux.density;em.radio.750-1500MHz PHOT_FLUX_RADIO_1.4G ? 1.4 GHz flux (G1) Note#1 #11 e_S1.4 e_S1_4 uJy uJy 001=f 000=i %4.0f x00C0 stat.error ERROR ? Error of 1.4GHz flux (G1) Note#1 #12= r1.4 r1_4 arcsec 0.1arcsec 001=f 000=i %5.1f x00C3 pos;arith.diff POS_OFFSET ? Distance of the 1.4GHz ID to the AzTEC position (G1) Note#1 #13 p1.4 p1_4 10-3 001=f 000=i %7.3f x00C0 stat.fit.goodness STAT_PROBABILITY [0/1]? Probability of the chance association of the 1.4GHz ID (G1) Note#1 #14= S24um S24um uJy uJy 001=f 000=i %5.0f x00C3 phot.flux.density;em.IR.15-30um PHOT_FLUX_IR_25 ? 24um flux (G1) Note#1 #15 e_S24um e_S24um uJy uJy 001=f 000=i %4.0f x00C0 stat.error ERROR ? Error of 24um flux (G1) Note#1 #16= r24 r24 arcsec 0.1arcsec 001=f 000=i %5.1f x00C3 pos;arith.diff POS_OFFSET ? Distance of the 24um ID to the AzTEC position (G1) Note#1 #17 p24 p24 10-3 001=f 000=i %7.3f x00C0 stat.fit.goodness STAT_PROBABILITY [0/1]? Probability of the chance association of the 24um ID (G1) Note#1 #18= S0.6 S0_6 uJy uJy 001=f 000=i %4.0f x00C3 phot.flux.density;em.radio.400-750MHz PHOT_FLUX_RADIO_600M ? 0.6GHz flux (G1) Note#1 #19 e_S0.6 e_S0_6 uJy uJy 001=f 000=i %4.0f x00C0 stat.error ERROR ? Error of 0.6GHz flux (G1) Note#1 #20= r0.6 r0_6 arcsec 0.1arcsec 001=f 000=i %5.1f x00C3 pos;arith.diff POS_OFFSET ? Distance of the 0.6GHz ID to the AzTEC position (G1) Note#1 #21 p0.6 p0_6 10-3 001=f 000=i %7.3f x00C0 stat.fit.goodness STAT_PROBABILITY [0/1]? Probability of the chance association of the 0.6GHz ID (G1) Note#1 #22= S8um S8um uJy 0.1uJy 001=f 000=i %6.1f x0083 phot.flux.density;em.IR.8-15um PHOT_FLUX_IR_9 ? 8um flux (G1) Note#1 #23 e_S8um e_S8um uJy 0.1uJy 001=f 000=i %5.1f x00C0 stat.error ERROR ? Error of 8um flux (G1) Note#1 #24= r8 r8 arcsec 0.1arcsec 001=f 000=i %5.1f x00C3 pos;arith.diff POS_OFFSET ? Distance of the 8um ID to the AzTEC position (G1) Note#1 #25 p8 p8 10-3 001=f 000=i %7.3f x00C0 stat.fit.goodness STAT_PROBABILITY [0/1]? Probability of the chance association of the 8um ID (G1) Note#1 #26= Kmag Kmag mag 10-3mag 001=f 000=i %7.3f x00C3 phot.mag;em.IR.K PHOT_JHN_K ? K-band magnitude (G1) Note#1 #27= i-K i_K mag 10-3mag 001=f 000=i %7.3f x00C3 phot.color;em.opt.I;em.IR.K PHOT_JHN_I-K ? i-K colour (G1) (G3) Note#3 #28= ri-K ri_K arcsec 0.1arcsec 001=f 000=i %5.1f x00C3 pos;arith.diff POS_OFFSET ? Distance of the i-K ID to the AzTEC position (G1) Note#1 #29 pi-K pi_K 10-3 001=f 000=i %7.3f x00C0 stat.fit.goodness STAT_PROBABILITY [0/1]? Probability of the chance association of the i-K ID (G1) Note#1 #30= z z 10-4 001=f 000=i %7.4f x0003 src.redshift REDSHIFT_HC Redshift (G2) Note#2 #31 E_z E_z 10-4 001=f 000=i %7.4f x0000 stat.error;stat.max ERROR Upper error of redshift #32 e_z e_z_1 10-4 001=f 000=i %7.4f x0000 stat.error;src.redshift ERROR Lower error of redshift #33= qID qID 000=i 000=i %1d x0043 meta.code.qual CODE_QUALITY [0/3] The category of the ID (G4) \ifnum{${}}=0{${}}\else\vNote{<"Note"\&catid=74261845\¬id=4\&-out.emph=${***}}{${}}\fi Note#4 #34= bID bID 000=i 000=i %1d x0043 meta.code.qual CODE_QUALITY [0/1] Flag indicating if this is the best ID for a given AzTEC source (1=Yes, 0=No) ----Table 'J/MNRAS/426/1845/tableb3' (74261845/3) (Radio and 24um identifications in the Lockman Hole field) dbase: c74261845tb3 in viz7@VIZDB dates: 2013-10-27T17:42:50 (release) flags: 0100(media) 00(status) records: 335 coord: #5(J) Eq=2000 Ep=nan prec=1000mas columns: 26 in table (markers: a[additional], *[pk], =[displayed], +[required]) # h bh u bu s bs f o c C D L N F #0+ recno recno 000=i 000=i %8d x2002 meta.record RECORD Record number within the original table (starting from 1) #a1= R R 004=a 034=a R xFFFFA011 meta.ref.url DATA_LINK Display remarks about this source \vNote{-source=${$cat}/notes\&Name=AzLOCK${*No}}{${}} #2= No No_1 000=i 000=i %2d x2043 meta.id ID_NUMBER [1/91] AzTEC source number, AzLOCK NN #3= Nx Nx 000=i 000=i %3d xFFFF80C3 meta.number NUMBER Number of identifications for this source \ignore{X}\ifnum{${}}>0\vMore{-source=J/MNRAS/426/1845/tableb1,tableb3\&-out.max=999\&No=${No}}{${}}\else{${}}\fi #4= AzTEC AzTEC 004=a 034=a %-15s x4003 meta.id;meta.main ID_MAIN AzTEC source name (JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS) #5= S1.1mm S1_1mm mJy .01mJy 001=f 000=i %5.2f x0043 phot.flux.density;em.mm.200-400GHz PHOT_FLUX_RADIO_250G 1.1mm deboosted flux #6 e_S1.1mm e_S1_1mm mJy .01mJy 001=f 000=i %5.2f x0040 stat.error ERROR Lower error of 1.1mm flux #7 E_S1.1mm E_S1_1mm_1 mJy .01mJy 001=f 000=i %5.2f x0040 stat.error;stat.max ERROR Upper error of 1.1mm flux #8= RAJ2000 RAJ2000 deg mas 311=f 000=i %09.5f x00A3 pos.eq.ra;meta.main POS_EQ_RA_MAIN ? Right Ascension of 1.4GHz ID (J2000) (G1) Note#1 #9= DEJ2000 DEJ2000 deg mas 011=f 000=i %+09.5f x00A3 pos.eq.dec;meta.main POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN ? Declination of 1.4GHz ID (J2000) (G1) Note#1 #10= S1.4 S1_4 uJy uJy 001=f 000=i %4.0f x00C3 phot.flux.density;em.radio.750-1500MHz PHOT_FLUX_RADIO_1.4G ? 1.4GHz flux (G1) Note#1 #11 e_S1.4 e_S1_4 uJy uJy 001=f 000=i %4.0f x00C0 stat.error ERROR ? Error of 1.4GHz flux (G1) Note#1 #12= r1.4 r1_4 arcsec 0.1arcsec 001=f 000=i %5.1f x00C3 pos;arith.diff POS_OFFSET ? Distance of the 1.4GHz ID to the AzTEC position (G1) Note#1 #13= p1.4 p1_4 10-3 001=f 000=i %7.3f x00C3 stat.fit.goodness STAT_PROBABILITY [0/1]? Probability of the chance association of the 1.4GHz ID (G1) Note#1 #14= RA2deg RA2deg deg 10-5deg 311=f 000=i %09.5f x0083 pos.eq.ra POS_EQ_RA_OTHER ? Right Ascension of 24um ID (J2000) (G1) Note#1 #15= DE2deg DE2deg deg 10-5deg 011=f 000=i %+09.5f x0083 pos.eq.dec POS_EQ_DEC_OTHER ? Declination of 24um ID (J2000) (G1) Note#1 #16= S24um S24um uJy uJy 001=f 000=i %5.0f x00C3 phot.flux.density;em.IR.15-30um PHOT_FLUX_IR_25 ? 24um flux (G1) Note#1 #17 e_S24um e_S24um uJy uJy 001=f 000=i %4.0f x00C0 stat.error ERROR ? Error of 24um flux (G1) Note#1 #18= r24 r24 arcsec 0.1arcsec 001=f 000=i %5.1f x00C3 pos;arith.diff POS_OFFSET ? Distance of the 24um ID to the AzTEC position (G1) Note#1 #19= p24 p24 10-3 001=f 000=i %8.3f x00C3 stat.fit.goodness STAT_PROBABILITY [0/1]? Probability of the chance association of the 24um ID (G1) Note#1 #20= RA6deg RA6deg deg 10-5deg 311=f 000=i %09.5f x0083 pos.eq.ra POS_EQ_RA_OTHER ? Right Ascension of 0.6GHz ID (J2000) (G1) Note#1 #21= DE6deg DE6deg deg 10-5deg 011=f 000=i %+09.5f x0083 pos.eq.dec POS_EQ_DEC_OTHER ? Declination of 0.6GHz ID (J2000) (G1) Note#1 #22= S0.6 S0_6 uJy uJy 001=f 000=i %4.0f x00C3 phot.flux.density;em.radio.400-750MHz PHOT_FLUX_RADIO_600M ? 0.6GHz flux (G1) Note#1 #23 e_S0.6 e_S0_6 uJy uJy 001=f 000=i %4.0f x00C0 stat.error ERROR ? Error of 0.6GHz flux (G1) Note#1 #24= r0.6 r0_6 arcsec 0.1arcsec 001=f 000=i %5.1f x00C3 pos;arith.diff POS_OFFSET ? Distance of the 0.6GHz ID to the AzTEC position (G1) Note#1 #25= p0.6 p0_6 10-3 001=f 000=i %7.3f x00C3 stat.fit.goodness STAT_PROBABILITY [0/1]? Probability of the chance association of the 0.6GHz ID (G1) Note#1 ====Total for Query #1: 0