Column | Value | | Explain (UCD) |
_r | 1.6 | arcsec | Distance from center (00 22 51.8-12 12 34)[FK5/J2000] (pos.angDistance) (POS_ANG_DIST_GENERAL) |
_RAJ2000 | 00 22 51.700 | "h:m:s" | Right ascension (FK5, Equinox=J2000.0) (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) (pos.eq.ra) (POS_EQ_RA) |
_DEJ2000 | -12 12 33.00 | "d:m:s" | Declination (FK5, Equinox=J2000.0) (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) (pos.eq.dec) (POS_EQ_DEC) |
_RAB1950 | 00 20 19.306 | "h:m:s" | Right ascension (FK4, Equinox=B1950.0) (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) (pos.eq.ra) (POS_EQ_RA) |
_DEB1950 | -12 29 10.69 | "d:m:s" | Declination (FK4, Equinox=B1950.0) (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) (pos.eq.dec) (POS_EQ_DEC) |
_Glon | 097.358003 | deg | Galactic longitude (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) (pos.galactic.lon) (POS_GAL_LON) |
_Glat | -73.645382 | deg | Galactic latitude (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) ( (POS_GAL_LAT) |
16recno | 16 | | Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record) (RECORD) |
SPOCS | 15 | | Catalog identification number (Note G1)
(;meta.main) (ID_MAIN) |
Name | HD 1835 | | Object name ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
RAJ2000 | 00 22 51.7 | "h:m:s" | (i) Hour of Right Ascension (J2000) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main) (POS_EQ_RA_MAIN) |
DEJ2000 | -12 12 33 | "d:m:s" | (i) Degree of Declination (J2000) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main) (POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN) |
Vmag | 6.39 | mag | The visual magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.V) (PHOT_JHN_V) |
Dist | 20.4 | pc | Distance (pos.distance;pos.heliocentric) (POS_GAL_HC) |
e_Dist | 0.4 | pc | Uncertainty in Dist (stat.error) (ERROR) |
log(L) | -0.018 | [solLum] | Log of the luminosity in solar units (phys.luminosity) (PHYS_LUMINOSITY_GENERAL) |
e_log(L) | 0.038 | [solLum] | Uncertainty in log(L) (stat.error) (ERROR) |
Rad | 0.9580 | solRad | Stellar radius in solar units (phys.size.radius) (PHYS_SIZE_RADIUS_GENERAL) |
e_Rad | 0.0200 | solRad | Uncertainty in Rad (stat.error) (ERROR) |
Mass | 0.980 | solMass | Stellar mass in solar units (phys.mass) (PHYS_MASS_MISC) |
e_Mass | 0.100 | solMass | Uncertainty in Mass (stat.error;phys.mass) (ERROR) |
Miso | 1.10 | solMass | Isochrone stellar mass in solar units (phys.mass) (PHYS_MASS_MISC) |
e_Miso | 1.08 | solMass | Lower range limit to M-iso (stat.error) (ERROR) |
E_Miso | 1.13 | solMass | Upper range limit to M-iso (stat.error;stat.max) (ERROR) |
log(giso) | 4.42 | [cm/s2] | Log of the isochrone surface gravity (phys.gravity) (PHYS_GRAVITY_SURFACE) |
Age | 2.5 | Gyr | Isochrone age (time.age) (TIME_AGE) |
e_Age | 0.6 | Gyr | Lower range limit to Age (stat.error;time.age) (ERROR) |
E_Age | 4.0 | Gyr | Upper range limit to Age (stat.error;stat.max) (ERROR) |
Teff | 5837 | K | Synthetic spectrum fit effective temperature (phys.temperature.effective;meta.modelled) (PHYS_TEMP_EFFEC) |
log(g) | 4.47 | [cm/s] | Log of the synthetic spectrum fit surface gravity (arith.zp) (PHYS_GRAVITY_SURFACE) |
[M/H] | 0.22 | [Sun] | Log of the metallicity number abundance (Note 1)
(phys.abund) (PHYS_ABUND_MISC) |
[Na/H] | 0.26 | [Sun] | Log of the sodium number abundance (Note 1)
(phys.abund) (PHYS_ABUND_MISC) |
[Si/H] | 0.19 | [Sun] | Log of the silicon number abundance (Note 1)
(phys.abund) (PHYS_ABUND_MISC) |
[Ti/H] | 0.13 | [Sun] | Log of the titanium number abundance (Note 1)
(phys.abund) (PHYS_ABUND_MISC) |
[Fe/H] | 0.25 | [Sun] | Log of the iron number abundance (Note 1)
[Ni/H] | 0.20 | [Sun] | Log of the nickel number abundance (Note 1)
(phys.abund) (PHYS_ABUND_MISC) |
vsini | 7.0 | km/s | Projected rotational velocity (phys) (VELOC_ROTAT) |
RV | -3.1 | km/s | Mean radial velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc;stat.mean) (VELOC_HC) |
RMSC | 1.18 | | Continuum RMS residual of the synthetic fit (stat.error) (FIT_ERROR) |
RMSL | 1.47 | | Line RMS residual of the synthetic fit (stat.error) (FIT_ERROR) |
N1 | 0 | | Number of Keck spectra analyzed (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
N2 | 0 | | Number of AAT spectra analyzed (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
N3 | 2 | | Number of Lick spectra analyzed (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
Simbad | Simbad | | ask the Simbad data-base about this object (DATA_LINK) |