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1mm spectral survey of IRC+10216 & VY CMa (Tenenbaum+, 2010) Parameters for emission lines in IRC +10216 (717 rows) recno=19
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Column Value Explain (UCD )
19 recno 19 Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record ) (RECORD )
Freq.0 217298.1 MHz Rest frequency (νrest ) (em.freq ) (OBS_FREQUENCY )
Molecule 13 CN Molecule identification (;meta.main ) (AT_MOL_ID )
Trans N,F1 ,F2 = 2,0,2 -> 1,0,1; 2,1,2 -> 1,1,2; 2,1,1 -> 1,1,0 Transition identification (;phys.atmol.transProb;phys.atmol.transition ) (AT_TRANS_ID )
u_TA* [~] Approximate flag on T* (meta.code.error ) (CODE_ERROR )
TA* 0.050 K Center antenna brightness temperature (phot.antennaTemp ) (INST_ANTENNA-TEMP )
e_TA* 0.0020 K The 1σ uncertainty in TA * (Note 1)
(stat.error ) (ERROR )
Vexp km/s Half-Width at Zero-Power, also referred to as expansion velocity (phys.veloc.expansion ) (VELOC_EXPANSION )
e_Vexp km/s Uncertainty in Vexp (stat.error ) (ERROR )
intTA* Integrated brightness temperature (phys.temperature ) (INST_ANTENNA-TEMP )
e_intTA* Uncertainty in IntTA * (stat.error ) (ERROR )
u_VLSR ~ [~] Approximate flag on VLSR (meta.code.error;phys.veloc;pos.lsr ) (CODE_ERROR )
VLSR -26.0 km/s Local Standard of Rest velocity (phys.veloc;pos.lsr ) (VELOC_LSR )
e_VLSR km/s Uncertainty in VLSR (stat.error;phys.veloc;pos.lsr ) (ERROR )
Notes S, H Note(s) (Note 2)
(meta.note ) (NOTE )
elapse time 0
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