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J/ApJS/168/297/table2 Stellar parameters of nearby cool stars (Takeda+, 2007)
Theoretical stellar parameters (1074 rows)
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ColumnValue  Explain   (UCD)
_RAJ200000 22 51.7883 "h:m:s" Right ascension (FK5, Equinox=J2000.0) (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) (pos.eq.ra)
_DEJ2000-12 12 33.977 "d:m:s" Declination (FK5, Equinox=J2000.0) (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) (pos.eq.dec)
_RAB195000 20 19.3943 "h:m:s" Right ascension (FK4, Equinox=B1950.0) (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) (pos.eq.ra)
_DEB1950-12 29 11.669 "d:m:s" Declination (FK4, Equinox=B1950.0) (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) (pos.eq.dec)
_Glon097.3587983 deg Galactic longitude (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) (pos.galactic.lon)
_Glat-73.6457730 deg Galactic latitude (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) (
422recno 422  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)

IDHD 1835  Stellar identification (BD or HD number) (;meta.main)
M 1.062 solMass Best-estimate stellar mass (Note 1)   (phys.mass)
e_M 1.032 solMass Lower bound 68.2% credible interval on M (Note 1)   (stat.error)
E_M 1.089 solMass Upper bound 68.2% credible interval on M (Note 1)   (stat.error;stat.max)
M2  solMass Second-best mass estimate (1) (Note 2)   (phys.mass)
pM2    Probability of Mass2 relative to Mass (stat.probability)
Age  Gyr Best-estimate stellar age (Note 1)   (time.age)
e_Age  Gyr Lower bound 68.2% credible interval on Age (Note 1)   (stat.error;time.age)
E_Age 1.76 Gyr Upper bound 68.2% credible interval on Age (Note 1)   (stat.error;stat.max)
Age2  Gyr Second-best age estimate (1) (Note 2)   (time.age)
pAge2    Probability of Age2 relative to Age (stat.probability)
Rad 1.00 solRad Best-estimate stellar radius (Note 1)   (phys.size.radius)
e_Rad 0.96 solRad Lower bound 68.2% credible interval on Rad (Note 1)   (stat.error)
E_Rad 1.03 solRad Upper bound 68.2% credible interval on Rad (Note 1)   (stat.error;stat.max)
Mce 0.026 solMass Best-estimate stellar convective zone mass (Note 1)   (phys.mass)
e_Mce 0.023 solMass Lower bound 68.2% credible interval on Mce (Note 1)   (stat.error)
E_Mce 0.029 solMass Upper bound 68.2% credible interval on Mce (Note 1)   (stat.error;stat.max)
Rce 0.266 solRad Best-estimate stellar convective zone depth (1) (Note 3)   (phys.size)
e_Rce 0.259 solRad Lower bound 68.2% credible interval on Rce (Note 1)   (stat.error)
E_Rce 0.280 solRad Upper bound 68.2% credible interval on Rce (Note 1)   (stat.error;stat.max)
logg 4.50 [cm/s2] Log of the best-estimate surface gravity (Note 1)   (phys.gravity)
e_logg 4.47 [cm/s2] Lower bound 68.2% credible interval on logg (Note 1)   (stat.error)
E_logg 4.52 [cm/s2] Upper bound 68.2% credible interval on logg (Note 1)   (stat.error;stat.max)

SimbadNameHD 1835  Designation understandable by the Simbad data-base (
SPOCSSPOCS  Details from SPOCS, Valendi et al. 2005, Cat. J/ApJS/159/141 (2005) (meta.ref.url)
_RA005.71578 deg (i) Right Ascension (J2000) from SIMBAD (not part of the original data) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
_DE-12.20944 deg (i) Declination (J2000) from SIMBAD (not part of the original data) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
elapse time 0