
CfA VizieR . ADAC VizieR . Cambridge (UK) VizieR . IUCAA VizieR . INASAN VizieR .


The 2 columns in color are computed by VizieR, and are not part of the original data.
The precision of the computed positions has been increased compared to the original positions.
IV/24/table1 Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Kohoutek, 2001)
General List of Planetary Nebulae and Misclassified Planetary Nebulae (according to galactic longitude) (1759 rows)
start AladinLite








1070+01.1MK 3-5019 59.8+33 24  M S1 (Kohoutek 1964)    20 01 43.6+33 32 24
IV/24/table2 Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Kohoutek, 2001)
List of Planetary Nebulae (according to right ascension) (1510 rows)
start AladinLite
No object found
IV/24/table3 Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Kohoutek, 2001)
List of Misclassified Planetary Nebulae (249 rows)
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1070+01.1K 3-5019 59.8+33 241compact HII region20 01.7+33 32
IV/24/table4 Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Kohoutek, 2001)
Accurate Coordinates of Planetary Nebulae (6576 rows)
start AladinLite
No object found
IV/24/table5 Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Kohoutek, 2001)
Possible pre-Planetary Nebulae (746 rows)
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1IRAS00170+654200 17 05.7+65 42 52  Probably late AGB star (FC, Hrivnak etal.,1985).00 19 51.5+65 59 31
2IRAS00210+622100 21 04.9+62 21 39  Probably late AGB star (FC, Hrivnak etal.,1985);00 23 51.2+62 38 16
3IRAS00210+622100 21 04.9+62 21 39   PPN (Hrivnak etal.,1999; Meixner etal.,1999).00 23 51.2+62 38 16
4IRAS00470+642900 47 02.9+64 29 16  PPN candidate (Meixner etal.,1999).00 50 06.3+64 45 36
5IRAS01133+643401 13 18.2+64 34 54  Probably late AGB star (FC, Hrivnak etal.,1985).01 16 37.4+64 50 43
6IRAS01144+665801 14 26.3+66 58 08  AFGL 190. PPN candidate (Meixner etal.,1999).01 17 51.6+67 13 55
7IRAS01174+611001 17 29.8+61 10 35  PPN (Hrivnak etal.,1999).01 20 44.9+61 26 18
8IRAS01304+621101 30 27.6+62 11 31  OH 127.8+0.0. V 669 Cas. RAFGL 230. PPN cand.01 33 51.2+62 26 53
9IRAS01304+621101 30 27.6+62 11 31   (Meixner etal.,1999).01 33 51.2+62 26 53
10IRAS02143+585202 14 22.0+58 52 01  PPN candidate (Meixner etal.,1999).02 17 58.0+59 05 51
11IRAS02152+282202 15 12.5+28 22 59  PPN candidate (Meixner etal.,1999).02 18 06.6+28 36 48
12IRASZ02229+620802 22 53.0+62 07 53  In transition between AGB and PNe (Hrivnak etal.,02 26 41.7+62 21 22
13IRASZ02229+620802 22 53.0+62 07 53   1997). Reflection nebulosity of PPN cand. (Ueta02 26 41.7+62 21 22
14IRASZ02229+620802 22 53.0+62 07 53   etal.,1998). Carbon-rich PPN (Reddy etal.,1999).02 26 41.7+62 21 22
15IRAS02441+692202 44 09.0+69 23 00  Probably late AGB star (FC, Hrivnak etal.,1985).02 48 41.3+69 35 29
16HD 2004103 11 57.1+56 57 22  LSI+56 85. SAO 23903. PPN candidate (Meixner etal.,03 15 48.0+57 08 26
17HD 2004103 11 57.1+56 57 22   1999).03 15 48.0+57 08 26
18IRAS04296+342904 29 40.3+34 29 53  Likely between AGB and PNe (Kwok etal.,1989). See04 32 56.6+34 36 11
19IRAS04296+342904 29 40.3+34 29 53   Meixner etal.(1994); see Sahai (1999). Post-AGB04 32 56.6+34 36 11
20IRAS04296+342904 29 40.3+34 29 53   stage (FC, Reddy, Parthasarathy, 1996). Reflection04 32 56.6+34 36 11
21IRAS04296+342904 29 40.3+34 29 53   nebulosity of PPN cand. (Ueta etal.,1998).04 32 56.6+34 36 11
22IRAS04386+572204 38 38.2+57 22 11  Stellar PPN cand. (Ueta etal.,1998). PPN candidate04 42 50.3+57 27 51
23IRAS04386+572204 38 38.2+57 22 11   (Meixner etal.,1999).04 42 50.3+57 27 51
24IRAS04505-100604 50 35.3-10 06 54  Colour-selected PPN candidate (Volk, Kwok, 1989,04 52 57.7-10 02 00
25IRAS04505-100604 50 35.3-10 06 54   Table 4).04 52 57.7-10 02 00
26IRAS05089+045905 08 56.6+04 59 50  PPN candidate (Meixner etal.,1999).05 11 36.1+05 03 26
27IRAS05113+134705 11 18.1+13 47 04  PPN cand. (Kwok, 1993). Post-AGB stage (FC, Reddy,05 14 07.9+13 50 29
28IRAS05113+134705 11 18.1+13 47 04   Parthasarathy, 1996). Stellar PPN candidate (Ueta05 14 07.9+13 50 29
29IRAS05113+134705 11 18.1+13 47 04   etal.,1999).05 14 07.9+13 50 29
30IRAS05238-062605 23 53.1-06 26 29  BD-06 1178. Most likely post-AGB supergiant evolving05 26 19.4-06 23 57
31IRAS05238-062605 23 53.1-06 26 29   towards PNe (FC, Reddy, Parthasarathy, 1996).05 26 19.4-06 23 57
32IRAS05341+085205 34 10.1+08 52 23  Left AGB and becoming PN (Geballe,van der Veen,1990).05 36 54.2+08 54 10
33IRAS05341+085205 34 10.1+08 52 23   Post-AGB stage (FC, Reddy, Parthasarathy, 1996).Re-05 36 54.2+08 54 10
34IRAS05341+085205 34 10.1+08 52 23   flection nebulosity of PPN cand. (Ueta etal.,1998).05 36 54.2+08 54 10
35IRAS05381+101205 38 11.0+10 12 56  PPN candidate (Kwok, 1993).05 40 56.7+10 14 25
36HD 4417906 17 37.0-10 36 51  Known as Red Rectangle. IRAS 06175-1036. BD-10 1476,06 19 58.2-10 38 13
37HD 4417906 17 37.0-10 36 51   SAO 151362, a visual binary. Possible PPN (Bujar-06 19 58.2-10 38 13
38HD 4417906 17 37.0-10 36 51   rabal etal.,1988; Jourdain de Muizon etal.,1990).06 19 58.2-10 38 13
39No.6-WSRT 206 25 15.2+12 48 56  IRAS 06252+1248. IRAS-selected PN candidate; radio06 28 04.0+12 47 00
40No.6-WSRT 206 25 15.2+12 48 56   cont. data in WSRT 2 (Van de Steene, Pottasch,06 28 04.0+12 47 00
41No.6-WSRT 206 25 15.2+12 48 56   1995). FC, SECGPN (S1): VSP 4-6.06 28 04.0+12 47 00
42HD 4670306 33 49.3+53 33 36  SAO 25845. F supergiant as PPN candidate (Tamura06 37 52.3+53 31 00
43HD 4670306 33 49.3+53 33 36   etal.,1993).06 37 52.3+53 31 00
44IRC -2010106 39 08.3-22 13 47  RAFGL 4521S. Possible pre-PN (Likkel etal.,1987).06 41 15.1-22 16 42
45IRAS06472-371306 47 13.9-37 13 08  ST Pup. Colour-selected PPN candidate (Volk, Kwok,06 48 57.9-37 16 37
46IRAS06472-371306 47 13.9-37 13 08   1989, Table 3).06 48 57.9-37 16 37
47IRAS06530-021306 53 00.9-02 13 35  PPN cand. (Kwok, 1993); see Hu etal. (1993a), No.21.06 55 32.1-02 17 30
48IRAS06530-021306 53 00.9-02 13 35   Post-AGB stage (FC, Reddy, Parthasarathy, 1996).Re-06 55 32.1-02 17 30
49IRAS06530-021306 53 00.9-02 13 35   flection nebulosity of PPN cand. (Ueta etal.,1998).06 55 32.1-02 17 30
50HD 5158506 55 37.6+16 23 32  Evolving towards early stage of PNe (Parthasarathy,06 58 30.3+16 19 25
Result truncated to 50 rows
IV/24/table6 Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Kohoutek, 2001)
Possible post-Planetary Nebulae (154 rows)
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1Chavira 13700 02 00.0-24 41 00  Hot sdO star, no nebula (Mendez etal.,1988); see00 04 33.3-24 24 18
2Chavira 13700 02 00.0-24 41 00   Chavira (1958).00 04 33.3-24 24 18
3KPD 0005+510600 05 42.1+51 06 37  Hot DO star, no nebulosity (Werner etal.,1997).00 08 18.4+51 23 19
4KPD 0005+510600 05 42.1+51 06 37   WD 0005+511 (McCook, Sion, 1999).00 08 18.4+51 23 19
5Chavira 14400 07 42.0-26 29 00  Hot sdO star, no nebula (Mendez etal.,1988); see00 10 14.5-26 12 18
6Chavira 14400 07 42.0-26 29 00   Chavira (1958).00 10 14.5-26 12 18
7LB 156600 38 06.0-55 18 00  Hot sdO star, no nebula (Mendez etal.,1988).00 40 23.4-55 01 32
8PG 0038+19900 38 57.2+19 52 51  sdOC star, no nebulosity (Kwitter etal.,1989).00 41 35.2+20 09 18
9PG 0038+19900 38 57.2+19 52 51   Hot DO star, no nebulosity (Werner etal.,1997).00 41 35.2+20 09 18
10PG 0046+07800 46 02.5+07 46 24  Hot DO star, no nebulosity (Werner etal.,1997).00 48 38.2+08 02 45
11PG 0046+07800 46 02.5+07 46 24   Pre-WD, no nebulosity (Rauch, 1999). WD 0046+07700 48 38.2+08 02 45
12PG 0046+07800 46 02.5+07 46 24   (McCook, Sion, 1999).00 48 38.2+08 02 45
13PG 0108+10101 08 29.2+10 05 44  Hot DO star, no nebulosity (Werner etal.,1997).01 11 06.6+10 21 40
14PG 0108+10101 08 29.2+10 05 44   WD 0108+100 (McCook, Sion, 1999).01 11 06.6+10 21 40
15PG 0109+11101 09 45.1+11 07 43  Hot DO star, nebulosity (Werner etal.,1997).01 12 22.9+11 23 37
16RX J0122.9-752101 21 52.2-75 36 47  Pre-WD, no nebulosity (Rauch, 1999).01 22 55.2-75 21 08
17PG 0122+20001 22 39.9+20 02 15  PG 1159 type star as pre-WD (Dreizler etal.,1994).01 25 22.5+20 17 51
18PG 0122+20001 22 39.9+20 02 15   No neb. (Kwitter etal.,1989; Werner etal.,1997).01 25 22.5+20 17 51
19MCT 0130-193701 30 14.8-19 37 04  PG 1159 type WD, no nebulosity (Demers etal.,1990).01 32 39.4-19 21 40
20MCT 0130-193701 30 14.8-19 37 04   PG 1159 type star as pre-WD (Dreizler etal.,1994).01 32 39.4-19 21 40
21MCT 0130-193701 30 14.8-19 37 04   No nebulosity (Rauch, 1999). WD 0130-196 (McCook,01 32 39.4-19 21 40
22MCT 0130-193701 30 14.8-19 37 04   Sion, 1999).01 32 39.4-19 21 40
23SB 70501 41 00.0-38 48 00  Hot sdO star, no nebula (Mendez etal.,1988); see01 43 10.7-38 32 55
24SB 70501 41 00.0-38 48 00   Slettebak, Brundage (1971).01 43 10.7-38 32 55
25HS 0158+233501 58 38.8+23 35 24  Hot-wind DO star, no nebulosity (Werner etal.,1997).02 01 27.2+23 49 52
26HS 0158+233501 58 38.8+23 35 24   WD 0158+235 (McCook, Sion, 1999).02 01 27.2+23 49 52
27LB 324102 11 18.0-49 59 00  Hot sdO star, no nebula (Mendez etal.,1988).02 13 08.5-49 45 00
28PG 0216+03202 16 43.0+03 13 08  sdOC star, no nebula (Kwitter etal.,1989).02 19 19.0+03 26 54
29PG 0217+15502 17 50.8+15 30 23  sdOB star, no nebula (Kwitter etal.,1989).02 20 35.2+15 44 06
30PG 0226+15102 26 04.9+15 07 13  sdOC star, no nebula (Kwitter etal.,1989).02 28 49.6+15 20 35
31PG 0231+05102 31 04.2+05 05 31  Hot DAO star, no nebulosity (Werner etal.,1997).02 33 41.7+05 18 40
32PG 0231+05102 31 04.2+05 05 31   HS 0231+0505, pre-WD, no nebulosity (Rauch, 1999).02 33 41.7+05 18 40
33PG 0231+05102 31 04.2+05 05 31   WD 0231+050 (McCook, Sion, 1999).02 33 41.7+05 18 40
34PG 0237+11602 37 24.0+11 35 37  Hot DO star, no nebulosity (Werner etal.,1997).02 40 06.6+11 48 28
35PG 0237+11602 37 24.0+11 35 37   WD 0237+115 (McCook, Sion, 1999).02 40 06.6+11 48 28
36HS 0444+045304 44 25.5+04 53 27  PG 1159 type star as pre-WD (Dreizler etal.,1994).04 47 04.7+04 58 46
37HS 0444+045304 44 25.5+04 53 27   No nebulosity (Werner etal.,1997; Rauch, 1999).04 47 04.7+04 58 46
38RE 0503-28905 01 56.0-28 59 11  Pre-WD, no nebulosity (Rauch, 1999). WD 0501-28905 03 53.9-28 55 04
39RE 0503-28905 01 56.0-28 59 11   (McCook, Sion, 1999).05 03 53.9-28 55 04
40HE 0504-240805 04 14.0-24 08 14  Pre-WD, no nebulosity (Rauch, 1999). WD 0504-24105 06 18.7-24 04 17
41HE 0504-240805 04 14.0-24 08 14   (McCook, Sion, 1999).05 06 18.7-24 04 17
42KPD 0549+194805 49 41.0+19 48 18  sdOC star, no nebulosity (Kwitter etal.,1989); see05 52 38.8+19 48 57
43KPD 0549+194805 49 41.0+19 48 18   Downes (1986).05 52 38.8+19 48 57
44KPD 0553+175505 53 08.0+17 55 54  sdOC star, no nebulosity (Kwitter etal.,1989); see05 56 03.4+17 56 18
45KPD 0553+175505 53 08.0+17 55 54   Downes (1986).05 56 03.4+17 56 18
46HS 0615+653506 15 29.6+65 35 40  Hot DO star, no nebulosity (Werner etal.,1997).06 20 30.0+65 34 21
47HD 4979806 46 34.8-44 15 34  SAO 218207=CP-44 1096. Hot sdO star, no nebula06 48 04.7-44 18 59
48HD 4979806 46 34.8-44 15 34   (Mendez etal.,1988).06 48 04.7-44 18 59
49HS 0704+615307 04 59.2+61 53 09  PG 1159 type star as pre-WD (Dreizler etal.,1994).07 09 32.4+61 48 19
50HS 0704+615307 04 59.2+61 53 09   WD 0704+618 (McCook, Sion, 1999).07 09 32.4+61 48 19
Result truncated to 50 rows
IV/24/table7 Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Kohoutek, 2001)
Index of Discovery Lists (322 rows)



1AAbell (1955, 1966)
2AcAcker (in Skiff, Acker, 1996)
3AeAllen (1973)
4Ae2Allen (1979)
5AG CarThackeray (1950)
6AGPFAli, Pfleiderer (1997)
8Ap1Apriamashvili (see Francman, 1962)
9Ap2Apriamashvili (1962a)
10Ap3Apriamashvili (1962b)
11Ap4Apriamashvili (1964)
12ASAdditional Stars to MWC:
13AS Kohoutek (1987)
14BBatiz (in Peimbert, Batiz, 1960)
15BaBaade (1935)
16BDBonner Durchmusterung:
17BD Campbell (1894)
18BD Napiwotzki (1993)
19BeVaBeer, Vaughan (1999)
20BE UMaLiebert et al. (1995)
21BI CruSchwarz, Corradi (1992)
22BlBlanco (1961)
23Bl2Blanco (1964)
24Bl3Blanco (see Wehinger et al., 1964)
25BLDZBlaauw, Danziger, Schuster (1975)
26BNBond (in Boeshaar, Bond, 1977)
27BNBond (in Ellis et al., 1984)
28BOBNBoeshaar, Bond (1977)
29BrBernard (in Terzan, Bernard, Ju, 1978)
30BVBohm-Vitense (1956)
31CCostero (in Peimbert, Costero, 1961)
32CBSSCappellaro et al. (1994)
33CDCordoba Durchmusterung:
34CD McCarthy et al. (1991)
35CIPGCaloi, Panagia (1974)
36CnCannon (in Mayall, Cannon, 1940)
37Cn1Cannon (1921)
38Cn1Lutz (1984), see S4
39Cn2Cannon (1923)
40Cn3Cannon (1926)
41CnMyCannon, Mayall (1938)
42CoViCorradi et al. (1997)
43CPDCape Photographic Durchmusterung:
44CPD Pacheco de Freitas, Veliz (1987)
45CPD Parthasarathy et al. (1993)
46CPD Sanduleak, Stephenson (1972)
47CPD Webster, Glass (1974)
48CRLWestbrook et al. (1975)
49CSSTCappellaro et al. (1991)
50CTIOSmith et al. (1976)
Result truncated to 50 rows
IV/24/table8 Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Kohoutek, 2001)
List of Finding Charts (655 rows)
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No object found
IV/24/notes1 Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Kohoutek, 2001)
Notes to table1 (823 rows)
No object found
IV/24/notes2 Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Kohoutek, 2001)
Notes to table2 (294 rows)
No object found
IV/24/notes4 Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Kohoutek, 2001)
Notes to table4 (552 rows)
No object found
IV/24/notes8 Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Kohoutek, 2001)
Notes to table8 (370 rows)
No object found
IV/24/refs Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Kohoutek, 2001)
References (386 rows)




21992A&A...264..217AAcker et al.(Ta 233)
31988A&AS...73..325AAcker et al.  
51997MNRAS.289..589AAli & Pfleiderer(AGPF)
9  Apriamashvili(Ap1)
101959ATsir.202...13AApriamashvili(PC 22)
141976ATsir.930....5AArkhipova & Esipov(HM Sge)
151994PAZh...20..700AArkhipova & Ikonnikova  
161978SvAL....4....7AArkhipova & Lozinskaya(S)
171992PAZh...18..436AArkhipova et al.(to V1027 Cyg)
181993PAZh...19..436AArkhipova et al.  
191999AstL...25...25AArkhipova et al.(IRAS)
201967ApJ...150..707AArp & Scargle(PHL)
221994MNRAS.271..175BBarstow et al.  
24  Beaulieu(SB)
251999ApJ...515..610BBeaulieu et al.(to SB)
261994ApJS...91..347BBecker et al.(to GPS)
271999PASA...16..134BBeer & Vaughan(BeVa)
281995A&A...303..747BBica et al.(TaJu 5,23)
291975A&A....44..469BBlaauw et al.(BLDZ)
30  Blanco(Bl2)
31  Blanco(Bl3)
331995ApJ...446L..89BBobrowsky et al.(He3)
341977ApJ...213..421BBoeshaar & Bond(BOBN)
36  Bond  
371999PASP..111..217BBond & Ciardullo(to NGC 246)
381990AJ....100..788BBond & Meakes  
391991A&A...242..247BBujarrabal & Bachiller  
401988A&A...204..242BBujarrabal et al.  
411974A&A....36..139CCaloi & Panagia(CIPG)
461938BHarO.908...20CCannon & Mayall(CnMy)
471989IAUS..131...61CCappellaro et al.(IRAS)
481990A&AS...86..503CCappellaro et al.(CTSS,Sh2)
491991Msngr..64...39CCappellaro et al.(CSST)
501994MNRAS.267..871CCappellaro et al.(CBSS)
Result truncated to 50 rows
V/84/main Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Acker+, 1992)
Discoverers, Designations, and Positions of True and Possible Planetary Nebulae (1) (1143 rows) (Note)
start AladinLite
No object found
V/84/pospn Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Acker+, 1992)
Possible PN (table 2) (347 rows)
start AladinLite
No object found
V/84/notpn Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Acker+, 1992)
Objects rejected as PN (table 3) (330 rows)
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No object found
elapse time 0