%DataTypeName B %Description Bibcode %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1643031244 2022/01/24 15:34:04 %Test param="2005A&A...430..165F" %DefaultAction smb.query.ref %Doc.User http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/guide/refcode/section3_2.html %DataTypeName B1950 %Description B1950 coordinates %Owner GLU'default %VersionNumber 0 %DataType.Equiv Coo(B1950,COO) %DataTypeName Coo($Sys,$Fmt) %Description Generic coordinates %Owner GLU'default %VersionNumber 0 %DataType.Conv Coo($SysOut,$FmtOut) : Astropos($Sys,$Fmt,$SysOut,$FmtOut,$1) %DataTypeName E ABS.E %Description Designation of an Astronomical Catalog with CDS/ADC Conventions %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1630681033 2021/09/03 16:57:13 %Test param="I/239" %DefaultAction VizieR %Doc.User https://cds.unistra.fr/doc/catstd-2.htx %DataTypeName I %Description Identification of astronomical object (Simbad identification) %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1643031244 2022/01/24 15:34:04 %Test param="M 31" %Test param="sao 12345" %DefaultAction smb.query.id %Doc.User http://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/Dic %DataTypeName J %Description Intermediate type for the conversion way between object and coordinates %Owner CDS'glu %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641204343 2022/01/03 12:05:43 %DataType.Equiv J2000 %DataType.Revconv simbad'I : GetHttp("http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/simbad-getcoord.pl?Ident=$1") %DataTypeName J2000 %Description J2000 coordinates %Owner GLU'default %VersionNumber 0 %DataType.Equiv Coo(J2000,COO) %DataTypeName M DIC.M ACRO %Description Acronym as listed in the Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1638804008 2021/12/06 17:20:08 %Test param="NGC" %DefaultAction Dic %Doc.User https://cds.unistra.fr/iau-spec.html %DataType.Revconv simbad'I: Echo($1) | Regex("^([^ 0-9+-]+)") %DataTypeName MP %Description Number of minor planet %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Test param="8443" %DefaultAction Viz.MP %DataTypeName Mime($MimeType) %Description Mime type %Owner GLU'default %VersionNumber 0 %DataTypeName R %Description Bibliographic reference code (bibcode or Refcode) %Owner CDS'biblio %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1641203622 2022/01/03 11:53:42 %Test param="1994A&AS..107..193L" %DefaultAction CDS/simbad/smb.query.ref %Doc.User http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/guide/refcode/refcode-paper.html %DataType.Equiv CDS/simbad/B %DataTypeName U %Description Physical Unit symbol %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638804008 2021/12/06 17:20:08 %Test param="km/s/Mpc" %DefaultAction Unit %Doc.User https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/Unit %DataTypeName query/keywords %Description Keywords in english natural language %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1 1998/02/17 15:05:07 %Test param="galaxy" %DataTypeName query/name %Description Last name %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1054026443 2003/05/27 11:07:23 %Test param="Jaschek" %DataType.Conv query/keywords %ActionName 2MASS-Color.hpx.outreach %Description 2MASS colored %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/2MASS/Color %VerboseDescr 2MASS colored (from J-H-K bands) %Copyright from IPAC/NASA - healpixed by CDS %Copyright.url http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass/ %Aladin.Profile >6.1 undergraduate %Aladin.XLabel 2MASS colored %Aladin.HpxParam 9 equatorial color jpeg %Aladin.MenuNumber B1a %ActionName 2MASS.Aladin.outreach %Description Infrared : 2MASS (CDS/Strasbourg/France ) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/alapre-ok.pl?-c=$1&out=image&fmt=FITS&resolution=MOSAIC&qual=$2+_____ %Param.Description $1=Target %Param.Description $2=Survey %Param.DataType $1=Target(COOd|SIMBAD) %Param.Value $2=2MASS J %Param.Value $2=2MASS K %Param.Value $2=2MASS H %ResultDataType Mime(image/fits) %Aladin.Profile undergraduate %Aladin.Logo IRLogo.gif %Aladin.LabelPlane $query $2/CDS %Aladin.MenuNumber A2 %ActionName A&A.fullpaper %Description A&A full paper (until 2000) %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1076655845 2004/02/13 09:04:05 %SeeAction A&A.fullpaper.de availability=9999 %SeeAction A&A.fullpaper.acds availability=9999 %ActionName A&A.fullpaper.fr %Description A&A full paper (Ed.Phys, from 2001) %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1076655845 2004/02/13 09:04:05 %SeeAction A&A.fullpaper.cds availability=9999 %SeeAction A&A.fullpaper.edp availability=11 %ActionName A&AS.fullpaper %Description A&AS full paper %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1076655845 2004/02/13 09:04:05 %SeeAction A&AS.fullpaper.edp availability=9999 %SeeAction A&AS.fullpaper.cds availability=9999 %ActionName A+A.article.fr %Description A&A Article (Editions Physique) %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1162728185 2006/11/05 14:03:05 %SeeAction A+A.article.cds availability=9999 %SeeAction A+A.article.edp availability=1011 %ActionName A+A.home %Description Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A) home page %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1340094952 2012/06/19 10:35:52 %Url http://www.aanda.org/ %DefaultAnchorText A&A %ActionName A+A.logo %Description A&A logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/icons/logoA+A.gif %FullTextResult A+A logo %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName A+AS.logo %Description A&AS logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/icons/A+ASlogo.gif %FullTextResult A+AS logo %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName AA.policies %Description Astronomy and Astrophysics policies %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1647936653 2022/03/22 10:10:53 %Url https://www.aanda.org/about-aa/copyright %FullTextResult Astronomy &bnp; Astrophysics policies %ActionName AAS.policies %Description AAS policies: ethics, citations... %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1647936653 2022/03/22 10:10:53 %Url https://journals.aas.org/professional-and-ethical-standards-for-the-aas-journals/ %FullTextResult AAS policies %ActionName ACIGRID.home %Description ACI - Globalisation des Ressources Informatiques et des Donnees %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1 2001/12/31 15:08:19 %Url http://www.recherche.gouv.fr/recherche/aci/grid.htm %DefaultAnchorText ACI GRID %ActionName ACIGRID.logo %Description ACI GRID logo %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641200972 2022/01/03 11:09:32 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/Icons/logoACIGRID.jpg %DefaultAnchorText ACI GRID %FullTextResult ACI GRID %ResultDataType Mime(image/jpg) %ActionName ADEC %Description Astrophysics Data Centers Executive Council (ADEC) %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1087832283 2004/06/21 17:38:03 %Url http://www.adccc.org %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName ADIL %Description NCSA Astronomy Digital Image Library %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 1998/02/16 18:24:43 %Url http://imagelib.ncsa.uiuc.edu/project/querydb?num_ret=50&return=images&ret_start=1&name_resolver=&objname=$1&filter_set=ra,dec,freq,restfreq,issurvey %Param.DataType $1=CDS'simbad'I %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User http://imagelib.ncsa.uiuc.edu/imagelib/QueryPage.html %Doc.User http://imagelib.ncsa.uiuc.edu/imagelib/help/help_projectpgP.html %ActionName ADPS %Description Details for a photometric system from Asiago Data base 2nd edition %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://ulisse.pd.astro.it/Astro/ADPS/Systems/Sys_$1/index_$1.html %DefaultAnchorText ADPS %Param.Description $1=photometric system number %Param.Value $1=01 %Param.Value $1=82 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName ADPS2 %Description Details for a photometric system from Asiago Data base %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://ulisse.pd.astro.it/Astro/ADPS/ADPS2/FileHtml/index_$1.html %DefaultAnchorText ADPS2 %Param.Description $1=photometric system number %Param.Value $1=f033 %Param.Value $1=n024 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName ADS.abstract.home.fr %Description ADS home page for the abstracts (on Strasbourg clone) %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 1997/11/28 16:42:26 %Url http://cdsads.u-strasbg.fr/ads_abstracts.html %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName ADS.fr.logo %Description ADS logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %Url http://cdsads.u-strasbg.fr/figs/newlogo.gif %FullTextResult ADS logo %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName ADS.home %Description ADS home page %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1 1998/02/17 15:26:49 %SeeAction ADS.home.us availability=11 %SeeAction ADS.home.fr availability=0 %ActionName AJ.fullpaper %Description Astronomical Journal article (at IoP) %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1242041213 2009/05/11 13:26:53 %Url http://cds.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/nph-doi?$1 %Param.DataType $1=biblio'R %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName ARCHES.home %Description Home page du projet ARCHES %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1370434591 2013/06/05 14:16:31 %Url http://www.arches-fp7.eu %ActionName ASAS.acvs %Description Get result page for a specified variable %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://www.astrouw.edu.pl/asas/?psect=acvs&page=details&id=$1 %Param.Description $1=Jname (HHMMSS+ddmmss.s) %Param.Value $1=000006+2553.2 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName ASAS.home %Description The All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://www.astrouw.edu.pl/asas/ %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName ASCA.seq %Description Get data products for ASCAO observations %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://adfwww.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/asca_sequence?sequence=$1&.submit=Fetch+Info %Param.Description $1=obsid(SeqNum) %Param.Value $1= 23024010 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName ASTERICS.home %Description Home page du projet ASTERICS %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1442476676 2015/09/17 09:57:56 %Url http://www.asterics2020.eu/ %ActionName ASTORB.home %Description Home Page of the Asteroid Observing Services at Lowell Observatory. %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 1997/11/28 16:42:25 %Url http://asteroid.lowell.edu/ %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName ASTRODEEP.home %Description Home page du projet ASTRODEEP %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1370434591 2013/06/05 14:16:31 %Url http://www.oa-roma.inaf.it/astrodeep/ %ActionName ASU.Query %Description VizieR Search from a Query specified in ASU %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/VizieR?recno=%3c0&$1 %Param.Description $1=Full query in ASU format %Param.DataType $1=text %Test param="-source=GCVS&_GLAT=>85" %Test param="-source=I/239/hip_main&Plx=>200" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User https://cds.unistra.fr/doc/asu.html %ActionName ASU.home %Description Documentation of ASU (Astronomical Server URL) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1630681033 2021/09/03 16:57:13 %Url https://cds.unistra.fr/doc/asu.html %DefaultAnchorText Astronomical Server URL (ASU) %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName ATel %Description The Astronomer's Telegram %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1319111876 2011/10/20 13:57:56 %Url http://www.astronomerstelegram.org/?read=$1 %Param.Description $1=ATel number %Param.Value $1=3687 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User http://www.astronomerstelegram.org/ %ActionName AVO.head %Description Header of the AVO WWW pages at CDS %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %FullTextResult \n\n$1\n\n\n


%ActionName AVO.home %Description Astrophysical Virtual Observatory %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 2 2002/10/15 22:32:27 %Url http://www.eso.org/projects/avo %DefaultAnchorText AVO %ActionName AVO.logo %Description AVO logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/Icons/avo_160.gif %FullTextResult AVO logo %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName AVO.menu %Description AVO quick menu %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %FullTextResult \n<&AVO.home> ·\n<&ESO.home> ·\n<&STECF.home> ·\n<&AstroGrid.home> ·\n<&CDS.home> ·\n<&Terapix.home> ·\n<&Jodrell.home>\n %ActionName Ala.home HomePage %Description Aladin Home page %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/aladin.gml %DefaultAnchorText Aladin %FullTextResult $text %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Ala.logo.mini %Description Aladin logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %FullTextResult Aladin %ResultDataType Mime(image/png) %ActionName Ala.logo.tiny %Description Aladin logo %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&CDSheadU>/aladin_20x18.png %FullTextResult aladin %ResultDataType Mime(image/png) %DefaultAction aladin %ActionName AlaU %Description Aladin generical URL prefix %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1612937695 2021/02/10 08:14:55 %SeeAction AlaU.fr availability=0 %SeeAction AlaU.ca availability=1055 %SeeAction AlaU.uk availability=9999 %SeeAction AlaU.jp availability=12 %SeeAction AlaU.iucaa availability=14 %SeeAction AlaU.us availability=11 %SeeAction AlaU.cn availability=13 %SeeAction AlaU.za availability=13 %Doc.Technical http://cdsgit.u-strasbg.fr/planreprise/fiches-survie/-/blob/master/aladin.web.md %ActionName Aladin %Description Aladin applet %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1247496305 2009/07/13 15:45:05 %Url <&AlaU>/nph-aladin.pl?script=$1&from=$2 %Param.Description $1=Script commands %Param.Description $2=Optional applet launcher origin (ex: Simbad, VizieR, NED...) %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Aladin.IDHASIA %Description Get the IDHA+SIA image descriptions for a target from Aladin image server %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1490859993 2017/03/30 09:46:33 %Url http://aladix.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/nph-HTTP2.cgi?out=qualifier&position=$1&radius=$2&mode=xml_votable %Param.Description $2=Radius (arcmin) %Param.DataType $1=I %ResultDataType Mime(votable/xml) %ActionName Aladin.Tutorial %Description Aladin tutorial %Owner CDS'glu %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1350312530 2012/10/15 16:48:50 %FullTextResult <&CDS.Tutorial,u>#aladinTutorial %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Aladin.Tutorial Aladin.Usecases %Description Aladin usecase tutorials %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/tutorials/#aladinTutorials %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Aladin.WS %Description Aladin image access by Web services %Owner CDS'ws %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cdsws.u-strasbg.fr/axis/services/AladinImage?$1 %ResultDataType soap %Doc.Technical http://cds.unistra.fr/cdsws/aladin_image.gml %ActionName Aladin.filterManual %Description Aladin Java Manual for filters %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/boch/doc/filters.htx %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Aladin.getFile %Description Aladin get file method (for downloading) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/nph-aladin.pl?frame=get&id=$1 %Param.Description $1=Filename %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Aladin.imageServer %Description New Aladin image server %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1490859993 2017/03/30 09:46:33 %Url http://aladix.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/nph-HTTP2.cgi?out=$1&position=$2&survey=$3&color=$4&mode=$5&comp=$6&radius=$7 %Param.Description $1=Output result parameter %Param.Description $2=Target coordinates %Param.Description $3=Survey %Param.Description $4=Color %Param.Description $5=Extraction mode %Param.Description $6=Compression mode %Param.Description $7=Radius in degrees %Param.DataType $2=Coo(J2000,COOd) %ActionName Aladin.java.getFAQ AladinJava.FAQ %Description Aladin Java FAQ %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1710937345 2024/03/20 14:22:25 %Url https://cds.unistra.fr/help/faq/aladin/ %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Aladin.java.getManual.pdf %Description Aladin Java Manual in PDF format (in english) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/AladinManual.pdf %ResultDataType Mime(text/pdf) %ActionName Aladin.java.getManual.ps %Description Aladin Java Manual in Postscript format %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr %ResultDataType Mime(text/ps) %ActionName Aladin.java.getManualIt.pdf %Description Aladin Java Manual in PDF format (in italian) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/AladinManualIt6.pdf %ResultDataType Mime(text/pdf) %ActionName Aladin.java.getManuel.pdf %Description Aladin Java Manual in PDF format (in french) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/AladinManuel.pdf %ResultDataType Mime(text/pdf) %ActionName Aladin.java.gludic %Description Provides Glu records in AladinJava domain from aladin.cds.unistra.fr server %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/nph-aladin.pl?frame=gludic %ActionName Aladin.java.home %Description Get when the user clics on the CDS logo %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/ %ActionName Aladin.java.warning %Description Get when the user clics on the WARNING logo %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/nph-aladin.pl?frame=getInfoCoord %ActionName Aladin.logo %Description Aladin logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/Icons/aladin_icon.gif %FullTextResult Jump to the Aladin home page %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName Aladin.logo.rel %Description Aladin logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %Url /Icons/aladin_icon.gif %FullTextResult Jump to the Aladin home page %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName Aladin.logo.viz %Description Aladin logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %Url /vizier/aladin_icon.gif %FullTextResult Jump to the Aladin home page %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName Aladin.qualifierServer %Description New Aladin qualifier server %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1490859993 2017/03/30 09:46:33 %Url http://aladix.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/nph-Aladin++.cgi?out=qualifier&position=$1&radius=$2&mode=xml_votable_idha %Param.Description $2=Radius (arcmin) %Param.DataType $1=I %Param.Value $2=0.0 %ResultDataType Mime(votable/xml) %ActionName Aladin.scriptManual %Description Aladin Java reference manual for script commands %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/AladinScriptManual.gml %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName AladinJava %Description Aladin sky atlas (ASU parameters). %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1137146601 2006/01/13 11:03:21 %SeeAction AladinJava.fr availability=7 %SeeAction AladinJava.ca availability=1052 %SeeAction AladinJava.uk availability=9999 %SeeAction AladinJava.jp availability=5 %SeeAction AladinJava.iucaa availability=9999 %SeeAction AladinJava.us availability=7 %ActionName AladinJava.SA Aladin.java.install %Description Home page for the installation of the new Aladin java release %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/nph-aladin.pl?frame=downloading %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName AladinLite %Description Instance d'AladinLite pour une dimension, une target, un zoom et un survey donnĂ©s %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1677663158 2023/03/01 11:32:38 %Url https://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/AladinLite/app/?survey=$1&zoom=$2&target=$3&width=$4&height=$5 %Param.Description $1= Survey identifier (e.g: P/DSS2/red) %Param.Description $2= Zoom value in degrees %Param.Description $3= Target (object name or position) %Param.Description $4= Width of Aladin Lite %Param.Description $5= Height of Aladin Lite %ActionName AladinLite.home %Description Home page Aladin Lite %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1677663158 2023/03/01 11:32:38 %Url https://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/AladinLite/ %FullTextResult Aladin Lite %Test noparam pattern="Aladin Lite" %Doc.Technical http://cdsgit.u-strasbg.fr/planreprise/fiches-survie/-/blob/master/aladin.web.md %ActionName AladinLite.js %Description Javascript file for Aladin Lite %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1592900881 2020/06/23 10:28:01 %Url <&AladinLite.home,u>api/v2/latest/aladin.min.js %Test noparam pattern="Aladin=function" %Doc.Technical http://cdsgit.u-strasbg.fr/planreprise/fiches-survie/-/blob/master/aladin.web.md %ActionName AladinPoolServlet %Description Remote Aladin pool servlet %Description 1:Aladin script %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1490859993 2017/03/30 09:46:33 %Url http://cdsportal.u-strasbg.fr/AladinPoolServlet/AladinPoolServlet?script=$1 %Test param="get aladin M101;grid on" %ActionName AladinPreview Aladin.Preview %Description Aladin preview %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/AladinPreview?$1&ident=$2&lang=$3 %Param.Description $3=Language (us|fr) %Param.DataType $1=CDS'simbad'I %Param.DataType $1=Coo(J2000,COO) %Test param="02+21+3.9+%2B36+53+05&frame=result" option="n" pattern="POSSII%20F%20DSS2" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %P.0 2 3 %ActionName AladinSaturationTest %Description Test de saturation de la RAM et du disque de la machine aladix (serveur\nimages Bonnarel) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1490859993 2017/03/30 09:46:33 %Url http://aladix.u-strasbg.fr/java/Warning.txt %Test noparam pattern="Ca roule" %ActionName AladinX.help %Description On line documentation for Aladin Xwindows %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/intro.html %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName AlaskyGlobal %Description Test de fonctionnement d'alasky ou alaskybis %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1592834741 2020/06/22 16:05:41 %SeeAction AlaskyTest availability=0 %SeeAction AlaskyBisTest availability=1 %Doc.Technical http://cdsgit.u-strasbg.fr/planreprise/fiches-survie/-/blob/master/aladin.hips.md %ActionName ApJ-AJ-PASP.byauthor.us %Description ApJ, AJ and PASP query by authors (Chicago site) %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 1998/02/16 17:10:14 %Url http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/ApJ-AJ-PASP/cgi-bin/ApJ-AJ-PASP_search?DATABASE=ApJ-AJ-PASP&SEARCH_TYPE=SIMPLE&TERM_1=$1&FIELD_1=FULLTEXT&PHRASE_1=NO&OPERATOR=AND&TERM_2=&FIELD_2=AUTHOR&PHRASE_2=NO&MAXHITS=15 %Param.DataType $1=misc'query/name %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName ApJ-AJ-PASP.bykeywords.us %Description ApJ, AJ and PASP query by keywords (Chicago site) %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 1998/02/16 17:10:14 %Url http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/ApJ-AJ-PASP/cgi-bin/ApJ-AJ-PASP_search?DATABASE=ApJ-AJ-PASP&SEARCH_TYPE=SIMPLE&TERM_1=$1&FIELD_1=FULLTEXT&PHRASE_1=NO&OPERATOR=AND&TERM_2=&FIELD_2=$2&PHRASE_2=NO&MAXHITS=15 %Param.Description $2=Search in %Param.DataType $1=misc'query/keywords %Param.Value $2=FULLTEXT %Param.Value $2=TITLE %Param.Value $2=AUTHOR %Param.Value $2=ABSTRACT %Param.Value $2=KEYWORD %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName ApJ.fullpaper %Description Astrophysical Journal article (at IoP) %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1242041213 2009/05/11 13:26:53 %Url http://cds.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/nph-doi?$1 %Param.DataType $1=biblio'R %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName ApJ.home %Description ApJ Electronic Edition %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 1998/02/16 11:43:08 %SeeAction ApJ.home.fr availability=9999 %SeeAction ApJ.home.us availability=9999 %ActionName ApJS.fullpaper %Description Astrophysical Journal Supplement article (at IoP) %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1242041213 2009/05/11 13:26:53 %Url http://cds.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/nph-doi?$1 %Param.DataType $1=biblio'R %Test param="1997ApJS..111...73K" pattern="a traditional particle-mesh technique" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName AstroCoo.WS %Description The CDS coordinate translator by Web services %Owner CDS'ws %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cdsws.u-strasbg.fr/axis/services/AstroCoo?$1 %Test param="wsdl" pattern="convertResponse2" %ResultDataType soap %Doc.Technical http://cds.unistra.fr/cdsws/astroCoo.gml %ActionName AstroGrid.home %Description AstroGrid (UK) %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1 2001/11/21 10:52:58 %Url http://www.astrogrid.ac.uk/ %DefaultAnchorText AstroGrid %ActionName AstroGrid.logo %Description AstroGrid.logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %Url http://www.astrogrid.ac.uk/ag.gif %FullTextResult AstroGrid %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName AstroSearch %Description Search for astronomy related persons (former RGO e-mail Guide) %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 2 2002/02/21 15:57:12 %Url http://www.starlink.rl.ac.uk/cgi-bin/astrosearch.cgi?suchwort=$1&baum=persons&cases=ignore&words=whole+words&fuzzy=0 %Param.Description $1=Last name of Astronomy person %Param.DataType $1=CDS'misc'query/name %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User http://www.starlink.rl.ac.uk/astrolist/astrosearch.html %ActionName AstroWeb %Description AstroWeb at CDS %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO ExceptField= DefaultAnchorText %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/astroweb.html %DefaultAnchorText AstroWeb %FullTextResult $text %Test noparam %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName AstroWeb.logo %Description AstroWeb logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/astroweb/img_vangogh.small.gif %FullTextResult \nAstroWeb logo\n %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName AstroWeb.nrao %Description AstroWeb at NRAO, US %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO ExceptField= DefaultAnchorText %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %Url http://www.cv.nrao.edu/fits/www/astronomy.html %DefaultAnchorText AstroWeb NRAO %Test param="AstroWeb" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName AstroWeb.stsci %Description AstroWeb at STScI, US %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO ExceptField= DefaultAnchorText %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %Url http://www.stsci.edu/science/net-resources.html %DefaultAnchorText AstroWeb STScI %Test param="AstroWeb" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName AstroWeb.uk %Description AstroWeb at Cambridge, UK %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO ExceptField= DefaultAnchorText %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %Url http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/astroweb/yp_astronomy.html %DefaultAnchorText AstroWeb Cambridge %Test param="AstroWeb" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName AstroWebSearch %Description AstroWeb wais index at CDS %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/search-master?$1 %Param.Description $1=Wais query %Param.DataType $1=query/keywords %Test param="telescope" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Atom %Description Details about an atomic element %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://www.chemistry-reference.com/pdictable/q_elements.asp?Symbol=$1 %Param.DataType $1=misc'query/keywords %Test param="Hg" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName B-simbad.hpx %Description Simbad data base progressive access (CDS) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/cats/SIMBAD %Id B/simbad %Aladin.Profile >6.1 <8.159 %Aladin.HpxParam 14 cat %Aladin.Tree Progressive catalog %Aladin.XLabel Simbad %VerboseDesc Simbad hierarchical access %ActionName BAVSR.logo %Description BAVSR.logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/icons/bavsr.gif %FullTextResult BAVSR logo %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName BCS.home %Description Bibliographical Center Supervisor %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1713282199 2024/04/16 17:43:19 %Url http://cdsdjin.u-strasbg.fr/Files/_supervisor/index.html %Test noparam pattern="Bibliography Center Supervisor" %ActionName BCS.status %Description Bibliographical Center Supervisor status page %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1713282199 2024/04/16 17:43:19 %Url http://cdsdjin.u-strasbg.fr/Files/_supervisor/status.html %Test noparam pattern="Bibliography Center Supervisor" %ActionName Bazaar %Description Home page for the Astronomer's Bazaar service %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO ExceptField= DefaultAnchorText %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1685111083 2023/05/26 16:24:43 %SeeAction Bazaar.abs availability=0 %ActionName Bazaar.logo %Description Bazaar logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/Icons/logoKand.gif %FullTextResult Bazaar logo %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName Bazaar.rel %Description Home page for the Astronomer's Bazaar service (relative URL) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO ExceptField= DefaultAnchorText %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url /viz-bin/Cat %DefaultAnchorText Catalogues %FullTextResult $text %Test.Result 0 2023/05/26 16:16:01 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Bib.logo.mini Bib.logo %Description Dictionary logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %FullTextResult Biblio %ResultDataType Mime(image/png) %ActionName BibcodeExplain %Description Bibcode definition %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1689767612 2023/07/19 13:53:32 %Url http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/guide/refcode/refcode-paper.html %Test noparam %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName BibcodeHelp %Description Acces a la page de description du bibcode %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1643031244 2022/01/24 15:34:04 %Url http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/guide/refcode/section3_2.html %Test noparam %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Bookmarks-v10.bkm %Description Aladin functions and bookmarks for v10 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/Bookmarks-v10.ajs %Aladin.Bookmarks DSS,PanSTARRS,SDSS,2MASS,GALEX,Gaia,Simbad,NED %Aladin.Profile >9 %ActionName Bookmarks-v8.bkm %Description Aladin functions and bookmarks for v8 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/Bookmarks-v8.ajs %Aladin.Bookmarks DSS,SDSS,2MASS,WISE,GALEX,AKARI,PLANCK,XMM,Fermi,Gaia,Simbad,NED %Aladin.Profile >=8.032 <10 %ActionName C-AllWISE.hpx %Description All WISE composite cube %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/AllWISE/WISE-cube %VerboseDescr All WISE cube (W1,W2,W3,W4) from raw Atlas Images.\nResampled in HEALPix by Thomas Boch [CDS] %Copyright WISE acknowledgment %Acknowledgement This Progressive Survey distribution makes use of data products from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer,\nwhich is a joint project of the University of California, Los Angeles,\nand the Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology, and NEOWISE,\nwhich is a project of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology.\nWISE and NEOWISE are funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. %Copyright.url http://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/release/allwise/expsup/sec1_6b.html %Id C/AllWISE %Origin CDS %Aladin.XLabel WISE cube %Aladin.Tree Cube/Test %Aladin.Profile >=8.040 beta %Aladin.HpxParam 8 jpeg fits cube %ActionName C-B0DEGA.hpx %Description B0DEGA: Below 0 DEgree GAlaxies %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1465811895 2016/06/13 11:58:15 %Url http://amiga.iaa.es/HiPS/3DCollections/B0DEGA %VerboseDescr The SMA B0DEGA (Below 0 DEgree GAlaxies) project, a high resolution (3 arcsec) survey of CO(2-1) (and isotopes) emission of the circumnuclear regions (1 arcmin) of 30 previously unexplored southern nearby galaxies obtained using the Submillimeter Array (SMA). The sample is composed of IR-bright galaxies (2.58 x S60 + S100 > 31.5 Jy) with recession velocities V < 7000 km/s. %Copyright AMIGA Group, IAA-CSIC, Spain %Origin svo.amiga.iaa.es %Id C/B0DEGA %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://b0dega.iaa.es/ %SkyFraction 2.344E-6 %Aladin.XLabel B0DEGA %Aladin.Tree Cube %Aladin.HpxParam 11 cube equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2015-06-09T09:04Z %ActionName C-CALIFA-V500-DR2.hpx %Description CALIFA DR2 V500 (R~850, 3750-7500 A) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/CALIFA/V500DR2 %VerboseDescr The Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey is one of the largest IFS surveys performed to date. At its completion it will comprise 600 galaxies, observed with the PMAS spectrograph in the PPAK mode, covering the full spatial extent of these galaxies up to two effective radii. The wavelength range between 3700 and 7500 is sampled with two spectroscopic configurations, a high resolution mode (V1200, R~1700, 3700-4200), and a low resolution mode (V500, R~850, 3750-7500). A detailed explanation of the survey is given in the CALIFA Presentation Article (Sanchez et al. 2012). The second CALIFA Data Release (DR2) provides to the public the fully reduced and quality control tested datacubes of 200 objects in both setups (V500 and V1200). Each datacube contains ~1000 independent spectra, thus in total this DR comprises ~400,000 total independent spectra (~1.5 millon after cube reconstruction). The details of the data included in this DR are described in the CALIFA DR2 Article (Garcia Benito et al. 2014). The differences in the data reduction pipeline adopted for this dataset are described in this article too, in comparison with the current solution adopted for DR1 (Husemann et al. 2013) %Copyright Based on observations collected at the Centro Astronomico Hispano Aleman (CAHA) at Calar Alto, operated jointly by the Max-Planck-Institut fur Astronomie and the Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (CSIC) %Origin CDS %Id C/CALIFA/V500/DR2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.caha.es/CALIFA/public_html/?q=content/califa-2nd-data-release %SkyFraction 2.937E-4 %Aladin.XLabel The Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey - V500 resolution mode (CALIFA V500) DR2 %Aladin.Tree Cube %Aladin.HpxParam 9 cube equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2016-06-03T09:56Z %ActionName C-CGPS-HI.hpx %Description CGPS data cubes HI (21cm) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/CGPS/ %VerboseDescr The Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory, in collaboration with an international Consortium of astronomers, has carried out a high-resolution survey of the atomic hydrogen and radio continuum emission from our Milky Way galaxy. The observations of 373 fields with the DRAO Synthesis Telescope are presented in sixty-eight 5 deg x 5 deg mosaics, covering Galactic longitudes from L = 63 to 175 degrees and latitudes from B = -3.5 to +5.5 degrees and a latitude extension to B = +17.5 degrees between L = 100 to 116.5 degrees, with a resolution as small as 1 arcminute. For each mosaic (1024 x 1024 pixels), atomic hydrogen observations are presented as a data "cube" with 272 spectral channels having a velocity resolution of 1.3 km/s. Stokes I continuum images at 1420 MHz and 408 MHz are produced, as well as selected Stokes Q, U and V images at 1420 MHz. Complementary images in the four IRAS infrared bands and data cubes of CO (J=1-0) emission have also been created as part of the Survey. %Copyright The following materials are copyrighted by the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey/Releve Canadien du Plan Galactique (CGPS/RCPG). They are intended as a news release material and for use for educational, academic, and research purposes and are not intended for commercial sale. Please contact Jayanne English (email: jayanne_english@umanitoba.ca) to inquire about permission for other non-commercial and/or commercial uses %Origin CDS %Id C/CGPS-HI %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.ras.ucalgary.ca/CGPS/ %SkyFraction 0.03684 %Aladin.XLabel Canadian Galactic Plane Survey data cubes HI (21cm) %Aladin.Tree Cube %Aladin.HpxParam 5 cube equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2015-06-05T12:31Z %ActionName C-EGRET-Dif-Cube.hpx %Description Diffuse Gamma-ray EGRET map cube - 30-10000MeV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/EGRET/EGRET-dif/EGRET_dif_Cube %VerboseDescr This data presents all-sky maps of diffuse gamma radiation in energy ranges between 30 MeV to 10000MeV, based on data collected by the EGRET instrument on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. %Copyright See ApJ Volume 621, March 2005 %Id C/EGRET/Dif %Origin CDS %Aladin.XLabel EGRET Dif Cube %Aladin.Tree Cube/Test %Aladin.Profile >=8.040 beta %Aladin.HpxParam 3 jpeg fits cube equ %Copyright.Url ftp://legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/diffuse_maps/README.fitsmaps.html %ActionName C-GALFAHI-Narrow.hpx %Description GALFA-HI Narrow %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/GALFAHI/GALFAHI-Narrow/ %VerboseDescr Data Release 1 (DR1) of the GALFA HI data set, obtained with the Arecibo L-band Feed Array (ALFA) on the Arecibo 305m telescope. This neutral hydrogen survey has a resolution of ~4', a spectral resolution of 0.18km/s for velocities -190 km/s6.1 %Copyright.Url https://purcell.ssl.berkeley.edu %SkyFraction 0.3164 %Aladin.XLabel GALFA-HI Narrow %Aladin.Tree Cube %Aladin.HpxParam 3 cube equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2016-12-20T09:52Z %ActionName C-HI4PI-HI.hpx %Description HI4PI HI survey (individual cubes) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HI4PI/C_HI4PI_NHI %VerboseDescr The HI4PI data release comprises 21-cm neutral atomic hydrogen data of the Milky Way (-600km/s0deg; -470km/s6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel HI4PI HI %Aladin.Tree Cube %Aladin.HpxParam 3 cube equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-06-27T16:37Z %ActionName C-HIPASS.hpx %Description HIPASS %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HIPASS %VerboseDescr The `HI Parkes All Sky Survey' (HIPASS) covers the whole southern sky as well as northern declinations up to +25 degrees. HIPASS commenced in Feb 1997, and the last northern scans were taken in 2002. HIPASS was carried out with the Australia Telescope National Facility's Parkes telescope Parkes 64-m telescope equipped with a novel 21-cm multibeam system. The latter comprises a cooled, 13 beam receiver and digital correlator (Staveley-Smith et al. 1996, Wilson et al. 1997 and Sinclair et al. 1997). The 64 MHz observing band, centred on 1394.5 MHz, was divided into 1024 channels, providing a velocity range of -1280 < cz < 12700 km/s with a channel width of approx. 13.2 km/s and a velocity resolution of 18 km/s. The HIPASS integration time per beam is 450s. After gridding an r.m.s. noise of about 13.3 mJy was achieved in the first set of HIPASS cubes. The observations and techniques used to calibrate and image the data are described in Barnes et al. (2001). The processing algorithms are successfully designed to be statistically robust to the presence of interference signals and are particular to imaging point (or nearly point) sources, not extended emission. Specifically, a major improvement in image quality is obtained by designing a median-gridding algorithm which uses the median estimator in place of the mean estimator. While the average Parkes beam FWHM is 14.3 arcmin, the average gridded HIPASS beam is about 15.5 arcmin. The full data release contains data from 538 data cubes (size: 8o x 8o, 388 over the entire southern sky (DEC < +2o), and 150 over the northern sky, (DEC < +25o). The one-dimensional spectral data for a given position is available for downloading in a variety of different formats. %Copyright Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence: Koribalski, Baerbel; Staveley-Smith, Lister (2004): The HI Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS) image cubes. v1. CSIRO. Data Collection. 102.100.100/70188 https://doi.org/10.25919/5c36de6d37141 %Origin CDS %Id C/HIPASS %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://data.csiro.au/dap/landingpage?pid=csiro:32333 %SkyFraction 0.7188 %Aladin.XLabel HIPASS %Aladin.Tree Cube %Aladin.HpxParam 0 cube equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-01-18T22:14Z %ActionName C-HST-GOODS.hpx %Description HST ACS GOODS composite cube (b,v,i & z bands) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/GOODS/GOODS-cube %VerboseDescr The C/HST/GOODS Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Francois Bonnarel from CDS and distributed by CDS. It sets together all GOODS HST ACS version1.0 observations done in b,v,i and z bands as part of the GOODS survey. GOODS is the Great Observatories Deep survey. GOODS unites extremely deep observations from NASA's Great Observatories, Spitzer, Hubble, and Chandra, ESA's Herschel and XMM-Newton, and from the most powerful ground-based facilities,\nto survey the distant universe to the faintest flux limits across the electromagnetic spectrum. %Copyright NASA/ESA/AURA %Id C/HST/GOODS %Origin CDS %Acknowledgement All publications based on HST data should carry the following footnote: "Based on observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, obtained from the data archive at the Space Telescope Institute. STScI is operated by the association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under the NASA contract NAS 5-26555."" %Copyright.url http://www.stsci.edu/institute/Copyright %Aladin.XLabel GOODS cube %Aladin.Tree Cube/Test %Aladin.Profile >=8.040 beta %Aladin.HpxParam 14 png fits cube %Aladin.Date 2014-04-15T12:00Z %ActionName C-HST.hpx %Description HST observations (->1/6/2013) provided as a composite cube %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/HST/HST-cube %VerboseDescr The HST cube Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations between the beginning of the mission to the 1st of June 2013.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community. %Copyright from CADC %Id C/HST %Origin CDS %Acknowledgement All publications based on HST data should carry the following footnote: "Based on observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, obtained from the data archive at the Space Telescope Institute. STScI is operated by the association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under the NASA contract NAS 5-26555. This research used the facilities of the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre operated by the National Research Council of Canada with the support of the Canadian Space Agency. "" %Copyright.url http://www.cadc-ccda.hia-iha.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/hst/ %Aladin.XLabel HST cube %Aladin.Tree Cube/Test %Aladin.Profile >=8.040 beta %Aladin.HpxParam 14 png fits cube %ActionName C-IRIS.hpx %Description IRAS composite cube %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/C-IRAS %Id C/IRAS %Origin CDS %Aladin.XLabel IRIS cube %Aladin.Tree Cube/Test %Aladin.Profile >=8.040 beta %Aladin.HpxParam 3 jpeg fits galactic cube %ActionName C-MUSE-M42.hpx %Description MUSE map of the central Orion Nebula (M 42) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/MUSE/MUSE-M42 %VerboseDescr Integral-field spectroscopic dataset of the central part of the Orion Nebula (M 42), observed with the MUSE instrument at the ESO VLT (reduced the data with the public MUSE pipeline) representing a FITS cube with a spatial size of ~5.9'x4.9' (corresponding to ~0.76 pc x 0.63 pc) and a contiguous wavelength coverage of 4595...9366 Angstrom, spatially sampled at 0.2", with a sampling of 1.25 Angstrom in dispersion direction. %Copyright Copyright mention of the original data %Origin CDS %Id C/MUSE-M42 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %Copyright.Url http://muse-vlt.eu/science/m42/ %SkyFraction 2.980E-7 %Aladin.XLabel MUSE-M42 %Aladin.Tree Cube %Aladin.HpxParam 12 cube equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2015-07-07T00:29Z %ActionName C-Mopra-12CO.hpx %Description Mopra 12CO %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Mopra/12CO/hips_12CO %VerboseDescr This product was build only with Mopra cubes having the same velocity axis. The Mopra CO survey of the Southern Galactic Plane is being conducted with the Mopra millimetre-wave telescope in Coonabarabran, New South Wales, Australia. The survey is designed to map the distribution and dynamics of the carbon monoxide molecule (CO) along a 120 degree sector of the Galactic Plane, from l=250-370°. The principal scientific motivations are to study how molecular clouds are formed in space, and to examine the nature of TeV gamma-ray sources observed with H.E.S.S and the forthcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array. Data Release 3 contains observations of fifty square degrees of the Mopra carbon monoxide (CO) survey of the Southern Galactic Plane, covering Galactic longitudes l = 300?350° and latitudes |b| ? 0.5°. These data have been taken at 0.6arcminute spatial resolution and 0.1kms?1 spectral resolution, providing an unprecedented view of the molecular clouds and gas of the Southern Galactic Plane in the 109?115 GHz J = 1?0 transitions of 12CO, 13CO, C18O and C17O. %Copyright MOPRA %Origin CDS %Id C/Mopra/12CO %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 6.148E-4 %Aladin.XLabel Mopra 12CO %Aladin.Tree Cube %Aladin.HpxParam 4 cube equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-03-04T17:37Z %ActionName C-Mopra-13CO.hpx %Description Mopra 13CO %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Mopra/13CO/hips_13CO %VerboseDescr This product was build only with Mopra cubes having the same velocity axis. The Mopra CO survey of the Southern Galactic Plane is being conducted with the Mopra millimetre-wave telescope in Coonabarabran, New South Wales, Australia. The survey is designed to map the distribution and dynamics of the carbon monoxide molecule (CO) along a 120 degree sector of the Galactic Plane, from l=250-370°. The principal scientific motivations are to study how molecular clouds are formed in space, and to examine the nature of TeV gamma-ray sources observed with H.E.S.S and the forthcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array. Data Release 3 contains observations of fifty square degrees of the Mopra carbon monoxide (CO) survey of the Southern Galactic Plane, covering Galactic longitudes l = 300?350° and latitudes |b| ? 0.5°. These data have been taken at 0.6arcminute spatial resolution and 0.1kms?1 spectral resolution, providing an unprecedented view of the molecular clouds and gas of the Southern Galactic Plane in the 109?115 GHz J = 1?0 transitions of 12CO, 13CO, C18O and C17O. %Copyright MOPRA %Origin CDS %Id C/Mopra/13CO %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 5.540E-4 %Aladin.XLabel Mopra 13CO %Aladin.Tree Cube %Aladin.HpxParam 4 cube equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-03-05T14:38Z %ActionName C-Mopra-C17O.hpx %Description Mopra C17O %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Mopra/C17O/hips_C17O %VerboseDescr This product was build only with Mopra cubes having the same veloicty axis. The Mopra CO survey of the Southern Galactic Plane is being conducted with the Mopra millimetre-wave telescope in Coonabarabran, New South Wales, Australia. The survey is designed to map the distribution and dynamics of the carbon monoxide molecule (CO) along a 120 degree sector of the Galactic Plane, from l=250-370°. The principal scientific motivations are to study how molecular clouds are formed in space, and to examine the nature of TeV gamma-ray sources observed with H.E.S.S and the forthcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array. Data Release 3 contains observations of fifty square degrees of the Mopra carbon monoxide (CO) survey of the Southern Galactic Plane, covering Galactic longitudes l = 300?350° and latitudes |b| ? 0.5°. These data have been taken at 0.6arcminute spatial resolution and 0.1kms?1 spectral resolution, providing an unprecedented view of the molecular clouds and gas of the Southern Galactic Plane in the 109?115 GHz J = 1?0 transitions of 12CO, 13CO, C18O and C17O. %Copyright MOPRA %Origin CDS %Id C/Mopra/C17O %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 5.928E-4 %Aladin.XLabel Mopra C17O %Aladin.Tree Cube %Aladin.HpxParam 4 cube equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-03-06T10:39Z %ActionName C-Mopra-C18O.hpx %Description Mopra C18O %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Mopra/C18O/hips_C18O %VerboseDescr This product was build only with Mopra cubes having the same velocity axis. The Mopra CO survey of the Southern Galactic Plane is being conducted with the Mopra millimetre-wave telescope in Coonabarabran, New South Wales, Australia. The survey is designed to map the distribution and dynamics of the carbon monoxide molecule (CO) along a 120 degree sector of the Galactic Plane, from l=250-370°. The principal scientific motivations are to study how molecular clouds are formed in space, and to examine the nature of TeV gamma-ray sources observed with H.E.S.S and the forthcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array. Data Release 3 contains observations of fifty square degrees of the Mopra carbon monoxide (CO) survey of the Southern Galactic Plane, covering Galactic longitudes l = 300?350° and latitudes |b| ? 0.5°. These data have been taken at 0.6arcminute spatial resolution and 0.1kms?1 spectral resolution, providing an unprecedented view of the molecular clouds and gas of the Southern Galactic Plane in the 109?115 GHz J = 1?0 transitions of 12CO, 13CO, C18O and C17O. %Copyright MOPRA %Origin CDS %Id C/Mopra/C18O %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 3.681E-4 %Aladin.XLabel Mopra C18O %Aladin.Tree Cube %Aladin.HpxParam 4 cube equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-03-06T09:42Z %ActionName C-SimbadHeatmaps.hpx %Description Simbad Composite cube built from Simbad literature object citations %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/SimbadHeatmaps/time-cube %Id C/SimbadHeatmaps %Origin CDS %Aladin.XLabel Simbad Heatmaps cube %Aladin.Tree Cube/Test %Aladin.Profile >=8.040 beta %Aladin.HpxParam 3 jpeg fits cube %ActionName C-WHISP-sample.hpx %Description AMIGA galaxies in the WHISP (Westerbork HI Survey of Irregular and SPiral galaxies) Survey %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1465811895 2016/06/13 11:58:15 %Url http://amiga.iaa.es/HiPS/3DCollections/WHISP %VerboseDescr This is a subsample of 27 radiointerfermetric datacubes of the larger WHISP database. These 27 galaxies are part of the AMIGA catalog of isolated galaxies, where WHISP is a survey of the neutral hydrogen component in spiral and irregular galaxies with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT). %Copyright Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope %Origin svo.amiga.iaa.es %Id C/WHISP-sample %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.astron.nl/wow/testcode.php?project=3 %SkyFraction 0.004272 %Aladin.XLabel WHISP-sample %Aladin.Tree Cube %Aladin.HpxParam 6 cube equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2015-06-09T09:04Z %ActionName C-WMAP-cube-9yr.hpx %Description WMAP cube - 9yr %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/WMAP9yr/WMAPCube9yr %VerboseDescr The WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) mission is designed to determine the geometry, content, and evolution of the universe.The WMAP cube is built from the 5 original bands (K/23GHz, Ka/33GHz, Q/41GHz, V/61GHz, W/94GHz) %Copyright from CDS (original data from LAMBDA) %Id C/WMAP/cube/9yr %Origin CDS %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %Aladin.Tree Cube/Test %Copyright.url http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/product/map/dr5/maps_band_r9_i_9yr_get.cfm %Aladin.XLabel WMAP Cube 9yr %Aladin.HpxParam 3 png jpeg fits cube %Aladin.MenuNumber ZZZ %ActionName CADC %Description Canadian Astronomical Data Center (CADC) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576820496 2019/12/20 07:41:36 %Url http://www.cadc-ccda.hia-iha.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/sia/query?POS=$1,$2&SIZE=$3&FORMAT=image/fits&VERB=2 %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=Radius in deg %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAd) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEd) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RADIUSd) %Param.Value $3=0.17 %ResultDataType Mime(sia/xml) %VerboseDescr The Canadian Virtual Observatory (CVO) provides this SIA server access for some CADC archives (decompose mosaic images into single extension FITS files , cutout of the region-of-interest when it is smaller than the image, WCS correction of returned FITS files. %VerboseDescr The Canadian Virtual Observatory (CVO) provides this SIA server access for some CADC archives (decompose mosaic images into single extension FITS files , cutout of the region-of-interest when it is smaller than the image, WCS correction of returned FITS files. %Doc.User http://www.cadc.hia.nrc.gc.ca/cadc/ %Aladin.Menu Archives... %Aladin.Label Canadian Astronomical Data Center (CADC) %Aladin.LabelPlane $4 $1 %Aladin.Logo CADCLogo.gif %ActionName CAI %Description VO-Paris Southern Atlas (VOPSAT) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1507560157 2017/10/09 16:42:37 %Url http://voparis-srv.obspm.fr/sia/sia_mama.php?survey=$4&POS=$1,$2&SIZE=$3&FORMAT=image/fits %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=Radius in deg %Param.Description $4=Survey %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAd) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEd) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RADIUSd) %Param.Value $3=0.17 %Param.Value $4=All - All surveys %Param.Value $4=ESOR - ESO survey / R color %Param.Value $4=SRCJ - SERC survey / J color %Param.Value $4=POSSE - POSS survey / E color %ResultDataType Mime(sia/xml) %VerboseDescr This is the first step in a VO-compliant publication of Schmidt surveys of the southern sky digitized with the MAMA microdensitometer at the Observatoire de Paris Image Analysis Centre (CAI). The pixel size is 10 micrometers (0.7 arc-sec). The ESO-R atlas will be followed by the SRC-J and the southern part of the POSS1_E atlases. Catalogs of the detected objects will also be available. The bandpass is : close to R (combination: IIIaF + RG 630) %Institute VO-Paris %Doc.User http://vo.obspm.fr/sia/eso-r.html %Aladin.Label VO-Paris MAMA Atlas %Aladin.Menu Others... %Aladin.LabelPlane CAI $4 $1 %Aladin.Profile <10 %ActionName CASSIS %Description CASSIS interactive spectrum analyser (plugin version) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1665996628 2022/10/17 10:50:28 %VerboseDescr The CASSIS (Centre d'Analyse Scientifique de Spectres Instrumentaux et Synthéques) software has been developed by CESR/IRAP since 2005. CASSIS uses the SSAP (Single Spectral Access Protocol) and EPN-TAP (EuroPlaNet Table Access Protocol) protocols to access the IVOA services in order to retrieve any spectra (Hubble, Corot, Splatalogue, ISO, etc; the complete list dans be found at http://registry.euro-vo.org webpage) via our SSAP or EPN-TAP module. You can also process to line identification using the VAMDC (Virtual And Molecular Database Center) or SLAP (Simple Line Access Protocol) protocols. Of course, CASSIS uses the SAMP messaging protocol (Simple Application Messaging Protocol) that enables astronomy software tools to interoperate and communicate. %Institute Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planélogie (IRAP - France) %Copyright IRAP UPS/CNRS %Doc.User http://cassis.irap.omp.eu %ReleaseNumber - 2022 (Aladin Plugin) %Plugin http://cassis.irap.omp.eu/download/CassisPAl-latest.jar %Aladin.Activated Yes %JavaParam cassis %Aladin.VOLabel CASSIS spectrum analyser [IRAP/OVGSO] %Aladin.Profile >=12.00 %ActionName CASSIS-6.2 %Description CASSIS interactive spectrum analyser (plugin version) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1665996628 2022/10/17 10:50:28 %VerboseDescr The CASSIS (Centre d'Analyse Scientifique de Spectres Instrumentaux et Synthéques) software has been developed by CESR/IRAP since 2005. CASSIS uses the SSAP (Single Spectral Access Protocol) and EPN-TAP (EuroPlaNet Table Access Protocol) protocols to access the IVOA services in order to retrieve any spectra (Hubble, Corot, Splatalogue, ISO, etc; the complete list dans be found at http://registry.euro-vo.org webpage) via our SSAP or EPN-TAP module. You can also process to line identification using the VAMDC (Virtual And Molecular Database Center) or SLAP (Simple Line Access Protocol) protocols. Of course, CASSIS uses the SAMP messaging protocol (Simple Application Messaging Protocol) that enables astronomy software tools to interoperate and communicate. %Institute Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planélogie (IRAP - France) %Copyright IRAP UPS/CNRS %Doc.User http://cassis.irap.omp.eu %ReleaseNumber - 2021 (Aladin Plugin) %Plugin http://cassis.irap.omp.eu/download/CassisPAl- %Aladin.Activated Yes %JavaParam cassis %Aladin.VOLabel CASSIS spectrum analyser [IRAP/OVGSO] %Aladin.Profile >=11.07 <12.00 %ActionName CASSIS-Desktop %Description CASSIS interactive spectrum analyser (Desktop version) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1634880383 2021/10/22 07:26:23 %VerboseDescr The CASSIS (Centre d'Analyse Scientifique de Spectres Instrumentaux et Synthéques) software has been developed by CESR/IRAP since 2005. CASSIS uses the SSAP (Single Spectral Access Protocol) and EPN-TAP (EuroPlaNet Table Access Protocol) protocols to access the IVOA services in order to retrieve any spectra (Hubble, Corot, Splatalogue, ISO, etc; the complete list dans be found at http://registry.euro-vo.org webpage) via our SSAP or EPN-TAP module. You can also process to line identification using the VAMDC (Virtual And Molecular Database Center) or SLAP (Simple Line Access Protocol) protocols. Of course, CASSIS uses the SAMP messaging protocol (Simple Application Messaging Protocol) that enables astronomy software tools to interoperate and communicate. %Institute Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planélogie (IRAP - France) %Copyright IRAP UPS/CNRS %Doc.User http://cassis.irap.omp.eu %ReleaseNumber 6.1 (Desktop) %Webstart http://cassis.irap.omp.eu/online/cassis.jnlp %Aladin.Activated Yes %Aladin.VOLabel CASSIS spectrum analyser [IRAP/OVGSO] %Aladin.Profile <11.07 %ActionName CDS.Developers %Description CDS developer corner page %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO ExceptField= DefaultAnchorText %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/devcorner.gml %DefaultAnchorText Developer's corner %FullTextResult $text %Test noparam %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName CDS.FacebookLogo %Description Logo et lien vers facebook CDS %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1531987480 2018/07/19 10:04:40 %FullTextResult %ActionName CDS.GithubLogo %Description Logo et lien vers Github CDS %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1531988268 2018/07/19 10:17:48 %FullTextResult %ActionName CDS.Head_recover %Description CDS Head %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %FullTextResult \n\n\n\n\n\n
\nCDS Home Page\n
%ActionName CDS.MailLogo %Description Logo mail (enveloppe) %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1531987238 2018/07/19 10:00:38 %FullTextResult %ActionName CDS.SocialNetLogos %Description Liens vers les réseaux sociaux CDS %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1532015406 2018/07/19 17:50:06 %FullTextResult <&CDS.FacebookLogo> <&CDS.YoutubeLogo> <&CDS.TwitterLogo> <&CDS.GithubLogo> %ActionName CDS.Tutorial %Description CDS tutorial main page %Owner CDS'glu %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641204343 2022/01/03 12:05:43 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/tutorials/ %DefaultAnchorText Tutorial %FullTextResult $text %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName CDS.Tutorial.PPT %Description CDS tutorial in PowerPoint format (no longer provided => PDF) %Owner CDS'glu %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1350312443 2012/10/15 16:47:23 %Url <&CDS.Tutorial,u> %ActionName CDS.TwitterLogo %Description Logo et lien vers Twitter CDS %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1531987841 2018/07/19 10:10:41 %FullTextResult %ActionName CDS.YoutubeLogo %Description Logo et lien vers youtube CDS %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1531987664 2018/07/19 10:07:44 %FullTextResult %ActionName CDS.annotationsLogoBig %Description Grande icone pour les annotations %Owner CDS'annotations %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1296803215 2011/02/04 09:06:55 %Url http://cdsannotations.u-strasbg.fr/annotationsResources/logos/cdsannotations_128.png %FullTextResult CDS annotations icon %ActionName CDS.annotationsLogoMedium %Description Moyenne icone pour les annotations %Owner CDS'annotations %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1296803215 2011/02/04 09:06:55 %Url http://cdsannotations.u-strasbg.fr/annotationsResources/logos/cdsannotations_64.png %FullTextResult CDS annotations icon %ActionName CDS.annotationsLogoSmall %Description Petite icone pour les annotations %Owner CDS'annotations %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1296803215 2011/02/04 09:06:55 %Url http://cdsannotations.u-strasbg.fr/annotationsResources/logos/cdsannotations_32.png %FullTextResult CDS annotations icon %ActionName CDS.annotationsRoot %Description Racine du service d'annotations %Owner CDS'annotations %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1634722491 2021/10/20 11:34:51 %Url https://cdsannotations.u-strasbg.fr %FullTextResult Annotations homepage %ActionName CDS.annotationsRootHttps %Description Racine du service d'annotations en HTTPS %Owner CDS'annotations %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1593673398 2020/07/02 09:03:18 %Url https://cdsannotations.u-strasbg.fr %FullTextResult Annotations homepage %ActionName CDS.annotationsTest %Description Test du service d'annotations %Owner CDS'annotations %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1365070161 2013/04/04 12:09:21 %Url <&CDS.annotationsRoot,u>/annotations/$1/$2?format=json %Test param="simbadObject 969930" pattern="username" %ActionName CDS.beginMain %Description Debut de l'environnement de la div CDS %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1275396083 2010/06/01 14:41:23 %FullTextResult
%ActionName CDS.end %Description End of the HTML pages at CDS %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %FullTextResult \n\n\n
©UDS/CNRS -\n Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg\nQuestion@simbad
\n$2\n %ActionName CDS.endMain %Description Fin de l'environnement de la div CDS %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1275396083 2010/06/01 14:41:23 %FullTextResult
%ActionName CDS.head %Description Header of the HTML pages at CDS %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1360926709 2013/02/15 13:11:49 %FullTextResult \n<&CDS.headStuff2 "$1">\n$1$3\n\n\n<&CDS.headArea2 "$1" "$2"> %Param.Description $1=title %Param.Description $2=nom du (aladin|vizier|simbad|portal|xmatch) --> influe sur la couleur du separateur %Param.Description $3=add in %ActionName CDS.head.OLD %Description Header of the HTML pages at CDS %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %FullTextResult <&CDS.head0 "$1" $2 "$3">\n<&CDS.menu>\n
%ActionName CDS.head0 %Description CDS Title (without CDS menu) %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %FullTextResult \n\n\n\n$1\n$2\n\n %Param.Description $1=title %Param.Description $2=add in %ActionName CDS.head2 %Description CDS Head %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %FullTextResult
\nshow menu\n
\nCDS Home Page\n
%Param.Description $1=title %Param.Description $2=item|logo %Param.Description $3=adding in %ActionName CDS.headArea %Description Le bandeau lui-meme (pour le moment : copie de CDS.head2) %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1276075992 2010/06/09 11:33:12 %FullTextResult
\nshow menu\n
\nCDS Home Page\n
%Param.Description $1=title %ActionName CDS.headArea2 %Description Le bandeau du CDS %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1707999944 2024/02/15 14:25:44 %FullTextResult \n\n


%Param.Description $1= Titre de la page %Param.Description $2= Nom du service a mettre en valeur: (aladin|simbad|vizier|portal|xmatch) %ActionName CDS.headStuff %Description CSS et Javascript necessaires pour l'affichage du bandeau CDS %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1677663158 2023/03/01 11:32:38 %FullTextResult \n\n\n\n %ActionName CDS.headStuff2 %Description Liens vers le CSS et les documents OpenSearch pour le bandeau du CDS %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1707999944 2024/02/15 14:25:44 %FullTextResult \n\n\n\n\n\n %ActionName CDS.headStuffRootURL %Description Root URL for JS and CSS files needed for the header (indirection) %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1677828707 2023/03/03 09:31:47 %SeeAction CDS.headStuffRootURL.rel availability=9999 %SeeAction CDS.headStuffRootURL.relviz availability=9999 %SeeAction CDS.headStuffRootURL.cdsweb availability=11 %SeeAction CDS.headStuffRootURL.annotations availability=9 %SeeAction CDS.headStuffRootURL.xmatch availability=8 %SeeAction CDS.headStuffRootURL.vizcfa availability=8 %SeeAction CDS.headStuffRootURL.vizcam availability=9999 %ActionName CDS.home %Description Home page for the Centre de Donnees astronomiques de Strasbourg %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO ExceptField= DefaultAnchorText %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/ %DefaultAnchorText CDS %FullTextResult $text %Test param="Strasbourg astronomical Data Cent" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName CDS.icon %Description CDS icon %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/Icons/cds_tiny.gif %FullTextResult CDS %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName CDS.jquery1.10.1 %Description Link to jquery 1.10.1 JS library %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1415129938 2014/11/04 21:38:58 %SeeAction CDS.jquery1.10.1.rel availability=0 %SeeAction CDS.jquery1.10.1.relviz availability=9999 %SeeAction CDS.jquery1.10.1.cdsweb availability=0 %SeeAction CDS.jquery1.10.1.xmatch availability=0 %SeeAction CDS.jquery1.10.1.annotations availability=0 %SeeAction CDS.jquery1.10.1.cdn availability=10 %ActionName CDS.link %Description CDS link %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1276503695 2010/06/14 10:21:35 %FullTextResult %Param.Description $1=url %Param.Description $2=service name %Param.Description $3=logo %Param.Description $4=item flag %ActionName CDS.logo %Description CDS logo. %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1268472392 2010/03/13 11:26:32 %SeeAction CDS.logo.rel availability=9999 %SeeAction CDS.logo.abs availability=0 %SeeAction CDS.logo.viz availability=0 %ActionName CDS.logo.tiny %Description CDS logo %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&CDSheadU>/cds_28x18.png %FullTextResult Jump to the CDS home page %ResultDataType Mime(image/png) %ActionName CDS.menu %Description CDS quick menu %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %FullTextResult \n<&CDS.home> ·\n<&WSimbad> ·\n<&VizA> ·\n<&Ala.home|'Aladin'> ·\n<&Bazaar> ·\n<&Dic> ·\n<&cdsbib> ·\n<&CDS.Tutorial> ·\n<&CDS.Developers>\n %ActionName CDS.menu2 %Description CDS menu %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1288766315 2010/11/03 08:38:35 %FullTextResult \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
<&CDS.link '<&WSimbad,u>' 'Simbad' '<&SIMBAD.logo.mini>' 'Simbad.logo'><&CDS.link '<&VizA,u>' 'VizieR' '<&Viz.logo.mini>' 'VizieR.logo'><&CDS.link '<&Ala.home,u>' 'Aladin' '<&Ala.logo.mini>' 'Aladin.logo'><&CDS.link '<&Bazaar,u>' 'Catalogs' '<&Cat.logo.mini>' 'Bazaar.logo'><&CDS.link '<&Dic,u>' 'Dictionary' '<&Dic.logo.mini>' 'Dic.logo'><&CDS.link '<&cdsbib,u>' 'Biblio' '<&Bib.logo.mini>' 'Bib.logo'><&CDS.link '<&CDS.Tutorial,u>' 'Tutorials' '<&Tut.logo.mini>' 'Tut.logo'><&CDS.link '<&CDS.Developers,u>' "Resources" '<&Dev.logo.mini>' 'Dev.logo'>
\n %Param.Description $1=item flag %ActionName CDS.newAnnotation %Description Lien pour ajout d'une annotation portant sur un element donne %Owner CDS'annotations %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1284111722 2010/09/10 11:42:02 %Url <&CDS.viewAnnotation,un $1 $2>/new %FullTextResult Add an annotation %Param.Description $1= contexte (simbadObject ou vizierTable par exemple) %Param.Description $2= identifiant de l'element pour lequel on souhaite ajouter une annotation %ActionName CDS.newSimbadAnnotation %Description Lien pour ajout d'une annotation Simbad %Owner CDS'annotations %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1284111722 2010/09/10 11:42:02 %Url <&CDS.viewSimbadAnnotation,un $1>/new %FullTextResult Add an annotation %Param.Description $1= identifiant (OID Simbad) de l'object Simbad pour lequel on souhaite ajouter une annotation %ActionName CDS.newVizieRAnnotation %Description Lien pour ajout d'une annotation VizieR %Owner CDS'annotations %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1284112999 2010/09/10 12:03:19 %Url <&CDS.viewVizieRAnnotation,un $1>/new %FullTextResult Add an annotation %Param.Description $1= identifiant (name) de la table ou du catalogue VizieR pour lequel on souhaite ajouter une annotation %ActionName CDS.piwikStats %Description Code HTML permettant de loguer l'acces par Piwik %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1681389564 2023/04/13 14:39:24 %FullTextResult %Param.Description $1= identifiant du site a loguer %ActionName CDS.portal %Description CDS portal %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1299664940 2011/03/09 12:02:20 %FullTextResult CDS search:  \n
%ActionName CDS.tail %Description End of the HTML pages at CDS %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1360926709 2013/02/15 13:11:49 %FullTextResult <&CDS.tailArea2 "$1" "$2" "$3">\n %Param.Description $1= sujet du mail envoye quand on clique sur le lien Contact %Param.Description $2= texte copyright qui apparaitra a gauche dans le footer %Param.Description $3= nom du service (aladin|vizier|simbad|portal|xmatch) --> influe sur la couleur du separateur %ActionName CDS.tail.OLD %Description Tail pages at CDS with the envelope %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %FullTextResult
\n<&CDS.end "$1" "$2"> %ActionName CDS.tail1 %Description CDS.tail without CDS.head %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %FullTextResult
©UDS/CNRS\n Contact: " align="middle" border="0"\nalt="Question@simbad">
\n %Param.Description $1=mailto %Param.Description $2=options %Param.Description $3=text options %ActionName CDS.tailArea %Description Div avec icone pour envoi mail Ă  question %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1531988541 2018/07/19 10:22:21 %FullTextResult
\n©Université de Strasbourg/CNRS\nContact: Question@simbad\n
%ActionName CDS.tailArea2 %Description Footer avec liens vers les reseaux sociaux et liens vers Contact et Legals %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1708680379 2024/02/23 11:26:19 %FullTextResult \n %Param.Description $1= Sujet du mail envoye quand on clique sur l'element email dans les liens sociaux %Param.Description $2= Contenu custom (copyright, liens, ...) a ajouter dans le footer %Param.Description $3= Nom du service a mettre en valeur: (aladin|vizier|simbad|portal|xmatch) %ActionName CDS.tailmenu %Description Tail page at CDS with the menu and the envelop %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %FullTextResult
\n$2\n\n %ActionName CDS.viewAnnotation %Description Lien pour visualisation d'une annotation portant sur un element donne %Owner CDS'annotations %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1593673398 2020/07/02 09:03:18 %Url <&CDS.annotationsRootHttps,un>/annotations/$1/$2 %FullTextResult View annotation %Param.Description $1= contexte (simbadObject ou vizierTable par exemple) %Param.Description $2= identifiant de l'element dont on souhaite voir l'annotation %ActionName CDS.viewSimbadAnnotation %Description Lien pour visualisation d'une annotation Simbad portant sur un objet donne %Owner CDS'annotations %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1363074390 2013/03/12 09:46:30 %Url <&CDS.viewAnnotation,un 'simbadObject' $1> %FullTextResult View Simbad annotation %Param.Description $1= identifiant de l'objet (OID Simbad) dont on souhaite voir l'annotation %Test param="3237364" %ActionName CDS.viewVizieRAnnotation %Description Lien pour visualisation d'une annotation VizieR portant sur un catalogue ou une table donne %Owner CDS'annotations %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1284111722 2010/09/10 11:42:02 %Url <&CDS.viewAnnotation,un 'vizierTable' $1> %FullTextResult View VizieR annotation %Param.Description $1= identifiant de l'objet (name table ou catalogue) dont on souhaite voir l'annotation %ActionName CDSLogin.service %Description Service CDS Login %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1353483050 2012/11/21 09:30:50 %Url <&Portal.home,u>/CDSLogin/service?command=$1&format=$2 %Test param="logout json" pattern="true" %ActionName CDSabs.A+A.home %Description Home page for A&A abstracts at CDS (from vol.284, Apr 94) %Owner CDS'biblio %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1328194704 2012/02/02 16:58:24 %Url http://cdsbib.u-strasbg.fr/bib/A+A.gml %Test noparam pattern="767-1144" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName CDSabs.A+AS.home %Description Home page for A&AS abstracts at CDS (from vol.103, Jan 94) %Owner CDS'biblio %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1328194704 2012/02/02 16:58:24 %Url http://cdsbib.u-strasbg.fr/bib/A+AS.gml %Test noparam pattern="431-655" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName CDSabs.NewA.home %Description Home page for New Astronomy abstracts at CDS (from vol.1, Sept 1996) %Owner CDS'biblio %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1328194704 2012/02/02 16:58:24 %Url http://cdsbib.u-strasbg.fr/bib/NewA.gml %Test noparam pattern="137-218" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName CDSabs.PASP.home %Description Home page for PASP abstracts at CDS (from vol.106, Jan 94) %Owner CDS'biblio %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1328194704 2012/02/02 16:58:24 %Url http://cdsbib.u-strasbg.fr/bib/PASP.gml %Test noparam pattern="1-92" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName CDSabs.original.A+A.home %Description Home page for A&A abstracts at CDS - original version (from vol.284, Apr 94) %Owner CDS'biblio %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641203622 2022/01/03 11:53:42 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/Abstract.html %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName CDSheadU %Description For conversion of <&CDSheadU> into the root URL. (General access) %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1236088297 2009/03/03 15:51:37 %SeeAction CDSheadU.cds availability=6 %SeeAction CDSheadU.rel availability=9999 %SeeAction CDSheadU.cfa availability=6 %SeeAction CDSheadU.adac availability=5 %SeeAction CDSheadU.cadc availability=1050 %SeeAction CDSheadU.uk availability=9999 %SeeAction CDSheadU.iucaa availability=7 %SeeAction CDSheadU.ru availability=9999 %SeeAction CDSheadU.ch availability=6 %SeeAction CDSheadU.hw availability=9999 %ActionName CDSplain.tailmenu %Description Tail page at CDS with the menu and the envelop (Mosaic compatible) %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %FullTextResult
\n<&CDS.menu>\n\n\nQuestion@simbad\n$2\n\n %ActionName CENCOS.fits %Description Get FITS spectrum from CENCOS %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://cencosnew.oamp.fr/VVDS/DEEP/ListeSP/$1.fits %Param.Description $1=Spectrum ID %Param.Value $1=020462194 %ResultDataType Mime(image/x-fits) %ActionName CENCOS.home %Description Home page of the CENCOS project %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://cencosnew.oamp.fr/ %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName CENCOS.vvds %Description Get Vimos VLT Deep Survey Spectrum %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://cencosnew.oamp.fr/cgi-bin/VVDS/DEEP/vvds_deep.pl?ident=$1 %Param.Description $1=Spectrum ID %Param.Value $1=020462194 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName CFHT %Description Get the CFHT home page %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 2001/02/22 08:38:59 %Url http://www.cfht.hawaii.edu %ActionName CGPS.data %Description Get data of CGPS (Canadian Galactic Plane Survey) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://www1.cadc.hia.nrc.gc.ca/cadcbin/cgps/archive/GetCGPS.py?dataset=$1 %Param.Description $1=filename %Param.Value $1=cgps_mw1_012_um_image %ResultDataType Mime(image/fits) %ActionName CNES.home %Description CNES home page %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1340094263 2012/06/19 10:24:23 %Url http://www.cnes.fr/ %DefaultAnchorText CNES %ActionName CNRS.logo %Description Logo of Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/Icons/cnrs_icon.gif %FullTextResult CNRS logo %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName CORNISH.home %Description Co-Ordinated Radio 'N' Infrared Survey for High-mass star formation %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://cornish.leeds.ac.uk/ %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName CORNISH.name %Description Get result page for a specified source of CORNISH %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://cornish.leeds.ac.uk/cgi-bin/public/summary_src.py?name=$1 %Param.Description $1=CORNISH name (GLLL.llll+BB.bbbb) %Param.Value $1=G010.1237-00.9564 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName CS %Description Generic CS query %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1507562904 2017/10/09 17:28:24 %Url $4RA=$1&DEC=$2&SR=$3&VERB=$5 %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=Radius in deg %Param.Description $4=Base URL (incl. '?') %Param.Description $5=Returned columns %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAd) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEd) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RADIUSd) %Param.DataType $4=BaseUrl %Param.Value $3=0.17 %Param.Value $5=2 - default %Param.Value $5=3 - all %ResultDataType Mime(text/xml) %Aladin.Menu VO protocols.. %Aladin.XLabel Generic Cone Search query %Aladin.LabelPlane $4 %Aladin.Profile >10 %ActionName Calibration %Description Get the calibration for a position from the Aladin image server %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/AladinPreview?-c=$1&out=calibration&resolution=$2&qual=$3 %ActionName Calibration-test %Description Get the calibration for a position from the Aladin image server %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/alapre-test.pl?-c=$1&out=calibration&resolution=$2&qual=$3 %ActionName Cat.Browse %Description Access to the "Browse" part of a catalog %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/Cat?cat=$1&target=http %Param.Description $1=Catalog name %Param.DataType $1=E %Test param="J/A+A/503/651" %Test param="J/A+A/518/A25" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Cat.Names %Description Get list of Catalogues from their Acronyms %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1630681033 2021/09/03 16:57:13 %Url https://cds.unistra.fr/cats/U.htx %DefaultAnchorText Abbreviations of catalogues %Test %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Cat.file %Description Direct access (via http) to a file stored in the Astronomer's bazaar %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ftp/cats/$1 %Param.DataType $1=E %Test param="J/A+A/327/522" %Test param="J/A+A/373/899/fig/M22_V14.gif" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Cat.file.mime %Description Access (via http) to a file in a specified mime type %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/nph-Cat/$2?-plus=-+&$1 %Param.Description $1=Full table name %Param.Description $2=Type of output (txt, html, tex, fits, tar, csv, par) %Param.DataType $1=E %Param.DataType $2=text %Test param="J/A+A/503/651/./phot/V053.dat html" %Test param="J/A+A/503/651/./phot/V123.dat txt" %Test param="J/A+A/503/651/./phot/V333.dat fits" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Cat.ftp %Description Astronomer's Bazaar query for a full catalogue file (via FTP) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizF>/$1 %Param.DataType $1=E %Test param="J/A+A/327/522" %Test param="J/A+A/327/522/fig/fig1_1.ps" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Cat.list %Description Get full list of Catalogues %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/cats/cats.gml %DefaultAnchorText List of catalogues %Test %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Cat.list.htx %Description Get full list of Catalogues %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/cats/cats.htx %DefaultAnchorText List of catalogues %Test %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Cat.logo.mini %Description Catalogues logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %FullTextResult Catalogs %ResultDataType Mime(image/png) %ActionName Cat.viz %Description Astronomer's Bazaar as a Directory Tree (via HTTP) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url /viz-bin/ftp-index?$1 %Param.DataType $1=E %Test param="J/A+A/327/522" %Test param="J/A+A/327/522/fig/fig1_1.ps" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Cat.viz.attach %Description Astronomer's Bazaar as a Directory Tree (via HTTP), as an attachment %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url /viz-bin/ftp-index/attach?$1 %Param.DataType $1=E %Test param="J/A+A/327/522" %Test param="J/A+A/327/522/fig/fig1_1.ps" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Cat.viz.attach.cds %Description Astronomer's Bazaar as a Directory Tree (via HTTP) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/ftp-index/attach?$1 %Param.DataType $1=E %Test param="J/A+A/327/522" %Test param="J/A+A/327/522/fig/fig1_1.ps" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Cat.viz.cds %Description Astronomer's Bazaar as a Directory Tree (via HTTP) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/ftp-index?$1 %Param.DataType $1=E %Test param="J/A+A/327/522" %Test param="J/A+A/327/522/fig/fig1_1.ps" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Chandra %Description X-Ray observatory data %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/nph-cxc?obsid=$1&instrument=$2&resolution=$3&imagetype=$4&returntype=$5 %Param.Description $1=obsid %Param.Description $2=instr (unused) %Param.Description $3=resolution %Param.Description $4=imagetype %Param.Description $5=returntype %Param.Value $1=1505 %Param.Value $2=hrc %Param.Value $3=high %Param.Value $4=jpg %Param.Value $3=link|redirect %ResultDataType Mime(image/gfits) %ActionName CoordSystems %Description Coordinate system description. %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1188914002 2007/09/04 15:53:22 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/coosystem.htx %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Corwin.note %Description Notes related to a NGC or IC galaxy %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/vizExec/.getpuz?7239&$1 %Param.Description $1=The designation e.g. N 223 or I 48 %Param.DataType $1=text %Test param="I 48" %Test param="N4776" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName DENIS %Description Serveur IAP des images DENIS %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1373967229 2013/07/16 11:33:49 %Url http://apremont.obspm.fr/cgi-bin/getImage?strip=$1&img=$2&band=$3 %Param.Description $1=Strip number %Param.Description $2=Image number %Param.Description $3=Band %Param.Value $3=I %Param.Value $3=J %Param.Value $3=K %Test param="3792 469954 I" pattern="CTYPE" %ActionName DENIS.home %Description Home page for the DENIS database at CDS %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO ExceptField= DefaultAnchorText %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/denis.html %DefaultAnchorText DENIS %Test noparam %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName DSS.Aladin %Description The Digitized Sky Survey from CDS (Strasbourg) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/alapre.pl?-c=$1&out=image&fmt=$4&resolution=$3&qual=$2 %Param.Description $1=Target %Param.Description $2=Survey %Param.Description $3=Resolution %Param.Description $4=Format %Param.DataType $1=Target(COO|SIMBAD) %Param.Value $2=POSSII J DSS2 - DSS2 optical B %Param.Value $2=POSSII F DSS2 - DSS2 optical R %Param.Value $2=POSSII N DSS2 - DSS2 optical I %Param.Value $2=POSSI O DSS2 %Param.Value $2=SERC I DSS2 - DSS2 optical I %Param.Value $2=AAO R DSS2 - DSS2 optical R %Param.Value $2=POSSI E STScI - DSS1 optical R %Param.Value $2=SERC J STScI - DSS1 optical B %Param.Value $3=FULL - Full resolution (~ 14'x14') %Param.Value $3=LOW - Low resolution (~ 1°x1° - only for DSS1) %Param.Value $3=PLATE - Plate view (~ 6°x6°) %Param.Value $4=FITS - FITS format %Param.Value $4=JPEG - JPEG format %ResultDataType Mime(image/fits) %VerboseDescr These DSS images are provided by the "Aladin image server" which contains not only DSS images. Select "Aladin Images" button to have access to other digitalized surveys (2MASS, IRAS, MAMA,... ) %Doc.User http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr %Aladin.Label DSS from CDS (Strasbourg/France - DSS.Aladin) %Aladin.Menu DSS... %Aladin.LabelPlane CDS $1 $2 $3 %ActionName DSS.ESO %Description The Digitized Sky Survey from ESO (Garching) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1447768085 2015/11/17 15:48:05 %Url http://archive.eso.org/dss/dss/image?ra=$2&dec=$3&equinox=J2000&x=$4&y=$5&Sky-Survey=$1&mime-type=download-gz-fits %Param.Description $1=Sky Survey %Param.Description $2=RA %Param.Description $3=DE %Param.Description $4=Width (arcmin) %Param.Description $5=Height (arcmin) %Param.DataType $2=Target(RA) %Param.DataType $3=Target(DE) %Param.DataType $4=Radius(RA) %Param.DataType $5=Radius(DE) %Param.Value $1=DSS2-red - POSS2UKSTU_Red %Param.Value $1=DSS2-blue - POSS2UKSTU_Blue %Param.Value $1=DSS2-infrared - POSS2UKSTU_IR %Param.Value $1=DSS1 - POSS1_Red and UKSTU_Blue %Param.Value $4=15 %Param.Value $5=15 %ResultDataType Mime(image/gfits) %Doc.User http://archive.eso.org %Aladin.Label DSS from ESO (Garching/Deutschland - DSS.ESO) %Aladin.Menu DSS... %Aladin.LabelPlane ESO $1 %ActionName DSS.ESO.outreach %Description Optical : DSS (ESO/Garching/Germany) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1365514031 2013/04/09 15:27:11 %Url http://archive.eso.org/dss/dss/image?ra=$2&dec=$3&equinox=J2000&x=$4&y=$5&Sky-Survey=$1&mime-type=download-gz-fits %Param.Description $1=Sky Survey %Param.Description $2=RA %Param.Description $3=DE %Param.Description $4=Height (arcmin) %Param.Description $5=Width (arcmin) %Param.DataType $2=Target(RA) %Param.DataType $3=Target(DE) %Param.DataType $4=Radius(RA) %Param.DataType $5=Radius(DE) %Param.Value $1=DSS1 - POSS1 Red and UKSTU Blue %Param.Value $1=DSS2-red - POSS2 UKSTU Red %Param.Value $1=DSS2-blue - POSS2 UKSTU Blue %Param.Value $1=DSS2-infrared - POSS2 UKSTU IR %Param.Value $4=15 %Param.Value $5=15 %ResultDataType Mime(image/gfits) %Doc.User http://archive.eso.org %Aladin.Profile undergraduate %Aladin.Logo OptLogo.gif %Aladin.LabelPlane $query DSS/ESO %Aladin.MenuNumber A1 %ActionName DSS.STScI %Description The Digitized Sky Survey from STScI (Baltimore) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1160996588 2006/10/16 12:03:08 %Url http://archive.stsci.edu/cgi-bin/dss_search?v=$1&r=$2&d=$3&e=J2000&h=$4&w=$5&f=fits&c=gz %Param.Description $1=Sky Survey %Param.Description $2=RA %Param.Description $3=DE %Param.Description $4=Height (arcmin) %Param.Description $5=Width (arcmin) %Param.DataType $2=Target(RA) %Param.DataType $3=Target(DE) %Param.DataType $4=Radius(RA) %Param.DataType $5=Radius(DE) %Param.Value $1=POSS2UKSTU_Red %Param.Value $1=POSS2UKSTU_Blue %Param.Value $1=POSS2UKSTU_IR %Param.Value $1=POSS1_Red %Param.Value $1=POSS1_Blue %Param.Value $1=QuickV %Param.Value $1=Phase2_GSC2 - POSS2UKSTU_Red %Param.Value $1=Phase2_GSC1 %Param.Value $4=15 %Param.Value $5=15 %ResultDataType Mime(image/gfits) %Doc.User http://archive.stsci.edu/dss/index.html %Aladin.Label DSS from STScI (Baltimore/US - DSS.STScI) %Aladin.Menu DSS... %Aladin.LabelPlane STScI $1 $2 $3 %ActionName Deconv %Description Aladin deconvolution service %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/deconvol.pl?s=$1&gcv=$2&mask=$3®=$4&rad=$5&eb=$6&ID=$7&i\nmage=$8&PSF=$9 %ActionName Deconv.getResults %Description Results for the Aladin deconvolution service %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/getResults.pl?type=$1&ID=$2 %ActionName DefQual %Description Get the best qualifier for a position from the Aladin image server %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/AladinPreview?out=defqual&-c=$1&qual=$2 %ActionName Default.bkm %Description Default Aladin bookmarks %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/Bookmarks.ajs %Aladin.Bookmarks Optical,IR,UV,Radio,DSS,Simbad,NED %Aladin.Profile >=6.033 <8.032 %ActionName Default.bkm.outreach %Description Default Aladin bookmarks (outreach mode) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1490859993 2017/03/30 09:46:33 %Url http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/java/Bookmarks.ajs %Aladin.Bookmarks Optical,IR,UV,Radio %Aladin.Profile >=6.033 undergraduate %ActionName Dev.logo.mini Dev.logo %Description Dictionary logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1288766315 2010/11/03 08:38:35 %FullTextResult Resources %ResultDataType Mime(image/png) %ActionName Dic %Description Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects (includes Clones) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO ExceptField= DefaultAnchorText %VersionNumber 1636103416 2021/11/05 11:10:16 %SeeAction Dic.cds availability=7 %Doc.User https://cds.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/Dic-Simbad %ActionName Dic.More %Description Details from Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects (and Clones) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO ExceptField= DefaultAnchorText %VersionNumber 1630681033 2021/09/03 16:57:13 %SeeAction Dic.More.cds availability=1 %SeeAction Dic.More.adac availability=2 %SeeAction Dic.More.cfa availability=3 %Doc.User https://cds.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/Dic-Simbad %ActionName Dic.Simbad Acro DIC IDDICT %Description Dictionary of Nomenclature query for a catalogue acronym (full description) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638804008 2021/12/06 17:20:08 %Url https://cds.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/Dic-Simbad?$1 %Param.DataType $1=M %Test param="HD" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/Dic %ActionName Dic.adac %Description Home page for the Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url http://vizier.nao.ac.jp/viz-bin/Dic-Simbad?$1 %DefaultAnchorText Nomenclature %FullTextResult $text %Param.DataType $1=M %Param.Optional $1 %Test param="HDE" %Test param="ZC" %Test.Result 6 2021/11/05 11:10:33 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/Dic %ActionName Dic.cfa %Description Home page for the Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://vizier.cfa.harvard.edu/viz-bin/Dic-Simbad?$1 %DefaultAnchorText Nomenclature %FullTextResult $text %Param.DataType $1=M %Param.Optional $1 %Test param="HDE" %Test param="ZC" %Test.Result 5 2021/11/05 11:10:34 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User https://vizier.cfa.harvard.edu/viz-bin/Dic %ActionName Dic.logo %Description Nomenclature logo %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1630681033 2021/09/03 16:57:13 %Url https://cds.unistra.fr/Icons/logodic4.gif %FullTextResult Dic logo %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName Dic.logo.mini %Description Dictionary logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %FullTextResult Dictionary %ResultDataType Mime(image/png) %ActionName Dic.ru %Description Home page for the Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1630681033 2021/09/03 16:57:13 %Url https://vizier.inasan.ru/viz-bin/Dic-Simbad?$1 %DefaultAnchorText Nomenclature %FullTextResult $text %Param.DataType $1=M %Param.Optional $1 %Test param="HDE" %Test param="ZC" %Test.Result 9999 2021/11/05 11:10:34 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User https://cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/Dic %ActionName DicTable %Description Dictionary of Nomenclature query for a catalogue acronym (short description) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638804008 2021/12/06 17:20:08 %Url https://cds.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/Dic-Simbad?cat=Iden&max=10&$1 %Param.Description $1=Acronym or first letters of this acronym %Param.DataType $1=M %Test param="HD" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User https://cds.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/Dic %ActionName DssColor.hpx.outreach %Description Survey en JPEG couleur %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/DSS/DSSColor %Copyright Digitized Sky Survey - STScI/NASA %Copyright DSS consortium & STScI/NASA %Id P/DSS2/color %Aladin.Profile >=6.912 undergraduate %Aladin.XLabel DSS colored %Aladin.MenuNumber B1 %Aladin.HpxParam 9 color equatorial jpeg %ActionName ESA.home %Description European Space Agency (ESA) home page %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1340094263 2012/06/19 10:24:23 %Url http://www.esa.int/ %DefaultAnchorText ESA %ActionName ESO.home %Description European Southern Observatory (ESO) %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1340094263 2012/06/19 10:24:23 %Url http://www.eso.org/ %DefaultAnchorText ESO %ActionName ESO.logo %Description ESO logo %Owner CDS'VizieR %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/eso-logo.gif %FullTextResult ESO logo %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName EUROVO %Description European Virtual Observatory web site %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1698071681 2023/10/23 16:34:41 %Url https://www.euro-vo.org %Test noparam pattern="European Virtual Observatory" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Echo %Description Just echo the program name, the parameters and the Environment %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/Echo?$1 %Param.Description $1=Anything, just echoed... %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Ed.A+A %Description Anchor to "A&A at EDP Sciences" %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1163400810 2006/11/13 08:53:30 %Url http://www.aanda.org/aa/ %DefaultAnchorText EDP Sciences %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Ed.A+A.CDS %Description Anchor to "A&A at CDS" %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %Url http://cds.aanda.org %DefaultAnchorText Astronomy & Astrophysics - CDS site %Test noparam pattern="Astrophysics" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Ed.A+AS %Description Anchor to "EDP Sciences" %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1163400810 2006/11/13 08:53:30 %Url http://www.aanda.org/aas/ %DefaultAnchorText EDP Sciences %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Ed.AJ AJ.home %Description AJ Electronic Edition. %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1 1998/07/21 11:10:29 %SeeAction AJ.home.fr availability=9999 %SeeAction AJ.home.us availability=9999 %ActionName Ed.ApJ %Description Anchor to Astrophysical Journal %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1 2000/12/18 07:03:24 %SeeAction Ed.ApJ.fr availability=9999 %SeeAction Ed.ApJ.us availability=9999 %ActionName Ed.ApJS %Description Anchor to Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 1997/11/28 16:42:25 %SeeAction Ed.ApJS.fr availability=9999 %SeeAction Ed.ApJS.us availability=9999 %ActionName Ed.IBVS %Description Link to Information Bulletin on Variable Stars %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1316448247 2011/09/19 18:04:07 %Url http://www.konkoly.hu/IBVS/IBVS.html %DefaultAnchorText Konkoly Observatory, Budapest %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Ed.NewA %Description Anchor to "New Astronomy" %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1 2002/03/28 12:29:22 %Url http://www.elsevier.nl/journals/newast/Menu.html %DefaultAnchorText New Astronomy %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Ed.PASP %Description Anchor to The Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 1997/11/28 16:42:25 %Url http://www.stsci.edu/pasp %DefaultAnchorText Astronomical Society of the Pacific %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Ed.Phys %Description Anchor to "EDP Sciences" %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1163400810 2006/11/13 08:53:30 %Url http://www.aanda.org/ %DefaultAnchorText EDP Sciences %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Ed.Springer %Description Anchor to Springer %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 2001/01/05 11:25:32 %Url http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00230/ %DefaultAnchorText Springer-Verlag %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Elodie.home %Description Home page of the ELODIE archive %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://atlas.obs-hp.fr/elodie/ %Param.Description $1=I %Param.Value $1=HD2665 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Elodie.obj %Description Get info ELODIE archive about one object (star) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://atlas.obs-hp.fr/elodie/fE.cgi?o=$1 %Param.Description $1=I %Param.Value $1=HD2665 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Envelop.icon %Description Picture of an envelop %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1269602147 2010/03/26 13:15:47 %SeeAction Envelop.icon.abs availability=0 %SeeAction Envelop.icon.rel availability=9999 %SeeAction Envelop.icon.viz availability=0 %ActionName FIRST %Description FIRST Image Cutouts %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576819358 2019/12/20 07:22:38 %Url https://third.ucllnl.org/cgi-bin/firstcutout?RA=$1&Dec=&Equinox=J2000&ImageSize=$2&ImageType=FITS+File&MaxInt=$3 %Param.Description $1=Coordinates %Param.Description $2=Image Size (arcmin) %Param.Description $3=Max Intensity (mJy) %Param.DataType $1=Target(Coob) %Param.DataType $2=Field(SQR) %Param.Value $2=4.5 %Param.Value $3=10 %ResultDataType Mime(image/fits) %Doc.User https://third.ucllnl.org/first/cutouthelp.html %Aladin.Label FIRST Image Cutouts %Aladin.LabelPlane FIRST %Aladin.Menu VLA... %Aladin.Profile <10.144 %ActionName FIRST.cutout %Description Extract FIRST Image Cutouts %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://first.astro.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/firstcutout?RA=$1&Dec=$2&ImageSize=$3&MaxInt=$4 %Param.Description $1=Right ascension (J2000) %Param.Description $2=Declination (J2000) %Param.Value $3=5 %Param.Value $4=10 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName FIRST.fits %Description Get Full FITS Extract from FIRST %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://first.astro.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/firstcutout?RA=$1&Dec=$2&ImageSize=$3&MaxInt=$4&ImageType=FITS+File %Param.Description $1=Right ascension (J2000) %Param.Description $2=Declination (J2000) %Param.Value $3=12 %Param.Value $4=10 %ResultDataType Mime(image/fits) %ActionName FTP.doc %Description Facilities to get files and catalogues via FTP at CDS %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1630681033 2021/09/03 16:57:13 %Url https://cds.unistra.fr/doc/ftp.htx %DefaultAnchorText FTP Facilities at CDS %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName FovEditor %Description FoV interactive editor %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/footprint_editor/ %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName GALEX-GR6-AIS-Color.hpx.outreach %Description GALEX GR6 AIS - vsn02 - Color composition %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/GALEX/GR6-02-Color %Copyright from STScI (NASA) - healpixed by CDS %Copyright.url http://galex.stsci.edu/GR6/ %Aladin.XLabel GALEX AIS Colored %Aladin.Profile >6.1 undergraduate %Aladin.HpxParam 8 color equatorial jpeg %Aladin.MenuNumber B5 %ActionName GCN.fullpaper %Description Gamma-ray bursts Coordinated Network %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1316448247 2011/09/19 18:04:07 %Url http://cdsbib.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/GCN?GCN/$1 %Param.Description $1=Circular Number (1-19999) %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName GCPD %Description Details for a photometric system %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://obswww.unige.ch/gcpd/ph$1.html %DefaultAnchorText GCPD %Param.Description $1=photometric system number %Param.Value $1=01 %Param.Value $1=82 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName GLM.hpx.outreach %Description GLIMPSE colored survey %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/SpitzerI1I2I4color %Copyright Spitzer mission - JPL/NASA %Aladin.Profile >=6.912 undergraduate %Aladin.XLabel IRAC colored %Aladin.MenuNumber B4 %Aladin.HpxParam 7 color equatorial jpeg %ActionName GLU.logo %Description GLU logo (l'atomium) %Owner CDS'glu %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641204343 2022/01/03 12:05:43 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/glu/GLUlogo.gif %FullTextResult GLU logo %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName GTC.hpx %Description GTC Public Archive %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1457713645 2016/03/11 18:27:25 %Url http://gtc.sdc.cab.inta-csic.es/hips/gtc/ %VerboseDescr Gran Telescopio Canarias Public Archive, reduced images uploaded by users. %Copyright SVO, CAB (INTA-CSIC) %Origin svo.cab %Id GTC %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://gtc.sdc.cab.inta-csic.es/gtc/index.jsp %SkyFraction 7.251E-6 %Aladin.XLabel GTC %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-xx %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2016-02-03T16:00Z %ActionName Gaia-DR1.cat %Description Gaia DR1 (Gaia Collaboration, 2016) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/votable?-source=$3&-c=$1&-out.add=_RAJ,_DEJ&-oc.form=dm&-out.meta=DhuL&-out.max=$9&-c.rm=$2&Plx=$4&=$5&pmRA=$6&pmDE=$7&-out=_VizieR,*Mime(image/fits),$8 %Param.Description $1=Target %Param.Description $2=Radius in deg %Param.Description $3=Table %Param.Description $4=Plx [mas](ex: >50) %Param.Description $5=Gmag (ex: 10..11) %Param.Description $6=pmRA [mas/yr] (ex: <-20) %Param.Description $7=pmDE [mas/yr] (ex: >30) %Param.Description $8=Output columns %Param.Description $9=Output max %Param.DataType $1=Target(COO) %Param.DataType $2=Field(RADIUS) %Param.Value $2=0.17 %Param.Value $3=I/337/gaia - Gaia Source data %Param.Value $3=I/337/tgasptyc - TGAS supplemented with BT and VT magnitudes %Param.Value $8=* - Default columns %Param.Value $8=** - All columns %Param.Value $9=999999 %Param.Value $9=10000 %Param.Value $9=1000 %Param.Value $9=100 %ResultDataType Mime(votable/xml) %Aladin.Label Gaia DR1 %Aladin.LabelPlane Gaia %Aladin.logo http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/GaiaLogo.gif %Aladin.Profile <10.024 %ActionName GenericConeSearch %Description Generic ConeSearch query %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1507560157 2017/10/09 16:42:37 %Url $4RA=$1&DEC=$2&SR=$3&VERB=2 %Param.Description $4=Base URL (incl. '?') %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=Radius in deg %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAd) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEd) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RADIUSd) %Param.Value $3=0.17 %ResultDataType Mime(text/xml) %Aladin.Menu Others.. %Aladin.XLabel Generic Cone Search query %Aladin.LabelPlane CS $4 %Aladin.Profile >6.909 <10 %ActionName Glu.Doc %Description General documentation to install and use the GLU tools %Owner CDS'glu %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641204343 2022/01/03 12:05:43 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/glu/gludoc.htx %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Glu.home Glu.demo %Description Home page for the GLU project %Owner CDS'glu %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641204343 2022/01/03 12:05:43 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/glu/glu.htx %Test noparam %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName GluBrowser %Description Glu Dictionary Browser on aladin.u-strasbg.fr %Owner CDS'glu %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641204343 2022/01/03 12:05:43 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/glu/GluBrowser.pl %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/glu/glu.htx %ActionName GluBrowser.query GluBrowser.query.test %Description Query the Glu Dictionary Browser on aladin.u-strasbg.fr %Owner CDS'glu %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641204343 2022/01/03 12:05:43 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/glu/GluBrowser.pl?frame=d&p=$1 %Param.Description $1=Glu record identifier (full or partial) %Test param="GluBrowser.query" pattern="Mime" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName GluSupervisor %Description Glu Supervisor on aladin.u-strasbg.fr %Owner CDS'glu %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641204343 2022/01/03 12:05:43 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/glu/GluSupervisor.pl %Test noparam pattern="dernier test complet" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/glu/glu.htx %ActionName Glud.Command.Doc %Description Manual of gluc commands %Owner CDS'glu %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641204343 2022/01/03 12:05:43 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/glu/gludhelp.pl?h=help %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Glud.Parameter.Doc %Description Manual of configuration parameter of the glud %Owner CDS'glu %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641204343 2022/01/03 12:05:43 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/glu/gludhelp.pl %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Gludic.Doc %Description Manual of record fields of the GLU dictionary %Owner CDS'glu %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641204343 2022/01/03 12:05:43 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/glu/gludichelp.pl?$1 %Param.Description $1=GLU field name (short or long syntax) %Test noparam pattern="Services" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName HDA %Description Hubble Data Archive (at STScI) %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 1998/02/16 18:24:43 %Url http://archive.stsci.edu/cgi-bin/hst_science_search?target=&resolver=SIMBAD&ra=$1&dec=$2&radius=$3&equinox=J2000&obsdate=&pi_last_name=&proposal_id=&bandpass_specifier=wavelength&bandpass=&obs=pub&data_type=$4&action=Search&output_format=brief&sort1=----------------------&sort2=----------------------&sort3=----------------------&sort4=----------------------&max_records=100 %Param.Description $1=Right ascension (J2000) %Param.Description $2=Declination (J2000) %Param.Description $3=Radius %Param.Description $4=Images or spectra or others... %Param.DataType $1=Coo(J2000,RA) %Param.DataType $2=Coo(J2000,DE) %Param.Value $3=10.0 %Param.Value $4=WF/PC %Param.Value $4=WFPC2 %Param.Value $4=FOC Images %Param.Value $4=STIS Images %Param.Value $4=NICMOS Images %Param.Value $4=FOS %Param.Value $4=GHRS %Param.Value $4=FOC Spectra %Param.Value $4=STIS Spectra %Param.Value $4=NICMOS Spectra %Param.Value $4=FGS %Param.Value $4=HSP %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User http://archive.stsci.edu/cgi-bin/hst_science_search %Doc.User http://archive.stsci.edu/HDA/hst_science_search_help.html %ActionName HIPASS.fit %Description Get HIPASS spectra (Australia Telescope National Facility) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://www.atnf.csiro.au/cgi-bin/multi/release/getfitsspectrum.cgi?ra=$1&dec=$2&hann=1&lo=-1281&hi=12726&xaxis=optical&datasource=hipass %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension (J2000), as hh:mm:ss %Param.Description $2=Declination (J2000), as +dd:mm:ss %Param.Value $1=00:47:33 %Param.Value $2=-25:17:18 %ResultDataType Mime(spectrum/fits) %ActionName HLAFP %Description Hubble Legacy Archive Footprint Data (HLA) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576820496 2019/12/20 07:41:36 %Url http://hla.stsci.edu/cgi-bin/hlaSIAP.cgi?POS=$1,$2&SIZE=$3,$4&inst=$5&image=$6 %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=Width (deg) %Param.Description $4=Height (deg) %Param.Description $5=Instrument %Param.Description $6=Level %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAd) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEd) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RAd) %Param.DataType $4=Field(DEd) %Param.Value $3=0.17 %Param.Value $4=0.17 %Param.Value $5=ALL %Param.Value $5=STIS - Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph %Param.Value $5=ACS - Advanced Camera for Survey %Param.Value $5=NICMOS - Near IR Camera & Multi Object Spectrometer %Param.Value $5=GHRS - Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph %Param.Value $5=WFPC2 - Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 %Param.Value $5=FOS - Faint Object Spectrograph %Param.Value $6=Best - Best Available %Param.Value $6=All - All Footprints %Param.Value $6=1 - Exposure %Param.Value $6=2 - Combined %Param.Value $6=3 - Mosaic %Param.Value $6=5 - Contributed %ResultDataType Mime(sia/xml) %VerboseDescr Allows access (via SIAP) to Hubble Legacy Archive footprint data %Doc.User http://hla.stsci.edu/ %Aladin.Menu Archives... %Aladin.Profile >=5 %Aladin.Label Hubble Legacy Archive (HLA) %Aladin.Logo HLALogo.gif %ActionName HST-PR %Description Hubble press release images %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576820496 2019/12/20 07:41:36 %Url http://hubblesite.org/cgi-bin/sia/hst_pr_sia.pl?POS=$1,$2&SIZE=$3 %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=Radius in deg %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAd) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEd) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RADIUSd) %Param.Value $3=0.17 %ResultDataType Mime(sia/xml) %Doc.User http://hubblesite.org %Aladin.Menu Others... %Aladin.Profile <10.144 %Aladin.LabelPlane HST-PR $1/$2 %ActionName HST-PR.outreach %Description Hubble press release images %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1365514031 2013/04/09 15:27:11 %Url http://hubblesite.org/cgi-bin/sia/hst_pr_sia.pl?POS=$1,$2&SIZE=$3 %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=Radius in deg %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAd) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEd) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RADIUSd) %Param.Value $3=0.17 %ResultDataType Mime(sia/xml) %Aladin.Profile undergraduate %Aladin.Logo HubbleLogo.gif %Aladin.LabelPlane HST-PR $1/$2 %Aladin.MenuNumber A0 %ActionName HST.fits %Description Get an Image in FITS %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %SeeAction HST.fits.us availability=7 %ActionName HST.fits.ca %Description Get an Image from HST Archive (at CADC, FITS format) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://www.cadc.hia.nrc.gc.ca/anonProxy/getData?archive=HST&file_id=$1_PREV %Param.DataType $1=misc'query/name %Test param="J8Q632050_DRZ" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName HST.obs %Description Get details about a HST Observation (from Dataset name) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://archive.stsci.edu/cgi-bin/mastpreview?mission=hst&dataid=$1 %Param.DataType $1=misc'query/keywords %Test param="X0C80106T" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName HST.prev %Description Get an Image from HST Archive %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %SeeAction HST.prev.us %ActionName HST.preview %Description Get the Preview Image from HST Archive %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://archive.stsci.edu/cgi-bin/hst_preview_search?name=$1&imfmt=gif&xfer=log&shrink=on %Param.DataType $1=misc'query/keywords %Test param="X0C80106T" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName HST.prop %Description Get a HST Proposal (from Proposal_ID) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://archive.stsci.edu/proposal_search.php?id=$1&mission=hst %Param.DataType $1=misc'query/keywords %Test param="X0C80106T" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName HST.pub %Description HST Publications (at ESO) %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 1998/02/16 18:24:43 %Url http://arch-http.hq.eso.org/wdb/wdb/hst/publications/query?preprint_id=&numb=&tab_authors=on&authors=&tab_title=on&title=$1&ref=&max_rows_returned=100 %Param.DataType $1=CDS'misc'query/keywords %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User http://arch-http.hq.eso.org/wdb/html/wdb_query_help.html %ActionName Heasarc.query %Description HEASARC archive query by object name or coordinates %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 1998/02/16 18:24:43 %Url http://legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/W3Browse/w3nquery.pl?Action=Submit+Query&Tables=$2&Coordinates=Equatorial%3A+R.A.+Dec&Equinox=2000&Radius=Default&NR=SIMBAD&Fields=Standard&GIFsize=0&Action=Query+Submittal&Entry=$1 %Param.Description $1=J2000 coordinates or object name %Param.Description $2=Archive selection %Param.DataType $1=J2000 %Param.DataType $1=simbad'I %Param.Value $2=@AllArchives %Param.Value $2=@ASCA %Param.Value $2=CGRO Default CGROOBS %Param.Value $2=ROSAT Default ROSPUBLIC %Param.Value $2=@XTE %Param.Value $2=Ariel 5 Default ARIEL5 %Param.Value $2=BBXRT Default BBXRT %Param.Value $2=COS B Default COSBMAPS %Param.Value $2=@EXOSAT %Param.Value $2=@Einstein %Param.Value $2=SAS 2 Default SAS2MAPS %Param.Value $2=Vela 5B Default VELA5B %Param.Value $2=ROSAT WGACAT Default WGACAT %Param.Value $2=ROSAT All-Sky Survey Default RASSBSC %Param.Value $2=HST Guide Stars Default GSC %Param.Value $2=IRAS Point Sources Default IRASPSC %Param.Value $2=Radio Default RADIO %Param.Value $2=Optical Default OPTICAL %Param.Value $2=X-Ray Default XRAY %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/HHP_heasarc_info.html %ActionName HeasarcQuery %Description Query Heasarc Archives %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1188914002 2007/09/04 15:53:22 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/heasarc/W3Browse/w3basic.pl?Tables=%40All+Archives&Coordinates=Equatorial:+R.A.+Dec&Equinox=2000&Radius=Default&NR=SIMBAD&Fields=Standard&GIFsize=1000&Action=Query+Submittal&Entry=$1 %DefaultAnchorText HEASARC - High-Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center %Param.Description $1=Coordinates (sexag. or dec.) %Param.DataType $1=J2000 %Doc.User http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/HHP_heasarc_info.html %ActionName HelpPages %Description Help page %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1188913090 2007/09/04 15:38:10 %Url <&SimbadHelp>=$1 %Param.Description $1=name of the help page to display %Test param="sim-id" %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName HiPS-CDS.SIAv2 %Description HiPS2FITS CDS SIAv2 virtual data server %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1629705739 2021/08/23 10:02:19 %Url http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/SIAV2.aladin.py?POS=CIRCLE%20$1%20$2%20$3&BAND=$5&TIME=$6&DPTYPE=image&COLLECTION=$9&FORMAT=$11&PROJECTION=$7&ROTATION=$8&FACILITY=$10&SPATRES=$4 %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=FoV (deg) %Param.Description $4=Resolution (arcsec) %Param.Description $5=WL interval (m) %Param.Description $6=Epoch interval (MJD) %Param.Description $7=Projection %Param.Description $8=Rotation (deg) %Param.Description $9=Collection %Param.Description $10=Facility %Param.Description $11=Image format %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAd) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEd) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RADIUSd) %Param.Value $5=0.00000064 0.00000067 %Param.Value $6=59216 59246 %Param.Value $7=TAN %Param.Value $7=SIN %Param.Value $7=ARC %Param.Value $7=AIT %Param.Value $7=ZEA %Param.Value $7=CAR %Param.Value $7=ZPN %Param.Value $7=MOL %Param.Value $7=FIE %Param.Value $7=GLS %Param.Value $8=0.0 %Param.Value $9=ALL %Param.Value $9=ASTRON/P/apertif_dr1 %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/2MASS %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/2MASS6X %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/AKARI %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/ATLASGAL %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/CFHTLS %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/CO %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/COHRS %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/DECaLS %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/DECaPS %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/DES-DR1 %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/DM %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/DSS2 %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/EGRET %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/Fermi %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/Finkbeiner %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/GALEXGR6 %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/GalaxyCounts %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/HI %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/HI4PI %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/HLA %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/HSC %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/HST %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/Haslam408 %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/INTGAL %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/IPHAS %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/ISOPHOT %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/JPSPR1 %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/MAMA %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/MSX %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/Mars %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/NEOWISER %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/NVSS %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/PLANCK %Param.Value $9=CDS/P/PanSTARRS 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%Param.Value $9=ESAVO/P/INTEGRAL %Param.Value $9=ESAVO/P/ISO %Param.Value $9=ESAVO/P/PLANCK %Param.Value $9=ESAVO/P/Planck-2015-Pol-Dust %Param.Value $9=ESAVO/P/Planck-2015-Pol-Synchrotron %Param.Value $9=JAXA/P/bice %Param.Value $9=Leiden/P/TGSSADR %Param.Value $9=hips.astron.nl/P/tgssadr %Param.Value $9=idoc/P/omega %Param.Value $9=jvo/P/spcam %Param.Value $9=nasa.heasarc/P/Swift %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/AKARI %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/AMIGPS %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/Abell1763 %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/BAT %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/BLAST %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/BOLOCAM %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/C2D %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/CC %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/CGPS %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/CHIPASS %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/CLASH %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/COMPTEL %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/Cygnus %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/DEBRIS %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/DIRBE %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/DRAO-VillaElisa %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/DRAO %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/DUSTiNGS %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/DWINGELOO %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/Dunes %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/EBHIS %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/EFFELSBERG+EMLS %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/EFFELSBERG %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/ELFLock %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/EPoS %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/FIDEL %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/FLS %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/Fermi %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/Frontier %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/GASS %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/GAURIBIDANUR %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/GLEAM %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/GLIMPSE %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/GOALS %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/GOODS %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/Gould %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/HI4PI %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/HIPASS-ZOA %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/HLS %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/HRS %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/Hatlas %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/HeViCS %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/Helga %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/HerM33es %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/Heritage %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/Hermes %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/Higal %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/Hobys %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/ID1600773792 %Param.Value 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%Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/STOCKERT+VILLAELISA %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/STOCKERT %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/SUMSS %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/SWIRE %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/SpIES %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/SpUDS %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/Taurus %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/URUMQI %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/VELACAR %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/VELACAR_irac1 %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/VGPS %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/VLSSr %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/VNGS %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/VTSS %Param.Value $9=ov-gso/P/WHAM %Param.Value $9=wfau.roe.ac.uk/P/UHSDR1 %Param.Value $9=wfau.roe.ac.uk/P/UKIDSS %Param.Value $9=xcatdb/P/XMM %Param.Value $10=ALL %Param.Value $10=apertif_dr1 %Param.Value $10=2MASS %Param.Value $10=2MASS6X %Param.Value $10=AKARI %Param.Value $10=ATLASGAL %Param.Value $10=CFHTLS %Param.Value $10=CO %Param.Value $10=COHRS %Param.Value $10=DECaLS %Param.Value $10=DECaPS %Param.Value $10=DES-DR1 %Param.Value $10=DM %Param.Value $10=DSS2 %Param.Value $10=EGRET %Param.Value $10=Fermi %Param.Value $10=Finkbeiner %Param.Value $10=GALEXGR6 %Param.Value $10=GalaxyCounts %Param.Value $10=HI %Param.Value $10=HI4PI %Param.Value $10=HLA %Param.Value $10=HSC %Param.Value $10=HST %Param.Value $10=Haslam408 %Param.Value $10=INTGAL %Param.Value $10=IPHAS %Param.Value $10=ISOPHOT %Param.Value $10=JPSPR1 %Param.Value $10=MAMA %Param.Value $10=MSX %Param.Value $10=Mars %Param.Value $10=NEOWISER %Param.Value $10=NVSS %Param.Value $10=PLANCK %Param.Value $10=PanSTARRS %Param.Value $10=RASS %Param.Value $10=ROSATWFC %Param.Value $10=SCUBA %Param.Value $10=SCUBA2 %Param.Value $10=SDSS9 %Param.Value $10=SHASSA %Param.Value $10=SHS %Param.Value $10=SPITZER %Param.Value $10=SUMSS %Param.Value $10=TESS %Param.Value $10=THOR %Param.Value $10=ULTRAVISTA %Param.Value $10=VISTA %Param.Value $10=VLSSr %Param.Value $10=VTSS %Param.Value $10=Venus %Param.Value $10=WENSS %Param.Value $10=WISE %Param.Value $10=WMAP %Param.Value $10=allWISE %Param.Value $10=skymapper-G %Param.Value $10=skymapper-I %Param.Value $10=skymapper-R %Param.Value $10=skymapper-U %Param.Value $10=skymapper-V %Param.Value $10=skymapper-Z %Param.Value $10=unWISE %Param.Value $10=Change2 %Param.Value $10=AKARI %Param.Value $10=EXOSAT %Param.Value $10=HERSCHEL %Param.Value $10=Haslam408 %Param.Value $10=Haslam_2014 %Param.Value $10=INTEGRAL %Param.Value $10=ISO %Param.Value $10=PLANCK %Param.Value $10=Planck-2015-Pol-Dust %Param.Value $10=Planck-2015-Pol-Synchrotron %Param.Value $10=bice %Param.Value $10=TGSSADR %Param.Value $10=tgssadr %Param.Value $10=omega %Param.Value $10=spcam %Param.Value $10=Swift %Param.Value $10=AKARI %Param.Value $10=AMIGPS %Param.Value $10=Abell1763 %Param.Value $10=BAT %Param.Value $10=BLAST %Param.Value $10=BOLOCAM %Param.Value $10=C2D %Param.Value $10=CC %Param.Value $10=CGPS %Param.Value $10=CHIPASS %Param.Value $10=CLASH %Param.Value $10=COMPTEL %Param.Value $10=Cygnus %Param.Value $10=DEBRIS %Param.Value $10=DIRBE %Param.Value $10=DRAO-VillaElisa %Param.Value $10=DRAO %Param.Value $10=DUSTiNGS %Param.Value $10=DWINGELOO %Param.Value $10=Dunes %Param.Value $10=EBHIS %Param.Value $10=EFFELSBERG+EMLS %Param.Value $10=EFFELSBERG %Param.Value $10=ELFLock %Param.Value $10=EPoS %Param.Value $10=FIDEL %Param.Value $10=FLS %Param.Value $10=Fermi %Param.Value $10=Frontier %Param.Value $10=GASS %Param.Value $10=GAURIBIDANUR %Param.Value $10=GLEAM %Param.Value $10=GLIMPSE %Param.Value $10=GOALS %Param.Value $10=GOODS %Param.Value $10=Gould %Param.Value $10=HI4PI %Param.Value $10=HIPASS-ZOA %Param.Value $10=HLS %Param.Value $10=HRS %Param.Value $10=Hatlas %Param.Value $10=HeViCS %Param.Value $10=Helga %Param.Value $10=HerM33es %Param.Value $10=Heritage %Param.Value $10=Hermes %Param.Value $10=Higal %Param.Value $10=Hobys %Param.Value $10=ID1600773792 %Param.Value $10=INTEGRAL %Param.Value $10=IRIS %Param.Value $10=IRTS %Param.Value $10=Kingfish %Param.Value $10=LAB %Param.Value $10=LG %Param.Value $10=LVL %Param.Value $10=M31 %Param.Value $10=MAIPU-MU %Param.Value $10=MIPSGAL %Param.Value $10=MITEoR %Param.Value $10=Madden %Param.Value $10=Meisenheimer %Param.Value $10=Nobeyama %Param.Value $10=PARKES %Param.Value $10=PILOT %Param.Value $10=RASS %Param.Value $10=S4G %Param.Value $10=SAG4 %Param.Value $10=SAGE %Param.Value $10=SAGE_irac2 %Param.Value $10=SCANDELS %Param.Value $10=SCOSMOS %Param.Value $10=SDWFS %Param.Value $10=SEP %Param.Value $10=SERVS %Param.Value $10=SGPS %Param.Value $10=SHASSA %Param.Value $10=SINGS %Param.Value $10=SMOG %Param.Value $10=SMUVS %Param.Value $10=SRELICS %Param.Value $10=STOCKERT+VILLAELISA %Param.Value $10=STOCKERT %Param.Value $10=SUMSS %Param.Value $10=SWIRE %Param.Value $10=SpIES %Param.Value $10=SpUDS %Param.Value $10=Taurus %Param.Value $10=URUMQI %Param.Value $10=VELACAR %Param.Value $10=VELACAR_irac1 %Param.Value $10=VGPS %Param.Value $10=VLSSr %Param.Value $10=VNGS %Param.Value $10=VTSS %Param.Value $10=WHAM %Param.Value $10=UHSDR1 %Param.Value $10=UKIDSS %Param.Value $10=XMM %Param.Value $11=application/fits %Param.Value $11=image/jpeg %Param.Value $11=image/png %ResultDataType Mime(image/xml) %VerboseDesc Aladin SIAv2 service (based on Hips2Fits cutout service).. %Aladin.Profile >11.036 beta %Aladin.Logo AladinSIAv2.png %Aladin.XLabel HiPSi2Fits\nSIAv2 %Aladin.LabelPlane HiPS-CDS SIAv2 $1 $2 %ActionName Hips2Fits %Description Aladin HiPS to Fits cutout service form %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url <&Hips2FitsU>?ra=$1&dec=$2&fov=$3&hips=$4&width=$5&height=$5&coordsys=$6&projection=$7&rotation_angle=0&format=$8 %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=FoV (deg) %Param.Description $4=Survey (ID or keyword) %Param.Description $5=Size (pix) %Param.Description $6=Coord.sys %Param.Description $7=Projection %Param.Description $8=Format %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAd) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEd) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RADIUSd) %Param.Value $4=CDS/P/2MASS/J %Param.Value $5=1024 %Param.Value $6=icrs %Param.Value $6=galactic %Param.Value $7=SIN - orthographic %Param.Value $7=TAN - tangential %Param.Value $7=MOL - Mollweide %Param.Value $7=AIT - Hammer-Aitoff %Param.Value $7=STG - stereographic %Param.Value $7=ARC - zenithal/azimuthal equidistant %Param.Value $7=ZEA - zenithal/azimuthal equal area %Param.Value $7=AZP - zenithal/azimuthal perspective %Param.Value $7=SZP - slant zenithal perspective %Param.Value $7=AIR - Airy's projection %Param.Value $7=CYP - cylindrical perspective %Param.Value $7=CEA - cylindrical equal area %Param.Value $7=CAR - plate carrée %Param.Value $7=MER - Mercator %Param.Value $7=SFL - Sanson-Flamsteed %Param.Value $7=PAR - parabolic %Param.Value $7=TSC - tangential spherical cube %Param.Value $7=CSC - COBE spherical cube %Param.Value $7=QSC - quadrilateralized spherical cube %Param.Value $7=HPX - HEALPix %Param.Value $7=XPH - HEALPix polar, "butterfly" %Param.Value $8=fits - Full dynamic %Param.Value $8=jpg - JPEG ompressed, 8 bits %Param.Value $8=png - Compressed, 8 bits %ResultDataType Mime(image) %Doc.User http://alaskybis.cds.unistra.fr/hips-image-services/hips2fits %Aladin.Profile >10.140 %Aladin.Label Aladin %Aladin.Logo AladinHips2fits.png %Aladin.LabelPlane Hips2fits $4 %Aladin.MenuNumber I2 %ActionName Hips2FitsU %Description Aladin HiPS cutout service URL prefix %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1623520288 2021/06/12 19:51:28 %SeeAction Hips2FitsU.alaskybis availability=-1 %SeeAction Hips2FitsU.alasky availability=-1 %ActionName Http %Description Usage of GLU to query remotely an other httpd %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1396271783 2014/03/31 15:16:23 %Url $1 %ActionName HttpGluGateway %Description HTTP GLU gateways. Glu sites "queryable" via HTTP (for applications such as Aladin) %Owner CDS'glu %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 2 2003/05/20 15:55:33 %SeeAction HttpGluGateway.ch availability=14 %SeeAction HttpGluGateway.ru availability=9999 %SeeAction HttpGluGateway.iucaa availability=9999 %SeeAction HttpGluGateway.adac availability=12 %SeeAction HttpGluGateway.cadc availability=9999 %SeeAction HttpGluGateway.uk availability=10 %SeeAction HttpGluGateway.cfa availability=17 %SeeAction HttpGluGateway.cds availability=0 %ActionName HttpGluGateway.hw %Description Hawaii HTTP GLU gateway (for applications such as Aladin). %Owner CDS'glu %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 2 2003/05/20 18:02:55 %Url http://www.ukirt.jach.hawaii.edu/viz-bin/nph-glu.pl?$1 %Param.Description $1=Glu tag or Glu ID %ActionName I-259-tyc2.hpx %Description Tycho2 progressive catalog %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/cats/Tycho2 %Id I/259/tyc2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 <8.159 %Aladin.XLabel Tycho2 %Aladin.Tree Progressive catalog %Aladin.HpxParam 6 cat %VerboseDesc Tycho2 hierarchical access %ActionName I-312.hpx %Description PPMX progressive catalog %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/cats/PPMX %Id I/312 %Aladin.Profile >=6.1 <8.159 %Aladin.HpxParam 9 cat %Aladin.XLabel PPMX %Aladin.Tree Progressive catalog %VerboseDesc PPMX hierarchical access %ActionName I/324.hpx %Description IGLS3 progressive catalog (I/324) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/HipsCatService/IGLS3/ %Copyright beta acces only %Id I/324 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 <8.159 beta %Aladin.XLabel IGSL3 %Aladin.Tree Progressive catalog %Aladin.HpxParam 11 cat equatorial %VerboseDesc IGLS3 hierarchical access %ActionName IAU-Directory %Description International Astronomical Union: Addresses of members %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 1998/02/16 18:24:43 %Url http://www.astro.ku.dk/cgi-bin/iau_mem.cgi?name=$1&Action=Search %Param.Description $1=Last name of Astronomy person %Param.DataType $1=CDS'misc'query/name %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User http://www.intastun.org/ %ActionName IBVS.fullpaper %Description Information Bulletin on Variable Stars %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1316448247 2011/09/19 18:04:07 %Url http://www.konkoly.hu/cgi-bin/IBVS?$1 %Param.Description $1=Bulletin Number (characters 10-14 of BibCode) %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName IBVS.logo %Description IBVS logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1316448247 2011/09/19 18:04:07 %FullTextResult IBVS logo %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName IDHA.menu %Description IDHA quick menu %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %FullTextResult \n<&ACIGRID.home> ·\n<&CDS.home> ·\n<&LSIIT.home> ·\n<&QUB.home> ·\n<&Terapix.home> ·\n<&LAM.home>\n %ActionName II-246-FX.hpx %Description 2MASS progressive catalog (FX method) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1490859993 2017/03/30 09:46:33 %Url http://cdsxmatch.u-strasbg.fr/HiPSCatService/2MASS/ %Copyright beta acces only %Id II/246/FX %Aladin.Profile >6.1 <8.159 beta %Aladin.XLabel 2MASS FX %Aladin.Tree Progressive catalog %Aladin.HpxParam 10 cat equatorial %VerboseDesc 2MASS hierarchical access %ActionName II-246.hpx %Description 2MASS progressive catalog %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/cats/2MASS %Id II/246 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 <8.159 %Aladin.XLabel 2MASS %Aladin.Tree Progressive catalog %Aladin.HpxParam 11 cat %VerboseDesc 2MASS hierarchical access %ActionName II-293-FX.hpx %Description GLIMPSE progressive catalog (FX method) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1490859993 2017/03/30 09:46:33 %Url http://cdsxmatch.u-strasbg.fr/HiPSCatService/GLIMPSE/ %Copyright beta acces only %Id II/293/FX %Aladin.Profile >6.1 <8.159 beta %Aladin.XLabel GLIMPSE FX %Aladin.Tree Progressive catalog %Aladin.HpxParam 10 cat equatorial %VerboseDesc GLIMPSE hierarchical access %ActionName II-294.hpx %Description SDSS-DR7 progressive catalog %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/cats/SDSS-DR7 %Id II/294 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 <8.159 %Aladin.XLabel SDSS DR7 %Aladin.Tree Progressive catalog %Aladin.HpxParam 9 cat %VerboseDesc SDSS DR7 hierarchical access %ActionName II-297.hpx %Description AKARI-IRC progressive catalog %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/cats/AKARI_IRC %Id II/297 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 <8.159 %Aladin.XLabel AKARI IRC %Aladin.Tree Progressive catalog %Aladin.HpxParam 7 cat %VerboseDesc AKARI/IRC hierarchical access %ActionName II-298.hpx %Description AKARI-FIS progressive catalog %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/cats/AKARI_FIS %Id II/298 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 <8.159 %Aladin.XLabel AKARI FIS %Aladin.Tree Progressive catalog %Aladin.HpxParam 6 cat %VerboseDesc AKARI/FIS hierarchical access %ActionName II-311-wise.hpx %Description WISE progressive catalog %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/cats/WISE %Copyright WISE acknowledgment %Id II/311/wise %Aladin.Profile >6.1 <8.159 %Aladin.XLabel WISE %Aladin.Tree Progressive catalog %Aladin.HpxParam 8 cat %Copyright.url http://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/release/allsky/expsup/sec1_6b.html %VerboseDesc WISE hierarchical access %ActionName IMCCE %Description IMCCE planet and solar system resolver %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1684137399 2023/05/15 09:56:39 %Url https://ssp.imcce.fr/webservices/ssodnet/ %FullTextResult IMCCE %ActionName IMCCE.aster %Description Get Ephemerides of Minor Planet %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://vo.imcce.fr/webservices/miriade/ephemcc_query.php?-from=VizieR&-tscale=UTC&-mime=html&-tcoor=1&-step=1d&-nbd=1&-ep=now&-observer=500&-name=a:$1 %Param.Description $1=Asteroid Name %Param.Description $2=Year of Ephemeride %Param.Description $3=Month of Ephemeride %Param.Description $4=Day of Ephemeride %Param.Value $1=1999_TC36 %Param.Value $2=2004 %Param.Value $3=02 %Param.Value $4=29 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Copyright Institut de Mecanique Celeste et de Calcul des Ephemerides (Bureau des Longitudes) %ActionName IMCCE.comet %Description Get Ephemerides of Comet %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://vo.imcce.fr/webservices/miriade/ephemcc_query.php?-from=VizieR&-tscale=UTC&-mime=html&-tcoor=1&-step=1d&-nbd=1&-ep=now&-observer=500&-name=c:$1 %Param.Description $1=Asteroid Name %Param.Description $2=Year of Ephemeride %Param.Description $3=Month of Ephemeride %Param.Description $4=Day of Ephemeride %Param.Value $1=Comete P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (31P) %Param.Value $2=2004 %Param.Value $3=02 %Param.Value $4=29 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Copyright Institut de Mecanique Celeste et de Calcul des Ephemerides (Bureau des Longitudes) %ActionName IMCCE.planet %Description Get Ephemerides of Planet or Natural Satelite %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://www.imcce.fr/cgi-bin/select_ephepos.cgi/calcul?planete=$1&numaster=&nomaster=&nomcomet=&an=$2&mois=$3&jour=$4&heure=12&minutes=00&secondes=00&nbdates=15&pas=1.0&codepas=1&keph=5¢re=2&site=3&pr=1&tc=1&te=1 %Param.Description $1=Planet Name %Param.Description $2=Year of Ephemeride %Param.Description $3=Month of Ephemeride %Param.Description $4=Day of Ephemeride %Param.Value $1=Lune %Param.Value $2=2004 %Param.Value $3=02 %Param.Value $4=29 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Copyright Institut de Mecanique Celeste et de Calcul des Ephemerides (Bureau des Longitudes) %ActionName INASAN.home %Description INASAN home page %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1340094952 2012/06/19 10:35:52 %Url http://www.inasan.ru/ %DefaultAnchorText INASAN %ActionName INES.home %Description INES IUE Home Page %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1 2001/07/17 08:16:37 %Url http://ines.laeff.esa.es/ines/ %DefaultAnchorText INES (IUE Newly Extracted Spectra) %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName INES.sp %Description Get INES IUE Spectrum, given image number (R for High dispersion, S for Small aperture) %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1543220193 2018/11/26 10:16:33 %SeeAction INES.sp.es availability=1006 %ActionName INES.sp.fr %Description Get INES IUE Spectrum (from Strasbourg) %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 2 2001/07/17 08:16:37 %Url http://godot.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-ines/plotspectra?mainserver=ines.laeff.esa.es&filename=$1.FITS %Param.Description $1=Image name, 2 last letters are [RL] (high/low disp) and [LS] (large/small aperture) %Test param="SWP09340LL" pattern="HD 226868" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName INSU.home %Description Institut National de Sciences de l'Univers (INSU) home page %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1340094263 2012/06/19 10:24:23 %Url http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/ %DefaultAnchorText INSU %ActionName INSU.logo %Description Logo of Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/Icons/insu.gif %FullTextResult INSU logo %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName IRIS100.hpx.outreach %Description IRIS 100Mu in HEALPIX access %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/IRIS_4 %Aladin.Profile >=6.912 undergraduate %Aladin.XLabel IRAS-IRIS - 100MU %Aladin.MenuNumber B3 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 v1 jpeg %ActionName IRISColor.hpx.outreach %Description IRIS 134 survey in HEALPIX access %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/IRISColor %Aladin.Profile >=6.912 undergraduate %Aladin.XLabel IRAS-IRIS colored %Aladin.MenuNumber B2 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 color v1 jpeg %ActionName IRODS-test %Description Test du service IRODS %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1594884335 2020/07/16 09:25:35 %Url http://cloud2.u-strasbg.fr/status/testIRODS.html %Test noparam pattern="Servers.OK" %Test noparam pattern="QUERY.OK" %ResultType Mime(text/plain) %ActionName ISO.jsp %Description Get an Image in ISO %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://ida.esac.esa.int:8080/aio/jsp/createPostcards.jsp?obsno=$1 %Param.Description $1=obsid(TDT) %Param.Value $1=38601529 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName IUCAA.home %Description IUCAA home page %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1568030717 2019/09/09 14:05:17 %Url http://www.iucaa.in/ %DefaultAnchorText IUCAA %ActionName IUEQuery %Description Query IUE spectra database (INES) %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 2 1999/08/24 11:45:14 %Url http://ines.vilspa.esa.es/cgi-ines/plotspectra?mainserver=iuearc.vilspa.esa.es&filename=$1.FITS %DefaultAnchorText IUE %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User http://ines.vilspa.esa.es/ines/ %ActionName IVOA.home %Description International Virtual Observatory Alliance %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 2002/11/27 14:18:45 %Url http://www.ivoa.net/ %DefaultAnchorText IVOA %ActionName IVOA.logo %Description IVOA logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %Url http://www.ivoa.net/icons/ivoa_logo_small.jpg %FullTextResult IVOA logo %ResultDataType Mime(image/jpg) %ActionName IVOAdic %Description VO registry GLU gateway result %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/aladin/VO/IVOARegistry.dic %ActionName Image %Description Get an image for a position from the Aladin image server %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/alapre-ok.pl?-c=$1&out=image&fmt=$2&resolution=$3&qual=$4 %ActionName Image-test %Description Get an image for a position from the Aladin image server %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/alapre-test.pl?-c=$1&out=image&fmt=$2&resolution=$3&qual=$4 %ActionName Image.GOODS %Description Get an image for a position from the New Aladin image server %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1490859993 2017/03/30 09:46:33 %Url http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/nph-HTTP1.cgi?out=IMAGE&mode=VIEW&position=$1&survey=$2&color=$3&field=$4&comp=NONE %ActionName Interop.menu %Description Interoperability quick menu %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %FullTextResult \n<&Opticon.home> ·\n<&AVO.home> ·\n<&NVO.home> ·\n<&AstroGrid.home> ·\n<&CDS.home>\n %ActionName JSONProxy %Description Proxy JSONP utilise par Aladin Lite et par les widgets %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1677663158 2023/03/01 11:32:38 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/cgi/JSONProxy?url=$1&callback=$2 %Param.Description $1= URL to access %Param.Description $2= callback function (optional) %Test param="http://cds.unistra.fr/ callbackFunction" pattern="astro" %ActionName Java.home %Description Get the java download site (Oracle) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1417679805 2014/12/04 09:56:45 %Url http://www.java.com %ActionName JavaInfo %Description Short description of the JAVA concept %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/JavaInfo.htx %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Jodrell.home %Description Jodrell Bank Radioastronomical Observatory %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1 2001/11/21 10:52:58 %Url http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/ %DefaultAnchorText Jodrell Bank %ActionName Jodrell.logo %Description Jodrell Bank logo %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641200972 2022/01/03 11:09:32 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/Icons/jodrell.gif %DefaultAnchorText Jodrell Bank %FullTextResult Jodrell Bank Radioastronomical Observatory %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName JournalList %Description List of journals and their abbreviation %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1188913090 2007/09/04 15:38:10 %Url <&SimbadDisplay>=journals %Test noparam %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName LAM.home %Description Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1054026443 2003/05/27 11:07:23 %Url http://www.astrsp-mrs.fr/ %DefaultAnchorText LAM %ActionName LEDA %Description LEDA Hypercat (Lyon-Meudon Extragalactic Database) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1592481524 2020/06/18 13:58:44 %Url http://leda.univ-lyon1.fr/leda-aladin.cgi?type=astrores&ra=$1&de=$2&width=$3&height=$4&constraint=$5 %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=Width (arcmin) %Param.Description $4=Height (arcmin) %Param.Description $5=(Constraints) %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAd) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEd) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RA) %Param.DataType $4=Field(DE) %Param.Value $3=12 %Param.Value $4=12 %ResultDataType Mime(text/xml) %Doc.User http://leda.univ-lyon1.fr/intro.html %Aladin.Label HyperLEDA %Aladin.LabelPlane LEDA %ActionName LEDA.query %Description LEDA mean data query by PGC identifier or coordinates %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1172179491 2007/02/22 23:24:51 %Url http://leda.univ-lyon1.fr/ledacat.cgi?o=$1 %Param.Description $1=Identifier or Coordinates (B1950, RA in decimal hours, DE in degrees) %Param.DataType $1=I %Param.DataType $1=Coo(B1950,"%RAhd %DEd") %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User http://leda.univ-lyon1.fr/pages-html/consult.html %ActionName LSIIT.home %Description Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Image, de l'Informatique et de la Teledetection %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1 2001/12/31 15:08:19 %Url http://lsiit.u-strasbg.fr/ %DefaultAnchorText LSIIT %ActionName MACHO.data %Description Get obsdervations for 1 star in MACHO %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://store.anu.edu.au:3001/cgi-bin/clclite?star=$1.$2.$3&sodset=PhotSS/F_$1/sodset_$1.$2&List=Extract %Param.Description $1=field %Param.Description $2=tile %Param.Description $3=seq %Param.Value $1=1 %Param.Value $2=3441 %Param.Value $3=45 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName MACHO.home %Description Home page of the MACHO project %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://wwwmacho.mcmaster.ca/Data/MachoData.html %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName MACHO.plot %Description Get light variation of stars in MACHO %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://store.anu.edu.au:3001/cgi-bin/clclite?star=$1.$2.$3&sodset=PhotSS/F_$1/sodset_$1.$2&Action=Submit %Param.Description $1=field %Param.Description $2=tile %Param.Description $3=seq %Param.Value $1=1 %Param.Value $2=3441 %Param.Value $3=45 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName MAST %Description Multimission Archive at STScI (MAST) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576257920 2019/12/13 19:25:20 %Url http://archive.stsci.edu/siap/search.php?FORMAT=image/fits&POS=$1,$2&SIZE=$3,$4&ID=$5 %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=Width (deg) %Param.Description $4=Height (deg) %Param.Description $5=mission/instrument %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAd) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEd) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RAd) %Param.DataType $4=Field(DEd) %Param.Value $3=0.17 %Param.Value $4=0.17 %Param.Value $5=ALL - Search all missions %Param.Value $5= GALEX - Galaxy Evolution Explorer %Param.Value $5= HST - All Hubble Space Telescope Previews %Param.Value $5= STIS - Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph Previews %Param.Value $5= ACS - Advanced Camera for Survey Previews %Param.Value $5= NICMOS - Near IR Camera & Multi Object Spectrometer Previews %Param.Value $5= WFPC - Wide Field Planetary Camera Previews %Param.Value $5= WFPC2 - Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 Previews %Param.Value $5= FOC - Faint Object Camera Previews %Param.Value $5= UIT - Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope %Param.Value $5= VLA-FIRST - VLA Faint Radio Images at 21 cm %Param.Value $5= XMM-OM - XMM Optical Monitor Images %Param.Value $5= HLSP - All High Level Science Products %Param.Value $5= GOODS - Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey %Param.Value $5= TNO - Trans-Neptunian Objects Search Field %Param.Value $5= UDF - Hubble Ultra Deep Field %Param.Value $5= UDF05 - Hubble Ultra Deep Field Follow-Up %Param.Value $5= HDF - Hubble Deep Field %Param.Value $5= HDF_SOUTH - Hubble Deep Field South %Param.Value $5= MAOZ_ATLAS - HST UV Images of Nearby Galaxies %Param.Value $5= HELIX - HST images of the Helix Nebula %Param.Value $5= APPP - WFPC2 Pure Parallel Program %Param.Value $5= GEMS - Galaxy Evolution from Morphology and SEDs %Param.Value $5= M51 - Multi-color ACS mosaic of the M51 Galaxy %Param.Value $5= SGAL - WFPC2 Spiral Galaxies %Param.Value $5= COSMOS - HST Cosmic Evolution Survey %Param.Value $5= GALEX_ATLAS - GALEX Atlas of Nearby Galaxies %ResultDataType Mime(sia/xml) %VerboseDescr Allows access (via SIAP) to HST preview images (including STIS, WFPC, WFPC2, NICMOS, ACS and FOC), GALEX, UIT, VLA-FIRST, XMM-OM and various High Level Science Products (HLSPs) %Institute Multimission Archive at Space Telescope Science Institute %Doc.User http://archive.stsci.edu/siap/help/search_help.html %Aladin.Menu Archives... %Aladin.Label Multimission Archive at STScI (MAST) %Aladin.Logo MASTLogo.gif %Aladin.LabelPlane MAST $4 %ActionName MNRAS.fullpaper %Description Astronomical Journal article %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1242041213 2009/05/11 13:26:53 %Url http://cds.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/nph-doi?$1 %Param.DataType $1=CDS'biblio'R %ActionName MNRAS.logo %Description MNRAS logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/icons/MNRASlogo.gif %FullTextResult MNRAS logo %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName MNRAS.policies %Description Monthly Notices policies %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1647936653 2022/03/22 10:10:53 %Url https://academic.oup.com/mnras/pages/General_Instructions#2.6%20Copyright%20and%20plagiarism %FullTextResult Monthly notices policies %ActionName MOC %Description MOC server %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1507562904 2017/10/09 17:28:24 %Url <&MOC_url>?$1&get=$2&order=$3 %Param.Description $1=Id(s) ex: CDS/P/2MASS/J,... %Param.Description $2=Operation %Param.Description $3=Specific order %Param.Value $2=moc - Union %Param.Value $2=imoc - Intersection %ResultDataType Mime(moc/fits) %Aladin.Menu VO protocols.. %Aladin.XLabel Coverage server (MOC) %Aladin.LabelPlane $1 MOC %Aladin.Profile >9.6 %ActionName MOC.getTableMOC %Description Retourne le MOC correspondant Ă  l'identifiant ou l'alias d'une table ou catalogue VizieR %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1677663158 2023/03/01 11:32:38 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/footprints/cats/vizier/$1?product=MOC&nside=$2 %Test param="V/139/sdss9 256" pattern="NUNIQ" %ActionName MOC_url %Description Base url of MocServer %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1624970384 2021/06/29 14:39:44 %SeeAction MocServer_0 availability=0 %SeeAction MocServer_1 availability=0 %ActionName MeasurementsDescription %Description Main documentation to the list of measurements %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1722418228 2024/07/31 11:30:28 %Url <&SimbadGuide>/chMeas.htx %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName MellingerRGB.hpx.outreach %Description Mellinger optical survey, color %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/MellingerRGB %Copyright (c) Axel Mellinger. Permission is granted for use in research and personal,non-commercial use. Please contact Axel Mellinger for permission for other use %Aladin.Profile >=6.912 undergraduate %Aladin.XLabel Mellinger colored %Aladin.MenuNumber B11 %Aladin.HpxParam 4 color jpeg %Copyright.Url http://home.arcor.de/axel.mellinger/ %ActionName Message %Description CDS motd (message on all CDS pages) %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 12 2001/12/17 16:46:55 %FullTextResult %ActionName MissionXML %Description Query the VizieR service to retrieve the mission log in XML format (pour les vieilles versions d'Aladin) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1342171517 2012/07/13 11:25:17 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/asu-xml?-source=$1&-c=$2&-out.add=_RAJ,_DEJ&-oc.form=dm&-out.meta=DhuUL&-out.max=2001&-c.bm=$3 %ActionName MocServer %Description CDS MOC server %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1587735362 2020/04/24 15:36:02 %SeeAction MocServer_0 availability=0 %SeeAction MocServer_1 availability=0 %Doc.Technical http://cdsgit.u-strasbg.fr/planreprise/fiches-survie/-/blob/master/MocServer.md %ActionName MocServer_2 %Description CDS MOC server (slave CADC) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1587735362 2020/04/24 15:36:02 %Url http://hips2.canfar.net/MocServer/query?$1 %Param.Description $1=HTTP Query parameter list %Test param="ID=CDS/P/2MASS/J&fmt=json&get=moc" option="n" pattern=""0"" %ActionName NAOC.home %Description National Astronomical Observatory of China (NAOC) home page %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1340094952 2012/06/19 10:35:52 %Url http://www.bao.ac.cn/ %DefaultAnchorText NAOC %ActionName NAOJ.home %Description National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) home page %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1340094952 2012/06/19 10:35:52 %Url http://www.nao.ac.jp %DefaultAnchorText NAOJ %ActionName NASA.home %Description NASA home page %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1340094263 2012/06/19 10:24:23 %Url http://www.nasa.gov/ %DefaultAnchorText NASA %ActionName NED %Description Get the Ned home page %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 2001/01/26 16:02:45 %Url http://nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu %ActionName NED.home %Description NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) home page %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1340095257 2012/06/19 10:40:57 %Url http://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/ %DefaultAnchorText NED %ActionName NTT %Description ESO NTT Archive %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 1998/02/16 18:24:43 %Url http://arch-http.hq.eso.org/wdb/wdb/eso/eso_archive/query?tab_frame=on&frame=&simbad=simbad&tab_box=on&box=$3&tab_ra_=on&ra_=$1&tab_dec_=on&dec_=$2&observer=&tab_progid=on&progid=&night=&tab_exptime=on&exptime=&type=SCI&tab_instrument=on&instrument=%25&max_rows_returned=100 %Param.Description $1=Right ascension (J2000) %Param.Description $2=Declination (J2000) %Param.Description $3=Search box (dd mm ss) %Param.DataType $1=Coo(J2000,RA) %Param.DataType $2=Coo(J2000,DE) %Param.Value $3=00 10 00 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User http://arch-http.hq.eso.org/wdb/wdb/eso/eso_archive/form %ActionName NVO.home %Description U.S. National Virtual Observatory %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 2002/01/09 18:42:45 %Url http://www.us-vo.org/ %DefaultAnchorText NVO %ActionName NVO.logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %Url http://www.us-vo.org/nvologo2.gif %FullTextResult %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName NVSS %Description NVSS Postage Stamp Server (VLA/NRAO) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576819358 2019/12/20 07:22:38 %Url http://www.cv.nrao.edu/cgi-bin/postage.pl?Equinox=J2000&PolType=$5&RA=$1&Dec=$2&Size=$3+$3&Cells=$4+$4&MAPROJ=$6&Type=$7 %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=Image Size (deg) %Param.Description $4=Pixel size (arcsec) %Param.Description $5=Polarization %Param.Description $6=Projection %Param.Description $7=Format %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAb) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEb) %Param.Value $3=0.25 %Param.Value $4=15.0 %Param.Value $5=I - Stokes I %Param.Value $5=IQU %Param.Value $6=SIN - Sine %Param.Value $6=TAN - Tangent %Param.Value $6=ARC - arc %Param.Value $6=NCP - North Celestial Pole %Param.Value $6=GLS - Global sinusoidial %Param.Value $6=MER - Mercator %Param.Value $6=AIT - Aitoff %Param.Value $6=STG - Stereographic %Param.Value $7=application/octet-stream %Param.Value $7=image/jpeg %ResultDataType Mime(image/fits) %Doc.User http://www.cv.nrao.edu/nvss/postage.shtml %Aladin.Label NVSS Postage Stamp Server (VLA/NRAO) %Aladin.LabelPlane NVSS %Aladin.Menu VLA... %Aladin.Profile <10.144 %ActionName NVSS.outreach %Description Radio : NVSS (NRAO/United States) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1365514031 2013/04/09 15:27:11 %Url http://www.cv.nrao.edu/cgi-bin/postage.pl?Equinox=J2000&PolType=I&RA=$1&Dec=$2&Size=$3+$3&Cells=$4+$4&MAPROJ=TAN&Type=application/octet-stream %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=Image Size (deg) %Param.Description $4=Pixel size (arcsec) %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAb) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEb) %Param.Value $3=0.25 %Param.Value $4=15.0 %ResultDataType Mime(image/fits) %Doc.User http://www.cv.nrao.edu/nvss/postage.shtml %Aladin.Profile undergraduate %Aladin.Logo RadioLogo.gif %Aladin.LabelPlane $query NVSS/NRAO %Aladin.MenuNumber A3 %ActionName Ned %Description NED - NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1673597443 2023/01/13 10:10:43 %Url https://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/tap/sync?REQUEST=doQuery&LANG=ADQL&MAXREC=1000000&QUERY=SELECT+TOP+999999+*+FROM+NEDTAP.objdir+WHERE+CONTAINS%28POINT%28%27ICRS%27%2C+ra%2C+dec%29%2C+CIRCLE%28%27ICRS%27%2C+$1%2C+$2%2C+$3%29%29+%3D+1 %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=Radius in deg %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAd) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEd) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RADIUSd) %Param.Value $3=0.17 %ResultDataType Mime(text/xml) %VerboseDescr The NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) is built around a master list of extragalactic objects for which cross-identifications of names have been established, accurate positions and redshifts entered to the extent possible, and some basic data collected. Bibliographic references relevant to individual objects have been compiled, and abstracts of extragalactic interest are kept on line %Doc.User http://nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu/help/intro.html %Aladin.Logo NedLogo.gif %Aladin.LabelPlane NED %Aladin.XLabel NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (Caltech/Pasadena) %Aladin.Profile >10.05 %Aladin.Filter #All objects\nfilter All { ${pretype}="G" { draw oval }\n${pretype}="RadioS" || ${pretype}="Maser" { draw triangle }\n${pretype}="IRS" || ${pretype}="IrS" {draw rhomb}\n${pretype}="\\*" {draw circle(3)}\n${pretype}="Vis*" ||${pretype}="SNR" || ${pretype}="Neb" || ${pretype}="HI*" {draw square}\n${pretype}="UV*" {draw cross;draw plus}\n${pretype}="X*" {draw cross}\n{ draw ${pretype} } } %Aladin.Filter #Star\nfilter Star { ${pretype}="\\*" {draw circle(3)} } %Aladin.Filter #Galaxy\nfilter Galaxy { ${pretype}="G" { draw oval } } %Aladin.Filter #Radio\nfilter Radio {${pretype}="RadioS" || ${pretype}="Maser" { draw triangle } } %Aladin.Filter #UV\nfilter UV { ${pretype}="UV*" {draw cross;draw plus} } %Aladin.Filter #IR\nfilter IR { ${pretype}="IRS" || ${pretype}="IrS" {draw rhomb} } %Aladin.Filter #Neb\nfilter Neb { ${pretype}="Vis*" || ${pretype}="SNR" || ${pretype}="Neb" || ${pretype}="HI*" {draw square} } %Aladin.Filter #X\nfilter X { ${pretype}="X*" {draw cross} } %ActionName Ned.home %Description NED home page %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1321870036 2011/11/21 12:07:16 %Url http://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/index.html %ResultType Mime(text/html); %ActionName Ned.logo %Description NED logo %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1654585172 2022/06/07 08:59:32 %Url http://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/sites/default/files/NEDVectorLogo_WebBanner_100pxTall_2NoStars.png %FullTextResult NED logo %ResultType Mime(image/jpg); %ActionName Ned.logo.rel %Description Ned logo (relative URL) %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1722948168 2024/08/06 14:42:48 %Url /ned.png %FullTextResult Jump to the NED home page %ResultDataType Mime(image/png) %ActionName NedXML %Description Query NED to retrieve object list around a target in XML format %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/ned-xml.pl?-c=$1&-c.rm=$2 %Test param="M1 2" pattern="MESSIER 001" %ActionName Nedquery.nearobj %Description NED query by object name (near object) %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1321870036 2011/11/21 12:07:16 %Url http://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/nph-objsearch?objname=$1&radius=$2&z_constraint=Unconstrained&z_value1=&z_value2=&z_unit=z&ot_include=ANY&out_csys=Equatorial&out_equinox=J2000.0&obj_sort=Distance+to+search+center&zv=b&zv_breaker=30000.0&of=table&search_type=Near+Name+Search %Param.Description $2=Radius (arcmin) %Param.DataType $1=CDS'simbad'I %Param.Value $2=11 %Test param="ARP22" pattern="ARP 022" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Nedquery.nearpos Nedquery.pos %Description NED query by position (near position) %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1529662572 2018/06/22 12:16:12 %Url http://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/nph-objsearch?search_type=Near+Position+Search&in_csys=Equatorial&in_equinox=J2000.0&$1&radius=$2&out_csys=Equatorial&out_equinox=J2000.0&obj_sort=Distance+to+search+center&of=table&zv=z&zv_breaker=30000.0&list_limit=5&img_stamp=YES&z_constraint=Unconstrained&z_value1=&z_value2=&z_unit=z&ot_include=ANY&nmp_op=ANY %Param.Description $2=Radius (arcmin) %Param.DataType $1=Coo(J2000,"lon=%RA&lat=%DE") %Param.Value $2=11 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Nedquery.obj NED.object %Description NED query by object name %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1327351194 2012/01/23 22:39:54 %Url http://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/nph-objsearch?objname=$1&extend=no&out_csys=Equatorial&out_equinox=$2&obj_sort=RA+or+Longitude&zv=z&zv_breaker=10000.0 %Param.Description $2=Result equinox %Param.DataType $1=CDS'simbad'I %Param.Value $2=B2000.0 %Param.Value $2=B1950.0 %Param.Value $2=J2000.0 %Test param="M31" pattern="MESSIER 031" %Doc.User http://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/help/object_help.html#byname %ResultType Mime(text/html); %ActionName Nedquery.obj.extend NED.object.extend %Description NED query by object name, option "extend=yes" %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1327351194 2012/01/23 22:39:54 %Url http://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/nph-objsearch?objname=$1&extend=yes&out_csys=Equatorial&out_equinox=$2&obj_sort=RA+or+Longitude&zv=z&zv_breaker=10000.0 %Param.Description $2=Result equinox %Param.DataType $1=CDS'simbad'I %Param.Value $2=B2000.0 %Param.Value $2=B1950.0 %Param.Value $2=J2000.0 %Test param="M31" pattern="MESSIER 031" %Doc.User http://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/help/object_help.html#byname %ResultType Mime(text/html); %ActionName Nedquery.ref NED.abstract %Description NED query by bibliographical reference %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1321870036 2011/11/21 12:07:16 %Url http://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/nph-ex_refcode?refcode=$1 %Param.DataType $1=CDS'biblio'R %Test param="1992ApJ...390L...9C" pattern="An unresolved" %ResultType Mime(text/html); %ActionName NewA.logo %Description New Astronomy logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/icons/elslogo.gif %FullTextResult NewA logo %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName NumberOfHips %Description Number of HiPS at CDS (images and cubes) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1673517620 2023/01/12 12:00:20 %Url https://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/MocServer/query?hips_service_url=*&dataproduct_type=!catalog&get=number %ActionName OAT.logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/Icons/oatlogo.gif %FullTextResult OAT logo %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName OP.logo %Description Opacity logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/icons/OPlogo.gif %FullTextResult OP logo %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName OType %Description Retrieve explanations of an object type in SIMBAD %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1643031244 2022/01/24 15:34:04 %Url http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/guide/otypes.htx %Param.Description $1=Object Type %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName OTypeList %Description List of object types %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1642402382 2022/01/17 08:53:02 %Url <&SimbadGuide>/otypes.htx %Test noparam %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName OVFrance %Description Observatoire Virtuel, French site %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1538638611 2018/10/04 09:36:51 %Url http://www.france-ov.org/twiki/bin/view/ %Test noparam pattern="OV France" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Obs.home %Description Observatoire de Strasbourg home page %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1340106326 2012/06/19 13:45:26 %Url http://astro.unistra.fr/index.php?page=home %DefaultAnchorText Strasbourg Observatory %ActionName Obs.logo %Description Logo of Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/Icons/obs_icon.gif %FullTextResult %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName ObsRef.logo %Description Logo of Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg (+ref) %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1346235004 2012/08/29 12:10:04 %Url <&CDSheadU,u>/CDS/logo_observatoire160px.jpg %FullTextResult Jump to the Strasbourg home page %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName Opticon.home %Description Opticon European network %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 2002/01/09 18:42:45 %Url http://www.astro-opticon.org/ %DefaultAnchorText Opticon %ActionName Opticon.logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %Url http://www.astro-opticon.org/opt_col_mid.jpg %FullTextResult Opticon logo %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName P-2MASS-H.hpx %Description 2MASS H (1.66um) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/2MASS/H %VerboseDescr 2MASS has uniformly scanned the entire sky in three near-infrared bands to detect and characterize point sources brighter than about 1 mJy in each band, with signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) greater than 10, using a pixel size of 2.0". This has achieved an 80,000-fold improvement in sensitivity relative to earlier surveys. 2MASS used two highly-automated 1.3-m telescopes, one at Mt. Hopkins, AZ, and one at CTIO, Chile. Each telescope was equipped with a three-channel camera, each channel consisting of a 256x256 array of HgCdTe detectors, capable of observing the sky simultaneously at J (1.25 microns), H (1.65 microns), and Ks (2.17 microns). The University of Massachusetts (UMass) was responsible for the overall management of the project, and for developing the infrared cameras and on-site computing systems at both facilities. The Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) is responsible for all data processing through the Production Pipeline, and construction and distribution of the data products. Funding is provided primarily by NASA and the NSF %Copyright University of Massachusetts & IPAC/Caltech %Origin CDS %Id P/2MASS/H %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass/ %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel The Two Micron All Sky Survey - H band (2MASS H) %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/2MASS %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-001-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-04-22T13:48Z %ActionName P-2MASS-J.hpx %Description 2MASS J (1.23um) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/2MASS/J %VerboseDescr 2MASS has uniformly scanned the entire sky in three near-infrared bands to detect and characterize point sources brighter than about 1 mJy in each band, with signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) greater than 10, using a pixel size of 2.0". This has achieved an 80,000-fold improvement in sensitivity relative to earlier surveys. 2MASS used two highly-automated 1.3-m telescopes, one at Mt. Hopkins, AZ, and one at CTIO, Chile. Each telescope was equipped with a three-channel camera, each channel consisting of a 256x256 array of HgCdTe detectors, capable of observing the sky simultaneously at J (1.25 microns), H (1.65 microns), and Ks (2.17 microns). The University of Massachusetts (UMass) was responsible for the overall management of the project, and for developing the infrared cameras and on-site computing systems at both facilities. The Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) is responsible for all data processing through the Production Pipeline, and construction and distribution of the data products. Funding is provided primarily by NASA and the NSF %Copyright University of Massachusetts & IPAC/Caltech %Origin CDS %Id P/2MASS/J %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass/ %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel The Two Micron All Sky Survey - J band (2MASS J) %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/2MASS %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-001-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-04-22T14:03Z %ActionName P-2MASS-K.hpx %Description 2MASS K (2.16um) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/2MASS/K %VerboseDescr 2MASS has uniformly scanned the entire sky in three near-infrared bands to detect and characterize point sources brighter than about 1 mJy in each band, with signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) greater than 10, using a pixel size of 2.0". This has achieved an 80,000-fold improvement in sensitivity relative to earlier surveys. 2MASS used two highly-automated 1.3-m telescopes, one at Mt. Hopkins, AZ, and one at CTIO, Chile. Each telescope was equipped with a three-channel camera, each channel consisting of a 256x256 array of HgCdTe detectors, capable of observing the sky simultaneously at J (1.25 microns), H (1.65 microns), and Ks (2.17 microns). The University of Massachusetts (UMass) was responsible for the overall management of the project, and for developing the infrared cameras and on-site computing systems at both facilities. The Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) is responsible for all data processing through the Production Pipeline, and construction and distribution of the data products. Funding is provided primarily by NASA and the NSF %Copyright University of Massachusetts & IPAC/Caltech %Origin CDS %Id P/2MASS/K %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass/ %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel The Two Micron All Sky Survey - K band (2MASS K) %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/2MASS %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-001-04 %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-04-22T14:23Z %ActionName P-2MASS-color.hpx %Description 2MASS color J (1.23um), H (1.66um), K (2.16um) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %SeeAction P-2MASS-color_0.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-2MASS-color_1.hpx availability=11 %SeeAction P-2MASS-color_2.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-2MASS-color_3.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-2MASS-color_4.hpx availability=9999 %SeeAction P-2MASS-color_5.hpx availability=9999 %VerboseDescr 2MASS has uniformly scanned the entire sky in three near-infrared bands to detect and characterize point sources brighter than about 1 mJy in each band, with signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) greater than 10, using a pixel size of 2.0". This has achieved an 80,000-fold improvement in sensitivity relative to earlier surveys. 2MASS used two highly-automated 1.3-m telescopes, one at Mt. Hopkins, AZ, and one at CTIO, Chile. Each telescope was equipped with a three-channel camera, each channel consisting of a 256x256 array of HgCdTe detectors, capable of observing the sky simultaneously at J (1.25 microns), H (1.65 microns), and Ks (2.17 microns). The University of Massachusetts (UMass) was responsible for the overall management of the project, and for developing the infrared cameras and on-site computing systems at both facilities. The Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) is responsible for all data processing through the Production Pipeline, and construction and distribution of the data products. Funding is provided primarily by NASA and the NSF %Copyright University of Massachusetts & IPAC/Caltech %Origin CDS %Id P/2MASS/color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass/ %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel The Two Micron All Sky Survey - J-H-K bands (2MASS color) %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/2MASS %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-001-00 lite %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image color equatorial jpeg %Aladin.Date 2016-04-22T14:40Z %ActionName P-2MASS6X-H.hpx %Description 2MASS6X H (1.66um) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/2MASS6X/2MASS6X_H %VerboseDescr During the final months of 2MASS observatory operations, a campaign of targeted "long exposure" observations was carried out during times when no previously unscanned parts of the sky were available for the main survey. These observations used the same freeze-frame scanning technique employed for the survey, but with READ2-READ1 exposures six times longer than was used for normal survey observations (hence they are referred to as "6x" observations). The 2MASS 6x measurements were intended to probe ~1 magnitude deeper than the main survey in unconfused regions. Approximately 590 deg2 of sky distributed in 30 targeted regions were scanned at least once using the long exposures. Most of this area is concentrated in two large, comprehensive surveys of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, 383 deg2 and 127 deg2, respectively. Twenty-eight additional smaller fields were mapped in the 6x mode from both observatories, covering targets that include the Pleiades open cluster, galactic star formation complexes, M31, nearby galaxy clusters and the Lockman Hole. %Copyright University of Massachusetts & IPAC/Caltech %Origin CDS %Id P/2MASS6X/H %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass/releases/allsky/doc/seca3_1.html %SkyFraction 0.01316 %Aladin.XLabel 2MASS6X H %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/2MASS/2MASS6X %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-001-99-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-03-28T09:34Z %ActionName P-2MASS6X-J.hpx %Description 2MASS6X J (1.23um) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/2MASS6X/2MASS6X_J %VerboseDescr During the final months of 2MASS observatory operations, a campaign of targeted "long exposure" observations was carried out during times when no previously unscanned parts of the sky were available for the main survey. These observations used the same freeze-frame scanning technique employed for the survey, but with READ2-READ1 exposures six times longer than was used for normal survey observations (hence they are referred to as "6x" observations). The 2MASS 6x measurements were intended to probe ~1 magnitude deeper than the main survey in unconfused regions. Approximately 590 deg2 of sky distributed in 30 targeted regions were scanned at least once using the long exposures. Most of this area is concentrated in two large, comprehensive surveys of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, 383 deg2 and 127 deg2, respectively. Twenty-eight additional smaller fields were mapped in the 6x mode from both observatories, covering targets that include the Pleiades open cluster, galactic star formation complexes, M31, nearby galaxy clusters and the Lockman Hole. %Copyright University of Massachusetts & IPAC/Caltech %Origin CDS %Id P/2MASS6X/J %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass/releases/allsky/doc/seca3_1.html %SkyFraction 0.01316 %Aladin.XLabel 2MASS6X J %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/2MASS/2MASS6X %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-001-99-01 %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-03-28T09:41Z %ActionName P-2MASS6X-K.hpx %Description 2MASS6X K (2.16um) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/2MASS6X/2MASS6X_K %VerboseDescr During the final months of 2MASS observatory operations, a campaign of targeted "long exposure" observations was carried out during times when no previously unscanned parts of the sky were available for the main survey. These observations used the same freeze-frame scanning technique employed for the survey, but with READ2-READ1 exposures six times longer than was used for normal survey observations (hence they are referred to as "6x" observations). The 2MASS 6x measurements were intended to probe ~1 magnitude deeper than the main survey in unconfused regions. Approximately 590 deg2 of sky distributed in 30 targeted regions were scanned at least once using the long exposures. Most of this area is concentrated in two large, comprehensive surveys of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, 383 deg2 and 127 deg2, respectively. Twenty-eight additional smaller fields were mapped in the 6x mode from both observatories, covering targets that include the Pleiades open cluster, galactic star formation complexes, M31, nearby galaxy clusters and the Lockman Hole. %Copyright University of Massachusetts & IPAC/Caltech %Origin CDS %Id P/2MASS6X/K %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass/releases/allsky/doc/seca3_1.html %SkyFraction 0.01316 %Aladin.XLabel 2MASS6X K %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/2MASS/2MASS6X %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-001-99-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-03-28T09:43Z %ActionName P-2MASS6X-color.hpx %Description 2MASS6X color J (1.23um) & K (2.16um) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/2MASS6X/2MASS6X_color %VerboseDescr During the final months of 2MASS observatory operations, a campaign of targeted "long exposure" observations was carried out during times when no previously unscanned parts of the sky were available for the main survey. These observations used the same freeze-frame scanning technique employed for the survey, but with READ2-READ1 exposures six times longer than was used for normal survey observations (hence they are referred to as "6x" observations). The 2MASS 6x measurements were intended to probe ~1 magnitude deeper than the main survey in unconfused regions. Approximately 590 deg2 of sky distributed in 30 targeted regions were scanned at least once using the long exposures. Most of this area is concentrated in two large, comprehensive surveys of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, 383 deg2 and 127 deg2, respectively. Twenty-eight additional smaller fields were mapped in the 6x mode from both observatories, covering targets that include the Pleiades open cluster, galactic star formation complexes, M31, nearby galaxy clusters and the Lockman Hole. %Copyright University of Massachusetts & IPAC/Caltech %Origin CDS %Id P/2MASS6X/color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass/releases/allsky/doc/seca3_1.html %SkyFraction 0.01316 %Aladin.XLabel 2MASS6X color %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/2MASS/2MASS6X %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-001-99-00 %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2017-03-28T12:31Z %ActionName P-AKARI-FIS-Color.hpx %Description AKARI FIS Color WideL (140um), WideS (90um), N60 (65um) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %SeeAction P-AKARI-FIS-Color_0.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-AKARI-FIS-Color_1.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-AKARI-FIS-Color_2.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-AKARI-FIS-Color_3.hpx availability=9999 %VerboseDescr AKARI (Previously known as ASTRO-F or IRIS - InfraRed Imaging Surveyor) is the second space mission for infrared astronomy in Japan. AKARI was developed by the members of JAXA/ISAS and collaborators. IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite, launched in 1983 by the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Netherlands) carried out the first all-sky survey at infrared wavelengths and made a huge impact on astronomy. The AKARI mission was an ambitious plan to make an all-sky survey with much better sensitivity, spatial resolution and wider wavelength coverage than those of IRAS. All-sky survey obtained by the Far-Infrared Surveyor (FIS) onboard the AKARI satellite, at 65um (Color), 90 um (WIDE-S), 140um (WIDE-L),and 160um (N160). See http://www.ir.isas.jaxa.jp/AKARI/Archive/Images/FIS_AllSkyMap/Doi_AKARI_FIR_AllSkySurvey.pdf. %Copyright ISAS/JAXA %Origin CDS %Id P/AKARI/FIS/Color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.ir.isas.jaxa.jp/AKARI/Archive/Images/FIS_AllSkyMap/ %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel AKARI FIS Color %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/AKARI-FIS %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-05-00 lite %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image color equatorial png jpeg %Aladin.Date 2016-05-26T15:16Z %ActionName P-AKARI-FIS-N160.hpx %Description AKARI FIS N160 (160um) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/AKARI-FIS/N160 %VerboseDescr AKARI (Previously known as ASTRO-F or IRIS - InfraRed Imaging Surveyor) is the second space mission for infrared astronomy in Japan. AKARI was developed by the members of JAXA/ISAS and collaborators. IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite, launched in 1983 by the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Netherlands) carried out the first all-sky survey at infrared wavelengths and made a huge impact on astronomy. The AKARI mission was an ambitious plan to make an all-sky survey with much better sensitivity, spatial resolution and wider wavelength coverage than those of IRAS. All-sky survey obtained by the Far-Infrared Surveyor (FIS) onboard the AKARI satellite, at 65um (Color), 90 um (WIDE-S), 140um (WIDE-L),and 160um (N160). See http://www.ir.isas.jaxa.jp/AKARI/Archive/Images/FIS_AllSkyMap/Doi_AKARI_FIR_AllSkySurvey.pdf. %Copyright ISAS/JAXA %Origin CDS %Id P/AKARI/FIS/N160 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.ir.isas.jaxa.jp/AKARI/Archive/Images/FIS_AllSkyMap/ %SkyFraction 0.9988 %Aladin.XLabel AKARI FIS N160 %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/AKARI-FIS %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-05-04 %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2016-06-03T12:29Z %ActionName P-AKARI-FIS-N60.hpx %Description AKARI FIS N60 (65um) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/AKARI-FIS/N60 %VerboseDescr AKARI (Previously known as ASTRO-F or IRIS - InfraRed Imaging Surveyor) is the second space mission for infrared astronomy in Japan. AKARI was developed by the members of JAXA/ISAS and collaborators. IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite, launched in 1983 by the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Netherlands) carried out the first all-sky survey at infrared wavelengths and made a huge impact on astronomy. The AKARI mission was an ambitious plan to make an all-sky survey with much better sensitivity, spatial resolution and wider wavelength coverage than those of IRAS. All-sky survey obtained by the Far-Infrared Surveyor (FIS) onboard the AKARI satellite, at 65um (Color), 90 um (WIDE-S), 140um (WIDE-L),and 160um (N160). See http://www.ir.isas.jaxa.jp/AKARI/Archive/Images/FIS_AllSkyMap/Doi_AKARI_FIR_AllSkySurvey.pdf. %Copyright ISAS/JAXA %Origin CDS %Id P/AKARI/FIS/N60 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.ir.isas.jaxa.jp/AKARI/Archive/Images/FIS_AllSkyMap/ %SkyFraction 0.9976 %Aladin.XLabel AKARI FIS N60 %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/AKARI-FIS %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-05-01 %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2016-06-03T12:30Z %ActionName P-AKARI-FIS-WideL.hpx %Description AKARI FIS WideL (140um) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/AKARI-FIS/WideL %VerboseDescr AKARI (Previously known as ASTRO-F or IRIS - InfraRed Imaging Surveyor) is the second space mission for infrared astronomy in Japan. AKARI was developed by the members of JAXA/ISAS and collaborators. IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite, launched in 1983 by the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Netherlands) carried out the first all-sky survey at infrared wavelengths and made a huge impact on astronomy. The AKARI mission was an ambitious plan to make an all-sky survey with much better sensitivity, spatial resolution and wider wavelength coverage than those of IRAS. All-sky survey obtained by the Far-Infrared Surveyor (FIS) onboard the AKARI satellite, at 65um (Color), 90 um (WIDE-S), 140um (WIDE-L),and 160um (N160). See http://www.ir.isas.jaxa.jp/AKARI/Archive/Images/FIS_AllSkyMap/Doi_AKARI_FIR_AllSkySurvey.pdf. %Copyright ISAS/JAXA %Origin CDS %Id P/AKARI/FIS/WideL %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.ir.isas.jaxa.jp/AKARI/Archive/Images/FIS_AllSkyMap/ %SkyFraction 0.9989 %Aladin.XLabel AKARI FIS WideL %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/AKARI-FIS %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-05-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2016-06-03T12:30Z %ActionName P-AKARI-FIS-WideS.hpx %Description AKARI FIS WideS (90um) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/AKARI-FIS/WideS %VerboseDescr AKARI (Previously known as ASTRO-F or IRIS - InfraRed Imaging Surveyor) is the second space mission for infrared astronomy in Japan. AKARI was developed by the members of JAXA/ISAS and collaborators. IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite, launched in 1983 by the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Netherlands) carried out the first all-sky survey at infrared wavelengths and made a huge impact on astronomy. The AKARI mission was an ambitious plan to make an all-sky survey with much better sensitivity, spatial resolution and wider wavelength coverage than those of IRAS. All-sky survey obtained by the Far-Infrared Surveyor (FIS) onboard the AKARI satellite, at 65um (Color), 90 um (WIDE-S), 140um (WIDE-L),and 160um (N160). See http://www.ir.isas.jaxa.jp/AKARI/Archive/Images/FIS_AllSkyMap/Doi_AKARI_FIR_AllSkySurvey.pdf. %Copyright ISAS/JAXA %Origin CDS %Id P/AKARI/FIS/WideS %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.ir.isas.jaxa.jp/AKARI/Archive/Images/FIS_AllSkyMap/ %SkyFraction 0.9976 %Aladin.XLabel AKARI FIS WideS %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/AKARI-FIS %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-05-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2016-06-03T12:31Z %ActionName P-AMIGPS.hpx %Description AMIGPS %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/AMIGPS %VerboseDescr AMI Galactic Plane Survey at 15.7 GHz, carried out using the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI) Small Array (SA) and operated by the Cavendish Astrophysics Group at Lord?s Bridge, Cambridgeshire. The angular resolution is approximately 3?. Units: Jy/beam.\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/AMIGPS %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.04482 %Aladin.XLabel AMIGPS %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-11-23T13:16Z %ActionName P-ASCA_GIS.hpx %Description ASCA public data image (256x256) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1500624001 2017/07/21 10:00:01 %Url http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/judo2/HiPS/ASCA_GIS %VerboseDescr Superposition of GIS pseudo-color images (256x256), no exposure correction. %Copyright DARTS at JAXA/ISAS %Origin JAXA %Id P/ASCA_GIS %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/astro/asca %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel ASCA_GIS %Aladin.Tree Image/X/ASCA %Aladin.HpxParam 6 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2016-10-25T07:15Z %ActionName P-ASCA_SIS.hpx %Description ASCA public data image (SIS) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488873956 2017/03/07 10:05:56 %Url http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/judo2/HiPS/ASCA_SIS %VerboseDescr Superposition of SIS pseudo-color images, no exposure correction. %Copyright DARTS at JAXA/ISAS %Origin JAXA %Id P/ASCA_SIS %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/astro/asca %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel ASCA_SIS %Aladin.Tree Image/X/ASCA %Aladin.HpxParam 6 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2016-10-25T07:15Z %ActionName P-ATLASGAL-APEXPlanck.hpx %Description ATLASGAL APEX-Planck 850um %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/APEX/ATLASGAL_APEXPlanck %VerboseDescr ATLASGAL is the APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy, an observing programme with the LABOCA bolometer array at APEX, located at 5100 m altitude on Chajnantor, Chile. This survey mapped over 400 square degrees at 870 microns in the inner Galaxy, with a uniform sensitivity of a few solar masses at 1 kpc distance. This project is a collaboration between the Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG: Max Planck Institute fur Radioastronomie, MPIfR Bonn, and Max Planck Institute fur Astronomie, MPIA Heidelberg), the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the Universidad de Chile. The APEX telescope is ideally located to observe the inner Milky Way. The Large APEX Bolometer Camera (LABOCA) is a 295-element bolometer array observing at 870 um, with a beam size of 19.2 arcsec. Taking advantage of its large field of view (11.4 arcmin) and excellent sensitivity, we started an unbiased survey of the entire Galactic Plane accessible to APEX, with a typical noise level of 50-70 mJy/beam: the APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy (ATLASGAL). The LABOCA data have been combined with the results of the Planck satellite. The method used to combine the Planck and ATLASGAL data together is described in Csengeri et al. (2016). %Copyright ESO %Origin CDS %Id P/ATLASGAL/APEXPlanck %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://archive.eso.org/cms/eso-data-access-policy.html %SkyFraction 0.007962 %Aladin.XLabel ATLASGAL %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/APEX %Aladin.HpxParam 7 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-02-20T16:04Z %ActionName P-ATLASGAL.hpx %Description ATLASGAL 850 um %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/APEX/ATLASGAL %VerboseDescr ATLASGAL is the APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy, an observing programme with the LABOCA bolometer array at APEX, located at 5100 m altitude on Chajnantor, Chile. This survey mapped over 400 square degrees at 870 microns in the inner Galaxy, with a uniform sensitivity of a few solar masses at 1 kpc distance. This project is a collaboration between the Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG: Max Planck Institute fur Radioastronomie, MPIfR Bonn, and Max Planck Institute fur Astronomie, MPIA Heidelberg), the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the Universidad de Chile. The APEX telescope is ideally located to observe the inner Milky Way. The Large APEX Bolometer Camera (LABOCA) is a 295-element bolometer array observing at 870 um, with a beam size of 19.2 arcsec. Taking advantage of its large field of view (11.4 arcmin) and excellent sensitivity, we started an unbiased survey of the entire Galactic Plane accessible to APEX, with a typical noise level of 50-70 mJy/beam: the APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy (ATLASGAL). %Copyright ESO %Origin CDS %Id P/ATLASGAL %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://archive.eso.org/cms/eso-data-access-policy.html %SkyFraction 0.01097 %Aladin.XLabel ATLASGAL %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/APEX %Aladin.HpxParam 7 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-02-20T14:25Z %ActionName P-Ariel-Voyager.hpx %Description Ariel Voyager %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Ariel_Voyager %VerboseDescr Ariel Uranus satellite map mosaicked with Voyager imagery by USGS %Copyright Caltech/JPL/NASA %Origin CDS %Id P/Ariel/Voyager %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Ariel/Voyager %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Uranus/Ariel %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color ariel jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-31T06:30Z %ActionName P-BASS-DR1-image.hpx %Description Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey (BASS) DR1 Image %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://hips.china-vo.org/bass-dr1-image %VerboseDescr The Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey (BASS) is an ambitious wide-field multicolor survey of 5000 deg^2 of the Northern Galactic Cap using the 90prime imager on the 2.3m Bok Telescope at Kitt Peak, as a three to four-year collaboration between the Chinese team led by NAOC and the US team led by Steward Observatory, University of Arizona. The survey will use 240 nights, covering SDSS g and r bands, reaching limiting AB magnitude of 24.0 and 23.6 (5?), respectively. %Copyright Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey (BASS) - NAOC, Healpixed by China-VO %Origin China-VO %Id P/BASS/DR1/image %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://batc.bao.ac.cn/BASS/doku.php %SkyFraction 0.1238 %Aladin.XLabel BASS DR1 Image %Aladin.HpxParam 10 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2017-10-25T19:21Z %ActionName P-BASS-DR2-image.hpx %Description Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey (BASS) DR2 Image %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://hips.china-vo.org/bass-dr2-image %VerboseDescr The Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey (BASS) is an ambitious wide-field multicolor survey of 5000 deg^2 of the Northern Galactic Cap using the 90prime imager on the 2.3m Bok Telescope at Kitt Peak, as a three to four-year collaboration between the Chinese team led by NAOC and the US team led by Steward Observatory, University of Arizona. The survey will use 240 nights, covering SDSS g and r bands, reaching limiting AB magnitude of 24.0 and 23.6 (5?), respectively. %Copyright Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey (BASS) - NAOC, Healpixed by China-VO %Origin China-VO %Id P/BASS/DR2/image %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://batc.bao.ac.cn/BASS/doku.php %SkyFraction 0.1415 %Aladin.XLabel BASS DR2 Image %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/BASS %Aladin.HpxParam 10 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2017-12-07T16:29Z %ActionName P-BAT-100-150keV.hpx %Description Swift/BAT 100-150keV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551170260 2019/02/26 10:37:40 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/BAT_100_150 %VerboseDescr This BAT Hard X-ray Survey data is the 70-month survey product of the BAT instrument on the Swift observatory. The energy range is 100-150 keV. Units are counts/sec/detector. The detector is an individual piece of CZT in the BAT array with an area of 1.6E-7m2. The angular resolution of the survey is 19.5'. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/BAT/100-150keV %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Swift/BAT 100-150keV %Aladin.Tree Image/X-ray/Swift %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-02-20T16:10Z %ActionName P-BAT-14-20keV.hpx %Description Swift/BAT 14-20keV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551170260 2019/02/26 10:37:40 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/BAT_14_20 %VerboseDescr This BAT Hard X-ray Survey data is the 70-month survey product of the BAT instrument on the Swift observatory. The energy range is 14-20 keV. Units are counts/sec/detector. The detector is an individual piece of CZT in the BAT array with an area of 1.6E-7m2. The angular resolution of the survey is 19.5'. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/BAT/14-20keV %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Swift/BAT 14-20keV %Aladin.Tree Image/X-ray/Swift %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-02-20T15:25Z %ActionName P-BAT-150-195keV.hpx %Description Swift/BAT 150-195keV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551170260 2019/02/26 10:37:40 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/BAT_150_195 %VerboseDescr This BAT Hard X-ray Survey data is the 70-month survey product of the BAT instrument on the Swift observatory. The energy range is 150-195 keV. Units are counts/sec/detector. The detector is an individual piece of CZT in the BAT array with an area of 1.6E-7m2. The angular resolution of the survey is 19.5'. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/BAT/150-195keV %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Swift/BAT 150-195keV %Aladin.Tree Image/X-ray/Swift %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-02-20T16:16Z %ActionName P-BAT-20-24keV.hpx %Description Swift/BAT 20-24keV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551170260 2019/02/26 10:37:40 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/BAT_20_24 %VerboseDescr This BAT Hard X-ray Survey data is the 70-month survey product of the BAT instrument on the Swift observatory. The energy range is 20-24 keV. Units are counts/sec/detector. The detector is an individual piece of CZT in the BAT array with an area of 1.6E-7m2. The angular resolution of the survey is 19.5'. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/BAT/20-24keV %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Swift/BAT 20-24keV %Aladin.Tree Image/X-ray/Swift %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-02-20T16:02Z %ActionName P-BAT-24-35keV.hpx %Description Swift/BAT 24-35keV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551170260 2019/02/26 10:37:40 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/BAT_24_35 %VerboseDescr This BAT Hard X-ray Survey data is the 70-month survey product of the BAT instrument on the Swift observatory. The energy range is 24-35 keV. Units are counts/sec/detector. The detector is an individual piece of CZT in the BAT array with an area of 1.6E-7m2. The angular resolution of the survey is 19.5'. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/BAT/24-35keV %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Swift/BAT 24-35keV %Aladin.Tree Image/X-ray/Swift %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-02-20T16:04Z %ActionName P-BAT-35-50keV.hpx %Description Swift/BAT 35-50keV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551170260 2019/02/26 10:37:40 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/BAT_35_50 %VerboseDescr This BAT Hard X-ray Survey data is the 70-month survey product of the BAT instrument on the Swift observatory. The energy range is 35-50 keV. Units are counts/sec/detector. The detector is an individual piece of CZT in the BAT array with an area of 1.6E-7m2. The angular resolution of the survey is 19.5'. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/BAT/35-50keV %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Swift/BAT 35-50keV %Aladin.Tree Image/X-ray/Swift %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-02-20T16:05Z %ActionName P-BAT-50-75keV.hpx %Description Swift/BAT 50-75keV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551170260 2019/02/26 10:37:40 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/BAT_50_75 %VerboseDescr This BAT Hard X-ray Survey data is the 70-month survey product of the BAT instrument on the Swift observatory. The energy range is 50-75 keV. Units are counts/sec/detector. The detector is an individual piece of CZT in the BAT array with an area of 1.6E-7m2. The angular resolution of the survey is 19.5'. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/BAT/50-75keV %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Swift/BAT 50-75keV %Aladin.Tree Image/X-ray/Swift %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-02-20T16:07Z %ActionName P-BAT-75-100keV.hpx %Description Swift/BAT 75-100keV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551170260 2019/02/26 10:37:40 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/BAT_75_100 %VerboseDescr This BAT Hard X-ray Survey data is the 70-month survey product of the BAT instrument on the Swift observatory. The energy range is 75-100 keV. Units are counts/sec/detector. The detector is an individual piece of CZT in the BAT array with an area of 1.6E-7m2. The angular resolution of the survey is 19.5'. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/BAT/75-100keV %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Swift/BAT 75-100keV %Aladin.Tree Image/X-ray/Swift %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-02-20T16:09Z %ActionName P-BLAST-250.hpx %Description BLAST 250um %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488873956 2017/03/07 10:05:56 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/BLAST_250 %VerboseDescr Ballon-borne Large-Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST)- Survey at 250 mic, at a resolution of 30??. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/BLAST/250 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.003738 %Aladin.XLabel BLAST 250um %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/BLAST %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-xx %Aladin.HpxParam 4 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-12-15T17:56Z %ActionName P-BLAST-350.hpx %Description BLAST 350um %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488873956 2017/03/07 10:05:56 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/BLAST_350 %VerboseDescr Ballon-borne Large-Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST)- Survey at 350 mic, at a resolution of 42??. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/BLAST/350 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.003752 %Aladin.XLabel BLAST 350um %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/BLAST %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-xx %Aladin.HpxParam 4 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-12-15T17:55Z %ActionName P-BLAST-500.hpx %Description BLAST 500um %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488873956 2017/03/07 10:05:56 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/BLAST_500 %VerboseDescr Ballon-borne Large-Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST)- Survey at 500 mic, at a resolution of 60??. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/BLAST/500 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.003756 %Aladin.XLabel BLAST_500 %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/BLAST %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-xx %Aladin.HpxParam 4 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-12-15T17:51Z %ActionName P-BOLOCAM.hpx %Description Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey (BGPS) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/BOLOCAM %VerboseDescr Galactic plane (170 deg2) with an effective resolution of 33" at 1.1 mm. Units: Jy/beam - see 2011ApJS..192....4A %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/BOLOCAM %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.01008 %Aladin.XLabel Bolocam %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-09-04T13:33Z %ActionName P-CFHTLS-D-color-ugi.hpx %Description CFHTLS-D-color-ugi %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/CFHTLS-T0007b/Deep/RGB-UGIm %VerboseDescr The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey is a 5-year program carried out jointly by the Canadian and French agencies. It will use the Megaprime/Megacam instrument mounted at prime focus of the 3.6m CFH telescope during the period 2003-2008. The Deep survey concerns 4 patchsof 1 square-degree. All will be observed in u,g,r,i and z, with very long exposure time %Copyright (c) CFH - powered by Terapix - healpixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/CFHTLS/D/color/ugi %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://terapix.iap.fr/rubrique.php?id_rubrique=32 %SkyFraction 1.009E-4 %Aladin.XLabel CFHTLS D color ugi %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/CFHTLS/DEEP %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-04-02-00 %Aladin.HpxParam 12 image color equatorial jpeg %Aladin.Date 2017-03-28T09:09Z %ActionName P-CFHTLS-D-g.hpx %Description CFHTLS-D-g %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/CFHTLS-T0007b/Deep/GALLSKY %VerboseDescr The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey is a 5-year program carried out jointly by the Canadian and French agencies. It will use the Megaprime/Megacam instrument mounted at prime focus of the 3.6m CFH telescope during the period 2003-2008. The Deep survey concerns 4 patchsof 1 square-degree. All will be observed in u,g,r,i and z, with very lon gexposure time %Copyright (c) CFH - powered by Terapix - healpixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/CFHTLS/D/g %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://terapix.iap.fr/rubrique.php?id_rubrique=32 %SkyFraction 1.044E-4 %Aladin.XLabel CFHTLS D g %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/CFHTLS/DEEP %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-04-02-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 12 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-03-28T08:57Z %ActionName P-CFHTLS-D-i.hpx %Description CFHTLS-D-i %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/CFHTLS-T0007b/Deep/IALLSKY %VerboseDescr The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey is a 5-year program carried out jointly by the Canadian and French agencies. It will use the Megaprime/Megacam instrument mounted at prime focus of the 3.6m CFH telescope during the period 2003-2008. The Deep survey concerns 4 patchsof 1 square-degree. All will be observed in u,g,r,i and z, with very lon gexposure time %Copyright (c) CFH - powered by Terapix - healpixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/CFHTLS/D/i %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://terapix.iap.fr/rubrique.php?id_rubrique=32 %SkyFraction 1.044E-4 %Aladin.XLabel CFHTLS D i %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/CFHTLS/DEEP %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-04-02-04 %Aladin.HpxParam 12 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-03-28T09:02Z %ActionName P-CFHTLS-D-r.hpx %Description CFHTLS-D-r %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/CFHTLS-T0007b/Deep/RALLSKY %VerboseDescr The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey is a 5-year program carried out jointly by the Canadian and French agencies. It will use the Megaprime/Megacam instrument mounted at prime focus of the 3.6m CFH telescope during the period 2003-2008. The Deep survey concerns 4 patchsof 1 square-degree. All will be observed in u,g,r,i and z, with very lon gexposure time %Copyright (c) CFH - powered by Terapix - healpixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/CFHTLS/D/r %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://terapix.iap.fr/rubrique.php?id_rubrique=32 %SkyFraction 1.044E-4 %Aladin.XLabel CFHTLS D r %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/CFHTLS/DEEP %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-04-02-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 12 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-03-28T09:04Z %ActionName P-CFHTLS-D-u.hpx %Description CFHTLS-D-u %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/CFHTLS-T0007b/Deep/UALLSKY %VerboseDescr The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey is a 5-year program carried out jointly by the Canadian and French agencies. It will use the Megaprime/Megacam instrument mounted at prime focus of the 3.6m CFH telescope during the period 2003-2008. The Deep survey concerns 4 patchsof 1 square-degree. All will be observed in u,g,r,i and z, with very lon gexposure time %Copyright (c) CFH - powered by Terapix - healpixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/CFHTLS/D/u %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://terapix.iap.fr/rubrique.php?id_rubrique=32 %SkyFraction 1.044E-4 %Aladin.XLabel CFHTLS D u %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/CFHTLS/DEEP %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-04-02-01 %Aladin.HpxParam 12 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-03-28T09:05Z %ActionName P-CFHTLS-D-z.hpx %Description CFHTLS-D-z %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/CFHTLS-T0007b/Deep/ZALLSKY %VerboseDescr The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey is a 5-year program carried out jointly by the Canadian and French agencies. It will use the Megaprime/Megacam instrument mounted at prime focus of the 3.6m CFH telescope during the period 2003-2008. The Deep survey concerns 4 patchsof 1 square-degree. All will be observed in u,g,r,i and z, with very lon gexposure time %Copyright (c) CFH - powered by Terapix - healpixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/CFHTLS/D/z %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://terapix.iap.fr/rubrique.php?id_rubrique=32 %SkyFraction 1.044E-4 %Aladin.XLabel CFHTLS D z %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/CFHTLS/DEEP %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-04-02-05 %Aladin.HpxParam 12 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-03-28T09:08Z %ActionName P-CFHTLS-W-Color-ugi.hpx %Description CFHTLS-W-colored-ugi %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/CFHTLS-T0007b/Wide/RGB-UGIm %VerboseDescr The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey is a 5-year program carried out jointly by the Canadian and French agencies. It will use the Megaprime/Megacam instrument mounted at prime focus of the 3.6m CFH telescope during the period 2003-2008. The WIDE survey concerns 4 patchs, 3 of about 7x7 square-degrees each and 1 of about 4x4 square-degrees. All will be observed in u,g,r,i and z, with about 1 hr exposure time per filter %Copyright (c) CFH - powered by Terapix - healpixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/CFHTLS/W/Color/ugi %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://terapix.iap.fr/rubrique.php?id_rubrique=32 %SkyFraction 0.003731 %Aladin.XLabel CFHTLS W Color ugi %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/CFHTLS/WIDE %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-04-01-00 %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image color equatorial jpeg %Aladin.Date 2017-03-27T15:44Z %ActionName P-CFHTLS-W-g.hpx %Description CFHTLS-W-g %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/CFHTLS-T0007b/Wide/GALLSKY %VerboseDescr The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey is a 5-year program carried out jointly by the Canadian and French agencies. It will use the Megaprime/Megacam instrument mounted at prime focus of the 3.6m CFH telescope during the period 2003-2008. The WIDE survey concerns 4 patchs, 3 of about 7x7 square-degrees each and 1 of about 4x4 square-degrees. All will be observed in u,g,r,i and z, with about 1 hr exposure time per filter %Copyright (c) CFH - powered by Terapix - healpixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/CFHTLS/W/g %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://terapix.iap.fr/rubrique.php?id_rubrique=32 %SkyFraction 0.003731 %Aladin.XLabel CFHTLS W g %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/CFHTLS/WIDE %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-04-01-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-03-27T15:28Z %ActionName P-CFHTLS-W-i.hpx %Description CFHTLS-W-i %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/CFHTLS-T0007b/Wide/IALLSKY %VerboseDescr The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey is a 5-year program carried out jointly by the Canadian and French agencies. It will use the Megaprime/Megacam instrument mounted at prime focus of the 3.6m CFH telescope during the period 2003-2008. The WIDE survey concerns 4 patchs, 3 of about 7x7 square-degrees each and 1 of about 4x4 square-degrees. All will be observed in u,g,r,i and z, with about 1 hr exposure time per filter %Copyright (c) CFH - powered by Terapix - healpixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/CFHTLS/W/i %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://terapix.iap.fr/rubrique.php?id_rubrique=32 %SkyFraction 0.003731 %Aladin.XLabel CFHTLS W i %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/CFHTLS/WIDE %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-04-01-04 %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-03-27T15:31Z %ActionName P-CFHTLS-W-r.hpx %Description CFHTLS-W-r %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/CFHTLS-T0007b/Wide/RALLSKY %VerboseDescr The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey is a 5-year program carried out jointly by the Canadian and French agencies. It will use the Megaprime/Megacam instrument mounted at prime focus of the 3.6m CFH telescope during the period 2003-2008. The WIDE survey concerns 4 patchs, 3 of about 7x7 square-degrees each and 1 of about 4x4 square-degrees. All will be observed in u,g,r,i and z, with about 1 hr exposure time per filter %Copyright (c) CFH - powered by Terapix - healpixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/CFHTLS/W/r %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://terapix.iap.fr/rubrique.php?id_rubrique=32 %SkyFraction 0.003731 %Aladin.XLabel CFHTLS W r %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/CFHTLS/WIDE %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-04-01-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-03-27T15:34Z %ActionName P-CFHTLS-W-u.hpx %Description CFHTLS-W-u %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/CFHTLS-T0007b/Wide/UALLSKY %VerboseDescr The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey is a 5-year program carried out jointly by the Canadian and French agencies. It will use the Megaprime/Megacam instrument mounted at prime focus of the 3.6m CFH telescope during the period 2003-2008. The Deep survey concerns 4 patchs, 3 of about 7x7 square-degrees each and 1 of about 4x4 square-degrees. All will be observed in u,g,r,i and z, with about 1 hr exposure time per filter %Copyright (c) CFH - powered by Terapix - healpixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/CFHTLS/W/u %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://terapix.iap.fr/rubrique.php?id_rubrique=32 %SkyFraction 0.003731 %Aladin.XLabel CFHTLS W u %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/CFHTLS/WIDE %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-04-01-01 %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-03-27T15:36Z %ActionName P-CFHTLS-W-z.hpx %Description CFHTLS-W-z %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/CFHTLS-T0007b/Wide/ZALLSKY %VerboseDescr The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey is a 5-year program carried out jointly by the Canadian and French agencies. It will use the Megaprime/Megacam instrument mounted at prime focus of the 3.6m CFH telescope during the period 2003-2008. The WIDE survey concerns 4 patchs, 3 of about 7x7 square-degrees each and 1 of about 4x4 square-degrees. All will be observed in u,g,r,i and z, with about 1 hr exposure time per filter %Copyright (c) CFH - powered by Terapix - healpixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/CFHTLS/W/z %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://terapix.iap.fr/rubrique.php?id_rubrique=32 %SkyFraction 0.003731 %Aladin.XLabel CFHTLS W z %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/CFHTLS/WIDE %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-04-01-05 %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-03-27T15:39Z %ActionName P-CGPS-VGPS-CONT.hpx %Description Combination of the 1420 MHz continuum of the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey (CGPS) with the VLA Galactic Plane Survey (VGPS) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/CGPS_VGPS_CONT %VerboseDescr Radio continuum emission, using the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory (DRAO) and the VLA telescope, at a resolution of 1'. Units: K\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/CGPS/VGPS/CONT %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.03752 %Aladin.XLabel CGPS-VGPS CONT %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-06 %Aladin.HpxParam 4 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-10-07T15:21Z %ActionName P-CGPS-VGPS.hpx %Description Combination of the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey (CGPS) and the VLA Galactic Plane Survey (VGPS) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1457713645 2016/03/11 18:27:25 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/CGPS_VGPS %VerboseDescr Atomic Hydrogen (integrated intensity map) emission using the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory (DRAO) and the VLA telescope, at a resolution of 1'. Units: K km/s\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/CGPS/VGPS %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.03571 %Aladin.XLabel CGPS-VGPS %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/HI %Aladin.MenuNumber 06-07 %Aladin.HpxParam 4 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-10-07T13:04Z %ActionName P-CHIPASS.hpx %Description CHIPASS 1.4 GHz Radio Continuum %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1474625760 2016/09/23 12:16:00 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/CHIPASS %VerboseDescr Radio continuum map of the atomic hydrogen line, of the sky south of declination +25deg. Reprocessing of archival data from the HI Parkes All-Sky Survey (HIPASS) and the HI Zone of Avoidance (HIZOA) survey. The resolution of the map is 14.4'. Units: mK\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/CHIPASS %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.7159 %Aladin.XLabel CHIPASS %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-07-08T16:43Z %ActionName P-CO.hpx %Description CO composite survey %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/CO %VerboseDescr This survey contains data from the composite CO map constructed by Dame, Hartmann and Thaddeus (2001) from 37 individual surveys of the Galaxy in the CO (1-0) line. Due to the composite nature of the map and processing used to render a uniform S/N appearance, the user is cautioned that angular resolution and sensitivity vary across the map. Survey data are limited to Galactic latitudes |b|<32 deg., with roughly half of that area containing observations.To create this file, the velocity-integrated brightness temperature map, W(CO), was obtained from the CfA Millimeter Wave Group website and then interpolated onto a HEALPix grid with Nside=512. %Copyright Composite map by Dame et al (2001,ApJ,547,792), - HEALPixed by LAMBDA %Origin CDS %Id P/CO %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/product/foreground/fg_WCO_get.cfm %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel CO composite survey %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/CO %Aladin.MenuNumber 06-08-01 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-12-12T15:44Z %ActionName P-COHRS.hpx %Description CO High Resolution Survey (HARP/JCMT) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/COHRS %VerboseDescr This survey contains data from the CO High Resolution Survey (COHRS). The data we're taken in the 12CO(J=3-2) line with HARP (JCMT). The FWHM of the observations are 14". THe survey and data products are fully described in Dempsey, Thomas & Currie 2013, ApJS, 209, 8. The data cubes have been collapsed in the velocity axis between -30 and +155km/s to provide 2D integrated maps. These maps are publicly available at CADC (http://dx.doi. org/10.11570/13.0002). These 2D integrated maps were then interpolated onto a HEALPix grid with Nside=65536 at CDS %Copyright CANFAR %Origin CDS %Id P/COHRS %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.canfar.phys.uvic.ca/canfar/ %SkyFraction 0.001495 %Aladin.XLabel CO High Resolution Survey %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/CO %Aladin.MenuNumber 06-08-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 7 image equatorial png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-09-19T15:09Z %ActionName P-COMPTEL.hpx %Description COMPTEL 0.8-30 MeV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/COMPTEL %VerboseDescr Allsky survey (0.8-30 MeV)obtained with the imaging Gamma-ray Telescope COMPTEL aboard Nasa's Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. Units of the map are cts/s/cm^2/sr and the angular resolution is of the order of 1 degree. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/COMPTEL %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel COMPTEL 0.8-30 MeV %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-01-14T14:11Z %ActionName P-CONSTELLATIONS6.hpx %Description CONSTELLATIONS6 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1465811895 2016/06/13 11:58:15 %Url http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/judo2/HiPS/Constellations6 %VerboseDescr Constellation color-artworks by Kagaya studio %Copyright Kagaya Studio %Origin JAXA %Id P/CONSTELLATIONS6 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %Copyright.Url http://www.kagayastudio.com/english/ %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Artistic constellations map %Aladin.Tree Outreach %Aladin.MenuNumber ZZZZ %Aladin.HpxParam 6 image color png %Aladin.Date 2016-03-16T14:25Z %ActionName P-Callisto-Voyager-Galileo-simp-1km.hpx %Description Callisto Voyager-Galileo-simp-1km %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Callisto_Voyager-Galileo-simp-1km %VerboseDescr his global map of Callisto utilizes the best image quality and moderate resolution coverage supplied by Galileo SSI (Solid State Imaging instrument) and Voyager 1 and 2. The image processing was performed at USGS using the Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers (ISIS) system. The image data was selected on the basis of overall image quality, reasonable input resolution, and availability of moderate viewing and sun angles for topography. The average input resolution was 1.0 kilometers/pixel. The resolution ranged from 60 km/pixel for gap fill up to 400 meters/pixel. The map projections are based on a sphere having a radius of 2409.3 kilometers. %Copyright Planetary Data System, from USGS Astrogeology Science Center %Origin CDS %Id P/Callisto/Voyager-Galileo-simp-1km %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Callisto/Voyager-Galileo-simp-1km %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Jupiter/Callisto %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color callisto jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-21T12:42Z %ActionName P-Change2-moon-7m-DOM.hpx %Description Lunar DOM 7M %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551170260 2019/02/26 10:37:40 %Url http://hips.china-vo.org/change2-moon-7m-dom %Origin China-VO %Id P/Change2/moon/7m/DOM %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.9964 %Aladin.XLabel P/Change2/moon/7m/DOM %Aladin.HpxParam 0 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-02-03T00:05:00Z %ActionName P-Charon-NewHorizon-PIA19866.hpx %Description Charon NewHorizon PIA19866 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Charon_NewHorizon-PIA19866 %VerboseDescr The science team of NASA's New Horizons mission has produced this global map of Pluto's largest moon, Charon. The map includes all available resolved images of the surface acquired between July 7-14, 2015, at pixel resolutions ranging from 40 kilometers (24 miles) on the anti-Pluto facing hemisphere (left and right sides of the map), to 400 meters (1,250 feet) per pixel on portions of the Pluto-facing hemisphere -- the side facing the New Horizons spacecraft when it flew past the dwarf planet -- at map center. Many additional images now stored on the spacecraft's digital data recorders are expected to be transmitted "home" in fall 2015 and these will be used to complete the global map. The map is in simple cylindrical projection, with zero longitude (the Pluto-facing direction) in the center. The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, designed, built, and operates the New Horizons spacecraft, and manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate. The Southwest Research Institute, based in San Antonio, leads the science team, payload operations and encounter science planning. New Horizons is part of the New Frontiers Program managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. %Copyright JPL/PhotoJournal %Origin CDS %Id P/Charon/NewHorizon-PIA19866 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Charon/NewHorizon-PIA19866 %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Pluto/Charon %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color charon jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-24T14:27Z %ActionName P-DECaLS-DR3-color.hpx %Description DECaLS DR3 color %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %SeeAction P-DECaLS-DR3-color_0.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-DECaLS-DR3-color_1.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-DECaLS-DR3-color_2.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-DECaLS-DR3-color_3.hpx availability=9999 %VerboseDescr The Legacy Survey is producing an inference model catalog of the sky from a set of optical and infrared imaging data, comprising 14,000 deg² of extragalactic sky visible from the northern hemisphere in three optical bands (g,r,z) and four infrared bands. The sky coverage is approximately bounded by -18° < ? < +84° in celestial coordinates and |b||b| > 18° in Galactic coordinates. The DECam Legacy Survey is providing these data in the equatorial region at ? < +30° using the Dark Energy Camera on the Blanco Telescope. The color images are based on the g,r,z filters. Data Release 3 (DR3) is the third public data release of images and catalogs for the DECam Legacy Survey (DECaLS). Images from DECaLS g,r,z-band observations (NOAO survey program 0404; https://www.noao.edu/perl/abstract?2014B-0404) are included from August 2014 through March 2016. DR3 also includes DECam data from a range of non-DECaLS surveys, including observations that were conducted from September 2012 to March 2016. In total, the optical data covers a disjoint footprint with 4300 deg² in g-band, 4600 deg² in r-band and 8100 deg² in z-band, of which 4200 deg² has been observed in all three optical filters. %Copyright DECam Legacy Survey %Origin CDS %Id P/DECaLS/DR3/color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://legacysurvey.org/ %SkyFraction 0.2275 %Aladin.XLabel DECaLS DR3 color %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/DECaLS %Aladin.MenuNumber lite %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image color equatorial jpeg %Aladin.Date 2017-01-21T22:35Z %ActionName P-DECaLS-DR5-color.hpx %Description DECaLS DR5 color %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/DECaLS/DR5/color %VerboseDescr The Legacy Survey is producing an inference model catalog of the sky from a set of optical and infrared imaging data, comprising 14,000 deg² of extragalactic sky visible from the northern hemisphere in three optical bands (g,r,z) and four infrared bands. The sky coverage is approximately bounded by -18° < ? < +84° in celestial coordinates and |b||b| > 18° in Galactic coordinates. The DECam Legacy Survey is providing these data in the equatorial region at ? < +30° using the Dark Energy Camera on the Blanco Telescope. The color images are based on the g,r,z filters. Data Release 5 (DR5) is the fifth public data release of the Legacy Surveys. DR5 imaging is first reduced through the NOAO Community Pipeline before being processed using the Tractor. Images from DECaLS g,r,z-band observations are included from August 2014 through May 2017. DR5 also includes DECam data from a range of non-DECaLS surveys, including observations that were conducted from September 2012 to May 2017. %Copyright DECam Legacy Survey %Origin CDS %Id P/DECaLS/DR5/color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://legacysurvey.org/ %SkyFraction 0.269 %Aladin.XLabel DECaLS DR5 color %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/DECaLS %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image color equatorial jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-06-07T05:18Z %ActionName P-DECaLS-DR5-g.hpx %Description DECaLS DR5 g %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/DECaLS/DR5/g %VerboseDescr The Legacy Survey is producing an inference model catalog of the sky from a set of optical and infrared imaging data, comprising 14,000 deg² of extragalactic sky visible from the northern hemisphere in three optical bands (g,r,z) and four infrared bands. The sky coverage is approximately bounded by -18° < ? < +84° in celestial coordinates and |b||b| > 18° in Galactic coordinates. The DECam Legacy Survey is providing these data in the equatorial region at ? < +30° using the Dark Energy Camera on the Blanco Telescope. The color images are based on the g,r,z filters. Data Release 5 (DR5) is the fifth public data release of the Legacy Surveys. DR5 imaging is first reduced through the NOAO Community Pipeline before being processed using the Tractor. Images from DECaLS g,r,z-band observations are included from August 2014 through May 2017. DR5 also includes DECam data from a range of non-DECaLS surveys, including observations that were conducted from September 2012 to May 2017. %Copyright DECam Legacy Survey %Origin CDS %Id P/DECaLS/DR5/g %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://legacysurvey.org/ %SkyFraction 0.182 %Aladin.XLabel DECaLS DR5 g %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/DECaLS %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-10-17T09:17Z %ActionName P-DECaLS-DR5-r.hpx %Description DECaLS DR5 r %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/DECaLS/DR5/r %VerboseDescr The Legacy Survey is producing an inference model catalog of the sky from a set of optical and infrared imaging data, comprising 14,000 deg² of extragalactic sky visible from the northern hemisphere in three optical bands (g,r,z) and four infrared bands. The sky coverage is approximately bounded by -18° < ? < +84° in celestial coordinates and |b||b| > 18° in Galactic coordinates. The DECam Legacy Survey is providing these data in the equatorial region at ? < +30° using the Dark Energy Camera on the Blanco Telescope. The color images are based on the g,r,z filters. Data Release 5 (DR5) is the fifth public data release of the Legacy Surveys. DR5 imaging is first reduced through the NOAO Community Pipeline before being processed using the Tractor. Images from DECaLS g,r,z-band observations are included from August 2014 through May 2017. DR5 also includes DECam data from a range of non-DECaLS surveys, including observations that were conducted from September 2012 to May 2017. %Copyright DECam Legacy Survey %Origin CDS %Id P/DECaLS/DR5/r %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://legacysurvey.org/ %SkyFraction 0.1971 %Aladin.XLabel DECaLS DR5 r %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/DECaLS %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-06-18T11:15Z %ActionName P-DECaPS-DR1-color.hpx %Description DECaPS DR1 color %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %SeeAction P-DECaPS-DR1-color_0.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-DECaPS-DR1-color_1.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-DECaPS-DR1-color_2.hpx availability=0 %VerboseDescr The DECam Plane Survey is a five-band optical and near-infrared survey of the southern Galactic plane with the Dark Energy Camera at Cerro Tololo. The survey is designed to reach past the mainsequence turn-off at the distance of the Galactic center through a reddening E(B - V ) of 1.5 mag. Typical single-exposure depths are 23.7, 22.8, 22.3, 21.9, and 21.0 mag in the grizY bands, with seeing around 100. The footprint covers the Galactic plane with |b| <= 4 degrees , 5 degrees > l > 120 degrees %Copyright DECaM Plane Survey / NOAO %Origin CDS %Id P/DECaPS/DR1/color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://decaps.skymaps.info/ %SkyFraction 0.03543 %Aladin.XLabel DECam Plane Survey DR1 color (g, r, z bands) %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/DECaPS %Aladin.MenuNumber lite %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image color equatorial png jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-31T09:34Z %ActionName P-DECaPS-DR1-g.hpx %Description DECaPS DR1 g %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/DECaPS/DR1/g %VerboseDescr The DECam Plane Survey is a five-band optical and near-infrared survey of the southern Galactic plane with the Dark Energy Camera at Cerro Tololo. The survey is designed to reach past the mainsequence turn-off at the distance of the Galactic center through a reddening E(B ? V ) of 1.5 mag. Typical single-exposure depths are 23.7, 22.8, 22.3, 21.9, and 21.0 mag in the grizY bands, with seeing around 100. The footprint covers the Galactic plane with |b| <= 4? , 5? > l > ?120? %Copyright DECaM Plane Survey / NOAO %Origin CDS %Id P/DECaPS/DR1/g %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://decaps.skymaps.info/ %SkyFraction 0.0351 %Aladin.XLabel DECam Plane Survey DR1 g band %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/DECaPS %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2018-01-19T03:17Z %ActionName P-DES-DR1-LIneA-color.hpx %Description DES DR1 LIneA color %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://datalab.noao.edu/HiPS/des_dr1 %VerboseDescr The Dark Energy Survey (DES) is a 5000 square degree grizY survey of the Southern sky aimed at understanding the accelerating expansion rate of the Universe. DES is using four complementary methods to do this: weak gravitational lensing, galaxy cluster counts, baryon acoustic oscillations, and Type Ia supernovae. DES uses the 3 square degree Dark Energy Camera (DECam), a 570 Megapixel CCD imaging camera installed at the prime focus of on the Blanco 4m telescope at the Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory in northern Chile. The survey is being performed over a period of five years (2013-2018), and is recording information from roughly 300 million distant galaxies and 100 million Milky Way stars. %Origin NOAO %Id P/DES/DR1/LIneA-color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.1282 %Aladin.XLabel DES DR1 %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2017-09-07T20:22Z %ActionName P-DES-DR1-Y.hpx %Description DES-DR1 Y %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/DES/CDS_P_DES-DR1_Y %VerboseDescr The Dark Energy Survey (DES) is a 5000 square degree grizY survey of the Southern sky aimed at understanding the accelerating expansion rate of the Universe. DES is using four complementary methods to do this: weak gravitational lensing, galaxy cluster counts, baryon acoustic oscillations, and Type Ia supernovae. DES uses the 3 square degree Dark Energy Camera (DECam), a 570 Megapixel CCD imaging camera installed at the prime focus of on the Blanco 4m telescope at the Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory in northern Chile. The survey is being performed over a period of five years (2013-2018), and is recording information from roughly 300 million distant galaxies and 100 million Milky Way stars. %Copyright NOAO Data Lab %Origin CDS %Id P/DES-DR1/Y %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.127 %Aladin.XLabel DES-DR1 Y %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/DES %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-07-05T16:10Z %ActionName P-DES-DR1-g.hpx %Description DES-DR1 g %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/DES/CDS_P_DES-DR1_g %VerboseDescr The dard Energy Survey (DES) is a 5000 square degree grizY survey of the Southern sky aimed understanding the accelerating explansion rate of the universe. DES is using four complementary methods to do this: weak gravitational lensing, galaxy cluster counts, baryon acoustic oscillations, and Type Ia supernovae. DES uses the 3 square degree Dark Energy Camera (DECam), a 570 Megapixel CCD imaging camera installed at the prime focus of on the Blanco 4m telescope at the Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory in northern Chile. The survey is being performed over a period of five years (2013-2018), and is recording information from roughly 300 million distant galaxies and 100 million Milky Way stars. %Copyright NOAO Data Lab %Origin CDS %Id P/DES-DR1/g %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.1269 %Aladin.XLabel DES DR1 %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/DES %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-03-06T22:01Z %ActionName P-DES-DR1-i.hpx %Description DES-DR1 i %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/DES/CDS_P_DES-DR1_i %VerboseDescr The Dark Energy Survey (DES) is a 5000 square degree grizY survey of the Southern sky aimed at understanding the accelerating expansion rate of the Universe. DES is using four complementary methods to do this: weak gravitational lensing, galaxy cluster counts, baryon acoustic oscillations, and Type Ia supernovae. DES uses the 3 square degree Dark Energy Camera (DECam), a 570 Megapixel CCD imaging camera installed at the prime focus of on the Blanco 4m telescope at the Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory in northern Chile. The survey is being performed over a period of five years (2013-2018), and is recording information from roughly 300 million distant galaxies and 100 million Milky Way stars. %Copyright NOAO Data Lab %Origin CDS %Id P/DES-DR1/i %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.127 %Aladin.XLabel DES-DR1 i %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/DES %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-05-23T13:27Z %ActionName P-DES-DR1-r.hpx %Description DES-DR1 r %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/DES/CDS_P_DES-DR1_r %VerboseDescr The Dark Energy Survey (DES) is a 5000 square degree grizY survey of the Southern sky aimed at understanding the accelerating expansion rate of the Universe. DES is using four complementary methods to do this: weak gravitational lensing, galaxy cluster counts, baryon acoustic oscillations, and Type Ia supernovae. DES uses the 3 square degree Dark Energy Camera (DECam), a 570 Megapixel CCD imaging camera installed at the prime focus of on the Blanco 4m telescope at the Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory in northern Chile. The survey is being performed over a period of five years (2013-2018), and is recording information from roughly 300 million distant galaxies and 100 million Milky Way stars. %Copyright NOAO Data Lab %Origin CDS %Id P/DES-DR1/r %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.127 %Aladin.XLabel DES-DR1 r %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/DES %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-06-04T12:40Z %ActionName P-DES-DR1-z.hpx %Description DES-DR1 z %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/DES/CDS_P_DES-DR1_z %VerboseDescr The Dark Energy Survey (DES) is a 5000 square degree grizY survey of the Southern sky aimed at understanding the accelerating expansion rate of the Universe. DES is using four complementary methods to do this: weak gravitational lensing, galaxy cluster counts, baryon acoustic oscillations, and Type Ia supernovae. DES uses the 3 square degree Dark Energy Camera (DECam), a 570 Megapixel CCD imaging camera installed at the prime focus of on the Blanco 4m telescope at the Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory in northern Chile. The survey is being performed over a period of five years (2013-2018), and is recording information from roughly 300 million distant galaxies and 100 million Milky Way stars. %Copyright NOAO Data Lab %Origin CDS %Id P/DES-DR1/z %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.1271 %Aladin.XLabel DES-DR1 z %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/DES %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-06-11T13:41Z %ActionName P-DIRBE-1.hpx %Description DIRBE BAND 1 - 1.25 mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DIRBE_1 %VerboseDescr All-sky survey performed with the COBE/DIRBE instrument (Band 1 - 1.25 microns) at the 1deg resolution. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DIRBE/1 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DIRBE band 1 - 1.25um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/DIRBE %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-01-01 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-06-26T18:34Z %ActionName P-DIRBE-10.hpx %Description DIRBE BAND 10 - 240 mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1461076880 2016/04/19 16:41:20 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DIRBE_10 %VerboseDescr All-sky survey performed with the COBE/DIRBE instrument (Band 10 - 240 microns) at the 1deg resolution. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DIRBE/10 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DIRBE band 10 - 240um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/DIRBE %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-01-10 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-07-01T13:49Z %ActionName P-DIRBE-2.hpx %Description DIRBE BAND 2 - 2.2 mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DIRBE_2 %VerboseDescr All-sky survey performed with the COBE/DIRBE instrument (Band 2 -2.2 microns) at the 1deg resolution. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DIRBE/2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DIRBE band 2 - 2.2um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/DIRBE %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-01-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-06-26T18:42Z %ActionName P-DIRBE-3.hpx %Description DIRBE BAND 3 - 3.5 mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DIRBE_3 %VerboseDescr All-sky survey performed with the COBE/DIRBE instrument (Band 3 - 3.5 microns) at the 1deg resolution. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DIRBE/3 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DIRBE band 3 - 3.5um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/DIRBE %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-01-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-06-26T18:49Z %ActionName P-DIRBE-4.hpx %Description DIRBE BAND 4 - 4.9 mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DIRBE_4 %VerboseDescr All-sky survey performed with the COBE/DIRBE instrument (Band 4 - 4.9 microns) at the 1deg resolution. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DIRBE/4 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DIRBE band 4 - 4.9um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/DIRBE %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-01-04 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-06-26T18:53Z %ActionName P-DIRBE-5.hpx %Description DIRBE BAND 5 - 12 mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DIRBE_5 %VerboseDescr All-sky survey performed with the COBE/DIRBE instrument (Band 5 - 12 microns) at the 1deg resolution. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DIRBE/5 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DIRBE band 5 - 12um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/DIRBE %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-01-05 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-06-26T19:01Z %ActionName P-DIRBE-6.hpx %Description DIRBE BAND 6 - 25 mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DIRBE_6 %VerboseDescr All-sky survey performed with the COBE/DIRBE instrument (Band 6 - 25 microns) at the 1deg resolution. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DIRBE/6 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DIRBE band 6 - 25um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/DIRBE %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-01-06 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-06-26T19:04Z %ActionName P-DIRBE-7.hpx %Description DIRBE BAND 7 - 60 mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DIRBE_7 %VerboseDescr All-sky survey performed with the COBE/DIRBE instrument (Band 7 - 60 microns) at the 1deg resolution. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DIRBE/7 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DIRBE band 7 - 60um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/DIRBE %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-01-07 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-06-26T19:09Z %ActionName P-DIRBE-8.hpx %Description DIRBE BAND 8 - 100 mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DIRBE_8 %VerboseDescr All-sky survey performed with the COBE/DIRBE instrument (Band 8 - 100 microns) at the 1deg resolution. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DIRBE/8 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DIRBE band 8 - 100um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/DIRBE %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-01-08 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-07-01T12:45Z %ActionName P-DIRBE-9.hpx %Description DIRBE BAND 9 - 140 mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DIRBE_9 %VerboseDescr All-sky survey performed with the COBE/DIRBE instrument (Band 9 - 140 microns) at the 1deg resolution. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DIRBE/9 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DIRBE band 9 - 140um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/DIRBE %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-01-09 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-07-01T13:45Z %ActionName P-DIRBE-ZSMA1.hpx %Description DIRBE ZSMA BAND 1 - 1.25 mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DIRBE_ZSMA_1 %VerboseDescr All-sky survey performed with the COBE/DIRBE instrument (Band 1 - 1.25 microns) at the 1deg resolution. Zodi-subtracted map. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DIRBE/ZSMA1 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DIRBE ZSMA band 1 - 1.25um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/DIRBE/ZSMA %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-01-Z01-01 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-09-02T12:15Z %ActionName P-DIRBE-ZSMA10.hpx %Description DIRBE ZSMA BAND 10 - 240 mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DIRBE_ZSMA_10 %VerboseDescr All-sky survey performed with the COBE/DIRBE instrument (Band 10 - 240 microns) at the 1deg resolution. Zodi-subtracted map. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DIRBE/ZSMA10 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DIRBE ZSMA band 10 - 240um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/DIRBE/ZSMA %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-01-Z01-10 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-09-02T13:06Z %ActionName P-DIRBE-ZSMA2.hpx %Description DIRBE ZSMA BAND 2 - 2.2 mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DIRBE_ZSMA_2 %VerboseDescr All-sky survey performed with the COBE/DIRBE instrument (Band 2 -2.2 microns) at the 1deg resolution. Zodi-subtracted map. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DIRBE/ZSMA2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DIRBE ZSMA band 2 - 2.2um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/DIRBE/ZSMA %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-01-Z01-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-09-02T12:30Z %ActionName P-DIRBE-ZSMA3.hpx %Description DIRBE ZSMA BAND 3 - 3.5 mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DIRBE_ZSMA_3 %VerboseDescr All-sky survey performed with the COBE/DIRBE instrument (Band 3 - 3.5 microns) at the 1deg resolution. Zodi-subtracted map. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DIRBE/ZSMA3 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DIRBE ZSMA band 3 - 3.5um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/DIRBE/ZSMA %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-01-Z01-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-09-02T12:35Z %ActionName P-DIRBE-ZSMA4.hpx %Description DIRBE ZSMA BAND 4 - 4.9 mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DIRBE_ZSMA_4 %VerboseDescr All-sky survey performed with the COBE/DIRBE instrument (Band 4 - 4.9 microns) at the 1deg resolution. Zodi-subtracted map. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DIRBE/ZSMA4 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DIRBE ZSMA band 4 - 4.9um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/DIRBE/ZSMA %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-01-Z01-04 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-09-02T12:39Z %ActionName P-DIRBE-ZSMA5.hpx %Description DIRBE ZSMA BAND 5 - 12 mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DIRBE_ZSMA_5 %VerboseDescr All-sky survey performed with the COBE/DIRBE instrument (Band 5 - 12 microns) at the 1deg resolution. Zodi-subtracted map. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DIRBE/ZSMA5 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DIRBE ZSMA band 5 - 12um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/DIRBE/ZSMA %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-01-Z01-05 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-09-02T12:42Z %ActionName P-DIRBE-ZSMA6.hpx %Description DIRBE ZSMA BAND 6 - 25 mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DIRBE_ZSMA_6 %VerboseDescr All-sky survey performed with the COBE/DIRBE instrument (Band 6 - 25 microns) at the 1deg resolution. Zodi-subtracted map. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DIRBE/ZSMA6 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DIRBE ZSMA band 6 - 25um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/DIRBE/ZSMA %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-01-Z01-06 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-09-02T12:45Z %ActionName P-DIRBE-ZSMA7.hpx %Description DIRBE ZSMA BAND 7 - 60 mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DIRBE_ZSMA_7 %VerboseDescr All-sky survey performed with the COBE/DIRBE instrument (Band 7 - 60 microns) at the 1deg resolution. Zodi-subtracted map. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DIRBE/ZSMA7 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DIRBE ZSMA band 7 - 60um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/DIRBE/ZSMA %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-01-Z01-07 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-09-02T12:57Z %ActionName P-DIRBE-ZSMA8.hpx %Description DIRBE ZSMA BAND 8 - 100 mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DIRBE_ZSMA_8 %VerboseDescr All-sky survey performed with the COBE/DIRBE instrument (Band 8 - 100 microns) at the 1deg resolution. Zodi-subtracted map. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DIRBE/ZSMA8 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DIRBE ZSMA band 8 - 100um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/DIRBE/ZSMA %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-01-Z01-08 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-09-02T13:00Z %ActionName P-DIRBE-ZSMA9.hpx %Description DIRBE ZSMA BAND 9 - 140 mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DIRBE_ZSMA_9 %VerboseDescr All-sky survey performed with the COBE/DIRBE instrument (Band 9 - 140 microns) at the 1deg resolution. Zodi-subtracted map. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DIRBE/ZSMA9 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DIRBE ZSMA band 9 - 140um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/DIRBE/ZSMA %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-01-Z01-09 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-09-02T13:02Z %ActionName P-DM-I-345-gaia2.hpx %Description Density map for Gaia DR2 (I/345/gaia2) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/GaiaDR2/hips-density-map %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/I/345/gaia2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/I/345/gaia2 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/GaiaDR2 %Aladin.HpxParam 4 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-17T10:36Z %ActionName P-DM-flux-Bp-I-345-gaia2.hpx %Description Bp flux map for table I/345/gaia2 (Gaia DR2) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/GaiaDR2/Bp-flux-map %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/flux-Bp/I/345/gaia2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/flux-Bp/I/345/gaia2 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/GaiaDR2 %Aladin.HpxParam 4 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-17T08:03Z %ActionName P-DM-flux-G-I-345-gaia2.hpx %Description G flux map for table I/345/gaia2 (Gaia DR2) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/GaiaDR2/G-flux-map %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/flux-G/I/345/gaia2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/flux-G/I/345/gaia2 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/GaiaDR2 %Aladin.HpxParam 4 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-17T07:08Z %ActionName P-DM-flux-Rp-I-345-gaia2.hpx %Description Rp flux map for table I/345/gaia2 (Gaia DR2) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/GaiaDR2/Rp-flux-map %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/flux-Rp/I/345/gaia2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/flux-Rp/I/345/gaia2 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/GaiaDR2 %Aladin.HpxParam 4 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-17T08:18Z %ActionName P-DM-flux-color-Rp-G-Bp-I-345-gaia2.hpx %Description Color flux map for I/345/gaia2 (Gaia DR2) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/GaiaDR2/color-Rp-G-Bp-flux-map %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/flux-color-Rp-G-Bp/I/345/gaia2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/flux-color-Rp-G-Bp/I/345/gaia2 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/GaiaDR2 %Aladin.HpxParam 4 image color equatorial jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-04-19T12:46Z %ActionName P-DM-radial-velocity-I-345-gaia2.hpx %Description Radial velocity map for I/345/gaia2 (Gaia DR2) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/GaiaDR2/radial-velocity-map %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/radial-velocity/I/345/gaia2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/radial-velocity/I/345/gaia2 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/GaiaDR2 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-26T22:03Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-allObjects.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - all objects %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/allObjects %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/allObjects %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/allObjects %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:23Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-otypes-Galaxy.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - Galaxy %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/Galaxy %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/Galaxy %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/Galaxy %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By object types %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:26Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-otypes-HII.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - HII %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/HII %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/HII %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/HII %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By object types %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:24Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-otypes-Infrared.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - Infrared %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/Infrared %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/Infrared %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/Infrared %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By object types %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:26Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-otypes-Nebula.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - Nebula %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/Nebula %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/Nebula %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/Nebula %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By object types %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:25Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-otypes-Other.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - Other %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/Other %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/Other %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/Other %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By object types %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:25Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-otypes-Radio.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - Radio %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/Radio %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/Radio %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/Radio %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By object types %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:25Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-otypes-Star.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - Star %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/Star %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/Star %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/Star %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By object types %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:24Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-otypes-UV.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - UV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/UV %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/UV %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/UV %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By object types %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:23Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-otypes-X.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - X %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/X %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/X %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/X %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By object types %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:24Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1850-1900.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1850-1900 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1850-1900 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1850-1900 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1850-1900 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:26Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1900-1910.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1900-1910 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1900-1910 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1900-1910 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1900-1910 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:27Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1910-1920.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1910-1920 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1910-1920 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1910-1920 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1910-1920 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:27Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1920-1930.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1920-1930 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1920-1930 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1920-1930 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1920-1930 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:27Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1930-1940.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1930-1940 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1930-1940 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1930-1940 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1930-1940 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:27Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1940-1945.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1940-1945 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1940-1945 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1940-1945 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1940-1945 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:28Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1945-1950.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1945-1950 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1945-1950 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1945-1950 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1945-1950 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:28Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1950-1955.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1950-1955 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1950-1955 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1950-1955 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1950-1955 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:28Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1955-1960.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1955-1960 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1955-1960 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1955-1960 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1955-1960 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:29Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1960-1965.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1960-1965 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1960-1965 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1960-1965 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1960-1965 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:29Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1965-1970.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1965-1970 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1965-1970 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1965-1970 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1965-1970 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:29Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1970-1975.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1970-1975 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1970-1975 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1970-1975 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1970-1975 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:29Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1975-1980.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1975-1980 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1975-1980 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1975-1980 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1975-1980 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:30Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1980-1985.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1980-1985 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1980-1985 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1980-1985 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1980-1985 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:30Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1985-1990.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1985-1990 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1985-1990 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1985-1990 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1985-1990 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:30Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1991.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1991 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1991 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1991 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1991 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:31Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1992.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1992 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1992 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1992 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1992 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:31Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1993.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1993 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1993 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1993 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1993 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:31Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1994.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1994 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1994 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1994 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1994 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:32Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1995.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1995 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1995 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1995 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1995 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:32Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1996.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1996 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1996 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1996 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1996 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:32Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1997.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1997 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1997 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1997 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1997 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:33Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1998.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1998 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1998 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1998 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1998 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:33Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-1999.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 1999 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/1999 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1999 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1999 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:33Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-2000.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 2000 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/2000 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2000 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2000 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:34Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-2001.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 2001 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/2001 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2001 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2001 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:34Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-2002.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 2002 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/2002 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2002 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2002 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:34Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-2003.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 2003 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/2003 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2003 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2003 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:35Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-2004.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 2004 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/2004 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2004 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2004 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:35Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-2005.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 2005 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/2005 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2005 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2005 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:35Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-2006.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 2006 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/2006 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2006 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2006 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:36Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-2007.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 2007 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/2007 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2007 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2007 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:36Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-2008.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 2008 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/2008 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2008 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2008 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:36Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-2009.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 2009 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/2009 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2009 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2009 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:37Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-2010.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 2010 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/2010 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2010 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2010 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:37Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-2011.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 2011 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/2011 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2011 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2011 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:38Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-2012.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 2012 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/2012 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2012 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2012 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:38Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-2013.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 2013 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/2013 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2013 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2013 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:38Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-2014.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 2014 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/2014 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2014 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2014 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:39Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-2015.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 2015 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/2015 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2015 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2015 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:39Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-2016.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 2016 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/2016 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2016 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2016 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:39Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-2017.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 2017 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/2017 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2017 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2017 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:39Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-2018.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 2018 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/2018 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2018 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2018 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:40Z %ActionName P-DM-simbad-biblio-pub-dates-2019.hpx %Description Simbad heatmap - 2019 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/2019 %Copyright © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2019 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2019 %Aladin.Tree Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By publication dates %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T10:40Z %ActionName P-DRAO-22MHz.hpx %Description DRAO 22 MHz %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DRAO_22MHz %VerboseDescr Northern sky survey at 22.25 MHz using the radio telescope at Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory (DRAO); The resolution of the telescope is 1.1degx1.7degsecant(zenith angle). Units: KTB.\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE). %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DRAO/22MHz %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.7283 %Aladin.XLabel DRAO 22MHz %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/DRAO %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-09-01T15:04Z %ActionName P-DRAO-VillaElisa-21cm-POLQ.hpx %Description DRAO-VillaElisa 21cm POLQ %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DRAO-VillaElisa_21cm_POLQ %VerboseDescr 21cm All-sky polarization survey (Stokes Q) using the combination of the 26-m DRAO and 30-m Villa Elisa data, at an angular resolution of 36?. Units: mKTB.\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE). %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DRAO-VillaElisa/21cm/POLQ %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DRAO-VillaElisa 21cm POLQ %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/DRAO %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-12-13T13:32Z %ActionName P-DRAO-VillaElisa-21cm-POLU.hpx %Description DRAO-VillaElisa 21cm POLU %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/DRAO-VillaElisa_21cm_POLU %VerboseDescr 21cm All-sky polarization survey (Stokes U) using the combination of the 26-m DRAO and 30-m Villa Elisa data, at an angular resolution of 36?. Units: mKTB.\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE). %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DRAO-VillaElisa/21cm/POLU %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DRAO-VillaElisa 21cm POLU %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/DRAO %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-12-13T14:15Z %ActionName P-DSS2-NIR.hpx %Description DSS2 NIR (XI+IS) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/DSS/DSS2-NIR %VerboseDescr The Catalogs and Surveys Group of the Space Telescope Science Institute has digitized the photographic Sky survey plates from the Palomar and UK Schmidt telescopes to produce the "Digitized Sky Survey"(DSS). Each plate covers 6.5 x 6.5 degrees of the sky and have been digitized using a modified PDS microdensitometer. The DSS NIT HiPS is a combination of DSS2-XI and DSS2-IS. DSS2-XI north is the digitalization of the POSS-II N (1987-2002 - filter: IV-N +RG9) from Caltech, DSS2-IS south is the digitalization of the SERC-IS (1990-2002 - filter: IV-N +RG175). The all-sky HEALPix resampling has been done by the CDS with the help of CADC. %Copyright Digitized Sky Survey - STScI/NASA, Healpixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/DSS2/NIR %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://archive.stsci.edu/dss/copyright.html %SkyFraction 0.9943 %Aladin.XLabel DSS2 NIR (XI+IS) %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/DSS %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-01-03a %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-12-13T15:18Z %ActionName P-DSS2-blue.hpx %Description DSS2 Blue (XJ+S) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %SeeAction P-DSS2-blue_0.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-DSS2-blue_1.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-DSS2-blue_2.hpx availability=0 %VerboseDescr The Catalogs and Surveys Group of the Space Telescope Science Institute has digitized the photographic Sky survey plates from the Palomar and UK Schmidt telescopes to produce the "Digitized Sky Survey"(DSS). Each plate covers 6.5 x 6.5 degrees of the sky and have been\ndigitized using a modified PDS microdensitometer. The DSS blue HiPS is a combination of DSS2-XJ and DSS2-S. DSS2-XJ north is the digitalization of the POSS-II J (1987-1998 - 0.491um) from Caltech,DSS2-S south is the digitalization of the SERC-J (1975-1987 - 0.468um) and SERC-EJ (1979-1988 - 0.468um) from ROE.The all-sky HEALPix resampling has been done by the CDS with the help of CADC. %Copyright Digitized Sky Survey - STScI/NASA, Healpixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/DSS2/blue %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://archive.stsci.edu/dss/copyright.html %SkyFraction 0.9956 %Aladin.XLabel DSS2 Blue (XJ+S) %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/DSS %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-01-03 lite %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2015-02-07T11:42Z %ActionName P-DSS2-color.hpx %Description DSS colored %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %SeeAction P-DSS2-color_0.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-DSS2-color_1.hpx availability=12 %SeeAction P-DSS2-color_2.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-DSS2-color_3.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-DSS2-color_4.hpx availability=9999 %SeeAction P-DSS2-color_5.hpx availability=10 %SeeAction P-DSS2-color_6.hpx availability=1055 %SeeAction P-DSS2-color_7.hpx availability=9999 %VerboseDescr Color composition generated by CDS. This HiPS survey is based on 2 others HiPS surveys, respectively DSS2-red and DSS2-blue HiPS, both of them directly generated from original scanned plates downloaded from STScI site. The red component has been built from POSS-II F, AAO-SES,SR and SERC-ER plates. The blue component has been build from POSS-II J and SERC-J,EJ. The green component is based on the mean of other components. Three missing plates from red survey (253, 260, 359) has been replaced by pixels from the DSSColor STScI jpeg survey. The 11 missing blue plates (mainly in galactic plane) have not been replaced (only red component). %Copyright Digitized Sky Survey - STScI/NASA, Colored & Healpixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/DSS2/color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://archive.stsci.edu/dss/copyright.html %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DSS colored %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/DSS %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-00 lite %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image color equatorial jpeg %Aladin.Date 2015-05-11T08:45Z %ActionName P-DSS2-red.hpx %Description DSS2 Red (F+R) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %SeeAction P-DSS2-red_0.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-DSS2-red_1.hpx availability=12 %SeeAction P-DSS2-red_2.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-DSS2-red_3.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-DSS2-red_4.hpx availability=1055 %SeeAction P-DSS2-red_5.hpx availability=9999 %VerboseDescr The Catalogs and Surveys Group of the Space Telescope Science Institute has digitized the photographic Sky survey plates from the Palomar and UK Schmidt telescopes to produce the "Digitized Sky Survey" (DSS). Each plate covers 6.5 x 6.5 degrees of the sky and have been digitized using a modified PDS microdensitometer.\nDSS2F north is the digitalization of the POSS2/UKSTU Red survey (0.658um)\nDSS2R south is the digitalization of the AAO Red survey (0.64um)\nThe all-sky HEALPix resampling has been done by the CDS %Copyright Digitized Sky Survey - STScI/NASA, Healpixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/DSS2/red %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://archive.stsci.edu/dss/copyright.html %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel DSS2 Red (F+R) %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/DSS %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-01-02 lite %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-10-24T14:57Z %ActionName P-DWINGELOO-820MHz.hpx %Description Dwingeloo 820MHz %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488879804 2017/03/07 11:43:24 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/Dwingeloo_820MHz %VerboseDescr Continuum radiation at 820 MHz using the Dwingeloo telescope, with an effective resolution of 1.2 degree. Units: K\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/DWINGELOO/820MHz %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.5723 %Aladin.XLabel DWINGELOO 820MHz %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-02-09T13:51Z %ActionName P-Dione-Cassini-PIA12577.hpx %Description Dione Cassini PIA12577 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Dione_Cassini-PIA12577 %VerboseDescr This global map of Saturn's moon Dione was created using images taken during flybys by NASA's Cassini spacecraft. Images from NASA's Voyager mission fill the gaps in Cassini's coverage. The map is a simple cylindrical (equidistant) projection and has a scale of 153 meters (500 feet) per pixel at the equator. The resolution of the map is 64 pixels per degree. The mean radius of Dione used for projection of this map is 563 kilometers (350 miles). The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging team is based at the Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colo. %Copyright JPL/PhotoJournal %Origin CDS %Id P/Dione/Cassini-PIA12577 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Dione/Cassini-PIA12577 %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Saturn/Dione %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color dione jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-24T13:47Z %ActionName P-EBHIS.hpx %Description EBHIS 21cm %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/EBHIS %VerboseDescr Effelsberg-Bonn HI Survey (EBHIS) covering the northern sky (Dec>-5°) of the Milky-Way and the local volume out to a redshift of z=0.07. The angular resolution is 10.8?. Units: cm-2\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/EBHIS %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.5468 %Aladin.XLabel EBHIS 21cm %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/HI %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2018-03-05T09:12Z %ActionName P-EFFELSBERG+EMLS-21cm-.hpx %Description EFFELSBERG+EMLS 21cm %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488873956 2017/03/07 10:05:56 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/EFFELSBERG+EMLS_21cm %VerboseDescr Combination of the Galactic plane and medium latitude surveys with the Effelsberg 100m telescope at 1408 MHz (only source component), at a resolution of 9.4?. Units:mKTB.\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/EFFELSBERG+EMLS/21cm/ %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.07493 %Aladin.XLabel EFFELSBERG+EMLS 21cm %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/EFFELSBERG %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-08-23T12:58Z %ActionName P-EFFELSBERG+EMLS-21cm-back.hpx %Description EFFELSBERG+EMLS 21cm background %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488873956 2017/03/07 10:05:56 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/EFFELSBERG+EMLS_21cm_back %VerboseDescr Combination of the Galactic plane and medium latitude surveys with the Effelsberg 100m telescope at 1408 MHz (background component), at a resolution of 9.4?. Units:mKTB.\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/EFFELSBERG+EMLS/21cm/back %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.07916 %Aladin.XLabel EFFELSBERG+EMLS 21cm back %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/EFFELSBERG %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-08-23T13:36Z %ActionName P-EFFELSBERG-11cm-POLQ.hpx %Description Effelsberg 11cm POLQ %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488873956 2017/03/07 10:05:56 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/EFFELSBERG_11cm_POLQ %VerboseDescr Polarization survey (Stokes Q) of the Galactic plane carried out with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope at 2695 MHz, at the 4.3? resolution. Units: mKTB\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/EFFELSBERG/11cm/POLQ %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.02846 %Aladin.XLabel EFFELSBERG 11cm POLQ %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/EFFELSBERG %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-12-07T14:29Z %ActionName P-EFFELSBERG-11cm-POLU.hpx %Description Effelsberg 11cm POLU %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488873956 2017/03/07 10:05:56 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/EFFELSBERG_11cm_POLU %VerboseDescr Polarization survey (Stokes U) of the Galactic plane carried out with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope at 2695 MHz, at the 4.3? resolution. Units: mKTB\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/EFFELSBERG/11cm/POLU %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.02846 %Aladin.XLabel EFFELSBERG 11cm POLU %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/EFFELSBERG %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-12-07T14:30Z %ActionName P-EFFELSBERG-11cm-back.hpx %Description Effelsberg 11cm background %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488873956 2017/03/07 10:05:56 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/EFFELSBERG_11cm_back %VerboseDescr Galactic plane survey at 2695 MHz (background component) at the 4.3? resolution. Units: mKTB\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/EFFELSBERG/11cm/back %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.01985 %Aladin.XLabel EFFELSBERG 11cm back %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/EFFELSBERG %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-08-22T14:22Z %ActionName P-EFFELSBERG-11cm.hpx %Description Effelsberg 11cm %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488873956 2017/03/07 10:05:56 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/EFFELSBERG_11cm %VerboseDescr Galactic plane survey at 2695 MHz (only source component) at the 4.3? resolution. Units: mKTB.\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/EFFELSBERG/11cm %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.06151 %Aladin.XLabel EFFELSBERG 11cm %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/EFFELSBERG %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-08-22T13:56Z %ActionName P-EFFELSBERG-21cm-POLQ.hpx %Description Effelsberg 21cm POLQ %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488873956 2017/03/07 10:05:56 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/EFFELSBERG_21cm_POLQ %VerboseDescr Polarization survey (Stokes Q) at medium Galactic latitudes carried out with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope at 1.4 GHz, at the 9.4? resolution. Units: mKTB\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/EFFELSBERG/21cm/POLQ %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.04883 %Aladin.XLabel EFFELSBERG 21cm POLQ %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/EFFELSBERG %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-12-05T13:36Z %ActionName P-EFFELSBERG-21cm-POLU.hpx %Description Effelsberg 21cm POLU %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488873956 2017/03/07 10:05:56 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/EFFELSBERG_21cm_POLU %VerboseDescr Polarization survey (Stokes U) at medium Galactic latitudes carried out with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope at 1.4 GHz, at the 9.4? resolution. Units: mKTB\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/EFFELSBERG/21cm/POLU %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.04883 %Aladin.XLabel EFFELSBERG 21cm POLU %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/EFFELSBERG %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-12-07T14:31Z %ActionName P-EFFELSBERG-21cm-back.hpx %Description Effelsberg 21cm background %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488873956 2017/03/07 10:05:56 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/EFFELSBERG_21cm_back %VerboseDescr Galactic plane survey at 1408 MHz (background component) at the 9.4? resolution. Units: mKTB\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/EFFELSBERG/21cm/back %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.05175 %Aladin.XLabel EFFELSBERG 21cm back %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/EFFELSBERG %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-08-18T16:27Z %ActionName P-EFFELSBERG-21cm.hpx %Description Effelsberg 21cm %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488873956 2017/03/07 10:05:56 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/EFFELSBERG_21cm %VerboseDescr Galactic plane survey at 1408 MHz (only source component) at the 9.4? resolution. Units: mKTB\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/EFFELSBERG/21cm %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.05141 %Aladin.XLabel EFFELSBERG 21cm %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/EFFELSBERG %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-08-22T14:08Z %ActionName P-EGRET-Dif-100-150.hpx %Description EGRET Dif 100-150MeV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/EGRET/EGRET-dif/EGRET_dif_100-150 %VerboseDescr This data presents all-sky maps of diffuse gamma radiation in energy ranges between 100 MeV to 150 MeV, based on data collected by the EGRET instrument on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. EGRET detected gamma rays in the energy range from 30 MeV to over 30 GeV, with an energy resolution of 20-25% over most of that range. The instrument is described in Hughes et al. (1980), Kanbach (1988, 1989), Thompson et. al (1993) and Esposito et al. (1998). The work described here started with standard EGRET all-sky maps (ftp://cossc.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/high_level/combined_data) of photon counts, instrument exposure, and gamma-ray intensity, binned in 0.5 degree pixels, in both Galactic and equatorial coordinates. The energy ranges in MeV are: (narrow ranges) 30-50, 50-70, 70-100, 100-150, 150-300, 300-500, 500-1000, 1000-2000, 2000-4000, 4000-10000; (broader ranges) 30-100, 100-300, 300-1000; (integral ranges) >100, >300, >1000. %Copyright Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) %Origin CDS %Id P/EGRET/Dif/100-150 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url ftp://legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/diffuse_maps/README.fitsmaps.html %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Diffuse Gamma-ray EGRET maps - 100-150MeV %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray/EGRET/Diffuse %Aladin.MenuNumber 00-02-01-04 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-09-20T14:11Z %ActionName P-EGRET-Dif-1000-2000.hpx %Description EGRET Dif 1000-2000MeV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/EGRET/EGRET-dif/EGRET_dif_1000-2000 %VerboseDescr This data presents all-sky maps of diffuse gamma radiation in energy ranges between 100 MeV to 150 MeV, based on data collected by the EGRET instrument on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. EGRET detected gamma rays in the energy range from 30 MeV to over 30 GeV, with an energy resolution of 20-25% over most of that range. The instrument is described in Hughes et al. (1980), Kanbach (1988, 1989), Thompson et. al (1993) and Esposito et al. (1998). The work described here started with standard EGRET all-sky maps (ftp://cossc.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/high_level/combined_data) of photon counts, instrument exposure, and gamma-ray intensity, binned in 0.5 degree pixels, in both Galactic and equatorial coordinates. The energy ranges in MeV are: (narrow ranges) 30-50, 50-70, 70-100, 100-150, 150-300, 300-500, 500-1000, 1000-2000, 2000-4000, 4000-10000; (broader ranges) 30-100, 100-300, 300-1000; (integral ranges) >100, >300, >1000. %Copyright Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) %Origin CDS %Id P/EGRET/Dif/1000-2000 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url ftp://legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/diffuse_maps/README.fitsmaps.html %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Diffuse Gamma-ray EGRET maps - 1000-2000MeV %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray/EGRET/Diffuse %Aladin.MenuNumber 00-02-01-08 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-09-20T15:21Z %ActionName P-EGRET-Dif-150-300.hpx %Description EGRET Dif 150-300MeV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/EGRET/EGRET-dif/EGRET_dif_150-300 %VerboseDescr This data presents all-sky maps of diffuse gamma radiation in energy ranges between 100 MeV to 150 MeV, based on data collected by the EGRET instrument on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. EGRET detected gamma rays in the energy range from 30 MeV to over 30 GeV, with an energy resolution of 20-25% over most of that range. The instrument is described in Hughes et al. (1980), Kanbach (1988, 1989), Thompson et. al (1993) and Esposito et al. (1998). The work described here started with standard EGRET all-sky maps (ftp://cossc.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/high_level/combined_data) of photon counts, instrument exposure, and gamma-ray intensity, binned in 0.5 degree pixels, in both Galactic and equatorial coordinates. The energy ranges in MeV are: (narrow ranges) 30-50, 50-70, 70-100, 100-150, 150-300, 300-500, 500-1000, 1000-2000, 2000-4000, 4000-10000; (broader ranges) 30-100, 100-300, 300-1000; (integral ranges) >100, >300, >1000. %Copyright Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) %Origin CDS %Id P/EGRET/Dif/150-300 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url ftp://legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/diffuse_maps/README.fitsmaps.html %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Diffuse Gamma-ray EGRET maps - 150-300MeV %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray/EGRET/Diffuse %Aladin.MenuNumber 00-02-01-05 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-09-20T15:24Z %ActionName P-EGRET-Dif-2000-4000.hpx %Description EGRET Dif 2000-4000MeV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/EGRET/EGRET-dif/EGRET_dif_2000-4000 %VerboseDescr This data presents all-sky maps of diffuse gamma radiation in energy ranges between 100 MeV to 150 MeV, based on data collected by the EGRET instrument on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. EGRET detected gamma rays in the energy range from 30 MeV to over 30 GeV, with an energy resolution of 20-25% over most of that range. The instrument is described in Hughes et al. (1980), Kanbach (1988, 1989), Thompson et. al (1993) and Esposito et al. (1998). The work described here started with standard EGRET all-sky maps (ftp://cossc.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/high_level/combined_data) of photon counts, instrument exposure, and gamma-ray intensity, binned in 0.5 degree pixels, in both Galactic and equatorial coordinates. The energy ranges in MeV are: (narrow ranges) 30-50, 50-70, 70-100, 100-150, 150-300, 300-500, 500-1000, 1000-2000, 2000-4000, 4000-10000; (broader ranges) 30-100, 100-300, 300-1000; (integral ranges) >100, >300, >1000. %Copyright Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) %Origin CDS %Id P/EGRET/Dif/2000-4000 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url ftp://legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/diffuse_maps/README.fitsmaps.html %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Diffuse Gamma-ray EGRET maps - 2000-4000MeV %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray/EGRET/Diffuse %Aladin.MenuNumber 00-02-01-09 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-09-20T15:27Z %ActionName P-EGRET-Dif-30-50.hpx %Description EGRET Dif 30-50MeV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/EGRET/EGRET-dif/EGRET_dif_30-50 %VerboseDescr This data presents all-sky maps of diffuse gamma radiation in energy ranges between 100 MeV to 150 MeV, based on data collected by the EGRET instrument on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. EGRET detected gamma rays in the energy range from 30 MeV to over 30 GeV, with an energy resolution of 20-25% over most of that range. The instrument is described in Hughes et al. (1980), Kanbach (1988, 1989), Thompson et. al (1993) and Esposito et al. (1998). The work described here started with standard EGRET all-sky maps (ftp://cossc.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/high_level/combined_data) of photon counts, instrument exposure, and gamma-ray intensity, binned in 0.5 degree pixels, in both Galactic and equatorial coordinates. The energy ranges in MeV are: (narrow ranges) 30-50, 50-70, 70-100, 100-150, 150-300, 300-500, 500-1000, 1000-2000, 2000-4000, 4000-10000; (broader ranges) 30-100, 100-300, 300-1000; (integral ranges) >100, >300, >1000. %Copyright Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) %Origin CDS %Id P/EGRET/Dif/30-50 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url ftp://legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/diffuse_maps/README.fitsmaps.html %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Diffuse Gamma-ray EGRET maps - 30-50MeV %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray/EGRET/Diffuse %Aladin.MenuNumber 00-02-01-01 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-09-20T15:28Z %ActionName P-EGRET-Dif-300-500.hpx %Description EGRET Dif 300-500MeV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/EGRET/EGRET-dif/EGRET_dif_300-500 %VerboseDescr This data presents all-sky maps of diffuse gamma radiation in energy ranges between 100 MeV to 150 MeV, based on data collected by the EGRET instrument on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. EGRET detected gamma rays in the energy range from 30 MeV to over 30 GeV, with an energy resolution of 20-25% over most of that range. The instrument is described in Hughes et al. (1980), Kanbach (1988, 1989), Thompson et. al (1993) and Esposito et al. (1998). The work described here started with standard EGRET all-sky maps (ftp://cossc.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/high_level/combined_data) of photon counts, instrument exposure, and gamma-ray intensity, binned in 0.5 degree pixels, in both Galactic and equatorial coordinates. The energy ranges in MeV are: (narrow ranges) 30-50, 50-70, 70-100, 100-150, 150-300, 300-500, 500-1000, 1000-2000, 2000-4000, 4000-10000; (broader ranges) 30-100, 100-300, 300-1000; (integral ranges) >100, >300, >1000. %Copyright Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) %Origin CDS %Id P/EGRET/Dif/300-500 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url ftp://legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/diffuse_maps/README.fitsmaps.html %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Diffuse Gamma-ray EGRET maps - 300-500MeV %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray/EGRET/Diffuse %Aladin.MenuNumber 00-02-01-06 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-09-20T15:30Z %ActionName P-EGRET-Dif-4000-10000.hpx %Description EGRET Dif 4000-10000MeV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/EGRET/EGRET-dif/EGRET_dif_4000-10000 %VerboseDescr This data presents all-sky maps of diffuse gamma radiation in energy ranges between 100 MeV to 150 MeV, based on data collected by the EGRET instrument on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. EGRET detected gamma rays in the energy range from 30 MeV to over 30 GeV, with an energy resolution of 20-25% over most of that range. The instrument is described in Hughes et al. (1980), Kanbach (1988, 1989), Thompson et. al (1993) and Esposito et al. (1998). The work described here started with standard EGRET all-sky maps (ftp://cossc.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/high_level/combined_data) of photon counts, instrument exposure, and gamma-ray intensity, binned in 0.5 degree pixels, in both Galactic and equatorial coordinates. The energy ranges in MeV are: (narrow ranges) 30-50, 50-70, 70-100, 100-150, 150-300, 300-500, 500-1000, 1000-2000, 2000-4000, 4000-10000; (broader ranges) 30-100, 100-300, 300-1000; (integral ranges) >100, >300, >1000. %Copyright Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) %Origin CDS %Id P/EGRET/Dif/4000-10000 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url ftp://legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/diffuse_maps/README.fitsmaps.html %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Diffuse Gamma-ray EGRET maps - 4000-10000MeV %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray/EGRET/Diffuse %Aladin.MenuNumber 00-02-01-10 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-09-20T15:32Z %ActionName P-EGRET-Dif-50-70.hpx %Description EGRET Dif 50-70MeV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/EGRET/EGRET-dif/EGRET_dif_50-70 %VerboseDescr This data presents all-sky maps of diffuse gamma radiation in energy ranges between 100 MeV to 150 MeV, based on data collected by the EGRET instrument on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. EGRET detected gamma rays in the energy range from 30 MeV to over 30 GeV, with an energy resolution of 20-25% over most of that range. The instrument is described in Hughes et al. (1980), Kanbach (1988, 1989), Thompson et. al (1993) and Esposito et al. (1998). The work described here started with standard EGRET all-sky maps (ftp://cossc.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/high_level/combined_data) of photon counts, instrument exposure, and gamma-ray intensity, binned in 0.5 degree pixels, in both Galactic and equatorial coordinates. The energy ranges in MeV are: (narrow ranges) 30-50, 50-70, 70-100, 100-150, 150-300, 300-500, 500-1000, 1000-2000, 2000-4000, 4000-10000; (broader ranges) 30-100, 100-300, 300-1000; (integral ranges) >100, >300, >1000. %Copyright Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) %Origin CDS %Id P/EGRET/Dif/50-70 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url ftp://legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/diffuse_maps/README.fitsmaps.html %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Diffuse Gamma-ray EGRET maps - 50-70MeV %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray/EGRET/Diffuse %Aladin.MenuNumber 00-02-01-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-09-20T15:33Z %ActionName P-EGRET-Dif-500-1000.hpx %Description EGRET Dif 500-1000MeV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/EGRET/EGRET-dif/EGRET_dif_500-1000 %VerboseDescr This data presents all-sky maps of diffuse gamma radiation in energy ranges between 100 MeV to 150 MeV, based on data collected by the EGRET instrument on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. EGRET detected gamma rays in the energy range from 30 MeV to over 30 GeV, with an energy resolution of 20-25% over most of that range. The instrument is described in Hughes et al. (1980), Kanbach (1988, 1989), Thompson et. al (1993) and Esposito et al. (1998). The work described here started with standard EGRET all-sky maps (ftp://cossc.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/high_level/combined_data) of photon counts, instrument exposure, and gamma-ray intensity, binned in 0.5 degree pixels, in both Galactic and equatorial coordinates. The energy ranges in MeV are: (narrow ranges) 30-50, 50-70, 70-100, 100-150, 150-300, 300-500, 500-1000, 1000-2000, 2000-4000, 4000-10000; (broader ranges) 30-100, 100-300, 300-1000; (integral ranges) >100, >300, >1000. %Copyright Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) %Origin CDS %Id P/EGRET/Dif/500-1000 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url ftp://legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/diffuse_maps/README.fitsmaps.html %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Diffuse Gamma-ray EGRET maps - 500-1000MeV %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray/EGRET/Diffuse %Aladin.MenuNumber 00-02-01-07 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-09-20T15:35Z %ActionName P-EGRET-Dif-70-100.hpx %Description EGRET Dif 70-100MeV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/EGRET/EGRET-dif/EGRET_dif_70-100 %VerboseDescr This data presents all-sky maps of diffuse gamma radiation in energy ranges between 100 MeV to 150 MeV, based on data collected by the EGRET instrument on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. EGRET detected gamma rays in the energy range from 30 MeV to over 30 GeV, with an energy resolution of 20-25% over most of that range. The instrument is described in Hughes et al. (1980), Kanbach (1988, 1989), Thompson et. al (1993) and Esposito et al. (1998). The work described here started with standard EGRET all-sky maps (ftp://cossc.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/high_level/combined_data) of photon counts, instrument exposure, and gamma-ray intensity, binned in 0.5 degree pixels, in both Galactic and equatorial coordinates. The energy ranges in MeV are: (narrow ranges) 30-50, 50-70, 70-100, 100-150, 150-300, 300-500, 500-1000, 1000-2000, 2000-4000, 4000-10000; (broader ranges) 30-100, 100-300, 300-1000; (integral ranges) >100, >300, >1000. %Copyright Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) %Origin CDS %Id P/EGRET/Dif/70-100 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url ftp://legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/diffuse_maps/README.fitsmaps.html %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Diffuse Gamma-ray EGRET maps - 70-100MeV %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray/EGRET/Diffuse %Aladin.MenuNumber 00-02-01-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-09-20T15:37Z %ActionName P-EGRET-inf100.hpx %Description EGRET inf 100MeV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/EGRET/EGRET-inf100 %VerboseDescr This data presents all-sky maps of diffuse gamma radiation in energy ranges between 100 MeV to 150 MeV, based on data collected by the EGRET instrument on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. EGRET detected gamma rays in the energy range from 30 MeV to over 30 GeV, with an energy resolution of 20-25% over most of that range. The instrument is described in Hughes et al. (1980), Kanbach (1988, 1989), Thompson et. al (1993) and Esposito et al. (1998). The work described here started with standard EGRET all-sky maps (ftp://cossc.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/high_level/combined_data) of photon counts, instrument exposure, and gamma-ray intensity, binned in 0.5 degree pixels, in both Galactic and equatorial coordinates. The energy ranges in MeV are: (narrow ranges) 30-50, 50-70, 70-100, 100-150, 150-300, 300-500, 500-1000, 1000-2000, 2000-4000, 4000-10000; (broader ranges) 30-100, 100-300, 300-1000; (integral ranges) >100, >300, >1000. %Copyright Distributed by SkyView/HEASARC - HEALPixed by CDS Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) %Origin CDS %Id P/EGRET/inf100 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Gamma-ray EGRET maps - inf 100MeV %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray/EGRET %Aladin.MenuNumber 00-02-00a %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-09-20T15:38Z %ActionName P-EGRET-sup100.hpx %Description EGRET sup 100MeV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/EGRET/EGRET-sup100 %VerboseDescr This data presents all-sky maps of diffuse gamma radiation in energy ranges between 100 MeV to 150 MeV, based on data collected by the EGRET instrument on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. EGRET detected gamma rays in the energy range from 30 MeV to over 30 GeV, with an energy resolution of 20-25% over most of that range. The instrument is described in Hughes et al. (1980), Kanbach (1988, 1989), Thompson et. al (1993) and Esposito et al. (1998). The work described here started with standard EGRET all-sky maps (ftp://cossc.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/high_level/combined_data) of photon counts, instrument exposure, and gamma-ray intensity, binned in 0.5 degree pixels, in both Galactic and equatorial coordinates. The energy ranges in MeV are: (narrow ranges) 30-50, 50-70, 70-100, 100-150, 150-300, 300-500, 500-1000, 1000-2000, 2000-4000, 4000-10000; (broader ranges) 30-100, 100-300, 300-1000; (integral ranges) >100, >300, >1000. %Copyright Distributed by SkyView/HEASARC - HEALPixed by CDS Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) %Origin CDS %Id P/EGRET/sup100 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Gamma-ray EGRET maps - sup 100MeV %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray/EGRET %Aladin.MenuNumber 00-02-00b %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-09-20T15:40Z %ActionName P-Earth-BlueMarble.hpx %Description Blue Marble Next Generation w/ Topography and Bathymetry %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Earth_BlueMarble %VerboseDescr Blue Marble: Next Generation offers greater spatial detail of the surface and spans a longer data collection period than the original. The original Blue Marble was a composite of four months of MODIS observations with a spatial resolution (level of detail) of 1 square kilometer per pixel. Blue Marble: Next Generation offers a years worth of monthly composites at a spatial resolution of 500 meters. These monthly images reveal seasonal changes to the land surface: the green-up and dying-back of vegetation in temperate regions such as North America and Europe, dry and wet seasons in the tropics, and advancing and retreating Northern Hemisphere snow cover. From a computer processing standpoint, the major improvement is the development of a new technique for allowing the computer to automatically recognize and remove cloud-contaminated or otherwise bad data?a process that was previously done manually. Credit: Blue Marble: Next Generation was produced by Reto St?ckli, NASA Earth Observatory (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) %Copyright NASA's Earth Observatory %Origin CDS %Id P/Earth/BlueMarble %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %Copyright.Url https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/BlueMarble/ %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Earth/BlueMarble %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Earth %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image color earth jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-21T16:50Z %ActionName P-Enceladus-Cassini-110m.hpx %Description Enceladus Cassini 110m (PIA 12564) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Enceladus_Cassini-110m %VerboseDescr The Cassini Equinox Mission is a joint United States and European endeavor. The imaging team consists of scientists from the US, England, France, and Germany. The imaging operations center and team lead (Dr. C. Porco) are based at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colo. %Copyright USGS Astrogeology Science Center %Origin CDS %Id P/Enceladus/Cassini-110m %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Enceladus/Cassini-110m %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Saturn/Enceladus %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color enceladus jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-24T11:45Z %ActionName P-Europa-Voyager-GalileoSSI-500m.hpx %Description Europa Voyager-GalileoSSI-500m %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Europa_Voyager-GalileoSSI-500m %VerboseDescr This global map base of Europa utilizes the best image quality and moderate resolution coverage supplied by the Galileo SSI (Solid-State Imaging) instrument and Voyager 1 and 2. The image processing was performed at the USGS Astrogeology Science Center using the Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers (ISIS2) system. The image data was selected on the basis of overall image quality, reasonable input resolution (from 20 km/pixel for gap fill to as high as 200 meters/pixel), and availability of moderate viewing and sun angles for topography. The map projections are based on a sphere having a radius of 1,562.09 kilometers. %Copyright Public domain %Origin CDS %Id P/Europa/Voyager-GalileoSSI-500m %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Europa/Voyager-GalileoSSI-500m %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Jupiter/Europa %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color europa jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-21T12:48Z %ActionName P-Fermi-3.hpx %Description Fermi 300-1000MeV HEALPix survey %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Fermi/300-1000MeV %VerboseDescr Launched on June 11, 2008, the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope observes the cosmos using the highest-energy form of light. This survey sums all data observed by the Fermi mission up to week 396. This version of the Fermi survey are intensity maps where the summed counts maps are divided by the exposure for each pixel. We anticipate using the HEASARC's Hera capabilities to update this survey on a roughly quarterly basis. Data is broken into 5 energy bands : 30-100 MeV Band 1, 100-300 MeV Band 2, 300-1000 MeV Band 3, 1-3 GeV Band 4 , 3-300 GeV Band 5. The SkyView data are based upon a Cartesian projection of the counts divided by the exposure maps. In the Cartesian projection pixels near the pole have a much smaller area than pixels on the equator, so these pixels have smaller integrated flux. When creating large scale images in other projections users may wish to make sure to compensate for this effect the flux conserving clip-resampling option. %Copyright Distributed by SkyView/HEASARC - HEALPixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/Fermi/3 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/current/cgi/survey.pl %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Fermi3 300-1000MeV %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray %Aladin.MenuNumber 00-01-04 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-11-30T15:35Z %ActionName P-Fermi-4.hpx %Description Fermi 1-3GeV HEALPix survey. %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Fermi/1-3GeV %VerboseDescr Launched on June 11, 2008, the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope observes the cosmos using the highest-energy form of light. This survey sums all data observed by the Fermi mission up to week 396. This version of the Fermi survey are intensity maps where the summed counts maps are divided by the exposure for each pixel. We anticipate using the HEASARC's Hera capabilities to update this survey on a roughly quarterly basis. Data is broken into 5 energy bands : 30-100 MeV Band 1, 100-300 MeV Band 2, 300-1000 MeV Band 3, 1-3 GeV Band 4 , 3-300 GeV Band 5. The SkyView data are based upon a Cartesian projection of the counts divided by the exposure maps. In the Cartesian projection pixels near the pole have a much smaller area than pixels on the equator, so these pixels have smaller integrated flux. When creating large scale images in other projections users may wish to make sure to compensate for this effect the flux conserving clip-resampling option. %Copyright Distributed by SkyView/HEASARC - HEALPixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/Fermi/4 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/current/cgi/survey.pl %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Fermi4 1-3GeV %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray %Aladin.MenuNumber 00-01-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-11-30T15:24Z %ActionName P-Fermi-5.hpx %Description Fermi 3-300GeV HEALPix survey %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Fermi/3-300GeV %VerboseDescr Launched on June 11, 2008, the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope observes the cosmos using the highest-energy form of light. This survey sums all data observed by the Fermi mission up to week 396. This version of the Fermi survey are intensity maps where the summed counts maps are divided by the exposure for each pixel. We anticipate using the HEASARC's Hera capabilities to update this survey on a roughly quarterly basis. Data is broken into 5 energy bands : 30-100 MeV Band 1, 100-300 MeV Band 2, 300-1000 MeV Band 3, 1-3 GeV Band 4 , 3-300 GeV Band 5. The SkyView data are based upon a Cartesian projection of the counts divided by the exposure maps. In the Cartesian projection pixels near the pole have a much smaller area than pixels on the equator, so these pixels have smaller integrated flux. When creating large scale images in other projections users may wish to make sure to compensate for this effect the flux conserving clip-resampling option. %Copyright Distributed by SkyView/HEASARC - HEALPixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/Fermi/5 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/current/cgi/survey.pl %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Fermi5 3-300GeV %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray %Aladin.MenuNumber 00-01-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-11-30T15:50Z %ActionName P-Fermi-Band1.hpx %Description Fermi-LAT 30-100 MeV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/Fermi_Band1 %VerboseDescr Fermi-LAT all-sky survey in Band 1 (30-100 MeV), at an angular resolution of 3 degrees. Units are cnts/s/cm^2/sr. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/Fermi/Band1 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Fermi-LAT 30-100 MeV %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray/Fermi %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-01-11T12:35Z %ActionName P-Fermi-Band2.hpx %Description Fermi-LAT 100-300 MeV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/Fermi_Band2 %VerboseDescr Fermi-LAT all-sky survey in Band 2 (100-300 MeV), at an angular resolution of 2 degrees. Units are cnts/s/cm^2/sr. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/Fermi/Band2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Fermi-LAT 100-300 MeV %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray/Fermi %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-01-11T12:37Z %ActionName P-Fermi-Band3.hpx %Description Fermi-LAT 300-1000 MeV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/Fermi_Band3 %VerboseDescr Fermi-LAT all-sky survey in Band 3 (300-1000 MeV), at an angular resolution of 1 degree. Units are cnts/s/cm^2/sr. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/Fermi/Band3 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Fermi-LAT 300-1000 MeV %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray/Fermi %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-01-11T12:39Z %ActionName P-Fermi-Band4.hpx %Description Fermi-LAT 1-3 GeV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/Fermi_Band4 %VerboseDescr Fermi-LAT all-sky survey in Band 4 (1-3 GeV), at an angular resolution of 0.4 degrees. Units are cnts/s/cm^2/sr. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/Fermi/Band4 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Fermi-LAT 1-3 GeV %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray/Fermi %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-01-11T12:41Z %ActionName P-Fermi-Band5.hpx %Description Fermi-LAT 3-300 GeV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/Fermi_Band5 %VerboseDescr Fermi-LAT all-sky survey in Band 5 (3-300 GeV), at an angular resolution of 0.2 degrees. Units are cnts/s/cm^2/sr. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/Fermi/Band5 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Fermi-LAT 3-300 GeV %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray/Fermi %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-01-11T12:43Z %ActionName P-Fermi-color.hpx %Description Fermi Color HEALPix survey %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %SeeAction P-Fermi-color_0.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-Fermi-color_1.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-Fermi-color_2.hpx availability=0 %VerboseDescr Launched on June 11, 2008, the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope observes the cosmos using the highest-energy form of light. This survey sums all data observed by the Fermi mission up to week 396. This version of the Fermi survey are intensity maps where the summed counts maps are divided by the exposure for each pixel. We anticipate using the HEASARC's Hera capabilities to update this survey on a roughly quarterly basis. Data is broken into 5 energy bands : 30-100 MeV Band 1, 100-300 MeV Band 2, 300-1000 MeV Band 3, 1-3 GeV Band 4 , 3-300 GeV Band 5. The SkyView data are based upon a Cartesian projection of the counts divided by the exposure maps. In the Cartesian projection pixels near the pole have a much smaller area than pixels on the equator, so these pixels have smaller integrated flux. When creating large scale images in other projections users may wish to make sure to compensate for this effect the flux conserving clip-resampling option. %Copyright Distributed by SkyView/HEASARC - HEALPixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/Fermi/color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/current/cgi/survey.pl %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Fermi color %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray %Aladin.MenuNumber 00-01-01 lite %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color equatorial jpeg %Aladin.Date 2016-11-30T14:17Z %ActionName P-Finkbeiner.hpx %Description Finkbeiner Halpha composite survey %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %SeeAction P-Finkbeiner_0.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-Finkbeiner_1.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-Finkbeiner_2.hpx availability=0 %VerboseDescr D. Finkbeiner has assembled a full sky Halpha map using data from several surveys: the Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper (WHAM), the Virginia Tech Spectral-Line Survey (VTSS), and the Southern H-Alpha Sky Survey Atlas (SHASSA). The composite map can be used to provide limits on free-free foreground emission. %Copyright Composite map by Douglas Finkbeiner (2004). %Origin CDS %Id P/Finkbeiner %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Finkbeiner Halpha %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/Halpha %Aladin.MenuNumber 06-01 lite %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-12-01T09:19Z %ActionName P-GALEXGR6-AIS-FUV.hpx %Description GALEX GR6 AIS (until March 2014)- Far UV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/GALEX/GR6-03-2014/AIS-FD %VerboseDescr From its launch into low-Earth orbit on April 28, 2003 the GALEX NUV camera operated almost continuously. The Project suspended operations of the FUV camera following an electrical overcurrent in May 2009. GALEX data products include a series of all sky surveys and deep sky surveys in the imaging mode, and partial surveys in the near and far UV spectroscopic modes. The principal imaging studies are the Nearby Galaxy Survey (NGS), Deep (DIS), Medium (MIS), and All Sky Imaging Surveys (AIS). The GALEX GR6 direct imaging data release are to be delivered to MAST between April and June 2010. The grism data release will occur shortly thereafter. The most notable changes between GR6 and GR4/5 include changes to the bandmerged source catalog (-mcat.fits). The Project has removed 26 columns which are either redundant or of questionable quality. These include the "BEST" and "ISOCOR" fluxes and magnitudes. The Project has also added 53 columns, mostly FUV measurements using the NUV source position. Significant updates and improvements have been made to the calibrations used for the GR6 data reductions. %Copyright Material credited to STScI on this site was created, authored, and/or prepared for NASA under Contract NAS5-26555. Unless otherwise specifically stated, no claim to copyright is being asserted by STScI and it may be freely used as in the public domain in accordance with NASA's contract. %Origin CDS %Id P/GALEXGR6/AIS/FUV %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://galex.stsci.edu/GR6/ %SkyFraction 0.6821 %Aladin.XLabel GALEX Allsky Imaging Survey (AIS) FUV %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/GALEX %Aladin.MenuNumber 02-01-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 8 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2016-12-02T10:55Z %ActionName P-GALEXGR6-AIS-NUV.hpx %Description GALEX GR6 AIS (until March 2014)- NEAR UV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/GALEX/GR6-03-2014/AIS-ND %VerboseDescr From its launch into low-Earth orbit on April 28, 2003 the GALEX NUV camera operated almost continuously. The Project suspended operations of the FUV camera following an electrical overcurrent in May 2009. GALEX data products include a series of all sky surveys and deep sky surveys in the imaging mode, and partial surveys in the near and far UV spectroscopic modes. The principal imaging studies are the Nearby Galaxy Survey (NGS), Deep (DIS), Medium (MIS), and All Sky Imaging Surveys (AIS). The GALEX GR6 direct imaging data release are to be delivered to MAST between April and June 2010. The grism data release will occur shortly thereafter. The most notable changes between GR6 and GR4/5 include changes to the bandmerged source catalog (-mcat.fits). The Project has removed 26 columns which are either redundant or of questionable quality. These include the "BEST" and "ISOCOR" fluxes and magnitudes. The Project has also added 53 columns, mostly FUV measurements using the NUV source position. Significant updates and improvements have been made to the calibrations used for the GR6 data reductions. %Copyright Material credited to STScI on this site was created, authored, and/or prepared for NASA under Contract NAS5-26555. Unless otherwise specifically stated, no claim to copyright is being asserted by STScI and it may be freely used as in the public domain in accordance with NASA's contract. %Origin CDS %Id P/GALEXGR6/AIS/NUV %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://galex.stsci.edu/GR6/ %SkyFraction 0.7961 %Aladin.XLabel GALEX Allsky Imaging Survey (AIS) NUV %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/GALEX %Aladin.MenuNumber 02-01-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 8 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2016-12-02T11:00Z %ActionName P-GALEXGR6-AIS-color.hpx %Description GALEX GR6 AIS (until March 2014)- Color composition %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %SeeAction P-GALEXGR6-AIS-color_0.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-GALEXGR6-AIS-color_1.hpx availability=14 %SeeAction P-GALEXGR6-AIS-color_2.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-GALEXGR6-AIS-color_3.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-GALEXGR6-AIS-color_4.hpx availability=9999 %SeeAction P-GALEXGR6-AIS-color_5.hpx availability=1055 %SeeAction P-GALEXGR6-AIS-color_6.hpx availability=9999 %VerboseDescr From its launch into low-Earth orbit on April 28, 2003 the GALEX NUV camera operated almost continuously. The Project suspended operations of the FUV camera following an electrical overcurrent in May 2009. GALEX data products include a series of all sky surveys and deep sky surveys in the imaging mode, and partial surveys in the near and far UV spectroscopic modes. The principal imaging studies are the Nearby Galaxy Survey (NGS), Deep (DIS), Medium (MIS), and All Sky Imaging Surveys (AIS). The GALEX GR6 direct imaging data release are to be delivered to MAST between April and June 2010. The grism data release will occur shortly thereafter. The most notable changes between GR6 and GR4/5 include changes to the bandmerged source catalog (-mcat.fits). The Project has removed 26 columns which are either redundant or of questionable quality. These include the "BEST" and "ISOCOR" fluxes and magnitudes. The Project has also added 53 columns, mostly FUV measurements using the NUV source position. Significant updates and improvements have been made to the calibrations used for the GR6 data reductions. %Copyright Material credited to STScI on this site was created, authored, and/or prepared for NASA under Contract NAS5-26555. Unless otherwise specifically stated, no claim to copyright is being asserted by STScI and it may be freely used as in the public domain in accordance with NASA's contract. %Origin CDS %Id P/GALEXGR6/AIS/color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://galex.stsci.edu/GR6/ %SkyFraction 0.7979 %Aladin.XLabel GALEX Allsky Imaging Survey (AIS) colored %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/GALEX %Aladin.MenuNumber 02-01-01 lite %Aladin.HpxParam 8 image color equatorial png jpeg %Aladin.Date 2016-12-01T14:02Z %ActionName P-GALEXGR6_7-color.hpx %Description GALEX GR6/7 - Color composition %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1676280807 2023/02/13 11:33:27 %SeeAction P-GALEXGR6_7-color_0.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-GALEXGR6_7-color_1.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-GALEXGR6_7-color_2.hpx availability=0 %VerboseDescr The Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) satellite is a NASA mission led by the California Institute of Technology to investigate how star formation in galaxies evolved from the early Universe up to the present. GALEX uses microchannel plate detectors to obtain direct images in the near-UV (NUV) and far-UV (FUV) and a grism to disperse light for low resolution spectroscopy. From its launch into low-Earth orbit on April 28, 2003 the GALEX NUV camera operated almost continuously. The Project suspended operations of the FUV camera following an electrical overcurrent in May 2009. GALEX data products include a series of all sky surveys and deep sky surveys in the imaging mode, and partial surveys in the near and far UV spectroscopic modes. The principal imaging studies are the Nearby Galaxy Survey (NGS), Deep (DIS), Medium (MIS), and All Sky Imaging Surveys (AIS). During the course of the mission, the GALEX team have released data to the public through MAST at discrete times. The last complete release was the GR6 (late 2010 through mid 2011 for imaging supplements and the grism survey). A final release of GALEX data arrived in late 2012 at MAST. These included a number of redelivered GR6 data (additional visits and associated coadds from 2003 onwards), along with new tiles within GR7, which span approximately from Jan. 2010 through Feb. 2012 %Copyright STScI (NASA) %Origin CDS %Id P/GALEXGR6_7/color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.stsci.edu/copyright %SkyFraction 0.7897 %Aladin.XLabel GALEX %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/GALEX %Aladin.MenuNumber lite %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2022-03-30T19:35Z %ActionName P-GALFAHI-Narrow-DR2.hpx %Description GALFAHI Narrow DR2 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/GALFAHI/GALFAHI-Narrow-DR2 %VerboseDescr The Galactic Arecibo L-Band Feed Array H I (GALFA-H I) survey data release 2 (DR2) covers the 21 cm hyperfine transition of Galactic H I from ?650 to 650 {km} {{{s}}}-1, with 0.184 {km} {{{s}}}-1 channel spacing, 4? angular resolution, and 150 mK rms noise per 1 {km} {{{s}}}-1 velocity channel. DR2 covers the entirety of the sky available from the William E. Gordon 305 m antenna at Arecibo, from decl. ?1°17? to decl. + 37°57? across all R.A.: 4 steradians or 32% of the sky. DR2 differs in a number of ways from data release 1, which was released in 2011. DR2 is built from a largely separate set of observations from DR1, which were taken in a much more consistent mode. This consistency, coupled with more careful attention to systematics and more advanced data reduction algorithms, leads to a much higher-quality DR2 data product. We present three data sets for public use: H I data cubes, far-sidelobe stray-radiation-corrected column density maps, and results of the Rolling Hough Transform linear feature detection algorithm. %Copyright Regents of the University of Calfornia %Origin CDS %Id P/GALFAHI/Narrow/DR2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://purcell.ssl.berkeley.edu/ %SkyFraction 0.3217 %Aladin.XLabel GALFAHI Narrow DR2 %Aladin.Tree Cube %Aladin.HpxParam 3 cube equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-12T21:38Z %ActionName P-GALFAHI-Wide-DR2.hpx %Description GALFAHI Wide DR2 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/GALFAHI/GALFAHI-Wide-DR2 %VerboseDescr The Galactic Arecibo L-Band Feed Array H I (GALFA-H I) survey data release 2 (DR2) covers the 21 cm hyperfine transition of Galactic H I from ?650 to 650 {km} {{{s}}}-1, with 0.184 {km} {{{s}}}-1 channel spacing, 4? angular resolution, and 150 mK rms noise per 1 {km} {{{s}}}-1 velocity channel. DR2 covers the entirety of the sky available from the William E. Gordon 305 m antenna at Arecibo, from decl. ?1°17? to decl. + 37°57? across all R.A.: 4 steradians or 32% of the sky. DR2 differs in a number of ways from data release 1, which was released in 2011. DR2 is built from a largely separate set of observations from DR1, which were taken in a much more consistent mode. This consistency, coupled with more careful attention to systematics and more advanced data reduction algorithms, leads to a much higher-quality DR2 data product. We present three data sets for public use: H I data cubes, far-sidelobe stray-radiation-corrected column density maps, and results of the Rolling Hough Transform linear feature detection algorithm. %Copyright Regents of the University of Calfornia %Origin CDS %Id P/GALFAHI/Wide/DR2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://purcell.ssl.berkeley.edu/ %SkyFraction 0.3217 %Aladin.XLabel GALFAHI Wide DR2 %Aladin.Tree Cube %Aladin.HpxParam 3 cube equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-16T18:04Z %ActionName P-GASS+EBHIS.hpx %Description HI4PI survey (GASS+EBHIS) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/GASS+EBHIS %VerboseDescr HI4PI 21-cm survey, an all-sky survey based on the Effelsberg-Bonn HI Survey (EBHIS) and the Parkes Galactic All-Sky Survey (GASS), at an angular resolution of 16.2?. Units: cm-2\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/GASS+EBHIS %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel GASS+EBHIS 21-cm %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/HI %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2018-03-05T09:28Z %ActionName P-GASS-NH.hpx %Description Parkes Galactic All Sky Survey (GASS) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1474625760 2016/09/23 12:16:00 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/GASS %VerboseDescr 21-cm emission from Galactic neutral hydrogen for the entire sky south of delta=+1deg, using the Parkes Radio telescope. The resolution of the map is 16'. Units: H/cm2\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/GASS/NH %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.5241 %Aladin.XLabel GASS NH %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/HI %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-07-08T16:10Z %ActionName P-GASS.hpx %Description Parkes Galactic All Sky Survey (GASS) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/GASS.hpx.gz %VerboseDescr The Parkes Galactic All Sky Survey (GASS) is a survey of the atomic hydrogen (HI) emission in the Milky Way for the entire sky south of delta = +1deg using the thirteen beam 20 cm multibeam receiver on the Parkes Radio Telescope. GASS covers all Milky Way velocities between LSR -400 km/s and 500 km/s. GASS is the most sensitive fully-sampled survey of Galactic HI ever made in the Southern sky. Survey goals include a better understanding of the interaction of the Milky Way disk and halo and the nature of high and intermediate velocity clouds (HVCs and IVCs).\n\nSee the reference article: McClure-Griffiths et al. ApJS 181, 2009 %Copyright from CSIRO/ATNF - healpixed by CDS %Id P/GASS %Origin CDS %Copyright.url http://www.atnf.csiro.au/research/GASS/index.html %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Aladin.XLabel GASS %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/HI %Aladin.HpxParam map %Aladin.MenuNumber 06-06 %ActionName P-GAURIBIDANUR.hpx %Description Gauribidanur 35 MHz %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488873956 2017/03/07 10:05:56 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/GAURIBIDANUR %VerboseDescr Northern sky survey at 34.5 MHz using the low frequency telescope at Gauribidanur. The synthesized beam has a resolution of 26?x42?sec(delta-14.1deg) Units:KTB \nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE). %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/GAURIBIDANUR %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.8623 %Aladin.XLabel GAURIBIDANUR %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-09-01T14:27Z %ActionName P-GLIMPSE360.hpx %Description GLIMPSE360: Spitzer's Infrared Milky Way %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1461233435 2016/04/21 12:10:35 %Url http://www.spitzer.caltech.edu/glimpse360/aladin/data %VerboseDescr This infrared view of the disk, or plane, of our Milky Way galaxy is assembled from more than 2 million snapshots taken over the past 10 years by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. The data were taken as part of a huge survey project called the Galactic Legacy Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire, or GLIMPSE360. Spitzer spent a total of 172 days taking the individual pictures, and this is the first time they have been stitched together into a single expansive view. The image covers about 3% of our sky, but because it focuses on a band of the sky that includes the plane of our galaxy, it shows more than half of the Milky Way's stars. The blue dots throughout the image are all individual stars, most of which are relatively close to us, while the blue haze towards the galactic center is also made up of starlight, too far away for us to pick out individual stars, but all contributing to the glow. The red structures are clouds of dust and gas that permeate our galaxy, and give birth to new stars. Throughout the image, you can see star birth in action, in brightly-lit regions; look closely and you'll also see bubbles, pillars and other shapes blown out and carved in the dust and gas by starlight and stellar winds. In many areas, dark filaments stand out sharply against the bright background. These dark tendrils are the thickest dust clouds in our galaxy, that not even Spitzer's infrared view can penetrate. The image combines data from multiple surveys: GLIMPSE, GLIMPSEII, GLIMPSE3D, Vela-Carina, GLIMPSE360, Deep GLIMPSE, CYGX, GALCEN, & SMOG. The 12-micron data from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) was substituted for missing 8-micron data in outer galaxy regions mapped during Spitzer's post-cryo mission. %Copyright Spitzer mission - JPL/NASA %Origin IPAC %Id P/GLIMPSE360 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.03121 %Aladin.XLabel GLIMPSE360 %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/Spitzer %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-03-0 lite %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image color equatorial jpeg %Aladin.Date 2013-11-29T17:38Z %ActionName P-Ganymede-VoyagerGalileo-SSI-1km.hpx %Description Ganymede VoyagerGalileo SSI 1km %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Ganymede_VoyagerGalileo-SSI-1km %VerboseDescr This global mosaic of Ganymede utilizes the best image quality and moderate resolution coverage supplied by Galileo Solid-State Imaging (SSI) and Voyager 1 and 2. This mosaic was prepared by the USGS Astrogeology Science Center using the ISIS 2 image processing and cartographic system. The image data was selected on the basis of overall image quality, reasonable input resolution (from 20 km/pixel for gap fill to approximately 400 meters/pixel), and availability of moderate viewing and sun angles for topography. %Copyright USGS Astrogeology Science Center %Origin CDS %Id P/Ganymede/VoyagerGalileo-SSI-1km %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Ganymede/VoyagerGalileo-SSI-1km %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Jupiter/Ganymede %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color ganymede jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-16T15:12Z %ActionName P-HERSCHEL-PACS-color.hpx %Description Herschel PACS (color composition) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1472890029 2016/09/03 10:07:09 %Url http://skies.esac.esa.int/Herschel/PACS-color %VerboseDescr A color composition using all public PACS observations from the Herschel Science Archive at 70 micron (blue) and 160 micron (red). %Copyright ESA/HSA %Origin ESAVO %Id P/HERSCHEL/PACS-color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/herschel/publishing-rules-guidelines %SkyFraction 0.0835 %Aladin.XLabel PACS-color %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/HERSCHEL %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image color equatorial jpeg %Aladin.Date 2015-10-16T01:02Z %ActionName P-HERSCHEL-PACS100.hpx %Description Herschel PACS 100 micron %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1472890029 2016/09/03 10:07:09 %Url http://skies.esac.esa.int/Herschel/PACS100 %VerboseDescr All public PACS-100 observations from the Herschel Science Archive. %Copyright ESA/HSA %Origin ESAVO %Id P/HERSCHEL/PACS100 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/herschel/publishing-rules-guidelines %SkyFraction 0.03605 %Aladin.XLabel PACS-100micron %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/HERSCHEL %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial jpeg png fits %Aladin.Date 2015-09-02T16:39Z %ActionName P-HERSCHEL-PACS100norm.hpx %Description PACS100 norm %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://skies.esac.esa.int/Herschel/normalized/PACS_hips100/ %VerboseDescr All public level-2.5 PACS-100 observations from the Herschel Science Archive. The data have been normalised using Herschel-optimised cuts and stretch prior to the HiPS generation. %Copyright ESA/HSA %Origin ESAVO %Id P/HERSCHEL/PACS100norm %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/herschel/publishing-rules-guidelines %SkyFraction 0.02426 %Aladin.XLabel PACS100 norm %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/HERSCHEL %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-09-27T11:39Z %ActionName P-HERSCHEL-PACS160.hpx %Description Herschel PACS 160 micron %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1472890029 2016/09/03 10:07:09 %Url http://skies.esac.esa.int/Herschel/PACS160 %VerboseDescr All public PACS-160 observations from the Herschel Science Archive. %Copyright ESA/HSA %Origin ESAVO %Id P/HERSCHEL/PACS160 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/herschel/publishing-rules-guidelines %SkyFraction 0.08346 %Aladin.XLabel PACS-160micron %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/HERSCHEL %Aladin.HpxParam 8 image equatorial jpeg png fits %Aladin.Date 2015-09-02T16:23Z %ActionName P-HERSCHEL-PACS160norm.hpx %Description PACS160 norm %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://skies.esac.esa.int/Herschel/normalized/PACS_hips160/ %VerboseDescr All public level-2.5 PACS-160 observations from the Herschel Science Archive. The data have been normalised using Herschel-optimised cuts and stretch prior to the HiPS generation. %Copyright ESA/HSA %Origin ESAVO %Id P/HERSCHEL/PACS160norm %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/herschel/publishing-rules-guidelines %SkyFraction 0.06995 %Aladin.XLabel PACS160 norm %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/HERSCHEL %Aladin.HpxParam 8 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-09-26T17:14Z %ActionName P-HERSCHEL-PACS70.hpx %Description Herschel PACS 70 micron %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1472890029 2016/09/03 10:07:09 %Url http://skies.esac.esa.int/Herschel/PACS70 %VerboseDescr All public PACS-70 observations from the Herschel Science Archive. %Copyright ESA/HSA %Origin ESAVO %Id P/HERSCHEL/PACS70 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/herschel/publishing-rules-guidelines %SkyFraction 0.04222 %Aladin.XLabel PACS-70micron %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/HERSCHEL %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial jpeg png fits %Aladin.Date 2015-09-02T16:55Z %ActionName P-HERSCHEL-PACS70norm.hpx %Description PACS70 norm %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://skies.esac.esa.int/Herschel/normalized/PACS_hips70/ %VerboseDescr All public level-2.5 PACS-70 observations from the Herschel Science Archive. The data have been normalised using Herschel-optimised cuts and stretch prior to the HiPS generation. %Copyright ESA/HSA %Origin ESAVO %Id P/HERSCHEL/PACS70norm %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/herschel/publishing-rules-guidelines %SkyFraction 0.05145 %Aladin.XLabel PACS70 norm %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/HERSCHEL %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-09-27T17:55Z %ActionName P-HERSCHEL-PACS_RGB_norm.hpx %Description PACS RGB 70+160 micron norm %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://skies.esac.esa.int/Herschel/normalized/PACS_hipsRGB/ %VerboseDescr A color composition using all public PACS observations from the Herschel Science Archive at 70 micron (blue) and 160 micron (red), with the green colour being the average between the two bands. The data have been normalised using Herschel-optimised cuts and stretch prior to the HiPS generation. %Copyright ESA/HSA %Origin ESAVO %Id P/HERSCHEL/PACS_RGB_norm %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/herschel/publishing-rules-guidelines %SkyFraction 0.05599 %Aladin.XLabel PACS RGB 70+160 micron norm %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/HERSCHEL %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2017-09-26T13:23Z %ActionName P-HERSCHEL-SPIRE-250.hpx %Description SPIRE250 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://skies.esac.esa.int/Herschel/SPIRE250 %VerboseDescr All public SPIRE-250 observations from the Herschel Science Archive. %Copyright ESA/HSA %Origin ESAVO %Id P/HERSCHEL/SPIRE-250 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/herschel/publishing-rules-guidelines %SkyFraction 0.1545 %Aladin.XLabel SPIRE250 %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/HERSCHEL %Aladin.HpxParam 7 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2016-07-13T15:54Z %ActionName P-HERSCHEL-SPIRE-350.hpx %Description SPIRE350 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://skies.esac.esa.int/Herschel/SPIRE350 %VerboseDescr All public SPIRE-350 observations from the Herschel Science Archive. %Copyright ESA/HSA %Origin ESAVO %Id P/HERSCHEL/SPIRE-350 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/herschel/publishing-rules-guidelines %SkyFraction 0.2492 %Aladin.XLabel SPIRE350 %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/HERSCHEL %Aladin.HpxParam 6 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2016-07-13T12:08Z %ActionName P-HERSCHEL-SPIRE-500.hpx %Description Herschel SPIRE 500 micron %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://skies.esac.esa.int/Herschel/SPIRE500 %VerboseDescr All public SPIRE-500 observations from the Herschel Science Archive. %Copyright ESA/HSA %Origin ESAVO %Id P/HERSCHEL/SPIRE-500 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/herschel/publishing-rules-guidelines %SkyFraction 0.458 %Aladin.XLabel SPIRE500 %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/HERSCHEL %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2016-07-13T11:16Z %ActionName P-HERSCHEL-SPIRE-RGBnorm.hpx %Description -- missing description -- %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://skies.esac.esa.int/normalized/SPIRE_pnorm_RGB/ %Origin ESAVO %Id P/HERSCHEL/SPIRE/RGBnorm %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Aladin.XLabel P/HERSCHEL/SPIRE/RGBnorm %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/HERSCHEL %Aladin.HpxParam %Aladin.Date 2017-08-19T10:30Z %ActionName P-HERSCHEL-SPIRE-color.hpx %Description Herschel SPIRE (color composition) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://skies.esac.esa.int/Herschel/SPIRE-color %VerboseDescr A color composition using all public SPIRE observations from the Herschel Science Archive at 250 micron (blue), 350 micron (green) and 500 micron (red). %Copyright ESA/HSA %Origin ESAVO %Id P/HERSCHEL/SPIRE-color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/herschel/publishing-rules-guidelines %SkyFraction 0.4582 %Aladin.XLabel SPIRE-color %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/HERSCHEL %Aladin.HpxParam 7 image color live equatorial png jpeg %Aladin.Date 2016-07-14T16:13Z %ActionName P-HERSCHEL-SPIRE250norm.hpx %Description SPIRE250 norm %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://skies.esac.esa.int/Herschel/normalized/hips250_pnorm_allsky/ %VerboseDescr All public SPIRE-250 observations from the Herschel Science Archive. The data have been normalised using Herschel-optimised cuts and stretch prior to the HiPS generation. %Copyright ESA/HSA %Origin ESAVO %Id P/HERSCHEL/SPIRE250norm %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/herschel/publishing-rules-guidelines %SkyFraction 0.08737 %Aladin.XLabel SPIRE250 norm %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/HERSCHEL %Aladin.HpxParam 7 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-08-18T19:46Z %ActionName P-HERSCHEL-SPIRE350norm.hpx %Description SPIRE350 norm %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://skies.esac.esa.int/Herschel/normalized/hips350_pnorm_allsky/ %VerboseDescr All public SPIRE-350 observations from the Herschel Science Archive. The data have been normalised using Herschel-optimised cuts and stretch prior to the HiPS generation. %Copyright ESA/HSA %Origin ESAVO %Id P/HERSCHEL/SPIRE350norm %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/herschel/publishing-rules-guidelines %SkyFraction 0.08985 %Aladin.XLabel SPIRE350 norm %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/HERSCHEL %Aladin.HpxParam 6 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-08-18T18:46Z %ActionName P-HERSCHEL-SPIRE500norm.hpx %Description SPIRE500 norm %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://skies.esac.esa.int/Herschel/normalized/hips500_pnorm_allsky/ %VerboseDescr All public SPIRE-350 observations from the Herschel Science Archive. The data have been normalised using Herschel-optimised cuts and stretch prior to the HiPS generation. %Copyright ESA/HSA %Origin ESAVO %Id P/HERSCHEL/SPIRE500norm %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/herschel/publishing-rules-guidelines %SkyFraction 0.09361 %Aladin.XLabel SPIRE500 norm %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/HERSCHEL %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-08-18T18:30Z %ActionName P-HGPS-Flux.hpx %Description HGPS integral flux > 1 TeV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/pub/10.1051_0004-6361_201732098flux %VerboseDescr H.E.S.S. is an array of ground-based gamma-ray telescopes located in Namibia. The H.E.S.S. Galactic Plane Survey (HGPS) is the first deep and wide survey of the Milky Way in TeV gamma-rays. The flux values are given as integral photon flux above 1 TeV assuming a power law spectrum for the differential flux with an index of -2.3. The pixel values represent integrated values within a circular region of 0.1 deg. %Origin CDS %Id P/HGPS/Flux %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.03253 %Aladin.XLabel HGPS %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray/HESS %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2018-07-07T13:47Z %ActionName P-HGPS-Significance.hpx %Description HGPS significance (Gaussian sigma) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/pub/10.1051_0004-6361_201732098significance %VerboseDescr H.E.S.S. is an array of ground-based gamma-ray telescopes located in Namibia. The H.E.S.S. Galactic Plane Survey (HGPS) is the first deep and wide survey of the Milky Way in TeV gamma-rays. The flux values are given as integral photon flux above 1 TeV assuming a power law spectrum for the differential flux with an index of -2.3. The pixel values represent integrated values within a circular region of 0.1 deg. %Origin CDS %Id P/HGPS/Significance %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.03253 %Aladin.XLabel HGPS %Aladin.Tree Image/Gamma-ray/HESS %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2018-07-07T13:47Z %ActionName P-HI.hpx %Description HI composite survey %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HI %VerboseDescr Composite all-sky map of neutral hydrogen column density (N_HI), formed from the Leiden/Dwingeloo HI survey data (Hartmann & Burton 1997) and the composite N_HI map of Dickey and Lockman (1990). The two datasets are not matched in sensitivity or resolution: note that discontinuities exist in the constructed composite map. A pixel mask is provided to indicate which dataset was used for each location on the sky. Hartmann & Burton provide a velocity integrated (-450 km/s < V_lsr < +400 km/s) HI brightness temperature map in Galactic coordinates, sampled every 0.5 degrees. This entire data set was converted to N_HI by multiplying by their factor of 1.8224e18 K km s-1 cm-2 and then interpolated to pixel centers appropriate for HEALPix Nside=512. Since the Leiden/Dwingeloo survey does not have sky coverage for declinations < -30 deg., the lower resolution Dickey & Lockman map was also interpolated to HEALPix and used to fill in the coverage gap. The Dickey & Lockman N_HI map is itself a composite of several surveys which had been merged and averaged onto 1 deg. bins in Galactic coordinates. Their map includes emission between -250 km/s < V_lsr < 250 km/s (excluding the LMC and SMC). The Leiden/Dwingeloo Survey data were obtained from the CDS. The Dickey & Lockman map was obtained from NCSA ADIL. This original HEALPix file is distributed and maintained by LAMBDA. %Copyright Composite HI map by LAMBDA %Origin CDS %Id P/HI %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/product/foreground/fg_HI_get.cfm %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel HI %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/HI %Aladin.MenuNumber 06-05 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-04-19T17:59Z %ActionName P-HI4PI-NHI.hpx %Description HI4PI NHI survey (full-sky HI column density distribution) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HI4PI/P_HI4PI_NHI %VerboseDescr The HI4PI data release comprises 21-cm neutral atomic hydrogen data of the Milky Way (-600km/s0deg; -470km/s6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel HI4PI NHI %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/HI %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-06-12T13:36Z %ActionName P-HITOMI-HXI.hpx %Description Hitomi HXI public data image %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/judo2/HiPS/hitomi_hxi %VerboseDescr Superposition of Hitomi pseudo-color images, no exposure correction. %Copyright DARTS at JAXA/ISAS %Origin JAXA %Id P/HITOMI-HXI %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/astro/hitomi %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Hitomi %Aladin.Tree Image/X %Aladin.HpxParam 6 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2017/04/18 16:02:32 %ActionName P-HITOMI-SXI.hpx %Description Hitomi SXI public data image %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/judo2/HiPS/hitomi_sxi %VerboseDescr Superposition of Hitomi pseudo-color images, no exposure correction. %Copyright DARTS at JAXA/ISAS %Origin JAXA %Id P/HITOMI-SXI %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/astro/hitomi %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Hitomi %Aladin.Tree Image/X %Aladin.HpxParam 6 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2017/04/18 16:02:32 %ActionName P-HITOMI-SXS.hpx %Description Hitomi SXS public data image %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/judo2/HiPS/hitomi_sxs %VerboseDescr Superposition of Hitomi pseudo-color images, no exposure correction. %Copyright DARTS at JAXA/ISAS %Origin JAXA %Id P/HITOMI-SXS %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/astro/hitomi %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Hitomi %Aladin.Tree Image/X %Aladin.HpxParam 6 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2017/04/18 16:02:32 %ActionName P-HLA-B.hpx %Description HLA-B : F450W, F439W, F438W, F435W and F430W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_B_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets to %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/B %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 2.254E-4 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-B %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST/HLA %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-11T11:14Z %ActionName P-HLA-CO.hpx %Description HLA-CO : F222M %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_CO_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets tog %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/CO %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 3.404E-6 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-CO %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/CO %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-10T17:54Z %ActionName P-HLA-H.hpx %Description HLA-H : F160W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_H_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets tog %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/H %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1.912E-4 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-H %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/HST/HLA %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-11T17:21Z %ActionName P-HLA-H2O.hpx %Description HLA-H2O : F139M %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_H2O_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets tog %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/H2O %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1.598E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-H2O %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/H2O %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-10T18:22Z %ActionName P-HLA-Halpha.hpx %Description HLA-Halpha : F656N and F657N %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_Halpha_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets tog %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/Halpha %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 5.049E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-Halpha %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/Halpha %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-10T19:07Z %ActionName P-HLA-Hbeta.hpx %Description HLA-Hbeta : F487N and F486N %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_Hbeta_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets tog %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/Hbeta %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 3.880E-6 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-Hbeta %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/Hbeta %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-11T05:22Z %ActionName P-HLA-I.hpx %Description HLA-I : F814W, F791W, F785LP and F775W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_I_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets tog %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/I %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 8.996E-4 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-I %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST/HLA %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-17T09:32Z %ActionName P-HLA-J.hpx %Description HLA-J : F140W, F125W, F125LP and F115LP %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_J_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets tog %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/J %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 6.400E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-J %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/HST/HLA %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-11T13:55Z %ActionName P-HLA-NII.hpx %Description HLA-NII : F658N %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_NII_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets tog %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/NII %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 6.177E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-NII %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/NII %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-11T22:45Z %ActionName P-HLA-OII.hpx %Description HLA-OII : F375N and F373N %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_OII_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets tog %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/OII %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 3.967E-6 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-OII %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/OII %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-12T06:58Z %ActionName P-HLA-OIII.hpx %Description HLA-OIII : F502N %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_OIII_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets tog %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/OIII %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 3.848E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-OIII %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/OIII %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-12T07:51Z %ActionName P-HLA-Palpha.hpx %Description HLA-Palpha : F187N %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_Palpha_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets tog %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/Palpha %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 4.111E-6 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-Palpha %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/Palpha %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-11T05:31Z %ActionName P-HLA-Palpha_c.hpx %Description HLA-Palpha_c : F190W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_Palpha_c_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets tog %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/Palpha_c %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 4.132E-6 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-Palpha_c %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/Palphac %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-11T05:28Z %ActionName P-HLA-R.hpx %Description HLA-R : F702W and F675W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_R_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets tog %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/R %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 8.210E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-R %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST/HLA %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-14T06:48Z %ActionName P-HLA-SDSSg.hpx %Description HLA-SDSSg : F475W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_SDSSg_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets tog %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/SDSSg %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1.167E-4 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-SDSSg %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST/HLA %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-10T17:25Z %ActionName P-HLA-SDSSr.hpx %Description HLA-SDSSr : F625W and F622W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_SDSSr_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets tog %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/SDSSr %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 4.937E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-SDSSr %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST/HLA %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-10T11:44Z %ActionName P-HLA-SDSSz.hpx %Description HLA-SDSSz : F850LP %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_SDSSz_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets tog %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/SDSSz %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1.097E-4 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-SDSSz %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST/HLA %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-12T14:26Z %ActionName P-HLA-SIII.hpx %Description HLA-SIII : F873N, FQ672N and FQ674N %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_SIII_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets tog %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/SIII %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 3.381E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-SIII %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/SIII %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-12T11:51Z %ActionName P-HLA-U.hpx %Description HLA-U : F336W, F330W, F300W, F275W and F342W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_U_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets tog %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/U %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 2.376E-4 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-U %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/HST/HLA %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-12T21:14Z %ActionName P-HLA-UV.hpx %Description HLA-UV : F170W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_UV_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets tog %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/UV %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 9.788E-6 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-UV %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/HST/HLA %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-13T09:43Z %ActionName P-HLA-V.hpx %Description HLA-V : F555W, F547W, F569W and F550W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_V_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets tog %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/V %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 2.223E-4 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-V %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST/HLA %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-13T13:51Z %ActionName P-HLA-Y.hpx %Description HLA-Y : F110W and F105W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_Y_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets to %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/Y %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1.146E-4 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-Y %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/HST/HLA %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-14T08:46Z %ActionName P-HLA-wideUV.hpx %Description HLA-wideUV : F255W, F250W, F225W, F220W and F218W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_wideUV_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets tog %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/wideUV %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 5.728E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-wideUV %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/HST/HLA %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-15T10:00Z %ActionName P-HLA-wideV.hpx %Description HLA-wideV : F606W and F600LP %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HLA-hips/filter_wideV_hips %VerboseDescr The HST-HLA Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets to %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HLA/wideV %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 6.482E-4 %Aladin.XLabel HLA-wideV %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST/HLA %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-15T07:50Z %ActionName P-HST-B.hpx %Description HST-B includes the following filters: F450W, F439W, F438W, F435W and F430W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_B_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F450W, F439W, F438W, F435W and F430W filters between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community. In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/B %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1.590E-4 %Aladin.XLabel HST-B %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-11-25T21:55Z %ActionName P-HST-CO.hpx %Description HST-CO includes the following filters: F222M %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_CO_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F222W filter between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/CO %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 4.351E-6 %Aladin.XLabel HST-CO %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/CO %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-02-21T19:09Z %ActionName P-HST-GOODS-b.hpx %Description GOODS b %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/GOODS/GOODSb %VerboseDescr The P/HST/GOODS/b Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Francois Bonnarel from CDS and distributed by CDS. It sets together all GOODS HST ACS version1.0 observations done in F435W band as part of the GOODS survey. GOODS is the Great Observatories Deep survey. GOODS unites extremely deep observations from NASA's Great Observatories, Spitzer, Hubble, and Chandra, ESA's Herschel and XMM-Newton, and from the most powerful ground-based facilities, to survey the distant universe to the faintest flux limits across the electromagnetic spectrum. %Copyright NASA/ESA/AURA %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/GOODS/b %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.stsci.edu/institute/Copyright %SkyFraction 2.223E-6 %Aladin.XLabel HST GOODS b %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST/GOODS %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-05-02-01 %Aladin.HpxParam 14 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-03-27T14:34Z %ActionName P-HST-GOODS-color.hpx %Description GOODS color %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/GOODS/GOODS-color %VerboseDescr The P/HST/GOODS/color Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Francois Bonnarel from CDS and distributed by CDS. It sets together all GOODS HST ACS version1.0 observations done in v,i and z bands as part of the GOODS survey. GOODS is the Great Observatories Deep survey. GOODS unites extremely deep observations from NASA's Great Observatories, Spitzer, Hubble, and Chandra, ESA's Herschel and XMM-Newton, and from the most powerful ground-based facilities,\nto survey the distant universe to the faintest flux limits across the electromagnetic spectrum. %Copyright NASA/ESA/AURA %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/GOODS/color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.stsci.edu/institute/Copyright %SkyFraction 2.650E-6 %Aladin.XLabel HST GOODS color %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST/GOODS %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-05-02-00 %Aladin.HpxParam 14 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2017-03-27T15:14Z %ActionName P-HST-GOODS-i.hpx %Description GOODS i %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/GOODS/GOODSi %VerboseDescr The P/HST/GOODS/i Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Francois Bonnarel from CDS and distributed by CDS. It sets together all GOODS HST ACS version1.0 observations done in F435W band as part of the GOODS survey. GOODS is the Great Observatories Deep survey. GOODS unites extremely deep observations from NASA's Great Observatories, Spitzer, Hubble, and Chandra, ESA's Herschel and XMM-Newton, and from the most powerful ground-based facilities,\nto survey the distant universe to the faintest flux limits across the electromagnetic spectrum. %Copyright NASA/ESA/AURA %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/GOODS/i %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.stsci.edu/institute/Copyright %SkyFraction 2.628E-6 %Aladin.XLabel HST GOODS i %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST/GOODS %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-05-02-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 14 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-03-27T15:03Z %ActionName P-HST-GOODS-v.hpx %Description GOODS v %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/GOODS/GOODSv %VerboseDescr The P/HST/GOODS/v Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Francois Bonnarel from CDS and distributed by CDS. It sets together all GOODS HST ACS version1.0 observations done in F435W band as part of the GOODS survey. GOODS is the Great Observatories Deep survey. GOODS unites extremely deep observations from NASA's Great Observatories, Spitzer, Hubble, and Chandra, ESA's Herschel and XMM-Newton, and from the most powerful ground-based facilities, to survey the distant universe to the faintest flux limits across the electromagnetic spectrum. %Copyright NASA/ESA/AURA %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/GOODS/v %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.stsci.edu/institute/Copyright %SkyFraction 2.626E-6 %Aladin.XLabel HST GOODS v %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST/GOODS %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-05-02-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 14 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-03-27T15:07Z %ActionName P-HST-GOODS-z.hpx %Description GOODS z %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/GOODS/GOODSz %VerboseDescr The P/HST/GOODS/z Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Francois Bonnarel from CDS and distributed by CDS. It sets together all GOODS HST ACS version1.0 observations done in F435W band as part of the GOODS survey. GOODS is the Great Observatories Deep survey. GOODS unites extremely deep observations from NASA's Great Observatories, Spitzer, Hubble, and Chandra, ESA's Herschel and XMM-Newton, and from the most powerful ground-based facilities, to survey the distant universe to the faintest flux limits across the electromagnetic spectrum. %Copyright NASA/ESA/AURA %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/GOODS/z %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.stsci.edu/institute/Copyright %SkyFraction 2.512E-6 %Aladin.XLabel HST GOODS z %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST/GOODS %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-05-02-04 %Aladin.HpxParam 14 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-03-27T15:10Z %ActionName P-HST-H.hpx %Description HST-H includes the following filters: F160W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_H_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F160W filter between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/H %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1.595E-4 %Aladin.XLabel HST-H %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/HST %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-02-25T23:43Z %ActionName P-HST-H2O.hpx %Description HST-H2O includes the following filters: F139M %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_H2O_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F139M filter between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/H2O %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 2.049E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HST-H2O %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/H2O %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-11-05T20:01Z %ActionName P-HST-Halpha.hpx %Description HST-Halpha includes the following filters: F656N and F657N %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_Halpha_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F656N and F657N filters between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/Halpha %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 3.518E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HST-Halpha %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/Halpha %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-11-06T02:06Z %ActionName P-HST-Hbeta.hpx %Description HST-Hbeta includes the following filters: F487N and F486N %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_Hbeta_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F487N and F486N filters between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/Hbeta %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 2.906E-6 %Aladin.XLabel HST-Hbeta %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/Hbeta %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-11-05T20:07Z %ActionName P-HST-I.hpx %Description HST-I includes the following filters: F814W, F791W, F785LP and F775W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_I_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F814W, F791W, F785LP and F775W filters between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/I %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 7.058E-4 %Aladin.XLabel HST-I %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-03-01T03:14Z %ActionName P-HST-J.hpx %Description HST-J includes the following filters: F140W, F125W, F125LP and F115LP %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_J_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F140W, F125W, F125LP and F115LP filters between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community. In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/J %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 5.139E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HST-J %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/HST %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-02-23T20:20Z %ActionName P-HST-NII.hpx %Description HST-NII includes the following filters: F658N %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_NII_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F658N filter between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/NII %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 4.909E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HST-NII %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/NII %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-11-06T16:21Z %ActionName P-HST-OII.hpx %Description HST-OII includes the following filters: F375N and F373N %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_OII_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F375N and F373N filters between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/OII %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 2.521E-6 %Aladin.XLabel HST-OII %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/OII %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-11-27T15:38Z %ActionName P-HST-OIII.hpx %Description HST-OIII includes the following filters: F502N %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_OIII_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F502N filter between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/OIII %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 2.558E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HST-OIII %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/OIII %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-02-21T20:09Z %ActionName P-HST-PHAT-F110W.hpx %Description HST PHAT - F110W - WFC3/IR %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/PHAT/F110W %VerboseDescr The Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury is a Hubble Space Telescope Multi-cycle program to map roughly a third of M31's star forming disk, using 6 filters covering from the ultraviolet through the near infrared - see 2012ApJS..200...18D %Copyright PHAT team %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/PHAT/F110W %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.astro.washington.edu/groups/phat/Home.html %SkyFraction 1.204E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HST PHAT F110W %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST/PHAT %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-05-05-01 %Aladin.HpxParam 14 image equatorial png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2015-02-03T11:17Z %ActionName P-HST-PHAT-F160W.hpx %Description HST PHAT - F160W - WFC3/IR %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/PHAT/F160W %VerboseDescr The Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury is a Hubble Space Telescope Multi-cycle program to map roughly a third of M31's star forming disk, using 6 filters covering from the ultraviolet through the near infrared - see 2012ApJS..200...18D %Copyright PHAT team %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/PHAT/F160W %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.astro.washington.edu/groups/phat/Home.html %SkyFraction 1.205E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HST PHAT F160W %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST/PHAT %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-05-05-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 14 image equatorial png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2015-02-03T16:13Z %ActionName P-HST-PHAT-F275W.hpx %Description HST PHAT - F275W - WFC3/UVIS %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/PHAT/F275W %VerboseDescr The Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury is a Hubble Space Telescope Multi-cycle program to map roughly a third of M31's star forming disk, using 6 filters covering from the ultraviolet through the near infrared - see 2012ApJS..200...18D %Copyright PHAT team %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/PHAT/F275W %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.astro.washington.edu/groups/phat/Home.html %SkyFraction 1.263E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HST PHAT F275W %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST/PHAT %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-05-05-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 14 image equatorial png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2015-02-04T13:43Z %ActionName P-HST-PHAT-F336W.hpx %Description HST PHAT - F336W - WFC3/UVIS %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/PHAT/F336W %VerboseDescr The Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury is a Hubble Space Telescope Multi-cycle program to map roughly a third of M31's star forming disk, using 6 filters covering from the ultraviolet through the near infrared - see 2012ApJS..200...18D %Copyright PHAT team %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/PHAT/F336W %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.astro.washington.edu/groups/phat/Home.html %SkyFraction 1.263E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HST PHAT F336W %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST/PHAT %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-05-05-04 %Aladin.HpxParam 14 image equatorial png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2015-02-05T17:14Z %ActionName P-HST-PHAT-F475W.hpx %Description HST PHAT - F475W - ACS/WFC %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/PHAT/F475W %VerboseDescr The Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury is a Hubble Space Telescope Multi-cycle program to map roughly a third of M31's star forming disk, using 6 filters covering from the ultraviolet through the near infrared - see 2012ApJS..200...18D %Copyright PHAT team %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/PHAT/F475W %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.astro.washington.edu/groups/phat/Home.html %SkyFraction 1.338E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HST PHAT F475W %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST/PHAT %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-05-05-05 %Aladin.HpxParam 14 image equatorial png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2015-02-06T12:36Z %ActionName P-HST-PHAT-F814W.hpx %Description HST PHAT - F814W - ACS/WFC %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/PHAT/F814W %VerboseDescr The Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury is a Hubble Space Telescope Multi-cycle program to map roughly a third of M31's star forming disk, using 6 filters covering from the ultraviolet through the near infrared - see 2012ApJS..200...18D %Copyright PHAT team %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/PHAT/F814W %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.astro.washington.edu/groups/phat/Home.html %SkyFraction 1.339E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HST PHAT F814W %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST/PHAT %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-05-05-06 %Aladin.HpxParam 14 image equatorial png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2015-02-10T02:50Z %ActionName P-HST-Palpha.hpx %Description HST-Palpha includes the following filters: F187N %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_Palpha_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F187N filter between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community. In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/Palpha %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 6.035E-6 %Aladin.XLabel HST-Palpha %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/Palpha %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-11-05T20:14Z %ActionName P-HST-Palpha_c.hpx %Description HST-Palpha_c includes the following filters: F190W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_Palpha_c_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F190W filter between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/Palpha_c %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 4.719E-6 %Aladin.XLabel HST-Palpha_c %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/Palphac %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-11-22T16:43Z %ActionName P-HST-R.hpx %Description HST-R includes the following filters: F702W and F675W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_R_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F702W and F675W filters between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/R %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 4.811E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HST-R %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-11-06T00:18Z %ActionName P-HST-SDSSg.hpx %Description HST-SDSSg incudes the following filters: F475W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_SDSSg_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F475W filter between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/SDSSg %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 9.929E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HST-SDSSg %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-02-23T18:31Z %ActionName P-HST-SDSSr.hpx %Description HST-SDSSr includes the following filters: F625W and F622W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_SDSSr_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F625W and F622W filters between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/SDSSr %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 4.001E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HST-SDSSr %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-02-21T23:34Z %ActionName P-HST-SDSSz.hpx %Description HST-SDSSz includes the following filters: F850LP %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_SDSSz_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F850LP filter between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/SDSSz %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 8.478E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HST-SDSSz %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-02-28T21:49Z %ActionName P-HST-SIII.hpx %Description HST-SIII includes the following filters: F873N, FQ672N and FQ674N %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_SIII_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F873N, FQ672N and FQ674N filters between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/SIII %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1.771E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HST-SIII %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/SIII %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-02-22T00:10Z %ActionName P-HST-U.hpx %Description HST-U includes the following filters: F336W, F330W, F300W, F275W and F342W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_U_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F336W, F330W, F300W, F275W and F342W filters between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/U %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1.666E-4 %Aladin.XLabel HST-U %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/HST %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-03-01T06:18Z %ActionName P-HST-UV.hpx %Description HST-UV includes the following filters: F170W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_UV_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F170W filter between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/UV %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 7.455E-6 %Aladin.XLabel HST-UV %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/HST %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-11-05T20:38Z %ActionName P-HST-V.hpx %Description HST-V includes the following filters: F555W, F547W, F569W and F550W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_V_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F555W, F547W, F569W and F550W filters between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/V %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1.449E-4 %Aladin.XLabel HST-V %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-02-22T23:45Z %ActionName P-HST-Y.hpx %Description HST-Y includes the following filters: F110W and F105W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_Y_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F110W and F105W filters between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/Y %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 9.598E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HST-Y %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/HST %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-02-23T03:40Z %ActionName P-HST-other.hpx %Description HST-Others includes the ALL the other filters not used in other HIPS %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_other_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done with filters NOT included within the other HIPS between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/other %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1.027E-4 %Aladin.XLabel HST-Others %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-02-22T02:51Z %ActionName P-HST-wideUV.hpx %Description HST-wideUV includes the following filters: F255W, F250W, F225W, F220W and F218W %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_wideUV_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F255W, F250W, F225W, F220W and F218W filters between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/wideUV %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 3.906E-5 %Aladin.XLabel HST-wideUV %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/HST %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image live equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-11-06T23:15Z %ActionName P-HST-wideV.hpx %Description HST-wideV includes the following filters: F606W and F600LP %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/HST-hips/filter_wideV_hips %VerboseDescr The HST Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built by Daniel Durand from CADC and distributed by CDS. It sets together all HST observations done in F606W and F600LP filters between the beginning of the mission to the end of 2018.\nThe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.In this new release we tried to correct the astrometry of individual images before building the HIPS images using CASU tools thanks to Jim Lewis. %Copyright Canadian Astronomy Data Centre %Origin CDS %Id P/HST/wideV %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 4.922E-4 %Aladin.XLabel HST-wideV %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/HST %Aladin.HpxParam 13 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-03-03T05:33Z %ActionName P-Haslam408-v2.hpx %Description Haslam 408Mhz reprocessed %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Haslam408_2014 %VerboseDescr Remazeilles et al. 2014 have re-evaluated and re-processed the rawest Haslam 408 MHz data, available from the Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy Survey Sampler website, to produce an improved source-subtracted and destriped 408 MHz all-sky map. Large-scale striations associated with correlated low-frequency noise in the scan direction are reduced using a Fourier-based filtering technique. The most important improvement results from the removal of extra-galactic sources. An iterative combination of two techniques - two-dimensional Gaussian fitting and minimum curvature spline surface inpainting - are used to remove the brightest sources (with flux density larger than 2 Jy).Desources destrier map. %Copyright LAMBDA/NASA %Origin CDS %Id P/Haslam408/v2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/product/foreground/2014_haslam_408_info.cfm %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Haslam 408Mhz reprocessed %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-08a %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-12-20T14:53Z %ActionName P-Haslam408.hpx %Description Haslam 408MHz %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Haslam408 %VerboseDescr The survey data were obtained from the archives of the NCSA ADIL in equatorial 1950 coordinates, and subsequently processed further in the Fourier domain to mitigate baseline striping and strong point sources. The data were then interpolated onto a Galactic coordinate system and HEALPix projection. This file is distributed and maintained by LAMBDA %Copyright LAMBDA/NASA %Origin CDS %Id P/Haslam408 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/current/cgi/survey.pl %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Haslam 408MHz %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-08 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-12-20T14:53Z %ActionName P-INTEGRAL-14y-17-60keV.hpx %Description INTEGRAL/IBIS 14-year 17-60keV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551170260 2019/02/26 10:37:40 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/INTEGRAL_14y_17_60 %VerboseDescr INTEGRAL/IBIS fourteen-year Galactic Hard X-Ray Survey (17-60 keV). The survey covers the Galactic Plane (|b|<17.5deg), at 12' angular resolution. Units of the map are mCrab. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/INTEGRAL/14y/17-60keV %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.3128 %Aladin.XLabel INTEGRAL/IBIS 14-year 17-60keV %Aladin.Tree Image/X-ray/INTEGRAL %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-01-16T11:03Z %ActionName P-INTEGRAL-17-35keV.hpx %Description INTEGRAL/IBIS 9-year 17-35keV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551170260 2019/02/26 10:37:40 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/INTEGRAL_17_35 %VerboseDescr INTEGRAL/IBIS nine-year Galactic Hard X-Ray Survey (17-35 keV). The survey covers the Galactic Plane (|b|<17.5deg), at 12' angular resolution. Units of the map are mCrab. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/INTEGRAL/17-35keV %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.3128 %Aladin.XLabel INTEGRAL/IBIS 9-year 17-35keV %Aladin.Tree Image/X-ray/INTEGRAL %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-01-16T10:31Z %ActionName P-INTEGRAL-17-60keV.hpx %Description INTEGRAL/IBIS 9-year 17-60keV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551170260 2019/02/26 10:37:40 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/INTEGRAL_17_60 %VerboseDescr INTEGRAL/IBIS nine-year Galactic Hard X-Ray Survey (17-60 keV). The survey covers the Galactic Plane (|b|<17.5deg), at 12' angular resolution. Units of the map are mCrab. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/INTEGRAL/17-60keV %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.3128 %Aladin.XLabel INTEGRAL/IBIS 9-year 17-60keV %Aladin.Tree Image/X-ray/INTEGRAL %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-01-16T11:10Z %ActionName P-INTEGRAL-20-35kev.hpx %Description INTEGRAL IBIS 20-35 keV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1472890029 2016/09/03 10:07:09 %Url http://skies.esac.esa.int/Integral/20-35 %VerboseDescr All public IBIS observations from the Integral Science Data Center (ISDC) in the 20-35 keV energy band. %Copyright G. Belanger %Origin ESAVO %Id P/INTEGRAL/20-35kev %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/integral/data-publication-credits %SkyFraction 0.8379 %Aladin.XLabel INTEGRAL 20-35 keV %Aladin.Tree Image/X/INTEGRAL %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-05-20T08:51Z %ActionName P-INTEGRAL-35-65kev.hpx %Description INTEGRAL IBIS 35-65 keV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1472890029 2016/09/03 10:07:09 %Url http://skies.esac.esa.int/Integral/35-65 %VerboseDescr All public IBIS observations from the Integral Science Data Center (ISDC) in the 35-65 keV energy band. %Copyright G. Belanger %Origin ESAVO %Id P/INTEGRAL/35-65kev %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/integral/data-publication-credits %SkyFraction 0.8535 %Aladin.XLabel INTEGRAL 35-65 keV %Aladin.Tree Image/X/INTEGRAL %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-05-19T14:22Z %ActionName P-INTEGRAL-35-80keV.hpx %Description INTEGRAL/IBIS 9-year 35-80keV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551170260 2019/02/26 10:37:40 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/INTEGRAL_35_80 %VerboseDescr INTEGRAL/IBIS nine-year Galactic Hard X-Ray Survey (35-80 keV). The survey covers the Galactic Plane (|b|<17.5deg), at 12' angular resolution. Units of the map are mCrab. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/INTEGRAL/35-80keV %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.3128 %Aladin.XLabel INTEGRAL/IBIS 9-year 35-80keV %Aladin.Tree Image/X-ray/INTEGRAL %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-01-16T10:52Z %ActionName P-INTEGRAL-65-100kev.hpx %Description INTEGRAL IBIS 65-100 keV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1472890029 2016/09/03 10:07:09 %Url http://skies.esac.esa.int/Integral/65-100 %VerboseDescr All public IBIS observations from the Integral Science Data Center (ISDC) in the 65-100 keV energy band. %Copyright G. Belanger %Origin ESAVO %Id P/INTEGRAL/65-100kev %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/integral/data-publication-credits %SkyFraction 0.8528 %Aladin.XLabel INTEGRAL 65-100 keV %Aladin.Tree Image/X/INTEGRAL %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-05-19T14:22Z %ActionName P-INTEGRAL-color.hpx %Description INTEGRAL IBIS color composition (Blue: 20-35 keV; green: 35-65 keV; reg: 65-100 keV) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1472890029 2016/09/03 10:07:09 %Url http://skies.esac.esa.int/Integral/color %VerboseDescr All public IBIS observations from the Integral Science Data Center (ISDC). %Copyright G. Belanger %Origin ESAVO %Id P/INTEGRAL/color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/integral/data-publication-credits %SkyFraction 0.9909 %Aladin.XLabel INTEGRAL-color %Aladin.Tree Image/X/INTEGRAL %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color equatorial jpeg %Aladin.Date 2016-05-16T15:50Z %ActionName P-INTGAL-35.hpx %Description Nine Year INTEGRAL IBIS 17-35 keV Galactic Plan %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/INTGAL/INTGAL35 %VerboseDescr This survey combines 9 years of INTEGRAL IBIS observations from December 2002 through January 2011 into a single Galactic Plane image. A total of 135 megaseconds of exposure is included in the observations used. Survey data is generated for the Galactic plane in the region |b| <= 17.5. The original flux data has been convolved with 5' seeing kernel. To minimize loss of resolution in transformations, the Lanczos sampler is suggested as the default, but may be overriden by the user. The exposure and sensitivity vary considerably over the coverage region, but 90% of the field has a limiting sensitivity better than 2.2 x 10-11ergs s-1cm-2 or about 1.56 mCrab. Further details of the survey construction are given in the reference. The flux map use the PSF convolved maps from the survey. The flux maps are in millicrab units. See Krivonos, R. et al. in 2012 A&A (2012A&A...545A..27K). %Copyright HiPSized & color composition by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/INTGAL/35 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://hea.iki.rssi.ru/integral/nine-years-galactic-survey/index.php %SkyFraction 0.3108 %Aladin.XLabel INTGAL 35 %Aladin.Tree Image/X/INTEGRAL/INTGAL %Aladin.MenuNumber 01-03-01-01 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2015-01-12T17:23Z %ActionName P-INTGAL-60.hpx %Description Nine Year INTEGRAL IBIS 17-60 keV Galactic Plan %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/INTGAL/INTGAL60 %VerboseDescr This survey combines 9 years of INTEGRAL IBIS observations from December 2002 through January 2011 into a single Galactic Plane image. A total of 135 megaseconds of exposure is included in the observations used. Survey data is generated for the Galactic plane in the region |b| <= 17.5. The original flux data has been convolved with 5' seeing kernel. To minimize loss of resolution in transformations, the Lanczos sampler is suggested as the default, but may be overriden by the user. The exposure and sensitivity vary considerably over the coverage region, but 90% of the field has a limiting sensitivity better than 2.2 x 10-11ergs s-1cm-2 or about 1.56 mCrab. Further details of the survey construction are given in the reference. The flux map use the PSF convolved maps from the survey. The flux maps are in millicrab units. See Krivonos, R. et al. in 2012 A&A (2012A&A...545A..27K). %Copyright Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow, Russia %Origin CDS %Id P/INTGAL/60 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://hea.iki.rssi.ru/integral/nine-years-galactic-survey/index.php %SkyFraction 0.3108 %Aladin.XLabel INTGAL 60 %Aladin.Tree Image/X/INTEGRAL/INTGAL %Aladin.MenuNumber 01-03-01-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2015-01-12T17:28Z %ActionName P-INTGAL-80.hpx %Description Nine Year INTEGRAL IBIS 35-80 keV Galactic Plan %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/INTGAL/INTGAL80 %VerboseDescr This survey combines 9 years of INTEGRAL IBIS observations from December 2002 through January 2011 into a single Galactic Plane image. A total of 135 megaseconds of exposure is included in the observations used. Survey data is generated for the Galactic plane in the region |b| <= 17.5. The original flux data has been convolved with 5' seeing kernel. To minimize loss of resolution in transformations, the Lanczos sampler is suggested as the default, but may be overriden by the user. The exposure and sensitivity vary considerably over the coverage region, but 90% of the field has a limiting sensitivity better than 2.2 x 10-11ergs s-1cm-2 or about 1.56 mCrab. Further details of the survey construction are given in the reference. The flux map use the PSF convolved maps from the survey. The flux maps are in millicrab units. See Krivonos, R. et al. in 2012 A&A (2012A&A...545A..27K). %Copyright Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow, Russia %Origin CDS %Id P/INTGAL/80 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://hea.iki.rssi.ru/integral/nine-years-galactic-survey/index.php %SkyFraction 0.3108 %Aladin.XLabel INTGAL 80 %Aladin.Tree Image/X/INTEGRAL/INTGAL %Aladin.MenuNumber 01-03-01-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2015-01-12T17:28Z %ActionName P-INTGAL-Color.hpx %Description Nine Year INTEGRAL IBIS Galactic Plan Color Composition (35-60-80KeV) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/INTGAL/INTColor %VerboseDescr This survey combines the 3 bands of the 9 years of INTEGRAL IBIS surveys described in Krivonos, R. et al. in 2012 A&A (2012A&A...545A..27K). %Copyright Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow, Russia %Origin CDS %Id P/INTGAL/Color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://hea.iki.rssi.ru/integral/nine-years-galactic-survey/index.php %SkyFraction 0.3828 %Aladin.XLabel INTGAL Color %Aladin.Tree Image/X/INTEGRAL/INTGAL %Aladin.MenuNumber 01-03-01-00 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial png jpeg %Aladin.Date 2015-01-12T17:48Z %ActionName P-IPHAS-DR2-halpha.hpx %Description IPHAS DR2 halpha %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/IPHAS/DR2/halpha %VerboseDescr The INT/WFC Photometric H-Alpha Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane (IPHAS) is a 1860 deg2 imaging survey of the Northern Milky Way at red visible wavelengths. It covers Galactic latitudes |b| < 5° and longitudes l = 30-215° in the broad-band r, i and narrow-band H? filters. %Copyright IPHAS %Origin CDS %Id P/IPHAS/DR2/halpha %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.04448 %Aladin.XLabel IPHAS DR2 halpha %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/IPHAS %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-03-16T10:14Z %ActionName P-IPHAS-DR2-i.hpx %Description IPHAS DR2 i %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/IPHAS/DR2/i/CDS_P_IPHAS_DR2_i %VerboseDescr The INT/WFC Photometric H-Alpha Survey of the Northen Galactic Plane (IPHAS) is a 1860 deg2 imaging survey of the Northen Milky Way at red visible wavelenghts. It covers Galactic latitude |b| <5 deg and logitudes l = 30-215 deg in the broad-band r, i, and narrow-bnad H alpha filters. %Copyright IPHAS %Origin CDS %Id P/IPHAS/DR2/i %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.04448 %Aladin.XLabel IPHAS DR2 i %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/IPHAS %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-03-13T07:19Z %ActionName P-IPHAS-DR2-r.hpx %Description IPHAS DR2 r %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/IPHAS/DR2/r/CDS_P_IPHAS_DR2_r %VerboseDescr The INT/WFC Photometric H-Alpha Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane (IPHAS) is a 1860 deg2 imaging survey of the Northern Milky Way at red visible wavelengths. It covers Galactic latitudes |b| < 5° and longitudes l = 30-215° in the broad-band r, i and narrow-band H? filters. %Copyright IPHAS %Origin CDS %Id P/IPHAS/DR2/r %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.04448 %Aladin.XLabel IPHAS DR2 r %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/IPHAS %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-03-18T10:59Z %ActionName P-IRIS-1.hpx %Description IRAS-IRIS BAND 1 - 12um %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/IRIS_1 %VerboseDescr Improved Reprocessing of the IRAS Survey (IRIS) (Band 1 - 12 microns) at the 3.8' resolution. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/IRIS/1 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel IRIS band 1 - 12um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/IRIS %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-02-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-07-16T15:28Z %ActionName P-IRIS-2.hpx %Description IRAS-IRIS BAND 2 - 25um %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/IRIS_2 %VerboseDescr Improved Reprocessing of the IRAS Survey (IRIS) (Band 2 - 25 microns) at the 3.8' resolution. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/IRIS/2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel IRIS band 2 - 25um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/IRIS %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-02-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-07-16T15:35Z %ActionName P-IRIS-3.hpx %Description IRAS-IRIS BAND 3 - 60um %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/IRIS_3 %VerboseDescr Improved Reprocessing of the IRAS Survey (IRIS) (Band 3 - 60 microns) at the 4.0' resolution. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/IRIS/3 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel IRIS band 3 - 60um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/IRIS %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-02-04 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-07-16T15:41Z %ActionName P-IRIS-4.hpx %Description IRAS-IRIS BAND 4 - 100um %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1456391319 2016/02/25 11:08:39 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/IRIS_4 %VerboseDescr Improved Reprocessing of the IRAS Survey (IRIS) (Band 4 - 100 microns) at the 4.3' resolution. Units: MJy/sr\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/IRIS/4 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel IRIS band 4 - 100um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/IRIS %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-02-05 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-07-16T15:46Z %ActionName P-IRIS-color.hpx %Description IRAS-IRIS HEALPix survey, color %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %SeeAction P-IRIS-color_0.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-IRIS-color_1.hpx availability=11 %SeeAction P-IRIS-color_2.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-IRIS-color_3.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-IRIS-color_4.hpx availability=9999 %SeeAction P-IRIS-color_5.hpx availability=10 %VerboseDescr The Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) had a tremendous impact on many areas of modern astrophysics. In particular it revealed the ubiquity of infrared cirrus that are a spectacular manifestation of the interstellar medium complexity but also an important foreground for observational cosmology. With the forthcoming Planck satellite there is a need for all-sky complementary data sets with arcminute resolution that can bring informations on specific foreground emissions that contaminate the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation. With its ~4' resolution matching perfectly the high-frequency bands of Planck, IRAS is a natural data set to study the variations of dust properties at all scales. But the latest version of the images delivered by the IRAS team (the ISSA plates) suffers from calibration, zero level and striping problems that can preclude its use, especially at 12 and 25 micron. In this paper we present how we proceeded to solve each of these problems and enhance significantly the general quality of the ISSA plates in the four bands (12, 25, 60 and 100 microns). This new generation of IRAS images, called IRIS, benefits from a better zodiacal light subtraction, from a calibration and zero level compatible with DIRBE, and from a better destriping. At 100 micron the IRIS product is also a significant improvement from the Schlegel et al. (1998) maps. IRIS keeps the full ISSA resolution, it includes well calibrated point sources and the diffuse emission calibration at scales smaller than 1 degree was corrected for the variation of the IRAS detector responsivity with scale and brightness. The uncertainty on the IRIS calibration and zero level are dominated by the uncertainty on the DIRBE calibration and on the accuracy of the zodiacal light model. %Copyright Healpixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/IRIS/color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/IRIS/ %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel IRIS color %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/IRIS %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-02-01 lite %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color galactic jpeg %Aladin.Date 2010-06-09T06:33Z %ActionName P-IRTS-250.hpx %Description IRTS 250um %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1474625760 2016/09/23 12:16:00 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/IRTS_250 %VerboseDescr The Infrared Telescope in Space (IRTS) - Images obtained with the IRTS/FIRP instrument at 250 mic, at a resolution of 0.5 deg. Units: W/m2/sr/Hz\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/IRTS/250 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.03019 %Aladin.XLabel IRTS 250um %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/IRTS %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2015-01-15T17:12Z %ActionName P-IRTS-400.hpx %Description IRTS 400um %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1474625760 2016/09/23 12:16:00 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/IRTS_400 %VerboseDescr The Infrared Telescope in Space (IRTS)- Images obtained with the IRTS/FIRP instrument at 400 mic, at a resolution of 0.5 deg. Units: W/m2/sr/Hz\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/IRTS/400 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.004817 %Aladin.XLabel IRTS 400um %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/IRTS %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2015-01-15T17:14Z %ActionName P-IRTS-700.hpx %Description IRTS 700um %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1474625760 2016/09/23 12:16:00 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/IRTS_700 %VerboseDescr The Infrared Telescope in Space (IRTS)- Images obtained with the IRTS/FIRP instrument at 700 mic, at a resolution of 0.5 deg. Units: W/m2/sr/Hz\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/IRTS/700 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.05209 %Aladin.XLabel IRTS 700um %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/IRTS %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2015-01-15T17:18Z %ActionName P-ISO-CAM.hpx %Description ISOCAM %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1472890029 2016/09/03 10:07:09 %Url http://skies.esac.esa.int/ISO/CAM %VerboseDescr All public ISOCAM observations from the ISO Data Archive. %Copyright ESA/IDA %Origin ESAVO %Id P/ISO/CAM %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://iso.esac.esa.int/ida/ %SkyFraction 0.004086 %Aladin.XLabel ISOCAM %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/ISO %Aladin.HpxParam 8 image equatorial jpeg png fits %Aladin.Date 2016-03-17T12:35Z %ActionName P-ISOPHOT-170.hpx %Description The ISOPHOT 170um Serendipity Survey %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ISO/ISOPHOT %VerboseDescr The 170 micron far-infrared slew data of the ISOPHOT Serendipity Survey (ISOSS) has been assembled to a sky atlas with about 15% sky coverage. The redundant information of the brightnesss at slew crossings has been used to globally rescale and homogenize the slew brightnesses, leading to significantly increased photometric accuracy and reproducibility as well as the homogeneity of the maps. The corrected slew data were remapped with a constant grid size of 22.4arcsec onto 124 maps in galactic coordinates - (Stickel et al., 2007) %Copyright Stickel et al., 2007 - HiPSed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/ISOPHOT/170 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/Cat?J/A%2bA/466/1205 %SkyFraction 0.3096 %Aladin.XLabel ISOPHOT 170 um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/ISO %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-xx %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2014-12-05T13:45Z %ActionName P-Iapetus-Cassini-PIA18436.hpx %Description Iapetus Cassini PIA18436 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Iapetus_Cassini-PIA18436 %VerboseDescr This set of global, color mosaics of Saturn's moon Iapetus was produced from images taken by NASA's Cassini spacecraft during its first ten years exploring the Saturn system. These are the first global color maps of these moons produced from the Cassini data. The colors shown in these global mosaics are enhanced, or broader, relative to human vision, extending into the ultraviolet and infrared range. Resolution on Iapetus in the maps is 400 meters per pixel. Image selection, radiometric calibration, geographic registration and photometric correction, as well as mosaic selection and assembly were performed by Paul Schenk at the Lunar and Planetary Institute. Original image planning and targeting for Saturn's icy moons were performed by Tilman Denk (Frei Universitat, Berlin) and Paul Helfenstein (Cornell University, Ithaca, New York). The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging operations center is based at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colo. %Copyright JPL/PhotoJournal %Origin CDS %Id P/Iapetus/Cassini-PIA18436 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Iapetus/Cassini-PIA18436 %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Saturn/Iapetus %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color iapetus jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-24T14:14Z %ActionName P-Io-Galileo-SSI-1km.hpx %Description Io Galileo-SSI-1km %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Io_Galileo-SSI-1km %VerboseDescr This basemap of Jupiter?s moon Io was produced by combining the best images from both the Voyager 1 and Galileo Missions. Although the subjovian hemisphere of Io was poorly seen by Galileo, superbly detailed Voyager 1 images cover longitudes from 240?W to 40?W and the nearby southern latitudes. A monochrome mosaic of the highest resolution images from both Galileo and Voyager 1 was assembled that includes 29 Voyager 1 images with spatial resolutions sometimes exceeding the 1 km/pixel scale of the final mosaic. Because this mosaic is made up of images taken at various local times of day, care must be taken to note the solar illumination direction when deciding whether topographic features display positive or negative relief. In general, the illumination is from the west over longitudes 40 to 270 W, and from the east over longitudes 270 W to 40 W. Color information was later superimposed from Galileo low phase angle violet, green, and near-infrared (756 nanometer wavelength) images. The Galileo Solid-State Imaging (SSI) camera?s silicon charge-coupled device (CCD) was sensitive to longer wavelengths than the vidicon cameras of Voyager, so that distinctions between red and yellow hues can be more easily discerned. The ?true? colors that would be visible to the eye are similar but much more muted than shown here. Image resolutions range from 1 to 10 km/pixel along the equator, with the poorest coverage centered on longitude 50 W %Copyright Public domain %Origin CDS %Id P/Io/Galileo-SSI-1km %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Io/Galileo-SSI-1km %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Jupiter/Io %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color io %Aladin.Date 2018-01-14T18:34Z %ActionName P-JPSPR1.hpx %Description JPS-PR1 850um %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/pub/arXiv.1704.02982v1/JPSPR1 %VerboseDescr The first data release of the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) Plane Survey (JPS), the JPS Public Release 1 (JPSPR1). JPS is an 850-um continuum survey of six fields in the northern inner Galactic Plane in a longitude range of l=7-63, made with the Sub-millimetre Common-User Bolometer Array 2 (SCUBA-2). This first data release consists of emission maps of the six JPS regions with an average pixel-to-pixel noise of 7.19 mJy beam^-1, when smoothed over the beam, and a compact-source catalogue containing 7,813 sources. The 95 per cent completeness limits of the catalogue are estimated at 0.04 Jy beam^-1 and 0.3 Jy for the peak and integrated flux densities, respectively. The emission contained in the compact-source catalogue is 42 +- 5 per cent of the total and, apart from the large-scale (greater than 8') emission, there is excellent correspondence with features in the 500-um Herschel maps. %Copyright CANFAR %Origin CDS %Id P/JPSPR1 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.002219 %Aladin.XLabel JPS-PR1 %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared %Aladin.HpxParam 8 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-05-03T14:20Z %ActionName P-Jupiter-PIA07782.hpx %Description Jupiter PIA07782 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Jupiter_PIA07782 %Origin CDS %Id P/Jupiter/PIA07782 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Jupiter/PIA07782 %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Jupiter %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color jupiter jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-13T19:01Z %ActionName P-LAB.hpx %Description Leiden/Argentine/Bonn (LAB) Galactic HI survey %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1461076880 2016/04/19 16:41:20 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/LAB_NH %VerboseDescr 21-cm emission from Galactic neutral hydrogen over the entire sky. Observations made using the Dwingeloo 25-m telescope. The effective resolution of the map is 40'. Units: H/cm2\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/LAB %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Dwingeloo LAB NH %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/HI %Aladin.MenuNumber 06-04 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-11-26T14:34Z %ActionName P-MAIPU-MU.hpx %Description MAIPU-MU 45 MHz %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/MAIPU-MU %VerboseDescr 45 MHz continuum survey, made with the 45-MHz array of the University of Chile at the Maipu Radio Astronomy Observatory (south of declination +19.1 degrees)and the circular filled array of the Japanese Middle and Upper Atmosphere Radar (declination range between +5 degrees and +65 degrees). The angular resolution is approximately 5 degrees. Units: KTB.\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/MAIPU-MU %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.9635 %Aladin.XLabel MAIPU-MU 45 MHz %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-12-07T09:56Z %ActionName P-MAMA-ColorEJ.hpx %Description MAMA color composition (posse,srcj) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/MAMA/CDS_P_MAMA_color_posse_srcj %VerboseDescr During the eighties and nineties, several thousands original photographic plates had been digitized with the MAMA microdensitometer and calibrated to meet the specific objectives of a number of national and international projects in a variety of scientific domains: clusters of galaxies, samples of quasar candidates, young stellar objects, variable stars, stellar populations in the solar neighbourhood, tidal effects on open and globular clusters, microlensing. More recently, our team (Observatoire de Paris) has undertaken digitizing and making available to the astronomical community three atlases: ESO-R and southern part of POSSI-E in the R band, SRC-J in the B band. %Copyright Observatoire de Paris %Origin CDS %Id P/MAMA/ColorEJ %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.obspm.fr/mentions-legales.html?lang=en %SkyFraction 0.3012 %Aladin.XLabel MAMA Color %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/MAMA %Aladin.HpxParam 10 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2017-12-20T16:11Z %ActionName P-MAMA-posse.hpx %Description MAMA posse %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/MAMA/CDS_P_MAMA_posse %VerboseDescr During the eighties and nineties, several thousands original photographic plates had been digitized with the MAMA microdensitometer and calibrated to meet the specific objectives of a number of national and international projects in a variety of scientific domains: clusters of galaxies, samples of quasar candidates, young stellar objects, variable stars, stellar populations in the solar neighbourhood, tidal effects on open and globular clusters, microlensing. More recently, our team (Observatoire de Paris) has undertaken digitizing and making available to the astronomical community three atlases: ESO-R and southern part of POSSI-E in the R band, SRC-J in the B band. %Copyright Observatoire de Paris %Origin CDS %Id P/MAMA/posse %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.obspm.fr/mentions-legales.html?lang=en %SkyFraction 0.3012 %Aladin.XLabel MAMA posse %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/MAMA %Aladin.HpxParam 10 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2016-09-12T21:38Z %ActionName P-MAMA-srcj.hpx %Description MAMA srcj %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/MAMA/CDS_P_MAMA_srcj %VerboseDescr During the eighties and nineties, several thousands original photographic plates had been digitized with the MAMA microdensitometer and calibrated to meet the specific objectives of a number of national and international projects in a variety of scientific domains: clusters of galaxies, samples of quasar candidates, young stellar objects, variable stars, stellar populations in the solar neighbourhood, tidal effects on open and globular clusters, microlensing. More recently, our team (Observatoire de Paris) has undertaken digitizing and making available to the astronomical community three atlases: ESO-R and southern part of POSSI-E in the R band, SRC-J in the B band. %Copyright Observatoire de Paris %Origin CDS %Id P/MAMA/srcj %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.obspm.fr/mentions-legales.html?lang=en %SkyFraction 0.5241 %Aladin.XLabel MAMA srcj %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/MAMA %Aladin.HpxParam 10 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2016-06-30T05:19Z %ActionName P-MAXI-GSC.hpx %Description MAXI GSC All sky image %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/judo2/HiPS/maxi_gsc_sum %VerboseDescr MAXI GSC All sky pserudo-color image from 2009 to 2015 March %Copyright DARTS at JAXA/ISAS %Origin JAXA %Id P/MAXI-GSC %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/astro/maxi %Aladin.XLabel MAXI %Aladin.Tree Image/X/MAXI %Aladin.HpxParam color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2015/03/30 15:08:54 %ActionName P-MAXI-SSC.hpx %Description MAXI SSC All sky image %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/judo2/HiPS/maxi_ssc_sum %VerboseDescr MAXI SSC All sky pserudo-color image from 2009 to 2015 March %Copyright DARTS at JAXA/ISAS %Origin JAXA %Id P/MAXI-SSC %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/astro/maxi %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel MAXI %Aladin.Tree Image/X/MAXI %Aladin.HpxParam color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2015/03/30 15:08:54 %ActionName P-MITEoR.hpx %Description MITEoR 150 MHz %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/MITEoR %VerboseDescr Northern sky survey from 128 to 175 MHz using the MIT Epoch of Reionization (MITEoR) experiment, at an angular resolution of approximately 2 degrees. Units: mKTB.\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/MITEoR %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.4284 %Aladin.XLabel MITEoR 150 MHz %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-12-07T08:35Z %ActionName P-MaNGA.hpx %Description MaNGA LOGCUBE data cube %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/MaNGA %VerboseDescr MaNGA (Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO) is the newest survey component of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Its goal is to map the detailed composition and kinematic structure of 10,000 nearby galaxies. MaNGA uses integral field unit (IFU) spectroscopy to measure spectra for hundreds of points within each galaxy. The 3-D data cubes that constitute the final MaNGA data products are constructed from a few tens to a few thousands of individual spectra that have been combined onto a regular grid. The LOGCUBE data cube has logarithmic wavelength sampling from log10(lambda/Angstroms)=3.5589 to 4.0151 (NWAVE=4563 spectral elements), and 0.5 arcsec spatial pixels (spaxels) for a total size of NX x NY x NWAVE pixels; LINCUBE is the same, except it has linear wavelength sampling from from 3622.0 to 10353.0 Angstroms (NWAVE=6732 spectral elements). %Copyright Sloan Digital Sky Survey %Origin CDS %Id P/MaNGA %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.sdss.org/dr13/manga/manga-data/data-access/ %SkyFraction 4.219E-6 %Aladin.XLabel MaNGA %Aladin.Tree Cube %Aladin.HpxParam 12 cube equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2016-12-15T16:07Z %ActionName P-Mars-Express286545.hpx %Description Mapping Mars (Mars Express) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Mars_Express286545 %VerboseDescr The latest Mars image mosaic as seen through the lens of the High Resolution Stereo Camera on ESA?s Mars Express. The mosaic comprises 2702 individual swaths of the martian surface, up to and including the spacecraft?s 10 821st orbit of the planet, which it completed on 30 June 2012. At this time, 87.8% of the surface had been mapped at any resolution, with 61.5% mapped at a resolution of 20 m per pixel or better. %Copyright ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum) %Origin CDS %Id P/Mars/Express286545 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Mars/Express286545 %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image mars jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-14T17:21Z %ActionName P-Mars-MGS-MOLA-DEM.hpx %Description Mars MGS MOLA Elevation Model 463m (MEGDR) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/Mars_MGS_MOLA_DEM %VerboseDescr Mars MGS MOLA Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is based on data from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA; Smith and others, 2001), an instrument on NASA?s Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft (Albee and others, 2001). The DEM represents more than 600 million measurements gathered between 1999 and 2001, adjusted for consistency (Neumann and others, 2001, 2003) and converted to planetary radii. These have been converted to elevations above the areoid as determined from a Martian gravity field solution GMM-2B (Lemoine and others, 2001), truncated to degree and order 50, and oriented according to current standards. The average accuracy of each point is originally ~100 meters in horizontal position and ~1 meter in radius (Neumann and others, 2001). However, the total elevation uncertainty is at least ±3 m due to the global error in the areoid (±1.8 meters according to Lemoine and others [2001]) and regional uncertainties in its shape (G.A. Neumann, written commun., 2002). %Copyright Public domain, Please cite authors %Origin CDS %Id P/Mars/MGS-MOLA-DEM %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Mars MGS-MOLA-DEM %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars %Aladin.HpxParam 4 image mars jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-09-08T11:42Z %ActionName P-Mars-MGS-TES-Dust.hpx %Description Mars MGS TES Dust %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Mars_MGS-TES-Dust %VerboseDescr Mars Surface Dust Cover Index. NASA MGS/TES. 16 ppd/3.5km. %Copyright Arizona State University %Origin CDS %Id P/Mars/MGS-TES-Dust %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Mars/MGS-TES-Dust %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color mars jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-27T17:38Z %ActionName P-Mars-MOLA-color.hpx %Description Mars MOLA Shaded Relief / Colorised Elevation %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/Mars_MOLA %Origin CDS %Id P/Mars/MOLA-color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Mars MOLA %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image color mars jpeg %Aladin.Date 2017-09-10T15:46Z %ActionName P-Mars-Pan-PIA20284.hpx %Description Mars Panorama PIA20284 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Mars_Pan-PIA20284 %VerboseDescr This view of the downwind face of "Namib Dune" on Mars covers 360 degrees, including a portion of Mount Sharp on the horizon. The site is part of the dark-sand "Bagnold Dunes" field along the northwestern flank of Mount Sharp. Images taken from orbit indicate that dunes in the Bagnold field move as much as about 3 feet (1 meter) per Earth year. The component images of this scene were taken on Dec. 18, 2015, by the Mast Camera (Mastcam) on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover during the 1,197th Martian day, or sol, of the rover's work on Mars. %Copyright NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS %Origin CDS %Id P/Mars/Pan-PIA20284 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %Copyright.Url https://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA20284 %SkyFraction 0.8385 %Aladin.XLabel P/Mars/Pan-PIA20284 %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars/Panorama %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color MarsPanorama jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-13T21:27Z %ActionName P-Mars-Pan-Stimson.hpx %Description Mars Stimson panorama %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Mars_Pan-Stimson %VerboseDescr 360-degree panorama acquired by the Mast Camera (Mastcam) on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover on April 4, 2016, as part of long-term campaign to document the context and details of the geology and landforms along Curiosity's traverse since landing in August 2012 %Copyright NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS %Origin CDS %Id P/Mars/Pan-Stimson %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %Copyright.Url https://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA20332 %SkyFraction 0.6875 %Aladin.XLabel Mars_Stimson %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars/Panorama %Aladin.MenuNumber ZZ %Aladin.HpxParam 4 image color mars-panstimson jpg %Aladin.Date 2017-06-26T08:03Z %ActionName P-Mars-TES-Albedo.hpx %Description Mars TES Albedo %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Mars_TES-Albedo %VerboseDescr Mars surface albedo. MGS/TES. 8 ppd/7.5km. %Copyright Arizona State University %Origin CDS %Id P/Mars/TES-Albedo %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Mars/TES-Albedo %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color mars jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-27T17:48Z %ActionName P-Mars-TES-Thermal-Inertia.hpx %Description Mars TES Thermal Inertia %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Mars_TES-Thermal-Inertia %VerboseDescr Mars colorized thermal inertia from NASA MGS/TES. 8 ppd/7.5km. %Copyright Arizona State University %Origin CDS %Id P/Mars/TES-Thermal-Inertia %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 0.9635 %Aladin.XLabel P/Mars/TES-Thermal-Inertia %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color mars jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-27T18:06Z %ActionName P-Mars-THEMIS-Day-100m-v12.hpx %Description Mars THEMIS-Day-100m-v12 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Mars_THEMIS-Day-100m-v12 %VerboseDescr Daytime thermal infrared (12.57um) mosaic. 593 ppd/99m. NASA Mars Odyssey/THEMIS (version 12) %Copyright Arizona State University, intermediate FITS by Chiara Marmo %Origin CDS %Id P/Mars/THEMIS-Day-100m-v12 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 0.999 %Aladin.XLabel P/Mars/THEMIS-Day-100m-v12 %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars %Aladin.HpxParam 7 image mars jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-01-08T10:48Z %ActionName P-Mars-THEMIS-IR-Night-100m-v14.hpx %Description Mars THEMIS-IR-Night-100m-v14 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Mars_THEMIS-IR-Night-100m-v14 %VerboseDescr Mars THEMIS nighttime thermal infrared (12.57um) mosaic. 593 ppd/100m. NASA Mars Odyssey/THEMIS %Copyright Arizona State University - Intermediate FITS file by Chiara Marmo %Origin CDS %Id P/Mars/THEMIS-IR-Night-100m-v14 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 0.8511 %Aladin.XLabel P/Mars/THEMIS-IR-Night-100m-v14 %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars %Aladin.HpxParam 7 image mars jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2019-01-08T09:16Z %ActionName P-Mars-THEMIS-color.hpx %Description Mars THEMIS Day IR Global Mosaic 100m v12 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/Mars_THEMIS %VerboseDescr Mars THEMIS Day IR Global Mosaic 100m v12 represents the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) -daytime infrared (IR) 100 meter/pixel mosaic (version 12) released in the summer of 2014 by Arizona State University. Values represent only a visual representation of day-time temperatures. The original values have been stretched and blended to make a more seamless mosaic. It has been hipsilized by CDS from the JPEG cartesian global map. %Copyright Public domain %Origin CDS %Id P/Mars/THEMIS-color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Mars THEMIS Day IR Global Mosaic %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image color mars jpeg %Aladin.Date 2017-09-10T15:16Z %ActionName P-Mars-Viking-MDIM21-color.hpx %Description Mars Viking-MDIM21-color %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/Mars_Viking_MDIM21 %Copyright USGS (https://astrogeology.usgs.gov/), intermediate FITS by Chiara Marmo %Origin CDS %Id P/Mars/Viking-MDIM21-color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Mars Viking-MDIM21-color %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image color mars jpeg %Aladin.Date 2017-11-13T13:18Z %ActionName P-Mars-mola-roughness.hpx %Description Mars mola-roughness %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Mars_mola-roughness %VerboseDescr Mars MOLA Vertical Roughness. Krevalsky & Head vertical roughness. Red, green and blue composite from roughness at 0.6 km, 2.4 km, and 9.2 km baselines. 8 ppd/7.5km %Origin CDS %Id P/Mars/mola-roughness %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Mars/mola-roughness %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color Mars jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-27T17:29Z %ActionName P-Mellinger-color.hpx %Description Mellinger color optical survey %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %SeeAction P-Mellinger-color_0.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-Mellinger-color_1.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-Mellinger-color_2.hpx availability=0 %VerboseDescr Using a portable low-cost CCD camera system, 70 fields (each covering 40deg×27deg) were imaged over a time span of 22 months from dark-sky locations in South Africa, Texas, and Michigan. The fields were photometrically calibrated against standard catalog stars. Using sky background data from the Pioneer 10 and 11 space probes, gradients resulting from artificial light pollution, airglow, and zodiacal light were eliminated, while the large-scale galactic and extragalactic background resulting from unresolved sources was preserved. The 648 megapixel image is a valuable educational tool, being able to fully utilize the resolution and dynamic range of modern full-dome planetarium projection systems. %Copyright Copyright 2000-2017 Axel Mellinger. All rights reserved. %Origin CDS %Id P/Mellinger/color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.milkywaysky.com/ %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Mellinger color %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-03 lite %Aladin.HpxParam 4 image color galactic jpeg %Aladin.Date 2014-12-09T09:44Z %ActionName P-Mercury-MESSENGER-MDIS-LOI-166m.hpx %Description Mercury MESSENGER-MDIS-LOI-166m %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Mercury_MESSENGER-MDIS-LOI-166m %VerboseDescr The Map Projected Low-Incidence Angle Basemap RDR (LOI) data set consists of a global monochrome map of reflectance at a resolution of 256 pixels per degree (~166 m/p). Each original map tile, defined geographically in the same manner as for BDRs, contains a single band that merges NAC and WAC 750-nm images. This edition, version 1, was released May 13, 2016 to the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory MESSENGER Team website. The original LOI mosaic was released at end of mission, is compiled in part based on images taken as a part of the global low-incidence angle imaging campaign but also includes any NAC or WAC 750-nm images from any campaign that best fit the intended illumination geometry, i.e., low emission angle and incidence angle near 45°. It is controlled and projected onto a global digital elevation model. It uses a Kasseleinin-Shkuratov photometric model, whose parameters are the same for any given wavelength band across all MESSENGER end-of-mission map data products. This mosaic contains data acquired by the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry and Ranging (MESSENGER) Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS) instrument. %Copyright Planetary Data System, from USGS Astrogeology Science Center %Origin CDS %Id P/Mercury/MESSENGER-MDIS-LOI-166m %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Mercury/MESSENGER-MDIS-LOI-166m %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mercury %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image color mercury jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-21T16:31Z %ActionName P-Mimas-Cassini-PIA17214.hpx %Description Mimas Cassini PIA17214 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Mimas_Cassini-PIA17214 %VerboseDescr This global map of Saturn's moon Mimas was created using images taken during Cassini spacecraft flybys. The moon's large, distinguishing crater, Herschel, is seen on the map at left. The map is an equidistant (simple cylindrical) projection and has a scale of 710 feet (216 meters) per pixel at the equator. The mean radius of Mimas used for projection of this map is 123.2 miles (198.2 kilometers). The resolution of the map is 16 pixels per degree. This product is an update to the map released in August 2012 (see PIA14926). The update includes new images for almost half of the moon's surface, with new images from two close flybys, in Nov. 2016 and Feb. 2017. The moon's western hemisphere, south pole and parts of the eastern hemisphere received updates in this version. The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging operations center is based at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colo. %Copyright JPL/Photojournal %Origin CDS %Id P/Mimas/Cassini-PIA17214 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Mimas/Cassini-PIA17214 %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Saturn/Mimas %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color mimas jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-24T12:05Z %ActionName P-Miranda-Voyager.hpx %Description Miranda Voyager %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Miranda_Voyager %VerboseDescr Miranda Uranus satellite map mosaicked with Voyager imagery by USGS %Copyright Caltech/JPL/NASA %Origin CDS %Id P/Miranda/Voyager %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Miranda/Voyager %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Uranus/Miranda %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color miranda jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-31T06:36Z %ActionName P-Moon-Clementine-750nm-118m.hpx %Description Moon Clementine-750nm-118m %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Moon_Clementine-750nm-118m %VerboseDescr The Clementine Ultraviolet/Visible (UVVIS) Version 2 mosaic is a grayscale data set representing the albedo (brightness of the lunar surface) as measured at the 750 nanometer (nm) wavelength by the UVVIS camera (Lee 2009). In late 2008, a revised 750nm mosaic (v. 2.0) was created at USGS to refine the locations of component images by using the latest geodetic control and projecting onto a topographic model of the lunar surface (Archinal 2006). The base map was radiometrically and geometrically controlled, photometrically modeled global image mosaic compiled using more than 43,000 images from the 750nm filter observations. %Copyright Public domain %Origin CDS %Id P/Moon/Clementine-750nm-118m %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Moon/Clementine-750nm-118m %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Earth/Moon %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image color moon %Aladin.Date 2018-01-21T13:41Z %ActionName P-Moon-JSC2007e045375.hpx %Description Apollo surface panorama JSC2007e045375 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Moon_pan1 %VerboseDescr Apollo 11 Landing Site - Cat's Paw Hills (JSC2007e045375) %Copyright https://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollopanoramas/pans/?pan=JSC2007e045375 %Origin CDS %Id P/Moon/JSC2007e045375 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 0.375 %Aladin.XLabel P/Moon/JSC2007e045375 %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Earth/Moon/Panorama %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color moon-panJSC2007e045375 jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-11-22T13:58Z %ActionName P-Moon-Kaguya-Evening-V04-474m.hpx %Description Moon Kaguya-Evening-V04-474m %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Moon_Kaguya-Evening-V04-474m %VerboseDescr This near-global mosaic was generated using data from the SELenological and Engineering Explorer (SELENE) ?Kaguya? Terrain Camera (TC) instrument. TC source data originated as map-projected tiles at ~10 m/pixel spatial resolution. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) launched the Selenological and Engineering Explorer (SELENE, also called ?Kaguya?) spacecraft to the Moon in September 2007. The mission concluded June 10, 2009 when the spacecraft was intentionally crashed onto the lunar surface. Subsequent data collection and mapping efforts resulted in ?the largest lunar exploration project since the Apollo program? (Haruyama, 2008). The high-performance optical Terrain Camera (TC), a 10-meter spatial resolution stereo-camera, was part of the Lunar Imager/Spectrometer (LISM) instrument suite (Kato, 2007), along with the Multi-band Imager and Spectral Profiler. %Copyright JAXA %Origin CDS %Id P/Moon/Kaguya-Evening-V04-474m %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %Copyright.Url http://jda.jaxa.jp/en/service.php %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Moon/Kaguya-Evening-V04-474m %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Earth/Moon %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color moon png %Aladin.Date 2017-11-26T14:27Z %ActionName P-Moon-LROC-WAC-100m.hpx %Description Moon Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter WAC Global Morphologic Map %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Moon_LROC-WAC-100m %VerboseDescr The WAC global mosaic is comprised of over 15,000 images acquired between November 2009 and February 2011. The WAC maps the whole Moon in one month, however the solar incidence angle at the equator changes about 28? from the beginning to the end of the month. To even out the incidence angle variations, the mosaic is comprised of data collected over three periods (1/20/2010 to 1/28/2010, 5/30/2010 to 6/6/2010, 7/24/2010 to 7/31/2010) (Table 1). Some gores were filled with data taken at other times. The non-polar images were map projected onto the GLD100 (WAC derived 100m/pixel DTM) while polar images were map projected on the LOLA shape model (80? to 90? N/S) and the GLD100 (60? to 80? N/S). Accurate positioning of each WAC image was ensured using ephemeris provided by the LOLA and GRAIL team and an improved camera geometry model (Speyerer, E.J. et al, 2014, Pre-flight and On-orbit Geometric Calibration of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera). To reduce brightness discrepancies across image boundaries, all images were corrected to a common photometric geometry using a Hapke model (Sato, H. et al, 2014, Resolved Hapke parameter maps of the Moon). This mosaic uses only the 643 nm band of the WAC. This HiPS has been created based on 100m resolution WAC Global Morphologic map by %Copyright Arizona State University %Origin CDS %Id P/Moon/LROC-WAC-100m %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Moon/LROC-WAC-100m %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Earth/Moon %Aladin.HpxParam 6 image color moon jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-02-06T16:26Z %ActionName P-Moon-LROC-WAC-GLD100-118m.hpx %Description Moon LROC WAC GLD100 118m %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Moon_LROC-WAC-GLD100-118m %VerboseDescr Color hillshade of the original WAC GLD100 stereo DTM. This color scheme is used for the upcoming Lunar WAC mosaic and Topographic maps (with Nomenclature) produced by the USGS. For outreach and graphical purposes. Using the GLD100 topography, a color relief was created using Global Mapper and exported to a GeoTiff. This was brought back into ISIS for use in Map-a-Planet 2. Pixels do not contain any of the original explicit elevation information. The colorized shaded-relief represents approximate elevations based on the original topographic data. %Copyright USGS Astrogeology Science Center from Arizona State University %Origin CDS %Id P/Moon/LROC-WAC-GLD100-118m %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 0.9863 %Aladin.XLabel P/Moon/LROC-WAC-GLD100-118m %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Earth/Moon %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image color moon jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-02-06T21:19Z %ActionName P-NEOWISER-Color.hpx %Description NEOWISER color Red (W2) , Blue (W1) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/NEOWISER/W1W2 %VerboseDescr The NEOWISE project is the asteroid-hunting portion of the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission. Funded by NASA's Planetary Science Division, NEOWISE harvests measurements of asteroids and comets from the WISE images and provides a rich archive for searching WISE data for solar system objects. Here we update our full-depth coadds by folding in the most recently published year of W1/W2 exposures released by NEOWISER. These new single-frame data were acquired between 2015 December 13 and 2016 December 13, and became public in 2017 June. In the present work, we simply re-ran the latest unWISE coaddition code (Meisner et al. 2017a) on inputs including this additional year of publicly available NEOWISER frames. The resulting set of full-depth coadds uniformly incorporates all publicly available W1 and W2 exposures, with observation dates ranging from 2010 January 7 to 2016 December 13. The inputs consisted of ? 10.5 million frames per band, totaling ? 140 terabytes of single-exposure pixel data. %Copyright University of Massachusetts & IPAC/Caltech %Origin CDS %Id P/NEOWISER/Color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/release/allsky/expsup/sec1_6b.html %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel NEOWISER W2-W1 %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/WISE/NEOWISER %Aladin.HpxParam 8 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2018-03-05T05:57Z %ActionName P-NEOWISER-W1.hpx %Description NEOWISER W1 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/NEOWISER/W1 %VerboseDescr The NEOWISE project is the asteroid-hunting portion of the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission. Funded by NASA's Planetary Science Division, NEOWISE harvests measurements of asteroids and comets from the WISE images and provides a rich archive for searching WISE data for solar system objects. Here we update our full-depth coadds by folding in the most recently published year of W1/W2 exposures released by NEOWISER. These new single-frame data were acquired between 2015 December 13 and 2016 December 13, and became public in 2017 June. In the present work, we simply re-ran the latest unWISE coaddition code (Meisner et al. 2017a) on inputs including this additional year of publicly available NEOWISER frames. The resulting set of full-depth coadds uniformly incorporates all publicly available W1 and W2 exposures, with observation dates ranging from 2010 January 7 to 2016 December 13. The inputs consisted of ? 10.5 million frames per band, totaling ? 140 terabytes of single-exposure pixel data. %Copyright University of Massachusetts & IPAC/Caltech %Origin CDS %Id P/NEOWISER/W1 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/release/allsky/expsup/sec1_6b.html %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel NEOWISER W1 (3.4um) %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/WISE/NEOWISER %Aladin.HpxParam 8 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2018-01-30T21:24Z %ActionName P-NEOWISER-W2.hpx %Description NEOWISER W2 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/NEOWISER/W2 %VerboseDescr The NEOWISE project is the asteroid-hunting portion of the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission. Funded by NASA's Planetary Science Division, NEOWISE harvests measurements of asteroids and comets from the WISE images and provides a rich archive for searching WISE data for solar system objects. Here we update our full-depth coadds by folding in the most recently published year of W1/W2 exposures released by NEOWISER. These new single-frame data were acquired between 2015 December 13 and 2016 December 13, and became public in 2017 June. In the present work, we simply re-ran the latest unWISE coaddition code (Meisner et al. 2017a) on inputs including this additional year of publicly available NEOWISER frames. The resulting set of full-depth coadds uniformly incorporates all publicly available W1 and W2 exposures, with observation dates ranging from 2010 January 7 to 2016 December 13. The inputs consisted of â?¼ 10.5 million frames per band, totaling â?¼ 140 terabytes of single-exposure pixel data. %Copyright University of Massachusetts & IPAC/Caltech %Origin CDS %Id P/NEOWISER/W2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/release/allsky/expsup/sec1_6b.html %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel NEOWISER W2 (4.6um) %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/WISE/NEOWISER %Aladin.HpxParam 8 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2018-02-09T00:59Z %ActionName P-NVSS.hpx %Description NVSS - The NRAO VLA Sky Survey (intensity maps) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/NVSS/intensity %VerboseDescr The NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) is a 1.4 GHz continuum survey covering the entire sky north of -40 deg declination. NVSS intensity maps - resampled in Healpix by CDS %Copyright Copyright 2009 Associated Universities, Inc. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. %Origin CDS %Id P/NVSS %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.nrao.edu/archives/archpolicy.shtml %SkyFraction 0.8242 %Aladin.XLabel NVSS %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-05 %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2015-04-07T13:09Z %ActionName P-Neptune-Voyager2.hpx %Description Neptune Voyager2 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Neptune_Voyager2 %VerboseDescr This map of Neptune was created from 9 sets images taken by the Voyager 2 spacecraft in August 1989 from a distance of approximately 10 million km. Each set consisted of images taken through orange, green and blue filters. These were used as red, green and blue, respectively. This means that a total of 27 images was used. %Origin CDS %Id P/Neptune/Voyager2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Neptune/Voyager2 %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Neptune %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color neptune jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-23T13:30Z %ActionName P-Nobeyama-3cm.hpx %Description Nobeyama 10 GHz %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/Nobeyama_3cm %VerboseDescr 10 GHz (3cm) radio continuum survey of the Galactic plane made by the Nobeyama Radio Observatory using the 45-m telescope, at the resolution of 3?. Units: mJy/Beam.\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/Nobeyama/3cm %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.005066 %Aladin.XLabel Nobeyama 3cm %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-08-22T15:44Z %ActionName P-Oberon-Voyager.hpx %Description Oberon Voyager %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Oberon_Voyager %VerboseDescr Oberon Uranus satellite map mosaicked with Voyager imagery by USGS %Copyright Caltech/JPL/NASA %Origin CDS %Id P/Oberon/Voyager %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Oberon/Voyager %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Uranus/Oberon %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color oberon jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-31T06:36Z %ActionName P-PARKES-150MHz.hpx %Description Parkes 150 MHz %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1474625760 2016/09/23 12:16:00 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/PARKES_150MHz %VerboseDescr Equatorial plane survey at 150 MHz using the Parkes 64-m radio telescope, at a resolution of 2.2deg. Units:KTB \nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE). %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/PARKES/150MHz %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.4319 %Aladin.XLabel PARKES 150MHz %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/PARKES %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-09-01T13:29Z %ActionName P-PARKES-6cm.hpx %Description Parkes 6cm %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488873956 2017/03/07 10:05:56 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/PARKES_6cm %VerboseDescr Galactic plane survey at 5 GHz using the Parkes 64-m radio telescope, at a resolution of 4.1?. Units: mKTB. \nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE). %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/PARKES/6cm %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.01092 %Aladin.XLabel PARKES 6cm %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/PARKES %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-08-25T13:54Z %ActionName P-PARKES-85MHz.hpx %Description Parkes 85 MHz %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1474625760 2016/09/23 12:16:00 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/PARKES_85MHz %VerboseDescr Equatorial plane survey at 85 MHz using the Parkes 64-m radio telescope, at a resolution of 3.5deg. Units:KTB\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE). %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/PARKES/85MHz %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.4319 %Aladin.XLabel PARKES 85MHz %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/PARKES %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-09-01T13:50Z %ActionName P-PLANCK-HFIColor.hpx.outreach %Description PLANCK HFI color composition 353-545-857 GHz %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/PLANCK/HFIColor353-545-857 %Copyright from ESA %Copyright.url http://pla.esac.esa.int/pla %Aladin.Profile >6.1 undergraduate %Aladin.XLabel PLANCK-HFI color 353-545-857 GHz %Aladin.HpxParam 3 gal color jpeg %Aladin.MenuNumber B3a %ActionName P-PLANCK-R2-CMB.hpx %Description PLANCK Maps of the CMB fluctuations. %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/PLANCK/R2/COM_CMB_IQU-smica-field-Int_2048_R2.00 %VerboseDescr The Planck mission will collect and characterise radiation from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) using sensitive radio receivers operating at extremely low temperatures. These receivers will determine the black body equivalent temperature of the background radiation and will be capable of distinguishing temperature variations of about one microkelvin. These measurements will be used to produce the best ever maps of anisotropies in the CMB radiation field. %Copyright Planck Legacy Archive %Origin CDS %Id P/PLANCK/R2/CMB %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://pla.esac.esa.int/pla %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel PLANCK R2 CMB %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/PLANCK/R2 %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-04-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png fits %Aladin.Date 2015-02-06T13:52Z %ActionName P-PLANCK-R2-HFI-color.hpx %Description PLANCK R2 HFI color composition 353-545-857 GHz %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/PLANCK/R2/HFI_Color_353_545_857 %VerboseDescr The Planck mission will collect and characterise radiation from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) using sensitive radio receivers operating at extremely low temperatures. These receivers will determine the black body equivalent temperature of the background radiation and will be capable of distinguishing temperature variations of about one microkelvin. These measurements will be used to produce the best ever maps of anisotropies in the CMB radiation field. %Copyright Planck Legacy Archive %Origin CDS %Id P/PLANCK/R2/HFI/color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://pla.esac.esa.int/pla %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel PLANCK R2 HFI color %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/PLANCK/R2/HFI %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-04-xR2-02-00 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color galactic jpeg %Aladin.Date 2015-02-06T13:38Z %ActionName P-PLANCK-R2-HFI100.hpx %Description PLANCK R2 nominal frequency HFI map 100Ghz %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/PLANCK/R2/HFI_SkyMap_100_2048_R2.00 %VerboseDescr The Planck mission will collect and characterise radiation from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) using sensitive radio receivers operating at extremely low temperatures. These receivers will determine the black body equivalent temperature of the background radiation and will be capable of distinguishing temperature variations of about one microkelvin. These measurements will be used to produce the best ever maps of anisotropies in the CMB radiation field. %Copyright Planck Legacy Archive %Origin CDS %Id P/PLANCK/R2/HFI100 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://pla.esac.esa.int/pla %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel PLANCK R2 HFI100 %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/PLANCK/R2/HFI %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-04-xR2-01-08 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png fits %Aladin.Date 2015-02-05T16:46Z %ActionName P-PLANCK-R2-HFI143.hpx %Description PLANCK R2 nominal frequency HFI map 143Ghz %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/PLANCK/R2/HFI_SkyMap_143_2048_R2.00 %VerboseDescr The Planck mission will collect and characterise radiation from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) using sensitive radio receivers operating at extremely low temperatures. These receivers will determine the black body equivalent temperature of the background radiation and will be capable of distinguishing temperature variations of about one microkelvin. These measurements will be used to produce the best ever maps of anisotropies in the CMB radiation field. %Copyright Planck Legacy Archive %Origin CDS %Id P/PLANCK/R2/HFI143 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://pla.esac.esa.int/pla %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel PLANCK R2 HFI143 %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/PLANCK/R2/HFI %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-04-xR2-01-07 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png fits %Aladin.Date 2015-02-05T16:49Z %ActionName P-PLANCK-R2-HFI217.hpx %Description PLANCK R2 nominal frequency HFI map 217Ghz %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/PLANCK/R2/HFI_SkyMap_217_2048_R2.00 %VerboseDescr The Planck mission will collect and characterise radiation from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) using sensitive radio receivers operating at extremely low temperatures. These receivers will determine the black body equivalent temperature of the background radiation and will be capable of distinguishing temperature variations of about one microkelvin. These measurements will be used to produce the best ever maps of anisotropies in the CMB radiation field. %Copyright Planck Legacy Archive %Origin CDS %Id P/PLANCK/R2/HFI217 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://pla.esac.esa.int/pla %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel PLANCK R2 HFI217 %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/PLANCK/R2/HFI %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-04-xR2-01-06 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png fits %Aladin.Date 2015-02-05T16:54Z %ActionName P-PLANCK-R2-HFI353.hpx %Description PLANCK R2 nominal frequency HFI map 353Ghz %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/PLANCK/R2/HFI_SkyMap_353_2048_R2.00 %VerboseDescr The Planck mission will collect and characterise radiation from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) using sensitive radio receivers operating at extremely low temperatures. These receivers will determine the black body equivalent temperature of the background radiation and will be capable of distinguishing temperature variations of about one microkelvin. These measurements will be used to produce the best ever maps of anisotropies in the CMB radiation field. %Copyright Planck Legacy Archive %Origin CDS %Id P/PLANCK/R2/HFI353 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://pla.esac.esa.int/pla %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel PLANCK R2 HFI353 %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/PLANCK/R2/HFI %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-04-xR2-01-05 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png fits %Aladin.Date 2015-02-05T17:37Z %ActionName P-PLANCK-R2-HFI545.hpx %Description PLANCK R2 nominal frequency HFI map 545Ghz %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/PLANCK/R2/HFI_SkyMap_545_2048_R2.00 %VerboseDescr The Planck mission will collect and characterise radiation from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) using sensitive radio receivers operating at extremely low temperatures. These receivers will determine the black body equivalent temperature of the background radiation and will be capable of distinguishing temperature variations of about one microkelvin. These measurements will be used to produce the best ever maps of anisotropies in the CMB radiation field. %Copyright Planck Legacy Archive %Origin CDS %Id P/PLANCK/R2/HFI545 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://pla.esac.esa.int/pla %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel PLANCK R2 HFI545 %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/PLANCK/R2/HFI %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-04-xR2-01-04 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png fits %Aladin.Date 2015-02-05T17:41Z %ActionName P-PLANCK-R2-HFI857.hpx %Description PLANCK R2 nominal frequency HFI map 857Ghz %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/PLANCK/R2/HFI_SkyMap_857_2048_R2.00 %VerboseDescr The Planck mission will collect and characterise radiation from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) using sensitive radio receivers operating at extremely low temperatures. These receivers will determine the black body equivalent temperature of the background radiation and will be capable of distinguishing temperature variations of about one microkelvin. These measurements will be used to produce the best ever maps of anisotropies in the CMB radiation field. %Copyright Planck Legacy Archive %Origin CDS %Id P/PLANCK/R2/HFI857 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://pla.esac.esa.int/pla %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel PLANCK R2 HFI857 %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/PLANCK/R2/HFI %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-04-xR2-01-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png fits %Aladin.Date 2015-02-05T17:52Z %ActionName P-PLANCK-R2-LFI-color.hpx %Description PLANCK R2 LFI color composition 30-44-70 GHz %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/PLANCK/R2/LFI_Color_30_44_70 %VerboseDescr The Planck mission will collect and characterise radiation from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) using sensitive radio receivers operating at extremely low temperatures. These receivers will determine the black body equivalent temperature of the background radiation and will be capable of distinguishing temperature variations of about one microkelvin. These measurements will be used to produce the best ever maps of anisotropies in the CMB radiation field. %Copyright Planck Legacy Archive %Origin CDS %Id P/PLANCK/R2/LFI/color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://pla.esac.esa.int/pla %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel PLANCK R2 LFI color %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/PLANCK/R2/LFI %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-04-xR2-02-00 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color galactic jpeg %Aladin.Date 2015-02-06T12:09Z %ActionName P-PLANCK-R2-LFI030.hpx %Description PLANCK R2 nominal frequency LFI map 30 Ghz %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/PLANCK/R2/LFI_SkyMap_030_1024_R2.01 %VerboseDescr The Planck mission will collect and characterise radiation from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) using sensitive radio receivers operating at extremely low temperatures. These receivers will determine the black body equivalent temperature of the background radiation and will be capable of distinguishing temperature variations of about one microkelvin. These measurements will be used to produce the best ever maps of anisotropies in the CMB radiation field. %Copyright Planck Legacy Archive %Origin CDS %Id P/PLANCK/R2/LFI030 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://pla.esac.esa.int/pla %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel PLANCK R2 LFI030 %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/PLANCK/R2/LFI %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-04-xR2-02-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png fits %Aladin.Date 2015-02-05T16:40Z %ActionName P-PLANCK-R2-LFI044.hpx %Description PLANCK R2 nominal frequency LFI map 44 Ghz %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/PLANCK/R2/LFI_SkyMap_044_1024_R2.01 %VerboseDescr The Planck mission will collect and characterise radiation from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) using sensitive radio receivers operating at extremely low temperatures. These receivers will determine the black body equivalent temperature of the background radiation and will be capable of distinguishing temperature variations of about one microkelvin. These measurements will be used to produce the best ever maps of anisotropies in the CMB radiation field. %Copyright Planck Legacy Archive %Origin CDS %Id P/PLANCK/R2/LFI044 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://pla.esac.esa.int/pla %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel PLANCK R2 LFI044 %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/PLANCK/R2/LFI %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-04-xR2-02-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png fits %Aladin.Date 2015-02-05T16:42Z %ActionName P-PLANCK-R2-LFI070.hpx %Description PLANCK R2 nominal frequency LFI map 70Ghz %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/PLANCK/R2/LFI_SkyMap_070_2048_R2.01 %VerboseDescr The Planck mission will collect and characterise radiation from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) using sensitive radio receivers operating at extremely low temperatures. These receivers will determine the black body equivalent temperature of the background radiation and will be capable of distinguishing temperature variations of about one microkelvin. These measurements will be used to produce the best ever maps of anisotropies in the CMB radiation field. %Copyright Planck Legacy Archive %Origin CDS %Id P/PLANCK/R2/LFI070 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://pla.esac.esa.int/pla %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel PLANCK R2 LFI070 %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/PLANCK/R2/LFI %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-04-xR2-02-01 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png fits %Aladin.Date 2015-02-05T16:29Z %ActionName P-PanSTARRS-DR1-color-z-zg-g.hpx %Description PanSTARRS DR1 color (from bands z and g) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %SeeAction P-PanSTARRS-DR1-color-z-zg-g_0.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-PanSTARRS-DR1-color-z-zg-g_1.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-PanSTARRS-DR1-color-z-zg-g_2.hpx availability=0 %VerboseDescr Pan-STARRS is a system for wide-field astronomical imaging developed and operated by the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii. Pan-STARRS1 (PS1) is the first part of Pan-STARRS to be completed and is the basis for Data Release 1 (DR1). The PS1 survey used a 1.8 meter telescope and its 1.4 Gigapixel camera to image the sky in five broadband filters (g, r, i, z, y). The PS1 Science Consortium funded the operation of the Pan-STARRS1 telescope, situated at Haleakala Observatories near the summit of Haleakala in Hawaii, for the purposes of astronomical research. The PS1 consortium is made up of astronomers and engineers from 14 institutions from six countries.\nPan-STARRS1 has carried out a set of distinct synoptic imaging sky surveys including the 3? Steradian Survey and the Medium Deep Survey in 5 bands (grizy). The mean 5? point source limiting sensitivities in the stacked 3? Steradian Survey in grizy are (23.3, 23.2, 23.1, 22.3, 21.4) respectively. The upper bound on the systematic uncertainty in the photometric calibration across the sky is 7-12 millimag depending on the bandpass. The systematic uncertainty of the astrometric calibration using the Gaia frame comes from a comparison of the results with Gaia: the standard deviation of the mean and median residuals (?ra, ?dec ) are (2.3, 1.7) milliarcsec, and (3.1, 4.8) milliarcsec respectively. %Copyright PS1 Science Consortium %Origin CDS %Id P/PanSTARRS/DR1/color-z-zg-g %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://panstarrs.stsci.edu/ %SkyFraction 0.7812 %Aladin.XLabel PanSTARRS DR1 color (from bands z and g) %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/PanSTARRS %Aladin.MenuNumber lite %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image color equatorial jpeg %Aladin.Date 2017-04-20T12:51Z %ActionName P-PanSTARRS-DR1-g.hpx %Description PanSTARRS DR1 g %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %SeeAction P-PanSTARRS-DR1-g_0.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-PanSTARRS-DR1-g_1.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-PanSTARRS-DR1-g_2.hpx availability=0 %VerboseDescr Pan-STARRS is a system for wide-field astronomical imaging developed and operated by the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii. Pan-STARRS1 (PS1) is the first part of Pan-STARRS to be completed and is the basis for Data Release 1 (DR1). The PS1 survey used a 1.8 meter telescope and its 1.4 Gigapixel camera to image the sky in five broadband filters (g, r, i, z, y). The PS1 Science Consortium funded the operation of the Pan-STARRS1 telescope, situated at Haleakala Observatories near the summit of Haleakala in Hawaii, for the purposes of astronomical research. The PS1 consortium is made up of astronomers and engineers from 14 institutions from six countries.\nPan-STARRS1 has carried out a set of distinct synoptic imaging sky surveys including the 3? Steradian Survey and the Medium Deep Survey in 5 bands (grizy). The mean 5? point source limiting sensitivities in the stacked 3? Steradian Survey in grizy are (23.3, 23.2, 23.1, 22.3, 21.4) respectively. The upper bound on the systematic uncertainty in the photometric calibration across the sky is 7-12 millimag depending on the bandpass. The systematic uncertainty of the astrometric calibration using the Gaia frame comes from a comparison of the results with Gaia: the standard deviation of the mean and median residuals (?ra, ?dec ) are (2.3, 1.7) milliarcsec, and (3.1, 4.8) milliarcsec respectively. %Copyright PS1 Science Consortium %Origin CDS %Id P/PanSTARRS/DR1/g %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://panstarrs.stsci.edu/ %SkyFraction 0.7579 %Aladin.XLabel PanSTARRS DR1 g %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/PanSTARRS %Aladin.MenuNumber lite %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-12-19T14:51Z %ActionName P-PanSTARRS-DR1-i.hpx %Description PanSTARRS DR1 i %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Pan-STARRS/DR1/i %VerboseDescr Pan-STARRS is a system for wide-field astronomical imaging developed and operated by the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii. Pan-STARRS1 (PS1) is the first part of Pan-STARRS to be completed and is the basis for Data Release 1 (DR1). The PS1 survey used a 1.8 meter telescope and its 1.4 Gigapixel camera to image the sky in five broadband filters (g, r, i, z, y). The PS1 Science Consortium funded the operation of the Pan-STARRS1 telescope, situated at Haleakala Observatories near the summit of Haleakala in Hawaii, for the purposes of astronomical research. The PS1 consortium is made up of astronomers and engineers from 14 institutions from six countries.\nPan-STARRS1 has carried out a set of distinct synoptic imaging sky surveys including the 3? Steradian Survey and the Medium Deep Survey in 5 bands (grizy). The mean 5? point source limiting sensitivities in the stacked 3? Steradian Survey in grizy are (23.3, 23.2, 23.1, 22.3, 21.4) respectively. The upper bound on the systematic uncertainty in the photometric calibration across the sky is 7-12 millimag depending on the bandpass. The systematic uncertainty of the astrometric calibration using the Gaia frame comes from a comparison of the results with Gaia: the standard deviation of the mean and median residuals (?ra, ?dec ) are (2.3, 1.7) milliarcsec, and (3.1, 4.8) milliarcsec respectively. %Copyright PS1 Science Consortium %Origin CDS %Id P/PanSTARRS/DR1/i %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://panstarrs.stsci.edu/ %SkyFraction 0.7628 %Aladin.XLabel PanSTARRS DR1 i %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/PanSTARRS %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial fits jpeg %Aladin.Date 2019-07-01T13:05Z %ActionName P-PanSTARRS-DR1-y.hpx %Description PanSTARRS DR1 y %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Pan-STARRS/DR1/y %VerboseDescr Pan-STARRS is a system for wide-field astronomical imaging developed and operated by the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii. Pan-STARRS1 (PS1) is the first part of Pan-STARRS to be completed and is the basis for Data Release 1 (DR1). The PS1 survey used a 1.8 meter telescope and its 1.4 Gigapixel camera to image the sky in five broadband filters (g, r, i, z, y). The PS1 Science Consortium funded the operation of the Pan-STARRS1 telescope, situated at Haleakala Observatories near the summit of Haleakala in Hawaii, for the purposes of astronomical research. The PS1 consortium is made up of astronomers and engineers from 14 institutions from six countries.\nPan-STARRS1 has carried out a set of distinct synoptic imaging sky surveys including the 3? Steradian Survey and the Medium Deep Survey in 5 bands (grizy). The mean 5? point source limiting sensitivities in the stacked 3? Steradian Survey in grizy are (23.3, 23.2, 23.1, 22.3, 21.4) respectively. The upper bound on the systematic uncertainty in the photometric calibration across the sky is 7-12 millimag depending on the bandpass. The systematic uncertainty of the astrometric calibration using the Gaia frame comes from a comparison of the results with Gaia: the standard deviation of the mean and median residuals (?ra, ?dec ) are (2.3, 1.7) milliarcsec, and (3.1, 4.8) milliarcsec respectively. %Copyright PS1 Science Consortium %Origin CDS %Id P/PanSTARRS/DR1/y %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://panstarrs.stsci.edu/ %SkyFraction 0.7582 %Aladin.XLabel PanSTARRS DR1 y %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/PanSTARRS %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial fits jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-11-12T17:48Z %ActionName P-PanSTARRS-DR1-z.hpx %Description PanSTARRS DR1 z %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %SeeAction P-PanSTARRS-DR1-z_0.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-PanSTARRS-DR1-z_1.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-PanSTARRS-DR1-z_2.hpx availability=0 %VerboseDescr Pan-STARRS is a system for wide-field astronomical imaging developed and operated by the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii. Pan-STARRS1 (PS1) is the first part of Pan-STARRS to be completed and is the basis for Data Release 1 (DR1). The PS1 survey used a 1.8 meter telescope and its 1.4 Gigapixel camera to image the sky in five broadband filters (g, r, i, z, y). The PS1 Science Consortium funded the operation of the Pan-STARRS1 telescope, situated at Haleakala Observatories near the summit of Haleakala in Hawaii, for the purposes of astronomical research. The PS1 consortium is made up of astronomers and engineers from 14 institutions from six countries.\nPan-STARRS1 has carried out a set of distinct synoptic imaging sky surveys including the 3? Steradian Survey and the Medium Deep Survey in 5 bands (grizy). The mean 5? point source limiting sensitivities in the stacked 3? Steradian Survey in grizy are (23.3, 23.2, 23.1, 22.3, 21.4) respectively. The upper bound on the systematic uncertainty in the photometric calibration across the sky is 7-12 millimag depending on the bandpass. The systematic uncertainty of the astrometric calibration using the Gaia frame comes from a comparison of the results with Gaia: the standard deviation of the mean and median residuals (?ra, ?dec ) are (2.3, 1.7) milliarcsec, and (3.1, 4.8) milliarcsec respectively. %Copyright PS1 Science Consortium %Origin CDS %Id P/PanSTARRS/DR1/z %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://panstarrs.stsci.edu/ %SkyFraction 0.7578 %Aladin.XLabel PanSTARRS DR1 z %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/PanSTARRS %Aladin.MenuNumber lite %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial fits jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-02-09T08:38Z %ActionName P-Pluto-NewHorizons-Jul2017-300m.hpx %Description Pluto NewHorizons-Jul2017-300m %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Pluto_NewHorizons-Jul2017-300m %VerboseDescr This detailed, high-quality global mosaic of Pluto was assembled from nearly all of the highest-resolution images obtained by the Long-Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) and the Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera (MVIC) on New Horizons. The mosaic is the most detailed and comprehensive global view yet of Pluto?s surface using New Horizons data. It includes topography data of the hemisphere visible to New Horizons during the spacecraft?s closest approach. The topography is derived from digital stereo-image mapping tools that measure the parallax ? or the difference in the apparent relative positions ? of features on the surface obtained at different viewing angles during the encounter. Scientists use these parallax displacements of high and low terrain to estimate landform heights. %Copyright Planetary Data System, from USGS Astrogeology Science Center %Origin CDS %Id P/Pluto/NewHorizons-Jul2017-300m %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Pluto/NewHorizons-Jul2017-300m %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Pluto %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color pluto jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-21T10:45Z %ActionName P-RASS-HardBand.hpx %Description ROSAT All Sky Survey (RASS) - 0.5-2.4 keV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1461076880 2016/04/19 16:41:20 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/RASS_IM2 %VerboseDescr Allsky survey in the Hard energy band (0.5-2.4 keV). The map in counts/sec should be multiplied by 5.24559 to get counts per HEALPix pixel. Angular resolution of 1.8'. Units: Counts/sec\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/RASS/HardBand %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel RASS 0.5-2.4 keV %Aladin.Tree Image/X/RASS %Aladin.MenuNumber 01-02a %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-12-16T16:49Z %ActionName P-RASS-SoftBand.hpx %Description ROSAT All Sky Survey (RASS) - 0.1-0.4 keV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1461076880 2016/04/19 16:41:20 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/RASS_IM3 %VerboseDescr Allsky survey in the Soft energy band (0.1-0.4 keV). The map in counts/sec should be multiplied by 5.24559 to get counts per HEALPix pixel. Angular resolution of 1.8'. Units: Counts/sec\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/RASS/SoftBand %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel RASS 0.1-0.4 keV %Aladin.Tree Image/X/RASS %Aladin.MenuNumber 01-02a %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-12-16T16:54Z %ActionName P-RASS.hpx %Description ROSAT All Sky Survey (RASS) - 0.1-2.4 keV %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1461076880 2016/04/19 16:41:20 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/RASS %VerboseDescr Allsky survey in the total energy band (0.1-2.4 keV). The map in counts/sec should be multiplied by 5.24559 to get counts per HEALPix pixel. Angular resolution of 1.8'. Units: Counts/sec\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/RASS %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel RASS 0.1-2.4 keV %Aladin.Tree Image/X/RASS %Aladin.MenuNumber 01-02a %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-06-24T15:02Z %ActionName P-ROSATWFC-F1.hpx %Description ROSAT Wide Field Camera F1 (15-27 PHz) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ROSATWFC-new/ROSAT-WFC1 %VerboseDescr During 1990-91 the Wide Field Camera (WFC), on the ROSAT satellite, performed the first all-sky surveys at EUV wavelengths. The surrey was conducted in two wavebands, S1 and S2, with passbands covering the ranges 60-140 A and 110-200 A. It was fully imaging, with effective spatial resolution of about 3 arcmin full width at half maximum (FWHM), and point source location accuracy of typically better than 1 arcmin. %Copyright University of Leicester used by permission (no restrictions on not for profit use) %Origin CDS %Id P/ROSATWFC/F1 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/current/cgi/survey.pl %SkyFraction 0.9714 %Aladin.XLabel ROSAT WFC F1 (15-27 PHz) %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/ROSATWFC %Aladin.MenuNumber 02-xx %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2016-02-09T15:40Z %ActionName P-ROSATWFC-F2.hpx %Description ROSAT Wide Field Camera F2 (21-50 PHz) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ROSATWFC-new/ROSAT-WFC2 %VerboseDescr obs_description = During 1990-91 the Wide Field Camera (WFC), on the ROSAT satellite, performed the first all-sky surveys at EUV wavelengths. The surrey was conducted in two wavebands, S1 and S2, with passbands covering the ranges 60-140 A and 110-200 A. It was fully imaging, with effective spatial resolution of about 3 arcmin full width at half maximum (FWHM), and point source location accuracy of typically better than 1 arcmin. %Copyright University of Leicester used by permission (no restrictions on not for profit use) %Origin CDS %Id P/ROSATWFC/F2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/current/cgi/survey.pl %SkyFraction 0.9714 %Aladin.XLabel ROSAT-WFC-F2 (21-50 PHz) %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/ROSATWFC %Aladin.MenuNumber 02-xx %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2016-02-09T15:19Z %ActionName P-ROSATWFC-color.hpx %Description ROSAT Wide Field Camera Color composition %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ROSATWFC-new/ROSAT-WFC-color %VerboseDescr During 1990-91 the Wide Field Camera (WFC), on the ROSAT satellite, performed the first all-sky surveys at EUV wavelengths. The surrey was conducted in two wavebands, S1 and S2, with passbands covering the ranges 60-140 A and 110-200 A. It was fully imaging, with effective spatial resolution of about 3 arcmin full width at half maximum (FWHM), and point source location accuracy of typically better than 1 arcmin. %Copyright University of Leicester used by permission (no restrictions on not for profit use) %Origin CDS %Id P/ROSATWFC/color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/current/cgi/survey.pl %SkyFraction 0.9714 %Aladin.XLabel ROSAT color %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/ROSATWFC %Aladin.MenuNumber 02-xx %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2016-01-28T16:13Z %ActionName P-Rhea-Cassini-PIA12803.hpx %Description Rhea Cassini PIA12803 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Rhea_Cassini-PIA12803 %VerboseDescr This global digital map of Saturn's moon Rhea was created using data obtained by NASA's Cassini and Voyager spacecraft. The map is an equidistant projection and has a scale of 417 meters (1,400 feet) per pixel in the full size version. The mean radius of Rhea used for projection of this map is 764.1 kilometers (474.8 miles). Six Voyager images fill gaps in Cassini's coverage of the north pole. The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging team is based at the Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colo. %Copyright JPL/PhotoJournal %Origin CDS %Id P/Rhea/Cassini-PIA12803 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Rhea/Cassini-PIA12803 %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Saturn/Rhea %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color rhea jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-24T13:57Z %ActionName P-SCUBA-450em.hpx %Description SCUBA 450um emission maps %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/SCUBA/Scuba450ALLSKY %VerboseDescr SCUBA, the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array, built by the Royal Observatory Edinburgh for the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, is the most versatile and powerful of a new generation of submillimetre cameras. It combines a sensitive dual-waveband imaging array with a three-band photometer, and is sky-background-limited by the emission from the Mauna Kea atmosphere at all observing wavelengths from 350 um to 2 mm. %Copyright SCUBA Legacy %Origin CDS %Id P/SCUBA/450em %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cadc-ccda.hia-iha.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/community/scubalegacy %SkyFraction 0.003081 %Aladin.XLabel SCUBA 450em %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/SCUBA %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-01-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 8 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2012-10-11T11:10Z %ActionName P-SCUBA-850em.hpx %Description SCUBA 850um emission maps %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/SCUBA/Scuba850ALLSKY %VerboseDescr SCUBA, the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array, built by the Royal Observatory Edinburgh for the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, is the most versatile and powerful of a new generation of submillimetre cameras. It combines a sensitive dual-waveband imaging array with a three-band photometer, and is sky-background-limited by the emission from the Mauna Kea atmosphere at all observing wavelengths from 350 um to 2 mm. %Copyright SCUBA Legacy %Origin CDS %Id P/SCUBA/850em %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cadc-ccda.hia-iha.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/community/scubalegacy/ %SkyFraction 0.003577 %Aladin.XLabel SCUBA 850em %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/SCUBA %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-01-04 %Aladin.HpxParam 7 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2012-10-11T07:15Z %ActionName P-SCUBA-850emi.hpx %Description SCUBA 850um emission maps - extended dataset %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/SCUBA/Scuba850eALLSKY %VerboseDescr SCUBA, the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array, built by the Royal Observatory Edinburgh for the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, is the most versatile and powerful of a new generation of submillimetre cameras. It combines a sensitive dual-waveband imaging array with a three-band photometer, and is sky-background-limited by the emission from the Mauna Kea atmosphere at all observing wavelengths from 350 um to 2 mm. %Copyright SCUBA Legacy %Origin CDS %Id P/SCUBA/850emi %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cadc-ccda.hia-iha.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/community/scubalegacy/ %SkyFraction 0.003953 %Aladin.XLabel SCUBA 850emi %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/SCUBA %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-01-05 %Aladin.HpxParam 7 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2012-10-10T10:33Z %ActionName P-SCUBA2-450em.hpx %Description SCUBA2 450um %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/SCUBA2/Scuba2_450 %VerboseDescr The SCUBA2-450em Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built from JCMT data via CADC archive and distributed by CDS.It sets together all SCUBA2 observations done in 450 filter between the beginning of the mission to the 1st of November 2014. SCUBA-2: the 10 000 pixel bolometer camera on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. %Copyright 2014-2017 East Asian Observatory all rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/SCUBA2/450em %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.eaobservatory.org/jcmt/contact/ %SkyFraction 0.01752 %Aladin.XLabel SCUBA2 450em %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/SCUBA %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-01-01 %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-11-20T11:18Z %ActionName P-SCUBA2-850em.hpx %Description SCUBA2 850um %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/SCUBA2/Scuba2_850 %VerboseDescr The SCUBA2-450em Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) has been built from JCMT data via CADC archive and distributed by CDS.It sets together all SCUBA2 observations done in 450 filter between the beginning of the mission to the 1st of November 2014. SCUBA-2: the 10 000 pixel bolometer camera on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. %Copyright 2014-2017 East Asian Observatory all rights reserved %Origin CDS %Id P/SCUBA2/850em %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.eaobservatory.org/jcmt/contact/ %SkyFraction 0.01804 %Aladin.XLabel SCUBA2 850em %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/SCUBA %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-01-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-11-20T14:19Z %ActionName P-SDSS9-color-alt.hpx %Description SDSS9 color (g, r, i CDS color composition) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/SDSS/DR9/color-alt %VerboseDescr The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is a multi-filter imaging and spectroscopic redshift survey using a dedicated 2.5-m wide-angle optical telescope at Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico, United States. Data collection began in 2000, and the final imaging data release covers over 35% of the sky. This color composition is an CDS alternative to the orignal SLOAN color composition using the g, r an i original DR9 bands with a log transfer function and specifical cuts for each band. %Copyright Sloan Digital Sky Survey %Origin CDS %Id P/SDSS9/color-alt %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.sdss.org/collaboration/#image-use %SkyFraction 0.3562 %Aladin.XLabel SDSS9 color-alt %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/SDSS %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-02-00 %Aladin.HpxParam 10 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2016-05-29T00:46Z %ActionName P-SDSS9-color.hpx %Description SDSS9 color %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %SeeAction P-SDSS9-color_0.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-SDSS9-color_1.hpx availability=11 %SeeAction P-SDSS9-color_2.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-SDSS9-color_3.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-SDSS9-color_4.hpx availability=9999 %SeeAction P-SDSS9-color_5.hpx availability=10 %SeeAction P-SDSS9-color_6.hpx availability=1055 %SeeAction P-SDSS9-color_7.hpx availability=9999 %VerboseDescr The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is a multi-filter imaging and spectroscopic redshift survey using a dedicated 2.5-m wide-angle optical telescope at Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico, United States. Data collection began in 2000, and the final imaging data release covers over 35% of the sky. This color composition is an CDS alternative to the orignal SLOAN color composition using the g, r an i original DR9 bands with a log transfer function and specifical cuts for each band. %Copyright SLOAN Digitized Sky Survey - Healpixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/SDSS9/color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.sdss.org/ %SkyFraction 0.3562 %Aladin.XLabel SDSS9 color %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/SDSS %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-02-01 lite %Aladin.HpxParam 10 image color equatorial jpeg %Aladin.Date 2014-10-24T15:12Z %ActionName P-SDSS9-g.hpx %Description SDSS9 band g %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/SDSS/DR9/band-g %VerboseDescr The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is a multi-filter imaging and spectroscopic redshift survey using a dedicated 2.5-m wide-angle optical telescope at Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico, United States. Data Release 9 (DR9) offers the latest data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Data Release 9 is the first release of the spectra from the SDSS-III's Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), which includes more than 800,000 spectra over 3,300 square degrees of sky, observed with the new 1,000-fiber BOSS spectrograph. Data Release 9 also includes all imaging and spectra from prior SDSS data releases, and provides corrected astrometry for the imaging from Data Release 8. %Copyright SLOAN Digitized Sky Survey - Healpixed by CDS Sloan Digital Sky Survey %Origin CDS %Id P/SDSS9/g %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.sdss.org/ http://www.sdss.org/collaboration/#image-use %SkyFraction 0.3562 %Aladin.XLabel SDSS9 g %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/SDSS %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-02-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 10 image equatorial png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-01-20T13:49Z %ActionName P-SDSS9-i.hpx %Description SDSS9 band i %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/SDSS/DR9/band-i %VerboseDescr The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is a multi-filter imaging and spectroscopic redshift survey using a dedicated 2.5-m wide-angle optical telescope at Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico, United States. Data Release 9 (DR9) offers the latest data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Data Release 9 is the first release of the spectra from the SDSS-III's Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), which includes more than 800,000 spectra over 3,300 square degrees of sky, observed with the new 1,000-fiber BOSS spectrograph. Data Release 9 also includes all imaging and spectra from prior SDSS data releases, and provides corrected astrometry for the imaging from Data Release 8. %Copyright SLOAN Digitized Sky Survey - Healpixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/SDSS9/i %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.sdss.org/ %SkyFraction 0.3562 %Aladin.XLabel SDSS9 i %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/SDSS %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-02-05 %Aladin.HpxParam 10 image equatorial png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-12-17T22:14Z %ActionName P-SDSS9-r.hpx %Description SDSS9 band r %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/SDSS/DR9/band-r %VerboseDescr The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is a multi-filter imaging and spectroscopic redshift survey using a dedicated 2.5-m wide-angle optical telescope at Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico, United States. Data Release 9 (DR9) offers the latest data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Data Release 9 is the first release of the spectra from the SDSS-III's Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), which includes more than 800,000 spectra over 3,300 square degrees of sky, observed with the new 1,000-fiber BOSS spectrograph. Data Release 9 also includes all imaging and spectra from prior SDSS data releases, and provides corrected astrometry for the imaging from Data Release 8. %Copyright SLOAN Digitized Sky Survey - Healpixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/SDSS9/r %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.sdss.org/ %SkyFraction 0.3562 %Aladin.XLabel SDSS9 r %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/SDSS %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-02-04 %Aladin.HpxParam 10 image equatorial png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-10-24T15:24Z %ActionName P-SDSS9-u.hpx %Description SDSS9 band u %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/SDSS/DR9/band-u %VerboseDescr The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is a multi-filter imaging and spectroscopic redshift survey using a dedicated 2.5-m wide-angle optical telescope at Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico, United States. Data Release 9 (DR9) offers the latest data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Data Release 9 is the first release of the spectra from the SDSS-III's Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), which includes more than 800,000 spectra over 3,300 square degrees of sky, observed with the new 1,000-fiber BOSS spectrograph. Data Release 9 also includes all imaging and spectra from prior SDSS data releases, and provides corrected astrometry for the imaging from Data Release 8. %Copyright SLOAN Digitized Sky Survey - Healpixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/SDSS9/u %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.sdss.org/ %SkyFraction 0.3562 %Aladin.XLabel SDSS9 u %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/SDSS %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-02-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 10 image equatorial png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2015-02-11T20:58Z %ActionName P-SDSS9-z.hpx %Description SDSS9 band z %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/SDSS/DR9/band-z %VerboseDescr The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is a multi-filter imaging and spectroscopic redshift survey using a dedicated 2.5-m wide-angle optical telescope at Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico, United States. Data Release 9 (DR9) offers the latest data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Data Release 9 is the first release of the spectra from the SDSS-III's Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), which includes more than 800,000 spectra over 3,300 square degrees of sky, observed with the new 1,000-fiber BOSS spectrograph. Data Release 9 also includes all imaging and spectra from prior SDSS data releases, and provides corrected astrometry for the imaging from Data Release 8. %Copyright SLOAN Digitized Sky Survey - Healpixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/SDSS9/z %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.sdss.org/ %SkyFraction 0.3562 %Aladin.XLabel SDSS9 z %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/SDSS %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-02-06 %Aladin.HpxParam 10 image equatorial png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2015-03-18T01:39Z %ActionName P-SGPS-CONT.hpx %Description 21-cm continuum - Southern Galactic Plane Survey (SGPS) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488873956 2017/03/07 10:05:56 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/SGPS_CONT %VerboseDescr Radio continuum emission of the atomic hydrogen line, using the Australia Telescope Compact Array and Parkes Radiotelescopes, at a resolution of 2.2?. Units: Jy/beam\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/SGPS/CONT %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.006203 %Aladin.XLabel SGPS CONT- Southern Galactic Plane Survey %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-08 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2015-02-25T12:02Z %ActionName P-SGPS-II.hpx %Description Southern Galactic Plane Survey (SGPS) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488873956 2017/03/07 10:05:56 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/SGPS_II %VerboseDescr Atomic Hydrogen (integrated intensity map - continuum removed) emission using the Australia Telescope Compact Array and Parkes Radiotelescopes, at a resolution of 2.2? (SGPS I) to 3.3? (SGPS II). Units: K m/s\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/SGPS/II %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.009468 %Aladin.XLabel SGPS - Southern Galactic Plane Survey %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/HI %Aladin.MenuNumber 06-08 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2015-02-25T11:52Z %ActionName P-SHASSA-CONT.hpx %Description SHASSA Continuum %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/SHASSA_CONT %VerboseDescr Continuum emission from the Southern H-Alpha Sky Survey Atlas (SHASSA) (declinations less than +15 degrees). Units are dR. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/SHASSA/CONT %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.6428 %Aladin.XLabel SHASSA Continuum %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/Halpha %Aladin.HpxParam 4 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2018-12-05T13:19Z %ActionName P-SHASSA-DU.hpx %Description SHASSA DU - Continuum %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/SHASSA-DU %VerboseDescr The Southern H-Alpha Sky Survey Atlas is the product of a wide-angle digital imaging survey of the H-alpha emission from the warm ionized interstellar gas of our Galaxy. This atlas covers the southern hemisphere sky (declinations less than +15 degrees). The observations were taken with a robotic camera operating at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) in Chile. %Copyright By courtesy of Swarthmore College Incorporated %Origin CDS %Id P/SHASSA/DU %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://amundsen.astro.swarthmore.edu/SHASSA/ack.html %SkyFraction 0.6618 %Aladin.XLabel SHASSA DU %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/Halpha %Aladin.MenuNumber 06-02-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 4 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-04-22T16:27Z %ActionName P-SHASSA-FL.hpx %Description SHASSA FL - Continuum subtract. %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/SHASSA-FL %VerboseDescr The Southern H-Alpha Sky Survey Atlas is the product of a wide-angle digital imaging survey of the H-alpha emission from the warm ionized interstellar gas of our Galaxy. This atlas covers the southern hemisphere sky (declinations less than +15 degrees). The observations were taken with a robotic camera operating at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) in Chile. %Copyright By courtesy of Swarthmore College Incorporated %Origin CDS %Id P/SHASSA/FL %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://amundsen.astro.swarthmore.edu/SHASSA/ack.html %SkyFraction 0.6615 %Aladin.XLabel SHASSA FL %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/Halpha %Aladin.MenuNumber 06-02-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 4 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-04-22T16:17Z %ActionName P-SHASSA-H.hpx %Description SHASSA H - H-alpha emission %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/SHASSA-H3 %VerboseDescr The Southern H-Alpha Sky Survey Atlas is the product of a wide-angle digital imaging survey of the H-alpha emission from the warm ionized interstellar gas of our Galaxy. This atlas covers the southern hemisphere sky (declinations less than +15 degrees). The observations were taken with a robotic camera operating at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) in Chile. %Copyright By courtesy of Swarthmore College Incorporated %Origin CDS %Id P/SHASSA/H %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://amundsen.astro.swarthmore.edu/SHASSA/index.html http://amundsen.astro.swarthmore.edu/SHASSA/ack.html %SkyFraction 0.6615 %Aladin.XLabel SHASSA H %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/Halpha %Aladin.MenuNumber 06-02-01 %Aladin.HpxParam 4 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-04-22T12:06Z %ActionName P-SHASSA-HA.hpx %Description SHASSA H-alpha %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/SHASSA_HA %VerboseDescr Southern H-Alpha Sky Survey Atlas (SHASSA) (declinations less than +15 degrees). This map has been generated with the Ha images. Units are dR and the angular resolution is approximately 1 arcminute. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/SHASSA/HA %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.6428 %Aladin.XLabel SHASSA H-alpha %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/Halpha %Aladin.HpxParam 4 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2018-12-04T12:38Z %ActionName P-SHASSA-SM.hpx %Description SHASSA SM %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/SHASSA_SM %VerboseDescr Southern H-Alpha Sky Survey Atlas (SHASSA) (declinations less than +15 degrees). This map has been generated with the Smoothed data (median filtered to 5 pixels, or 4.0 arcminute resolution to remove star residuals better). Units are dR. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/SHASSA/SM %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.6438 %Aladin.XLabel SHASSA SM - Smoothed Continuum subtracted %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/Halpha %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2018-12-04T12:46Z %ActionName P-SHASSA.hpx %Description SHASSA Continuum Subtracted %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/SHASSA %VerboseDescr Southern H-Alpha Sky Survey Atlas (SHASSA) (declinations less than +15 degrees). This map is continuum-corrected (the difference of the H-Alpha and Continuum images). Units are dR. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/SHASSA %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.6428 %Aladin.XLabel SHASSA Continuum Subtracted %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/Halpha %Aladin.HpxParam 4 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2018-12-06T10:03Z %ActionName P-SHS.hpx %Description SHS - digitized H-alpha photographic survey %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/SHS %VerboseDescr The UK Schmidt Telescope (UKST) of the Anglo-Australian Observatory completed a narrow-band H? plus [Nii] 6548, 6584A-survey of the Southern Galactic Plane and Magellanic Clouds in late 2003. The survey, which was the last UKST wide-field photographic survey and the only one undertaken in a narrow-band, is now an online digital data product of the Wide-Field Astronomy Unit of the Royal Observatory Edinburgh (ROE). The original survey films were scanned by the SuperCOSMOS measuring machine at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, to provide the online digital atlas called the SuperCOSMOS H? Survey (SHS). The SuperCOSMOS Halpha Survey - digitized H-alpha photographic survey of the Southern Galactic Plane, taken by the AAO/UKST was resampled in Healpix by CDS. %Copyright By courtesy of WFAU, AAO/UKST, PPARC/STFC %Origin CDS %Id P/SHS %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www-wfau.roe.ac.uk/sss/halpha/ %SkyFraction 0.09776 %Aladin.XLabel SHS %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/Halpha %Aladin.MenuNumber 06-01a %Aladin.HpxParam 10 image equatorial png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-04-22T16:35Z %ActionName P-SIM.hpx %Description SIM %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/ancillary/simbad-biblio/cubes/1990-now %Origin CDS %Id P/SIM %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/SIM %Aladin.Tree Cube %Aladin.HpxParam 0 cube equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2019-03-25T11:29Z %ActionName P-SPITZER-IRAC1.hpx %Description IRAC1 survey in Healpix %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/IRAC1 %VerboseDescr Composite map from Spitzer Legacy Programs GLIMPSE: Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire (Churchwell E. + Benjamin R.) C2D: From Molecular Cores to Planet-Forming Disks (Evans N.) Taurus 2: Finishing the Spitzer Map of the Taurus Molecular Clouds (Padgett D.) SAGE: Spitzer Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud: Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy's Evolution (Meixner M.) SAGE-SMC: Surveying the Agents of Galaxy Evolution in the Tidally- Disrupted, Low-Metallicity Small Magellanic Cloud (Gordon K.) SINGS: The Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey - Physics of the Star-Forming ISM and Galaxy Evolution (Kennicutt R.) %Copyright Spitzer mission - JPL/NASA %Origin CDS %Id P/SPITZER/IRAC1 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/copyrights.php %SkyFraction 0.01449 %Aladin.XLabel SPITZER IRAC1 %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/Spitzer %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-03-01 %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2011-07-07T11:40Z %ActionName P-SPITZER-IRAC2.hpx %Description IRAC2 survey in Healpix %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/IRAC2 %VerboseDescr Composite map from Spitzer Legacy Programs GLIMPSE: Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire (Churchwell E. + Benjamin R.) C2D: From Molecular Cores to Planet-Forming Disks (Evans N.) Taurus 2: Finishing the Spitzer Map of the Taurus Molecular Clouds (Padgett D.) SAGE: Spitzer Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud: Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy's Evolution (Meixner M.) SAGE-SMC: Surveying the Agents of Galaxy Evolution in the Tidally- Disrupted, Low-Metallicity Small Magellanic Cloud (Gordon K.) SINGS: The Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey - Physics of the Star-Forming ISM and Galaxy Evolution (Kennicutt R.) %Copyright Spitzer mission - JPL/NASA %Origin CDS %Id P/SPITZER/IRAC2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/copyrights.php %SkyFraction 0.01448 %Aladin.XLabel SPITZER IRAC2 %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/Spitzer %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-03-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2011-07-06T15:52Z %ActionName P-SPITZER-IRAC3.hpx %Description IRAC3 survey in Healpix %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/IRAC3 %VerboseDescr Composite map from Spitzer Legacy Programs GLIMPSE: Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire (Churchwell E. + Benjamin R.) C2D: From Molecular Cores to Planet-Forming Disks (Evans N.) Taurus 2: Finishing the Spitzer Map of the Taurus Molecular Clouds (Padgett D.) SAGE: Spitzer Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud: Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy's Evolution (Meixner M.) SAGE-SMC: Surveying the Agents of Galaxy Evolution in the Tidally- Disrupted, Low-Metallicity Small Magellanic Cloud (Gordon K.) SINGS: The Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey - Physics of the Star-Forming ISM and Galaxy Evolution (Kennicutt R.) %Copyright Spitzer mission - JPL/NASA %Origin CDS %Id P/SPITZER/IRAC3 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/copyrights.php %SkyFraction 0.01447 %Aladin.XLabel SPITZER IRAC3 %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/Spitzer %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-03-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2011-07-06T13:38Z %ActionName P-SPITZER-IRAC4.hpx %Description IRAC4 survey in Healpix %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/IRAC4 %VerboseDescr Composite map from Spitzer Legacy Programs GLIMPSE: Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire (Churchwell E. + Benjamin R.) C2D: From Molecular Cores to Planet-Forming Disks (Evans N.) Taurus 2: Finishing the Spitzer Map of the Taurus Molecular Clouds (Padgett D.) SAGE: Spitzer Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud: Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy's Evolution (Meixner M.) SAGE-SMC: Surveying the Agents of Galaxy Evolution in the Tidally- Disrupted, Low-Metallicity Small Magellanic Cloud (Gordon K.) SINGS: The Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey - Physics of the Star-Forming ISM and Galaxy Evolution (Kennicutt R.) %Copyright Spitzer mission - JPL/NASA %Origin CDS %Id P/SPITZER/IRAC4 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/copyrights.php %SkyFraction 0.01448 %Aladin.XLabel SPITZER IRAC4 %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/Spitzer %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-03-04 %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2011-07-06T08:46Z %ActionName P-SPITZER-MIPS1.hpx %Description MIPS1 survey in Healpix %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/MIPS1 %VerboseDescr Composite map from Spitzer Legacy Programs MIPSGAL: A 24 and 70 Micron Survey of the Inner Galactic Disk with MIPS (Carey S.) C2D: From Molecular Cores to Planet-Forming Disks (Evans N.) Taurus 2: Finishing the Spitzer Map of the Taurus Molecular Clouds (Padgett D.) SAGE: Spitzer Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud: Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy's Evolution (Meixner M.) SAGE-SMC: Surveying the Agents of Galaxy Evolution in the Tidally- Disrupted, Low-Metallicity Small Magellanic Cloud (Gordon K.) SINGS: The Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey - Physics of the Star-Forming ISM and Galaxy Evolution (Kennicutt R.) %Copyright Spitzer mission - JPL/NASA %Origin CDS %Id P/SPITZER/MIPS1 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/copyrights.php %SkyFraction 0.01872 %Aladin.XLabel SPITZER MIPS1 %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/Spitzer %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-03-05 %Aladin.HpxParam 8 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-03-27T11:44Z %ActionName P-SPITZER-MIPS2.hpx %Description MIPS2 survey in Healpix %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/MIPS2 %VerboseDescr Composite map from Spitzer Legacy Programs C2D: From Molecular Cores to Planet-Forming Disks (Evans N.) Taurus 2: Finishing the Spitzer Map of the Taurus Molecular Clouds (Padgett D.) SAGE: Spitzer Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud: Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy's Evolution (Meixner M.) SAGE-SMC: Surveying the Agents of Galaxy Evolution in the Tidally- Disrupted, Low-Metallicity Small Magellanic Cloud (Gordon K.) SINGS: The Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey - Physics of the Star-Forming ISM and Galaxy Evolution (Kennicutt R.) %Copyright Spitzer mission - JPL/NASA %Origin CDS %Id P/SPITZER/MIPS2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/copyrights.php %SkyFraction 0.006882 %Aladin.XLabel SPITZER MIPS2 %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/Spitzer %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-03-06 %Aladin.HpxParam 7 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-03-27T14:12Z %ActionName P-SPITZER-MIPS3.hpx %Description MIPS3 survey in Healpix %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/MIPS3 %VerboseDescr Composite map from Spitzer Legacy Programs C2D: From Molecular Cores to Planet-Forming Disks (Evans N.) Taurus 2: Finishing the Spitzer Map of the Taurus Molecular Clouds (Padgett D.) SAGE: Spitzer Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud: Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy's Evolution (Meixner M.) SAGE-SMC: Surveying the Agents of Galaxy Evolution in the Tidally- Disrupted, Low-Metallicity Small Magellanic Cloud (Gordon K.) SINGS: The Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey - Physics of the Star-Forming ISM and Galaxy Evolution (Kennicutt R.) %Copyright Spitzer mission - JPL/NASA %Origin CDS %Id P/SPITZER/MIPS3 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/copyrights.php %SkyFraction 0.006329 %Aladin.XLabel SPITZER MIPS3 %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/Spitzer %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-03-07 %Aladin.HpxParam 6 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-03-27T14:25Z %ActionName P-SPITZER-color.hpx %Description IRAC HEALPix survey, color %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %SeeAction P-SPITZER-color_0.hpx availability=9999 %SeeAction P-SPITZER-color_1.hpx availability=9999 %SeeAction P-SPITZER-color_2.hpx availability=9999 %SeeAction P-SPITZER-color_3.hpx availability=1055 %VerboseDescr Composite color map from Spitzer Legacy Programs GLIMPSE: Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire (Churchwell E. + Benjamin R.) SAGE: Spitzer Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud: Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy's Evolution (Meixner M.) SAGE-SMC: Surveying the Agents of Galaxy Evolution in the Tidally- Disrupted, Low-Metallicity Small Magellanic Cloud (Gordon K.) SINGS: The Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey - Physics of the Star-Forming ISM and Galaxy Evolution (Kennicutt R.) %Copyright Spitzer mission - JPL/NASA %Origin CDS %Id P/SPITZER/color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/copyrights.php %SkyFraction 0.01215 %Aladin.XLabel SPITZER color %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/Spitzer %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-03-00 lite %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image color galactic jpeg %Aladin.Date 2011-07-09T09:45Z %ActionName P-STOCKERT+VILLAELISA-1420MHz.hpx %Description Stockert + Villa Elisa 1420 MHz %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488873956 2017/03/07 10:05:56 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/STOCKERT+VILLAELISA_1420MHz %VerboseDescr All-sky survey at 1420 MHz using the combination of the 25-mStockert and 30-m Villa Elisa telescopes, at a resolution of 36?. Units: mKTB. \nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE). %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/STOCKERT+VILLAELISA/1420MHz %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel STOCKERT+VILLAELISA 1420MHz %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/STOCKERT %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-08-29T12:58Z %ActionName P-STOCKERT-11cm.hpx %Description Stockert 11cm %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488873956 2017/03/07 10:05:56 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/STOCKERT_11cm %VerboseDescr Northern Galactic plane survey at 2720 MHz using the Stockert 25-m telescope, at a resolution of 21?. Units: mKTB.\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/STOCKERT/11cm %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.1 %Aladin.XLabel STOCKERT 11cm %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/STOCKERT %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-08-23T11:00Z %ActionName P-SUMSS.hpx %Description The Survey University Molonglo Sky Survey (SUMSS) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488873956 2017/03/07 10:05:56 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/SUMSS %VerboseDescr The survey of the radio sky at 843 MHz covers the whole sky south of declination -30 degrees with abs(b)>10 degrees. The Galactic Plane region abs(b)<10 degrees is covered by the second epoch Molonglo Galactic Plane Survey. Resolution: 45??. Units: Jy/beam\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/SUMSS %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.2544 %Aladin.XLabel SUMSS - 843 MHz %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-xx %Aladin.HpxParam 4 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2015-02-02T11:18Z %ActionName P-SUZAKU.hpx %Description Suzaku public data image %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1488873956 2017/03/07 10:05:56 %Url http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/judo2/HiPS/suzaku/ %VerboseDescr Superposition of Suzaku pseudo-color images, no exposure correction. %Copyright DARTS at JAXA/ISAS %Origin JAXA %Id P/SUZAKU %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/astro/suzaku %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel SUZAKU %Aladin.Tree Image/X %Aladin.HpxParam 6 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2016/11/04 15:49:40 %ActionName P-SWIFT_BAT_FLUX.hpx %Description Swift-BAT 70-month all-sray hard X-ray survey image %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %SeeAction P-SWIFT_BAT_FLUX_0.hpx availability=261 %SeeAction P-SWIFT_BAT_FLUX_1.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-SWIFT_BAT_FLUX_2.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-SWIFT_BAT_FLUX_3.hpx availability=0 %VerboseDescr Swift-BAT seudo-color images from 2004 December to 2010 September %Copyright Swift data archive %Origin JAXA %Id P/SWIFT_BAT_FLUX %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://swift.gsfc.nasa.gov/sdc/swift_acknowledge.html %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel SWIFT_BAT_FLUX %Aladin.Tree Image/X %Aladin.MenuNumber lite %Aladin.HpxParam 6 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2016-10-25T07:17Z %ActionName P-Sun-euvi-aia304-2012.hpx %Description Sun euvi-aia304-2012 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Sun_euvi-aia304-2012 %VerboseDescr this map has been extracted from a movie showing the evolution of the Sun's entire surface as seen in extreme ultraviolet light (304 angstroms) for the time period Jan 1 - Sep 27, 2012. %Copyright GSFC/NASA %Origin CDS %Id P/Sun/euvi-aia304-2012 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Sun/euvi-aia304-2012 %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Sun %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color sun-carrington jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-23T14:29Z %ActionName P-Swift-UVOT-cnt_B.hpx %Description Combined Swift UVOT counts: band B %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/surveys/uvot/cnt/B %VerboseDescr Summed counts for the Swift UVOT B band for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 %Copyright Generated from public data in HEASARC archive %Origin nasa.heasarc %Id P/Swift/UVOT/cnt_B %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.01805 %Aladin.XLabel Swift_UVOT_cnt_B %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/Swift/UVOT %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2017-09-08T22:59Z %ActionName P-Swift-UVOT-cnt_U.hpx %Description Combined Swift UVOT counts: band U %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/surveys/uvot/cnt/U %VerboseDescr Summed counts for the Swift UVOT U band for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 %Copyright Generated from public data in HEASARC archive %Origin nasa.heasarc %Id P/Swift/UVOT/cnt_U %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.0451 %Aladin.XLabel Swift_UVOT_cnt_U %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/Swift/UVOT %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2017-08-20T03:07Z %ActionName P-Swift-UVOT-cnt_UVM2.hpx %Description Combined Swift UVOT counts: band UVM2 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/surveys/uvot/cnt/UVM2 %VerboseDescr Summed counts for the Swift UVOT UVM2 band for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 %Copyright Generated from public data in HEASARC archive %Origin nasa.heasarc %Id P/Swift/UVOT/cnt_UVM2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.04769 %Aladin.XLabel Swift_UVOT_cnt_UVM2 %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/Swift/UVOT %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2017-08-31T16:05Z %ActionName P-Swift-UVOT-cnt_UVW1.hpx %Description Combined Swift UVOT counts: band UVW1 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/surveys/uvot/cnt/UVW1 %VerboseDescr Summed counts for the Swift UVOT UVW1 band for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 %Copyright Generated from public data in HEASARC archive %Origin nasa.heasarc %Id P/Swift/UVOT/cnt_UVW1 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.0413 %Aladin.XLabel Swift_UVOT_cnt_UVW1 %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/Swift/UVOT %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2017-09-22T01:43Z %ActionName P-Swift-UVOT-cnt_UVW2.hpx %Description Combined Swift UVOT counts: band UVW2 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/surveys/uvot/cnt/UVW2 %VerboseDescr Summed counts for the Swift UVOT UVW2 band for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 %Copyright Generated from public data in HEASARC archive %Origin nasa.heasarc %Id P/Swift/UVOT/cnt_UVW2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.04165 %Aladin.XLabel Swift_UVOT_cnt_UVW2 %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/Swift/UVOT %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2017-09-30T19:55Z %ActionName P-Swift-UVOT-cnt_V.hpx %Description Combined Swift UVOT counts: band V %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/surveys/uvot/cnt/V %VerboseDescr Summed counts for the Swift UVOT V band for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 %Copyright Generated from public data in HEASARC archive %Origin nasa.heasarc %Id P/Swift/UVOT/cnt_V %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.02029 %Aladin.XLabel Swift_UVOT_cnt_V %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/Swift/UVOT %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2017-08-15T17:39Z %ActionName P-Swift-UVOT-cnt_WHITE.hpx %Description Combined Swift UVOT counts: band WHITE %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/surveys/uvot/cnt/WHITE %VerboseDescr Summed counts for the Swift UVOT WHITE band for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 %Copyright Generated from public data in HEASARC archive %Origin nasa.heasarc %Id P/Swift/UVOT/cnt_WHITE %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.002868 %Aladin.XLabel Swift_UVOT_cnt_WHITE %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/Swift/UVOT %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2017-08-14T16:44Z %ActionName P-Swift-UVOT-exp_B.hpx %Description Combined Swift UVOT exposure: band B %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/surveys/uvot/exp/B %VerboseDescr Summed exposure for the Swift UVOT B band for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 %Copyright Generated from public data in HEASARC archive %Origin nasa.heasarc %Id P/Swift/UVOT/exp_B %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.01805 %Aladin.XLabel Swift_UVOT_exp_B %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/Swift/UVOT %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2017-09-08T13:27Z %ActionName P-Swift-UVOT-exp_U.hpx %Description Combined Swift UVOT exposure: band U %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/surveys/uvot/exp/U %VerboseDescr Summed exposure for the Swift UVOT U band for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 %Copyright Generated from public data in HEASARC archive %Origin nasa.heasarc %Id P/Swift/UVOT/exp_U %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.0451 %Aladin.XLabel Swift_UVOT_exp_U %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/Swift/UVOT %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2017-08-21T03:14Z %ActionName P-Swift-UVOT-exp_UVM2.hpx %Description Combined Swift UVOT exposure: band UVM2 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/surveys/uvot/exp/UVM2 %VerboseDescr Summed exposure for the Swift UVOT UVM2 band for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 %Copyright Generated from public data in HEASARC archive %Origin nasa.heasarc %Id P/Swift/UVOT/exp_UVM2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.04769 %Aladin.XLabel Swift_UVOT_exp_UVM2 %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/Swift/UVOT %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2017-09-04T19:16Z %ActionName P-Swift-UVOT-exp_UVW1.hpx %Description Combined Swift UVOT exposure: band UVW1 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/surveys/uvot/exp/UVW1 %VerboseDescr Summed exposure for the Swift UVOT UVW1 band for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 %Copyright Generated from public data in HEASARC archive %Origin nasa.heasarc %Id P/Swift/UVOT/exp_UVW1 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.04367 %Aladin.XLabel Swift_UVOT_exp_UVW1 %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/Swift/UVOT %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2017-09-24T01:47Z %ActionName P-Swift-UVOT-exp_UVW2.hpx %Description Combined Swift UVOT exposure: band UVW2 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/surveys/uvot/exp/UVW2 %VerboseDescr Summed exposure for the Swift UVOT UVW2 band for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 %Copyright Generated from public data in HEASARC archive %Origin nasa.heasarc %Id P/Swift/UVOT/exp_UVW2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.04165 %Aladin.XLabel Swift_UVOT_exp_UVW2 %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/Swift/UVOT %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2017-10-06T07:14Z %ActionName P-Swift-UVOT-exp_V.hpx %Description Combined Swift UVOT exposure: band V %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/surveys/uvot/exp/V %VerboseDescr Summed exposure for the Swift UVOT V band for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 %Copyright Generated from public data in HEASARC archive %Origin nasa.heasarc %Id P/Swift/UVOT/exp_V %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.02029 %Aladin.XLabel Swift_UVOT_exp_V %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/Swift/UVOT %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2017-08-08T09:45Z %ActionName P-Swift-UVOT-exp_WHITE.hpx %Description Combined Swift UVOT exposure: band WHITE %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/surveys/uvot/exp/WHITE %VerboseDescr Summed exposure for the Swift UVOT WHITE band for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 %Copyright Generated from public data in HEASARC archive %Origin nasa.heasarc %Id P/Swift/UVOT/exp_WHITE %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.002868 %Aladin.XLabel Swift_UVOT_exp_WHITE %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/Swift/UVOT %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2017-08-09T17:36Z %ActionName P-Swift-UVOT-int_B.hpx %Description Combined Swift UVOT intensities: band B %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/surveys/uvot/int/B %VerboseDescr Intensity map for the Swift UVOT B band for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 %Copyright Generated from public data in HEASARC archive %Origin nasa.heasarc %Id P/Swift/UVOT/int_B %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.01805 %Aladin.XLabel Swift_UVOT_int_B %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/Swift/UVOT %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2017-09-08T22:59Z %ActionName P-Swift-UVOT-int_UVM2.hpx %Description Combined Swift UVOT intensities: band UVM2 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/surveys/uvot/int/UVM2 %VerboseDescr Intensity map for the Swift UVOT UVM2 band for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 %Copyright Generated from public data in HEASARC archive %Origin nasa.heasarc %Id P/Swift/UVOT/int_UVM2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.04769 %Aladin.XLabel Swift_UVOT_int_UVM2 %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/Swift/UVOT %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2017-09-01TZ00:00:00Z %ActionName P-Swift-UVOT-int_UVW1.hpx %Description Combined Swift UVOT intensities: band UVW1 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/surveys/uvot/int/UVW1 %VerboseDescr Intensity map for the Swift UVOT UVW1 band for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 %Copyright Generated from public data in HEASARC archive %Origin nasa.heasarc %Id P/Swift/UVOT/int_UVW1 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.0413 %Aladin.XLabel Swift_UVOT_int_UVW1 %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/Swift/UVOT %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2017-09-22T01:43Z %ActionName P-Swift-UVOT-int_UVW2.hpx %Description Combined Swift UVOT intensities: band UVW2 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/surveys/uvot/int/UVW2 %VerboseDescr Intensity map for the Swift UVOT UVW2 band for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 %Copyright Generated from public data in HEASARC archive %Origin nasa.heasarc %Id P/Swift/UVOT/int_UVW2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.04165 %Aladin.XLabel Swift_UVOT_int_UVW2 %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/Swift/UVOT %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2017-09-30T19:55Z %ActionName P-Swift-UVOT-int_U_UVW1_UVW2.hpx %Description Combined Swift UVOT intensities: color bands U-UVW1-UVW2 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/surveys/uvot/int/color2 %VerboseDescr Intensity map for the Swift UVOT U,UVW1,UVW2 bands for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 %Copyright Generated from public data in HEASARC archive %Origin nasa.heasarc %Id P/Swift/UVOT/int_U_UVW1_UVW2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.0343 %Aladin.XLabel Swift_UVOT_int_U_UVW1_UVW2 %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/Swift/UVOT %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial jpg %Aladin.Date 2017-09-08T22:59Z %ActionName P-Swift-UVOT-int_V.hpx %Description Combined Swift UVOT intensities: band V %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/surveys/uvot/int/V %VerboseDescr Intensity map for the Swift UVOT V band for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 %Copyright Generated from public data in HEASARC archive %Origin nasa.heasarc %Id P/Swift/UVOT/int_V %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.02029 %Aladin.XLabel Swift_UVOT_int_V %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/Swift/UVOT %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2017-09-01TZ00:00:00Z %ActionName P-Swift-UVOT-int_WHITE.hpx %Description Combined Swift UVOT intensities: band WHITE %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/surveys/uvot/int/WHITE %VerboseDescr Intensity map for the Swift UVOT WHITE band for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 %Copyright Generated from public data in HEASARC archive %Origin nasa.heasarc %Id P/Swift/UVOT/int_WHITE %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.002868 %Aladin.XLabel Swift_UVOT_int_WHITE %Aladin.Tree Image/UV/Swift/UVOT %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2017-09-01TZ00:00:00Z %ActionName P-Swift-XRT-exp.hpx %Description Combined Swift XRT exposure %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/surveys/xrt/int/all2 %VerboseDescr Summed exposure for the Swift XRT for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 %Copyright Generated from public data in HEASARC archive %Origin nasa.heasarc %Id P/Swift/XRT/exp %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.1907 %Aladin.XLabel Swift_XRT_exp %Aladin.Tree Image/Xray/Swift/XRT %Aladin.HpxParam 8 image equatorial fits png %Aladin.Date 2017-09-01TZ00:00:00Z %ActionName P-TGSSADR.hpx %Description The TIFR GMRT Sky Survey, Alternative Data Release %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1465811895 2016/06/13 11:58:15 %Url http://tgssadr.strw.leidenuniv.nl/hips/ %VerboseDescr 150 MHz radio intensity images of the sky above -53 degrees DEC. Note that this current release is an alpha version subject to change. Most likely anticipated changes are: (1) image rescaling, (2) addition of missing fields, (3) replacement of bad fields. %Copyright TGSS ADR webpage %Origin Leiden %Id P/TGSSADR %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %Copyright.Url http://tgssadr.strw.leidenuniv.nl/ %SkyFraction 0.895 %Aladin.XLabel TGSS ADR intensity maps (150 MHz) %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio %Aladin.HpxParam 7 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2016-03-08T15:11Z %ActionName P-Tethys-Cassini-PIA18439.hpx %Description Tethys Cassini-PIA18439 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Tethys_Cassini-PIA18439 %VerboseDescr This set of global, color mosaics of Saturn's moon Tethys was produced from images taken by NASA's Cassini spacecraft during its first ten years exploring the Saturn system. These are the first global color maps of these moons produced from the Cassini data. he most obvious feature on the maps is the difference in color and brightness between the two hemispheres. The darker colors on the trailing hemispheres are thought to be due to alteration by magnetospheric particles and radiation striking those surfaces. The lighter-colored leading hemisphere is coated with icy dust from Saturn's E-ring, formed from tiny particles ejected from Enceladus' south pole. These satellites are all being painted by material erupted by neighboring Enceladus. The colors shown in these global mosaics are enhanced, or broader, relative to human vision, extending into the ultraviolet and infrared range. Resolution on Tethys in the maps is 250 meters per pixel. Image selection, radiometric calibration, geographic registration and photometric correction, as well as mosaic selection and assembly were performed by Paul Schenk at the Lunar and Planetary Institute. Original image planning and targeting for Saturn's icy moons were performed by Tilman Denk (Frei Universitat, Berlin) and Paul Helfenstein (Cornell University, Ithaca, New York). The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging operations center is based at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colo. %Copyright JPL/PhotoJournal %Origin CDS %Id P/Tethys/Cassini-PIA18439 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Tethys/Cassini-PIA18439 %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Saturn/Tethys %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color tethys jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-24T13:30Z %ActionName P-Titan-ISS-P19658-4km.hpx %Description Titan ISS-P19658-4km %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Titan_ISS-P19658-4km %VerboseDescr This global digital map of Saturn's moon Titan was created using images taken by the Cassini spacecraft's imaging science subsystem (ISS). The map was produced in June 2015 using data collected through Cassini's flyby on April 7, 2014, known as "T100". %Copyright Planetary Data System, from USGS Astrogeology Science Center %Origin CDS %Id P/Titan/ISS-P19658-4km %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Titan/ISS-P19658-4km %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Saturn/Titan %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color titan jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-21T11:06Z %ActionName P-Titan-SAR-HiSAR-128ppd.hpx %Description Titan SAR-HiSAR-128ppd %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Titan_SAR-HiSAR-128ppd %VerboseDescr Global map of Titan?s surface showing the coverage derived from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and High Altitude Synthetic Aperture Radar (HiSAR) images. This mosaic merges Cassini swaths through flyby T104 into a single mosaic. This is a preliminary product. The Cassini Titan Radio Detection and Ranging (RADAR) Mapper plays a significant role in investigating the surface of Titan. This multi-mode radar instrument operates in the 13.8 GHz Ku-band (or 2.2 cm wavelength) and is designed to probe the optically inaccessible surface of Titan. The four different modes of the instrument Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging, Altimetry, Scatterometry and Radiometry allow surface imaging as well as topographic mapping at spacecraft altitudes between 100,000 km and about 1,000 km, with resolutions for the modes ranging from 100 s of km to a few hundred meters (Elachi et al. 2005) . The observations, particularly when performed in the active modes of SAR, altimetry and scatterometry, are largely unaffected by atmospheric contributions. %Copyright Planetary Data System, from USGS Astrogeology Science Center %Origin CDS %Id P/Titan/SAR-HiSAR-128ppd %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Titan/SAR-HiSAR-128ppd %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Saturn/Titan %Aladin.HpxParam 4 image color titan jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-21T11:02Z %ActionName P-Titania-Voyager.hpx %Description Titania Voyager %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Titania_Voyager %VerboseDescr Titania Uranus satellite map mosaicked with Voyager imagery by USGS %Copyright Caltech/JPL/NASA %Origin CDS %Id P/Titania/Voyager %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Titania/Voyager %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Uranus/Titania %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color titania jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-31T06:36Z %ActionName P-Triton-Voyager2-600m.hpx %Description Triton Voyager2-600m %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Triton_Voyager2-600m %VerboseDescr The Voyager 2 spacecraft flew by Triton, a moon of Neptune, in the summer of 1989. Dr. Paul Schenk, a scientist at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston, used Voyager data to construct the best-ever global color map of Triton. This map has a resolution of 1,970 feet (600 meters) per pixel. The colors have been enhanced to bring out contrast but are a close approximation to Triton's natural colors. Voyager's "eyes" saw in colors slightly different from human eyes, and this map was produced using orange, green and blue filter images. The Voyager mission is managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in Pasadena, California, for NASA's Science Mission Directorate (SMD) at NASA Headquarters in Washington. Caltech manages JPL for NASA. %Copyright Was originally released in the PDS Photojpurnal as file PIA18668.tif %Origin CDS %Id P/Triton/Voyager2-600m %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Triton/Voyager2-600m %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Neptune/Triton %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color triton jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-23T13:52Z %ActionName P-UHSDR1-J.hpx %Description UHS DR1 J %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://surveys.roe.ac.uk/hips71/UHS/UHSDR1_PIX %VerboseDescr UKIRT Hemisphere Survey, UHS DR1 J-band WFCAM %Origin wfau.roe.ac.uk %Id P/UHSDR1/J %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.3083 %Aladin.XLabel UKIRT Hemisphere Survey DR1 J %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/UKIRT-WFCAM %Aladin.HpxParam 10 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-10-16T12:41Z %ActionName P-ULTRAVISTA-H.hpx %Description ULTRAVISTA H %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/VISTA/UltraVista/H %VerboseDescr UltraVISTA is an Ultra Deep, near-infrared survey with the new VISTA surveys telescope of the European Southern Observatory (ESO). Over the course of 5 years, UltraVISTA will repeatedly image the COSMOS field in 5 bands covering a 1.5deg^2 field. %Copyright ULTRAVISTA consortium %Origin CDS %Id P/ULTRAVISTA/H %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://home.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~ultravista/ %SkyFraction 6.103E-5 %Aladin.XLabel ULTRAVISTA H %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/UltraVista %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-002-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 12 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-06-21T11:25Z %ActionName P-ULTRAVISTA-J.hpx %Description ULTRAVISTA J %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/VISTA/UltraVista/J %VerboseDescr UltraVISTA is an Ultra Deep, near-infrared survey with the new VISTA surveys telescope of the European Southern Observatory (ESO). Over the course of 5 years, UltraVISTA will repeatedly image the COSMOS field in 5 bands covering a 1.5deg^2 field. %Copyright ULTRAVISTA consortium %Origin CDS %Id P/ULTRAVISTA/J %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://home.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~ultravista/ %SkyFraction 6.103E-5 %Aladin.XLabel ULTRAVISTA J %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/UltraVista %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-002-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 12 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-06-21T14:40Z %ActionName P-ULTRAVISTA-Ks.hpx %Description ULTRAVISTA Ks %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/VISTA/UltraVista/Ks %VerboseDescr UltraVISTA is an Ultra Deep, near-infrared survey with the new VISTA surveys telescope of the European Southern Observatory (ESO). Over the course of 5 years, UltraVISTA will repeatedly image the COSMOS field in 5 bands covering a 1.5deg^2 field. %Copyright ULTRAVISTA consortium %Origin CDS %Id P/ULTRAVISTA/Ks %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://home.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~ultravista/ %SkyFraction 6.103E-5 %Aladin.XLabel ULTRAVISTA Ks %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/UltraVista %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-002-04 %Aladin.HpxParam 12 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-06-21T16:14Z %ActionName P-ULTRAVISTA-NB118.hpx %Description ULTRAVISTA NB118 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/VISTA/UltraVista/NB118 %VerboseDescr UltraVISTA is an Ultra Deep, near-infrared survey with the new VISTA surveys telescope of the European Southern Observatory (ESO). Over the course of 5 years, UltraVISTA will repeatedly image the COSMOS field in 5 bands covering a 1.5deg^2 field. %Copyright ULTRAVISTA consortium %Origin CDS %Id P/ULTRAVISTA/NB118 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://home.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~ultravista/ %SkyFraction 5.213E-5 %Aladin.XLabel ULTRAVISTA NB118 %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/UltraVista %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-002-05 %Aladin.HpxParam 12 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-06-21T17:43Z %ActionName P-ULTRAVISTA-Y.hpx %Description ULTRAVISTA Y %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/VISTA/UltraVista/Y %VerboseDescr UltraVISTA is an Ultra Deep, near-infrared survey with the new VISTA surveys telescope of the European Southern Observatory (ESO). Over the course of 5 years, UltraVISTA will repeatedly image the COSMOS field in 5 bands covering a 1.5deg^2 field. %Copyright ULTRAVISTA consortium %Origin CDS %Id P/ULTRAVISTA/Y %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://home.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~ultravista/ %SkyFraction 6.103E-5 %Aladin.XLabel ULTRAVISTA Y %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/UltraVista %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-002-01 %Aladin.HpxParam 12 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2013-06-21T13:09Z %ActionName P-ULTRAVISTA-color-YJKs.hpx %Description ULTRAVISTA color YJKs %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/VISTA/UltraVista/ColorYJKs %VerboseDescr UltraVISTA is an Ultra Deep, near-infrared survey with the new VISTA surveys telescope of the European Southern Observatory (ESO). Over the course of 5 years, UltraVISTA will repeatedly image the COSMOS field in 5 bands covering a 1.5deg^2 field. %Copyright ULTRAVISTA consortium %Origin CDS %Id P/ULTRAVISTA/color/YJKs %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://home.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~ultravista/ %SkyFraction 4.519E-5 %Aladin.XLabel ULTRAVISTA color YJKs %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/UltraVista %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-002-00 %Aladin.HpxParam 12 image color equatorial jpeg %Aladin.Date 2013-06-25T10:36Z %ActionName P-URUMQI-POLQ.hpx %Description URUMQI POLQ %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/URUMQI_POLQ %VerboseDescr 6cm polarization survey (Stokes Q) of the Galactic Plane (10°6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.05604 %Aladin.XLabel Urumqi 6cm POLQ %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/Urumqi %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-12-05T12:14Z %ActionName P-URUMQI-POLU.hpx %Description URUMQI POLU %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/URUMQI_POLU %VerboseDescr 6cm polarization survey (Stokes U) of the Galactic Plane (10°6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.05604 %Aladin.XLabel Urumqi 6cm POLU %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/Urumqi %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-12-05T12:16Z %ActionName P-URUMQI.hpx %Description URUMQI %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/URUMQI_I %VerboseDescr 6cm survey of the Galactic Plane (10°6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.05605 %Aladin.XLabel Urumqi 6cm intensity %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/Urumqi %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-12-05T12:17Z %ActionName P-Umbriel-Voyager.hpx %Description Umbriel Voyager %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Umbriel_Voyager %VerboseDescr Umbriel Uranus satellite map mosaicked with Voyager imagery by USGS %Copyright Caltech/JPL/NASA %Origin CDS %Id P/Umbriel/Voyager %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Umbriel/Voyager %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Uranus/Umbriel %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color umbriel jpeg %Aladin.Date 2018-01-31T06:36Z %ActionName P-VISTA-VIKING-H.hpx %Description VISTA VIKING H %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/VISTA/VIKING/VISTA-VIKING-H %VerboseDescr The VIKING (VISTA Kilo-degree Infrared Galaxy) survey is a medium-deep survey of 1500 square degrees over two areas of the extra-galactic sky with VISTA in zYJHKs bands to sample the restframe optical for galaxies at z>1. The VIKING survey area is split into two areas: an equatorial strip between right ascension 9 and 15.8 hours and 8 degrees wide; and a strip over the South Galactic Pole between right ascension 22 and 3.5 hours and 10 degrees wide. %Copyright ESO %Origin CDS %Id P/VISTA/VIKING/H %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.eso.org/sci/observing/policies/publications.html %SkyFraction 0.02492 %Aladin.XLabel VISTA VIKING H %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/VISTA/VIKING %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-04-23T01:45Z %ActionName P-VISTA-VIKING-J.hpx %Description VISTA VIKING J %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/VISTA/VIKING/VISTA-VIKING-J %VerboseDescr The VIKING (VISTA Kilo-degree Infrared Galaxy) survey is a medium-deep survey of 1500 square degrees over two areas of the extra-galactic sky with VISTA in zYJHKs bands to sample the restframe optical for galaxies at z>1. The VIKING survey area is split into two areas: an equatorial strip between right ascension 9 and 15.8 hours and 8 degrees wide; and a strip over the South Galactic Pole between right ascension 22 and 3.5 hours and 10 degrees wide. %Copyright ESO %Origin CDS %Id P/VISTA/VIKING/J %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.eso.org/sci/observing/policies/publications.html %SkyFraction 0.02438 %Aladin.XLabel VISTA VIKING J %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/VISTA/VIKING %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-07-11T17:04Z %ActionName P-VISTA-VIKING-K.hpx %Description VISTA VIKING K %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/VISTA/VIKING/VISTA-VIKING-K %VerboseDescr The VIKING (VISTA Kilo-degree Infrared Galaxy) survey is a medium-deep survey of 1500 square degrees over two areas of the extra-galactic sky with VISTA in zYJHKs bands to sample the restframe optical for galaxies at z>1. The VIKING survey area is split into two areas: an equatorial strip between right ascension 9 and 15.8 hours and 8 degrees wide; and a strip over the South Galactic Pole between right ascension 22 and 3.5 hours and 10 degrees wide. %Copyright ESO %Origin CDS %Id P/VISTA/VIKING/K %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.eso.org/sci/observing/policies/publications.html %SkyFraction 0.0249 %Aladin.XLabel VISTA VIKING K %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/VISTA/VIKING %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-07-07T01:49Z %ActionName P-VISTA-VIKING-Y.hpx %Description VISTA VIKING Y %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/VISTA/VIKING/VISTA-VIKING-Y %VerboseDescr The VIKING (VISTA Kilo-degree Infrared Galaxy) survey is a medium-deep survey of 1500 square degrees over two areas of the extra-galactic sky with VISTA in zYJHKs bands to sample the restframe optical for galaxies at z>1. The VIKING survey area is split into two areas: an equatorial strip between right ascension 9 and 15.8 hours and 8 degrees wide; and a strip over the South Galactic Pole between right ascension 22 and 3.5 hours and 10 degrees wide. %Copyright ESO %Origin CDS %Id P/VISTA/VIKING/Y %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.eso.org/sci/observing/policies/publications.html %SkyFraction 0.02457 %Aladin.XLabel VISTA VIKING Y %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/VISTA/VIKING %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-09-05T16:47Z %ActionName P-VISTA-VIKING-Z.hpx %Description VISTA VIKING Z %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/VISTA/VIKING/VISTA-VIKING-Z %VerboseDescr The VIKING (VISTA Kilo-degree Infrared Galaxy) survey is a medium-deep survey of 1500 square degrees over two areas of the extra-galactic sky with VISTA in zYJHKs bands to sample the restframe optical for galaxies at z>1. The VIKING survey area is split into two areas: an equatorial strip between right ascension 9 and 15.8 hours and 8 degrees wide; and a strip over the South Galactic Pole between right ascension 22 and 3.5 hours and 10 degrees wide. %Copyright ESO %Origin CDS %Id P/VISTA/VIKING/Z %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.eso.org/sci/observing/policies/publications.html %SkyFraction 0.02466 %Aladin.XLabel VISTA VIKING Z %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/VISTA/VIKING %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-09-14T19:02Z %ActionName P-VISTA-VVV-DR4-ColorJYZ.hpx %Description VISTA DR4 ColorJYZ %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/VISTA/VVV_DR4/VISTA-VVV-DR4-ColorJYZ %VerboseDescr The public ESO near-IR variability survey (VVV) scanned the Milky Way bulge and an adjacent section of the mid-plane where star formation activity is high. The survey took 1929 hours of observations with the 4-metre VISTA telescope during five years (2010-2014), covering ~10^9 point sources across an area of 520 deg^2, including 33 known globular clusters and ~350 open clusters. The final product is a deep near-IR atlas in five passbands (0.9-2.5 microns) and a catalogue of more than 10^6 variable point sources. Unlike single-epoch surveys that, in most cases, only produce 2-D maps, the VVV variable star survey will enable the construction of a 3-D map of the surveyed region using well-understood distance indicators such as RR Lyrae stars, and Cepheids. The VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey fourth data release (DR4) provides VISTA tile images and source lists in ZYJHKs filters, processed by the Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit (CASU), for a total sky coverage of 560 square degrees. DR4 contains science data products from observations in the period 1 October 2013 ? 15 October 2015, and also science data products from observations in September 2010 to September 2013 not included in the previous release. %Copyright ESO %Origin CDS %Id P/VISTA/VVV/DR4/ColorJYZ %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.eso.org/sci/observing/policies/publications.html %SkyFraction 0.01373 %Aladin.XLabel VISTA DR4 ColorJYZ %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/VISTA/VVV %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2017-12-18T11:42Z %ActionName P-VISTA-VVV-DR4-H-Bulge.hpx %Description VISTA VVV DR4 H Bulge %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/VISTA/VVV_DR4/VISTA-VVV-DR4-H-Bulge %VerboseDescr The public ESO near-IR variability survey (VVV) scanned the Milky Way bulge and an adjacent section of the mid-plane where star formation activity is high. The survey took 1929 hours of observations with the 4-metre VISTA telescope during five years (2010-2014), covering ~10^9 point sources across an area of 520 deg^2, including 33 known globular clusters and ~350 open clusters. The final product is a deep near-IR atlas in five passbands (0.9-2.5 microns) and a catalogue of more than 10^6 variable point sources. Unlike single-epoch surveys that, in most cases, only produce 2-D maps, the VVV variable star survey will enable the construction of a 3-D map of the surveyed region using well-understood distance indicators such as RR Lyrae stars, and Cepheids. The VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey fourth data release (DR4) provides VISTA tile images and source lists in ZYJHKs filters, processed by the Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit (CASU), for a total sky coverage of 560 square degrees. DR4 contains science data products from observations in the period 1 October 2013 ? 15 October 2015, and also science data products from observations in September 2010 to September 2013 not included in the previous release. %Copyright ESO %Origin CDS %Id P/VISTA/VVV/DR4/H/Bulge %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.eso.org/sci/observing/policies/publications.html %SkyFraction 0.007661 %Aladin.XLabel VISTA VVV DR4 H Bulge %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/VISTA %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-09-29T19:20Z %ActionName P-VISTA-VVV-DR4-H-Disk.hpx %Description VISTA VVV DR4 H Disk %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/VISTA/VVV_DR4/VISTA-VVV-DR4-H-Disk %VerboseDescr The public ESO near-IR variability survey (VVV) scanned the Milky Way bulge and an adjacent section of the mid-plane where star formation activity is high. The survey took 1929 hours of observations with the 4-metre VISTA telescope during five years (2010-2014), covering ~10^9 point sources across an area of 520 deg^2, including 33 known globular clusters and ~350 open clusters. The final product is a deep near-IR atlas in five passbands (0.9-2.5 microns) and a catalogue of more than 10^6 variable point sources. Unlike single-epoch surveys that, in most cases, only produce 2-D maps, the VVV variable star survey will enable the construction of a 3-D map of the surveyed region using well-understood distance indicators such as RR Lyrae stars, and Cepheids. The VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey fourth data release (DR4) provides VISTA tile images and source lists in ZYJHKs filters, processed by the Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit (CASU), for a total sky coverage of 560 square degrees. DR4 contains science data products from observations in the period 1 October 2013 ? 15 October 2015, and also science data products from observations in September 2010 to September 2013 not included in the previous release. %Copyright ESO %Origin CDS %Id P/VISTA/VVV/DR4/H/Disk %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.eso.org/sci/observing/policies/publications.html %SkyFraction 0.006092 %Aladin.XLabel VISTA VVV DR4 H Disk %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/VISTA %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-09-30T01:49Z %ActionName P-VISTA-VVV-DR4-J.hpx %Description VISTA VVV DR4 J %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/VISTA/VVV_DR4/VISTA-VVV-DR4-J %VerboseDescr The public ESO near-IR variability survey (VVV) scanned the Milky Way bulge and an adjacent section of the mid-plane where star formation activity is high. The survey took 1929 hours of observations with the 4-metre VISTA telescope during five years (2010-2014), covering ~10^9 point sources across an area of 520 deg^2, including 33 known globular clusters and ~350 open clusters. The final product is a deep near-IR atlas in five passbands (0.9-2.5 microns) and a catalogue of more than 10^6 variable point sources. Unlike single-epoch surveys that, in most cases, only produce 2-D maps, the VVV variable star survey will enable the construction of a 3-D map of the surveyed region using well-understood distance indicators such as RR Lyrae stars, and Cepheids. The VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey fourth data release (DR4) provides VISTA tile images and source lists in ZYJHKs filters, processed by the Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit (CASU), for a total sky coverage of 560 square degrees. DR4 contains science data products from observations in the period 1 October 2013 ? 15 October 2015, and also science data products from observations in September 2010 to September 2013 not included in the previous release. %Copyright ESO %Origin CDS %Id P/VISTA/VVV/DR4/J %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.eso.org/sci/observing/policies/publications.html %SkyFraction 0.01373 %Aladin.XLabel VISTA VVV DR4 J %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/VISTA/VVV %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-09-30T11:22Z %ActionName P-VISTA-VVV-DR4-Y.hpx %Description VISTA VVV DR4 Y %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/VISTA/VVV_DR4/VISTA-VVV-DR4-Y %VerboseDescr The public ESO near-IR variability survey (VVV) scanned the Milky Way bulge and an adjacent section of the mid-plane where star formation activity is high. The survey took 1929 hours of observations with the 4-metre VISTA telescope during five years (2010-2014), covering ~10^9 point sources across an area of 520 deg^2, including 33 known globular clusters and ~350 open clusters. The final product is a deep near-IR atlas in five passbands (0.9-2.5 microns) and a catalogue of more than 10^6 variable point sources. Unlike single-epoch surveys that, in most cases, only produce 2-D maps, the VVV variable star survey will enable the construction of a 3-D map of the surveyed region using well-understood distance indicators such as RR Lyrae stars, and Cepheids. The VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey fourth data release (DR4) provides VISTA tile images and source lists in ZYJHKs filters, processed by the Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit (CASU), for a total sky coverage of 560 square degrees. DR4 contains science data products from observations in the period 1 October 2013 ? 15 October 2015, and also science data products from observations in September 2010 to September 2013 not included in the previous release. %Copyright ESO %Origin CDS %Id P/VISTA/VVV/DR4/Y %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.eso.org/sci/observing/policies/publications.html %SkyFraction 0.01373 %Aladin.XLabel VISTA VVV DR4 Y %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/VISTA/VVV %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-10-01T21:42Z %ActionName P-VISTA-VVV-DR4-Z.hpx %Description VISTA VVV DR4 Z %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/VISTA/VVV_DR4/VISTA-VVV-DR4-Z %VerboseDescr The public ESO near-IR variability survey (VVV) scanned the Milky Way bulge and an adjacent section of the mid-plane where star formation activity is high. The survey took 1929 hours of observations with the 4-metre VISTA telescope during five years (2010-2014), covering ~10^9 point sources across an area of 520 deg^2, including 33 known globular clusters and ~350 open clusters. The final product is a deep near-IR atlas in five passbands (0.9-2.5 microns) and a catalogue of more than 10^6 variable point sources. Unlike single-epoch surveys that, in most cases, only produce 2-D maps, the VVV variable star survey will enable the construction of a 3-D map of the surveyed region using well-understood distance indicators such as RR Lyrae stars, and Cepheids. The VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey fourth data release (DR4) provides VISTA tile images and source lists in ZYJHKs filters, processed by the Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit (CASU), for a total sky coverage of 560 square degrees. DR4 contains science data products from observations in the period 1 October 2013 ? 15 October 2015, and also science data products from observations in September 2010 to September 2013 not included in the previous release. %Copyright ESO %Origin CDS %Id P/VISTA/VVV/DR4/Z %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url https://www.eso.org/sci/observing/policies/publications.html %SkyFraction 0.01373 %Aladin.XLabel VISTA VVV DR4 Z %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/VISTA/VVV %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-09-30T22:16Z %ActionName P-VLSSr.hpx %Description VLSSr - 74 MHz continuum %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/VLSSr %VerboseDescr The VLA Low-Frequency Sky Survey Redux (VLSS) is a 74 MHz continuum survey covering the entire sky north of -30 degrees declination. Using the VLA in BnA and B-configurations, it will map the entire survey region at a resolution of 80" and with an average rms noise of 0.1 Jy/beam. This version include the data from the VLSS redux which increased the coverage region slightly and substantially improved the data reduction. Details are in the Lane et al. (2012) reference. Frequency: 74 MHz, PixelUnits: Janskies/Beam. The VLSSr represents a major improvement to the original VLSS over most of the sky. It includes six previously unpublished fields, and improved dynamic range in 95% of all fields. The clean bias has been halved and is now 0.66 times the local RMS. The largest angular size imaged has been roughly doubled to 36', and the number of cataloged sources is increased by 35% to %93,000. %Copyright NRAO & The NRL %Origin CDS %Id P/VLSSr %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.cv.nrao.edu/vlss/findFITS.shtml %SkyFraction 0.7463 %Aladin.XLabel VLSSr %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-10 %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2014-12-16T10:19Z %ActionName P-VTSS-CONT.hpx %Description Virginia Tech Spectral-Line Survey (VTSS) - Continuum corrected Halpha image %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/VTSS_CONT %VerboseDescr Continuum corrected Halpha, using the Virginia Tech Spectral-Line Imaging Camera (SLIC). The resolution of the map is 1.6? and units are Rayleighs.\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/VTSS/CONT %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.181 %Aladin.XLabel VTSS CONT %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/Halpha/VTSS %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2018-03-12T15:46Z %ActionName P-VTSS-Ha.hpx %Description Virginia Tech Spectral-Line Survey (VTSS) - Halpha image %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/VTSS %VerboseDescr 6563 A H-alpha recombination line of Hydrogen, using the Virginia Tech Spectral-Line Imaging Camera (SLIC). The resolution of the map is 1.6? and units are Rayleighs.\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/VTSS/Ha %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 0.1918 %Aladin.XLabel VTSS Halpha %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/Halpha/VTSS %Aladin.MenuNumber lite %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2018-03-12T14:53Z %ActionName P-VTSS-HaCC.hpx %Description VTSS HaCC - Continuum corrected Halpha %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/VTSS/HaCC %VerboseDescr The VTSS is a wide-field image survey of the Galaxy's warm ionized interstellar medium (WIM, a 10,000 K plasma). The instrumentation used is the Virginia Tech Spectral Line Imaging Camera (SLIC), specially designed for obtaining sensitive, arcminute-resolution, 10-degree wide images of the 6563Å H-alpha recombination line of hydrogen, and the [SII]6717,6731Å doublet emission of singly ionized sulfur. This survey cover the northern hemisphere (declinations greater than -15 degrees). %Copyright (c) Virginia Tech Physics - HEALPixed by CDS %Origin CDS %Id P/VTSS/HaCC %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.phys.vt.edu/~halpha/ %SkyFraction 0.3164 %Aladin.XLabel VTSS HaCC %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/Halpha/VTSS %Aladin.MenuNumber 06-03-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-04-19T18:08Z %ActionName P-Venus-Magellan-C3-MDIR-2025m.hpx %Description Magellan Global C3-MDIR Mosaic 2025m %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Venus_Magellan_C3-MDIR-2025m %VerboseDescr The original Magellan Compressed Mosaicked Image Data Record (C3-MIDR) archive contains three times compressed mosaics of image swaths (C-BIDRs) at a resolution of 2025 m/pixel. C3-MIDRs consist of mosaics generated by computing 3x3 pixel arithmetic moving averages from the C2-MIDRs. C3-MIDRs, with their 2.025 km pixel widths, are designed to cover the planet at reasonably high resolution and high signal to noise ratio. %Copyright Public domain %Origin CDS %Id P/Venus/Magellan/C3-MDIR-2025m %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Venus Magellan Global Mosaic %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Venus %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image venus png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-11-14T16:48Z %ActionName P-Venus-Magellan-C3-MDIR-ClrTopo-6600m-color.hpx %Description Venus Magellan C3-MDIR-ClrTopo-6600m-color %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Venus_Magellan_C3-MDIR-ClrTopo-6600m-color %Copyright USGS (https://astrogeology.usgs.gov/), intermediate FITS by Chiara Marmo %Origin CDS %Id P/Venus/Magellan/C3-MDIR-ClrTopo-6600m-color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel P/Venus/Magellan/C3-MDIR-ClrTopo-6600m-color %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Venus %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color venus jpeg %Aladin.Date 2017-11-14T14:40Z %ActionName P-Venus-Magellan-MeterScaleSlope-4641m.hpx %Description Venus Magellan MeterScaleSlope-4641m %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Venus_Magellan_MeterScaleSlope-4641m %VerboseDescr Global Slope Data Record (GSDR). The surface meter-scale slopes are derived by fitting altimeter echoes from the fan-beam altimetry antenna as a function of time to Hagfors' radar backscatter model templates. The data are then re-sampled at a resolution of about 5x5 kilometers per pixel. Each GSDR image pixel is represented by a 8-bit unsigned integer. Pixels lying outside the domain of the projection are set to NoData (0). In all images, pixels with unknown or unmeasured values are also set to NoData. The remaining values are related to the slope by the following equation: DN = ((SLOPE ) * 10) + 1 . %Copyright public domain, please cite authors %Origin CDS %Id P/Venus/Magellan/MeterScaleSlope-4641m %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Venus Magellan Global Mosaic %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Venus %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image venus png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-11-14T17:01Z %ActionName P-Venus-Magellan-Microwave-Emissivity-4641m.hpx %Description Venus Magellan Microwave-Emissivity-4641m %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Venus_Magellan_Microwave-Emissivity-4641m %VerboseDescr Global Emissivity Data Record (GEDR). The emissivity of a surface is defined as the thermal power emitted by that surface divided by the power emitted by a black body of the same size and at the same physical temperature. The polarization direction is horizontal (E-field tangential to surface), and the emissivity is not corrected for emission angle or surface roughness or tilt. This data set includes all Magellan measurements in which the high-gain antenna followed the nominal look-angle profile, in which the observed emission angle varied from 48 degrees off the local vertical at periapsis (ca. 10N latitude) to 15 degrees off vertical at the 90N and 70S. To make the GEDR images, Magellan radiometer data, in the form of readings of antenna noise temperature, are corrected for antenna sidelobe effects and for emission and absorption by the Venus atmosphere. The component reflected from the surface is modeled as a specular reflection with power reflection coefficient equal to (1 - emissivity). The location and planetary radius at the antenna boresight intercept point are derived from GTDR images and the physical surface temperature is calculated using the adiabatic model of Kliore et al., 1985. The data are then filtered to remove low-frequency instrument calibration errors, and re-sampled at a resolution of about 5x5 kilometers per pixel. %Copyright public domain, please cite authors %Origin CDS %Id P/Venus/Magellan/Microwave-Emissivity-4641m %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Venus Magellan Global Mosaic %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Venus %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image venus png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-11-14T17:18Z %ActionName P-Venus-Magellan-Topography-4641m.hpx %Description Venus Magellan Topography-4641m %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Planets/CDS_P_Venus_Magellan_Topography-4641m %VerboseDescr This product has been superseeded by version2:https://astrogeology.usgs.gov/search/map/Venus/Magellan/RadarProperties/Venus_Magellan_Topography_Global_4641m_v02 %Copyright USGS (https://astrogeology.usgs.gov/), intermediate FITS by Chiara Marmo %Origin CDS %Id P/Venus/Magellan/Topography-4641m %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Venus Magellan Global Mosaic %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Venus %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image venus png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-11-14T16:43Z %ActionName P-VistaOrion-color.hpx %Description VISTA Orion A color %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/VISTA/VISTA-Orion-A-Colored %VerboseDescr The observations of the Orion A molecular cloud have been carried out with the Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy, a 4m class telescope that is operated by the European Southern Observatory (ESO) as part of its Cerro Paranal facilities. The HEALPix survey, color (R=red[1.25um]/G=green[1.65um]/B=blue[2.15um]) is based on near-infrared data obtained with the ESO VISTA telescope. Program ID: 090.C-0797(A) %Copyright ESO %Origin CDS %Id P/VistaOrion/color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.eso.org/public/ %SkyFraction 5.337E-4 %Aladin.XLabel Vista Orion A color %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/VISTA %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2015-12-16T12:56Z %ActionName P-WENSS.hpx %Description The Westerbork Northern Sky Survey %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/WENSS %VerboseDescr WENSS radio survey (325MHz). Resampled in Healpix by CDS. The Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (WENSS) is a low-frequency radio survey, designed to cover the whole sky north of declination 30deg at a wavelength of 92 cm (325 MHz), and about a quarter of this region, concentrated at high galactic latitudes, at a wavelength of 49 cm (609 MHz), to a limiting flux density of approximately 18 mJy and 15 mJy respectively. Observations for WENSS were carried out with the WSRT (The Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope) in a standard set-up. %Copyright https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/w3browse/all/wenss.html %Origin CDS %Id P/WENSS %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://www.astron.nl/wow/testcode.php?survey=1 %SkyFraction 0.2684 %Aladin.XLabel WENSS %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-09 %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image equatorial png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-04-17T21:27Z %ActionName P-WHAM.hpx %Description WHAM Halpha %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/WHAM %VerboseDescr 6563 A H-alpha recombination line of Hydrogen, from the Wisconsin Halpha Mapper (WHAM) all-sky survey. The resolution of the map is 1 degree and units are Rayleighs.\nHealpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) %Copyright IRAP/CADE %Origin ov-gso %Id P/WHAM %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://cade.irap.omp.eu %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel WHAM Halpha %Aladin.Tree Image/Gas-lines/Halpha %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2017-05-15T12:44Z %ActionName P-WISE-W1.hpx %Description WISE W1 (3.4um) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/WISE/W1 %VerboseDescr Wide-field Infrared Survey Explore (WISE) is a MIDEX (medium class Explorer) mission funded by NASA. The WISE short-wavelength channels employ 4.2 and 5.4um cutoff HgCdTe arrays fabricated by Teledyne Imaging Sensors with 1024x1024 pixels each 18 um square. WISE W1 (3.4um) from raw Atlas Images (not background matched nor zodi-corrected). Resampled in Healpix by Frank Masci (IPAC). The spatial resolution is limited to 12 arcsec. %Copyright University of Massachusetts & IPAC/Caltech %Origin CDS %Id P/WISE/W1 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/release/allsky/expsup/sec1_6b.html %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel WISE W1 %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/WISE/Low %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-003-XX-01 %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2012-04-05T13:30Z %ActionName P-WISE-W2.hpx %Description WISE W2 (4.6um) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/WISE/W2 %VerboseDescr Wide-field Infrared Survey Explore (WISE) is a MIDEX (medium class Explorer) mission funded by NASA. The WISE short-wavelength channels employ 4.2 and 5.4um cutoff HgCdTe arrays fabricated by Teledyne Imaging Sensors with 1024x1024 pixels each 18 um square. WISE W2 (4.6um) from raw Atlas Images (not background matched nor zodi-corrected).Resampled in Healpix by Frank Masci (IPAC). The spatial resolution is limited to 12 arcsec. %Copyright University of Massachusetts & IPAC/Caltech %Origin CDS %Id P/WISE/W2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/release/allsky/expsup/sec1_6b.html %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel WISE W2 %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/WISE/Low %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-003-XX-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2015-04-13T15:21Z %ActionName P-WISE-W3.hpx %Description WISE W3 (12um) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/WISE/W3 %VerboseDescr Wide-field Infrared Survey Explore (WISE) is a MIDEX (medium class Explorer) mission funded by NASA. The WISE short-wavelength channels employ 4.2 and 5.4um cutoff HgCdTe arrays fabricated by Teledyne Imaging Sensors with 1024x1024 pixels each 18 um square. WISE W3 (12um) from raw Atlas Images (not background matched nor zodi-corrected). Resampled in Healpix by Frank Masci (IPAC). The spatial resolution is limited to 12 arcsec. %Copyright WISE acknowledgment %Origin CDS %Id P/WISE/W3 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/release/allsky/expsup/sec1_6b.html %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel WISE W3 %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/WISE/Low %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-003-XX-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2015-04-13T15:42Z %ActionName P-WISE-W4.hpx %Description WISE W4 (22um) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/WISE/W4 %VerboseDescr Wide-field Infrared Survey Explore (WISE) is a MIDEX (medium class Explorer) mission funded by NASA. The WISE short-wavelength channels employ 4.2 and 5.4um cutoff HgCdTe arrays fabricated by Teledyne Imaging Sensors with 1024x1024 pixels each 18 um square. WISE W1 (3.4um) from raw Atlas Images (not background matched nor zodi-corrected). Resampled in Healpix by Frank Masci (IPAC). The spatial resolution is limited to 12 arcsec. %Copyright WISE acknowledgment %Origin CDS %Id P/WISE/W4 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/release/allsky/expsup/sec1_6b.html %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel WISE W4 %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/WISE/Low %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-003-XX-04 %Aladin.HpxParam 5 image galactic jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2015-04-13T16:04Z %ActionName P-WISE-WSSA-12um.hpx %Description Diffuse dust 12um WSSA (Meisner & Finkbeiner 2013) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/WSSA %VerboseDescr Diffuse Galactic dust emission at 12um from the processing of the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) data set by Meisner & Finkbeiner (2013). The 430 WISE Sky Survey Atlas (WSSA) tiles were resampled in Healpix by Thomas Boch (CDS). The spatial resolution is limited to 15 arcsec. %Copyright Meisner & Finkbeiner (2013) %Origin CDS %Id P/WISE/WSSA/12um %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://faun.rc.fas.harvard.edu/ameisner/wssa/ %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel WISE WSSA 12um %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/WISE/WSSA %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-003-01-01 %Aladin.HpxParam 7 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-04-17T22:08Z %ActionName P-WMAP-K-9yr.hpx %Description WMAP K - 9yr %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/WMAP9yr/WMAPK9yr %VerboseDescr The WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) mission is designed to determine the geometry, content, and evolution of the universe.The K-band is centered at 13 mm (23 GHz), its beam size is 0.88 deg (square-root of the beam solid angle). %Copyright HEASARC/LAMBDA %Origin CDS %Id P/WMAP/K/9yr %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/product/map/dr5/maps_band_r9_i_9yr_get.cfm %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel WMAP K 9yr %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/WMAP %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-03-05 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-11-25T18:10Z %ActionName P-WMAP-Ka-9yr.hpx %Description WMAP Ka - 9yr %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/WMAP9yr/WMAPKa9yr %VerboseDescr The WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) mission is designed to determine the geometry, content, and evolution of the universe.The Ka-band is centered at 9.1 mm (33 GHz), its beam size is 0.66 deg (square-root of the beam solid angle). %Copyright HEASARC/LAMBDA %Origin CDS %Id P/WMAP/Ka/9yr %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/product/map/dr5/maps_band_r9_i_9yr_get.cfm %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel WMAP Ka 9yr %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/WMAP %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-03-04 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-11-25T18:12Z %ActionName P-WMAP-Q-9yr.hpx %Description WMAP Q - 9yr %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/WMAP9yr/WMAPQ9yr %VerboseDescr The WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) mission is designed to determine the geometry, content, and evolution of the universe.The Q-band is centered at 7.3 mm (41 GHz), its beam size is 0.51 deg (square-root of the beam solid angle). %Copyright HEASARC/LAMBDA %Origin CDS %Id P/WMAP/Q/9yr %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/product/map/dr5/maps_band_r9_i_9yr_get.cfm %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel WMAP Q 9yr %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/WMAP %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-03-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-11-25T18:14Z %ActionName P-WMAP-V-9yr.hpx %Description WMAP V - 9yr %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/WMAP9yr/WMAPV9yr %VerboseDescr The WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) mission is designed to determine the geometry, content, and evolution of the universe.The V-band is centered at 4.9 mm (61 GHz), its beam size is 0.35 deg (square-root of the beam solid angle). %Copyright HEASARC/LAMBDA %Origin CDS %Id P/WMAP/V/9yr %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/product/map/dr5/maps_band_r9_i_9yr_get.cfm %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel WMAP V 9yr %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/WMAP %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-03-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-11-25T18:15Z %ActionName P-WMAP-W-9yr.hpx %Description WMAP W - 9yr %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/WMAP9yr/WMAPW9yr %VerboseDescr The WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) mission is designed to determine the geometry, content, and evolution of the universe.The W-band is centered at 3.2 mm (94 GHz), its beam size is 0.22 deg (square-root of the beam solid angle). %Copyright HEASARC/LAMBDA %Origin CDS %Id P/WMAP/W/9yr %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/product/map/dr5/maps_band_r9_i_9yr_get.cfm %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel WMAP W 9yr %Aladin.Tree Image/Radio/WMAP %Aladin.MenuNumber 05-03-01 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image galactic png jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2014-11-25T18:16Z %ActionName P-XMM-PN-color.hpx %Description False color X-ray images (Red=0.5-1 Green=1-2 Blue=2-4.5 Kev ) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %SeeAction P-XMM-PN-color_0.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-XMM-PN-color_1.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-XMM-PN-color_2.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-XMM-PN-color_3.hpx availability=0 %VerboseDescr Colored image made with all PN images of the 3xmmdr8: Red=0.5-1Kev Green=1-2Kev Blue=2-4.5Kev - Healpixilized by Michel L. [Observatoire de Strasbourg] %Copyright (c) ESA / SSC XMM-Newton %Origin xcatdb %Id P/XMM/PN/color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://xmmssc.irap.omp.eu/ %SkyFraction 0.08287 %Aladin.XLabel XMM PN colored %Aladin.Tree Image/X-ray/XMM %Aladin.MenuNumber lite %Aladin.HpxParam 7 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2018-07-10T06:48Z %ActionName P-XMM-PN-eb2.hpx %Description X-ray images on band 0.5-1Kev %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://saada.unistra.fr/PNRed %VerboseDescr Image made with all PN images of the 3xmmdr8 in band 0.5-1Kev - Healpixilized by L. Michel [Observatoire de Strasbourg] %Copyright (c) ESA / SSC XMM-Newton %Origin xcatdb %Id P/XMM/PN/eb2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://xmmssc.irap.omp.eu/ %SkyFraction 0.02227 %Aladin.XLabel XMM PN eb2 %Aladin.Tree Image/X-ray/XMM %Aladin.HpxParam 7 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-07-09T16:14Z %ActionName P-XMM-PN-eb3.hpx %Description X-ray images on band 1-2Kev %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://saada.unistra.fr/PNGreen %VerboseDescr Image made with all PN images of the 3xmmdr8 in band 1-2Kev - Healpixilized by L. Michel [Observatoire de Strasbourg] %Copyright (c) ESA / SSC XMM-Newton %Origin xcatdb %Id P/XMM/PN/eb3 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://xmmssc.irap.omp.eu/ %SkyFraction 0.02227 %Aladin.XLabel P/XMM/PN/eb3 %Aladin.Tree Image/X-ray/XMM %Aladin.HpxParam 7 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-07-09T17:43Z %ActionName P-XMM-PN-eb4.hpx %Description X-ray images on band 2-4.5Kev %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://saada.unistra.fr/PNBlue %VerboseDescr Image made with all PN images of the 3xmmdr8 in band 2-4.5Kev - Healpixilized by L. Michel [Observatoire de Strasbourg] %Copyright (c) ESA / SSC XMM-Newton %Origin xcatdb %Id P/XMM/PN/eb4 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://xmmssc.irap.omp.eu/ %SkyFraction 0.02227 %Aladin.XLabel XMM PN eb4 %Aladin.Tree Image/X-ray/XMM %Aladin.HpxParam 7 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-07-09T19:15Z %ActionName P-allWISE-W1.hpx %Description AllWISE W1 (3.4um) from raw Atlas Images %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/AllWISE/W1 %VerboseDescr NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE; Wright et al.2010) mapped the sky at 3.4, 4.6, 12, and 22 um (W1, W2, W3, W4) in 2010 with an angular resolution of 6.1", 6.4", 6.5", & 12.0" in the four bands. WISE achieved 5 sigma point source sensitivities better than 0.08, 0.11, 1 and 6 mJy in unconfused regions on the ecliptic in the four bands. Sensitivity improves toward the ecliptic poles due to denser coverage and lower zodiacal background.The All-Sky Release includes all data taken during the WISE full cryogenic mission phase, 7 January 2010 to 6 August 2010, that were processed with improved calibrations and reduction algorithms. %Copyright IPAC/NASA %Origin CDS %Id P/allWISE/W1 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/release/allsky/ %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer - W1 band (allWISE W1) %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/WISE %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-003-01 %Aladin.HpxParam 8 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-06-03T14:49Z %ActionName P-allWISE-W2.hpx %Description AllWISE W2 (4.6um) from raw Atlas Images %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/AllWISE/W2 %VerboseDescr NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE; Wright et al.2010) mapped the sky at 3.4, 4.6, 12, and 22 um (W1, W2, W3, W4) in 2010 with an angular resolution of 6.1", 6.4", 6.5", & 12.0" in the four bands. WISE achieved 5 sigma point source sensitivities better than 0.08, 0.11, 1 and 6 mJy in unconfused regions on the ecliptic in the four bands. Sensitivity improves toward the ecliptic poles due to denser coverage and lower zodiacal background.The All-Sky Release includes all data taken during the WISE full cryogenic mission phase, 7 January 2010 to 6 August 2010, that were processed with improved calibrations and reduction algorithms. %Copyright IPAC/NASA %Origin CDS %Id P/allWISE/W2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/release/allwise/expsup/sec1_6b.html %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer - W2 band (allWISE W2) %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/WISE %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-003-02 %Aladin.HpxParam 8 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-06-03T14:58Z %ActionName P-allWISE-W3.hpx %Description AllWISE W3 (12um) from raw Atlas Images %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/AllWISE/W3 %VerboseDescr NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE; Wright et al.2010) mapped the sky at 3.4, 4.6, 12, and 22 um (W1, W2, W3, W4) in 2010 with an angular resolution of 6.1", 6.4", 6.5", & 12.0" in the four bands. WISE achieved 5 sigma point source sensitivities better than 0.08, 0.11, 1 and 6 mJy in unconfused regions on the ecliptic in the four bands. Sensitivity improves toward the ecliptic poles due to denser coverage and lower zodiacal background.The All-Sky Release includes all data taken during the WISE full cryogenic mission phase, 7 January 2010 to 6 August 2010, that were processed with improved calibrations and reduction algorithms. %Copyright IPAC/NASA %Origin CDS %Id P/allWISE/W3 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/release/allwise/expsup/sec1_6b.html %SkyFraction 0.9999 %Aladin.XLabel The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer - W3 band (allWISE W3) %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/WISE %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-003-03 %Aladin.HpxParam 8 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-06-03T14:58Z %ActionName P-allWISE-W4.hpx %Description AllWISE W4 (22um) from raw Atlas Images %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1530785658 2018/07/05 12:14:18 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/AllWISE/W4 %VerboseDescr NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE; Wright et al.2010) mapped the sky at 3.4, 4.6, 12, and 22 um (W1, W2, W3, W4) in 2010 with an angular resolution of 6.1", 6.4", 6.5", & 12.0" in the four bands. WISE achieved 5 sigma point source sensitivities better than 0.08, 0.11, 1 and 6 mJy in unconfused regions on the ecliptic in the four bands. Sensitivity improves toward the ecliptic poles due to denser coverage and lower zodiacal background.The All-Sky Release includes all data taken during the WISE full cryogenic mission phase, 7 January 2010 to 6 August 2010, that were processed with improved calibrations and reduction algorithms. %Copyright IPAC/NASA %Origin CDS %Id P/allWISE/W4 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/release/allwise/expsup/sec1_6b.html %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer - W4 band (allWISE W4) %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/WISE %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-003-04 %Aladin.HpxParam 8 image equatorial jpeg fits %Aladin.Date 2016-06-03T14:58Z %ActionName P-allWISE-color.hpx %Description AllWISE color Red (W4) , Green (W2) , Blue (W1) from raw Atlas Images %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %SeeAction P-allWISE-color_0.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-allWISE-color_1.hpx availability=11 %SeeAction P-allWISE-color_2.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-allWISE-color_3.hpx availability=0 %SeeAction P-allWISE-color_4.hpx availability=9999 %SeeAction P-allWISE-color_5.hpx availability=1055 %SeeAction P-allWISE-color_6.hpx availability=9999 %VerboseDescr NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE; Wright et al. 2010) mapped the sky at 3.4, 4.6, 12, and 22 um (W1, W2, W3, W4) in 2010 with an angular resolution of 6.1", 6.4", 6.5", & 12.0" in the four bands. WISE achieved 5\u03c3 point source sensitivities better than 0.08, 0.11, 1 and 6 mJy in unconfused regions on the ecliptic in the four bands. Sensitivity improves toward the ecliptic poles due to denser coverage and lower zodiacal background. The All-Sky Release includes all data taken during the WISE full cryogenic mission phase, 7 January 2010 to 6 August 2010, that were processed with improved calibrations and reduction algorithms. %Copyright IPAC/NASA %Origin CDS %Id P/allWISE/color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/release/allsky/ %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer - W4-W2-W1 bands (allWISE color RGB-W4-W2-W1) %Aladin.Tree Image/Infrared/WISE %Aladin.MenuNumber 04-003-00 lite %Aladin.HpxParam 8 image color equatorial jpeg %Aladin.Date 2016-07-01T06:44Z %ActionName P-bice.hpx %Description ID1490928593 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/judo2/HiPS/bice %Origin JAXA %Id P/bice %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.02512 %Aladin.XLabel ID1490928593 %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image color equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-03-31T02:50Z %ActionName P-cda-hips-allsky-rgb.hpx %Description CXC HiPS %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1563821297 2019/07/22 20:48:17 %Url https://cdaftp.cfa.harvard.edu/cxc-hips %VerboseDescr CXC public observations as of 2018/03/01 %Copyright Chandra Data Archive (http://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/cda/) %Origin cxc.harvard.edu %Id P/cda/hips/allsky/rgb %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %SkyFraction 0.02191 %Aladin.XLabel CDA %Aladin.Tree Image/X/CXC %Aladin.HpxParam 11 image color live equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2019-06-17T15:22Z %ActionName P-omega-albedo_filled.hpx %Description omega albedo_filled %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://healpix.ias.u-psud.fr/idoc_P_omega_albedo_filled %VerboseDescr Omega Mineral maps are OMEGA-base maps. OMEGA is the spectro-imaging instrument of the ESA Mars-Express mission, inserted on the martian orbit the 25th of December 2003. %Origin idoc %Id P/omega/albedo_filled %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 1 %Aladin.XLabel Omega mineral maps - Mars Express %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars/Omega %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image mars png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-10-01T15:12Z %ActionName P-omega-albedo_r1080.hpx %Description omega albedo_r1080 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://healpix.ias.u-psud.fr/idoc_P_omega_albedo_r1080 %VerboseDescr Omega Mineral maps are OMEGA-base maps. OMEGA is the spectro-imaging instrument of the ESA Mars-Express mission, inserted on the martian orbit the 25th of December 2003. %Origin idoc %Id P/omega/albedo_r1080 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 0.9854 %Aladin.XLabel Omega mineral maps - Mars Express %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars/Omega %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image mars png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-10-17T14:40Z %ActionName P-omega-albedo_unfilled.hpx %Description omega albedo_unfilled %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://healpix.ias.u-psud.fr/idoc_P_omega_albedo_unfilled %VerboseDescr Omega Mineral maps are OMEGA-base maps. OMEGA is the spectro-imaging instrument of the ESA Mars-Express mission, inserted on the martian orbit the 25th of December 2003. %Origin idoc %Id P/omega/albedo_unfilled %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 0.9771 %Aladin.XLabel Omega mineral maps - Mars Express %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars/Omega %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image mars png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-10-01T16:01Z %ActionName P-omega-emissivite_5-03mic.hpx %Description omega emissivite_5-03mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://healpix.ias.u-psud.fr/idoc_P_omega_emissivite_5-03mic %VerboseDescr Omega Mineral maps are OMEGA-base maps. OMEGA is the spectro-imaging instrument of the ESA Mars-Express mission, inserted on the martian orbit the 25th of December 2003. %Origin idoc %Id P/omega/emissivite_5-03mic %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 0.9942 %Aladin.XLabel Omega mineral maps - Mars Express %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars/Omega %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image mars png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-10-17T13:55Z %ActionName P-omega-emissivite_5-05mic.hpx %Description omega emissivite_5-05mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://healpix.ias.u-psud.fr/idoc_P_omega_emissivite_5-05mic %VerboseDescr Omega Mineral maps are OMEGA-base maps. OMEGA is the spectro-imaging instrument of the ESA Mars-Express mission, inserted on the martian orbit the 25th of December 2003. %Origin idoc %Id P/omega/emissivite_5-05mic %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 0.9942 %Aladin.XLabel Omega mineral maps - Mars Express %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars/Omega %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image mars png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-10-17T13:58Z %ActionName P-omega-emissivite_5-07mic.hpx %Description omega emissivite_5-07mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://healpix.ias.u-psud.fr/idoc_P_omega_emissivite_5-07mic %VerboseDescr Omega Mineral maps are OMEGA-base maps. OMEGA is the spectro-imaging instrument of the ESA Mars-Express mission, inserted on the martian orbit the 25th of December 2003. %Origin idoc %Id P/omega/emissivite_5-07mic %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 0.9942 %Aladin.XLabel Omega mineral maps - Mars Express %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars/Omega %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image mars png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-10-17T13:59Z %ActionName P-omega-emissivite_5-09mic.hpx %Description omega emissivite_5-09mic %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://healpix.ias.u-psud.fr/idoc_P_omega_emissivite_5-09mic %VerboseDescr Omega Mineral maps are OMEGA-base maps. OMEGA is the spectro-imaging instrument of the ESA Mars-Express mission, inserted on the martian orbit the 25th of December 2003. %Origin idoc %Id P/omega/emissivite_5-09mic %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 0.9942 %Aladin.XLabel Omega mineral maps - Mars Express %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars/Omega %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image mars png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-10-17T14:05Z %ActionName P-omega-ferric_bd530.hpx %Description omega ferric_bd530 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://healpix.ias.u-psud.fr/idoc_P_omega_ferric_bd530 %VerboseDescr Omega Mineral maps are OMEGA-base maps. OMEGA is the spectro-imaging instrument of the ESA Mars-Express mission, inserted on the martian orbit the 25th of December 2003. %Origin idoc %Id P/omega/ferric_bd530 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 0.9283 %Aladin.XLabel Omega mineral maps - Mars Express %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars/Omega %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image mars png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-10-17T14:42Z %ActionName P-omega-ferric_nnphs.hpx %Description omega ferric_nnphs %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://healpix.ias.u-psud.fr/idoc_P_omega_ferric_nnphs %VerboseDescr Omega Mineral maps are OMEGA-base maps. OMEGA is the spectro-imaging instrument of the ESA Mars-Express mission, inserted on the martian orbit the 25th of December 2003. %Origin idoc %Id P/omega/ferric_nnphs %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 0.9285 %Aladin.XLabel Omega mineral maps - Mars Express %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars/Omega %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image mars png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-09-17T14:28Z %ActionName P-omega-olivine_osp1.hpx %Description omega olivine_osp1 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://healpix.ias.u-psud.fr/idoc_P_omega_olivine_osp1 %VerboseDescr Omega Mineral maps are OMEGA-base maps. OMEGA is the spectro-imaging instrument of the ESA Mars-Express mission, inserted on the martian orbit the 25th of December 2003. %Origin idoc %Id P/omega/olivine_osp1 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 0.02673 %Aladin.XLabel Omega mineral maps - Mars Express %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars/Omega %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image mars png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-09-17T14:29Z %ActionName P-omega-olivine_osp2.hpx %Description omega olivine_osp2 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://healpix.ias.u-psud.fr/idoc_P_omega_olivine_osp2 %VerboseDescr Omega Mineral maps are OMEGA-base maps. OMEGA is the spectro-imaging instrument of the ESA Mars-Express mission, inserted on the martian orbit the 25th of December 2003. %Origin idoc %Id P/omega/olivine_osp2 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 0.002061 %Aladin.XLabel Omega mineral maps - Mars Express %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars/Omega %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image mars png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-09-17T14:29Z %ActionName P-omega-olivine_osp3.hpx %Description omega olivine_osp3 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://healpix.ias.u-psud.fr/idoc_P_omega_olivine_osp3 %VerboseDescr Omega Mineral maps are OMEGA-base maps. OMEGA is the spectro-imaging instrument of the ESA Mars-Express mission, inserted on the martian orbit the 25th of December 2003. %Origin idoc %Id P/omega/olivine_osp3 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 0.002444 %Aladin.XLabel Omega mineral maps - Mars Express %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars/Omega %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image mars png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-09-17T14:29Z %ActionName P-omega-pyroxene_bd2000.hpx %Description omega pyroxene_bd2000 %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://healpix.ias.u-psud.fr/idoc_P_omega_pyroxene_bd2000 %VerboseDescr Omega Mineral maps are OMEGA-base maps. OMEGA is the spectro-imaging instrument of the ESA Mars-Express mission, inserted on the martian orbit the 25th of December 2003. %Origin idoc %Id P/omega/pyroxene_bd2000 %Aladin.Profile >6.1 beta %SkyFraction 0.5203 %Aladin.XLabel Omega mineral maps - Mars Express %Aladin.Tree Solar system/Mars/Omega %Aladin.HpxParam 3 image mars png fits %Aladin.Date 2018-09-17T14:35Z %ActionName P-skymapper-G.hpx %Description Skymapper G-band %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Skymapper/skymapper_G %VerboseDescr The SkyMapper First Data Release provides data from the Shallow Survey across >98% of the southern sky, mostly covering the range from the South Celestial Pole to +2 deg in declination, with some extra coverage reaching +10 deg. Included are fields observed between March 2014 and September 2015, with a number of quality cuts applied. Each visit to a given field includes an exposure in all six filters, uvgriz, although on some fields (12%) not all filter images passed the quality cuts. Measurements from over 2.3 billion detections covering over 20,200 deg2 of sky are available. HiPS made by CDS from the original images (sky background removed by SKymapper team). %Copyright Australian National University %Origin CDS %Id P/skymapper-G %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://skymapper.anu.edu.au/policies/authorship/ %SkyFraction 0.5046 %Aladin.XLabel skymapper-G %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/Skymapper %Aladin.MenuNumber 03 %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-10-05T21:37Z %ActionName P-skymapper-I.hpx %Description Skymapper I-band %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Skymapper/skymapper_I %VerboseDescr The SkyMapper First Data Release provides data from the Shallow Survey across >98% of the southern sky, mostly covering the range from the South Celestial Pole to +2 deg in declination, with some extra coverage reaching +10 deg. Included are fields observed between March 2014 and September 2015, with a number of quality cuts applied. Each visit to a given field includes an exposure in all six filters, uvgriz, although on some fields (12%) not all filter images passed the quality cuts. Measurements from over 2.3 billion detections covering over 20,200 deg2 of sky are available. HiPS made by CDS from the original images (sky background removed by SKymapper team). %Copyright Australian National University %Origin CDS %Id P/skymapper-I %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://skymapper.anu.edu.au/policies/authorship/ %SkyFraction 0.4917 %Aladin.XLabel skymapper-I %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/Skymapper %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-xx %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-09-24T17:14Z %ActionName P-skymapper-R.hpx %Description Skymapper R-band %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Skymapper/skymapper_R %VerboseDescr The SkyMapper First Data Release provides data from the Shallow Survey across >98% of the southern sky, mostly covering the range from the South Celestial Pole to +2 deg in declination, with some extra coverage reaching +10 deg. Included are fields observed between March 2014 and September 2015, with a number of quality cuts applied. Each visit to a given field includes an exposure in all six filters, uvgriz, although on some fields (12%) not all filter images passed the quality cuts. Measurements from over 2.3 billion detections covering over 20,200 deg2 of sky are available. HiPS made by CDS from the original images (sky background removed by SKymapper team). %Copyright Australian National University %Origin CDS %Id P/skymapper-R %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://skymapper.anu.edu.au/policies/authorship/ %SkyFraction 0.5 %Aladin.XLabel skymapper-R %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/Skymapper %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-xx %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-09-28T06:53Z %ActionName P-skymapper-U.hpx %Description Skymapper U-band %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Skymapper/skymapper_U %VerboseDescr The SkyMapper First Data Release provides data from the Shallow Survey across >98% of the southern sky, mostly covering the range from the South Celestial Pole to +2 deg in declination, with some extra coverage reaching +10 deg. Included are fields observed between March 2014 and September 2015, with a number of quality cuts applied. Each visit to a given field includes an exposure in all six filters, uvgriz, although on some fields (12%) not all filter images passed the quality cuts. Measurements from over 2.3 billion detections covering over 20,200 deg2 of sky are available. HiPS made by CDS from the original images (sky background removed by SKymapper team). %Copyright Australian National University %Origin CDS %Id P/skymapper-U %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://skymapper.anu.edu.au/policies/authorship/ %SkyFraction 0.4605 %Aladin.XLabel skymapper-U %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/Skymapper %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-xx %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-10-25T18:21Z %ActionName P-skymapper-V.hpx %Description Skymapper V-band %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Skymapper/skymapper_V %VerboseDescr The SkyMapper First Data Release provides data from the Shallow Survey across >98% of the southern sky, mostly covering the range from the South Celestial Pole to +2 deg in declination, with some extra coverage reaching +10 deg. Included are fields observed between March 2014 and September 2015, with a number of quality cuts applied. Each visit to a given field includes an exposure in all six filters, uvgriz, although on some fields (12%) not all filter images passed the quality cuts. Measurements from over 2.3 billion detections covering over 20,200 deg2 of sky are available. HiPS made by CDS from the original images (sky background removed by SKymapper team). %Copyright Australian National University %Origin CDS %Id P/skymapper-V %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://skymapper.anu.edu.au/policies/authorship/ %SkyFraction 0.4499 %Aladin.XLabel skymapper-V %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/Skymapper %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-xx %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-12-02T01:11Z %ActionName P-skymapper-Z.hpx %Description Skymapper Z-band %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Skymapper/skymapper_Z %VerboseDescr The SkyMapper First Data Release provides data from the Shallow Survey across >98% of the southern sky, mostly covering the range from the South Celestial Pole to +2 deg in declination, with some extra coverage reaching +10 deg. Included are fields observed between March 2014 and September 2015, with a number of quality cuts applied. Each visit to a given field includes an exposure in all six filters, uvgriz, although on some fields (12%) not all filter images passed the quality cuts. Measurements from over 2.3 billion detections covering over 20,200 deg2 of sky are available. HiPS made by CDS from the original images (sky background removed by SKymapper team). %Copyright Australian National University %Origin CDS %Id P/skymapper-Z %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://skymapper.anu.edu.au/policies/authorship/ %SkyFraction 0.496 %Aladin.XLabel skymapper-Z %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/Skymapper %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-xx %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image equatorial png fits %Aladin.Date 2017-11-12T22:20Z %ActionName P-skymapper-color.hpx %Description Skymapper color (red-I,green-R,blue-G) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1551076531 2019/02/25 08:35:31 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/Skymapper/skymapper_color %VerboseDescr The SkyMapper First Data Release provides data from the Shallow Survey across >98% %Copyright Australian National University %Origin CDS %Id P/skymapper-color %Aladin.Profile >6.1 %Copyright.Url http://skymapper.anu.edu.au/policies/authorship/ %SkyFraction 0.508 %Aladin.XLabel skymapper-color %Aladin.Tree Image/Optical/Skymapper %Aladin.MenuNumber 03-xx %Aladin.HpxParam 9 image color equatorial png %Aladin.Date 2017-11-20T06:46Z %ActionName PASP.fullpaper %Description Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific article %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 1998/07/21 11:38:08 %SeeAction PASP.fullpaper.fr availability=0 %SeeAction PASP.fullpaper.us availability=1012 %ActionName PASP.home %Description PASP Electronic Edition %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 1998/02/16 11:43:08 %SeeAction PASP.home.fr availability=9999 %SeeAction PASP.home.us availability=9999 %ActionName Portal.home %Description Home page du portail %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1352793574 2012/11/13 09:59:34 %Url http://cdsportal.u-strasbg.fr %FullTextResult CDS Portal %Test noparam pattern="CDS Portal" %ActionName Portal.logo %Description Icone pour le portail %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1287144134 2010/10/15 14:02:14 %Url http://cdsportal.u-strasbg.fr %FullTextResult Portal icon %ActionName Portal.sesameService %Description Service Sesame (JSON ou XML) en backend du portail %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1481831838 2016/12/15 21:57:18 %Url http://cdsportal.u-strasbg.fr/services/sesame?object=$1&format=$2 %Test param="M1 json" pattern="83.63" %ActionName QUB.home %Description Queen's University Belfast, School of Computer Science %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1 2001/12/31 15:08:19 %Url http://www.qub.ac.uk/ %DefaultAnchorText QUB %ActionName Qualifier %Description Get the qualifiers for a position from the Aladin image server %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/AladinPreview?-c=$1&out=qualifier %ActionName Qualifier-test %Description Get the qualifiers for a position from the Aladin image server %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1490859993 2017/03/30 09:46:33 %Url http://aladix.u-strasbg.fr/java/alapre-test.pl?-c=$1&out=qualifier %ActionName Qualifier.GOODS %Description Get the qualifiers for a position from the New Aladin image server %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1490859993 2017/03/30 09:46:33 %Url http://aladix.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/nph-HTTP1.cgi?out=qualifier&position=$1&radius=$2 %ActionName QueryCat.test %Description Test de QueryCat %Owner CDS'querycat %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1340700229 2012/06/26 10:43:49 %Url http://cdsxmatch.u-strasbg.fr/QueryCat/QueryCat?catName=$1&mode=cone&pos=$2&r=$3arcmin&format=csv&limit=3 %Param.Description $1=Catalog name %Param.Description $2=Target %Param.Description $3=Radius %Param.DataType $1=E %Param.DataType $2=J2000 %Test param="SDSS8 240.36647+29.84967 10" pattern="240" %ResultDataType Mime(text/csv) %ActionName QueryCatDaemon %Description QueryCatDaemon for VizieR %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1578055402 2020/01/03 14:43:22 %SeeAction QueryCatDaemon.axel availability=1 %SeeAction QueryCatDaemon.iucaa availability=2 %ActionName QueryCatDaemon.ch %Description Big catalogue server (FX) (in china) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1720172344 2024/07/05 11:39:04 %Url http://vizier.china-vo.org/viz-bin/qat2s_asu.cgi?--source=$1&--c=$2&--out.max=$3&--c.rm=1&--host=vizier.china-vo.org %Test param="wise_allsky 0+0 1" pattern="WISE" %ActionName QueryCatDaemon.vizier %Description Big catalogue server (FX) (on vizier) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1720167763 2024/07/05 10:22:43 %Url https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/qat2s_asu.cgi?--source=$1&--c=$2&--out.max=$3&--c.rm=2&--host=vizcat.cds.unistra.fr %Test param="2mass6x 89.9-67.5 1" pattern="2MASS6X" %ActionName Question Feedback %Description Anchor for cds-question@unistra.fr %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1531208993 2018/07/10 09:49:53 %Url mailto:cds-question@unistra.fr?Subject=$1 %FullTextResult Please send comments and questions to \ncds-question@unistra.fr %ActionName RDAEurope.home %Description Home page du projet RDA Europe %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1372073572 2013/06/24 13:32:52 %Url http://europe.rd-alliance.org/ %ActionName SDSS-DR12.cat %Description SLOAN SDSS DR12 catalog %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576820496 2019/12/20 07:41:36 %Url http://skyserver.sdss.org/dr12/en/tools/search/x_results.aspx?searchtool=Radial&coordtype=equatorial&ra=$1&dec=$2&radius=$3&format=votable&limit=0 %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=Radius (arcmin) %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAd) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEd) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RADIUS) %ResultDataType Mime(text/xml) %Doc.User http://skyserver.sdss.org/dr12/en/tools/search/radial.aspx %Aladin.Profile <10.144 %Aladin.Label SLOAN SDSS DR12 %Aladin.Menu Others.. %Aladin.LabelPlane SDSS DR12 $1 $2 $3 %ActionName SDSS-lastDR %Description SDSS images (last release) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576256031 2019/12/13 18:53:51 %Url http://skyserver.sdss.org/vo/SIAP/SIAP.asmx/getSiapInfo?POS=$1,$2&SIZE=$3&FORMAT=image/fits&BANDPASS=ugriz %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=Radius in deg %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAd) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEd) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RADIUSd) %Param.Value $3=0.17 %ResultDataType Mime(sia/xml) %Aladin.Label SDSS %Aladin.LabelPlane SDSS %Aladin.Logo SDSSLogo.gif %ActionName SDSS.drX.id %Description Get details of last SDSS-IV (release XXX) from objID %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1692795605 2023/08/23 15:00:05 %Url http://skyserver.sdss.org/dr$1/en/tools/explore/summary.aspx?id=$2 %Param.Description $1=DR version number %Param.Description $2=SDSS-Identification (18-digit number) %Param.Value $2=17 %Param.Value $2=1237657190905086089 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS.drX.pos %Description Get details of last SDSS-IV (release XXX) from objID %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1692795605 2023/08/23 15:00:05 %Url http://skyserver.sdss.org/dr$1/en/tools/explore/summary.aspx?ra=$2&dec=$3 %Param.Description $1=DR version number %Param.Description $2=Right ascension (J2000) %Param.Description $3=Declination (J2000), decimal degrees %Param.DataType $2=Coo(J2000,RAdeg) %Param.DataType $3=Coo(J2000,DEdeg) %Param.Value $1=17 %Param.Value $2=0 %Param.Value $3=-0.279038 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS.drX.sp3 %Description Interactive spectrum from SDSS-IV (release XXX) from plate-MJD-fiber %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1692795605 2023/08/23 15:00:05 %Url http://skyserver.sdss.org/dr$1/en/tools/explore/summary.aspx?plate=$2&mjd=$3&fiber=$4 %Param.Description $1=DR version number %Param.Description $2=Plate number %Param.Description $3=MJD of observation %Param.Description $4=Filber number %Param.Value $1=17 %Param.Value $2=1489 %Param.Value $3=52991 %Param.Value $4=180 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS.id %Description Get details of last SDSS release from objID %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1692795605 2023/08/23 15:00:05 %Url http://cas.sdss.org/astro/en/tools/explore/obj.asp?id=$1 %Param.Description $1=SDSS-Identification (18-digit number) %Param.Value $1=587726032791995128 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS.pos %Description Get details of SDSS7 release from ra,dec %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://cas.sdss.org/astro/en/tools/explore/obj.asp?ra=$1&dec=$2 %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension (J2000), decimal degrees %Param.Description $2=Declination (J2000), decimal degrees %Param.DataType $1=Coo(J2000,RAdeg) %Param.DataType $2=Coo(J2000,DEdeg) %Param.Value $1=195.001179 %Param.Value $2=2.504048 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS.query %Description Get a result of a SQL query on SDSS7 release (html) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://cas.sdss.org/astro/en/tools/search/x_sql.asp?cmd=$1&format=html %Param.Description $1=SQL Query %Param.Value $1=Select * from PhotoObjAll where objID=587726032791995128 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS.sp %Description Get details of spectroscopic target from SDSS7 release from spID %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://cas.sdss.org/astro/en/get/specById.asp?id=$1 %Param.Description $1=SDSS-Spectro-Identification (18-digit number) %Param.Value $1=79597814924967936 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS.sp3 %Description Get details of SDSS7 release from plate-MJD-fiber %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://cas.sdss.org/astro/en/tools/explore/obj.asp?plate=$1&mjd=$2&fiber=$3 %Param.Description $1=Plate number %Param.Description $2=MJD of observation %Param.Description $3=Filber number %Param.Value $1=1050 %Param.Value $2=52721 %Param.Value $3=402 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS.sp3.fits %Description Get FITS spectrum from SDSS (release<=7) from plate-MJD-fiber %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://cas.sdss.org/astro/en/tools/explore/obj.asp?plate=$1&mjd=$2&fiber=$3 %Param.Description $1=Plate number %Param.Description $2=MJD of observation (>50000) %Param.Description $3=Filber number %Param.Value $1=1489 %Param.Value $2=52991 %Param.Value $3=489 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS.sql %Description Get a result of a SQL query on SDSS7 release as comma-separated-values %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://cas.sdss.org/astro/en/tools/search/x_sql.asp?cmd=$1&format=csv %Param.Description $1=SQL Query %Param.Value $1=Select * from PhotoObjAll where objID=587726032791995128 %ResultDataType Mime(application/text) %ActionName SDSS3.dr12.id %Description Get details of last SDSS-III (release 12) from objID %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://skyserver.sdss3.org/dr12/en/tools/explore/summary.aspx?id=$1 %Param.Description $1=SDSS-Identification (18-digit number) %Param.Value $1=1237657190905086089 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS3.dr12.pos %Description Get details of last SDSS-III (release 12) from objID %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://skyserver.sdss3.org/dr12/en/tools/explore/summary.aspx?ra=$1&dec=$2 %Param.Description $1=Right ascension (J2000) %Param.Description $2=Declination (J2000), decimal degrees %Param.DataType $1=Coo(J2000,RAdeg) %Param.DataType $2=Coo(J2000,DEdeg) %Param.Value $1=0 %Param.Value $2=-0.279038 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS3.dr12.sp3 %Description Interactive spectrum from SDSS-III (release 12) from plate-MJD-fiber %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://dr12.sdss.org/spectrumDetail?plateid=$1&mjd=$2&fiber=$3 %Param.Description $1=Plate number %Param.Description $2=MJD of observation %Param.Description $3=Filber number %Param.Value $1=1489 %Param.Value $2=52991 %Param.Value $3=180 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS3.id %Description Get details of last SDSS-III (release>=8) from objID %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://skyserver.sdss3.org/dr9/en/tools/quicklook/quickobj.asp?id=$1 %Param.Description $1=SDSS-Identification (18-digit number) %Param.Value $1=1237657190905086089 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS3.pos %Description Get details of target from SDSS-III (release>=8) from RA+Dec %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://skyserver.sdss3.org/dr9/en/tools/quicklook/quickobj.asp?ra=$1&dec=$2 %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension (J2000), decimal degrees %Param.Description $2=Declination (J2000), decimal degrees %Param.DataType $1=Coo(J2000,RAdeg) %Param.DataType $2=Coo(J2000,DEdeg) %Param.Value $1=359.836494 %Param.Value $2=-0.279038 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS3.sp %Description Get details of spectroscopic target from SDSS-III (release>=8) from spID %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://skyserver.sdss3.org/dr9/en/get/specById.asp?id=$1 %Param.Description $1=SDSS-Spectro-Identification (18-digit number) %Param.Value $1=435776895187970048 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS3.sp3 %Description Interactive spectrum from SDSS-III (release>=8) from plate-MJD-fiber %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://dr9.sdss3.org/spectrumDetail?plateid=$1&mjd=$2&fiber=$3 %Param.Description $1=Plate number %Param.Description $2=MJD of observation %Param.Description $3=Filber number %Param.Value $1=1489 %Param.Value $2=52991 %Param.Value $3=180 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS3.sp3.fits %Description Get FITS spectrum from SDSS-III (release>=8) from plate-MJD-fiber %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://dr9.sdss3.org/dr9-cgi/getSpectra/fits?plate=$1&mjd=$2&fiber=$3 %Param.Description $1=Plate number %Param.Description $2=MJD of observation (>50000) %Param.Description $3=Filber number %Param.Value $1=1489 %Param.Value $2=52991 %Param.Value $3=489 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS4.dr14.id %Description Get details of last SDSS-IV (release 14) from objID %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://skyserver.sdss.org/dr14/en/tools/explore/summary.aspx?id=$1 %Param.Description $1=SDSS-Identification (18-digit number) %Param.Value $1=1237657190905086089 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS4.dr14.pos %Description Get details of last SDSS-IV (release 14) from objID %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://skyserver.sdss.org/dr14/en/tools/explore/summary.aspx?ra=$1&dec=$2 %Param.Description $1=Right ascension (J2000) %Param.Description $2=Declination (J2000), decimal degrees %Param.DataType $1=Coo(J2000,RAdeg) %Param.DataType $2=Coo(J2000,DEdeg) %Param.Value $1=0 %Param.Value $2=-0.279038 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS4.dr14.sp3 %Description Interactive spectrum from SDSS-IV (release 14) from plate-MJD-fiber %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://dr14.sdss.org/optical/spectrum/view?plateid=$1&mjd=$2&fiberid=$3 %Param.Description $1=Plate number %Param.Description $2=MJD of observation %Param.Description $3=Filber number %Param.Value $1=1489 %Param.Value $2=52991 %Param.Value $3=180 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS4.dr15.id %Description Get details of last SDSS-IV (release 15) from objID %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1593087357 2020/06/25 14:15:57 %Url http://skyserver.sdss.org/dr15/en/tools/explore/summary.aspx?id=$1 %Param.Description $1=SDSS-Identification (18-digit number) %Param.Value $1=1237657190905086089 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS4.dr15.pos %Description Get details of last SDSS-IV (release 15) from objID %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1593087357 2020/06/25 14:15:57 %Url http://skyserver.sdss.org/dr15/en/tools/explore/summary.aspx?ra=$1&dec=$2 %Param.Description $1=Right ascension (J2000) %Param.Description $2=Declination (J2000), decimal degrees %Param.DataType $1=Coo(J2000,RAdeg) %Param.DataType $2=Coo(J2000,DEdeg) %Param.Value $1=0 %Param.Value $2=-0.279038 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS4.dr15.sp3 %Description Interactive spectrum from SDSS-IV (release 15) from plate-MJD-fiber %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1593087357 2020/06/25 14:15:57 %Url http://dr15.sdss.org/optical/spectrum/view?plateid=$1&mjd=$2&fiberid=$3 %Param.Description $1=Plate number %Param.Description $2=MJD of observation %Param.Description $3=Filber number %Param.Value $1=1489 %Param.Value $2=52991 %Param.Value $3=180 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS4.dr16.id %Description Get details of last SDSS-IV (release 16) from objID %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1593087357 2020/06/25 14:15:57 %Url http://skyserver.sdss.org/dr16/en/tools/explore/summary.aspx?id=$1 %Param.Description $1=SDSS-Identification (18-digit number) %Param.Value $1=1237657190905086089 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS4.dr16.pos %Description Get details of last SDSS-IV (release 16) from objID %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1593087357 2020/06/25 14:15:57 %Url http://skyserver.sdss.org/dr16/en/tools/explore/summary.aspx?ra=$1&dec=$2 %Param.Description $1=Right ascension (J2000) %Param.Description $2=Declination (J2000), decimal degrees %Param.DataType $1=Coo(J2000,RAdeg) %Param.DataType $2=Coo(J2000,DEdeg) %Param.Value $1=0 %Param.Value $2=-0.279038 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SDSS4.dr16.sp3 %Description Interactive spectrum from SDSS-IV (release 16) from plate-MJD-fiber %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1593087357 2020/06/25 14:15:57 %Url http://dr16.sdss.org/optical/spectrum/view?plateid=$1&mjd=$2&fiberid=$3 %Param.Description $1=Plate number %Param.Description $2=MJD of observation %Param.Description $3=Filber number %Param.Value $1=1489 %Param.Value $2=52991 %Param.Value $3=180 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SED %Description VizieR SED generator %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1354611371 2012/12/04 10:56:11 %SeeAction VizieR.sed availability=10000 %Param.Description $1=Object or coordinates %Param.Description $2=Radius (arcsec) %Param.DataType $1=Target(COO) %Param.Value $2=5 %ResultDataType Mime(application/xml) %VerboseDescr This form is dedicated to query VizieR Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) builder. The result is a table of various photometry points (Jansky vs Frequence) computed by VizieR from a list of photometry catalogs. Select the plane in the Aladin stack for drawing the SED. %Aladin.Menu Tools... %Aladin.Label VizieR SED %Aladin.labelPlane SED $1 %Aladin.Profile >7.536 %ActionName SF.fits %Description Get Full FITS Extract from SIRTF %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://www.cv.nrao.edu/cgi-bin/SFpostage.pl?Equinox=J2000&RA=$1&Dec=$2&Size=$3+$3&Cells=1.0+1.0&MAPROJ=SIN&Type=image/x-fits %Param.Description $1=Right ascension (J2000) %Param.Description $2=Declination (J2000) %Param.Description $3=Dimension in arcmin %Param.Value $3=5.0 %ResultDataType Mime(image/fits) %ActionName SIA %Description Generic SIAv1 query %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1507562904 2017/10/09 17:28:24 %Url $4POS=$1,$2&SIZE=$3&FORMAT=image/fits %Param.Description $4=Base URL (incl. '?') %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=Radius in deg %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAd) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEd) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RADIUSd) %Param.DataType $4=BaseUrl %Param.Value $3=0.17 %ResultDataType Mime(text/xml) %Aladin.Menu VO protocols.. %Aladin.XLabel Generic Simple Image Access v1 query %Aladin.LabelPlane $4 %Aladin.Profile >10 %ActionName SIA2 %Description Generic SIAv2 query %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1508724361 2017/10/23 04:06:01 %Url $4POS=CIRCLE+$1+$2+$3&ID=$5&COLLECTION=$6&FACILITY=$7&INSTRUMENT=$8&TARGET=$9&CALIB=$10&MAXREC=$11 %Param.Description $4=Server IVOID or base URL %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=Radius in deg %Param.Description $5=Data set identifier %Param.Description $6=Collection name %Param.Description $7=Telescope name %Param.Description $8=Instrument name %Param.Description $9=Target %Param.Description $10=Calibration level (0..3) %Param.Description $11=Maximum number of rec %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAd) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEd) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RADIUSd) %Param.DataType $4=BaseUrl(URL|ID) %Param.Value $3=0.17 %Param.Value $11=99999 %Param.Value $11=9999 %Param.Value $11=999 %Param.Value $11=99 %ResultDataType Mime(text/xml) %Aladin.Menu VO protocols.. %Aladin.XLabel Generic Simple Image Access v2 query %Aladin.LabelPlane $4 %Aladin.Profile >10 %ActionName SIMBAD.logo.mini %Description SIMBAD logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %FullTextResult Simbad %ResultDataType Mime(image/png) %ActionName SIMBAD4 %Description Description of SIMBAD4 %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1470738217 2016/08/09 12:23:37 %Url <&SimbadHelp>=simbad4 %Test noparam %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SIMBADQUERYCOOFORM %Description Simbad query coordinate form %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1189409429 2007/09/10 09:30:29 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/sim-fcoo?coord=$1 %FullTextResult $text %Param.Description $1=coordinates %Param.Optional $1 %Test noparam %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SIMBADQUERYIDFORM %Description Simbad query id form %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1189409429 2007/09/10 09:30:29 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/sim-fid %FullTextResult $text %Test noparam %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SIMBADQUERYREFFORM %Description Simbad query reference form %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1189409429 2007/09/10 09:30:29 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/sim-fref?bibcode=$1 %FullTextResult $text %Param.Description $1=bibcode %Param.DataType $1=B %Param.Optional $1 %Test noparam %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SIMBADSAMPLEFORM SIMBADQUERYSAMPLEFORM %Description Simbad sample form %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1188914002 2007/09/04 15:53:22 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/sim-fsam %Test noparam %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SIMBADSCRIPTFORM SIMBADQUERYLISTFORM %Description Simbad sample query form. %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1188914002 2007/09/04 15:53:22 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/sim-fscript %Test noparam %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SMB.O simbo %Description Simbad query by a bibliographical reference for the object list %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1229092752 2008/12/12 16:39:12 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/sim-ref?bibcode=$1&simbo=on&submit=submit%20bibcode %Param.Description $1=Bibcode %Param.DataType $1=B %Test param="1995A&AS..111...41N" %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SPLAT %Description Spectral Analysis Tool %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1634044739 2021/10/12 15:18:59 %VerboseDescr SPLAT is a graphical tool for displaying, comparing, modifying and analysing astronomical spectra stored in NDF, FITS and TEXT files as well as the new NDX format. It can read spectra from local disk files, download them over the Internet, or it can interact with the Virtual Observatory and query servers for spectral data in a region of the sky. %Institute PPARC, supported by JAC (Hawaii) %Copyright SPLAT is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License %Doc.User http://star-www.dur.ac.uk/~pdraper/splat/splat-vo %ReleaseNumber 3.9.0 (SAMP compatible) %Webstart http://star-www.dur.ac.uk/~pdraper/starjava/splat.jnlp %Aladin.Activated No %Aladin.VOLabel SPLAT spectral analysis tool [Starlink/PPARC/JAC] %ActionName SSA %Description Generic SSA v1 query %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1507562904 2017/10/09 17:28:24 %Url $4POS=$1,$2&SIZE=$3&REQUEST=queryData %Param.Description $4=Base URL (incl. '?') %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=Radius in deg %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAd) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEd) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RADIUSd) %Param.DataType $4=BaseUrl %Param.Value $3=0.17 %ResultDataType Mime(text/xml) %Aladin.Menu VO protocols.. %Aladin.XLabel Generic Simple Spectra Access query %Aladin.LabelPlane $4 %Aladin.Profile >10 %ActionName SSS.Ha %Description Get Images of SuperCosmos Ha-Survey (FITS) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://www-wfau.roe.ac.uk/~sss/cgi-bin/hapixel.cgi/cgi-bin/hapixel.cgi?coords=$1&equinox=2&size=$2&sizey=$2&waveband=$3&output=4&gif=0 %Param.Description $1=Coordinates HH MM SS.S +DD MM SS (J2000) %Param.Description $2=Size of box in arcmin %Param.Description $3=Survey: 1=Halpha, 2=ShortRed, 3=Both %Param.Value $1=17 34 59.10 -56 49 24.0 %Param.Value $2=4 %Param.Value $3=1 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SSS.cat %Description SuperCOSMOS catalog server - Edinburgh (UK) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576820496 2019/12/20 07:41:36 %Url http://www-wfau.roe.ac.uk/~sss/cgi-bin/sss_aladin_obj.cgi?ra=$1&dec=$2&xsize=$3&ysize=$4&waveband=$5 %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension (J2000) %Param.Description $2=Declination (J2000) %Param.Description $3=Width (arcmin) %Param.Description $4=Height (arcmin) %Param.Description $5=Waveband %Param.DataType $1=Target(RA) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DE) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RA) %Param.DataType $4=Field(DE) %Param.Value $3=10 %Param.Value $4=10 %Param.Value $5=1 - UKST Blue (Bj) %Param.Value $5=2 - UKST Red (R) %Param.Value $5=3 - UKST Infrared (I) %Param.Value $5=4 - ESO red (R) %Param.Value $5=5 - POSS-I red (R) %ResultDataType Mime(text/xml) %Doc.User http://www-wfau.roe.ac.uk/sss/ %Aladin.Label SuperCOSMOS catalog (SSS.cat) %Aladin.Menu Others.. %Aladin.Profile <10.144 %Aladin.LabelPlane SSS $5 %ActionName SSS.img %Description SuperCOSMOS image server- Edinburgh (UK) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576820496 2019/12/20 07:41:36 %Url http://www-wfau.roe.ac.uk/~sss/cgi-bin/sss_aladin_pix.cgi?ra=$1&dec=$2&mime-type=image/x-gfits&x=$3&y=$4&waveband=$5 %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension (J2000) %Param.Description $2=Declination (J2000) %Param.Description $3=Width (arcmin) %Param.Description $4=Height (arcmin) %Param.Description $5=Waveband %Param.DataType $1=Target(RA) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DE) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RA) %Param.DataType $4=Field(DE) %Param.Value $3=10 %Param.Value $4=10 %Param.Value $5=1 - UKST Blue (Bj) %Param.Value $5=2 - UKST Red (R) %Param.Value $5=3 - UKST Infrared (I) %Param.Value $5=4 - ESO red (R) %Param.Value $5=5 - POSS-I red (R) %ResultDataType Mime(image/gfits) %Doc.User http://www-wfau.roe.ac.uk/sss/ %Aladin.Label SuperCOSMOS images (SSS.img) %Aladin.Menu Others... %Aladin.Profile <10.144 %Aladin.LabelPlane SSS $5 %ActionName STECF.home %Description Space Telescope - European Coordinating Facility %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 2 2001/11/21 10:54:33 %Url http://www.stecf.org/ %DefaultAnchorText ST-ECF %ActionName SUBARU_Suprime-Cam %Description Subaru Suprime-Cam %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576820496 2019/12/20 07:41:36 %Url http://jvo.nao.ac.jp/skynode/do/siap/spcam/image_cutout/1.0?FORMAT=image/fits&POS=$1,$2&SIZE=$3,$4 %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=Width (deg) %Param.Description $4=Height (deg) %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAd) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEd) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RAd) %Param.DataType $4=Field(DEd) %Param.Value $3=0.17 %Param.Value $4=0.17 %ResultDataType Mime(sia/xml) %VerboseDescr Allows access (via SIAP) to Subaru Suprime-Cam images (The Subaru Prime Focus Camera (Suprime-Cam) is a mosaic of ten 2048 x 4096 CCDs, located at the prime focus of Subaru Telescope, which covers a 34' x 27' field of view with a pixel scale of 0.20''). %Institute Japan Virtual Observatory %Doc.User http://subarutelescope.org/Observing/Instruments/SCam/index.html %Aladin.Profile <10.144 %Aladin.Menu Archives... %Aladin.Label Subaru Suprime-Cam %Aladin.LabelPlane Suprime %ActionName SUMSS.fits %Description Get FITS Mosaic from SUMSS %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://www.astrop.physics.usyd.edu.au/mosaics/$1/$2.FITS %Param.Description $1=Galactic or Extragalactic %Param.Description $2=File Name %ResultDataType Mime(image/fits) %ActionName Script.Tutorial %Description The full CDS Tutorial %Owner CDS'glu %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1350312443 2012/10/15 16:47:23 %Url <&CDS.Tutorial,u> %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Sesame %Description CDS Sesame resolver %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1679318975 2023/03/20 15:29:35 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/nph-sesame/-oI/SVN?$1 %Test param="M1" pattern="05.34.*22.0" %ActionName Sesame.Service %Description CDS resolver (target name to coordinates) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638804008 2021/12/06 17:20:08 %Url https://cds.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/Sesame?$1 %FullTextResult Sesame %Param.DataType $1=I %Test param="V1357 Cyg" pattern="HD 226868" %ResultDataType Mime(text/plain) %Doc.User https://cds.unistra.fr/doc/sesame.htx %ActionName Sesame.WS %Description Object name resolver by Web Services %Owner CDS'ws %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1373967572 2013/07/16 11:39:32 %SeeAction Sesame.WS.fr availability=0 %SeeAction Sesame.WS.us availability=1055 %SeeAction Sesame.WS.ca availability=1055 %SeeAction Sesame.WS.jp availability=9999 %ActionName Sesame.WS.fr.bis %Description Object name resolver by Web services (CDS - Strasbourg) - backup %Owner CDS'ws %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cdsws2.u-strasbg.fr/axis/services/Sesame?$1 %Test param="method=sesame&name=hd226868" option="n" pattern="=Simbad" %Test param="wsdl" pattern="SesameResponse" %ResultDataType soap %Doc.Technical http://cds.unistra.fr/cdsws/name_resolver.gml %ActionName Sesame.jsonp %Description Service Sesame retournant du JSONP [utilisĂ© par Aladin Lite] %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1677663158 2023/03/01 11:32:38 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/nph-sesame.jsonp?object=$1&callback=$2 %Test param="hd42195 myCallback" pattern="92.8" %ActionName SimViz %Description Details for a SIMBAD Identification %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/VizieR-S?$1 %Param.DataType $1=I %Test param="\"V* R AND\"" %Test param="\"HIP 12345\"" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Simbad.Tutorial %Description Simbad tutorial %Owner CDS'glu %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1350312443 2012/10/15 16:47:23 %FullTextResult <&CDS.Tutorial,u>#simbadTutorial %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Simbad.logo %Description Simbad logo. %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1268472392 2010/03/13 11:26:32 %SeeAction Simbad.logo.viz availability=9999 %SeeAction Simbad.logo.rel availability=9999 %SeeAction Simbad.logo.abs availability=6 %ActionName Simbad.logo.tiny %Description Aladin logo %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&CDSheadU>/simbad_35x18.png %FullTextResult simbad %ResultDataType Mime(image/png) %DefaultAction simbad %ActionName SimbadD.us %Description Simbad display mirror prefix (USA) %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1721738169 2024/07/23 14:36:09 %FullTextResult http://simbad.harvard.edu/simbad/sim-display?data %ActionName SimbadDisplay %Description Simbad Display documentation %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1722948168 2024/08/06 14:42:48 %SeeAction SimbadD.fr availability=1 %ActionName SimbadG.us %Description Simbad guide mirror prefix (USA) %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1721738064 2024/07/23 14:34:24 %FullTextResult http://simbad.harvard.edu/guide %ActionName SimbadGlobal %Description Test global de Simbad %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1362059067 2013/02/28 15:44:27 %Url <&SimbadUrl,u>/sim-id?Ident=$1 %Test param="HD1" pattern="K0" %ActionName SimbadGuide %Description Simbad guide documentation %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1722948168 2024/08/06 14:42:48 %SeeAction SimbadG.fr availability=-1 %ActionName SimbadH.us %Description Simbad help mirror prefix (USA) %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1721738064 2024/07/23 14:34:24 %FullTextResult http://simbad.harvard.edu/simbad/sim-help?Page %ActionName SimbadHelp %Description Simbad generic Help %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1721738169 2024/07/23 14:36:09 %SeeAction SimbadH.fr availability=1 %ActionName SimbadIntro %Description What is SIMBAD, and what is not ? %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1470738217 2016/08/09 12:23:37 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/guide/SimbadIntro.htx %Test noparam %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SimbadQuick %Description Simbad finger facility (return object with the largest biblio ref) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1698066819 2023/10/23 15:13:39 %Url https://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/cone-aladin/?RADEC=$1&SR=$2&RESPONSEFORMAT=aladin %Test param="00+05+08.48+%2B67+50+26.1 0.015" option="n" pattern="HD *1" %ActionName SimbadResolve %Description Simbad resolver (target name to coordinates) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1 2001/12/10 14:35:23 %Url <&SimbadU>/simbad-getcoord.pl?Ident=$1 %ActionName SimbadU %Description Simbad mirror site management %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1127725585 2005/09/26 10:06:25 %SeeAction SimbadU.fr availability=9999 %SeeAction SimbadU.us availability=9999 %ActionName SimbadUrl %Description Simbad url root path %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1359724820 2013/02/01 15:20:20 %SeeAction SimbadUrl.fr availability=7 %SeeAction SimbadUrl.us availability=6 %ActionName SimbadXML %Description Query Simbad to retrieve object list around a target in XML format %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/cgi/simbad-flat/simbad-cs.py?target=$1&SR=$2&format=votable-tsv&SRUNIT=arcmin&SORTBY=nbref %Test param="'18 55 03.28 -30 28 42.6' 14" pattern="HD 174952" %ActionName Simplay %Description Simplay (Flash Simbad viewer) %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/SimPlay %Test noparam pattern="simplay" %ResultType Mime(text/html) %ActionName SimplayTest %Description Test du CGI utilisĂ© par SimPlay %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1677663158 2023/03/01 11:32:38 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/cgi/simplay/simplay-simbad.py?mode=getLinks&target=$1&imsize=$2&imtype=$3 %Test param="NGC7331 14 color" pattern="skycoord" %ActionName SkyBoT.IMCCE %Description Solar system object database from IMCCE %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1433488019 2015/06/05 09:06:59 %Url http://vo.imcce.fr/webservices/skybot/skybotconesearch_query.php?-ep=$1&-ra=$2&-dec=$3&-size=$4,$5&-mime=votable&-out=basic&-loc=$6&-search=$7&-filter=$8&-from=Aladin %Param.Description $1=Epoch %Param.Description $2=Right Ascension %Param.Description $3=Declination %Param.Description $4=Width (arcmin) %Param.Description $5=Height (arcmin) %Param.Description $6=Observer location %Param.Description $7=Search for %Param.Description $8=Max. uncertainty %Param.DataType $1=Date(JD) %Param.DataType $2=Target(RAd) %Param.DataType $3=Target(DEd) %Param.DataType $4=Field(RA) %Param.DataType $5=Field(DE) %Param.Value $6=500 %Param.Value $7=Asteroids and Planets %Param.Value $7=Asteroids, Planets and Comets %Param.Value $7=Asteroids and Comets %Param.Value $7=Planets and Comets %Param.Value $7=Asteroids %Param.Value $7=Planets %Param.Value $7=Comets %Param.Value $8=120 arcsec %Param.Value $8=60 arcsec %Param.Value $8=10 arcsec %Param.Value $8=1 arcsec %Param.Value $8=0 (no limit) %ResultDataType Mime(text/xml) %VerboseDescr Allows access to the SkyBoT database for search and identification of solar system objects %Institute Institut de mecanique celeste - Observatoire de Paris %Doc.User http://vo.imcce.fr/webservices/skybot %Aladin.Label SkyBoT %Aladin.LabelPlane SkyBoT $1 %Aladin.Filter #Arrow of motion\nfilter Ast.Motion { draw ${Name};draw cross\n draw pm(5*${dRAcosDec}/cos(3.1416*${_DECJ2000}/180),5*${dDEC}) } %Aladin.Filter #Object name\nfilter Ast.Name { draw ${Name} } %Aladin.Filter #Object class\nfilter Ast.Class { ${Class}="NEA>Atira" {draw green square}\n${Class}="NEA>Aten" {draw yellow square}\n${Class}="NEA>Apollo" {draw blue square}\n${Class}="NEA>Amor" {draw orange square}\n${Class}="Mars-Crosser>Deep" {draw red square}\n${Class}="Mars-Crosser>Shallow" {draw red cross}\n${Class}="Hungaria" {draw cyan cross}\n${Class}="MB>IMB" {draw green cross}\n${Class}="MB>MMB" {draw blue cross}\n${Class}="MB>OMB" {draw red cross}\n${Class}="MB>Cybele" {draw orange cross}\n${Class}="MB>Hilda" {draw cyan square}\n${Class}="Trojan" {draw pink square}\n${Class}="Centaur" {draw gray oval}\n${Class}="KBO>Classical" {draw lightGray rhomb}\n${Class}="KBO>Plutino" {draw white rhomb}\n${Class}="KBO>SDO" {draw darkGray rhomb} } %Aladin.Filter #Magnitude circle\nfilter Ast.Mag { draw circle(-${Mv}) } %Aladin.Filter #Position error & arrow of motion\nfilter Ast.ErrorPosMotion { draw cross\n draw circle(${ErrPos})\n draw pm(5*${dRAcosDec}/cos(3.1416*${_DECJ2000}/180),5*${dDEC}) } %Aladin.Filter #Position error\nfilter Ast.ErrorPos { draw\n draw circle(${ErrPos}) } %Aladin.Filter #Geocentric distance\nfilter Ast.Dist.Geo { draw circle(${Dgeo}) } %Aladin.Filter #Heliocentric distance\nfilter Ast.Dist.Helio { draw circle(${Dhelio}) } %ActionName SkyBot.resolver %Description Solar system object resolver from IMCCE (name+epoch) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1259754410 2009/12/02 13:46:50 %Url http://vo.imcce.fr/webservices/skybot/skybotresolver_query.php?-ep=$2&-obj=$1&-mime=text&-out=basic %Param.Description $1=Object name %Param.Description $2=Epoch %ResultDataType Mime(text/xml) %ActionName SkyView %Description SkyView Virtual Observatory %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 1998/02/16 18:24:43 %Url http://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/nnskcall.pl?VCOORD=$1&SURVEY=$2&SCOORD=Equatorial&EQUINX=2000&MAPROJ=Gnomonic&SFACTR=Default&ISCALN=Log%2810%29&GRIDDD=No %Param.Description $2=Survey %Param.DataType $1=J2000 %Param.Value $2=Digitized Sky Survey %Param.Value $2=IRAS 12 micron %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User http://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/help/help.html %ActionName Skyview %Description HEASARC SkyView image server %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1536914271 2018/09/14 10:37:51 %Url https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/images?Sampler=$8&Coordinates=$6&Projection=$5&SURVEY=$4&Position=$1&Size=$3&Pixels=$2&Rotation=$7&RETURN=FITS %Param.Description $1=Target or coordinates %Param.Description $2=Pixels (n or n,m) %Param.Description $4=Surveys %Param.Description $3=Size deg. (n or n,m) %Param.Description $5=Projection %Param.Description $6=Coordinates %Param.Description $7=Rotation %Param.Description $8=Sampling %Param.DataType $1=Target(COO|SIMBAD) %Param.Value $2=300 %Param.Value $3=Default %Param.Value $4=Fermi 5 %Param.Value $4=Fermi 4 %Param.Value $4=Fermi 3 %Param.Value $4=Fermi 2 %Param.Value $4=Fermi 1 %Param.Value $4=EGRET (3D) %Param.Value $4=EGRET >100 MeV %Param.Value $4=EGRET <100 MeV %Param.Value $4=COMPTEL %Param.Value $4=INT GAL 17-35 Flux %Param.Value $4=INT GAL 17-60 Flux %Param.Value $4=INT GAL 35-80 Flux %Param.Value $4=INTEGRAL/SPI GC %Param.Value $4=GRANAT/SIGMA %Param.Value $4=RXTE Allsky 3-20keV %Param.Value $4=RXTE Allsky 3-8keV %Param.Value $4=RXTE Allsky 8-20keV %Param.Value $4=BAT SNR 14-195 %Param.Value $4=BAT SNR 14-20 %Param.Value $4=BAT SNR 20-24 %Param.Value $4=BAT SNR 24-35 %Param.Value $4=BAT SNR 35-50 %Param.Value $4=BAT SNR 50-75 %Param.Value $4=BAT SNR 75-100 %Param.Value $4=BAT SNR 100-150 %Param.Value $4=BAT SNR 150-195 %Param.Value $4=RASS-Cnt Soft %Param.Value $4=RASS-Cnt Hard %Param.Value $4=RASS-Cnt Broad %Param.Value $4=PSPC 2.0 Deg-Int %Param.Value $4=PSPC 1.0 Deg-Int %Param.Value $4=PSPC 0.6 Deg-Int %Param.Value $4=HRI %Param.Value $4=HEAO 1 A-2 %Param.Value $4=RASS Background 1 %Param.Value $4=RASS Background 2 %Param.Value $4=RASS Background 3 %Param.Value $4=RASS Background 4 %Param.Value $4=RASS Background 5 %Param.Value $4=RASS Background 6 %Param.Value $4=RASS Background 7 %Param.Value $4=GALEX Near UV %Param.Value $4=GALEX Far UV %Param.Value $4=ROSAT WFC F1 %Param.Value $4=ROSAT WFC F2 %Param.Value $4=EUVE 83 A %Param.Value $4=EUVE 171 A %Param.Value $4=EUVE 405 A %Param.Value $4=EUVE 555 A %Param.Value $4=DSS %Param.Value $4=DSS1 Blue %Param.Value $4=DSS1 Red %Param.Value $4=DSS2 Red %Param.Value $4=DSS2 Blue %Param.Value $4=DSS2 IR %Param.Value $4=SDSSg %Param.Value $4=SDSSi %Param.Value $4=SDSSr %Param.Value $4=SDSSu %Param.Value $4=SDSSz %Param.Value $4=SDSSdr7g %Param.Value $4=SDSSdr7i %Param.Value $4=SDSSdr7r %Param.Value $4=SDSSdr7u %Param.Value $4=SDSSdr7z %Param.Value $4=Mellinger Red %Param.Value $4=Mellinger Green %Param.Value $4=Mellinger Blue %Param.Value $4=NEAT %Param.Value $4=H-Alpha Comp %Param.Value $4=SHASSA H %Param.Value $4=SHASSA CC %Param.Value $4=SHASSA C %Param.Value $4=SHASSA Sm %Param.Value $4=2MASS-J %Param.Value $4=2MASS-H %Param.Value $4=2MASS-K %Param.Value $4=UKIDSS-J %Param.Value $4=UKIDSS-H %Param.Value $4=UKIDSS-K %Param.Value $4=WISE 3.4 %Param.Value $4=WISE 4.6 %Param.Value $4=WISE 12 %Param.Value $4=WISE 22 %Param.Value $4=IRIS 12 %Param.Value $4=IRIS 25 %Param.Value $4=IRIS 60 %Param.Value $4=IRIS 100 %Param.Value $4=SFD 100m %Param.Value $4=SFD Dust Map %Param.Value $4=IRAS 12 micron %Param.Value $4=IRAS 25 micron %Param.Value $4=IRAS 60 micron %Param.Value $4=IRAS 100 micron %Param.Value $4=Planck 857 %Param.Value $4=Planck 545 %Param.Value $4=Planck 353 %Param.Value $4=Planck 217 %Param.Value $4=Planck 143 %Param.Value $4=Planck 100 %Param.Value $4=Planck 070 %Param.Value $4=Planck 044 %Param.Value $4=Planck 030 %Param.Value $4=WMAP ILC %Param.Value $4=WMAP Ka %Param.Value $4=WMAP K %Param.Value $4=WMAP Q %Param.Value $4=WMAP V %Param.Value $4=WMAP W %Param.Value $4=COBE DIRBE/AAM %Param.Value $4=COBE DIRBE/ZSMA %Param.Value $4=GB6 (4850Mhz) %Param.Value $4=VLA FIRST (1.4 Ghz) %Param.Value $4=NVSS %Param.Value $4=Stripe82VLA %Param.Value $4=1420Mhz (Bonn) %Param.Value $4=nH %Param.Value $4=SUMSS 843 MHz %Param.Value $4=0408Mhz %Param.Value $4=WENSS %Param.Value $4=CO %Param.Value $4=VLSSr %Param.Value $4=0035MHz %Param.Value $4=GOODS: Chandra ACIS HB %Param.Value $4=GOODS: Chandra ACIS FB %Param.Value $4=GOODS: Chandra ACIS SB %Param.Value $4=GOODS: VLT VIMOS U %Param.Value $4=GOODS: VLT VIMOS R %Param.Value $4=GOODS: HST ACS B %Param.Value $4=GOODS: HST ACS V %Param.Value $4=GOODS: HST ACS I %Param.Value $4=GOODS: HST ACS Z %Param.Value $4=Hawaii HDF U %Param.Value $4=Hawaii HDF B %Param.Value $4=Hawaii HDF V0201 %Param.Value $4=Hawaii HDF V0401 %Param.Value $4=Hawaii HDF R %Param.Value $4=Hawaii HDF I %Param.Value $4=Hawaii HDF z %Param.Value $4=Hawaii HDF HK %Param.Value $4=GOODS: HST NICMOS %Param.Value $4=GOODS: VLT ISAAC J %Param.Value $4=GOODS: VLT ISAAC H %Param.Value $4=GOODS: VLT ISAAC Ks %Param.Value $4=HUDF: VLT ISAAC Ks %Param.Value $4=GOODS: Spitzer IRAC 3.6 %Param.Value $4=GOODS: Spitzer IRAC 4.5 %Param.Value $4=GOODS: Spitzer IRAC 5.8 %Param.Value $4=GOODS: Spitzer IRAC 8.0 %Param.Value $4=GOODS: Spitzer MIPS 24 %Param.Value $4=GOODS: Herschel 100 %Param.Value $4=GOODS: Herschel 160 %Param.Value $4=GOODS: Herschel 250 %Param.Value $4=GOODS: Herschel 350 %Param.Value $4=GOODS: Herschel 500 %Param.Value $4=CDFS: LESS %Param.Value $4=GOODS: VLA North %Param.Value $5=Tan %Param.Value $5=Sin %Param.Value $5=Ait %Param.Value $5=Car %Param.Value $6=J2000 %Param.Value $6=B1950 %Param.Value $6=Galactic %Param.Value $6=ICRS %Param.Value $7=0 %Param.Value $8=NN %Param.Value $8=LI %Param.Value $8=Lanczos %Param.Value $8=Clip %ResultDataType Mime(image/fits) %Doc.User http://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/ %Aladin.Label SkyView+ %Aladin.Logo SkyViewLogo.gif %Aladin.LabelPlane Skw+ $4 %Aladin.MenuNumber I5 %ActionName StarBits %Description StarBits home page %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/starbits.html %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName StarBits.query %Description StarBits query by abbreviation (in Star*s Family) %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/sf-bin/starbits?$1 %Param.Description $1=Abbreviation %Param.DataType $1=query/keywords %Test param="CDS" pattern="Centre de Don" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName StarHeads %Description StarHeads home page %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/starheads.html %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName StarHeads.query %Description StarHeads query by last name %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/sf-bin/starheads?$1 %Param.Description $1=Author name %Param.DataType $1=query/name %Test param="egret" pattern="Daniel" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName StarPages StarsFamily %Description Home page of the Star*s Family %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO ExceptField= DefaultAnchorText %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/starpages.html %DefaultAnchorText StarPages %FullTextResult $text %Test noparam %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName StarWorlds %Description StarWorlds home page %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/starworlds.html %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName StarWorlds.query %Description StarWorlds query (in Star*s Family) %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/sf-bin/starworlds?word=Embedded+string&case=Case+insensitive&isindex=$1 %Param.Description $1=a world %Param.DataType $1=query/keywords %Test param="CDS" pattern="Centre de Don" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName TAPVizieR.home %Description TAPVizieR web page %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1640253424 2021/12/23 11:57:04 %Url http://tapvizier.cds.unistra.fr %FullTextResult TAP VizieR %ActionName TIPbase.service %Description TIPbase/TOPbase %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638804008 2021/12/06 17:20:08 %Url https://cds.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/tipbase/tipbase.sh?$1&$2&$3&$4&$5&$6&$7&$8&$9&$10 %Test param="viw=0 mod=0 nz1=1 nz2=1 ne1=1 ne2=28 li1=0 li2=0 lj1=0 lj2=0" pattern="href" %ActionName TOPCAT %Description Graphical viewer and editor for tabular data %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1634041411 2021/10/12 14:23:31 %VerboseDescr TOPCAT is an interactive graphical viewer and editor for tabular data. Its aim is to provide most of the facilities that astronomers need for analysis and manipulation of source catalogues and other tables, though it can be used for non-astronomical data as well. It understands a number of different astronomically important formats (including FITS, VOTable and CDF) and more formats can be added. It is especially good at interactive exploration of large (multi-million row, lots of columns) tables.\nIt offers a variety of ways to view and analyse tables, including a browser for the cell data themselves, viewers for information about table and column metadata, and facilities for sophisticated interactive 1-, 2-, 3- and higher-dimensional visualisation, calculating statistics and joining tables using flexible matching algorithms. Using a powerful and extensible Java-based expression language new columns can be defined and row subsets selected for separate analysis. Table data and metadata can be edited and the resulting modified table can be written out in a wide range of output formats. %Institute Starlink & AstroGrid project (UK) %Copyright TOPCAT is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License %Doc.User http://www.star.bris.ac.uk/~mbt/topcat/ %ReleaseNumber 4.8-1 (lite) %Jar http://www.star.bris.ac.uk/~mbt/topcat/topcat-lite.jar %JavaParam -mx256m -jar topcat-lite.jar %Aladin.Activated Yes %Aladin.VOLabel TOPCAT interactive graphical viewer and editor for tabular data %ActionName Terapix.home %Description Terapix (IAP) %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1 2001/11/21 10:52:58 %Url http://terapix.iap.fr/ %DefaultAnchorText Terapix %ActionName Thermo %Description Temperature salle machine %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1311685586 2011/07/26 15:06:26 %Url http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/cgi/thermo %Test noparam pattern="Ca roule" %ResultType Mime(text/plain) %ActionName Tut.logo.mini Tut.logo %Description Dictionary logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %FullTextResult Tutorial %ResultDataType Mime(image/png) %ActionName TwikiCDS %Description Twiki du CDS %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1536073942 2018/09/04 17:12:22 %Url http://cloud-wiki.u-strasbg.fr/status/TWikiCDS %Test param="noparam pattern=\"RUN\"" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName UCD.WS %Description UCD resolver by Web services %Owner CDS'ws %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1373967572 2013/07/16 11:39:32 %Url http://cdsws.u-strasbg.fr/axis/services/UCD?$1 %Test param="wsdl" pattern="UCDofCatalogResponse" %ResultDataType soap %Doc.Technical %ActionName UCD.doc.w %Description UCD documentation %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1630681033 2021/09/03 16:57:13 %FullTextResult https://cds.unistra.fr/doc/UCD/ %ActionName UCD.explain %Description Explain one UCD (definitions and statistics) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/UCD/cgi-bin/ucd_stats?leaf=$1 %Param.Description $1=A UCD, e.g. EXTENSION_FWHM_MAJ %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName UDS.home UdS.home %Description Universite de Strasbourg home page %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1340094371 2012/06/19 10:26:11 %Url http://www.unistra.fr/ %DefaultAnchorText UdS %ActionName UGuide %Description Access to SIMBAD user's guide %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1188913090 2007/09/04 15:38:10 %Url <&SimbadGuide>/index.htx %Test noparam %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName UGuideEntry %Description Access to an individual page of the user's guide %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1188913090 2007/09/04 15:38:10 %Url <&SimbadGuide>/$1 %Param.Description $1=User's guide chapter %Test param="06" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName UKIDSS %Description The UKIRT DR9 Infrared Deep Sky Survey %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1507560157 2017/10/09 16:42:37 %Url http://wfaudata.roe.ac.uk/ukidssdr9-siap/?POS=$1,$2&SIZE=$3&FORMAT=image/fits %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=Radius in deg %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAd) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEd) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RADIUSd) %Param.Value $3=0.17 %ResultDataType Mime(sia/xml) %VerboseDescr UKIDSS is the next generation near-infrared sky survey, the successor to 2MASS. UKIDSS began in May 2005 and will survey 7500 square degrees of the Northern sky, extending over both high and low Galactic latitudes, in JHK to K=18.3. This depth is three magnitudes deeper than 2MASS. UKIDSS will be the true near-infrared counterpart to the Sloan survey, and will produce as well a panoramic clear atlas of the Galactic plane. In fact UKIDSS is made up of five surveys and includes two deep extra-Galactic elements, one covering 35 square degrees to K=21, and the other reaching K=23 over 0.77 square degrees. %Institute WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh %Aladin.Profile >6.9 %Aladin.Profile <10 %Aladin.MenuNumber I10 %Aladin.Label UKIDSS %Aladin.LabelPlane UKIDSS $1 $2 %Aladin.Logo UKIDSSLogo.gif %Doc.user http://www.ukidss.org/ %ActionName ULP.logo %Description Logo of Universite Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/Icons/Ulp.small.gif %FullTextResult ULP logo %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName URLquery %Description Help page for queries by URLs %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1188913090 2007/09/04 15:38:10 %Url <&SimbadHelp>=sim-url %Test noparam %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName UaiIdent %Description UAI identifier description. %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1188914002 2007/09/04 15:53:22 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/uaident.htx %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Unit %Description Explanation and Combination of Physical Units %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/Unit?$1 %Param.Description $1=Complex unit, e.g. km/s/Mpc or more complex.... %Param.DataType $1=U %Test param="km/s/Mpc" pattern="3.240.*Hz" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/Unit %ActionName Units.list %Description List of the basic units in vizier and associated services %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/vizier/Units.htx %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/Unit %ActionName VI-137-FX.hpx %Description GAIA GUMS STARS progressive catalog %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1490859993 2017/03/30 09:46:33 %Url http://cdsxmatch.u-strasbg.fr/HiPSCatService/GAIA_GUMS_STARS/ %Copyright beta acces only %Id VI/137/FX %Aladin.Profile >6.1 <8.159 beta %Aladin.XLabel GAIA GUMS FX %Aladin.Tree Progressive catalog %Aladin.HpxParam 11 cat equatorial %VerboseDesc GAIA_GUMS_STARS hierarchical access %ActionName VLSSr %Description VLSSr Postage Stamp Server (VLA/NRAO) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576819358 2019/12/20 07:22:38 %Url http://www.cv.nrao.edu/cgi-bin/newVLSSpostage.pl?Equinox=J2000&PolType=$5&RA=$1&Dec=$2&Size=$3+$3&Cells=$4+$4&MAPROJ=$6&rotate=0.0&Type=$7 %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=Image Size (deg) %Param.Description $4=Pixel size (arcsec) %Param.Description $5=Polarization %Param.Description $6=Projection %Param.Description $7=Format %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAb) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEb) %Param.Value $3=0.25 %Param.Value $4=15.0 %Param.Value $5=I - Stokes I %Param.Value $5=IQU %Param.Value $6=SIN - Sine %Param.Value $6=TAN - Tangent %Param.Value $6=ARC - Arc %Param.Value $6=NCP - North Celestial Pole %Param.Value $6=GLS - Global sinusoidial %Param.Value $6=MER - Mercator %Param.Value $6=AIT - Aitoff %Param.Value $6=STG - Stereographic %Param.Value $7=image/x-fits %Param.Value $7=image/jpeg %ResultDataType Mime(image/fits) %Doc.User http://www.cv.nrao.edu/vlss/VLSSpostage.shtml %Aladin.Label VLSSr Postage Stamp Server (VLA/NRAO) %Aladin.LabelPlane VLSSr %Aladin.Menu VLA... %Aladin.Profile <10.144 %ActionName Vignettes.CDS %Description Vignette de densite des tables VizieR et de Simbad %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1507562904 2017/10/09 17:28:24 %SeeAction Vignettes.CDS_0 availability=9999 %SeeAction Vignettes.CDS_1 availability=9999 %ActionName Viz.GCVS %Description Details for a Variable Star %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/VizieR-5?-source=GCVS/gcvs&GCVS=$1%20%2a$2 %Param.Description $1=First part of name of variable star %Param.Description $2=Constellation name %Param.DataType $1=text %Param.DataType $2=text %Test param="R AND" %Test param="V1234 Cyg" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Viz.GLU astroviz %Description Generation of the astroviz dic for Astrobrowse Usage %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/vizglu?-pos&-all&-ApplicationField=Astrobrowse&$1 %DefaultAnchorText Astroviz generation for Astrobrowse usage %Param.Description $1=-long if a long format is wished. %ResultDataType Mime(text/plain) %ActionName Viz.MP %Description VizieR Query for a Minor Planet %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/VizieR-5?-source=B/astorb/astorb&Planet=$1 %Param.DataType $1=MP %Test param="4692" %Test param="1" %Test param="8443" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Viz.asteroid %Description VizieR Query for an Asteroid, including trans-Uranian %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/VizieR-5?-source=B/astorb/astorb&Name==$1 %Param.DataType $1=misc'query/keywords %Test param="\"2000 EB173\"" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Viz.comet %Description VizieR Query for a Comet (from its code) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/VizieR-5?-source=B/comets&Code==$1 %Param.DataType $1=misc'query/keywords %Test param="19P" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Viz.ftp %Description FTP service %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638804008 2021/12/06 17:20:08 %Url ftp://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ %Test noparam pattern="incoming" %ResultType Mime(text/html); %ActionName Viz.logo %Description VizieR logo %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1708502034 2024/02/21 09:53:54 %Url /vizier/vizier.png %FullTextResult vizier %ResultDataType Mime(image/png) %ActionName Viz.logo.mini %Description VizieR logo %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %FullTextResult VizieR %ResultDataType Mime(image/png) %ActionName Viz.logo.tiny %Description VizieR logo %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&CDSheadU>/vizier_20x18.png %FullTextResult vizier %ResultDataType Mime(image/png) %ActionName Viz.logos.cadc %Description ESO catalogues %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://www.cadc-ccda.hia-iha.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/ %FullTextResult CADC origin %ActionName Viz.logos.eso %Description ESO catalogues %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://www.eso.org %FullTextResult ESO origin %ActionName Viz.monbigcat %Description VizieR big catalogs server in CDS (aserver+QueryCatDaemon) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1670852266 2022/12/12 15:37:46 %Url http://axel.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/monitorbigcat %Test param=":" pattern="SERVICE IS OK" %Doc.Technical https://gitlab.cds.unistra.fr/planreprise/fiches-survie/-/blob/master/vizier.bigcat.md %ResultType Mime(text/html); %ActionName Viz.mondb %Description VizieR database monitor in CDS %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1664191194 2022/09/26 13:19:54 %Url http://vizdata.cds.unistra.fr/pcds.log %Test param=":" pattern="SERVICE IS OK" %Doc.Technical https://gitlab.cds.unistra.fr/planreprise/fiches-survie/-/blob/master/vizier.service.md %Doc.User http://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/spv/ %ResultType Mime(text/html); %ActionName Viz.mondb.local %Description VizieR local database monitor (cdsarc used by documentalists) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1663312410 2022/09/16 09:13:30 %Url http://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/vizdb.log %Test param=":" pattern="SERVICE IS OK" %Doc.Technical https://gitlab.cds.unistra.fr/planreprise/fiches-survie/-/blob/master/vizier.service.md %Doc.User http://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/spv/ %ResultType Mime(text/html); %ActionName Viz.mondbpool %Description VizieR database monitor in CDS (using pool) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1664191194 2022/09/26 13:19:54 %Url http://vizdata.cds.unistra.fr/pcdspool.log %Test param=":" pattern="SERVICE IS OK" %Doc.User http://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/spv/ %ResultType Mime(text/html); %ActionName Viz.monsesame %Description Sesame monitor %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638804008 2021/12/06 17:20:08 %Url https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/spv/monitorsesame.log %Test param=":" pattern="SERVICE IS OK" %Doc.User https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/spv/ %ResultType Mime(text/html); %ActionName Viz.monsubmit %Description VizieR table submission %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638804008 2021/12/06 17:20:08 %Url https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/vizier.submit/uws/admin?format=json %Test param=":" pattern="COMPLETED" %Doc.Technical https://gitlab.cds.unistra.fr/planreprise/fiches-survie/-/blob/master/vizier.cats.md %ResultType Mime(application/json); %ActionName Viz.montap %Description TAPVizieR monitor %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1713281778 2024/04/16 17:36:18 %Url http://tapvizier.cds.unistra.fr/TAPVizieR/tap/availability %Test param=":" pattern=" available" %Doc.Technical https://gitlab.cds.unistra.fr/planreprise/fiches-survie/-/blob/master/vizier.tap.md %ResultType Mime(application/xml); %ActionName Viz.montapvizier1 %Description TAPVizieR monitor node tapvizier1 %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638804008 2021/12/06 17:20:08 %Url http://tapvizier1.cds.unistra.fr/TAPVizieR/tap/availability %Test param=":" pattern=" available" %Doc.Technical https://gitlab.cds.unistra.fr/planreprise/fiches-survie/-/blob/master/vizier.tap.md %ResultType Mime(application/xml); %ActionName Viz.montapvizier2 %Description TAPVizieR monitor node tapvizier2 %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638804008 2021/12/06 17:20:08 %Url http://tapvizier2.cds.unistra.fr/TAPVizieR/tap/availability %Test param=":" pattern=" available" %Doc.Technical https://gitlab.cds.unistra.fr/planreprise/fiches-survie/-/blob/master/vizier.tap.md %ResultType Mime(application/xml); %ActionName Viz.monvsearch %Description vsearch monitor (textual search) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638804008 2021/12/06 17:20:08 %Url http://cdsarc.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat?type=query&m=0..1&format=json&displayed_fields=id&query=redshift %Test param="::" pattern="_source" %Doc.Technical https://gitlab.cds.unistra.fr/planreprise/fiches-survie/-/blob/master/vizier.cats.md %ResultType Mime(application/json) %ActionName Viz.more %Description VizieR more links %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1592484190 2020/06/18 14:43:10 %FullTextResult
%ActionName Viz.piwik %Description Piwik statistics %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1289398149 2010/11/10 16:09:09 %SeeAction Viz.piwik.cds availability=7 %SeeAction Viz.piwik.cfa availability=6 %SeeAction Viz.piwik.adac availability=5 %SeeAction Viz.piwik.cadc availability=1050 %SeeAction Viz.piwik.uk availability=9999 %SeeAction Viz.piwik.iucaa availability=7 %SeeAction Viz.piwik.ru availability=9999 %SeeAction Viz.piwik.ch availability=5 %SeeAction Viz.piwik.hw availability=9999 %ActionName Viz4Sim %Description VizieR Output for Simbad %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/VizieR?-4i&-out.form=a&-out.max=9999&-source=$1&$2&$3&$4&$5&$6&$7 %Param.Description $1=Name of Catalog or Table %Param.Description $2=Any further VizieR Qualification %Param.DataType $1=E %Param.DataType $2=text %Test param="1239/hip_main" %Test param="HIP=57260" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizA.adac %Description VizieR Access (ADAC, Tokyo) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://vizier.nao.ac.jp/viz-bin/VizieR?$1 %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %Param.Description $1=ASU parameters, e.g. -source=catalog&-c=target_position %Test param="-source=PMM" option="n" %Test param="-c.eq=now&-out.max=20" option="n" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizA.cadc %Description VizieR Access (CADC, Canada) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://vizier.hia.nrc.ca/viz-bin/VizieR?$1 %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %Param.Description $1=ASU parameters, e.g. -source=catalog&-c=target_position %Test param="-source=PMM" option="n" %Test param="-c.eq=now&-out.max=20" option="n" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizA.cds Viz.home %Description VizieR service Access %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO ExceptField= DefaultAnchorText %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1638804008 2021/12/06 17:20:08 %Url https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/VizieR?$1 %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %Param.Description $1=ASU parameters, e.g. -source=catalog&-c=target_position %Test param="-source=PMM" option="n" %Test param="-c.eq=now&-out.max=20" option="n" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/ %ActionName VizA.cfa %Description VizieR Access (CFA, Harvard) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://vizier.cfa.harvard.edu/viz-bin/VizieR?$1 %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %Param.Description $1=ASU parameters, e.g. -source=catalog&-c=target_position %Test param="-source=PMM" option="n" %Test param="-c.eq=now&-out.max=20" option="n" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizA.ch %Description VizieR Access (Bejing Observatory, China) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://vizier.china-vo.org/viz-bin/VizieR?$1 %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %Param.Description $1=ASU parameters, e.g. -source=catalog&-c=target_position %Test param="-source=PMM" option="n" %Test param="-c.eq=now&-out.max=20" option="n" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizA.hw %Description VizieR Access (UK Infra-red Telescope, Hawaii) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://www.ukirt.hawaii.edu/viz-bin/VizieR?$1 %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %Param.Description $1=ASU parameters, e.g. -source=catalog&-c=target_position %Test param="-source=PMM" option="n" %Test param="-c.eq=now&-out.max=20" option="n" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizA.idia %Description VizieR Access (IDIA, South Africa) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1597408742 2020/08/14 14:39:02 %Url http://vizier.idia.ac.za/viz-bin/VizieR?$1 %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %Param.Description $1=ASU parameters, e.g. -source=catalog&-c=target_position %Test param="-source=PMM" option="n" %Test param="-c.eq=now&-out.max=20" option="n" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizA.iucaa %Description VizieR Access (IUCAA/Pune, India) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1578055097 2020/01/03 14:38:17 %Url https://vizier.iucaa.in/viz-bin/VizieR?$1 %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %Param.Description $1=ASU parameters, e.g. -source=catalog&-c=target_position %Test param="-source=PMM" option="n" %Test param="-c.eq=now&-out.max=20" option="n" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizA.ru %Description VizieR Access (INASAN, Moscow, Russia) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url https://vizier.inasan.ru/viz-bin/VizieR?$1 %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %Param.Description $1=ASU parameters, e.g. -source=catalog&-c=target_position %Test param="-source=PMM" option="n" %Test param="-c.eq=now&-out.max=20" option="n" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizA.saao %Description VizieR Access (SAAO, South Africa) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1597408742 2020/08/14 14:39:02 %Url http://vizier.idia.ac.za/viz-bin/VizieR?$1 %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %Param.Description $1=ASU parameters, e.g. -source=catalog&-c=target_position %Test param="-source=PMM" option="n" %Test param="-c.eq=now&-out.max=20" option="n" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizA.uk %Description VizieR Access (Cambridge, UK) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://vizier.ast.cam.ac.uk/viz-bin/VizieR?$1 %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %Param.Description $1=ASU parameters, e.g. -source=catalog&-c=target_position %Test param="-source=PMM" option="n" %Test param="-c.eq=now&-out.max=20" option="n" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizA.www VizA %Description VizieR service main Anchor (includes clones ) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO ExceptField= DefaultAnchorText %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/VizieR?$1 %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %FullTextResult $text %Param.Description $1=ASU parameters, e.g. -source=catalog&-c=target_position %Test param="-source=PMM" option="n" %Test param="-c.eq=now&-out.max=20" option="n" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizDensityMaps.HiPS %Description Retourne l'URL racine du HiPS de densité correspondant à la table VizieR demandé %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1677663158 2023/03/01 11:32:38 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/footprints/hips-density-maps/$1/$2 %Param.Description $1= VizieR table identifier %Param.Description $2= path in HiPS structure %Test param="I/337/gaia properties" pattern="creator_did" %ActionName VizDetail.cds Viz.Detail %Description VizieR Query Detailed Page Result %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/VizieR-5?-source=$1&-out.add=.&$2&$3&$4 %Param.Description $1=Name or Number of a Table %Param.Description $2=Full parameter for a query, e.g. HD=12345 %Param.DataType $1=E %Param.DataType $2=text %Test param="GCVS \"GCVS=R *AND\"" %Test param="I/239/hip_main HIP=9404" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizF %Description For conversion of <&VizF> into the root FTP address (bazaar clones) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO ExceptField= DefaultAnchorText %VersionNumber 1579782085 2020/01/23 14:21:25 %SeeAction VizF.cds availability=7 %SeeAction VizF.adac availability=5 %ActionName VizF.http %Description For conversion of <&VizF> into the root FTP address (bazaar clones) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO ExceptField= DefaultAnchorText %VersionNumber 1584353002 2020/03/16 12:03:22 %SeeAction VizF.cds.http availability=5 %SeeAction VizF.adac availability=5 %ActionName VizFind.www VizFind VizirFind VizierFind FindVizieR %Description VizieR Query of any catalogue by object name or coordinates (includes Clones) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %DistribDomain ALADIN %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/VizieR?-source=$1&-c=$2&-c.rm=$3&-out.add=_r&-sort=_r %Param.Description $1=Name or Number of a catalogue %Param.Description $2=Identification or J2000-position %Param.Description $3=Max distance from target position, in arcminutes %Param.DataType $1=E %Param.DataType $2=simbad'I %Param.DataType $2=J2000 %Test param="HR M31" %Test param="III/135 01:23:45+12:25" %Test param="3135 01:23:45+12:25" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizHomePage.adac %Description VizieR service Home Page (ADAC, Tokyo) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://vizier.nao.ac.jp/vizier/ %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizHomePage.cadc %Description VizieR service Home Page (CADC, Canada) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://vizier.hia.nrc.ca/vizier/ %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizHomePage.cds VizHomePage %Description VizieR service Home Page (CDS, Strasbourg) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO ExceptField= DefaultAnchorText %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/ %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizHomePage.cfa %Description VizieR service Home Page (CFA, Harvard) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://vizier.cfa.harvard.edu/vizier/ %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizHomePage.ch %Description VizieR service Home Page (Bejing Astronomical Observatory, China) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://vizier.china-vo.org/vizier/ %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizHomePage.hw %Description VizieR service Home Page (UK Infra-red Telescope, Hawaii) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://www.ukirt.hawaii.edu/vizier/ %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizHomePage.idia %Description VizieR service Home Page (IDIA, South Africa) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1597408742 2020/08/14 14:39:02 %Url http://vizier.idia.ac.za/vizier/ %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizHomePage.iucaa %Description VizieR service Home Page (IUCAA/Pune, India) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1578055097 2020/01/03 14:38:17 %Url https://vizier.iucaa.in/vizier/ %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizHomePage.local %Description VizieR Home Page (local service) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO ExceptField= DefaultAnchorText %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url /viz-bin/VizieR %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizHomePage.ru %Description VizieR service Home Page (INASAN, Moscow, Russia) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url https://vizier.inasan.ru/vizier/ %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizHomePage.saao %Description VizieR service Home Page (SAAO, South Africa) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1597408742 2020/08/14 14:39:02 %Url http://vizier.idia.ac.za/vizier/ %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizHomePage.uk %Description VizieR service Home Page (UK, Cambridge) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://vizier.ast.cam.ac.uk/vizier/ %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizHomePage.www %Description VizieR service Home Page (includes Clones) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO ExceptField= DefaultAnchorText %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/vizier/ %DefaultAnchorText VizieR %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizRecord.cds VizRecord Viz.Record %Description VizieR Query Detailed Page Result from a Recno %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/VizieR-5?-source=$1&-out.add=RAJ,DEJ,Glon,Glat&recno=$2 %Param.Description $1=Name or Number of a Table %Param.Description $2=Record number within the table %Param.DataType $1=E %Param.DataType $2=text %Test param="2250 1234,1235" %Test param="I/239/hip_main 9398" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizU %Description For conversion of <&VizU> into the root URL. (General access) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %DistribDomain ASTRO ExceptField= DefaultAnchorText %VersionNumber 1630393719 2021/08/31 09:08:39 %SeeAction VizU.cds availability=7 %SeeAction VizU.cfa availability=7 %SeeAction VizU.adac availability=5 %SeeAction VizU.cadc availability=1050 %SeeAction VizU.iucaa availability=6 %SeeAction VizU.ru availability=9999 %SeeAction VizU.ch availability=7 %SeeAction VizU.saao availability=11 %ActionName VizU.hw %Description For conversion of <&VizU> into the root URL %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638804008 2021/12/06 17:20:08 %Url http://www.ukirt.hawaii.edu/viz-bin/VizieR %DefaultAnchorText Hawai VizieR mirror %FullTextResult http://www.ukirt.hawaii.edu %Test noparam %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.Technical https://gitlab.cds.unistra.fr/planreprise/fiches-survie/-/blob/master/vizier.service.md %ActionName VizU.idia %Description For conversion of <&VizU> into the root URL %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638804008 2021/12/06 17:20:08 %Url http://vizier.idia.ac.za/viz-bin/VizieR %DefaultAnchorText IDIA VizieR mirror %FullTextResult http://vizier.idia.ac.za %Test noparam %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.Technical https://gitlab.cds.unistra.fr/planreprise/fiches-survie/-/blob/master/vizier.service.md %ActionName VizU.local %Description VizieR local service %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %DistribDomain ASTRO ExceptField= DefaultAnchorText %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/VizieR %DefaultAnchorText CDS %FullTextResult https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr %Test noparam %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/Help?VizieR/intro %ActionName VizU.uk %Description For conversion of <&VizU> into the root URL %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1638804008 2021/12/06 17:20:08 %Url http://vizier.ast.cam.ac.uk/viz-bin/VizieR %DefaultAnchorText Cambridge UK %FullTextResult http://vizier.ast.cam.ac.uk %Test noparam %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.Technical https://gitlab.cds.unistra.fr/planreprise/fiches-survie/-/blob/master/vizier.service.md %ActionName VizX %Description For conversion of <&VizX> into the root URL. (XML access) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %DistribDomain ASTRO ExceptField= DefaultAnchorText %VersionNumber 1630393719 2021/08/31 09:08:39 %SeeAction VizX.cds availability=7 %SeeAction VizU.cfa availability=7 %SeeAction VizU.adac availability=5 %SeeAction VizU.cadc availability=1050 %SeeAction VizU.iucaa availability=6 %SeeAction VizU.ch availability=7 %SeeAction VizU.saao availability=11 %ActionName VizieR Vizir %Description VizieR Query Form for a Catalogue (by acronym or number) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/VizieR?-source=$1&$2 %Param.Description $1=Name or Number of a catalogue %Param.DataType $1=E %Test param="HR" %Test param="I/239/hip_main -c=0+90" %Test param="III/135 HD=226868" %Test param="3135" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizieR-c %Description VizieR Query on all or Wavelength-defined Catalogues %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %DistribDomain ASTRO %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/VizieR-4?-c=$1&-c.rs=$2&-kw.Wavelength=$3&-out.add=.&-sort=_r&-out.form=H&$4 %Param.Description $1=Identification or J2000-position %Param.Description $2=Max distance from target position, in arcminutes (default10) %Param.Description $3=Wavelength Keyword, in Set: Radio / IR / optical / UV / EUV / X-ray / Gamma-ray %Param.Description $4=Additional option %Param.DataType $1=simbad'I %Param.DataType $1=J2000 %Param.DataType $3=misc'query/keywords %Test param="HD226868 10 X-ray" %Test param="M101" %Test param="01:23:45+12:25 5 optical" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizieR.AssocData.ObsTAP %Description VizieR ObsTAP service %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1587733836 2020/04/24 15:10:36 %Url https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/saadavizier.tap/tap/$1 %Param.Description $1=TAP service + arguments: e.g.: sync?request=doQuery&phase=RUN&lang=adql&format=json&query=.... %Test param="availability" pattern=".*available.*true.*" %Doc.Technical https://gitlab.cds.unistra.fr/planreprise/fiches-survie/-/blob/master/vizier.assocdata.md %ResultType Mime(text/html); %ActionName VizieR.AssocData.SIA %Description VizieR SIA service %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1587733836 2020/04/24 15:10:36 %Url https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/saadavizier/siaservice?collection=[vizier]&$1 %Param.Description $1=SIA arguments %Test param="pos=0+0&size=0.1" pattern="QUERY_STATUS.*OK" %Doc.Technical https://gitlab.cds.unistra.fr/planreprise/fiches-survie/-/blob/master/vizier.assocdata.md %ResultType Mime(text/html); %ActionName VizieR.AssocData.SSA %Description VizieR SSA service %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1587733836 2020/04/24 15:10:36 %Url https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/saadavizier/ssaservice?collection=[vizier]&$1 %Param.Description $1=SIA arguments %Test param="pos=0+10&size=0.05" pattern="QUERY_STATUS.*OK" %Doc.Technical https://gitlab.cds.unistra.fr/planreprise/fiches-survie/-/blob/master/vizier.assocdata.md %ResultType Mime(text/html); %ActionName VizieR.AssocData.home %Description VizieR associated data web page %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638285499 2021/11/30 17:18:19 %Url https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/assocdata/ %FullTextResult Spectra, images in VizieR %ActionName VizieR.AssocData.service %Description VizieR assoc data service (saada) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638285499 2021/11/30 17:18:19 %Url https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/saadavizier/ %ActionName VizieR.Meta %Description Query the VizieR service to retrieve meta information\nabout the query specifications (currently in VOTable1.1) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/asu-xml/V1.1?-meta.aladin=all %ActionName VizieR.Meta2 %Description Query the VizieR service to retrieve meta information\nabout the query specifications, following VOTable1.2 specs %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/asu-xml?-meta.aladin=all %ActionName VizieR.MetaCat %Description Query the VizieR service to retrieve catalogue name and description\naround a position (currently in VOTable1.1) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/asu-xml/V1.1?-meta&$1 %ActionName VizieR.MetaCat2 %Description Query the VizieR service to retrieve catalogue name and description\naround a position, following VOTable1.2 specs %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/asu-xml?-meta&$1 %ActionName VizieR.QueryCat %Description QueryCat server (large tables service) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1598369844 2020/08/25 17:37:24 %SeeAction VizieR.QueryCat.cds availability=9999 %SeeAction VizieR.QueryCat.cds.http availability=0 %SeeAction VizieR.QueryCat.iucaa availability=11 %SeeAction VizieR.QueryCat.iucaa.http availability=11 %SeeAction VizieR.QueryCat.idia availability=10 %SeeAction VizieR.QueryCat.idia.http availability=11 %ActionName VizieR.Tutorial %Description VizieR tutorial %Owner CDS'glu %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1350312530 2012/10/15 16:48:50 %FullTextResult <&CDS.Tutorial,u>#vizierTutorial %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizieR.WS %Description VizieR access by Web services %Owner CDS'ws %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cdsws.u-strasbg.fr/axis/services/VizieR?$1 %Test param="wsdl" pattern="cataloguesMetaDataResponse1" %ResultDataType soap %Doc.Technical http://cds.unistra.fr/cdsws/vizierAccess.gml %ActionName VizieR.cats %Description VizieR search for catalogues from name, words, position, ... %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/VizieR-2?-meta.ucd&-meta.all&-source=$1&-c=$2&-c.r=$3 %Param.Description $1=Name or Number of a catalogue, words from title, author names, etc... %Param.Description $2=Identification or J2000-position %Param.Description $3=Max distance from target position, in arcminutes %Param.DataType $1=misc'query/keywords %Param.DataType $1=E %Param.DataType $2=simbad'I %Param.DataType $2=J2000 %Test param="\"Hipparcos\"" %Test param="\"ROSAT bright sources\"" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizieR.icon %Description VizieR icon %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://cds.unistra.fr/Icons/vizier_tiny.gif %FullTextResult Vizier %ResultDataType Mime(image/gif) %ActionName VizieR.licences %Description Rules of usage for VizieR data %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1630681033 2021/09/03 16:57:13 %Url https://cds.unistra.fr/vizier-org/licences_vizier.html %FullTextResult Rules of usage for VizieR data %ActionName VizieR.local %Description VizieR "Local" Query Form for a Catalogue (by acronym or number, with debugging details) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/VizieR?-source=$1&$2 %Param.Description $1=Name or Number of a catalogue %Param.DataType $1=E %Test param="HR" %Test param="I/239/hip_main" %Test param="III/135" %Test param="3135" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizieR.logo %Description VizieR logo. %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1268472392 2010/03/13 11:26:32 %SeeAction VizieR.logo.viz availability=9999 %SeeAction VizieR.logo.rel availability=9999 %SeeAction VizieR.logo.abs availability=6 %ActionName VizieR.sed sed.xml %Description Query the VizieR service around a position and get fluxes %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1706686550 2024/01/31 09:35:50 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/sed?-c=$1&-c.rs=$2 %Param.Description $1=Identification or J2000-position %Param.Description $2=Max distance from target position, in arcsec (default=5") %Param.DataType $1=simbad'I %Test param="M2 2" pattern="" %ResultDataType Mime(text/xml) %%U https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/sed?-c=$1&-c.rs=$2 %ActionName VizieR.sed.home %Description Photometry (SED) VizieR %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1648019697 2022/03/23 09:14:57 %Url https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/vizier/sed/?-c=$1&-c.rs=$2 %FullTextResult Photometry viewer %Param.Description $1= target (object name or position) %Param.Description $2= radius in arcsec %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizieR.sed.logo %Description VizieR SED logo %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&CDSheadU>/sed-icon.png %FullTextResult VizieR SED %ResultDataType Mime(image/png) %ActionName VizieR.votable.meta %Description Query the VizieR service to retrieve catalogs in VOTable format %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/votable?-meta=a&-source=$1&-c=$2&-c.r=$3 %Param.Description $1=Name or Number of a catalogue, or words defining catalog(s) %Param.Description $2=Identification or J2000-position %Param.Description $3=Max distance from target position, in arcminutes %Param.DataType $1=E %Param.DataType $2=simbad'I %Param.DataType $2=J2000 %Test param="HR M31" %Test param="III/135 01:23:45+12:25" %Test param="3135 01:23:45+12:25" %ResultDataType Mime(text/xml) %ActionName VizieR.words.www VizieR.words %Description VizieR Query Form for catalogues selected by keywords (includes Clones) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/VizieR-2?-meta.ucd&-meta.all&-words=$1 %Param.Description $1=Words from title, author names, etc... %Param.DataType $1=misc'query/keywords %Test param="\"Hipparcos\"" %Test param="\"ROSAT bright sources\"" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName VizieRAssocData %Description VizieR Associated Data - Aladin Desktop access %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1641283844 2022/01/04 10:10:44 %Url https://tapvizier.cds.unistra.fr/TAPVizieR/tap/sync?REQUEST=doQuery&LANG=ADQL&MAXREC=2000000&QUERY=SELECT+TOP+999+*+FROM+%22B%2Fassocdata%2Fobscore%22+WHERE+obs_collection='$4'+and+1=CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS',RAJ2000,DEJ2000),CIRCLE('ICRS',$1,$2,$3)) %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension %Param.Description $2=Declination %Param.Description $3=Radius in deg %Param.Description $4=Catalog ID %Param.DataType $1=Target(RAd) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DEd) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RADIUSd) %ResultDataType Mime(text/xml) %Aladin.Menu IVOA... %Aladin.XLabel VizieR associated data %Aladin.LabelPlane $4 %Aladin.Profile >11.052 %ActionName VizieRXML++ %Description Query the VizieR service to retrieve catalogs in XML VOTable(CSV) format %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1342171517 2012/07/13 11:25:17 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/votable?-source=$1&-c=$2&-out.add=_RAJ,_DEJ&-oc.form=dm&-out.meta=DhuL&-out.max=999999&-c.rm=$3&-out=_VizieR,*Mime(image/fits),*&-mime=TSV&$4 %ActionName VizieRXML.rm %Description Query the VizieR service to retrieve catalogs in XML format (by radius) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1342171517 2012/07/13 11:25:17 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/asu-xml?-source=$1&-c=$2&-out.add=_RAJ,_DEJ&-oc.form=dm&-out.meta=DhuUL&-out.max=unlimited&-c.rm=$3&-out=*Mime(image/fits),*&$4 %ActionName WDS.home %Description World Data System (WDS) home page. %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1622797670 2021/06/04 11:07:50 %Url https://www.worlddatasystem.org/ %DefaultAnchorText WDS %ActionName WEBDA.cl %Description Get info about one cluster from WEBDA %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://www.univie.ac.at/webda//cgi-bin/ocl_page.cgi?cluster=$1 %Param.Description $1=I %Param.Value $1=NGC 6383 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName WEBDA.home %Description Home page of the WEBDA (Base Donnees Amas) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://www.univie.ac.at/webda/ %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName WFPC2.alist %Description Get List of datasets making one WFPC2 Association %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://cadcwww.hia.nrc.ca/cadcbin/wdb/hst/science_members_wfpc2_r1/query?asn_id=$1 %Param.Description $1=filename %Param.Value $1=U23G0103B %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Copyright Canadian Astronomical Data Centre (CADC) %ActionName WFPC2.fits %Description Get Images of WFPC2 from CADC %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://www.cadc-ccda.hia-iha.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/getData?archive=HSTCA&file_id=$1_science_drz_sci %Param.Description $1=filename %Param.Value $1=U23G0103B %ResultDataType Mime(image/fits) %Copyright Canadian Astronomical Data Centre (CADC) %ActionName WISE.IRSA %Description IRSA server (displays WISE images) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/applications/wise/#id=Hydra_wise_wise_1&DoSearch=true&schema=allsky-4band&intersect=CENTER&subsize=$3&mcenter=mcen&band=1,2,3,4&dpLevel=3a&UserTargetWorldPt=$1;$2;EQ_J2000&SimpleTargetPanel.field.resolvedBy=simbadthenned&coaddId=&projectId=wise&searchName=wise_1&startIdx=0&pageSize=0&shortDesc=Position&isBookmarkAble=true&isDrillDownRoot=true&isSearchResult=true %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension (J2000), decimal degrees %Param.Description $2=Declination (J2000), decimal degrees %Param.Description $3=Box size, degrees %Param.DataType $1=Coo(J2000,RAdeg) %Param.DataType $2=Coo(J2000,DEdeg) %Param.Value $1=289.3833 %Param.Value $2=11.9672 %Param.Value $3=0.1667 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName WISE.IRSA.ALLWISE %Description IRSA server (displays WISE images) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/applications/wise/#id=Hydra_wise_wise_1&DoSearch=true&schema=allwise-multiband&intersect=CENTER&subsize=$3&mcenter=mcen&band=1,2,3,4&dpLevel=3a&UserTargetWorldPt=$1;$2;EQ_J2000&SimpleTargetPanel.field.resolvedBy=simbadthenned&coaddId=&projectId=wise&searchName=wise_1&startIdx=0&pageSize=0&shortDesc=Position&isBookmarkAble=true&isDrillDownRoot=true&isSearchResult=true %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension (J2000), decimal degrees %Param.Description $2=Declination (J2000), decimal degrees %Param.Description $3=Box size, degrees %Param.DataType $1=Coo(J2000,RAdeg) %Param.DataType $2=Coo(J2000,DEdeg) %Param.Value $1=289.3833 %Param.Value $2=11.9672 %Param.Value $3=0.1667 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName WSRT %Description Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) observations archive %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 1998/02/16 18:24:43 %Url http://www.nfra.nl/scibin/qed?select=observation&seqnumber=&project=&source=$1&ra=&dec=&equinox=B1950&system=Equatorial+FK5&obs_date=&duration=&frequency=&format=m&volume= %Param.DataType $1=CDS'simbad'I %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User http://www.nfra.nl/scissor/rdb/observation.frm %Doc.User http://www.nfra.nl/scissor/doc/scissor.html %ActionName WSimbad Simbad SIMBAD %Description Simbad home page %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1359471697 2013/01/29 17:01:37 %SeeAction WSimbad.fr availability=7 %SeeAction WSimbad.us availability=5 %ActionName WSimbadFunctions %Description Description of SIMBAD on the web functionalities %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1188914002 2007/09/04 15:53:22 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/WSimbad.htx %Test noparam %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName WSimbadHistory %Description Description of SIMBAD on the web history and new features %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1188914002 2007/09/04 15:53:22 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/WSimbadHistory.htx %Test noparam %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName Widget.DataPlot %Description Widget "Data Plot" %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1578388324 2020/01/07 11:12:04 %Url http://cdsportal.u-strasbg.fr/widgets/dataplot/dataplot.html?dataset_url_1=$1 %Param.Description $1= VOTable URL %Test noparam pattern="dataplot" %ActionName Widget.VizPhot %Description Widget "VizieR Photometry" %Owner CDS'portal %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1578390546 2020/01/07 11:49:06 %Url http://cdsportal.unistra.fr/gadgets/ifr?url=http://cdsportal.unistra.fr/widgets/SED_plotter.xml&SED_plot_object=$1&SED_plot_radius=$2 %Param.Description $1= target (object name or position) %Param.Description $2= radius in arcsec %Test noparam pattern="gadgets" %ActionName XMM.fits %Description Get an Image in XMM %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://nxsa.esac.esa.int/nxsa-sl/servlet/data-action-aio?obsno=$1&name=OIMAGE&level=PPS&extension=FTZ %Param.Description $1=obsid %Param.Value $1=0112570401 %ResultDataType Mime(image/fits) %ActionName XMatch.API.prettyNames %Description List pretty names of large tables (used notably by Topcat) %Owner CDS'xmatch %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1543928247 2018/12/04 14:57:27 %Url <&XMatch.home,u>/xmatch/api/v1/sync/tables?action=getPrettyNames %Test noparam pattern="ycho" %ActionName XMatch.API.tableInfo %Description Return basic information about a given table (used notably by Topcat) %Owner CDS'xmatch %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1543928247 2018/12/04 14:57:27 %Url <&XMatch.home,u>/xmatch/api/v1/sync/tables?action=getInfo&tabName=$1 %Test param="II/246/out" pattern="2MASS" %ActionName XMatch.API.v1 %Description API du service de xmatch %Owner CDS'xmatch %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1543928247 2018/12/04 14:57:27 %Url <&XMatch.home,u>/xmatch/api/v1/sync?REQUEST=xmatch&cat1=$1&cat2=$2&distMaxArcsec=$3&RESPONSEFORMAT=$4&selection=$5&MAXREC=$6 %Param.Description $1= table1 %Param.Description $2= table2 %Param.Description $3= distance in arcsec to look for counterparts %Param.Description $4= output format. votable|json|csv|tsv %Param.Description $5= cross-match mode: all|best. In best mode, only the best match from cat2 is kept for each row of cat1 %Param.Description $6= maximum number of rows to return %ActionName XMatch.API.v1.test01 %Description Test1 de l'API de xmatch %Owner CDS'xmatch %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1543928247 2018/12/04 14:57:27 %Url <&XMatch.home,u>/xmatch/api/v1/sync?REQUEST=xmatch&cat1=$1&cat2=$2&distMaxArcsec=$3&RESPONSEFORMAT=$4&selection=$5&MAXREC=$6 %Test param="vizier:II/317/cfhtls_d vizier:I/259/tyc2 5 votable all 1000000" pattern="nrows=.80." %ActionName XMatch.API.v1.test02 %Description Test2 de l'API de xmatch %Owner CDS'xmatch %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1543928247 2018/12/04 14:57:27 %Url <&XMatch.home,u>/xmatch/api/v1/sync?REQUEST=xmatch&cat1=$1&cat2=$2&distMaxArcsec=$3&RESPONSEFORMAT=$4&selection=$5&MAXREC=$6 %Test param="vizier:V/123A/cv vizier:V/106/lmxbcat 32 votable all 1000000" pattern="nrows=.42." %ActionName XMatch.availableTables %Description Tables disponibles dans le service de xmatch %Owner CDS'xmatch %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1543928247 2018/12/04 14:57:27 %Url <&XMatch.home,u>/xmatch/availableTables %Test noparam pattern="II/246" %ActionName XMatch.home %Description Home page du service de xmatch %Owner CDS'xmatch %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1543928247 2018/12/04 14:57:27 %Url http://cdsxmatch.u-strasbg.fr %FullTextResult CDS cross-match service %Test noparam pattern="cross-match" %ActionName XMatch.slave1 %Description Slave s'executant sur cdsxmatch %Owner CDS'xmatch %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1543928247 2018/12/04 14:57:27 %Url http://cdsxmatch.u-strasbg.fr/CDSXMatchServiceSlave/uws %Test noparam pattern="uws" %ActionName XMatch.slave2 %Description Slave s'executant sur cdsxmatch2 %Owner CDS'xmatch %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1543930629 2018/12/04 15:37:09 %Url http://cdsxmatch2.astro.unistra.fr:8080/CDSXMatchServiceSlave/uws %Test noparam pattern="uws" %ActionName abstract ADS.ABS %Description ADS query by reference code (bibcode) %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 2 1998/02/16 16:12:42 %SeeAction ads.abstract.fr availability=1001 %SeeAction ads.abstract.us availability=1011 %SeeAction ads.abstract.jp availability=1011 %ActionName ads.byauthor %Description ADS query by author name %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1054026443 2003/05/27 11:07:23 %SeeAction ads.byauthor.us availability=15 %SeeAction ads.byauthor.fr availability=2 %ActionName ads.bykeywords %Description ADS query by keywords %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1054026443 2003/05/27 11:07:23 %SeeAction ads.bykeywords.us availability=12 %SeeAction ads.bykeywords.fr availability=2 %ActionName ads.fullpaper %Description ADS article (bitmap) for a bibcode %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 3 2000/11/24 16:10:29 %Url http://cdsads.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/nph-data_query?bibcode=$1&link_type=ARTICLE&db_key=AST %ResultTest.Remote http://cdsads.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/verify?bibcode=$1&db_key=AST pattern="*Full article available*" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName alasimq %Description Get both simbad measurements an Aladin image for an identifier %Owner CDS'biblio %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 0 1998/12/08 15:12:58 %FullTextResult $2 [<&CDS'simbad'simq '$1'|Simbad> · <&Aladin.Preview '$1' '$2'|Aladin sky atlas>] %ActionName annotationsDoc %Description Documentation about usage of annotations service in SIMBAD %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1686565497 2023/06/12 12:24:57 %Url <&SimbadGuide>/annotations.htx %Test noparam %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName arXiv %Description New arXiv query %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1189688496 2007/09/13 15:01:36 %SeeAction arXiv.fr availability=1006 %SeeAction arXiv.uk availability=1005 %SeeAction arXiv.us availability=1005 %ActionName astro-ph %Description LANL/astro-ph query by keywords (in title/authors) %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 3 2001/09/17 11:01:10 %SeeAction astro-ph.fr availability=1011 %SeeAction astro-ph.it availability=1011 %SeeAction astro-ph.uk availability=1010 %SeeAction astro-ph.us availability=1012 %SeeAction astro-ph.us2 availability=1010 %ActionName astro-ph.num %Description LANL/astro-ph query by number %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1 2001/09/17 11:01:10 %SeeAction astro-ph.num.fr availability=1007 %SeeAction astro-ph.num.it availability=1005 %SeeAction astro-ph.num.uk availability=1005 %SeeAction astro-ph.num.us availability=1005 %SeeAction astro-ph.num.us2 availability=1005 %ActionName bibobj %Description Link between the \object in Astronomical Literature --> SIMBAD Objects %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://astrobib.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/bibobj?$1&$2 %Param.Description $1=Bibcode, e.g. 2001A&A...377..161O %Param.Description $2=Identifier as it appears in the publication, e.g. XPer %Param.DataType $1=R %Test param="2001A&A...377..161O XPer" pattern="/X Per/" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User http://astrobib.u-strasbg.fr/local/bibobj.htx %ActionName bibobj.local %Description Link between the \object in Astronomical Literature --> SIMBAD Objects %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://astrobib.u-strasbg.fr/local/cgi-bin/bibobj?$1&$2 %Param.Description $1=Bibcode, e.g. 2001A&A...377..161O %Param.Description $2=Identifier as it appears in the publication, e.g. XPer %Param.DataType $1=R %Test param="2001A&A...377..161O XPer" pattern="/X Per/" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User http://astrobib.u-strasbg.fr/local/bibobj.htx %ActionName catPage %Description Show the home page of a catalog %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/vizier/$1 %Param.DataType $1=text %Test param="MASH" %Test param="MASH-II" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User https://cds.unistra.fr/doc/catstd-3.1.htx %ActionName catstd.doc %Description Description of the Standard Description for Astronomical Catalogues %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1630681033 2021/09/03 16:57:13 %Url https://cds.unistra.fr/doc/catstd.htx %DefaultAnchorText Standard Description for Astronomical Catalogues %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName cdsbib %Description CDS bibliographic service query by reference code (bibcode). %Owner CDS'biblio %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1359731522 2013/02/01 17:12:02 %Url http://cdsbib.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/cdsbib?$1 %DefaultAnchorText Biblio %FullTextResult $text %Param.DataType $1=R %Test param="1996A&A...305L...5C" pattern="emission" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User http://cdsbib.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/cdsbib %ActionName cdsbib.abs %Description Display a bibliographic abstract (preference for local abstract) %Owner CDS'biblio %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1279545270 2010/07/19 15:14:30 %Url http://cdsbib.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/cdsbib?$1&LocTA %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName cdsbib.authorquery %Description CDS bibliographic service query by author name %Owner CDS'biblio %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1279545270 2010/07/19 15:14:30 %Url http://cdsbib.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/cdsbib?screen=resultlist&query=$1&database=all&field=fd&fd=au&opt_max=40&opt_sort=by+desc.+years&opt_glu=all %Param.DataType $1=misc'query/name %Test param="egret" pattern="1978A&A....66..275E" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName cdsbib.home %Description Home page of CDS Bibliographic service. %Owner CDS'biblio %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1279550383 2010/07/19 16:39:43 %Url http://cdsbib.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/cdsbib %DefaultAnchorText Biblio %Test noparam %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName cdsbib.inline %Description Display a bibliographic reference without head and tail HTML page %Owner CDS'biblio %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1422951872 2015/02/03 10:24:32 %Url http://cdsbib.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/cdsbib?screen=resultref&$1&opt=inline %Param.Description $1=Bibcode %Param.DataType $1=R %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName cdsbib.reflist %Description bibliographic list query (via simref) - short result. %Owner CDS'biblio %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1279545270 2010/07/19 15:14:30 %Url http://cdsbib.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/cdsbib?screen=resultlist&$1 %Param.Description $1=Liste de bibcodes %Test param="mbib=1996Ap%26SS.235...93Z&mbib=1996ApJ...461..351C" option="n" pattern="TIAN" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName cdsbib.reflist2 %Description bibliographic list query - full result %Owner CDS'biblio %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1279545270 2010/07/19 15:14:30 %Url http://cdsbib.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/cdsbib?screen=resultref&$1 %Param.Description $1=Liste de bibcodes %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName cdsbib.refquery %Description CDS bibliographic service query by reference code (eventually partial) %Owner CDS'biblio %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1279545270 2010/07/19 15:14:30 %Url http://cdsbib.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/cdsbib?screen=resultlist&query=$1&opt_field=simref&opt_max=$2&opt_sort=none&opt_glu=all %Param.Description $1=Bibcode entier ou partiel %Test param="1950AJ.....55...38B" %Test param="1995A%26AS" option="n" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User http://cdsbib.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/cdsbib?screen=help %ActionName cdsbib.wordquery.ws %Description Interrogation d'une liste de references, avec selection sur criteres %Owner CDS'biblio %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1279545270 2010/07/19 15:14:30 %Url http://cdsbib.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/cdsbib?screen=resultlist&query=$1&database=db&db=simref&field=all&opt_sort=by+wais+score&opt_max=40&opt_glu=all&$2 %Param.Description $1=Interrogation freeWAIS-sf (string) %Param.Description $2=Liste de bibcodes %Test param="au=hauser mbib=1996ApJ...456..566W&mbib=1996A%26A...305L...5C" option="n" pattern="LEISAWITZ" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName cdsbib.wordsquery %Description CDS bibliographic service query by keywords %Owner CDS'biblio %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1279545270 2010/07/19 15:14:30 %Url http://cdsbib.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/cdsbib?screen=resultref&screen=resultlist&query=$1&database=all&field=all&opt_max=40&opt_sort=by+wais+score&opt_glu=all %Param.DataType $1=misc'query/keywords %Test param="egret" %Test param="(ti=lowell and co=(plates and 23*))" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User http://cdsbib.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/cdsbib?screen=help %ActionName cdsbib4 %Description CDSbibliographic service query by reference code (bibcode) %Owner CDS'biblio %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1641203622 2022/01/03 11:53:42 %Url http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/cdsbib4?$1 %Param.DataType $1=R %Test param="1996A&A...305L...5C" pattern="emission" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/cdsbib4 %ActionName cdsjava %Description Public Java classes provided by the CDS %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1490859993 2017/03/30 09:46:33 %Url http://simbad3.u-strasbg.fr/public/cdsjava.gml %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName def.logo.mini %Description Default logo (24x20 px) %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1277298706 2010/06/23 15:11:46 %FullTextResult Others %ResultDataType Mime(image/png) %ActionName doi.org %Description DOI System Proxy Server %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1470322924 2016/08/04 17:02:04 %Url https://dx.doi.org/$1 %ActionName dotAstro %Description Get result page for a specified page of dotAstro %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://www.bigmacc.info/source?id=$1 %Param.Description $1=dotAstro number (example in J/ApJS/203/32) %Param.Value $1=215153 %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName dotAstro.home %Description Time Domain Astronomy Warehouse: One-stop Shop for Data and Science %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://dotastro.org/ %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName exoplanet %Description Get Jean Schneider's Page about one planet %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://exoplanet.eu/catalog/$1_$2 %Param.Description $1=exosun name %Param.Description $2=planet designation %Param.Value $1=51 Peg %Param.Value $1=b %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName exosun %Description Get Jean Schneider's Page about one ExoSun %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://exoplanet.eu/catalog/?f=star_name=%27$1%27 %Param.Description $1=exosun name %Param.Value $1=51 Peg %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName footform %Description Form for footprint modification %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %DistribDomain ASTRO %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1638804008 2021/12/06 17:20:08 %Url <&VizX>/viz-bin/w/Footprint?catid=$1&$2&$3&$4&$5&$6&$7 %Param.DataType $1=identification catalog %Param.DataType $2=misc'query/keywords %Param.DataType $3=misc'query/keywords %Param.DataType $4=misc'query/keywords %Test param="1239 -gal" %Test param="2276 -gal -z 7" %Test param="1300 -gif -ecl -z 8" %ResultDataType Mime(image/png) %Doc.User http://vizier.nao.ac.jp %ActionName footprint %Description Image of a footprint %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1630681033 2021/09/03 16:57:13 %SeeAction footprint.cds availability=7 %SeeAction footprint.adac availability=9999 %SeeAction footprint.iucaa availability=9999 %SeeAction footprint.cadc availability=1050 %SeeAction footprint.cfa availability=9999 %Doc.User https://cds.unistra.fr/cats/footprints.htx %ActionName footprint.alasky %Description Image of a footprint %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1641202928 2022/01/03 11:42:08 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/footprints/tables/vizier/$1/densityMap?format=png&size=small %FullTextResult img(gal) %Param.Description $1=table name %ActionName getCatFile %Description Display a file from a Catalog, depending on extension %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/getCatFile?$1&$2 %Param.DataType $1=E %Test param="I/239/hip_dm_o.dat" %Test param="J/A+AS/116/193" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User https://cds.unistra.fr/doc/catstd-3.1.htx %ActionName getCatFile.w %Description Display a file from a Catalog, depending on extension (on a dedicated window) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/getCatFile/w?$1&$2 %Param.DataType $1=E %Test param="I/239/hip_dm_o.dat" %Test param="J/A+AS/116/193" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User https://cds.unistra.fr/doc/catstd-3.1.htx %ActionName getDMapHiPS %Description URL racine des HiPS de densite des tables VizieR %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1508247598 2017/10/17 15:39:58 %SeeAction getDMapHiPS.0 availability=0 %SeeAction getDMapHiPS.1 availability=9999 %ActionName getReadMe %Description Show the standardized ReadMe describing a catalogue %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1630681033 2021/09/03 16:57:13 %Url <&VizX>/viz-bin/Cat?$1 %Param.DataType $1=E %Test param="I/196" %Test param="J/A+AS/116/193" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User https://cds.unistra.fr/doc/catstd-3.1.htx %ActionName getReadMe.cds %Description Show the standardized ReadMe describing a catalogue at CDS %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1632922070 2021/09/29 15:27:50 %Url https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/Cat?$1 %Param.DataType $1=E %Test param="I/196" %Test param="J/A+AS/116/193" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User https://cds.unistra.fr/doc/catstd-3.1.htx %ActionName getcat.cds CAT.README getcat %Description Astronomer's Bazaar query for Catalogues %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %DistribDomain ASTRO %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1685111083 2023/05/26 16:24:43 %Url https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat?$1 %Param.DataType $1=biblio'R %Param.DataType $1=E %Param.DataType $1=misc'query/keywords %Test param="I/196" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.Technical https://git.ub.cds.unistra.fr/planreprise/fiches-survie/-/blob/master/vizier.cats.md %Doc.User https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/cats/cats.htx %ActionName heasarc %Description HEASARC %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/ %FullTextResult https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/ %ActionName heasarc.ftp %Description HEASARC FTP repository %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/ %FullTextResult https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/ %ActionName hips2fits %Description hips2fits cutout service %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1615481125 2021/03/11 18:45:25 %SeeAction hips2fits.alasky availability=1 %SeeAction hips2fits.alaskybis availability=0 %ActionName meetings %Description International astronomy meetings: list at CFHT/CADC %Owner CDS'extern %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 2 1998/02/17 18:14:11 %Url http://cadcwww.dao.nrc.ca/cadcbin/wdb/cadcmisc/meetings/query?title=$1&max_rows_returned=10 %Param.DataType $1=CDS'misc'query/keywords %Test param="Hipparcos" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User http://cadcwww.dao.nrc.ca/meetings/meetings_frame.html %ActionName mobile %Description Simbad mobile home url %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1575960190 2019/12/10 08:43:10 %Url /mobile %ActionName openSesame %Description CDS resolver (target name to coordinates) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1630681033 2021/09/03 16:57:13 %SeeAction openSesame.cfa availability=6 %SeeAction openSesame.cds availability=8 %Doc.User https://cds.unistra.fr/doc/sesame.htx %ActionName openSesame.axel %Description CDS resolver (target name to coordinates), order is Simbad/NED/VizieR %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://axel.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/nph-sesame/$2/$3?$1 %Param.Description $2=Output Option -o with x=XML I=all_IDs p=plain %Param.Description $3=Choice of Resolvers: SNV A=all @=ignoreCache %Param.DataType $1=I %Param.DataType $2=misc'query/name %Param.DataType $3=misc'query/name %Param.Value $2=-o %Param.Value $2=-ox %Param.Value $3=SNV %Param.Value $3=A %Test.Delay 2m %ResultDataType Mime(text/plain) %ActionName question %Description Anchor for cds-question@unistra.fr (plain anchor) %Owner CDS'misc %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1339745962 2012/06/15 09:39:22 %Url mailto:cds-question@unistra.fr?Subject=$1&Cc=$2 %DefaultAnchorText cds-question@unistra.fr %ActionName sesame.nedresolver %Description NED resolver (sesame) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638804008 2021/12/06 17:20:08 %Url https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/testResolver?ned %Test param=":" pattern="OK" %Doc.User https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/testResolver?-h=True %ResultType Mime(text/html); %ActionName sesame.simbadresolver.cds %Description Simbad resolver (sesame) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638804008 2021/12/06 17:20:08 %Url https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/testResolver?simbad&$1=True %Test param="--simbad-aclient" pattern="OK" %Test param="--simbad-url" pattern="OK" %Doc.User https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/testResolver?-h=True %ResultType Mime(text/html); %ActionName sesame.simbadresolver.cfa %Description Simbad resolver (sesame) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://vizier.cfa.harvard.edu/viz-bin/testResolver?simbad&$1=True %Test param="--simbad-aclient" pattern="OK" %Test param="--simbad-url" pattern="OK" %Doc.User http://vizier.cfa.harvard.edu/viz-bin/testResolver?-h=True %ResultType Mime(text/html); %ActionName sesame.vizierresolver.cds %Description VizieR resolver (sesame) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638804008 2021/12/06 17:20:08 %Url https://cds.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/testResolver?vizier %Test param=":" pattern="OK" %Doc.User http://tapvizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/testResolver?-h=True %ResultType Mime(text/html); %ActionName sesame.vizierresolver.cfa %Description VizieR resolver (sesame) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url http://vizier.cfa.harvard.edu/viz-bin/testResolver?vizier %Test param=":" pattern="OK" %Doc.User http://vizier.cfa.harvard.edu/viz-bin/testResolver?-h=True %ResultType Mime(text/html); %ActionName sextractor %Description S-extractor facility (v2.8.6) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1638861035 2021/12/07 09:10:35 %Url http://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/cgi/sextractor.pl?url=$1&-DETECT_THRESH=$2&-MAG_ZEROPOINT=$3&-SATUR_LEVEL=$4&-SEEING_FWHM=$5&-FILTER_NAME=$6&-PHOT_APERTURES=$7&-BACKPHOTO_TYPE=$8&-BACKPHOTO_THICK=$9 %Param.Description $1=Image reference %Param.Description $2=Threshold (x RMS) %Param.Description $3=Mag zero point %Param.Description $4=Saturation (ADU) %Param.Description $5=stellar FWHM (arcsec) %Param.Description $6=Filter type %Param.Description $7=Phot diam. aperture (pix) %Param.Description $8=Background type %Param.Description $9=Backgd annulus thick. (pix) %Param.DataType $1=Input(IMG) %Param.Value $2=2.0 %Param.Value $5=1.2 %Param.Value $6=default.conv %Param.Value $6=block_3x3.conv %Param.Value $6=gauss_1.5_3x3.conv %Param.Value $6=gauss_2.0_3x3.conv %Param.Value $6=gauss_2.0_5x5.conv %Param.Value $6=gauss_2.5_5x5.conv %Param.Value $6=gauss_3.0_5x5.conv %Param.Value $6=gauss_3.0_7x7.conv %Param.Value $6=gauss_4.0_7x7.conv %Param.Value $6=gauss_5.0_9x9.conv %Param.Value $6=mexhat_1.5_5x5.conv %Param.Value $6=mexhat_2.0_7x7.conv %Param.Value $6=mexhat_2.5_7x7.conv %Param.Value $6=mexhat_3.0_9x9.conv %Param.Value $6=mexhat_4.0_9x9.conv %Param.Value $6=mexhat_5.0_11x11.conv %Param.Value $6=tophat_1.5_3x3.conv %Param.Value $6=tophat_2.0_3x3.conv %Param.Value $6=tophat_2.5_3x3.conv %Param.Value $6=tophat_3.0_3x3.conv %Param.Value $6=tophat_4.0_5x5.conv %Param.Value $6=tophat_5.0_5x5.conv %Param.Value $8=GLOBAL %Param.Value $8=LOCAL %Test param="http://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/test.fits" pattern="-9.6" %ResultDataType Mime(application/xml) %VerboseDescr This form allows to query remotely S-extractor (2.8.6) on your current image in order to provide a catalog of extracted sources. The input and output parameters are a subset of the software parameters. Do not hesitate todownload and use S-extractor directly on your machine for a better tuning of the results. %Doc.User https://www.astromatic.net/software/sextractor %Aladin.Label S-extractor %Aladin.LabelPlane S-ex $1 %Aladin.Logo SextraLogo.gif %Aladin.Menu Tools... %Aladin.Filter #Object elongation\nfilter ellipse { draw ellipse(${A_WORLD},${B_WORLD},90-${THETA_WORLD}) } %Aladin.Filter #Mag circle\nfilter mag { draw circle(-${MAG_ISO}) } %Aladin.Filter #Star classification\nfilter C-star { draw rainbow(${CLASS_STAR}) } %ActionName shs.img %Description SuperCOSMOS H-alpha (-75< Dec < +2.5 & |b| < 10) %Owner CDS'aladin %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576820496 2019/12/20 07:41:36 %Url http://www-wfau.roe.ac.uk/~sss/cgi-bin/ha_aladin_pix.cgi?ra=$1&dec=$2&mime-type=image/x-gfits&x=$3&y=$4&waveband=$5&output=$6 %Param.Description $1=Right Ascension (J2000) %Param.Description $2=Declination (J2000) %Param.Description $3=Width (arcmin) %Param.Description $4=Height (arcmin) %Param.Description $5=Waveband %Param.Description $6=Ouput units %Param.DataType $1=Target(RA) %Param.DataType $2=Target(DE) %Param.DataType $3=Field(RA) %Param.DataType $4=Field(DE) %Param.Value $3=5 %Param.Value $4=5 %Param.Value $5=1 - UKST H-alpha %Param.Value $5=2 - UKST Short Red %Param.Value $6=4 - intensity (flat-field corrected) %Param.Value $6=3 - intensity (un-corrected) %Param.Value $6=2 - density %Param.Value $6=1 - transmission %ResultDataType Mime(image/gfits) %Doc.User http://www-wfau.roe.ac.uk/sss/halpha %Aladin.Label SuperCOSMOS H-alpha Survey (SHS) %Aladin.Menu Others... %Aladin.LabelPlane $5 %Aladin.Profile <10.144 %ActionName simbad.score %Description Simbad query reference form %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1528441861 2018/06/08 09:11:01 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/sim-id-refs?Ident=$1&Name=$2 %FullTextResult $text %Param.Description $0=Name for the title %Param.Description $0=Identifier (or oid) %Param.DataType $0=I %Param.DataType $0=I %Test param="HD10" pattern="Score" %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName simbo.intro %Description Introduction page to simbo application %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1188914002 2007/09/04 15:53:22 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/sim-fref?simbo=on %Test noparam %Test.Delay 1h %ActionName simq SIMQ %Description Simple simbad query (from @adress) %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1643031244 2022/01/24 15:34:04 %Url http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=$1&name=$2&-c=$3 %Test param="@2566212 M17" %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName smb.query.basic %Description Simbad basic query (ident, coord, bibcode) %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1317987007 2011/10/07 13:30:07 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/sim-basic?ident=$1 %Param.Description $1=Identifier, coordinates (ICRS) or bibcode %Param.Optional $2 %Test param="HD3" %Test param="12 30 45 +10 20" %Test param="2005A&A...430..165F" %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName smb.query.children %Description Query the children of an object %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1188914002 2007/09/04 15:53:22 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/sim-id?Ident=$1&Name=$2&NbIdent=children %Param.Description $1=identifier or oid %Param.Description $2=explicit object name %Param.DataType $1=I %Param.DataType $2=I %Param.Optional $2 %ActionName smb.query.cone %Description Simbad query by cone %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1718016663 2024/06/10 12:51:03 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/../cone?RA=$1&DEC=$2&SR=$3&MAXREC=$4 %Param.Description $1=RA %Param.Description $2=DEC %Param.Description $3=Radius in degree %Param.Description $4=Max of rows in the result %Param.Value $3=0.1 %Param.Value $4=30 %Test param="12.23 1.123 0.13 5" %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName smb.query.coo %Description Simbad query by coordinates %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1188914002 2007/09/04 15:53:22 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/sim-coo?Coord=$1&Radius=$2&Radius.unit=$3&$4 %Param.Description $1=Coordinates %Param.Description $2=Radius in arcmin %Param.Description $3=Radius unit (deg,arcmin,arcsec) %Param.DataType $1=J2000 %Param.Value $2=2 %Param.Value $3=arcmin %Param.Optional $2 %Param.Optional $3 %Param.Optional $4 %Test param="12 30 45 +10 20" %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User <&SimbadHelp>=sim-fcoo %ActionName smb.query.id smb.query %Description Simbad query by object name %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1188914002 2007/09/04 15:53:22 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/sim-id?Ident=$1&$2&Radius=$3 %Param.Description $1=Identifier %Param.Description $3=Radius in arcmin %Param.DataType $1=I %Param.Optional $2 %Param.Optional $3 %Test param="HD1" %Test param="M31" %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User <&SimbadHelp>=sim-fid %ActionName smb.query.parents %Description Query the parents of an object %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1188914002 2007/09/04 15:53:22 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/sim-id?Ident=$1&Name=$2&NbIdent=parents %Param.Description $1=identifier or oid %Param.Description $2=explicit object name %Param.DataType $1=I %Param.DataType $2=I %Param.Optional $2 %ActionName smb.query.ref %Description Simbad query by reference (bibcode) %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1188914002 2007/09/04 15:53:22 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/sim-ref?bibcode=$1&$2 %Param.Description $1=Bibcode %Param.DataType $1=B %Param.Optional $2 %Test param="2005A&A...430..165F" %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.User <&SimbadHelp>=sim-fref %ActionName smb.query.sample %Description Simbad sample execution %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1188914002 2007/09/04 15:53:22 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/sim-sam?CriteriaField=$1 %Param.Description $1=criteria expression %ActionName smb.query.script %Description Simbad script execution %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1207560195 2008/04/07 11:23:15 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/sim-script?script=$1 %Param.Description $1=script %ActionName smb.query.siblings %Description Query the siblings of an object %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1188914002 2007/09/04 15:53:22 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/sim-id?Ident=$1&Name=$2&NbIdent=siblings %Param.Description $1=identifier or oid %Param.Description $2=explicit object name %Param.DataType $1=I %Param.DataType $2=I %Param.Optional $2 %ActionName smb.simtest.fr %Description Simbad test using hd1 %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1647512460 2022/03/17 12:21:00 %Url http://simtest.cds.unistra.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=$1 %Param.Description $1=Identifier %Param.DataType $1=I %Test param="HD1" pattern="K0" %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName smb.test.djin.fr %Description Simbad test using galactic center %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1643031244 2022/01/24 15:34:04 %Url http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/simbad/sim-script?submit=submit+script&script=output+script%3Doff%0Aoutput+console%3Doff%0Aformat+object+%22%25MAIN_ID%5Cn%25OTYPE%28V%29%5Cn%25IDLIST%22%0Aquery+id+$1 %Param.Description $1=Identifier %Param.DataType $1=I %Test param="galactic+center" option="n" pattern="NAME Gal Center" %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %Doc.Technical http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/simbad/sim-script?submit=submit+script&script=%0Aformat+object+%22%25MAIN_ID%5Cn%25OTYPE%28V%29%5Cn%25IDLIST%22%0Aquery+id+galactic+center %ActionName smb.test.fr %Description Simbad test using hd1 %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1643031244 2022/01/24 15:34:04 %Url http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=$1 %Param.Description $1=Identifier %Param.DataType $1=I %Test param="HD1" pattern="K0" %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName smb.test.maj %Description Simbad maj2 prog %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1643092389 2022/01/25 08:33:09 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/../Files/Maj/status %Test noparam pattern="OK" %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/plain) %ActionName smb.test.resolver %Description Simbad name resolver %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1330090507 2012/02/24 15:35:07 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/sim-nameresolver?Ident=$1 %Param.Description $1=Identifier %Param.DataType $1=I %Test param="HD1" pattern="K0" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName smb.test.tap %Description Simbad TAP %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %VersionNumber 1403768480 2014/06/26 09:41:20 %Url <&SimbadUrl>/sim-tap/sync?request=doQuery&lang=adql&query=SELECT%20TOP%201%20OID%20FROM%20basic %Param.Description %Param.DataType %Test noparam pattern="oid" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName smb.test.us %Description Simbad test using hd1 %Owner CDS'simbad %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ASTRO %VersionNumber 1359532295 2013/01/30 09:51:35 %Url <&SimbadUrl.us>/sim-id?Ident=$1 %Param.Description $1=Identifier %Param.DataType $1=I %Test param="HD1" pattern="K0" %Test.Delay 1h %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName vizExec %Description Plot or spectrum from VizieR %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/vizExec/$1?$2&$3 %Param.Description $1=The type of action: Vgraph getSp etc... %Param.Description $2=What to look, e.g. catalog/table %Param.Description $3=Parametre e.g. %Param.DataType $1=text %Param.DataType $2=text %Param.DataType $3=text %Test param=".show" %Test param="V/127" %Test param="G209.1-08.2" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName vizGraph %Description Actual plot (<&vizExec Vgraph catalog/table argument...>) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/vizExec/Vgraph?$1&$2 %Param.Description $1=Catalog table, e.g. II/262/filters %Param.Description $2=Further specifications, typically P=(period) for light curves %Param.DataType $1=E %Param.DataType $2=text %Test param="II/262/filters" %Test param="J/A+A/397/1035/F1" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName vizier.4 VizResult VizResult.www Viz4 %Description VizieR Result Page (includes Clones) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1720729981 2024/07/11 22:33:01 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/VizieR-4?-source=$1&-out.add=_RAJ,_DEJ&-oc=S&$2&$3&$4 %Param.Description $1=Name or Number of a Table %Param.Description $2=Full parameter for a query, e.g. HD=12345 %Param.DataType $1=E %Param.DataType $2=text %Test param="II/250 \"-c=HD226868\"" %Test param="I/239/hip_main HIP=9404" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName vizier.5 VizDetail VizDetail.www Viz5 %Description VizieR Query Detailed Page Result (includes Clones) %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %DistribDomain SSDS.astronomy %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/VizieR-5?-source=$1&-out.add=.&$2&$3&$4 %Param.Description $1=Name or Number of a Table %Param.Description $2=Full parameter for a query, e.g. HD=12345 %Param.DataType $1=E %Param.DataType $2=text %Test param="II/250 \"GCVS=R *AND\"" %Test param="I/239/hip_main HIP=9404" %ResultDataType Mime(text/html) %ActionName vizivot VizieR.vot VizieR.xml %Description Query the VizieR service to retrieve data in VOTable %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/votable?-source=$1&-c=$2&-c.r=$3&-out.add=_RAJ,_DEJ&-oc.form=dec&-out.meta=DhuL&-out.max=9999 %Param.Description $1=Name or Number of a catalogue, or words defining catalog(s) %Param.Description $2=Identification or J2000-position %Param.Description $3=Max distance from target position, in arcminutes %Param.DataType $1=E %Param.DataType $2=simbad'I %Param.DataType $2=J2000 %Test param="HR M31" %Test param="III/135 01:23:45+12:25" %Test param="3135 01:23:45+12:25" %ResultDataType Mime(text/xml) %ActionName vizivot.meta VizieR.cats.xml %Description Query the VizieR service to retrieve catalogs in VOTable format %Owner CDS'VizieR %DistribDomain CDS %DistribDomain ALADIN %VersionNumber 1576074585 2019/12/11 16:29:45 %Url <&VizU>/viz-bin/votable?-meta&-source=$1&-c=$2&-c.r=$3 %Param.Description $1=Name or Number of a catalogue, or words defining catalog(s) %Param.Description $2=Identification or J2000-position %Param.Description $3=Max distance from target position, in arcminutes %Param.DataType $1=E %Param.DataType $2=simbad'I %Param.DataType $2=J2000 %Test param="HR M31" %Test param="III/135 01:23:45+12:25" %Test param="3135 01:23:45+12:25" %ResultDataType Mime(text/xml)