Later observations did not indicate that there was any need to change these
elements. (W.E. Harper, Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 208, 1935).

The orbit was assumed to be circular, and the orbital elements are based
on measures of two lines of He II seen in absorption. The velocities show a
large scatter, and Hutchings offers several alternative solutions based on
different emission lines and different numbers of plates. The system
resembles some X-ray binaries and may contain a collapsed component. The
primary generates a strong stellar wind, and it is unclear how far any of
the spectral lines represent the true orbital velocity of the star. P.S.
Conti and J.-M. Vreux (Astrophys. J., 228, 220, 1979) do not confirm the
period found by Hutchings and question whether the star's velocity is
genuinely variable.

The new elements, based on photoelectric velocity measurements, should
certainly be preferred over those originally determined by W.H. Christie
(Astrophys. J., 77, 310, 1933), especially since the new observations lead
to an improved value of the period. The agreement between the two values of
K is acceptable. Beavers and Salzer applied the test devised by Lucy &
Sweeney to the eccentricity and concluded that, although small, it is
genuine. The star varies in light by about 0.2 m in V in a way that
suggests it is an eclipsing variable. (R.D. Lines & D.S. Hall, Inf. Bull.
Var. Stars, No. 2013, 1981). The shape of the light curve suggests that at
least one component is distorted -- unusual in a system of such long period.
Attempts to detect the secondary spectrum have so far failed.

Earlier investigations by R.H. Baker (Publ. Allegheny Obs., 1, 22, 1908),
H. Ludendorff (Astron. Nachr., 178, 23, 1908), O. Kohl (Astron. Nachr.,
262, 472, 1937), W.J. Luyten, O. Struve and W.W. Morgan (Publ. Yerkes Obs.,
7, Pt. IV, 1, 1939) and J.A. Pearce (Publ. Am. Astron. Soc., 9, 16, 1936)
gave a range in K from 27 km/s to 34 km/s. Aikman obtained new,
high-dispersion observations of this mercury-manganese star; the orbital
elements given are based on his new observations and the older ones. No
new elements have been published since, but K.D. Rakos, H. Jenker and J.
Wood (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 43, 209, 1981) find evidence for light
variations in the ultraviolet with a period of about 0.96d and velocity
variations (measured from three Si II lines near lambda = 1300 A) of up to
10 km/s in a period of about 0.13 day. S.J. Adelman and D.M. Pyper (Astron.
Astrophys., 118, 313, 1983) also suspect some light variations at visual
and near ultraviolet wavelengths. Considering these results, and a
possibility that V0 may be varying, we believe that the assessment given
for this orbit in the Seventh Catalogue may have been optimistic. (Note
also a misprint in Aikman's paper where 9.6 km/s is given as the most recent
value of V0 rather than -9.6 km/s) Petrie's (II) value of Delta m = 1.35m
is probably affected by the lambda 4479 component of the Mg II line and is
an underestimate.  The star is the brighter component of A.D.S. 94; the
companion is 11.4m at 75".

The orbital elements are described as `preliminary' by Hube and Gulliver
themselves. Curchod and Hauck classify the metallic-lined spectrum as A3
from the K line and F0 from the metal lines. Hube and Gulliver suggest that
a search for eclipses might be worthwhile.

The new results by Andersen et al. represent a major advance in our
understanding of this system.  The velocity-curve of the secondary
component (the K star) is now well determined by photoelectric measurements
-- much better so than the d quality suggests. The value of V0 is derived
from measures of the secondary component, which also leaves little doubt
that the true orbit is circular (the epoch is the time of primary minimum
and the period is variable). Earlier work by O. Struve (Astrophys. J., 99,
89, 1944) and by C.J. van Houten (Astron. Astrophys., 97, 46, 1981) is now
superseded. Andersen's own determination of K2 from spectrograms (Publ.
Astron. Soc. Pacific, 85, 191, 1973) is surprisingly closely confirmed.
There is now general agreement that the A-type spectrum is that of a shell,
not that of the hotter star, whose true spectral type was estimated from UV
observations to be B7 (M. Plavec, J.L. Weiland and R.H. Koch, Astrophys.
J., 256, 206, 1982). Andersen et al. have also analyzed the photometric
observations, particularly those of C.-Y. Shao (Astron. J., 72, 480, 1967).
They find an orbital inclination of about 79deg and a light ratio in V (K
star brighter) of 1.7. The system appears to be semi-detached. E.F. Guinan,
S. Tomcyzk and D.J. Turnshek (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 95, 364, 1983)
confirm that the H-alpha emission comes from a region larger than either
star. The faint companion (V = 11.68m) about 17" away appears not to be
physically related to the binary system.

This is a cataclysmic variable of the Z Cam type. Even the period is
uncertain -- an alternative value of 0.149 day is quite possible -- and the
elements must be considered provisional, although K1 and V0 would be
approximately the same whichever period is chosen. Co-adding individual
spectra gives a somewhat lower value of K1 (92 km/s) and an appreciably
better fit to the velocity-curve. A circular orbit was assumed.

This is the first complete investigation of the system since the original
one by J.A. Pearce (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 92, 877, 1932) although O.
Struve and M. Rudkjobing (Astrophys. J., 108, 537, 1948) and J. Sahade
(Publ. Goethe Link Obs., No. 69, 1967) questioned the visibility of the
secondary spectrum seen by Pearce. In consequence, the very high masses
found for this star by the last-named investigator have long been doubted.
Hutchings and Bernard base their analysis on only eleven spectrograms, but
since these are well distributed around the orbital period and the results
for the primary spectrum agree well with Pearce's, we can probably assume
that the orbit of the brighter component is well known. They believe that
Pearce measured lines of Fe II in the neighbourhood of the K line and
misidentified these  as the secondary component of that line. They find
possible traces of a weak secondary component in the helium lines which
indicate a mass-ratio near unity and a magnitude difference (in the
photographic region of the spectrum) of about 1.5mag. Corresponding minimum
masses are around 15 MSol for each component. The epoch is T0. The secondary
may be of earlier spectral type and still close to the main sequence. There
is evidence for a stellar wind associated with the primary star.

The spectral type is A2 from the K line and F2 from the metallic lines.

An earlier investigation by E. MacCormack (Astrophys. J., 80, 120, 1934)
gives elements in good agreement with Cester's except for a small
eccentricity. The light-curve obtained by N.L. Magalashvili and Ya.I.
Kumsishvili (Bulletin Abastumani Obs., No. 22, 3, 1958) shows a displaced
secondary minimum which suggests an appreciable eccentricity of the orbit.
K.J. Johnston (Astrophys. J., 176, 455, 1971) has confirmed Cester's
suggestion that the light variation is due solely to the ellipticities of
the two nearly identical components. He found i=38 deg and suggested there
might be rapid apsidal rotation.  New spectroscopic observations are being
obtained by C.T. Bolton to test this possibility. The epoch given in the
Catalogue is T0. The star is the brighter component of A.D.S. 191;
companion 7.8m at 12".

Reference: B.Cester, Trieste Contr.,, No. 291, 1959


Earlier investigations were made by W.S. Adams and G. Stromberg (Astrophys.
J., 47, 329, 1918), J.A. Pearce (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 3, 275, 1926),
and O. Struve and H.G. Horak (Astrophys. J., 110, 447, 1949). All available
observations have also been discussed by G. Mannino (Asiago Contr., No. 103,
1959) and A. Krancj (Publ. Bologna Univ. Obs., 7, No. 14, 1960). An
excellent three-colour (UBV) light-curve was obtained by R.H. Koch (Astron.
J., 65, 127, 1960). These and an earlier light-curve obtained by F.B. Wood
(Astrophys. J., 108, 28, 1948) were analyzed by J.B. Hutchings and G. Hill
(Astrophys. J., 167, 137, 1971) by their method of light-curve synthesis.
They found the orbital inclination to be 56 deg, the eclipses being grazing
and most of the light variation being the result of distortion of the stars.
Abhyankar finds evidence for different mean velocities for each component,
raising the question how far the velocities derived for the secondary star
can be assumed to result from its orbital motion. If the secondary spectrum
does arise from the secondary star then the system does not conform to the
mass-luminosity relation. Petrie(II) found Delta m = 0.78, a greater
difference than would be expected if the mass-ratio is 0.85, as found by
Abhyankar. Hutchings and Hill confirm this value of the mass-ratio (they
find 0.81) and speculate that the system is close to a rapid phase of mass
transfer. The orbit of the primary is well determined in Abhyankar's work,
although his value of K1 is different from those found earlier. He believes
there is some evidence for apsidal rotation with a period of about 70 years.

Light-curves in B and V have been published by R.M. Williamon, T.F. Collins
and K.-Y. Chen (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 34, 207, 1978). The epoch is the
time of primary minimum. Hilditch and King were unable to satisfy the
light-curves with the same value of the mass-ratio as obtained from the
velocity-curves; the light-curves give q=0.27. Subject to uncertainties
arising from this, Hilditch and King find the masses, radii and luminosities
of the two stars to be, respectively: 1.9 MSol and 0.7 MSol ; 2.1 RSol and
1.3 RSol ; and 8.95 LSol and 3.47 LSol. The orbital inclination is close to
80 deg. Different luminosity ratios would be found at the two quadratures
from the relative intensity of the spectra.

Although the observations are spread over an interval of nearly sixty years,
no evidence for apsidal motion has been detected. The original paper gives
spectrophotometric information and an estimate of rotational velocities
(75 km/s). The study serves as an example of what can be learned when old
plates are measured by modern cross-correlation methods.

It is, perhaps, surprising that this relatively bright, short-period system
has not attracted more attention from spectroscopists. Plaskett's discussion
remains the only complete one. Luyten rediscussed the observations and
derived a small eccentricity: photometric observations, however, reveal that
any displacement of the secondary minimum is very small. Observations by J.
Sahade and O. Struve (Astrophys. J., 102, 480, 1945) agree with Plaskett's
curve but show a distinct rotational disturbance. Those investigators could
not confirm Plaskett's detection of the secondary spectrum (K2=150 km/s) --
hardly surprising since modern photometry indicates a light-ratio in V of
about 0.05 (K. W lodarczyk, Acta Astron., 34, 47, 1984). Plaskett's zero of
phase is based on a time of primary minimum given by R.J. McDiarmid
(Princeton Obs. Contr., No. 7, 1924). The value given in the Catalogue is
one-quarter of a period later and corresponds to the time of maximum positive
velocity.  There is evidence, however, that the period changes (A.C. de
Landtsheer, Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 52, 213, 1983). De Landtsheer also
presents an infrared light-curve in that paper. In addition, with P.S. Mulder
(Astron. Astrophys., 127, 297, 1983) he reports on IUE observations of the
system, which failed to show any trace of circumstellar matter. A discussion
of the system's possible evolution has been published by J.P. de Greve, A.C.
de Landtsheer and W. Packet (Astron. Astrophys., 142, 367, 1985). W lodarczyk
(op.cit.) finds i=80 deg, in good agreement with earlier discussions of the
light-curve (C.M. Huffer & Z. Kopal, Astrophys. J., 114, 297, 1951 and J.
Papousek, Bull. Astron. Inst. Csl, 25, 152, 1974). The spectral type given
for the secondary component is derived from W lodarczyk's solution.

Original observations and elements by G.H. Tidy (Publ. David Dunlap Obs., 1,
191, 1940). Tanner showed that the period adopted by Tidy was incorrect. The
epoch is T0 as defined by Sterne. Lucy & Sweeney regard the orbit as circular.

Period uncertain by up to one day. Epoch is arbitrary zero of phase. Star
is brighter component of A.D.S. 328: companion 8.0m at 0.2", but star appeared
single in 1953 (I.D.S.).

Secondary spectrum seen and measured with difficulty.

Hube calls attention to the large mass-function and suggests that the
system may prove to be eclipsing. Earlier reports of variability, however,
have not been confirmed. Some authors have classified the star as an Si Ap
star, but Hube finds no evidence of peculiarity. J. Zverko (Bull. Astron.
Inst. Csl, 30, 372, 1979) published an abundance analysis and concluded that
silicon is slightly overabundant.


Residuals are small, but maximum of velocity-curve is not well defined. H.L.
Alden (Publ. Am. Astron. Soc., 9, 31, 1937) gives an astrometric orbit,
i=110.4 deg, a=0.068", omega=3 deg.

The orbit is based exclusively on photoelectric measurements of radial
velocity, although earlier photographic measurements revealed the
variability (R.E. Wilson and A.H. Joy, Astrophys. J., 111, 221, 1950; J.F.
Heard, Publ. David Dunlap Obs., 2, 105, 1956). A circular orbit was adopted
after an application of Bassett's test (Observatory, 98, 122, 1978) showed
the small eccentricity to be statistically insignificant. The epoch is T0.
Griffin suggests that the star may be fainter than the H.D. magnitude given
in the Catalogue.


This Cepheid variable is also a spectroscopic binary and a member of the
cluster N.G.C. 129.

This is another supergiant member of the cluster N.G.C. 129.

Star is 1' S.E. of B.D. +61 deg 113. Period is accurately known from
light-curve. I.M. Levitt (Flower Reprint, No. 76, 1949) found from visual
observations i=67 deg and the light-ratio to be about 0.75.

13 Cet (A.D.S. 490) is a well-known triple system. Luyten estimates V0 for
the whole system is 11.0 km/s. Earlier investigations are by J.S.
Paraskevopoulos (Astrophys. J., 52, 110, 1920) and A. Pogo (Astrophys. J.,
68, 116, 1938). A visual orbit for the long-period system (P=6.91y) was
derived by Aitken (Publ. Lick Obs., 12, 5, 1914) and rediscussed by Luyten
in the paper cited in the Catalogue. The long-period system has not been
included in the Catalogue since there seems to have been no direct
spectroscopic determination of K, the semiamplitude of the spectroscopic
binary about the centre of mass of the whole system. There are discrepancies
in the orbital elements from epoch to epoch, probably indicating that the
two orbital motions have not yet been completely disentangled, although
there may also be physical perturbations. The set of elements given here
refers to the interval 1923-28. G. Gatewood and S. Sofia (Publ. Astron. Soc.
 Pacific, 88, 50, 1976) find that the astrometric data suggest that the
principal components of the system are overluminous for their masses.


This is a mercury-manganese star for which Stickland and Weatherby give a
`possible orbital solution'. A periodicity of about 400 d in the velocity
had previously been suggested by G.C.L. Aikman (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs.,
14, 379, 1976).

This star was used as a reference star in the Cambridge photoelectric
velocity measurements and therefore, as explained by McClure et al., some
orbits derived from such observations may be affected.  It is difficult to
classify the orbit. The scatter of observations at a given phase is often
greater than the total range of variation, but the large number of
observations permits a fairly precise determination of K1. In view of the
long (and correspondingly uncertain) period, a conservative assessment
seems appropriate.

Brighter component of A.D.S. 513, companion 9.0 mag at 36". Other
investigations by F.C. Jordan (Publ. Allegheny Obs., 2, 45, 1910) and W.J.
Luyten, O. Struve and W.W. Morgan (Publ. Yerkes Obs., 7, Pt. IV, 254, 1939).
The elements of the primary orbit found by these authors agree well, and
they must be considered well determined. Only Pearce observed the secondary
spectrum. Petrie(II) found Delta m=3.17. Luyten, Struve and Morgan revised
the period to 143.621d.

The Durchmusterung number is from the C.P.D. Radial velocities for this
early-type near-contact system have been determined by cross-correlation and
the primary curve is well covered although the r.m.s. error is 8.5 km/s. The
epoch is a time of primary minimum, but the period is decreasing and a
quadratic term (9.04E-4 d) must be included in the ephemeris. Hilditch and
King have combined their spectroscopic observations with photoelectric
light-curves observed by J.V. Clausen and B. Groenbech (Astron. Astrophys.
Supp., 28, 389, 1977) to obtain masses of 1.6 MSol and 0.7 MSol, radii of
1.6 RSol and 1.0 RSol and luminosities of 5.6 LSol and 0.36 LSol. The
orbital inclination is close to 81 deg. The secondary spectral type is
estimated from the effective temperature quoted by Hilditch and King.

Residuals from velocity-curve are small, but curve is based on only eleven
observations. On basis of assigned spectral types, Delta m approx 0.6. Epoch
is T0. Star is listed in I.D.S.: companion 8.6m at 330".

Bakos gives a period of 15,000 days, which can be only an approximate value.
The observational data for this low-amplitude binary are taken from several
different observatories, and a homogeneous series of observations would be
very helpful in confirming the orbital elements. The star is the brighter
component of A.D.S. 548: companion is 12m at 28" separation.

The velocities are determined by cross-correlation. Emission is seen at H
and K, varying approximately in phase with the more massive component. The
epoch is the time of primary minimum, when the less massive star is eclipsed.
An unfiltered photoelectric light-curve has been observed by D.H. Bradstreet
(Astron. J., 86, 98, 1981) who finds i=81 deg and that the brighter (but
marginally cooler) component gives 60 percent of the light.

The variation of the velocity of this star seems to be established, but with
only one observation on the descending branch of the velocity-curve, the
period must be uncertain.

Orbital elements have previously been published by E.A. Vitrichenko (Soviet
Astron. J., 11, 898, 1968 and Izv. Krym. Astrofiz. Obs., 39, 63, 1969). The
new elements are preferred because they are based on more, better distributed
observations. The main difference is the somewhat larger value of K2 found
by Vitrichenko. Gies and Bolton suggest that the secondary is cooler than
the primary and overluminous for its mass -- they estimate the visual
magnitude difference between the two components to be close to zero.
Vitrichenko observed a light variation of about 0.2m in V, consistent with
the star being an ellipsoidal variable. The epoch is the time of inferior
conjunction of the bright star.

This system resembles YY Gem, although no eclipses have been detected. Both
components have emission of variable intensity in the H and K lines of their
spectra. At least one of the stars is a flare star and a BY Dra variable. A
model for the system containing a spotty star is proposed by Bopp and Fekel.
The epoch is the time of conjunction with the velocity of the primary star
increasing: the orbit was assumed circular. The star varies by about 0.06m
in V.

Earlier investigations by W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 4, 135,
1917) revised in Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 107, 1935, and by Luyten,
based on Harper's material. Agreement with new elements is fairly good.
Harper found e=0.01; Mannino and Grubissich find e approx 0.005. Values of
K found by Harper are each about 3 km/s less than values in the Catalogue.
Epoch is T0. A further discussion of the system was made by A. Krancj (Publ.
Bologna Univ. Obs., 7, No. 11, 1959). Petrie(I) found Delta m=0.25.

Earlier investigations by J. Lunt (Cape Annals, 10, Pt. 7, 38G, 1924) and
by Neubauer himself (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 41, 371, 1929). Neubauer's
later results agree much better with Lunt's than do his 1929 results. A
small systematic difference exists between the Lick and Cape measures. From
the Cape measures alone, V0=+13.6 km/s.

Detection of the secondary component with a Reticon, combined with
high-precision measures of the primary, bring the spectroscopic observations
of this system to the high standard that photometric observations set long
ago. The new elements for the primary star agree well with those found by
C.L. Perry and S.N. Stone (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 78, 5, 1966) and the
results from the original study by J.S. Plaskett (Publ. Dom. Astrophys.
Obs., 3, 248, 1926) agree within their uncertainties.  The new observations
lead to a circular orbit (e=0.000+/-0.003); the epoch is the time of primary
 minimum. Lacy has rediscussed the excellent light-curve by G.E. Kron (Lick
Obs. Bull., 19, 59, 1939) and finds i=88.3deg, masses of 2.31 MSol and 1.35
MSol, radii of 2.53 RSol and 1.35 RSol and Delta m bol=2.9.  A.C. de
Landtsheer and P.S. Mulder (Astron. Astrophys., 127, 297, 1983) report from
IUE observations that iron is overabundant by a factor of six in this system.
De Landtsheer and J.P. de Greve (Astron. Astrophys., 135, 397, 1984) discuss
the possible evolution of the system. Star is brighter component of A.D.S.
624: companion is 9.7m at 36".

The first suggestion that this symbiotic star might be a spectroscopic
binary with P approx 470 d was made by S.E. Smith (Astrophys. J., 237, 831,
1980). The value of the period was assumed by Oliversen et al. A circular
orbit was assumed and phases were computed from the time of maximum
equivalent width of the H-alpha emission, J.D. 2,443,200.5. Different methods
of reduction lead to rather different values of K1, which quantity is,
therefore, uncertain. R.E. Stencel (Astrophys. J., 281, L75, 1984) finds
evidence from IUE observations for an eclipse of the hotter star by the cooler.
Early reports of large variable magnetic fields in this system (H.W. Babcock,
Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 62, 277, 1950) are not confirmed by more recent
observations (M.H. Slovak, Astrophys. J., 262, 282, 1982). The system is also
discussed by M.R. Garcia (Astron. J., 91, 1400, 1986).

The scatter of observations about the mean curve is large, and the possibility
of other orbital periods should be investigated. Star is brighter component
of A.D.S. 622: companion 11.2m at 33" appears to share the proper motion of
the primary.


Earlier investigations by J.B. Cannon (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 2, 143,
1915), H.S. Jones (Cape Annals, 10, Pt. 8, 35, 1928) and Luyten (based on
both these sets). Except for systematic differences in the Ottawa
observations all investigators agree well. E.M. Hendry (Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, 92, 825, 1980) found that new observations required no modifications
to Gratton's elements. The spectrum displays (possibly variable, see Hendry,
loc. cit.) Ca II emission. A small light variation was interpreted by C.M.
Huffer (Publ. Washburn Obs., 15, 29, 1928) as a combination of ellipticity
effects and shallow eclipses. A UBV light-curve has been published by T.S.
Belyakina, V.I. Burnashev and V.M. Zhilin (Izv. Krym. Astrofiz. Obs., 56, 16,
1977) who find a range of 0.2m in V and a period of 17.7673d.  The epoch
is the time of inferior conjunction of the visible star. Several faint
companions are listed in I.D.S., but their physical connection is doubtful.

The elements given in the Catalogue were published only shortly after those
by H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy (Astrophys. J. Supp., 30, 273, 1976). Since Nadal
et al. use more observations and discuss the system more thoroughly, their
results are preferred. The agreement is quite good, but there are some
systematic departures of Abt's and Levy's observations from those obtained
at Haute Provence. Nadal et al. argue for the existence of a third body
causing supposed changes in K, omega and V0. Only the last-named are
significant, however, and -- despite attempts to connect all observations to
the `Lick System' -- may be the result of systematic errors between
observatories. By Petrie's method, Nadal et al. find Delta m=0.18 in the
photographic region of the spectrum. Two faint companions listed in I.D.S.
are regarded by both sets of investigators as probably optical.

Abt and Levy combined their new observations with those obtained by F.C.
Jordan (Publ. Allegheny Obs., 1, 191, 1910) and offer these new improved
elements. Petrie(I) found Delta m=0.76.

Popper notes that the hydrogen lines strengthen with respect to the metallic
lines during primary eclipse, but this effect cannot be caused by the
secondary spectrum which should be that of a cooler star.  There is also an
apparent rotational disturbance in the velocities although the lines of the
spectrum are quite sharp. All lines except lambda 4481 Mg II, which gives a
higher value for K1, appear double near the time of primary minimum. The
magnitude given in the Catalogue is derived from a single observation.  The
epoch is the time of primary minimum, and the orbit was assumed circular.

The primary component of this two-spectra binary is a newly discovered
mercury-manganese star.  The velocities of the secondary component were used
 only to determine K2. More recent observations show some systematic
departures from the orbital elements given here.

Reference: F.C.Fekel,,,, (Unpublished)

Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.29. The orbit should probably be assumed circular.
According to I.D.S., there is an 11.5m companion at 133.4".

Reference: G.A.Shajn, Pulkovo Circ.,, No. 21; 31, 1937

Earlier spectroscopic observations are discussed by E.F. Carpenter (Astrophys.
J., 72, 205, 1930), Z. Kopal (Harvard Obs. Bull., No. 914, 1950) and R.H.
Hardie (Astrophys. J., 112, 542, 1950). The complexity of the spectrum,
arising from the presence of circumstellar matter in the system, probably
ensures that the orbital elements will never be known with high accuracy.
The epoch is the time of primary minimum; the period is variable and
increasing. The value of K2 comes from the discussion of Reticon observations
by J. Tomkin (Astrophys. J., 244, 546, 1981). It agrees closely with the value
obtained by Batten and is certainly more reliable. Eruptive events observed
in 1974 and since (A.H. Batten et al., Nature, 253, 174, 1975 and M. Plavec
and R.S. Polidan, Nature, 253, 173, 1975) have stimulated much work on this
system. Photometric studies of the variable circumstellar disk have been
published by E.C. Olson (Astrophys. J., 237, 496, and 241, 257, 1980) and
many of his conclusions have been confirmed and complemented by study of the
UV spectrum (M.J. Plavec, Astrophys. J., 275, 251, 1983), whose spectral
classifications (similar to Batten's) are given in the Catalogue. Plavec also
finds Delta m V approx 2.5. A modern discussion of the undisturbed light-curve
was published by E.C. Olson (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 96, 162, 1984) who
finds i=85.8 deg. Polarization in the circumstellar matter has been studied by
V. Piirola (Astron. Astrophys., 90, 48, 1980 and Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 44,
461, 1981). Weak X-rays have been detected from this system (N.E. White and
F.E. Marshall, Smithsonian Astrophys. Obs. Special Rep., Vol. 2, No. 392, 93,
1982). These papers form only a part of the recent literature on this active
system. Star is brighter component of A.D.S. 830: companion 11.2m at 13.8".

This is a Wolf-Rayet binary in the Small Magellanic Cloud, possibly associated
with the cluster and H II region N.G.C. 346. The system displays eclipses and
the period was determined photometrically (J. Breysacher and C. Perrier,
Astron. Astrophys., 90, 207, 1980) and the orbital inclination is estimated
to be about 80 deg. Photometric and spectroscopic values of e and omega are
in agreement, but Breysacher et al. point out that the large eccentricity is
unusual in a Wolf-Rayet system with only a moderately long period. The epoch
is the time of periastron passage as derived from the O-type spectrum. They
also find the derived masses to be low, and express doubts whether or not the
He II lambda 4686 emission truly represents the orbital motion of the
Wolf-Rayet component. That line may also be in emission in the O-type spectrum.

One node of this highly eccentric orbit is very well observed. The two
components are blended, however, over most of the orbit. Velocities are
obtained from lambda 4481 Mg II only. Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.16.

The new data obtained by Hutchings and Thomas supersede those on which Kraft's
(Astrophys. J., 135, 408, 1962) original orbit was based, clarifying some
issues and confusing others. There appears to have been an error in the
tabulation in Kraft's paper, where a value was given for K1 incompatible with
the velocity-curve as drawn. Kraft's data lead to a value of K1 similar to
that found by Hutchings and Thomas. The high orbital eccentricity found by
Kraft is probably a result of distortion of the spectral line profiles by the
hot-spot. Hutchings and Thomas found a smaller eccentricity than Kraft did and
preferred to adopt a circular solution. The epoch is T0. There is evidence for
a period change between the two epochs of observation. Hutchings and Thomas
also believe they have detected the secondary spectrum, which should be
measurable in the red region of the spectrum. The system is of the Z Cam type;
light variations are not caused by eclipses (P. Szkody, Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, 86, 38, 1974).  Attempts to detect soft X-rays from the system during
a flare led only to the setting of an upper limit (P. Henry et al., Astrophys.
J., 197, L117, 1975).

This is another Wolf-Rayet binary in the Small Magellanic Cloud, first
observed by A.F.J. Moffat (Astrophys. J., 257, 110, 1982). The system is not
yet known to display eclipses, but Moffat believes that it may be found to do
so; he had found a period of 6.861d, ruled out by the new observations. The
designation signifies the number of the star in Sanduleak's list (Astron. J.,
73, 246, 1968). The epoch is T0 for the absorption component.

The period given in the Catalogue is derived from the radial velocities alone
-- a somewhat heterogeneous set. The spectroscopic elements are all still
highly uncertain, but S.L. Lippincott (Astrophys. J., 248, 1053, 1981) has
published a thorough discussion of the astrometric orbit of this Population
II binary. Her value for the period of 21.43y is certainly closer to the
truth than that derived spectroscopically. She finds i=109.5 deg,
omega=335.9deg and e=0.61. She estimates Delta m approx 4.5. Several faint
and distant companions are listed in I.D.S.

Bertaud and Floquet list the spectral type as Am, without further
qualification. Bennett et al. comment on the prominence of lines of strontium
in both spectra. There is no distinguishable difference between the spectra of
the two stars.

This recently discovered cataclysmic variable is remarkable for its short
period and eclipses of a few minutes duration. Orbital solutions are
necessarily uncertain. The orbital inclination is probably around 76 deg, the
mass of the white dwarf probably between 0.5 MSol and 1 MSol and that of the
other component probably around 0.25 MSol. The epoch is mid-eclipse of the

The new observations by Andersen are of the highest quality and supersede
even those of D.M. Popper (Astrophys. J., 162, 928, 1970), with which they
agree well except perhaps for V0, as well as those of C. Hagemann (Mon. Not.
Roy. Astron. Soc., 119, 141, 1959) and A. Colacevich (Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, 47, 84, 1935). Photometric observations (J.V. Clausen et al., Astron.
Astrophys., 46, 205, 1976) show e approx 0.01 and consequently a circular
orbit was assumed in a spectroscopic solution. The epoch is the time of
primary minimum. The small eccentricity appears to be real, however, and
changes in the period suggest apsidal motion. The orbit would be of a quality
if these were verified. The light-curve gives i=88 deg and L2 /L1=0.28 (at
lambda 5500). There are companion stars each of 7.0m at 0.7"  and 6.4"
(I.D.S.). The question of their physical relationship to zeta Phe itself is
still open, but the spectrum of the closer companion shows up in the combined
light of the system.

The new study by Andersen et al. supersedes the already good results obtained
by M. Imbert (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 36, 453, 1979) and by B.J. Hrivnak
and E.F. Milone (Astrophys. J., 282, 748, 1984). This system is now amongst
those with the best determined absolute dimensions, certainly of systems
containing an evolved component. The discussion by Andersen et al. is very
complete, including atmospheric abundances and evolutionary status. The epoch
is the time of primary minimum and the eccentricity (actually 0.188) and
longitude of periastron have been constrained to agree with the photometric
value of e cos omega. The orbital inclination is close to 88.5 deg and the
two stars differ by 0.17m in V. Masses are known to better than one percent.



This star is a triple system since the spectroscopic pair is one component of
the visual binary A.D.S. 999 with a possible orbital period of 75 years. The
spectroscopic pair may prove to show eclipses. The spectral type is the mean
for all three components (maximum separation in the visual orbit is less than
1"). Duquennoy computes F8 V and F9 V for the two components of the
spectroscopic binary and believes that all three stars lie on the main
sequence, with the visual companion about F4. O.J. Eggen (Astron. J., 70, 19,
1965) who did not know of the duplicity of one component, supposed the system
to contain evolved stars. The two components of the visual binary are almost
equal in luminosity while Delta V for the components of the spectroscopic pair
probably lies between 0.2 and 0.4.

The new orbit supersedes that by W.H. Christie (Astrophys. J., 77, 310, 1933)
both because of the greater precision of the new observations and because
they reveal the secondary spectrum. Beavers et al. estimate Delta m=1.6. They
find that the orbital eccentricity, although small, is very probably real.
This spectroscopic binary is the fainter member of the common-proper-motion
pair that makes up zeta Psc. The brighter, A-type star, zeta Psc A, is 23"
distant and has V=5.24. A 12.2m component C, about 1" from B, is probably
also related. Each of A and B have shown evidence of being double during

A mercury-manganese star for which `possible' orbital elements are given by
Stickland and Weatherby. G.C.L. Aikman (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 14, 379,
1976) also considered the velocity of this star to be variable.

The authors offer two solutions, the circular orbit given in the Catalogue
and an elliptical one which they prefer on the grounds that most similar
systems have elliptical orbits. The eccentricity proposed is 0.16+/-0.07, and
V0, K and the standard deviation of an observation of unit weight are almost
the same in the two solutions. There seems, therefore, no reason for adopting
the elliptical orbit. If the orbit is elliptical, the period would be slightly
shorter (11.588d); the epoch is T0.

Unpublished elements provided by Fekel supersede the preliminary ones
published by T. Simon, F.C. Fekel and D.M. Gibson (Astrophys. J., 295, 153,
1985). The system appears to be of the RS CVn type. IUE observations reveal
the presence of a white-dwarf companion. Radio flares have been observed and
the system is a source of soft X-rays (F.M. Walter and S. Bowyer, Astrophys.
J., 245, 671, 1981). An 11.2m companion at 177.6" is listed in I.D.S. -- only
one measurement of its position appears to have been made (by Burnham).

Reference: F.C.Fekel,,,, (Unpublished)

This is an X-ray pulsar and the measured quantity is, of course, the delay
in the arrival time of the X-ray pulses rather than a radial velocity --
which is inferred from the deduced size of the orbit. The systemic velocity
is unknown. The elements given in the Catalogue were the first determined.
Other investigations by M.J. Ricketts et al. (Space Science Rev., 30, 399,
1981) and by R.L. Kelly et al. (Astrophys. J., 251, 630, 1981) lead to very
similar elements. The orbit is undoubtedly exceedingly well known, but the
existence of apsidal motion is still unsettled. There is some evidence for a
slow rate (0.1 deg/yr) of apsidal regression. The system is also known as a
gamma-ray source (P.M. Chadwick et al., Astron. Astrophys., 151, L1, 1985).
J.B. Hutchings and D. Crampton (Astrophys. J., 247, 222, 1981) have
 identified an optical counterpart, but were unable to determine any orbital
elements for it.

Epoch is T0. Spectrum very badly distorted by gaseous streams. Modern
photoelectric (ubvy I) light-curves have been published by E.C. Olson (Publ.
Astron. Soc. Pacific, 97, 731, 1985) but no analysis has been attempted
except to determine the colours of the components. After allowing for (heavy)
reddening, the colours suggest somewhat earlier spectral types (B0.5 and B3)
than Struve gave.

The elements given here supersede earlier ones by the same authors and some
others (F. Primini et al., Astrophys. J., 210, L71, 1976). This is another
X-ray binary pulsar, and the orbital elements of the X-ray component are
known with very high accuracy. The epoch is the time of minimum delay (or
maximum advance) in arrival time of pulses. The eccentricity is known to be
<0.0007; the orbital period was fixed in the solution. The values of K2 and
V0 are derived from optical spectroscopic measurements by J.B. Hutchings et
al. (Astrophys. J., 217, 190, 1977) and are much less precisely determined.
Hutchings et al. estimate the orbital inclination to be about 70 deg : Primini
et al. confine it between 53 deg and 73 deg. Hutchings et al. show that He II
emission (lambda 4686) varies in phase with the X-ray component but shows a
somewhat smaller amplitude. D.E. Gruber and R.E. Rothschild (Astrophys. J.,
283, 546, 1984) report variability of the X-ray emission and G.
Hammerschlag-Hensberge et al. (Astrophys. J., 283, 249, 1984) give the results
of ultraviolet spectroscopy. Photometry by J. van Paradijs and L. Kuiper
(Astron. Astrophys., 138, 71, 1986) shows the system to be an ellipsoidal
variable at optical wavelengths, and the magnitude range given in the
Catalogue corresponds to the approximate limits that they found.

This is a short-period binary with an active chromosphere. Emission is seen
at H-alpha and in the ultraviolet. The small light variability is not the
result of eclipses but is ascribed by Bopp et al. to starspots. Spectral lines
of both components are rotationally broadened and hard to measure. If the
components have normal masses for G5 V stars, the orbital inclination is
about 30 deg. The absorption lines in the two spectra are described as `of
nearly equal intensity'. The epoch is superior conjunction of the more massive

Earlier investigation by P.D. Jose (Astrophys. J., 114, 370, 1951) was based
on an incorrect value for the period. H.A. Abt (Astrophys. J. Supp., 6, 37,
1960) classified the spectrum as A3, F2, F5 IV from the K line, hydrogen lines
and metallic lines respectively. Fletcher found Delta m=0.09, by Petrie's
method. New observations obtained by Abt and Levy (Astrophys. J. Supp., 59,
229, 1985) did not lead them to make any changes to these orbital elements.

This star is a visual binary consisting of two nearly equal stars. Fletcher's
spectroscopic observations demonstrated that the period was near 16 years
rather than 32 years. He gives P=16.14y, T=1972.742. The elements given are
all determined from the spectroscopic observations, although they are close
to the latest set of elements derived from the visual observations by W.H.
van den Bos (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 74, 291, 1962). The value given for
K is K1+K2 and the values of the mass function and a sin i are correspondingly
modified in significance. Slightly different elements were published by C.L.
Morbey (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 87, 689, 1975) who has devised a method of
combining visual and spectroscopic observations in a single solution for the
orbital elements.


Earlier investigations by J.H. Moore (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 41, 254,
1929) and B.P. Gerasimovic (Astrophys. J., 84, 232, 1936) are confirmed by
Roemer's results. The F8 Ib star is a Cepheid variable with a period of
about four days. The magnitude of the star is thus variable through a small
range. The secondary spectrum is estimated. There is some slight evidence of
a small variation in systemic velocity of amplitude 1 km/s and period 6 to 8
years, but the available material is insufficient to decide its reality. The
velocity variation due to the Cepheid pulsation has a range of 5 to 6 km/s
and is irregular. An astrometric orbit has been published by A.A. Wyller
(Astrophys. J., 62, 389, 1957). His value of omega agrees well with Roemer's
and he finds i=58 deg. The uncertainties, however, are very large. Period is
30.46y and periastron passage is 1928.48. Star is brighter component of A.D.S.
1477, companion 9.0m at 18".


Luyten's orbit is based on observations by R.E. Wilson (Lick Obs. Bull., 9,
116, 1917). Wilson assumed a fixed value of T to obtain his elements. Luyten
assumed a circular orbit and his epoch is T0. D.S. Evans (Mon. Notes Astron.
Soc. South Africa, 16, 4, 1957) on the basis of nine new Cape observations
finds the period should be revised to 193.85 d, but that the other elements
need no change. Spectral type is that given by Evans. Star is variable.

Elements are based on 22 low-dispersion spectrograms. Light-curves in UBV
have been obtained by R.K. Srivastava and T.D. Padalia (Bull. Astron. Inst.
Csl, 21, 359, 1970). Eclipses are partial.

Star is brighter component of multiple star A.D.S. 1202, which does not seem
to be a physical system.

The spectral type given is from the H.D. Catalogue: Griffin and Emerson
believe the true spectral type to be closer to K0. They gave T in the
modified Julian date system in their paper: 2,400,000.5 has been added to
their value to put the time of periastron on the same system as that for
other systems.

Earlier observations were published by the same author (Acta Astron., 27,
51, 1977). Elements derived from the two sets of observations agree well
except for a large change (22.5 km/s) in the systemic velocity derived from
the secondary component. Because of this and the relatively large scatter of
the observations, the orbital elements can only be regarded as preliminary.
The system is a W UMa system, and the epoch is the time of primary minimum.
P.G. Niarchos (Astrophys. Space Sci., 58, 301, 1978) has derived photometric
elements from observations published by R.M. Williamon (Astron. J., 80, 140,
1975) and finds that i=82 deg and the fainter component gives about 0.16 of
the light in the yellow region. Duerbeck, however, indicates that the form of
the light-curve is variable.

This is a Wolf-Rayet binary in the Small Magellanic Cloud. Orbital elements
(K and V0) are derived from the absorption lines of the O-type spectrum and
the O IV emission line (lambda 3834) in the W-R spectrum -- which gives the
most reasonable values for the minimum masses. The epoch is the time of
conjunction (O-type star behind) as derived from measures of the absorption
lines. The magnitude difference between the components is estimated at 2.6m
(O-type star the brighter). Although coverage of the velocity-curve is good,
the scatter of individual velocity measurements is very large. Note also the
large difference in the systemic velocities derived from the two components.

Although no luminosity classification of the spectrum is available, Griffin
believes that the star is likely to be a giant.

Moffat et al. are very cautious in putting forward this orbit. Velocity
variations of the same period are found from the emission line He II lambda
4686 and the absorption line H-gamma -- but they are displaced in phase by
0.15 d from each other. The amplitude is the mean from both lines and the
systemic velocity is an approximate value derived from the measures of the
emission line (H-gamma gives close to 200 km/s).  The magnitude is a
photoelectrically determined Stromgren v magnitude. The zero of phase is the
epoch at which the He II velocities equal the systemic velocity and are

This star is a long-period eclipsing variable classified by A.P. Cowley
(Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 81, 297, 1969) as one of the group of systems
resembling VV Cep. The orbital elements given here are based on observations
by Cowley, J.B. Hutchings and D.M. Popper, and are still only provisional.
Nevertheless, the observation of eclipses (J.T. Bonnell and T. Herczeg, Inf.
Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1146, 1976) leaves no doubt as to the binary nature of
the star.

Brighter component of A.D.S. 1326, companion 10.6m at 11".

Earlier investigations have been published by J.B. Cannon (J. Roy. Astron.
Soc. Can., 4, 195, 1910), H. Ludendorff (Astron. Nachr., 186, 17, 1910), J.A.
Hynek (Contr. Perkins Obs., No. 14, 1940) and G.R. Miczaika (Z. Astrophys.,
28, 43, 1950). There is also a thesis by F.R. Hickok from which Poeckert has
taken the determinations of the period and zero phase (inferior conjunction
of the primary star). The system remains very difficult to interpret, since
the presence of shells (probably around both components) creates complex line
profiles showing both emission and absorption. Poeckert's study is very
thorough and based on excellent material. He has probably determined the
orbital elements of the primary star as accurately as is, at present,
possible. He himself cautions against assuming too easily that the He II
emission line (lambda 4686), from which he has determined K2, accurately
reflects the motion of the secondary star. Masses and dimensions determined
for the system do depend on this assumption.  Different lines give different
values for V0.

Sterne's method for small eccentricities was used, but epoch is time of
periastron passage. Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit for this system.

The optical counterpart of this X-ray source is a star of the AM Her type.
The values of K and V0 given are derived from measurements of the emission
lines of hydrogen, ionized helium and ionized calcium (K). The epoch given is
the time of inferior conjunction of the source of emission lines, computed
from the information given in the paper. The velocity maximum (mean for all
lines) occurs at a phase of 0.23d.

Epoch is T0 deduced from the photometric data quoted by Struve et al.
Photoelectric observations by G.G. Cillie and B.J. Bok (Harvard Obs. Bull.,
No. 920, 29, 1951) have been analyzed by G. Russo et al. (Astron. Astrophys.
Supp., 47, 211, 1982) who find an orbital inclination close to 83 deg, and
a fractional luminosity (in V) for the brighter component of 0.6. The two
spectra are almost equal in intensity. The system is an X-ray source (R.G.
Cruddace and A.K. Dupree, Astrophys. J., 277, 263, 1984).

According to Heard and Krautter, D.P. Hube classified the spectrum as B9 III.
The star is listed as a mercury-manganese star by Bertaud and Floquet. It
has also been studied by G.C.L. Aikman (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 14, 379,
1976) who obtained very similar orbital elements from all available

Because the period is so long, it is not well determined (the Cape
observations do not cover one complete cycle, although some Lick observations
are available). The orbit has been deemed to be of low quality, although the
precision of the individual observations is high. The star is listed in I.D.S.
but is an optical pair.

For a bright star, this has proved a surprisingly difficult object, mainly
-- as Pike, Lloyd and Stickland point out -- because it is rotating unusually
rapidly for a late F-type star. The period has been uncertain. W.E. Harper
(Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 3, 113, 1915) first adopted P=1.73652d which he
later revised to 1.73631d (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 211, 1935). H.A.
Abt and S.G. Levy (Astrophys. J. Supp., 30, 273, 1976) derived a period of
1.73645d. Earlier, Luyten had proposed 2.3413d but R.W. Tanner (Publ. David
Dunlap Obs., 1, 473, 1949) showed this to be spurious and even questioned
the binary nature of the star. Although the new observations are few in
number, they are of good quality and are well represented by the somewhat
longer period of 1.767d. The r.m.s. scatter of the residuals from the
velocity-curve obtained by Pike et al. is several times less than for that
published by Abt and Levy. At last, we apparently have reasonably reliable
elements for this star. The velocities were determined by cross-correlation
and the systemic velocity depends on a conventional measurement of one plate
-- it is, therefore, much less certain than are the other elements. The
companions listed in I.D.S. are probably optical.


Magnitude and spectral type are taken from the H.D. Catalogue since nothing
more recent appears to be available. Griffin suggests that the star is
probably a giant.

A circular orbit was adopted after calculations showed that fitting an
elliptical orbit to the observations made no significant improvement to their
representation. The epoch is T0. The coverage of the velocity-curve is good,
but there are some large residuals. No M-K classification has been published:
Griffin suggests that the star is a giant.

The new results are in good agreement with Petrie's earlier work (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 7, 105, 1938) and in fair agreement with that of Ludendorff
(Astrophys. J., 25, 320, 1907). Coverage of periastron is incomplete because
the period is so close to an integral number of days that periastron is
unobservable from North America during this century. For this reason, Gorza
and Heard used some of Petrie's observations to obtain their preliminary
solution. The difference between Petrie's value of omega (24.2 deg) and that
found by Gorza and Heard may be real. If so, it represents an apsidal
regress, perhaps to be ascribed to some form of periastron effect in this
very eccentric orbit. A detailed abundance analysis of the spectrum has been
published by J. Mitton (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 27, 35, 1977). The value of
K2 is taken from the paper by J. Tomkin and H. Tran (Astron. J., 94, 1664,
1987), who also give e=0.88.

Both spectra are visible. Batten and Szeidl thought the primary spectrum
might be as late as A2. The secondary spectrum is similar but the K line in
it is relatively weak, and the secondary might be an Am star.

The reference given in the Catalogue is to an abstract and most of the
information given here is taken from a preprint of the full paper. The
spectral type of the secondary is estimated from the effective temperature
computed from the light-curve by Schiller and Milone. The epoch is the time
of primary minimum and the orbit is assumed circular. Schiller and Milone do
not compute K1 and K2 directly (the values given are estimates from their
velocity-curves); they solve light-curves and velocity-curve together by the
Wilson-Devinney method and find a mass-ratio of 0.6 and a total mass of 2.5
MSol. They believe that the primary nearly fills its Roche lobe. They find
an orbital inclination of about 84 deg and a visual magnitude difference of
1.85m between the components. The star is a member of the cluster N.G.C. 752.


The star is a member of the cluster N.G.C. 752. The spectral type is given by
E.G. Ebbighausen (Astrophys. J., 89, 431, 1939) who ascribes it to Trumpler.
Incredibly, no subsequent investigator appears to have considered it necessary
to modernize, or even mention the type. The two components are apparently
closely similar and approximately equal in intensity. The set of elements
given is that computed for both components simultaneously; slightly different
values are found when the elements are computed for each component separately.
Searches have been made for eclipses without success.

Provisional orbit. P=20,146.1 d. The star is a visual binary (A.D.S. 1598)
with a known visual orbit (P. Muller, J. Observateurs, 32, 35, 1949). The
visual and spectroscopic orbital elements refer to the same motion. i=21.2 deg.

Epoch is T0. Circular orbit, confirmed by Lucy & Sweeney, is in agreement with
the light-curve. The latest photoelectric observations are by S. Bozkurt et
al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 23, 439, 1976) in two colours approximating to
B and V. They find i=88.5 deg and light-ratios of 0.10 (blue) and 0.18
(yellow). The secondary spectrum is seen during eclipse and is consistent
with these light-ratios. There is a noticeable rotation effect in the
velocity-curve. A 13 .3m  companion at 6.7" is listed in I.D.S.

McFarlane et al. give results of both photometric and spectroscopic
observations. Although differential V magnitudes are given to three decimal
places, the magnitude of the comparison star is given to only one. The
spectral types are based at least partly on computation. the light-curve shows
that the orbit must be circular. Radial velocities were determined by
cross-correlation. The epoch is the time of primary minimum. The orbital
inclination is estimated at 87 deg, and the light-ratio (in V) is about 7.5:1.

Spectral classification is on the scheme advocated by Walborn for O-type stars.

Star is fainter component of the visual triple system A.D.S. 1630. The
pair B-C is unresolved on the slit of the Perkins Observatory spectrograph.
It is believed that B is the spectroscopic binary. The visual components
appear to be physically connected, and the system is therefore at least

The star is now classified as an Am star. H.A. Abt (Astrophys. J. Supp.,
6, 37, 1961) gives types A2, A8, A8 from the K line, hydrogen lines and
metallic lines, respectively. Abt also suggests that a small adjustment to
the period may be needed. In a recent abundance analysis of the spectrum, J.
Mitton (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 27, 35, 1977) describes the two components
as `virtually indistinguishable'.

Epoch is T0. Spectral classification from the K line, hydrogen lines and
metallic lines, is A2-3, A7 and F0, respectively. Star is brighter component
of visual binary: companion 13.9m at 56" (I.D.S.).

The study by A.P. Cowley et al. (Astrophys. J., 195, 413, 1975) cited in
the Seventh Catalogue has been superseded by four investigations, including
the one cited in this Catalogue. The other three are: J.B. Hutchings and T.J.
Cote (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 97, 847, 1985); J.B. Hutchings, B. Thomas
and R. Link (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 98, 507, 1986) and A.W. Shafter et
al. (Astrophys. J., 290, 707, 1985). The study by Thorstensen et al. has been
chosen because it contains the most thorough discussion of the period -- on
which the other investigations have, to some extent, depended. Amplitudes of
velocity variation differ from time to time and from line to line, and the
choice of values of K and V0 is partly arbitrary. Those given here are for
the emission line H-gamma. The scatter of observations is large and the
situation is much complicated by the existence of an approximately equal but,
nonetheless, distinct, photometric period and the apparently random variations
in brightness of approximately 6 magnitudes in V. When the system is in its
`low' state (optically faint), the velocity-curve shows a phase shift with
respect to that of the `high' state. Nevertheless, observations of the high
states extending over eleven years can be matched by the ephemeris given here.
The epoch is the time of the inferior conjunction of the line-producing source.

Earlier investigation by O. Struve and A. Pogo (Astrophys. J., 67, 336, 1928).
The two sets of elements differ considerably, but Ebbighausen ascribes this
to incomplete coverage of the earlier velocity-curve and to systematic
differences between the Yerkes and Victoria measures. The velocity-curve is
well covered by 62 observations and the elements are reasonably well
determined, despite the fairly large scatter of individual observations.
Determination of K2 is weak. Petrie(I) found Delta m=1.19.

Star is brighter component of A.D.S. 1697. Companion is the star described in
the following note. The magnitudes of the two stars cannot be measured
separately (the stars are about 3.5" apart) and the combined value of V is
4.94. The magnitudes given are Harper's estimates. Luyten believes the
uncertainties given by Harper are misprints. Lines of the secondary spectrum
are, on average, about 20 percent fainter than those of the primary.

Epoch is T0. Luyten's elements have been preferred to Harper's because Harper
fixed T to obtain a solution. Harper later revised the period to 2.23655d.
Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.61.



Star is listed in I.D.S. with a companion of 9.8m, but rapid change in
separation suggests pair is optical.

The new observations by Abt and Levy have led to a revision of the period
adopted in the earlier work of J.A. Pearce (Lick Obs. Bull., 11, 131, 1924).
Otherwise, the orbital elements have not changed greatly, except that the
small orbital eccentricity found by Pearce and regarded as real by Lucy &
Sweeney, has been further reduced. G.H. Herbig (Astrophys. J., 141, 595,
1965) has detected the secondary spectrum on high-dispersion spectrograms of
the red region. Star is the brighter component of A.D.S. 1739. The 13.7m
companion at 64" is regarded by Abt and Levy as a probably optical one.

The residuals from the velocity curve are rather large. Harper considered the
possibility of a second variation with a period of one or two years, but
rejected this idea.

Two spectral classifications quoted by Griffin give slightly different
luminosity classes. He himself points out that neither is completely
consistent with the depth of traces given by his radial-velocity spectrometer.
The epoch is T0.

Spectral classification is on Walborn's scheme.

Reference: G.L.Rogers, M.Sc. Thesis,, Toronto, 1974 (Unpublished)


The very complete spectroscopic and photometric study by Hilditch et al.
supersedes the orbit obtained earlier by A.J. Deutsch (Astrophys. J., 102,
496, 1945) partly because Hilditch et al. succeeded in detecting the secondary
spectrum, but, more importantly, because they showed the system to be triple.
The maximum magnitude is that given by Hilditch et al., the minimum is
estimated from their data. The spectral type assigned to the secondary is
based partly on the solution of the light-curve. The spectrum of the third
body is not seen. The epoch in the short period orbit is the time of primary
minimum: in the long-period orbit it is T0. No value is given for K2 by
Hilditch et al.; the one in the Catalogue is computed from the values they
give for the masses. The systemic velocity of the short period orbit is, of
course, variable. From their light curve, Hilditch et al. find i close to 79
deg and a difference in visual magnitude (for the components of the eclipsing
pair) of 1.08m. They estimate that the third body is of similar luminosity to
the secondary component.

The very complete spectroscopic and photometric study by Hilditch et al.
supersedes the orbit obtained earlier by A.J. Deutsch (Astrophys. J., 102,
496, 1945) partly because Hilditch et al. succeeded in detecting the
secondary spectrum, but, more importantly, because they showed the system to
be triple. The maximum magnitude is that given by Hilditch et al., the
minimum is estimated from their data. The spectral type assigned to the
secondary is based partly on the solution of the light-curve. The spectrum of
the third body is not seen. The epoch in the short period orbit is the time
of primary minimum: in the long-period orbit it is T0. No value is given for
K2 by Hilditch et al.; the one in the Catalogue is computed from the values
they give for the masses. The systemic velocity of the short period orbit is,
of course, variable. From their light curve, Hilditch et al. find i close to
79 deg and a difference in visual magnitude (for the components of the
eclipsing pair) of 1.08m. They estimate that the third body is of similar
luminosity to the secondary component.

The first spectroscopic observations were by M.F. Walker (Bamberg Veroff., 9,
No. 100, 243, 1971) and two orbital studies have been published in recent
years. The one by R.H. Kaitchuck et al. has been chosen over that by J. Smak
(Acta Astron., 29, 469, 1979) because of the high time-resolution achieved
and the number of observations. Like all cataclysmic variables, this remains
a very difficult system to interpret. Magnitudes are taken from Walker's
photometric study (Astrophys. J., 137, 485, 1963). Although on the V scale,
they can be only approximate because the system varies in light independent
of its eclipses. The figures given attempt to show the greatest possible
range. The epoch is the time of mid-eclipse and is taken, with the period,
from O. Mandel (Peremm. Zvezdy, 15, 474, 1965). The period is variable. The
values of K and V0 given are for He II lambda 4686. Somewhat different values
are obtained from other lines (both emission and absorption). Kaitchuck et al.
estimate an orbital inclination of around 70 deg and masses of about 0.75 MSol
and 0.6 MSol (white dwarf).

Although Griffin could find no modern spectral classification, he believed
the star to be a giant. The circular orbit was adopted since a solution for
an elliptical orbit did not significantly decrease the sum of squares of the
residuals. The epoch is T0.


The elements given in the Catalogue are from an unpublished investigation by
R.J. Northcott based on Mt. Wilson and David Dunlap spectrograms. H.A. Abt
and S.G. Levy (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 81, 280, 1968) obtained several
coude spectrograms, the velocities from which were satisfied by a period of
9.3737d. Comparison of their observations with the individual ones used by
Northcott, however, shows that the period she derived is correct. They all
agree on the values of K and V0, except there is some evidence for a slight
difference between the values of V0 for each component.

Reference: R.J.Northcott, Private Comm.,,, 1965

The spectral types given depend partly on computation of the combination of
stars needed to produce the observed colours and radial velocity `dips'. Lu
estimates the V magnitude difference to be 1.3m.

The orbital elements are derived from the emission lines which vary in
velocity in phase with the absorption lines (arising from the M-type dwarf)
and can be more accurately measured than the latter. The epoch is the time of
inferior conjunction of the component producing the visible spectrum (i.e.
the M-type star). If a mass of 0.6 MSol is assumed for this star, Thorstensen
et al. estimate a mass of 0.93 for the white dwarf.

Spectral classification is approximate, but the primary spectral type is not
as late as M0 V. All hydrogen lines to H-zeta and the H and K lines of Ca II
are seen in emission. On some plates the emission appears to be double and a
tentative mass ratio of 0.52 has been derived. The light of the system is
variable and one of the stars is a flare star. Other variations in the light
of the system are ascribed to surface spots by B.W. Bopp and D.S. Evans (Mon.
Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 164, 343, 1973). The system is very similar to that
of BY Dra and, in some respects, to that of YY Gem. Lucy & Sweeney regard the
orbit as circular.

Epoch is T0, which is much better determined than the time of periastron

The brighter component of A.D.S. 1982 which shares a common proper motion
with its 7.37m companion at 38" separation. Each component has its own H.D.
number, and some confusion has existed in the past as to the number
appropriate to the brighter component. This is the same star that was
erroneously listed in the Sixth Catalogue as H.D. 16232. Morbey and Brosterhus
found that the observations by Adams and Joy were better satisfied by their
new period.

The period may be variable. The spectral type given in the Sixth Catalogue,
A2 II, was assigned by Ch. Fehrenbach et al. (Publ. Obs. Haute Provence, 8,
25, 1966). In view of the short period, it seems unlikely that a genuine
bright giant can exist in the system, and the classification by G. Hill et
al. (Mem. Roy. Astron. Soc., 79, 131, 1975) is preferred here -- although
photometric solutions suggest a somewhat hotter star. A new photometric study
based on UBV observations has been published by B. Cester et al. (Astron.
Astrophys. Supp., 30, 223, 1977). They estimate that i is approximately 82
deg and that the brighter component gives approximately 0.98 of the total
light, in each colour. They suggest that the components form an early type
contact system.

Epoch is an arbitrary zero of phase: T0 is about 2.41d after zero phase. Lucy
& Sweeney confirm that the orbit is circular.

A visual binary for which P, e and omega are assumed from the visual orbit
by P. Baize (J. Observateurs, 45, 247, 1962). Abt and Levy believe lines of
both components (of approximately equal brightness) are blended and that the
true value of K1 is higher than given here. This and the incomplete coverage
of the velocity-curve account for the low grade assigned. Baize gives i=31.5

Reference: A.Colacevich, Oss. e Mem. Arcetri,, No. 59, 1941

Original elements were computed by W.E. Harper with T fixed (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 4, 313, 1930). Therefore the recomputation by Luyten has
been preferred. Epoch is T0.

Epoch is T0. This is one of the few systems for which Lucy & Sweeney
find a real eccentricity not deduced by the original investigator. C.D.
Kandpal (Astrophys. Space Sci., 32, 291, 1975), on the basis of his UBV
observations, revised Struve's value for the period and gave the depths of
primary and secondary minima (in V) as 0.649m and 0.075m respectively. F.
Mardirossian et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 39, 235, 1980) have discussed
earlier photometric observations of this star and derive a value of i close
to 80 deg and find that the fainter component gives about 2 percent of the
light in all colours. They suggest that this is probably a system that
contains a genuine `undersize' sub-giant.

The elements are described as `marginal' by Abt and Levy themselves.

This star is the first studied in a very thorough investigation of the
spectroscopic binaries in the Hyades. Its membership in the cluster is, at
present, uncertain but by no means ruled out.

According to J.H. Moore, who first detected double lines in the spectrum
(Lick Obs. Bull., 7, 96, 1912), the lines in the secondary spectrum are much
fainter than those in the primary.

Although this system has been the subject of several investigations during
the recent years, still no velocity-curve has been published since Hiltner's
work, nor is there a good modern light-curve. The hydrogen and helium lines
give different orbital elements. Those in the Catalogue are derived from the
hydrogen lines. The helium lines give: omega=14 deg, e=0.21, K=36 km/s and
V0=26 km/s. One might suppose the helium lines to be freer from effects of
circumstellar matter for which many investigators find evidence, but they
display the greater rotational disturbance during eclipse. The epoch is the
time of primary minimum. The spectral classification of the two stars is from
the spectrophotometric study by V.G. Karetnikov et al. (Astron. Zh., 56, 1012
and 1220, 1979); photometric results obtained by W. van Hamme and R.E. Wilson
would suggest a somewhat later type for the secondary. Van Hamme and Wilson
derive a value close to 81 deg for i and find that the primary component
gives about 0.75 of the total light. Their results do not completely agree
with earlier studies (F.B. Wood, Princeton Obs. Contr., No. 21, 1946); M.I.
Lavrov & N.V. Lavrova, Trudy Kazan Obs., 41, 3, 1976) and they themselves
comment at some length on the difficulties of obtaining a fully consistent
solution of the light-curve. They also make use of unpublished observations
of the secondary made by D.M. Popper, which indicate a value for K2 of the
order of 190 km/s. O.S. Shulov and G.A. Goudcova (Astrofiz., 5, 477, 1969)
find variable polarization in the light of this system.


The new orbit by Duerbeck and Hanel certainly supersedes the earlier work
by F.C. Jordan (Publ. Allegheny Obs., 3, 137, 1914) and H.G. Horak (Astrophys.
J., 115, 61, 1952). By using only the measurements of the metallic lines,
Duerbeck and Hanel have shown that the true orbit is circular and that earlier
determinations of orbital elements were subject to the effects usually
ascribed to gas streams. Even the metallic lines are affected by a rotational
disturbance during eclipse. The period is subject to variation. The epoch is
the time of primary minimum. The best light-curve available is still that
published by C.R. Chambliss (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 88, 22, 1976) in
approximately the UBV system. He derives i=82.5 deg and finds that the primary
component contributes about 90 percent of the light in the yellow region. He
derives spectral types of A2 V and G5 IV, but Duerbeck and Hanel give A3 V for
the primary star. Some of Chambliss' results are confirmed by
interference-filter photometry by G.P. McCook et al. (Bull. Am. Astron. Soc.,
6, 467, 1974). Earlier debates about apsidal motion (J.A. Pearce, Publ.
Astron. Soc. Pacific, 49, 223, 1937 and W.J. Luyten, ibid., p. 329) are no
longer of interest since the orbit is circular.

Although the visible spectrum is A0, there must be a late-type (presumably
giant) companion since otherwise the velocities of the system could not have
been measured photoelectrically. Griffin predicts that the system will display
eclipses. The star is the brighter component of A.D.S. 2115; the companion is
8.8m at 8.1". According to I.D.S., separation and position angle have shown
no perceptible change in more than 100 years.

Brighter component of A.D.S. 2151; companion 8.4m at 3". There is some
difference in the values of e and omega obtained in Young's original solution
and Luyten's recomputation. Lucy & Sweeney find a circular orbit for this
system and their conclusion is probably correct.

Harper considered no revision of these elements was needed in his
`Re-examination of 64 Orbits' (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 215, 1935).
Spectral types are A0 from the K line and A7 from the metallic lines (Bertaud
and Floquet). According to I.D.S. there is a companion, 9.2m at 192.7", that
has shown no relative motion for 30 years.

Elements agree well with the preliminary values determined by W.H. Christie
(Astrophys. J., 83, 433, 1936). There is also an earlier paper by Colacevich
(Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 48, 32, 1936).  D.S. Hall (Bull. Am. Astron.
Soc., 18, 133, 1986) reports a periodic variation in light with the same
period as the orbital motion. Brightest component of A.D.S. 2202: companions
10.7m and 11.8m at about 51" and 4", respectively.

Reference: A.Colacevich, Oss. e Mem. Arcetri,, No. 59, 1941

The spectrum appears to vary with about half the period of the velocity
variation. The orbital elements are obtained from the K line only. The
hydrogen lines give a nearly constant velocity while the metallic lines show
a large scatter. The secondary spectrum has been detected on tracings, and
tentative values of the mass-ratio and light-ratio are 0.4 and 0.3,
respectively. Lucy & Sweeney regard the orbit as circular.

Epoch is T0 and the circularity of the orbit is confirmed by Lucy & Sweeney.
The secondary spectrum is seen during primary eclipse. A new analysis of the
light-curves has been made by M. Mezzetti et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp.,
39, 273, 1980). They find i is approximately 36 deg and that the fainter
component gives 0.13 of the total light in V. A 12.1m companion of 11.6" is
listed in I.D.S.

The epoch is primary minimum. Bertaud and Floquet give spectral types of A2
and F0 from the K line and the metallic lines respectively. Popper describes
both spectra as very similar, but cannot rule out a slight difference between
them in metallicism. Analysis of light-curves by A. Okazaki (Astrophys. Space
Sci., 56, 293, 1978) is preferred because it reconciles discordant results f
ound by independent observers and gives i approximately equal to 88 deg and a
fractional luminosity in V, for the brighter component, of 0.57.

Star is brighter component of A.D.S. 2348. Companion is 10.7m at 24.2".
According to Abt, the star has spectral types A7, A7 and F2 from the K line,
the hydrogen lines, and the metallic lines, respectively. Epoch is T0.

The combined spectral type has been classified as G0 IV-V. The individual
types given here are estimated by Griffin and are not direct MK
classifications of the spectrum.

The upper row of figures refers to the G-type component. In earlier editions
of this Catalogue no classification of the orbit quality was made since the
only published discussion of the orbital elements was McLaughlin's brief
abstract. H.A. McAlister (Astron. J., 87, 563, 1982) has now published a
preliminary orbit based on speckle interferometry which provides a measure of
confirmation of McLaughlin's work. Assuming the spectroscopic values of P, T
and e, McAlister found a value for omega close to McLaughlin's own, confirmed
the prediction that i is close to 90 deg (McAlister found i=88 deg) and also
found a maximum separation of about the size that McLaughlin predicted --
actually a little smaller. Although all results remain preliminary, it seems
likely that McLaughlin's elements will eventually prove to have been not far
wrong. McAlister derives a distance of 73.8 parsecs and masses of 4.73 MSol
(G-type star) and 2.75 MSol. On this basis he proposes that the spectral types
should be revised to G8 II-III + B9V. The star is the brighter component of
A.D.S. 2324; companion is 10.8m at 57".

The new results by Andersen, Pavlovski and Piirola clearly supersede the
earlier work by O. Struve (Astrophys. J., 99, 295, 1944) and V. Ya. Alduseva
(Pis. Astron. Zh., 12, 212, 1986) and the very brief note by W. Strupat (Mitt.
Astron. Gesells., 62, 275, 1984). The analysis by Andersen et al. brings out
even more clearly the similarity of this system to SX Cas (Note HD 232121) and
the note for this system should be read against the background of the note for
the other. Once again, the secondary's velocity-curve is much better determined
(from photoelectric measures) than the d quality that has been assigned would
suggest. Once again, the A-type `primary' spectrum is that of a shell or disk
that completely conceals from view a presumably hotter star. The spectral
types estimated by Andersen et al. agree with those determined by M.J. Plavec
and J.L. Weiland (Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 15, 916, 1983) from IUE spectra. The
period is known to be increasing: that given and the epoch (time of primary
minimum) are those appropriate to the interval covered by the observations of
Andersen et al. The orbit is assumed circular -- the velocity-curve of the
secondary star so indicates. The amplitude of the primary star is only a best
estimate, but it does help to lead to a consistent picture of a semi-detached
system. The light-curve is known to be variable and has been discussed in
detail by P. Kalv (Tartu Astron. Obs. Teated, No. 58, 3, 1979) and by S. Kriz
et al. (Bull. Astron. Inst. Csl, 31, 284, 1980). New photometric observations
are also given by Andersen et al. They find an orbital inclination of 80 deg,
but cannot give a magnitude difference since the primary component is
completely hidden.

Epoch is the time of primary minimum. From his own analysis of photometric
observations by K.-Y. Chen (Acta Astron., 25, 89, 1975) Popper derives an
orbital inclination close to 86 deg and finds a magnitude difference between
the components of 0.8m in V. The spectral types of the two components are
similar but not the same. Popper gives B-V=+0.34 and +0.40 for primary and
secondary respectively.

The major advance, since the publication of the Seventh Catalogue, in our
understanding of this triple system has been the successful detection of the
secondary component by J. Tomkin and D.L. Lambert (Astrophys. J., 222, L119,
1978). Their result for K2 is given in the present Catalogue, the other
elements being taken from the paper cited there. The elements of the
short-period pair in this system must now be well known, except that V0, of
course, is variable. Hill et al. believed the 32-year periodic variation in
times of minima to be the result of apsidal motion of the close pair. Other
explanations continue to be offered, however. The long-period orbit is less
certain. The value found for KAB by Hill et al. is appreciably larger than
that found by Ebbighausen and Gange (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 12, 151,
1962). P.J. Bachmann and J.L. Hershey (Astron. J., 80, 836, 1975) derived an
orbit for the long-period pair from simultaneous analysis of spectroscopic,
astrometric and photometric (light-time) observations. They derived a period
of 1.8613y (T=1903.375) and an orbital inclination of 56 deg. The mass they
derived for the pair AB is, however, higher than that now found, and the orbit
derived from speckle interferometry by A. Labeyrie et al. (Astrophys. J., 194,
L174, 1974) is perhaps to be preferred, even though there is evidence that the
observations were affected by the presence of circumstellar matter. According
to Labeyrie et al. i approx 80 deg. The orbital inclination of the
short-period pair is close to 82 deg, according to both G. Hill and J.B.
Hutchings (Astrophys. J., 162, 265, 1970) and R.E. Wilson et al. (Astrophys.
J., 177, 191, 1972). The latter find that the primary gives 0.97 of the total
light (in V) of the close pair. There are rather divergent estimates of the
magnitude difference AB-C; Labeyrie et al. give 2.5m. The system is known to
have radio flares (C.M. Wade and R.M. Hjellming, Nature, 235, 270, 1972) and
is also a source of X-rays (H.W. Schnopper et al., Astrophys. J., 210, L75,
1976). Other recent investigations of the system include several of the UV Mg
II lines, which also show evidence of gas-streaming (see e.g. H. Cugier and
P. Molaro, Astron. Astrophys., 128, 429, 1983 and K.-Y. Chen et al., Astron.
J., 86, 258, 1981). Y. Kondo et al. also find evidence for mass loss from the
primary component (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1312, 1977). H. Zirin and M.A.
Liggett (Astrophys. J., 259, 719, 1982) have studied variations in the
intensity of the line of He II lambda 10,830. A thorough study of the emission
has recently been completed (M.T. Richards, S.W. Mochnacki and C.T. Bolton,
Astron. J., 96, 326, 1988). Two independent studies of the rotation of the
primary component confirm that it is rotating synchronously (S. Rucinski,
Acta Astron., 29, 339, 1979; J. Tomkin and H.-S. Tan, Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, 97, 51, 1985).

The major advance, since the publication of the Seventh Catalogue, in our
understanding of this triple system has been the successful detection of the
secondary component by J. Tomkin and D.L. Lambert (Astrophys. J., 222, L119,
1978). Their result for K2 is given in the present Catalogue, the other
elements being taken from the paper cited there. The elements of the
short-period pair in this system must now be well known, except that V0, of
course, is variable. Hill et al. believed the 32-year periodic variation in
times of minima to be the result of apsidal motion of the close pair. Other
explanations continue to be offered, however. The long-period orbit is less
certain. The value found for KAB by Hill et al. is appreciably larger than
that found by Ebbighausen and Gange (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 12, 151,
1962). P.J. Bachmann and J.L. Hershey (Astron. J., 80, 836, 1975) derived an
orbit for the long-period pair from simultaneous analysis of spectroscopic,
astrometric and photometric (light-time) observations. They derived a period
of 1.8613y (T=1903.375) and an orbital inclination of 56 deg. The mass they
derived for the pair AB is, however, higher than that now found, and the orbit
derived from speckle interferometry by A. Labeyrie et al. (Astrophys. J., 194,
L174, 1974) is perhaps to be preferred, even though there is evidence that the
observations were affected by the presence of circumstellar matter. According
to Labeyrie et al. i approx 80 deg. The orbital inclination of the
short-period pair is close to 82 deg, according to both G. Hill and J.B.
Hutchings (Astrophys. J., 162, 265, 1970) and R.E. Wilson et al. (Astrophys.
J., 177, 191, 1972). The latter find that the primary gives 0.97 of the total
light (in V) of the close pair. There are rather divergent estimates of the
magnitude difference AB-C; Labeyrie et al. give 2.5m. The system is known to
have radio flares (C.M. Wade and R.M. Hjellming, Nature, 235, 270, 1972) and
is also a source of X-rays (H.W. Schnopper et al., Astrophys. J., 210, L75,
1976). Other recent investigations of the system include several of the UV Mg
II lines, which also show evidence of gas-streaming (see e.g. H. Cugier and P.
Molaro, Astron. Astrophys., 128, 429, 1983 and K.-Y. Chen et al., Astron. J.,
86, 258, 1981). Y. Kondo et al. also find evidence for mass loss from the
primary component (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1312, 1977). H. Zirin and M.A.
Liggett (Astrophys. J., 259, 719, 1982) have studied variations in the
intensity of the line of He II lambda 10,830. A thorough study of the emission
has recently been completed (M.T. Richards, S.W. Mochnacki and C.T. Bolton,
Astron. J., 96, 326, 1988). Two independent studies of the rotation of the
primary component confirm that it is rotating synchronously (S. Rucinski, Acta
Astron., 29, 339, 1979; J. Tomkin and H.-S. Tan, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific,
97, 51, 1985).

Petrie(II) found Delta m=1.59. Luyten has computed another set of elements
from these same observations. The range of variation is small and according
to the Finding List the star may be an ellipsoidal variable. It has recently
attracted attention as a variable radio source (D.M. Gibson and R.M.
Hjellming, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 86, 652, 1974).

Two independent spectroscopic investigations of this system were published
simultaneously. The other is by E.J. Weiler (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 86,
56, 1974). FitzGerald's is the more complete discussion and is based on better
coverage of the velocity curve and is preferred here even though his
spectrograms are of several different dispersions. The two sets of elements
are in close agreement (Weiler gives K1=76.0 km/s, K2=72.3 km/s, V0=+24.6
km/s). The epoch given by FitzGerald is T0 for the primary star. The two
authors disagree as to spectral classification; Weiler assigns G0 V and K0 IV
to the two stars. Both emphasize the difficulty of classification and remark
on the presence of H and K emission in the secondary spectrum. The star is
probably of the RS CVn type. Formerly designated as BV 307, its variability
was discovered by W. Strohmeier et al. (Veroff. Remeis-Sternw. Bamberg, 5, 3,
1962). Primary eclipse is over a magnitude deep, and FitzGerald reports that
J.R. Percy has established the existence of a secondary eclipse of at least
0.3m depth. The period's length being close to an integral number of days
makes observation of the entire light curve difficult. FitzGerald finds, by
Petrie's method, that Delta m=0.6.


Epoch is time of primary minimum and the orbit was assumed to be circular. The
spectral type is the mean for the two components. Two modern light-curves have
been published since the Seventh Catalogue: H. Jorgensen (Astron. Astrophys.,
72, 356, 1979, ubvy) and D.M. Popper and P. Etzel (Astron. J., 86, 102, 1981).
Results obtained from them are in good agreement. Popper and Etzel adopted an
orbital inclination of 89.2 deg and a fractional luminosity of 0.64 (in V) for
the primary component. Jorgensen estimated Delta V=0.7m.

The new orbit by Abt and Levy confirms and supersedes the earlier
investigation by W.E. Harper (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 6, 79, 1932) and
the recomputation of those elements by Luyten. The spectrum is that of an Am
star, classified by Abt and Levy as A2, A9, F2 from the K line, hydrogen
lines, and metallic lines respectively. The epoch given is the time of
maximum positive radial velocity. The star is the brighter component of A.D.S.
2433 with a 12.0 m companion at 31".

The system is recognized as a magnetic accreting white-dwarf binary, similar
to AM Her. It has attracted much attention and other spectroscopic discussions
have been published (D. Schneider and P. Young, Astrophys. J., 238, 946, 1980;
D.A. Allen, M.J. Ward and A.E. Wright, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 195, 155,
1981; J. Bailey and M. Ward, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 196, 425, 1981; J.B.
Hutchings et al., Astrophys. J., 252, 690, 1982 and K. Mukai and P. Charles,
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 212, 609, 1985). The results of different
investigations do not agree well, which may reflect different ways of defining
the emission lines measured or real changes in the system. Either way, the
relation between the measured quantities and the physical properties of the
system is very uncertain. The star shows variable polarization and an eclipse
in X-rays and infrared, as well as some variation in visible light. The epoch
given is the time of maximum positive velocity of the wings of the H lines,
although Crampton et al. calculate phases from the appearance of the linear
polarization pulse.

The new observations by Abt and Levy lead to a considerable improvement in the
orbital elements over those previously published by Abt himself (Astrophys. J.
Supp., 6, 37, 1961). Abt and Levy give the spectral types as A2.5, A6, F0 from
the K line, hydrogen lines and metallic lines respectively.

The epoch is the approximate time of primary minimum. A photoelectric V
light-curve has been published by S. Mancuso, L. Milano and G. Russo
(Astrophys. Space Sci., 47, 277, 1977) and analyzed by them and by M.T.
Edalat: (Astrophys. Space Sci., 58, 3, 1978 and 59, 443, 1978). Complete (UBV)
light-curves were published and analyzed by B.B. Sanwal and U.S. Chaubey
(Astrophys. Space Sci., 75, 329, 1981). All investigators agree that i is
close to 85 deg or 86 deg, but differ on the ratios of the radii and the
fractional luminosities. about 0.8 of the total light in V comes from the
brighter component. Sanwal and Chaubey find some evidence for a disk around
that star.

A similar orbital solution has been published by J. Tomkin, C. Sneden and P.L.
Cottrell (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 96, 609, 1984). They find a small and
possibly significant eccentricity (0.037) and derive a slightly longer period
(287.55d). They also classify the spectrum as G5 III. The elements obtained by
Lucke and Mayor are preferred primarily because they are based on more
observations. The star is the brighter component of A.D.S. 2509; its companion
is 12.2m at 1".


Although no new orbit has been published since the Seventh Catalogue appeared,
this system, being an active (but non-eclipsing) system of the RS CVn type,
has attracted a great deal of attention. Spectrophotometric studies have been
made by C.G. Rhombs and J.D. Fix (Astrophys. J., 216, 503, 1977) and E.J.
Weiler (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 182, 77, 1978) who studied the
emission-line (H, K and H-alpha) variations. Observations made with IUE,
giving evidence for flares, have been published by T. Simon, J.L. Linsky and
F.H. Schiffer (Astrophys. J., 239, 911, 1980) and the first two of those
authors have also discussed a chromospheric model (Astrophys. J., 241, 759,
1980). Simultaneous optical, UV and radio observations are reported and
discussed by E.J. Weiler et al. (Astrophys. J., 225, 919, 1978).

Velocity variation of this star has long been suspected and K. Kodaira (Publ.
Astron. Soc. Japan, 23, 159, 1971) found a period closely similar to that
given by Abt and Levy. The velocity variation seems to be well established,
but the maximum velocity and most of the descending branch have not been
observed. The star belongs to the alpha Per cluster.

Although elements obtained by B. Paczynski (Acta Astron., 15, 197, 1965) were
preferred in the Seventh Catalogue, the new observations have shown that R.P.
Kraft's original value of 1.904d for the orbital period (Astrophys. J., 139,
457, 1964) was more nearly correct. The value of K1 refers to the late-type
component with an absorption spectrum; that of K2 (34 km/s) is derived from
the emission wings of H-beta. The epoch is T0. The star is also Nova Per 1901.

Harper (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 6, 214, 1935) did not consider it
necessary to revise these elements. The star is identified as an occultation
double in the Bright Star Catalogue.

These elements supersede those determined earlier by Harper (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 4, 48, 1927) with P=11.422d. There are diverse spectral
classifications for this star and the Am character is regarded as doubtful
by Bertaud and Floquet, although it is retained among the Am stars by Curchod
and Hauck. The epoch is the time of inferior conjunction of the visible star.
The star is an ellipsoidal variable, the light variation being periodic with
the orbital period.

The star is an ellipsoidal variable; the period was determined photometrically
(H.W. Duerbeck, Astron. Astrophys., 61, 161, 1977) and the epoch is the time
of the deeper minimum. The orbital inclination is estimated at 35 deg; with
this value it is found that the binary probably consists of main-sequence
stars of types A and K.

Popper's elements supersede the only previous spectroscopic study of this
system by S. Gaposchkin (Harvard Obs. Bull., No. 918, p. 12, 1946). The system
was the first Algol-type system for which both masses were determined directly
and has one of the most extreme mass-ratios. A circular orbit was assumed and
the epoch given is the time of primary minimum. Classification of the
secondary spectrum is difficult because only a few lines in the red region of
the spectrum are visible. Photometric analysis yields an effective temperature
for the secondary star corresponding to late G or early K spectral type. The
most recent analysis of the light-curve is by B. Cester et al. (Astron.
Astrophys., 62, 291, 1978) who analyzed BV observations obtained by R.H. Koch
(Astron. J., 65, 139, 1960) and found i to be close to 80 deg and that the
primary component gives about 0.77 of the total light in V.

Coverage of the velocity curve is good and K and V0 are probably well
determined. A circular orbit would fit the observations almost as well, and
was adopted by Lucy & Sweeney. The star is now recognized as an ellipsoidal
variable with the same period as the orbital period. It is the brighter
component of A.D.S. 2622: companion 10.6m at 5.4".

The Durchmusterung number is from the C.P.D. The system is of interest because
it is the first central star in a planetary nebula (N.G.C. 1360) to have been
shown to be a spectroscopic binary. Elements, which are derived from measures
of the absorption lines H-beta and H-gamma only, are very provisional, even
the period being still in doubt. The eccentricity was assumed to be zero. The
epoch is an arbitrary zero of phase, close to the time of maximum positive

The value of T given by Struve in his paper is apparently a misprint. The two
components have nearly the same intensity.

The spectrum is variable, and the variation may be periodic. The spectrum has
previously been classified as A4, A8, F0. The light-curve does not agree in
phase with the velocity-curve, and the velocity-curve shows a secondary
minimum. It is clear that the velocity-curve is grossly distorted. K.
Lassovsky (Astron. Nachr., 252, 221, 1934) finds i=87 deg and the light-ratio
to be 0.67. S. Gaposchkin (Variable Stars, Harvard Monograph 5, p. 75, 1936)
gives slightly different elements. One spectrogram obtained during primary
eclipse seems to show a spectral type of about F5.

The spectrum shows emission at H and K which, according to the Wilson-Bappu
relation, corresponds to an absolute magnitude of +4.85 -- in good agreement
with the spectral type. Carquillat et al. estimate that the invisible
secondary may be a K dwarf and that the orbital inclination is at least 65
deg. Fekel (private communication) has detected the secondary in the red.

As one of the brightest and most active members of the RS CVn group, this
system has attracted much attention and a complete listing of papers about it
is quite impracticable. Fekel's discussion supersedes that by B.W. Bopp and
F.C. Fekel (Astron. J., 81, 771, 1976) which was cited in the Seventh
Catalogue. The new elements do not differ much from the old, but are more
precisely determined.  A spectrophotometric study of the variable H-alpha
emission was published by D. Fraquelli (Astrophys.  J., 276, 243, 1984). Her
elements from the absorption lines agree well with Fekel's. Those from the
emission lines show a slight (violet) displacement of V0 and a much lower
value of K2. The orbit was assumed circular after an elliptical solution
showed the eccentricity not to be significant. The epoch is T0 for the more
massive component, which has very strong H and K emission. Fekel's paper
contains discussions of evolutionary models and the starspot hypothesis, and
-- together with the other papers cited above -- is an excellent introduction
to the extensive literature on this star. Some of the papers cited for HD
21242 in this Catalogue also contain discussions of this system. Radio flares
were first observed by F.N. Owen (I.A.U. Circ., No. 2929, 1976). Special
mention should be made of the Doppler imaging study by S.S. Vogt and G.D.
Penrod (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 95, 565, 1983). The star is the brighter
component of A.D.S. 2644: companion is 8.4m at 6.2".

Unlikely to be a member of the Pleiades.

Griffin claims this as the first spectroscopic orbit determined for an S-type
star. Although the star is designated BD Cam, he questions the variability of
its light.

Not a member of the Pleiades.

The epoch is T0. The spectral classification is a preliminary one,
communicated by N. Houk to Salzer and Beavers. The invisible secondary is
believed to be an F-type dwarf.

Brighter component of A.D.S. 2726: companion 8.4m at 1.0". Previous
investigations by F.C. Jordan (Publ. Allegheny Obs., 2, 63, 1910), H.
Ludendorff (Astron. Nachr., 188, 211, 1911), A.B. Muller, Th. Walraven, and
L. Woltjer (Bull. Astron. Inst. Netherl., 13, 51, 1956). New observations by
A. Blaauw and T.S. van Albada (Astrophys. J., 137, 791, 1963) fit Jordan's
velocity-curve. Lynds used Sterne's method for small eccentricities. The star
shows a light variation of about 0.03m with half the orbital period. This
variation probably arises from ellipticity. There is some evidence for
irregularity in this variation. Spectral classification is by W.W. Morgan,
A.D. Code, and A.E. Whitford, (Astrophys. J. Supp., 2, No. 14, 1956). W.A.
Hiltner (Astrophys. J. Supp., 2, No. 24, 1956) gave B1 II. Petrie(I) found
Delta m=1.26.

Petrie found Delta m=0.31. From his empirical mass-luminosity relation he
estimated that i=19 deg.

Epoch is T0. Star is a member of the Pleiades.

Epoch is an arbitrary zero: T0 is about 0.72d later. Brighter component of
A.D.S. 2750: companion 11.6m at 64.7".

Epoch is an arbitrary zero: T0 is about 0.80d later. Brighter component of
A.D.S. 2772: companion 9.4m at 3.2".

The star is a member of the Pleiades and has been found from a
model-atmosphere analysis to be an early-type analogue of the Am stars (P.S.
Conti and S.E. Strom, Astrophys. J., 152, 483, 1968).

This is the first binary showing a double-lined spectrum to be detected in
the Pleiades. Orbits were published almost simultaneously by J.A. Pearce
(Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 10, 435, 1957) and Abt.  Both orbits are good,
and there is little reason for choosing between them. Abt has fewer
observations than Pearce, but they were obtained with a spectrograph of higher
dispersion. Abt's value of the period is probably to be preferred to Pearce's
slightly longer one, but Pearce was probably more nearly correct in assuming
a circular orbit. Pearce's value of K1 and K2 are both larger than Abt's
values. This is especially pronounced for K2. Although probably not
significant, these differences are worrying. Pearce found Delta m=1.11 from
measures of the equivalent width of H-gamma in the two component spectra; he
classified the spectra as A0 and A1. Abt estimated Delta m to be 1.4m, and
tentatively classified the secondary as an Am star. Abt believes there may be
shallow eclipses.

Listed in I.D.S. as L.D.S. 104. Companion is 8.0mag at 1480".

No measures of the secondary component have been made but the star displays
a composite spectrum. Pedoussaut et al. quote an unpublished estimate of
Delta m(pg)=0.8, made by Markowitz. They suggest that the system may sometimes
be resolvable by speckle interferometry. The spectrum shows H and K emission.

The period and orbital elements were derived by Morbey and Brosterhus from
data published at several observatories -- principally Allegheny. A
small-amplitude variation (less than 0.1m) is reported by O.M. Kolykhalova,
A.V. Mironov and V.G. Moshkalev (Peremm. Zvezdy, 21, 105, 1978). They believed
the system to be an eclipsing binary with a period of 22.58d. The
spectroscopic observations do not fit that period, whereas the photometric
observations, plotted on the spectroscopic period, give a light-curve
resembling that of an ellipsoidal variable. New observations by B.E. Martin
and D.P. Hube (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 3240, 1988) support that result.

A member of the Pleiades (Atlas) erroneously listed as 28 Tau in the Sixth
Catalogue. The star is also the brighter component of A.D.S. 2786. The 6.8m
companion at 0.4" is uncertain however, and cannot be identified with the
spectroscopic companion. The epoch given is T0. Lucy & Sweeney adopt a
circular orbit.

A member of the Pleiades whose duplicity was discovered by H.A. Abt et al.,
(Astrophys. J., 142, 1604, 1965). Pearce and Hill used the observations by
Abt et al. as well as Victoria observations to obtain the elements given here.
They assumed a circular orbit (in accord with the conclusion of Lucy &
Sweeney) and the epoch is the time when the velocity is equal to the systemic
velocity and decreasing. Apart from a difference in V0, the agreement between
the two sets of elements is satisfactory. The star is the brightest component
of A.D.S. 2786 and has companions of 9.7m and 8.9m at 3.2" and 10.2".

This interesting system which belongs to the Hyades and contains a white dwarf
continues to attract attention. Two orbital studies have been published since
the appearance of the Seventh Catalogue (R. Gilmozzi and P. Murdin, Mon. Not.
Roy. Astron. Soc., 202, 587, 1983 and E. Hamzaoglu and F. Sabbadin, Inf. Bull.
Var. Stars, No. 2092, 1982). Young's study still has the smallest formal
errors and is retained here. The agreement between studies is good, however,
and justifies the higher quality grade given for the system. The work of
Gilmozzi and Murdin is also important for its spectrophotometric study of the
H, K and H-alpha lines. Other spectrophotometric investigations have so far
been published only in abstract form. In one (B. Bois, S.W. Mochnacki and H.H.
Lanning, J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can., 79, 235, 1985) it is suggested that there
is a third body in the system. The epoch is the time of primary minimum
(eclipse of the white dwarf). Two photometric discussions have also been
published since the Seventh Catalogue: C. Ibanoglu (Astrophys. Space Sci., 57,
219, 1978) and S. Rucinski (Acta Astron., 31, 37, 1981). The older study by B.
Cester and M. Pucillo (Astron. Astrophys., 46, 197, 1976), giving an orbital
inclination of about 80 deg and a fractional luminosity (in u) for the K-type
component of 0.77 still appears valid.

Epoch is T0. Spectral type of secondary is estimated after using the
mass-luminosity relation to determine the mass of the primary. Circular orbit

Based on the observations of A. Blaauw and T.S. van Albada (Astrophys. J.,
137, 791, 1963) this set of elements, for which a circular orbit is assumed,
appears to be a distinct improvement over theirs. Epoch is T0.


The paper by Baade et al. contains both photometric and spectroscopic results.
Rotational broadening of the F2 spectrum makes it hard to measure, however,
and the spectroscopic elements should be regarded as preliminary. In
particular, the orbital eccentricity is uncertain and the orbit should
probably be regarded as circular. The epoch is the time of primary minimum.
We have assumed that the value given for omega, by Baade et al., is in
radians. Combination of photometric and spectroscopic data leads to a value
for the mass of the F2 star considerably lower than the expected main-sequence
value. The invisible secondary does not seem to be a main-sequence star
either. The photometric solution gives an orbital inclination of 83 deg and a
fractional luminosity (in V) for the primary star of 0.86.

In the Seventh Catalogue doubt was expressed whether or not X Per was
correctly identified with the X-ray source 4U 0352 +30 and whether or not the
observed radial-velocity variation was real. The first doubt has been laid to
rest and the second intensified. G.D. Penrod and S.S. Vogt (Astrophys. J.,
299, 653, 1985) claim that the velocity variations found by Hutchings et al.
are in fact only the results of variable asymmetric emission components in
the higher Balmer lines. The elements given should therefore be looked upon
with considerable reserve although, presumably, the star is a binary of some
kind. The epoch would be T0, if the observations are correctly interpreted as
velocity variations. The star is the brighter component of A.D.S. 2859:
companion is 12.0m at 22.5".

The elements given in the Catalogue supersede those obtained by W.E. Harper
(Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 4, 161, 1928). Another recent set of elements
was determined by H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy (Astrophys. J. Supp., 30, 273, 1976).
All three sets agree well, although this is partly because Abt and Levy
included Harper's observations in their solution. The two spectra are similar;
the classification is taken from the paper by Abt and Levy. Two faint and
distant companions are listed in I.D.S.

Photometric observations by M.B.K. Sarma and N.B. Sanwal (Astrophys. Space
Sci., 74, 41, 1981) appear to have stimulated this spectroscopic
investigation. It is based on eleven plates of only moderate dispersion. No
sign of the secondary spectrum is seen. The epoch is the time of primary
minimum. Nakamura, Yamasaki and Kitamura also re-analyze the light curve.
Their solution differs from that of Sarma and Sanwal but the orbital
inclination appears to be around 75 deg and the fractional luminosity of the
brighter star (in V) about 0.9.

Epoch is T0. Acker draws attention to the fact that the spectral type is that
of a normal A star.

Not a member of the Pleiades. D.P. Hube (private communication) finds that
new observations are not satisfied by the period given by Pearce and Hill.

The component assigned the suffix `2' by Imbert is the one occulted at primary
eclipse. From an approximate solution of the only available light-curve -- a
photographic one by W. Strohmeier and R. Knigge (Veroff. Remeis-Sternw., 5,
No. 6, 1960) -- Imbert estimates that the orbital inclination is nearly 89
deg and that the components differ by about 0.2m in visual magnitude. Imbert
also estimates spectral types of G8 and G0, compared with the H.D. type, F8,
given in the Catalogue. A modern light-curve of this system is very much

The new orbit by Lacy and Frueh supersedes that derived by A. Young (Publ.
Astron. Soc. Pacific, 87, 717, 1973) and quoted in the Seventh Catalogue. The
spectral types are inferred from the colour indices and are not direct
classifications. Lacy and Frueh also studied the light-curve and found an
orbital inclination close to 90 deg and a light ratio in V of about 8.5:1.
The orbital eccentricity appears to be real and there is evidence for apsidal
motion with a period of about 140 years. Photometric observations of the
system were also obtained by D.S. Hall, R.H. Gertken and E.W. Burke (Publ.
Astron. Soc. Pacific, 82, 1077, 1970) and discussed by M. Mezzetti et al.
(Astron. Astrophys., 42, 15, 1980). Two companions are listed in I.D.S., the
brighter, suggested by Lacy and Frueh to be physically associated with the
close pair, is 9.4m at 39.3".

The spectral classification is by R.O. Redman (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 4,
325, 1930); although he provided no luminosity classification, he observed the
star in the course of a programme of observing K giants. The magnitude given
is from the H.D. Catalogue for reasons discussed by Griffin.

The new spectroscopic (Reticon) observations of this system by Fekel and
Tomkin supersede all earlier investigations (C. Casini, P. Galeotti and G.
Guerrero, Contr. Oss. Astron. Milano-Merate, No. 288, 1968); E.G. Ebbighausen
and O. Struve (Astrophys. J., 124, 507, 1956); D.B. McLaughlin, Publ. Michigan
Obs., 6, 39, 1932; F.C. Schlesinger, Publ. Allegheny Obs., 3, 173, 1914 and
E.F. von Aretin, Gottingen Astron. Mit., 15, 1, 1913). Fekel and Tomkin have
detected the secondary component with complete certainty and have conclusively
demonstrated the existence of a third body moving in an unusually short-period
orbit. Elements of both orbits can now be regarded as reasonably well
determined. The variation due to motion of the close pair in the long-period
orbit shows up in the observed velocities of both visible components. The
elements given in the Catalogue are those found if the short-period orbit is
assumed to be circular (the epoch is the time of primary minimum). A small
eccentricity cannot be entirely ruled out, and adopting one brings the
elements derived for the long-period orbit, from each component, into better
agreement. Interaction between the orbits -- which must be nearly coplanar,
since no variation in eclipse depths is observed -- such as apsidal motion and
nodal regression, may lead to periodic variations in the orbital elements of
the close pair, which may be detected in the future. The spectral type of the
primary star is agreed upon by several investigators.  That given for the
secondary star was derived by G. Grant (Astrophys. J., 129, 78, 1959) and
found by Fekel and Tomkin to be in agreement with their own estimates
(although they put the star in luminosity class V). The magnitude difference
between primary and secondary is estimated to be Delta V=2.3m. The third star
is invisible, but its mass is estimated to be 0.7 MSol and it is probably a K
dwarf. Photometric analyses by J.B. Hutchings and G. Hill (Astrophys. J., 166,
373, 1971) and B. Cester et al. (Astron. Astrophys., 62, 291, 1978) do not
entirely agree, but indicate that i is close to 80 deg. Fekel and Tomkin
favour the result i=76 deg, obtained by Cester et al., since this requires the
system to be semi-detached.

The new spectroscopic (Reticon) observations of this system by Fekel and
Tomkin supersede all earlier investigations (C. Casini, P. Galeotti and G.
Guerrero, Contr. Oss. Astron. Milano-Merate, No. 288, 1968); E.G. Ebbighausen
and O. Struve (Astrophys. J., 124, 507, 1956); D.B. McLaughlin, Publ. Michigan
Obs., 6, 39, 1932; F.C. Schlesinger, Publ. Allegheny Obs., 3, 173, 1914 and
E.F. von Aretin, Gottingen Astron. Mit., 15, 1, 1913). Fekel and Tomkin have
detected the secondary component with complete certainty and have conclusively
demonstrated the existence of a third body moving in an unusually short-period
orbit. Elements of both orbits can now be regarded as reasonably well
determined. The variation due to motion of the close pair in the long-period
orbit shows up in the observed velocities of both visible components. The
elements given in the Catalogue are those found if the short-period orbit is
assumed to be circular (the epoch is the time of primary minimum). A small
eccentricity cannot be entirely ruled out, and adopting one brings the
elements derived for the long-period orbit, from each component, into better
agreement. Interaction between the orbits -- which must be nearly coplanar,
since no variation in eclipse depths is observed -- such as apsidal motion and
nodal regression, may lead to periodic variations in the orbital elements of
the close pair, which may be detected in the future. The spectral type of the
primary star is agreed upon by several investigators.  That given for the
secondary star was derived by G. Grant (Astrophys. J., 129, 78, 1959) and
found by Fekel and Tomkin to be in agreement with their own estimates
(although they put the star in luminosity class V). The magnitude difference
between primary and secondary is estimated to be Delta V=2.3m. The third star
is invisible, but its mass is estimated to be 0.7 MSol and it is probably a K
dwarf. Photometric analyses by J.B. Hutchings and G. Hill (Astrophys. J., 166,
373, 1971) and B. Cester et al. (Astron. Astrophys., 62, 291, 1978) do not
entirely agree, but indicate that i is close to 80 deg. Fekel and Tomkin
favour the result i=76 deg, obtained by Cester et al., since this requires
the system to be semi-detached.

The one paper contains the first photometric and spectroscopic studies of this
system. The epoch is the time of primary minimum. The spectral classification
is by the authors and is somewhat earlier than has previously been thought.
Analysis of the light-curve yields i=90 deg and a fractional luminosity in V
of 0.97 for the visible component. The photometric observations alone are
fitted best if the mass-ratio is 0.32, but this value combined with the
spectroscopic mass function would place the primary component below the main
sequence. A mass-ratio of 0.2 would reconcile the spectroscopic and
photometric observations more easily, but would not represent the light-curve
so well.

There is some evidence for variable line intensities. Previous investigations
by C. Hujer (Astrophys. J., 67, 399, 1928) and O. Struve (Astrophys. J., 65,
300, 1927).

Although our understanding of this system has much increased during the last
decade, no new orbital elements have been published since those of Hiltner and
Hardie. That the eccentricity is spurious was long suspected, and was
confirmed by the publication, while the Seventh Catalogue was in press, of an
infrared light-curve by B.B. Bookmyer (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 89, 533,
1977). The secondary minimum is clearly defined and only slightly displaced
from midway between successive primary eclipses.  The spectroscopic values of
e and omega cannot represent the true orbit and therefore the value of K (and
quantities derived from it) is also suspect. The spectral types are taken from
M. Plavec's IUE study of the system (Astrophys. J., 272, 206, 1983), and
depend on fitting model atmospheres rather than on traditional classification.
They agree well with those derived by G. Grant (Astrophys. J., 129, 62, 1959)
from UBV photometry. Other photometric studies (based on Grant's observations)
have been published by M.I. Lavrov and N.V. Lavrova (Izv. Astron. Obs.
Engelhardt, 41-2, 196, 1976), A.G. Tsouroplis (Astrophys. Space Sci., 47, 361,
1977) and F. Mardirossian et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 40, 57, 1980).
Grant's conclusions that the orbital inclination is close to 90 deg and that
the brighter component gives about 0.96 of the light in V do not appear to
need appreciable modification. The period is variable.  The sign of V0 given
by Hiltner and Hardie is obviously incorrect and has been changed. The system
is famous for the discovery of a `ring' around the B-type star by A.B. Wyse
(Lick Obs. Bull., 19, 42, 1934) and A.H. Joy (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 54,
21, 1942). An important discussion of this feature, based on spectroscopy at
high time-resolution, has been published by R.H. Kaitchuck and R.K. Honeycutt
(Astrophys. J., 258, 224, 1982). There is a faint visual companion about 1"
away (P.L. Battistini, M. Fracassini and L.E. Pasinetti, Astrophys. Space
Sci., 14, 438, 1971).

Chochol's spectroscopic observations cover the primary velocity-curve much
better than do those of E. Budding (Astrophys. Space Sci., 36, 329, 1975) or
A.J. Wesselink (Leiden Ann., 17, Pt. 3, 30, 1941).  The observations of the
secondary component are, however, few and uncertain, and the value of K2
should be treated with considerable reserve. The epoch is the time of primary
minimum, although it is not quite clear just which ephemeris Chochol used in
the calculation of phases. He assumed e=0. Chochol also published photometric
observations and analyzed them along with the UBV observations of M. Kitamura
and A. Yamasaki (Tokyo Astron. Bull, No. 220, 2563, 1972). He found an orbital
inclination close to 80 deg and a fractional luminosity in V, for the primary
component, of 0.74. Other photometric studies have been published by E.
Budding (Astrophys. Space Sci., 46, 407, 1977) and F. Mardirossian (Astron.
Astrophys., 86, 264, 1980). The latter authors suggest as did Chochol,
apparently independently, that the system is semi-detached. The star is the
second brightest member of the visual multiple A.D.S. 2984 (N.G.C. 1502).

No epoch is given and the velocity-curve is said to be subject to `erratic
changes'. A recent abstract (S.L. Morris and C.T. Bolton, Bull. Am. Astron.
Soc., 18, 985, 1986) states that the true period is 0.91d, but no data are
given. All elements should be considered very uncertain.

A silicon star that according to K.D. Rakos (Lick Obs. Bull., 5, 227, 1962)
shows small light variations (about 0.03m) in a period of 11.94 days.

The observations and solution by Popper supersede those by J.S. Plaskett
(Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 3, 184, 1925). The epoch is the time of primary
minimum. The line of apsides rotates in a period of 76.55 years (N. Gudur,
Astrophys. Space Sci., 57, 17, 1978); in 1974 omega was 285 deg. A recent
photometric study by E. Woodward and R.H. Koch (Astrophys. Space Sci., 129,
187, 1987) leads to an orbital inclination close to 82 deg and a fractional
luminosity for the primary star (in yellow light) of 0.57.  Spectrophotometry
by G.L. Clements and J.S. Neff (Astrophys. J. Supp., 41, 1, 1979) gives a
difference in bolometric magnitude of 0.65m. Those authors also suggest a
somewhat earlier spectral type (between B3 and B4). The star is the brightest
component of A.D.S. 2990: companions are 8.8m at 1" and 12.6m at 36".

The secondary component is not visible except on two traces obtained at
Palomar. Griffin and Gunn estimate that it is a late K dwarf, with Delta V
somewhere between 1.5m and 2.0m. Radial velocity, proper motion and apparent
magnitude of the star are consistent with its membership in the Hyades.

A two-spectra binary containing two equal Am stars, for which only a few
observations were available until recently. The spectra are classified as A1,
A3V, A3 from the K line, the hydrogen lines, and the metallic lines
respectively. The epoch is the time of maximum positive radial velocity for
the marginally more massive component. Abt and Levy estimate the orbital
inclination to be 62 deg and the rotational velocities (v sin i) to be in the
neighbourhood of 30 km/s.

The new observations do not appear to be much better than those by O. Struve
(Astrophys. J., 106, 92, 1947) primarily because they are fewer in number. The
analysis is more refined, however, and attempts to take account of the fact
that the observed velocities are not those of the centre of mass of the two
components. The values given for K1 and K2 have been corrected for this
effect. The epoch is the time of primary minimum. Nesci et al. analyzed anew
the BV light-curves obtained by M. Huruhata, T. Dambaru and M. Kitamura (Publ.
Astron. Soc. Japan, 6, 217, 1954) using the newly derived mass ratio. They
found an inclination of 82 deg and a fractional luminosity in V for the
primary component of 0.36. Other photometric studies have been published by
P.G. Niarchos (Astrophys. Space Sci., 58, 301, 1978) and C. Maceroni et al.
(Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 49, 123, 1982), superseded by the new
investigation. Reports of variable polarization (V.A. Oshchepkov, Comm. 27,
I.A.U. Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 782, 1973) have not been confirmed. The
system is an X-ray source (R.G. Cruddace and A.K. Dupree, Astrophys. J., 277,
263, 1984).

Earlier investigation by J.B. Cannon yields results in good agreement with
these elements. The probable errors of Johnson's and Neubauer's elements are
low, and the orbit is probably well known. New observations by S.B. Parsons
(Astrophys. J. Supp., 53, 553, 1983) confirm these elements. Star is brightest
component of A.D.S. 3071: closest companion is 11.8m at 14.8".

Spectral classification is by Slettebak quoted by Osawa. Also according to
Osawa, Bidelman classified the star as G5 II and A or B. Osawa points out that
there is a possibility of observing eclipses. New observations by S.B. Parsons
(Astrophys. J. Supp., 53, 553, 1983) confirm these elements.

Membership of this system in the Hyades was questioned in the past because of
an apparently discordant radial velocity. The discovery by Griffin and Gunn
that the star is a double-lined binary has removed the anomaly. Griffinn and
Gunn estimate Delta V=0.5m from the relative depths of radial-velocity traces
on their spectrometer. They find that spectral types of G4 V and G7 V would be
consistent with their observations.

This system has attracted attention since its discovery as a flaring radio
source (R.M. Hjellming and C. Wade, Nature, 242, 250, 1973). Orbital elements
were published nearly simultaneously by R. Rajamohan and M. Parthasarathy
(Pramana, 4, 153, 1975, Kodaikanal Preprint, No. 74), S.C. Wolff and R.J.
Wolff (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 86, 176, 1974) and the authors cited in the
Catalogue. Older observations (J.F. Heard, Astrophys. J., 87, 72, 1938, W.E.
Harper, Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 4, 309, 1930 and J.B. Cannon, Publ. Dom.
Obs., 1, 285, 1911) were included by Hill et al. in their discussion of the
long-period orbit. Since the publication of the Seventh Catalogue a further
study of the short-period orbit has been published by H.W. Duerbeck and A.
Schettler (Acta Astron., 29, 225, 1979). Their results confirm those of Hill
et al. and they also find the systemic velocity to be roughly in agreement
with expectations from the long-period orbit. Their photometric observations
show the short-period system to be an ellipsoidal variable. There is a
possibility that the third body eclipses the primary star. Only one spectrum
is visible and Duerbeck and Schettler did not find any effects of blending in
the hydrogen lines, as were suspected by Hill et al.. Duerbeck and Schettler
suggest that the secondary is an F5 subgiant. Rotational broadening of the
only visible spectrum makes accurate measurement of velocities difficult.

This system has attracted attention since its discovery as a flaring radio
source (R.M. Hjellming and C. Wade, Nature, 242, 250, 1973). Orbital elements
were published nearly simultaneously by R. Rajamohan and M. Parthasarathy
(Pramana, 4, 153, 1975, Kodaikanal Preprint, No. 74), S.C. Wolff and R.J.
Wolff (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 86, 176, 1974) and the authors cited in the
Catalogue. Older observations (J.F. Heard, Astrophys. J., 87, 72, 1938, W.E.
Harper, Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 4, 309, 1930 and J.B. Cannon, Publ. Dom.
Obs., 1, 285, 1911) were included by Hill et al. in their discussion of the
long-period orbit. Since the publication of the Seventh Catalogue a further
study of the short-period orbit has been published by H.W. Duerbeck and A.
Schettler (Acta Astron., 29, 225, 1979). Their results confirm those of Hill
et al. and they also find the systemic velocity to be roughly in agreement
with expectations from the long-period orbit. Their photometric observations
show the short-period system to be an ellipsoidal variable. There is a
possibility that the third body eclipses the primary star. Only one spectrum
is visible and Duerbeck and Schettler did not find any effects of blending in
the hydrogen lines, as were suspected by Hill et al.. Duerbeck and Schettler
suggest that the secondary is an F5 subgiant. Rotational broadening of the
only visible spectrum makes accurate measurement of velocities difficult.

The old single-spectrum orbit by R.F. Sanford (Astrophys. J., 59, 356, 1924)
has been recently superseded by two independent investigations that have
revealed the presence of the spectra of both components. One of these
investigations is that by Griffin et al. cited in the Catalogue, the other is
by R.D. McClure (Astrophys. J., 254, 606, 1982). In terms of accuracy, there
is not much to choose between these two good orbits, but Griffin et al. cover
the velocity-curve of the primary component more nearly completely than does
McClure. Their results agree well, except for V0, which may be partly affected
by differences in zero points. The possibility of an underlying real variation
in V0 is not, however, ruled out by Griffin et al. The epoch is T0. An
important discovery by McClure was that the system displays eclipses and is
therefore a very useful check on estimates of the distance to the Hyades, of
which H.D. 27130 is a member. McClure estimates an orbital inclination of
about 85 deg. Griffin et al. find that the observed magnitudes and colours can
be fitted with individual stars of spectral types G6 V and K6 V, differing in
V magnitude by 2.3m which is consistent with the appearance of their
radial-velocity traces.


This is one of three possible members of the Hyades, investigated by Griffin,
Mayor and Gunn, that turned out to be two-spectra binaries. The orbit was
assumed circular and the epoch is T0. Griffin et al. estimate the magnitude
difference between the components as Delta B=1.3m (from the radial-velocity
traces). This system does belong to the Hyades.

This is another two-spectra binary belonging to the Hyades. Although eclipses
were looked for, none have been detected -- B.G. Jorgensen and E.H. Olsen,
(Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 652, 1972), but the system must have a high
orbital inclination. The double lines were first discovered by R. v.d.R.
Woolley, D.H.P. Jones and L.M. Mather (Roy. Obs. Bull., No. 23, 1960). Batten
and Wallerstein estimated Delta m (photographic)=0.42. McClure (Astrophys. J.,
254, 606, 1982) obtained a few new observations to refine the elements. His
changes were all within the observational errors, but he suggested the period
should be changed to 75.664d.

Another Hyades spectroscopic binary. Unfortunately the lines of the A-type
component are too broad for accurate measurement and mass determination. The
value of K given refers to the G-type star. Deutsch et al. point out the
possibility of observing lunar occultations of this system. H.A. McAlister
(Astrophys. J., 212, 459, 1977) has resolved the components by speckle
interferometry and is continuing his observations. A distant companion (10.7m
at 166.4") is listed in I.D.S.

Although no attempt has been made to determine the orbital elements since
Struve's, his values are now known to be quite inadequate as a description of
the system. Epoch is time of primary minimum. A thorough (IUE and optical)
spectrophotometric study of the system was recently published by J.J. Dobias
and M.J. Plavec (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 99, 159, 1987). The spectral
types given were taken from this paper and were derived by fitting model
atmospheres to the observed flux. Dobias and Plavec give Delta m (visual)=1.1.
It appears likely that the mass-ratio is very small. The light-curve is known
to vary in shape; D.S. Hall and T. Stuhlinger (Acta Astron., 28, 207, 1978)
analyze modern UBV light-curves. It appears that many of the difficulties in
interpretation of both light-curve and velocity-curve arise from an accretion
disk surrounding the primary star. Hall and Stuhlinger therefore present their
results very tentatively, but they find an orbital inclination close to 86
deg. New spectroscopic observations are highly desirable.

A `manganese star' that has common proper motion with 56 Tau. Epoch is T0.

Only H-gamma and lambda 4481 were measured on most plates, but the elements
appear to be well determined. According to I.D.S. there is a suspected
companion at 0.1", and an 11.8m companion at 49". Luyten derives slightly
different elements from these observations.

Another binary in the Hyades. Wright and Northcott find Delta m=0.07 by
Petrie's method. If the components obey the mass-luminosity law, the orbital
inclination is 51 deg.

Abt gives the spectral types from the K line, the hydrogen lines, and the
metallic lines as A5, F2, and F2 respectively. Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular
orbit. Two faint companions are listed in I.D.S.: 12.7m at 7.0" and 12.2m at

Star is brighter component of A.D.S. 3169. Companion is two magnitudes
fainter. Several orbits have been computed. Because period of the
spectroscopic binary is apparently an exact number of days, the distribution
of observations is very poor. Lucy & Sweeney confirm the reality of the
orbital eccentricity.

The orbital elements are derived from a combination of the available
photographic and photoelectric observations. The standard deviation of
individual observations, although absolutely small, is a substantial fraction
of the amplitude. The orbit is considered only preliminary by Griffin and Gunn
themselves. The star is an important member of the Hyades. A 12.m6 companion
at 107" is listed in I.D.S.

Another binary in the Hyades. Griffin et al. report no sign of a secondary
`dip' in their traces.

The new orbit by Abt and Levy is probably an improvement on all earlier
discussions (K. Jantzen, Astron. Nachr., 196, 117, 1913; W.E. Harper Publ.
Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 217, 1935 and H.A. Abt Astrophys. J. Supp., 6, 37,
1961). The eccentricity was taken as zero after a preliminary solution showed
it to be very small and the epoch is T0. Apart from the eccentricity, the new
orbit is in good agreement with the older ones. Abt and Levy give the spectral
types as A1.5, A8 and F2 from the K line, hydrogen lines and metallic lines,

Another two-spectra binary that is probably in the Hyades. Observations have
had to be corrected for pair-blending of the two spectra. The period given is
the apparent period. Griffin et al. estimate that the components have spectral
types of G6 V and K5 V and differ in visual magnitude by 2.0m. They note a
faint visual companion of about 14th magnitude some 8" to 10" away.

Another binary in Hyades.

Abt finds a range of nearly 30 km/s from observations obtained at four
observatories. As he points out, the elements lead to a rather large
mass-function. E.G. Frost, S.B. Barrett and O. Struve (Publ. Yerkes Obs., 7,
Part 1, 1929) report double lines on four plates, but no other observers have
reported them. The star should be further observed. According to I.D.S. there
is an 11.1m companion at 137". Any physical connection seems doubtful.

Luyten's elements are preferred to those originally derived by W.E. Harper
(Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 4, 316, 1930) because Harper had to fix T to
obtain a solution. Brighter component of A.D.S. 3267: companion 13.0m at
39.6". Epoch is T0. Lucy & Sweeney agree with Luyten in adopting a circular

Another spectroscopic binary in the Hyades.

Another spectroscopic binary in the Hyades. The spectral type is either G8 V
or K0 V. Some authorities also give slightly different values for the apparent
magnitude. Griffin et al. give both the apparent and the true orbital periods.
That quoted is the apparent.

2Earlier investigations by J.S. Plaskett (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 2, 63,
1915) and R.M. Petrie (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 52, 286, 1940). Values of
P, e, and omega agree well for all three orbits. Ebbighausen believes his
larger value of K is a result of the greater number of spectrograms he
obtained near the ascending node, and does not reflect real changes in the
elements. The difference in V0 between his and Plaskett's orbits (3 km/s) is
probably an instrumental effect, but the possibility of a third body in the
system cannot be ruled out. The `wave effect' found by Plaskett does not
exist. None of the investigators has been able to detect the secondary
spectrum. Star is a member of the Hyades. It is listed in I.D.S. with theta 1
Tau, separation 337".

Another spectroscopic binary in the Hyades. The spectrum is broadened by
rotation and is also somewhat early in type for the Palomar radial-velocity
spectrometer. For these reasons individual velocity measurements are not as
precise as is usual with this instrument.

Hube finds a luminosity ratio at lambda 4482 between 1.37 and 1.49. If the
stars lie on the main sequence, he estimates an orbital inclination of 54 deg.

Another spectroscopic binary in the Hyades. Complete phase coverage is
difficult to obtain because the orbital period is so close to one year.

Another spectroscopic binary in the Hyades.

This system was first discovered as an X-ray source and then identified with a
star believed to be still contracting to the main sequence (E.D. Feigelson and
G.A. Kriss, Astrophys. J., 248, L35, 1981). The epoch is the time of
conjunction with star A in front (the spectra are almost equal). The
eccentricity should probably be taken as zero, since it is only half its mean
error, no value is given for omega. This appears to be the first system
detected with components still contracting to the main sequence.

Lower half of velocity-curve is not well covered. Abt notes that O.J. Lee
(Astrophys. J., 32, 300, 1910) reported double lines. Lucy & Sweeney adopt a
circular orbit.

The period is 10,470 days. Sanford's orbital elements, which supersede the
results of his own earlier investigations (Astrophys. J., 43, 268, 1931, Publ.
Astron. Soc. Pacific, 60, 251, 1948), are still the only ones available. The
spectral types given are derived from a spectrophotometric study (including
IUE observations) by D.L. Harmer et al. (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 204,
927, 1983) and are not based on traditional methods of classification. Harmer
et al. estimate a Delta V of about 3 m. It is possible that the early-type
component is a Be star. They estimate a distance of 320 parsecs and find it
difficult to reconcile the spectroscopic and photometric results with the
astrometric orbit published by A.A. Wyller (Astron. J., 62, 384, 1962). Wyller
found i=82 deg, omega=145 deg. McAlister was unable to resolve the system by
speckle interferometry (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 88, 317, 1976, 90, 288,
1980). Sanford thought the residuals from his velocity-curve to be large, but
he could find no periodicity in them. New observations by S.B. Parsons
(Astrophys. J. Supp., 53, 553, 1983) confirm these elements.

The orbit was assumed circular and the epoch is T0. The magnitude difference
between the components is estimated from the `dips' in the radial-velocity
traces to be Delta B=2.5m. The system appears to be more distant than the
Hyades cluster, but moving with it. Griffin et al. assign it to the Hyades
moving group.

The best set of elements still seems to be Wilson's although the following
investigations have been published: Z. Daniel (Publ. Allegheny Obs., 3, 93,
1914); W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom. Obs., 1, 115, 1913 and Publ. Dom. Astrophys.
Obs., 6, 218, 1935); and H.A. Abt (Astrophys. J. Supp., 6, 37, 1961). Luyten
also computed the elements, using observations from the three earlier
investigations. Harper proposed, in 1935, to modify the period to 3.57104d and
Abt confirmed this, further modifying it to 3.571082d. Harper, in 1913,
detected the secondary spectrum, and found a mass-ratio of 0.47. Abt also
confirms this. Combined with Wilson's mass-function this would yield
m_1 sin^3 i=3.4 MSol, m_2 sin^3 i=1.6 MSol. There is, however, a rather large
difference in K1 as determined by Wilson and Harper. According to Abt, the
spectral type is A3, A8, A7 by the K line, the hydrogen lines and the metallic
lines, respectively. I.D.S. lists an 8.5m companion at 69.7". Petrie(II) found
Delta m=2.31. Fekel (private communication) has detected the secondary
spectrum in the red.

Although this system was included in the study of Hyades binaries by Griffin
et al., those authors do not commit themselves on the question of cluster
membership. There is some difficulty in reconciling Palomar photographic
observations with the photoelectric ones, which may indicate a small
uncertainty in the period. But for that problem the orbit might well have
merited a b quality. The orbit was taken to be circular after preliminary
calculations showed that introducing an orbital eccentricity afforded no
appreciable improvement. The epoch is T0. Griffin et al. draw attention to
discordant measurements of magnitude.

No new spectroscopic observations have been published since those of Struve et
al. and the only photoelectric observations still appear to be those of M.
Huruhata and M. Kitamura (Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 5, 102, 1953), F. Hinderer
(J. Observateurs, 43, 161, 1960) and L. Binnendijk (Astron. J., 68, 22, 1963).
The results of these observations were not entirely accordant and modern
solutions (mainly from Binnendijk's observations -- S.W. Mochnacki and N.A.
Doughty, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 156, 243, 1972, R.E. Wilson and E.J.
Devinney, Astrophys. J., 182, 539, 1973, L. Binnendijk, Vistas in Astron., 21,
359, 1977, P.G. Niarchos, Astrophys. Space Sci., 58, 301, 1978, S.R. Jabbar
and Z. Kopal, Astrophys. Space Sci., 92, 99, 1983) do not fully agree either.
Estimates of the orbital inclination range from about 60 deg to 84 deg and of
the fractional luminosity of the brighter star from about 0.55 to 0.86. New
observations, both photometric and spectroscopic, would be valuable. The epoch
is T0 calculated from the time of minimum given by Struve et al. (some
photometric observers have reversed the designations of primary and secondary
minima). The magnitudes are estimated from information in the photometric
papers and are only approximately on the V scale. The system is a W UMa system
displaying complete eclipses. It is the brighter component of A.D.S. 3559:
companion 12.3m at 3.8".

Both Luyten and Lucy & Sweeney have computed elements for this system under
the assumption that the orbit is circular.

The epoch is T0. The minimum magnitude is an approximate one drawn from the
photometric observations. Light curves in B and V were published by M.
Parthasarathy and M.B.K. Sarma (Astrophys. Space Sci., 72, 477, 1980) and
analyzed by G. Giuricin and F. Mardirossian (Astron. Astrophys., 97, 410,
1981) who believe the invisible secondary to be a subgiant not in contact with
the Roche lobe. They find an orbital inclination of 90 deg and a fractional
luminosity (in V) of 0.97. Somewhat different results are published by A.
Dumitrescu and R. Dinescu (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1740, 1980) but their
full analysis is not available.

Another spectroscopic binary in the Hyades.

Luyten gives different elements based on these observations. Petrie(II) found
Delta m=1.91.

Abt and Levy completely revised the earlier elements by H.A. Abt (Astrophys.
J. Supp., 6, 37, 1961), changing the period from 251 d to just under 39 d.
They say that the new elements `must still be considered as marginal'. They
consider a reported occultation component to be identical with the
spectroscopic secondary. In Abt's first study, features in the spectrum were
tentatively identified as arising from the secondary; they are not mentioned
in the new work. Abt and Levy give the spectral types as A2, A7, A7 from the K
line, hydrogen lines and metallic lines respectively. Together with sigma 2
Tau, the star forms a common-proper-motion pair which may belong to the Hyades.

Another spectroscopic binary in the Hyades. Griffin et al. themselves describe
these orbital elements as preliminary. The secondary spectrum is strong enough
to affect the observed `dip' profile, but the available material is not yet
sudegcient either to define the secondary velocity-curve or to guarantee that
the primary velocity-curve is correctly determined. The authors suggest that
the system consists of a K3 V and K7 V star with Delta V about 1.5m.

The first investigation was by T.H. Parker (Report of the Chief Astronomer of
Canada, 1, 166, 1910) which R.W. Tanner (Publ. David Dunlap Obs., 1, 473,
1949) showed to be based on an incorrect value for the period. Petrie and
Ebbighausen rediscussed Parker's observations and presented new ones. Their
values for the elements have been largely confirmed by H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy
(Astrophys. J. Supp., 36, 241, 1978) although possibly the orbit should be
regarded as circular. The secondary spectrum is seen only on nine Victoria
spectrograms and measurements of it are rather less certain than those of the
primary. Petrie and Ebbighausen found Delta m=1.5 (by Petrie's method). The
star has been resolved by speckle interferometry (H.A. McAlister et al.,
Astrophys. J. Supp., 51, 309, 1983). Two companions are listed in I.D.S.: 8.9m
at 0.1" and 8.6m at 62.8".

Although this star was investigated by Griffin and Gunn in the course of their
study of Hyades radial velocities, they conclude that it is not a member of
the cluster. It does share a common radial velocity and proper motion with
H.D. 29836.

Another spectroscopic binary in the Hyades. Griffin et al. are unable to
confirm a companion reported by Luyten.

The orbit was assumed to be circular and the epoch is T0. The star is the
brighter member of A.D.S. 3409: companion is 6.8m at 9.2". The magnitude given
in the Catalogue (taken from the paper by Lucke and Mayor) must refer to the
combined light of these two stars. Other sources give 6.70m for A.D.S. 3409 A.

The spectrum of the secondary component is seen during the total primary
eclipse and appears to be that of a subgiant with H and K in emission. B.
Gronbech (Comm. 27, I.A.U. Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 956, 1975) finds the
photoelectric colours are consistent with a K giant spectrum. The colours of
the primary correspond to an F5 giant or an Am star. J. Gadomski (Acta
Astron., 7, 83, 1957) discussed all available photographic observations and
found i=83 deg. Gronbech gives Delta V=0.45.

Although this star is included in the study of Hyades binaries by Griffin et
al., it is definitely recognized not to be a member of the cluster.

This set of elements supersedes that published earlier by A. Blaauw and T.S.
van Albada (Astrophys. J., 137, 791, 1963).

This is a Cepheid variable that is also a spectroscopic binary. In view of the
long period, the orbital elements should be considered preliminary.
Observations with IUE indicate an effective temperature of 12,000 K for the
unseen secondary. To reconcile this with the mass-function, Welch and Evans
suggest that the secondary itself is double.

Binary nature of star was discovered by W.P. Bidelman (Astrophys. J., 111,
333, 1950), who first drew attention to the star's very unusual spectrum.
Heard also published a preliminary report on the orbital elements in
collaboration with O. Boshko (Astron. J., 60, 162, 1952). The elements seem to
be well-determined from the David Dunlap observations for the epoch 1951-6.
However, Heard found evidence that some sudden change apparently occurred in
the orbital elements about the time that his observations began. Thus,
although the elements are well determined, the question of how far they
represent the orbital motion is still open. This should be borne in mind when
interpreting the quality (b) assigned to this orbit. The light of the star is
variable, but there are apparently no eclipses.

Luyten derives similar elements from these observations. Lucy & Sweeney adopt
a circular orbit. Bertaud and Floquet give the spectral type as A7 from the K
line and F2 from the metallic lines. Fekel (private communication) has
detected the secondary spectrum in the red.


Another spectroscopic binary in the Hyades, which is the more important
because both spectra are visible. The period given is the apparent period and
the epoch is T0, the orbit being assumed circular. There is evidence for a
slight variation in magnitude (of a few hundredths) which Griffin et al.
attribute to spots on at least one component. The spectral type is not known
directly, but is estimated from the photometric properties and the relative
strengths of the two `dips' in the radial-velocity traces. The two spectral
types are probably closely similar and Delta V is estimated to be 0.14m. The
orbital inclination is probably below 30 deg.

Another spectroscopic binary in the Hyades. One half of the velocity-curve is
exceedingly well defined by observations of high precision. The other half,
however, is only sketchily defined. From the relative depths of the `dips' in
the radial-velocity traces, Delta V is estimated to be 0.31m. The minimum
masses are close to those expected for stars of their spectral type and
eclipses are possible. Griffin and Gunn also suggest that the system could be
resolved interferometrically. A slightly different value of T is derived from
the velocity-curve of the secondary component.

This star is thought to be a `runaway' from N.G.C. 1502 (Cam OB1). Velocity
variation has long been suspected, but the amplitude is small and the scatter
of observations fairly large. The proposed period is very short for a binary
containing a supergiant. Other periods have been suggested, including one of
46.8d (with a semi-amplitude nearly twice the value given in the Catalogue --
B. Bohannan and C.D. Garmany, Astrophys. J., 223, 908, 1978) but there is as
yet no agreement amongst these investigators and others.

Another Hyades spectroscopic binary. No spectral type is given by Griffin and
Gunn (that given here is from the H.D. Catalogue). They do remark on a
rotational broadening of the radial-velocity traces.

This is another star included in the survey of the Hyades binaries that
definitely does not belong to the cluster and is probably much further away.
The primary velocity-curve is well defined but the observations of the
secondary are few and (relatively) scattered. The spectral types are once
again derived by fitting the observed magnitude difference and combined
colours, rather than by direct classification. The period given is the
apparent period. The magnitude difference between the components is estimated
to be Delta V=1.92m (from the depths of the two `dips' in the radial-velocity

This is a dwarf nova of the SU UMa type. The magnitude, of course, is variable
-- the value given appears to be that of the comparison star. No spectral type
is given but the spectrum is said to be characterized by broad Balmer
absorption lines. A circular orbit was assumed. The epoch is superior
conjunction of the primary star. The systemic velocity is variable.

Epoch is T0. Original observations were by R.H. Baker (Publ. Allegheny Obs.,
1, 107, 1909). Luyten's computation has been preferred because Baker had to
fix T in order to obtain a solution. Later observations by R. Bouigue and A.
Castanet (J. Observateurs, 37, 1, 1954) tend to confirm these elements and
give P=9.5201d. Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit.

Although this binary, also in the Hyades, was included in the study by R.F.
Griffin et al. (Astron. J., 90, 609, 1985) the investigation by Turner et al.
gives results that seem preferable, although the latter group themselves
suggest that the true period may be between the value they give and that
(0.26d less) given by Griffin et al. whose formal uncertainties are smaller.
The differences in V0 may arise partly from differences in velocity systems
and partly from motion in a long-period orbit. The chief difficulty with this
system arises from its membership in a visual binary (A.D.S. 3483) with a
known orbit and a period of about 100 years. During the intervals covered by
both sets of observations, the components of the visual binary could not be
resolved on the spectroscope slit. The maximum separation is about 1" and
there appears to be no fully reliable estimate of the magnitude difference,
which is probably around 1.6m. For similar reasons there is uncertainty about
the spectral types: those given in the Catalogue result from the modelling
technique applied by Griffin et al. also to several other Hyades binaries.
They also estimate G4 V for the visual secondary and raise the possibility
that it, too, is double. Turner et al. point out the similarity in shape
between the visual orbit and the spectroscopic orbit and suggest that they may
also be coplanar (inclination about 50 deg). There is some evidence for
apsidal motion in the spectroscopic orbit. Besides the orbital companion,
there is also one of 12.7m at 44.9" listed in I.D.S.

Epoch is T0.

The orbit was assumed circular and the epoch is T0. The magnitude difference
between the components is estimated from the `dips' in the radial-velocity
traces to be Delta B=2.6m. Although the system was investigated because of its
possible connection with the Hyades, its systemic velocity makes clear that it
does not belong to the cluster.

No new study has been made of the radial-velocity curve since the one
published by Struve. Undoubtedly the velocity-curve is distorted in the way
typical for Algol systems and masses or dimensions computed from it are
unreliable. There has been a good UBV light-curve published (D.S. Hall, R.O.
Cannon and C.G. Rhombs, Astron. J., 89, 559, 1984) on which the magnitude
values given in the Catalogue are based. T.W. Stuhlinger, J.S. Shaw and D.S.
Hall (Astron. J., 89, 562, 1984) attempted to solve this, allowing for the
effects of a disk surrounding the hotter star. They found an inclination of
about 88 deg and a fractional luminosity (in V) for the brighter star of 0.7.
The other important discussion of this star is by M.J. Plavec and J.J. Dobias
(Astron. J., 92, 171, 1987), who fit model atmospheres to IUE and optical
scans of the system to derive the spectral types given in the Catalogue. The
photometric and spectroscopic observers agree on the spectral type of the
secondary, but the former derive A5 III for the primary. This is not
consistent with the observed spectrum. Plavec and Dobias comment on the
emission lines, appreciably stronger than in many Algol systems. They estimate
masses of 2.4 MSol and 0.4 MSol for the two components.

A later investigation by G.R. Miczaika (Z. Astrophys., 27, 247, 1950) confirms
these elements; the differences between the two sets are not greater than the
uncertainties. Miczaika found an appreciable eccentricity (0.073) with
omega=161.8 deg. He also found P=3.700373d, which is probably to be preferred
to Lee's value. Epoch given by Lee is T0. Star is an ellipsoidal variable with
a range of about 0.05m.

The revision of W.E. Harper's orbit (J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can., 5, 115, 1911)
by Lucy & Sweeney was adopted because they have modified the period by
including some earlier observations. The epoch is T0. Harper could detect no
trace of the secondary spectrum. The star is the brightest component of A.D.S.
3536: companions 7.8m at less than 1" (sometimes not resolved) and 11.3m at

A Ba II star of the type that McClure has shown are probably all binaries.

The recent eclipse (1982-5) of this long-period system has led to a spate of
publications, but there is still no orbital study to improve on Wright's,
which is itself a revision of one by S.C. Morris (J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can.,
56, 210, 1962). These superseded earlier studies by E.B. Frost, O. Struve and
C.T. Elvey (Publ. Yerkes Obs., 7, 81, 1932) and G.P. Kuiper, O. Struve and B.
Stromgren (Astrophys. J., 86, 570, 1937). It is impossible to do justice to
recent work, stimulated by the eclipse, in a short note. Surveys of both
photometric and spectroscopic work are given in Highlights in Astronomy, 7,
1986 (R.E. Stencel, p. 143, D.L. Lambert, p. 151). See also the report of
Commission 42 in Volume XXA of Trans. Inter. Astron. Union, p. 588, 1988. It
is probably true to say that no consensus yet exists on a model for the
system. The tendency is away from treating the 0.8m dip in the light-curve as
a simple stellar eclipse. There are suggestions that the component stars are
of much lower mass than previously thought (M. Saito et al., Publ. Astron.
Soc. Japan, 39, 135, 1987; D.L. Lambert and S.R. Sawyer, Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, 98, 389, 1986). The value of K2 given by Wright is not directly
observed and should not be used to calculate masses. It has also been
suggested that the secondary component is triple (P.P. Eggleton and J.E.
Pringle, Astrophys. J., 288, 275, 1985). K.Aa. Strand (Astron. J., 64, 346,
1959) finds i=72 deg from astrometric data. The star is the brightest
component of A.D.S. 3065; of four faint companions, the closest is at 21".

Although this system continues to attract observers, especially during
eclipses, the best orbit, as with the previous entry, remains that derived by
Wright, the elements of which are very similar to those derived by W.E. Harper
(see E.K. Lee and K.O. Wright, Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 11, 339, 1960).
Wright improved the value of K2, bringing the masses into closer agreement
with those estimated by D.M. Popper (Astrophys. J., 134, 835, 1961) and
indicating that the earlier value derived by W.H. Christie and O.C. Wilson
(Astrophys. J., 81, 426, 1935) is too high. Lee and Wright estimated Delta
m=1.9, by spectrophotometric measures; Popper derived Delta m=2.2 from the
light-curve. The orbital inclination is probably close to 90 deg. The major
development since the publication of the Seventh Catalogue is the availability
of UV observations from space. A summary of results for zeta Aur systems in
general is given by R.D. Chapman (Highlights in Astronomy, 7, 169, 1986). See
also K.- P. Schroder (Astron. Astrophys., 170, 70, 1986). These papers give
references to most of the other recent spectrophotometric studies.

The system is of interest because the H and K lines are seen in emission. The
emission is not associated with the secondary component. Its strength varies
with time but not in correlation with the orbital phase.

Preliminary spectroscopic elements and photoelectric observations were
published by C. Bartolini et al., Asiago Contr., No. 168, 1965. Photoelectric
observations have also been published by H. Schneller (Astron. Nachr., 286,
97, 1961), but it is those published by G. Mannino et al. (Mem. Soc. Astron.
Ital., 35, 371, 1964) that have been subjected to most analysis. Mammano et
al. believed these observations showed the system to be in contact. Working
from the same data, however, D.P. Schneider, J.J. Darland and K.-C. Leung
(Astron. J., 84, 236, 1979) found the system to be semi-detached, possibly
with the more massive component filling the Roche lobe. They find the orbital
inclination to be about 85 deg and the brighter component gives 0.59 of the
light in all colours. (The primary eclipse is about 0.74m deep.)

Epoch is T0. Star is brightest component of A.D.S. 3675. There are four faint
companions of which the closest is 12.2m at about 5".

The elements by Young supersede those obtained in the earlier study by E.B.
Frost and O. Struve (Astrophys. J., 60, 313, 1924). Young emphasizes the
apparent difference in chemical constitution of the two components: the
secondary (more massive) star is a `mercury star', the primary is not.
Although there have been some reports of light variation, Young has looked for
an eclipse and failed to observe any variation at all. He concludes i<80 deg.
Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.19. Epoch is T0.

Brightest component of A.D.S. 3709: companions 12.0m at 13.3" and 8.6m at

This system has attracted considerable attention in recent years. The new
spectroscopic discussion by Wachmann et al. supersedes the older one by A.H.
Joy and B.W. Sitterly (Astrophys. J., 73, 77, 1931) and is confirmed by
recently published new work (S.A. Bell, A.J. Adamson and R.W. Hilditch, Mon.
Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 224, 649, 1987). The orbit is assumed to be circular,
in accordance with the photometric evidence. The epoch is the time of primary
minimum. Wachmann et al. stress that their values of K1 and K2 are lower
limits, because of the dependence of their measures on the diffuse helium
lines. This is the chief reason for the d quality. From the photometric
measurements, the individual spectral types are estimated as B1 and B2.5.
Although other photometric studies have been published, the two cited here
(i.e. Wachmann et al. and Bell et al.) are probably the best. They agree
fairly well. The orbital inclination is about 86 deg, the luminosity ratio
(L2/L1) is 0.6 to 0.7 in V. The cooler, less massive component approximately
fills its Roche lobe and is the larger.

Despite earlier observations of a varying magnetic field associated with this
star Conti was unable to find evidence of any field at all. The star is
classified as A2 from the K line and F2 from the metallic lines. Two
companions are listed in I.D.S., both faint and distant: they are 12.2m and
9.9m at 88.6" and 168" respectively.

Bell et al. obtained a small number of new observations that they combined
with those previously obtained and analyzed by D.M. Popper (Astrophys. J., 97,
394, 1943). The results do not indicate any great change to the orbital
elements that Popper derived. The spectral type is uncertain: Bell et al.
suggest that it should be one or two subclasses earlier. The orbit is assumed
circular and the epoch is the time of primary minimum. From new photometric
observations in the B band, they deduce an orbital inclination of about 83 deg
and a luminosity ratio of 0.35. The fainter, less massive probably fills its
Roche lobe. There are conflicting statements in the literature about whether
or not the period varies (C.R. Chambliss, Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1278,
1977; J.M. Kreiner and J. Tremko, Acta Astron., 28, 179, 1978).

Epoch is T0. Struve remarked that the period used is too short: there is
photometric evidence for period variations (K.K. Kwee, Bull. Astron. Inst.
Netherl., 14, 131, 1958; L. Binnendijk, Astron. J., 67, 86, 1962). Several
photometric solutions have been made, but the agreement between them is not
good. Good modern BV light-curves have been published by P.P. Rovithis and H.
Rovithis-Livaniou (Astron. Astrophys., 155, 46, 1986) but the solutions from
the two minima are not entirely consistent. The range of magnitudes given is
taken from this paper, but there may be a zero-point error, since the maximum
magnitude is that given by M. Huruhata, T. Nakamura and M. Kitamura (Ann.
Tokyo Obs., Series 2, 5, 3, 1957). G. Russo et al. analyzed Binnendijk's
light-curves to obtain an orbital inclination of 81 deg and a fractional
luminosity (in V) for the brighter component of 0.63. Several photometric
investigators emphasize the need for new spectroscopic observations.


The orbit was assumed circular and the epoch is time of passage through the
ascending node (which coincides with T0 when the orbit is exactly circular).
This is one of very few systems, however, for which Lucy & Sweeney recommended
adopting a significant eccentricity (0.14) that was not postulated by the
original investigators. The light-curve requires a circular orbit (Y. Kondo,
Astron. J., 71, 46, 1966) but since the system is of the Algol type, a
spurious spectroscopic eccentricity may well be observable. IUE observations
of the system (F.C. Bruhweiler, W.A. Feibelman and Y. Kondo, Astron. J., 92,
441, 1986) reveal evidence of a shell surrounding the binary.  New BV
light-curves have been published by O. Gulman, C. Sezer and N. Gudur (Astron.
Astrophys. Supp., 60, 389, 1985). They find an inclination close to 79 deg and
a fractional luminosity (in V) for the brighter star of 0.99. Although the
differential magnitudes are on the V scale the zero point for the apparent
magnitude of the system is uncertain. The system differs from other Algol-type
systems in that the secondary is the smaller star.

Reference: A.Mammano \etal , Asiago Contr.,, No. 192, 1967

Brightest component of A.D.S. 3797: companions 8.4m at 7", and 11.8m at 182".

The elements by Lucy & Sweeney are preferred over the originals by W.E. Harper
(Publ. Dom. Obs., 3, 221, 1916) because he fixed T to obtain a solution and
because Lucy & Sweeney used some later observations of Harper's. The epoch is
T0. The star is the brightest component of A.D.S. 3824: of its three
companions, the brightest is 7.4m at 14.6".

First, we introduce a matter of terminology. It is usual to refer to the
component of Capella whose spectrum is most readily seen as the `primary'. R.
Griffin and R. Griffin (J. Astrophys. Astron., 7, 45, 1986) have raised strong
arguments for supposing that the primary star (in the sense of the brighter
one at optical wavelengths) is the other component, whose spectral lines are
broadened by rotation. As a result, individual lines are not easily seen and
measured, but the radial-velocity trace of this component can be measured with
photoelectric spectrometers. We shall follow the example of Griffin and
Griffin (who were themselves following the example of H.F. Newall, Mon. Not.
Roy. Astron. Soc., 60, 418, 1900) in calling this component the `Procyon'
component and the other star (with the sharp-lined, easily measurable
spectrum) the `solar' component, even though these terms are not entirely in
accord with our modern knowledge. The conclusion reached by the Griffins has
recently been supported by W. Bagnuolo and J.R. Sowell (Astron. J., 96, 1056,
1988). The new orbit by Shen Liangzhao et al. certainly supersedes all
previous discussion (including A.H. Batten and V. Erczeg, Mon. Not. Roy.
Astron. Soc., 171, 47P, 1975; O. Struve and F. Kilby, Astrophys. J., 117, 272,
1953; W. Struve, Z. Astrophys., 17, 61, 1939 -- for even earlier studies see
Table I in Shen Liangzhao et al.). The epoch is T0. The velocity-curve of the
solar component is now very well known and fully deserves the a quality. There
is, however, still room for doubt about the amplitude of the velocity
variation of the Procyon component. The value to be deduced for the mass-ratio
from the Catalogue elements is 1.18+/-0.02 -- the solar component being the
more massive. K.O. Wright (Astrophys. J., 119, 471, 1954 and Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 10, 1, 1954) derived 1.05 and this value has found some
support from F.C. Fekel, T.J. Moffet and G.W. Henry (Astrophys. J. Supp., 60,
551, 1986) who derive 1.07+/-0.02. Thus, more than sixty years after
Eddington first used this system as an anchor for the mass-luminosity relation
we may still have to make revisions to the masses. Ever since J.A. Anderson
(Astrophys. J., 51, 263, 1920) first published interferometric observations of
the system, it has been possible also to study the orbit in the plane of the
sky. Two modern studies are by H.A. McAlister (Astron. J., 86, 795, 1981 --
see also H.A. McAlister and W.G. Bagnuolo, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 95,
992, 1983) and by W.S. Finsen (Comm. 26, I.A.U. Circ. d'Inf., No. 66, 1975).
The former solution gives P=104.0237d, a=0.0547", i=136.64 deg and is based
on an assumed circular orbit. Finsen's solution is closely similar. How close
the resulting parallax is to the trigonometrically determined one depends, of
course, on the value assumed for the mass-ratio. The components of Capella are
chromospherically active (T.R. Ayres and J.L. Linsky, Astrophys. J., 241, 279,
1980) and the system is sometimes referred to as an RS CVn binary, although
this seems to be stretching the original definition of the class. It is now
known to be a radio source (S.A. Drake and J.L. Linsky, Astron. J., 91, 602,
1986) and an X-ray source (G.S. Varana et al., Astrophys. J., 245, 163, 1981).
According to the Bright Star Catalogue, Capella is also an infrared source,
although R.P. Verma et al. suggest that its flux is deficient in the J, H and
K bands (Proc. 3rd Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars Stellar Systems and the
Sun, 1984, eds. S.L. Baliunas and L.W. Hartmann pp.270-2). The star is known
to be slightly variable. The abundance of lithium is very different in the two
components (G. Wallerstein, Astrophys. J., 143, 823, 1966). Capella is the
brightest member of A.D.S. 3841: all the other components are faint and
distant from the primary, but one -- itself double -- appears to be physically
associated with the bright star (W.D. Heintz, Astrophys. J., 195, 411, 1975).

Fainter component (BC) of beta Ori (A.D.S. 3823, at least a quadruple system).
Separation from beta Ori A is 9.5" and the pair seems to be a
common-proper-motion pair. This fainter component has been suspected of visual
duplicity (separation always less than 0.2"), but since its two subcomponents
are apparently equal in magnitude, it is difficult to reconcile these
observations with the failure to observe any spectrum of C. Star C cannot be
identified with the star producing the secondary spectrum of the spectroscopic
pair. The bright component, beta Ori A, has been suspected of being a binary
and an orbit was derived by J.S. Plaskett (Astrophys. J., 30, 26, 1909). In
view of the small amplitude (3.8 km/s), however, and the known tendency of
supergiants to display random atmospheric motions, it seems unlikely that this
star is a real binary (see R.F. Sanford, Astrophys. J., 105, 222, 1947).

Pearce predicted eclipses from his spectroscopic elements and they were found
by S. Gaposchkin (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 55, 192, 1943). Ironically, the
high minimum masses that led Pearce to this conclusion are now questioned.
D.M. Popper (Astrophys. J., 220, L11, 1978) argues that the double lines are
not properly resolved and that the star with the weaker spectrum may be as
early as O9. Two studies of the light-curve have been published since the
Seventh Catalogue. One (M. Ramella et al., Astrophys. Space Sci., 70, 461,
1980) is a new analysis of the light-curve obtained by H. Schneller (Astron.
Nachr., 287, 49, 1962). The other is an analysis of a new V light-curve by P.
Hartigan (J. Amer. Assoc. Var. Star Obs., 10, 13, 1981). They agree fairly
well on the luminosities of the stars (primary fractional luminosity 0.88 in
V) but differ on the orbital inclination (73 deg and 83 deg respectively) and
the radius of the secondary star. The photometric results are not consistent
with Petrie's(II) derivation of Delta m=0.45.

Brighter component of A.D.S. 3872: companion 10.6m at 4.2".

Popper's elements are in quite good agreement with earlier ones derived by
R.F. Sanford (Astrophys. J., 68, 42, 1928), which is why the system is given a
b rating. A circular orbit was assumed and the epoch is the time of primary
minimum. Several light-curves and photometric analyses have been published in
recent years. That by G. Russo et al. (Astrophys. Space Sci., 79, 359, 1981)
gives references to most of the others. The orbital inclination is fairly well
determined at close to 87 deg. Estimates of the fractional luminosity of the
primary star are less accordant, but that star gives about half the total
light in V. The system is the brightest component of A.D.S. 3866: companion is
9.9m at 10.2").

A circular orbit was assumed and the epoch is T0. Wyse measured only the lines
at lambda lambda 4482 and 4549. A misprint in his paper for the values of
m sin^3 i is corrected on p.313 of the same volume of Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific. W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 311, 1937) found very
similar elements. The confirmation of each investigation by the other (within
their uncertainties) merits the b classification. Petrie(I) found Delta
m=0.14. Analysis of a uvby photoelectric light-curve by K.T. Johansen (Astron.
Astrophys., 4, 1, 1970) gives an orbital inclination close to 88 deg and a
fractional luminosity for the primary star (in all colours) of 0.54. These
results were not much changed by a new analysis of the same observations (B.
Cester et al., Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 33, 91, 1978). The hotter star is now
recognized as an HgMn star (S.C. Wolff and G.W. Preston, Astrophys. J. Supp.,
37, 371, 1978) although the cooler component apparently is not (Y. Takeda, M.
Takada and M. Kitamura, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 31, 821, 1979). The system
belongs to the Aur OB1 association. Its common proper motion with H.D. 34452
appears first to have been pointed out by W.P. Bidelman and is discussed by
W.L.W. Sargent and O.J. Eggen (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 77, 461, 1965).
Observed period changes may indicate a third body in AR Aur itself (S.J. A
delman and D.M. Pyper, Astron. Astrophys., 118, 313, 1983).

Epoch is an arbitrary zero, T0 is about 3.6d later. Only the descending branch
of the velocity-curve is covered.

This investigation supersedes Stilwell's own earlier work (J. Roy. Astron.
Soc. Can., 30, 212, 1936). The scatter of the observations is large, and K, in
particular, is poorly determined.

Epoch is T0. An earlier investigation by J.B. Cannon (Publ. Dom. Obs., 4, 185,
1918) was based on an incorrect value of the period. Petrie(II) found Delta

Photometric and spectroscopic observations of this late-type dwarf eclipsing
binary are discussed by Popper et al. The eccentricity, although small, is
real -- as is shown by the light-curve. The epoch, nevertheless, is the time
of primary minimum. Only the spectral type of the primary is given, but the
photometric solution shows the secondary to be only a little redder. From the
light-curve, Delta V is found to be 0.32m and the orbital inclination is very
close to 90 deg. The importance of the system is that it contains unevolved
late-type stars that show no signs of chromospheric activity.

These orbital elements are described as `marginal' by Abt and Levy themselves.

There are hardly any observations on the ascending branch of the
velocity-curve and the elements are described as `very preliminary' by Morrell
and Levato themselves. The system is a member of the Orion OB1 association.

Hilditch has also discussed the photometric properties of this system
(Observatory, 89, 143, 1969 and Mem. Roy. Astron. Soc., 76, 1, 1972). His
observations have been rediscussed by G. Giuricin et al. (Astron. Astrophys.
Supp., 39, 255, 1980) and by H.M.K. Al-Naimiy (Astrophys. Space Sci., 59, 3,
1978). New photometric observations have been published by T.D. Padalia and
R.K. Srivastava (Astrophys. Space Sci., 38, 87, 1975) and by Kh.F. Khaliullin
and V.S. Kozyreva (Astrophys. Space Sci., 94, 115, 1983). These last present
evidence for apsidal motion with a period of 2,250 years, compared with a
theoretically expected 825 years. There is not complete agreement amongst all
photometric investigators about the light-curve, but the magnitude difference
in V seems to be about 1 m, the spectral types are similar and the orbital
inclination close to 88 deg.

The computation of the short-period orbit by Lucy & Sweeney is based on
observations by W.S. Adams (Astrophys. J., 17, 68, 1903) and is preferred to
Adams' purely graphical derivation of the elements. A circular orbit was
assumed and the epoch is T0. Later observations by A. Hnatek (Astron. Nachr.,
217, 53, 1922) and R.F. Sanford (Astrophys. J., 64, 172, 1926) confirm Adams'
results. Allegheny observations showed the secondary spectrum (F. Schlesinger
and R.H. Baker, Publ. Allegheny Obs., 1, 135, 1910) measures of which give
K2=153 km/s, m1 sin^3 i=11.2 MSol, m2 sin^3 i=10.6 MSol. Petrie(II) found
Delta m=0.47. Observations by G.R. Miczaika (Z. Astrophys., 29, 105, 1951)
gave K1=103.7 km/s. The Allegheny work first indicated that V0 is variable and
the system is triple. A.F. Beal (Publ. Am. Astron. Soc., 3, 117, 1915)
estimated the long period to be between nine and ten years. Sanford confirmed
this and Pogo found P=9.2y, T=1900.0 and the other elements given in the
Catalogue. Ultraviolet spectrograms have been obtained from above the
atmosphere by T.H. Morgan et al. (Astrophys. J., 197, 371, 1975) and T.J.
Herczeg, Y. Kondo and K.A. van der Hucht (Astrophys. Space Sci., 46, 379,
1977). Detection of the third spectrum (also type B) has been claimed by R.
Zizka and W.R. Beardsley (Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 8, 362, 1976), also on
Allegheny spectrograms. The same component, presumably, has been resolved by
speckle interferometry (H.A. McAlister and E.M. Hendry, Astrophys. J. Supp.,
49, 267, 1982). The star is listed as an eclipsing binary, but no analysis of
the light-curve has been published. The primary component may be intrinsically
variable (R.H. Koch, B.J. Hrivnak and D.H. Bradstreet; W.R. Beardsley and E.R.
Zizka, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 12, 452, 1980). The triple system is the
brightest member of A.D.S. 4002: two other companions are 4.8m at 1.5" and
9.4m at 115.1".

The computation of the short-period orbit by Lucy & Sweeney is based on
observations by W.S. Adams (Astrophys. J., 17, 68, 1903) and is preferred to
Adams' purely graphical derivation of the elements. A circular orbit was
assumed and the epoch is T0. Later observations by A. Hnatek (Astron. Nachr.,
217, 53, 1922) and R.F. Sanford (Astrophys. J., 64, 172, 1926) confirm Adams'
results. Allegheny observations showed the secondary spectrum (F. Schlesinger
and R.H. Baker, Publ. Allegheny Obs., 1, 135, 1910) measures of which give
K2=153 km/s, m1sin^3i=11.2 MSol, m2sin^3i=10.6 MSol. Petrie(II) found Delta
m=0.47. Observations by G.R. Miczaika (Z. Astrophys., 29, 105, 1951) gave
K1=103.7 km/s. The Allegheny work first indicated that V0 is variable and the
system is triple. A.F. Beal (Publ. Am. Astron. Soc., 3, 117, 1915) estimated
the long period to be between nine and ten years. Sanford confirmed this and
Pogo found P=9.2y, T=1900.0 and the other elements given in the Catalogue.
Ultraviolet spectrograms have been obtained from above the atmosphere by T.H.
Morgan et al. (Astrophys. J., 197, 371, 1975) and T.J. Herczeg, Y. Kondo and
K.A. van der Hucht (Astrophys. Space Sci., 46, 379, 1977). Detection of the
third spectrum (also type B) has been claimed by R. Zizka and W.R. Beardsley
(Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 8, 362, 1976), also on Allegheny spectrograms. The
same component, presumably, has been resolved by speckle interferometry (H.A.
McAlister and E.M. Hendry, Astrophys. J. Supp., 49, 267, 1982). The star is
listed as an eclipsing binary, but no analysis of the light-curve has been
published. The primary component may be intrinsically variable (R.H. Koch,
B.J. Hrivnak and D.H. Bradstreet; W.R. Beardsley and E.R. Zizka, Bull. Am.
Astron. Soc., 12, 452, 1980). The triple system is the brightest member of
A.D.S. 4002: two other companions are 4.8m at 1.5" and 9.4m at 115.1".

The binary nature of this system was rediscovered by A. Blaauw and T.S. van
Albada (Astrophys. J., 137, 791, 1963) who were apparently unaware of Duflot's
work. Although they find a smaller eccentricity, their values of P, K1 and V0
are closely similar to Duflot's. The scatter of their observations is less
than that of hers. Her elements have been preferred, since they result from
the fuller investigation.

The spectral lines are very broad and difficult to measure, as the large
residuals from the velocity- curve show. Mammano et al. discussed the
possibility of a variation in V0, but the radial-velocity measurements are too
uncertain to be used to deduce the existence of a third body. On the other
hand, photometric observations show both eclipses to be getting deeper and
this seems best explained as a change in orbital inclination. The most
plausible way to explain that, is to suppose that the system is triple and
that the orbital plane of the eclipsing pair is precessing (J.A. Eaton, Acta
Astron., 28, 63, 1978; G. Giuricin et al., Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 37, 513,
1979). According to the latter paper, the primary gives about 0.65 of the
total light in V (the amount of third light is uncertain) and the orbital
inclination in 1967-70 was close to 84 deg. Discovery of the eclipses was made
by P. Mayer (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 77, 436, 1965) whose values of the V
magnitudes are used in the Catalogue -- the star must now be fainter at
minimum. The spectra were classified as O9.5 V by G. Hill et al. (Mem. Roy.
Astron. Soc., 79, 101, 1975).

Since the Sixth Catalogue, two spectroscopic investigations have been
published: the one whose results are given here and that by H.A. Abt and S.G.
Levy (Astrophys. J. Supp., 36, 241, 1978). They supersede the earlier
investigations (J.A. Pearce, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 65, 209, 1953; J.S.
Plaskett, Astrophys. J., 28, 266, 1908 and M. Chopinet, J. Observateurs, 36,
34, 1953). Neither of the last two investigators detected the secondary
spectrum. Pearce found a higher value of K2 than Lu Wenxian has found; the
value obtained by Abt and Levy falls in between. Thus, some uncertainty still
remains about the mass-ratio, but the elements of the primary component are
now well determined. The orbital eccentricity, although small, is
statistically significant. All available values of omega could be satisfied by
a period of about 40 years for apsidal rotation, which appears to be close to
the theoretically expected value. However, some of the earlier determinations
of e and omega should be looked on with caution and it is premature to be
certain about the apsidal period, which D.G. Monet (Astrophys. J., 237, 513,
1971) believes to be longer. The light of the star varies slightly because the
system is an ellipsoidal variable. J.B. Hutchings and G. Hill (Astrophys. J.,
167, 137, 1971) determined i=58 deg from the light-curve, but this value was
partly chosen to conform with the expected masses. They also found Delta
m=0.95, in good agreement with Lu Wenxian's spectrophotometric value of 1.09
(not strongly dependent on wavelength). The spectral types are those deduced
spectrophotometrically by Lu Wenxian. The star is the brighter component of
A.D.S. 4039: companions are 10.3m at 2.7" and 12.3m at 83.4".

Epoch is T0. Elements have also been computed by Lucy & Sweeney.

The elements obtained by Andersen, Batten and Hilditch, being in good
agreement with unpublished ones obtained by D.M. Popper are preferred over
those of R. Margoni, R. Stagni and A. Mammano (Astrophys. Space Sci., 79, 145,
1981). However, Popper (Astrophys. J., 262, 641, 1982) has given reasons for
supposing that even the Victoria and Lick observations may be affected by
systematic error. In particular, he believes that the primary spectrum may be
affected by blending with the spectrum of the visual companion (A.D.S. 4072 B,
8.9m at 0.6"). In that case, the masses given in the Catalogue are too large
and the mass-ratio is closer to unity. The epoch is T0 and was fixed with
respect to the observed time of primary minimum. The eclipses were discovered
by P. Mayer and the first solution of the light-curve was by P. Mayer and T.B.
Horak (Bull. Astron. Inst. Csl, 22, 327, 1971). Several photometric studies
have been published since. The most recent, which cites all the earlier
studies is by Yang-Feng Li and Kam-Ching Leung (Astrophys. J., 298, 345,
1985). The orbital inclination is about 88 deg and the fractional luminosity
of the primary component in V is between 0.5 and 0.6 (third light is about
0.1). There is doubt whether or not the components are in contact.

This is Nova Aur 1891. Eclipses were first discovered by M.F. Walker
(Astrophys. J., 138, 313, 1963). The period and epoch (time of minimum) given
in the Catalogue are taken from the linear ephemeris given by G.S. Mumford
(Astrophys. J., 210, 416, 1976). Bianchini is not explicit about the ephemeris
used. There is some possibility that the period is decreasing.


This is an early-type system in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The `primary'
elements are from the absorption lines in the O4f spectrum (the helium
emission gives a larger K and a more positive V0 ). The `secondary' elements
are from the O6 absorption lines. A circular orbit was assumed and the epoch
is the time of superior conjunction of the star of earlier type. Niemela and
Morrell estimate a Delta V of about 1 m. They report a faint companion at
about 5".

Velocity-curve well covered, but Struve himself described the elements as
approximate. No photometric elements appear to have been derived. Only one
spectrum is visible, even in eclipse.

This is one of the few eclipsing cataclysmic systems in which the spectra of
both components are visible. The G-band of the absorption-line spectrum can be
seen and measured. The study by Schlegel et al. supersedes the preliminary one
by K. Horne, H.H. Lanning and R.H. Gomer (Astrophys. J., 252, 681, 1982). The
star is also known as Lanning 10. A circular orbit was assumed and the epoch
is the time of primary eclipse. The upper line gives the elements obtained
from the He II lambda 4686 emission in the white-dwarf spectrum. The value of
K depends on the portions of the emission profile measured. The value given is
based on measurement of the wings only; if the whole profile were considered,
the value would be 200 km/s. Schlegel et al. estimate an orbital inclination
of 70 deg. The magnitude given is an approximate B magnitude. The star
flickers outside eclipses and the minima are about 0.7m deep in V.

Despite a new study of the velocity-curve by M. Singh (Astrophys. Space Sci.,
87, 269, 1982) we see no reason to revise our opinion that Curtiss' discussion
of the velocity-curve is the best yet available. Neither are we fully
convinced by Singh's claim that the orbital elements (especially K) are
changing, partly because the error analysis needed to assess this claim is
missing from his paper. His work did lead us to consider whether or not our b
classification for the orbit in previous catalogues was somewhat optimistic
for a star known to be losing mass (D.C. Morton, Astrophys. J., 150, 535,
1967) and whose spectral lines, according to several investigators, are
diffuse and hard to measure. Nevertheless, one criterion for giving the b
rating is agreement among different determinations. Apart from orbital
elements found by G.R. Miczaika (Z. Astrophys., 30, 299, 1951) whose work
often differs from that of other observers, and those of Singh himself, other
determinations of orbital elements (J. Hartmann, Astrophys. J., 19, 268, 1904;
F.C. Jordan, Publ. Allegheny Obs., 3, 125, 1914; W.J. Luyten, O. Struve and
W.W. Morgan, Publ. Yerkes Obs., 7, Pt. IV, 256, 1939; P. Pismis, G. Haro and
O. Struve, Astrophys. J., 111, 509, 1950; V. Natarajan and K. Rajamohan,
Kodaikanal Bull., No. 208, 1971) do give accordant values of K. Differences in
V0 are probably at least partly explicable as the results of wavelength
selections, but the possibility of a long-period variation cannot be ruled out
(see below). The existence of apsidal motion is perhaps not yet completely
settled, but Natarajan and Rajamohan favour an apsidal period somewhat in
excess of 200 years, which is confirmed by D.G. Monet (Astrophys. J., 237,
513, 1971) and seems to be in accord with the light-curve (R.H. Koch and B.J.
Hrivnak, Astrophys. J., 248, 249, 1981). Interpretation of the latter is
difficult because eclipses are shallow and possibly complicated by an
intrinsic variation. Koch and Hrivnak find an orbital inclination of 68 deg
and estimate Delta V to be 1.4m. There now seems general agreement that the
primary star is of O-type, but divergent luminosity classes are found in the
literature. The spectrum is discussed by P.S. Conti (Astrophys. J., 179, 161,
1973) and P.S. Conti and E.M. Leep (Astrophys. J., 193, 113, 1974). A thorough
spectrophotometric discussion has been published by T.S. Galkina (Izv. Krym.
Astrofiz. Obs., 54, 128, 1976). Besides Morton's observations, results from
above the Earth's atmosphere have been published by T.H. Morgan et al.
(Astrophys. J., 197, 371, 1975). The star is the brightest member of A.D.S.
4134: companions are at 14.0m at 32.8" and 6.6m at 52.6". The proper motion of
the brighter `companion' differs from that of deg Ori. W.D. Heintz (Astrophys.
J. Supp., 44, 111, 1980) has observed a companion (Delta m=0.1) at 0.15"

Duerbeck's spectroscopic observations are the most extensive yet made of the
system; his photometric ones have been superseded. Earlier spectroscopic
observations (Z. Daniel, Publ. Allegheny Obs., 3, 179, 1915; O. Struve and
W.J. Luyten, Astrophys. J., 110, 160, 1949; G. Beltrami and P. Galeotti, Mem.
Soc. Astron. Ital., 41, 167, 1970) all agree on the existence of a periodic
variation in V0 with a period of about 120 days. Beltrami and Galeotti give
rather different elements from Duerbeck, whose results have been preferred
because they are based on more observations at higher dispersion. Nevertheless,
the elements of the long-period orbit must be considered very uncertain. The
invisible third body contributes very little to the total light of the system.
C.R. Chambliss (Astrophys. Space Sci., 89, 15, 1983) suggests that the third
star is probably of spectral type A3 V. The short- period orbit is probably
also known only uncertainly. Many of Duerbeck's conclusions were criticized by
J. Andersen (Astron. Astrophys., 47, 467, 1976, see also Duerbeck's reply
immediately following). It is certainly worrying that his value for K1 is less
than any of the values obtained earlier (which range from 132 km/s to 140
km/s). Andersen suggested that Duerbeck's velocities were systematically
affected by incomplete resolution of the secondary spectrum. Since the
dispersion Duerbeck used is appreciably higher than that used by any other
investigator, one would not expect such incomplete resolution to be the source
of the problem. Popper has found that lower values of K1 and K2 are often
obtained when double-lined late-type spectra are measured at higher
dispersions. Duerbeck, however, found a much larger value of K2 than that
found by Struve and Luyten (138 km/s) -- although it is still smaller than the
value found by Beltrami and Galeotti (320 km/s). Thus different investigators
disagree on the semi-amplitudes of the velocity variations of both components
and this, rather than any incompleteness of individual investigations,
accounts for the d rating. The epochs are T0 for the long-period orbit and
primary minimum for the short-period orbit. Although no further spectroscopic
investigations have been made since the publication of the Seventh Catalogue
(high-dispersion spectrograms measured by cross- correlation might tell us
much) the system has almost been over-analyzed photometrically. Light-curves
are now available in the UV (J.A. Eaton, Astrophys. J., 197, 379, 1975) and at
H-alpha (C.R. Chambliss and B.M. Davan, Astron. J., 93, 950, 1987) with the
fullest data at more conventional wavelengths being those first published by
C.R. Chambliss and K.-C. Leung, (Astrophys. J. Supp., 49, 531, 1982) and
subsequently at least twice reanalyzed. All investigators agree that the
brighter component gives at least 0.90 of the total light in V and the orbital
inclination is probably around 85 deg. The third body gives at most 0.01 to
0.02 of the total light at any wavelength. Not everyone agrees on whether the
system is detached.

Duerbeck's spectroscopic observations are the most extensive yet made of the
system; his photometric ones have been superseded. Earlier spectroscopic
observations (Z. Daniel, Publ. Allegheny Obs., 3, 179, 1915; O. Struve and
W.J. Luyten, Astrophys. J., 110, 160, 1949; G. Beltrami and P. Galeotti, Mem.
Soc. Astron. Ital., 41, 167, 1970) all agree on the existence of a periodic
variation in V0 with a period of about 120 days. Beltrami and Galeotti give
rather different elements from Duerbeck, whose results have been preferred
because they are based on more observations at higher dispersion. Nevertheless,
the elements of the long-period orbit must be considered very uncertain. The
invisible third body contributes very little to the total light of the system.
C.R. Chambliss (Astrophys. Space Sci., 89, 15, 1983) suggests that the third
star is probably of spectral type A3 V. The short- period orbit is probably
also known only uncertainly. Many of Duerbeck's conclusions were criticized by
J. Andersen (Astron. Astrophys., 47, 467, 1976, see also Duerbeck's reply
immediately following). It is certainly worrying that his value for K1 is less
than any of the values obtained earlier (which range from 132 km/s to 140
km/s). Andersen suggested that Duerbeck's velocities were systematically
affected by incomplete resolution of the secondary spectrum. Since the
dispersion Duerbeck used is appreciably higher than that used by any other
investigator, one would not expect such incomplete resolution to be the source
of the problem. Popper has found that lower values of K1 and K2 are often
obtained when double-lined late-type spectra are measured at higher
dispersions. Duerbeck, however, found a much larger value of K2 than that
found by Struve and Luyten (138 km/s) -- although it is still smaller than the
value found by Beltrami and Galeotti (320 km/s). Thus different investigators
disagree on the semi-amplitudes of the velocity variations of both components
and this, rather than any incompleteness of individual investigations,
accounts for the d rating. The epochs are T0 for the long-period orbit and
primary minimum for the short-period orbit. Although no further spectroscopic
investigations have been made since the publication of the Seventh Catalogue
(high-dispersion spectrograms measured by cross- correlation might tell us
much) the system has almost been over-analyzed photometrically. Light-curves
are now available in the UV (J.A. Eaton, Astrophys. J., 197, 379, 1975) and at
H-alpha (C.R. Chambliss and B.M. Davan, Astron. J., 93, 950, 1987) with the
fullest data at more conventional wavelengths being those first published by
C.R. Chambliss and K.-C. Leung, (Astrophys. J. Supp., 49, 531, 1982) and
subsequently at least twice reanalyzed. All investigators agree that the
brighter component gives at least 0.90 of the total light in V and the orbital
inclination is probably around 85 deg. The third body gives at most 0.01 to
0.02 of the total light at any wavelength. Not everyone agrees on whether the
system is detached.

P=8.4y, T=1908.3.


Variability of the velocity of this star was discovered by D.P. Hube (Mem.
Roy. Astron. Soc., 72, 233, 1970). The orbital elements are derived from
observations made at several different observatories, but systematic
differences do not seem to have caused a major problem. Dworetsky suggests
that careful observation from space could lead to the determination of an
astrometric orbit. The star is the brighter member of A.D.S. 4181: companion
is 9.8m at 2.9".

Lucy & Sweeney confirm Neubauer's orbital elements.

Possibility of a period less than one day not eliminated by these observations.

Epoch is an arbitrary zero: T0 is about 8.4d later.

Lohsen himself describes this orbit for a member of the Trapezium as
`tentative'. It depends heavily on old observations from two different
sources. The period proposed is a submultiple of the photometric period first
derived by Lohsen (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1129, 1976). Subsequent
photometry by M.M. Zakirov (Peremm. Zvezdy, 21, 223, 1979) tends to confirm
the period as 65.4325d. Zakirov deduces an orbital inclination of 88.9deg and
a fractional luminosity (in V) for the primary component of 0.58. Eclipses are
about a magnitude deep.

There are two other published spectroscopic studies of this system, one by O.
Struve and J. Titus (Astrophys. J., 99, 84, 1944) and the other by C. Doremus
(Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 82, 745, 1970). The failure of Doremus to detect
the secondary spectrum even during an apparently total eclipse led to the
proposal of a number of competing and unusual models for the system. V.S.
Shevchenko and M.M. Zakirov (Peremm. Zvezdy, 20, 361, 1977) were also unable
to detect the secondary spectrum. Popper and Plavec have detected a weak
secondary spectrum with a spectral type in the range A5 IV-V to F2 III-IV.
This result favours the model proposed by D.S. Hall (Kl. Veroff. Remeis-Sternw.
Bamberg, 9, 217, 1971) of a flattened disk-like secondary star. Popper and
Plavec, however, do not find the star so flattened as Hall did. It is
overluminous and presumably in a state of pre-main-sequence contraction. From
the photometric data of D.S. Hall and L.M. Garrison (Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, 81, 771, 1969), Popper and Plavec deduce i=83 deg and M_V=1.0. The
period quoted is from the work of Hall and Garrison, and the epoch is their
time of primary minimum. The star is a member of A.D.S. 4186 (the Trapezium

Attention was drawn to this star by the possibility that it might be
associated with the weak X-ray source 3U 0527 05. Aikman and Goldberg found no
evidence for identifying these two objects, but they did find that the orbital
period of 21.03d used by O. Struve (Astrophys. J., 60, 159, 1924) and G.
Munch (Astrophys. J., 98, 228, 1943) was wrong. They found some evidence for a
weak secondary spectrum (Delta m=1.5) and estimated a mass-ratio of 0.57. They
believe the orbital inclination to be close to 90 deg. The star is the
brightest member of A.D.S. 4188: the principal companion is 6.5m at 52.5".

In addition to the elements given here, based on coude spectrograms and
first published in ESA-SP 263, 1986 (not available to the compilers when this
note was written), Stickland has also published elements (except V0) derived
from measurements of IUE spectrograms. The two sets are closely similar.
Apparently, Pearce's detection of the secondary spectrum (Astron. J., 58, 223,
1953) is not confirmed although the observations do show some systematic
trends reminiscent of the `secondary wave' that bothered J.S. Plaskett and
W.E. Harper, (Astrophys. J., 27, 272,, and 28, 275, 1908 and 30, 373, 1909).
Stickland's values for K1 are lower than those of Plaskett and Harper or
Pearce, but still higher than the 99 km/s found by G.R. Miczaika (Z.
Astrophys., 29, 305, 1951). There is evidence for apsidal motion. This is a
system about which we feel less certain now that we know more omega. The star
is the brightest component of A.D.S. 4193: one companion is 7.0m at 11.3" and
another companion is at 49.5"

This star is well known as a shell star which apparently erupts (see A.B.
Underhill, Astron. J., 70, 148, 1965). The present elements were derived by
Underhill from observations published by O. Struve and J.A. Hynek (Astrophys.
J., 96, 425, 1942). The elements must be considered uncertain because of the
superposed effects of the shell on the spectrum. A study of circumstellar
lines in the UV spectrum of this star has been published by D.N. Dawanas and
R. Hirata (Astrophys. Space Sci., 99, 139, 1984).

Lunt commented that further observations are needed in order to determine the
period more accurately.

The binary nature of this star (also known as LB 3459) was discovered
photometrically by D. Kilkenny, R.W. Hilditch and J.E. Penfold (Mon. Not. Roy.
Astron. Soc., 183, 523, 1978). The maximum and minimum V magnitudes are taken
from that paper, although there appear to be small variations in the depth of
eclipse. The epoch is the time of minimum as given in the same paper. Later,
the same authors published an improved analysis of the light-curve (Mon. Not.
Roy. Astron. Soc., 187, 1, 1979) and hypothesized that the system is composed
of an O-type subdwarf and a white dwarf. A preliminary discussion of the
velocity-curve (D. Kilkenny, A.E. Lynas-Gray and R.W. Hilditch, I.A.U. Colloq.
No. 53, p. 255, 1979) was superseded by the discussion cited in this
Catalogue. In this latest paper, the idea of a white-dwarf secondary is
abandoned and the fainter component is considered as a core remnant of an
evolved star that had earlier been in a common envelope with the primary. The
orbit was assumed circular after elliptical solutions had shown that the
derived eccentricity was not statistically significant. The precise value
found for V0 depends on the subset of observations analyzed and the method of
solution for the orbital elements. The orbital inclination is certainly close
to 90 deg and the brighter component gives around 0.9 of the total light in V.
A few new observations and a somewhat different interpretation are offered by
P.S. Conti, D. Dearborn and P.S. Massey (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 195,
165, 1981) who also draw attention to a fainter companion some 30" away.

This star is the X-ray source A0535+26. The period has been fixed at 111 d
since one of about this length is indicated by the X-ray observations (F.
Nagase et al., Astrophys. J., 263, 814, 1982) even though it did not show up
in the first spectroscopic discussion by J.B. Hutchings et al. (Astrophys. J.,
223, 530, 1978). Hutchings gives several sets of elements, derived from
different subsets of the observations or with the eccentricity constrained to
agree with the X-ray results. The set given in the Catalogue has the value of
K that he regards as most likely. The orbital eccentricity was constrained to
be in the middle of the range permitted by the X-ray observations. Somewhat
different elements have been published by E. Janot-Pacheco, C. Morch and M.
Mouchet (Astron. Astrophys., 177, 91, 1987) who also adopted the 111 d period.
The scatter of observations around each of the velocity-curves is large and it
seems that, at most, we know no more than the approximate period and range of
velocity. O.E. Aab (Bulletin Abastumani Obs., No. 58, 282, 1985 and Soviet
Astron. J. Lett., 10, 386, 1984) has derived orbital elements K approx 35
km/s, V0 approx -5 km/s for a period of 35 d, which is about one-third of 111
d period. The scatter about this velocity-curve is also very large.

The orbital elements given are those derived from the absorption lines of
neutral helium. The hydrogen lines give a lower amplitude, probably because of
blending with lines of He II. The emission line of He II at lambda 4686 gives
a much higher amplitude (nearly 500 km/s). The circular orbit was adopted and
T is fixed at 0.25mag after the middle of the X-ray eclipse. The secondary
component (the X-ray source) may be a neutron star. A study of the radial
velocities was also published by C. Chevalier and S.A. Ilovaisky (Astron.
Astrophys., 59, L9, 1977), and the magnitude given is the approximate mean of
their measurements -- the star is slightly variable.


E.B. Frost, S.B. Barrett, and O. Struve (Publ. Yerkes Obs., 7, Pt. 1, 1929)
reported double lines in the spectrum of this star.

At the time of writing the discussion by J. Andersen, J.V. Clausen and P.
Magain is still unpublished, but it represents such an improvement over the
earlier study by M. Imbert (Astron. Astrophys., 32, 429, 1974) that we have
included it. The masses are now known to better than one percent. W.
Strohmeier (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 191, 1967) discovered the eclipses and
Imbert showed that the system contained two nearly equal stars and that the
orbital period was double Strohmeier's value. The minimum magnitude given is
an estimate only. The epoch is the time of deeper minimum. The orbit is
assumed circular, since the light-curve shows any orbital eccentricity to be
negligibly small. The difference between the two values of V0 is well within
the observational uncertainty. Andersen et al. re-analyzed the ubvy
light-curves published by J.V. Clausen and B. Grnbech (Astron. Astrophys.,
48, 49, 1976). They find that the orbital inclination is very close to 90 deg
(although the eclipses are not total) and that the two stars differ in V by
0.08m. They also discuss atmospheric abundances.

The variable velocity of this star, which is a member of the Aur OB 1
association, was first noted by R.M. Petrie and J.A. Pearce (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 12, 1, 1961). The epoch is the time of inferior conjunction.

This is an X-ray source in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The epoch is the time
of periastron and coincides closely with X-ray maximum. Other orbital elements
have been published by R.H.D. Corbet et al. (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 212,
565, 1985). Although they also derive a high eccentricity, their value of
omega (330 deg) indicates that the observed velocity is relatively positive at
periastron, whereas Hutchings et al. find it to be relatively negative (i.e.
compared with velocities observed at other phases). Although the elements
found by Hutchings et al. are preferred here, the paper by Corbet et al. gives
a much more detailed account of the spectroscopic properties of the system.

Other investigations by J.S. Plaskett and W.E. Harper (Astrophys. J., 30, 373,
1909) and M. Barbier-Brossat (J. Observateurs, 37, 119, 1954). Barbier
`confirmed' the secondary oscillation found by Plaskett and Harper. (The
system is very similar to iota Ori). Pearce detected the secondary spectrum
and found no oscillation. He found Delta m=1.14, using Petrie's method, and
estimated i=52 deg from the mass-luminosity relation. There is considerable
divergence between the three values of K1.

This orbit is based on exactly the same observations as that computed by G.A.
Radford and R.F. Griffin (Observatory, 95, 289, 1975). It is a rare case of an
orbit that was originally assumed to be circular being more correctly
represented as slightly eccentric. The new elements were computed by Bassett,
after he had applied his statistical tests to show that an elliptical orbit
fits the observations better.

This is the optical counterpart of an X-ray source in the Large Magellanic
Cloud. The epoch is T0. No eclipses are observed in the X-ray flux, from which
it is deduced that the orbital inclination is less than about 70 deg. If the
B3 V star has a normal mass, that of the companion must exceed 7 MSol. Since
its optical spectrum is invisible but it does emit X-rays, they deduce that
the companion is degenerate and therefore necessarily a black hole.

This is a Wolf-Rayet binary in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The spectral types
are given by Moffat and Seggewiss, but it appears doubtful that the B-type
supergiant is the secondary component of the spectroscopic binary, since the
absorption lines in its spectrum give an almost constant velocity of about 255
km/s. If this star were the secondary, the masses would be unusual. The
orbital elements are derived from measures of the emission line of ionized
helium at lambda 4686. The systemic velocity derived from this line is
variable. It is not known whether the variation is periodic or not. Probably,
the true systemic velocity is close to that of the B-type supergiant. The
epoch is the time of inferior conjunction of the Wolf-Rayet component. There
is no appreciable variation in the apparent magnitude of the system. Although
the star has been tentatively identified with an Einstein X-ray source, the
identification is now considered less likely.

The star for which this orbit is derived is thought to be the optical
counterpart of LMC X-1, but is not certainly known to be so. The orbital
elements given are derived from measures of the absorption lines; emission
lines give somewhat different elements. The epoch is T0. A circular orbit was
assumed: an eccentricity of up to 0.21 is formally possible, but it does not
appear to improve the representation of the observations. The scatter of the
observations is large.

The recomputation of elements by Lucy & Sweeney is based on the original
observations by W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 3, 159, 1924) who
fixed T to obtain a solution. They also included some later observations by
Harper and that is why their solution is preferred to Luyten's. The epoch is
T0. Lucy & Sweeney adopted a circular orbit although the previous
investigators found a small eccentricity. There is also an elliptical orbital
solution by G. Mannino (Asiago Contr., No. 53, 1954) which is based on new
observations. The two sets of elements agree well except for a large
difference in V0, which may be partly the result of the wavelengths adopted.
New spectroscopic observations by I. Yavuz have been reported (Astron.
Gesells. Mitt., 26, 60, 1969) but have not yet been published. Two-colour (BV)
photoelectric observations of this system have been obtained by R.M. West
(Bull. Astron. Inst. Netherl. Supp., 2, 259, 1968) who finds no displacement
of the secondary minimum and an inclination i=77.7 deg. He also finds that the
primary star gives 0.95 of the total V light of the system. These results were
not much changed in a new analysis of the same observations by M. Mezzetti et
al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 42, 15, 1980) who suggest spectral types of A0
IV and F0.

Luyten's recomputation is again preferred over the original work by J.B.
Cannon (Publ. Dom. Obs., 2, 105, 1915) who had to fix T. Luyten's epoch is T0.
The value of K2 depends on only four plates and is rather uncertain. Petrie(I)
found Delta m=1.51.

The observations by J.A. Pearce (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 65, 1932) were
used by Hill, together with material from other sources to revise Pearce's
elements. Since Petrie(II) found Delta m=2.18, measures of the secondary
spectrum must be rather uncertain. It probably is of somewhat later spectral
type than the primary: Pearce gave B3k + B5. The introduction of observations
from various sources has increased the scatter compared with that of Pearce's
more limited but homogeneous data: nevertheless, the revision to the period
represents a real improvement. The fit of the observations of the secondary
star can be improved if it is allowed to have a different value of V0 from the

The spectroscopic and photometric investigation by Andersen et al. completely
supersedes the earlier spectroscopic work by D.H.P. Jones (Mon. Notes Astron.
Soc. South Africa, 28, 5, 1969) and the light-curve observed by H.C. Lagerweij
(Mon. Notes Astron. Soc. South Africa, 27, 17, 1968) and analyzed by G.
Giuricin and F. Mardirossian (Astron. Astrophys., 94, 204, 1981). Although the
secondary spectrum is seen, it is too faint to classify accurately, even at
primary minimum. Judging from the results of the light-curve analysis, it is
a main-sequence star of late A or early F type. Although the small
eccentricity is judged to be real (and is required by the light-curve) the
epoch given is the time of primary minimum. The values of K1 and V0 agree well
with Jones' values; that of K2 is distinctly smaller than his (uncertain)
value. Apsidal motion has not been detected and would not be expected to be
detectable over the short interval in which the system has been observed. The
stars rotate slowly and this may account for earlier classification of the
primary as a giant star. The orbital inclination is close to 89 deg and the
light-curve shows that Delta V is close to 2 magnitudes.

Epoch is T0. According to H. Shapley (Princeton Obs. Contr., No. 3, 1915) i=83
deg and the light-ratio is about 0.07. Velocities obtained from the calcium
lines differ from all the rest.

Epoch is arbitrary zero: T0 about 2.15d later.

Although these are the first orbital elements determined for the system, the
duplicity was first noticed by R.K. Young (Publ. David Dunlap Obs., 1, 309,
1945). A circular orbit was assumed and the epoch is T0. The two spectra are
nearly but not quite equal, the more massive component showing the slightly
stronger spectrum. Beavers and Griffin suggest that the system might prove to
share some of the characteristics of the RS CVn group.

Smith's orbit remains the best and is in agreement with the results of R.H.
Baker (Publ. Allegheny Obs., 1, 163, 1910) who also summarized earlier work.
P. Galeotti and G. Guerrero (Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 39, 268, 1968) published
appreciably lower values of K1 and K2 (100.3 km/s and 102.5 km/s respectively)
but D.M. Popper and R. Carlos (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 82, 762, 1970)
confirm the older values. Smith assumed zero eccentricity after a preliminary
solution by Sterne's method gave e=0.011. The epoch, therefore, is T0.
Petrie(I) found Delta m=0.13. Light curves in B and V and in four other
filters by K.T. Johansen (Astron. Astrophys., 12, 165, 1971) show the two
stars to be closely similar in luminosity and give i=77.8 deg. The precise
value of the relative luminosity depends on the adopted ratio of the radii.
Johansen's solution is in satisfactory agreement with the earlier one by S.L.
Piotrowski (Astrophys. J., 108, 510, 1948). The far UV spectrum of this system
has been discussed by D.J. Stickland and K.A. van der Hucht (Astron.
Astrophys., 44, 139, 1975). J.D. Landstreet (Astrophys. J., 258, 369, 1982)
failed to find a magnetic field in the system. O.J. Eggen (Astron. J., 88,
642, 1983) assigns the star to a `super cluster' that includes the Ursa Major
cluster. The star is the brightest component of A.D.S. 4556: companions are
10.6m at 184.6" and 14.1m at 12.8".

Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit. The star is said to be Am in the Bright
Star Catalogue, but is not listed by Curchod and Hauck. The star is the
brighter component of A.D.S. 4555: companion is 9.7m at 36.7".

The new elements derived by Abt and Levy probably do represent some
improvement on those found by C.T. Elvey (Astrophys. J., 60, 320, 1924) since
the former were able to refine the period. The differences between the two
sets of elements are not great. Abt and Levy give the spectral type as A3, A8,
F2 from the K line, hydrogen lines and metallic lines, respectively. Elvey
measured a faint secondary spectrum, apparently, of the same spectral type as
the primary, on five plates to obtain a very tentative mass-ratio of 0.86. Abt
and Levy made one measurement of the secondary spectrum, but do not report the
velocity. Fekel (private communication) has detected the secondary spectrum in
the red.

The circular orbit obtained by Lucy & Sweeney, based on observations by O.
Struve (Astrophys. J., 102, 74, 1945) seems preferable to Struve's original
solution even though the nominal eccentricity is quite high (0.16). The epoch
is T0. The spectral type of the primary is uncertain: Struve describes it as
B2 or B3. Although this star is listed as an eclipsing binary, no good light
curve has been published. According to B.S. Whitney (Astron. J., 64, 258,
1959) no eclipse of greater than 0.2m depth (photographic) was observable
between 1953 and 1958. The variability of the star should be checked.

Amplitude of the primary curve is very small, and gaseous streams may be
distorting the observed spectrum. Smak's work is based both on his own
observations and on two investigations by O. Struve (Astrophys. J., 104, 253,
1946 and 106, 92, 1947). S. Gaposchkin (Harvard Obs. Bull., No. 919, p. 29,
1949) found i=85.5 deg and the light ratio to be 0.42. Epoch is T0.

Epoch is T0, the light-curve indicates that the orbit is circular. The
secondary spectrum is visible only during primary eclipse. The minimum
magnitude is estimated from the plot of a V light-curve obtained by J. Tremko
and M. Vetesnik (Bull. Astron. Inst. Csl, 25, 331, 1974). They found an
orbital inclination of 89 deg and a fractional luminosity for the primary of
0.76. From the same observations H.M.K. Al Naimiy (Astrophys. Space Sci., 46,
261, 1977) found 88 deg and 0.85, respectively. Although the star is not
listed in I.D.S., there is a faint companion close enough to affect the

This well-known visual binary is now recognized to be a quadruple system. The
brighter component was long known to be a single-spectrum binary and Fekel has
shown that the fainter component is a two-spectra binary -- and has thus
removed its apparent discrepancy with the mass-luminosity relation. There is
not yet available a homogeneous and completely satisfactory set of
spectroscopic elements for the visual pair. Those derived by P. Bourgeois
(Astrophys. J., 70, 256, 1929) are no longer acceptable since it has become
clear that the period he adopted (17.5y) is too short, as first suggested by
D.M. Popper (Astrophys. J., 109, 100, 1949). The visual orbit by V. Osvalds
(Publ. McCormick Obs., 11, 175, 1964) at present appears to come closer than
any others to representing the spectroscopic data. Fekel has performed a
simultaneous solution on the observed velocities of A for the two orbital
motions, having first derived the period, eccentricity and longitude of
periastron from the motion of the centre of mass of B. (These quantities and
V0 for the whole system were fixed in the final solution). He combined his
data with that published by H.A. Abt, N.B. Sanwal and S.G. Levy (Astrophys. J.
Supp., 43, 549, 1980). C.D. Scarfe also has unpublished observations of the
system. Accurate spectral types are not given for the components of B, but
they are estimated to be F-type dwarfs. The orbit was assumed circular and the
epoch is T0. The value of V0 given for B is that appropriate to the epoch of
observation. The two components are approximately equal in mass and
luminosity. The elements for the brighter component of A are in fairly good
agreement with earlier studies (C.D. Scarfe, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 79,
414, 1967; P. Bourgeois, op. cit.; E.B. Frost and O. Struve, Astrophys. J.,
60, 197, 1924). The orbit is taken as circular, since the combined solution
yields a very small negative eccentricity. From the K line, hydrogen lines and
metallic lines, A. Slettebak (Astrophys. J., 109, 547, 1949) gives spectral
types of A3, A8 and A7, respectively. The visual pair is A.D.S. 4617; a 14.0m
star at 18.2" does not, however, appear to be physically associated with the
multiple system.

Reference: F.C.Fekel,,,, (Unpublished)

This well-known visual binary is now recognized to be a quadruple system. The
brighter component was long known to be a single-spectrum binary and Fekel has
shown that the fainter component is a two-spectra binary -- and has thus
removed its apparent discrepancy with the mass-luminosity relation. There is
not yet available a homogeneous and completely satisfactory set of
spectroscopic elements for the visual pair. Those derived by P. Bourgeois
(Astrophys. J., 70, 256, 1929) are no longer acceptable since it has become
clear that the period he adopted (17.5y) is too short, as first suggested by
D.M. Popper (Astrophys. J., 109, 100, 1949). The visual orbit by V. Osvalds
(Publ. McCormick Obs., 11, 175, 1964) at present appears to come closer than
any others to representing the spectroscopic data. Fekel has performed a
simultaneous solution on the observed velocities of A for the two orbital
motions, having first derived the period, eccentricity and longitude of
periastron from the motion of the centre of mass of B. (These quantities and
V0 for the whole system were fixed in the final solution). He combined his
data with that published by H.A. Abt, N.B. Sanwal and S.G. Levy (Astrophys. J.
Supp., 43, 549, 1980). C.D. Scarfe also has unpublished observations of the
system. Accurate spectral types are not given for the components of B, but
they are estimated to be F-type dwarfs. The orbit was assumed circular and the
epoch is T0. The value of V0 given for B is that appropriate to the epoch of
observation. The two components are approximately equal in mass and
luminosity. The elements for the brighter component of A are in fairly good
agreement with earlier studies (C.D. Scarfe, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 79,
414, 1967; P. Bourgeois, op. cit.; E.B. Frost and O. Struve, Astrophys. J.,
60, 197, 1924). The orbit is taken as circular, since the combined solution
yields a very small negative eccentricity. From the K line, hydrogen lines and
metallic lines, A. Slettebak (Astrophys. J., 109, 547, 1949) gives spectral
types of A3, A8 and A7, respectively. The visual pair is A.D.S. 4617; a 14.0m
star at 18.2" does not, however, appear to be physically associated with the
multiple system.

This well-known visual binary is now recognized to be a quadruple system. The
brighter component was long known to be a single-spectrum binary and Fekel has
shown that the fainter component is a two-spectra binary -- and has thus
removed its apparent discrepancy with the mass-luminosity relation. There is
not yet available a homogeneous and completely satisfactory set of
spectroscopic elements for the visual pair. Those derived by P. Bourgeois
(Astrophys. J., 70, 256, 1929) are no longer acceptable since it has become
clear that the period he adopted (17.5y) is too short, as first suggested by
D.M. Popper (Astrophys. J., 109, 100, 1949). The visual orbit by V. Osvalds
(Publ. McCormick Obs., 11, 175, 1964) at present appears to come closer than
any others to representing the spectroscopic data. Fekel has performed a
simultaneous solution on the observed velocities of A for the two orbital
motions, having first derived the period, eccentricity and longitude of
periastron from the motion of the centre of mass of B. (These quantities and
V0 for the whole system were fixed in the final solution). He combined his
data with that published by H.A. Abt, N.B. Sanwal and S.G. Levy (Astrophys. J.
Supp., 43, 549, 1980). C.D. Scarfe also has unpublished observations of the
system. Accurate spectral types are not given for the components of B, but
they are estimated to be F-type dwarfs. The orbit was assumed circular and the
epoch is T0. The value of V0 given for B is that appropriate to the epoch of
observation. The two components are approximately equal in mass and
luminosity. The elements for the brighter component of A are in fairly good
agreement with earlier studies (C.D. Scarfe, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 79,
414, 1967; P. Bourgeois, op. cit.; E.B. Frost and O. Struve, Astrophys. J.,
60, 197, 1924). The orbit is taken as circular, since the combined solution
yields a very small negative eccentricity. From the K line, hydrogen lines and
metallic lines, A. Slettebak (Astrophys. J., 109, 547, 1949) gives spectral
types of A3, A8 and A7, respectively. The visual pair is A.D.S. 4617; a 14.0m
star at 18.2" does not, however, appear to be physically associated with the
multiple system.

Reference: F.C.Fekel,,,, (Unpublished)

Although this bright star has long been recognized to be at least binary,
Fekel and Scarfe have produced the first study of its orbits. The higher
multiplicity was first discovered by occultation observations (J.L. Africano
et al., Astron. J., 81, 650, 1976) and speckle interferometry (H.A. McAlister
and F.C. Fekel, Astrophys. J. Supp., 43, 327, 1980). Fekel and Scarfe estimate
individual apparent (V) magnitudes of 5.92, 6.66 and 6.67 for Aa, Ab and B,
respectively. They suggest that the two components of A are evolved giants.
Certainly those two stars are slow rotators and yet show no sign of spectral
peculiarities. The value of V0 for the short period pair is variable. There
are not yet sudegcient interferometric observations for a determination of the
13-year orbit in the plane of the sky, but Fekel and Scarfe quote a
preliminary estimate by M. Halliwell that i=45 deg. It appears that the two
orbits are not coplanar.

Although this bright star has long been recognized to be at least binary,
Fekel and Scarfe have produced the first study of its orbits. The higher
multiplicity was first discovered by occultation observations (J.L. Africano
et al., Astron. J., 81, 650, 1976) and speckle interferometry (H.A. McAlister
and F.C. Fekel, Astrophys. J. Supp., 43, 327, 1980). Fekel and Scarfe estimate
individual apparent (V) magnitudes of 5.92, 6.66 and 6.67 for Aa, Ab and B,
respectively. They suggest that the two components of A are evolved giants.
Certainly those two stars are slow rotators and yet show no sign of spectral
peculiarities. The value of V0 for the short period pair is variable. There
are not yet sudegcient interferometric observations for a determination of the
13-year orbit in the plane of the sky, but Fekel and Scarfe quote a
preliminary estimate by M. Halliwell that i=45 deg. It appears that the two
orbits are not coplanar.

The new elements by Griffin and Radford are closely similar to those obtained
by H.A. Abt and V.K. Kallarakal (Astrophys. J., 138, 140, 1963) who, however,
adopted a slightly longer value for the period. The epoch is T0. An earlier
investigation by R.K. Young (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 1, 119, 1919), who
found K1=11.74 km/s, was apparently vitiated by his inability to resolve the
two spectra of the visual binary (separation 0.22", Delta m=0.3). The
spectroscopic binary is the fainter member of the visual pair, whose period is
estimated by Griffin and Radford to be about 14 years. Although Abt and
Kallarakal discussed the velocity variation of the visual pair, there are as
yet insufficient observations to reach any conclusion. The brighter component
is of spectral type K0 III. There is also a 13.0m star at 96.6".

Epoch is the time of superior conjunction of the Be star, whose spectrum is
the only one visible. Peters estimates the secondary to be a star of solar
mass. Shell spectra seen at definite phases are ascribed by Peters to gas
streams conveying mass within the system. For an account of the far UV
spectrum, see the same author (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 90, 494, 1978).

Because omega is close to 180 deg and the eccentricity is high, the two
spectra were resolved by Young at only one node. This may explain why he found
omega1 and omega 2 are different. Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.39. The spectrum
is variously classified as A4m or A5 from the K line and F2 from the metallic

Cowley's observations and elements clearly supersede the earlier results of
K.G. Widing (Astrophys. J., 143, 121, 1966). The value given for K1 refers to
the M-type star. Widing gave a value for K2 ; Cowley does not attempt to do
so, but she infers a mass-ratio (B-type star.M-type star) of between 3 and 4
to 1, and an orbital inclination of around 24 deg. The early-type spectrum is
difficult to classify, being associated with a shell spectrum. The early-type
star is subject to outbursts whose occurrences appear to be correlated with
orbital phase.

These elements confirm those found by W.E. Harper (J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can.,
5, 16, 1911). Some slight evidence of the secondary spectrum was found on some
of the spectrograms. A provisional value of 0.16 results for the mass-ratio.

Both components display marginal Am characteristics in their spectra. Curchod
and Hauck classify the primary as A4 and F0 from the K line and metal lines,
respectively and give only A5 from the K line for the secondary. The visual
magnitude difference is estimated to be between 0.22m and 0.24m. The authors
themselves describe these elements as provisional.

These new elements undoubtedly supersede the earlier determinations by R.P.
Kraft (Astrophys. J., 135, 408, 1962) and by R.P. Kraft and W.J. Luyten
(Astrophys. J., 142, 1041, 1965). In particular the period now seems to be
unambiguously defined. As Shafter and Harkness point out, however, it is not
clear how far velocities derived from the emission lines arising in the
accretion disk reflect the actual motion of the white-dwarf component. In
addition, the systemic velocity has not been determined from these
observations (Kraft and Luyten gave +33 km/s). The orbit was assumed circular
and the epoch is the time of inferior conjunction of the emission-line source.
The velocity-curve is well covered.

Variability of the velocity of this star has been suspected for a long time.
K. Kodaira (Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 23, 159, 1971) included the star in a
list of `suspected velocity-variables' for which he gave orbital elements
derived from heterogeneous published velocities. Abt and Levy find a different
period. Two faint companions, 4" apart and 40" from the bright star, are
listed in I.D.S. The star is also a member of the association Cas-Tau OB1.

Although the observations show a relatively large scatter, there are many of
them and the elements are probably well determined. The epoch is an arbitrary
zero. Thackeray estimated the spectral type of the secondary to be between
B0.5 and B3 and he estimated K2=1.89K1 (about 316 km/s). This value was used
by J.A. Eaton and C.-C. Wu (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 95, 319, 1987) in
their solution of far ultraviolet light curves, and led them to postulate that
the system is an Algol system in the sense that the secondary fills its Roche
lobe. Other UV light-curves were obtained by R.G. Evans (Mon. Not. Roy.
Astron. Soc., 167, 517, 1974) and a visual light-curve was also obtained by
A.J. Cousins (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 131, 443, 1966). R.E. Wilson and
J.B. Rafert (Astrophys. Space Sci., 76, 23, 1981) re-analyzed these data. All
photometric solutions seem to agree on an orbital inclination of around 66
deg, a fractional luminosity for the primary star of about 0.8 and fairly
similar spectral types for the two components. The behaviour of the lambda
4686 He II line suggests that there may be a hot spot on the surface of the
primary star. Y. Kondo, G.E. McCluskey and W.A. Feibelman (Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, 92, 688, 1980) find evidence in the UV spectrum for mass loss from
the primary star.

The variability of the velocity of this star is probably established, but the
elements are very uncertain since none of the observations lie on the
ascending branch or at either node. According to I.D.S. there is a companion
at about 0.5" with Delta m=0.

These elements supersede those determined by W.H. Christie (Astrophys. J., 83,
433, 1936). The system may show shallow eclipses, but the intrinsic variations
of the M-type star make it difficult to be sure of this. It might be possible
to determine an astrometric orbit. Star is brighter component of A.D.S. 4841:
companion 8.8m at 1.4". A.J. Deutsch (Sky Telesc., 21, 261, 1961) indicates
that all three stars are surrounded by a gaseous envelope.

This is a cataclysmic variable and known X-ray source, and the orbital
elements are difficult to determine and to interpret. Those given in the
Catalogue are derived from measures of the wings of the H-alpha emission line.
The orbit was assumed to be circular and the epoch is the time of superior
conjunction of the emission-line source. The spectrum cannot readily be
classified: the underlying star is assumed to be a white dwarf. Different
elements, based on the H-beta emission line were published almost
simultaneously by J.B. Hutchings, R. Link and D. Crampton (Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, 95, 264, 1983). The unusual photometric behaviour of this star is
described by M.D. Popova (Peremm. Zvezdy, 15, 534, 1965).

The chief evidence for the early-type component is the composite K line.
Precise spectral classification is therefore difficult. If the secondary is B8
or B9, then Petrie found Delta m=1.5. The system violates the mass-luminosity
relation. The velocities of the secondary component are based only on the K
line. The semi-amplitude K2 is, therefore, very uncertain, but it would seem
to be impossible to reverse the mass-ratio.


The spectral type is suggested by Griffin on the basis of the colours of the
star and the depths of the radial-velocity traces. The H.D. type is K0.

Luyten and Lucy & Sweeney both adopt a circular orbit for this system.

The star is the fainter member of A.D.S. 4924; the brighter component is H.D.
43931. Radford and Griffin point out that the two stars are more than a minute
of arc apart in the sky and a physical relationship is unlikely to exist
between them. While an eccentric orbit appears to satisfy the observations
better than a circular one, the latter possibility cannot be entirely ruled
out. The values of T and omega are correspondingly uncertain.

A slightly shorter period is derived for the secondary component. The orbit is
assumed circular and the epoch is the time of inferior conjunction of the more
massive component. The coverage of the velocity-curve is incomplete.

A 7.7m companion at 157.5" is listed in I.D.S. Although the proper motions of
the companion and zeta  CMa are both small, they are not similar.

Reference: A.Colacevich, Oss. e Mem. Arcetri, 59, 15, 1941

The visible spectrum is that of a late K dwarf, with emission lines assumed to
arise in an accretion disk around a compact object. Only half the
velocity-curve is covered. The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is T0.
The observed light variation can be largely accounted for by the ellipticity
of the K dwarf. Because the minimum mass of the compact object, as deduced
from the amplitude of the velocity variation of the K dwarf, is 3.2 MSol,
McClintock and Remillard deduce that the compact object is a black hole. Other
spectroscopic and spectrophotometric studies include J.B. Oke and J.L.
Greenstein (Astrophys. J., 211, 872, 1977), J.B. Oke (Astrophys. J., 217, 181,
1977), F. Ciatti, A. Mammano and A. Vittone (Astron. Astrophys., 56, 311,
1977), J.A.J. Whelan et al. (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 180, 657, 1977) and
P. Murdin et al. (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 192, 709, 1980).

Popper's spectroscopic study supersedes the earlier one by W.E. Harper (Publ.
Dom. Obs., 2, 167, 1915) as well as his own preliminary studies (D.M. Popper,
Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 74, 129, 1962, B.C. Douglas and D.M. Popper,
ibid., 75, 411, 1963). Values of e and omega are taken from the last-cited
paper. The epoch is the time of primary minimum. The value of K2 is obtained
from the D lines, although the secondary component of H-alpha is also visible.
(The same lines were also detected by T.M. Rachkovskaja, Izv. Krym. Astrofiz.
Obs., 52, 35, 1974). The secondary spectrum appears to be early F. A combined
spectroscopic and photometric discussion by M. Kondo (Ann. Tokyo Obs., 16, 1,
1976) was not included in the Seventh Catalogue. His value of K2 (83.1 km/s)
is somewhat smaller than Popper's and he is able to satisfy the observations
of both components with only one value of V0 (11.6 km/s) rather than the two
discrepant values that Popper needed and could not fully explain.
Nevertheless, Popper's results appear to be the more self-consistent, possibly
because of his greater selectivity in the choice of lines to be measured. The
minimum masses derived from the two investigations agree within their quoted
uncertainties. A.P. Linnell (Astron. J., 71, 458, 1966) and E. Budding
(Astrophys. Space Sci., 30, 433, 1974) could not solve the light-curve without
assuming possibly variable third light. Kondo did not have that problem. All
agree on an orbital inclination close to 87 deg. Kondo gives a fractional
luminosity (in blue) for the primary component of 0.73, which is about the
middle of the range of other estimates. M.I. Lavrov and N.V. Lavrova (Astron.
Tsirk., No. 1165, 3, 1980) quote similar results and propose that the line of
apsides rotates in about 2,000 years. Budding noted a faint companion at 50"
from the eclipsing pair. It is not listed in I.D.S. and cannot account for the
third light.

The star appears to be an early-type contact binary: the period may be
slightly variable and the small orbital eccentricity found by Pearce is
probably not physically significant. Petrie(II) found Delta m=1.31. B. Cester
et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 33, 91, 1978) analyzed Gum's unfiltered
photometric observations to obtain an orbital inclination of 65 deg and a
fractional luminosity for the primary star of 0.92. Although they emphasized
the uncertainty of the photometric solution, their results suggest that the
measures of the secondary spectrum should be treated with caution --
especially in view of Pearce's own remarks on the difficulty of measuring both

These results confirm and improve the elements found by R.E. Wilson and C.M.
Huffer (Lick Obs. Bull., 10, 15, 1918).

Although the variability of this star's velocity has been long known, these
elements are the first to be determined. The mean spectrum is either K1 III or
K2 III. The difference (if any) between the spectra of both components is
unknown. Griffin estimates Delta m=1.24, if both components are of the same
spectral type. He deduces that both components are giants.

The elements were determined graphically and the epoch is T0. A closely
similar set of elements was computed by Lucy & Sweeney, who also assumed a
circular orbit. There is some evidence of a rotation effect during primary
minimum. All earlier discussions of the light-curve are superseded by that by
R.W. Hilditch, D.M. Harland and B.J. McLean (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 187,
797, 1979). They find that the system consists of a G3 V primary and a K4 V
secondary. The latter component is an intrinsic (BY Dra) variable, which
accounts for the difficulties previous investigators experienced in analyzing
the light-curve. Hilditch et al. estimate that the orbital inclination is 80
deg and Delta V (at quadratures) is over three magnitudes. They also produce
evidence (from times of minima) that the close pair revolves around a third
body in a period of about 64 years.

All the elements are taken from the study by Griffin and Emerson, except K2
which they could not determine since they did not detect the secondary
spectrum. The value of K2 comes from the observations made by J. Tomkin
(Astron. J., 85, 294, 1980) who detected the secondary spectrum with a
Reticon. Although he published new orbital elements for both components, the
older elements are preferred for the primary because they are based on
considerably more observations. The two sets of elements agree well except for
V0. The apparent change observed in that element may be real but could easily
be a result of the different ways in which the individual velocity
measurements were standardized. Tomkin thought the minimum masses to be high
enough to justify a search for eclipses. None were observed. The star has been
identified as a BY Dra variable by S.S. Vogt, D.R. Soderblom and G.D. Penrod
(Astrophys. J., 269, 250, 1983) who also classify the spectrum as dK2e. The
star is the brighter component of A.D.S. 5054: companion is 13.7m at 1.3".

The spectral type is based on the observed colours and radial-velocity traces.

Lu and Hutchings give two possible periods, 0.1553d and 0.1390d, and two
solutions for each period -- one from measures of the emission-line wings and
one from measures of the emission peak. A circular orbit is assumed in each
case and the epoch is T0. Values of V0 range from 66 km/s to 82 km/s, and of
K1 from 65 km/s to 72 km/s. The system is thought to be an old nova.

Velocity variation with a period of about 235 d was first suspected by J.S.
Plaskett (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 4, 1, 1926). An orbit was derived by
P.W. Merrill (Astrophys. J., 116, 498, 1952) very similar to the one derived
graphically by Cowley and given in the Catalogue. Lucy & Sweeney have
recomputed the orbit from Cowley's observations and adopt a circular orbit.
The value of K given refers to the late-type component. Another recent
spectroscopic study, from which no elements were derived, is that by A.A.
Boyarchuk and I.I. Pronik (Izv. Krym. Astrofiz. Obs., 37, 236, 1967). They
give spectral types of B1 IV+K0 III. A.P. Cowley et al. (Astron. J., 71, 851,
1966) report on the suppression of H-epsilon absorption in the system and
suggest flares are responsible. Photoelectric light curves have been published
by N.L. Magalashvili and Ya.I. Kumsishvili (Bulletin Abastumani Obs., No. 37,
3, 1969). M. Plavec and P. Harmanec (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 613, 1972)
have emphasized the correlation of the appearance of the shell spectrum with
orbital phase. The possible evolutionary state of the system has been
discussed by P. Harmanec (Bull. Astron. Inst. Csl, 25, 236, 1974). For a
description of the UV spectrum and a model, see J. Sahade and E. Brandi (Rev.
Mex. Astron. Astrofis., 10, 229, 1985).

The new orbit by Kitamura et al. is based on many more spectrograms than the
earlier one by L.T. Slocum (Lick Obs. Bull., 19, 147, 1942), which is also
derived from high-dispersion spectrograms, and entirely supersedes the orbit
derived by A.H. Joy (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 30, 253, 1918). Both
components are Am stars; according to D.M. Popper (Astrophys. J., 169, 549,
1971) the combined spectrum is A2 from the K line of Ca II and A5 from the
metallic lines. Kitamura et al. find some evidence for a variation of apparent
metallicism with phase. The orbit was assumed circular, and the epoch is the
time of primary minimum adopted by M. Kiyokawa and M. Kitamura (Ann. Tokyo
Obs. 2nd Ser., 15, 117, 1975) in their companion study of the UBV light-curves
of the system. The magnitudes given are taken from this second paper. Their
analysis gives i=87.6deg and the fractional luminosity of the bright component
(in V) as 0.54. A new analysis of the same observations by B. Cester et al.
(Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 33, 91, 1978) did not change these figures
substantially. Petrie(I) found Delta m=0.28.

The epoch is T0. A barium star.

The star is faint and the spectral lines broad and it was difficult to obtain
good spectrograms of the system. Modern observations might lead to a
considerable improvement in our knowledge of it. The spectral types are
estimated from UBV photometry. The epoch is T0. The best light-curves are
those obtained in the region of 7000 A by R. Brukalska et al. (Acta
Astron., 19, 257, 1969) who found an orbital inclination of 90 deg and a
fractional luminosity (near 7400 Angstroms) of 0.72. M. Mezzetti et al.
(Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 39, 273, 1980) from the same material found 86 deg
and 0.92.

Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit for this system.

The star was included in the Catalogue on the strength of the abstract cited.
A more detailed paper by the same authors (Astron. J., 94, 1302, 1987) arrived
just before this note was written. The values of K1 and V0 come from the
abstract, those of e and omega from the paper, which also gives P=12.6315y and
T=1954.0631. The orbital inclination is 101.3 deg and the parallax is 0.0326".
The star is an astrometric binary; the secondary component has not yet been
seen, nor even detected interferometrically. Without the astrometric
observations, one might doubt the reality of the velocity variation, since the
scatter of individual observations is comparable to the range of variation.
The best observations lie close to the curve, however, and the consistency of
spectroscopic and astrometric observations leave little doubt that the values
of the elements are close to those found.

Stickland derived a new orbital solution from all available material, including
IUE observations. He adopted a circular orbit after finding only a small
eccentricity. The epoch is T0. The value of V0 is somewhat arbitrary since all
series of observations have been reduced to the value of V0 found by Plaskett.
There is no sign of the secondary spectrum and Stickland treated the system as
a one-spectrum system. The orbit of the primary component now seems fairly well
known. The system (Plaskett's star) is probably still the most massive known,
since the mass-function is high. So far no eclipses have been detected
(although there is a possible small variation in the light) so the orbital
inclination is probably appreciably different from 90 deg. Earlier estimates of
K2 should, however, be treated with caution. The orbit was originally
determined by J.S. Plaskett (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 2, 147, 1922) and
other studies have been published by O. Struve (Astrophys. J., 107, 327, 1948),
K.D. Abhyankar (Astrophys. J. Supp., 4, 157, 1959), J.Sahade (La Plata Symp.
Stellar Evolution, 185, 1962) and J.B. Hutchings and A.P. Cowley (Astrophys.
J., 206, 490, 1976). A brief study of the H-alpha profile has also been
published by R. Rajamohan (Astrophys. Space Sci., 99, 153, 1984). Although
Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.78, this value should be also treated with caution
in view of the uncertainties in the interpretation of the secondary spectrum.
Abhyankar found Delta m varied with phase.

The spectral type assigned to the secondary is approximate. The orbit was
assumed to be circular after a preliminary solution showed the eccentricity to
be negligibly small. The epoch is T0. The orbital inclination is estimated to
be about 35 deg.

Only one spectrum is visible, and the type of the secondary is deduced from the
light-curve. Two photoelectric light curves have been published, one in B and V
by C. Bartolini (Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 38, 311, 1967), the other by A.J.
Harris (Astron. J., 73, 164, 1968). The results are in good agreement and
Bartolini finds i=76.9 deg; the fractional luminosity of the primary star (in
V) is 0.93. The V magnitude given in the Catalogue is an isolated observation
of unknown phase, but probably close to maximum light. The depth of primary
eclipse is about 0.45m in V.

This is the former Nova Mon (1939). A photometric study (from which the value
for the period has been taken) was published by E.L. Robinson, R.E. Nather and
S.O. Kepler (Astrophys. J., 254, 646, 1982). Although they give no spectral
types explicitly, they find that the system contains a white dwarf and a
late-type component (which gives about 0.06 of the total light). They find the
accretion disk to be exceptionally large and luminous. Seitter's velocity-curve
is derived from measures of emission lines and is appreciably better than many
published for cataclysmic variables. There is, however, a prominent distortion
near the time of eclipse, strongly reminiscent of that seen in Algol-type
systems. The orbit was assumed circular and the epoch is the time of primary
minimum. No value is given for V0. The velocities were determined by
cross-correlation and V0 has apparently been arbitrarily set at zero.

D. Chochol and A. Kucera (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1998, 1981) showed this
star to be an eclipsing variable with a period of either 26.9d or 53.8d. Stagni
et al. have shown clearly that the longer period is correct. The spectrum
displays shell features (including emission at H-alpha) and Chochol and Kucera
classify it as B3 II-III. The B4 classification is taken from R.M. Petrie and
J.A. Pearce (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 12, 1, 1962). The measures of the
secondary component show a very wide scatter. Taken at their face value, they
imply the high masses given in the Catalogue. Observations made at Victoria, at
higher dispersion and on superior emulsion, do not show the secondary spectrum,
but they do confirm the longer period and the approximate elements of the
primary star's orbit.

P=50.04y, T=1894.133. The elements P, T, e, omega are from the visual orbit
derived by Aitken (who also gives i=43.31 deg). The elements K1 and V0 are
given by E.B. Frost, J.H. Moore, and H.S. Jones in Trans. Inter. Astron. Union,
3, 175, 1928. Since omega is taken from the visual orbit, it must be, in
accordance with convention, the value of omega for the secondary component:
omega 1, presumably, is 325.69 deg. Several attempts have been made to find
short-period perturbations in the elliptical motion. Aitken dismissed those
made up to the time of his paper. Some evidence of a 4.55y period was put
forward by N. Voronov (Tashkent Bull., 1, No. 4, 1934) but it is not
convincing. A discussion of the spectrum of Sirius B has been published by E.
Bohm-Vitense, T. Dettmann and S. Kaprinidis (Astrophys. J., 232, L189, 1979).
Besides the two stars considered here, the system A.D.S. 5423 contains a 14.0m
star at 31.6" and a possible companion to Sirius B at about 1.5".

This is a cataclysmic variable observed during outburst. The orbit is assumed
circular and the epoch is the time of inferior conjunction of the emission-line
source. The period found is close to one of two values previously identified as
probable by J.B. Hutchings, A.P. Cowley and D. Crampton (Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, 93, 741, 1981). The magnitude given is an isolated measurement by T.
Chlebowski, J.P. Helpern and J.E. Steiner (Astrophys. J., 247, L35, 1981); the
brightness varies by 2-3 magnitudes. The last-named authors also find some
evidence for a magnetic field in the system.

This is a cataclysmic variable of the SU UMa type. The minimum magnitude given
is only approximate. The only visible spectral features are emission lines and
the orbital elements are based on measures of them. The orbit is assumed
circular and the epoch is superior conjunction of the emission-line source. The
orbital inclination is estimated to lie between 45 deg and 65 deg.


The spectral types are from J.J. Dobias and M.J. Plavec (Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, 99, 274, 1987) and are obtained from fitting model atmospheres in the
UV rather than from traditional classification. The luminosity class of the
primary (which may be a giant) is uncertain and the spectral subclass of the
secondary is uncertain by two divisions either way. The epoch is the time of
minimum given by D.S. Hall and K. Walter (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 20, 227,
1975) since it is unclear precisely what epoch Gaposchkin used. The only
orbital elements ever determined are Gaposchkin's although A.B. Wyse (Lick Obs.
Bull., 17, 37, 1934) also studied the system spectroscopically. It is now clear
that Gaposchkin's elements are seriously affected by the presence of
circumstellar matter, the effects of which show up in the work of Dobias and
Plavec and in the solution by Hall and Walter (Astron. Astrophys., 38, 225,
1975) of their own light-curve (op. cit.). The latters' `conventional' solution
gives an orbital inclination of 85 deg and a fractional luminosity in V for the
primary component of 0.75.

The epoch is the time of primary minimum. The orbit was assumed circular, in
accordance with the light-curve. To judge from the colour indices of the two
stars (as obtained from a solution of the light-curve) the two spectra are
closely similar. The primary is found to give 0.60 of the total light in V
(Delta V=0.34m). The orbital inclination is very close to 90 deg.

The star appears to be a hot sub-dwarf. The elements given in the Catalogue
were derived by Thackeray after omitting certain of the observations. There is
some evidence of the secondary spectrum, but no reliable measures could be
made. Neither eclipses nor ellipsoidal light-variations could be found. For
details of the atmospheric structure of the primary component and the possible
evolutionary status of the system, see R.P. Kudritzki and K.P. Simon (Astron.
Astrophys., 70, 653, 1978).

Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit.

Epoch is T0. This is one of the few graphically determined sets of elements
that seem to deserve a quality classification better than d. Lucy & Sweeney
adopt a circular orbit and give very similar values of K1 and V0.

The spectral type is uncertain. The hydrogen lines are too strong for B9 but
the absence of a K line suggests a type earlier than A0. Struve thought the
primary may be sub-luminous. In a recent paper, D. Ya. Martynov and A.I.
Khaliullina (Astron. Zh., 63, 288, 1986) suggest spectral types of B7 V and B8
V for the two stars. They find that the primary gives 0.53 of the light in V
(Delta m=0.11) and that the orbital inclination is close to 89 deg. These
results are consistent with Struve's belief that the values of K1, e and omega
were affected by blending of the two spectra. No new complete investigation of
the velocity-curve has been made since Struve, but Martynov and Khaliullina
report a few new spectrograms that appear to support their conclusion (from
photometry) that the system displays apsidal rotation in a period close to 300
years. Observed changes in the orbital period, however, seem to be more complex
than those expected from simple apsidal motion.

The composite nature of the spectrum leaves little doubt that the star is a
binary, and the proposed mass-ratio is probably not far wrong. The remaining
elements can only be considered as preliminary, as Hendry herself points out.
The important node is not covered by observations at all. The emission-line
strength in the early-type spectrum apparently varies. The period (as given by
Hendry) is 58 years.

The ground-based and IUE observations on which the study by Sahade and Ferrer
is based supersede those studied by J. Sahade and C.U. Cesco (Astrophys. J.,
101, 235, 1945). Nevertheless, the scatter of individual velocities is still
large. The epoch is the time of minimum as derived by L. Lorenzi (Astron.
Astrophys., 85, 342, 1980; see also Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 40, 271, 1980 and
Acta Astron., 32, 431, 1982). The orbital elements given by Sahade and Ferrer
are derived from the mean of the absorption lines of helium and H9 to H11,
except that the value for V0 is derived from helium lines only. Different lines
give different elements. A circular orbit was assumed. D.M. Popper (Publ.
Astron. Soc. Pacific, 74, 129, 1962) detected the D lines of the secondary
spectrum and emission at H-alpha. Lorenzi found evidence for a periodic
intrinsic variation in the light of the system, as well as the variation due to
eclipses. He deduced an orbital inclination of 82 deg and a fractional
luminosity for the primary star of 0.93. Circumstellar matter in the system is
briefly discussed by G.J. Peters (Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 19, 713, 1987).

The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is T0. Burki and Mayor draw
attention to the combination of the luminosity class assigned to the spectrum
and the relatively short period -- the shortest known for an F-type supergiant,
if the luminosity classification is correct.

The orbit was assumed circular and the epoch is the inferior conjunction of the
primary star. The star is the brightest member of A.D.S. 5705: companions are
15.1m at 2.5" and 9.2m at 23.2".

The short-period pair is an eclipsing system consisting of two nearly identical
early-type stars. The eclipse ephemeris shows a periodic term which is ascribed
to a third body. There are not yet any direct determinations of K1 and V0 for
the long-period system, and the orbital elements given are derived from the
observed effects of light-time. They correspond to values of a sin i of about
3E8 km, and of K of about 48 km/s. The minimum magnitude given for the
eclipsing pair is an estimate -- the light-curve is variable. The epoch in the
short-period orbit is the time of primary minimum; the value of V0 must, of
course, be variable. Double lines in the spectrum were first reported by F.J.
Neubauer (Astrophys. J., 98, 300, 1943) and eclipses were discovered by A.F.J.
Moffat and N. Vogt (Astron. Astrophys., 30, 381, 1974). Solution of the
light-curve allowing for third light gives an orbital inclination for the
eclipsing pair of about 88 deg. It is estimated that the third body is a B4
giant and is in fact somewhat brighter than either component of the eclipsing
pair -- but its spectrum is difficult to distinguish from theirs. Apparent
visual magnitudes of 9.40, 9.52 and 9.03 are estimated for A, B and C

The short-period pair is an eclipsing system consisting of two nearly identical
early-type stars. The eclipse ephemeris shows a periodic term which is ascribed
to a third body. There are not yet any direct determinations of K1 and V0 for
the long-period system, and the orbital elements given are derived from the
observed effects of light-time. They correspond to values of a sin i of about
3E8 km, and of K of about 48 km/s. The minimum magnitude given for the
eclipsing pair is an estimate -- the light-curve is variable. The epoch in the
short-period orbit is the time of primary minimum; the value of V0 must, of
course, be variable. Double lines in the spectrum were first reported by F.J.
Neubauer (Astrophys. J., 98, 300, 1943) and eclipses were discovered by A.F.J.
Moffat and N. Vogt (Astron. Astrophys., 30, 381, 1974). Solution of the
light-curve allowing for third light gives an orbital inclination for the
eclipsing pair of about 88 deg. It is estimated that the third body is a B4
giant and is in fact somewhat brighter than either component of the eclipsing
pair -- but its spectrum is difficult to distinguish from theirs. Apparent
visual magnitudes of 9.40, 9.52 and 9.03 are estimated for A, B and C

This is an eclipsing member of the RS CVn group; H and K emission are seen in
the spectrum. Imbert identifies the cooler component as the more massive one.
The spectral type of the hotter component is uncertain. The orbital
eccentricity is probably not significant. The period was taken from P. Ahnert
(Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1150, 1976) but F. Scaltriti (Astron. Astrophys.
Supp., 35, 291, 1979) proposes a slightly different value. Scaltriti analyzes
the light-curve to obtain an orbital inclination of 86 deg and a fractional
luminosity (approximately in V) of 0.64 for the cooler component. Imbert's
estimates of the spectral types should be preferred to his.

A circular orbit was assumed although more recent photometric work (C.D.
Kandpal, Astrophys. Space Sci., 40, 3, 1976) suggests that the orbit may be
eccentric. The epoch given is the time of primary minimum as determined by
Scaltriti, since Struve arbitrarily took one of the nearly equal minima as
phase zero. The elements are based on velocities derived only from the helium
lines, since the hydrogen lines are often blended. Scaltriti found an orbital
inclination of about 86 deg and a fractional luminosity (in V) of the larger
component of 0.55. G. Giuricin et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 39, 255,
1980), using the same observations found 88 deg and 0.67. The star has
sometimes been confused with H.D. 54003 (BD+04 1826).

This dwarf M-type binary is also known as a flare star. Tomkin and Pettersen
estimate the light ratio to be about 0.7 and the orbital inclination to be
close to 90 deg.

The elements agree quite closely with those derived by R.F. Sanford (Astrophys.
J., 56, 446, 1922) and this agreement, rather than the quality of either
determination separately, merits the b classification. The orbit was assumed
circular after a preliminary solution showed the eccentricity to be very small.
The epoch is T0. It is unclear whether or not a reported occultation component
is the spectroscopic secondary. The system is the brightest component of A.D.S.
5827; B is 13.0m at about 23" and C is 7.7m at about 110". Proper motions
indicate that C, at least, is unconnected with the spectroscopic pair.

Spectrum may be variable. No analysis of the light-curve available.

The spectral type is uncertain by one sub-class and the star may be a subgiant
since the trigonometrically measured parallax is considerably smaller than
would be expected for a main-sequence star of its spectral type.

There are few observations of the secondary, but the primary velocity-curve is
well observed. However, all Cambridge observations had to be corrected for
blending of the two component spectra. Probably, both components are late-type

The primary (Ap) spectrum shows strong lines of the iron-group elements and of
Sr II and Eu II. Only the K line and lambda 4481 of the secondary spectrum are
visible. Of these, only the K line was measured for radial velocity. From those
measures a mass ratio (Ap star companion) of 0.75 is found, giving minimum
masses of 1.23 MSol and 1.65 MSol. The Ap star has a magnetic field that
varies, but not with the orbital period. Instead, a period of 36.5d is
suggested. Bonsack estimates that the Ap star produces about half the
continuous flux in the blue region of the spectrum.


This system consists of two similar early A-type stars that show marginal Am
characteristics. The orbit is assumed circular, in accordance with the
photometric observations. The epoch is primary minimum. The authors also
analyze their uvby light-curve and find that the orbital inclination is close
to 87 deg and Delta V=0.43m.

Brighter component of A.D.S. 5983, for which a tentative orbit has been
computed. (See J. Hopmann, Mitt. Sternw. Wien, 10, 191, 1960). The system may
thus be at least triple.

Earlier studies by W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 4, 115, 1917), J.A.
Pearce (Publ. Dom. Obs., 6, 49, 1932), W.J. Luyten and E.G. Ebbighausen
(Astrophys. J., 82, 246, 1955) and O. Struve and F. Sherman (Astrophys. J., 93,
84, 1941) are all in reasonable agreement with the elements given in the
Catalogue except for V0. If V0 is genuinely variable, it is more likely to
reflect the presence of a stellar wind than of a third body (J.B. Hutchings,
Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 89, 668, 1977). Hutchings finds a significantly
larger value of K1 (243 km/s) but his observations are few. The value of K2 is
much less well known, estimates vary from 288 km/s (Pearce) to 185 km/s (Struve
et al.), but it seems likely that the secondary star is the more massive. The
secondary component may also require a different value of V0. Observations in
the UV provide evidence of gas streaming and mass loss (of about 1E-6 MSol/yr)
through stellar winds (G.E. McCluskey, Y. Kondo and D.C. Morton, Astrophys. J.,
201, 607, 1975; G.E. McCluskey and Y. Kondo, Astrophys. J., 208, 760, 1976).
Both ultraviolet and BV light-curves have now been obtained. Analyses have been
published by M. Parthasarathy (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 185, 485, 1978).
K.-C. Leung and D.P. Schneider (Astrophys. J., 222, 924, 1978) and J.A. Eaton
(Astrophys. J., 220, 924, 1978). Agreement is not good, but the orbital
inclination is probably around 70 deg and the two stars are of comparable
luminosity. Several authors give the primary's luminosity class as I.

This confirms an earlier orbit by O. Struve and A. Pogo (Astrophys. J., 68,
335, 1928). Star is brightest component of A.D.S. 5977. Four companions are
listed in I.D.S.

Pearce assumed values of P, T, e, and omega from an earlier investigation by
W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom. Obs., 4, 235, 1918). Harper obtained new observations
(Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 224, 1935) but did not revise his orbital
elements except for deriving a mass-ratio of 0.6 (compare with Pearce's value
of 0.53). A later investigation by G. Mannino and L. Cumis (Mem. Soc. Astron.
Ital.(N.S.), 33, fasc. 2, 1962) resulted in a lower value of K1 (91 km/s) and a
larger V0 (+26 km/s). Petrie(II) found Delta m=1.14. Star is brightest
component of A.D.S. 6012: principal companion is 6.5m at 14.8".

Many earlier investigations (F.C. Jordan, Publ. Allegheny Obs., 3, 49, 1913,
B.W. Sitterly, Astron. J., 48, 190, 1940, O. Struve and B. Smith, Astrophys.
J., 111, 27, 1950, P. Galeotti, Astrophys. Space Sci., 7, 87, 1970; and M.
Kitamura, Astrophys. Space Sci., 3, 161, 1969) are superseded by Tomkin's study
because he succeeded in detecting the secondary spectrum. The spectral type
given for the primary is based partly on K. Sato's UBV photometry (Publ.
Astron. Soc. Japan, 23, 335, 1971); that for the secondary comes from the
photometric analysis by K.R. Radhakrishnan, M.B.K. Sarma and K.D. Abhyankar
(Astrophys. Space Sci., 99, 229, 1984). The epoch is the time of primary
minimum: Tomkin assumed a circular orbit in accordance with the photometric
results. Besides those already mentioned, photometric studies have been
published by E.F. Guinan (Astron. J., 82, 51, 1977) and B. Cester et al.
(Astrophys. Space Sci., 36, 273, 1979). All analyses agree on an orbital
inclination close to 80 deg and a fractional luminosity (in V) for the primary
star of at least 0.90. The primary's velocity- curve is probably now well
determined. The descending node of the secondary's curve is defined by only one
observation. It is unlikely, however, that the mass-ratio will be much altered
by future observations. The secondary is indeed undermassive -- Tomkin suggests
that it has lost 80 percent of its mass -- but the primary component is not so
seriously undermassive as it was once believed to be.

Published spectral classification is K2 V. See Griffin's own paper for a

Popper's observations supersede those of J. Sahade and C.U. Cesco (Astrophys.
J., 100, 374, 1944) which were of too low a dispersion for those authors to be
able to resolve the two components. Both components have Ca II emission in
their spectra. The spectral types assigned correspond to the colours of the
components. It is possible to estimate only the combined spectral type directly
(between K0 and K2). Popper also gives the results of BV observations. He finds
i=81 deg and that the two stars are approximately equal in light. He assumed a
circular orbit, and the epoch is the time of primary minimum.

The minimum magnitude is estimated from the light-curve. The orbit is assumed
circular and the epoch is the time of primary minimum. R.M. Williamon (Astron.
J., 81, 1134, 1976) published UBV light-curves and an analysis (later revised
by M. Mezzetti et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 42, 15, 1980). Lacy adopted
Williamon's own solution, which gives an orbital inclination very close to 83
deg and a visual magnitude difference of 0.3m. The minimum magnitude given is
estimated from Williamon's plot.


This is a symbiotic star whose light variation is not easy to interpret. The
principal spectrum is that of a late-type giant (only approximately M5) with
emission lines of H, He II and Fe II, presumably arising from the region around
a hot component, estimated by some investigators as early F or late A spectral
type. The period is uncertain within several days, the epoch is time of maximum
light. The orbit is assumed circular. The elements, derived from the
emission-line velocities, are described as tentative by Iijima himself. His
model predicts a primary eclipse at the time when maximum light is observed.
The binary nature of this object is not yet conclusively demonstrated.

A mercury-manganese star that has long been suspected to be a spectroscopic
binary; G.C.L. Aikman (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 14, 379, 1976) also believed
the velocity to be variable. Only an approximate period can be derived,
however, and the elements are correspondingly uncertain. The star is the
brightest component of A.D.S. 6095; companions 10.5m and 10.2m at 1" and 16.6",

The spectral types are taken from M.J. Plavec and J.J. Dobias (Astron. J., 93,
440, 1987) and are obtained by their technique of fitting model atmospheres.
The value of K2 is from D.M. Popper (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 94, 945, 1982)
and is preliminary. Plavec and Dobias report that observations now in progress
will probably lead to a lower value of K1 than McKellar found. Meanwhile,
McKellar's study is still to be preferred to the earlier one by S. Gaposchkin
(Astrophys. J., 104, 383, 1946). Emission in the spectrum was first discovered
by A.B. Wyse (Lick Obs. Bull., 17, 37, 1934). It arises from a typical
Algol-type disk or ring, and the relatively long orbital period made it
possible for McKellar to study the ring with some degree of time-resolution.
This ring complicates photometric analyses. Recent such discussions include
those by M. Kumsishvili (Bulletin Abastumani Obs., No. 55, 89, 1982), D.S. Hall
et al. (Acta Astron., 32, 411, 1982) and I.B. Pustylnik and L. Einasto
(Astrophys. Space Sci., 105, 259, 1984). They agree to the extent that they
place the orbital inclination between 80 deg and 90 deg and the fractional
luminosity of the primary star (in V) between 0.8 and 0.9.

New observations by Abt and Levy confirm and improve the orbital elements
derived by W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 3, 226, 1925) and (from the
same observations) by Luyten. The epoch is T0. Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.53.
The star is the brightest member of A.D.S. 6089: companions 9.5m at 42.9" and
10.5m at 145.9".

One period (389 d) has been added to the time of periastron passage given by
Christie to give a Julian Date after 2,400,000.

Both components of this binary are late-type giants. From one Reticon
spectrogram, no difference in spectral type was found between the two
components. From that and from the radial-velocity traces observed with his
spectrometer, Griffin estimates Delta m=0.71. The star is the brightest member
of A.D.S. 6119. The 13.6m companion at 13" shares the proper motion of 65 Gem.
One measure of the radial velocity by Griffin is close to but not identical
with the systemic velocity of the spectroscopic pair. Nevertheless, Griffin
believes that the two objects are probably physically associated.


Earlier investigation by J. Lunt (Astrophys. J., 44, 261, 1916). Results are in
good agreement with those presented here. D.S. Evans (Mon. Notes Astron. Soc.
South Africa, 16, 4, 1957) finds that P=257.5d, but the other elements are not
affected by this change. According to I.D.S. there is a 9.4m companion at

The epoch is superior conjunction of the secondary star. The orbit was assumed
to be circular. The elements are very approximate: K1 is given as between 60
km/s and 90 km/s, no value at all is given for V0. The elements depend on
measures of the emission lines in the spectrum of this cataclysmic variable.

Spectroscopic coverage of this faint system remains quite inadequate as
anything more than a rough indication of the velocity variation. New
photoelectric light-curves in B and V by P. Broglia and F. Marin (Astron.
Astrophys., 34, 89, 1974) have greatly improved our knowledge of the system.
They find i=86 deg and the brighter star gives 0.92 of the total light in V.
They identify the primary as a deg Sct star. A revised calculation by M.
Mezzetti et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 39, 265, 1980) led to a slightly
lower fractional luminosity. These investigators suggest spectral types of A9
IV and K0. The epoch is the time of primary minimum but the period is variable.

The fainter component of alpha Gem (the magnitude given applies to the combined
light of alpha 1 and alpha 2). The spectrum is A1 from the K line and A5 from
the metallic lines. Amongst the earlier investigations the most important are
those of H.D. Curtis (Lick Obs. Bull., 4, 55, 1906) and D.A. Barlow (Publ.
Dom. Obs.,9, 149, 1929). References to earlier work will be found in these
papers. Barlow's value of K1 is lower and of e is higher than the Lick values.
Vinter-Hansen gives e=0.002, Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit. Together
with the next two entries in the Catalogue this star forms A.D.S. 6175 which is
known to form a physical system. The I.D.S. also lists a fourth companion at

The same references given to earlier work on the immediately preceding system
apply to this one. All investigations give results in good agreement.

The observations by Bopp supersede earlier investigations by A.H. Joy and R.F.
Sanford (Astrophys. J., 64, 250, 1926), O. Struve et al. (Astrophys. J., 112,
216, 1950) and O. Struve and V. Zebergs (Astrophys. J., 130, 783, 1959). A new
discussion of the velocity-curve, based on measures of the emission lines, has
been published by K. Kodaira and K. Ichimura (Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 32,
451, 1980). Their results agree well with Bopp's, which have the smaller formal
errors. The elements given here are also based on emission-line measures:
velocities derived from the absorption lines give a reversed mass-ratio and a
different V0. The epoch is the time of mid-eclipse. The star then eclipsed is
somewhat conventionally defined as the primary, the two minima being almost
equal. Although Bopp and Struve and Zebergs refer to their epochs as the same
as that adopted by H. van Gent (Bull. Astron. Inst. Netherl., 6, 99, 1931) they
differ from him by an integral number of half periods. The period may be
lengthening. Flares have been observed (T.J. Moffett and B.W. Bopp, Astrophys.
J., 168, L117, 1971). There is both spectroscopic and photometric evidence for
flares and G. Ferland and B.W. Bopp (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 88, 451, 1980)
discuss the distribution of emitting regions over the surfaces of the stars.
Photometric study is made difficult by the light from nearby (and physically
associated) alpha Gem. Recent discussions of the light-curve have been
published by E. Budding (Tokyo Astron. Bull, 2nd Series, No. 240, 1975) and
K.-C. Leung and D.P. Schneider (Astron. J., 83, 618, 1978). Both agree on an
orbital inclination close to 86 deg but whereas Budding finds the two
components virtually equal in light, Leung and Schneider find Delta
m(bol.)=0.35. The magnitudes given are Budding's out-of-eclipse measure,
combined with a graphical estimate of the depth of minimum.

Radial-velocity observations by O. Struve (Astrophys. J., 112, 184, 1950)
appeared to require an orbital period of 9.7d, while photometric observations
by E. Hertzsprung (Bull. Astron. Inst. Netherl., 4, 154, 1928) and M. Huruhata
et al. (Ann. Tokyo Obs. 2nd Series, 5, 31, 1957) gave a W UMa light-curve with
a period close to 0.58d. Van Houten has resolved the problem by showing that
both Struve's observations and those of Huruhata et al. can be satisfied by the
period given in the Catalogue.  The epoch is the time of primary minimum, and
the orbital elements are estimates from a plot of the velocity curve. G.
Giuricin and F. Mardirossian (Astron. Astrophys., 99, 185, 1981) have analyzed
the light-curves obtained by Huruhata et al. and find an orbital inclination
between 75 deg and 80 deg and a fractional luminosity for the primary star (in
yellow light) of 0.77.

The system resembles VV Cep. The shell spectrum observed between 1947 and 1949,
which reappeared (A.P. Cowley, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 83, 213, 1971) may
be produced by an atmospheric eclipse. Observations of the UV spectrum have
been discussed by A. Altamore, A. Giangrande and R. Viotti (Astron. Astrophys.
Supp., 49, 511, 1982).

Although no luminosity classification has been made of the spectrum, Griffin
considers that the star is likely to be a giant. The orbit was assumed circular
and the epoch is T0.

Only the period (40.65y) has been assumed from the visual orbit. The time of
periastron passage is 1927.20. Fletcher has combined modern Victoria
observations with the older ones of H.S. Jones (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.,
88, 403, 1928) and those used by K.Aa. Strand (Astrophys. J., 113, 1, 1951) in
his definitive study of the visual orbit. The quantity of radial-velocity data
now available has made it possible to derive these elements without making use
of the elements derived from visual observations. The results are in very good
agreement with those obtained by Strand (who also found i=35.7 deg). The system
is A.D.S. 6251: three other components (besides the white dwarf) are listed in

Reference: J.M.Fletcher,,,, (Unpublished)

Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.36.

This star is the first of a series of early-type binaries discovered by
Gieseking. Because all velocity measurements were made by objective prism, the
systemic velocities given for all these objects are relative velocities. To
convert them to absolute velocities, it is necessary to consult the same
author's catalogue (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 41, 245, 1980) to see which stars
in the field were used as standards. The orbits were usually assumed to be
circular and the epoch is the time of maximum velocity.

Luyten's recomputation of the elements with an assumed circular orbit (epoch
T0) is preferred to W.E. Harper's original solution (Publ. Dom. Obs., 1, 265,
1911) because Harper had to fix the value of T. Later, he revised the period to
19.603d (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 224, 1935). The star is now considered
a non-eclipsing member of the RS CVn group and varies by nearly 0.2m in a
period close to, but not identical with, the orbital period. Extensive
photometric observations have been discussed and published by R.E. Fried et al.
(Astrophys. Space Sci., 93, 305, 1983). The spectrum at H-alpha has been
observed by S.E. Smith and B.W. Bopp (Astrophys. Letters, 22, 127, 1982) and by
K.G. Strassmeier, S. Weichinger and A. Hanslmeier (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No.
2937, 1986). Variations in the spectrum have been noted by Z. Eker (Bull. Am.
Astron. Soc., 17, 588, 1985). The star is a possible radio source (S.R.
Spangler, F.N. Owen and R.A. Hulse, Astron. J., 82, 989, 1977) and a known
X-ray source (J.P. Pye and I.M. McHardy, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 12, 855,
1980). There is a 10.8m `companion' at over 180" separation.

Epoch is T0. Intensities of spectral lines seem to vary with phase. According
to S. Gaposchkin (Ann. Harv. Coll. Obs., 113, No. 2, 1953) the light-curve
implies Delta m=1.3.

These elements supersede provisional elements previously published by Neubauer
(Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 44, 254, 1932). Estimation of quality of the orbit
is difficult because of the little information given by the authors. The
velocities were obtained with the Mills three-prism spectrograph, and it seems
likely, therefore, that the orbit is above average quality.

Although the system has a high velocity, Griffin comments that the metal lines
and CN bands are not obviously weak for the spectral class. The star is
designated as an occultation double in the Bright Star Catalogue and Griffin
calls attention to the possibility of detecting the secondary during

See note for HD 61926

Values of e and omega were assumed in accordance with the light-curve and the
epoch is the time of mid-eclipse (the two minima are almost equal in depth).
The spectroscopic elements are undoubtedly well determined; analysis of the
light-curve is made difficult by the intrinsic variability of both components.
This variability is periodic but the period is not related to that of the
orbit. Despite the problems created by the variation, consistent elements have
been derived. The stars are nearly equal both in surface brightness and in
luminosity, the less massive component being a few percent less luminous. The
orbital inclination is close to 83 deg. The star is the fainter component of
A.D.S. 6348: the brighter (H.D. 2864) is 6.07m at 17". Vaz and Andersen believe
the pair to be optical only.

These elements supersede preliminary ones presented by V.S. Niemela, (I.A.U.
Colloq. No. 59, p. 307, 1981). The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is
the time of inferior conjunction of the Wolf-Rayet star. The upper line of
elements refers to the Wolf-Rayet component. Velocities derived for this star
are from measures of the C III-C IV emission line at lambda 4652 (of uncertain
rest wavelength) and the O VI emission line at lambda 3811.

See note for HD 61926

Abt and Levy find a much lower value of K1 than did O. Struve (Astrophys. J.,
58, 141, 1923). They believe that the spectrum may be a blend of those of both
components of this visual binary (A.D.S. 6420): the secondary is about 0.6m
fainter than the primary. The value of the magnitude given in the Catalogue
corresponds to the combined light of both components. The period, time of
periastron passage, longitude of periastron, and eccentricity are all taken
from the visual orbit by R.v.d.R. Woolley and L.S.T. Symms (Mon. Not. Roy.
Astron. Soc., 97, 438, 1937) and are well determined. The e classification
simply reflects the doubt whether K1 has been reliably determined at all.

The velocity curve of the primary star is derived from measures of the helium
lines. D.M. Popper (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 79, 493, 1967) has obtained
spectrograms at a higher dispersion than Deutsch used and has been able to
measure the K line of the secondary spectrum free of blending with that of the
primary. The value given for K2 is his value rather than Deutsch's value of 125
km/s (which Deutsch himself recognized might be too low). The system is thus
removed from the `class' of R CMa systems. M. Kitamura (Astrophys. Space Sci.,
2, 448, 1968) has obtained UBV light-curves from which he finds i=89.5 deg and
the fractional luminosity of the brighter star (in V) is 0.82. He encounters
some difficulties in his solution, however. B. Cester et al. (Astron.
Astrophys., 61, 469, 1977), from the same observations, derived a fractional
luminosity of 0.93. They give photometric `spectral types' of B5 V and F0 III
and find problems in reconciling the masses, as deduced from the spectrographic
data, with the luminosities.

The emission lines in the spectrum of this `X-ray nova' are very broad and the
velocity measures extremely uncertain. The uncertainty in K1 is nearly 50
percent of its value. Probably the observed velocities are not entirely orbital
in origin. The light of the object is variable and the light-curve resembles
that of an eclipsing binary. The epoch is the time of primary minimum.

New observations by Parsons indicate that the period adopted by W.H. Christie
(Astrophys. J., 83, 433, 1936) was a little too long. The new elements are not
much different, but probably represent an improvement.

The light of the star varies by less than 0.1m, as was first shown by E.H.
Olsen. Probably the system is an ellipsoidal variable. The orbit was assumed
circular and the epoch is primary minimum. Preliminary elements were presented
by Haefner in Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 2242, 1982.

Smak's observations and results supersede all computations of elements based on
the observations by R.P. Kraft (Astrophys. J., 135, 408, 1962). The values
given for K1 and V0 are means derived from measures of all lines. Values
derived from measures of individual lines differ quite considerably from these,
but have large uncertainties. The value of K2 has been taken from R.A. Wade
(Astrophys. J., 246, 215, 1981). The spectral classification is by J. Stauffer,
H. Spinrad and J. Thorstensen (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 91, 59, 1979). Wade
found that V0 for the secondary component is about +84 km/s. Smak adopted a
circular orbit and the epoch is the time of primary minimum. Wade found a small
eccentricity fitted observations of the secondary better, but it is not
statistically significant and its introduction does not appreciably change the
values he found for V0 and K2. The range of light variation is itself variable.
The V magnitudes given in the text are the extreme values given by W.
Krzeminski (Astrophys. J., 142, 1051, 1965). High-speed photometry by B. Warner
and R.E. Nather (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 152, 219, 1971) showed that the
hot spot on the accretion ring is a major contributor to the total light. Wade
(and others) showed that spectroscopic conjunction does not coincide with
primary minimum, thus demonstrating that the hot spot is displaced from the
line joining the centres of the two components. The nature of the light-curve
precludes accurate analysis; Smak estimates i=67 deg +/-8 deg. In the infrared,
the light of the late-type component predominates and infrared light-curves
have been studied by R.J. Panek and J.A. Eaton (Astrophys. J., 258, 572, 1982)
and G. Berriman et al. (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 204, 1105, 1983) who
confirm that the late-type component fills its Roche lobe. Spectroscopy in the
UV is reported by R.J. Panek and A.V. Holm (Astrophys. J., 277, 700, 1984) and
P. Henry et al. (Astrophys. J., 197, L117, 1975) who also discuss the soft
X-ray flux. For studies of the structure and properties of the accretion disk,
see B. Paczynski and A. Schwarzenberg-Czerny (Acta Astron., 30, 127, 1980) and
J. Smak (Acta Astron., 34, 93, 1984).

Epoch is an arbitrary zero of phase: maximum positive velocity (T0) is about 1
d later. Blaauw and van Albada suspect changes in the shape of the
velocity-curve arising, possibly, from apsidal motion.

The V magnitude is an estimate. Griffin adopted a circular orbit (the epoch is
T0 ) while admitting that a small eccentricity might exist. He draws attention
to the relatively short period for a system containing a giant and suggests
that photometry might show an intrinsic variation in the star's light.

The computed solution by Lucy & Sweeney is preferred to the graphical one from
the same observations by Y.C. Chang (Astrophys. J., 106, 308, 1947). The epoch
is T0. According to C. Yuin (Astrophys. J., 106, 303, 1947) the orbital
inclination is 78.7 deg.

The epoch is T0 and the G-type star is the more massive of the pair. A circular
orbit was adopted. The light-curve is variable, as are the depths of minima.
C.R. Lynds (Astrophys. J., 126, 81, 1957) found the A-type component to be
intrinsically variable. This has been confirmed by F. Scaltriti (Mem. Soc.
Astron. Ital., 44, 387, 1973) who believes the variation is of the deg Sct
type. Lynds also found i=83.6deg (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 68, 339, 1956).
There are earlier studies of the system by S. Gaposchkin (Astrophys. J., 105,
258, 1947) and J. Sahade (Astrophys. J., 111, 194, 1950).

Petrie(I) found Delta m=0.32.

The new results by Andersen et al. supersede those obtained by H.O. Frieboes
(Astrophys. J., 135, 762, 1962), D.M. Popper (Astrophys. J., 97, 400, 1943) and
A.C. Maury (Pop. Astron., 29, 22, 1921). Their photometric analysis likewise
probably supersedes earlier ones by D.P. Schneider, J.J. Darland and K.-C.
Leung (Astron. J., 84, 236, 1979), B. Cester et al. (Astron. Astrophys., 61,
275 and 469, 1977) and J.A. Eaton (Acta Astron., 28, 63, 1978). The orbit was
assumed circular in agreement with the photometric evidence; the epoch is the
time of primary minimum. The elements given are derived from measures of the
helium lines only and have been corrected for the effects of tidal distortion.
Andersen et al. believe the system to be semi-detached. They deduce an orbital
inclination of 79 deg and find a difference in visual magnitudes of 1.34m. They
show that the period varies but cast doubt on the previously assumed existence
of circumstellar matter in the system. For discussions of the UV spectrum see
D.G. York, B. Flannery and J. Bahcall (Astrophys. J., 210, 143, 1976) and R.H.
Koch et al. (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 93, 621, 1981). Four companions are
listed in I.D.S.: the closest is 11.5m at 6.8".

The new observations supersede Popper's own older ones (Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, 68, 131, 1956). A circular orbit was assumed, and the epoch is the
time of primary minimum. The hydrogen lines are too strong for the assigned
spectral type, H-delta being more so than H-gamma. The hydrogen lines
strengthen during primary minimum, indicating that the companion has an earlier
spectral type rather than a later one -- yet the radial-velocity curve
indicates that the visible component is eclipsed at primary minimum. Popper has
measured the light of the system outside eclipse, but not within it.

Epoch is T0 even though a small orbital eccentricity has been retained. Two
faint and distant companions are listed in I.D.S.: 12.0m at 60.1" and 11.0m at

See note for HD 61936. A period of 0.8604d is also possible and more
observations are needed to decide. The Durchmusterung number is from the C.P.D.

Harper made arbitrary corrections to the velocities of his normal points in
order to compensate for blending effects. Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.32.

R.E. Wilson (Astrophys. J., 234, 1054, 1979) suggests, from a discussion of the
photometric observations that the eccentricity is spurious. Light-curves were
obtained both by Vetesnik and by J.K. Gleim (Astron. J., 72, 493, 1967) and
have been re-analyzed by F. Predolin, G. Giuricin and F. Mardirossian (Inf.
Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1801, 1980) and J. Kaluzny (Acta Astron., 35, 327, 1985).
The light-curve is variable and no definitive solution has yet been made. The
orbital inclination is probably around 80 deg, and the brighter component gives
at least 0.9 of the (yellow) light.

See note for HD 61936. The elements given here supersede preliminary results by
the same author (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 90, 204, 1978).

See note for HD 61936. A preliminary discussion of this system is also found in
the reference given in the preceding note. The period is still uncertain.

This star is a dwarf Cepheid and individual points on the velocity-curve are
mean values for a pulsational cycle. The spectral type of the primary is
described by Bardin and Imbert as consistent with either F0 IV-V or F2 II-III
and the secondary is certainly cooler than F2 V.

This study of this cataclysmic binary supersedes preliminary results obtained
by two of the same authors (R.A. Wade and J.B. Oke, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 14,
880, 1982). The magnitude given is the mean quiescent magnitude: the object can
be up to three magnitudes brighter. Velocities are derived from measures of the
emission lines and the epoch (in an assumed circular orbit) is inferior
conjunction of the emission-line source. The values given for the elements are
those adopted by the authors. Different lines give quite widely differing
values -- especially for V0.

This star has long been suspected to be a binary but these are the first
orbital elements to be derived. The spectral classification is by Hernandez and
Sahade; other investigators have called the star a subgiant or even a
main-sequence object. The elements given are from all the observations made by
Hernandez and Sahade. There is some evidence for changes in the shape of the
velocity-curve (e and omega) with time. Four visual companions are listed in
I.D.S., the principal one, of course, being the Wolf-Rayet star gamma 2 Vel.
The physical association of this pair is not clearly proven, but Hernandez and
Sahade demonstrate the similarity of the space motions of the two stars (within
the observational uncertainties) and suggest that a relationship is possible.

Three orbital studies have been published since the Seventh Catalogue; the
other two are by C.D. Pike, D.J. Stickland and A.J. Willis (Observatory, 103,
154, 1983) and A.F.J. Moffat et al. (Astron. J., 91, 1386, 1986). Considering
the nature of the spectrum, the agreement between these is not bad, and all
differ from the only previous set of elements by K.S. Ganesh and M.K.V. Bappu
(Kodaikanal Obs. Bull., Series A, 183, 177, 1968). The upper line of elements
is derived from the absorption lines of the O9 star. Pike et al. favour a
slightly longer period (78.519d). The emission lines in the Wolf-Rayet spectrum
give, of course, discordant values of V0. Since no eclipses are observed, an
upper limit for the orbital inclination is around 70 deg. For a discussion of
IUE observations of this star, see A.J. Willis et al., First Year of IUE,
(University College, London, 1979). See preceding note for information on
visual companions.

New observations by Stickland and Weatherby do not fit the period derived by
H.A. Abt and M.S. Snowden (Astrophys. J., 25, 137, 1973). There is still some
doubt about the period, one near 475d also being possible, but the value given
in the Catalogue is preferred. The star was considered as an Si, Cr object by
Abt and Snowden, Stickland and Weatherby suspect that it is an Hg, Mn star.

The secondary spectrum was thought to be visible on one spectrogram. If it is,
the mass-ratio would appear to be 0.81. In I.D.S. an 8.1m companion is listed
at 6".1.

The magnitude is an estimate. Griffin calls attention to the mass-function,
large for a system showing only one spectrum, and suggests that the secondary
component itself is a short-period binary, perhaps containing two main-sequence
stars of type about F4.

The recomputation by Lucy & Sweeney based on observations by O. Struve
(Astrophys. J., 104, 253, 1946) has been preferred to Struve's original
solution (e=0.1) because a photoelectric (BV) light- curve (K.T. Johansen et
al., Astron. Astrophys., 11, 20, 1971) shows e cos omega=0. The epoch is T0,
and the orbit was assumed circular after a preliminary solution gave e=0.0. The
two stars are nearly equal in size, but the primary gives 0.91 of the total
light in V. The orbital inclination is about 89.7 deg. A new analysis of these
observations by M. Mezzetti et al. gives very similar results. The depth of
eclipse in V is just over 2.5m, but unfortunately the maximum and minimum V
magnitudes cannot be deduced from the data given by Johansen et al.. In view of
the excellent light-curve now available, the system would be worth re-observing

The magnitudes given are approximate and the star spends most of the time at
the fainter magnitude. No epoch is given; the orbit is assumed circular. The
values of K1 and V0 are derived from measures of the core of the H-alpha
emission line.

According to I.D.S. there is a 9.5m companion at 51.1".

A few old Mount Wilson measures give velocities above the mean curve derived
from recent CORAVEL observations. The authors believe this cannot be accounted
for by systematic errors between observatories and suggest that V0 varies.

The new observations add little to those of G.H. Herbig (Astrophys. J., 132,
76, 1960) but show that the elements deduced depend on the lines measured and
may vary with time. The elements given in the Catalogue are based on measures
of the peak of the He II emission. The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch
is a photometric one (approximately maximum brightness) taken from the work of
M.F. Walker (Mitt. Sternw. Budapest, 57, 1, 1965). The magnitudes given are an
approximate indication of the range of the highly variable light-curve.
Photometry of the system has been discussed by D.A. Allen and A.M.
Cherepashchuk (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 201, 521, 1982) and P. Szkody, J.A.
Bailey and J.H. Hough (ibid., 203, 749, 1983). The former investigators find
that when the star is quiescent, the variation is caused primarily by the
ellipticity of the M-type dwarf and they estimate that the orbital inclination
is between 50 deg and 70 deg. A detailed model is discussed by J. Liebert et
al. (Astrophys. J., 225, 201, 1978) and spectrophotometric observations are
reported and interpreted by D.T. Wickramasinghe and N. Visvanathan (Mon. Not.
Roy. Astron. Soc., 191, 589, 1980).

This star (from the Cape Photographic Durchmusterung) was recognized as a
cataclysmic variable by R.F. Garrison et al. (Astrophys. J., 276, L13, 1984).
The magnitude given is the mean of their published results; the star flickers
over a range of 0.1m and shows variations of about 0.5m over several years.
Garrison et al. used this system, at present the brightest known cataclysmic
variable, to estimate the space density of such stars. Two studies have been
published by the authors cited in the Catalogue; the other is in Mon. Not. Roy.
Astron. Soc., 204, 35P, 1983. A circular orbit is assumed and the epoch is the
time of inferior conjunction of the emission-line source. The results are
described as preliminary by the authors themselves. They estimate the orbital
inclination at 63 deg. A brief account of the UV spectrum was published by H.
Bohnhardt et al., I.A.U. Circ., No. 3749, 1982.

This is another cataclysmic variable in which caution is needed in the
interpretation of the `orbital elements'. The value of K1=193 km/s is derived
from late-type absorption lines in the spectrum. That of K2 is derived from
emission lines which, at least partially, arise from the disk surrounding the
white dwarf. A circular orbit has been assumed, the epoch given is the time of
spectroscopic conjunction with the red star in front. The two velocity curves
are 180 deg out of phase. E.L. Robinson (Astrophys. J., 186, 347, 1973) has
also obtained spectrograms of the red region. From the H-alpha emission he has
derived K2=137 km/s, V0=45 km/s, and assumed the other elements were as derived
by Kraft et al.. He found evidence that the system is losing mass. Robinson has
also published high-speed photometry of the system (Astrophys. J., 180, 121,
1973). Although B. Warner and R.E. Nather (Sky Telesc., 43, 82, 1973) earlier
reported grazing eclipses of the hot spot in this system, Robinson found no
evidence for them. Kraft et al. estimate the orbital inclination to be in the
range 50 deg to 60 deg. The B magnitudes given in the Catalogue are derived
from data in their paper. A theoretical model for the system has been proposed
by B.P. Flannery (Astrophys. J., 201, 661, 1975). A spectrophotometric study of
this system has been published by A.L. Kiplinger (Astrophys. J., 236, 839,

This is one of the few pulsars in a binary system with a known orbit -- an
orbit of very different characteristics from those of the first known member of
the class, PSR 1913+16. The epoch is an arbitrary reference epoch. The measured
quantity, of course, is not radial velocity but pulsar period which is
determined very accurately. From its variations, a sin i can be deduced. A
compete orbital period has not yet been observed. No magnitude or spectral type
are available, and V0 cannot be determined. A circular orbit was assumed.

Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit.

The epoch is the time of primary minimum (which is only slightly deeper than
the secondary). The small eccentricity is in agreement with that found
photometrically and the system displays apsidal motion in a period of
approximately 3,200 years. The two stars are nearly equal and the orbital
inclination is close to 88 deg. Both spectroscopic and photometric observations
are affected by a visual companion. According to I.D.S. this is 1.1m fainter
than the eclipsing pair and separated by 0.3". Andersen et al. believe the
companion to be fainter and probably to be a spectroscopic binary itself.

These systems compose A.D.S. 6828. The orbital period of the visual pair is 53y
and its major semi-axis is 0.32". Each component is a spectroscopic binary.
Fekel has also detected the secondary component of the 2.5-day pair (Bull. Am.
Astron. Soc., 10, 660, 1978 and private communication) and believes its
mass-ratio to be similar to that of the 6-day pair. Although Fekel has not yet
published a complete study of this interesting multiple system, he has
extensive data. He has published slightly different values for the
eccentricities (Astrophys. J., 246, 879, 1981) and argues (Bull. Am. Astron.
Soc., loc. cit.) that none of the orbits is coplanar. The eccentricity of the
6-day orbit is now found to be negligibly small and the epoch is T0. Orbital
elements have been published by G.A. Bakos (J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can., 79, 119,
1985) whose results are in general agreement with Fekel's except for values of
V0 (which may be partly affected by systematic errors) and a somewhat larger
eccentricity for the 6-day pair. Bakos has also shown that the 2.5-day pair is
an eclipsing binary. He derives an orbital inclination of 86 deg and estimates
that the primary gives 0.89 of the light in V. There is a faint companion
(11.5m) at about 18" listed in I.D.S. and Fekel believes it to be physically
associated with the quadruple system.

Reference: F.C.Fekel,,,, (Unpublished)

These systems compose A.D.S. 6828. The orbital period of the visual pair is 53y
and its major semi-axis is 0.32". Each component is a spectroscopic binary.
Fekel has also detected the secondary component of the 2.5-day pair (Bull. Am.
Astron. Soc., 10, 660, 1978 and private communication) and believes its
mass-ratio to be similar to that of the 6-day pair. Although Fekel has not yet
published a complete study of this interesting multiple system, he has
extensive data. He has published slightly different values for the
eccentricities (Astrophys. J., 246, 879, 1981) and argues (Bull. Am. Astron.
Soc., loc. cit.) that none of the orbits is coplanar. The eccentricity of the
6-day orbit is now found to be negligibly small and the epoch is T0. Orbital
elements have been published by G.A. Bakos (J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can., 79, 119,
1985) whose results are in general agreement with Fekel's except for values of
V0 (which may be partly affected by systematic errors) and a somewhat larger
eccentricity for the 6-day pair. Bakos has also shown that the 2.5-day pair is
an eclipsing binary. He derives an orbital inclination of 86 deg and estimates
that the primary gives 0.89 of the light in V. There is a faint companion
(11.5m) at about 18" listed in I.D.S. and Fekel believes it to be physically
associated with the quadruple system.

Reference: F.C.Fekel,,,, (Unpublished)

Brighter component of A.D.S. 6872: companion 9.8m at 1.8".

There is obviously a misprint in the value of T as given by Stickland et al.
The correct value is presumably either 2,430,730.51 or 2,443,730.51, the latter
being the more likely.

Popper's elements are in general agreement with those found by O. Struve
(Astrophys. J., 102, 74, 1945). The epoch is T0. Slightly different values of
V0 are found for each component. Several photometric investigations have been
made (R.L. Walker, Astron. J., 75, 720, 1970, D.B. Wood, ibid., 76, 701, 1970,
T.D. Padalia and R.K. Srivastava, Astrophys. Space Sci., 35, 249, 1975 and B.
Cester et al., Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 32, 351, 1978). All agree that the
orbital inclination is close to 89 deg. Values obtained for the fractional
luminosity depend strongly on whether the primary eclipse is taken to be an
occultation or transit. Popper (Astrophys. Space Sci., 45, 391, 1976) has shown
that only the latter leads to a luminosity ratio in accord with the
spectroscopic evidence. Cester et al., who adopt the transit hypothesis, found
a fractional luminosity of 0.64 (in V) for the primary component.

A circular orbit was assumed and the epoch is T0. The two stars are
approximately equal in photographic (B) light and the spectrum is composite
outside eclipse. D.M. Popper (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 60, 248, 1948)
classified the secondary spectrum as A3 III-V: Wesselink's classification is
based on UBV measures in totality and out of eclipse. He finds that the B star
is 1.12m fainter than the K star in V, but 1.4m brighter than it in U. Primary
eclipse is the total eclipse of the B star by the K giant. Wesselink assumed
i=90 deg to derive relative radii for the two stars, but no complete
photoelectric light-curve of the system has been published. Identification of
the star is from the Cordoba Durchmusterung.

Epoch is T0, based on an early time of minimum. All elements are very
approximate. Sahade describes the two spectra as `of practically the same
intensity'. Modern analysis of BV light-curves (D.A.H. Buckley, Astrophys.
Space Sci., 99, 191, 1984) confirms that, giving a fractional luminosity in V
for the primary component of 0.52 and an orbital inclination close to 88 deg.

This is a cataclysmic variable and a known X-ray source. The magnitude is
approximate. Very few details are given of the orbital solution. In particular,
no epoch is given and V0 had to be inferred from a plot of the velocity-curve.
The value of K1 is derived from measures of the emission-line wings and is also

Investigation of this star was described as a `preliminary study' by Thackeray
himself, and in view of the fairly large scatter of the observations the orbit
has been classified as d. Thackeray commented on the complexity of the
emission-line spectrum and compares the system with both beta Lyr and W Cru.
There are variations in the light with the orbital period through a range of
about 0.2m in V. Thackeray believed that the dominant cause of the variation is
ellipticity of the components, but a partial eclipse of the region producing H
emission may also be contributing. W. Strupat and C. Boehm report on some new
spectra at 12 A/mm dispersion (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 2949, 1986).

Brightest component of A.D.S. 6886: principal companion 7.2m at 10.3".

Not known before the Palomar{Green survey, this object is presumably a
cataclysmic variable and is possibly to be identified with the X-ray source
1H0832+488. The elements given are derived from measures of the bases of the
emission lines. The secondary may be a dwarf of type about K5. Epoch is
inferior conjunction of the emission-line source and the orbit was assumed

The elements obtained by Lucy & Sweeney have been preferred over those obtained
from the same observations by O. Struve (Astrophys. J., 102, 74, 1945). The
epoch given is T0. The only light curve available is one by J. Fetlaar (Bull.
Astron. Inst. Netherl., 6, 29, 1930) from which he found i=89.5 deg and a light
ratio of 0.33.

The new results by Popper supersede his own earlier work (Astron. J., 62, 29,
1957; Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 74, 129, 1962). The orbit was assumed
circular and the epoch is the time of primary minimum. The spectral type of the
secondary (cooler and less massive) star is derived from its UBV colours.
Popper gives a photometric solution in which he derives an inclination of 87.5
deg and a light-ratio at quadratures of 0.78 in V (cooler.hotter star). P.
Broglia and P. Conconi (Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 44, 87, 1973) obtain a very
similar value for the inclination but make the fractional luminosity of the
smaller star (in V) to be 0.37. B. Cester et al. (Astron. Astrophys., 61, 469,
1977), using the observations by Broglia and Conconi make the two stars nearly
equal in luminosity, which appears contrary to the spectroscopic evidence.

See note for HD 61936. Because most of the spectrograms of this object are only
weakly exposed, Gieseking describes it as a suspected binary.

Sanford reports `the two components have approximately the same brightness and
spectral type'. The star is a member of Praesepe and is A.D.S. 6915 C; A is
6.9m at 45.2".

This W UMa system has attracted much attention, partly because its membership
of Praesepe helps to clarify the evolutionary status of contact systems. The
observations by Whelan et al. supersede those by D.M. Popper (Astrophys. J.,
108, 490, 1948). New observations have been published by B.J. McLean and R.W.
Hilditch (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 203, 1, 1983) in the early development
of cross-correlation methods for measuring this kind of spectrum. They find
K1=96 km/s, K2=181 km/s. It seems to us, however, that the work of Whelan et
al. should still be preferred, because of their better coverage of the
velocity-curve, despite the potential of the newer method. The orbit was
assumed circular and the epoch is the time of primary minimum. The minimum
magnitude given in the Catalogue is an estimate from the plot of the V
light-curve by Whelan et al. They find an orbital inclination of 63 deg and
that the larger component gives 0.55 of the light of the system. Similar
results for the orbital inclination have been obtained by A. Yamasaki
(Astrophys. Space Sci., 77, 75, 1981) and R.W. Hilditch (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron.
Soc., 196, 305, 1981).

A standing reproach to spectroscopists has been removed with this publication
of the first orbital elements for one of the longest-known eclipsing binaries.
Fragmentary information about earlier observations had been available for some
time, but inconsistencies in it were pointed out almost simultaneously by E.W.
Weis (Observatory, 96, 9, 1976) and A.H. Batten (I.A.U. Symp. No. 73, p. 303,
1976). The spectral types are determined from photometric colours and
spectrophotometry by P.B. Etzel and E.C. Olson (Astron. J., 90, 504, 1985)
rather than from traditional spectral classification. The orbit was assumed
circular and the epoch is the time of primary minimum. Values of V0 were
determined separately for each component. Because the measures depend on
different lines in different spectral regions, Popper and Tomkin do not
consider the difference in V0 to be significant. A matching photometric study
by Etzel and Olson has already been cited. They derive an orbital inclination
close to 85 deg and a fractional luminosity in V for the primary star of 0.93.
(Popper and Tomkin give Delta V=1.4m). Other recent analyses (M.I. Lavrov,
Trudy Kazan Obs., 39, 42, 1973 and V.A. Caracatsanis, Astrophys. Space Sci.,
47, 375, 1977) give similar results. Popper and Tomkin claim that the secondary
has the lowest known stellar mass (0.18 MSol) derived directly from
radial-velocity observations. There is a 10.8 m companion listed in I.D.S. at
76" separation.

This object was recognized as a cataclysmic variable by N.E. Kurochkin and
S.Yu. Shugarov (Astron. Tsirk., No. 1114, 1980) and the period and epoch (time
of minimum) are taken from their paper. It is one of few cataclysmic variables
in which the spectra of both components are measurable. The magnitude given is
the approximate mean out-of-eclipse magnitude according to A. Yamasaki, A.
Okazaki and M. Kitamura (Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 35, 423, 1983). Eclipses are
about 1.5m deep in V. The variable may be associated with the X-ray source H
0850+13. The value of K for the white dwarf (upper line) is derived from
emission lines of hydrogen and helium and one absorption line of helium. The
measurable secondary lines include the G-band and lines of neutral metals.
Schlegel et al. describe the spectrum as late G or early K, although
photometric evidence might make it as late as K5. The orbit was assumed
circular and the value of V0 is only approximately known. Schlegel et al. find
a lower limit of 66 deg for the orbital inclination. A photometric study has
also been published by A.V. Baidak and S.Yu. Shugarov (Astron. Zh., 63, 123,

A.D.S. 6993, a well-known multiple system (it is at least quintuple). The
magnitude refers to the combined light. This orbit is that of the visual pair
AB (P=15.04y). Many other investigations of this star have been published.
Those particularly concerned with the radial velocities of the components are:
R.G. Aitken (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 24, 16, 1912); E. Slonin (Tashkent
Bull., No. 5, 159, 1934); A. Abrami (Trieste Contr., No. 321, 1963). Radial
velocities which confirm Adams' orbital elements have been published by A.B.
Underhill (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 12, 159, 1963). She suspected a
secondary variation with a period of 70d. Adams also discussed the visual
orbit, and found i=39.1 deg. The best visual orbit (adopted by W.S. Finsen and
C.E. Worley Republic Obs. Circ., 7, 203, 1970) is that by A. Abrami (Publ. Oss.
Trieste, No. 321, 1963). This has some differences from Adams' orbit.
High-dispersion observations have been continued at Victoria by C.D. Scarfe,
and it should be possible soon to give a definitive spectroscopic orbit of this

Another member of A.D.S. 6993 at about 3" from AB. Some spectrograms may be
contaminated by light from AB.

See note for HD 61926

See note for HD 61926. The observations also admit a period of 14.75d.

See note for HD 61926. These elements are based on a few rather weak
spectrograms and even the period is uncertain.

The orbit was assumed circular and the epoch is primary minimum. Whelan et al.
gave ranges for the elements K1, K2 and V0, 100 -- 103 km/s, 138 -- 240km/s,
and 6 to 15 km/s respectively; we have given the means. The orbital inclination
is estimated (from the light-curve also obtained by Whelan et al.) at 68 deg.
The minima are of nearly equal depth. The system is of interest because it
belongs to the very old cluster M67 and yet is very similar to TX Cnc which
belongs to the young Praesepe.

Although this star has been known to be a two-spectra binary for some time
(H.A. Abt and K.L. Moyd, Astrophys. J., 182, 809, 1973) these elements are the
first to be determined. The orbital eccentricity is insignificantly small and
the epoch is T0. The two spectra are described as very different in intensity.
Abt and Levy classify the primary spectrum as A3, A8 and F0, from the K line,
hydrogen lines and metallic lines respectively.

A newly discovered eclipsing variable that has attracted much interest. Two
independent spectroscopic orbits have been published before Andersen's: they
are by C.R. Chambliss (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 142, 113, 1969) and D.H.P.
Jones (Mon. Notes Astron. Soc. South Africa, 28, 5, 1969). Andersen's
observations of are appreciably higher dispersion than either of the other two
sets, and define beautifully all that part of the velocity curve over which the
two components can be resolved. Agreement between the three sets of
observations is not good, but this is probably because of the low dispersions
employed in the earlier work, especially by Chambliss. The orbit was assumed
circular and the epoch is primary minimum. The spectral classifications are by
Jones, and were taken over by Andersen. Photoelectric observations in yellow
and blue have been published by C.R. Chambliss (Astron. J., 72, 518, 1967) from
whose paper the magnitude at minimum has been estimated. His solution has been
rediscussed by H.G. Horak (Bull. Astron. Inst. Csl, 26, 257, 1975) and H.E.
Jorgensen (Astron. Astrophys., 44, 459, 1975) who gives i=83 deg (approx.) and
the fractional luminosity of the brighter star as 0.51 (in yellow).

A recently discovered, interesting, and massive system. Thackeray pointed out
its similarity to iota Ori and H.D. 37756. He stated that the two spectra are
clearly unequal in intensity. The system is being observed photometrically to
find out if there are any eclipses.

Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit.

The epoch is primary minimum (defined as the eclipse of the more massive star,
since the two eclipses are almost equal in depth). The orbit was assumed
circular, in accordance with the light-curve. Values of V0 derived from each
component are slightly, but not significantly, different. The star was
identified as an eclipsing and spectroscopic binary by T.D. Kinman (Mon. Notes
Astron. Soc. South Africa, 19, 62, 1960), but only with the appearance of the
paper by Bell and Malcolm has a reliable orbit become available. The paper
includes photometric observations and analysis. The orbital inclination is
found to be close to 89 deg. The less massive component gives about 0.89 of the
light of the more massive (in V). The system is believed to be in contact, or
nearly so. The period has been constant for at least 25 years.

Brighter component of A.D.S. 7114: companion 9.5m, currently at 4.5". The
companion is itself double, and a visual orbit has been computed for the pair

The elements given supersede those in an earlier note by Neubauer (Publ.
Astron. Soc. Pacific, 42, 354, 1930). The appreciable eccentricity is unusual
in a system of such short period. Neubauer also drew attention to the small
mass-function. A 7.5m companion at 2.7" is listed in I.D.S.

Orbital elements have also been published by J.L. Greenstein and A. Saha
(Astrophys. J., 304, 721, 1986), who find an appreciably lower value of K1.
This is probably because they did not resolve the secondary spectrum. Latham et
al. report that they can see it in the cross-correlation function, but they
have made no estimate of K2. Greenstein and Saha suggested that the companion
of this high-velocity subdwarf -- one of the few Population II binaries with
determined elements -- might be either a white dwarf or a subdwarf of late K or
M spectral type. The detection of its spectrum by Latham et al. points towards
the latter alternative.

Abt and Levy assumed the values of P (21.85y), T, e and omega (adjusted to the
primary component) from the most recent visual orbit by W.D. Heintz (Veroff.
Sternw. Munchen, 7, 31, 1967). They find that their velocities and those
obtained by Underhill (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 12, 159, 1963) fit the
predictions of Heintz' orbit quite well. Their value of V0 is in close
agreement with Underhill's. Their preliminary value of K1 is higher than hers:
the masses she deduced for the system were surprisingly low. The parallax is
0.074" and the inclination 134.8 deg. P. Baize (J. Observateurs, 38, 40, 1955)
gives Delta m=2.0. Three other companions are listed in I.D.S. but all at large
angular distances. The star was formerly known as 10 UMa, but it is no longer
within the boundaries of that constellation.

The magnitude at maximum has been measured photoelectrically; the value given
for the minimum is estimated from plots of the light-curve. The spectral types
are given by Andersen and Popper as G2-G5. The epoch is primary minimum (the
eclipses are almost, but not quite, equal) and the orbit is assumed circular in
agreement with the light-curve. Both components show H and K emission in their
spectra and the system is regarded as one of the RS CVn group, although the
distortion of the light-curve is very small. It is unusual, among members of
that group, in having two components that are equal in all respects, within the
observational errors. Two photoelectric light-curves have been published since
the appearance of the Seventh Catalogue. J. Andersen et al. (Astron. Astrophys.
Supp., 43, 141, 1981) have observed the binary in the uvby system and find an
orbital inclination very close to 88 deg and that the (just) more massive
component has a luminosity in y about 5 percent greater than the other. P.V.
Rao and M.B.K. Sarma (Photometric and Spectroscopic Binary Systems, p. 361,
1981) observed in the UBV system. They agree with Andersen et al. on the
inclination but make the primary component about 13 percent brighter (in V)
than the secondary. Andersen et al. discuss the age of the binary (its high
systemic velocity suggests that it is old) but they suspend judgment on the


Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit.

Listed by Abt and Snowden as an Si, Sr, Cr star. Elements for such a
long-period low amplitude binary must be regarded as provisional until they are

Andersen's observations are of higher dispersion than earlier ones by M.W.
Feast (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 114, 246, 1954). Andersen's values of K1
and K2 have been preferred over Feast's slightly smaller ones because Andersen
also carefully investigated sources of systematic error. The orbit was assumed
circular (since confirmed by the light-curve) and the epoch is T0 for the
`primary' component. (The two minima are almost equal and the spectra are
indistinguishable in type, but one is about ten percent stronger than the
other). J. Clausen and B. Gronbech (Astron. Astrophys., 58, 131, 1977) have
published uvby photometry of this system (upon which the spectral types given
in the Catalogue are based). They find an orbital inclination just under 87 deg
and assign equal visual magnitudes to the two components.

The star H.D. 77581 is the optical counterpart of the X-ray source 3U 0900 49
which, as one of the optically brightest known X-ray sources, has been much
observed. It is impossible to list all references to the study of this system.
Orbital studies include: E.J. Zuiderwijk et al. (Astron. Astrophys., 35, 353,
1975), L.O. Petro and W.A. Hiltner (Astrophys. J., 190, 661, 1974), J.B.
Hutchings (Astrophys. J., 192, 685, 1974), G. Wallerstein (Astrophys. J., 194,
451, 1974), S. Rappaport et al. (Astrophys. J., 206, L103, 1976), J.A. van
Paradijs et al. (Nature, 259, 547, 1976 and Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 30, 195,
1977) and P.E. Boynton et al. (Astrophys. J., 307, 545, 1986). The orbit of the
X-ray pulsar, depending as it does on pulse timing, is very accurately
determined (although, note that a sin i is the observed quantity and K1 the
derived). The epoch is T0. The orbit of the visible star is less well
determined, but better determined than those of the optical counterparts of
other X-ray sources. Optical values of e and omega are in reasonably good
agreement. Since the paper cited in the Catalogue gives only the elements of
the X-ray pulsar, those of the visible star have been taken from the second
reference above to van Paradijs et al., except for V0, which is not given by
them, and comes from the paper by Rappaport et al. There is as yet no evidence
for changes in omega. The epoch is the time at which the mean longitude of the
X-ray source is 90 deg (in a circular orbit, that would be the time of superior
conjunction). Van Paradijs et al. (1977) estimate minimum masses of 17 MSol
(X-ray source) and 20.5 MSol and that the orbital inclination is certainly
larger than 74 deg.

Epoch is T0. A large deviation from the velocity-curve is noticed just after
eclipse. This may be a rotation effect. R.S. Dugan found from the light-curve
(Princeton Obs. Contr., 14, 1933) that i=85.6 deg and the light-ratio is about

Three earlier investigations (N. Ichinohe, Astrophys. J., 25, 318, 1907; J.A.
Pearce and P. Riddle, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 10, 65, 1940; and O. Struve,
Astrophys. J., 99, 210, 1944) give results in good agreement with those
obtained by Aikman. The star is an Hg, Mn star.

The star is listed in the H.D. Catalogue as having a composite spectrum. It is
now considered to be an Am star. The types from the K line, hydrogen lines and
metallic lines are A5, F0 and F6II, respectively. Bretz reports no trace of the
secondary spectrum `apparent in lambda 4500 region'. Star is brighter component
of A.D.S. 7211: companion 10.3m at 57.2".

The new observations by Beavers and Salzer, revealing the presence of both
spectra, supersede those of R.F. Sanford (Astrophys. J., 55, 30, 1922) on which
the previously known single-spectrum orbit was based. The new value of K1 is
somewhat larger than Sanford's -- a clear indication that he was measuring
blended spectra. Beavers and Salzer find the magnitude difference of the two
components (in blue) to be 1.0m (from the relative strengths of the dips in the
radial-velocity traces) and they estimate that the individual spectral types
are G2 and G6 to K0.

Epoch is T0. Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit. A 6.2m companion at
approximately 0.1" is listed in I.D.S.

Abt and Levy use the observations obtained by R.K. Young (Publ. Dom. Astrophys.
Obs., 2, 205, 1923) as well as their own to obtain these elements which are
closely similar to those obtained by Young. Both Luyten and Lucy & Sweeney
accept the reality of the orbital eccentricity. A companion at 49" is listed in

These elements are described as preliminary by Griffin and Griffin themselves,
primarily because of the limited number of observations at the node at which
the velocities of the two components differ by relatively little. Nevertheless
the elements of the spectroscopic orbit are in reasonable agreement with those
it has in common with the interferometric orbit (W.S. Finsen, Republic Obs.
Circ., 7, 116, 1966). The system has also been observed by speckle
interferometry (e.g. H. McAlister Astrophys. J. Supp., 43, 549, 1980) and, as
the Griffins point out, the prospects of eventually obtaining very accurate
values for the masses of the components are high. Finsen estimated Delta m=0;
judging from the radial-velocity traces, there is a small difference in
magnitude. The orbital inclination is close to 55 deg. In I.D.S., two faint
companions to the close pair are listed; one is 13.2m at 35.4" and the other
(probably optical) is 10.6m at 222".

This star was formerly known as 21 Hya. After the discovery that its light
varies, the star received the designation KW Hya. In some catalogues, however,
it was erroneously listed as KM Hya and appears under that name in the paper by
Andersen and Vaz. These authors later drew attention to the error themselves
(Astron. Astrophys., 175, 355, 1987). The new observations supersede the orbit
formerly determined by M.-T. Chauville (Astron. Astrophys., 40, 207, 1975).
There is general agreement that the primary spectrum is an Am spectrum. Curchod
and Hauck give A5, A7 and A9 from the K line, hydrogen lines and metallic lines
respectively, but Andersen and Vaz favour slightly earlier types. They do not
give a precise classification for the secondary spectrum, which is certainly
later than the primary. The epoch is the time of primary minimum. The orbital
eccentricity and time of periastron derived from the velocity-curve are in good
agreement with the same quantities derived from the light-curve. The latter
values are given in the Catalogue, and the other elements were derived with
those quantities fixed. Andersen and Vaz have found an appreciably larger value
for K2 than did Chauville. The value given for V0 is that appropriate to the
primary component. The small difference in the two values of V0 is probably not
significant. Analysis of the light-curve leads to an orbital inclination close
to 88 deg and a difference of visual magnitude, between the components, of
1.44m. Andersen and Vaz find it difficult to determine a unique evolutionary
state for the two components of this system.

These results confirm those obtained by H.D. Curtis (Lick Obs. Bull., 4, 153,
1907). Both sets of elements were obtained from graphical solutions.

The minimum magnitude given is an estimate from the plot of the light-curve.
The spectral classification of the primary is in disagreement with an earlier
published one of A4. That of the invisible secondary is an estimate based on
the photometric data. The epoch is the time of primary minimum and the orbit
was assumed circular, in accordance with the light-curve. The orbital
inclination is found to be 88 deg or 89 deg. The fractional luminosity of the
primary component (in V) is 0.98. Although the system is of short period, the
two stars are believed not to be in contact.

Elements regarded as provisional by Harper. Later (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs.,
6, 225, 1935) he revised P to 15.990d and T to J.D. 2,420,750.851.

Some of these spectra had earlier been used by J. Lunt to determine orbital
elements which were not published. In I.D.S. an 11.0m companion is listed at

The orbit was assumed circular after an elliptical solution showed no great
improvement in the representation of the observations. The epoch is T0. The
star is probably a giant. There is an unusually large scatter (for
photoelectric measures) of observations near the ascending node in phase.

The orbit was assumed circular and the epoch is T0. The star is the brighter
component of A.D.S. 7348 A. The companion is 8.5m at 1.4".

Although the elements were determined by a graphical method, their values seem
to be fairly well established. W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (Mon. Not. Roy.
Astron. Soc., 121, 263, 1960) obtained five new spectrograms, and suggest the
following modifications to the elements: P=116.776d, T=J.D. 2,416,456.66 and
omega=92.60 deg.

The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is T0. The elements given are
derived from the base of the He II emission lines. Somewhat different values
(even for the period) are derived from the peak. Cowley et al. estimate that
the secondary star is a G-type giant of approximately solar mass.

The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is T0. The spectroscopic
observations are few and heterogeneous, and were not made by Raveendran et al.
The period is derived photometrically and the star probably belongs to the RS
CVn group.

This is a W-type W UMa system that has not previously been observed
spectroscopically. The epoch is the time of primary minimum as given by B.B.
Bookmyer and D.R. Faulkner (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 90, 307, 1978).
However, King and Hilditch found it necessary to add 0.05m to the phases of
their observations to bring them into agreement with the light-curve, which
indicates that the period has changed in the intervening years. The velocities
were determined by cross-correlation from Reticon observations. No solution of
the light-curve appears to be available.

Coverage of the velocity curve is very sketchy, but P (116.85y), T, e and omega
are assumed from the visual orbit by P. Muller (Bull. Astron. Paris, 21, 131,
1957) for which i=64.5 deg. The system is A.D.S. 7390.

Both components have Am spectra classed as A1 from the ratio of Ca to H lines,
and F0 from the metallic lines. There must be some difference in temperature
between the stars, however, since Heard and Hurkens found Delta m=0.38 from the
Fe I lines, and Delta m=0.23 from the Fe II lines. The secondary star is thus
the hotter. The other point of interest about the system is that it has largest
minimum masses of any known system containing Am stars.

Orbital elements have also been published by A.H. Joy (Astrophys. J., 64, 287,
1926). Joy thought he could detect the secondary spectrum, but Popper could
detect only its effect on the wings of the lines of the primary component's
spectrum. The value of V0 is uncertain because of uncertainty about the
wave-lengths to adopt. Epoch is T0 computed from Popper's time of minimum. The
magnitude of 6.28 at maximum is given by Popper on the V-scale. The range is
estimated from his light-curve. The spectral type of the secondary star is an
approximate estimate from the photometric data. A.R. Hogg and P.W.A. Bowe (Mon.
Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 110, 373, 1949) found from their photoelectric
light-curve that i=70.1 deg and the light-ratio is approximately 0.3. Quite
similar results were obtained from the same photometric observations by G.
Russo et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 47, 211, 1982) who pointed out,
however, that the radii derived are larger than for main-sequence stars. They
suggest that new spectroscopic observations are needed. The system is an X-ray
source (R.G. Cruddace and A.K. Dupree, Astrophys. J., 277, 263, 1984).

Griffin suggests that the spectrum is probably K2 III (consistent with the
observed colours).

Brightest component of A.D.S. 7438: B is 8.0m at 24.7". Component C, 8.7m at
117.8", does not share the proper motion of A. Epoch is T0.

Reference: R.J.Northcott, Private Comm.,,, 1965

Griffin believes the star to be a giant (there is no known luminosity
classification) and suggests that the invisible secondary spectrum is that of
an F or G dwarf.

The spectrum has also been classified as A2 (G. Hill et al., Mem. Roy. Astron.
Soc., 75, 131, 1975). The epoch is T0 and the orbit was assumed circular -- as
it is now demonstrated to be by the light-curve. Early attempts to analyze the
light-curve ran into difficulties (R.E. Wilson, Astron. J., 70, 368, 1965).
Solutions could be obtained only by postulating an extended atmosphere or third
light. P. Broglia and P. Conconi (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 27, 285, 1977 --
the magnitudes in the Catalogue were taken from this paper) were able to solve
their new BV light-curves by the Wilson-Devinney method without the help of
such hypotheses. They find that the secondary (probably of mid-G spectral type)
fills its Roche lobe, that the orbital inclination is close to 84 deg and the
fractional luminosity (in V) of the primary star is about 0.94. These results
were confirmed by F. Mardirossian et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 27, 285,

Epoch is T0 : orbit assumed circular. Four-colour photoelectric observations by
H.L. Johnson (Astrophys. J., 131, 127, 1960) yield i=85.17 deg, Delta m=4.85.
Magnitudes given in catalogue are based on Johnson's V observations. A new
study of Johnson's infrared light-curve by G. Giuricin, F. Mardirossian and F.
Predolin (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1786, 1980) does not significantly change
these results.


Epoch is T0. Eccentricity is less than 0.02 and was assumed to be zero. Very
similar values for the elements were published by W. Zurhellen (Astron. Nachr.,
173, 353, 1907). Plummer emphasizes the difficulties of measurement arising
from the superposition of two spectra (the composite nature of the spectrum is
the result of the blending of the spectra of the spectroscopic-binary
components). The close agreement between Plummer's results and Zurhellen's,
however, suggests that the elements are reasonably well determined. New
observations by S.B. Parsons (Astrophys. J. Supp., 53, 553, 1983) confirm these
elements and justify the b rating. Parsons points out that the values of K1 and
K2 were ascribed the wrong way around in the Seventh Catalogue. As is to be
expected, the A-type star has the larger amplitude. He also gives T0 0.21d
earlier. Star is brighter member of A.D.S. 7480: this pair, however, appears to
be optical.

Earlier spectroscopic observations have been published by W.S. Adams and A.H.
Joy (Astrophys. J., 49, 189, 1919), O. Struve and H.G. Horak (Astrophys. J.,
112, 178, 1950), D.M. Popper (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 62, 115, 1950), L.
Binnendijk (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 13, 27, 1967) and S.P. Worden and
J.A.J. Whelan (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 163, 391, 1973). It is difficult to
choose between the last of these and McLean's results. On the one hand,
McLean's observations are of higher dispersion; on the other, as he himself
points out, Worden and Whelan made more observations at higher time-resolution.
The differences are not great. That in V0, if significant, is probably only a
systematic error. The two values of K2 are nearly identical. McLean's somewhat
lower value of K1 brings his determination of the mass-ratio somewhat closer to
the photometric values; his elements have been preferred largely on this
account. The orbit is assumed circular, in accord with the light-curve, and the
epoch is the time of eclipse of the less massive component as deduced from the
phases given by McLean. There is some evidence of variable emission in the K
line. As already mentioned, synthetic light-curves (S. Mochnacki Bull. Am.
Astron. Soc., 4, 339, 1972, J.B. Hutchings and G. Hill Astrophys. J., 179, 539,
1973) lead to a lower mass-ratio than is found spectroscopically. This is
further confirmed by R.W. Hilditch (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 196, 305,
1981). A full discussion of the difficulties of analyzing the light-curve of
this system has been published by A.P. Linnell (Astrophys. J., 316, 305, 1987),
who criticizes the hypothesis of starspots as an explanation of some features
of the light-curves. There seems general agreement that the orbital inclination
is somewhat in excess of 80 deg, although lower values have been published
(P.G. Niarchos, Astrophys. Space Sci., 58, 301, 1978, S.R. Jabbar and Z. Kopal,
ibid., 92, 99, 1983). Hutchings and Hill ascribe 0.59 of the total light to the
primary component. The system is the brighter member of A.D.S. 7494: the
companion, probably optical, is 13.1m at 7.0". Worden and Whelan found that
BD+55 1351 has the same radial velocity as the centre of mass of W UMa, while
O.J. Eggen (Mem. Roy. Astron. Soc., 70, 117, 1967) has suggested that these two
stars share a common proper motion. The system is an X-ray source (R.G.
Cruddace and A.K. Dupree, Astrophys. J., 277, 263, 1984).

The minimum magnitude is estimated from a plot of the light-curve by A. Okazaki
(Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 29, 289, 1977). The spectrum may be as late as A3
(G. Hill et al., Mem. Roy. Astron. Soc., 71, 131, 1975). Epoch is T0 and the
orbit was assumed circular. Okazaki obtained eleven coude spectrograms, but he
did not publish new elements, noting that his measures of radial velocity
agreed with Struve's velocity curve. (Therefore, we have upgraded the quality
from e to d). Okazaki estimates that the secondary spectrum is about G5 and
finds that the system is not an undermassive `R CMa' system. His light-curve
yields an inclination of 86 deg and a fractional luminosity (in V) for the
primary of 0.87. Similar results were obtained from the same observations by B.
Cester et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 36, 273, 1979).

Although this star has been known for a long time to have a variable velocity
(J.S. Plaskett et al., Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 1, 163, 1920), this is the
first set of orbital elements published for it. The epoch is T0 for the primary
component and the orbit was assumed to be circular. The star is a visual binary
(Kui 44); the separation of the two components is about 0.4" and has apparently
remained unchanged for forty years. One component is the two-spectra binary and
the other is a delta Sct variable. The V magnitude of the entire system varies
by about 0.2m. According to Fekel and Bopp all three components are of the same
spectral type (A8 IV) and of nearly equal luminosity. The members of the close
pair may show some marginal Am characteristics in their spectra. The coverage
of the velocity curve is not complete, and this accounts for the relatively low
grade assigned to the elements.

The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is T0. Carquillat et al. estimate
that the invisible secondary spectrum is at least as late as K1 and that the
orbital inclination is greater than 27 deg. These elements have been in a large
measure confirmed by D.W. Latham et al. (Astron. J., 96, 567, 1988).

Preliminary results were published by Popper (Astrophys. J., 109, 100, 1949).
Binary nature of star was discovered by Shajn (Pulkovo Obs. Circ., No. 2,
1932). Elliptical elements were also derived in the paper by Popper and Shajn,
and e was found to be 0.014. Epoch is T0. Popper states that his contribution
to the paper was limited to supplying Shajn with the Yerkes spectrograms.

This is a system of the U Gem type and the motion of the white-dwarf component
can be determined only from measures of the H-alpha emission. The orbit is
assumed circular and the epoch is the time of inferior conjunction of the
emission-line source. Coverage of the velocity-curve is good, but the scatter
of individual observations is large. No absolute value is given for the
systemic velocity.

Luyten's recomputation is preferred to the orbital elements derived by H.S.
Jones, from these same observations (Cape Annals, 10, pt. 8, 53, 1938), because
Jones had to fix T. Epoch given is T0.

Despite the appreciable orbital eccentricity, the epoch is the time of primary
minimum. The values of e and omega were fixed at those obtained from the
light-curve. The system displays apsidal motion with a period of 354 years. The
orbital inclination is found to be nearly 36 deg, and the stars are estimated
to differ by 0.3m in V.

The new elements supersede the original orbit by W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 3, 194, 1925) and the later one by Abt and Levy (Astrophys. J.
Supp., 30, 273, 1976) primarily because Batten and Morbey succeeded in
measuring the secondary spectrum. Although the new elements of the primary
differ little from those derived by Abt and Levy, the new observations made it
possible to reconcile all available observations on one period. A circular
orbit was adopted, after consideration of both circular and elliptical
solutions, and the epoch is T0. Batten and Morbey estimated from
spectrophotometry that Delta V=0.92m and that the secondary spectrum is
approximately G0. These results are consistent with the small trigonometrical
parallax of 0.038".

The magnitude may be slightly variable and there are discordant spectral (and
luminosity) classifications in the literature. In particular, O.J. Eggen
(Astrophys. J. Supp., 55, 597, 1984) gives B9 III. The orbital elements are
derived from a heterogeneous set of observations and slightly different values
can be found for each element (including the period) for different selections
of the observations to be used. In particular, because of differences between
observatories, the value of V0 is highly uncertain.

This RS CVn binary (not yet known to eclipse) was recognized as a
single-spectrum binary by C.T. Bolton et al. (Astron. J., 86, 1267, 1981) who
derived orbital elements and found a discrepancy between their photometry of
the system and the trigonometric parallax. Barden showed that the spectrum
exhibits three sets of lines although there is, as yet, no orbit for the third
body. The presence of the third body can account for discrepancy found by
Bolton et al. The orbit was assumed circular and the epoch is T0 for the
primary as determined by Bolton et al. There is some evidence of a small phase
difference between the two sets of observations. Barden gives the spectral type
of the secondary as `late K or M0 dwarf' and the third component is similar.

See note for HD 61926.

Two recent studies supersede that by O. Struve and V. Zebergs (Astrophys. J.,
130, 137, 1959). The other is by B.J. Hrivnak et al. (Astrophys. J., 285, 683,
1984). This and Barden's study are of similar quality. The sums of K1 and K2
from the two investigations are nearly similar, but the mass-ratio is
different, and the work of Hrivnak et al. may have been affected by the lines
of the spectra of the companion (see note XY Leo B). The epoch is T0 and the
orbit was assumed circular. The minimum magnitude given is an estimate based on
the eclipse depth. Four recent photometric analyses (B. Hrivnak, Astrophys. J.,
290, 696, 1985, J. Kaluzny and G. Pojmanski, Acta Astron., 33, 277, 1983, R.W.
Hilditch, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 196, 305, 1981 and R.H. Koch and C.R.
Shanus, Astron. J., 83, 1452, 1978) agree on an orbital inclination around 67
deg. The last named also give Delta V=0.2m. All these results, however, were
obtained before the discovery of the companion which is the subject of the next
note. Spectral types assigned to this system and the next must necessarily be
imprecise. The system is an X-ray source (R.G. Cruddace and A.K. Dupree,
Astrophys. J., 277, 263, 1984).

The contact binary XY Leo has long been known to display period changes that
were apparently themselves periodic. A third body has often been suspected, but
never detected until Barden found the lines of two other spectra in the
combined light of the system and derived orbital elements for another
short-period pair. The presumption is therefore strong that these two pairs are
revolving around their common centre of mass in about 20 years. Emission
features at H-alpha and H and K are ascribed by Barden to this second binary
which he believes to be of the BY Dra type. The orbit is assumed circular and
the epoch is the time of superior conjunction of the primary component. Barden
gives no direct estimate of the magnitude of the companion, which is not seen
separately from the contact binary and the spectral types are estimates based
on masses derived from an assumed orbital inclination (31 deg) for the new
pair. Barden believes the orbits in the quadruple system are not coplanar.

See note for HD 61926. A shorter period is also possible. An 11.5m companion at
9.1" is listed in I.D.S.

The observations are few and define only the nodes of the velocity-curves. The
epoch is the time of primary minimum and the orbit is assumed circular. Since
McLean and Hilditch were not explicit about the ephemeris used, we have adopted
that given by G. Hill (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 15, 297, 1979). He found an
orbital inclination close to 80 deg and that the primary gives about five times
as much light as the secondary.

See note for HD 61926. Other periods are still possible. Two companions are
listed in I.D.S.: 13.8m at 16.6" and 10.2m at 22.4"

The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is the time of inferior conjunction
of the emission-line source. The period is uncertain, a value of 0.525d is
still possible. The primary spectrum shows only emission lines of hydrogen,
helium and ionized calcium. There are absorption lines that appear to come from
the secondary spectrum and correspond to K2 approx 70 km/s. Thorstensen
estimates that the secondary component has a K or very early M spectral type
and contributes about 30 percent of the light at lambda 5893. The system is a
weak X-ray source.

See note for HD 61926. Other periods are possible.

This is another system of the U Gem type, which was shown to be an eclipsing
variable with one of the shortest known periods by N. Vogt (I.A.U. Circ., No.
3357, 1979). The epoch is the time of primary minimum and the orbit was assumed
circular. The only features in the spectrum are double emission peaks, of
hydrogen and helium, flanking a central absorption. The value given for K1 is
an approximate mean of that derived from each set of peaks and the absorptions
separately. The value of V0 is approximately that derived from the central
absorption. H. Ritter (Astron. Astrophys., 85, 362, 1980) derives an orbital
inclination of 76 deg from the light-curve. N. Vogt et al. (Astron. Astrophys.,
94, L29, 1981) also discuss the light-curve.

The velocity variation is probably well established, but the scatter of
individual observations is an appreciable fraction of the total range.

Brightest component of A.D.S. 7671: B is 13.3m at 56.4", C is 11.5m at 112.2".
Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit.

The recomputation by Lucy & Sweeney is preferred over the original solution by
A. Gilardini (Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 22, 33, 1952) partly because that
publication is not available at Victoria. A. Krancj (Publ. Bologna Univ. Obs.,
7, No. 11, 1959) also computed elements based on these observations. The epoch
is T0. The standard deviation of a single observation, as computed by Lucy &
Sweeney, is fairly large, and the d quality is assigned on that basis.

The binary nature of this star was discovered by G. Shajn and V. Albitzky (Mon.
Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 92, 771, 1932), but these are the first orbital
elements to be determined

This is another eclipsing cataclysmic variable. The only measurable features in
the spectrum are emission lines and the velocities are derived from
measurements of the base of the H-gamma  emission. The orbit was assumed
circular and the epoch is the time of primary minimum. The value given for V0
is an estimate. Penning et al. also estimate that the orbital inclination is
about 79 deg. The system is very similar to that of UX UMa.

No spectral type is given for this nova-like variable. The spectrum shows very
broad absorptions of hydrogen, helium and ionized calcium and weak emission of
the first and last elements. The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is T0.
Individual measurements are very uncertain, as is the period. Even the binary
nature of the object is not beyond doubt.

Epoch is T0. Narrow emission lines are observed in the H and K lines. Lucy &
Sweeney adopt a circular orbit.

The old observations by R.H. Baker (Publ. Allegheny Obs., 2, 29, 1910) and F.
Schlesinger (ibid., 139, 1912) are superseded by two modern high-dispersion
sets of observations. The one not used in the Catalogue is by L. Oetken and R.
Orwert (Astron. Nachr., 294, 261, 1972). These two modern determinations agree
quite well. They both lead to a higher K1 and a lower e than Schlesinger found.
Oetken and Orwert find a smaller K2 (60.5) than does Nariai. Neither of the
modern sets of observations covers well the node of the orbit at which the
spectral lines of the two components are more widely separated. The spectrum is
classified as of the Hg, Mn type.

Although the observations are at fairly high dispersion, the standard deviation
of a single observation, as given by Popper, is fairly large and this has led
to the d classification. The orbit was assumed circular and the epoch is the
time of primary minimum. The H.D. spectral type is F5 but Popper estimates
spectral types of F3 or F4. Photometry lends some support to the H.D.
classification. K. Gyldenkerne et al. (Astron. Astrophys., 42, 303, 1975) have
published uvby light-curves of the system. They have some difficulty in
reaching a definitive solution for orbital elements, and a range of values is
possible. The orbital inclination is about 85.1 deg and the brighter component
contributes between 0.5 and 0.6 of the total light. The colours of the two
stars are similar. There appear to be no UBV measures of the star: the depth of
eclipse in y is about 0.54m. G. Giuricin et al. (Astron. Astrophys., 85, 259,
1980) re-examined the observations made by Gyldenkerne et al. and also
encountered difficulties because it is not possible, from the light-curve
alone, to decide whether primary eclipse is a transit or occultation. Their
conclusions are similar to those of Gyldenkerne et al.

The colour-index of the star is inconsistent with the G0 classification, unless
the star is a supergiant -- which appears unlikely. Radford and Griffin suggest
it may be a late-type giant. The epoch is T0.

Although there is no luminosity classification of the spectrum available,
Griffin believes the star to be a giant.

The values of P, e, omega are adopted by Underhill from an unpublished visual
orbit by G. van Biesbroeck. No value is quoted for T but it must be close to
J.D. 2,437,000. The quality class refers only to the spectroscopic elements.
There is some evidence for a secondary variation in the velocities. P. Baize
(J. Observateurs, 33, 125, 1950 gives P=37.9y, T=1917.0, omega=42 deg, e=0.61,
a=0.39" and i=82 deg). Recently, W.D. Heintz (Comm. 26, I.A.U. Circ. d'Inf.,
No. 84, 1981) slightly revised these elements. Observations are being continued
and new solutions should probably make use of Baize's or Heintz' orbital
elements although C.D. Scarfe (Astrophys. Space Sci., 11, 112, 1971) has shown
that at present there is very little difference in the velocities predicted by
them and by van Biesbroeck. The system is A.D.S. 7780. Assuming a parallax of
0.02", Underhill finds masses of 2.10 MSol and 0.54 MSol.

This is listed by Abt and Snowden as a Cr, Sr star. The observations show very
little variation in velocity, no velocities having been obtained near the
predicted sharp peak of the curve. In view of the long period proposed
(12,658.4d), the reality of the velocity variation should be confirmed.

These new observations supersede the earlier results published by V.S. Niemela
(Astrophys. Space Sci., 45, 191, 1976 and I.A.U. Symp. No. 88, p. 177, 1980).
The upper line of the Catalogue gives elements derived from the emission lines
of N V, and the lower those from the absorption (O-type) spectrum. Values of
both K and V0, derived from other emission lines, are different. The epoch is
the time of periastron passage, but the orbits probably should be regarded as
circular. The light of the system varies by a few hundredths of a magnitude,
with the orbital period. Niemela and Moffat suggest that the variation is
caused by the electron-scattering envelope of the W-R star passing in front of
the O-type star and, on that hypothesis, deduce an orbital inclination between
46 deg and 61 deg.

The new paper by Hilditch and Lloyd-Evans contains no new spectroscopic
observations that were not in the earlier paper (T. Lloyd-Evans, Mon. Not. Roy.
Astron. Soc., 161, 15, 1973). It does contain a new discussion, however and a
light-curve and photometric analysis. Hilditch and Lloyd-Evans adopt a circular
orbit after some discussion, despite a small apparent displacement of primary
minimum. The epoch appears to be an estimated time of primary minimum. Analysis
of the light-curve leads to an orbital inclination of about 62 deg and a
difference in visual magnitudes of the two components of 0.3m. The stars are
nearly in contact and the system belongs to the cluster I.C. 2581.

The magnitudes given are the extreme values measured by B.F. Madore (Astrophys.
J. Supp., 29, 219, 1975). The star is a Cepheid variable which is also a member
of a binary system. The orbital elements are described as `tentative' by
Coulson himself. The secondary spectrum is not visible. Coulson believes its
type to be between B5 and A5, if the star is on the main-sequence, and A, if
the star is a giant.

This is a double-mode Cepheid that is also a member of a binary system. The
observations show a large scatter because the effects of pulsation have not
been entirely removed. Theoretical models of double-mode Cepheids suggest a
mass of 17 MSol for the primary; evolutionary models suggest 5.0 MSol. The
corresponding values obtained for the secondary, from the mass function, are
0.6 MSol and 1.2 MSol. The secondary is probably a main-sequence star of

The elements obtained by Chamberlin and McNamara are in good agreement with
those obtained by O.C. Mohler (Astron. J., 45, 40, 1936) except for K1 for
which Mohler found 55.4 km/s. Lucy & Sweeney accept the reality of the orbital
eccentricity. Light-curves in B and V have been obtained by J.B. Srivastava and
C.D. Kandpal (Bull. Astron. Inst. Csl, 19, 381, 1968). Solution is difficult
since primary eclipse is less than 0.1m deep in both colours, the scatter of
observations is large and the fainter component of the visual binary (the
system is A.D.S. 7837) is 8.5m at 2.4" separation and interferes with the
photometry. They derive an orbital inclination of 66.8 deg and a fractional
luminosity of the brighter member of the eclipsing pair of about 0.9.

The epoch is T0. The F6 V classification is offered as a tentative one.
Although the systemic velocity indicates that this might be a Population II
star, Gorza notes that there is not apparently anything unusual about its metal
abundance. P.S. Goraya and T.D. Padalia (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 2542, 1984)
find the light of the star to be slightly variable and believe the hydrogen
lines to be filled in by emission. The star is the brighter component of A.D.S.
7855, companion 11.0m at 4.4".

The new elements supersede those determined by W.H. Christie (Astrophys. J.,
80, 181, 1934) and remove the grounds he had for postulating a secondary
variation with a period of about 220 days. In general, the new observations
confirm Christie's work, but lead to reduced values of K1 and e. The primary
component is probably a giant.

See note for HD 61926.

An earlier spectroscopic study was published by S. Gaposchkin (Astrophys. J.,
104, 370, 1946) whose values of K1 and K2 were unreliable because his
observations did not cover the nodes. Popper's observations, on the other hand,
were concentrated at the nodes. He assumed a circular orbit and the epoch is
T0. The out-of-eclipse magnitude is from R.W. Hilditch and G. Hill (Mem. Roy.
Astron. Soc., 79, 101, 1975) and the minimum magnitude is estimated from this
on the assumption that the depths of the nearly equal eclipses are about 0.7m.
The secondary spectrum may be slightly later in type. Several discussions of
photometric observations have been published since the Seventh Catalogue (T.B.
Horak, Bull. Astron. Inst. Csl, 26, 257, 1975, B. Cester et al., Astron.
Astrophys. Supp., 32, 351, 1978, and G. Giuricin et al., Astron. Nachr., 304,
37, 1983). There seems agreement that the orbital inclination is close to 83
deg and that the two stars are nearly equal in luminosity. The last-named
authors, however, identify the primary eclipse as an occultation -- which
complicates the picture of the system.

New observations by Evans have led to an improvement over his earlier work
(Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 116, 537, 1956) and the orbital elements obtained
by R.F. Sanford (Lick Obs. Bull., 9, 181, 1918). The system is a triple one in
which the brighter component of the visual binary of period 16.30y is a
spectroscopic binary with the ten-day period. The magnitude given is for the
combined light of all components. The epoch is T0. The value of K2 is taken
from Evans' earlier work. The spectrum of the visual secondary cannot be
clearly detected, but it is believed to be A6 V and the star appears to be
sub-luminous. Although O.J. Eggen (Mon. Notes Astron. Soc. South Africa, 18,
15, 1959) questioned this conclusion when it was first published, further study
appears to confirm it. Evans proposes absolute visual magnitudes of 2.15, 2.70
and 2.14 for the two spectroscopic components and the visual secondary
respectively. Inclination of the visual orbit is 129.4 deg and he derives
masses of 2.13 MSol, 1.81 MSol and 2.41 MSol for the three stars.

Although the star is classified as G5p in the H.D. Catalogue, Ginestet et al.
consider the F8 V classification to be preferable. The observations are from
several observatories.

See note for HD 61926. The period is fixed by the observation of shallow
eclipses (J. Kordylewska and R. Szafraniec, Eclipsing Bin. Circ. Cracow, No.
39, 1960). Perhaps the star is only an ellipsoidal variable.

See note for HD 61926. A shorter period near 1.2d is possible.

Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit.

See note for HD 61936. The spectrum displays shell features and one set of
observations shows no significant velocity variation at all. The binary nature
of this object is questionable.

The new results have superseded those previously published by V.S. Niemela
(Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 85, 220, 1973) having shown them to be based on an
incorrect value of the period. Values of V0 and, to a lesser extent, of K1 are
dependent on the lines chosen for measurement. The elements given in the
Catalogue are derived from what Conti et al. term the `Group 1' emission lines
(narrow emissions of Si IV, N IV and N III). Some absorption features which may
be part of the secondary spectrum have been detected and measured. If these
features do indeed originate in the secondary component, K2 approx 2*K1 and the
W-R component is the more massive.

The orbit was assumed circular, in agreement with the light-curve, and the
epoch is the time of primary minimum. Since, however, the two minima are equal
in depth (within the accuracy of existing observations) the term `primary' is
somewhat arbitrary, but the time given is that of the eclipse of the apparently
more massive star. The eclipsing nature of the system was discovered by E.
Hertzsprung (Bull. Astron. Inst. Netherl., 2, 165, 1924). Photographic
light-curves were also published by E. v.d. Hoven van Genderen (Bull. Astron.
Inst. Netherl., 9, No. 339, 1939) and S. Gaposchkin (Ann. Harv. Coll. Obs.,
113, 69, 1953). No solution appears to have been made nor has a photoelectric
light-curve been published. The secondary is of slightly later spectral type
than the primary. The star is a member of the open cluster Collinder 228.

These orbital elements are described as `approximate' by Walborn himself and
should certainly be confirmed. The star is a member (possibly a blue straggler,
see O.J. Eggen, Astrophys. J., 173, 63, 1972) of the cluster I.C. 2602. Walborn
suggests its spectroscopic peculiarities may be related to its binary nature.

The new observations by Swensen and McNamara agree with other recent
observations by M. Grewing and T. Herczeg (Z. Astrophys., 64, 256, 1966) and
older ones by W.A. Hiltner (Astrophys. J., 101, 108, 1945) in ruling out the
large eccentricity found by J.A. Pearce (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 52, 287,
1940). The smaller eccentricity is in accord with the photometric evidence,
although coincidentally Pearce found a period of apsidal motion not in conflict
with the variations in times of minima. The observations show a large scatter,
and some systematic departures from a Keplerian velocity curve. These facts may
explain the large values found for the eccentricity by Pearce and they prevent
a definitive determination of the orbital elements by any of the investigators
cited. There is also an appreciable rotation effect. Pearce also measured
features that he identified as the secondary spectrum and derived a mass-ratio
of about 0.3. D.M. Popper (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 74, 129, 1962) believes
that the D lines and H-alpha are double. The secondary spectrum is visible
during primary eclipse. There is some possibility of variation in V0. The epoch
is the time of primary minimum. Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit. R.H.
Koch (Astron. J., 66, 230, 1961) described the difficulties he encountered in
solving his precise BV light-curves, and several other investigators have since
attempted to improve his solutions (e.g. B. Cester et al., Astron. Astrophys.,
61, 469, 1977, who derived spectral types of B5 V and F9 III, V.A.
Caracatsanis, Astrophys. Space Sci., 47, 375, 1977 and E.F. Guinan, Contr.
Villanova Univ. Obs., No. 1, 1975). A completely new light-curve (in b and y)
has been published by K. Oh and K. Chen (Astron. J., 89, 126, 1984). All
investigators agree on an orbital inclination around 81 deg or 82 deg, but
estimates of the fractional luminosity (in V) of the primary component range
from 0.8 to 0.96.

Epoch is T0.

The star is a member of the cluster Trumpler 16 in the Carina nebula. The
orbital elements of the primary component are reasonably well determined, but
those of the secondary are relatively uncertain. The system is certainly
massive but since eclipses appear to be unlikely it is hard to know exactly how
massive the components are. A 9.2m companion at 18.7" is listed in I.D.S.

The orbit is assumed circular, in accordance with the light-curve, and the
epoch is the time of primary minimum. The system contains two single-lined
spectroscopic binaries which are believed to revolve about their common centre
of mass in about 25 years. Probably all members of the system are early-type
stars and Leung et al. estimate the total mass of the system to be 90 MSol.
Approximate orbital elements for the second close binary were derived by N.D.
Morrison and P.S. Conti as follows: P=21.72d, T (inferior conjunction of
brighter star)=J.D. 2,443,532.72, omega=126 deg, e=0.34, K1=48 km/s and V0=8
km/s. The observations by Leung et al. appear to confirm these elements. For
the eclipsing pair, Leung et al. find an orbital inclination of 86 deg, and
that the primary of that pair gives about three times as much light as the
secondary. The whole multiple system is believed to belong to the cluster
Collinder 228.

This star is in the H II region associated with eta Car. Although the scatter
of the observations is fairly large, the coverage of the velocity curve of the
primary is good. On the other hand, the secondary spectrum is seen on only a
few plates and both its spectral type and the value of K2 are relatively
uncertain. There may be some interference from gaseous streams, but it is not
considered to be serious by Thackeray and Emerson. Eclipses are unlikely.

The two stars in this system are closely similar and apparently evolved. The
epoch is the time of primary minimum. H.E. Jorgensen and K. Gyldenkerne
(Astron. Astrophys., 44, 343, 1975) published uvby observations of the
light-curve, but had difficulty deciding which minimum was produced by an
occultation. G. Giuricin et al. (Astron. Astrophys., 85, 259, 1980) find that
primary minimum is an occultation, which leads them to adopt an orbital
inclination close to 83 deg and a fractional luminosity (in y) for the brighter
star of 0.65.

The Durchmusterung number is from the C.P.D. No precise spectral classification
is given for this star, but its spectrum is said to resemble that of upsilon
Sgr and, like the latter, it is a hydrogen-deficient star. The elements,
including the period, are all provisional. The orbit is assumed circular and
the epoch is the time of inferior conjunction of the primary star. Variations
in light of the order of 0.1m in V, believed to be caused by radial pulsation,
are discussed by P.W. Hill et al. (I.A.U. Colloq. No. 87, p. 245, 1986).
Although the orbital period is uncertain, any value permitted by the
observations gives this system the shortest known period for a
hydrogen-deficient system.

Rather surprisingly, no elements were published for this bright Am binary until
preliminary elements were determined by T.F. Worek, W.R. Beardsley and M.W.
King (Astron. J., 74, 375, 1969). Later H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy (Astrophys. J.
Supp., 59, 229, 1985) published elements having apparently overlooked the
earlier work, which they did not cite. They give spectral types of A2, A8 and
F0 from the K line hydrogen lines and metallic lines respectively. There are
few grounds for choosing between the elements given by Abt and Levy and the
revised Allegheny values given in the Catalogue. The close agreement between
the two sets merits the b classification. Worek et al. are probably correct in
assuming a circular orbit (the epoch is T0). They estimate that the invisible
secondary component is a K5 star. The star is the brightest component of A.D.S.
7942: companions are 11.5m at 27.3" and another faint star at 233".

The magnitude given is on the v scale and is taken from L.F. Smith (Mon. Not.
Roy. Astron. Soc., 138, 109, 1968). The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch
is the time of superior conjunction of the O-type star. Elements of the W-R
component (upper line) are derived from measures of the C IV lambda 4441
emission line. From the minimum mass of the O-type star, it is estimated that
the orbital inclination is not less than 65 deg. The star is the first
well-established example of a binary containing a WC star and an observable
secondary component.

Results of an earlier investigation were published by T.H. Parker (J. Roy.
Astron. Soc. Can., 5, 377, 1911). W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6,
226, 1935) improved Parker's value for the period. Parker's observations were
remeasured and new elements computed, and elements were computed from two
series of Victoria observations. No changes were apparent, and the elements
given in the catalogue are based on both the Victoria series. Any apsidal
motion is too slow to be detected in the interval covered by the observations.

The star is the brighter component of A.D.S. 7967: B is 8.73m at 35.2" and of
spectral type G0 V. The two stars share a common proper motion; a few
measurements of the radial-velocity of B give a mean value within 1.4 km/s of
the systemic velocity of A. The physical association of the two stars appears
very likely but is not proven.

This RS CVn system displays emission at H-alpha and is the optical counterpart
of the X-ray source 2A 1052 + 606. The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch
is T0.

The orbit is assumed circular, in accordance with the most recent light-curve,
and the epoch is the time of primary minimum. Coverage of the velocity-curve is
incomplete and the observations show a large scatter. Although D.J.K. O'Connell
(Ric. Astron. Spec. Vatican, 7, 399, 1968) found evidence for apsidal motion
from his photographic light-curve, photoelectric UBV light-curves obtained by
S. Soderhjelm (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 22, 263, 1975) indicate that the orbit
is circular. Soderhjelm found an orbital inclination close to 81 deg and that
the hotter (but smaller) star gives 0.31 of the total light in V. O'Connell
identifies three companions of HH Car, of which the brightest is C.P.D. 58 deg
2840 (HH Car is C.P.D. 58 deg 2839) at 13" separation. Mandrini et al. find
that this companion has a radial velocity close to the systemic velocity of the
eclipsing pair. They hesitate, however, to suggest a physical association since
the spectrum of C.P.D. 58 deg 2840 is that of an F-type giant, suggesting that
the star is less massive and more evolved than the components of the close

These elements supersede the preliminary ones published by some of the same
authors in I.A.U. Symp. No. 88, p. 177, 1980. The magnitude is on a narrow-band
photoelectric scale (L.F. Smith, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 138, 109, 1968).
The upper row gives elements derived from measures of the N V emission lines in
the W-R spectrum, the lower row gives elements of the component displaying an
absorption spectrum. The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is the time of
inferior conjunction of the O-type star. The orbital inclination is expected to
be low (about 46 deg). The O-type star is probably of luminosity class V.

This system is of interest since it is the central star of the planetary nebula
DS 1 and the spectra of both components are visible. The light of the star
varies by about half a magnitude in the same period as the radial velocity, and
the variations can be represented by the reflection effect. The magnitude given
is an approximate mean (see Drilling, Astrophys. J., 270, L13, 1983). No
spectral types are given, but velocities of the less massive component are
derived from measures of C III emission lines and those of the more massive are
derived from He II absorption lines. The zero of phase is the time of maximum
light, which is superior conjunction of the C III emission source. Although the
mean velocity curves look fairly well defined, there are indications that the
observations depart from them systematically at certain stages. The light-curve
requires an orbital inclination certainly greater than 53 deg and probably
around 72 deg.

This star has been considered to be physically associated with alpha UMa (W.P.
Bidelman, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 70, 168, 1958). Petrie considered that
the systemic velocities and trigonometric parallaxes of the two systems did not
support this view. Their angular separation is 6'. The systemic velocity of
alpha UMa is still uncertain however.

This system is A.D.S. 8035 with Delta m close to 3m. Underhill adopted the
orbital elements by H.S. Jones and H.H. Furner (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.,
98, 92, 1937) with P=44.0y, T=1865.9. She also assumed their values of e and
omega and derived K and V0 only. The orbital inclination is 161. deg. The
visual orbit by W.D. Heintz (Munchen Veroff., 5, 247, 1963) is now considered
superior to that by Jones and Furner although the predictions of the two orbits
about radial velocities during the interval of observation are similar. C.D.
Scarfe (Astrophys. Space Sci., 11, 112, 1971) has shown that the observed
velocities do not agree well with either of these orbits, or even with that
derived by P. Couteau (J. Observateurs, 42, 31, 1959). Visual observers are
hampered by the very close approach of the two stars at periastron. This is
just the time when the radial velocities will be able to give most information,
but the next approach, according to Heintz' values of the elements will be
about the year 2000. All elements should be considered uncertain until then.

See note for HD 61936.

This system belongs to the class of AM Her binaries. The orbit is assumed
circular and the epoch is the time of inferior conjunction of the emission-line
source. The values given for K1 and V0 are approximate means from the bases of
the emission lines (hydrogen and ionized helium); the peaks give a somewhat
lower value for K1. Spectroscopic observations have also been published by N.F.
Voikhanskaya, (Astron. Zh., 63, 516, 1986).

This is also an AM Her binary. Mukai and Charles have detected the sodium
D-lines and (in emission) the infrared Ca II triplet, which features they
ascribe to the secondary star, classified as dM5-6. The orbit is assumed
circular and the epoch is defined as the time of the linear polarization pulse.
The time of inferior conjunction of the secondary star is 0.98m (about 0.078d)

See note for HD 61936. The star is the brighter component of A.D.S. 8055;
companion is 11.5m at 3.1".

Andersen's observations superseded those of H. Mauder (Astron. Astrophys., 4,
437, 1970) which were obtained at much lower dispersion. The secondary star is
appreciably fainter than the primary, and only the lines lambda 3933 of Ca II,
and lambda 4481 of Mg II were measured in the secondary spectrum. Great care
was taken in the selection of lines for measurement to avoid lines in which the
two component spectra were likely to be badly blended. The orbit was assumed
circular and the epoch is the time of primary minimum. D.M. Popper (Publ.
Astron. Soc. Pacific, 95, 757, 1983) has published results obtained from Lick
observations. They are very similar to those given in the Catalogue and this
justifies upgrading those to a quality. Photoelectric observations were
obtained by H. Mauder and U. Kohler (Astron. Astrophys., 1, 147, 1969) and
rediscussed by Mauder (loc. cit.). They show a range of variation of about 0.3m
in B. The inclination is about 76 deg. Andersen finds Delta MV=1.37; the
effective temperatures of the two stars are similar.


This is a nova-like variable and the elements given in the Catalogue are
derived from measures of the emission lines of He II. The orbit is assumed
circular and the epoch is the time of inferior conjunction of the emission-line
source. The period is only approximately known. The orbital inclination is
likely to be in excess of 30 deg.


Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit and find V0=3.4 km/s. This latter finding
confirms the statement in the Sixth Catalogue that the value +2.9 km/s given in
Heard's paper was a misprint. The spectrum is classified as A2 from the K line
and A7 from the metallic lines.

See note for HD 61936.

See note for HD 61936.

Griffin suggests that the invisible companion has a mass of the order of 0.1

The magnitude is a narrow-band photoelectric magnitude from L.F. Smith (Mon.
Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 138, 109, 1968). The orbit is assumed circular for the
absorption-spectrum component, but a small (and presumably spurious)
eccentricity fits the emission-line velocities better. The epoch is the time of
inferior conjunction for the W-R star, but there are small phase displacements
from one line to the next. The upper row gives elements derived from the C III
and C IV emission lines, the lower those derived from hydrogen and helium
absorption lines. The emission lines in the W-R spectrum give very different
values for V0. If the O-type component has a mass normal for its spectral type,
the orbital inclination is about 36 deg.

The epoch is the time of primary minimum. The elements given are derived from
measures of the helium lines and the small eccentricity probably should be
neglected, especially since no value is given for omega. Measures of the
hydrogen lines lead to the derivation of a more eccentric orbit and lower
semi-amplitudes. No photoelectric light-curve is available; the system was
shown to be eclipsing from photographic observations (S. Gaposchkin, Ann. Harv.
Coll. Obs., 113, No. 2, 1953).

The elements derived by Sahade and Cesco have been preferred although the
solution was a graphical one and Lucy & Sweeney question the reality of the
orbital eccentricity. R.F. Sanford (Astrophys. J., 86, 153, 1937) found a
smaller value of K1. D.M. Popper, as quoted by A.G. Kulkarni and K.D. Abhyankar
(J. Astrophys. Astron., 2, 119, 1981), has found preliminary values of K1=35
km/s and K2=130 km/s. Undoubtedly, Popper's study -- when it is published --
will supersede the others. The first observations of the D-line of the
secondary spectrum were reported by E.W. Miller and D.H. McNamara, (Publ.
Astron. Soc. Pacific, 75, 346, 1963) who also noted the presence of H-alpha in
emission. Several emission-lines of non-stellar origin, in the ultraviolet,
have been reported by M.J. Plavec (Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 19, 708, 1987).
These will probably turn out to be related to distortions in the velocity-curve
found by Sahade and Cesco. Photoelectric UBV light-curves have been obtained
and analyzed by Kulkarni and Abhyankar (op. cit.) and re-analyzed by J. Koul
and K.D. Abhyankar (J. Astrophys. Astron., 3, 93, 1982) and P.B. Etzel (Bull.
Am. Astron. Soc., 18, 976, 1986). Agreement between the various analyses is not
fully satisfactory. The orbital inclination is well over 80 deg, the magnitude
difference (Delta V) between components is between 1.0m and 1.5m. Spectral
types are A0 V or A1 V and K1 III or G8 III.

The paper cited gives only a table of the elements of this and other
dwarf-novae systems and little is known about the observations on which the
results are based. No epoch is given.

Reference: W.Wargau \& N.Vogt, Mitt. A.G., 55, 77, 1982

This is another binary of the AM Her type and, at the time of discovery, had
the shortest period of the known cataclysmic binaries. It is also the first AM
Her binary known to eclipse. The epoch is the time of primary minimum and the
orbit is assumed circular. The value given for K2 is a lower limit, derived
from measures of the peaks of H-beta and H-gamma emission. This emission is
believed to be associated with the secondary star (believed to be a late M-type
dwarf) rather than with the white dwarf. The orbital inclination is estimated
to be 76 deg. Results of IUE observations of this and other AM Her systems have
been published by P. Szkody, J. Liebert and R.J. Panek (Astrophys. J., 293,
321, 1985).

Wolff's discussion, the most recent, complements the earlier studies by H.A.
Abt (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 65, 274, 1953) and H.A. Abt et al. (Astrophys.
J., 153, 177, 1968). All these studies are in good agreement except for a
possible slow change in the value of omega which, according to Wolff, is
consistent with a period of apsidal rotation of about 700 years. Abt et al.
were the only ones to derive K2 from relatively few plates. The value given is
theirs, as is also the classification of the secondary spectrum. Eclipses have
been looked for and not found, so the maximum inclination is about 81 deg. The
visual magnitude difference is about 0.5m. The primary star is well known as an
Ap star with strong lines of strontium in its spectrum, and as a magnetic
variable with the same period as the orbital period. The star is the brightest
member of A.D.S. 8115: B is 11.5m at 1.0", C is 9.8m at 57.2" and does not
share the proper motion of A.

These two stars are the components of the multiple star A.D.S. 8119. The
element V0 is, in each case, the velocity of the centre of mass of the whole
system as deduced from the motion of each component. The epoch given for HD
98230 is an arbitrary one. Visual orbits for the pair AB, and for the system HD
98231 have been computed by W.D. Heintz (Astron. Nachr., 289, 269, 1967). He
finds i=86.3 deg for the latter pair. Berman computed the mass-ratio (0.77) and
the total mass (2.63 MSol) of the pair AB (P=59.84y) from the spectroscopic
observations available to him. The spectral types given are from a recent
revision by B.W. Bopp (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 99, 38, 1987) who also
resolves the puzzle of the lithium line (lambda 6708) being visible only in the
spectrum of component A.

These two stars are the components of the multiple star A.D.S. 8119. The
element V0 is, in each case, the velocity of the centre of mass of the whole
system as deduced from the motion of each component. The epoch given for HD
98230 is an arbitrary one. Visual orbits for the pair AB, and for the system HD
98231 have been computed by W.D. Heintz (Astron. Nachr., 289, 269, 1967). He
finds i=86.3 deg for the latter pair. Berman computed the mass-ratio (0.77) and
the total mass (2.63 MSol) of the pair AB (P=59.84y) from the spectroscopic
observations available to him. The spectral types given are from a recent
revision by B.W. Bopp (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 99, 38, 1987) who also
resolves the puzzle of the lithium line (lambda 6708) being visible only in the
spectrum of component A.

Reference: W.H.v.d.Bos, Mem.Acad.R.Sc.Let.; Denmark; 8th Ser., 12, 295, 1928

Lloyd's discussion supersedes the only previous one by F. Henroteau (Pop.
Astron., 27, 29, 1919). The two spectra are never completely resolved, but
Lloyd was able to confirm that the period deduced by Henroteau is close to the
correct value. Although a reliable value of K2 could not be derived, a
mass-ratio of about 0.9 is indicated. The spectral type given in the Catalogue
is from the Bright Star Catalogue; however Lloyd suggests both components have
types in the range A5 to A9. The system is unusual in having an orbit of such
high eccentricity with so short a period. Lloyd could find no evidence for
apsidal motion.

This system is one of those in which an extremely accurate (X-ray) pulsar orbit
is matched with a highly uncertain orbit for the optical component. Even the
spectral type is only approximate. The very small orbital eccentricity
indicated by the X-ray observations (G. Fabbiano and E.J. Schreier Astrophys.
J., 214, 235, 1977) is negligible as far as the optical observations are
concerned. Thus the orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is the time of
mid-eclipse. The upper row gives the value of K1 derived from the observed a
sin i (determined from the pulse period) the lower row gives elements derived
from the He II lines (considered the most reliable by Hutchings et al.). The
quality rating refers to the X-ray orbit. The orbit of the optical component is
also discussed by M. Mouchet, S.A. Ilovaisky and C. Chevalier (Astron.
Astrophys., 90, 113, 1980) and a model of the system is discussed by T.S.
Kruzina and A.M. Cherepashchuk (Astron. Zh., 63, 494, 1986). S.S. Holt et al.
(Astrophys. J., 227, 563, 1979) give an account of Ariel observations.

This is a visual binary (A.D.S. 8148) with a period of 192 y, in which the
companion is 2.7m fainter than the primary. The visual orbit has been derived
by P. Baize (J. Observateurs, 35, 73, 1952) and his values of P, T, e, and
omega were assumed. The quality classification refers only to the elements K
and V0. Although the velocity variation is consistent with that expected, the
scatter of individual observations is approximately equal to the derived value
of K, and some caution in accepting the elements appears desirable.

Another cataclysmic variable for which only an incomplete statement of the
orbital elements has been published, without sudegcient description of the
observations to enable an assessment to be made. No epoch is specified; a
circular orbit appears to have been assumed. The value of K is a lower limit,
and no value is given for V0.

Reference: W.Wargau \& N.Vogt, Mitt. A.G., 55, 77, 1982

Except for some preliminary measurements by B. Paczynski (Astron. J., 69, 124,
1964) these are the first radial-velocity measurements of this W UMa system,
and the only ones to show the secondary spectrum. The orbit is assumed
circular. The epoch is the time of primary minimum as deduced from McLean's
table of observations. R.E. Wilson and E.J. Devinney (Astrophys. J., 182, 539,
1973) find an orbital inclination of 79 deg and that the brighter component
gives 0.92 of the total (blue) light. A 9.0m companion at 67" is listed in

Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit.

This spectroscopic triple system contains the visual pair A.D.S. 8189 which is
not resolved on the spectrograph slit at Victoria. The original orbit by Petrie
and Laidler is preferred to the later one by R.M. Petrie and A.H. Batten (Publ.
Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 13, 383, 1969) because the latter study is based on
observations over several years during which the observed velocities were
effected by the variations arising from the visual orbit. Petrie and Batten
found somewhat lower and less accurate values of K1 and K2 than did Petrie and
Laidler. Unfortunately the variation found for the velocities of the components
of the visual orbit are not in good agreement with the predictions made from
that orbit. The maximum velocity difference for the visual pair is about 6
km/s.the expected difference was closer to 12 km/s. They found, for the visual
components, that Delta m=0.48.

Double lines were first discovered in this spectrum by D.M. Popper (Astron. J.,
71, 175, 1966). Observations of this system are rather few, concentrated at the
nodes, and show a fairly large scatter as would be expected from the spectral
type. The secondary spectrum is described as somewhat later than the primary.
The orbit was assumed circular and the epoch is the time of primary minimum.
Note the different values found for V0 of each component. Andersen and Gronbech
also published photometric observations: the eclipse is about 0.55m deep in the
Stromgren b colour, and the value of b-y hardly changes through the orbital
cycle. They find i=76 deg and the primary star gives 0.64 of the total light. A
new analysis, by R.E. Wilson and J.B. Rafert (Astrophys. Space Sci., 76, 23,
1981), did not substantially change these results.

This is the brighter component of A.D.S. 8242. Component B is 0.2m fainter than
A, of similar spectral type, and separated from it by about 2". The stars
probably are physically connected. The spectrum of A shows emission at H and K
and in the Balmer lines. The emission at H-alpha is variable, and on account of
this and of the general similarity of the system to YY Gem and CC Eri, Bopp and
Fekel predict that the primary component will be subject to flares. They
estimate i<=56 deg.

This appears to have been amongst the first of the barium stars discovered to
be a spectroscopic binary.

The elements given are derived from measurements of the broad wings of the
emission lines. The narrow peaks give a similar velocity-curve about 230 deg
out of phase. The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is the time of
superior conjunction of the (broad) emission-line source. The spectrum of the
secondary has not been detected. Shafter and Szkody place upper limits of 0.19
MSol and 0.4 MSol on the masses of the red and the white dwarfs, respectively.

Fainter member A.D.S. 8250: A is 6.4m at 9.7" and is H.D. 101177. Several other
more distant components are listed in I.D.S.

Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit.

Epoch is T0 : orbit assumed circular. Emission lines of Ca II are associated
with the star in front at primary minimum. From measures of these lines K2=72
km/s. H. Shapley (Princeton Obs. Contr., No. 3, 1915) found from the
light-curve i=81 deg and the light ratio to be about 0.6.

This is an infrared source and Humphreys proposes that it consists of an A-type
star surrounded by a shell (in which the dominant supergiant F-type spectrum
arises) which is fed by a proposed M-type star that has filled its Roche lobe.
The Ca II lines (H and K) give velocities that vary with the same period as
those derived from the other lines but in a different phase (not 180 deg out of
phase). These are supposed to arise from the stream from the M-type star to the
A-type one. The epoch is an arbitrary zero. The observed velocities are still
only few in number and the binary nature of this object is still conjectural.

The magnitudes given for this W UMa system are approximate V magnitudes
estimated from the data given by Sistero and Castore de Sistero in another
paper (Astrophys. J., 78, 413, 1973). The orbit was assumed circular and the
epoch is the time of primary minimum. Orbital elements and the values given in
the Catalogue are a mean for all lines. Note the different values of V0 for
each component.  The orbital inclination is found to be close to 79 deg and the
primary star contributes 0.81 of the total light in V.

The secondary star appears to be similar in type to the primary, but much
fainter. A few isolated measurements have been made of the secondary spectrum,
but no reliable value of K2 could be deduced. The spectroscopic and photometric
values of e do not agree; thus it is difficult to know whether or not the
spectroscopic orbit confirms the apsidal motion indicated by photometry. The
only photometric study so far is by D.J.K. O'Connell (Publ. Riverview College
Obs., 2, 5, 1939). A photoelectric light-curve and spectrographic observations
at higher dispersion would be very useful.

This star is in the field of I.C. 2944 and Gieseking studied it by his
objective-prism method (See note for HD 61936). He assumed a circular orbit and
the epoch is T0. The value of V0 is only relative to standards in the field.

Epoch is T0. R.S. Dugan (Princeton Obs. Contr., No. 2, 1912) found from the
light-curve that i=85.7 deg. This was confirmed by H.N. Russell and H. Shapley
(Astrophys. J., 39, 405, 1914) who also found the light-ratio to be about 0.13.

See the note for H.D. 102010. All the same comments apply, except there is a
possibility that the real orbit of this star is eccentric.

This is the orbit of the visible component of a system that contains an X-ray
pulsar (pulse period 297 sec.). The magnitude and spectral type are taken from
R.H. Densham and P.A. Charles (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 201, 171, 1982).
The period found by Hutchings et al. is within the limits set by Densham and
Charles, but is still uncertain. A period of 12.081d is possible but would
require an appreciable eccentricity (0.45) considered physically implausible.
At periods near 10.75d, both circular and elliptical orbits are possible, and
either fits the observations equally well. In the solution given in the
Catalogue, a circular orbit was assumed and the epoch is T0. Derivation of an
orbit for the X-ray source from accurate timing of pulses is made difficult by
the (presumably fortuitous) presence of another pulsing X-ray source, with a
very similar period, nearby in the sky.

The new observations supersede the only previous orbit determination by J.B.
Cannon (J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can., 4, 455, 1910). The spectral types are as
given in the Bright Star Catalogue; Batten et al. suggest A6 V + G8 III IV and
H.A. Abt (private communication) puts the secondary as early as F8. Preliminary
solutions showed the orbital eccentricity to be negligibly small and the orbit
was assumed circular. The epoch is T0. There may be small systematic errors in
V0, because of the nature of the composite spectrum. S.B. Parsons (Astrophys.
J. Supp., 53, 553, 1983) published six velocity measurements that agree well
with the new orbital elements, except for a small systematic difference in
velocity. His value of 71.6918d for the period is also in good agreement with
that of Batten et al. The velocities of the A-type component were obtained by
subtracting a standard G-type spectrum from the observed composite and
cross-correlating the residual with spectra of Vega. A systematic difference in
V0 was found for the two components. The B magnitude difference is estimated as
0.36m, the A-star being the brighter. Recently, K.G. Strassmeier, S. Weichinger
and A. Hanslmeier (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 2937, 1986) estimate Delta
V=0.43m, the G-star being the brighter. The system is an X-ray source; probably
the G-star is the origin of this radiation (F.M. Walter, Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, 97, 643, 1985). A small light variation observed by D.S. Hall et al.
(Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1798, 1980) is not caused by eclipses. If the
A-type star lies on the main-sequence, an orbital inclination of 50 deg --55
deg is indicated. The system is sometimes grouped with the RS CVn stars, partly
because of the light- variation reported by Hall et al. and partly because of H
and K emission reported by A. Young and A. Koniges (Astrophys. J., 211, 836,
1977). Batten et al. have questioned the reality of the emission and the
combination of an evolved star with an A-type main-sequence object is rather
different from what is usually found in RS CVn systems. A 9 m companion at
74.3" is listed in I.D.S. A limited number of radial-velocity measures of this
companion does not rule out the possibility of a physical association with the
spectroscopic pair.

Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit. Curchod and Hauck give the spectral type
as A2, A7 and F3 from the K line, hydrogen lines and metallic lines

Other elements were published by G.A. Shajn (Izv. Krym. Astrofiz. Obs., 4, 148,
1949). His values agree quite well with Harper's except for the eccentricity
for which he finds about twice Harper's value. Lucy & Sweeney, using Harper's
observations, obtain e=0.089, which they accept as a real eccentricity.

The spectral type given is assigned by P.C. Keenan (Bull. Inf. Centre Don. St.,
24, 19, 1983) who actually gave K0 III CN-0.5. Other authorities give a
luminosity class IV. The elements given are derived only from observations made
at Haute Provence. Three earlier Mount Wilson observations, if there is no
systematic difference between them and the others, require a period of 490.6
days, without much change in the other elements. Ginestet et al. believe that
part of the discrepancy between the Mount Wilson and Haute Provence
observations may be that they require a different V0, because of motion of the
close pair about a third body. H.A. McAlister et al. (Astrophys. J. Supp., 51,
309, 1983) report a companion resolved by speckle interferometry (at rho=0.17")
and also note that an occultation companion has been observed. Ginestet et al.
argue that this companion cannot be the secondary star and is, therefore, a
third body.

The two shallow eclipses of this binary are nearly equal in depth and the two
spectra are closely similar. The designation of a `primary' minimum is thus
somewhat arbitrary; the epoch given corresponds to the middle of the eclipse of
the somewhat less massive star. A circular orbit was assumed, even though the
light-curve indicates a small non-zero value of e cos omega. Neglect of this
will not affect the semi-amplitudes of the velocity-curve, but may be partly
responsible for the difference found between the values of V0 for each
component. Analysis of the B light-curve (J.M. Garcia and A. Gimenez,
Astrophys. Space Sci., 125, 181, 1986) is made difficult by the close visual
companions. The eclipsing system belongs to A.D.S. 8347; companions are B (8.5m
at 0.3"), C (8.3m at 3.7") and D (6.5m at 63.1"). Only the last of these is
photometrically innocuous. Popper has shown that the eclipsing binary must be
A, since he could prevent the light of C from entering the spectrograph slit,
and if B were the close pair, the spectral lines would be at least triple. The
total effect of B and C on the light-curve is, however, very uncertain, since
the magnitude estimate of B, at least, is also uncertain. The orbital
inclination probably lies between 74 deg and 85 deg.

Struve and Morgan did not give an explicit value for K2, but they did give
values for the mass-ratio, and for (m_1+m_2)sin^3i which lead to msin^3i=1.05
MSol and m2sin^3i=0.75 MSol. Petrie(II) attempted to measure Delta m, and could
not confirm the existence of the secondary spectrum. The system should probably
be regarded as a single-spectrum system. A companion is listed in I.D.S. at 90"
separation. All other stars in the field have much greater separations than

The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is the time of primary minimum. The
system has both resemblances to and differences from cataclysmic variables and
there has been much debate about its nature. Opinion seems to be settling that
it contains a white dwarf and an M-type dwarf. Other important papers about the
system are: D.H. Ferguson et al. (Astrophys. J., 251, 205, 1981 -- discovery of
its nature), H. Ando, A. Okazaki and S. Nishimura (Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan,
34, 141, 1982 -- photometry) J.B. Hutchings and A.P. Cowley (Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, 97, 328, 1985 -- UV spectroscopy) and D.H. Ferguson et al. (Astrophys.
J., 316, 399, 1987 -- most recent general discussion).

Epoch is T0.

An earlier investigation by J.B. Cannon (Publ. Dom. Obs., 4, 125, 1917) was
based on an incorrect value for the period. Petrie(II) found Delta m=1.24.

The observations by Hill and Barnes supersede those by R.F. Sanford (Astrophys.
J., 79, 89, 1934) with which the former are in quite good accord. Rotational
broadening makes spectral classification difficult and the secondary cannot be
seen at all, even during primary minimum. Maximum and minimum magnitudes given
are only approximate. The distortion and variability of the light-curve make it
difficult to analyze. Observations have been published by L. Binnendijk
(Astron. J., 74, 1024, 1969), C. Blanco and F. Catalano (Mem. Soc. Astron.
Ital., 41, 343, 1970) and P.G. Niarchos (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 61, 313,
1985). Re-analyses of some of these have been published by S.R. Jabbar and Z.
Kopal (Astrophys. Space Sci., 92, 99, 1981) and J. Ka lu _ zny (Acta Astron.,
36, 121, 1986). There is a considerable range in the results, but the orbital
inclination is probably close to 80 deg and the fractional luminosity of the
brighter component (in V) about 0.85.

The epoch is T0. A circular orbit was assumed after solutions for an elliptical
one had shown the eccentricity to be very small (about 0.02). Slightly
different values of T0 are found for each component. The one given is for the
primary. Bolton et al. make a rough estimate of Delta B=0.5m for the magnitude

These elements agree well with those found by J. Lunt (Cape Annals, 10, pt. 7,
14G, 1924). Lunt did not measure the secondary spectrum. A 13.8m companion at
4.5" is listed in I.D.S.

Epoch is T0.orbit assumed circular.

The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is the time of primary minimum. The
elements derived depend on rather few observations at a dispersion of 30 A/mm
-- hence the d classification. The values of K1 and K2 are unlikely to be much
changed, however, by subsequent work. In the same paper, ubvy photometric
observations are presented and analyzed. The orbital inclination is found to be
close to 80 deg and the magnitude difference between the components is Delta
V=0.93m. The system is probably a member of the cluster N.G.C. 4103.
Identification is from the Cape Photographic Durchmusterung.

Griffin believes that the spectral type is later than the one he quotes (given
by Upgren). The small eccentricity is barely significant. Griffin estimates
that the probability that the true orbit is circular is less than ten percent.

Harper later revised P to 462.8d and T to J.D. 2,424,665.79 (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 6, 227, 1935).

No M-K type is available but Griffin concludes from unpublished photometry that
the star is a giant.

Epoch is T0. Different lines yield velocities which may lead to different
elements. The hydrogen-line velocities are made nugatory by the emission
features. D.J.K. O'Connell (Riverview Publ., 1, 33, 1935) found from the
light-curve that i is between 75 deg and 80 deg. He also found a light-ratio of
about 0.8, but Woolf reports the spectrum of only one stellar component. A
brief report on the UV spectrum of this star has been published by W. Strupat
(Mitt. Astron. Gesells., 62, 275, 1984).

The epoch is the time of primary minimum which, together with the period, was
taken from the light-curve published by S. Rucinski (Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, 88, 777, 1976). From these UBV observations, Rucinski deduced an
orbital inclination of 90 deg. The primary minimum is deeper by 0.1m in V. The
light-curve shows the orbit to be circular. The same observations were also
discussed by P.G. Niarchos (Astrophys. Space Sci., 58, 311, 1978). The star may
be a member of the Coma cluster (Mel 111).

The magnitude of this star is variable, since the star is a Cepheid; the
orbital motion has had to be separated from the pulsational variations in
velocity. The orbit should probably be assumed to be circular.

Epoch is T0. Orbital elements have also been published by E.V.
Woitkevitch-Okulitch (Pulkovo Bull., No. 94, 1924) and by Luyten. H.A. Abt
(Astrophys. J. Supp., 6, 37, 1961) has published observations which lead to the
following revisions: P=1.2709934d, K1=69.8 km/s, V0=2.2 km/s. The discrepancy
in the values of K1 should be investigated. Abt classifies the spectrum as A5,
F2, F5 IV according to K line, hydrogen lines and metallic lines, respectively.

This is a dwarf nova for which only very approximate elements are given. (Both
K1 and K2 lie in the range 60 km/s to 120 km/s). No epoch has been given.

Reference: W.Wargau & N.Vogt, Mitt. A.G., 55, 77, 1982

This spectroscopic binary is A.D.S. 8470B. The component A is H.D. 106365
(6.9m, K2 III) and, separated by 26.7", has a common proper motion with B. The
systemic velocity of B is close to the mean velocity of A. Griffin argues that
the difference of 1.1 km/s may be partly caused by differential gravitational
red-shifts and does not signify a real difference of radial velocities. Reports
by G.A. Bakos (Astron. J., 79, 866, 1974) that the velocity of A is also
variable are as yet unconfirmed. There is also a component C, 14.0m and 2.7"
from B, which probably shares the proper motion and radial velocity of the
whole system. According to O.J. Eggen (Astron. J., 68, 483, 1968) the system
may belong to the `61 Cyg group'. This conclusion is questioned by Griffin
since the spectroscopic evidence suggests a distance of about 100 pc for the

The epoch is T0. The magnitudes given are estimates of the visual magnitude,
but this system is well-known for the variability of its light-curve. K.
Kalchaev (Trudy Astrophys. Inst. Kazakstan, 17, 18, 1971) and G.A. Bakos
(Veroff. Remeis-Sternw. Bamberg, 9, No. 100, 293, 1971) attempt to explain the
variability in terms of gas streams. Several photometric investigations have
been published since the Seventh Catalogue (P.G. Niarchos, Astrophys. Space
Sci., 58, 301, 1978, Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 53, 13, 1983; R.W. Hilditch,
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 196, 305, 1981; S.B. Jabbar and Z. Kopal,
Astrophys. Space Sci., 92, 99, 1983; L. Binnendijk, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific,
96, 646, 1984 and J. Kaluzny, Acta Astron., 34, 217, 1984). Agreement between
the many solutions is not good, but probably the orbital inclination is around
80 deg and the fractional luminosity of the larger star is around 0.8. Several
photometric investigators draw attention to the need for a modern
velocity-curve. The star is an obvious candidate for observation and
measurement by cross-correlation techniques. The star is the brighter member of
A.D.S. 8472; companion is 13.1m at 1.3".

This was listed without any other designation as No. 352 in the Sixth
Catalogue. The orbit given there was derived by S. Gaposchkin (Astron. J., 67,
360, 1962) from spectroscopic observations by J.L. Greenstein. Gaposchkin's
interpretation of the system as a normal B-type binary led to a large distance
for the star both from the Sun and from the plane of the Galaxy. J. Smak (Acta
Astron., 19, 165, 1969) was the first to suggest that a period less than one
day might fit the observations better than Gaposchkin's value for the period
did, and remove some of the difficulties of interpretation. New photometric
observations by Young et al. and further spectroscopic observations by
Greenstein that they discussed, have confirmed Smak's suggestion. The epoch is
a time close to, but not coincident with, the deeper minimum of light. The
primary star appears to be a very old Population I subdwarf, or even possibly a
member of the halo Population II. The epoch is the time of the deeper minimum.
The spectral type is not well defined. The magnitude at maximum is well
determined on the V scale, that at minimum is roughly estimated from data given
by Young et al. The coverage of the velocity-curve is now fairly good, but
there are still some large residuals. New photometric and spectrophotometric
observations have been published by A. Young and S.T. Wentworth (Publ. Astron.
Soc. Pacific, 94, 815, 1982) who find that the invisible companion is a white
dwarf and that no mass is being transferred in the system at present.

The spectral type is an estimate based on the photometric colours and some
other considerations; it is not obtained by normal M-K methods of

The new orbital elements supersede those obtained by W.H. Christie (Astrophys.
J., 83, 433, 1936) with which they are in reasonable agreement.

The magnitude given is on the VE scale (O.J. Eggen and J.L. Greenstein,
Astrophys. J., 141, 83, 1965). The spectral type of the red-dwarf secondary is
only approximate. The orbital elements are derived from measures of the H-alpha
emission line in the M-type spectrum. The epoch is the time of inferior
conjunction of the M-type star: the orbit was found to be circular. Eclipses
have been looked for, but not found. The spectrum not measured is that of a
white dwarf. If the red dwarf is assumed to have a mass of 0.39 MSol and a
radius of 0.5 RSol, the upper limit to the orbital inclination is 72 deg and
the lower limit to the white-dwarf mass is 0.43 MSol. Although the star is
optically coincident with the Ursa Major cluster, its proper motion and radial
velocity proclaim that it is not a member.

The elements given in the Catalogue supersede those derived from Harper's
earlier study (Astrophys. J., 27, 160, 1908) and those found by N. Ichinohe
(Astrophys. J., 26, 282, 1907). A peculiar velocity-curve derived by Ichinohe
for the secondary component was not confirmed by Harper. Harper suggests the
period should be revised to 71.8d. Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.36.

The short-period velocity variation found by Fehrenbach (Ann. Astrophys., 11,
35, 1948) seems to be spurious. In a later investigation by G.H. Herbig and
B.A. Turner (Astrophys. J., 118, 477, 1953) the secondary spectrum was
detected. The mass-ratio was found to be about 0.5, and the spectral types were
given as G0 III-IV and A3 V. Star is the brightest component of A.D.S. 8530:
companions are 11.8m at 35" and 8.3m at 65.2".

The eccentricity, although small, is significant. The star's spectroscopic
parallax and systemic velocity show it not to be a member of the Coma cluster,
although it is in the same direction.

The elements given in the Catalogue agree well with those found by R.F. Sanford
(Astrophys. J., 56, 452, 1922). The value of K2 is only an estimate, but since
Sanford found K2=74 km/s, it cannot be far wrong. Emission is observed in the
Ca II lines of both components. The light of the system is slightly variable.
Greenstein, Hack and Struve find Delta m=0.9 from their spectrophotometry.
There are indications that the metal abundance in this system is lower than in
the Sun.


The values of K1 and K2 are lower limits; no value is given for V0 or for the
epoch. The star is a dwarf nova and the elements can serve at best as a rough
indication of the properties of the system.

Reference: W.Wargau \& N.Vogt, Mitt. A.G., 55, 77, 1982

This is another binary X-ray pulsar. The measured quantity is a sin i, K1 being
deduced from that, while V0 is unknown. Since the X-ray pulses can be
accurately timed, the orbit of the X-ray source is well determined, despite a
fairly large gap in the `velocity-curve'. The spectral type and magnitude given
are those of the optical counterpart (Wray 977). An earlier X-ray orbit, based
on nearly the same period, was published by N.E. White and J.H. Swank
(Astrophys. J., 287, 856, 1984). It agrees closely with that given in the
Catalogue. Earlier work, cited in the papers mentioned there, was based on
incorrect values for the period. Attempts to determine the orbital elements of
the optical component have been less successful, since the spectrum shows many
of the phenomena associated with mass loss and accurate measurement is
difficult. J.B. Hutchings et al. (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 94, 541, 1982)
completed their paper before the 41.5d period was found, although they
discussed this possible period in an addendum. They found that lines of
silicon, oxygen and nitrogen yielded velocities opposite in phase to the motion
of the X-ray source, with K2 in the range 14 km/s to 18 km/s. Observations of
the visible spectrum were also published by H. Mauder, M. Ammann and E. Schulz
(Mitt. Astron. Gesells., 43, 227, 1978). They, too, were hampered by ignorance
of the correct period and found a value of K2 around 20 km/s.

The first to recognize this star as a spectroscopic binary was F.J. Neubauer
(Lick Obs. Bull., 15, 190, 1932), who suggested a period of 0.98d. A.D.
Thackeray and G. Hill (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 168, 55, 1974) showed that
the true period is much longer. The new observations, near velocity maximum,
have permitted improvements to P, K1 and V0 and reductions in the uncertainties
of these elements. Thackeray and Wegner believe their velocity measurements are
unaffected by contamination with the light of alpha 2 Cru, 4.4" away and
magnitude 2.09. The two stars have a common proper motion but different radial
velocities. Neubauer believed that alpha 2 Cru was also a spectroscopic binary.
Thackeray and Hill believed that it had a constant velocity. Thackeray and
Wegner, however, inclined again to the belief that alpha 2 Cru may be a
spectroscopic binary since otherwise the velocity discrepancy is hard to
explain for a presumably physical pair. The new value of V0 strengthens the
case for regarding alpha_1 Cru as a member of the Sco{Cen association.

Harper (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 230, 1935) later revised the period to
11.788d. Objective-prism results derived by Ch. Fehrenbach (Ann. Astrophys.,
11, 35, 1948) agree well with those given here. Both sets of observations have
been discussed by R. Pretre (Ann. Obs. Toulouse, 29, 27, 1963). Lucy & Sweeney
adopt a circular orbit.

The spectral class is A5 from the K line and F2 from the metal lines. A
magnetic field was found by H.W. Babcock (Astrophys. J. Supp., 3, 141, 1958)
but not subsequently confirmed. The star forms a common-proper-motion pair
(A.D.S. 8658) with the bright Ap star (V=5.29) H.D. 108662, from which it is
separated by 145". Aitken also lists a faint component C separated by 1.7" from

This is the first set of spectroscopic orbital elements determined for this W
UMa system. The velocities were determined by cross-correlation and one node of
the velocity-curve is well covered. Only a few observations define the other
node, however. The period and epoch (time of primary minimum) appear to be
those given in the third edition of the G.C.V.S. A circular orbit was assumed.
E.F. Milone et al. (Astrophys. J. Supp., 43, 339, 1980) have published UBV
observations, along with a detailed summary of earlier work. Their full
analysis of the asymmetric light-curves is, however, dependent on the
velocity-curves and is still awaited.

Despite the rather limited coverage of the velocity-curve, the observations and
results of McLean and Hilditch are probably to be preferred to those of O.
Struve and L. Gratton (Astrophys. J., 108, 497, 1948). The period and epoch
(time of primary minimum) are taken from the fourth edition of the G.C.V.S. The
orbit is assumed circular. Synthetic light-curve solutions for this system have
been published by L. Binnendijk (Vistas in Astron., 21, 359, 1977) who finds an
orbital inclination of about 86 deg and a fractional luminosity (in yellow
light) for the larger star of about 0.7. The light-curve is variable; earlier
solutions were published by P. Broglia (Contr. Oss. Astron. Milano-Merate, No.
165, 1960) and R.E. Wilson and E.J. Devinney (Astrophys. J., 182, 539, 1973)
who obtained results similar to Binnendijk's.

Star is fainter component of A.D.S. 8600: A is 5.7m at 20.2". Petrie(II) found
Delta m=0.55. Curchod and Hauck give the spectral type as A5, A7 and F2 from
the K line, hydrogen lines and metallic lines, respectively. The spectral types
given in the Seventh Catalogue appear to have been erroneous.

The epoch is the time of primary minimum and the orbit is assumed circular in
accordance with the light-curve. The new orbit by McFarlane et al. supersedes
that determined by O. Struve and L. Gratton (Astrophys. J., 108, 497, 1948)
because of both the quality of the new observations and the detection, with
their aid, of the secondary spectrum. The paper by McFarlane et al. also
contains UVBRI photometric observations, which probably likewise supersede the
only other photoelectric observations published by K.D. Abhyankar et al.
(Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 13, 101, 1973). McFarlane et al. find that the
system is not quite in contact and derive an orbital inclination close to 86
deg. The luminosity ratio depends on whether the primary component is in
radiative or convective equilibrium and is at least 6.1 in V.


There are discrepancies in published values for both the V magnitude and the
spectral type. The choice of V magnitude is somewhat arbitrary (the other value
is 0.1m brighter) but the evidence seems to favour the G8 spectral type given,
rather than the alternative G3. One observation suggests the possibility of a
variable V0.

Two components of A.D.S. 8627: separation 5.4". A third component at 59" from A
has magnitude 10.5m.


Probably a member of the Coma cluster. Lucy & Sweeney confirm the reality of
the small eccentricity. The spectrum is A3, A8 and F0 from the K line, the
hydrogen lines and the metallic lines, respectively.

Reference: G.A.Shajn, Pulkovo Circ.,, No. 21; 35, 1937

Petrie(I) found Delta m=0.11.

The orbital elements determined for this Wolf-Rayet binary (also known as MR
42) are described by the authors themselves as preliminary. Another brief
account of the system is given by V.S. Niemela (I.A.U. Symp. No. 88, p. 177,
1980). The epoch is the time of inferior conjunction of the star with the
absorption-line spectrum. The orbit is assumed circular. The elements given for
the orbit of the Wolf-Rayet (upper row) star are derived from measures of the N
V line at lambda 4603, which give a smaller semi-amplitude and a lower scatter
than those of any other emission line in the spectrum. The minimum mass of this
system is high, but eclipses have not yet been reported.

Garcia regards this as a symbiotic star, there being also an early-type
component in the spectrum. J.W. Fried (Astron. Astrophys., 88, 141, 1980)
believed that the binary period was 70.8d and found K1=9.8km/s (late-type
component). Garcia finds that his observations cannot be harmonized with this
period, although he cannot rule out a period of 205 d. Neither orbit is very
convincing. No epoch is given by Garcia; that in the Catalogue is the time of
the lowest observed velocity. Neither does Garcia specify V0, although his
diagram of the velocity-curve suggests that it is close to zero. The binary
nature of this object cannot be regarded as established beyond all doubt.

Richardson and McKellar found Delta m=0.03, using Petrie's method.

Epoch is T0. Orbital elements were determined by J.B. Cannon (Publ. Dom. Obs.,
2, 269, 1915). His value of K1 (40.99 km/s) was appreciably lower than that
found by Bertiau. W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 230, 1935)
revised Cannon's value of the period, and questioned the reality of the
secondary spectrum measured by Cannon. He did not change the other elements.
Bertiau could not detect the secondary spectrum, but suspected some effect of
its continuum. H.A. Abt (Astrophys. J. Supp., 6, 37, 1961) confirms Bertiau's
elements, except for a small change in V0. He gives P=38.3240c. He gives the
spectral type as A6, F2, F6 IV according to the K line, the hydrogen lines and
the metallic lines, respectively. Petrie(II) was able to measure the lines of
the secondary component, and found Delta m=0.43. Lucy & Sweeney accept the
eccentricity as real.

No epoch is specified. The orbital elements are derived from measurements of
the wings of the Balmer emission lines in the spectrum of this dwarf nova. The
value of K1 has been slightly increased to compensate for the effects of
exposure time. The orbital inclination is estimated at around 70 deg.

Epoch was fixed in order to determine the orbital elements. The masses,
however, should be fairly well determined. Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.49. Star
is fainter component of A.D.S. 8682: A is 5.3m at 21.6".

Griffin claims that this system has the smallest known value of K1 determined
spectroscopically (but see notes for Nos. 30, 785 and 1379).

The new elements supersede those published by R. Margoni, M. Perinotto and E.
Nasi (Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 40, 301, 1969) with which, nevertheless they are
in quite good agreement, provided the identification of primary and secondary
in the earlier paper is switched (the components are nearly equal). The H.D.
number given by Worek et al. is a misprint. The spectrum is A2 from the K line
and F0 from the metal lines. The epoch is T0 and the orbit was assumed circular
after the small eccentricity of the preliminary solution was shown to be not
significant. The difference in V0 between the new elements and the old is
probably the effect of systematic differences between observatories. The star
is the brightest member of A.D.S. 8710; companions 7.9m at 3.7" and 10.4m at
124.1". Both are probably optical, but Worek et al. argue that a physical
association between A and B cannot be entirely ruled out. Their relative motion
could be orbital and they find the spectrum of B to be F5-7 V-IV, so that the
expected Delta m falls within the range of observational uncertainty.
Unfortunately, radial-velocity measurements of B are affected by scattered
light from A.

The elements are designated `provisional' by Christie.

Epoch is time of primary minimum. Period is variable. Light-curve and partial
solution are given by S. Gaposchkin (Ann. Harv. Coll. Obs., 113, 69, 1953).

This is the first star of a group of seven spectroscopic binaries near the
north galactic pole that have been studied by Latham et al. All the orbits have
appreciable eccentricities, but the time of periastron passage (113.) is given
as days elapsed from an epoch which does not seem to match the first observation
and the Julian Date cannot be recovered from the published information. The data
published for three of the systems are not sudegcient to permit an assessment
of the quality of the orbits, although to judge from the velocity-curves that
are published, all the orbits are reliable.

The values of V0 appear to have been referred to the I.A.U. system of standard
velocities and are not just relative to the velocity of the standard used in
cross-correlation. Two of the binaries show both spectra, but explicit values
of K2 have not been published. The serial numbers are from the catalogue by D.
Weistrop, which she first described in Astron. J., 77, 366, 1972.

See note on Weistrop 33436 [SB9 system 748].  The time of periastron passage
is given as days elapsed from an epoch (-4.5) which does not seem to match the
first observation and the Julian Date cannot be recovered from the published

A 9.5m companion at 25.1" is listed in I.D.S.

This is the second brightest Wolf-Rayet star in the sky. An absorption
component (classified as 09.5/B0 Iab by N. Houk and A.P. Cowley, Univ. Michigan
Catalogue of Two Dimensional Spectral Types for the H.D. Stars, Vol. 1, 1975)
has been recognized in the spectrum for some time, but this is the first
determination of the orbit of the system. The orbital elements given for the
W-R component (upper line) are based on measures of the emission line C IV
lambda 5801/12. A still higher amplitude (and different phase) is obtained from
the C III line at lambda 5696, which is probably more susceptible to
perturbations in the upper atmosphere of the W-R component. The zero of phase
is the time at which the W-R star is in front (the velocity derived from the C
IV line is equal to the systemic velocity and increasing). The systemic
velocity has not been directly determined and is arbitrarily assumed to be
zero. The value of K2 (absorption lines) is an upper limit. Narrow-band
photometry at lambda 4860 (near emission lines at lambda lambda 4650 and 4686)
shows a small light-variation at the wavelengths of the emission lines
consistent with an eclipse of the outer regions of the W-R atmosphere. The very
large mass-ratio (K abs =KWR > 29) is exceptional for W-R systems and leads,
with a reasonable assumption of 50 MSol for the mass of the O-type star, to
i=36 deg and mWR<1.7 MSol. Moffat and Seggewiss discuss the evolutionary
implications of these values, and suggest as an alternative that the actual
spectroscopic-binary companion of the Wolf-Rayet star is invisible, and that
the O-type spectrum arises from a relatively distant but unresolved third
component. At present the only evidence for this interpretation is the
unusually low mass found for the Wolf-Rayet star on the more obvious
interpretation. The whole system does have a 7.5m visual companion at 5.3"
separation. This companion possibly shares a common proper motion with the
Wolf-Rayet binary.

Epoch is T0 and a circular orbit was assumed. Orbital elements were also
published by A.H. Joy (Astrophys. J., 72, 41, 1930) whose values of V0 and K1
agree well with Popper's but whose value of K2 is appreciably larger (99 km/s).
Popper's result is based on the well resolved D lines and is certainly more
reliable. The system is the prototype of a group containing late-type stars
showing H and K emission in their spectra and often displaying variable
light-curves, the characteristics of which are now commonly accepted as the
results of spots on at least the cooler star of the pair. Most of the brighter
(nearer) members of the group are also recognized as soft X-ray sources and
intermittent radio sources. The best set of photoelectric light-curves remain
those published by S. Catalano and M. Rodono (Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 38, 395,
1967) which show clearly the precessing wave typical of these systems. Those
authors found an orbital inclination of 84 deg and fractional luminosity (at
lambda 5150) of 0.27 for the star of earlier type. More recent analyses (J.A.
Eaton and D.S. Hall, Astrophys. J., 227, 907, 1979 -- who discuss the starspot
hypothesis at length -- and I.B. Pustylnik and L. Einasto, Astrophys. Space
Sci., 105, 259, 1984) agree about the inclination but give somewhat different
values for the fractional luminosities. The depth of eclipse varies: the
minimum magnitude in the Catalogue is an estimate based on the work of Catalano
and Rodono and the out-of-eclipse magnitude given by R.W. Hilditch and G. Hill
(Mem. Roy. Astron. Soc., 79, 101, 1975). Although no new orbit has been
published since the Seventh Catalogue, a number of spectrophotometric studies
have been made. C.G. Rhombs and J.D. Fix (Acta Astron., 26, 301, 1976) studied
the continuum flux distribution at phases affected by the wave in the
light-curve and found that it resembled that of the cooler star. The same
authors also found the ultraviolet excess to be associated with the cooler star
(Astrophys. J., 216, 503, 1977). S.A. Naftilan and S.A. Drake (Publ. Astron.
Soc. Pacific, 92, 675, 1980) failed to find, from limited data, any correlation
between emission-line strengths and phase, except that H-alpha appears stronger
during primary eclipse. Emission-line variations were also studied by E.J.
Weiler (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 182, 77, 1978).

See note for Weistrop 33436 [SB9 system 748].  The time of periastron passage
is given as days elapsed from an epoch (1.4) which does not seem to match the
first observation and the Julian Date cannot be recovered from the published

See note for Weistrop 33436 [SB9 system 748].  The time of periastron passage
is given as days elapsed from an epoch (-28.0) which does not seem to match the
first observation and the Julian Date cannot be recovered from the published

Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit.

See note for Weistrop 33436 [SB9 system 748].  The time of periastron passage
is given as days elapsed from an epoch (-1.1) which does not seem to match the
first observation and the Julian Date cannot be recovered from the published
information.  This is one of the two-spectra systems. Latham et al. say that
the two semi-amplitudes are approximately equal.

See note for Weistrop 33436 [SB9 system 748].  The time of periastron passage
is given as days elapsed from an epoch (0.4) which does not seem to match the
first observation and the Julian Date cannot be recovered from the published
information. This is the other two-spectra system. The value of
K2 is approximately 30 percent larger than that of K1.

See note for Weistrop 33436 [SB9 system 748].  The time of periastron passage
is given as days elapsed from an epoch (65.0) which does not seem to match the
first observation and the Julian Date cannot be recovered from the published

The original observations were by O. Struve (Astrophys. J., 106, 92, 1947) but
the computation by Lucy & Sweeney is preferred to Struve's graphical solution.
The epoch is T0. The magnitudes and spectral type are taken from the fourth
edition of the G.C.V.S. M.B. Shapley analyzed a photographic light-curve
(Harvard Obs. Bull., No. 848, 32, 1927) and found i=86 deg and the light-ratio
to be about 0.03.

Griffin discusses the uncertainty surrounding the spectral type and concludes
that the dG6 classification by Joy is the best available. He also draws
attention to the large proper motion.

The star has a fainter companion, distant about 35" from the spectroscopic
pair. Both proper motion and radial velocity indicate that this companion is

The peculiarity of this spectrum is a strong enhancement of the lines of Co II.
Because the observations show a somewhat larger-than-expected scatter,
Dworetsky suggests that the star may be pulsating in a short period.

The relatively large mass-function leads Griffin to suggest that the invisible
secondary is itself a close pair of G-type dwarfs, otherwise, its spectrum
should be visible.

In addition to those given in the Catalogue, orbital elements have been
published by: H.C. Vogel (Astrophys. J., 13, 328, 1901); H. Ludendorff (Astron.
Nachr., 180, 276, 1909); L. Hadley (Publ. Michigan Obs., 2, 76, 1915); A.
Hnatek (Astron. Nachr., 209, 48, 1919); C.U. Cesco (Astrophys. J., 104, 287,
1946) and G. de Strobel (Asiago Contr. No. 20, 1950). There are also
discussions by A. Krancj (Publ. Bologna Univ. Obs., 7, No. 11, 1959), and H.N.
Russell (quoted by F.G. Pease in Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 39, 313, 1927).
Russell combined spectroscopic and interferometric data and found i=60 deg.
These several determinations are in good agreement with each other, especially
those by Hadley, Cesco, de Strobel, and Fehrenbach and Prevot. There is some
evidence for a variation in V0, but it would be necessary to check the
wavelengths used before investigating this. Petrie(I) found Delta m=0.03.
Spectral type is taken from Bright Star Catalogue. Star is brighter component
of A.D.S. 8891: companion is 3.95m at about 14". (see HD 116657 B).

Although the star has been known to be variable in velocity for some time,
orbital elements were not published for it until H.A. Abt published his
investigation of Am binary stars (Astrophys. J. Supp., 6, 37, 1961). His value
of the period, however, was twice the correct one. Gutmann found no evidence
for any change in V0, such as was suspected by W.R. Beardsley (Astron. J., 69,
532, 1964). The spectral types given by Abt were A2, A8 and A7 from the K line,
the hydrogen lines and the metallic lines, respectively. The star is A.D.S.
8891 B.

Very thorough studies of the spectroscopic orbit, interferometric orbit and
light variations by the same group have greatly improved our knowledge of this
system (see R.R. Shobbrook et al., Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 145, 131, 1969
and D. Herbison-Evans et al., ibid., 151, 161, 1971). Apsidal motion is found
with a period of about 130 years (the value of omega for 1969 is given in the
Catalogue). Light variations of about 0.14m, once thought to indicate shallow
eclipses, seem, rather, to be a combination of ellipticity effects and
pulsations of the beta CMa type. There is a 4-hour periodicity in both the
light-curve and the velocity-curve as well as the 4-day one. Short-term changes
in the line profiles have recently been studied by G.A.H. Walker et al. (Publ.
Astron. Soc. Pacific, 94, 143, 1982). These variations may help to account for
some of the differences between values found for K1, K2 and V0 in this
investigation and in earlier ones (R.H. Baker, Publ. Allegheny Obs., 1, 65,
1909; O. Struve and E.G. Ebbighausen, Astrophys. J., 80, 365, 1934; O. Struve
Astrophys. J., 128, 310, 1958). Estimates of the magnitude difference between
the components range from 1.49m (Petrie(II)) to about 2m (Herbison-Evans et
al.) if an old determination of 2.4m by Struve is discounted. Herbison-Evans et
al. also find an orbital inclination of about 66 deg and a distance of 84
parsecs (+/-4 parsecs). I. Fejes (Astron. J., 79, 25, 1974) finds evidence for
a deficiency of neutral hydrogen in the direction of Spica (from 21-cm
observations) and other evidence for anomalous interstellar abundances in that
direction is provided by D.G. York and B.F. Kinahan (Astrophys. J., 228, 127,
1979), who studied ultraviolet interstellar lines. R.J. Reynolds (Astron. J.,
90, 92, 1985) has discovered an extended H II region around the star. The UV
spectrum of Spica itself has been studied by W.H. Bruce, G.H. Mount and P.D.
Feldman (Astrophys. J., 227, 884, 1979), T.J. Herczeg, Y. Kondo and K.A. van
der Hucht (Astrophys. Space Sci., 46, 379, 1977) and J.B. Hutchings and G. Hill
(Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 42, 135, 1980).

Struve, Cesco, and Sahade doubt the significance of the spectroscopic value of
e. They comment on the low masses that seem to be implied by these elements. C.
Payne-Gaposchkin (Astrophys. J., 100, 186, 1944) has analyzed the light-curve
and finds i=77 deg. She also estimates Delta m=1.3. The spectrum may be Am, but
is not listed by Curchod and Hauck.

The epoch is the time of primary minimum and the orbit is assumed circular.
This eclipsing binary was once thought to be a member of the globular cluster
omega Cen, but determination of the binary's orbit has clearly shown the system
to be a foreground object. Two solutions of the light-curve give rather
different results. R.F. Sistero (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 316, 1968) finds an
inclination of 72 deg and a fractional luminosity (photographic) for the
brighter component of 0.77. A.I. Kaskambas (Astrophys. Space Sci., 64, 427,
1979) finds 77 deg and 0.6 respectively. This latter solution might suggest
that both spectra should be visible, whereas only one is observed.

The spectral type given is from the H.D. Catalogue. On the basis of unpublished
photometry and the small proper motion, Griffin suggests that the type should
be G8 III.

The eclipsing nature of this variable was first discovered by F.H. Schmidt and
J.D. Fernie (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 2527, 1984) who also published a
diagram of the velocity-curve. The magnitude given is on the Stromgren y scale;
the minimum magnitude is approximate. The epoch is the time of primary minimum.
The velocity-curve is fairly well defined, but not Keplerian. Distortion of the
primary star and asymmetric light-distribution over it ensure that the measured
velocity is not that of the centre of mass. The semi-amplitude has been
corrected (observed value 31 km/s) to allow for this fact. The stars are not in
contact but Mochnacki et al. suggest that the system will become an A-type W
UMa system. The orbital inclination is about 72 deg, the masses are estimated
to be 1.9 MSol (visible star) and 0.3 MSol. According to I.D.S., there is a
visual companion 13.1m at 22.8".

The magnitudes for this dwarf nova cover the range of mean values given by N.
Vogt and J. Breysacher (Astrophys. J., 235, 945, 1980) who also published a
preliminary velocity curve. The epoch is T0 for the absorption-line component.
A circular orbit was assumed. The velocity-curve of the absorption-line
component is reasonably well determined; the value of K given for the white
dwarf (lower line) is the mean of measures of the emission lines of H-gamma and
H-delta. The orbital inclination is estimated at around 62 deg; at most the
system displays grazing eclipses.

The epoch is the approximate date of the first observation, which happens to be
about the time of inferior conjunction of the M-type giant. No value is given
for V0 -- it probably lies between 35 km/s and 40 km/s. From IUE observations,
M. Kafatos, A.G. Michalitsianos and R.W. Hobbs (Astrophys. J., 240, 114, 1980)
deduce that the hot companion is the central star of a planetary nebula.

These elements supersede those published earlier by Harper (Publ. Dom. Obs., 4,
232, 1918). Luyten had pointed out that Harper's earlier work was based on an
incorrect value for the period. Elements have also been published by P.
Bourgeois (Bull. Astron. Roy. Obs. Uccle, 2, 222, 1938). He found a slightly
larger value of e and a smaller value of K1 than did Harper. Lucy & Sweeney
adopt a circular orbit. P.S. Conti (Astrophys. J., 149, 629, 1967) refined
Harper's value of the period and measured K2, from the calcium emission lines,
as 34.2 km/s +/-5.0 km/s. This would give a mass ratio of 0.28 and very small
minimum masses. From these data and from infrared colours published by H.L.
Johnson et al. (Comm. Lunar & Planetary Lab., 4, 99, 1966) Conti deduces that
the system is an Algol-type system seen at very low inclination.

Two different techniques of spectroscopy with high time-resolution have been
applied to this system and the results of either one would clearly supersede
the work of O. Struve (Astrophys. J., 108, 153, 1948). The other investigation
is by A.W. Shafter (Astron. J., 89, 1555, 1984). Unfortunately, the increase in
precision has shown that the `elements' (K1 and V0) are variable: Schlegel et
al. found different values in the years 1981 and 1982. They also find
line-to-line differences that Shafter suggests arise from the unreliability of
some of the weaker lines. The 1981 value of K1 is preferred because it is
closer to Shafter's. The very large difference in V0 found by the two sets of
investigators is presumably partly a consequence of different techniques of
measurement. The epoch is the time of primary minimum (O. Mandel, Peremm.
Zvezdy, 15, 474, 1965). Shafter gives a time of superior conjunction of the
secondary of J.D. 2,445,376.973. Spectroscopic observations with the 6-m
telescope are reported by N.F. Voikhanskaya (Pis. Astron. Zh., 11, 617, 1985).
The high-speed photometry by B. Warner and R.E. Nather (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron.
Soc., 159, 427, 1972) and R.E. Nather and E.L. Robinson (Astrophys. J., 190,
637, 1974) demonstrated flickering with a period of approximately 29 seconds.
Optical and infrared light-curves have been obtained by J. Frank et al. (Mon.
Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 195, 505, 1981) who find an orbital inclination of 65
deg and estimate an M2 V spectral type for the fainter star. The V magnitudes
given in the Catalogue are approximations derived from their plot of the


Later spectrograms measured by A.J. Deutsch (Astrophys. J., 101, 377, 1945)
tend to confirm these elements. Deutsch detected traces of a secondary spectrum
of type about K5. M.B. Shapley (Harvard Obs. Bull., No. 797, 1924) found from
the photographic light-curve that i=79.1 deg and the light-ratio is about 0.94.
Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit.

The scatter is larger than the semi-amplitude.

Lucy & Sweeney also adopt an elliptical orbit.

Reference: G.A.Shajn, Pulkovo Circ.,, No. 25; 26, 1939

Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.60.

The original observations were by O. Struve and L. Gratton (Astrophys. J., 108,
498, 1948) but an incorrect photometric period misled these investigators into
believing that the spectroscopically brighter component was eclipsed at
secondary minimum. Kwee derived the correct period, removed the anomaly and
improved the fit of the radial-velocity observations. The epoch is the time of
primary minimum. Two discussions of photoelectric light-curves have now
appeared (G. Russo and C. Sollazzo. Astrophys. Space Sci., 78, 141, 1981; A.D.
Mallama and A.N. Witt, Acta Astron., 26, 253, 1976). The orbital inclination is
at least 85 deg and the hotter component gives about 0.97 of the total light in
B and V. Assuming the primary spectral type is A2 V, Mallama and Witt estimate
the secondary to be about G3.

New observations and analyses (B.N. Ashoka, R. Surendiranath and N. Kameswara
Rao, Acta Astron., 35, 395, 1985; H. Levato et al., Astrophys. J. Supp., 64,
487, 1987) do not seem to yield results preferable to those of the analysis by
Lucy & Sweeney of observations by R.E. Wilson (Lick Obs. Bull., 8, 130, 1914).
The epoch is T0.

Preliminary elements for this system containing two nearly equally evolved
giants were published by D.M. Popper (Astrophys. J., 169, 549, 1971). Since the
publication of the Seventh Catalogue, a full photometric study of the system
has appeared (B. Gronbech, K. Gyldenkerne and H.E. Jorgensen, Astron.
Astrophys., 55, 401, 1977). The larger star in the pair is brighter, but
cooler, and was designated `component 2' by Andersen. The two spectra are
similar, but component 2 has the stronger spectrum. The epoch is the time of
primary minimum. The orbital inclination is close to 88 deg and the difference
in magnitude is Delta V=0.38m. The relative positions of the two stars in the
H-R diagram are not consistent with evolutionary-model calculations. See also
M. Kitamura and Y. Nakamura (Ann. Tokyo Obs., 21, 311, 1987) for a discussion
of gravity-darkening coedegcients in this system.

The epoch is the time of primary minimum and, together with the period, is
taken from the photometric study by L. Winkler (Astron. J., 82, 648, 1977).
There is evidence that the period is increasing (N.S. Awadalla and A. Yamasaki,
Astrophys. Space Sci., 107, 347, 1984). The light-curve shows the orbit to be
circular, but the few observations are concentrated at the nodes and show a
rather large scatter. Awadalla and Yamasaki have studied all available
photoelectric light-curves (including new ones of their own) and find, by
assuming the spectroscopic mass-ratio, an orbital inclination close to 70 deg
and a fractional luminosity of about 0.2 (in V) for the fainter component.
Somewhat different results are given by P.G. Niarchos (Astrophys. Space Sci.,
58, 301, 1978).

The photoelectric radial-velocity observations are of high precision and the
period is probably established. The low amplitude, however, makes it difficult
to be sure that the other elements are well determined.

The fainter component of 3 Cen (A is 4.56m at about 8") but, apart from common
membership in the Sco{Cen group the two stars are probably not related. Levato
et al. could not see the phosphorous lines previously reported in the spectrum.

This binary has only recently been studied and the paper on spectroscopic work
is complemented by one on photometric observations (M.A. Cerruti and R.F.
Sistero, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 94, 189, 1982). The magnitudes, although
on the V scale, are approximate. The orbit is circular. The epoch is the time
of primary minimum (there is a difference between the two papers in this
respect; we have assumed the value given in the spectroscopic study is
correct). The spectroscopic elements are described by the authors themselves as
`preliminary'. There are signs of systematic deviations from the velocity-
curve. The orbital inclination is found to be close to 65 deg and the
fractional luminosity (in V) of the larger component is 0.55.


This is a triple system containing a short-period eclipsing binary. The
spectrum of the secondary of the eclipsing pair is not seen. The A-type star is
apparently a main-sequence object and is the primary of the eclipsing pair. The
epoch given for the short-period orbit is T0. The orbit was assumed to be
circular. Fekel's unpublished elements for the long-period orbit represent a
considerable improvement on those published by Schoffel and Popper. E. Schoffel
(Astron. Astrophys., 61, 107, 1977) has published UBV light-curves. He finds i
is close to 84 deg and the G8 star contributes about 0.66 and the A star about
0.3 of the total light in V.

This is a triple system containing a short-period eclipsing binary. The
spectrum of the secondary of the eclipsing pair is not seen. The A-type star is
apparently a main-sequence object and is the primary of the eclipsing pair. The
epoch given for the short-period orbit is T0. The orbit was assumed to be
circular. Fekel's unpublished elements for the long-period orbit represent a
considerable improvement on those published by Schoffel and Popper. E. Schoffel
(Astron. Astrophys., 61, 107, 1977) has published UBV light-curves. He finds i
is close to 84 deg and the G8 star contributes about 0.66 and the A star about
0.3 of the total light in V.

Reference: F.C.Fekel,,,, (Unpublished)

Companion to 4 Cen. Elements described as `very marginal' by Levato et al., who
also supply the magnitude and spectral classification.

Levato et al. improved the orbital period originally derived, with the other
elements, by G.F. Paddock (Lick Obs. Bull., 9, 42, 1916). The star belongs to
the Sco{Cen group and has a visual companion at 14.9" (see HD 121263).
Identification is from the Cordoba Durchmusterung.

Orbital elements were published by A.C. Maury (Pop. Astron., 29, 636, 1921) and
her values of P, e and omega were assumed by Popper. He estimated Delta m=0.5,
from spectrophotometric measures.

Earlier spectroscopic studies were published by W.E. Harper (J. Roy. Astron.
Soc. Can., 4, 191, 1910 and Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 232, 1935) and E.
Bianchi (Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 1, (N.S.) 31, 1920). New observations by H.A.
Abt and S.G. Levy (Astrophys. J. Supp., 30, 273, 1976) confirm Bertiau's
results. An astrometric orbit by Z. Daniel and K. Burns (Publ. Am. Astron.
Soc., 9, 146, 1938) gives i=73 deg. A faint distant companion is listed in
I.D.S., but its motion suggests that there is no physical connection between it
and eta Boo.

The combined photometric and spectroscopic study by Popper supersedes earlier
work by G.A. Shajn (Izv. Krym. Astrofiz. Obs., 5, 105, 1950) and by E.D. Miner
and D.H. McNamara (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 75, 343, 1963) as well as a
rediscussion of data by B. Cester et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 32, 347,
1978). The light-curve shows the orbit to be circular and the epoch is the time
of primary minimum. The two components are indistinguishable photometrically
(Delta m=0) although one is about 3 percent more massive. The orbital
inclination is 88.4 deg. The magnitude at maximum is taken from R.W. Hilditch
and G. Hill (Mem. Roy. Astron. Soc., 79, 101, 1975) and the eclipse depth from
the fourth edition of the G.C.V.S.


According to R.H. Koch (Astron. J., 72, 411, 1967) the photometric colours
suggest a slightly earlier spectral type (F8) for the primary star. The epoch
is the time of primary minimum and the orbit was assumed circular. The
spectrograms on which the orbit is based are of very low dispersion and a
modern study of the system is desirable. Differences between photometric
observations by M. Kitamura, T. Nakamura and C. Takahashi (Publ. Astron. Soc.
Japan, 9, 191, 1957) and by Koch (loc. cit.) have led to several reanalyses (G.
Giuricin, F. Mardirossian and M. Mezzetti, Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 39, 255,
1980; R.E. Wilson and J.B. Rafert, ibid., 42, 195, 1980). R.A. Botsula, Peremm.
Zvezdy, 20, 577, 1978 and M. Hoffman (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 47, 561, 1982)
have found that the light-curve is variable, the latter suggesting that the
system is related to the RS CVn group. G. Giuricin et al. (Mon. Not. Roy.
Astron. Soc., 206, 305, 1984) reconsidered their earlier work and find an
orbital inclination close to 88 deg and a fractional luminosity (at lambda
5125) of 0.68 for the hotter star.

New observations do not confirm the period of 1025 d proposed by W.H. Christie
(Astrophys. J., 83, 433, 1936). These new elements still require confirmation.

This is an astrometric binary (major semi-axis of photocentric orbit approx
0.1") that is also a single-spectrum spectroscopic binary. The elements given
are those derived from radial velocities alone, although Kamper also offers a
combined solution from radial-velocity and astrometric measures. The period is
9.907y and the time of periastron passage 1952.03. The orbital inclination
(from the combined measures) is 93.5 deg. The parallax is about 0.06".

Earlier investigations were published by W.E. Harper (J. Roy. Astron. Soc.
Can., 1, 237, 1907 and Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 232, 1935) by J.S.
Plaskett (Report of Chief Astronomer, Canada, p. 103, 1907) and by J.A. Pearce
(Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 10, 331, 1956). Elst and Nelles call attention to
inconsistencies between the various sets of observations used by Pearce. In
particular, the Ottawa observations lead to a different V0 (Ottawa
radial-velocity measures are known to be subject to systematic errors) and a
smaller K1. The Yerkes and Lick observations were combined with the new
material to give K1, e and omega, while V0 and T are derived from the new
observations alone. The results are an undoubted improvement on Pearce's
solution, but we still hesitate to give an a classification.

Epoch is primary minimum and the orbit is assumed circular. Although no new
spectroscopic work has been published, two good photometric studies have
appeared since the Seventh Catalogue. They are by R.L. Walker and C.R.
Chambliss (Astron. J., 88, 535, 1983) and J. Andersen, J.V. Clausen and B.
Nordstrom (Astron. Astrophys., 137, 281, 1984). They lead to similar pictures
of the system, the chief differences being that Walker and Chambliss give the
spectral types as F6-7 IV-V and make one component slightly brighter than the
other, while Andersen et al. treat the components as virtually
indistinguishable. The magnitudes given are from the paper by Chambliss and
Walker. The orbital inclination is very close to 90 deg. The masses are now
very well-known; Andersen et al. suggest that the components are near the end
of their main-sequence life.

The epoch is the time of minimum light and the orbit is assumed circular. The
object is a cataclysmic variable of the AM Her class. The observations on which
this study is based were made with the Anglo-Australian telescope and at the
South African Astronomical Observatory. The elements given are those derived
from measurements of the narrow emission components as observed with the
Anglo-Australian telescope. The emission lines show complex profiles and
different components give quite different elements. In general, the values of
K1 determined at each observatory are similar for each component, but the
values of V0 tend to differ. Although velocity-curves derived from individual
components are better covered than for many cataclysmic variables, doubt
remains about their interpretation.

A 9.2m companion at about 62" is listed in I.D.S.

The new observations confirm the results of W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom. Obs., 1,
303, 1916) and are an undoubted improvement on them. The only significant
difference between the two sets of elements is in the value of K2. Harper
found 72 km/s, but indicated that the true value was probably lower. Petrie(I)
found Delta m=0.51.

Epoch is T0.

The new observations supersede the earlier ones of R.K. Young (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 4, 27, 1927) and show that the period is about 30 days longer
than his value. Nevertheless, the other elements are not greatly altered.

These elements are described as preliminary by Bakos himself. Although the
semi-amplitude is relatively small, it is more than twenty times its mean
error. The star is the fainter component of A.D.S. 9173: the brighter is 4.54m
at 13.3" whose proper motion is similar but not identical.

This is the first spectroscopic orbit for this W UMa system and demonstrates
the power of the cross-correlation method of radial-velocity measurement.
Coverage of the primary curve is good, but there are some systematic departures
from it which may be partly due to the distortion of the component. The orbit
is assumed circular and the epoch is the time of primary minimum. Several
photometric observers have been attracted to the system and several analyses of
the available light- curves have been published. Among the most recent are S.J.
Lafta and J.F. Grainger, Astrophys. Space Sci., 127, 153, 1986, P.G. Niarchos,
ibid., 58, 301, 1978 and S.W. Mochnacki and N.A. Doughty, Mon. Not. Roy.
Astron. Soc., 156, 243, 1972. The orbital inclination is about 79 deg. The
photometric and spectroscopic estimates of mass-ratio agree.

The period in the binary orbit is 4.4 years, however the star is, also a
magnetic variable with a period of 9.2954d, and some velocity variation with
this period may be contributing to the scatter of the observations. The
peculiarities of the spectrum consist in the variable strength of the lines of
Eu II and Cr II which vary with the period of the magnetic field.

Harper later revised the period to 7.3683d (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 233,
1935). The spectrum is classified as A2 from the K line and F2 III from the
metal lines.

An earlier investigation by A. Colacevich (Oss. e Mem. Arcetri, 59, 15, 1941)
was based on a period of 206.9d. Abt has shown this to be incorrect, but his
own elements are preliminary. He regards even the period as approximate. Epoch
is T0. The light of the system has been suspected to be variable. Petrie(II)
found Delta m=0.14. According to Abt, the spectral types derived from the K
line, the hydrogen lines, and the metallic lines are A2, A8 and A7

New observations largely confirm the orbital elements found by R.K. Young
(Publ. Dom. Obs., 3, 95, 1915). They lead to a slight improvement in the
period, and a very considerable improvement in the precision with which the
elements are known.

The formal errors are very small, but only eleven observations are available.
The system is of interest in that its period is short and it contains two
closely similar early A-type stars that rotate slowly and yet are apparently
not Am stars. A 12.0m companion at 22" is listed in I.D.S.

New observations with IUE supplement those previously published by G.
Wallerstein and S.C. Wolff (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 78, 390, 1966) and
greatly strengthen the determination of the orbital elements of the subdwarf
component. The amplitude of the G-type component is still poorly known because
of the large scatter in the measured velocities (the spectral lines are much
broadened by rotation). Howarth estimates the mass-ratio (O-type star.G-type
star) to be 0.59+/-0.24, compared with 1.0+/-0.1 by Wallerstein and Wolff. This
would make the subdwarf less massive than the 4.3 MSol proposed by the latter
authors. Although both Howard and Wallerstein and Wolff suggest that the system
may display eclipses, the only photometric search so far has not revealed any
(J.D. Fernie, J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can., 60, 260, 1966). J. Gruschinska et al.
(Astron. Astrophys., 121, 85, 1983) published an analysis of the atmospheric
structure of the subdwarf.

The magnitudes given refer to alpha 1 and alpha 2 Cen individually. The period
of 81.18y or 29,652 d, together with the values of T, e and omega, are based on
a visual orbit by A.W. Roberts (Astron. Nachr., 139, 10, 1896). We have
retained them, instead of adopting a more modern orbit, since they are the
values Lunt used in deriving K1 and V0 (he estimated K1=K2). The orbit quality
refers to these spectroscopic elements. The visual orbit is by now well-known
and modern solutions differ primarily from this one in giving a shorter period
(see W.D. Heintz, Observatory, 102, 42, 1982, who gives P=79.92y and discusses
the relative value of astrometric and spectroscopic determinations of the
mass-ratio. It is to be regretted that there is not a systematic high-precision
study of the radial velocities of the two bright components of this system. Of
the values given for omega, that of 232 deg refers to the orbit of the fainter
relative to the brighter. Other spectroscopic observations were made by W.H.
Wright (Lick Obs. Bull., 3, 3, 1904 and Publ. Lick Obs., 9, 238, 1907), H.
Jones (determination of mean velocity only -- Cape Annals, 10, pt. 8, 116,
1928) and A.J. Wesselink (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 113, 505, 1953).
Wesselink found V0=22.7 km/s, m2/m1=0.4 (compared with 0.82 from meridian
observations, but see Heintz, loc. cit.) and pi=0.776". Two recent
spectrophotometric studies of these bright stars have been published by D.R.
Soderblom (Astron. Astrophys., 158, 273, 1986) and G. Smith, B. Edvardsson and
U. Frisk (ibid., 165, 126, 1986).

A periodic variation of about 0.25m in V is thought to be caused by eclipses
(G. Jackisch, Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 314, 1968 and A.J. Harris, ibid., No.
365, 1969). The times of these possible eclipses are apparently consistent with
the spectroscopic observations.

The value of V0 for HD 129132 AB is, of course variable. Only one and a half
long-period cycles have been covered and the elements for HD 129132 ABC  are
correspondingly uncertain.

The value of V0 for HD 129132 AB is, of course variable. Only one and a half
long-period cycles have been covered and the elements for HD 129132 ABC  are
correspondingly uncertain.

Harper later revised the period to 12.8244d (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6,
234, 1935). Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.28. Star is fainter (6.8m) component of
common-proper-motion pair A.D.S. 9406: A is 6.1m at 3.0". Magnitude in
Catalogue refers to combined light of system.

Two independent investigations have been made recently of this newly recognized
binary; the other is by K.W. Kamper and R.W. Lyons (J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can.,
75, 56, 1981). The study by Beavers and Salzer is preferred, but it is the
fairly good agreement between the two that leads us to classify these elements
as b rather than c.

Epoch is T0. Fekel (private communication) has detected the secondary spectrum
in the red.

The magnitudes represent the observed range which is probably not quite the
full range of variation. The spectral type is inferred from the results of the
cross-correlation with standard spectra. The epoch is time of primary minimum:
the light-curve shows the orbit to be circular. The primary velocity-curve is
well covered and shows a distinct rotation effect during primary minimum. The
secondary spectrum is visible despite an estimated Delta m of over 3 m (the
cross-correlation brings it out) but measures of it hardly define a Keplerian
curve. The orbital inclination (determined from photometric observations
published in the same paper) is very close to 90 deg. The secondary spectral
type is early or middle K. The stars are nearly in contact, despite this
temperature difference.

Tomkin's success in detecting the infrared Ca II triplet in the secondary
spectrum (with a Reticon) ensures that his values for the orbital elements
supersede the several earlier investigations (J. Sahade and C.A. Hernandez,
Astrophys. J., 137, 845, 1963; D.B. McLaughlin, Publ. Michigan Obs., 6, 28,
1934 and F. Schlesinger, Publ. Allegheny Obs., 1, 123, 1909 -- recomputed by
Luyten). The small eccentricity found by Tomkin is perhaps questionable,
however. The light-curve does not require any eccentricity and the value
proposed is less than twice its mean error. Earlier work suggested that V0
might be variable, and R.H. Koch (Astron. J., 67, 130, 1962) found some
evidence for third light in the UBV light-curves. Sahade and Hernandez
questioned the variability of V0, however, and Tomkin does so even more
strongly. The strongest evidence for variation comes from the oldest
observations and may well be the consequence of the wavelengths adopted for
radial-velocity measurement. The best light- curve remains that obtained by
Koch (loc. cit.) and his magnitudes are given in the Catalogue. Recently,
Guiricin et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 37, 513, 1979) re-analyzed Koch's
observations. They adopted a transit at primary minimum instead of an
occultation, and did not require third light. They found an orbital inclination
of about 81 deg and a fractional luminosity in V for the primary component of
0.94. There is some disagreement whether the primary spectral type is B9.5V or
A0 V. The secondary must be early G. A brief spectrophotometric study has been
published by N.I. Krivasheeva and V.V. Lenshin (Astron. Tsirk., No. 1420, 3,

After decades of neglect, this star was observed simultaneously by two
independent groups (the other was R.-J. Dettmar and F. Gieseking, Astron.
Astrophys. Supp., 54, 541, 1983). Our choice of the elements to include in the
Catalogue may not be entirely impartial, but the elements chosen are
characterized by the lowest mean error of an individual observation and are
based on the spectrograms of the highest dispersion. The two new sets of
elements agree within their uncertainties and either would supersede the
original determination by R.K. Young (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 4, 32, 1927).
Both the modern sets of observations have larger than usual residuals for the
spectral type and dispersion used, which both groups of investigators suggested
might be related to the semi-regular variability of the primary star. (This is
one of the few semi-regular variables in a binary with a known orbit). The V
magnitude varies by about 0.3m (O.J. Eggen, Astrophys. J. Supp., 14, 307,
1967). Although a period of about 40d has been suggested, it has not been
substantiated. The eccentricity is probably genuine, but Dettmar and Gieseking
found a smaller value.


The epoch is T0 and the orbit is assumed circular in accordance with the
light-curve. A definitive value of V0 was not obtained by Popper; it must be
slightly variable. Other spectroscopic elements (based on fewer spectrograms of
lower dispersion) were determined by L. Binnendijk (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs.,
13, 27, 1967). He used spectrograms obtained by W.E. Harper and found K1=127
km/s and K2=202 km/s. The spectroscopic (and eclipsing) binary is the fainter
component of a visual binary (A.D.S. 9494). Since the major semi-axis of the
visual orbit is less than 4" (minimum separation less than 1") and the other
component is 0.5m to 1.0m brighter, the latter's light is always a problem in
the interpretation of photometric observations and often one in that of
spectroscopic observations. The latest visual orbit is that determined by W.D.
Heintz (Astrophys. J. Supp., 37, 71, 1978). The close pair, a W UMa system, has
attracted many photometric observers. Two recent discussions are by H.W.
Duerbeck (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 32, 361, 1978) who finds the light-curve to
be variable, even within a few weeks, and C. Maceroni et al. (ibid., 45, 187,
1981) who derive an orbital inclination of 71 deg and a fractional luminosity
in V for the hotter star of 0.61. A new study of both the short-period and
long-period orbits of this system was completed by G. Hill while the Catalogue
was in press. The system is an X-ray source (R.G. Cruddace and A.K. Dupree,
Astrophys. J., 277, 263, 1984).

Both components are subgiants.

The epoch (time of primary minimum) and period are taken from M. Hoffman
(Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 33, 63, 1978). The spectral type is as given by
McLean and Hilditch: the fourth edition of the G.C.V.S. gives G2 V. The
light-curve shows the orbit to be circular. Radial-velocity measurements have
also been published by Y.C. Chang (Astrophys. J., 107, 96, 1948) and Hoffmann
(loc. cit.). Chang could not resolve the component spectra, even at
quadratures, and wisely refrained from trying to deduce anything but V0 from
them. Hoffmann has suggested that Chang's observations provide evidence of a
third body with an orbital period of about 34.7 times that of the close pair.
Despite evidence for variations in the period and light-curve of the system,
however, confirmation from modern observations is essential, if the existence
of the third body is to be accepted. Hoffmann discussed the light-curves in
some detail, but did not solve for the elements. G. Wolfschmidt, J. Rahe and E.
Schoffel (Mitt. Astron. Gesells., 45, 49, 1978) give an orbital inclination of
about 77 deg and a fractional luminosity for the larger component of 0.85.

Epoch is T0 : orbit assumed circular. Star is brighter component of A.D.S.
9520: companion, 10.8m at 17.9", is probably optical.

Epoch is T0. The value for the eccentricity is an upper limit, no value is
given for omega.

This is the brightest component of A.D.S. 9532: B is 9.4m at 57.8" and C is
1.9" from B and still fainter. The visual orbit has been determined for Aa by
Heintz. The period is 22.35y. The elements P, T, e, and omega are well
determined from the visual orbit. Heintz has determined K1 and V0 from Lick and
Yerkes spectrograms. The magnitude difference between the stars in the
spectroscopic pair is about 0.5m. The value of K1 must therefore be very
uncertain and Heintz finds that it is difficult to reconcile it with the visual
elements. The spectrum is that of a `silicon star'. Heintz gives i=161 deg and
the total mass as 8.5 MSol. A homogeneous series of high-dispersion
spectrograms would be of value in the study of this system.

Reference: W.D.Heintz, Veroff. Munchen, 7, 22, 1966

The individual observations show a large scatter, but the coverage of the
velocity curve is good. The star's light varies by about 0.1m and the system
may be eclipsing. Thackeray and Emerson suggest that the visual triple H.D.
135160 shares a common-space-motion with this system. A 13.5m companion to H.D.
135240 itself is probably unrelated physically.

There are two published orbits for this system that do not agree very well. The
other is by O. Struve (Astrophys. J., 102, 74, 1945) who assumes (probably
correctly) a circular orbit and finds V0 = 43 km/s, K1 = 47 km/s, D.M. Popper
(Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys., 18, 115, 1980) gives m1=m2=1.00 MSol, which
implies a value of K1 + K2 midway between the two published values. Emission is
observed in the H and K lines of Ca II; this together with the subgiant
classification puts the system in the RS CVn group. The emission apparently
comes from the component in front at primary minimum. There is no modern
light-curve: B.W. Sitterly (Pop. Astron., 30, 231, 1922) found i>81 deg.

These stars form A.D.S. 9537, the only known visual binary of which each
component is a W UMa system. The separation of the two eclipsing pairs is 16.1"
and both proper motions and radial velocities (despite a discrepancy of unknown
origin within each pair) indicate that these two systems are travelling
together in space. Older observations of each star led to provisional elements,
and those of BV Dra appeared to be reliable enough to be published (with e
quality) in earlier Catalogues. In fact, the superior cross-correlation
measurements have shown those elements to have been worthless for any purpose
beyond establishing the variability. The epochs given are times of primary
minima and the light- curves show the orbits to be circular. Spectral types
given for the more massive (brighter) components of each system are probably
fairly reliable; those for the fainter components are necessarily uncertain.
The spectrophotometric values of Delta m (blue light) are 0.63m and 0.45m for
BV and BW Dra respectively. The discrepancy between the values of V0 derived
from each component, in each system is not fully understood. It is not removed
by taking into account the distortion and asymmetrical distribution of surface
brightness of each component. Probably the values given for the primary
components are the more reliable. Since the proper motions are also
appreciable, the total space velocity is quite large. The intrinsic interest of
these two systems has attracted several photometric observers. A detailed
discussion of the light-curves and of the nature of the systems has been
published by J.K. Ka lu _ zny and S.M. Rucinski (Astron. J., 92, 666, 1986).
They find that the two systems are intrinsically different in the sense that
neither can evolve into the other. They find orbital inclinations of 76 deg
(BV) and 74 deg (BW) and fractional luminosities for the larger components of
0.67 (BV) and 0.73 (BW). Because they consider the effects of light
distribution over the surfaces, they derive slightly different values of K1, K2
and V0 (in each system) from those given in the Catalogue. They discuss the
evolutionary status of the entire system and conclude that it belongs to the
intermediate-to-old disk population. The system is probably close enough for a
trigonometrical parallax to be determined (A.R. Upgren, W.D. Heintz private

These stars form A.D.S. 9537, the only known visual binary of which each
component is a W UMa system. The separation of the two eclipsing pairs is 16.1"
and both proper motions and radial velocities (despite a discrepancy of unknown
origin within each pair) indicate that these two systems are travelling
together in space. Older observations of each star led to provisional elements,
and those of BV Dra appeared to be reliable enough to be published (with e
quality) in earlier Catalogues. In fact, the superior cross-correlation
measurements have shown those elements to have been worthless for any purpose
beyond establishing the variability. The epochs given are times of primary
minima and the light- curves show the orbits to be circular. Spectral types
given for the more massive (brighter) components of each system are probably
fairly reliable; those for the fainter components are necessarily uncertain.
The spectrophotometric values of Delta m (blue light) are 0.63m and 0.45m for
BV and BW Dra respectively. The discrepancy between the values of V0 derived
from each component, in each system is not fully understood. It is not removed
by taking into account the distortion and asymmetrical distribution of surface
brightness of each component. Probably the values given for the primary
components are the more reliable. Since the proper motions are also
appreciable, the total space velocity is quite large. The intrinsic interest of
these two systems has attracted several photometric observers. A detailed
discussion of the light-curves and of the nature of the systems has been
published by J.K. Ka lu _ zny and S.M. Rucinski (Astron. J., 92, 666, 1986).
They find that the two systems are intrinsically different in the sense that
neither can evolve into the other. They find orbital inclinations of 76 deg
(BV) and 74 deg (BW) and fractional luminosities for the larger components of
0.67 (BV) and 0.73 (BW). Because they consider the effects of light
distribution over the surfaces, they derive slightly different values of K1, K2
and V0 (in each system) from those given in the Catalogue. They discuss the
evolutionary status of the entire system and conclude that it belongs to the
intermediate-to-old disk population. The system is probably close enough for a
trigonometrical parallax to be determined (A.R. Upgren, W.D. Heintz private

The spectral type of the secondary is computed from the depth of eclipse.
Bartolini et al. also published a light-curve based on V observations. It has
been re-analysed by G. Giuricin, F. Mardirossian and S. Ferluga (Astron.
Nachr., 302, 187, 1981) who find the two stars to be in contact. The orbital
inclination is about 74 deg and the fractional luminosity of the brighter
component is 0.99.

The new observations supersede previous work (J.A. Pearce, Publ. Am. Astron.
Soc., 8, 219, 1935; J.S. Plaskett, Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 1, 187, 1920; J.
Sahade and O. Struve, Astrophys. J., 102, 480, 1945) because, for the first
time, reliable measures of the secondary spectrum have been made (in the
infrared) and omission of velocities derived from the hydrogen and helium lines
from the plate means for the primary component clearly demonstrate that the
true orbit is circular, in accordance with the light-curve. All the Victoria
observations (stretching over about sixty years) can be harmonized by one
fairly well determined value of K1, although there is some evidence that V0 may
be variable, which could indicate the presence of a third body. The epoch is
the time of primary minimum. Direct evidence for circumstellar matter in the
system is provided by the observations of O. Struve, J. Sahade and S.-S. Huang
(Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 69, 342, 1957). Photometric observations and
analysis have been published by D.B. Wood (Astrophys. J., 127, 351, 1958; 128,
595, 1958) and by S. Catalano, S. Cristaldi and G. Lacona (Mem. Soc. Astron.
Ital., 37, No. 2, 1966). A re-analysis of the former by B. Cester et al.
(Astron. Astrophys., 61, 469, 1977) gives an orbital inclination close to 80
deg and fractional luminosity in V for the brighter component of 0.96. Cester
et al., however, believed the spectral type of the secondary component to be
somewhat later than subsequently found by Batten and Tomkin. A discussion
combining the spectroscopic and photometric data that are now available for
this star would be useful.

The new observations supersede those of W.H. Christie (Publ. Dom. Astrophys.
Obs., 4, 55, 1927) since resolution of the secondary spectrum has led to a
revision of all the elements, including the period. The primary star is an Am
star (A3, A7, and F0 from the K line, hydrogen lines, and metal lines
respectively). The secondary component is not an Am star, although it too
rotates slowly.

Two companions are listed in I.D.S. The closer of these (separation 1") shows
evidence of orbital motion about the spectroscopic pair. Its light is included
in the magnitude given in the Catalogue, but the difference in magnitude is
1.5m. Thackeray suggests that this triple system belongs to the Sco-Cen
association. The 9m companion at 26.5" has neither the spectral type nor the
radial velocity that would be expected if it were physically associated with
the other three stars.

The magnitude varies by about 0.1m and the object appears to be a non-eclipsing
RS CVn system and ellipsoidal variable. Although W.P. Bidelman and D.J.
MacConnell (Astron. J., 78, 687, 1973) classified the spectrum as K1 III and F,
lines of only the K-type spectrum are seen by Fekel et al., who suggest that
the other component is G or K. Light and velocity variations were first
discovered by E.W. Burke et al. (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 2111, 1982) and
B.W. Bopp et al. (Astrophys. J., 275, 691, 1983). Only with the observations of
Fekel et al., however, has it become possible to remove an ambiguity of a
factor of two in the period. The orbit was assumed circular when an elliptical
solution gave a negligibly small eccentricity. The epoch is T0.

New observations by H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy (Astrophys. J. Supp., 30, 273, 1976)
confirm the earlier elements.

Chang assumed P=41.56y, T=1933.829, together with the values of e and omega,
from a visual orbit by O. Lohse (Publ. Astrophys. Obs. Potsdam, 20, 119, 1909).
More modern orbits by E. Silbernagel (Astron. Nachr., 234, 441, 1929) and A.
Danjon (Bull. Astron. Paris, 11, 191, 1938) are very similar. The system is
A.D.S. 9617. Two faint distant companions listed in I.D.S. are probably
optical. The quality designation refers only to the spectroscopically
determined elements. The magnitude is the combined light of the visual pair.

The epoch is T0 and the orbit was assumed circular after a preliminary solution
showed the eccentricity not to be significant. The spectral type given is not a
direct classification but an estimate based on the colour index, small proper
motion and the appearance of the radial-velocity traces.

Member of the Sco-Cen group with two visual companions 14m and 12.5m at about
20" and 30" respectively.

The importance of this system is that it belongs to Population II.

P=10.496y. These elements supersede those derived by J.B. Cannon (Publ. Dom.
Obs., 1, 375, 1912). Neubauer found some evidence for a shorter-period
velocity-variation with the following elements: P=320.13d, T=J.D. 2,426,475,
omega=102 deg, e=0.7, K=1.4 km/s, V0 (variable), and f(m)=0.000034 MSol. There
is one visual observation listed in I.D.S. of the secondary in the 10.5y orbit.
The spectrum shows Sr, Cr, and Eu peculiarities.

The computation by Lucy & Sweeney of the elements from observations by W.H.
Christie (Astrophys. J., 83, 433, 1936) is preferred to Christie's own
provisional analysis. The epoch is T0. An earlier orbit by Christie (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 3, 310, 1926) was based on an erroneous value for the period.
The spectrum is Am, and is classified as A3, A0 and F0 by the K line, hydrogen
lines and metallic lines respectively (Curchod and Hauck).

Various spectral types and luminosity classes are given in the literature; this
one is based on the continuum flux-distribution in the infrared (B.W. Bopp,
R.D. Gehrz and J.A. Hackwell, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 86, 989, 1974). Since
the star is considered to be an FK Com variable, the giant classification seems
the most plausible. The authors themselves describe the orbital elements as
preliminary. The small eccentricity is not significant. There is a possibility
that V0 is variable.

The star probably belongs to the Sco-Cen group and displays evidence of an
expanding circumstellar shell. It is one of the two approximately equal
components for which a visual orbit of P=147y and a=0.6" has been computed by
W.D. Heintz (Astron. Nachr., 283, 145, 1956).

As far as the primary component is concerned, the elements given by Tomkin and
Popper are obtained from a new analysis of the observations made and discussed
by E.G. Ebbighausen (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 14, 411, 1976). Tomkin and
Popper also succeeded in detecting the much fainter secondary spectrum by means
of Reticon observations in the infrared. Their work thus supersedes not only
Ebbighausen's but also the earlier investigations by F.C. Jordan (Publ.
Allegheny Obs., 1, 85, 1909), J.B. Cannon (J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can., 3, 419,
1909) and D.B. McLaughlin (Publ. Michigan Obs., 5, 91, 1933). There is fairly
good agreement between these investigators on the value of K1 but Cannon's
value for e differed from the others. The values adopted for e and omega by
Tomkin and Popper are partly influenced by the photometric values of e cos
omega and e sin omega. Photometric observations in the red were published and
discussed by G.E. Kron and K.C. Gordon (Astrophys. J., 110, 63, 1949) and
discussed also by E. Budding (Astrophys. Space Sci., 26, 371, 1974). Tomkin and
Popper also analyzed these observations. They deduced an orbital inclination
close to 88 deg and found that the secondary gives only 0.02 of the total red
light. Observations of the UV spectrum have been briefly discussed by T.J.
Herczeg, Y. Kondo and K.A. van der Hucht (Astrophys. Space Sci., 46, 379,

Although the velocity-curve published by Levato et al. does not look
convincing, A.D. Thackeray (Mem. Roy. Astron. Soc., 70, 33, 1966) measured
double lines on two plates. The star probably belongs to the Sco-Cen group.

Other investigations have been published by J.S. Plaskett (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 1, 137, 1919 -- recomputed by Luyten) and B. Smith (Astrophys.
J., 110, 63, 1949). All agree reasonably well on the value of K1 and in finding
a small eccentricity -- Smith was probably correct in adopting a circular orbit
-- but a modern spectroscopic study of this fairly bright system would be
useful. The elements given in the Catalogue differ slightly from either of the
solutions actually published by Pearce, being based on all the Victoria
observations available to him. Pearce also drew attention to the variability of
the period and estimated a mass-ratio of 0.28 from spectrograms obtained during
primary eclipse.  Photometric observations have been published by R.L. Baglow
(Publ. David Dunlap Obs., 2, 1, 1952) and K. Walter (Astron. Astrophys. Supp.,
32, 57, 1978). The latter's observations were analyzed by G. Giuricin, F.
Mardirossian and F. Predolin (Astrophys. Space Sci., 73, 389, 1980) who find an
orbital inclination of 85 deg and a fractional luminosity for the brighter star
(in yellow) of 0.64. The star is the brighter member of A.D.S. 9706: companion
is 9.5m at 3.4".

Another member of the Sco{Cen group. The primary velocity-curve is poorly

This is another X-ray pulsar, although the orbital elements are not so well
determined as for some of the others, partly because of incomplete coverage of
the velocity-curve and partly because of an intrinsic variability of the pulsar
period. Similar results were obtained by P.J.N. Davison, M.G. Watson and J.P.
Pye (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 181, 73P, 1977). The epoch is the time of
superior conjunction of the X-ray source. The directly measured quantity is a 1
sin i, from which K1 is derived. The values of V0 and K2 and the spectral
classification are taken from the work of D. Crampton, J.B. Hutchings and A.P.
Cowley (Astrophys. J., 225, L63, 1978). They also derive a value of K1 from the
emission line of He II lambda 4686, which is in close accord with the value
derived from X-ray observations. They estimate an orbital inclination of about
70 deg. The B magnitudes are taken from the fourth edition of the G.C.V.S.

The maximum magnitude is from R.W. Hilditch and G. Hill (Mem. Roy. Astron.
Soc., 72, 101, 1975) and the minimum is estimated from L. Binnendijk's BV
light-curves (Astron. J., 77, 239, 1972). Analysis of these light-curves by F.
Mardirossian et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 40, 57, 1980) and R.E. Wilson
and J.B. Rafert (ibid., 42, 195, 1980) indicate that the orbital inclination is
near 80 deg and the primary component contributes at least 0.95 of the total
light in V. The light-curve shows no evidence for orbital eccentricity, and
Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit.

Orbital elements have also been published by J.S. Plaskett (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 3, 179, 1925 -- recomputed by Luyten). The new elements serve
only to underline the difficulties of interpreting the system. The elements V0,
K1, and K2 all differ from Plaskett's values (26.6 km/s, 134.8 km/s and 137.7
km/s, respectively -- note the apparent reversal in the mass-ratio and the
considerable reduction of the total mass). It is clear that the velocity-curve
of the secondary component, at least, has changed appreciably, and the question
arises, `How far can the secondary spectrum be attributed to the secondary
star?' A long series of two-prism spectrograms had been obtained by R.M.
Petrie, who was also puzzled by many features of the system. Earlier,
Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.12, consistent in sense with Abhyankar's and Sarma's
value for the mass-ratio. Star is the brighter component of A.D.S. 9737:
fainter component (zeta1 CrB) is 6.0m at 6.3".

Epoch is T0. The two spectra are very similar in type and intensity.

At the time of writing only an abstract is available for judging these two
orbits. The quality rating is based on the published values of the mean errors
of a single observation. The star is a close visual binary and each component
is a spectroscopic pair. Only one spectrum of the fainter (visual) component
can be seen. All three visible spectra are closely similar.

At the time of writing only an abstract is available for judging these two
orbits. The quality rating is based on the published values of the mean errors
of a single observation. The star is a close visual binary and each component
is a spectroscopic pair. Only one spectrum of the fainter (visual) component
can be seen. All three visible spectra are closely similar.

Elements have also been published by F.C. Jordan (Publ. Allegheny Obs., 3, 153,
1914). Agreement between the two sets is good. Petrie(II) found Delta m=1.39.
The few measures made of the secondary spectrum indicate a mass-ratio of about

Epoch is T0. Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit. Apparently no analysis of
the light-curve has been published.

According to C. Blanco and F.A. Catalano (Astron. J., 76, 630, 1971), the light
of this star is variable. A slightly different value for T is found from the
observations of the secondary component.

Lucy & Sweeney confirm the eccentricity.

The systemic velocity appears to be variable, the value given refers to
observations obtained in 1961-65 and was obtained by Wilson's method together
with a value of 1.42 for the mass-ratio. The  value given for K1 is in fact the
sum of K1+K2. The epoch is T0 and the orbit was found to be circular (e<0.003),
although a value was derived for omega. The primary component is a `mercury
star'; the secondary resembles an early Am star. Dworetsky finds Delta m=1.14
at lambda 4481.

Member of the Sco-Cen group and an occultation double. (Levato et al. believe
the occultation and spectroscopic pair to be the same.) Double lines suspected
on one plate (W.W. Campbell and J.H. Moore, Publ. Lick Obs., 16, 231, 1928)

Member of the Sco-Cen group.

This is another cataclysmic variable of the AM Her type. The magnitude given is
a mean and is subject to fluctuations of the order of 1m. The spectrum is
characterized by emission lines of hydrogen, helium and ionized carbon,
nitrogen and oxygen. The epoch is the time of linear polarization peaks. The
values given for K1 and V0 are the means for all lines. K. Mukai and P.A.
Charles (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 222, 1P, 1986) have detected the
secondary spectrum and it is their spectral type that is given in the

The spectral type is variously given as G0 IV or G2 V. According to Beavers and
Salzer, G0 IV is in better agreement with the trigonometrical parallax of
0.041". The I.D.S. lists an 11.8m companion at nearly 100" separation, but the
relative motion would suggest that the pair is optical.

Member of the Sco-Cen group. Elements described as `very marginal' by Levato et

Member of the Sco-Cen group. Brighter component of A.D.S. 9846; companion 12.8m
at 38.3".

Member of Sco-Cen group.

The velocities show a large scatter about the mean curve, perhaps partly
because they are derived from spectrograms obtained at three different
observatories, but partly because of the nature of the spectrum and the
possible influence on it of gas streams. This is a Be star for which the binary
nature now seems fairly certain. The orbital elements are not well determined,
however, and a later paper (P. Harmanec et al., Bull. Astron. Inst. Csl, 27,
47, 1976) has shown differences in the elements obtained from different lines
of the Balmer series.

Elements have also been published by O. Struve and C.T. Elvey (Astrophys. J.,
66, 217, 1927-- recomputed by Luyten). H. Levato et al. (Astrophys. J. Supp.,
64, 487, 1987) have also recomputed elements from all available observations.
S.J. Inglis (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 68, 259, 1956) also published
observations and found Delta m=1.2. The orbit of the primary component seems to
be well determined but there is a disturbing difference in the values found for
K2 (Struve and Elvey found 180 km/s). Thus, again, the masses of the components
are quite uncertain. The light of the star has been suspected of variability.
Epoch is an arbitrary zero that corresponds roughly to T0. Star is brighter
component of A.D.S. 9862: companion is 12.2m at 50.4".

This is an X-ray pulsar for which no optical counterpart was known at the time
the paper by Kelley, Rappaport and Ayasli was published. Coordinates are
approximate and no magnitude or spectral type can be given. Kelley et al.
speculate that the companion object may be a Be star. The directly measured
quantity is either the delay in the pulse arrival time, or the change in the
pulse period. The value of K has therefore been derived from that of a sin i.
Although individual observations are very precise, the coverage of the orbit is
patchy. An elliptical orbit cannot be ruled out, but a circular one was assumed
and the epoch is the time of superior conjunction of the X-ray source.

The epoch is T0. The orbit was assumed circular after a solution for an
elliptical orbit gave a negligibly small eccentricity. Two observations give
very large residuals and raise the possibility that the primary star sometimes
shows radial-velocity variations that are not of orbital origin. From three
observations of the secondary spectrum, Griffin deduces a mass-ratio of 0.82
and suggests that the system might display eclipses.

The magnitude is variable by about 0.03m in V. The light variations are
correlated with the orbital period and the epoch is the time of maximum light
in V. The orbit is assumed circular and the value of K1 is a mean for all
emission lines. The value of V0 is indeterminate, but Isserstedt et al. suggest
that this is a runaway object and that the secondary is a neutron star.

This is a recurrent nova and the maximum magnitude refers to its brightest
outburst; at minimum the magnitude is variable. These new observations confirm
earlier estimates of K1 (R.F. Sanford, Astrophys. J., 109, 81, 1949; R.P.
Kraft, Astrophys. J., 127, 625, 1958 and B. Paczynski, Acta Astron., 15, 197,
1965 -- based on Kraft's observations). Kraft measured the H-beta emission
line, which he ascribed to the nova component, and his value of K2 is given in
the Catalogue. Kenyon and Garcia did not rely on this emission line and
preferred to estimate the mass-ratio by indirect methods -- one of which leads
to a result very similar to Kraft's while the other would imply much lower
masses. One doubtful observation of a visual companion at 0.2" is recorded in

The variable radial velocity of this chemically peculiar star was first pointed
out by G.C.L. Aikman (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 14, 379, 1976) and his
velocities fit the period derived by Dworetsky. Aikman could not completely
resolve the two spectra, however, and did not derive the period. Dworetsky
describes his own elements as provisional and estimates the mass-ratio
(primary.secondary) as 1.5.

P=44.70y, T=1905.39. These elements together with e and omega are taken from a
visual orbit by R.G. Aitken (Publ. Lick Obs., 16, 31, 1928) who also found
i=29.1 deg. A more modern visual orbit has been published by P. Baize
(l'Astronomie, 56, 157, 1942). The quality is assigned only to the
spectroscopically determined elements. The system is A.D.S. 9909: there is a
7.2m third component at 7.6" from A.

Petrie found Delta m=1.17. The wide difference in the spectral types, however,
makes the determination of Delta m difficult. The A0 (fainter) component
appears to be distinctly subluminous and under-massive. The determination of K2
is much less certain than that of K1. The epoch is T0. New observations by S.B.
Parsons (Astrophys. J. Supp., 53, 553, 1983) confirm these elements.

The new observations and discussion by Peterson et al. supersede the earlier
work of Z. Daniel and F. Schlesinger (Publ. Allegheny Obs., 2, 127, 1912), J.C.
Duncan (Lowell Bull., 2, 21, 1912), W.J. Luyten, O. Struve and W.W. Morgan
(Publ. Yerkes Obs., 7, 251, 1939) and K.D. Abhyankar (Astrophys. J. Supp., 4,
157, 1959, see also Bull. Astron. Soc. India, 7, 123, 1979). The elements of
the primary orbit are well determined. Apsidal motion is now established, with
a period of the order of 730 years. The value given for omega is appropriate to
the epoch, T, given in the Catalogue. An apparently variable systemic velocity
may be partly accounted for by systematic errors between observatories, but may
also reflect real orbital motion of the close pair about the visual companion.
The value given for V0 in the Catalogue is derived from the observations of
Peterson et al. alone; other elements are derived from all available
observations. Peterson et al. derive V0=+3.8 km/s from observations of the
secondary, but do not find the large difference between the two components that
was found by Abhyankar. The star is the brightest component of A.D.S. 9913.
Observations of an occultation of the system by the Moon enabled D.S. Evans,
J.L. Elliott and D.M. Peterson (Astron. J., 83, 438, 1978) to derive Delta m
for the pair AB as 3.31m at a separation 0.46", and, for the pair AC, Delta
m=2.41 at a separation of 13.5". An occultation of the system by Jupiter has
also been observed (J.L. Elliot, K. Rages and J. Veverka, Astrophys. J., 197,
L123, 1975 and 207, 994, 1976; J.L. Elliot and J. Veverka, Icarus, 27, 359,
1976). From this, an orbital inclination of about 65 deg is derived and an
angular separation of the spectroscopic component of 0.0015". Angular diameters
of the component stars of the close pair have also been determined. A parallax
of about 0.005 is estimated from the system's membership of the Sco-Cen

The elements are in good agreement with an earlier set obtained by H.D. Curtis
(Lick Obs. Bull., 4, 156, 1907) revised by Luyten, except that Abt and Levy
find a slightly larger value of K1. Both Luyten and Lucy & Sweeney adopted a
circular orbit, and it is clear from these new elements that this is probably
the correct procedure (e=0.01+/-0.01). The epoch is presumably T0, but this is
not clear from the paper by Abt and Levy.

The spectrum is classified as A3 from the K line and F0 from the metallic

Another symbiotic star whose orbital elements are rated as `preliminary' by
Garcia himself. The elements depend on only seven observations, but a
photometric periodicity of about 550 d appears to be present in the U band (L.
Meininger, Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1611, 1979) and in the variable line
profiles (S.E. Smith and B.W. Bopp, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 195, 733,
1981). The epoch is the day of the first observation (close to superior
conjunction of the K-type star) and the value of V0 is not given by Garcia, but
is estimated from his plot of the velocity-curve. The system is known to be a
source of soft X-rays (M. Anderson, J.P. Cassinelli and W.T. Sanders,
Astrophys. J., 247, L127, 1981). Other descriptions of the spectrum (including
the UV spectrum) are given by R. Falomo (Astrophys. Space Sci., 91, 63, 1983)
and M.H. Slovak et al. (Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 15, 665, 1983).

Lucy & Sweeney accept the eccentricity.

Earlier observations from Lick and Cape observatories fit the velocity-curve
fairly well, but observations from Mount Wilson show an appreciable scatter.

A mercury-manganese star whose binary nature was also discovered at the Hale
Observatories (H.W. Babcock, Carnegie Institution Year Book, 70, 404, 1971).

Member of Sco{Cen group. T.S. van Albada and D. Sher (Bull. Astron. Inst.
Netherl., 20, 204, 1969) measured double lines on one plate.

The first elements were published by A. van Hoof (Astrophys. J., 137, 824,
1963) and were recomputed by Lucy & Sweeney, who preferred a circular orbit.
Levato et al. have used all available radial-velocity observations and obtained
a value of K1 close to that found by Lucy & Sweeney, but once again reintroduce
an orbital eccentricity. The star belongs to the Sco-Cen group and is the
brighter member of A.D.S. 9951; the companion is 6.5m at 41.1". Each component
is itself double and H.D. 145501 at 41" is A.D.S. 9951C.

Member of Sco-Cen group: elements called `very marginal' by Levato et al.

Griffin suggests that this star may be a subgiant and the system may be of the
RS CVn type. He reports that Bopp finds H-alpha to be too strong for the H.D.
type of K0. The epoch is T0.

These elements supersede those derived by Christie in Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, 46, 238, 1934. According to I.D.S. the star has twice been reported
double, with a separation of 0.1". It is not clear whether or not the visual
companion, if real, is identical with the spectroscopic secondary component.

Both the nature of the radial-velocity traces and unpublished photometry
suggest that this star is a giant.

The first orbit published by W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 3, 231,
1925 and 6, 234, 1935) and recomputed by Luyten was shown by R.W. Tanner (Publ.
David Dunlap Obs., 1, 473, 1949) to be based on an incorrect value for the
period. Bakos has used these same observations and added new ones, obtained at
higher dispersion. He has slightly revised Tanner's value for the period, and
the mean errors for a single plate suggest that Bakos' solution is a slight
improvement on the older one -- with which it is in reasonable agreement.
Probably the small orbital eccentricity should have been ignored, but the epoch
given is the time of periastron passage. The magnitude of the system is
slightly variable (by about 0.05m). Two periodicities have been claimed -- the
orbital period and a slightly longer one. Bakos gives and discusses photometric
observations as well as spectroscopic ones. The system has been described as a
deg Sct variable, but this is far from certain. More probably, the variations
are, at least partly, those to be expected in an RS CVn system: variable H and
K emission is seen in the spectrum. The UV spectrum (as observed with IUE) has
been discussed by R.A. Stern (Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 15, 665, 1983) and S.P.
Tarafdar and P.C. Agrawal (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 207, 809, 1984).
Observations of H-alpha are reported by S.C. Barden (Bull. Am. Astron. Soc.,
16, 473, 1984). The star is the brightest member of A.D.S. 9949: B is sigma 1
CrB (m V=6.66) physically related to A with an orbital period of the order of
1,000 years. Of the other companions, C (13.3m at 8.7" in I.D.S.) is probably,
and D (10.8m at 71.0" in I.D.S.) is certainly optical.

A new orbital study has been published by J. LaSala and J.R. Thorstensen
(Astron. J., 90, 2077, 1985). It confirms the orbital period and leads to
slightly different elements (K1 = 48 km/s and V0 = 125 km/s). The uncertainties
are such that the differences between this and the values of Cowley and
Crampton are not significant, and there is no obvious reason to prefer one set
of values over the other. Both sets of elements are derived from measures of
the base of the emission line of He II lambda 4686. LaSala and Thorstensen show
that other lines, in particular H-beta, differ in phase by a variable amount
from the He II line. This may account for some reports of phase changes in the
system. Even measures of the He II line may be affected by radiation from a hot
spot or a gaseous stream. A circular orbit was assumed and the epoch is T0. The
magnitudes are estimated from light-curves published by D.E. Mook (Astrophys.
J., 150, 125, 1967). D. Crampton et al. (Astrophys. J., 207, 907, 1976) have
estimated i=30 deg and individual masses of approximately 1.3 MSol (for the
X-ray component) and 1 MSol.

The star is a beta CMa variable, with a light amplitude of about 0.8m.
Disentangling of the velocity variations due to pulsation (P=0.25d) and those
due to orbital motion is rather difficult. The orbital period could be either
34.23d or 34.13d, with a slight preference for the former value. Earlier
investigations have been made by F.C. Henroteau (Lick Obs. Bull., 9, 173, 1918,
Publ. Dom. Obs., 5, 303, 1921, and 8, 45, 1922); R.D. Levee, (Astrophys. J.,
115, 402, 1952); and O. Struve, D.H. McNamara and V. Zebergs (Astrophys. J.,
122, 122, 1955). Earlier work by T. Selga is not available at Victoria. Star is
brighter member of A.D.S. 10009: companion is 8.7m at 20".


Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit.

The magnitudes given are visual magnitudes derived from uvby photometry. The
two spectral types are closely similar. The epoch is the time of primary
minimum (the two minima are almost equal in depth), although note that there is
fairly rapid apsidal motion with a period of about 40y. The small eccentricity
is thus real and confirmed by the photometric observations. Despite fairly
large uncertainties for individual observations, values of K1 and K2 are known
to within one percent. The orbital inclination is close to 82 deg and the stars
differ by 0.36m in visual magnitude.

According to I.D.S. there is a 10.3m companion at about 20".

Harper reconsidered the system and suggested P might be revised to 5.0193d
(Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 235, 1935).

A 7.5m companion at 22" is listed in I.D.S. Thackeray classifies it as B9 V and
regards it as a physical companion of the spectroscopic pair.

These elements are described as `marginal' by Abt and Levy themselves.

Binary nature of the star was discovered by H.A. Abt (Astrophys. J. Supp., 6,
37, 1961) who gave orbital elements based on approximately half the true
period. Abt was aware of the possibility that the true period is in the
neighbourhood of 27 d. Abt and Gutmann differ in the values they find for the
mass-ratio and the relative intensities of the component spectra. Gutmann's
observations seem to be correct in these respects. H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy
(Astrophys. J. Supp., 59, 229, 1985) saw no need to revise these elements in
their recent new study of Am binaries. Gutmann found both stars to be of the
same spectral type, and classified them as A7. Abt finds the spectral class to
be A2, A7 and A7 from the K line, the hydrogen lines and the metallic lines,
respectively. Gutmann found Delta m=0.54, using Petrie's method. If the stars
obey the mass-luminosity relation the orbital inclination is 30.5 deg. A 7.8m
companion at 1.0" is listed in I.D.S.

Griffin believes this star to be a giant and draws attention to the short
period, suggesting that the system might prove to belong to the RS CVn group.

SB9 correction: The epoch given in the original paper is NOT for the
periastron passage.

A few isolated observations of the secondary spectrum lead to a mass-ratio of
1.61 and minimum masses of 0.29 MSol and 0.18 MSol.

Based on observations and calculations by H.M. Reese. A 10.1m `companion' at
256" is listed in I.D.S., but there seems to be no reason to suppose that there
is any physical connection.

The spectrum shows emission cores in the H and K lines of Ca II and also
emission in the h and k lines of Mg II and at H-alpha. The system is a known
X-ray source. Primarily on photometric grounds, Johnson and Mayor suggest that
the invisible secondary is itself a binary -- probably consisting of a red
dwarf and a white dwarf.

Slightly different elements, based on Griffin's observations, have been
published by A. Abad and A. Elipe (Astrophys. J., 302, 764, 1986). Griffin
believed the secondary spectrum to be just visible and drew resemblances
between this system and that of Capella. Later, he confirmed the presence of
the secondary spectrum (R.F. Griffin, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 210, 745,
1984 -- note at end of the paper) but the measured velocity poses problems of
interpretation. It seems unlikely that the orbital elements of the primary star
are seriously in error, but more observations are needed to elucidate this

Lucy & Sweeney accept this orbital eccentricity. The star is the brighter
member A.D.S. 10116: companion is 13.9m at 3.8".

Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.70. A 7.3m companion is listed in I.D.S. at 157". It
has an appreciably larger proper motion than does the spectroscopic pair.

This is a very interesting dwarf system resembling YY Gem, but even smaller.
The epoch is the time of primary minimum, and the orbits were assumed circular,
after preliminary solutions showed the eccentricities to be negligibly small.
The radii of the two stars are each of the order of one quarter that of the
Sun. Lacy's thorough photometric and spectroscopic study of the system leads
him to the conclusion that it is the smallest, faintest, and least massive
main-sequence eclipsing binary known. The system is known to be a flare star,
but is much less active than Population I flare stars of similar luminosity.
Kinematically, the system appears to be a Population II object (space velocity
163 km/s). Low-dispersion spectrograms obtained by S.M. Rucinski (Acta Astron.,
28, 167, 1978) show that the strength of molecular features in the spectrum
support classification of the star as a subdwarf; the spectrum is very similar
to that of Barnard's star. The light-curve shows variations that can be
ascribed to star spots. Lacy finds that the orbital inclination is 89.8 deg,
and that the larger component gives 0.53 of the total light at 8200A. The
binary system has a 15.0m common-proper-motion companion at 25.7" separation.
The parallax is 0.069".

Elements derived earlier by A.H. Joy and O.L. Dustheimer (Astrophys. J., 81,
479, 1935) do not agree well with Sahade's values. Joy and Dustheimer found
K1=105.5 km/s. The light-curve shows the eccentricity to be spurious, and Lucy
& Sweeney adopt a circular orbit. C.-C. Wu et al. (Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 5,
345, 1973), from satellite observations at lambda 2460, find evidence for an
absorbing cloud between the components. The independent photometric analyses of
UBV light-curves by E.J. Devinney et al. (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 82, 10,
1970) indicate that i is close to 84 deg and the primary star gives 0.95 of the
light in V. These results were substantially confirmed by F. Mardirossian et
al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 40, 57, 1980). The spectral type of the
secondary is derived from the photometric colours, and the magnitudes are
estimated from data in the paper by Devinney et al.

The new observations are probably an improvement on those obtained by O. Struve
and L. Gratton (Astrophys. J., 108, 497, 1948) and by O. Struve and V. Zebergs
(ibid., 130, 789, 1959) although the agreement between the different sets of
observations is relatively good for a W UMa system. This fact justifies the c
category, despite the rather strong concentration of the new observations at
one node of the orbit. The maximum magnitude is taken from Wilson's paper (see
below) and the minimum is estimated from his data. The spectral types are as
given by Struve and Gratton. The period is variable; the epoch is the time of
primary minimum as given by W.C. Maddox and B.B. Bookmyer (Inf. Bull. Var.
Stars, No. 1569, 1979) but the nodes are shifted with respect to this
ephemeris. The orbit is assumed circular despite a suggestion by C. Maceroni,
L. Milano and G. Russo (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 49, 123, 1982) that the
asymmetry of the light-curve simulates that to be expected in an eccentric
orbit. Maceroni et al. analyzed the BV observations published by R.E. Wilson
(Astron. J., 72, 1028, 1967) and found an orbital inclination of 71 deg and a
fractional luminosity (in V) for the cooler component of 0.66. Somewhat
different results were obtained by P.G. Niarchos (Astrophys. Space Sci., 58,
301, 1978). The system is an X-ray source (R.G. Cruddace and A.K. Dupree,
Astrophys. J., 277, 263, 1984).

The new observations cover the most interesting part of the velocity-curve of
this visual system. Combined with earlier observations discussed by L. Berman
(Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 53, 22, 1941) and A.B. Underhill (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 12, 159, 1963), they are sudegcient to cover the entire
orbital period. Analysis (by Scarfe et al.) of the spectroscopic and visual
observations separately produces results that do not entirely agree. Presented
in the Catalogue is their combined solution (P=34.487y -- fixed, T=1967.828)
which they do not find entirely satisfactory and present as preliminary. From
time to time a third body has been suggested for this system. Scarfe et al.
consider this an unlikely explanation for the systematic departures they find
from the predicted velocity-curve. The orbital inclination is 133 deg and the
ascending node is at 236 deg. Since there are no velocity observations of the
secondary, and the visual orbit is a relative one, the masses cannot be
estimated without making some assumption about the parallax or the mass-ratio.
A total mass of between 2 MSol and 3 MSol seems to be indicated. The visual
companion is 2.63m fainter (in V). The major semi-axis of the orbit is about

Epoch is T0. Results of an earlier investigation by R.F. Sanford (Astrophys.
J., 64, 172, 1926) agree well with the present results. There is a slight
difference in the values found for K1 (Sanford gives 97.4 km/s) but it is
probably not greater than the uncertainty of the element. Abrami's results have
been further discussed by A. Krancj (Publ. Bologna Univ. Obs., 7, 11, 1959).
Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.40. He also assigned the spectral types given in the

Reference: A.Abrami, Trieste Contr., No. 285,, 1959

Epoch is T0.orbit is assumed circular. This is another RS CVn system with H and
K emission visible in the spectrum and showing Doppler shifts in phase with
those of the secondary spectrum but of smaller amplitude. D.M. Popper (Publ.
Astron. Soc. Pacific, 74, 129, 1962) emphasizes that all the lines in the
photographic region of the spectrum are blended and that the mass-ratio should
be determined from measures of the D-line. He has since published values of 1.4
MSol for the mass of each component (Adv. Astron. Astrophys., 5, 85, 1967)
which imply a considerably smaller value of K2 than found by Joy. A
photographic light curve was obtained by L. Plaut (Bull. Astron. Inst.
Netherl., 9, 121, 1940) and rediscussed by S. Kriz (Bull. Astron. Inst. Csl,
16, 306, 1965) who found i=81.4 deg and the fractional luminosity of the
primary star to be 0.76. The star is the brighter component of A.D.S. 10152:
companion is 8.8m at 8.2". The velocity of B as measured by Joy and the
positional measurements indicate that these stars share a common motion.

This is a cataclysmic variable containing a white dwarf (elements on upper
line) and a red dwarf. The magnitudes give the approximate range of variation
in V. The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is the approximate time of
superior conjunction of the white dwarf. The spectrum of the secondary is
described as `early-to-middle K'. The white-dwarf velocities are derived from
measures of the wings of the emission lines, specifically H-alpha and H-beta.
Absorption lines, one of which is presumably a blend of Fe I and Ca I lead to
the value derived for K2. Both absorption and emission lines give different
values for V0 in different years. The value derived from the absorption lines
is especially uncertain.

This system was studied in a survey of members of the cluster N.G.C. 6231 and
the related association Sco OB1. The observations are few and show a fairly
large scatter. The epoch is T0.


The epoch is the time of primary minimum and the orbit was assumed to be
circular on the basis of photometric measurements. The scatter of observations
is fairly large, and coverage of the velocity-curve is incomplete.
Photoelectric light-curves in yellow and blue light have been published by K.C.
Leung (Astron. J., 79, 852, 1974). He found i=81.7 deg and a fractional
luminosity of 0.95 for the larger star in yellow light. Somewhat different
results were obtained by K.C. Leung and R.E. Wilson (Astrophys. J., 211, 853,
1977) where further discussion of the system will be found. Observations of the
spectrum with IUE are reported by J.S. Shaw and E.F. Guinan (Bull. Am. Astron.
Soc., 15, 926, 1983).

Epoch is T0. Approximate elements have also been published by A.C. Maury (Pop.
Astron., 29, 22, 1921) while J. Sahade and L. Garcia de Ferrer (Bol. Assoc.
Arg. Astron., 26, 69, 1981) report new observations that lead to a different
velocity-curve from that found by Struve, but give no details. W.J. Luyten
(Publ. Minnesota Obs., 2, 38, 1935) discussed Maury's observations from the
point of view of apsidal motion, but Struve found no detectable eccentricity.
Photoelectric observations have been published by P. Rudnick and C.T. Elvey
(Astrophys. J., 87, 353, 1938) and D.W.N. Stibbs (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.,
108, 398, 1948). The latter have been twice re-analyzed recently (B. Cester et
al. Astron. Astrophys., 61, 469, 1977 and D.P. Schneider, J.J. Darland and
K.-C. Leung, Astron. J., 84, 236, 1979). Both groups find an orbital
inclination somewhat over 60 deg and a fractional luminosity (in B) for the
hotter star between 0.6 and 0.7. The two spectral types are similar, according
to Struve, but there are discordant remarks in the literature.

Reference: O.Struve, Festschrift fur Ellis Stromgren,, 258, 1940

These orbital elements have been determined from objective-prism spectra and
the value of V0 is relative. The absolute value is believed to be close to 30
km/s and the system is probably a member of the Sco OB 1 association and
possibly of the cluster N.G.C. 6231. The epoch is T0 and the orbit is assumed
circular. The next nine entries in the Catalogue are actual or possible members
of N.G.C. 6231.

The identification number is from the C.P.D.

Velocity-curves defined only by points near the nodes that show a large

The velocity curve is not well covered.

The new observations supersede those by O. Struve (Astrophys. J., 100, 189,
1944) who apparently derived an incorrect period (3.10d). The observations
still show a large scatter. The epoch is T0. The light of the system is
slightly variable.

The identification number is from the C.P.D. Half the velocity-curve is well
covered, as is the other node, but the scatter is large.

The first study of the orbit of this system was by O. Struve who could not rule
out a period of about 1.5d. G. Hill et al. (Astrophys. J., 79, 1271, 1974)
confirmed the long period and drew attention to a possible light variation but
gave no new elements. Seggewiss has refined the period found by Struve and
thereby improved the velocity-curve. The orbit was assumed circular and the
epoch is the average date of maximum radial velocity for the emission-line
curves. Different lines give different elements and the values given in the
Catalogue are means of the emission (WR) components on the upper line and of
the H and He II absorption (O-type) component on the lower. W. Neutsch, H.
Schmidt and W. Seggewiss (Mitt. Astron. Gesells., 43, 148, 1977) have published
a short note on the shell surrounding the Wolf-Rayet component.

See note for HD 151910.

See note for HD 151910. Since this orbit has an appreciable eccentricity, the
epoch is the time of periastron passage.

These elements supersede those derived by G. Hill et al. (Astron. J., 79, 1271,
1971) and E.N. Walker (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 152, 333, 1970). The
agreement with the last-named is fair, but there are differences in the
velocity-curves derived from measures of different lines and the value of V0 is
affected by the stellar wind from the primary. The reality of the eccentricity
is questionable, but the epoch is the nominal time of periastron passage.
Photometric observations (UBV) have been published by A.W.J. Cousins and H.C.
Lagerwey (Mon. Notes Astron. Soc. South Africa, 28, 120, 1969). The light-curve
is dominated by the ellipticity effect and the eclipses, if any, are very
shallow. Analyses have been published by I.D. Howarth and R. Wilson (I.A.U.
Colloq. No. 59, p. 481, 1981) and by I.D. Howarth (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.,
203, 1021, 1981). The orbital inclination is close to 75 deg and well over 90
percent of the total light comes from the component whose spectrum is visible.
Howarth estimates that the invisible secondary is a B2 V star. Earlier,
detection of an X-ray burst in the field of this star (R.S. Polidan et al.,
Astrophys. J., 233, L7, 1979) had led to speculation that the secondary might
be a black hole. Howarth (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 206, 625, 1983) has also
described the IUE spectrum, while P. Massey et al. (Astrophys. J., 231, 171,
1979) have discussed the variable H-alpha emission. This is the last of the
group of stars belonging to N.G.C. 6231.

Epoch is T0, derived from the time of minimum given in Finding List.
Photoelectric light-curves have been obtained by A.R. Hogg and G.E. Kron
(Astrophys. J., 60, 100, 1955) and A.M. van Genderen (Bull. Astron. Inst.
Netherl., 16, 151, 1962). Both were difficult to solve. K.K. Kwee and A.M. van
Genderen (Astron. Astrophys., 126, 94, 1983) have obtained new observations and
analyzed them by the method of Wilson and Devinney. They find a system of two
highly distorted stars and need to introduce third light. The orbital
inclination is about 78 deg and the brighter component produces nearly all the
light. J.K. Kaluzny (Acta Astron., 35, 327, 1985) obtains similar results.

These elements supersede those previously published by Harper (Publ. Astron.
Soc. Pacific, 44, 260, 1932). Elements have also been derived by G.A. Shajn and
O.A. Melnikov (Pulkovo Obs. Circ., 19, 11, 1936). They agree closely with
Harper's values, but this is partly because the Victoria observations were used
together with the Crimea observations. The combination revealed a small
systematic difference between velocities determined at the two observatories.
The elements determined from the Victoria observations alone have been
preferred, since they are based on the more homogeneous set. New observations
by S.B. Parsons (Astrophys. J. Supp., 53, 553, 1983) confirm these elements.

This is a poorly observed system both photometrically and spectroscopically.
The epoch is T0 (as computed from the light elements quoted by Struve from S.
Gaposchkin, Veroff. Berlin-Babelsberg, 9, part 5, 1932). Struve believed,
however, that the eclipse was late, since he did not observe the full range of
2.4m. The velocity-curve is distorted by the rotation effect. Gaposchkin's
photographic light-curve leads to an estimated orbital inclination of 84 deg
and light-ratio of about 0.08. A. Akazaki (Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 32, 445,
1980) obtained spectrograms and measured the surface gravity of the primary
star. He concludes that the system is a normal Algol-type system and not of the
`R CMa type'.

The new observations by Duerbeck and Teuber agree well with E.G. Ebbighausen's
earlier work (Astron. J., 72, 392, 1967), but not with results derived from
observations by Wellmann and published by H. Mauder (Z. Astrophys., 55, 59,
1962). The epoch is the time of primary minimum (the period appears to have
been constant since 1941). The orbit was assumed circular since an elliptical
solution showed the eccentricity not to be significant statistically. A
photoelectric light-curve was published by B. Cester (Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital.,
30, 287, 1959) who found an orbital inclination of about 79 deg and a
fractional luminosity for the primary star of 0.9. Mauder's (loc. cit.) results
are similar and he computed the secondary's spectral type, as given in the
Catalogue. E.C. Olson and E.W. Weis (Astrophys. J., 79, 642, 1974), who found
some evidence of gas streams in the system, gave the secondary spectral type as
F7 V. Duerbeck and Teuber adopt F9 IV. The V magnitude, at or near maximum, is
taken from R.W. Hilditch and G. Hill (Mem. Roy. Astron. Soc., 79, 101, 1975).
The magnitude at minimum is estimated from Cester's value for the depth of

The new discussion of the orbital elements of the X-ray component, by J.E.
Deeter, P.E. Boynton and S.H. Pravdo, supersedes that used in the Seventh
Catalogue (i.e. H. Tananbaum et al., Astrophys. J., 174, L143, 1981) as well as
other investigations such as those by P.J.N. Davison and A.C. Fabian (Mon. Not.
Roy. Astron. Soc., 178, 1P, 1977) and P.C. Joss et al. (Astrophys. J., 235,
592, 1980). The orbital elements are derived from the variations of the X-ray
pulsation period and thus a sin i, the quantity determined, is known very
accurately and K1 is once again the derived quantity. The orbit is assumed
circular since the eccentricity can be shown to be very much less than 0.01 (by
some orders of magnitude). The epoch, which is expressed in ephemeris time for
the barycentre of the solar system, is the time of mean longitude 90 deg, and
is approximately the time of X-ray eclipse. No value of V0 can be determined.
The optical component can also be observed, but measures of its spectrum are
very uncertain. The latest are by J.B. Hutchings et al. (Astrophys. J., 292,
670, 1985) which supersede earlier studies by D. Crampton and J.B. Hutchings
(Astrophys. J., 191, 483, 1974) and D. Crampton (ibid., 187, 345,, 1974). The
`orbital elements' derived from hydrogen and helium lines vary with the 35-day
`on-off' cycle of the X-ray source. In this respect, the lines of ionized
calcium appear more stable and lead to K2 approx 85 km/s, V0 approx 60 km/s,
but elements of the optical component remain very uncertain. The optical
spectrum varies from B1 V to F0 V, which is ascribed to the heating effect of
the X-ray component. This effect is also demonstrated by the optical pulsations
(J. Middleditch and J. Nelson, Astron. J., 208, 567, 1976 and J. Middleditch,
ibid., 275, 278, 1983). From these, Middleditch and Nelson derive an orbital
inclination of 87 deg and masses of 1.3 MSol (X-ray component) and 2.2 MSol.
Observations of HZ Her with IUE are discussed by A.K. Dupree et al. (Nature,
275, 400, 1978) and I.D. Howarth and B. Wilson (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.,
204, 1091, 1983). Other studies include J.B. Hutchings and D. Crampton (Astron.
Astrophys., 52, 441, 1977 -- the emission line at He lambda 4686 and the
precessing disk model), B. Margon and J.G. Cohen (Astrophys. J., 222, L33, 1978
-- study of line profiles) and C.-C. Wu et al. (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 94,
149, 1982 -- the ultraviolet light-curve).

The new observations give elements that agree well with those obtained earlier
by W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom. Obs., 4, 243, 1918) and revised by him (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 6, 236, 1935). The system can now be considered well known.

Heard and Hurkens report that there is no difficulty in distinguishing the
components at a dispersion of 12 A/mm although the difference in line strengths
is not great and they found no obvious difference in the spectral types.

Shallow eclipses (0.04m and 0.02m) are observed. Emission H and K lines are
found in the spectrum. Elements were also derived by J.S. Plaskett (J. Roy.
Astron. Soc. Can., 4, 460, 1910). The two sets of elements are in good
agreement. Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit. F. Hinderer, from
photoelectric observations, finds i=82.4 deg, Delta m=3.44 (Astron. Nachr.,
284, 1, 1958). He also gives for the masses 2.8 MSol and 1.3 MSol, and for the
spectral types gG1 and dA8 to dF0. D.F. Gray (Astrophys. J., 251, 155, 1981 and
262, 682, 1982) discusses the rotation of the primary and turbulence in its
atmosphere. Star is brighter component of A.D.S. 10242: B is 11.2m at 76.2".

Elements derived by W.E. Harper (J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can., 3, 477, 1909; 4,
302, 1910; Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 237, 1935) are vitiated by his
failure to recognize the effects of blending of the secondary component. Harper
found K=52 km/s. Luyten's elements are based on observations by R.H. Baker
(Publ. Allegheny Obs., 2, 21, 1910). Baker fixed the value of T to obtain the
orbital elements. Luyten avoided this by giving the epoch T0. Petrie(I) found
Delta m=1.50, and that spectral types are A0, A2.

The authors describe the two spectra as differing `only slightly in character
and intensity'.

This is the optical counterpart of the X-ray source 3U 1700 37. The new
determination of orbital elements supersedes that by J.B. Hutchings (Astrophys.
J., 192, 677, 1974) as well as earlier ones, including E.N. Walker (Mon. Not.
Roy. Astron. Soc., 162, 151, 1973), G. Hensberge et al. (Astron. Astrophys.,
29, 69, 1973), J.B. Hutchings et al. (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 163, 13P,
1973) and S.C. Wolff and and N.D. Morrison (Astrophys. J., 187, 69, 1974). The
epoch is the time of the middle of X-ray eclipse. Different lines give
different orbital elements, but the mean from all lines is not very different
from the values from the He II absorption lines given in the Catalogue. While
the actual value of the eccentricity is uncertain, J.B. Hutchings (Astrophys.
J., 226, 264, 1978) found that the light-curve definitely indicates an
elliptical orbit; he also estimated i=87 deg. Hammerschlag-Hensberge gives no
value for V0. The one in the Catalogue is estimated from her graphical
representation of the velocity-curve. The epoch is the time of mid-eclipse of
the X-ray source. Reports of coronal emission lines in the spectrum (A.K.
Dupree, S.L. Baliunas and J.B. Lester, Astrophys. J., 218, L71, 1977) were not
confirmed by later investigations (D.L. Lambert and J. Tomkin, Astrophys. J.,
228, L37, 1979 and J.B. Lester, ibid., 231, 164, 1979). Spectrophotometric
observations are reported by J. Dachs (Astron. Astrophys., 47, 19, 1976) and
G.G. Fahlman and G.A.H. Walker (Astrophys. J., 240, 169, 1980) who find
evidence for gas streams in the system. Ultraviolet light-curves have been
published by G. Hammerschlag-Hensberge and C.-C. Wu (Astron. Astrophys., 56,
433, 1977). Observations with IUE have been published by A.K. Dupree et al.
(Nature, 275, 400, 1978) and a brief report on observations with Voyager has
appeared (T.E. Carone and R.S. Polidan, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 18, 946, 1986).

Elements for the primary component alone were also published by R.F. Sanford
(Astrophys. J., 86, 153, 1937). Popper also made photoelectric observations and
found i=89.4 deg and the light-ratio to be 0.96. The star whose spectrum shows
slightly stronger lines is in front at minima given by J.D. 2,435,648.775 +
4.183511E. This is the less massive star, but the two stars are so nearly
equal, that no contradiction of the mass-luminosity relation can be regarded as
established. B. Cester et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 32, 351, 1978)
re-analyzed Popper's photometric observations, finding almost the same value
for the inclination but reversing the light-ratio. The epoch is T0 for the star
with the stronger spectrum.

Christie wrote, `Other widely different velocity-curves also represent the
observational data, but the one here published seems the most probable'. The
star has been suspected of variation in its light.

This is an eclipsing dwarf nova that usually shows an emission-line spectrum,
although on one occasion an absorption spectrum of approximately solar type was
reported. During quiescent phases, the out-of-eclipse V magnitude is within a
few tenths of 15.0m (N. Vogt, Astrophys. J. Supp., 53, 21, 1983, A. Bruch, Inf.
Bull. Var. Stars, No. 2287, 1983). Eclipses are about two magnitudes deep in V,
The epoch is the time of mid-eclipse as given by K. Beuermann and M.W. Pakull
(Astron. Astrophys., 136, 250, 1984). The orbit was assumed circular and the
value given for K1 is the mean obtained from measures of H-beta and H-gamma.
Values of V0 derived from the two lines are very different, however: 55 km/s
and 35 km/s respectively. The results of high-speed photometry have been
published by B. Warner and M. Crocker (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 203, 909,
1983) and the system has also been discussed by M.C. Cook and C.C. Brunt
(ibid., 205, 465, 1983).

This is the fainter component of A.D.S. 10345, for which a number of orbits
have been computed. Even the period of the visual pair is uncertain, however,
except for the fact that it is to be measured in centuries. The component A is
similar in magnitude and spectral type. Ishida finds evidence for a
low-amplitude variation in the velocity of B, which he ascribes to binary
motion. Confirmation is desirable. There is also a companion C, 13.8m at about

Lucy & Sweeney confirm the reality of the orbital eccentricity. An 8.9m
companion at 3" is listed in I.D.S.

The spectrum is classified as A1 from the K line and A7 from the metallic


Epoch is T0 for primary component. Circular orbit was assumed. Emission
observed at H and K in spectra of both components at all phases. Reasonable
combinations of spectral types and luminosity classes indicate 1.0<=Delta
m<=1.3, consistent with the difficulty of measurement of the secondary. J.G.
Stacy, R.E. Stencel and E.J. Weiler (Astron. J., 85, 858, 1980) observed the
system as a possible RS CVn object and find evidence for a period change since
the observations of Bennett et al. According to I.D.S. there is a 13m companion
at 33".

All elements of this cataclysmic variable must be considered uncertain, since
there is doubt about the period. Photometric observations by A.V. Baidak et al.
(Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 2676, 1985) lead to a period of about 0.114d. The
magnitude is variable and the one given in the Catalogue is an approximate
indication of the system's brightness. The epoch is the time of inferior
conjunction of the emission-line source and the orbit is assumed circular.

The epoch is T0 and a circular orbit is assumed. This `atypical' W UMa system
has attracted several photometric observers and investigators. Light-curves
have been published by L. Binnendijk (Astron. J., 66, 27, 1961) who also gave
the spectral types as F2 and F6, B.B. Bookmyer (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 84,
566, 1972), E.J. Woodward and R.E. Wilson (Astrophys. Space Sci., 52, 387,
1977) and T.A. Nagy (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 97, 1005, 1985). Analyses of
these light-curves were made by the observers and by P.G. Niarchos (Astrophys.
Space Sci., 47, 79, 1977, 58, 301, 1978) and S.R. Jabbar and Z. Kopal (ibid.,
92, 99, 1983). All agree in finding an orbital inclination roughly within the
range 75 deg to 80 deg and a fractional luminosity (in yellow) for the larger
star of about 0.89. The star is the brighter component of A.D.S. 10408: B is
12.0m at 4.5". The system is an X-ray source (R.G. Cruddace and A.K. Dupree,
Astrophys. J., 277, 263, 1984).

A few photographic observations were included in the period determination;
otherwise the elements are derived entirely from photoelectric observations.

Epoch is T0.Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit. An orbit was published
earlier by R.F. Sanford (Astrophys. J., 53, 201, 1921). Agreement between the
two orbits is good except for the value of K1 (Sanford finds K1=29.64 km/s).
Since the formal probable errors of both solutions are small, the matter should
be further investigated. The discrepancy is perhaps partly due to Sanford's
inability to resolve the circumstellar Ca I line detected by Deutsch in the
spectrum of both components of the visual binary. From his spectroscopic data,
Deutsch inferred the masses of the three stars (alpha Her A, and the two
components of the spectroscopic binary) to be 15 MSol, 4.1 MSol and 2.5 MSol,
and their absolute visual magnitudes to be 2.4m, 0.3m and +1.8m, respectively.
The spectral type of the fainter component of the spectroscopic binary is
inferred to be A3 V. The system is one of the fainter components of A.D.S.
10418: A is 3.5m at 4.6". Two other much fainter components are listed in
I.D.S. Deutsch's discovery of circumstellar lines in the spectra of both A and
B leaves no doubt that these two stars form a physical system.

Other spectroscopic studies have been published by J.S. Plaskett (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 1, 138, 1919), A. Abrami, (Trieste Contr., No. 283, 1958,
rediscussed by A. Krancj, Publ. Bologna Univ. Obs., 7, No. 11, 1959), D.M.
Popper and R. Carlos (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 82, 762, 1970) and D.
Holmgren (Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 19, 709, 1987). Plaskett, Pearce and Popper
and Carlos all agree well together; Abrami and Holmgren derive somewhat lower
values of K1 and K2. Holmgren's observations were made with a Reticon, but he
has not yet published enough details for an assessment to be made. Pearce's
observations have the smallest formal errors of the older sets, but Popper and
Carlos used higher dispersion and are almost certainly correct in treating the
orbit as circular. The masses derived are scarcely affected by the choice
between these two sets of observations. J.A. Eaton and D.H. Ward (Astrophys.
J., 185, 921, 1973) have published photoelectric light-curves obtained from
OAO-2. R.H. Koch and C.A. Koegeler (Astrophys. J., 214, 423, 1977) have also
published a photoelectric study and have questioned the usual assumption that
the hotter, more massive star is the more luminous (see, however, D.M. Popper,
Astrophys. J., 220, L11, 1978, for comments on this matter). Koch and Koegeler
also suggested that apparent changes in the period might be explained by the
presence of a third body with an orbital period of about 42 years. B. Cester et
al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 33, 91, 1978) reanalyzed the photometric
observations and found an orbital inclination close to 88 deg and a fractional
luminosity of 0.63 (at lambda 4250) for the hotter star. G.V. Coyne S.J. (Ric.
Astron. Spec. Vatican, 8, 105, 1950) found variable polarization in the light
of this star. The maximum V magnitude given in the Catalogue is from R.W.
Hilditch and G. Hill (Mem. Roy. Astron. Soc., 79, 101, 1975): that at minimum
is from G.F.G. Knipe (Republic Obs. Circ., 8, 6, 1971). The star is the
brighter component of A.D.S. 10428: B is 13.0m at 20.4".

Earlier orbital studies have been published by R.H. Baker (Publ. Allegheny
Obs., 1, 77, 1909) rediscussed by E.F. Carpenter (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific,
43, 30, 1920), W.J. Luyten et al. (Publ. Yerkes Obs., 7, 251, 1939), B. Smith
(Astrophys. J., 102, 500, 1945) and B.J. Kovachev and W. Seggewiss (Astron.
Astrophys. Supp., 19, 395, 1975). The various sets of elements agree fairly
well. The minimum magnitude given is an approximate estimate. The spectral
types are inferred from the solution of the light-curve, but are within the
range defined by the various direct classifications to be found in the
literature. The epoch is the time of primary minimum. Hilditch assumed a
circular orbit after an elliptical solution gave an eccentricity smaller than
its mean error. This brings the velocity-curve into agreement with the
light-curve, although most earlier spectroscopic investigators have believed
the small eccentricity to be real. Hilditch uses observations obtained over an
interval of 37 years and points out that, if the eccentricity were real, there
should have been detectable apsidal motion in that time. In fact, all the
observations define one velocity-curve (including a rotation effect) very
clearly. The velocities of the secondary component show a much larger scatter
than those of the primary. The value of K2 given in the Catalogue is determined
by Irwin's method separately from the orbital solution for the primary star
(Irwin's method gives a slightly higher value for K1 and leads to a different
value for V0). Hilditch has also analyzed the light-curves (approximately B, V)
published by P. Rovithis and H. Rovithis-Livaniou (Astrophys. Space Sci., 70,
483, 1980). He finds an orbital inclination of about 79 deg and a
visual-magnitude difference of 1.63m. Other recent photometric discussions are
by B. Cester et al. (Astron. Astrophys., 61, 469, 1977) S. Soderhjelm (ibid.,
66, 161, 1978), G. Giuricin, F. Mardirossian and M. Mezzetti (Astron. Nachr.,
304, 37, 1983) and P. Provoost (Astron. Astrophys., 81, 17, 1980). Of
particular interest is J.A. Eaton's (Acta Astron., 28, 601, 1978) discussion of
OAO light-curves, which show the primary component to be variable. Hilditch
suggests that it may be a beta Cep star.

The V magnitude is estimated from the results of unpublished measurements on
the Copenhagen system.

The new observations supersede earlier ones by J.S. Plaskett (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 1, 207, 1920) which were rediscussed by R.H. Baker (Publ.
Univ. Missouri Obs., No. 31, 1921) and by Luyten. The epoch given is the time
of primary minimum and the orbit was assumed circular. Popper's results have
led to an appreciable reduction of the masses of the two components. The
magnitudes given for minimum and maximum light are derived from Popper's own
UBV observations. He classifies the primary spectrum as A5 from the K line and
A8-F0 from the metallic lines: its metallicism had not previously been
recognized. From the B V colours he infers the F0 spectral type for the
secondary. His discussion of the light-curve is based on his own observations
and the analysis of more complete ones by R.A. Botsula (Izv. Astron. Obs.
Engelhardt, 36, 240, 1968). He gives i=87.0deg and the fractional luminosity of
the hotter stars (in V) is 0.64 (compare Petrie(I) Delta m=0.80). He comments
on instabilities in the light-curve and points out that the observed ratio of
surface brightnesses (1.58) is nearly 25 percent greater than expected from
scales of stellar fluxes and the observed colours. Another photoelectric light
obtained by M. Vetesnik and J. Papousek (Bull. Astron. Inst. Csl, 24, 57, 1973)
and re-analyzed by B. Cester et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 32, 351, 1978)
gives very similar results. Vetesnik and Papousek also present evidence for a
periodic variation in the period. If it is real and caused by a third body, the
orbital period is about 48 years.

Magnitude and spectral type are variable since this is a Cepheid and the
orbital motion has had to be separated from the pulsational velocity-variation.

W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 238, 1935) found no need to revise
the period, but he did suggest the value of K2 might need to be increased. New
observations by H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy (Astrophys. J. Supp., 30, 273, 1976),
however, agree so well with Parker's elements that those investigators adopted
the old elements. Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.58.

A triple system consisting of a short-period pair of A0 stars accompanied by
the G star which forms the secondary of the long-period system. For the
long-period pair the value of K1 refers to the centre of mass of the close
pair. The two members of the short-period pair are practically
indistinguishable in mass and luminosity and the epoch adopted is T0 with one
star arbitrarily chosen as the primary. The value of V0 for the short-period
pair is variable. McLaughlin believed that the two orbits were not coplanar.

A triple system consisting of a short-period pair of A0 stars accompanied by
the G star which forms the secondary of the long-period system. For the
long-period pair the value of K1 refers to the centre of mass of the close
pair. The two members of the short-period pair are practically
indistinguishable in mass and luminosity and the epoch adopted is T0 with one
star arbitrarily chosen as the primary. The value of V0 for the short-period
pair is variable. McLaughlin believed that the two orbits were not coplanar.


Magnitudes are from the fourth edition of the G.C.V.S. No indication of
spectral type is given, but the star is a U Gem variable. Ranges are given for
both semi-amplitudes, and the values in the Catalogue are means. These elements
can be no more than a rough indication of the characteristics of the orbit. No
information is given about the epoch.

Reference: W.Wargau \& N.Vogt, Mitt. A.G., 55, 77, 1982

Luyten computed very similar elements from these observations but commented
that the uncertainty in omega was probably much greater than Christie's
published value. Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit.

The star was studied as a possible optical counterpart of the X-ray source 3U
1727 33. No definite connection has been established. The scatter of individual
velocity measurements is very large. Penny et al. do not give a numerical value
of V0; we have estimated one from their velocity-curve. There is no certain
evidence of any variation in light. Three companions are listed in I.D.S.: 9.6m
at 4.4", 11.5m at 14.6", and 9.4m at 58.7". The radial velocity, spectral type,
and apparent magnitude of B are consistent with it being physically related to
the spectroscopic binary.

The spectral types are not exactly known and that of the secondary is
determined from IUE observations. The epoch is T0 and the orbit was assumed
circular after a preliminary solution showed that the eccentricity could not be
significantly determined. The value of K2 is derived from a rather small number
of observations. Light variations displayed by this chromospherically active
giant star are ascribed to starspots.

This is the visual binary Sigma 2173 or A.D.S. 10598. It was first resolved
spectroscopically by F.R. West (Astron. J., 71, 186, 1966). The period of
46.08y and periastron passage of 1916.06 were assumed from the orbit by R.L.
Duncombe and J. Ashbrook (Astron. J., 57, 92, 1952), together with the value
given for e and omega. The quality classification refers only to the
spectroscopically determined values of K1, K2 and V0. In fact the quantity
determined spectroscopically is the maximum velocity difference (12.36 km/s).
The value of V0 is estimated from unresolved plates, and K1 and K2 have been
assumed equal, although the astrometric measurements show a slight difference
between the masses (consistent with the observed Delta m=0.1). The total mass
found spectroscopically agrees well with that found astrometrically. A new
orbit by R.H. Wilson (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 177, 645, 1976) is similar
to that by Duncombe and Ashbrook except that P is given as 46.40y and T as

Elements have also been independently determined by W.I. Beavers and J.J.
Salzer (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 95, 79, 1983) whose results agree well with
those of Lucke and Mayor, despite uncertainty of a few days in the period.
There is also a visual companion (A.D.S. 10607) of approximately equal

The elements given for this cataclysmic variable are derived from measures of
the H-alpha emission. The He II emission line at lambda 4686 gives a similar
value for the semi-amplitude but a very different value (+81 km/s) for V0. No
information is given about the epoch.

New observations by Stickland and Weatherby permit a refinement of the period.
The other elements agree well with those determined by J.W. Campbell (Publ.
Astron. Soc. Pacific, 2, 159, 1922), whose observations were used in the
derivation of the new elements. Lucy & Sweeney accepted the small eccentricity,
found also by Campbell. The star is now recognized as a mercury-manganese star.

The epoch is primary minimum, and the orbit was assumed to be circular, in
accord with the light-curve. Bell and Malcolm derive an orbital inclination
close to 65 deg and find Delta V=0m. Similar spectroscopic elements were
deduced by J. Andersen, B. Nordstrom and R.E. Wilson (Astron. Astrophys., 82,
225, 1980). The system is a member of the open cluster N.G.C. 6383.

The binary nature of this star was pointed out by R.J. Trumpler (Publ. Astron.
Soc. Pacific, 42, 342, 1930) but he could not decide between the possible
periods of 3.368d and 4.920d. Two independent and nearly simultaneous studies
demonstrated that the shorter value was more nearly correct (W. Seggewiss and
M. de Groot, Astron. Astrophys., 51, 195, 1976; P.S. Conti et al. Publ. Astron.
Soc. Pacific, 87, 327, 1975). The new study by Lloyd Evans is characterized by
a slightly smaller observational scatter and has been preferred. There is
evidence for a variation in V0, over a range of 16 km/s, suggesting that the
system may be triple. The light of the star is slightly variable (Delta Vapprox
0.04m) and the system appears to be an ellipsoidal variable (J.C. Thomas, Bull.
Am. Astron. Soc., 7, 533, 1975). The two components are closely similar in
brightness and the orbital inclination is around 46 deg. The star is a member
of the cluster N.G.C. 6383 and two faint companions are listed in I.D.S.

The orbit of this A-type W UMa system was assumed circular, in accord with the
light-curve. The epoch is the time of primary minimum. The value of K2 is very
uncertain. Schoffel finds that the orbital inclination is close to 82 deg and
the ratio of luminosities (in visual light) is 0.31. Other discussions of the
light-curve have been published by K.-C. Leung and D.P. Schneider (Astrophys.
J., 222, 917, 1978) and by Z. Kopal and S.R. Jabbar (Astrophys. Space Sci., 92,
99, 1983).

The new elements are considered by Abt and Levy to be an improvement over those
previously published by H.A. Abt (Astrophys. J. Supp., 6, 37, 1961). The
period, however, is still uncertain in the first decimal. The eccentricity
given is less than its own uncertainty. The spectral type is given as A2.5, A8
and F1, according to the K line, hydrogen lines and metallic lines,
respectively. The star has a common proper motion with nu 1 Dra, also an A-type
star and of almost the same brightness. Together they form A.D.S. 10628, nu 2
being conventionally designated A. The separation of A and B is 61.9".

Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit.

We have adjusted Young's value for the epoch to make it T0. A 13.0m companion
at 25.1" is listed in I.D.S.

The scatter of observations about the velocity-curve is large, but a similar
period and range of variation were suspected in other data studied by K.
Kodaira (Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 23, 159, 1971). There may be a short-period
variation superposed on the orbital motion. A 12m companion listed in I.D.S. at
116" is probably optical.

There is a systematic difference between the Haute Provence observations and
the Mount Wilson observations which might indicate that V0 is variable.

The new elements obtained by Abt and Levy are preferred to the old ones of A.B.
Turner (Lick Obs. Bull., 4, 163, 1907) because the later observers successfully
resolved the secondary spectrum. The agreement between the two sets is good for
K1 and V0. Since e is small the differences in omega are not important. Both
Luyten and Lucy & Sweeney have revised the original computations by Turner and
have adopted circular orbits, but Abt and Levy find a larger value for e than
Turner did. A brief report on UV emission-line variability in the spectrum of
this star was published by R.A. Stern (Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 15, 665, 1983).
A 13.2m companion at 72.3" is listed in I.D.S.: according to Abt and Levy it
shares a common proper motion with the spectroscopic binary.

The scatter of the photoelectrically determined radial velocities, although
absolutely small, is large compared with the value of K. Nevertheless, the
velocity curve is well covered. General Note on I.C. 4655: Six of the next
eleven stars listed in the Catalogue are members of the cluster I.C. 4655 in
which H.A. Abt et al. (Astrophys. J., 171, 259, 1972) found a large fraction
(over 80 percent) of spectroscopic binaries. A later study by D. Crampton et
al. (Astrophys. J., 204, 502, 1976) did not confirm all the orbital elements
found by Abt et al. We have excluded from the Catalogue those stars for which
Abt et al. published orbital elements, but whose binary nature was not
confirmed by Crampton et al. namely: H.D. 161184, 161572, 161677, 161698, and
162028. In addition, we have excluded H.D. 161603 for which Abt et al. gave
orbital elements, but Crampton et al. could find no period. Those systems that
were found to be binaries by both investigators have been included. We adopted
the elements found for them by Crampton et al. We also included those systems
for which Abt et al. determined elements but which Crampton et al. did not
observe. Because of the uncertainty generated by two discordant studies, all
these orbital elements have been assigned low grades of reliability. In the
notes that follow `Abt et al.' and `Crampton et al.' refer to the papers cited
in this note.

One of the most uncertain sets of elements amongst the entries for I.C. 4655
(see General Note above). Abt et al. Abt et al. (Astrophys. J., 171, 259, 1972)
found P=17.4d, Crampton et al. (Astrophys. J., 204, 502, 1976) could not
determine a unique period, but found 5.882d to be the most probable. All the
orbital elements are doubtful, and in particular the non-zero eccentricity is
not regarded as significant, and the value of omega is therefore meaningless.

The velocity variation is of a low amplitude and the scatter of observations is
large. The spectrum is described as `shell' by Abt et al. (Astrophys. J., 171,
259, 1972). See General Note above.

This is not a member of I.C. 4665. Popper's new observations supersede the
earlier work by R.M. Petrie (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 4, 81, 1928). The
epoch is the time of primary minimum. Circular orbits were adopted, since the
light-curve shows e cos omega to be negligibly small. The spectrum is only
weakly that of an Am star and has also been classified as silicon-enhanced
A-type spectrum. The minimum magnitude given is a graphical estimate. A V
light-curve was published by R. Zissell (Astron. J., 77, 610, 1972). Popper
re-analyzed these observations and found an orbital inclination close to 80 deg
and a value of 0.80m for Delta V, although the effective temperatures of the
two stars are similar. A 9.3m companion at 40" is listed in I.D.S. The relative
motion is rather large for the separation, suggesting that the stars do not
form a physical pair.

This star is also not a member of I.C. 4665. The case for velocity variation
depends rather heavily on a small number of Reticon observations. Confirmation
is desirable, especially since the star is a supergiant. The star has a 13m
companion at 37.5".

Abt et al. find the same period but a rather higher amplitude (60.9 km/s) than
that given by Crampton et al. See General Note above. Objective-prism
observations have been published by F. Gieseking (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 43,
33, 1981).

This appears to be the star identified as H.D. 161575 by Abt et al. They find a
different period (12.6d) for this system but Crampton et al. can represent the
observations of Abt et al. on their period. See General Note above.

The orbit by Crampton et al. appears well determined and includes the
observations by Abt et al. who had found a different period (15.58d). See
General Note above. Objective-prism observations have been published by F.
Gieseking (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 43, 33, 1981).

This is not a member of I.C. 4665. Elements have also been published for this
`mercury- manganese' star by G.C.L. Aikman (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 14,
379, 1976). He refines P to 12.4515d and adopts a circular orbit. He also finds
a somewhat larger value of K1 (59.7 km/s). Although Aikman's work is based on
plates of higher dispersion, we have preferred Hube's elements which are based
on many more spectrograms. The epoch he gives is T0.

The new spectroscopic observations by Andersen supersede the earlier ones
published by J. Sahade and J.L. Dessy (Astrophys. J., 115, 53, 1952).
Differences between orbital elements derived from the hydrogen lines and the
helium lines, ascribed by Sahade and Dessy to the effects of gas streaming, are
shown by Andersen to have been primarily caused by the incomplete resolution of
the two spectra. The minimum magnitude given is an estimate. The epoch is the
time of primary minimum. The eccentricity, although small, is real and was
determined from the light-curve. There is photometric evidence for apsidal
motion, but no period can yet be determined. J.V. Clausen (Astron. Astrophys.
Supp., 36, 45, 1979) published a V light-curve and derived an orbital
inclination of 85 deg and a light- ratio of 0.64. Similar results were derived
by G. Giuricin, F. Mardirossian and M. Mezzetti (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 39,
255, 1980) from BV observations by G.F.G. Knipe (Astron. Astrophys., 14, 70,
1971). A 9.3m companion at 12.6" is listed in I.D.S. Spectroscopic observations
by Andersen still leave open the question whether or not it is physically
associated with the eclipsing pair. The system does not belong to I.C. 4665.

The epoch is T0, the orbit having been assumed circular after an elliptical
solution was found to give no significant reduction in the residuals. The star
is the brighter member of A.D.S. 10782. The companion (9.7m at 7.9") shares a
common proper motion with the spectroscopic pair and has a radial velocity
close to the value of V0. The system does not belong to I.C. 4665.

The last member of I.C. 4665 to be listed in the Catalogue (see General Note
above). The variation in velocity seems fairly well established.

The epoch is T0 and the orbit is assumed circular. The orbit depends on
objective-prism velocities, but the plate has been calibrated so that V0 may be
estimated. The star belongs to the open cluster M7 (N.G.C. 6475).

Epoch is T0. Luyten's recomputation is preferred to the original elements
derived by W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 1, 125, 1919) because
Harper had to fix the value of omega to obtain a solution. Harper later revised
P to 2.82374d (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 239, 1935). The mass-function
from Harper's solution has been retained, since the value of K was hardly
changed by Luyten. Lucy & Sweeney agree with Luyten in adopting a circular

This is a very approximate orbit for a recurrent nova. The epoch is the date of
a plate obtained near the maximum velocity.

The epoch is the time of superior conjunction of the emission-line source. The
orbit has been assumed to be circular. Even the period is known only

Eight of the next eleven entries in the Catalogue are for stars believed to be
members of the cluster N.G.C. 6475. Many of them have also been studied by F.
Gieseking (Astron. Astrophys., 60, 9, 1977). He roughly confirms the elements
given for this system by Abt et al., except that he finds a slightly lower
value of K1 (53.4 km/s). The epoch is the time of maximum positive

These elements are not confirmed by Gieseking, who finds the velocity to be
constant (see previous note). Although Abt et al. classify the spectrum as Ap,
the star is not listed by either Bertaud and Floquet or Curchod and Hauck. The
elements should be considered very uncertain.

This is not one of the stars in N.G.C. 6475. A circular orbit was assumed after
an elliptical solution was found not to give a significant value for the
eccentricity. The epoch is T0. Although no M-K spectral type has been
published, Griffin suggests, on the basis of colours and proper motion, K1 III.

The evidence for variability of the velocity of this star depends on one
observation. Gieseking finds the velocity to be constant (see note for HD

This star was included by H.A. Abt et al. (Astrophys. J., 159, 919, 1970) in
their study of binaries in N.G.C. 6475, but Gieseking's elements are based on
more observations and seem preferable (see note for HD 162515). The principal
difference between the two sets is the lower eccentricity (0.23) found by Abt
et al. Although Gieseking's observations were made with an objective prism he
has established the absolute velocity of the centre of mass by measurements of
reference stars on the same plate. Abt et al. thought that V0 varied.

The epoch is T0. The reality of this low-amplitude variation should be checked.
Unfortunately, Gieseking was unable to observe this star (see note for HD

The evidence for the duplicity of this Cepheid variable is described as
marginal by Abt and Levy themselves. The elements, including the period, are
highly uncertain. This is not amongst the stars considered to belong to N.G.C.

The observation of two spectra puts the binary nature of this star beyond
doubt, but the scatter of individual observations is large. Unfortunately,
Gieseking could not measure his spectrograms of this star. See note for HD

This star is not a member of N.G.C. 6475. Attention was first drawn to a
periodicity of 88 days in the velocities of 88 Her by the same authors as are
cited in the Catalogue (Bull. Astron. Inst. Csl, 23, 218, 1972). Although the
scatter of individual observations is large, the binary hypothesis is only one
possible explanation and is perhaps made less probable by the most recent
observations. P. Harmanec et al. (Bull. Astron. Inst. Csl, 29, 278, 1978) find
light variations of about 0.2m, which are certainly not caused by eclipses. The
spectral type is also found to vary between B6 V and B8 V. R. Hirata (Inf.
Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1496, 1978) and M. Nakagiri and R. Hirata (ibid., No.
1565, 1979) identify the star as a shell star.

The scatter of observations about the proposed velocity-curve is large and
Gieseking finds a constant velocity. See note for HD 162515.

This is the last of the stars that belong to N.G.C. 6475 listed in the
Catalogue (see note for HD 162515). Abt et al. believe that V0 varies, but the
observations could almost be represented by a constant velocity.

K.C. Gordon and G.E. Kron (Astrophys. J., 70, 100, 1965) find from their
photoelectric light-curve i=82.7 deg and the light-ratio (in yellow light) is
about 0.05 and Delta m=3.3. There are difficulties in the solution of the
light-curve, however, and it is not possible to satisfy both minima, in two
colours, with one set of elements. The secondary component is apparently
underluminous and undermassive, although overluminous for its mass. Its
spectral type must be approximately F5 to G0. Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular

Earlier investigations were published by M.L. Humason and S.B. Nicholson
(Astrophys. J., 67, 341, 1928); and O. Struve (Astrophys. J., 99, 210, 1944).
All results are in good agreement and the adopted elements are derived from a
discussion of both the old and new observations. J.B. Hutchings (Publ. Astron.
Soc. Pacific, 87, 245, 1975) has published additional spectroscopic
observations: he has revised the period to 12.0059d (more in accord with the
light-curve) and made a corresponding adjustment to the time of periastron
passage. Apart from these changes he has adopted the elements given in the
Catalogue for the primary star. The most important of Hutchings' results,
however, is the detection of the absorption-line spectrum of the secondary
star. Sahade and Frieboes-Conde had detected only emission lines which they
ascribed to the secondary and from which they deduced K2=168 km/s. The value
deduced by Hutchings (110 km/s) is given in the Catalogue since it seems more
likely to represent the motion of the star itself. It implies that the
secondary star is more massive. Hutchings also confirms the unusual strength of
lines of N II and N III and weakness of lines of C III and O II pointed out by
N.R. Walborn (Astrophys. J., 176, 119, 1972). L.G. Cane, C.D. McKeith and P.L.
Dufton (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 194, 537, 1981) find evidence for
anomalous abundances of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen that are consistent with
the loss of about 50 percent of the mass of the primary star by stellar winds
and mass transfer. The UBV photoelectric light-curves have recently been
published by B.F. Madore (Astron. Astrophys., 40, 451, 1975) and E.J. Woodward
and R.H. Koch (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 87, 901, 1975). The curves,
obtained, in different years, are similar in appearance: Woodward and Koch also
analyze their curve for the photometric elements. They find that i=73.1 deg and
that the primary gives 0.87 of the light in V. They also give what is probably
the best ephemeris for predicting phases of future observations: Pr. Min.=J.D.
2,442,218.74+12.00597E. Hutchings discusses possible changes between these
light-curves and earlier photographic ones by S. Gaposchkin (Astrophys. J., 89,
125, 1939; Ann. Harv. Coll. Obs., 113, No. 2, 1953). He also discusses the
possible evolutionary status of the system. A 12.4m companion at 13.5" is
listed in I.D.S.

Individual velocities show a large scatter about the velocity-curve, partly
because of the difficulty of separating the pulsations of this variable
supergiant from any orbital motion that may exist. Some support for the
hypothesis that this star is a binary is derived from observations of an
infrared excess (F.C. Gillet, A.R. Hyland and W.A. Stein, Astrophys. J., 162,
L21, 1970 and R.M. Humphreys and E.P. Ney, Astrophys. J., 187, L75; 190, 339,
1974), which is consistent with the presence of an M-type companion.

The new spectroscopic results supersede the earlier work by J.F. Heard (J. Roy.
Astron. Soc. Can., 59, 258, 1965) and the suggested emendations to it by J.B.
Hutchings (Astrophys. J., 180, 501, 1973). The epoch is the time of primary
minimum. The system has attracted many photometric investigators in recent
years. Observations or solutions of the light-curve have been published by L.
Binnendijk (Vistas in Astron., 21, 359, 1977), B.B. Bookmyer (Publ. Astron.
Soc. Pacific, 88, 473, 1976), T.A. Nagy (ibid., 89, 366, 1977), P.G. Niarchos
(Astrophys. Space Sci., 58, 301, 1978), S.J. Lafta and J.F. Grainger (ibid.,
114, 23, 1985) and J.A. Eaton (who used IUE photometry -- Acta Astron., 36,
275, 1986). Binnendijk has shown the results of light-curve solutions to be
somewhat model- dependent, but there seems general agreement that the orbital
inclination is around 80 deg and that the larger component gives about 80
percent of the light. The system is an X-ray source (R.G. Cruddace and A.K.
Dupree, Astrophys. J., 277, 263, 1984). New results by G. Hill and D. Holmgren
are in press.

Considering the spectral types of the components, the orbital elements are
unusually well determined. There are also high-quality photometric observations
(J.V. Clausen, K. Gyldenkerne and B. Gronbech, Astron. Astrophys., 58, 121,
1977) which have been augmented and rediscussed by Andersen and Gimenez. These
enable the values of e and omega to be fixed from contemporary light-curves.
There is slow apsidal motion in the system (apsidal period about 592 years) and
the value given for omega is that appropriate to the time of observation while
that for T refers to an earlier date adopted as the initial epoch for the
apsidal period. The two values, therefore, are not quite mutually consistent.
The orbital inclination is very close to 90 deg and the visual magnitude
difference between the components is 0.34m. A 9.1m companion at about 7"
separation is, on the basis of its radial-velocity and likely spectral type,
probably physically related to the eclipsing pair.

These orbital elements are derived from objective-prism plates and the value of
V0 has been set arbitrarily at zero. The epoch is the time of primary minimum
and the period was determined photometrically. A discussion of ULBV
observations by J. Grygar and T.B. Horak (Bull. Astron. Inst. Csl, 31, 297,
1980) leads to a value close to 89 deg for the orbital inclination and a
fractional luminosity of the brighter star (in V) of about 0.68.

Epoch is T0 for the primary component, a circular orbit was assumed. An earlier
investigation was published by W.S. Adams and A.H. Joy (Astrophys. J., 49, 179,
1919) who found K1=88.2 km/s and K2=101.8 km/s. Popper's results are preferred
because they were derived from plates of higher dispersion. The Ca II emission
lines were discussed by W.A. Hiltner (Astrophys. J., 106, 481, 1987); they vary
in phase with the secondary spectrum, but give V0=44.4 km/s and K2=97.7 km/s.
Popper's value of K2 is a mean derived from both absorption and emission lines.
The system is now regarded as an RS CVn binary, and a more recent study of the
emission lines in its spectrum has been published by E.J. Weiler (Mon. Not.
Roy. Astron. Soc., 182, 77, 1978). There is also a new study of the
spectroscopic orbit by M.B. Babayev and D.Ch. Salmanova (Bulletin Abastumani
Obs., No. 58, 163, 1985) who found K1=92.5 km/s and K2=100 km/s. They used
plates of several different (and mainly low) dispersions, however, and Popper's
results still seem to us to be preferable. From photometric observations,
Popper derived an orbital inclination of 84 deg and a visual magnitude
difference of 0.9 (cf. Petrie(II) Delta m=0.4).

These are the first spectroscopic elements derived for this W UMa system which
appears to be of Binnendijk's type A. The orbit was assumed circular, in
accordance with the light-curve and the epoch is T0 for the brighter component.
The difference found in the systemic velocities derived from the two components
is not explained. Although several photoelectric light-curves have been
published (P. Rovithis and H. Rovithis-Livaniou, Astrophys. Space Sci., 96,
283, 1983, E. Lapasset and J.G. Funes, ibid., 113, 83, 1985 and E. Lapasset,
Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 2828, 1985) no modern analysis of them appears to
have been undertaken. Lu estimates that, in the photographic region, Delta

The secondary component can be measured only because the H and K lines in its
spectrum are seen in emission. (The system belongs to the RS CVn group). The
eccentricity is very small and the values of T and omega are correspondingly
uncertain. The light-curve by V.P. Tsessevich (Izv. Odessa Obs., 4, No. 2, 116,
1954) has been superseded by a photoelectric one obtained by J.R. Sowell et al.
(Astrophys. Space Sci., 90, 421, 1983) who derived the two spectral types
given, from their photometric data. They also found an orbital inclination of
about 86 deg and a magnitude difference (in V) of 0.35m.

This system has the second shortest period known for a Wolf-Rayet binary. The
orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is the time of inferior conjunction of
the W-R component. No value is given for V0. The magnitude given is a mean
magnitude on the v scale. The star's light is variable in the same period as
the radial-velocity. The light-curve suggests that the star is an eclipsing
variable. Isserstedt and Moffat suggest that the invisible secondary is a
neutron star.

Reports of the variability of the velocity of this star go back to S.A.
Mitchell (Science, 34, 529, 1911) who claimed to see 4 components in the
spectrum. Subsequent observations yielded conflicting results and, rather
surprisingly for so bright a star, these are the first orbital elements to be
published. Koubsky et al. see three components in the spectrum, so V0 is
probably variable -- although no period is yet known either for V0 or for the
other close pair in the system. The light of the star is also slightly

Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit.

These are the first elements for an early-type binary whose double-lined nature
was discovered by P.S. Conti (Astrophys. J., 187, 539, 1974). The orbital
eccentricity is probably not significant. Morrison and Conti estimate that the
semi-amplitudes should be increased by about 7 percent each to allow for the
effects of pair-blending. The spectrum indicates that the two components are
nearly identical in luminosity and spectral type.

High-dispersion spectroscopic observations by Batten, Fletcher and Campbell
supersede the earlier work by A.H. Batten and E.L. van Dessel (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 14, 345, 1976) and L. Berman (Lick Obs. Bull., 16, 24, 1932).
The visual observations still supply the best values for the period (88.13y),
time of periastron (1984.05), eccentricity and longitude of periastron. These
values are taken from the study by M.D. Worth and W.D. Heintz (Astrophys. J.,
193, 647, 1974) who also give a=4.545" and i=121.15 deg. A revised orbit,
making use of both visual and spectroscopic observations is in press at the
time of writing (W.D. Heintz, J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can., 82, 140, 1988). Only
K1, K2 and V0 are determined directly from the spectroscopic observations
which, however, leave no doubt that the values of e and omega are close to
those adopted. A few observations of the secondary star near periastron confirm
that the spectroscopic and visual orbits give closely similar values for the
masses of the two components. The total mass is very well determined. The
mass-ratio depends on the value of V0 which must remain uncertain until the
other node is covered by observations of similar precision. A quarter of a
century of high-dispersion spectroscopic observation has removed all evidence
for a short-period variation in the system, that could be ascribed to the
effects of a third body detectable by conventional photographic spectroscopy.

This is a triple system containing three dwarfs in which the long-period orbit
(P=20.25y) is that of a visual binary and has the highest known orbital
eccentricity, while the short-period orbit has a period of less than a day and
is nearly circular. This close pair (which forms the visual primary) is also
known to be an eclipsing binary (V772 Her) -- see C.D. Scarfe (Inf. Bull. Var.
Stars, No. 1357, 1977). The systemic velocity of the close pair is, of course,
variable, although the geometry of the visual orbit means that for much of the
20-year period the close pair and the triple system have nearly the same
systemic velocity. The orbital elements for the long-period pair have been
derived simultaneously from visual and spectroscopic observations. These
elements are the first given for this visual pair as a spectroscopic system.
The elements given in the Catalogue for the eclipsing pair are an improvement
on those previously given by C.L. Morbey et al. (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific,
89, 851, 1977). The secondary spectrum of the eclipsing pair is not visible;
the star is probably an M-type dwarf. The two visible stars show relatively
rapid rotation and an appreciable lithium abundance and also display H and K
emission in their spectra. This all suggests that the stars are young (F.C.
Fekel, Astrophys. J., 246, 879, 1981): G.A. Bakos and J. Tremko (I.A.U. Colloq.
No. 69, p. 67, 1982), who confirm the existence of eclipses, suggest that the
invisible star is a T Tau star. The system is also known as a source of soft
X-rays (R.A. Stern and A. Skumanich, Astrophys. J., 267, 232, 1983). The
magnitude given refers to the combined light of both visual components (maximum
separation 0.5"). Several other companions are listed as members of A.D.S.
11060, but the present evidence suggests that most, if not all, of them are

This is a triple system containing three dwarfs in which the long-period orbit
(P=20.25y) is that of a visual binary and has the highest known orbital
eccentricity, while the short- period orbit has a period of less than a day and
is nearly circular. This close pair (which forms the visual primary) is also
known to be an eclipsing binary (V772 Her) -- see C.D. Scarfe (Inf. Bull. Var.
Stars, No. 1357, 1977). The systemic velocity of the close pair is, of course,
variable, although the geometry of the visual orbit means that for much of the
20-year period the close pair and the triple system have nearly the same
systemic velocity. The orbital elements for the long-period pair have been
derived simultaneously from visual and spectroscopic observations. These
elements are the first given for this visual pair as a spectroscopic system.
The elements given in the Catalogue for the eclipsing pair are an improvement
on those previously given by C.L. Morbey et al. (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific,
89, 851, 1977). The secondary spectrum of the eclipsing pair is not visible;
the star is probably an M-type dwarf. The two visible stars show relatively
rapid rotation and an appreciable lithium abundance and also display H and K
emission in their spectra. This all suggests that the stars are young (F.C.
Fekel, Astrophys. J., 246, 879, 1981): G.A. Bakos and J. Tremko (I.A.U. Colloq.
No. 69, p. 67, 1982), who confirm the existence of eclipses, suggest that the
invisible star is a T Tau star. The system is also known as a source of soft
X-rays (R.A. Stern and A. Skumanich, Astrophys. J., 267, 232, 1983). The
magnitude given refers to the combined light of both visual components (maximum
separation 0.5"). Several other companions are listed as members of A.D.S.
11060, but the present evidence suggests that most, if not all, of them are

The variation of radial velocity was first discovered by D.P. Hube (Publ.
Astron. Soc. Pacific, 83, 805, 1971) who also derived a preliminary value of
the period (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 671, 1972) and suggested the system
might show eclipses. The latter suggestion was confirmed by G.F.G. Knipe (Mon.
Notes Astron. Soc. South Africa, 32, 116, 1973) and a light-curve has also been
published by Young and Etzel. The epoch is the time of primary mid-eclipse. The
two eclipses are almost equal in depth. The small orbital eccentricity is
probably spurious. The light-curve is variable and has not yet been analyzed.
The two components appear to be of similar spectral types. A faint visual
companion is reported.

A cataclysmic variable of the DQ Her type. Orbital elements are based on two
nights of observation and apparently depend on measurements of H-beta in
emission, but the information given in the paper about the radial-velocity
measurements is sketchy. An arbitrary zero phase, not expressed by Julian date,
was adopted.

Earlier spectrographic observations have been published by A.H. Joy (Publ.
Astron. Soc. Pacific, 39, 234, 1927); C.A. Bauer (Astrophys. J., 101, 208,
1945) and O. Struve (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 65, 185, 1953). Of these
investigators, only Bauer attempted to derive the orbital elements. The
elements presented in the Catalogue are derived from measures of the Mg II
line, since the hydrogen emission and other shell lines were obviously
unreliable. Later work (J.L. Greenstein et al. Inf. Bull. So. Hemisphere, No.
16, 40, 1970), however, shows that even the Mg II line is affected at some
phases by emission and the eccentricity derived is probably spurious. The
period is known to be increasing by about 14 seconds per year (R.H. Koch and
E.F. Guinan Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1483, 1978). The light-curve is also
very difficult to interpret (D.J.K. O'Connell, Lembang Ann., 8, 22, 1937, C.R.
Lynds, Astrophys. J., 126, 81, 1957). Primary eclipse is about 1 m deep, but
the light-curve does not repeat itself and cannot be explained by eclipses
alone. There is variable intrinsic polarization (A. Kruszewski, Acta Astron.,
22, 405, 1972)). An international campaign in 1966 led to the publication of
many papers mainly in Inf. Bull. So. Hemisphere, Nos. 9, 10, 11, 15 and 16. See
also R.C. Hall (Astron. J., 72, 302, 1967) and A.M. van Genderen (Astron.
Astrophys. Supp., 9, 157, 1973). More recently, observation of the far UV
spectrum with IUE has brought greater understanding of the system (M. Plavec
and R.H. Koch, Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1482, 1978; M.J. Plavec and P.J.
Sakimoto, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 10, 609, 1978; W. Strupat Mitt. Astron.
Gesells., 62, 275, 1984, 63, 194, 1985). Plavec (I.A.U. Symp. No. 88, p. 251,
1980) sees W Ser as the prototype of a group of systems, similar in their UV
spectra but diverse in their optical spectra, in the rapid phase of mass
transfer, and destined to become Algol systems.

The single spectrum shows the H and K lines of Ca II in emission. They give
similar velocities to those derived from the absorption lines.

The results of Smak's thorough discussion of his own observations and earlier
ones by J.L. Greenstein and R.P. Kraft (Astrophys. J., 130, 99, 1959) and by
J.B. Hutchings, A.P. Cowley and D. Crampton (Astrophys. J., 232, 500, 1979) are
preferred to either of these earlier investigations. The epoch is the time of
minimum and, together with the period (which is variable) is taken from the
photometric investigation by J. Patterson, E.L. Robinson and R.E. Nather
(Astrophys. J., 224, 570, 1978). The value of V0 is approximate. Smak estimates
the orbital inclination at 77 deg. The V magnitude is taken from the
photometric work of M.F. Walker Astrophys. J., 123, 68, 1956; 127, 319, 1958).
Important papers on high-speed photometry of the system were published by R.E.
Nather and B. Warner (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 143, 145, 1969); B. Warner
and R.E. Nather (ibid., 152, 219, 1971) and B. Warner et al. (ibid., 159, 321,
1972). A brief discussion of polarization of light from the system was
published by E.A. Dibai and N.M. Shakhovskoi (Astron. Zh., 43, 1319, 1966).
Other more recent studies have been published by J.A. Petterson (Astrophys. J.,
241, 247, 1980), M.E. Sulkanen, L.W. Brasure and J. Patterson (ibid., 244, 579,
1981) and E.S. Dmitrienko and A.M. Cherepashchuk (Astron. Zh., 57, 749, 1980)
who discuss the light-curves published by Walker and by M.R. Nelson and E.C.
Olson (Astrophys. J., 207, 195, 1976). A companion is listed in I.D.S.

The magnitude is an estimated V magnitude, based on unpublished photometry on
the Copenhagen system, available to Griffin. Although no M-K classification of
the spectrum appears to have been made, the star is probably a giant.

From the relative line intensities, Conti et al. deduce a visual magnitude
difference of 0.4m. Note that the fainter secondary star appears to be the more

No measure of Delta m is available. Star is fainter component of A.D.S. 11061:
A is 41 Dra, 5.68m at about 19". A third component is listed in I.D.S. at 221".
The light of 40 Dra has been suspected of variability.

Earlier investigations were published by N. Ichinohe (Astrophys. J., 26, 157,
1907) and by Kohl himself (Astron. Nachr., 219, 213, 1923), based on Ichinohe's
observations. Kohl's 1923 results included K=66.82 km/s, V0=8.23 km/s. It is
not clear how far these differences are real. Twenty Mount Wilson coude
spectrograms measured by L. Lowen (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 62, 63, 1950)
and obtained between 1939 and 1949 agree with Kohl's elements except that Lowen
recommends the value of P be changed to 180.55d. The H-alpha line is seen in
emission and H-beta emission is also suspected. The intensity of the He I line,
lambda 4471 increases during eclipse, that of the Mg II line, lambda 4481 is
unaffected. The primary is classified as B8 Iap in Bright Star Catalogue.
Evidence that the secondary star is the hotter component of the system is
discussed by M. Plavec (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1598, 1979) and by M.J.
Plavec and J.L. Weiland (Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 12, 869, 1980). No solution
for the photometric elements appears to have been attempted. Star is brightest
member of A.D.S. 11169: closest companion is 11.5m at 16.9".

The Durchmusterung number is from the C.P.D. Thackeray and Hutchings give three
sets of elements obtained from permitted emission lines, absorption lines and
forbidden emission lines. The set given in the Catalogue is derived from the
permitted emission lines. These were adopted as being likely to be less
affected by gas streaming than are the elements obtained from the absorption
lines. There is some evidence for an M-type secondary spectrum, but it has not
been possible to obtain a value of K2. The primary spectrum is of early type,
the cF absorption spectrum is believed to arise in a stream travelling from the
M-type secondary to the primary. The time of periastron passage is given by
Thackeray and Hutchings as 52 days after mid-eclipse according to the ephemeris
by M.W. Mayall (Ann. Harv. Coll. Obs., 105, 491, 1937). We have added 40
periods and 52 days to Mayall's time of minimum. More recent UBV photometry by
P.J. Andrews (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 167, 635, 1974) leads to the
ephemeris: mid-eclipse=J.D. 2,420,321+604.6E. Discussions of the UV spectrum of
this system have been published by J.B. Hutchings and A.P. Cowley (Publ.
Astron. Soc. Pacific, 94, 107, 1982), J.B. Hutchings et al. (Astrophys. J.,
275, 271, 1983) and W. Strupat (Mitt. Astron. Gesells., 62, 275, 1984). They do
not help to determine the orbital elements more precisely.

The new elements supersede the work of A. Colacevich (Oss. e Mem. Arcetri, 59,
33, 1940) and J. Sahade (Astrophys. J., 109, 116, 1949). The spectral type of
the secondary is inferred from the few lines that can be recognized in the
combined spectrum. The value of K2 is approximate and depends on measures of
the K line alone. The epoch appears to be the time of minimum velocity of the
hotter star. The small eccentricity is probably not real, since even the helium
lines used for measurement may be affected by gas-stream effects. Variable
emission has been detected at H-alpha. The best discussion of the light-curve
still seems to be that by R.L. Baglow (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 108, 343,
1948) of R.O. Redman's (ibid., 105, 212, 1945) photographic observations.
Baglow found an orbital inclination of about 82 deg and a fractional luminosity
for the larger star of 0.86. He did not regard these results as well
determined. Spectroscopic results have improved to the point where the system
should be observed photometrically with modern equipment and the results
submitted to full analysis. The period may be variable. Three companions are
listed in I.D.S., the closest is 9.7m at 38.9".

This is the former Nova Her 1963 and is of interest in being the first nova to
erupt, after Kraft's classic work on cataclysmic variables, that has been shown
to be binary. The period is uncertain -- a value around 0.17d is also possible.
The epoch is T0 and the orbit is assumed circular. The magnitude is still
variable; that given in the Catalogue is an approximate mean for the year 1978,
on a scale close to the B scale. (E.L. Robinson and R.E. Nather, Astrophys. J.,
273, 255, 1983).

The epoch is the time of conjunction (hotter star in front). The orbit is
assumed circular. The visual magnitude difference between the two stars was
estimated at 0.6m. The minimum masses would be substantially increased by
corrections for pair-blending. A 13.0m companion at 8.4" is listed in I.D.S.



Original observations by W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 1, 307,
1921). Luyten's recomputation is preferred because Harper fixed the value of T.
Epoch is T0. No measure of Delta m has been made, but Harper described the two
spectra as quite similar. He later revised the period to 2.04765d (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 6, 239, 1935). Star is brightest member of A.D.S. 11213. The
other three faint components form a compact group at about 95".

The elements given in the Catalogue supersede those of A.P. Cowley, W.A.
Hiltner and C. Berry (Astron. Astrophys., 11, 407, 1971) and W.A. Hiltner
(Astrophys. J., 102, 492, 1945), although allowance must be made, in comparing
these investigations, for the different lines used from the Wolf-Rayet
spectrum. The upper line of the Catalogue refers to the W-R component. The
epoch is the time of inferior conjunction of the W-R star, and the orbit is
assumed circular. Note that the times of conjunction derived from each
component differ slightly (43399.7 for the secondary). The star is notorious
for having at one time displayed eclipses (R.M. Hjellming and W.A. Hiltner,
Astrophys. J., 137, 1080, 1963) which later appeared to have stopped (K.
Stepien, Acta Astron., 20, 13, 1970; L.V. Kuhi and F. Schweizer, Astrophys. J.,
160, L185, 1970). Although R. Schild and W. Liller (Astrophys. J., 199, 432,
1975)) suggested that the appearance of eclipses was an artifact of the
ephemeris used to represent the observations, the matter does not seem to have
been settled to the satisfaction of all those who have studied the system. The
orbital inclination is therefore uncertain. According to Massey and Niemela,
the secondary star's spectrum is certainly of O-type and the minimum mass is
close to the expected value for that type -- suggesting an inclination near 90
deg, while the absence of eclipses indicates i<82 deg. The stars are probably
of much the same luminosity and the system may belong to the Ser OB2

This star has come to be the prototype of a sub-class of cataclysmic variables.
The magnitudes given represent the approximate range between the system's high
and low states. Characteristic of the system, besides the X-ray flux, are the
circular polarization (S. Tapia, Astrophys. J., 212, L125, 1977; J. Bailey and
D.J. Axon, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 194, 187, 1981) of its visible light
and the evidence for strong magnetic fields. The epoch given is the time when
the velocity of the emission-line source is equal to V0 and increasing. Earlier
discussions of the orbital elements have been published by W.C. Priedhorsky
(Astrophys. J., 212, L117, 1977), A.P. Cowley and D. Crampton (ibid., L121 and
Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 89, 374, 1977 and J.L. Greenstein et al.,
Astrophys. J., 218, L121, 1977). The spectrum in the low state is different
from that in the high state and the elements given in the Catalogue are derived
from means of the Balmer lines measured (H-beta, H-gamma  and H-delta) which
were relatively narrow at the time of observation. The velocity-curve is
therefore relatively well defined for a cataclysmic variable, although its
relation to the orbital motion of the white dwarf remains obscure. In the high
state, there are also broad emissions that give a different velocity-curve
(J.L. Greenstein et al., Astrophys. J., 218, L121, 1977). The spectral type
given for the secondary is derived from infrared observations (P. Young and
D.P. Schneider, Astrophys. J., 230, 502, 1979), who found K2=68 km/s. J.B.
Hutchings, D. Crampton and A.P. Cowley (Astrophys. J., 247, 195, 1981) agree
closely with this value, but Young, Schneider and Shechtman find much higher
values (close to 200 km/s) from the weak absorption features they measured in
the photographic region of the spectrum. A discussion of the spectrum has also
been published by A.N. Burenkov and N.F. Voikhanskaya (Astron. Zh., 57, 65,
1980). The IUE spectrum is briefly described by J.C. Raymond et al. (I.A.U.
Symp. No. 88, p. 467, 1980). J. Patterson and C. Price have published results
of spectrophotometry during the 1980 low state (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 93,
71, 1981). L. Crosa et al. (Astrophys. J., 247, 984, 1981) made a detailed
simultaneous study of the system in the high state.

An 8.6m companion at 3.3" is listed in I.D.S.

The new observations and results supersede the earlier work of W.E. Harper
(Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 3, 198, 1925 and 6, 240, 1935). Closely similar
elements have been computed from the observations made by Scarfe et al. by A.
Abad and A. Elipe (Astrophys. J., 302, 764, 1986).

These results supplement Sahade's own earlier work (Astrophys. J., 102, 470,
1945). Different values for omega, e, K1 and V0 are obtained from the two
investigations. The earlier elements were based on measures of the K line and
Mg II (lambda 4481) only. Modern photoelectric observations (G.F.G. Knipe, Mon.
Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 167, 369, 1974 and N. Kappelmann and K. Walter Astron.
Astrophys. Supp., 38, 161, 1979) leave no doubt that the true orbit is
circular. Lucy & Sweeney also adopted a circular orbit for their new
spectroscopic solution. The spectral type is computed from the photometric
solution (B. Cester et al., Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 36, 273, 1979, recomputed
a solution from Knipe's light-curves and G. Russo and C. Sollazzo, Inf. Bull.
Var. Stars, No. 1827, 1980, recomputed one from those obtained by Kappelmann
and Walter) but the G-type spectrum can be seen during totality and J. Smak
(Acta Astron., 15, 327, 1965) deduced K2=160 km/s, from measures of the D
lines, yielding masses of 1.8 MSol and 0.26 MSol. All investigators agree on an
orbital inclination close to 88 deg and a fractional luminosity for the hotter
star (in V) in the neighbourhood of 0.8.

New observations by Abt and Levy yield elements that agree very well with those
of Z. Daniel and L.F. Jenkins (Publ. Allegheny Obs., 3, 147, 1914). The
agreement is the chief reason for giving these elements a b category.
Nevertheless, there is a very considerable difference in the two values of K2
(Daniel and Jenkins found K2=101.7 km/s). The value obtained by Abt and Levy
from more modern material is preferred. The epoch is T0; formal solution for
the orbital elements gave e=0.001, which is negligibly small. Abt and Levy give
the spectral types as A2.5, A8 and F2 from the K line, hydrogen lines and
metallic lines respectively. Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.78.

The observations on which this orbit is based were obtained at the Lick
Observatory from 1899-1951. Despite the long period the velocity-curve seems
well determined except for some disturbing residuals near the ascending node.

Reference: J.Grobben & R.P.Michaelis, Ric. Astr. Spec. Vatic., 8, 33, 1969

The epoch is T0. Lucy & Sweeney confirm that the orbit should be regarded as
circular. There is evidence of blending effects of the secondary spectrum,
especially in the lines of He I. The more luminous star is in front at the
deeper minimum, so the secondary star must have the earlier spectral type. S.
Gaposchkin (Ann. Harv. Coll. Obs., 113, 139, 1953) estimated from the
light-curve Delta m=2.3.

Another determination of K1 (70 km/s) was published almost simultaneously by
K.O. Mason et al. (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 200, 793, 1982). Cowley,
Crampton and Hutchings give a more complete set of orbital elements, so their
values have been preferred. The value of K1 is determined from measures of the
base of the emission line He II lambda 4686; that of K2 is determined from
measures of H-delta absorption -- which appears to be associated with the
secondary component. Mason et al. were unable to measure the H-delta line on
their spectrograms. The epoch is the time of optical minimum and the orbit is
assumed circular. There is some uncertainty whether or not optical and X-ray
minima are coincident. Studies of the X-ray and optical variation have been
published by P. Charles, J.R. Thorstensen and P. Barr (Astrophys. J., 241,
1148, 1980), K.O. Mason et al. (ibid., 242, L109, 1980) and N.E. White et al.
(ibid., 247, 994, 1981). Results of spectrophotometry and a model are given by
K.O. Mason and F.A. Cordova (Astrophys. J., 255, 603, 1982).

Earlier spectroscopic observations by D.M. Popper (Astrophys. J., 97, 394,
1943) were insufficient for the derivation of orbital elements. A new
spectroscopic study has been published by M.Yu. Skul'skii (Bulletin Abastumani
Obs., No. 58, 101, 1985 -- see also the spectrophotometric study by M.B.
Babayev, ibid., 105). Skul'skii has more observations than were available to
Cowley and Hutchings, but his measures show a large scatter. Although he does
not give orbital elements, his diagram shows that he agrees with Cowley and
Hutchings on the value of K1 (for the brighter but less massive star) but finds
a very much smaller value of K2. Beyond the facts that this is a very massive
system and a radio source (V.A. Hughes and A. Woodsworth, I.A.U. Circ., No.
2488, 1973, R.M. Hjellming et al., Nature Phys. Sci., 242, 84, 1973) we still
know rather little about it. The ultraviolet spectrum has been briefly
described by R.H. Koch (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1580, 1979). The epoch is
the time of primary minimum as used by Cowley and Hutchings (the orbit is
assumed circular). A modern ephemeris would be best derived from the UBV
observations published by F. Ciatti et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 41, 143,
1980) and analyzed by L. Milano et al. (Astron. Astrophys., 100, 59, 1981) and
G. Giuricin and F. Mardirossian (ibid., 101, 138, 1981). The orbital
inclination is around 75 deg and the fractional luminosity of the hotter
component (in V) is 0.56.

The star has long been known for its composite spectrum. Griffin and Griffin
succeeded in disentangling both spectra and determined the orbit of each
component thus showing the system to be of the zeta  Aur type. Indeed,
subsequent work (R.E.M. Griffin, J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can., 82, 49, 1988) has
shown that the system undergoes eclipses, although no photometric observations
are yet available and no variable-star designation has yet been given. The
spectral types given are those derived by Griffin and Griffin. They are at
pains to emphasize, however, the uncertainty that attaches to any attempt to
separate the components of a composite spectrum. Their classification is
confirmed by the observations of the late-type spectrum during eclipse. The
orbit of the late-type component depends primarily on photoelectric measures of
its radial velocity. The semi-amplitude of the secondary is determined from a
relatively small number of high-dispersion spectrograms from which the
late-type component has been subtracted.

The minimum magnitude is estimated from fragmentary unpublished photometric
observations of the primary eclipse. The spectra are similar although the
depths of eclipses suggest a surface-brightness ratio of 0.76 -- rather larger
than would be expected from the mass-ratio. Popper emphasizes the need for a
complete light-curve. The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is the time
of primary minimum.

The work of Hansen and McNamara completely supersedes the orbital elements
derived earlier by F.J. Neubauer and O. Struve (Astrophys. J., 101, 240, 1945)
but still leaves many problems unsolved. The stellar spectrum is distorted by
the spectrum of gas streams and emission is visible at H-alpha (D.H. McNamara,
Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 69, 574, 1957). Hansen and McNamara tried to
correct for these effects when deriving the orbital elements. The epoch is the
time of primary minimum and the orbit is assumed to be circular in accordance
with the light-curve. According to V.G. Karetnikov (Astron. Zh., 44, 22, 1967)
the spectral type of the primary component varies. The type of the secondary is
derived from the UBV light-curves obtained by S.K. Wilcken, D.H. McNamara and
H.K. Hansen (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 88, 262, 1976). These authors find the
light-curves difficult to solve but derive an orbital inclination of 84 deg and
a fractional luminosity (in V) for the primary component of 0.89. Relatively
small changes in the quantities derived from both the spectroscopic and
photometric data could bring the masses and luminosities into accord with
expectations based on the mass-luminosity relation. Photometric data were also
published by M. Kitamura and K. Sato (Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 19, 575, 1967).
A new model of the system as a double-contact binary has recently been proposed
by R.E. Wilson, W. van Hamme and L.E. Pettera (Astrophys. J., 289, 748, 1985).

The epoch is T0. Photoelectric light-curves published by Zha Disheng and Huang
Yinliang (Astron. Sinica, 21, 158, 1980) confirm that the orbit is circular. A
solution of these light-curves by K.-C. Leung, Zha Disheng and Huang Yinliang
(Acta Astrophys. Sinica, 2, 144, 1982) gives an orbital inclination close to 79
deg and a fractional luminosity (in yellow light) for the primary component of
0.91. Struve reported a visual companion, but it is not listed in I.D.S.


This is a complicated system, the spectroscopically triple star being the
brighter component of A.D.S. 11353. The fainter component, 7.7m at 3.8", is
probably physically related and may also be a spectroscopic binary. The
spectrum of the brighter star in the visual pair is composite, and R. Tremblot
(Comptes Rendues, 207, 491, 1938) and D.B. McLaughlin (Astrophys. J., 88, 356,
1938) independently discovered the duplicity of the A-type component. The
short-period orbit is that of the two A-type stars. The epoch is T0, deduced
from Tilley's published list of phases. The value of V0, of course, varies. The
magnitude given is a photoelectric (V) magnitude, but it refers to the combined
light of the visual pair. There is some evidence of a variation of about 0.3m
in the light. The velocity-curve in the long-period orbit is poorly defined
near its maximum. The value of K2 (for the centre of mass of the two A-type
stars) has been estimated from the corrections needed to bring into agreement
the values obtained in successive years for the systemic velocity of the
short-period pair. The epoch given is T, estimated from Tilley's published list
of phases. An additional visual component at 0.1" from A, observed once
according to I.D.S., could conceivably be one of the components in the
long-period system.

This is a complicated system, the spectroscopically triple star being the
brighter component of A.D.S. 11353. The fainter component, 7.7m at 3.8", is
probably physically related and may also be a spectroscopic binary. The
spectrum of the brighter star in the visual pair is composite, and R. Tremblot
(Comptes Rendues, 207, 491, 1938) and D.B. McLaughlin (Astrophys. J., 88, 356,
1938) independently discovered the duplicity of the A-type component. The
short-period orbit is that of the two A-type stars. The epoch is T0, deduced
from Tilley's published list of phases. The value of V0, of course, varies. The
magnitude given is a photoelectric (V) magnitude, but it refers to the combined
light of the visual pair. There is some evidence of a variation of about 0.3m
in the light. The velocity-curve in the long-period orbit is poorly defined
near its maximum. The value of K2 (for the centre of mass of the two A-type
stars) has been estimated from the corrections needed to bring into agreement
the values obtained in successive years for the systemic velocity of the
short-period pair. The epoch given is T, estimated from Tilley's published list
of phases. An additional visual component at 0.1" from A, observed once
according to I.D.S., could conceivably be one of the components in the
long-period system.

The spectrum shows enhanced lines of Si. The velocity variation is beyond
doubt, but the period is uncertain. W.R. Beardsley et al. (Publ. Allegheny
Obs., 8, No. 7, 1969) find the old Allegheny observations fit a period of
127.85d, although they discuss the possibility of a shorter one. They find
K1=30 km/s. Abt and Snowden could not fit older observations with their period.
The elements are therefore very provisional. The star is the brighter member of
A.D.S. 11311 which is apparently a physical pair near periastron (separation
less than 1").

These observations and orbital elements supersede those determined by W.H.
Wright (Astrophys. J., 11, 131, 1900), by R.T. Crawford (Lick Obs. Bull., 13,
176, 1928), and even the excellent orbital elements derived by J.M.
Vinter-Hansen (Lick Obs. Bull., 19, 141, 1942). Other investigations that
confirmed Vinter-Hansen's were published by M. Spite (Ann. Astrophys., 30, 211,
1967) and H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy (Astrophys. J. Supp., 30, 276, 1973). The
principle improvements made by the new observations are a complete
determination of the secondary velocity-curve obtained by observing in the red
and near infrared, and the use of speckle-interferometric observations to give
a good determination of the astrometric orbit. Previously only Spite had
succeeded in observing the secondary spectrum -- and then only a few times.
Observations of the secondary have been used to determine only K2 and V0 (which
differs insignificantly from the value obtained from observations of the
primary). Similarly, the spectroscopic values of P, T and e were adopted in the
analysis of the astrometric orbit. This orbit, like its spectroscopic
counterpart, supersedes earlier work (H.L. Alden, Astron. J., 45, 113, 1936;
L.A. Breakiron and G. Gatewood, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 86, 448, 1974) and
confirms the conclusion by W.J. Luyten (Publ. Minnesota Obs., 2, 15, 1934) that
there is no third body in the system. The orbital inclination is 75 deg, the
major semi-axis is 0.122" and the parallax is 0.120". The stars have masses of
1.03 MSol and 0.75 MSol and their luminosities are consistent with their being
slightly metal-poor and 8E9 years old. Two faint companions are listed in
I.D.S. at about 150".

Hube found no convincing evidence for changes in the orbital elements in the
past 51 years, although the most recent velocities fall systematically below
the velocity curve. This no doubt contributes to the rather large scatter of
individual observations. Hube interprets sharp absorption features sometimes
found in the violet wings of the hydrogen and helium lines as evidence for mass
loss. The features cannot be identified with the secondary spectrum.


Popper did not measure the hydrogen lines, the two components of which blend
with each other. This probably accounts for the fact that he found higher
values for the semi-amplitudes than did J.F. Heard and D.C. Morton (Publ. David
Dunlap Obs., 2, 255, 1962). A circular orbit is assumed and the epoch is the
time of primary minimum. A more up-to-date ephemeris is given by J.V. Clausen,
A. Gimenez and C.D. Scarfe (Astron. Astrophys., 167, 287, 1986) who analyze
light- curves by A. Colacevich (Contr. Capodimonte Oss., Ser. II, 4, No. 12,
1953) and J.V. Clausen et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 68, 141, 1987). They
show that there is a small but real eccentricity of 0.013 and apsidal motion in
a period of about 180 years. They find an orbital inclination of about 86 deg
and give a visual magnitude difference of 0.77 -- rather larger than expected
from the appearance of the secondary spectrum.




The chief interest of this system is its high velocity and probable metal

The epoch is T0 and a circular orbit is assumed -- in accordance with modern
light-curves. Individual spectral types are assigned by Popper on the basis of
B-V colours: the observed spectral type is A0. Earlier investigations by H.
Shapley (Astrophys. J., 40, 399, 1914) and by R.H. Baker and E.E. Cummings
(Laws Obs. Bull., 2, 151, 1916) were based on three spectrograms and can be
ignored. R.F. Sanford (Astrophys. J., 68, 51, 1928) found lower values of K1
and K2 than Popper did -- probably because Sanford used a lower dispersion.
Photometric investigations have been published by F.B. Wood (Astrophys. J.,
110, 465, 1948), N.I. Magalashvili (Bulletin Abastumani Obs., No. 15, 1, 1953)
and K.W. Jeffreys (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 42, 285, 1980). The first-named
was re-analyzed by B. Cester et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 33, 91, 1978).
Jeffreys found an orbital inclination of 85 deg and a fractional luminosity (in
V) for the brighter star of 0.62.


This star is extremely metal-deficient and is described by Jasniewicz and Mayor
as `apparently the most metal-deficient star of the halo with known orbital
elements'. This may account for divergent classifications ranging from sdF5 to
sdK1. The low metal abundance has made the spectrum harder to measure with
CORAVEL than is usual for spectra of the same general type. These elements are
in large measure confirmed by D.W. Latham et al. (Astron. J., 96, 567, 1988).

Petrie did not measure Delta m for this pair, but he stated `the two spectra
are much alike, it being sometimes difficult to differentiate between them'.
Curchod and Hauck list the star, but give only the K-line spectral type of A8.
A 10.5m companion at 26.6" is listed in I.D.S.

The new observations by Vogt and Fekel, combined with the earlier ones by B.W.
Bopp and D.S. Evans (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 164, 343, 1973) have led to
an improvement in our knowledge of this system, whose duplicity was discovered
by W. Krzeminski and R.P. Kraft (Astron. J., 72, 307, 1967). The intrinsic
variations in the light of the star, usually ascribed to both spots and flares,
make it difficult to obtain orbital elements of very high quality. Vogt and
Fekel derive a luminosity ratio at lambda 6500 of 1.93. A detailed photometric
study of the system was published by V. Oskanyan et al. (Astrophys. J., 214,
430, 1977). S.S. Vogt (ibid., 240, 567, 1980) has shown that, contrary to
previous results, complex line profiles in this and similar systems are not the
result of Zeeman splitting and there is no evidence for large magnetic fields.
The emission lines of Ca II were shown not to vary with the 3.8d rotation
period of the primary star (B.W. Bopp and G. Ferland, Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, 89, 69, 1977). The spectra of the components have also been discussed
by P.C. Keenan (ibid., 92, 548, 1980).

Petrie found Delta m=0.18. He estimated i=29 deg from the mass-luminosity
relation, using the cluster parallax of the Ursa Major cluster, to which the
system belongs.

The reality of the velocity variation of this alleged long-period,
low-amplitude binary should be checked. It has not been confirmed by G.C.L.
Aikman (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 14, 379, 1976) nor are radial velocities
measured by A.H. Batten consistent with the elements presented here. The
spectrum shows the Hg:Mn peculiarity. The star is the brighter component of
A.D.S. 11504: companion is 10.7m at 7.3".

Griffin quotes spectral types of both K0 III and K1 III.

The period is 33,527.6d or 91.8y. The system is a visual binary, discovered by
F.G.W. Struve when the separation was close to its maximum value of about 0.4".
The spectroscopic observations cover only the eighteen months or so around
nodal passage when the two spectra are resolved. Consequently, V0 is not as
well determined as is desirable and, while K1+K2 is accurately known, the
individual values K1 and K2 are subject to uncertainty. On the other hand, the
visual observations lead to a good knowledge of P, T, e and omega. The spectral
type given is the mean of the two components. It is difficult to separate the
two spectra but they could be as different as G8 III-IV and F8 IV, the brighter
being of later type. The difference in V between the two components is
similarly uncertain but around 0.8m. There is a third component at a distance
of just over 14" from the close pair and nearly 2m fainter. It has a radial
velocity close to the systemic velocity of the close pair, and changes in the
position angle suggest a slow orbital motion. It seems likely that all three
stars are of about solar mass and well evolved.

The orbital elements are derived from the absorption lines of He I, Si III, N
II, Si IV, and O II. Other lines give very different velocity amplitudes and
Hutchings and Redman themselves are very cautious about supposing that they
have derived the true orbital elements. Undoubtedly some sort of extended
envelope surrounds the star. The failure to detect the secondary spectrum is
also considered surprising by the investigators.

Possible traces of the secondary spectrum were observed, but no reliable value
of K2 could be determined.

There is no M-K classification of the spectrum and the type given is from the
H.D. Catalogue. Primarily because of the star's colour, Griffin estimates that
the type should be M. I.D.S. lists a 10.4m companion at 60.2" separation.
Griffin has measured its radial velocity and found the star not to be
physically related to the spectroscopic pair.

The values found for K1 and K2 by Aikman are lower than those found by R.M.
Petrie (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 285, 1935), but since Aikman's are
derived from spectrograms of higher dispersion they are probably the more
reliable. The values of e, omega and V0 obtained in the two investigations
agree reasonably well. Petrie(I) found Delta m=0.29. He estimated i=23 deg.

These new observations and the results derived from them supersede the earlier
work of B.W. Baldwin (Astrophys. J., 226, 937, 1978) and W.A. Hiltner (ibid.,
104, 396, 1946). Baldwin's work and the critique of it by J. Smak (Acta
Astron., 31, 25, 1981) also stimulated interest in the making of photometric
observations (J. van Paradijs et al., Astron. Astrophys., 111, 372, 1982; E.C.
Olson and J.P. Hickey, Astrophys. J., 264, 251, 1983; D. Forbes and C.D.
Scarfe, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 96, 737, 1984). Precise spectral
classification of the two late-type components is difficult. The orbital
elements, hard to obtain by conventional spectroscopy, have been found from
photoelectric velocity measurements. The orbit was assumed circular after a
preliminary solution showed the eccentricity to be much smaller than its own
uncertainty: the epoch is T0 for the K-type star. Photometric and spectroscopic
(emission-line) observations provide evidence of a disk surrounding the hotter
star, yet both stars appear to be well within their Roche lobes. The orbital
inclination is probably close to 90 deg. The larger star gives nearly 0.6 of
the light in V. Interpretation of the system is still controversial.

Previous studies of the system have been published by F.C. Jordan (Publ.
Allegheny Obs., 1, 115, 1909), W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 240,
1935) and H.A. Abt (Astrophys. J. Supp., 6, 37, 1961). Jordan's results are in
good agreement with the latest investigation and the other two led only to
minor revisions. It is the constancy of the derived elements over a long period
of time, rather than the quality of the individual investigations, that leads
to the a classification. The spectral type is given by Abt and Levy as A6, A8
and F1 from the K line, hydrogen lines and metallic lines respectively. The
epoch is T0. The eccentricity is smaller than its uncertainty and probably
should be ignored -- no value is given for omega. The star is the brightest
member of A.D.S. 11639; the principal companion (zeta  2 Lyr) is 5.74m at

The epoch is T0 and the eccentricity is smaller than its uncertainty. No value
for omega is given and the orbit should be regarded as circular. The spectral
types are A2, A3 and A6 from the K line, hydrogen lines and metallic lines
respectively. The star is the brightest member of A.D.S. 11667: companions 7.9m
at 13.0" and 11.3m at about 26" (probably optical).

New observations by S.B. Parsons (Astrophys. J. Supp., 53, 553, 1983) confirm
these elements.

Epoch is T0, since the light-curve and velocity-curve agree in showing the
orbit to be very nearly circular. The A-type component appears to depart
appreciably from the mass-luminosity relation and Popper finds that it is the
brighter star. Its velocity-curve is relatively well defined; that of the
B-type star is less so. Popper also obtained photometric observations and,
assuming an orbital inclination of 90 deg, found Delta m=0.8. B. Cester et al.
(Astron. Astrophys., 61, 469, 1977) find, from the same observations, that the
inclination is about 85 deg and the hotter component gives 0.65 of the light in
V (they disagree with Popper about which star is brighter). G.L. Clements and
J.S. Neff (Astrophys. J. Supp., 41, 1, 1979) draw attention to an ultraviolet
excess in the light of the system.

The elements obtained by Lucy & Sweeney are very similar to those obtained by
J. Sahade himself from the same observations (Astrophys. J., 102, 470, 1945).
The new elements, computed by Sterne's method and showing the eccentricity to
be negligible, are preferred to the old ones computed by the Wilsing-Russell
method. The epoch is T0. The period is increasing. The scatter about the
velocity-curve is large, but the coverage is good. The V magnitudes given in
the Catalogue are estimated from the data published by C. Blanco and S.
Cristaldi (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 86, 187, 1974) in their discussion of
the light-curve. They find that the light-curve varies, but estimate the
secondary spectrum to be G0 and find the system can be represented as a typical
Algol system. Earlier, Z. Kopal (Close Binary Systems, p. 497, 1959) had
assigned this system to the class of those containing undersize subgiants. I.W.
Roxburgh (Astron. J., 71, 133, 1986) further suggested that the secondary was
still contracting to the main sequence. Light-curves (in UBV) obtained by T.
Hayasaka (Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 31, 271, 1979) lead to a value for the
radius of the secondary component that is smaller than the Roche lobe, although
other observations by C. Cristescu, G. Oprescu and M.D. Suran (Inf. Bull. Var.
Stars, No. 1916, 1981) give again a larger radius. Perhaps the chief need is
for a modern velocity-curve. Hayasaka found an orbital inclination of 84 deg
and a fractional luminosity for the brighter component (in V) of 0.93. His
results were closely confirmed by a re-analysis of his results by G. Giuricin
and F. Mardirossian (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 45, 85, 1981).

The observations were made with an objective prism, and the value of V0 is
arbitrarily set at zero. The scatter of observations is large and omega is
poorly defined (Gieseking gives omega=80 deg 90 deg). The epoch is denoted by
T0, but it is unclear whether or not this symbol is used in the sense defined
in Sterne's method.

The epoch is the time of primary minimum and the orbit is assumed circular, in
accordance with the light-curve. The spectral type (taken from the fourth
edition of the G.C.V.S.) appears to refer to the primary component. BVRI
light-curves were published by D.A.H. Buckley (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1867,
1980) and analyzed by him (Astrophys. Space Sci., 99, 191, 1984). He found an
orbital inclination of 87 deg and a fractional luminosity for the brighter star
(in V) of 0.87. He gave effective temperatures of 7,000 K and 4,749 K for the
two components.

The epoch is an arbitrary zero of phase: T0 is about 0.08d later. No trace of
the secondary spectrum has been reported. The star is Nova Aql 1918 and its
light is still variable. The V magnitude given in the Catalogue is from A.U.
Landolt (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 80, 481, 1968). Photometry in the far UV
has been reported by J.S. Gallagher and A.V. Holm (Astrophys. J., 189, L123,
1974). More recently, light variations that can be interpreted as eclipses have
been reported by J. Rahe et al. (Astron. Astrophys., 88, L9, 1980) and M.H.
Slovak (I.A.U. Circ., No. 3493, 1980). The interpretation of these variations
has been questioned by M.C. Cook (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 195, 51P, 1981).
W. Wargau, H. Drechsel and J. Rahe (Acta Astron., 33, 149, 1983) have published
measurements of the far ultraviolet continuum flux.

The H.D. spectral type is K0: Radford and Griffin suggest that the type lies in
the range K5 to M0 III. The type given in the Bright Star Catalogue is K2 Ib,
which apparently is taken from T.E. Lutz and J.H. Lutz (Astron. J., 82, 431,
1977). See the Note added by Radford and Griffin to their paper for a
discussion of this. The star is the brightest member of A.D.S. 11719: its two
companions are 12.3m at 23" and 8.7m at 114". Radford and Griffin have shown
that the radial-velocity of the latter is very different from the systemic
velocity of the spectroscopic binary.

Original observations were made by R.F. Sanford (Astrophys. J., 53, 201, 1921),
but Tanner was able to show that Sanford's value of the period was incorrect.
Some doubt still remains about the period because of the great similarity
between the spectra of the two components. Only 105 cycles are covered by the
observations, so the determination of the period is necessarily imprecise. The
orbit was assumed circular and the epoch is T0. It is the F5 component of the
composite spectrum that is double (F2 according to Sanford). The A-spectrum
presumably arises from the visual secondary at less than 1", and often
unresolved. These stars probably form a real triple system. Together with a
faint, distant, and probably optical companion they form the system A.D.S.

The ascending branch of the velocity-curve is poorly defined.

Variability of the velocity of this star was pointed out by R.E. Wilson and
A.H. Joy (Astrophys. J., 111, 221, 1950), but no attempt was made to determine
orbital elements until the accidental observation of the star in eclipse (the
light-curve is not completely observed and the minimum magnitude is unknown).
The present elements, being based on only five observations should be viewed
with reserve, but they are consistent with the only two observed eclipses. The
epoch is the approximate time of primary minimum. Turner and Perderos discuss
the possibility that this system is a companion to the Cepheid BB Sgr.

Photoelectric (B and V) observations were published by D. Korsch and K. Walter
(Astron. Nachr., 291, 231, 1968) from which the magnitudes given in the
Catalogue were taken. Korsch and Walter find evidence for gas streams in the
system, but this is not fully corroborated by the spectroscopic observations.
The orbital eccentricity found spectroscopically appears to be genuine, and the
difference found between the time of mid-eclipse and of spectroscopic
conjunction is not statistically significant. F. Mardirossian et al. (Astron.
Astrophys. Supp., 39, 235, 1980) re-analyzed the photometric observations by
Korsch and Walter and obtained results in general agreement with theirs. In
particular, the orbital inclination is 84 deg and the fractional luminosity of
the hotter star (in V) is 0.56. The secondary may not completely fill its Roche
lobe. The eclipsing system belongs to A.D.S. 11729 of which, except during
primary eclipse, it is the brighter member. The companion, at 4.7", must be
brighter than the 10.8m given for it in I.D.S. and is bright enough to affect
both the photometric and spectroscopic observations.

It is impossible in a short note even to attempt to give a comprehensive list
of just the spectroscopic investigations of one of the most-studied binary
systems in the sky. Readers are therefore referred to the review by J. Sahade
(Space Science Rev., 26, 349, 1980) for a discussion of work to that date,
including the extensive studies of the far UV spectrum. The orbit of the
primary star is well determined from the metallic lines and there is little to
choose between the elements given in the Catalogue and those derived by J.
Sahade et al. (Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. NS, 49, 1, 1959). The chief difference
between them, about 2 km/s in the value of V0, probably reflects only a
systematic difference between observatories. Since the period is known to be
increasing by about 18 s/yr, the period and epoch (T0) are approximate for
1974 and should not be used for phase predictions. Although various claims to
have observed and measured the secondary spectrum have been made, none has won
general acceptance. The star is the brightest component of A.D.S. 11745:
according to H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy (Astron. J., 81, 659, 1976), components B
and E may be physically associated with beta Lyr, although all components are
separated by more than 40" from the principal star. (The orbit of beta Lyr B,
that was included in the Seventh Catalogue is withdrawn by Abt and Levy.) J.J.
Dobias and M.J. Plavec (Astron. J., 90, 773, 1985) use this physical
association to derive an estimated absolute visual magnitude for the system of
4.7 and they suggest a spectral classification for the primary of B8.5 or B9
II-Ib. R.E. Wilson and E. Lapasset (Astron. Astrophys., 95, 328, 1981) have
explored further the agreement of the photometric observations with the disk
model and suggest that the `disk' is a torus. M. Hack et al. (Astron.
Astrophys., 126, 115, 1983) have published details of the BUSS spectrogram of
this star. Discussions of anomalous CNO abundances have been published by V.V.
Leushin and L.I. Snezhko (Pis. Astron. Zh., 6, 171, 1980) and S. Balachandran
et al. (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 219, 479, 1986) Known variations in the
emission lines are discussed by V.I. Burnashev and M.Y. Skul'skii (ibid., 6,
587, 1980) and by Skul'skii alone (ibid., 6, 628, 1980).

The epoch is T0. Lucy & Sweeney also adopted a small orbital eccentricity. The
luminosity class III is perhaps questionable in view of the short period.
Sahade and Cesco classified the primary spectrum as between B5 and B8. D.S.
Hall and G.S. Hubbard (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 83, 459, 1971) have
published UBV light-curves of this system and estimate a spectral type of A4
for the secondary star. They find i=88.7 deg and the fractional luminosity of
the primary star to be 0.92 in V. G. Giuricin and F. Mardirossian (Astrophys.
Space Sci., 76, 111, 1981) find similar results from the same observations. The
secondary eclipse is asymmetric, especially in U. The rapid apsidal motion
suggested by Hall and Hubbard has not been confirmed (C.D. Scarfe and D.J.
Barlow, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 86, 181, 1974).

These elements are an amendment of those given by the same author in Lick Obs.
Bull., 12, 165, 1926. Luyten has recomputed the elements, as have Lucy &
Sweeney. All agree in adopting the eccentric orbit. The primary spectrum is Ap,
showing enhancement of manganese and mercury lines. The secondary spectrum is
estimated partly from the line strengths and partly from the colour. C.E.
Seligman (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 82, 128, 1970) has detected the secondary
spectrum and deduces a mass-ratio of 2.06+/-0.17. New velocities have also been
measured by P.S. Conti (Astrophys. J., 160, 1077, 1970); they agree well with
Meyer's orbital elements, although a slight increase in period is indicated by
both these and Seligman's results. T.S. Galkina (Bulletin Abastumani Obs., No.
58, 265, 1985) has published results from spectrograms obtained at 36A/mm
dispersion. She finds different values for the elements from the ionized
magnesium line (lambda 4482) and the Balmer lines. She also finds variations
with phase in equivalent widths and primary spectral type. These findings
suggest that the system is more complicated than it has appeared to be

This star was identified with the X-ray source 4U 1839 31 by J.E. Steiner et
al. (I.A.U. Circ., No. 3529, 1980), who also derived the period and approximate
magnitude. The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is the time of superior
conjunction of the emission-line source. The value of K1 is given by Penning as
lying between 50 km/s and 75 km/s. He gives no value for V0. He estimates the
orbital inclination to lie between 15 deg and 27 deg.

Popper's new observations and analysis supersede both A. McKellar's original
work (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 8, 235, 1949) and the re-discussion of it by
R.M. Petrie, D.H. Andrews and C.D. Scarfe (I.A.U. Symp. No. 30, p. 221, 1967),
and also the brief discussion by O. Struve et al. (Astrophys. J., 111, 658,
1950). Popper has also analyzed the BV observations made by D. Ya. Martynov and
Kh. F. Khaliullin (Astrophys. Space Sci., 71, 147, 1980). He finds an orbital
inclination of 89 deg and a fractional luminosity (in V) for the brighter
component of 0.59. His values for the effective temperatures are slightly
different for the two stars. The system has recently attracted interest because
the observed apsidal motion is much less than the expected relativistic motion
(which dominates the expected classical motion) -- see E.F. Guinan and F.P.
Maloney (Astron. J., 90, 1519, 1985). This has been interpreted as support for
J.W. Moffat's new theory of gravitation (Astrophys. J., 287, L77, 1984),
although the interpretation is questioned by Kh. F. Khaliullin (Astrophys. J.,
299, 668, 1985).

These results complement and supersede Harper's earlier work (J. Roy. Astron.
Soc. Can., 9, 165, 1915). The old results yielded a slightly lower value of K1
(75.77 km/s). The two spectra are described by Harper as being of `nearly,
though not quite equal' intensity. Luyten also recomputed the elements. The
observations are published in Publ. Dom. Obs., 2, 123, 1915 and 4, 364, 1919.

Lucy & Sweeney also adopt an eccentric orbit. The star is the brightest
component of A.D.S. 11799: B is 7.9m at 34.2" and does not share the proper
motion of A, C is 11.5m at 139.4" and receding from A.

An earlier investigation was published by F.C. Jordan (Publ. Allegheny Obs., 3,
119, 1914). He found K=33.68 km/s, V0=25.85 km/s. Part, at least of the
differences between these values and those of Richardson and McKellar seems to
be real. The differences are not accounted for. The light of the system has
been suspected of variability. There is 9.2m companion at 174.6" listed in

The original observations were made by R.E. Wilson (Lick Obs. Bull., 7, 106,
1913). Luyten's recomputation is preferred because Wilson derived the orbital
elements graphically. The epoch is T0. Lucy & Sweeney have derived very
similar elements. New observations by S.B. Parsons (Astrophys. J. Supp., 53,
553, 1983) confirm these elements. It is the G-type spectrum that displays
binary motion, the A-type spectrum arises from an unresolved companion. The
system is A.D.S. 11820 with visual companions, each of 11.1m, at 35.4" and

New observations, both photometric and spectroscopic, supersede the work of
E.A. Vitrichenko (Izv. Krym. Astrofiz. Obs., 40, 82, 1969 and 43, 76, 1971) and
V.I. Burnashev and E.A. Vitrichenko (Peremm. Zvezdy, 17, 502, 1971). The system
is a difficult one, however, and coverage of the velocity-curve is not good.
Bell, Hilditch and Adamson have shown that both spectra are visible. The epoch
is the time of primary minimum and the orbit is assumed circular, in accord
with the light-curve. The orbital inclination is found to be about 61 deg and
the visual magnitude difference between the components is 1.3m. Bell, Hilditch
and Adamson also discuss the evolutionary status of the system.


Using Petrie's method, Thackeray and Tatum found Delta m=0.50. The value of K2
is not well defined.

Imbert's spectroscopic observations led to the conclusion that the photometric
period should be doubled. Apparently, no solution of the light-curve has been

Imbert estimates that the invisible secondary has a spectral type between K5 V
and M2 V. A solution for an elliptical orbit gives a formal eccentricity of
0.003, which has been ignored. The epoch, therefore, is T0. The value of omega
from the solution is 266.7deg +/- 31deg.

The observations of this single spectrum W UMa system show a greater scatter
than is usual, even for these systems. Different elements are obtained from
different lines, and all measurements yield appreciable orbital eccentricities
although the photometric orbit is clearly circular. The elements given in the
Catalogue were derived by Tapia and Whelan from the mean velocities for each
plate weighted according to phase in such a way as to try to minimize the
effects of gas streams. The eccentricity thus obtained is an upper limit. No
value is given for omega and the epoch is the time of primary minimum. Tapia
and Whelan discuss several available photometric studies and adopt i=70 deg.
They find a total mass of 1.65 MSol and a mass-ratio of 0.1. They discuss at
some length the nature of the secondary star. The system is an X-ray source
(R.G. Cruddace and A.K. Dupree, Astrophys. J., 277, 263, 1984).

The primary star is a Cepheid variable (P=4.47d) and may also have a magnetic
field. New observations by T. Lloyd Evans (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 199,
925, 1982) confirm the orbital period. Star is brighter component of A.D.S.
11884: B is 11.1m at 6.8".

There are two earlier investigations of this system by P. Bacchus (Ann.
Astrophys., 13, 89, 1950) and D.P. Hube (J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can., 64, 98,
1970). Hube thought there was marginal evidence for changes in some of the
orbital elements, but this was not confirmed by Gorza except for the
possibility that omega is changing with time.

Although the star's spectrum was originally a standard in the M-K system for K2
III, it appears to be somewhat earlier in type and to display CN and Ba
anomalies. Two faint companions are listed in I.D.S. each separated from the
primary by more than 100".


This is another star whose spectrum shows mild barium enhancement.

The light of this star has been suspected of variability.

A new orbit has been published by T.M. Rachkovskaja (Izv. Krym. Astrofiz. Obs.,
58, 56, 1978) who finds appreciably higher semi-amplitudes (124 km/s and 140
km/s) than did Pearce. The scatter of the new observations of the secondary is
very large, however, and we have preferred to retain Pearce's elements,
downgrading them in the quality classification. Further spectroscopic
observations are desirable; in particular, the small eccentricity probably
should be ignored. Photoelectric UBV light-curves were published by N.I.
Magalashvili and Ya.I. Kumsishvili (Bulletin Abastumani Obs., No. 34, 3, 1966).
Although the eclipses are shallow, the value of 46.7 deg deduced for the
orbital inclination seems low. Kumsishvili and Magalashvili find that the
primary star gives 0.7 of the total light. (Rachkovskaja estimates Delta
V=1.24m). The U light-curve is different from the other two and cannot be
represented by the same elements.

Although they give elements for this Wolf-Rayet binary, Lamontagne, Moffat and
Seggewiss describe it only as a `possible' binary. The orbit is assumed
circular and the epoch is the time of inferior conjunction of the Wolf-Rayet
star. The value of K1 is a mean value derived from measures of all emission
lines. The He II line at lambda 4686 gives K1=22 km/s. No value is given for
V0. It is suggested that the invisible secondary may be a compact object.

Although Wing's study remains the only one in which orbital elements have been
deduced, important papers have been published by M.W. Feast (Mon. Not. Roy.
Astron. Soc., 135, 275, 1967) and A.M. van Genderen et al. (Mon. Not. Roy.
Astron. Soc., 167, 283, 1974). Several photometric investigations have appeared
in volumes 25, 28, 30 of Mon. Notes Astron. Soc. South Africa: see especially
A.J.W. Cousins, (25, 40, 1966). The minimum V magnitude given in the Catalogue
is approximate. The high velocity, large distance from the galactic plane, and
the supergiant spectrum make the system a particularly interesting `run-away'
object, although van Genderen et al. find the distance from the galactic plane
may not be as large as at first thought. The origin of the TiO bands seen in
eclipse is still not clear. An M-type secondary two magnitudes fainter than the
primary (in V) would fit the infrared colours, but the TiO bands might still
have their origin in atmospheric effects during the eclipse. Van Genderen et
al. give a rough estimate of i=68 deg.

Although J.S. Plaskett and J.A. Pearce (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 5, 1, 1935)
recognized this star as a spectroscopic binary, no orbital elements have been
determined until now. The orbit was assumed circular after a preliminary
solution showed the eccentricity to be very small, and the epoch is T0. The
classification of the secondary spectrum depends on equivalent-width measures,
which also give the visual magnitude difference as just over 1m.

Popper's spectrographic observations supersede those by J.F. Heard and D.C.
Morton (Publ. David Dunlap Obs., 2, 255, 1962) and, similarly, the new
photometric discussion by D.M. Popper and P.B. Etzel (Astron. J., 86, 102,
1981) supersedes the light-curve obtained by A. Fresa (Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital.,
23, 231, 1954) and the rediscussion of it by B. Cester et al. (Astron.
Astrophys. Supp., 32, 351, 1978). A circular orbit was assumed, in agreement
with the light-curve, and the epoch is the time of primary minimum. The
spectral types are given by Popper elsewhere (Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys., 18,
115, 1980). The orbital inclination is close to 86 deg and the visual magnitude
difference approximately 1m.

The light-curves (obtained in B and V, also by Yavuz) indicate a circular
orbit. The epoch is the time of primary minimum. A correction of about 14 km/s
should be made to V0 to take account of line-curvature. The photometric
observations have been re-analyzed by G. Giuricin and F. Mardirossian (Astron.
Astrophys. Supp., 45, 499, 1981). They find an orbital inclination of about 87
deg and a fractional luminosity (in V) for the primary component of 0.88. They
believe both stars to lie on the main-sequence and suggest spectral types of A0
V+F. An 8.9m companion at 10.5" is listed in I.D.S. Yavuz finds its radial
velocity to be the same as that of the centre of mass of the close pair.

Reference: I.Yavuz, Abh. Hamburger Sternw.,, Bd.8; No. 5, 1968

The epoch is T0. The star's light is slightly variable; the system is probably
an ellipsoidal variable.

Epoch is T0. The value of V0 seems to disqualify the star as a member of the
Sco-Cen association. The two spectra are described by Thackeray and Hutchings
as `of very similar type and intensity'. Note that the component with the
slightly stronger spectrum is also of slightly later type.

The elements of this system have been recomputed by Luyten and by Lucy &
Sweeney. In both recomputations a circular orbit was adopted. Luyten suggested
that the true period might be in the neighbourhood of 0.97d, but this
possibility does not appear to have been investigated.

The new results supersede those published by V. Albitzky (Pulkovo Obs. Circ.,
No. 7, 1933). The small orbital eccentricity appears to be genuine. There is a
possibility that the period has decreased since the star was first recognized
as a binary. A 10.5m companion at about 22" is listed in I.D.S.

It has been difficult to decide whether or not to include this orbit. Elements
based on a period of 49.09d were published by H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy
(Astrophys. J. Supp., 30, 273, 1976) and were criticized recently by C.L.
Morbey and R.F. Griffin (Astrophys. J., 317, 353, 1987). Independently,
however, Dworetsky had suggested the period given in the Catalogue and derived
alternative elements, which we have accepted with caution. The epoch is T0 .
The star is the brightest member of A.D.S. 12061. Of the several components,
according to Abt and Levy, only B -- 13.7m at 3.2" -- shares the proper motion
of A.
SB9 correction: In the Washington Double Star, component B is a 9.1 mag
star located 3.7" away from A.

The orbital elements derived for this ellipsoidal variable are described as
`preliminary' by Burke and Abt, who believe that the system may be double-lined
although they have failed to resolve the two spectra. They estimate that the
two stars are of similar mass and luminosity and that the orbital inclination
is around 40 deg.

The M5 V spectrum can be seen on infrared spectrograms of this nova-like
system. The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is the time of inferior
conjunction of the emission-line source. The values given for K1 and V0 are
means for the emission lines H-beta and H-gamma, observed during the `low'
state (i.e. the star was near the lower limit of its brightness). The helium
emission lines give different values. The star may be a soft X-ray source (K.O.
Mason, S.M. Kahn and C.S. Bowyer, Nature, 280, 568, 1979).

Elements were recomputed by Luyten, who found a rather smaller eccentricity.
Harper later revised the period to 4.8126d (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 241,
1935). The spectra are of nearly equal intensity.

Original observations were made by W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6,
7, 1930), who found no need to revise his orbit later (Publ. Dom. Astrophys.
Obs., 6, 242, 1935). He had to fix the value to T to obtain a solution, and
Luyten's recomputation has therefore been preferred. Epoch is T0. Star is
brighter member of A.D.S. 12075: B is 8.9m at 1.4".

Young described the star as a subgiant: emission is visible in the H and K
lines of Ca II. Lucy & Sweeney obtained similar orbital elements for the

This object, still to our knowledge unique, attracted so much attention for a
few years that already it is impossible to attempt a complete listing of papers
even on spectroscopy, let alone those on radio and X-ray observations. The best
guide to the literature up to 1984 is the review article by B. Margon (Ann.
Rev. Astron. Astrophys., 22, 507, 1984). Among significant papers published
since then may be cited a model discussed by G.W. Collins II and G.H. Newsom
(Astrophys. J., 308, 144, 1986); observations of the optical continuous
spectrum (R.M. Wagner, ibid., 308, 152, 1986); observations of the absolute
variability of the emission lines (S.S. Asadullaev and A.M. Cherepashchuk,
Astron. Zh., 63, 94, 1986) and observations of the X-ray spectrum (M.G. Watson
et al., Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 222, 261, 1986) and M. Matsouka, S. Takano
and K. Makishima, ibid., 605, 1986). The generally accepted model remains that
of a binary system, probably containing a compact component and accretion disk,
ejecting a pair of relativistic precessing jets. A preliminary orbit for the
binary was published by D. Crampton, A.P. Cowley and J.B. Hutchings (Astrophys.
J., 235, L131, 1980). The orbital elements given are derived from measures of
the emission line of He II at lambda 4686. Different elements are obtained from
the H-beta emission and Fe II absorption lines. The epoch is T0 for the He
II-line source and the orbit is assumed circular. Some of the light variation
may be due to eclipses and a thorough discussion of UBV photometric
observations has been published by E.M. Leibowitz et al. (Mon. Not. Roy.
Astron. Soc., 206, 751, 1984) and E.M. Leibowitz (ibid., 210, 279, 1984).

A circular orbit is assumed since the scatter of the observations does not
permit a meaningful discussion of the orbital eccentricity. The epoch is the
time of inferior conjunction of the Wolf-Rayet component. The elements are
derived from several emission lines. Although the semi-amplitude of the
velocity variation is small, the binary nature is probably established. The
period remains uncertain but is close to 2.4 d. The star is of interest for its
high systemic velocity (the highest known for a galactic W-R binary) and
relatively high galactic latitude. The star is surrounded by expanding H II

Griffin comments that the colours indicate a spectral type slightly later than
G5 V. The star is conventionally denoted as A.D.S. 12160 C. The primary
component of this multiple `system' is H.D. 179588. Griffin points out,
however, that the spectroscopic binary is not physically related to this star,
which is about 2.0' away.

The new orbital elements derived by Popper, Lacy and Frueh completely supersede
the old ones derived for the primary component by O. Struve et al. (Astrophys.
J., 111, 658, 1950). The photometric (V, R) observations published in the new
paper likewise supersede earlier work. The epoch is the time of primary minimum
and the orbit is assumed circular, in accord with both earlier spectroscopic
work and a negligibly small photometric value of e cos omega. The secondary
spectral type is estimated from the value of V R. The orbital inclination is
found to be about 86 deg and the visual magnitude difference between the
components is estimated at 1.46m.

The magnitude given is for a phase near maximum light; eclipses are about 2m
deep. A circular orbit is assumed and the epoch is the time of mid-eclipse. The
value of K1 is derived from measures of the emission lines H-beta and H-gamma.
The value of V0 depends strongly on the lines measured. Downes et al. estimate
an orbital inclination of 78 deg.

This is a triple system and there is also a visual orbit for the long-period
pair, A.D.S. 122214 (W.H. van den Bos, Union Obs. Circ., 6, 378, 1961). The
period adopted in the visual orbit (18.55y) is shorter than that found
spectroscopically. The short-period pair is the visual secondary, although its
total mass is greater than that of the visual `primary'. Fekel (private
communication) has revised the elements (including the period) since
publication of his paper, having now followed the long-period orbit through
periastron. The revised elements are given in the Catalogue. The spectral types
assigned are also based on a private communication from Fekel and were
originally assigned by P. Schmidtke. The value K1=10.0 km/s refers to the
centre of mass of the short-period pair, as also does the value omega=2.6 deg.
According to van den Bos i=78.4 deg. The spectral types and luminosity classes
quoted take into account the colours and parallax of the system and are not
purely spectroscopic classifications. The determination of the short-period
orbit is straightforward. The value of V0 refers to 1974.4. From the
information obtained from the long-period orbit Fekel obtains i=74.5 deg for
the close pair.

This is a triple system and there is also a visual orbit for the long-period
pair, A.D.S. 122214 (W.H. van den Bos, Union Obs. Circ., 6, 378, 1961). The
period adopted in the visual orbit (18.55y) is shorter than that found
spectroscopically. The short-period pair is the visual secondary, although its
total mass is greater than that of the visual `primary'. Fekel (private
communication) has revised the elements (including the period) since
publication of his paper, having now followed the long-period orbit through
periastron. The revised elements are given in the Catalogue. The spectral types
assigned are also based on a private communication from Fekel and were
originally assigned by P. Schmidtke. The value K1=10.0 km/s refers to the
centre of mass of the short-period pair, as also does the value omega=2.6 deg.
According to van den Bos i=78.4 deg. The spectral types and luminosity classes
quoted take into account the colours and parallax of the system and are not
purely spectroscopic classifications. The determination of the short-period
orbit is straightforward. The value of V0 refers to 1974.4. From the
information obtained from the long-period orbit Fekel obtains i=74.5 deg for
the close pair.

The elements of the orbit of this very low-amplitude binary are described as
marginal by Abt and Levy themselves. The star is the brightest component of
A.D.S. 12197, but the two companions (9.2m at 28.1" and 11.1m at 161") are
probably optical.

This is not strictly a `spectroscopic' binary since our knowledge of the orbit
depends entirely on the variations in the period of the pulsar component
produced by the light-time in the orbit. Consequently V0 cannot be determined
at all. On the other hand, the other elements are known with unusually high
accuracy. No eclipses are observed and it seems likely that the unseen
companion is also a collapsed object. It has been pointed out that since very
small changes in omega would be detectable, the system could be used as a test
of the theory of general relativity (A.R. Masters and D.H. Roberts, Astrophys.
J., 195, L107, 1975; K. Brecher, ibid., L113, 1975). Observations consistent
with apsidal advance have been published (J.H. Taylor et al., Astrophys. J.,
206, L53, 1976) but an unambiguous test of general relativity is not yet
possible. The magnitude is that assigned to an optical object in coincidence
with a radio source (J. Kristian and J.A. Westphal, I.A.U. Circ., No. 3242,
1978, P. Crane, J.E. Nelson and J.A. Tyson, Nature, 280, 367, 1979). No
spectral type is given.

This system belongs to A.D.S. 12239. The two principal visual components are
separated by less than 1" and differ by only 0.1m in brightness. Thus the
spectrum of the spectroscopic binary is influenced by that of the companion,
especially at low dispersion. Since many of Hube's spectrograms are of low
dispersion, he regards the orbital elements as preliminary. Although the
brighter star's spectral type of B5 III is given in the Catalogue Hube believes
the A-type component of the visual pair is the spectroscopic binary. A third
component (8.6m at 47.6") is listed in I.D.S.

These orbital elements are described as marginal by Abt and Levy themselves.
The star is the brightest member of A.D.S. 12243: companions are 11.6m at 39.1"
and 12.8m at 43.6".

The epoch is T0. Luyten assumed the orbit to be circular, but there is now
some photometric evidence for the value of e (0.053) found by J.S. Plaskett
(Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 1, 141, 1919). Observations by J. Sahade and O.
Struve (Astrophys. J., 102, 480, 1943) are also satisfied by Plaskett's
elements, although W.H. Stilwell (Publ. Am. Astron. Soc., 10, 318, 1943), found
a much larger eccentricity (0.154) while agreeing with Plaskett's value of K1.
D.M. Popper (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 74, 129, 1962) confirmed Plaskett's
value of K2 from measures of the D lines. Since the original values of K1, K2
and V0 have been confirmed, the elements are classified as b quality, but the
value of the orbital eccentricity remains uncertain. The spectral type of the
secondary was classified as A2 by Sahade and Struve, but Popper (Astrophys. J.
Supp., 3, 107, 1957) points out that the colours during eclipse correspond to a
G-type spectrum -- and this is confirmed by more detailed analysis of the
light- curve. According to Koch et al., none of the available observed
light-curves is completely satisfactory. J.B. Hutchings and G. Hill (Astrophys.
J., 166, 373, 1971 and 167, 137, 1971) encountered difficulties in satisfying
the photographic observations of M.I. Lavrov (Peremm. Zvezdy, 10, 9, 1954). The
most recent rediscussion of the light-curve (B. Cester et al., Astron.
Astrophys., 61, 469, 1977) results in a value of about 85 deg for the orbital
inclination, a fractional luminosity (in B) of 0.98 for the primary star, and
an estimated spectral type of G0 III-IV for the secondary. Modern observations,
both spectroscopic and photometric, are desirable.

Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit.

The values of the elements for the primary component are taken from the study
by D.H. McNamara cited in the Catalogue. This supersedes earlier work by M.
Fowler (Publ. Allegheny Obs., 3, 14, 1912) and A.H. Joy (Astrophys. J., 71,
336, 1930) although some doubt remains about the reality of the small
eccentricity. McNamara found different elements from measures of the hydrogen
lines and of the other lines, and this is the principal reason for the d
classification. The important value, K1, is, however, reasonably well known.
The epoch given is the time of primary minimum, taken from J. Tomkin
(Astrophys. J., 231, 495, 1979) who first succeeded in measuring a reliable
value of K2. That value, confirmed by J.J. Dobias and M. Plavec (Publ. Astron.
Soc. Pacific, 97, 138, 1985), is given (together with Tomkin's value of V0 ),
in the Catalogue. The spectral types are those given by Dobias and Plavec. The
spectroscopic mass-ratio does not, according to W. van Hamme and R.E. Wilson
(Astron. J., 92, 1168, 1986) agree with the light-curve. Another important
recent photometric study is by D.H. McNamara and K.A. Feltz (Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, 88, 688, 1976) who assumed an orbital inclination of 90 deg and found
a fractional luminosity for the primary component (in y) of 0.87. B. Cester et
al., (Astron. Astrophys., 61, 469, 1977) found similar results, making the
primary somewhat brighter (relative to the secondary). E.C. Olson (Publ.
Astron. Soc. Pacific, 94, 79, 1982) finds evidence for changes in size in one
of the components. M. Plavec (Bull. Astron. Inst. Csl, 18, 93, 1967)
established that the rotation of the primary is somewhat faster than would be
required for orbital synchronism. Dobias and Plavec (loc. cit.) have found
anomalous line strengths of C II that could be evidence that matter involved in
nuclear processing has been brought to the surface. The magnitudes given are
derived from the data of B. Cester and M. Pucillo (Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 43,
501, 1972). Variable polarization in the light of the system has been reported
by O. Shulov (Astron. Tsirk. Kazan, No. 385, 5, 1966). D.S. Hall and F.G. van
Landingham (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 82, 749, 1970) conclude that the star
does not belong to the cluster Collinder 399. A 9.5m companion at 92" is listed
in I.D.S.


The orbital eccentricity is amongst the highest known for spectroscopic
binaries. Franklin tested for eclipses, but with inconclusive results. There is
an 11.1m companion listed in I.D.S. at 116". It is probably optical.

The values of K2 and m2sin^3i depend on only four observations of the secondary
component. Harper proposed later (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 242, 1935) to
increase the period by 0.0009d. There is clearly an error, however, either in
this figure or in the resulting value for the revised period. Petrie(II) found
Delta m=1.25.

The spectral type given is from the H.D. Catalogue. Griffin writes that the
spectrometer traces suggest a type of F8 V. The star forms a spectacular
optical pair with H.D. 181601. A faint and even more distant companion is also
listed in I.D.S.

Other investigations include a determination of orbital elements by R.E. Wilson
(Lick Obs. Bull., 8, 132, 1914) in good agreement with those obtained by
Seydel; by D.B. McLaughlin (Publ. Am. Astron. Soc., 9, 224, 1939) and by O.J.
Eggen et al. (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 62, 171, 1951), who also confirm the
elements. J.L. Greenstein published two extensive spectrophotometric studies
(Astrophys. J., 91, 438, 1940; 111, 20, 1950). The visible spectrum of this
hydrogen-deficient star shows features of both B8 and F2 types, but the two
sets of lines are displaced in phase with respect to each other. Recent studies
of the far UV spectrum indicate the presence of a hotter (O-type) component.
For discussion of some of this work, see: H. Duvignan, M. Friedjung and M. Hack
(Astron. Astrophys., 71, 310, 1979), M. Parthasarathy, M. Cornachin and M. Hack
(ibid., 166, 273, 1986), M. Hack, U. Flora and P. Santin (I.A.U. Symp. No. 88,
p. 271, 1980) and M.J. Plavec (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1598, 1979). A light
variation was discovered by S. Gaposchkin (Astron. J., 51, 109, 1945), who
ascribed it to eclipses. This was confirmed by Eggen et al. who, however,
pointed out a difference between the photometric and spectroscopic times of
conjunction. G.J. Malcolm and S.A. Bell (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 222, 543,
1986) find a 21-day approximate periodicity in the light variation which is
consistent in nature with some form of pulsation. Their observations neither
demonstrate nor rule out the supposed eclipses.

The epoch is T0 and a circular orbit was assumed. An earlier investigation by
J.S. Plaskett (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 1, 251, 1920) yielded K1=96.35 km/s,
K2=213.74 km/s. Popper's own values are given in the Catalogue although he
adopted 92 km/s and 219 km/s, respectively, for the computation of masses. From
his own photoelectric light-curve he determined i=88 deg, Delta m=1.2 (c.f.
Petrie(II) Delta m=1.09) and spectral types of B4 and B6. Similar results for
the inclination and relative luminosities were obtained by H. Minti and R.
Dinescu (Stud. si Cerc. Astron., 14, 177, 1968). B. Cester et al. (Astron.
Astrophys., 61, 469, 1977) re-analyzed Popper's photometric observations and
those of P. Broglia (J. Observateurs, 47, 99, 1964). They also found an
inclination close to 89 deg and a fractional luminosity (in V) for the primary
star of 0.95. They deduced a somewhat earlier type for the primary than Popper
finds by direct classification. The star is the brighter member of A.D.S.
12538: B is 9.8m at 25.2".

Luyten's recomputation of the orbit is preferred to the original analysis by
R.K. Young (Publ. Dom. Obs., 4, 55, 1917) of his own observations. Luyten
assumed a circular orbit and the epoch is T0. W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 6, 243, 1935) revised the period to 7.3919d. The star is
classified as A2 from the K line, and A7 from the metallic lines. According to
Petrie(II), Delta m=0.65.

Although no M-K classification was available to Griffin, he believes the star
to be a giant.

The recent history of this irregular variable is well known and several
references to studies of the star are given by Yamashita and Maehara. Although
the star was once considered an M-K standard for the type M7 III, it is now
recognized as showing also a blue continuum and emission lines of ionized
metals. This alone strongly argues for its binary nature, but the elements
given here depend on heterogeneous data and are correspondingly uncertain. The
lines of ionized metals are displaced approximately 0.25m out of phase with
those of the M-type spectrum. The former satisfy a circular orbit, with the
same value of V0 as the M-type star and a K1 equal to 9.0 km/s.

Lucy & Sweeney derived similar elements from these observations. Although the
spectrum is classified as A3p by Evans et al. the star is not listed by Bertaud
and Floquet, or by Curchod and Hauck.

The period is long and the amplitude of velocity variation low. Abt and Snowden
themselves remark that more observations are needed `before the reality of this
binary motion is assured'.

Because of the difficulty of separating pulsational velocities of this Cepheid
from orbital motion, and because of the use of heterogeneous data from several
sources, the elements are only approximately determined. The secondary
component is believed to be of spectral type A2. The star is the brightest
member of A.D.S. 12503: companions are 11.7m at 1.5" and 13.2m at 35.2".

Radford and Griffin believe that the star may be a little brighter than the
7.5m given in the H.D. Catalogue.

The spectral type of B8 V is a mean of the types of the two components in this
system. D.M. Popper (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 93, 318, 1981) has pointed out
that the helium lines are displaced out of phase with the others; he estimates
that the two stars are B3 and B9 and suspects that the magnitude difference is
less than would be expected for two main-sequence stars of these types. T.M.
Rachkovskaja (Izv. Krym. Astrofiz. Obs., 64, 81, 1981) also estimates spectral
types of B2.5 and B9.5. Popper gives a semi-amplitude of 126 km/s from the
hydrogen lines and 196 km/s from the line of Mg II at lambda 4481. He found it
impossible to derive the velocity-amplitude of the component producing the
helium lines. Rachkovskaja, like Popper, assumed a circular orbit and derived
K1=140 km/s, K2=113km/s. For the time being, FitzGerald's elements are
accepted, but they are clearly only provisional and they have been reclassified
from c to d. The epoch is T0. Observations at H-alpha have been published by V.
Ya. Alduseva and E.A. Kolotilov (Astron. Tsirk., No. 1212, 1982). A time of
minimum was published by D.S. Hall (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 79, 630, 1967)
and a photoelectric light-curve by V. Ya. Alduseva and V.M. Kovalenko (Astron.
Tsirk., No. 956, 1977), but no photometric analysis appears to have been
undertaken. A systematic study of this relatively bright binary is desirable.
The star is the brighter member of A.D.S. 12538: B is 9.8m at 25.2".

The spectral type given is from the H.D. Catalogue and is a mean for the two
stars. Imbert suggests individual types of F7 V and G0 V. The epoch is T0 for
the brighter component: the orbit was assumed circular. No detailed analysis of
the light-curve seems to have been made. From considerations of the spectral
type, duration of eclipses, minimum masses and ratio of luminosities, Imbert
deduces an orbital inclination of 89 deg and a visual magnitude difference of

The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is T0. Coverage of the
velocity-curve is not complete.

The period is not well determined because only a few cycles have been observed.
Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit.

The magnitude given is an approximate out-of-eclipse value. The system is still
subject to appreciable changes of brightness (it was Nova Sge 1783)
independently of the eclipses. The epoch is the time of primary minimum. A
circular orbit was assumed. It is suggested that the secondary component is an
M-type dwarf.

Although the star is described as having a composite spectrum, Sanford pointed
out that the hydrogen lines show the same Doppler displacements as do the other
lines. He failed to detect a suspected short-period variation in the
velocities. Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit.

This star was adopted as an I.A.U. velocity standard for many years, although
suspicions of its variability were voiced by R.M. Petrie and J.A. Pearce (Publ.
Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 12, 1, 1961). The present orbit is based almost
exclusively on measurements with the radial-velocity spectrometer. The traces
from the two components are properly resolved only at one node, and the
elements given depend on successfully deconvolving the traces at the other
node. The ratio of the `dips' produced by each component, which is
approximately the ratio of their luminosities at photographic wavelengths, is

The new observations by Walker and Jones agree quite well with the earlier ones
by H.A. Abt (Astrophys. J., 133, 910, 1961) which are included in the present
solution. The spectrum is classified as A3, A8, and F2 III from the K line, the
hydrogen lines, and the metallic lines respectively. The star is included in
H.W. Babcock's Catalogue of Magnetic Stars (Astrophys. J. Supp., 3, 141, 1958).
Its light has been suspected of variability, and Walker and Jones discuss the
possibility of a small-amplitude, short-period variation in the velocity which
might perhaps indicate that the primary component is a delta Sct star.

The magnitude given is from the H.D. Catalogue: photoelectric measures show
that the star varies in brightness through a range of 0.15m (in V), twice in
the orbital period. The star belongs to the RS CVn class. The unpublished
elements given in the Catalogue are an improvement on the preliminary ones
published by B.W. Bopp et al. (Astron. J., 87, 1035, 1982).

Reference: F.C.Fekel,,,, (Unpublished)

An earlier investigation by F.C. Jordan (Publ. Allegheny Obs., 3, 189, 1916)
yielded results in good agreement with those of Luyten et al. The epoch is T0
and a circular orbit was assumed. O. Struve (Astrophys. J., 85, 41, 1937)
discussed the variation of line intensities in the spectrum of the fainter
star. C.C. Wylie (Astrophys. J., 56, 232, 1922) made photometric observations
from which he deduced i=71.7 deg on the assumption that Delta m=0.31. Petrie(I)
found Delta m=0.81. A new analysis of Wylie's observations by B. Cester et al.
(Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 33, 91, 1978) confirmed his value of the inclination
and gave a fractional luminosity of 0.78 for the hotter star. The star is the
brighter member of A.D.S. 12737: B is 12.1m at 47.8".

The spectrum of this ex-nova shows hydrogen and (weak) helium lines in
emission, and a late- type spectrum (probably G or K) in absorption. The epoch
is T0 as determined from the absorption lines (which give the smaller value of
K on the lower line of the Catalogue entry). The emission lines do not vary
precisely 180 deg out of phase with the absorption lines. The orbit was assumed
to be circular. The dispersion employed was necessarily low, and individual
observations show a large scatter. The magnitudes quoted in the Catalogue give
only an approximate idea of the variation in brightness. According to Robinson,
both the shape and depth of the eclipses vary considerably. Furthermore, the
system is subject to eruptions of up to 2.0m, approximately every 20 days, and
to flickering on time scales of a few minutes. Robinson estimates the orbital
inclination to be in the neighbourhood of 63 deg. New optical and infrared
light-curves obtained by R.F. Jameson, A.R. King and M.R. Sherrington (Mon.
Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 195, 235, 1981) lead to an estimate of 69 deg for the
inclination. These authors also estimate that the secondary component is a K2 V

The spectrum may be somewhat later than K2 and the star is probably a giant.
The observations cover only one cycle. Griffin suggests that the components
might be resolvable by speckle interferometry.

The system is of interest because of the rarity of double-lined spectroscopic
binaries composed of two giants. The types and intensities of the two spectra
are closely similar.

The spectroscopic observations by Andersen et al. supersede earlier work by
M.S. Snowden and R.H. Koch (Astrophys. J., 156, 667, 1969) and by W.E. Harper,
(Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 1, 157, 1919 and 6, 243, 1935). The effective
temperatures, and therefore the spectral types, are closely similar. The epoch
is the time of primary minimum. Several light-curves have been published and
are discussed together by Andersen et al. They used the spectroscopically
evaluated luminosity-ratio to obtain a determinate solution, and found an
orbital inclination close to 87 deg and a visual magnitude difference between
the components of 0.07m. There is evidence for apsidal motion with a period of
about 10,000 years (Kh.F. Khaliullin, Astron. Tsirk., No. 1262, 1983).

Elements were also computed from these observations by Luyten, and Lucy &
Sweeney who adopted a circular orbit. Photometric and spectroscopic
observations were published by P. Guthnick (Sitzb. Preuss. Akad. Wiss., 1930,
p. 497 and 1934, p. 521). He could not fit his photometric observations
meaningfully to Hill's value of the period, but found that they showed two
eclipses when plotted on the period P=2.5133d. In the second of his papers he
stated that both the Victoria, and the Berlin measures of radial velocity could
be represented on this period. He also suggested a somewhat higher value of K,
but did not derive orbital elements. New elements have been derived by D.S.
Holmgren (Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 19, 709, 1987) who finds K1=58.4 km/s, but
his results are not yet published in sudegcient detail to be assessed fully.
The values he gives for K1 and f(m) imply a value close to Guthnick's for the
period. The spectrum is difficult to measure and the residuals are large. The
eclipsing binary is one member of a close visual binary (Kuiper 93) which was
unresolvable in 1961. G.F.G. Knipe (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 83, 352, 1971)
has shown that the period changed very sharply about then. It is, however,
apparently again close to 2.5133d.

Identification is from the Cordoba Durchmusterung. The new observations by Haug
and Drechsel almost certainly rule out the period of approximately 0.21d
adopted by A.P. Cowley, D. Crampton and J.E. Hesser (Astrophys. J., 214, 471,
1977). The system is a cataclysmic variable and an X-ray source. The light
variations do not appear to arise from eclipses. The elements given are
determined from the absorption lines of H-beta, H-gamma and H-delta in the
white-dwarf spectrum. If measurements made only on symmetrical line profiles
are used in the analysis, the value of K1 is reduced to 199 km/s.  The epoch is
superior conjunction of the white dwarf and the orbit is assumed circular. The
absorption lines of He I at lambda lambda 4388 and 4922 give velocities that
vary out of phase with those obtained from the hydrogen lines, but not by 180
deg. It is, therefore, questionable whether or not these lines are part of the
secondary spectrum. For the results of spectrophotometry, see R.J. Panek
(Astrophys. J., 234, 1016, 1979) and for a description of the UV spectrum, see
E.F. Guinan and E.M. Sion (ibid., 258, 217, 1982).

The magnitude is variable and the star is a Cepheid. Despite the difficulties
of separating the two stellar motions (orbital and pulsational), these elements
appear to be well determined. From the mass-function, Imbert deduces that the
invisible secondary is a B-star. He also computes the radius of the Cepheid (by
Wesselink's method) as 43.9 RSol.

Massey's observations supersede earlier work by K.S. Ganesh and M.K.V. Bappu
(Kodaikanal Bull., Series A, 185, 1968) and W.A. Hiltner (Astrophys. J., 101,
356, 1945). The elements given for the W-R component (upper line) are derived
from measures of the He II emission line lambda 4686. Lines of N V give
different values and, specifically, lower values for K1. The epoch given is the
time of inferior conjunction of the W-R star. The orbit was assumed circular
after a preliminary solution showed any eccentricity to be comparable in size
with its uncertainty. The spectral type of the O star can be only approximately
determined: this star is about 1.3m brighter than the W-R component. The
minimum masses derived suggest that the system may be eclipsing. Some
discussion of the UV spectrum has been published by J.B. Hutchings and P.
Massey (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 95, 151, 1983).

No completely satisfactory set of orbital elements has yet been published for
this bright long-period system. The elements given here are derived from
observations that cover less than a complete cycle. Nevertheless, they are an
improvement on the elements published by W.H. Christie (Astrophys. J., 83, 433,
1936) and D.B. McLaughlin, E.B. Weston and M. Chadwick (Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, 64, 300, 1952) as well as the more recent set published by D. Reimers
and K.-P. Schroder (Astron. Astrophys., 124, 241, 1983). Determination of
elements of the M-type component is made difficult by occasional large
residuals (in each direction) from the velocity-curve, which appear to have
their origin in motions in the atmosphere of this bright giant. Although the
spectrum of the early-type component is clearly visible from about H-epsilon to
shorter wavelengths, separating and measuring it has not yet proved possible.
A.H. Batten and W.A. Fisher (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 93, 769, 1981)
confirmed the observation by McLaughlin et al. that the system undergoes at
least an atmospheric eclipse. Reimers and Schroder (loc. cit.) and D. Reimers
and R.P. Kudritzki (Proc. 2nd. European IUE Conf. ESA SP-157, 1980, p. 229)
describe the far UV spectrum and discuss the rate of mass loss from the giant
star. The system has been resolved by speckle interferometry (H.A. McAlister et
al., Astrophys. J. Supp., 54, 251, 1984).

This Wolf-Rayet star is associated with a ring nebula and shows light and
velocity variations in the same period. The magnitude given is an approximate
mean V magnitude. The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is the time of
minimum light, which corresponds approximately to the time of inferior
conjunction of the W-R star. Values given for K and V0 are approximate; the
velocities are the means of measures of emission lines lambda 4686 He II and
lambda 4604 & 4619 N V. Antokhin, Aslanov and Cherepashchuk suggest that
the companion may be a neutron star.

Radford and Griffin give reasons for supposing that the companion is a
main-sequence star of early B spectral type. They suggest that the system may
show eclipses and that it is analogous to systems of the zeta Aur type.

The new observations confirm the earlier work of P.W. Merrill (Astrophys. J.,
110, 59, 1949). Just as he did, Hutchings and Redman find a component of the
hydrogen lines that yields a constant velocity about 70 km/s more negative than
that of the system, while the Balmer emission shows a different variation about
a value some 80 km/s more positive than the velocity of the system. Light
variations are complex but may include shallow eclipses, and the orbital
inclination may be close to 90 deg. J.B. Hutchings and P.G. Laskarides (Mon.
Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 155, 357, 1972) discuss the shell around the star, and
spectrophotometric studies have also been published by N.L. Ivanova and A.H.
Khotyanskii (Astrofiz., 12, 623, 1976).

The system has been known to be a two-spectra binary since the work of J.S.
Plaskett and J.A. Pearce (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 5, 1, 1930), but no
orbital elements were published until the work of P. Mayor and D. Chochol
(Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 93, 608, 1981), who also demonstrated that the
system displays nearly equal eclipses of about 0.15m depth in V. Hill and
Fisher were able to detect the secondary spectrum (on Victoria spectrograms
obtained between 1924 and 1983) because they measured them by
cross-correlation. Mayor and Chochol find some evidence for slow apsidal motion
in the system, which is not contradicted by the available spectroscopic
material. Preliminary analysis of the photometric observations leads Hill and
Fisher to adopt an orbital inclination of about 84 deg and a visual magnitude
difference between the components of about 3m. The system belongs to Cyg OB5.

This is a symbiotic star also believed to be a long-period eclipsing binary.
Measures of the TiO bands and of the Balmer emission lines show velocity
variations of opposite phase from each other. The epoch is the time of primary
minimum. The orbit is assumed circular. Nova-like outbursts, as well as
eclipses are observed in the system.

The orbital elements of the primary component are now very well known, with
investigations by W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 1, 257, 1920 and 6,
244, 1935), D.M. Popper (Astrophys. J., 109, 100, 1949), Z. Daniel
(unpublished) and A.H. Batten (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 12, 91, 1962) all
agreeing except for the variable quantity omega. The last-named investigation
depends, in large measure, on the same material as was used for that in the
Catalogue. Batten's identification and measurement of features in the secondary
spectrum was questioned by D.M. Popper (Astrophys. J. Supp., 47, 339, 1981) and
C.H. Lacy (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 2489, 1984) but measurements by
cross-correlation have confirmed the reality of the features and improved the
accuracy of measurement. Nevertheless, the orbital elements of the secondary
are definitely less well-known than those of the primary. The spectral types
given are based on consideration of the UV spectrum and measurement of the
equivalent widths, rather than on traditional methods of classification.
Photometric (I. Semeniuk, Acta Astron., 18, 1, 1968, P. Battistini et al.,
Astrophys. Space Sci., 30, 163, 1974) and spectroscopic measurements agree in
indicating apsidal motion in a period of the order of 1500 years -- about the
value to be expected. Although no complete modern light-curve has been
published, analysis of the available photoelectric observations suggests an
orbital inclination of about 80 deg and a visual magnitude difference between
the components of 2.9m. Several uncertainties about this system do now seem to
have been cleared up.

The epoch is T0 and the orbit was assumed circular. Lucy & Sweeney also derived
a circular orbit. Light-curves on the UBV system have been published by C.R.
Chambliss (Astron. J., 77, 672, 1972). He finds that the period is apparently
steadily decreasing. He also finds an inclination of between 79 deg and 80 deg,
and a fractional luminosity (in V) of the primary star of 0.88. Despite the
difference in spectral types (Chambliss gives G6-8 IV for the secondary) the
two stars are nearly equal in size. A new discussion of the available
photometric material (M. Mezzetti et al., Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 39, 273,
1980) gives similar results.

The components of this system, which resemble in some respects those of dwarf
binaries in the Hyades, have a high metal abundance. The magnitude difference
between the stars is estimated to be less than 0.1m. Fekel and Beavers suggest
that a search be made for eclipses. The star is the brightest component of
A.D.S. 13072, but the 10.3m `companion' is optical.

The secondary spectrum is very faint, and the values of K2, m1sin^3i and
m2sin^3i are correspondingly uncertain.

Only an approximate magnitude is known for this star. No trace of the secondary
spectrum is seen; Griffin speculates that it might be that of a main-sequence
star of type F.

Earlier investigations were published by T.S. Jacobsen (Lick Obs. Bull., 13,
112, 1928) who detected the long-period variation, but was unable to determine
its period, and J.A. Aldrich (Publ. Michigan Obs., 4, 75, 1932) who determined
provisional elements similar to those in the Catalogue. Herbig and Moore
succeeded in separating the two radial-velocity variations involved in the
orbital motion (P=676.2d) and in the Cepheid pulsation (P=8.38d). The spectral
type varies between the limits shown, during the Cepheid cycle. A detailed
discussion of emission lines in the spectrum is given by Herbig (Astrophys. J.,
116, 369, 1952). No trace of the secondary spectrum has been found.

The recomputation of the orbital elements by Lucy & Sweeney is preferred to
W.E. Harper's own analysis (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 245, 1935) because
Harper had to fix T to obtain a solution. Like Luyten, who recomputed Harper's
(Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 2, 179, 1922) earlier orbital solution, Lucy &
Sweeney adopted a circular orbit. The epoch is T0.

These elements are based on the same observations as the elements derived by
R.F. Griffin (Observatory, 97, 15, 1977). They provide a rare example of an
elliptical orbit that was wrongly assumed to be circular. The star is a visual
binary (A.D.S. 13125) consisting, presumably, of approximately equal components
with an orbital period of 26 years (G. van Biesbroeck, Publ. Yerkes Obs., 5,
part 1, 246, 1927). Both of these components contribute to the observed
spectrum, so the velocity amplitude is not well determined. There is some
evidence for a variation in V0, which, of course, is to be expected.


A circular orbit was assumed for this cataclysmic variable and the epoch is the
time of inferior conjunction of the emission-line source.

The significance of T is not defined. The quality is assigned on the basis of
the number of spectrograms measured and the published probable errors. The
promised full account apparently never appeared in the Lick Obs. Bull..

Reference: R.E.Wilson & C.M.Huffer, Pop. Astr., 29, 85, 1921

This star has been known to be a binary since at least 1928, but no orbital
elements (except P and V0) were published for it until the values obtained by
P.M. Millman in that year were included in the Sixth Catalogue. Later, because
of difficulties in reconciling old and new observations from Victoria, as well
as a series of observations made from Allegheny (W.L. Beardsley, Publ.
Allegheny Obs., 8, No. 7, 1969) the system was withdrawn from the Seventh
Catalogue. The revision to the period has reconciled the different
observations, although the period given can only be regarded as approximate.
The `peculiarity' of the spectrum is primarily an appearance, at some phases,
that the hydrogen lines are too strong for the assigned type. This appearance
may arise from blending with the secondary spectrum, which most investigators
have thought they could see but have been unable to measure. This blending may
also explain why the hydrogen, helium and metal lines give different orbital
elements. In particular, if the hydrogen-line measures were omitted from the
mean velocities, K1 would be appreciably higher. J. Tomkin (private
communication) confirms the visibility of the secondary spectrum and suggests
that the star producing it is hotter than the so-called primary. If this is
correct, it invalidates the prediction of eclipses made by Batten, Fisher and
Fletcher. An 8.5m companion at 64.6" is listed in I.D.S.

The eccentricity and longitude of periastron found by Heard and Morton are
confirmed by Lucy & Sweeney and were supported by the photoelectric light-curve
obtained by A. Fresa (Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 27, 187, 1956). More modern
light-curves, however, indicate a much smaller eccentricity (M. Rodono, Mem.
Soc. Astron. Ital., 38, 465, 1967, A.Y. Ertan, Astrophys. Space Sci., 77, 391,
1981). Rodono's observations have also been analyzed by F. Mardirossian et al.
(Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 39, 235, 1980). All agree on a fractional luminosity
(in V), for the hotter star, of at least 0.95, but estimates of the orbital
inclination range from 77 deg to 87 deg.

These elements of Cyg X-1 are a refinement of the earlier study by C.T. Bolton
(Astrophys. J., 200, 269, 1975) in which references to still earlier studies
may be found. The system remains the one, out of all claimed to contain a black
hole, that seems most probable to do so. Gies and Bolton have looked for
changes in the period, including those that might arise from apsidal motion if
the eccentricity were not quite zero, but have detected none. The epoch is the
time of inferior conjunction of the component producing the absorption lines.
Measures of hydrogen and helium lines lead to different values of the orbital
elements. The system is an ellipsoidal variable. The light-curve is discussed
by R.E. Wilson and R.K. Fox (Astron. J., 86, 1259, 1981) who also give
references to earlier photometric work. The orbital inclination is probably in
the range 30 deg to 40 deg. Wilson and Fox found a non-zero eccentricity and
evidence for apsidal motion -- but neither are supported by the spectroscopic
results. Optical emission lines vary out of phase with the absorption lines;
J.B. Hutchings et al. (Astrophys. J., 182, 549, 1973 and 191, 743, 1974) deduce
a mass-ratio of about 1.6 and certainly less than 2 -- with the visible star
being the more massive. Measures by O.E. Aab (Pis. Astron. Zh., 9, 606, 1983),
based on the He II emission line lambda 4686 give an estimated mass-ratio, in
the same sense, of 1.5. Work by G.A.H. Walker, S. Yang and J.W. Glaspey
(Astrophys. J., 226, 976, 1978) shows the intensity of this emission line to be
variable. The H-alpha line has been studied by J.B. Hutchings, D. Crampton and
C.T. Bolton (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 91, 796, 1979) and results from IUE
spectra were published by A.K. Dupree et al. (Nature, 275, 400, 1978) and R.
Davis and L. Hartmann (Astrophys. J., 270, 671, 1983). J.C. Kemp, L.C. Herman
and M.S. Barbour (Astron. J., 83, 962, 1978) find some evidence for a longer
periodicity than the orbital period, in polarization observations, but H.A.
Abt, P. Hintzen and S.G. Levy (Astrophys. J., 213, 815, 1977) could find no
evidence for a detectable third body in the system.

Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit. The star is the brighter component of
A.D.S. 13256: B is 7.8m at 4.0".

Popper's observations and orbital elements agree well with those published
earlier by P. FitzGerald (Publ. David Dunlap Obs., 2, 417, 1964). A circular
orbit was assumed (now confirmed by the light-curve) and the epoch is the time
of primary minimum. Several photoelectric (BV) light-curves have been
published: N. Gudur et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 36, 65, 1979) also
analyzed by G. Russo et al. (Astrophys. Space Sci., 79, 359, 1981); D. Chis et
al. (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1794, 1980) published in more detail by C.
Cristescu et al. (Acta Astron., 31, 505, 1981) and D.M. Popper and P.J. Dumont
(Astron. J., 82, 216, 1977) analyzed by D.M. Popper and P.B. Etzel (ibid., 86,
102, 1981). All analyses agree that the orbital inclination is very close to 90
deg and the two components are within a few percent of equality of brightness.

This is another mercury-manganese star that appears to be binary. Both the
velocity variation and the approximate period were known before the work of
Stickland and Weatherby.

The epoch is T0. The orbit was assumed circular, an assumption later confirmed
by Lucy & Sweeney. Photoelectric UBV light-curves have been published by D.S.
Hall and A.S. Wawrukiewicz (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 84, 541, 1972) who find
i=87.3 deg and that the brighter star gives 0.9 of the total V light of the
system. The secondary spectrum can be seen in primary eclipse and was classed
simply as G by Struve. The type given in the Catalogue is deduced from the UBV
colours by Hall and Wawrukiewicz. The new photometric solution makes it appear
less likely that this system contains an `undersize' subgiant. The photometric
results are confirmed by a new analysis of the same observations by M. Mezzetti
et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 39, 265, 1980).

Lucke and Mayor suggest that this system might be eclipsing. The star is the
brighter member of A.D.S. 13344: companion is 11.0m at 2.3".

This is another X-ray cataclysmic binary of the AM Her sub-group. The magnitude
given is an isolated measurement by J.A. Nousek et al. (Astrophys. J., 277,
682, 1984), who also published values of K1 and V0. The star's light is subject
to variations of about one magnitude, due to eclipses, and to other variations
as well. The epoch is the time of the linear polarization pulse: inferior
conjunction of the emission-line source is 0.20m later. The orbit is assumed
circular. The elements given are derived from measures of the emission line
H-beta. Other lines give very different values for both V0 and K. Results of
IUE observations are presented and discussed by K. Mukai et al. (Mon. Not. Roy.
Astron. Soc., 221, 839, 1986). K. Mukai and P.A. Charles have measured the Na I
doublet lambda lambda 8183--94 in the spectrum of the secondary component and
deduce K2=209km/s +/-28 km/s, V0=17km/s +/-23 km/s.

The new observations by Popper show several disagreements with the older ones
by J.A. Pearce (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 10, 447, 1958) although they
probably represent an improvement in our knowledge of the system. Popper
adopted the value of e found photometrically by D.J.K. O'Connell (Vistas in
Astron., 12, 271, 1970). The system shows well-established apsidal motion in a
period of 349 years (in good agreement with Pearce's spectroscopic estimate of
400 years) and the value of omega given in the Catalogue is a rough mean for
the interval 1956--1965 during which Popper's plates were obtained. In fact,
according to O'Connell's ephemeris, omega varied from 136.5 deg to 147.0 deg
during this interval. The secondary spectrum is too weak to be easily
classified. Popper's F2, somewhat earlier than Pearce's F5, appears to be
deduced from the photometric colours. Of several photoelectric studies of the
system, O'Connell's UBV light-curves are the most recent and thorough. Apart
from the result on apsidal motion, he deduces i=88 deg and the light of the
larger star (in V) is 0.85 of the total. Fourier analyses of other light-curves
by H.M.K. Al Naimiy (Astrophys. Space Sci., 59, 3, 1978) yield similar results.

Epoch is T0 for the B-type component: circular orbit assumed. Note the large
difference in the values of V0 required to satisfy the observations of each
component. The upper line refers to the Wolf-Rayet component. New elements have
been published by D. Fraquelli (J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can., 71, 407, 1977), but
with insufficient detail for a decision whether or not they represent an
improvement. Star is probably a member of the cluster N.G.C. 6871 which is also
A.D.S. 13374.

The spectral types come from a spectrophotometric study by L.V. Glazunova, V.G.
Karetnikov and S.V. Kutsenko (Astron. Zh., 63, 702, 1986) who also note
asymmetries and anomalies in the profiles of both the hydrogen and helium
lines. They detect emission at H-alpha. Petrie's measurements of the secondary
spectrum probably do not represent the true motion of the star. The only
published light-curve (based on visual observations) was discussed by J.
Ashbrook (Harvard Obs. Bull., No. 916, 7, 1942). It is not clear whether
eclipses are total or partial. Assuming primary eclipse to be total, Ashbrook
found i=79.5 deg and the light-ratio to be about 0.43. Petrie found Delta m=0.2
from measures of the H-gamma absorption in each spectrum but earlier (II) found
Delta m=0.64. His orbital determination appears to supersede the list of Delta
m values, and the components must be, spectroscopically, of nearly equal
luminosity. This star is also a member of N.G.C. 6871.

Seven new spectroscopic observations have been published by H.A. Abt et al.
(Astron. J., 77, 138, 1972) which give K1=152 km/s. Pearce's results are
preferred to one based on so few spectrograms, especially since D.M. Popper
(Astrophys. J., 220, L11, 1978) reports that the published masses need little
revision. Two UBV studies have been published by H.L. Cohen (Astron. Astrophys.
Supp., 15, 181, 1974) and A.A. Wachmann (Astron. Astrophys., 34, 317, 1974).
These, and the work of Abt et al. suggest that the period is somewhat longer
(3.8898d) than Pearce found. Although the photometric eccentricity (0.02) is
smaller than that found spectroscopically, Wachmann finds evidence for apsidal
motion in a period of 71 years. Cohen's observations have also been analyzed by
B. Cester et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 33, 91, 1978) and by M. Kitamura
and Y. Nakamura (Ann. Tokyo Obs., 21, 229, 1986). The orbital inclination is
close to 86 deg and the brighter component gives 0.74 of the total light (in
V). The star is a member of N.G.C. 6871.

Several attempts have been made to determine the orbital elements of this
recurrent nova: D. Crampton, J.B. Hutchings and A.P. Cowley (Astrophys. J.,
234, 182, 1979), R.L. Gilliland and E. Kemper (ibid., 236, 854, 1980) -- who
give a model -- and R.L. Gilliland, E. Kemper and N. Suntzeff (ibid., 301, 252,
1986). Some of these were made during the 1978 outburst and others during
quiescence. This may partly account for the lack of agreement between them.
Although the study by Walker and Bell was made during the outburst, it appears
to be the most thorough. The epoch is the time of primary minimum. The elements
given are derived from measures of the hydrogen absorption lines. No value is
given for omega -- the shape of the velocity-curve suggests that omega is in
the first quadrant. If the same measurements are made to fit a circular orbit
(since e is probably spurious), neither K1 nor V0 is much changed. The He I and
Ca II lines do give a somewhat (but not significantly) higher value for K1. The
photometric behaviour of the system at minimum light is discussed in detail by
E.L. Robinson, R.E. Nather and J. Patterson (Astrophys. J., 219, 168, 1978).
Their deductions have, however, been criticized by A.C. Fabian et al. (Mon.
Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 184, 835, 1978) and H. Ritter and R. Schroder (Astron.
Astrophys., 76, 168, 1979). A model has also been put forward by J. Smak (Acta
Astron., 29, 325, 1979). The photometric behaviour during outburst is described
by J. Patterson et al. (Astrophys. J., 248, 1067, 1981).

The epoch is T0 and the small eccentricity probably is an artifact of the
orbital solution. Both stars have peculiar spectra that show the Hg II line.
The primary spectrum also shows Mn II lines, while the secondary does not. On
the other hand, lines of Pt II and Y II are strong in the secondary spectrum,
and weak or missing from the primary. Dworetsky compares the system to that of
46 Dra (H.D. 173524).

The value of K2, and therefore the total mass of the system, must be considered
as very poorly determined. The probable error of an average measure of the
secondary component is 25 km/s. Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.48. Star is
brightest component of A.D.S. 13405: companions are 9.7m at 0.9" and 14.6m at

Balmer emission lines are sometimes observed during primary eclipse, when the
secondary spectrum is also visible. The circumstellar structure that produces
these emissions also affects the light-curve (D.S. Hall and L.M. Garrison,
Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 84, 552, 1972) making its solution difficult. D.S.
Hall et al. (Acta Astron., 29, 653, 1979) have also published new photoelectric
and spectroscopic observations, but Struve's remains the only orbital
determination. Other photoelectric observations were published by K. Walter
(Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 13, 249, 1971) and were re-analyzed by M. Mezzetti
et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 39, 265, 1980) who found an orbital
inclination of 87 deg and a fractional luminosity for the primary component of
0.8 (in yellow light). The period is increasing.

Lucy & Sweeney derive similar elements but find a larger eccentricity (0.20).
B.S. Whitney (Astrophys. J., 102, 202, 1945 and 108, 519, 1948) has analyzed
photographic and visual light-curves and finds i=90 deg and a photographic
light-ratio of about 0.6. Light-curves from different wavelength regions are
not in full accord, however, and some modern photometry seems desirable. A
partial rediscussion of the existing photometric observations has been
published by G. Giuricin and F. Mardirossian (Astrophys. Space Sci., 76, 111,

Lucy & Sweeney find e=0.07.

Although the binary nature of this star was discovered by J.S. Plaskett and
J.A. Pearce (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 5, 1, 1935), these are the first
elements to be determined. The orbit is assumed circular, since a preliminary
solution showed the eccentricity not to be significant, and the epoch is the
time of inferior conjunction of the primary component. The fairly large
difference in the values of V0 for the two components is probably a consequence
of the small number of measures of the secondary spectrum. Gies and Bolton
estimate Delta m=1.12. The star is the brightest component of A.D.S. 13429:
companions are 8.6m at 5.7" and 10.1m at 27.9". The brighter of these is H.D.
191566 and has a constant radial velocity close to the systemic velocity of the
spectroscopic pair.

Earlier investigations were made by R.H. Baker (Publ. Allegheny Obs., 2, 41,
1910); W.E. Harper (J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can., 6, 265, 1912); and W.J. Luyten,
O. Struve and W.W. Morgan (Publ. Yerkes Obs., 7, pt. IV, 1939). All these
investigators found smaller values of K1 than that given in the Catalogue. This
may be partly due to their inability to resolve the secondary spectrum
completely. Cesco and Struve found that variations in the relative intensities
of the two spectra, observed even on their high-dispersion spectrograms, could
be interpreted as a blending effect. Petrie(I) found Delta m=1.26. A 13.0m
companion is listed in I.D.S. at 113.7".

Epoch is T0.circular orbit assumed. Original observations were made by W.E.
Harper (Publ. Dom. Obs., 4, 199, 1918). Luyten's recomputation is preferred
because Harper fixed the value of T. He later revised the period to 9.314d
(Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 246, 1935).

These orbital elements supersede those published by D.P. Hube (J. Roy. Astron.
Soc. Can., 70, 27, 1975) which were based on an incorrect value for the period.
The new period removes the apparent evidence for variations in V0. The orbit
should probably be regarded as circular, and the epoch given is T0.

Epoch is time of primary minimum. All elements are estimated; a circular orbit
would fit the observations nearly as well. Double emission lines are observed
in the spectrum. The value of K2 is given by Popper in Astrophys. J., 141, 314,
1965. Popper also adopted there m1=5 MSol, m2=0.9 MSol and Delta
m(bolometric)=0.3. The inclination, deduced from Popper's photometric
observations, is about 86 deg. A Keplerian velocity-curve cannot represent all
the observations.

The work by Wright supersedes earlier determinations by W.H. Christie
(Astrophys. J., 83, 433, 1936) and J.M. Vinter-Hansen (Astrophys. J., 100, 8,
1944). A. McKellar and R.M. Petrie (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 11, 1, 1957)
published a thorough discussion of the system and first suggested a period of
around 3780d instead of the previously accepted value of just over 3800 d. The
later spectroscopic and photometric observations have confirmed this value. The
orbital elements of the primary component are now well-determined, although the
difference between Wright's value for e and that found by Vinter-Hansen (0.131)
is worrying and unexplained. Velocities of the secondary component are
determined from intensity tracings after subtraction. Therefore K2 is
correspondingly uncertain, and the difference between the values of V0 obtained
for the two components is probably of no significance. Many photometric
observations have been made, but analysis of this kind of system (with an
extended atmosphere) is difficult and has not been fully satisfactorily
achieved. The depth of eclipse in visible light is about 0.1m. The inclination
is close to 90 deg ; A. Ollongren (Bull. Astron. Inst. Netherl., 12, 313, 1956)
gives 88.8 deg. His solution included `third light' but led to the result that
the B star gives 0.74 of the stellar light at lambda 3700. Wright deduces Delta
mV=1.4. Observations in the ultraviolet (with IUE) are reported by R.E.
Stencel, Y. Kondo, A.P. Bernat and G.McCluskey (I.A.U. Symp. No. 88, p. 555,
1980), A. Che, K. Hempe and D. Reimers (Astron. Astrophys., 126, 225, 1983) and
K.-P. Schroder (ibid., 170, 70, 1986). Che et al. discuss the rate of mass
loss, and Schroder derives a model for the density of the inner chromosphere.
R.E. Stencel et al. (Astrophys. J., 281, 751, 1984) have published detailed
photometric and spectroscopic observations of the 1982 eclipse. From
measurements of four eclipses, they suggest that the period is 3794.34d
+/-0.12d. The system is an X-ray source -- and a much stronger one than zeta
Aur (G.E. McCluskey and Y. Kondo, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 96, 817, 1984).
The star is the brightest member of A.D.S. 13554: several companions are listed
in I.D.S.

The new orbital elements supersede the earlier work by W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 3, 201, 1924 and 6, 247, 1935) and recomputations, by Luyten
and by Lucy & Sweeney, that were based upon it. The orbit was assumed circular
after a preliminary solution showed the eccentricity not to be significant: the
epoch is T0. Observations with IUE reveal the secondary spectrum to be
approximately B9, but with some enhanced absorptions; they have also shown the
star to be an eclipsing binary of the zeta Aur type. The depth of the eclipse
is less than 0.1m in V. At visual wavelengths, the secondary component is
probably about three magnitudes fainter than the primary.

The velocity-curve is apparently based on the Ca II lines alone; the velocities
from the other lines show much more scatter. Balmer emission is seen during
primary eclipse and Struve suspected real changes in the velocity-curve from
day to day. The only available photoelectric (UBV) light-curve was published by
M. Ammann, D.S. Hall and R.C. Tate (Acta Astron., 29, 259, 1979). It shows
asymmetries consistent with the presence of circumstellar matter. The period is
also variable (D.S. Hall and K.S. Woolley, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 85, 618,
1973). Ammann et al. find an orbital inclination close to 88 deg and a
fractional luminosity (in V) of 0.81 for the primary star.

Wright's observations supersede the original discussion by J.B. Cannon (Publ.
Dom. Obs., 4, 151, 1918) and his own earlier work (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs.,
9, 189, 1952). A spectroscopic study by P. Wellmann (Astrophys. J., 126, 30,
1957) and results obtained by E.B. Weston (Astron. J., 58, 233, 1953) suggested
that the period should be increased from the value of 1140.8d adopted by Wright
in his first paper. Wright finds Delta m v=2.5. Photometric analysis of the
shallow eclipses (depth 0.2m) is complicated, as in the case of 31 Cyg, by the
extensive atmosphere of the supergiant component, and by intrinsic variations
in the light of that star. Several investigators deduce a likely value for i of
around 80 deg. A. Galatola (Astrophys. J., 175, 809, 1972) derives i=82 deg by
a method which takes account of the extended atmosphere. A new analysis of the
light-curve at the 1971 and 1974 eclipses, has been published by E.F. Guinan
and G.P. McCook (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 91, 343, 1979) which leads to a
lower value (about 74 deg) for the inclination and estimates of 0.93 and 0.98
for the fractional luminosity of the cool component at lambda lambda 4870 and
6575 respectively. Details of some spectrograms obtained at the 1981 eclipse
have been published by Tan Hui-Song and Peng Song-Chuan (Acta Astrophys.
Sinica, 25, 56, 1984). Several of the papers cited for 31 Cyg, especially those
by Che et al., Schroder, and Stencel et al. (1980). A 9.7m companion at 208.9"
is listed in I.D.S.

Although the spectrum of this star was long recognized to display absorption
lines typical of an OB spectrum, as well as the emission lines of a W-R star,
the binary nature of the system remained uncertain because of the small range
of velocity variation. Indeed, P. Massey suggested (Astrophys. J., 236, 526,
1980 and I.A.U. Symp. No. 88, p. 187, 1980) that emission and absorption lines
arise from the same stellar atmosphere. Lamontagne et al. have been able to
find a period in velocity measurements made on the emission line of N IV at
lambda 4058, although the period is not unique. In particular a period of 0.39d
is possible, however unlikely it may seem on physical grounds. Circular and
elliptical orbital solutions were made from the data, and the former was
adopted when the eccentricity of 0.19 was found not to be significant. Very
different values of V0 are derived from different lines. The epoch is the time
of inferior conjunction of the W-R star. Like Massey, Lamontagne et al. could
not find a periodicity in the velocities derived from the rotationally very
broadened absorption lines. They suggest that the companion in the 2.3d orbit
is a neutron star and the close pair has an OB companion. They tentatively
suggest an orbital period of 1763 d for this, but the triple nature of the
system remains speculative. The star is the brighter member of A.D.S. 13641:
companion is 12.1m at 4.4".

The earliest investigation of this system is by W.A. Hiltner who classified the
secondary spectrum as that of a Wolf-Rayet star. Later observations were
published by A.B. Hart (Astrophys. J., 126, 463, 1957). Massey and Conti
reclassify the secondary spectrum as that of an Of star. The difficulties of
interpretation usual in systems of this kind are encountered. Emission lines
and absorption lines in the secondary-spectrum give different values of K2 and
V0. The Catalogue gives the values for the absorption-line O-type spectrum on
the top line, and for the absorption lines in the Of spectrum on the bottom
line. It remains unclear whether the velocity shifts of these lines or of the
emission lines represent more nearly the true motion of the secondary star. It
seems very probable that a stellar wind is affecting, to some extent, the
velocities measured from all lines. The epoch appears to be the time of
superior conjunction of the O7.5 star.

Older observations depart a little from Osawa's velocity-curve, and there may
have been some changes in the elements. New observations by S.B. Parsons
(Astrophys. J. Supp., 53, 553, 1983) suggest a slightly longer period (2452.6d)
but otherwise require no change to the elements.

While no new complete orbital analysis has been published, D.M. Popper
(Astrophys. J., 220, L11, 1978) has made known his conclusion that Pearce's
values for the semi-amplitudes are too high, and that the system is therefore
significantly less massive than it has been believed to be. Popper's values of
K1 and K2, 255 km/s and 360 km/s respectively, probably should be used until a
full orbital study is published. Popper also estimated a spectral type of O7
for the primary and remarked that there is no obvious difference of type
between the components. Results of IUE observations are presented by R.H. Koch,
M.J. Siah and N. Fanelli (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 91, 474, 1979), who also
comment on the variable period. Photoelectric observations have been published
by A.U. Landolt (Astrophys. J., 140, 1494, 1964 and Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific,
87, 409, 1975). The latter set of observations has been re-analyzed by B.
Cester et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 33, 91, 1978), who found an orbital
inclination close to 84 deg and a fractional luminosity (in V) for the primary
star of 0.58. An 11.4m companion at 11.4" is listed in I.D.S.

Earlier studies of this triple system were published by P.W. Merrill (Lick Obs.
Bull., 6, 6, 1910), H. Spencer Jones (Cape Annals, 10, pt. 8, 76, 1928) and --
the previous best -- R.F. Sanford (Astrophys. J., 89, 333, 1939). The work of
Evans and Fekel provides a beautiful example of the power of occultation
observations, in favourable circumstances, confirms Sanford's work, and
represents a considerable improvement on it for the short-period binary. The
long-period orbit, that of the K giant and the spectroscopic pair, is
determined from both spectroscopic and occultation (and one speckle)
observations. Therefore, the orbital inclination is known (84 deg) and the
parallax can be accurately determined (0.0104"). The value of V0 for the
short-period pair is variable. Since the masses and beta luminosities are well
known, Evans and Fekel discuss the evolutionary status of the components. Two
distant companions to the triple system are listed in I.D.S.: 6.2m at 205.3"
and 9.0m at 226.6".

Earlier studies of this triple system were published by P.W. Merrill (Lick Obs.
Bull., 6, 6, 1910), H. Spencer Jones (Cape Annals, 10, pt. 8, 76, 1928) and --
the previous best -- R.F. Sanford (Astrophys. J., 89, 333, 1939). The work of
Evans and Fekel provides a beautiful example of the power of occultation
observations, in favourable circumstances, confirms Sanford's work, and
represents a considerable improvement on it for the short-period binary. The
long-period orbit, that of the K giant and the spectroscopic pair, is
determined from both spectroscopic and occultation (and one speckle)
observations. Therefore, the orbital inclination is known (84 deg) and the
parallax can be accurately determined (0.0104"). The value of V0 for the
short-period pair is variable. Since the masses and luminosities are well
known, Evans and Fekel discuss the evolutionary status of the components. Two
distant companions to the triple system are listed in I.D.S.: 6.2m at 205.3"
and 9.0m at 226.6".

Original observations made by J.S. Plaskett (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 4,
103, 1928). Luyten's recomputation is preferred because Plaskett fixed the
value of T in his solution. The epoch is T0. Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.60.

Pearce derived an orbital inclination of 64 deg from the mass-luminosity
relation and predicted that eclipses would be found. Observations by S.
Gaposchkin (Peremm. Zvezdy, 7, 38, 1949) and N.L. Magalashvili and Ya.I.
Kumsishvili (Bulletin Abastumani Obs., No. 34, 3, 1966) appeared to confirm the
prediction. E.G. Ebbighausen et al. (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 87, 923, 1975)
suggested, however that the star is an ellipsoidal variable, with a range of
light less than 0.1m. This has been confirmed by the analysis of their
observations by G. Russo, L. Milano and C. Maceroni (Astron. Astrophys., 109,
368, 1982). They find an inclination of 50 deg and a fractional luminosity (in
V) for the hotter component of 0.48.

Although there has been much debate in the literature about V444 Cyg, rather
surprisingly Munch's orbital elements remain the best ones determined. Earlier
ones were given by O.C. Wilson (Astrophys. J., 91, 379, 1940) and E.S. Keeping
(Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 7, 349, 1947) while a more recent set was
published by K.S. Ganesh, M.K.V. Bappu and V. Natarajan et al. (Kodaikanal
Bull. Series A, No. 184, 1967). The epoch is T0 for the star that has the O or
B absorption spectrum (whose elements are given on the lower line); the orbit
was assumed circular. All investigators agree that the value of K1 (W-R
component) is close to 300 km/s, but estimates of K2 vary much more widely.
Munch and Wilson are in agreement. Ganesh et al. find line-to-line differences
for each of K1 and K2 -- but their spectrograms are of low dispersion. The
value of V0 is, as often in W-R binaries, dependent on the lines measured;
Munch gives +70 km/s, 40 km/s and +10 km/s for the N V emission, N IV emission
and the absorption lines respectively. Despite the photometric work of A.M.
Cherepashchuk (Peremm. Zvezdy, 16, 226, 1967) the discussion by G.E. Kron and
K.C. Gordon (Astrophys. J., 97, 311, 1942 and 111, 454, 1950) is probably still
the best. They found an inclination of 78 deg (confirmed by Cherepashchuk et
al., see below) and a fractional luminosity of 0.83 for the star with the
absorption spectrum. Their model of an extended atmosphere or disk surrounding
the W-R star remains basic to most modern interpretations. Modern ultraviolet
photometric observations have been published by A.M. Cherepashchuk, J.A. Eaton
and Kh.F. Khaliullin (Astrophys. J., 281, 774, 1984). Their model was
criticized by A.B. Underhill and R.P. Fahey (ibid., 313, 358, 1987). Infrared
photometry has been published by L. Hartmann (ibid., 221, 193, 1978). V.G.
Kornilov and A.M. Cherepashchuk (Pis. Astron. Zh., 5, 398, 1979) find a
variable period that cannot be explained by a third body in the system; they
discuss the rate of mass-loss from the W-R star. Variable polarization has been
reported by O.S. Shulov (Astron. Tsirk. Kazan, No. 385, 5, 1966) and Yu.S.
Efimov (Izv. Krym. Astrofiz. Obs., 37, 251, 1967). An attempt to detect radio
emission from the star was unsuccessful (D.R. Florkowski and S.T. Gottesman,
Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1101, 1976)

This star is now recognized as belonging, or at least as related, to the class
of cataclysmic variables. The light-curve shows that eclipses are superimposed
on the irregular nova-like variations. The epoch is the time of primary
minimum. The spectrum cannot be classified easily, but resembles that of a WN
star. The fluorescent emission lines of O III are double. The brighter
component of the system appears to be the less massive. R.H. Koch, M.J. Siah
and M.N. Fanelli (I.A.U. Colloq. No. 53, p. 448, 1980) describe the IUE
spectrum and find the period decreasing. R.H. Koch et al. (Astrophys. J., 306,
618, 1986) discuss the IUE spectra and the photometric observations more
thoroughly, and offer three models. They find velocities measured from IUE
spectra are much more positive than any measured from the ground. They suggest
that the companion is a neutron star embedded in an accretion disk. G.A.
Williams et al. (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 219, 809, 1986) published the
results of photometric and spectroscopic observations during eclipse. They find
evidence for a high-velocity wind and for the kind of rotational disturbance
typical of cataclysmic variables. Herbig et al. note a 14.4m companion at 9.3",
which is not listed in I.D.S.

Although there has been no full orbital study since McDonald's work, D.M.
Popper (Astrophys. J., 220, L11, 1978) states that the masses appear to require
little revision. He prefers a spectral classification of O9.5 V to that of B0
V. The orbit should probably be taken as circular. Photoelectric observations
have been published by C. Sezer et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 53, 363,
1983) and D.M. Popper and P.J. Dumont (Astron. J., 82, 216, 1977). The former
find an orbital inclination of 78 deg and a fractional luminosity (in both B
and V) of 0.54. The observations by Popper and Dumont were analyzed by D.M.
Popper and P.B. Etzel (Astron. J., 86, 102, 1981) who pointed out the
difficulty of deriving the ratio of the radii. Nevertheless their results (78
deg and 0.5) were similar. The system has also been discussed photometrically
by M. Kitamura and Y. Nakamura (Ann. Tokyo Obs., 21, 229, 1986). The star is
the brighter component of A.D.S. 13711: companion is 14.5m at 3.3".

The epoch is the time of primary minimum; the orbit is assumed circular, an
assumption in accordance with the light-curve. According to Popper, the
metallic-line characteristics of the spectrum are well developed: the K line
gives A7, the hydrogen lines F2. Several photometric observations and analyses
have been reported: R.M. Williamon (Astron. J., 80, 976, 1975) re-analyzed by
G. Giuricin, F. Mardirossian and M. Mezzetti (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 39,
255, 1980), J. Tremko, J. Papousek and M. Vetesnik (Bull. Astron. Inst. Csl,
27, 125, 1976) and D.M. Popper and P.J. Dumont (Astron. J., 82, 216, 1977 --
analyzed by D.M. Popper and P.B. Etzel, ibid., 86, 102, 1981). All agree that
the orbital inclination lies between 88 deg and 89 deg and the fractional
luminosity (in V) of the brighter star lies in the range 0.51 to 0.55.

Orbital elements based on a period of 1085 days were published by R. Lamontagne
and A.F.J. Moffat (Astrophys. J., 277, 258, 1984) and criticized by P.S. Conti
et al. (ibid., 282, 693, 1984) who made the unlikely suggestion that the two
spectra arose from two stars in the same line of sight. The present elements,
based on the period 7.9y+/-0.2y, are derived from heterogeneous observations
over a long period of time. Velocities of the O-type star were derived from
measures of the Balmer absorption-lines and those of the W-R component from
measures of the C IV emission line at lambda 4650. These latter, especially,
show a large scatter. The value of K on the upper line of the Catalogue refers
to the O-type star. The attractive feature of this long-period, eccentric orbit
is that the time of periastron passage is close to the times at which infrared
outbursts of the star occur.

Curchod and Hauck give the spectral types as A3 and F2, from the K line and
metallic lines, respectively. Hube estimates A5 from the hydrogen lines. No
secondary spectrum is visible.

The epoch is T0. The original observations were by H.D. Curtis (Lick Obs.
Bull., 4, 154, 1907). Luyten's solution is preferred because that by Curtis was
graphical. Lucy & Sweeney, like Luyten, adopt a circular orbit. Two companions
are listed in I.D.S.: B is 9.2m at 245.4" and C is 10.5m at 17.2" from B.

Although new observations have been published by K.S. Ganesh and M.K.V. Bappu
(Kodaikanal Bull. Series A, No. 185, 1968) Hiltner's orbital elements are
retained because they are based on more spectrograms. Ganesh and Bappu have
brought out more clearly than Hiltner did the differences between the various
lines: for example there is a phase shift between the velocities derived from
the line lambda 4058 N IV and those from the line lambda 4686 He II. Different
values of V0 are required by lambda lambda 4686, 4058, and 4603 (N V). This was
also found by Hiltner; the value given in the Catalogue is for lambda 4686 and
agrees well with the value found from the same line by Ganesh and Bappu. On the
other hand, the two values of K differ by 17 km/s (Ganesh and Bappu give K=147
km/s). In view of the uncertainties of measurement of this kind of spectrum,
especially at the low dispersions employed, the disagreement is probably not
very important. The epoch is an estimate of T0 made from Hiltner's data. Ganesh
and Bappu give a zero phase of 2,434,719.77 which is the time at which the
velocity derived from lambda 4686 equals the systemic velocity on the
descending branch of the curve. They also differ from Hiltner in finding an
appreciable eccentricity (e=0.12, omega=51 deg). Absorption lines of He I vary
in phase with the emission lines, according to Hiltner, but with a large
negative mean velocity. He attributes them to an expanding envelope surrounding
the Wolf-Rayet star.

This hitherto neglected bright spectroscopic binary has recently been the
subject of two independent investigations. The other is by D.W. Willmarth
(Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 88, 86, 1976). He found almost the same orbital
period as Hube did but his solution differed in some respects. Willmarth
assumed a circular orbit and found K1=53.8 km/s and V0=1.1 km/s. Only the
difference in K1 is at all important, but until it is resolved the elements can
hardly be considered well determined. Hube had the greater number of
observations, most of them at a higher dispersion than Willmarth's, and his
solution is preferred. Hube also noted a systematic departure from the velocity
curve about the expected time of conjunction of the two stars and pointed out
that an eclipse might be observable. One was observed at the expected phase,
apparently also independently, by W. Furtig (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1071,
1975). A variation in brightness of at least 0.15m was found, but a complete
light-curve has not yet been published.



The minimum of the velocity-curve is not well defined. Bopp et al. state that
the observations can be fitted to a pure sine curve of half the period -- but

The orbit of this cataclysmic variable is assumed circular. The epoch is the
time of superior conjunction of the emission-line source.

The velocity-curve is well covered but the scatter of observations is rather
large. Very similar elements are derived from these observations by Lucy &

Reference: G.A.Shajn, Pulkovo Circ.,, No. 26-27; 75, 1939

The spectrum has been reported as showing double lines which were not fully
resolved (W.W. Campbell and S. Albrecht, Lick Obs. Bull., 5, 174, 1910). This
report was not confirmed by Abt, who found the lines broad but not double. He
concluded that the secondary component is not visible. Abt classified the
spectrum as A6, A8 and F5 IV from the K line, the hydrogen lines and the
metallic lines, respectively.

The observations by Bohannan and Conti supersede the lower-dispersion ones by
O.C. Wilson and H.A. Abt (Astrophys. J., 114, 477, 1951). Both components
display emission at lambda 4686, the stronger emission being associated with
the O6 component. The coverage of the velocity-curve is poor, but there is
little doubt that the elements derived by Bohannan and Conti are the more
trustworthy, especially as they remove an apparent contradiction to the
probable membership of the system in Cyg OB2. A circular orbit is assumed and
the epoch is the time of primary minimum as found by D.S. Hall (Acta Astron.,
24, 69, 1974) from his own UBV observations. J.-M. Vreux (Astron. Astrophys.,
143, 209, 1985) has published a study of the variations in the structure of the
H-alpha emission line. Hall's photometric observations have been re-analyzed by
K.-C. Leung and D.P. Schneider (Astrophys. J., 224, 565, 1978) who find that
the system is an early-type contact system with an orbital inclination of 68
deg and a fractional luminosity (in V) for the more massive star of 0.88. Hall
noted a faint companion at 1.5" from the system.

The K line shows a smaller amplitude because it is blended with an interstellar
line. Lucy & Sweeney derive very similar elements from these observations.

Imbert estimates the spectral type of the (invisible) secondary to be not much
later than K5 V and he suggests that the system may display eclipses. These
elements are confirmed by D.W. Latham et al. (Astron. J., 96, 567, 1988).

The observations show systematic residuals from the velocity-curve, and there
is some evidence of changes in the spectrum. Note the high eccentricity.

These elements supersede those derived earlier by Shajn (Pulkovo Obs. Circ.,
No. 1, 17, 1932).

Reference: G.A.Shajn, Pulkovo Circ.,, No. 8; 16, 1934

The period of 26.65y was assumed from the visual orbit computed by P. Couteau
(J. Observateurs, 45, 39, 1962). The other elements were computed from new
observations by Abt and Levy and those previously published by A.B. Underhill
(Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 12, 159, 1963).  The values of T, e, and omega
differ from those found from the visual orbit and are, as Abt and Levy point
out, uncertain because the velocity minimum has not yet been covered. The major
semi-axis of the orbital pair is 0.475" and the inclination 63.6 deg. The
components of the orbital pair (A.D.S. 14073) differ in brightness by about a
magnitude. Three other companions listed in I.D.S. are considered optical by
Abt and Levy. The earliest radial-velocity study of this system was by Y.C.
Chang (Astrophys. J., 68, 319, 1928).

These elements supersede those derived earlier by Harper (Publ. Dom. Astrophys.
Obs., 1, 153, 1919) which were based on an incorrect value of the period.

The secondary spectrum is seen in eclipse and was classified G5 by Struve. The
solution of the light-curve requires the secondary to be a subgiant. Lucy &
Sweeney confirm the orbital eccentricity, but the B, V light-curves by K.
Walter (Astron. Nachr., 292, 145, 1970) indicate e cos omega=0. The light-curve
shows evidence of gas streams, and its solution is correspondingly uncertain.
Walter finds i=84 deg and that the fractional luminosity of the brighter star
(in V) is 0.86. M. Mezzetti et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 39, 273, 1980)
obtained similar results from Walter's observations. A periodic effect in the
residuals of times of minima may be caused by apsidal rotation in about 51y (M.
Plavec, Bull. Astron. Inst. Csl, 11, 148, 1960).

Harper (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 249, 1935) later revised the period to
205.2d. Lucy & Sweeney, adopting this new period, obtained very similar values
for K1, V0 and a slightly larger value for e(0.138). The star is the brighter
component of A.D.S. 14081: B is 11.0m at 32.0".

The epoch is T0 for the primary component. From his photoelectric observations,
M.W. Ovenden (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 114, 569, 1954) deduced that the
values of the masses derived by Pearce might be seriously affected by the
reflection effect. D.M. Popper (Astrophys. J. Supp., 3, 107, 1957) questioned
whether the secondary spectrum is visible at all. Light-curves in B and V have
been published by G. Mannino (Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 34, 191, 1963). The
magnitudes given in the Catalogue are derived from his data but are subject to
a zero-point error since he gave only an approximate magnitude for his
comparison star. He derived i=63 deg and the fractional luminosity of the
brighter star (in V) as 0.68.

The value of K2 depends on only a few observations. The value of V0 is
variable. This spectroscopic binary is the brighter component of a visual
binary, Kuiper 99, with an orbital period of 39.4y and a major semi-axis of
0.8". The visual secondary is about 1 m fainter than the primary and probably
of early M spectral type. Duquennoy finds that the two orbital planes are
mutually nearly perpendicular. There are problems reconciling the two orbits
with the mass-luminosity relation. Duquennoy derives values K=3.2 km/s, V0=40.9
km/s, for the velocity variation of the centre of mass of the close pair about
that of the visual system; but they are based on observations at only three
epochs covering about a quarter of the long-period orbit.

The first orbital elements were determined by A.H. Joy (Astrophys. J., 120,
377, 1954) who derived a period of 0.7d. New observations by M.F. Walker (Sky
Telesc., 29, 23, 1965) suggested a shorter period, and C. Payne-Gaposchkin
(Astrophys. J., 158, 429, 1969) showed that Joy's observations were satisfied
by a circular orbit with a period of 0.4116550d. Chincarini and Walker have
improved the orbital elements for the absorption-line component (which they
confirm to be K5 V as first suggested by J.A. Crawford and R.P. Kraft,
Astrophys. J., 123, 44, 1956), given on the upper line. The V magnitude is an
approximate average; there are fluctuations of up to two magnitudes in the
brightness of the object. The epoch is the time of superior conjunction of the
K-type star. The orbit should probably be regarded as circular, but measures of
the emission lines (H, He I, Ca II) require e=0.16, omega=235 deg, V0=32 km/s.
Thus the true value of K2 (derived from the emission lines) remains uncertain.
The ultraviolet spectrum, as observed with IUE, is described by R.F. Jameson,
A.R. King and M.R. Sherrington (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 191, 559, 1980).
J. Patterson (Astrophys. J., 234, 978, 1979) has found a period of just over
33s in the light-variation of this star, which he explains with a model of an
accreting magnetic white dwarf.

The star has 9.8m companion at 48.3".

Orbital elements were first published for this ex-nova (Nova Del 1967) by J.B.
Hutchings (Astrophys. J., 232, 176, 1979) who found two possible periods near
0.17d and a third at 0.225d. The period found by Bruch appears to satisfy all
the data. The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is T0. The values given
for K1 and V0 are derived from measures of the He II emission line at lambda
4686. The emission at H-beta gives 34 km/s and 15 km/s, respectively. The
magnitude given is an approximate mean magnitude since the end of the outburst
-- there is not much variation. Both Bruch and Hutchings estimate that the
orbital inclination is just over 40 deg.

Earlier studies of this system were published by K. Bracher (Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, 91, 827, 1980) and A.F.J. Moffat and W. Seggewiss (Astron. Astrophys.,
86, 87, 1980). The observations by Drissen et al. permit a refinement of the
period and this is the chief reason that their results are preferred. The
elements given are derived from measures of the emission line of N IV at lambda
4058. Different values are obtained from measures of He II lambda 4686.
Measures of the phase-dependent polarization of this star's light permit
determination of the inclination of the orbital plane as approximately 67 deg.
The star has an unusually high galactic latitude, for a W-R star, and is a
runaway star. Similarities of the system with H.D. 226868 lead the authors to
postulate that the unseen secondary component is a black hole.

The epoch is T0 and the orbit is assumed circular. The period is variable. L.
Binnendijk (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 13, 27, 1967) published elements based
on observations by R.M. Petrie, giving V0=10 km/s, K1=90 km/s and K2=220 km/s.
New observations measured by the cross-correlation method, by G. Hill and D.
Holmgren, are in press (Astron. Astrophys., 1989). Recent solutions of the
light-curve have been published by P.G. Niarchos (Astrophys. Space Sci., 58,
301, 1978 and Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 58, 261, 1984 -- based on new
observations) and C. Cristescu, G. Oprescu and M.S. Suran (Inf. Bull. Var.
Stars, No. 1686, 1979 -- also partly based on new observations). The orbital
inclination appears to be close to 65 deg and the fractional luminosity (in V)
of the brighter star is about 0.9. A long discussion of the light-curve was
also published by I. Pustylnik and L. Sorgesepp (Publ. Tartu Astrophys. Obs.,
43, 130, 1975) while I.B. Pustylnik and H. Einasto (Astrophys. Space Sci., 105,
259, 1984) use the system to illustrate their model of a binary immersed in a
single gaseous envelope. Astrometric observations have revealed a visual
companion, 2.7m fainter than the eclipsing pair, with an orbital period of
30.45y (J.L. Hershey, Astron. J., 80, 662, 1975). Hershey estimates masses of
1.1 MSol, 0.4 MSol (eclipsing pair) and 0.58 MSol (visual secondary).
Light-time in the long-period orbit cannot account for all the observed
variations of the short period. The system is an X-ray source (R.G. Cruddace
and A.K. Dupree, Astrophys. J., 277, 263, 1984).

The values of K2, and hence of the masses, are rather uncertain.

The spectral type may be slightly earlier than K2 III, but certainly no earlier
than K0 III.

The epoch is T0 and the orbit is assumed circular. Earlier investigations were
published by W.H. Christie (Astrophys. J., 78, 200, 1933), who believed there
was a long-period variation (12.3y) not subsequently confirmed, and by H.A. Abt
(Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 66, 171, 1954). The spectrum is difficult to
interpret because it contains shell lines as well as stellar lines (A.B.
Underhill, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 66, 334, 1954) -- which may account for
Abt's small value of K1. C. Aydin, M. Hack and N. Yilmaz (Astrophys. Space
Sci., 53, 345, 1978) classify the shell as A9 Ia and the star as A5 I. They
also obtained orbital elements that confirm Heiser's values, and were derived
-- as his were -- from measures of the Mg II line at lambda 4481. Even this
line has a shell component, however. They find evidence for stratification in
the shell and, sometimes, for prominence-like eruptions. The ultraviolet
spectrum is discussed by M. Hack, S. Engin and N. Yilmaz (Astron. Astrophys.,
131, 147, 1984). They find that the secondary star is hotter than the primary
and conclude that primary eclipse is caused by a cooler disk surrounding the
secondary. Emission at H-gamma is discussed by P.M. Afanas'eva and V.L.
Gorshkov (Astron. Tsirk., No. 1284, 1983). Apart from Heiser's own photometric
observations (Astrophys. J., 135, 78, 1962), light-curves have been published
and discussed by A. Fresa (Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 37, 607, 1966) and P. Kalv
and I. Pustylnik (Publ. Tartu Astrophys. Obs., 43, 114, 1975). These have all
been re-analyzed by Yan-Feng Li and Kam-Ching Leung (Astrophys. J., 313, 801,
1987) who find an orbital inclination close to 77 deg and a fractional
luminosity for the primary (in V) of 0.71. They suggest that the system is an
evolved early-type contact system. The interpretation of this complex binary
remains uncertain. The star is the brightest member of A.D.S. 14314: B is of
equal brightness at 0.1m, C is 13.7m at 2.3".

The star's light has been suspected of variability.

Reference: G.Shajn, Pulkovo Circ.,, No. 7; 16, 1933

This symbiotic object shows a periodicity of about 950 days in its light
variation, which is apparently caused by eclipses. The magnitudes quoted,
however, indicate the total range of variation during outbursts. Radial
velocities measured from the emission lines show the same periodicity. The
orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is the time of primary minimum.

Abt and Levy offer these elements as improvements over those published by H.A.
Abt (Astrophys. J. Supp., 6, 37, 1961). The scatter of observations is still
large, however, compared with the total range of variation in velocity. The
spectral type is A4, F0 and F5 IV from the K line, hydrogen lines and metallic
lines, respectively.

Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit.

Earlier studies of orbital elements have been published by J.S. Plaskett (Publ.
Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 1, 213, 1920); R.O. Redman (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs.,
4, 341, 1931); and O. Struve et al. (Astrophys. J., 129, 59, 1959). The last
named contained only estimates of some of the elements. Vitrichenko has
combined 26 new observations with the older material. Apsidal rotation in a
period of about 56 years is well established photometrically. Vitrichenko gives
omega=90deg+0.06266degE, where E is to be measured from the value of T given in
the Catalogue. He also considers the possible variation in V0 suggested by
Redman and concludes there is no variation within the errors of observation.
Despite the difficulties of measuring this spectrum, the spectroscopic elements
now appear to be well determined. N.L. Magalashvili and Ya.I. Kumsishvili
(Bulletin Abastumani Obs., No. 24, 13, 1959) find from photoelectric
observations that the two stars are precisely equal in size and luminosity and
that i=85.5 deg. Similar results are obtained from these observations by G.
Giuricin, F. Mardirossian and M. Mezzetti (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 39, 255,
1980) who give i=86.4 deg and a fractional luminosity at lambda 4200 of 0.54
for the brighter star. Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.07. The depths of eclipses
are about 0.6m.

Since these elements of this close visual pair are derived from radial-velocity
observations at only one periastron passage, which showed the previously
derived elements of the visual orbit -- including the period -- to be only
approximate (P. Muller, J. Observateurs, 38, 58, 1955), they, too, can be only
approximate. The spectral types given are inferred from the mean spectral type
-- the stars are never resolved on the spectrograph slit since a=0.25". The
elements given are not derived in any way from the visual observations, except
that those serve to give the approximate period. Griffin estimates Delta m=1.1.
The pair is the visual binary A.D.S. 14396.

Earlier investigations were published by R.H. Baker (Publ. Allegheny Obs., 2,
35, 1910), J.A. Pearce (Publ. Am. Astron. Soc., 9, 268, 1939) and W.J. Luyten
et al. (Publ. Yerkes Obs., 7, pt. IV, 31, 1939). The system displays apsidal
motion and the value given for omega and T are appropriate for 1972. Hilditch
estimates the apsidal period at 203y +/-4y. M.W. Ovenden (Mon. Not. Roy.
Astron. Soc., 126, 77, 1963) found evidence for a dependence of K1+K2 on the
ionization potential of the lines being measured. Ovenden ascribed this
dependence to the reflection effect, but neither Hilditch nor M. Tapia and R.C.
Smith (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 189, 551, 1979) could confirm his
observations. Elements, similar to those presented here, have also been
published by H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy (Astrophys. J. Supp., 36, 241, 1978) but
Hilditch's values, based on the more complete investigation of this system, are
preferred. Determinations of K2 range from 113 km/s to 126 km/s. This may be
primarily due to the blending of the lines of the two components. Hilditch took
some pains to avoid this effect by omitting from his orbital solution the
results of any measurements that gave a velocity separation of less than 100
km/s. Petrie(I) found Delta m=0.34.

The spectrum shows component lines arising from a gaseous stream (A.D.
Thackeray, Observatory, 85, 206, 1965) and the distorting effect of these on
the stellar line profiles has been allowed for. Lucy & Sweeney confirm the
orbital eccentricity, but neither photoelectric (BV) light-curves by S.
Catalano and M. Rodono (Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 39, 617, 1968) nor a
photographic one by N. Tashpulatov (Peremm. Zvezdy, 17, 76, 1969) show any
appreciable displacement of the secondary minimum. Catalano and Rodono found
that the eclipses were not total, as previously believed. They derived i=87.5
deg and the fractional luminosity of the primary star (in V) to be 0.91.
Similar results were obtained from the same observations by B. Cester et al.
(Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 36, 273, 1979). R.S. Polidan and M. Plavec (Bull.
Am. Astron. Soc., 6, 465, 1974) report the detection of emission at H-alpha
during primary eclipse.

If each star has a mass of 2 MSol, the orbital inclination would be 23 deg.


Lucy & Sweeney derive very similar orbital elements from these observations.

These are approximate elements. A circular orbit was assumed although a small
eccentricity may be indicated by the observations. The epoch is the time of
primary minimum. A. Okazaki et al. (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 97, 62, 1985)
have published BV observations. They find an orbital inclination of 70 deg and
a fractional luminosity (in V) for the primary component of 0.95. They estimate
the secondary star to be a K-type subgiant.

This is a cataclysmic variable. The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is
the time of superior conjunction of the emission-line source.

The velocity-curve is well covered but the scatter of the observations is
large. Nevertheless, further analysis by C.L. Morbey and R.F. Griffin
(Astrophys. J., 317, 343, 1987) confirms the period derived by Abt and Levy.
The star is the brightest member of A.D.S. 14499. A 6.3m companion has an
orbital period of 101.5y (G. Zeller, Ann. Univ. Sternw. Wien, 26, 114, 1965).
Another companion, 7.26m at 10.5" has a common proper motion with the orbital
pair. A third companion, 12.4m at 75", is listed in I.D.S.

This is an RS CVn system. The spectral types, necessarily only approximate
because of mutual contamination of the component spectra during the partial
eclipses, are taken from S.A. Naftilan and E.F. Milone (Astron. J., 84, 1218,
1979). The epoch is the time of minimum as given by E.F. Milone et al. (ibid.,
84, 417, 1979). The period is variable. The orbit is assumed circular, in
accordance with the light-curve. The elements K1 and V0 are only approximately
determined. The value of K2 is inferred from the adopted mass-ratio of 1.0.
Naftilan and Milone find an orbital inclination of 82.5 deg. The
luminosity-ratio is also close to unity.


Hube estimates that the secondary component is at least 1.5m fainter than the
primary and probably of mass about 3 MSol. He also estimates an orbital
inclination of around 40 deg.


The magnitude of the star varies irregularly by about 0.1m and the star is both
a flare star and a BY Dra variable. The spectral type given is the mean for the
two components that appear to differ in luminosity by about 0.6m, near H-alpha
(which is seen in emission). The star belongs to a known visual binary for
which a provisional orbit has been determined (S.L. Lippincott, Astron. J., 80,
831, 1975) with a major semi-axis of 0.73". The visual secondary is estimated
to be some 2m fainter than the spectroscopic pair.


New spectroscopic observations have been published by H.W. Duerbeck et al.
(Mitt. Astron. Gesells., 55, 164, 1982), from which values of K1=139.2 km/s and
K2=145 km/s have been derived. Few details have been given, however, and we
prefer to retain the older investigation. Nevertheless, the agreement between
the two is good enough to be encouraging. The orbit should probably be
considered circular, as the light-curve would suggest. In addition to
photometric observations published by Northcott and Bakos themselves, A. Abrami
and B. Cester (Publ. Oss. Trieste, No. 320, 1963) and, more recently, N.M.K. Al
Naimiy (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 43, 85, 1981) have published light-curves and
analyses. The last-named points out that the light-curve is variable and
distorted and the system (which displays H and K emission in its spectrum) may
belong to the RS CVn group. Nevertheless, the various authors agree on an
orbital inclination close to 70 deg and a fractional luminosity for the
brighter star (in V) of about 0.58

The orbit was assumed to be circular after a preliminary solution had shown
that e is very small. The epoch is T0. The spectrum is composite but Griffin et
al. were unable to measure reliably any features in the A-type spectrum. They
estimate Delta m(pv)=1.6. They point out that there is sudegcient probability
of observable eclipses to justify a search for them.

The elements are preliminary and the orbit may be circular.

The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is T0. The elements are described
as preliminary by Burki and Mayor themselves.

Lucy & Sweeney derive similar elements from these observations.

Although the observations are few, the elements seem fairly well defined.

Orbital elements were first derived for this system by R.K. Young (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 1, 319, 1921) but little confidence was placed in them, even
by Young himself, because of the large scatter of individual measures despite
the relatively good quality of the spectrum. Guthnick (in a series of papers
cited by Gieseking and Seggewiss) suggested that both components of the
spectroscopic binary might be pulsating variables. Gieseking and Seggewiss have
at least partially resolved the the problem by deriving an approximate
long-period orbit (V0 for the short-period pair is variable). The elements
given for the short-period orbit are not very different from those originally
derived by Young and later by Guthnick. The spectrum is said, by Gieseking and
Seggewiss, to show enhanced lines of Si II. Only the spectrum of one component
is visible. Both orbits are assumed circular and the epochs are T0 for each.
C.T. Bolton (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1322, 1977) also suspected a 150-day
periodicity in a different set of velocity observations. The spectroscopic
system is the brightest component of A.D.S. 14682. Component B is 7.8m at 3.4",
while fainter components are at 57.7" and 74.1".

Orbital elements were first derived for this system by R.K. Young (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 1, 319, 1921) but little confidence was placed in them, even
by Young himself, because of the large scatter of individual measures despite
the relatively good quality of the spectrum. Guthnick (in a series of papers
cited by Gieseking and Seggewiss) suggested that both components of the
spectroscopic binary might be pulsating variables. Gieseking and Seggewiss have
at least partially resolved the the problem by deriving an approximate
long-period orbit (V0 for the short-period pair is variable). The elements
given for the short-period orbit are not very different from those originally
derived by Young and later by Guthnick. The spectrum is said, by Gieseking and
Seggewiss, to show enhanced lines of Si II. Only the spectrum of one component
is visible. Both orbits are assumed circular and the epochs are T0 for each.
C.T. Bolton (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1322, 1977) also suspected a 150-day
periodicity in a different set of velocity observations. The spectroscopic
system is the brightest component of A.D.S. 14682. Component B is 7.8m at 3.4",
while fainter components are at 57.7" and 74.1".

This is the binary A.D.S. 14773 whose visual orbit (P=5.7y) has long been known
(W.J. Luyten and E.G. Ebbighausen, Publ. Minnesota Obs., 2, No. 1, 1934). There
is also a distant companion to the system, discovered by F.G.W. Struve and
recognized by him to be optical. A radial-velocity study was published by M.M.
Dworetsky, D.M. Popper and D.S. Dearborn (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 83, 207,
1971) who also combined the spectroscopic and visual observations. Two of these
authors subsequently further refined their work (D.M. Popper and M.M.
Dworetsky, ibid., 90, 71, 1978). The results of these investigations are in
substantial agreement with those of Hans et al., which are preferred here
because of the more uniform coverage of the velocity-curve. There is little
doubt that the properties of the system are now well known, except for a
possible systematic error of a few tenths of a kilometre per second in V0. The
origin of the spectral classes given is a bit obscure, since the two stars can
never be resolved on the spectrograph slit. A mean class of F7 V is about
right. Hans et al. find Delta m=0.1 in the photographic region. The period
found by them is 5.7006y and the periastron passage was 1970.07. The orbital
inclination is close to 98 deg and the parallax is 0.057". The elements given
are derived by solving simultaneously for the visual and spectroscopic
elements. The values of K1 and K2 are derived from the published values of
K1+K2 and the mass-ratio.

The orbital elements given here are derived from the same observations as D.J.
Stickland (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 175, 473, 1976) used, but the
velocities for Pike's study were measured by a P.D.S. microdensitometer, with a
consequent improvement in their quality. An earlier orbit was published by A.J.
Deutsch (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 66, 58, 1954). Stickland's value for the
period has been retained, since Pike himself regards it as more accurate than
his own value of 99.2d. The most obvious improvement made by Pike's study is
that now the evolved star is seen to be the more massive, as expected. (The
spectral classes are also taken from Stickland's work.)

The brightest member of A.D.S. 14847: B is 9.5m at about 3" and C is 12.0m at
82". Two other 12.0m companions at separations of about 200" are probably

The star is involved in nebulosity and H-alpha is seen in emission. The
velocity of the centre of mass of the triple system is the sum of the Catalogue
values of V0 for both the long-period and short- period pairs in this triple
system. The actual value of V0 for the short-period pair is, of course,
variable. Re-observation of this system might lead to a better separation of
the two sets of orbital elements. The triple is the brightest member of A.D.S.
14832: companions are 12.0m and 12.6m at 4.1" and 69.9".

The star is involved in nebulosity and H-alpha is seen in emission. The
velocity of the centre of mass of the triple system is the sum of the Catalogue
values of V0 for both the long-period and short- period pairs in this triple
system. The actual value of V0 for the short-period pair is, of course,
variable. Re-observation of this system might lead to a better separation of
the two sets of orbital elements. The triple is the brightest member of A.D.S.
14832: companions are 12.0m and 12.6m at 4.1" and 69.9".

These very approximate elements barely sudegce to establish the binary nature
of this O-type star associated with a ring nebula. No epoch is given and the
orbit is assumed circular. Both K and V0 are estimates (the latter made from
the published graph).

This star is the visual binary A.D.S. 14893 consisting of two nearly equal
components revolving with an orbital period formerly believed to be 12.20y (P.
Baize, J. Observateurs, 42, 118, 1959). West showed in his 1976 paper that one
of the components (probably the marginally fainter -- Delta m=0.04 -- estimated
to be slightly later in type) is a spectroscopic binary with a variable
systemic velocity. He predicted that the visual orbit would be found to be an
eccentric one of half the proposed period. This was confirmed by observations
during the 1979 periastron passage from which West and McAlister derived the
period of 2200d or 6.023y. Only preliminary elements are yet available for the
visual (long-period) pair. Some speckle interferometric observations enable an
orbital inclination of 125.6 deg to be deduced for that pair. Observations of
the spectrum of the spectroscopic secondary, made by F.C. Fekel, are also
reported in the abstract by West and McAlister. Those observations lead to
masses of 1.25 MSol, 1.23 MSol and 0.78 MSol for the visual primary and the two
components of the spectroscopic pair, respectively.

This star is the visual binary A.D.S. 14893 consisting of two nearly equal
components revolving with an orbital period formerly believed to be 12.20y (P.
Baize, J. Observateurs, 42, 118, 1959). West showed in his 1976 paper that one
of the components (probably the marginally fainter -- Delta m=0.04 -- estimated
to be slightly later in type) is a spectroscopic binary with a variable
systemic velocity. He predicted that the visual orbit would be found to be an
eccentric one of half the proposed period. This was confirmed by observations
during the 1979 periastron passage from which West and McAlister derived the
period of 2200d or 6.023y. Only preliminary elements are yet available for the
visual (long-period) pair. Some speckle interferometric observations enable an
orbital inclination of 125.6 deg to be deduced for that pair. Observations of
the spectrum of the spectroscopic secondary, made by F.C. Fekel, are also
reported in the abstract by West and McAlister. Those observations lead to
masses of 1.25 MSol, 1.23 MSol and 0.78 MSol for the visual primary and the two
components of the spectroscopic pair, respectively.

Harper later revised the period to 20.342d (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 249,
1935). Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.93.

Original observations by J.S. Plaskett (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 1, 113,
1919). Luyten's recomputation is preferred because Plaskett fixed the value of
T in his solution. Luyten adopted the epoch T0. Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular
orbit. Fekel (private communication) has detected the secondary spectrum in the

The orbit is assumed circular (in accordance with the light-curve) and the
epoch is the time of primary minimum. The period is known to be variable.
Several photometric studies have been published and the results are summarized,
and new UBV observations presented, by R.A. Breinhorst and H.W. Duerbeck (J.
Astrophys. Astron., 3, 219, 1982). The light-curve is distorted and somewhat
variable. The orbital inclination lies in the range 75 deg to 80 deg and the
primary component gives more than 0.9 of the total light (in B). Breinhorst and
Duerbeck believe that the primary component fills the Roche lobe and that the
invisible secondary is a G1 V star.

The observations do not cover the velocity-curve uniformly because the orbital
period is very close to three years. The star is the fainter member of A.D.S.
14909. The brighter member, 36" away is 1 Peg (V=4.08m). Proper motions, radial
velocities and spectral classifications (combined with apparent magnitudes) all
support the hypothesis that the visual double is a physically related pair of
stars. There is also a component C, 12.1m at 75" from A.

Old observations from Mount Wilson suggest that the period may be a few days

This is a Cepheid variable that is also a spectroscopic binary. The star is
cooler than is normal for a Cepheid of its pulsation period (2.4d). It is
suggested that the invisible companion may be a compact object.

Epoch is T0 for primary component. A circular orbit was assumed after a
solution by Sterne's method had yielded e=0.022+/-0.027. Patten and McKellar
found Delta m=0.31, by Petrie's method. This value was confirmed by Petrie(II).
Star is brightest member of A.D.S. 14943; principal companion is 12.2m at 9.2".

The mass-ratio (estimated at 0.35) depends on only a few measures of the weak
secondary spectrum and is uncertain. The spectrum appears to be that of a
rapidly rotating (approx 150 km/s) Am star -- the type A3 V is derived from the
hydrogen lines. A brief report on IUE spectra of the system has been published
by R. Koch, M.J. Siah and M.N. Fanelli (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1579, 1979).
Photometric observations have been published by Y. Kondo (Astron. J., 71, 54,
1966) and O. Bendinelli et al. (Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 38, 763, 1967). New
analyses of these observations have been published by P.G. Niarchos (Astrophys.
Space Sci., 58, 301, 1978) and K.-C. Leung and D.P. Schneider (Astrophys. J.,
222, 917, 1978). The components are in or near contact and the light-curve
displays interaction effects, but all computers agree on an orbital inclination
within a few degrees of 65 deg, while estimates of the fractional luminosity of
the brighter star (in V) range from 0.77 to 0.89.

Only approximate elements have been published for the orbit of this barium
star, and even those have not been published with full detail (no values for T
or omega), but are described as `preliminary'. E. Bohm-Vitense (Astrophys. J.,
239, L79, 1980) finds evidence from IUE spectra that the companion is a white
dwarf. V.M. Smith and D.L. Lambert (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 96, 226, 1984)
discuss the abundance of niobium and rubidium in the atmosphere of this star.
The spectroscopic binary is the brighter member of A.D.S. 14971: companion is
12.5m at 21.3".

Epoch is T0. Harper later revised the period to 21.720d (Publ. Dom. Astrophys.
Obs., 6, 249, 1935). Lucy & Sweeney also adopt a circular orbit and derive very
similar elements with a period of 21.7246d. Curchod and Hauck give the spectral
type as A5 and F0, from the K line and the metallic lines respectively.

These orbital elements are based on the same observations as the original
elements derived by G.A. Radford and R.F. Griffin (Observatory, 95, 187, 1975).
The elements were revised when Bassett found a significant eccentricity was
required by the observations.

This is a high-velocity, metal-poor star and is therefore of considerable
interest. A discussion of its metal abundance was published by R.C. Peterson
(Astrophys. J., 235, 491, 1980). The epoch is T0 for the primary component
(preferred to periastron because the orbital eccentricity is small and
different for each component). The two values of V0 are almost identical. Both
components show H and K emission, and the primary at least shows Balmer-line
emission. The authors conclude that the system is midway, in character, between
the RS CVn and the BY Dra variables. Both components rotate slowly (V rot=7

These elements are based on an analysis of an extensive series of
radial-velocity measurements published by O. Struve et al. (Astrophys. J., 118,
39, 1953). It is difficult to separate any orbital component of velocity from
the pulsations intrinsic to variable stars of its type, and in the present case
the evidence for binary nature is not completely convincing. The scatter of
observations is comparable with the amplitude of the derived velocity curve.
The star is the brightest member of A.D.S. 15032: B is 8.0m at 13.6".

The orbital elements are derived from measures of the emission line at H-beta,
which is visible for only about half the cycle. The value of V0 is uncertain by
+/-100 km/s omega The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is the time of
optical minimum as given by J.E. McClintock et al. (Astrophys. J., 258, 245,
1982). This time of minimum coincides, within the observational uncertainties,
with the times of X-ray eclipse and inferior conjunction of the source of
H-beta emission. Orbital elements have also been published by J.R. Thorstensen
and P.A. Charles (Astrophys. J., 253, 756, 1982) who find a similar value of K1
(216 km/s) and a different (but equally uncertain) value of V0 (+120 km/s).

The elements of this system are described as preliminary by Burki and Mayor
themselves. The spectrum is composite and the star has long been suspected to
be binary.

Popper's observations agree fairly well with earlier ones by W.E. Harper (J.
Roy. Astron. Soc. Can., 29, 411, 1935) although the period has been revised.
Popper assumed a circular orbit and the epoch is the time of primary minimum.
The spectral type is that corresponding to the colours. Although the spectra
are similar, Popper finds that the hotter shows Am characteristics while the
cooler one does not. A photoelectric light-curve has been published by A.
Abrami (Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 37, 369, 1966) who found eclipses to be about
0.4m deep at lambda 4000. He could not obtain a solution without assuming
`third light' of 0.093. He derived i=88 deg and found that the primary star
contributes 0.58 of the stellar light. R.A. Botsula (Izv. Engelhardt Obs.
Kazan, 47, 19, 1981) finds an orbital inclination of 87 deg and that the two
stars are equal in luminosity. Popper reports a faint visual companion, about
six magnitudes fainter than the eclipsing binary, distant approximately 12".

The epoch is T0 and the orbit is assumed circular. The velocities are based on
measures of the K lines only. Bartolini et al. find by Petrie's method that the
ratio of luminosities is 0.8 (also from the K line). Their photoelectric (BV)
light-curves show the effects of gas streams in the system, but they derive
i=78.3 deg. The total range of variation (in V) is about 0.5m. The photometric
light ratio is consistent with the spectroscopic one.

Reference: C.Bartolini et al. , Asiago Contr.,, No. 168, 1965

A. Colacevich found P=1037 d, T=J.D. 2,317,506, omega=90 deg, e=0.25, K1=8.0
km/s, V0=+34.7 km/s (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 47, 87, 1935). There is little
to choose between the two sets of elements. H.L. Alden (Astron. J., 48, 81,
1939) assumed Colacevich's spectroscopic elements, and derived the following
astrometric elements: a=0.052", i=65 deg, omega=37 deg.

Harper later revised the period to 12.216d (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 250,
1935). Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.67.


The spectrum of the secondary component is seen during primary eclipse.
Photoelectric light- curves (UBV) have been published and analyzed by M.M.
Ammann, D.S. Hall and R.C. Tate (Acta Astron., 29, 259, 1979) and re-analyzed
by L. Milano et al. (Astrophys. Space Sci., 82, 189, 1982). The orbital
inclination is close to 86 deg and the fractional luminosity (in V) of the
brighter star is 0.83. The period is variable (D.S. Hall and K.S. Woolley,
Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 85, 618, 1973) and the light-curve suggests that
the spectroscopic eccentricity is spurious. A modern velocity-curve is

Earlier investigations were published by P. Wellmann (Z. Astrophys., 32, 1,
1953) and G.A. Bakos (Publ. David Dunlap Obs., 2, 431, 1965). Improved elements
published by D.M. Popper (Astrophys. J., 244, 541, 1981) have been themselves
superseded by the discovery that the system is triple and V0 for the
short-period pair is therefore variable. The first elements published for the
long-period orbit in the system are given in the Catalogue. The spectrum of the
third body has not been detected, but the star's mass is estimated to be
between 0.3 MSol and 0.7 MSol. Popper (loc. cit.) quotes the spectral types of
the primary of the eclipsing pair as approximately A2 from the K line and A5
from the hydrogen lines. The short-period orbit is assumed circular, in
accordance with the light- curve, despite small eccentricities found by some
earlier investigators; the epoch is the time of primary minimum. Several
photometric studies have been published, including one in the paper by Lacy and
Popper. This is preferred since only they were aware of the existence of the
third body. They cite and quote the earlier studies and find an orbital
inclination of 88.6 deg and a fractional luminosity (at lambda 4400) for the
primary component of 0.92. The third light would have had little effect on
those analyses made by modern methods.

Earlier investigations were published by P. Wellmann (Z. Astrophys., 32, 1,
1953) and G.A. Bakos (Publ. David Dunlap Obs., 2, 431, 1965). Improved elements
published by D.M. Popper (Astrophys. J., 244, 541, 1981) have been themselves
superseded by the discovery that the system is triple and V0 for the
short-period pair is therefore variable. The first elements published for the
long-period orbit in the system are given in the Catalogue. The spectrum of the
third body has not been detected, but the star's mass is estimated to be
between 0.3 MSol and 0.7 MSol. Popper (loc. cit.) quotes the spectral types of
the primary of the eclipsing pair as approximately A2 from the K line and A5
from the hydrogen lines. The short-period orbit is assumed circular, in
accordance with the light- curve, despite small eccentricities found by some
earlier investigators; the epoch is the time of primary minimum. Several
photometric studies have been published, including one in the paper by Lacy and
Popper. This is preferred since only they were aware of the existence of the
third body. They cite and quote the earlier studies and find an orbital
inclination of 88.6 deg and a fractional luminosity (at lambda 4400) for the
primary component of 0.92. The third light would have had little effect on
those analyses made by modern methods.

Earlier investigations were published by J.S. Plaskett (Publ. Dom. Astrophys.
Obs., 2, 269, 1923 and 4, 108, 1928) and W.C. Rufus (Publ. Michigan Obs., 6,
45, 1934). The system has presented difficulties in the past, even the period
being difficult to determine precisely. Crampton and Redman have used
velocities determined from measures of the He II lines only. Although their
measures are few and K2 is highly uncertain, Crampton and Redman confirm the
existence of a secondary spectrum, suspected by Rufus and also by P.S. Conti
and W.R. Alschuler (Astrophys. J., 170, 325, 1971) who estimated Delta m=0.8.
There is some evidence for a small range of variability in the light of the
star.  Crampton and Redman conclude that it is unlikely that this system is
connected with the X-ray source Cep X-4. The star is the brightest component of
A.D.S. 15184. A number of faint companions are listed in I.D.S. including a
possibly suspect one of 13.3m at 1.6". There are also a 7.7m companion at 11.7"
and one of 7.8m at 19.9".

Earlier investigations were published by J. Lunt (Astrophys. J., 47, 134, 1918;
Cape Annals, 10, pt. 6, 3F, 1921) and H.S. Jones (Cape Annals, 10, pt. 8, 81,
1928). Jones believed the systemic velocity varied, but his conclusion was
contested by W.J. Luyten (Publ. Minnesota Obs., 2, 17, 1934). Sanford's
elements largely confirm those derived by Jones, and Sanford also considered
that V0 is probably variable. The mean error per plate is higher than would be
expected for this type of spectrum. Except for this question of variation in
V0, the elements seem to be well determined.

Epoch is T0 for the primary component. Sanford reported that `the differences
in spectral type and line intensity are negligible'.

Epoch is T0. Circular orbit assumed. Original observations were published by
W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 3, 324, 1926) who fixed the value of T
in his solution. Luyten's recomputation in which a circular orbit was assumed
has been preferred. The scatter of the observations is rather large, but Harper
found no need to revise his elements (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 250,
1935). Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.32. The star is listed in I.D.S. and has a
companion of nearly equal brightness at about 0.2". An orbit has been computed
for the visual pair by G. Van Biesbroeck (Publ. Yerkes Obs., 9, pt. 2, 1960).
The period is 24.40y.

The epoch is T0 and a circular orbit was assumed. Lucy & Sweeney confirm the
circular orbit and derive K1=11.2 km/s.

The early work on this eruptive variable by A.H. Joy (Astrophys. J., 124, 317,
1956) and M.F. Walker and G. Chincarini (ibid., 154, 157, 1968), together with
J. Smak's (Acta Astron., 19, 287, 1969) attempt to unify them, is now
superseded by several more modern studies. We have chosen the one by E.L.
Robinson, E.-H. Zhang and R.J. Stover, even though it is concerned primarily
with the late-type component, because it seems to us the most thorough
discussion available. It draws upon other recent work by R.J. Stover et al.
(Astrophys. J., 240, 597, 1980), A.P. Cowley, D. Crampton and J.B. Hutchings
(ibid., 241, 269, 1980), M.F. Walker (ibid., 248, 256, 1981) and F.V. Hessmann
et al. (ibid., 286, 747, 1984) and attempts to reconcile differences between
them. The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is T0 for the K5 component.
The value of K1 (for the white-dwarf component) is the mean of that found by
Hessmann et al. and Stover et al. The value of K2 is that finally adopted by
Robinson et al. The value of V0 is very uncertain, Robinson et al. quote
figures found by other investigators, ranging from 1 km/s to 38 km/s. A value
near the middle of this range seems the most probable. The system does not
eclipse and the inclination of the orbit is not known, but Robinson et al.
argue that it must be less than 60 deg. The requirement that the mass of the
white dwarf does not exceed 1.4 MSol puts a lower limit of about 35 deg on the

Tomkin's work supersedes the spectroscopic study by E.G. Ebbighausen (Astron.
J., 71, 730, 1966) because of both the superior precision of the former's
Reticon results and his success in detecting the secondary spectrum. Tomkin
discusses at some length the relative merits of Ebbighausen's photometric
solution (Astron. J., 71, 642, 1966) and the reanalysis of the same
observations by M. Mezzetti et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 42, 15, 1980).
All have been superseded by a new analysis by G. Hill and E.G. Ebbighausen
(Astron. J., 89, 1256, 1984 -- from which paper the depth of eclipse in V has
been estimated) who find an orbital inclination of 89 deg and a visual
magnitude difference between the components of approximately 2.5m. The
effective temperature they give for the secondary component is that of an early
G-type star. The expected rate of apsidal motion is too slow to be detected
spectroscopically for some time, but Hill and Ebbighausen derive, from eclipse
times, an apsidal period of about 5,500 years -- which is roughly confirmed by
A. Gimenez and T.E. Margrave (Astron. J., 90, 358, 1985). According to E.F.
Guinan and F.P. Maloney (ibid., 90, 1519, 1985) this is in accord with the
theory of general relativity.

The orbital elements derived by R.F. Sanford (Astrophys. J., 53, 218, 1921)
were based on a period of 3.74860d. R.W. Tanner (Publ. David Dunlap Obs., 1,
483, 1949) showed that the observations could be better satisfied by a circular
orbit with a period of 3.23d. New observations by Fisk and Abt have confirmed
the shorter period. The small orbital eccentricity perhaps should be ignored.

There are new observations by H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy (Astrophys. J. Supp., 30,
273, 1976) that lead to rather different elements, especially K1 which they
find to be 34.7 km/s. The system should be further observed to decide between
the two sets. Possible interference by the spectrum of the visual companion is
the cause of the uncertainty. The system is A.D.S. 15281 for which an orbit
with a period of 11y.52 was computed and published by Luyten in the same paper
as that cited in the Catalogue. The element V0, therefore is variable. Lucy &
Sweeney adopt a circular orbit. Recently W.R. Beardsley and M.W. King (Publ.
Astron. Soc. Pacific, 88, 200, 1976) have obtained separate spectra of the two
stars in the visual pair (Delta m=0.3). They identified B as the presently
known spectroscopic binary and found double lines in the spectrum of A. They
believe the period of A to be 4.77d. D.J. Barlow and C.D. Scarfe (Publ. Astron.
Soc. Pacific, 89, 857, 1977) have, however, questioned the claim that the
visual primary is double and it appears likely that the system is only triple.
It is still premature to give spectroscopic elements for the visual pair. There
is also a 10.8m visual companion at 13.8".

Several earlier attempts to obtain orbital elements, based on incorrect values
for the period, are cited in the orbital study by A.P. Cowley, D. Crampton and
J.B. Hutchings (Astrophys. J., 231, 539, 1979). The elements given here confirm
those first derived in that study. The comparatively late optical spectrum
permits rather better radial-velocity measures than are often possible for
X-ray binaries. According to Crampton and Cowley, their results rule out the
degenerate-dwarf model proposed by G. Branduardi et al. (Astrophys. J., 235,
L153, 1980). Another discussion of models for the system will be found in J.
Zio lkowski and B. Paczynski (Acta Astron., 30, 143, 1980). The spectrum varies
and the spectral type given is only approximate.

Earlier investigations were published by C.C. Crump (Astrophys. J., 54, 127,
1921 -- recomputed by Luyten and M. Stewart (J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can., 52, 11,
1958). A few observations were also published by H.A. Abt (Astrophys. J. Supp.,
6, 37, 1961). The elements are well determined, except for some doubt about the
cause of apparent variations in the value of K (Crump found K=65.7 km/s). Abt
gives the spectral type as A6, F2 and F2 IV from the K line, hydrogen lines and
metallic lines, respectively, but not all classifiers now agree that this is an
Am star. Shallow eclipses have been detected, but analysis of the light-curve
presents difficulties because of changes in the light-curve (F.B. Wood and G.
Lampert, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 75, 281, 1963). Star is brightest member
of A.D.S. 15314: B is 15.8m at 69.1", and C is 12.7m at 120". Lucy & Sweeney
adopt a circular orbit.

Taffara regarded these elements as provisional, and expressed some doubt about
the value of the period. Similar elements were obtained from these observations
by A. Krancj and L. Pigoni (Publ. Bologna Univ. Obs., 7, No. 17, 1960).

The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is T0.

Petrie(I) also found Delta m=0.23. He estimated i=17 deg if the components
conform to the mass-luminosity relation.

The elements given in the Catalogue supersede those published by A.P. Cowley
and R. Stencel (Astrophys. J., 184, 687, 1973) based on a somewhat longer value
for the period. Since the Seventh Catalogue appeared, J.D. Fernie has
redetermined the period photometrically, finding 816.5d (Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, 97, 653, 1985). The magnitudes given are estimated graphically from
Fernie's paper and refer to the range at the time of his observations.
Historically, of course, the range has been greater. The emission component of
the spectrum of this symbiotic star is sometimes classified as a WN spectrum,
but the hot star itself does not appear to be a typical Wolf-Rayet star.
Emission lines give values of K2 ranging from 10 km/s to 30 km/s, but they do
not move exactly out of phase with absorption lines in the spectrum of the
M-type giant, and seem to require different periods. Hutchings, Cowley and
Redman give an elliptical solution for the orbital elements as well as the
circular one given in the Catalogue; there are no strong reasons for preferring
one to the other, but the eccentricity may be spurious. The epoch is T0 for the
M-type component. A detailed discussion of the spectrum and a possible model
have been published by C.D. Keyes and M.J. Plavec (I.A.U. Symp. No. 88, p. 535,
1980). See also, C.M. Anderson and J.S. Gallagher (Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 10,
410, 1978). A discussion of evidence for magnetic fields in the system was
published by M.H. Slovak (Astrophys. J., 262, 282, 1982).

McKellar and Patten found that a circular orbit with V0=15.33 km/s and K=30.71
km/s would fit the observations almost as well as the elements given in the
Catalogue. Lucy & Sweeney did adopt a circular orbit. The star is the brighter
component of A.D.S. 15366: B is 9.6m at 11.8" and has a proper motion similar
to that of A.

These elements are derived from observations made by Stickland and Weatherby
and by G.C.L. Aikman (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 14, 379, 1976). The star is
another binary in the mercury-manganese group.

Epoch is primary minimum. Earlier investigations have been published by O.
Struve (Astrophys. J., 102, 74, 1945) and L.T. Slocum (Astrophys. J., 105, 350,
1947). The orbit of the secondary component is very well determined, but the
velocities derived for the primary component do not represent Keplerian motion.
The values of K1 and hence of the masses, are very uncertain. It is difficult
to assign a quality to the orbit because of this difference in the behaviour of
the two components. From their narrow-band photoelectric photometry, Hilton and
McNamara conclude that eclipses are partial, thus invalidating earlier
photometric solutions based on the assumption that eclipses are total. They
estimate Delta m=1.1 and i=90 deg. Another photoelectric light-curve has been
published by A. Fresa (Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 37, 539, 1966) who finds i=87
deg and the fractional luminosity of the primary star is 0.93. B. Cester et al.
(Astron. Astrophys., 62, 291, 1978) re-analyzed Fresa's observations and
confirmed his value for the inclination while finding a fractional luminosity
of 0.83.

The new work by Popper supersedes the earlier orbit by J.A. Pearce (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 6, 74, 1938). Working at higher resolution, Popper has been
able to show that the value derived for the period by Pearce was incorrect, and
that Pearce also overestimated the amplitudes of the velocity variations. The
new results conform much more closely to the mass-luminosity relation than did
the old. An accurate difference of magnitude between the components is
difficult to estimate. The star is the brightest member of A.D.S. 15405: B is
7.3m at 18.3", C is 13.2m at 55.2".

Earlier investigations of this well-known system have been published by W.E.
Harper (J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can., 28, 173, 1934); S. Gaposchkin (Publ. Am.
Astron. Soc., 9, 39, 1937); V. Goedicke (Publ. Michigan Obs., 8, 1, 1939); B.F.
Peery (Astrophys. J., 144, 672, 1966); and K.O. Wright and J.B. Hutchings (Mon.
Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 155, 203, 1971). The elements given in the Catalogue
are a refinement by Wright, who has now followed the system at high dispersion
through a complete cycle, of the elements earlier published by Hutchings and
Wright. The value of K2 is determined from measurements of the H-alpha
emission. Wright has obtained a much lower value than Peery derived from the
H-alpha emission, and therefore obtains more believable masses. The
classification of the `B star' is problematical -- its spectrum could be as
early as O8. An orbital inclination of 77 deg was derived by Hutchings and
Wright from a consideration of observations made near primary eclipse. There is
ample evidence (discussed in detail by Wright) for transfer of mass from the M
supergiant to the hot star, and analysis of the light-curve itself is
difficult. A combined photometric, spectroscopic and astrometric study by L.W.
Frederick (Astron. J., 65, 628, 1960) gave P=20.34y, T=1951.2, omega=302 deg,
e=0.5, a=0.03", and i=90.39 deg. However the spectroscopic and astrometric data
are not entirely accordant. In an earlier paper, Wright (Vistas in Astron., 12,
147, 1970) gives Delta m(vis) approx 3.5. The star is a magnetic variable.
Several photometric studies of the 1976-78 eclipse have been published (L.
Baldinelli et al. Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 52, 275, 1981, M. Saito et al.,
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 32, 163, 1980 and M. Nakagiri and Y. Yamashita, Ann.
Tokyo Obs., 17, 147, 1979). Details of the UV spectrum have been published by
R. Faraggiana (I.A.U. Symp. No. 88, p. 549, 1980) and a brief account by W.
Hagen et al. (Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 10, 620, 1978). Spectroscopic
observations of the eclipse ingress were published by C. Mollenhoff and K.
Schaifers (Astron. Astrophys., 64, 253, 1978). Several papers in Highlights in
Astronomy, 7, 1986 concern systems of this general type; especially relevant to
VV Cep is the paper by E.F. Guinan et al. on p. 211. The companion listed in
I.D.S. is presumably the spectroscopic secondary.

There is evidence of a shell spectrum on some of the spectrograms. Lucy &
Sweeney adopt a circular orbit.

By Petrie's method, Delta m=0.54: from the mass-luminosity relation the orbital
inclination is 41 deg. There is no conclusive evidence for apsidal motion, but
there is some evidence, from earlier Victoria observations, for changes in V0
and K1 and K2. The observations used to determine the elements given in the
Catalogue are modern, high-dispersion observations concentrated in a ten-year

Elements were published for this system by H.A. Abt et al. (Astrophys. J., 161,
477, 1970), but further observations by Rogers showed that the period should be
doubled and the range of variation considerably increased. See also the note
for BD+52 3135. An entry with these coordinates appears in I.D.S. but the
magnitudes given do not tally with that of this system.

The new observations by Hill and Hutchings have shown that this system is not
as easy to interpret as appeared from the earlier work of J.A. Pearce (J. Roy.
Astron. Soc. Can., 29, 411, 1935). Hill and Hutchings assumed a circular orbit,
in accordance with the UBV light-curves of D.S. Hall and R.H. Hardie (Publ.
Astron. Soc. Pacific, 81, 754, 1969), and fixed the epoch T0 in their solution
by reference to the observed time of minimum light. They were unable to detect
the secondary spectrum directly, but they could see its effect on the line
profiles of the hydrogen lines. By analysis of these profiles they derived a
mass-ratio (primary.secondary) of 1.81 (compare Pearce's 1.18), individual
masses of 4.4 MSol and 2.5 MSol, and Delta m(bol)=2.2. The asymmetries in the
line profiles and a conspicuous rotation effect during primary eclipse which
were both noted by Hill and Hutchings, may help to explain the appreciable
eccentricity (0.12) found by Pearce. The scatter of observations about the
velocity curve is fairly large. Several modern analyses have been made of the
photoelectric observations by Hall and Hardie and M.I. Lavrov (Bull. Engelhardt
Obs., No. 38, 1965). The most recent is by A.P. Linnell and J. Kallrath
(Astrophys. J., 316, 754, 1987) who considered several previously published
sets of observations and found an orbital inclination close to 83 deg and a
fractional luminosity of 0.84 (in B and V) for the primary star. They give
computed spectral types of B3 and B7 and find both stars to be close to the
main sequence. B. Cester et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 33, 91, 1978) from a
study of the observations by Hall and Hardie find an inclination of 85 deg and
a fractional luminosity in V of 0.92. S. Soderhjelm (Astron. Astrophys., 66,
161, 1978) finds that there is no unique solution of the light-curve and argues
that the system is semi-detached. From light-curve synthesis, Hill and
Hutchings (Astrophys. Space Sci., 20, 123, 1973) find i=86 deg and that the
ratio of luminosities (at lambda 5500) is 3.6.

Popper assumed a circular orbit and the epoch is the time of primary minimum.
His results agree quite well with those of R.F. Sanford (Astrophys. J., 79, 95,
1934) despite the difficulties that both investigators encountered in measuring
the secondary spectrum. The velocities of the secondary component show
considerable scatter and the spectral type is estimated from the colours. R.C.
Barnes et al. (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 80, 69, 1968) published UBV
observations, and, on the assumption that primary eclipse is a transit, derived
an orbital inclination of 87 deg and a fractional luminosity (in V) for the
primary star of 0.73. A.P. Linnell (Astrophys. Space Sci., 22, 13, 1973)
assumed primary eclipse to be an occultation and derived, from the same
observations, 87 deg and 0.68 respectively. The observations have been analyzed
a third time by B. Cester et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 32, 351, 1978) who
claim to show decisively that the cooler, fainter star is also the smaller and
derive 87 deg and 0.73. Similar figures were obtained by R.A. Botsula (Izv.
Kazan Obs., 47, 19, 1981).

The orbit was assumed circular, and the epoch is the time of primary minimum as
redetermined by Paffhausen and Seggewiss. The velocities show a pronounced
rotation effect during primary eclipse. No light-curve has yet been published.
The star is the brighter component of A.D.S. 15562: B at 3.7" is nearly as
bright and is estimated to be of spectral type G2 V. There is also an 11.7m
component at 43".

The present observations do not cover the velocity-curve as well as the older
observations by A.H. Joy (Astrophys. J., 74, 101, 1931), being concentrated in
one half. The uncertainties ascribed to K1 and K2 are comparable in the two
solutions, but we suspect that the slightly lower values found for these two
elements by Huenemoerder and Barden are the more nearly correct. The orbit is
assumed circular and the epoch is the time of primary minimum. Huenemoerder and
Barden also discuss the UV spectrum of this RS CVn system. Modern photometry
(E.F. Milone, Astron. J., 73, 708, 1968, D.S. Hall, Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No.
259, 1968) has shown the light-curve to be complex and variable. Milone has
published a preliminary solution of the V light-curve (Astron. J., 82, 998,
1977), finding an inclination of 89 deg and a fractional luminosity of 0.59 for
the larger component. He has also published the results of infrared photometry
(E.F. Milone, Astrophys. J. Supp., 31, 93, 1976). Variations in the H and K
emission have been noted by J.C. Droppo and E.F. Milone (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars,
No. 1130, 1976), while D.P. Huenemoerder has studied the H-alpha profile and
concluded that it provides evidence for the presence of intermittent gas
streams in the system. J.A. Eaton and D.S. Hall (Astrophys. J., 227, 907, 1979)
have applied the starspot model to this system. D.M. Gibson (Bull. Am. Astron.
Soc., 11, 651, 1979) has observed soft X-ray flares.

Hilditch's observations complement and confirm those of R.M. Petrie (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 12, 111, 1962). The new orbital elements do not differ
significantly from those obtained by Petrie. The secondary spectrum is similar
to the primary, but the appearance of lambda 4686 He II in the two spectra
leads Hilditch to conclude that the secondary star is of a different luminosity
class from the primary. Petrie had found Delta m=0.48 and that the two stars
apparently did not obey the mass-luminosity relation. Hilditch confirms this
result in that he finds the secondary star to be overluminous for its mass. He
deduces that mass has been transferred between the components. The star's light
has long been suspected of variability and recent observations (N.K. Rao, Publ.
Astron. Soc. Pacific, 84, 563, 1972; G. Hill et al., Publ. Dom. Astrophys.
Obs., 15, 1, 1976) show that it is an ellipsoidal variable.

These elements are similar to those derived by R.B. Jones and A.H. Farnsworth
(Lick Obs. Bull., 16, 46, 1932) but are preferred because they have a longer
time base and have been computed without the need to fix T or omega. The epoch
is T0, and the eccentricity should probably be assumed to be zero. Abt and Levy
give spectral types of A3, A8 and A4 from the K line, hydrogen lines and
metallic lines, respectively.

The binary nature of this star was suspected by H.A. Abt (Astrophys. J. Supp.,
6, 37, 1961) who classified the primary spectrum as A2, F0, F5 IV from the K
line, the hydrogen lines, and the metallic lines respectively. Vickers and
Scarfe were unable to classify the secondary spectrum precisely, but deduce
that it lies within the range F2 III-IV to F5 III-IV. They estimate Delta
m(photographic) to be 0.55. An unpublished measurement by speckle
interferometry reported by H.A. McAlister had enabled Vickers and Scarfe to
derive i=47 deg and hence individual masses of 2.2 MSol and 0.8 MSol for the
spectroscopic pair. The secondary is thus undermassive for its luminosity and
this presents an evolutionary problem that is discussed by Vickers and Scarfe.
For more up-to-date results of speckle interferometry see H.A. McAlister et al.
(Astrophys. J. Supp., 54, 251, 1984). The spectroscopic pair is the brightest
member of A.D.S. 15600: B is 6.5m at 7.5" and has a common proper motion with
A. The 12.7m companion at 97" is probably optical.

The new observations complement and confirm earlier ones by R.J. Northcott
(Publ. David Dunlap Obs., 1, 369, 1947). The spectrum of the star shows very
strong H and K emission. The velocities derived from the emission lines agree
closely with those from the absorption lines. The width of the emission lines
leads to an estimate MV=+0.8. The very small eccentricity probably should be
ignored. (Lucy & Sweeney derived a circular orbit from Northcott's
observations). The system shows light variations in a period of 25.3d --
slightly different from the orbital period (C. Blanco and S. Catalano, Astron.
Astrophys., 4, 482, 1970). The shape of the light-curve is variable.

Epoch is T0 for the primary component: circular orbit assumed. Star is
component B of A.D.S. 15571: A is 7.1m at 13.7" and has the same proper motion
as and similar velocity to B. There is also C at 145" from A. No information is
given about the relative intensities of the component spectra.

An earlier study of this system was published by R.K. Young (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 1, 193, 1920) who assumed a circular orbit. Van Albada and
Klomp discuss new observations from McDonald Observatory and the Hale
Observatories. They also recompute the Victoria orbit with their revised value
of the period. There are differences between the three sets of elements some of
which appear to be significant, and which may, as van Albada and Klomp suggest,
be the result of an unresolved secondary spectrum.

The new elements are preferred to all earlier investigations because Fekel and
Tomkin succeeded in measuring the lines of the secondary spectrum, first
detected by G.H. Herbig (Astrophys. J., 141, 595, 1965). Most investigations of
the orbit of the primary (H.A. Abt and S.G. Levy, Astrophys. J. Supp., 30, 273,
1976, R.M. Petrie and E. Phibbs, Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 8, 225, 1949, H.D.
Curtis, Lick Obs. Bull., 2, 169, 1904 -- recomputed by Luyten, and W.
Zurhellen, Astron. Nachr., 177, 321, 1908) agree with each other and with the
new results. The exception is the work of G.R. Miczaika (Z. Astrophys., 29,
108, 1951). The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is T0 for the primary
component. Fekel and Tomkin estimate Delta m(in the red region) to be 1.60m and
suggest a spectral type of G5 V or later. An 11.4m companion at 104", listed in
I.D.S., is probably optical.

The epoch is T0 for the primary component and the orbit is assumed circular.
The elements are similar to those found earlier by W.E. Harper (J. Roy. Astron.
Soc. Can., 27, 146, 1933). Sanford found that the relative intensities of the
two spectra varied throughout the cycle. He also noted the emission at the H
and K lines. As one of the brighter members of the RS CVn class, the system has
naturally attracted much attention: it was the first star, in modern times, for
which spots were proposed to explain variations and distortions in the
light-curve (G.E. Kron, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 59, 261, 1947). It is known
as a radio source (D.M. Gibson and R.M. Hjellming, ibid., 86, 652, 1974).
Spectral variations at H and K and at H-alpha have been studied by S.A.
Naftilan and G.C.L. Aikman (Astron. J., 86, 766, 1981) and H.L. Nations and
L.W. Ramsey (ibid., 85, 1086, 1980) respectively, as well as by M.B. Babayev
(Peremm. Zvezdy, 19, 377, 1974 and 20, 207, 1975), D.P. Huenemoerder and L.W.
Ramsey (Astron. J., 89, 549, 1984) and P.S. Goraya and S.K. Srivastava (Inf.
Bull. Var. Stars, No. 2579, 1984). The results of IUE observations of the
spectrum are published by M. Rodono et al. (Astron. Astrophys., 176, 267,
1987). Several light-curves and photometric analyses have been published (R.K.
Srivastava, Astrophys. Space Sci., 78, 123, 1981, Acta Astron., 34, 291, 1984;
A.C. Theokas, Astrophys. Space Sci., 52, 213, 1977, E.-H. Lee, K.-Y. Chen and
I.-S. Nha Astron. J., 91, 1438, 1986). The best is still probably that by C.R.
Chambliss (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 88, 762, 1986) who found an orbital
inclination of 86 deg and a fractional luminosity (in yellow light), for the
brighter, star of 0.59. He also proposed spectral types of G2 IV and K0 IV for
the two stars.

The star is considered by Griffin probably to be a dwarf.

These orbital elements are based on few observations and are described as
`preliminary' by Andersen and Nordstrom themselves. The spectral type is from
the H.D. Catalogue. The small eccentricity is believed to be real, but the
epoch is the time at which an eclipse of one of the two nearly equal components
would be expected if the orbital inclination were high enough. Eclipses are
unlikely and E.H. Olsen (Astrophys. J. Supp., 54, 55, 1983) found no evidence
for variable light.

There is some uncertainty about the spectral type and luminosity class. Those
given in the Catalogue are from the paper by Nadal et al.

The elements of the Wolf-Rayet star (upper line) are based on measures of the N
IV lambda 4058 line and are subject to revision when it becomes possible to
measure He II lambda 4686. The coverage of the velocity-curve is not good. The
orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is the time of inferior conjunction of
the W-R star. (The times found from the two components are slightly but
probably not significantly different -- 0.03d). Massey and Conti estimate that
the orbital inclination is not much greater than 50 deg. N.A. Lipunova and A.M.
Cherepashchuk (Astron. Zh., 59, 73, 1982) have published BV R light-curves and
also estimate an inclination of about 53 deg.

This is one of a group of binaries in the Perseus arm investigated by Abt et
al. To allow for possible distortion of the spectrum, radial-velocity
measurements were made with an oscilloscope device by setting on the mid-points
of the line wings, rather than on the cores. In the only case in which an
independent investigation has been made (H.D. 235679) very different orbital
elements were derived by the other investigator. That system, however, was a
low-amplitude one with the longest period in the group. See also notes for HD
235679, BD+54 2726, BD+43 2837, HD 235807, HD 212827, BD+53 2885, HD 239967,
BD+54 2790, BD+55 2770 and HD 240068.

The period was found from a discussion of times of minimum light and differs
slightly from earlier published values. A photoelectric light-curve by S.
Cristaldi and K. Walter (Astron. Nachr., 287, 103, 1963) gives i=76.7deg and a
fractional luminosity of the primary star (at lambda 4500) of 0.93.

Epoch is T0 for the late-type component and the orbit was assumed circular. The
upper line in the Catalogue refers to the early-type component. Kraft states
that the luminosity class of the G-star changes during the cycle.

Only two cycles of orbital motion are covered by the period. An astrometric
orbit has been derived by H.L. Alden (Astron. J., 47, 185, 1939). He assumed
Jones' spectroscopic elements and found a=0.049", i=113 deg, and omega=76 deg.

Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit. The star is not listed by Curchod and

The spectrum of the optical counterpart of this X-ray source is typical of a
cataclysmic binary. The magnitude is given only approximately and is subject to
variations in a period of about 21 m as well as in the orbital period of
between four and five hours. The first estimate of the orbital period was just
over four hours (J. Patterson and J.E. Steiner, Astrophys. J., 264, L61, 1983).
Shafter and Targon still have insufficient observations to choose between this
and the longer value given in the Catalogue, but seem to favour the latter. The
orbit is assumed circular; no epoch is given. Patterson and Steiner give an
orbital `minimum' of J.D. 2,444,782.879 but do not make clear what phase this
is. Shafter and Targon regard the time of inferior conjunction of the
emission-line source as zero phase, but give no date for it.

See note for BD+52 3135.

See note for BD+52 3135.

Preliminary orbital elements were derived from heterogeneous observations. The
orbit is assumed circular and the epoch appears to be the time of minimum
radial velocity. The spectrum is that of a mercury-manganese star.

Massey's observations and results supersede earlier work by W.A. Hiltner
(Astrophys. J., 101, 356, 1945), K. Bracher (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 80,
165, 1968) and K.S. Ganesh and M.K.V. Bappu (Kodaikanal Bull., Series. A, No.
185, 1968). The orbital elements for the Wolf-Rayet component (upper line) are
derived from the N IV emission line lambda 4058. The orbit is assumed circular
and the epoch is the time of primary minimum (the first evidence for eclipses
was found by R.M. Hjellming and W.A. Hiltner (Astrophys. J., 137, 1080, 1963).
It is not yet possible to derive an orbital inclination. Massey finds evidence
for a second periodicity in the absorption lines of the O-type spectrum and
proposes that the entire system is multiple, a second binary in the system
having at least one O-type component. He suggests as orbital elements for this
pair: P=3.4698d, T (inferior conj.)=J.D. 2,443,689.59, e=0, K1=66 km/s and
V0=55 km/s. The mean error of a single observation is 58 km/s. It seems
premature to include these elements in the Catalogue. J.B. Hutchings and P.
Massey (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 95, 151, 1983) have published observations
and radial-velocity measurements of the ultraviolet spectrum. Spectroscopic and
photometric observations have also been published by K. Annuk and T. Nugis
(Publ. Tartu Astrophys. Obs., 49, 84, 1982)).

Hilditch's values of the orbital elements are based on new observations
combined with old ones by R.H. Baker (Publ. Allegheny Obs., 1, 93, 1909) and by
W.J. Luyten et al. (Publ. Yerkes Obs., 7, pt. IV, 251, 1939). Luyten also
recomputed the elements from Baker's observations. Petrie(I) found Delta
m=1.03. According to Hilditch at least one of the components is probably
somewhat evolved from the zero-age main sequence. Both components obey the
mass-luminosity relation, however, and there is no evidence of any variation in
the light of the system. The system is the brighter component of A.D.S. 15862:
B is 10.9m at 48.2".

See note for BD+52 3135. Abt et al. use the designation BD+54 2745
interchangeably with the H.D.E. number given in the Catalogue.

The spectral types appear to be derived from photometry (Kh. F. Khaliullin and
V.S. Kozureva, Astrophys. Space Sci., 120, 9, 1986). The magnitudes given are
also taken from that work. The star of later spectral type is the brighter and
the more massive, according to Imbert. Analysis of the photoelectric
light-curve gives an orbital inclination of 88.7 deg and a visual magnitude
difference, between the components, of 0.23m.

See note for BD+52 3135. This low-amplitude binary should be checked.

See note for BD+52 3135.

See note for BD+52 3135. The scatter of observations is an appreciable fraction
of the amplitude.

It is difficult to assess these elements, since the numerical values of the
observations are not given. The star does exhibit a composite spectrum. The
spectral types given are Hendry's own, except that she indicates the A8
classification is uncertain. The Bright Star Catalogue gives M0 II + B8 V. The
period proposed is 41.95y.

Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit. A 9.7m companion at 63.9" is listed in

The orbital elements, described by Beardsley as preliminary, are derived from
annual mean velocities obtained at several different observatories.

Griffin deduces the luminosity class from the small proper motion.

See note for BD+52 3135.

Epoch is T0 : circular orbit assumed. No analysis of the light-curve appears to
have been made. A close, faint companion is mentioned in the Finding List, but
is not listed in I.D.S.

There are now three sets of observations of this system. The other two are by
W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 203, 1933) and V.A. Albitzky
(Pulkovo Obs. Circ., No. 8, 1934). In addition, Luyten recomputed elements from
the results of both these investigations and Lucy & Sweeney have computed a
circular orbit for the system. Although Bolton and Geffken retain a small
eccentricity, the epoch given is T0. The values given for K1 by Harper and by
Bolton and Geffken differed by nearly 6 km/s. The new value agrees very closely
with Albitzky's. The reason for Harper's lower value is unclear. Despite the
very small eccentricity, there is some evidence for apsidal motion in a period
of 260y. Values of omega are bound to be poorly determined, however, and values
at only two epochs are insufficient to enable a conclusion to be drawn.

The results obtained by Popper certainly supersede those of J. Sahade and C.U.
Cesco (Astrophys. J., 102, 128, 1945), which included appreciably smaller
velocity amplitudes. The new values of K1 and K2, however, are well determined.
The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is the time of primary minimum. The
spectral classifications are taken from Sahade and Cesco, and that for the
secondary depends partly on photometric evidence. Popper gives a mean spectral
type of A3, a visual magnitude difference of 0.19 and log T eff of 3.948 and
3.911. Photometric observations have been published by E.G. Ebbighausen, G.
Penegor and P. Straton (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 87, 795, 1975) and C.D.
Kandpal and J.B. Srivastava (Bull. Astron. Inst. Csl, 21, 345, 1970). The
former were re-analyzed by Popper who, in addition to the results already
quoted, found an orbital inclination close to 85 deg, and by B. Cester et al.
(Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 32, 351, 1978), who found similar results. The
system has also been discussed by M. Kitamura and Y. Nakamura (Ann. Tokyo Obs.,
21, 229, 1986).

Glazunova gives orbital elements derived from measures of lines of hydrogen,
helium and `light elements'. In the Catalogue we have given the last-named. The
epoch appears to be a time of minimum.  L.V. Glazunova and V.G. Karetnikov
(Astron. Zh., 62, 938, 1985) have published another study of this star, based
on the same material, and give spectral types of B1.5 II-III and B1.1 III-V.
The light-curve suggests that the spectroscopic eccentricity is spurious and
this is in accord with the evidence for gas- streaming found by Glazunova and
Karetnikov. V. Harvig (Publ. Tartu Astrophys. Obs., 48, 177, 1981) published
two-colour photoelectric observations of this system which were re-analyzed by
G. Giuricin, F. Mardirossian and M. Mezzetti (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 211,
39, 1984). They found it difficult to obtain photometric elements and concluded
that the less luminous star is the more massive. They drew attention to some
discordance in the literature about the luminosity class of the primary
component and assigned an effective temperature corresponding to a middle or
late B-type to the secondary. They derive an orbital inclination of 90 deg and
a fractional luminosity (in V) for the primary component of 0.85.

See note for BD+52 3135. This is the preceding star of a pair.

The spectroscopic observations are few in number and concentrated at the two
nodes. The orbit is assumed circular, in accordance with the light-curve. The
epoch is the time of primary minimum. Photometric measurements are published in
the same paper and the spectral types appear to be at least partly based on
them. The orbital inclination is found to be close to 86 deg and the visual
magnitude difference between the components is about 1.5m.

The original determination of orbital elements was by S.N. Hill (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 3, 358, 1926) who found P=10.9114d. The period was revised by
van Albada and Klomp in the light of two new series of observations from the
McDonald Observatory and one from Mount Wilson. They also computed the new
elements which are given here. Somewhat different elements are obtained from
the newer observations, and those from the Victoria spectrograms are preferred
because those spectrograms are the only ones on which the secondary spectrum
can be resolved. The velocity-curves derived from the other observations show
asymmetries that can be ascribed to an unresolved secondary spectrum. Hill gave
K2=129.4 km/s, and van Albada and Klomp derived m2/m1=0.69 (implying a similar
value). In view of the determination by Petrie(II) Delta m=2.74, however, the
value of K2 is probably only approximately known.

Several studies of this system have been published since the Seventh Catalogue
and that by Stickland et al. seems to us the most thorough, both
spectroscopically and photometrically. Also important are the work of K.-C.
Leung, A.F.J. Moffat and W. Seggewiss (Astrophys. J., 265, 961, 1983) and B.S.
Shylaja (J. Astrophys. Astron., 7, 171, 1986); while more restricted studies
have been published by V.S. Niemela (I.A.U. Symp. No. 88, p. 177, 1980) and T.
Kartasheva and L.I. Shnezhko (Bulletin Abastumani Obs., No. 58, 25, 1985). D.B.
McLaughlin (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 53, 328, 1941) saw absorption features
in the spectrum that he ascribed to an early-type companion. In the first
orbital study published, W.A. Hiltner (Astrophys. J., 99, 273, 1944) was unable
to confirm the existence of these features -- in agreement with the new
findings of Stickland et al. Leung et al. did see violet-displaced absorption
features, but found them to vary in phase with the emission lines, thus ruling
out the possibility of their origin in the secondary star. Although the orbital
elements found by both Stickland et al. and Leung et al. appear to be fairly
well-determined, agreement between them is only rough. There are the usual (for
a W-R star) line-to-line differences; the elements given here are derived from
measures of the N IV emission line at lambda 4058. Leung et al. give K1=310
km/s and V0=60 km/s +/-5 km/s for the same line. The differences, though larger
than one would like, are not significant -- a somewhat discouraging reflection
on the status of our knowledge of these systems. The orbit is assumed circular
and the epoch is the time of primary minimum. Although Stickland et al. have
obtained multicolour photoelectric measurements, variations and distortions in
the light-curve indicate that it is premature to attempt a detailed photometric
analysis. An infrared excess in the light of the system has been detected by
J.A. Hackwell et al. (Astrophys. J., 192, 383, 1974). The system probably
belongs to the Cep OB1 association.

The epoch is T0 for the primary component. Spectral type is approximate. From
mass-luminosity relation, Delta m=0.69. No measures have been made, but
appearance of spectra suggests a smaller Delta m. Herbig and Moorhead searched
for eclipses, but no eclipse as deep as 0.02m was found.  System is brighter
member of a visual binary. The companion 11.44m at 23.5" is considered by
Herbig and Moorhead to be physically connected with the spectroscopic pair.

This is A.D.S. 16138 with a known orbit of period 30 y (D.L. Harris III,
Astron. J., 52, 151, 1947) and periastron at 1979.8. The elements given for the
long-period orbit are derived from this visual orbit except, of course, for V0,
K1 and K2, which still depend on rather few spectroscopic observations. The two
visual components are nearly equal, but component B is a spectroscopic binary
and Duquennoy estimates, from two marginal detections of its secondary, that
the spectral types are as given in the Catalogue. The inclination of the
long-period orbit is about 85 deg. The less massive component of the visual
pair is found to be the brighter, and even the short-period pair should be
resolvable by speckle interferometry. The value of V0 for the short-period pair
is, of course, variable.

This is A.D.S. 16138 with a known orbit of period 30 y (D.L. Harris III,
Astron. J., 52, 151, 1947) and periastron at 1979.8. The elements given for the
long-period orbit are derived from this visual orbit except, of course, for V0,
K1 and K2, which still depend on rather few spectroscopic observations. The two
visual components are nearly equal, but component B is a spectroscopic binary
and Duquennoy estimates, from two marginal detections of its secondary, that
the spectral types are as given in the Catalogue. The inclination of the
long-period orbit is about 85 deg. The less massive component of the visual
pair is found to be the brighter, and even the short-period pair should be
resolvable by speckle interferometry. The value of V0 for the short-period pair
is, of course, variable.

The new observations are in substantial agreement with older ones analyzed by
A. McKellar (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 369, 1937). There is little to
choose between the two sets of elements. The values of e and omega differ
somewhat, but e is so small that this is probably not significant. Indeed, Lucy
& Sweeney adopt a circular orbit. The star is the brighter member of A.D.S.
16143: B is 10.8m at 15.5".

The observations by Bond et al. supersede those obtained by R.F. Sanford
(Astrophys. J., 74, 209, 1931), which were more affected by blending of the
spectral lines of the two components. Of the two sets of orbital elements given
by Bond et al., we have adopted that based entirely on Lick Observatory
spectrograms. The two components have nearly equal spectra and masses. Bond et
al. recommend a search for eclipses.

The spectra of the two components are of equal intensity in the combined light
of the system. Imbert therefore deduced that the period is double that derived
by S. Gaposchkin (Ann. Harv. Coll. Obs., 113, No. 2, 1953) from a photographic
light-curve. From the depths of the two equal eclipses (as given by Gaposchkin
for the `primary' minimum), Imbert estimates i=86.2 deg.

This is a visual binary (A.D.S. 16173) whose components are not resolved on the
slit-head (a=0.3"). The spectral types given are estimated from the observed
combined colours, the probable magnitude difference and the parallax and are
not direct M-K classifications. The period and time of periastron passage were
determined by P. Baize (J. Observateurs, 40, 17, 1957), from the visual
observations, to be 20.93y and 1983.86 respectively. Since the spectroscopic
observations suggest that the periastron passage occurred about 0.3y early,
either or both of these figures should be modified. The elements omega and e
are also taken from Baize's visual orbit and may be only preliminary. The value
given for K1 is in fact a value of K1+K2 and this should be remembered in
interpreting the mass-function. The mass-ratio is estimated to be 0.8. The
value of V0 is only a rough estimate from measures of the combined spectrum at
phases when its components are unresolved. Visual estimates of the difference
in the magnitudes of the two components range widely about a mean of roughly
0.5m. Spectrophotometry suggests that the difference may be closer to 1.0m. The
stars definitely lie above the main-sequence. There is also an 11.6m companion
at 70", which seems likely to be optical.

The spectral type is that given by H.L. Johnson and W.W. Morgan, as quoted by
P. van de Kamp and J.E. Damkoehler (Astron. J., 62, 393, 1957) who have derived
a photocentric orbit. The Bright Star Catalogue gives the spectral type as G2
II-III + F0 V. Van de Kamp and Damkoehler find a=0.022" and i=82 deg. The
system is the brightest component of A.D.S. 16211: four other components are
listed in I.D.S. The light of the star has been suspected of variability.

The secondary spectrum is seen at primary minimum. The elements are approximate
and V0 may be affected by guiding errors. A V light-curve was published by C.D.
Kandpal and J.B. Srivastava (Bull. Astron. Inst. Csl, 18, 265, 1967) who found
an orbital inclination of 88.5 deg and a fractional luminosity of 0.93 for the
primary component. Koch et al. pointed out that this implied unusual properties
for a secondary component of the observed spectral type. A new analysis of the
light-curve by B. Cester et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 33, 91, 1978) yields
similar results to the original one. The star is the brightest member of A.D.S.
16252: companions are 10.2m at 3.5" and 10.3m at 20.6".

The epoch is the time of primary minimum. A circular orbit was assumed although
the light-curve indicates e=0.039 and apsidal motion in a period of 42.3y is
well established (I. Semeniuk, Acta Astron., 17, 223, 1967). The orbital
elements are derived from measures of metallic lines, including the K line,
since the hydrogen lines of the two component spectra are strongly blended with
each other. Even so, some large residuals remain. Semeniuk (loc. cit.) analyzed
her two-colour photoelectric observations, which were also discussed by M.
Mezzetti et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 42, 15, 1980). The light-curve was
further studied by R.A. Botsula (Izv. Engelhardt Obs. Kazan, 47, 19, 1981) and
M. Kitamura and Y. Nakamura (Ann. Tokyo Obs., 21, 229, 1986). The most recent
discussion, however, is of new UBV observations by R.E. Wilson and E.J.
Woodward (Astrophys. Space Sci., 89, 5, 1983). Their results for the orbital
inclination (85 deg) and fractional luminosity in V of the primary (0.53) are
similar to Semeniuk's, but they draw attention to distortions and possible
variations in the light-curve.

Pearce estimated i=62 deg from the mass-luminosity relation and predicted that
the system would show eclipses. G. Hill et al. (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 15,
1, 1976) found some light variation, and their conclusion that the star is an
ellipsoidal variable has been confirmed by more complete observations by H.C.
Lines et al. (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 2932, 1986). They also find that the
eccentricity is close to zero (<=0.05), in contrast with the spectroscopic
result. A new orbital study is desirable. A brief account of a polarimetric,
photometric and spectrophotometric study of the system has been published by
M.F. Corcoran (Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 19, 714, 1987). Spectrograms obtained
with IUE show evidence of mass-loss from the system. Petrie(II) found Delta
m=0.28. The star is a member of N.G.C. 7380.

See note for BD+52 3135. The scatter of observations about the velocity-curve
is large. This is the last binary of the group in the Perseus arm investigated
by Abt et al..

Although the new discussion by Bell, Hilditch and Adamson certainly supersedes
the older one by J.A. Pearce (J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can., 29, 413, 1935), the
observations are few and their scatter still fairly large. The orbit is assumed
circular, in accordance with the light-curve, and the epoch is the time of
primary minimum. The value of K2 is uncertain: that given excludes one poor
observation whose inclusion would lead to K2=291 km/s. Discordant spectral
classifications have been made and types of O8 + O9 are possible and, in some
respects, lead to a more consistent picture of the system. Stromgren
photometry by Bell, Hilditch and Adamson also supersedes the previous best
available work by C.M. Huffer and O.J. Eggen (Astrophys. J., 106, 313, 1947).
The orbital inclination is close to 69 deg and the visual magnitudes of the two
components differ by about 0.3m.

The epoch is T0 and a circular orbit was assumed. Lucy & Sweeney also adopted a
circular orbit. Harper adopted an arbitrary T, a quarter of a period before T0.
A misprint in his original value was corrected in a later paper (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 6, 251, 1935) in which he also revised P to 24.649d.

The epoch appears to be the time of superior conjunction of the primary star.
The spectrum of the primary shows mercury and manganese lines, that of the
secondary shows mercury lines. Except for the period, the elements of the orbit
of the secondary star were derived independently of those of the primary. The
small disagreements in e, omega, and V0 are not significant.

This star belongs to the Sr-Cr family of Ap stars. Detailed analysis of its
spectrum has been published by S.J. Adelman (Astrophys. J., 183, 95, 1973,
Astrophys. J. Supp., 26, 1, 1973). Floquet discusses the 17.22d variation in
terms of the oblique-rotator model. The orbital elements are only approximate
and depend only on measures of the K line. It is not quite clear what is taken
as the epoch, but it appears to be related to the rotational period rather than
the orbital.

The spectral types are those assigned by A.B. Wyse and quoted by Struve: modern
sources suggest a somewhat later type (G5 to G8). The epoch is T0 and the orbit
is assumed circular. An error for the values given for the minimum masses was
corrected by Struve in a later paper (Astrophys. J., 116, 81, 1952). He also
reported changes in the relative intensities of the two components during the
orbital period. Like those of many W UMa systems, the light-curve is variable,
and rather differing solutions have been published. A useful summary discussion
was presented by B.B. Bookmyer (Astron. J., 70, 415, 1965). Several new studies
have been published, many based on new observations: P.G. Niarchos (Astrophys.
Space Sci., 58, 301, 1978 and Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 67, 365, 1987), K.-C.
Leung, D.-S. Zhai and R-X Zhang (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 96, 634, 1984), L.
Binnendijk (ibid., 646, 1984), and J.A. Eaton (Acta Astron., 36, 79, 1986).
Most investigators find an orbital inclination close to 80 deg and nearly equal
luminosities for the two components in V, but a range of values has been
published, especially for the relative luminosity. The IUE spectrum has been
studied by S.M. Rucinski et al. (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 208, 309, 1984)
but no modern spectroscopic orbit is available: one is much needed. The system
is an X-ray source (R.G. Cruddace and A.K. Dupree, Astrophys. J., 277, 263,

Abt and Levy give the spectral type as A2, A8, F2 from the K line, hydrogen
lines and metallic lines respectively. The maximum of the velocity-curve is not
covered by the observations and therefore the elements are uncertain. The star
is the brightest member of A.D.S. 16345. The companion B (7.8, F6 V) revolves
in an orbit about the primary with a period of 104.5y and a major semi-axis of
0.65". The companion C (10.7m at 28.0") is optical, according to Abt and Levy.

This is the first of a group of systems in the association Cep OB 3 studied by
Garmany. The elements of this system are only approximate. The observations
show a fairly large scatter about the velocity-curve.

This is a binary system containing a degenerate star and exhibiting slow X-ray
pulsations. The epoch is T0 and the orbit is assumed circular. The elements
given are derived from measures of the emission peaks of He II -- which give
the most self-consistent results. The scatter of observations is very large,

Fitch's observations supersede the earlier work of O. Struve and N.T.
Brobrovnikoff (Astrophys. J., 62, 139, 1925) and O. Struve et al. (Astrophys.
J., 116, 81, 1952). The results of these investigations are in substantial
agreement and it now seems well established that this beta CMa variable
(primary pulsation period 0.17d) is also a spectroscopic binary. The star is
now known to be an eclipsing variable (depth of eclipse about 0.04m). M.
Jerzykiewicz (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1552, 1979) estimates an orbital
inclination near 84 deg and a mass-ratio not much over 0.1 The star is also the
brighter component of A.D.S. 16381: B is 11.5m at 55.9".

This is another of the binaries in Cep OB 3 (see note for HD 216711). Only the
period is really known. Some plates show two spectra and the approximate value
of K is derived from the isolated measures of the secondary spectrum. On most
plates both spectra are blended. No value was given for the epoch.

The secondary spectrum is described as `considerably weaker than the primary'.
The light-curve suggests that the orbit is circular. Eclipses were discovered
and the period determined by W. Strohmeier, R. Knigge and H. Ott (Veroff.
Remeis-Sternw. Bamberg, 5, No. 13, 1962). Photographic light-curves in two
colours were obtained by I.I. Bondarenko and J.I. Tokareva (Peremm. Zvezd.
Pril., 2, 171, 1975) and analyzed both by them and by G. Giuricin, F.
Mardirossian and M. Mezzetti (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 49, 89, 1982).
Photoelectric UBV light-curves have been published and analyzed by C.
Bartolini, A. Bonifazi and L. Milano (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 55, 403, 1984).
They find an orbital inclination close to 77 deg and a fractional luminosity
(in V) for the brighter component of 0.75.

The discussion by Heard and Fernie is more detailed than the original one by
Heard alone (in I.A.U. Symp. No. 30, p. 219, 1967) although the elements
derived are the same. The only worrying feature is the large unexplained
difference found for the two values of V0. Heard and Fernie found Delta m
appox 1.0 at lambda 4500 by Petrie's method. Although they looked for eclipses,
they were unable to detect them. Several independent investigators were
successful somewhat later, however (N.K. Rao, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 84,
563, 1972; K. Madore and J.R. Percy, ibid., 85, 319, 1973; C.D. Scarfe and D.J.
Barlow J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can., 68, 96, 1974). J.D. Fernie (Astrophys. J.,
183, 583, 1973) estimates a minimum value of i=77 deg, and a probable value of
about 85 deg. Further photometric information has been published by C.D. Scarfe
(J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can., 73, 258, 1979).

This is another binary member of the association Cep OB 3 (see note for HD
216711). The eccentricity is described by Garmany as probably spurious, an
effect of gas streams within the system. This would be consistent with the
large scatter of observations, although the value of omega is not in the
quadrant usually associated with that kind of distortion of the velocity-curve.

This is another binary in the Cep OB 3 association (see note for HD 216711).
Garmany believes the orbital eccentricity derived for this system to be
spurious also. The scatter of the observations about the velocity-curve is
relatively small, however.

Although the secondary spectrum may arise from a shell, the binary nature of
this star is attested by speckle interferometry (H.A. McAlister and F.C. Fekel,
Astrophys. J. Supp., 43, 327, 1980 and other references given by Pastori et
al.). Two completely different sets of orbital elements have been published.
Neither is completely convincing, but the short period combined with a high
eccentricity (and the giant classification for the primary) required by M.
Singh (Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 2284, 1983, Astrophys. Space Sci., 100, 13,
1984) seems to us implausible, while the 23.5y period proposed by Pastori et
al. fits what we know about the system (see also J. Horn et al. I.A.U. Symp.
No. 98, p. 315, 1982).

An earlier investigation was published by W. Buscombe and P.M. Morris (Mon.
Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 123, 183, 1961) who noted that early Cape observations
deviated from their velocity-curve. Bopp et al. have shown that the period is
only half that found by Buscombe and Morris, and have thus improved the orbital
elements. There is still evidence of systematic difference between velocities
obtained at different observatories, however.

This is another of the binaries in the Cep OB 3 association investigated by
Garmany who points out that the secondary spectrum is seen on some spectrograms
and that therefore measures on others may be affected by blending. See also
note for HD 216711.

This is another binary in the Cep OB 3 association (see note for HD 216711).
Although the observations define the velocity-curve fairly well, they show
appreciable scatter at some phases.

Elements for this system were first derived by R.M. Petrie (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 7, 305, 1947) who also derived Delta m=0.3. Popper's
observations lead to somewhat higher values of K1 and K2 than Petrie found. The
epoch is the time of primary minimum. Popper adopted the small eccentricity
found photometrically (I.-S. Nha, Astron. J., 80, 232, 1975) and the apsidal
period of about 39 y that Nha also determined -- omega=9.39deg(t-1949.5). Two
recent discussions of the light-curve were published by S. Soderhjelm (Astron.
Astrophys. Supp., 25, 151, 1976) and B. Cester et al. (ibid., 33, 91, 1978).
Soderhjelm found an orbital inclination close to 82 deg and a visual magnitude
difference between the components of 0.23m -- figures confirmed by Cester et
al. Nha mentions a companion, about 5m fainter than the eclipsing pair, and
separated by 20". It is not listed in I.D.S. The system is a member of Cep OB

Orbital elements were first published by V.A. Albitzky (Izv. Krym. Astrofiz.
Obs., 4, 78, 1949). R. Bouigue and J.-L. Chapuis (Ann. Obs. Toulouse, 23, 37,
1955) improved his elements, but pointed out that the observations could be
satisfied nearly as well by a period of 1.83748d. The new observations by
Thomson and Bolton remove this possibility, lead to a slight revision of
Albitzky's value for the period, confirm his value of K1, and indicate that the
orbit is more nearly circular. The epoch is T0.

This is the fifth radio pulsar known to be in a binary system. Neither
magnitude nor spectral type are available. The quantity K1 is inferred from the
measured a sin i of 32.6905 light-seconds (approx. 9.8E6 km). The value of V0,
of course, cannot be determined. Both components are believed to be collapsed
objects. The high eccentricity should enable apsidal motion to be readily
detected and the total mass of the system to be determined.

This is the last binary in the Cep OB 3 association studied by Garmany (See
note for HD 216711). The observations show an appreciable scatter about the

The first determination of orbital elements was by R.K. Young (Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs., 1, 239, 1920). Further determinations were made by R.M. Petrie
(Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 10, 459, 1959), O. Struve et al. (Astrophys. J.,
129, 314, 1959), and R.M. Petrie and J.K. Petrie (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs.,
13, 111, 1967). R.M. Petrie pointed out the apparent rotation of the line of
apsides, and he and J.K. Petrie give a value of 156 y for the apsidal period.
Extensive recomputations and some new observations are published by van Albada
and Klomp, and the set of elements accepted for inclusion in the Catalogue is
derived from their 1954 McDonald series. There are some differences in V0
between the different series which probably are not significant, and some
between values of K1 which are more worrying. The extreme range of K1 is from
78 km/s to 100.5 km/s. If, however, these two extreme values are ignored (one
from Victoria, the other from Mount Wilson) the remaining values are all
between 86 km/s and 92 km/s. The secondary spectrum may be a contributory
factor to this confusion. Petrie found Delta m=2.0 and estimated the mass-ratio
to be 0.58; Struve et al. estimated the mass-ratio to be 0.43. The spectral
type of the secondary is uncertain -- either B or A. According to van Albada
and Klomp the evidence for apsidal motion depends heavily on Young's orbit. New
observations in the next few years would be worthwhile.

The elements given in the Catalogue are improvements of those found by S.L.
Boothroyd (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 1, 281, 1921) based on new observations.
Petrie(II) found Delta m=2.14.

The new elements obtained by Scarfe et al. supersede those derived by W.E.
Harper (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 3, 204, 1925; 6, 251, 1935) and the
additional observations derived by H.A. Abt, N.B. Sanwal and S.G. Levy
(Astrophys. J. Supp., 43, 549, 1980). The spectral type of the primary
component may be a little later than G2 III. The invisible secondary cannot be
a normal main-sequence star and Scarfe et al. advance arguments for supposing
that it may be a short-period binary. The star is the brightest component of
A.D.S. 16538, which has an orbital period of 150 y and a major semi-axis of
0.86" (there is also a component C: 12.2m at 58.6"). The systemic velocity of A
is, of course, variable. Scarfe et al. show that the two available
determinations of V0 fit well the orbital elements derived for the visual pair
by either P. Muller (Bull. Astron. Paris, 16, 210 and 351, 1952) or G. van
Biesbroeck (Publ. Yerkes Obs., 8, 371, 1954), if V0 (triple system) is 18.7
km/s and KA=1.9 km/s. Their conclusion is tentative, however, because the
systematic correction needed between the two determinations of V0 in the 557 d
orbit is uncertain. Speckle interferometry (H.A. McAlister and F.C. Fekel,
Astrophys. J. Supp., 43, 327, 1980) yields results that do not agree with the
presently adopted visual orbit.

The elements given in the Catalogue supersede those published by J. Lunt (Cape
Annals, 10, pt. 7, 9G, 1924).

This system is a BY Dra variable. The two absorption components of the spectrum
both have very closely the same strength, although there is a suspicion of
variability of one of them with phase. Both components show central emission at
H and K. There is no evidence for any difference between the velocities derived
from the absorption lines and those from the emission lines. The system is the
fainter member of A.D.S. 16557: A is 6.6m at 15.4" and spectral type G5.

The epoch is the time of minimum. The small eccentricity is confirmed by the
photometric observations and apsidal motion with a period of approximately 90
years has been detected (A. Gimenez and T.E. Margrave, Astron. J., 87, 1233,
1982). The element omega varied from 187 deg to 247 deg in the interval of
spectroscopic observation. Popper has analyzed two-colour photoelectric
observations (approximately BV) made by C. Ibanoglu (Astron. Astrophys., 35,
483, 1974) and derives an orbital inclination close to 85 deg and a fractional
luminosity (in V) for the brighter star of 0.51.

The secondary spectrum was seen on only five spectrograms, so the values of K2,
m1sin^3i and m2sin^3i are very uncertain. A modern spectroscopic study is
highly desirable. The earliest attempts to analyze the light-curve (K.C.
Gordon, Astron. J., 60, 422, 1955) encountered difficulties and the
night-to-night variations, asymmetric eclipses and variable period were all
confirmed by C.A. Dean (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 86, 912, 1974). The system,
now recognized as one of the RS CVn group has continued to attract the
attention of photometrists. New observations or studies have been reported by
L. Milano, G. Russo and S. Mancuso (Astron. Astrophys., 103, 57, 1981), S.
Mancuso et al. (in Photometric and Spectroscopic Binary Systems, p. 313, 1981),
B. Cester et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 32, 351, 1978), S. Mancuso, L.
Milano and G. Russo (ibid., 36, 415, 1979) and S. Mancuso et al. (Astrophys.
Space Sci., 66, 475, 1979). Values for the orbital inclination and the
fractional luminosity of the primary star are partly model dependent, but most
authors find about 87 deg and between 0.8 and 0.9 (in V) respectively.

The epoch is T0 for the primary star and a circular orbit is assumed. Different
observers do not agree about the photometric elements, and the light-curve of
this W UMa system is variable: F. Hinderer (J. Observateurs, 43, 161, 1960)
postulated a luminous cloud in the system. More recent photometric studies are
by P.V. Rigternik (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 12, 313, 1973), P.G. Niarchos
(Astrophys. Space Sci., 58, 301, 1978), S.A. Bell, R.W. Hilditch and D.J. King
(Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 208, 123, 1984), S.J. Lafta and J.F. Grainger
(ibid., 127, 153, 1986) and H. Rovithis-Livaniou and P. Rovithis (Astron.
Nachr., 307, 17, 1986). Values derived for the orbital inclination range from
74 deg to 87 deg, and for the fractional luminosity of the primary star in V,
from 0.65 to 0.77.

This star is A.D.S. 16591 and the long period (29.5y) is taken from the visual
orbit by P. Baize (J. Observateurs, 38, 37, 1955). Also adopted from this orbit
was the eccentricity (0.40), but the time of periastron passage (1982.7) has
been adjusted with the help of the spectroscopic observations. The spectral
type given for the secondary component of the close pair is an estimate only:
the spectrum has not been seen, and the star is estimated to be more than four
magnitudes fainter than its primary. The two components of the visual pair
differ by about 0.3m in V. The orbital inclination of the visual pair is 112
deg. The value of V0 for the short-period pair is variable.

This star is A.D.S. 16591 and the long period (29.5y) is taken from the visual
orbit by P. Baize (J. Observateurs, 38, 37, 1955). Also adopted from this orbit
was the eccentricity (0.40), but the time of periastron passage (1982.7) has
been adjusted with the help of the spectroscopic observations. The spectral
type given for the secondary component of the close pair is an estimate only:
the spectrum has not been seen, and the star is estimated to be more than four
magnitudes fainter than its primary. The two components of the visual pair
differ by about 0.3m in V. The orbital inclination of the visual pair is 112
deg. The value of V0 for the short-period pair is variable.

The discussion by S. Jakate et al. is a revision and improvement of earlier
results published by two of the same authors (G.A. Bakos and J.F. Heard,
Astron. J., 63, 302, 1958). The system displays many of the features associated
with the RS CVn group -- variable period and light-curve, an asymmetric
light-curve and H and K emission. The last of these is stable (E.J. Weiler,
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 182, 77, 1978) but the same author found H-alpha
emission to vary -- a conclusion confirmed by H.L. Nations and L.W. Ramsey
(Astron. J., 85, 1086, 1980) and, even more strongly, by B.W. Bopp (ibid., 86,
771, 1981). The variations of the light-curve make its solution for photometric
elements difficult. J.A. Eaton and D.S. Hall (Astrophys. J., 227, 907, 1979)
introduce starspots to explain the phenomena. Other solutions are offered by
J.A. Eaton et al. (Astrophys. Space Sci., 82, 289, 1982) and Z. Tunca (ibid.,
105, 23, 1984). The orbital inclination appears to lie between 76 deg and 78
deg and the fractional luminosity of the cooler star (in V) between 0.72 and

A long history of puzzlement over the nature of this star has been described by
Griffin and by S.B. Howell and B.W. Bopp (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 97, 72,
1985) and need not be repeated here. The orbit is assumed circular and the
epoch is T0 for the `primary' component. This primary is the star whose
spectrum shows the strongest trace on the spectrometer record; it appears to be
marginally less massive, although the mass-ratio cannot be distinguished from
unity when the observational uncertainties are taken into account. S.B. Howell
et al. (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 98, 777, 1986) find the light of the star
to vary by about 0.1m in V throughout the orbital period. They regard the
system as an RS CVn binary with the primary rotating synchronously.

The orbit was assumed circular after a preliminary solution showed that the
eccentricity (less than 0.02) was smaller than its own eccentricity. The epoch
is T0 for the primary star. The difference in the values of V0 for the two
components is unexplained; presumably the value found from the primary spectrum
is the more reliable. Eclipses have been detected.

A more detailed paper by Ouhrabka cited by G. Scholz, E. Gerth and K.P. Panov
(Astron. Nachr., 306, 329, 1985) is not available in Victoria. Scholz et al.
discuss the possibility of a short-period (0.1d) periodicity in the light
variation of the star.

The first orbital elements were derived by R.K. Young (Publ. Dom. Astrophys.
Obs., 4, 83, 1917) whose results were recomputed by Luyten. Elements have also
been derived by A. Young (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 86, 63, 1974). All three
orbits are based on spectrograms of moderate dispersion, but Cester's is based
on the most observations and his show the least scatter. Recently, M. Kitamura,
Y. Nakamura and A. Yamasaki (Ann. Tokyo Obs. 2nd. Ser., 19, 361, 1983) have
published orbital elements derived from observations fewer in number than
Cester's, but of higher dispersions. They (probably correctly) assume a
circular orbit and derive K1=70.3 km/s and V0=7.6 km/s -- both results agreeing
with Cester's within the uncertainties. Thus A. Young's suggestion of a third
body to account for his deviant value of V0 now seems less plausible. The
photoelectric observations obtained by C.M. Huffer (Publ. Washburn Obs., 15,
117, 1928) are superseded by UBV observations obtained by M. Kitamura et al.
(Tokyo Astron. Bull, 2nd Ser., No. 266, 3021, 1982) and analyzed in the Ann.
Tokyo Obs. paper cited above. The orbital inclination is found to be 65 deg and
the fractional luminosity (in V) of the primary component lies between 0.74 and
0.78. There is evidence for variation in the metallicity of the primary
component during eclipse, indicating a non-uniform distribution of absorption,
in the lines of metals, over the surface of the star.

Reference: B.Cester, Trieste Contr.,, No. 287, 1959

The epoch is T0. Sarma notes that the probable error of a single velocity (1.2
km/s) is large for spectrograms of this type of star obtained with the Mills
spectrograph, and he suggests some additional cause of velocity variation may
be acting. Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit. The star is the brighter
member of A.D.S. 16672: B is 7.5m at 13.0" and shares the proper motion of A.

The star is the brighter member of A.D.S. 16681; companion is 11.9m at 17.5".
Griffin regards it as probably a physical companion and estimates that it is
probably a late F or early G main-sequence star.

Slightly different values of P and T are found from measures of each component.
Gies and Bolton find Delta m=0.61, by Petrie's method. The star may be slightly


Martin, Jones and Smith give an elliptical orbital solution as well as a
circular one. The eccentricity appears to be formally significant and the
observations are represented better by an eccentric orbit, but it seems
unlikely that the orbit of a dwarf nova would be other than circular, and the
circular solution is given in the Catalogue. The value of K2 is not much
affected (note it is K2), the orbital elements refer to the red-dwarf
secondary. The epoch is the time of primary minimum. Martin, Jones and Smith
also publish the results of infrared photometry. Other photometric observations
have been published by V.B. Goranskij et al. Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 2653,
1985), by J. Wood and C.S. Crawford (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 222, 645,
1986) who find the orbital inclination to lie between 81 deg and 90 deg, and by
P. Szkody and M. Mateo (Astron. J., 92, 483, 1986).

The system is of interest because both components appear to be metal deficient,
although its space velocity is small. The F8 spectral type is derived from the
hydrogen lines. The K line, and lines of Fe I and Fe II indicate a spectral
type of F5, while the lines of Ca I and Sr II indicate F4. Both components have
similar spectra and are closely similar in luminosity. The small orbital
eccentricity probably should be ignored.

The period of this cataclysmic variable is still uncertain and different
emission lines give different orbital elements. The elements given in the
Catalogue are derived from measures of the bases of the hydrogen emission
lines. The epoch is T0.

New orbital elements have been derived by M. Gaida and W. Seggewiss (Acta
Astron., 31, 231, 1981); they agree reasonably well with those obtained by
Gorza and Heard (except that the newer value of the eccentricity is somewhat
smaller) and there are few grounds for preferring one set of elements to the
other. The observations by Gorza and Heard cover the velocity-curve a little
more uniformly. On the other hand, the work of Gaida and Seggewiss reduces the
plausibility of both the relatively rapid apsidal motion suggested by R.M.
Petrie (Astron. J., 51, 22, 1946 and Astronomical Techniques ed. W.A. Hiltner,
Chicago University Press, 1962, p. 569), and the third body suggested by A.H.
Batten (J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can., 55, 120, 1961). Earlier spectroscopic
observations were published by R.H. Baker (Publ. Allegheny Obs., 2, 28, 1910 --
rediscussed by Gaida and Seggewiss) and by W.J. Luyten, O. Struve and W.W.
Morgan (Publ. Yerkes Obs., 7, pt. 4, 39, 1939). Although a slow revolution of
the line of apsides is possible (period about 1,000 years), most spectroscopic
observations give values of omega close to the photometric ones found by J.
Stebbins (Astrophys. J., 54, 81, 1921), C.M. Huffer and G.W. Collins II
(Astrophys. J. Supp., 7, 351, 1962) and S. Catalano and M. Rodono (Astron. J.,
76, 557, 1971). Six- colour photometry by K.C. Gordon and G.E. Kron (Astrophys.
Space Sci., 23, 403, 1973) leads to an estimate for the spectral type of the
secondary of between A5 and A7. However, Koch et al. suggest A1. Huffer and
Collins find an orbital inclination of 90 deg and a fractional luminosity (in
yellow light) for the primary of 0.9. The system is the brightest component of
A.D.S. 16795: the closest companion is 9.3m at 1.1". Six others are listed in

The secondary spectrum is visible during partial eclipse. Lucy & Sweeney derive
similar elements from these observations. K. Walter (Astrophys. Space Sci., 24,
189, 1973) has published photoelectric (BV) light-curves, and the V magnitudes
given in the Catalogue. He finds that observations obtained immediately after
each eclipse show a larger scatter than do those at other phases. Because of
this, and because it is difficult to tell whether the primary eclipse is total
or partial, a definitive solution of the light-curve is impossible. It appears
that i is close to 87 deg and the brighter component contributes about 0.86 of
the total light (in V). Similar results were obtained from the same
observations by M. Mezzetti et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Supp., 39, 265, 1980).

The duplicity of this star was first announced by G. Cayrel de Strobel
(Astrophys. Letters, 1, 173, 1968) who commented that one spectrum is stronger
and contains sharper lines then the other. The results of photometry on the
Stromgren system suggest that the two components are metal deficient. This may,
however, be an appearance caused by gas streams within the system. There is
some evidence of systematic departures from the computed velocity-curve of
velocities determined from the spectrum that shows more diffuse lines.

According to Griffin, the radial-velocity traces indicate that the star is a

Similar elements have been computed from the same observations both by Luyten
and by Lucy & Sweeney. Two faint and distant companions are listed in I.D.S.

Earlier investigations were published by K. Burns (Lick Obs. Bull., 4, 87,
1906), E.L. Martin (Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 4, N.S. 93, 1927 -- a paper not
available in Victoria, the elements are based on Ottawa observations) and J.A.
Pearce (Publ. Am. Astron. Soc., 10, 312, 1943 -- confirmed by L. Gratton,
Astrophys. J., 111, 31, 1950). Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit. Although
its period is long, the system is now widely regarded as one of the RS CVn
group. The H and K emission is variable (J.A. Eilek and G.A.H. Walker, Publ.
Astron. Soc. Pacific, 88, 137, 1976) although the variation is not correlated
with the orbital period. Several studies of the also variable UV spectrum have
been published (J.L. Linsky et al., Nature, 275, 389, 1978, S.L. Baliunas and
A.K. Dupree, Astrophys. J., 227, 870, 1979 and R. Glebocki et al., Acta
Astron., 36, 369, 1986). Radio emission has been detected (G.T. Bath and G.
Wallerstein, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 88, 759, 1976). A claim by M.S.
Giampapa and L. Golub (Astrophys. J., 268, L121, 1983) to have detected a
magnetic field has not been confirmed (G.W. Marcy and D.H. Bruning, ibid., 281,
286, 1984). The light of the star varies by about 0.4m in photographic light.
Three companions are listed in I.D.S.: the closest is 13.0m at 47.5".

Circular and elliptical orbits were computed for this system. The eccentricity
found was marginally significant, but the circular orbit is adopted since it
seems physically the more probable. The epoch is T0. If the primary component
has a normal mass for an A1 dwarf, the mass-ratio of the system is less than

Lucy & Sweeney adopt a circular orbit. A new excellent BV light-curve has been
published and analyzed by A. Bonifazi and A. Guarnieri (Astron. Astrophys.,
156, 38, 1986). It supersedes all previous photometric work and also indicates
that the true orbit is circular. Bonifazi and Guarnieri find an orbital
inclination of about 82 deg and a visual magnitude difference between the
components of 3.06m. They estimate that the secondary is K2 IV star filling its
Roche lobe. A new spectroscopic study to match this photometric work is highly

The binary nature of the star was first recognized by J.F. Heard (Publ. David
Dunlap Obs., 2, 142, 1956). The lines of H and K are seen in emission. The
epoch is T0. Fekel (private communication) has detected the secondary spectrum
in the red.

The orbital elements are very uncertain, but the symbiotic nature of the
spectrum (late-type Mira variable and high-excitation emission lines) and
possible eclipses (L.A. Willson, P. Garnavich and J.A. Mattei, Inf. Bull. Var.
Stars, No. 1961, 1981) suggest that the star is a binary. Wallerstein adopted a
period of 44 years, deduced photometrically with a supposed eclipse in 1977,
and deduced the other elements which, however, lead to one large residual.
There is also a jet associated with the star. The eccentricity is small. The
value of V0 may be affected by sytematic error.

Lucy & Sweeney also adopt a circular orbit. The orbital elements may have been
affected by blending of the two component spectra. The F-type spectrum (seen in
eclipse) has a K line of unusual appearance and there is probably emission at
H-alpha. The epoch is T0. From visual observations A.B. Wyse (Lick Obs. Bull.,
17, 37, 1934) found i to be close to 90 deg and the ratio of the light of the
two components about 0.56. There appears to be no photoelectric light-curve.

The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch is the time of primary minimum.
From BV observations by D.M. Popper and P.J. Dumont (Astron. J., 82, 216,
1977), D.M. Popper and P.B. Etzel (ibid., 86, 102, 1981) derived an orbital
inclination close to 88 deg and a fractional luminosity for the brighter star
(in V) of 0.59.

Lu's observations cover only one node of the orbit and the elements are
therefore provisional. The observations were sudegcient to show that the true
period is approximately double that found photometrically (T. Berthold, Inf.
Bull. Var. Stars, No. 2192, 1982). The orbit is assumed circular and the epoch
is the time of primary minimum. The values of K are estimated from Lu's graph.

The epoch is T0 and a circular orbit was assumed (and confirmed by Lucy &
Sweeney). P.P. Parenago and B.V. Kukarkin (Veranderliche Sterne
Nishni-Novgorod, 5, 287, 1940) published a photographic light-curve and found
i=55 deg and the ratio of luminosities of the two components is 0.25.

Epoch is apparently the time at which the primary component's velocity is equal
to the systemic velocity and is decreasing. A circular orbit was assumed.
Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.10. System is brighter member of A.D.S. 17062: B is
11.5m at 4.6".

Epoch is apparently the time at which the primary component's velocity is equal
to the systemic velocity and decreasing (i.e. it should coincide with primary
minimum). Struve wrote that the spectral type was `B8 in full light and perhaps
A0 at mid-eclipse'. The K line is interstellar. Photoelectric UBV light-curves
have been published by J.B. Srivastava and C.D. Kandpal (Astrophys. Space Sci.,
66, 143, 1979). They derive an orbital inclination close to 76 deg and a
fractional luminosity (in V) for the primary star of 0.8.

Radford and Griffin describe the spectral type as late K or early M and
luminosity class II or III.

The elements obtained by Vogt are based partly on new high-dispersion
observations and partly on the older ones. Except for the poorly determined
longitude of periastron, Vogt's values agree well with those found by I.
Halliday (J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can., 46, 103, 1952) and R.F. Sanford
(Astrophys. J., 53, 221, 1921). Variation of the system's light in a period
close to the orbital period was first discovered by P.F. Chugainov (Izv. Krym.
Astrofiz. Obs., 54, 89, 1976), see also S.M. Rucinski (Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, 89, 280, 1977). The star is now widely regarded as a non-eclipsing RS
CVn system. Vogt's paper contains a thorough spectroscopic and photometric
study. He also discusses (Astrophys. J., 240, 567, 1980) the evidence for a
magnetic field. F.M. Walter et al. (ibid., 236, 212, 1980) discovered the X-ray
flux from this system. Variations in the H-alpha emission are discussed by B.W.
Bopp and P.V. Noah (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 92, 333, 1980) and H.L. Nations
and L.W. Ramsey (Astron. J., 85, 1086, 1988). Observations with IUE are
discussed by A. Udalski and S.M. Rucinski (Acta Astron., 32, 315, 1982) and M.
Rodono et al. (Astron. Astrophys., 176, 267, 1987).

The new observations supersede those of S. Archer and M.W. Feast (Mon. Notes
Astron. Soc. South Africa, 17, 9, 1958). The spectral types are based partly on
computations from the light-curve. The small eccentricity appears to be
significant and is consistent with the light-curve. The epoch is T0 for the
primary component. Primary minimum is at J.D. 2,443,698.513. Haefner, Skillen
and de Groot also present UBV light-curves. They find an orbital inclination
close to 80 deg and a visual-magnitude difference between the components of

Although the star is believed to be an occultation double (D.W. Dunham et al.,
Astron. J., 78, 482, 1973) it seems unlikely that the spectroscopic secondary
can be the star thus detected. Griffin considers the star to be a giant,
because of the deep dips in his radial-velocity traces.

The new orbital elements by Hill and Fisher supersede those derived by R.F.
Sanford (Astrophys. J., 83, 121, 1936) and by R.K. Young (Publ. Dom. Obs., 3,
373, 1916). The spectral classification for the secondary is based on a
comparison of equivalent widths in the spectra of the two components. Hill and
Fisher estimate the difference of visual magnitude between the two components
to be 2.2m. There is some evidence for apsidal motion with a period of about
400 years. Only an incomplete light-curve is available (C.R. Lynds, Astrophys.
J., 130, 599, 1959). The orbital inclination is estimated to be around 60 deg.
The star belongs to the group Cas OB9.

The new observations by Imbert confirm and supersede the older observations by
W.E. Harper (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 2, 263, 1923) and his subsequent
revision of the elements (Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs., 6, 252, 1935). The two
spectra are apparently closely similar: their classification as G8 Ib in
Kennedy's catalogue appears to be a mistake. Petrie(II) found Delta m=0.14.

Lu's study of this W UMa system by cross-correlation methods represents a
considerable improvement over the only previous spectroscopic investigation by
O. Struve et al. (Astrophys. J., 111, 658, 1950). The orbit is assumed
circular, in accordance with the light-curve, and the epoch is T0 for the
primary (more massive component). Lu estimates the magnitude difference between
the stars as 0.42m in the blue region. The spectral classifications given are
his. Many photometric studies have been published. The best are probably the
new UBV observations by D.-S. Zhai, K.-C. Leung and R.-X. Zhang (Astron.
Astrophys. Supp., 57, 487, 1984) and the rediscussion by G. Russo et al.
(ibid., 47, 211, 1982) of observations by L. Binnendijk (Astron. J., 65, 88,
1960) which agree on an orbital inclination of about 75 deg and a fractional
luminosity (in V) for the brighter component between 0.6 and 0.7. Other studies
have been published by P.G. Niarchos (Astrophys. Space Sci., 58, 301, 1978),
S.J. Lafta and J.F. Grainger (ibid., 121, 61, 1986) and L. Binnendijk (Publ.
Astron. Soc. Pacific, 96, 646, 1984).

P=26.27y, T=1910.11, i=50 deg. Together with the values of e and omega these
were assumed by Underhill from the visual orbit by R.G. Hall (Astron. J., 54,
102, 1949). Radial velocities were also published by O. Struve and V. Zebergs
(Astrophys. J., 130, 134, 1959) who found V0=35.7 km/s.  Assuming a parallax of
0.080", Underhill found the masses to be 0.77 MSol and 0.85 MSol. The system is
A.D.S. 17175. The spectroscopic pair has a major semi-axis of 0.83" and Delta
m=3.04. Two other companions are listed in I.D.S. but both are probably

The epoch is T0. Hiltner et al. tried a solution for the orbital elements with
e=0.12 and omega=178 deg, but concluded that the circular orbit fitted the
observations nearly as well. Lucy & Sweeney also adopt a circular orbit. The
secondary spectrum is seen only during primary eclipse. M. Ammann and K. Walter
(Astron. Astrophys., 24, 131, 1973) have published photoelectric (BV)
light-curves. The V magnitudes given in the Catalogue are approximate and
derived from their data. Their method of solution which leads them to
hypothesize a hot spot on the surface of the primary is controversial. It
yields i=87 deg and a fractional luminosity (in V) of 0.8 for the primary
component, with an assumed third light of 0.05.

Despite the rather long period (about 80 years), there are radial velocities
of both components back to 1904.  This is a simultaneous visual-spectroscopic
orbit which yielded to a tiny upward revision of the mass of the two components
(Pourbaix, Dec. 2000).
Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).
There is a strong correlation between the inclination, the argument of the
periastron and the periastron time.  Additional precise radial velocities
are welcome.

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).
The orbit perfectly recovers the date of the eclipse observed by R.F. Griffin
et al. (1994, IAPPP Comm. 57, 31).  Although the precision on the masses is
already better than 4%, additional precise radial velocities are still very

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).
The uncertainty on V0 prevents from deriving precise masses.

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).
Although the visual and spectroscopic data can both yield a 4.9-year orbit,
the radial velocities of this Line-Width Spectroscopic Binary (Duquennoy &
Mayor, 1991, A&A, 248, 485) might be questionable.

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

Simultaneous adjustment of the visual and spectroscopic data (VB-SB2 system).

AB is a visual binary with a period of 93 yr. The spectral type of the
physical tertiary C is estimated  as K0V from its photometry (V=10.21,
B-V=0.86), it  is the  spectroscopic binary. Minimum  mass of  Cb is 0.18

The 15 radial velocities of Bonsack (1981 PASP 93 756) were used
jointly with our data to derive the orbit. The small eccentricity is
significant. The spectroscopic secondary is likely to be massive (>1.0
M_sun) and can be a white dwarf. The visual secondary B is physical,
RV=0.8 km/s.

The  spectroscopic binary  Cab is  a physical  tertiary to  the visual
binary AB  with an  orbital period of  78.5 yr.  The lines of  Cb were
detected marginally; the spectral type  of Cb is estimated as K5V. The
estimated separation of Cab is around 0.015 arcsec.

The component  C is physical to  the A, which is  also a spectroscopic
binary. The  mass of Cb is  tentatively estimated as 0.3  M_sun. The C
component  contains a  very hot  white dwarf  and is  an  X-ray source
(Hodgikin et  al. 1993, MNRAS 263,  229). It is not  clear whether the
white dwarf can be identified  with Cb or constitutes yet another body
of this multiple system.

The  component  A  is  a  spectroscopic  binary,  while  the  physical
components BC are  a visual binary with a period of  50 yr. The radial
velocities  of Beavers  & Eitter  (1986, ApJS  62, 147)  were  used to
refine  the  period of  Aab.  The  spectral types  of  Aa  and Ab  are
estimated as F5V and G5V, their V-magnitudes as 6.86 and 9.14.

The wide visual pair AB is physical, RV(B)=-6.59 +- 0.13 km/s.

The  estimated spectral  types of  Aa and  Ab are  M1V and  M2V, their
V-magnitudes  10.02 and  10.57. The  separation of  Aab must  be 0.051
arcsec, it is resolvable  with speckle interferometry. The component B
is physical.

Code 203: the data from  H.A. Abt & D.W. Willmarth, ApJS 94, 677, 1994
with +1.3 km/s shift. The rest of data are  from Cambridge coravel.

The codes of RV observations:
201 OHP coravel, rejected observation
202 OHP coravel, half weight
203 H.A. Abt & D.W. Willmarth, ApJS 94, 677, 1994
218 F. & M. Spite, A&A 25, 325, 1973.  Zero-weighted.
302 Cambridge coravel
303 OHP coravel
All code numbers above 500 are blends, zero-weighted, and the velocites are
printed between the columns for the primary and secondary.
578 H.A. Abt & S.G. Levy, ApJS 30, 273, 1976.
592 W.E. Harper, PDOA 6, 149, 1934.
703 W.W. Campbell & J.H. Moore, PLO 16, 306, 1928.
704 W.I. Beavers & J.J. Eitter, ApJS 62, 147, 1986.
705 OHP coravel, unresolved blend
718 As 218
720 W.S. Adams & A.H. Joy, ApJ 57, 149, 1923;
    H.A. Abt, ApJS 26, 385, 1973.

Combined spectroscopic-visual solution. Magnitude difference in V is
estimated as 1.23.

Combined visual-spectroscopic orbit, but the spectroscopic data are
yet poor. Center-of-mass velocity was fixed, as found from the blended
lines (a+b).

COR: data from CORAVEL at Haute Provence, otherwise - data from RVM.
Additional 28 velocities were published by Latham et al.  (1996 AJ 96 567),
they match the new oarit with a zero-point correction of -0.6 km/s.
This orbit refers to the visual secondary of ADS 2757, the primary has average
radial velocity of 50.18 +- 0.11 km/s.

COR: data from CORAVEL at Haute Provence, otherwise - data from RVM.

COR: data from CORAVEL at Haute Provence, otherwise - data from RVM,
corrected by -0.4 km/s.

Three  blended  dips  belonging  to  the  visual  primary  A  and  the
spectroscopic  components  Ba  and  Bb  are observed.   The  dips  are
splitted with fixed parameters.

Combined spectroscopic-visual orbit. Component 'b' are the center-of-mass
velocities of Bab for individual seasons, component 'a' are the seasonal
means for  the visual primary A.

Primary component of this fain visual binary is the spectroscopic
system, the secondary at 4" is optical, radial velocity around -10 km/s.

The orbit refers  to the visual secondary B.  Its photometry: V=11.74,
B-V=0.75.  The primary A at 9"  is optical, its radial velocity is -33 km/s.

Typographic error in the K1 is corrected here.
It is assumed that the spectroscopic sub-system is related to the
visual primary. Radial velocities in 1990 are corrected by +3.6 km/s
to account for the motion in the visual orbit, hence the center-of-mass
velocity of Aab refers to the period 1991-1993.

Radial velocities of Aa are corrected for the motion in the AB orbit
by adding -0.9, -0.7, -0.6, 0 km/s for the seasons of 1989, 1990, 1991,
and 1992, respectively. The tentative values for the spectroscopic elements
of the 30.5-yr isual orbit AB are found: K1=1.5 +- 0.2, K2=3.5 +- 0.4,
V0=0.42 km/s.

Additional 9 velocities measured at Mount Wilson (Abt, 1970, ApJS 19 387)
were used with a correction of -1.5 km/s (code MtW).

Circular orbit. Code COR: data from the CORAVEL at Haute Provence.

The system has been resolved by speckle interferometry and now has a
visual orbit as well.

Old data of Boothroyd (1922 Publ. DAO 1 246) do not improve even the period,
hence were not used for orbit computing.

Combined spectroscopic-interferometric orbit. COR marks data from OHP
Coravel, other data are from RVM, corrected by +0.20 km/s.
The component C is physical to  the visual binary AB with known orbit,
the system  is hence at least  quadruple. Spectral types of  Ca and Cb
are derived  from the system  model, based on absolute  magnitudes and
equivalent widths of the  correlation dips. Eccentricity is small, but
Component B  is physical  to A, which  is itself a  known double-lined
binary. Difficult observations (mixed with the light from A at 10.6").
Component C is optical to the close visual pair AB. The spectral types
of Ca  and Cb are derived  from system model, based  on photometry and
equivalent widths of the correlation dips.
The component  B is  physical, C is  optical.  The system  contains at
least 5 components, because A is  a close visual binary Cou 2084 and a
double-lined spectroscopic binary.
Component  B  is  only  at  3.4"  from the  bright  primary  A,  hence
observations  were difficult.  The spectral  types  of Ba  and Bb  are
derived from  system model, based on photometry  and equivalent widths
of the correlation dips.
The  spectroscop9c sub-system  belongs to  the primary  of  the visual
binary ADS  16111 with an orbital  period of 49  yr. Radial velocities
were corrected for  the motion in the visual orbit  by adding +1.8, 0,
and -1.3 km/s  for the seasons of 1995,  1996, and 1997, respectively.
Few measurements of the broad  correlation dip of the component B lead
to  tentative estimate  of the  spectroscopic elements  of  the visual
49-yr orbit: K1=8.8, K2=11.2, V0=-4.2 km/s. The distant component D is
Despite the  fact that  the visual pair  AB has only  2.5" separation,
some observations  were resolved. Plusses mark  the velocities derived
from the  unresolved correlation profiles  of A+B; asterisks  mark the
velocities derived by splitting the double dips in unresolved profiles
when the  velocities of A  and B differed  by more than 15  km/s.  The
spectral types  of Aa and Ab  are derived from the  system model.  The
mean radial velocity of the component B is -22.74 +- 0.16 km/s.
The whole system ADS 9731 is at least sextuple. The spectral types of
Aa and Ab are derived from the system model.
The orbit of Dab is based on a small number of observations when D and
C  (separated by  1.6") were  resolved.  Larger  number  of unresolved
observations  of   CD  is  available  and  it   confirms  the  orbital
period. Spectral type of Da is estimated from the system model.
The  visual secondary  B is  physical to  A, radial  velocity of  A is
constant.  Observations  were difficult (A  is 8.5" from  B). Spectral
types of Ba  and Bb are estimated from the system  model, based on the
minimum masses  and the parameters  of the correlation dip.   Code COR
marks 2 observations at the OHP Coravel.
Data from Latham et al. (1988 AJ 96 567) are marked as 'L' and used to
improve the  orbit together with  new observations (same  zero point),
which show  the system to be  double-lined.  The spectral  types of Aa
and Ab are estimated from the system model.
The components Ca and Cb are  identical. Cab is physical to the visual
pair AB (= HD 8624), the whole system is thus at least quadruple.
The spectroscopic system is the western component B, while the equally
bright visual component A at 4.6" (HR 2485 = HD 48767) is physical and
has a constant radial velocity 0f  7.9 +- 0.2 km/s. The component C is
Only one observation of the secondary dip is used to determine K2. The
spectral types of Ba and Bb are estimated from the system model, based
on  correlation dip  parameters. The  visual  component A  at 6.1"  is
physical, its radial velocity is -16.1 +- 0.1 km/s.
The visual secondary  is optical, its radial velocity  is -15.5 +- 0.2
km/s, correlation dip has a high contrast.
The small eccentricity  is significant. The visual components  A and B
are physical,  both are  evolved and above  Main Sequence.  The radial
velocity of B is constant at -51.8 +- 0.2 km/s.
The three  visual components A, B,  C are likely  physical.  The orbit
refers to the blended lines of  AB, hence the real K1 is larger. There
are reasons to believe that the spectroscopic system is related to the
component A.
Combined  spectroscopic-interferometric  orbit  of  HR 7272A  =  CHARA
84. Most of the  observations were obtained with the  OHP Coravel, the
remaining  data (marked 'Camb')  are from  the Cambridge  Coravel. The
individual  velocities of the  components are  found by  splitting the
heavily blended  correlation dips  with assumed dip  parameters, hence
the amplitudes K1 and K2 are model-dependent.  Additional observations
from RVM instrument are available,  but were not splitted and not used
in orbit computation.  The spectral  types and magnitudes of Aa and Ab
are from the system model.  The visual component B is physical and has
a constant radial velocity of -40.5 km/s.
Combined  spectroscopic-interferometric  orbit.   Blended  correlation
dips were split with  fixed parameters of individual components, hence
the amplitudes K1 and K2 are model-dependent.

The component C is physical to  the visual binary AB with known orbit,
the system  is hence at least  quadruple. Spectral types of  Ca and Cb
are derived  from the system  model, based on absolute  magnitudes and
equivalent widths of the  correlation dips. Eccentricity is small, but

Component B  is physical  to A, which  is itself a  known double-lined
binary. Difficult observations (mixed with the light from A at 10.6").

Component C is optical to the close visual pair AB. The spectral types
of Ca  and Cb are derived  from system model, based  on photometry and
equivalent widths of the correlation dips.

The component  B is  physical, C is  optical.  The system  contains at
least 5 components, because A is  a close visual binary Cou 2084 and a
double-lined spectroscopic binary.

Component  B  is  only  at  3.4"  from the  bright  primary  A,  hence
observations  were difficult.  The spectral  types  of Ba  and Bb  are
derived from  system model, based on photometry  and equivalent widths
of the correlation dips.

The  spectroscop9c sub-system  belongs to  the primary  of  the visual
binary ADS  16111 with an orbital  period of 49  yr. Radial velocities
were corrected for  the motion in the visual orbit  by adding +1.8, 0,
and -1.3 km/s  for the seasons of 1995,  1996, and 1997, respectively.
Few measurements of the broad  correlation dip of the component B lead
to  tentative estimate  of the  spectroscopic elements  of  the visual
49-yr orbit: K1=8.8, K2=11.2, V0=-4.2 km/s. The distant component D is

Despite the  fact that  the visual pair  AB has only  2.5" separation,
some observations  were resolved. Plusses mark  the velocities derived
from the  unresolved correlation profiles  of A+B; asterisks  mark the
velocities derived by splitting the double dips in unresolved profiles
when the  velocities of A  and B differed  by more than 15  km/s.  The
spectral types  of Aa and Ab  are derived from the  system model.  The
mean radial velocity of the component B is -22.74 +- 0.16 km/s.

The whole system ADS 9731 is at least sextuple. The spectral types of
Aa and Ab are derived from the system model.

The orbit of Dab is based on a small number of observations when D and
C  (separated by  1.6") were  resolved.  Larger  number  of unresolved
observations  of   CD  is  available  and  it   confirms  the  orbital
period. Spectral type of Da is estimated from the system model.

The  visual secondary  B is  physical to  A, radial  velocity of  A is
constant.  Observations  were difficult (A  is 8.5" from  B). Spectral
types of Ba  and Bb are estimated from the system  model, based on the
minimum masses  and the parameters  of the correlation dip.   Code COR
marks 2 observations at the OHP Coravel.

Data from Latham et al. (1988 AJ 96 567) are marked as 'L' and used to
improve the  orbit together with  new observations (same  zero point),
which show  the system to be  double-lined.  The spectral  types of Aa
and Ab are estimated from the system model.

The components Ca and Cb are  identical. Cab is physical to the visual
pair AB (= HD 8624), the whole system is thus at least quadruple.

The spectroscopic system is the western component B, while the equally
bright visual component A at 4.6" (HR 2485 = HD 48767) is physical and
has a constant radial velocity 0f  7.9 +- 0.2 km/s. The component C is

Only one observation of the secondary dip is used to determine K2. The
spectral types of Ba and Bb are estimated from the system model, based
on  correlation dip  parameters. The  visual  component A  at 6.1"  is
physical, its radial velocity is -16.1 +- 0.1 km/s.

The visual secondary  is optical, its radial velocity  is -15.5 +- 0.2
km/s, correlation dip has a high contrast.

The small eccentricity  is significant. The visual components  A and B
are physical,  both are  evolved and above  Main Sequence.  The radial
velocity of B is constant at -51.8 +- 0.2 km/s.

The three  visual components A, B,  C are likely  physical.  The orbit
refers to the blended lines of  AB, hence the real K1 is larger. There
are reasons to believe that the spectroscopic system is related to the
component A.

Combined  spectroscopic-interferometric  orbit  of  HR 7272A  =  CHARA
84. Most of the  observations were obtained with the  OHP Coravel, the
remaining  data (marked 'Camb')  are from  the Cambridge  Coravel. The
individual  velocities of the  components are  found by  splitting the
heavily blended  correlation dips  with assumed dip  parameters, hence
the amplitudes K1 and K2 are model-dependent.  Additional observations
from RVM instrument are available,  but were not splitted and not used
in orbit computation.  The spectral  types and magnitudes of Aa and Ab
are from the system model.  The visual component B is physical and has
a constant radial velocity of -40.5 km/s.

Combined  spectroscopic-interferometric  orbit.   Blended  correlation
dips were split with  fixed parameters of individual components, hence
the amplitudes K1 and K2 are model-dependent.

The orbit is  derived from the partially resolved  observations of the
visual component B separated from A  by 1.5". It confirms the orbit of
Griffin (1999 Observatory 119 27), which is of better quality.

The  physical visual  primary  component A  is  itself a  double-lined

The  visual secondary component  B is  a spectroscopic  triple system,
with two visible  components in a short-period orbit  and an invisible
(but  massive)  tertiary on  an  8-yr  orbit.   The radial  velocities
reflect motions in both  long- and short-period orbits. Spectral types
of  Ba and  Bb  are derived  from  the system  model (photometry,  dip

This  8-yr  orbit of  the  long-period sub-system  in  ADS  3161 B  is
preliminary.   Radial velocities  listed for  this orbit  are  in fact
either residuals to the short-period orbit (only data with errors less
than 0.5  km/s are  retained) or the  velocities corresponding  to the
blended dips of Ba and Bb (marked as component a+b).

Both components  A and B  of ADS 3243  have fast axial  rotation which
explains the low accuracy of the radial velocities. The component B is
physical and has a constant radial  velocity of -43.3 +- 0.4 km/s. The
component A is above the Main Sequence, it must be evolved.

The component B is  physical to A = 88 Tau which,  in turn, contains a
close visual  system CHARA 18  and at least one  spectroscopic binary.
Three observations marked 'COR' are from the OHP Coravel.

The  orbit   is  only  preliminary,  eccentricity   and  longitude  of
periastron are  fixed. Data of Struve  & Zebergs (1959 AJ  64 219) are
used  with a  correction of  -1.8 km/s  (marked 'Struve').  The visual
secondary B = HD 139460 at 11.8" is physical and has a constant radial
velocity of 1.2 +- 0.1 km/s.

The  visual  components  AB   separated  by  2.6"  were  difficult  to
resolve. The radial velocity of A  is constant, -31.7 +- 0.4 km/s. The
distant  component  C  listed  in  ADS  is optical  and  is  itself  a
double-lined binary with yet unknown orbit.

The system  ADS 12145 is  at least quintuple. The  spectroscopic orbit
refers to the  component C, which forms together with  the primary A a
close visual system  with period of 63 yr.  The blended  dips of A and
Ca were separated by fitting  two Gaussians.  The radial velocity of A
is constant, 26.1  +- 0.1 km/s. The component B, at  4.5" to the south
of AC, has a slowly changing radial velocity (orbital period more than
9 yr).   The spectral type  of Ca is  estimated from the model  of the

Large orbital uncertainties due to incomplete phase coverage.
The 3 m/s precision is achieved thanks to relative velocities: a high
resolution spectrum of the very same star is used as a reference
template and the displacements measured according to that spectrum.
The listed RV are nevertheless absolute (see publication for details).

The 3 m/s precision is achieved thanks to relative velocities: a high
resolution spectrum of the very same star is used as a reference
template and the displacements measured according to that spectrum.
The listed RV are nevertheless absolute (see publication for details).

The 3 m/s precision is achieved thanks to relative velocities: a high
resolution spectrum of the very same star is used as a reference
template and the displacements measured according to that spectrum.
The listed RV are nevertheless absolute (see publication for details).

The 3 m/s precision is achieved thanks to relative velocities: a high
resolution spectrum of the very same star is used as a reference
template and the displacements measured according to that spectrum.
The listed RV are nevertheless absolute (see publication for details).

The 3 m/s precision is achieved thanks to relative velocities: a high
resolution spectrum of the very same star is used as a reference
template and the displacements measured according to that spectrum.
The listed RV are nevertheless absolute (see publication for details).

Large orbital uncertainties due to incomplete phase coverage.
The 3 m/s precision is achieved thanks to relative velocities: a high
resolution spectrum of the very same star is used as a reference
template and the displacements measured according to that spectrum.
The listed RV are nevertheless absolute (see publication for details).

Other references in text.
The 3 m/s precision is achieved thanks to relative velocities: a high
resolution spectrum of the very same star is used as a reference
template and the displacements measured according to that spectrum.
The listed RV are nevertheless absolute (see publication for details).

Other references in text.
The 3 m/s precision is achieved thanks to relative velocities: a high
resolution spectrum of the very same star is used as a reference
template and the displacements measured according to that spectrum.
The listed RV are nevertheless absolute (see publication for details).

The eccentricity was fixed to e=0.54 (Latham et al. 1989) since not enough
points were available to constrain the eccentricity.  Other references in text.
The 3 m/s precision is achieved thanks to relative velocities: a high
resolution spectrum of the very same star is used as a reference
template and the displacements measured according to that spectrum.
The listed RV are nevertheless absolute (see publication for details).


The fit is poor since as insufficient velocities are available to constrain
the orbital period to better than a factor of 2.
The 3 m/s precision is achieved thanks to relative velocities: a high
resolution spectrum of the very same star is used as a reference
template and the displacements measured according to that spectrum.
The listed RV are nevertheless absolute (see publication for details).

Large orbital uncertainties due to incomplete phase coverage.
The 3 m/s precision is achieved thanks to relative velocities: a high
resolution spectrum of the very same star is used as a reference
template and the displacements measured according to that spectrum.
The listed RV are nevertheless absolute (see publication for details).

The 3 m/s precision is achieved thanks to relative velocities: a high
resolution spectrum of the very same star is used as a reference
template and the displacements measured according to that spectrum.
The listed RV are nevertheless absolute (see publication for details).

Other references in text.
The 3 m/s precision is achieved thanks to relative velocities: a high
resolution spectrum of the very same star is used as a reference
template and the displacements measured according to that spectrum.
The listed RV are nevertheless absolute (see publication for details).

The 3 m/s precision is achieved thanks to relative velocities: a high
resolution spectrum of the very same star is used as a reference
template and the displacements measured according to that spectrum.
The listed RV are nevertheless absolute (see publication for details).








In the paper, the two T0 differ by nearly half a period.  The two
systemic velocities are also different




The orbits published for that star in Van Eck et al. (2000, A&AS 145, 51)
and Udry et al. (1998, A&A 131, 25) should be considered as identical.

The orbits published for that star in Van Eck et al. (2000, A&AS 145, 51)
and Udry et al. (1998, A&A 131, 25) should be considered as identical.





The nearby K star PPM 91177 (BD+21 255p) is as well a spectroscopic binary




































A triple hierarchical system

A triple hierarchical system






Possibly an eclipsing binary






The star was incorrectly labelled BD+21 255a in Jorissen & Mayor (1992, A&A 260, 115)







An eclipsing binary, also symbiotic



Possibly an ellipsoidal variable





Despite the rather long period (about 80 years), there are radial velocities
of both components back to 1904.  The time interval covered with very
precise radial velocities is about 12 years.  The simultaneous spectroscopic-
visual orbit accounts for the convective blueshift and the gravitational




















Eclipsing binary.  The orbit is for the hot component.

Eclipsing binary.  The orbit is for the cool component.

Eclipsing binary.  The primary is the hot component.

Eclisping binary.  The primary is the hot component.  The periastron epoch
is wrongly listed as 7582.981 in the paper.

Eclipsing binary.  The orbit is for the cool component.

Eclipsing binary.  The orbit is for the cool component.  The period is wrongly
listed as 96.967d is the paper.

Eclipsing binary.  The orbit is for the cool component.

Eclisping binary.  The primary is the hot component.

Eclisping binary.  The primary is the hot component.

Eclisping binary.  The primary is the hot component.

Eclisping binary.  The primary is the hot component.

Eclisping binary.  The primary is the hot component.










13 RV obtained when the two sets of lines were not resolved are not listed
on SB9 here although they are in Griffin's paper.









24 Aqr is a triple system.  Although radial velocities of component B are
given in the paper, no new orbit is derived for that system owing to its long
orbital period (about 50 years) with respect to the time interval covered
by the CORAVEL data available so far.





































The amplitude of the secondary listed in the paper is clearly wrong.  It was
updated to 17.01 km/s (instead of 167.01 km/s)










The velocities are on the native CfA system; add 0.14 km/s to convert
to an absolute system defined by minor planet observations.  The
velocities were recomputed in October 2002 with nzpass=2, and the
orbits were resolved.  No floor error is included in the velocity errors.
vsini=33.3 km/s

The velocities are on the native CfA system; add 0.14 km/s to convert
to an absolute system defined by minor planet observations.  The
velocities were recomputed in October 2002 with nzpass=2, and the
orbits were resolved.  No floor error is included in the velocity errors.
vsini=14.9 km/s

The velocities are on the native CfA system; add 0.14 km/s to convert
to an absolute system defined by minor planet observations.  The
velocities were recomputed in October 2002 with nzpass=2, and the
orbits were resolved.  No floor error is included in the velocity errors.
vsini=11.5 km/s.  Adopting a primary mass of 0.92 Mo and the Hipparcos
orbital inclination of 73.9 deg yields a secondary mass of 0.45 Mo.

The velocities are on the native CfA system; add 0.14 km/s to convert
to an absolute system defined by minor planet observations.  The
velocities were recomputed in October 2002 with nzpass=2, and the
orbits were resolved.  No floor error is included in the velocity errors.
vsini=9.0 km/s.

The velocities are on the native CfA system; add 0.14 km/s to convert
to an absolute system defined by minor planet observations.  The
velocities were recomputed in October 2002 with nzpass=2, and the
orbits were resolved.  No floor error is included in the velocity errors.
vsini=8.1 km/s.

The velocities are on the native CfA system; add 0.14 km/s to convert
to an absolute system defined by minor planet observations.  The
velocities were recomputed in October 2002 with nzpass=2, and the
orbits were resolved.  No floor error is included in the velocity errors.
vsini=11.6 km/s.
















We report on the discovery of a speckle binary companion to the
O7 V((f)) star 15~Monocerotis.  A study of published radial velocities
in conjunction with new measurements from KPNO and IUE suggests that
the star is also a spectroscopic binary with a period of 25 years and a
large eccentricity.  Thus, 15 Mon is the first O star to bridge the gap
between the spectroscopic and visual separation regimes.  We have used
the star's membership in the cluster NGC 2264 together with the
cluster distance to derive masses of 34 and 19 solar masses for the primary
and secondary, respectively.  Several of the He- line profiles display a
broad shallow component which we associate with the secondary, and we
estimate the secondary's classification to be O9.5 Vn.  The new orbit leads
to several important predictions that can be tested over the next few years.

The star HR 266 is thought to be a quadruple system of `Hierarchy 3'. The
short--period binary, with components Ba and Bb, has a period of
4.241148+/-0.000008 days.  The close pair orbits an unseen companion, Bc,
with a period of 1769+/-10 days.  This companion has been detected
independently by spectroscopic and speckle observations.  The long--period
or visual orbit of this triple and component A has a period of 83.10+/-0.20
years.  The speckle detection of Bc as a submotion in the long--period orbit
represents the first detection of a ``speckle astrometric" system.  Two
possible models of the system's components are considered.  The preferred
model assumes that Bb is an A1V star with a mass of 2.25 solar masses.
Then, Ba has a mass of 3.4+/-0.8 solar masses and a spectral type of B9IV.
Component A is a B7IV star with an assumed mass of 5 solar masses.  From the
mass of Bb, the inclination of the short--period orbit is 54deg+/-5deg.
Since the long--period orbit has an inclination of 54.9deg+/-1.1deg and the
intermediate--period orbit appears to have an inclination of roughly
55deg+/-5deg, all three orbits may be coplanar.  Component Bc has a minimum
mass of 2.4 solar masses that increases to 2.8 solar masses if the
intermediate--period orbit is coplanar.  Such a value suggests that the Bc
component's absorption features might be seen in our spectra, but this is
not the case. Either Bc is a rapidly--rotating single star, similar to A, or
Bc is actually a pair of late--type, lower--mass stars.  The estimated
distance to the system is 184 pc.

The star HR 266 is thought to be a quadruple system of `Hierarchy 3'. The
short--period binary, with components Ba and Bb, has a period of
4.241148+/-0.000008 days.  The close pair orbits an unseen companion, Bc,
with a period of 1769+/-10 days.  This companion has been detected
independently by spectroscopic and speckle observations.  The long--period
or visual orbit of this triple and component A has a period of 83.10+/-0.20
years.  The speckle detection of Bc as a submotion in the long--period orbit
represents the first detection of a ``speckle astrometric" system.  Two
possible models of the system's components are considered.  The preferred
model assumes that Bb is an A1V star with a mass of 2.25 solar masses.
Then, Ba has a mass of 3.4+/-0.8 solar masses and a spectral type of B9IV.
Component A is a B7IV star with an assumed mass of 5 solar masses.  From the
mass of Bb, the inclination of the short--period orbit is 54deg+/-5deg.
Since the long--period orbit has an inclination of 54.9deg+/-1.1deg and the
intermediate--period orbit appears to have an inclination of roughly
55deg+/-5deg, all three orbits may be coplanar.  Component Bc has a minimum
mass of 2.4 solar masses that increases to 2.8 solar masses if the
intermediate--period orbit is coplanar.  Such a value suggests that the Bc
component's absorption features might be seen in our spectra, but this is
not the case. Either Bc is a rapidly--rotating single star, similar to A, or
Bc is actually a pair of late--type, lower--mass stars.  The estimated
distance to the system is 184 pc.

Eta Virginis is a bright (V = 3.89) triple system of composite
spectral type A2IV that has been observed for over a dozen years with
both spectroscopy and speckle interferometry. Analysis of the speckle
observations results in a long period of 13.1 years. This period is
also detected in residuals from the spectroscopic observations of the
71.7919-day short-period orbit. Elements of the long-period orbit
were determined separately using the observations of both techniques.
The more accurate elements from the speckle solution have been assumed
in a simultaneous spectroscopic determination of the short- and
long-period orbital elements.  The magnitude difference of the speckle
components suggests that lines of the third star should be visible in
the spectrum.  In our blue and red spectra only the Mg II line at 4481
angstroms appears to show a third component, however, and it is a very
broad and weak feature.  The equatorial rotational velocities of the
short-period pair are quite low, about 8 km/s each.

Eta Virginis is a bright (V = 3.89) triple system of composite
spectral type A2IV that has been observed for over a dozen years with
both spectroscopy and speckle interferometry. Analysis of the speckle
observations results in a long period of 13.1 years. This period is
also detected in residuals from the spectroscopic observations of the
71.7919-day short-period orbit. Elements of the long-period orbit
were determined separately using the observations of both techniques.
The more accurate elements from the speckle solution have been assumed
in a simultaneous spectroscopic determination of the short- and
long-period orbital elements.  The magnitude difference of the speckle
components suggests that lines of the third star should be visible in
the spectrum.  In our blue and red spectra only the Mg II line at 4481
angstroms appears to show a third component, however, and it is a very
broad and weak feature.  The equatorial rotational velocities of the
short-period pair are quite low, about 8 km/s each.

Quadruple system.
Visual, interferometric, and spectroscopic observations are presented
for the nearby solar-type binary Fin 347 Aa. In a new solution
combining both astrometric and spectroscopic data the orbital period is
found to be 987.9 days or 2.7048 years, the semimajor axis 2.42 au or
0.116", the eccentricity 0.429, and the inclination 124.31deg. The
masses and luminosities for this pair of G8V stars are
1.015+/-0.038 solar mass, 0.933+/-0.039 solar mass, 0.64+/-0.06 solar
luminosity, and 0.62+/-0.06 solar luminosity, respectively. The orbital
parallax of 0.0480"+/-0.0011" gives a distance of 20.84+/-0.47 pc. The
small formal errors on all orbital elements leads to small errors for
the masses and luminosities.  The stars are found to be slightly
over-massive and under-luminous for their spectral classifications.

HD 202908 = ADS 14839 is a spectroscopic-visual triple system
consisting of three solar-type stars.  Eighteen years of spectroscopic
observations including coverage of the recent periastron of 1987 January
plus visual and speckle observations, the latter covering roughly the
same interval as the radial velocities,  have been used to obtain a
simultaneous three-dimensional orbital solution.
The short-period pair, Aa and Ab, has an orbital period of 3.9660465 days
and a small but real eccentricity of 0.003.  The visual pair,
A and B, has an orbital period of 78.5 yr, and an eccentricity of
0.865.  The solution yields masses for all three stars with uncertainties
of about 2%, and the distance to the system with an uncertainty of 1.3%.
Spectroscopic luninosity ratios, combined with the above distance, yield
absolute magnitudes with uncertainties of about 0.1 mag.  Thus the system
provides three well-determined points on the mass-luminosity relationship.
The inclinations of the short- and long-period orbits differ by 29deg,
making the orbits non-coplanar.

HD 202908 = ADS 14839 is a spectroscopic-visual triple system
consisting of three solar-type stars.  Eighteen years of spectroscopic
observations including coverage of the recent periastron of 1987 January
plus visual and speckle observations, the latter covering roughly the
same interval as the radial velocities,  have been used to obtain a
simultaneous three-dimensional orbital solution.
The short-period pair, Aa and Ab, has an orbital period of 3.9660465 days
and a small but real eccentricity of 0.003.  The visual pair,
A and B, has an orbital period of 78.5 yr, and an eccentricity of
0.865.  The solution yields masses for all three stars with uncertainties
of about 2%, and the distance to the system with an uncertainty of 1.3%.
Spectroscopic luninosity ratios, combined with the above distance, yield
absolute magnitudes with uncertainties of about 0.1 mag.  Thus the system
provides three well-determined points on the mass-luminosity relationship.
The inclinations of the short- and long-period orbits differ by 29deg,
making the orbits non-coplanar.

HR 6469 consists of an evolved G star and a close pair of stars, believed
to be on the main sequence, the brighter of which is an early F star. Shallow
eclipses have been detected in the close pair (Boyd et al. 1985), and the
components of the wide system have been resolved over most of the orbit by
speckle interferometry (McAlister & Hartkopf 1988). This paper presents radial
velocities, obtained at the David Dunlap, McDonald, Kitt Peak and Dominion
Astrophysical Observatories, for the G star and the primary of the close pair,
along with solutions for elements of both the long- and short-period orbits,
from those radial velocities and the speckle data, some of which have
not previously been published. New spectrophotometry permits revisions of both
the evolved star's spectral classification and the rotational velocity of the
primary of the close pair, but not detection of the spectrum of the third
component. These results, in combination with those from the light-curve
solution of Van Hamme et al. (1993), enable us to determine the masses, radii
and luminosities of all three stars, and to discuss the evolutionary state of
the system.

HR 6469 consists of an evolved G star and a close pair of stars, believed
to be on the main sequence, the brighter of which is an early F star. Shallow
eclipses have been detected in the close pair (Boyd et al. 1985), and the
components of the wide system have been resolved over most of the orbit by
speckle interferometry (McAlister & Hartkopf 1988). This paper presents radial
velocities, obtained at the David Dunlap, McDonald, Kitt Peak and Dominion
Astrophysical Observatories, for the G star and the primary of the close pair,
along with solutions for elements of both the long- and short-period orbits,
from those radial velocities and the speckle data, some of which have
not previously been published. New spectrophotometry permits revisions of both
the evolved star's spectral classification and the rotational velocity of the
primary of the close pair, but not detection of the spectrum of the third
component. These results, in combination with those from the light-curve
solution of Van Hamme et al. (1993), enable us to determine the masses, radii
and luminosities of all three stars, and to discuss the evolutionary state of
the system.

Interferometric, spectroscopic, astrometric, and photometric
observations are presented for the nearby solar-type binary HR 6697.
The system consists of a G0-2V primary and a K2-5V secondary. From
a combined solution of the speckle and spectroscopic data the orbital
period is 881 days or 2.41 years, the semimajor axis is 2.1 au, the
eccentricity is 0.42, and the inclination is 68deg.  The masses and
luminosities are 1.16+/-0.12 solar masses, 0.77+/-0.05 sol. mass,
1.61+/-0.15 solar luminosity, and 0.17+/-0.05 solar luminosity.  Two
independent determinations of the parallax, a trigonometric parallax of
0.0379"+/-0.0030" and an orbital parallax of 0.0375"+/-0.0014", are in
excellent agreement and give a mean distance of 26.6+/-0.9 pc.  The system
appears to be metal rich relative to the sun, and space motions do not
identify it with any moving group.

We present a three-dimensional solution for the orbit of the double star
Omicron Leonis, based on new photoelectric radial velocity data mainly from the
Observatoire de Haute-Provence and on interferometric data obtained with the
Navy Prototype Optical Interferometer, the Mark III Stellar Interferometer,
and the Palomar Testbed Interferometer. Omicron Leo's primary is a giant of
type F9 and the secondary is an A5m dwarf, for which we derive masses of
2.12+/-0.01 solar masses  and 1.87+/-0.01 solar masses , respectively. The
distance to the binary is determined to be 41.4+/-0.1 pc. Combining the
distance with the measured apparent magnitudes and color differences between
the components yields luminosities of 39.4+/-2.4 solar luminosities  and
15.4+/-1.0 solar luminosities for primary and secondary, respectively. Data
from the Palomar Testbed Interferometer taken at 2.2 microns are used to
constrain the photometry in the infrared.

The G8 III star chi Andromedae, regarded as a probable spectroscopic binary
for more than 70 years past, shares with an unseen companion an orbit of long
period (21 years), small amplitude (3 km/s ), and moderate eccentricity
(0.37).  The companion seems likely to be a G or K dwarf.

HD 148224 is shown to be a spectroscopic binary with a presently unique
combination of long period (nearly ten years) and small radial-velocity
amplitude (1.5 km/s )


HR 6797 is a fifth-magnitude F-dwarf system that was not recognized as a
spectroscopic binary until 1966, when for the first time its spectrum was
observed with sufficient dispersion to be seen, on occasion, as closely
double-lined.  It is now shown to consist of slightly unequal components in
a somewhat eccentric orbit with a period of very nearly 200 days.  The
orbital inclination is 33 deg; the maximum angular separation is expected to
be 0.019".  There is a faint visual companion 7" away, so the system is at
least triple.

6 Ursae Majoris is a bright (5.5 mag) star of a type (G6 III) ideally suited
to radial-velocity measurement, and it shows velocity variations of more than
25 km/s ; it has been known as a spectroscopic binary for nearly 80 years, and
yet its orbit has never been determined until now.  The period is very close
to 1900 days, and the orbit is of high eccentricity (0.7).  The mass function
suggests that the secondary could well be a main-sequence F star.

62 Ursae Majoris is a somewhat unequal pair of sixth-magnitude F stars.  Its
duplicity was first detected with the Haute-Provence Coravel by Geneva
observers, who proceeded to determine its orbit.  Its binary nature was also
recognized at McDonald Observatory and reported to the Cambridge observer, who
established the orbit independently.  Now alerted to our joint interest, we
combine to publish the orbit, which is very well determined and has quite an
extreme eccentricity of 0.853 and a period of 267.5 days.  The pair has been
resolved by speckle interferometry; the observations show the inclination
to be near 90deg but do not quantify it sufficiently accurately to decide
whether eclipses are likely --- none has been noticed, but they have not yet
been specifically looked for.  Both stars, but particularly the primary,
appear to be somewhat above the main sequence and are probably near the
threshold of their giant-branch evolution.  Despite the very high orbital
eccentricity, the axial rotations of the stars appear to be
pseudo-synchronized.  There is a distant visual companion whose radial
velocity is, as expected, different from that of\break 62 UMa itself.

HD 97810 is a `Clube Selected Areas' binary system close to the north
celestial pole.  It has a very eccentric orbit (e~0.73) and a period of 1164
days.  Indirect evidence suggests a spectral type of K1 III.  The object has
been catalogued and repeatedly measured as a very close, equal, visual binary,
but the author cannot see how to reconcile such a system with the
radial-velocity observations.

The radial velocities of this quadruple systems are corrected for the outer
orbit (Gamma= -15.50 km/s, K=4.33 km/s, P=21857 d, T=MJD 49735, e=0.412,
omega1=127.3 d)

The radial velocities of this quadruple systems are corrected for the outer
orbit (Gamma= -14.87 km/s, K=4.85 km/s, P=21857 d, T=MJD 49735, e=0.412,
omega1=307.3 d)







44 Leonis Minoris is shown to consist of two almost equal stars of types
close to F3 IV, in an orbit with a period of 28.5 days and quite a high
eccentricity (0.55).

HR 6313, a sixth-magnitude K3 giant, is shown to be a spectroscopic binary
with a somewhat eccentric orbit whose period is close to 5000 days.

HD 51565/6, which used to be considered to show a composite spectrum, is an
Am system recently discovered (by ourselves, among others) to be a visual
binary.  The components' disparity in brightness is something like one
magnitude.  Two velocities can be measured from radial-velocity traces; they
vary in different periods, about 6.8 and 4.5 days, and doubtless belong to
the brighter and fainter visual components respectively, each of which is
therefore revealed to be a single-lined binary system.  Both orbits are close
to being circular, but that of the primary, which is naturally the better
determined, has an eccentricity that is significant: although it is only
0.027, it is twenty times its standard deviation.

HD 51565/6, which used to be considered to show a composite spectrum, is an
Am system recently discovered (by ourselves, among others) to be a visual
binary.  The components' disparity in brightness is something like one
magnitude.  Two velocities can be measured from radial-velocity traces; they
vary in different periods, about 6.8 and 4.5 days, and doubtless belong to
the brighter and fainter visual components respectively, each of which is
therefore revealed to be a single-lined binary system.  Both orbits are close
to being circular, but that of the primary, which is naturally the better
determined, has an eccentricity that is significant: although it is only
0.027, it is twenty times its standard deviation.

HR 7000, a double-lined F-type spectroscopic binary, is shown to have an
eccentric orbit with a period of 40 days. The components are probably
main-sequence stars, with spectral types close to F4~V and F6~V and rotations
much faster than synchronous.

HR 2918 is a double-lined spectroscopic binary consisting of an almost equal
pair of stars, slightly earlier in type than the Sun, in a low-eccentricity
orbit with a period of about 26 days.  The minimum masses are about 1.1 solar
mass, so eclipses are not improbable.  The stars rotate slowly, but whether
their rotations are related to the orbital period remains uncertain.

HD 150932, a late-type star about which almost nothing has previously been
known, is shown to be a spectroscopic binary with a period of about 23 years.

HD 158209 is a triple system exhibiting two late-type spectra.  The dominant
component of the spectrum shows a substantial radial-velocity variation in a
period of 22 days; in addition, the  -velocity changes with a periodicity of
8 years.  The very weak secondary component moves in anti-phase with the
long-period variation of the primary, identifying it as a single star in the
'outer' orbit of the triple system.  The primary is the only visible member
of the 22-day binary sub-system that constitutes the other component in that
orbit.  There is evidence from the parallax, spectral classification, and
proper motion that HD 158209 is a main-sequence system; it is not
incontrovertible evidence, but taken together it is quite strong.
Unfortunately we are unable to present a model in which all the components
are on the main sequence, because the orbital elements demand minimum masses
that are too large.  It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the primary
is a subgiant, the other components being about G8 V and mid-K V.  The
forthcoming Hipparcos parallax should be very informative.

HD 158209 is a triple system exhibiting two late-type spectra.  The dominant
component of the spectrum shows a substantial radial-velocity variation in a
period of 22 days; in addition, the  -velocity changes with a periodicity of
8 years.  The very weak secondary component moves in anti-phase with the
long-period variation of the primary, identifying it as a single star in the
'outer' orbit of the triple system.  The primary is the only visible member
of the 22-day binary sub-system that constitutes the other component in that
orbit.  There is evidence from the parallax, spectral classification, and
proper motion that HD 158209 is a main-sequence system; it is not
incontrovertible evidence, but taken together it is quite strong.
Unfortunately we are unable to present a model in which all the components
are on the main sequence, because the orbital elements demand minimum masses
that are too large.  It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the primary
is a subgiant, the other components being about G8 V and mid-K V.  The
forthcoming Hipparcos parallax should be very informative.


HR 2236 is a sixth-magnitude object with the spectrum of a mid-F main-
sequence star.   It has been known for half a century to be a very close visual
binary; it has a tolerably well established orbit with a period of about 30
years.   Thirty years ago it was found to exhibit a double-lined spectrum,
implying that the system is of higher multiplicity.   It is now shown to be
triple-lined, consisting of three components all of comparable luminosities
and spectral types: the visual primary is itself a double-lined binary system
with a circular orbit whose period is a little more than 2 days.   The large
amplitude of the velocity changes in the 2-day orbit permits the relative
velocities of the visual pair to be measured accurately, so in due course
the 30-year orbit, too, should become well determined in all three dimensions.

HR 6985 is a fifth-magnitude F-type star which has been known for
ten years to be double-lined.  It is now shown to consist of somewhat
unequal components in a circular orbit with an unusually short period
of slightly under 36 hours.  The orbital inclination is only 8 degrees.


HD 483 is a double-lined spectroscopic binary system with an eccentric orbit
whose period is 23.5 days.  It has feature in the literature as a
Hertzsprung-gap giant of spectral type G2III, but we think it has been
misclassified and is really a pair of main-sequence stars of approximately
solar type.  The inclination if thought to be high, but there are no eclipses.

HD 99903 is shown to be a double-lined system with a 61-day orbit of modest
eccentricity.   The other astrophysical data on it, consisting only of its
HD spectral type of K0 and its magnitudes on the International system, are
consonant with its being a main-sequence pair, as is also suggested by its
non-zero eccentricity and the undetectably small rotation of both components.
The masses of the individual components are, however, considerably in excess
of 1 M  and furthermore they are very similar to one another despite the
substantial disparity in the depths of the two dips on radial-velocity traces.
It therefore seems inescapable that the system consists of a pair of evolved
stars, but the writer cannot explain why tidal effects have neither
circularized the orbit nor synchronized the rotations of the stars with the
orbital period.Spectroscopic and photometric observations are evidently very

This orbit is part of a combined spectroscopic-interferometric solution.

This orbit is part of a combined spectroscopic-interferometric solution.

This orbit is part of a combined spectroscopic-interferometric solution.

The criteria of Lucy & Sweeney (1971) indicate that the circular-orbit
solution is to be prefered over the eccentric-orbit solution.
Value of T is NOT time of periastron passage but is T_0 = time of maximum
positive velocity, thus, omega is undefined.

The criteria of Lucy & Sweeney (1971) indicate that the eccentric-orbit
solution is to be prefered.

Radial velocity orbit derived using the HeII 4686 line for
the primary O3.5V component and the HeI 4471 line for the secondary
O8V. O-C values from the orbital fit are given as radial velocity errors.
The system shows evidence of apsidal motion with 185 +/- 16 years period.

Radial velocity orbit obtained from the HeI 4471 line measured in both
components.O-C values from the orbital fit are given as radial velocity errors.

Radial velocities and orbit calculation from the HeII 4686 line
measured in both components.
O-C values from the orbital fit are given as radial velocity errors.

Eclipsing binary in SMC. T is the time for primary minimum.  O-C values from
the orbital fit are given as radial velocity errors.
Orbital inclination: 57 +/- 3 degrees.
Individual parameters are: M1 = 25 +/- 3, R1 = 10.1 +/- 0.4,
M2 = 16 +/- 2, R2 = 8.4 +/- 0.3, solar units.

Circular orbit assumed. T is the time of maximum radial velocity.

O-C values from the orbital fit are given as radial velocity errors.


Triple-lined system. Orbital parameters  for the close pair,designed a+c in
reference.  T corresponds to the conjunction with the most massive star
(component `a') being behind its companion.  The systemic velocity for the
secondary component is -3.2 +/- 5.9.  Orbital solution computed only from
data near quadratures (other are assigned 0.0 weight).  O-C values from the
fit are given in the error column.  Orbital parameters for component b are
given separately.

Triple-lined system. Orbital parameters for component labeled as b in
reference, making a triple system with the close pair a+c.  O-C values from the
orbtial fit given in the error column.  An orbital period of 1340.5 days is
also possible; the corresponding orbital parameters are given separately.

Triple-lined system. Orbital parameters for component b, making a triple system
with the close pair a+c. O-C values from the orbital fit given in the error
column.   An orbital period of 285.1  days is also possible; the corresponding
orbital parameters are given separately.

Orbital parameters derived from high resolution echelle-CCD spectra.
O-C values from the orbital fit are given as radial velocity errors.
The orbital period was derived considering a large database containing lower
resolution observations not included in the orbital fit.

Circular orbit assumed. Only observations near quadrature phases were used in
the orbital calculation. T is the time of maximum radial velocity of the
primary component. O-C from the orbital fit given as errors.

Closest pair in quadruple system. Three sets of lines in the spectrum.
Orbital parameters for the third component are given separately.
O-C from the orbital fit quoted in the error column.

Single lined binary in quadruple system. Triple lines in the spectrum.
Orbital elements for the closest pair (a + b) are given separately.
O-C from the orbital fit are quoted in the error column.

Radial velocities and orbital elements for the O-type absorption line
spectrum. The period was obtained by fitting the radial velocity variations
of both the Wolf-Rayet emission lines and the O-type absorption lines.

asini = 14740000 plus or minus 40000 km
f(m) = 0.06146 plus or minus 0.00047 solar masses

Double lined binary, but the authors are unable to measure secondary
spectrum.  Three previous observations by Neubauer (1932) included in the
orbital calculation.

O-C values from the orbital fit given as errors.

O-C values from the orbital fit given as errors.

O-C values from the orbital fit given as errors.

O-C from the orbital fit given as errors.

O-C values from the orbital fit given as errors.

O-C values from the orbital fit given as errors.

O-C from the orbital fit given as errors.

Radial velocities collected from the literature also used in the
orbit calculation. No errors given. Internal standard deviation
of a single observation is about 15 km/s.

Subsequent studies by Solivella & Niemela (1999RMxAC...8..145S)
and Freyhammer et al. (2001A&A...369..561F) demonstrated the
orbital period is indeed 1.47 days. The later also found this
is an eclipsing system and performed a simultaneous radial
velocity and light curve solution, determining physical parameters
for the component stars.

Later work by Rauw et al. (2001MNRAS.326.1149R) showed this
is a triple system presenting also light variations.

O-C values from the orbital fit given as errors.

O-C values from the orbital fit given as errors.

O-C values from the orbital fit given as errors.
Circular orbit assumed.  T is the time of maximum radial

Circular orbit assumed. O-C values from the orbital fit
given as errors. T is the time of maximum radial velocity.

O-C values from the orbital fit given as errors.
Circular orbit assumed. T is the time of maximum radial velocity.

Circular orbit assumed. T is the time of maximum radial velocity.
O-C values from the orbital fit given as errors.

O-C values from the orbital fit given as errors.

Circular orbit assumed. T is the time of maximum radial
velocity. O-C values from the orbital fit given as errors.

A previous orbit by Balona, L. A., 1987, South African Astron. Obs. Circ.,
11, 1, resulted in a period of 15.05 days, which is one half the value of
the correct period.  His 36 SAAO radial velocities listed by the source B87
were given zero weight in the current orbital solution.  Balona's velocity
of HJD = 2444244.299 is not listed because the orbital velocity residual
is quite large, suggesting that the velocity may be a missprint or belong
to another star.

asini = 4495000 +/- 45000 km
f(m) = 0.00400 +/- 0.00012 solar masses

The system is a symbiotic binary consisting of an M giant and a probable
hot compact companion.  Separate orbits were computed for the primary and
secondary.  Radial velocities of the primary were measured from absorption
lines in the infrared.  Radial velocities of the hot secondary star were
determined from the ultraviolet emission lines measured by Gonzalez-Riestra
et al. (1990, A&A, 237, 385).  Thus, the semi-amplitude K2 is not from a
double-lined orbital solution but rather from an independent orbit computed
with the ultraviolet velocities.

The criteria of Lucy & Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that the
circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the eccentric-orbit solution.
Value of T is NOT time of periastron passage but is T_0 = time of
maximum positive velocity.  Thus, omega is undefined.

asini = 70000000 +/- 260000 km
f(m) = 0.0239 +/- 0.0026 solar masses

The system is a symbiotic binary consisting of an M giant and a probable
hot compact companion.  Radial velocities were measured from absorption
lines in the infrared.  The orbital period was adopted from Schild & Schmid
(1997, A&A, 324, 606).

The criteria of Lucy & Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that the
circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the eccentric-orbit solution.
Value of T is NOT time of periastron passage but is T_0 = time of
maximum positive velocity.  Thus, omega is undefined.

asini = 103300000 +/- 3400000 km
f(m) = 0.0481 +/- 0.0047 solar masses

The system is a symbiotic binary consisting of an M giant and a probable hot
compact companion.  Radial velocities were measured from absorption lines in
the infrared.

The criteria of Lucy and Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 644) indicate that the
eccentric-orbit solution is to be preferred, but the results are relatively
close to the dividing lines of both tests.

asini = 16330000 +/- 740000 km
f(m) = 0.00086 +/- 0.00012 solar masses

Value of T is NOT time of periastron passage but is T_0 = time
of maximum positive velocity.  Thus, omega is undefined.

a1sini = 2296200 +/- 3900 km
a2sini = 2307400 +/- 3800 km

M1 (sin)3 i = 0.8365 +/- 0.0031 solar masses
M2 (sin)3 i = 0.8303 +/- 0.0031 solar masses


The system is a Symbiotic binary.  Radial velocities were measured
from absorption lines in the infrared.

The criteria of Lucy & Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that the
circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the eccentric-orbit solution.
Value of T is NOT time of periastron passage but is T_0 = time of
maximum positive velocity.  Thus, omega is undefined.

asini = 70300000 +/- 4500000 km
f(m) = 0.024  +/- 0.005 solar masses

The system is a Symbiotic binary.  Radial velocities were measured
from absorption lines in the infrared.

The period was determined by combining three earlier sets of radial velocities
with the above velocities.  The criteria of Lucy & Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544)
indicate that the circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the
eccentric-orbit solution.  Value of T is NOT time of periastron passage but
is T_0 = time of maximum positive velocity.  Thus, omega is undefined.

asini = 44200000 +/- 2300000 km
f(m) = 0.0115 +/- 0.0018 solar masses


The system is a Symbiotic binary.  Radial velocities were measured
from absorption lines in the infrared.

The criteria of Lucy & Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that the
circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the eccentric-orbit solution.
Value of T is NOT time of periastron passage but is T_0 = time of
maximum positive velocity.  Thus, omega is undefined.

asini = 20800000 +/- 1700000 km
f(m) = 0.00100  +/- 0.00024 solar masses


The system is a Symbiotic binary.  Radial velocities were measured
from absorption lines in the infrared.

The criteria of Lucy & Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that the
circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the eccentric-orbit solution.
Value of T is NOT time of periastron passage but is T_0 = time of
maximum positive velocity.  Thus, omega is undefined.

asini = 73000000 +/- 1900000 km
f(m) = 0.0333  +/- 0.0027 solar masses

The system is a Symbiotic binary.  Radial velocities were measured
from absorption lines in the infrared.

The criteria of Lucy & Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that the
circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the eccentric-orbit solution.
Value of T is NOT time of periastron passage but is T_0 = time of
maximum positive velocity.  Thus, omega is undefined.

asini = 60300000 +/- 2300000 km
f(m) = 0.0218  +/- 0.0025 solar masses

The system is a Symbiotic binary.  Unit weight radial velocities were
measured from absorption lines in the infrared.  Other velocities are
from the literature.

The criteria of Lucy & Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that the
circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the eccentric-orbit solution.
Value of T is NOT time of periastron passage but is T_0 = time of
maximum positive velocity.  Thus, omega is undefined.

asini = 48600000 +/- 1800000 km
f(m) = 0.0196 +/- 0.0022 solar masses


The system is a Symbiotic binary.  Unit weight radial velocities were
measured from absorption lines in the infrared.  Other velocities are from
the literature.

The criteria of Lucy & Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that the
circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the eccentric-orbit solution.
Value of T is NOT time of periastron passage but is T_0 = time of
maximum positive velocity.  Thus, omega is undefined.

asini = 74770000 +/- 530000 km
f(m) = 0.3224 +/- 0.0068 solar masses


The system is a Symbiotic binary.  Unit weight radial velocities were
measured from absorption lines in the infrared.  Other velocities are
from the literature.

The criteria of Lucy & Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that the
eccentric-orbit solution is to be prefered over a circular-orbit solution.

asini = 78200000 +/- 3500000 km
f(m) = 0.0262 +/- 0.0035 solar masses


The system is a Symbiotic binary.

The system is a Symbiotic binary.  Unit weight radial velocities were
measured from absorption lines in the infrared.  Other velocities are from
the literature.

The criteria of Lucy & Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that the
circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the eccentric-orbit solution.
Value of T is NOT time of periastron passage but is T_0 = time of
maximum positive velocity.  Thus, omega is undefined.

asini = 104700000 +/- 6100000 km
f(m) = 0.221  +/- 0.038 solar masses


The system is a Sumbiotic binary.  The criteria of Lucy & Sweeney
(1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that the eccentric-orbit solution is to be

asini = 60800000 +/- 2300000 km
f(m) = 0.0135 +/- 0.0015 solar masses

The following data are used:
P: Palomar 5m telescope (Hartmann et al. 1981, ApJ, 249, 662);
H: Heintz W.D., 1981, ApJS, 46, 247;
K: KPNO Coude  (Hartmann et al. 1981, ApJ, 249, 662);
M: Mount-Hopkins echelle (Hartmann et al. 1981, ApJ, 249, 662);
RVM: Radial-Velocity-Meter, this work
Weights are inversely proportional to the


Radial velocities from Beavers & Eitter (1986 ApJS, 62, 147) are marked.
Compared to the 1991 paper, more unpublished data from the RVM instrument
(after JD 2448117) are added.

Radial velocities from Beavers & Eitter (1986 ApJS, 62, 147) are marked.


Combined spectroscopic-interferometric orbit.
Radial velocities from MacClure et al. (1983, PASP, 95, 201) are
marked as 'MCl'.

Combined spectroscopic-visual orbit, only few radial velocities.

Small eccentricityy is significant.  Blended dips (marked '+b') are not
used in the orbital solution.

Combined  spectroscopic-interferometric  orbit.  The orbital  elements
were  obtained by  direct  fitting to  the  blended correlation  dips,
without explicit derivation of the radial velocities.

Combined   spectro-interferometric  orbit:  major   semiaxis  (arcsec)
0.05338 +- 0.00052,  position angle of ascending node  (deg) 49.29 +- 0.42.
Codes  for  types of  observations:  (P)  DAO  photographic; (SF)  DAO
spectrometer with F star mask; (SK) DAO spectrometer with K star mask;
(K) KPNO  CCD. The following  amounts have been  added to the  raw DAO
spectrometer data to give the results  in this table, which are in the
system of  Scarfe et al.  1990: SF,  -0.8 km s-1;  SK, 0.4 km  s-1.  A
colon following the above  code indicates an observation rejected from
the  final  solution  because  it  produced  a  large  residual  in  a
preliminary one.

-Ellipticity is "assumed" in the paper.
-HD 95559 is possibly a triple system. However, no evidence for a
third component in spectra.

This is  a triple  system. Spectroscopic orbit  refers to  the primary
component of ADS 14859  visual binary, Cepheid.  Pulsational component
of radial  velocity was subtracted  using the "pseudo-orbit"  with the
following parameters:
P = 3.3325099 +- 0.000013 d
T =  2444370.0 +- 0.3 JD
e = 0.05 +- 0.03
omega = 92.2 +- 35.5 deg.
Weights of  old observations (not  included here) are 0.1,  weights of
modern CCD observations are 1.0. RVs have been corrected for different
zero-points  by  adding  the  correction  as indicated  in  the  notes
("Corr."). Unknown RV errors are replaced by zeroes.

Star belongs to NGS 6523 = M8.
Radial velocities are from IUE.
The 6.14d orbit of Morrison and Conti (1978) is revised here.

Radial velocities from CfA (Pilachowski et al. 1989) are marked as
"CfA", the remaining data are from CORAVEL.

Radial velocities from CfA (Pilachowski et al. 1989) are marked as
"CfA", the remaining data are from CORAVEL.
Only one orbital cycle is covered.

Radial velocities from CfA (Pilachowski et al. 1989) are marked as
"CfA", the remaining data are from CORAVEL.
Only one orbital cycle is covered.

The average internal error is 0.86 km/s.

Observations   are  from  Palomar   (P)  and   from  CfA   digital  RV
spectrometers  at  MMT  (M)  and Tillinghast  1.5m  (remaining).   The
Tillinghast data were wighted 0.3 relative to other data.

Observations   are  from  Palomar   (P)  and   from  CfA   digital  RV
spectrometers  at  MMT  (M)  and  Tillinghast  1.5m  (remaining).  The
Tillinghast data were wighted 0.3 relative to other data.

Weak secondary is observed in cross-correlation but not processed for the SB
Observations are from CfA digital RV spectrometers at MMT (M), Weyeth
1.5m (W) and Tillinghast 1.5m (remaining). The Tillinghast data were
wighted 0.3 relative to other data.

Observations are from CfA digital RV spectrometers at MMT (M), Weyeth
1.5m (W) and Tillinghast 1.5m (remaining).

Observations  are from  CfA digital  RV spectrometers  at MMT  (M) and
Tillinghast 1.5m  (remaining).

This orbit refers to the "sharp-lined" component of the triple system
S1082, also called "B". Other component is a close system of 1.0677978
day period, see ...
    T = Tillinghast reflector;
    M = MMT.

Observations   are  from  CORAVEL   (C)  and   from  CfA   digital  RV
spectrometers  at  MMT  (M)  and  Tillinghast  1.5m  (remaining).  The
Tillinghast data were wighted 0.3 relative to other data.

Observations are from CORAVEL (C)  and CfA digital RV spectrometers at
MMT  (M),  Weyeth  1.5m  (W)  and Tillinghast  1.5m  (remaining).  The
Tillinghast data were wighted 0.3 relative to other data.

Observations are from Palomar (P)  and CfA digital RV spectrometers at
MMT (M)  and Tillinghast 1.5m  (remaining).  The Tillinghast  data were
weighted 0.3 relative to other data.

Observations are from Palomar (P), CORAVEL (C) and from CfA digital RV
spectrometers  at  MMT  (M),  Weyeth  1.5m (W)  and  Tillinghast  1.5m
(remaining). The Tillinghast data  were weighted 0.3 relative to other

Observations   are  from  Palomar   (P)  and   from  CfA   digital  RV
spectrometers  at  MMT  (M),  Weyeth  1.5m (W)  and  Tillinghast  1.5m
(remaining). The Tillinghast data  were weighted 0.3 relative to other

This is a spectroscopic triple star, with two system of lines visible:
the  SB1 (of which  the orbit  is given  here) and  a tertiary  with a
constant  RV with  a mean  of 35.2  km/s. Blended  dips were  split by
fitting a double Gaussian. Unsplit dips (marked :) are not used in the
orbit solution.
Observations  are from  CfA digital  RV spectrometers  at MMT  (M) and
Tillinghast 1.5m  (remaining). The Tillinghast data  were weighted 0.3
relative to other data.

Observations are Palomar (P) and  from CfA digital RV spectrometers at
MMT (M)  and Tillinghast 1.5m (remaining).  The  Tillinghast data were
weighted 0.3 relative to other data.

Observations  are from  CfA digital  RV spectrometers  at MMT  (M) and
Tillinghast 1.5m  (remaining). The Tillinghast data  were weighted 0.3
relative to other data.

Observations are from CfA digital RV spectrometers at MMT (M), Weyeth
1.5m (W) and Tillinghast 1.5m (remaining). The Tillinghast data were
weighted 0.3 relative to other data.

Observations are from Palomar (P), CORAVEL (C) and from CfA digital RV
spectrometers  at  MMT  (M),  Weyeth  1.5m (W)  and  Tillinghast  1.5m
(remaining). The Tillinghast data  were weighted 0.3 relative to other

Observations   are  from  Palomar   (P)  and   from  CfA   digital  RV
spectrometers  at  MMT  (M)  and  Tillinghast  1.5m  (remaining).  The
Tillinghast data were weighted 0.3 relative to other data.

Non-member of the M67 cluster.
Observations  are from  CfA digital  RV spectrometers  at MMT  (M) and
Tillinghast 1.5m  (remaining). The Tillinghast data  were weighted 0.3
relative to other data.

Observations are from Palomar (P), CORAVEL (C) and from CfA digital RV
spectrometers  at  MMT  (M),  Weyeth  1.5m (W)  and  Tillinghast  1.5m
(remaining). The Tillinghast data  were weighted 0.3 relative to other

Observations are from CfA digital RV spectrometers at MMT (M), Weyeth
1.5m (W) and Tillinghast 1.5m (remaining). The Tillinghast data were
weighted 0.3 relative to other data.

Proper-motion  non-member.
Observations at Palomar are marked "P" (adjusted zero point, weight4),
all other  observations -- weight 1:  "C" -- CORAVEL,  "V" -- Dominion
observatory (Victoria), remaining  observations are from the Cambridge
radial velocity spectrometer.

Observations  marked as "M" were obtained at MMT, weight 1.
Remaining observations are from the Tillinghast 1.5m telescope, weight

Observations  marked as "M" were obtained at MMT, weight 1.
Remaining observations are from the Tillinghast 1.5m telescope, weight


This id the  short-priod sub-system of S1082 that  contains a tertiary
component  with 1188.5-d  period. Two  stars in  this system  are blue
Radial velocities from Sandquist et al. (2003AJ....125..810S) obtained
at McDonald observatpry  are listed here, although they  were not used
in the orbit computing. The latter authors argue that the orbit may be
eccentric,  but  do  not  provide  the  elements.  The  center-of-mass
velocity listed is relative.
T0 in the original paper is likely to refer to the time of the primary
eclipse, that is why omega is here listed as 90deg.

Zero-point  corrections from  -7.7 to  10.6 km/s  are applied  to each
observation, all corrections  for BMES94 are +1.3 km/s.   Lines of the
tertiary component C are also observed in the spectrum, but no orbit
is given.
The T0 listed in the paper does not correspond to time of maximum velocity
as indicated.  The value given here is more likely to be so.

C95 -  data from Casey et  al. (1995AJ....109.2156C).  Semi-amplitudes
K1 and  K2 are  not given in  the publication, re-calculated  from the
masses.   The errors  used in  fitting the  orbit are  2 km/s  for the
primary, 10 km/s for the secondary and for the data of Casey et al.

C95 - data  from Casey et al. (1995AJ....109.2156C).   The errors used
in fitting the orbit are  10 km/s for all velocities.  Semi-amplitudes
K1 and  K2 are  not given in  the publication, re-calculated  from the
masses.  Five  orbits with periods from  126 to 270 days  are given by
the authors, the  best-fitting orbit is given here.   The "primary" is
the center-of-mass of the system  AB calculated from the mass ratio as
V_AB = (3*V_A  + 1.6*V_B)/4.6, the "secondary" is  the third component

 In addition to the  IUE (international Ultraviolet Explorer) spectra,
we also obtained seven optical spectra in the range 3804-4220A.  These
spectra were  made with  the MSO (Mount  Stromlo Observatory)  74 inch
telescope and  coude spectrograph using  grating C (600  grooves mm-1,
blazed  at 12500A in  first order)  in third  order with  a BG12
order-sorting  filter.  - SWP:  short-wavelength prime  camera spectra
from IUE.

Orbital elements were  fitted to the primary RVs,  only K2 and V0=20.4
+- 2.1 km/s were then  found for the secondary.  Weights are inversely
proportional  to the  errors.  The  period 29.13434  +- 0.00020  d was
determined using the data of  Hilditch et al. (1991). The longitude of
periastron changes because of line-of-apsides rotation.

-Also: O6.5 III for primary spec. type.
-They set the weights of the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE),
Canada-France-Hawaii   Telescope  (CFHT),   and  Kitt   Peak  National
Observatory  (KPNO)   measurements  to   unity,  and  all   the  other
measurements  were  assigned  a   weight  of  0.05.   This  weight  is
approximately equal to  the square of the ratio  of the errors between
the  high-quality  and the  subsidiary  measurements.  The  subsidiary
measurements have a larger scatter as  a result of a lower S/N and the
use   of   line  samples   with   significant  line-to-line   velocity

The orbit  is based mostly  on speckle data.   The element K1  was not
given in the publication, calculated from the author's data with other
elements fixed.
RV obtained  from H-alpha line.  The low-resolution  Skinakas data are
not suitable for the RV measurements.  The BOL data do not resolve the
double-peaked Halpha  structure. The Ritter  data marked with  a colon
have the lowest S/N ratio.
-Rit: Ritter Observatory
-CAO: 2.6m Shajn telescope of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory (Ukraine)
-ESO: 1.52m telescope at the ESO (La Silla, Chile)
-Ski: Skinakas Observatory (Crete, Greece)
-BOL: Cassini telescope at the Loiano Observatory (BOL, Italy)

The   radial  velocities   are   related  to   the  CORALIE   standard
system. CORALIE high-resolution fiber-fed echelle spectrograph (Queloz
et al.  2000) was mounted on the Nasmyth focus on the 120 cm New Swiss
telescope at La Silla (ESO, Chile).















This orbit supercedes the earlier paper 4, 1988Obs...108..174S.
Radial velovities are on the international scale and are derived by
cross-correlation from the IUE spectra.

This  orbit  supercedes  the  earlier  paper  2,  1987Obs...107...68S.
Radial velovities  are on the  international scale and are  derived by
cross-correlation  from the  IUE spectra.  The secondary  component is
detected in cross-correlation, but does not fit any sensible orbit.

This  orbit  supercedes  the  earlier  paper  5,  1989Obs...109...74S.
Radial velovities  are on the  international scale and are  derived by
cross-correlation  from the  IUE spectra.
The secondary RVs were used only to derive K2.

Member of the young cluster NGC 6383.
The period is derived by combining the new observations with
historical data and then fixed in the orbital solution.

Radial velocities are derived from the IUE spectra by
The data affected by the eclipses were given zero weight.

Radial velocities are derived from the IUE spectra by
The systemic velocity given refers to the primary, for the secondary
it was found to be -60.0 +- 2.6 km/s.

Radial velocities are derived from the IUE spectra by cross-correlation.
The star belongs to the NGC 6231 cluster.

The star belongs to the NGC 2244 cluster.
Radial velocities are derived from the IUE spectra by cross-correlation.

Radial velocities are derived from the IUE spectra by cross-correlation.

Radial velocities are derived from the IUE spectra by cross-correlation.

Radial velocities are derived from the IUE spectra by cross-correlation.

Radial velocities are derived from the IUE spectra by cross-correlation.

Radial velocities are derived from the IUE spectra by cross-correlation.

Radial velocities are derived from the IUE spectra by cross-correlation.

Radial velocities are derived from the IUE spectra by cross-correlation.

Radial velocities are derived from the IUE spectra by cross-correlation.
Elements are obtained by combining the IUE data with
Levato et al. (1988 ApJS 68 319) data.

-Observations: High resolution (10 km s^-1), each covering a region 45
Angstroms  wide centered  on 5187  Angstroms  (or in  few cases,  5197
Angstroms), were obtained  with nearly identical echelle spectrographs
and  photo-counting  detectors  at  three different  telescopes:  1.5m
Tillinghast reflector  at the Fred L. Whipple  Observatory (FLWO), the
1.5m  Wyeth reflector  at the  Oak  Ridge Observatory  (ORO), and  the
Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT).

- Most data  obtained at  Multiple Mirror Telescope,  1.5m Tillinghast
reflector at the Fred L. Whipple Observatory, the 1.5m Wyeth reflector
at  Oak  Ridge  Observatory  and  the  Hale  5m  telescope.   RVs  are
recuperated from the  WEBDA database and are extended  compared to the
original publication.

Data obtained at Multiple Mirror Telescope, 1.5m Tillinghast reflector
at the  Fred L. Whipple Observatory,  the 1.5m Wyeth  reflector at Oak
Ridge Observatory and the Hale  5m telescope. RVs are recuperated from
the  WEBDA  database  and   are  extended  compared  to  the  original

-Single-lined naked T-Tauri binary (NTTS).
-Data  obtained  in  the   1.5m  Tillinghast  reflector (T) at  the  Fred
L. Whipple Observatory and the Multiple Mirror Telescope (M)
-No Simbad entry found.

-Single-lined naked T-Tauri binary (NTTS).
-Data  obtained  at  the   1.5m  Tillinghast  reflector (T) at  the  Fred
L. Whipple Observatory and the Multiple Mirror Telescope (M)

-Single-lined naked T-Tauri Star  (NTTS) binary
-Data  obtained  in  the  1.5m  Tillinghast  reflector (T) at  the  Fred
L. Whipple Observatory and the Multiple Mirror Telescope (M)

-Double-lined NTTS (naked T-Tauri) binary
-Data  obtained  in  the   1.5m  Tillinghast  reflector (T)  at  the  Fred
L. Whipple Observatory and the Multiple Mirror Telescope (M)

-Single-lined naked T-Tauri Star (NTTS) binary
-Data  obtained  in  the   1.5m  Tillinghast  reflector (T)  at  the  Fred
L. Whipple Observatory and the Multiple Mirror Telescope (M)
-No aliases found in Simbad

-NIR = Near Infrared observations
-Spectral classification of the primary has an uncertainty of less than one subtype.

-Single-lined spectroscopy binary; a classical T Tauri.
-The measured eccentricity of the orbit is not distinguishable from zero, although the measurement error is fairly large.
-Data taken using: 1.5m Tillinghast reflector at the Fred L. Whipple Observatory (FLWO) and the Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT)

-Double-lined binary; classical T Tauri.
--Data obtained at Multiple Mirror Telescope(M), 10m Keck telescope at Mauna Kea(K), 3m telescope at  Lick Obsevatory(L), 2.7m (McD) and 2.1m(Mc) 1m telescopes at  MacDonald Observatory.
-Authors recommend to use orbital data taken with CfA instead of CfA + LKM (Lick,Keck, McDonald), because the former set of data is biased.
-n1 and n2 are refered to the total number of telescope observations. In this paper not all the observations have RV1, RV2 results.

-Data taken using CfA (Center for Astrohysics, Harvard) Digital Speedometer on the 1.5m Tillinghast reflector at the Whipple Observatory on Mount Hopkins, Arizona.
-To derive the velocities simultaneusly for both components they used TODCOR, a new two-dimensional correlation technique.


































-In our orbital solution, we  assumed the orbital period following the
1985 edition of the General Catalogue of Variable Stars, P = 0.4942624
days. The O-C deviation for the primary eclipse epoch T0 is relatively
large and equals  0.0206 days, which is much larger  than the error of
determination  of T0.  This  shift may  be  partly due  to an  obvious
asymmetry in the  radial velocity curve of the  less massive component
in the first half of the orbital cycle



- Bond  (1975, PASP  87, 877)  noted diffuse  spectral lines  and then
obtained a  fragmentary light  curve indicating that  the star is  a W
UMa-type  binary. Since  then,  the  binary has  been  the subject  of
several time-of-minima  studies, the most recent  one by Muyesseroglu,
Gurol, & Selam,1996,Inf. Bull. Variable Stars, No. 4380. We have taken
the value of the period, P = 0.3551501 days, from the study of Aslan &
Derman (1986, Ap&SS 66, 281).



- "a" means that half-weigh is given in the orbital solution for RV1

-We adopted  P =  0.470691 days for  our data,  a number based  on the
values given by Awadalla (1994, A&A 289, 137) and Binnendijk (1964, AJ
69, 157).



- Recent  photometric observations  of SV  Equ were  reported  by Cook
(1997, AAVSO 26, 14) who  gave the new time-of-minimum prediction with
the period P = 0.88097307  days. These observations were obtained very
close in  time to our observations,  but they disagree in  the time of
minimum  T0.  We do  not  see  any obvious  reasons  why  the O-C  for
contemporaneous observations  should be as  large as -0.028  days, but
note that the graph of the  data in Cook (1997) indicates rather large
photometric errors.



-The orbital period of 0.42 days is somewhat long for a typical W-type
system, and the spectral type of F9 V is relatively early for a W-type
system. The light curve has  a moderately large amplitude of about 0.6
mag and the primary (deeper) eclipses appear to be total or very close
to  total,  so that  the  system has  the  potential  of an  excellent
combined light and radial velocity solution.



- 'RV2a' marks the observations  were secondary is given half-weight.

-For guidance on the orbital  phases, we used the recent determination
of Agerer and Huebscher (1998, Inf. Bull. Variable Stars No. 4562). To
phase our observations, we used the value of the period from the study
by Binnendijk (1972, AJ 77, 246).



- 'RV1a' and 'RV2a' marks the observations  given half-weight.

-- Niarchos  et  al. (1994,  A&A  292,  494)  made the  plausible  and
apparently correct  assumption that  the system is  of the A  type and
attempted to determine  the mass ratio. Their value,  q_ph = 0.726, is
very far from our  spectroscopic determination, q_sp = 0.348(29), once
again  demonstrating the  dangers  of spectroscopically  unconstrained
light-curve solutions for  partially eclipsing systems. They attempted
to estimate the spectral type and preferred the range A7 to F0, rather
than the previous estimates of  A5 to A7. The Tycho's experiment color
(B-V)_T = 0.45 (7) indicates  a mid-F spectral type. Our spectral type
is A8-F0 V, so that there  is a disagreement between the color and the
spectral type.



-The period used for phasing our observations was determined by Akalin
& Derman (1997, A&AS 125, 407).



- 'RV1a'  marks the observations  given half-weight.

- The assumed  period, as  well as the  recent timing of  the eclipse,
comes from  the photometric study by  Cereda et al.   (1988, A&AS, 76,
256).   Since the system  was not  recently observed,  the accumulated
uncertainty in  the period, as well  as a likely change  in its length
since the  observations of Cereda  et al. (1988),  has led to  a large
difference  between the spectroscopic  and predicted  values of  T0 of
0.2208 days.   We handled the  implied problem of relating  our radial
velocity to the  photometric data of Cereda et  al. (1988) by assuming
that the system  is of the A  type, as indicated by the  fact that the
secondary (shallower) eclipses are apparently total.



- 'RV2a' marks the observations  were secondary is given half-weight.

- The radial velocity variations have been observed by us for the first time.



- O-C is listed instead of errors

- a = Data  have been given half weight in  the orbital solution. Note
that "a" is associated with RV1 or RV2.

-Observations   leading  to   entirely  unseparable   broadening-  and
correlation-function peaks  are left blank; these  observations may be
eventually used in more extensive modeling of broadening functions.

-The light curve shows two equally  deep minima, so that the choice of
the contact  binary type  is somewhat arbitrary.  We chose to  use the
original ESA (1997)  ephemeris, which then leads to  the A-type system
(the more  massive, hotter star  eclipsed at minimum  corresponding to
our  T0).  Note, however,  that  T0  =  2,451,510.5416, determined  by
Keskin,  Yasarsoy,  &  Sipahi  (2000)  from  photometric  observations
obtained during the span  of our spectroscopic observations, must then
refer to  the secondary minimum.  These observations are  in excellent
agreement  with our  observations in  terms of  the initial  epoch, if
allowance of a half-period is made.



- a = Data  have been given half weight in  the orbital solution. Note
that "a" is associated with RV1 or RV2.

- O-C is listed instead of errors

-Observations   leading  to   entirely  unseparable   broadening-  and
correlation-function peaks  are left blank; these  observations may be
eventually used in more extensive modeling of broadening functions.

- Because  of  the relative  faintness  of  EL  Aqr and  large  zenith
distance as seen  from the David Dunlap Observatory  (DDO), our radial
velocity observations have relatively  large scatter. The system is of
the  A type  and has  a small  mass  ratio, q  = 0.203  +- 0.008.  The
ephemeris  of   Agerer  &   Hubscher  (1999),  based   on  photometric
observations obtained  during our observations  (T0 = 2,451,080.4443),
agrees very well with our determination of T0.



- a = Data  have been given half weight in  the orbital solution. Note
that "a" is associated with RV1 or RV2.

- O-C is listed instead of errors

-Observations   leading  to   entirely  unseparable   broadening-  and
correlation-function peaks  are left blank; these  observations may be
eventually used in more extensive modeling of broadening functions.

-We have not  been able to detect a third  component in the broadening
functions, which is surprising  in view of the well-defined signatures
of two different components in the classification spectrum.



- a = Data  have been given half weight in  the orbital solution. Note
that "a" is associated with RV1 or RV2.

- O-C is listed instead of errors

-Observations   leading  to   entirely  unseparable   broadening-  and
correlation-function peaks  are left blank; these  observations may be
eventually used in more extensive modeling of broadening functions.

-DN Cam has  not been observed photometrically since  the discovery by
Hipparcos.  Our  determination of  T0  is  fully  consistent with  the
original ephemeris,  T0 = 2,448,500.488.  It should be noted  that the
HIP light curve  shows practically equally deep eclipses,  so that the
matter of  the type  of the system  (A or  W) is uncertain  and awaits
detailed modeling.



- O-C is listed instead of errors

-Observations   leading  to   entirely  unseparable   broadening-  and
correlation-function peaks  are left blank; these  observations may be
eventually used in more extensive modeling of broadening functions.

-Our  independent estimates  of  the spectral  type  are not  entirely
consistent,  A9 and  F2, but  agree with  the spectral  type estimated
before (F2 in SIMBAD).

-The original  HIPPARCOS epoch, T0  = 2,448,500.427, agrees  well with
our determination of  T0. Again, the eclipses are  almost equally deep
in this case.



- a = Data  have been given half weight in  the orbital solution. Note
that "a" is associated with RV1 or RV2.

- O-C is listed instead of errors

-Observations   leading  to   entirely  unseparable   broadening-  and
correlation-function peaks  are left blank; these  observations may be
eventually used in more extensive modeling of broadening functions.

-V776 Cas  is the brighter member  of the visual binary  ADS 1485. The
companion, at a separation of 5".38, is 2 mag fainter than the contact
binary. We  avoided the companion in our  radial velocity observations
of  V776 Cas  but  observed its  velocity  on two  occasions with  the
following results:  HJD = 2,451,769.800, Vr  = -26.4 km s-1  and HJD =
2,451,806.715, Vr = -27.4 km s-1.



- O-C is listed instead of errors

-Observations   leading  to   entirely  unseparable   broadening-  and
correlation-function peaks  are left blank; these  observations may be
eventually used in more extensive modeling of broadening functions.

-The discovery of spectral signatures of the secondary component in SX
Crv  was not  easy.  In fact,  without  any new  photometric data,  we
unnecessarily   collected  many   observations   during  conjunctions,
assigning our initial inability to  detect the secondary to a possible
problem with the initial epoch and/or to a variable period. Only later
on  did  we  realize  that  a  weak signature  of  the  secondary  was
detectable in our broadening functions, in spite of the large ratio of
masses of 15:1. To calculate the orbital phases, we used the HIPPARCOS
data on the period and the initial epoch (T0 = 2,448,500.1539).

- The HIP light curve is rather  poorly covered, so it is difficult to
say if  the secondary eclipse of SX  Crv is total. It  may be actually
the case because for  a small q total eclipses take  place over a wide
range  of the  inclinations;  also,  an amplitude  as  "large" as  the
observed 0.2  mag is not  easy to obtain  for such a small  mass ratio
without  the inclination  being  sufficiently large  to produce  total



- a = Data  have been given half weight in  the orbital solution. Note
that "a" is associated with RV1 or RV2.

- O-C is listed instead of errors

-Observations   leading  to   entirely  unseparable   broadening-  and
correlation-function peaks  are left blank; these  observations may be
eventually used in more extensive modeling of broadening functions.

- V351 Peg was  discovered to be an eclipsing  binary by the Hipparcos
mission. It is  listed in the HIPPARCOS catalog  with the period equal
to one-half  of the  actual one (0.5933  days), apparently due  to the
identical depths of the eclipses. We used a period 2 times longer than
in the HIP catalog but kept the original initial epoch for consistency
with these observations; then the system  is of the W type. The system
was  subsequently  photometrically   observed  by  Gomez-Forrellad  et
al. (1999). Their published value,  advanced to the actual time of the
observations,  is  T0 =  2,450,722.3918.  Our  determination is  fully
consistent with this determination.



- a = Data  have been given half weight in  the orbital solution. Note
that "a" is associated with RV1 or RV2.

- O-C is listed instead of errors

-Observations   leading  to   entirely  unseparable   broadening-  and
correlation-function peaks  are left blank; these  observations may be
eventually used in more extensive modeling of broadening functions.



- O-C is listed instead of errors

-The  velocity  amplitudes  are   relatively  small,  which  would  be
consistent  with  the small  photometric  amplitude  (0.07 mag),  both
probably caused  by a low  orbital inclination. The  small photometric
amplitude could also result from a moderate distortion of its detached



Observations  using the  Coude Auxiliary  Telescope(CAT) equipped with
the Coude Echelle Spectrometer of the European Southern Observatory.

SB9: The T0 listed in the paper was wrong.  The authors supplied us with
a revised value.


New observations are obtained with the Coude Auxiliary Telescope (CAT)
at ESO.  The  RVs from Bonsack (1981) and  Tokovinin (1997) are merged
in a single orbital solution. The small eccentricity is significant.

SB9: The T0 listed in the paper was wrong.  The authors supplied us with
a revised value.


New observations  using the  Coude Auxiliary Telescope  (CAT) equipped
with  the   Coude  Echelle  Spectrometer  of   the  European  Southern
Observatory. The orbit is computed  by merging the new data with those
of Sahade (1950).

SB9: The T0 listed in the paper was wrong.  The authors supplied us with
a revised value.


Observations using  the Coude Auxiliary  Telescope (CAT) equipped with
the  Coude  Echelle  Spectrometer   (CES)  of  the  European  Southern
Observatory  and the  2.1m telescope  of the  Complejo  Astronomico El
Leoncito  (CASLEO)  by  using  a  Boller &  Chivens  (B7C)  Cassegrain

-ESO(CAT)+CES configuration: sigma (standard deviation) =0.7 km/s,
-CASLEO + B&C spectrograph: sigma =3.4 km/s.

The orbital solution uses the RV  by Abt (1970). The orbital period of
9.91d found by Morrell & Levato (1991) is shown here to be wrong.

SB9: The T0 listed in the paper was wrong.  The authors supplied us with
a revised value.


Observations  using the  Coude Auxiliary  Telescope (CAT) equipped with
the Coude  Echelle Spectrometer of the  European Southern Observatory,
the 2.1m telescope of the Complejo Astronomico El Leoncito (CASLEO) by
using  a  Boller  &  Chivens  Cassegrain  spectrograph  and  the  0.9m
telescope  of the  Catania Astrophysical  Observatory, which  is fibre
linked to a REOSC echelle spectrograph.

-ESO(CAT)+CES configuration: sigma (standard deviation) =0.7 km/s
-CASLEO + B&C spectrograph: sigma =3.4 km/s
-SLN + REOSC spectrograph: sigma=1.1 km/s

The observations by Blaauw & van Albada (1963) are used in the orbital

The secondary is estimated to be 1mag fainter than the primary.

SB9: The T0 listed in the paper was wrong.  The authors supplied us with
a revised value.


-Observations  using the  Coude Auxiliary  Telescope (CAT) equipped with
the Coude  Echelle Spectrometer  of the European  Southern Observatory
and the 0.9m telescope of the Catania Astrophysical Observatory, which
is fibre linked to a REOSC echelle spectrograph.

-ESO(CAT)+CES configuration: sigma (standard deviation) =0.7 km/s
-SLN + REOSC spectrograph: sigma=1.1 km/s

The RV of van Hoof et al. (1963) are used in the orbital solution.

SB9: The T0 listed in the paper was wrong.  The authors supplied us with
a revised value.


-Observations using  the 0.9m  telescope of the  Catania Astrophysical
Observatory, which is fibre linked to a REOSC echelle spectrograph.

-SLN + REOSC spectrograph: sigma=1.1

The orbit is computed using also the RV from Batten et al. (1982)

SB9: The T0 listed in the paper was wrong.  The authors supplied us with
a revised value.




The preliminary result gave a  single-lined binary (SB1) with a period
of 5.97 days, but the residuals  (+-2.92 km s-1) are too large for its
rotational  velocity.  The residuals  showed  a  variation with  time,
yielding  an  orbit  with a  period  of  1487  +-  72 days.  Raboud  &
Mermilliod 1998 suspect a period "around 2900 days," so we or they may
be off by a factor of  2. Correcting for that motion the residuals for
the short period are +-0.70 km  s-1, which is consistent with those of
other stars of the same  rotational velocities. Thus, this seems to be
a  triple system.  Negative  speckle results  and occultation  results
(Peterson & White 1984 and Peterson et al. 1989).



The preliminary result gave a  single-lined binary (SB1) with a period
of 5.97 days, but the residuals  (+-2.92 km s-1) are too large for its
rotational  velocity.  The residuals  showed  a  variation with  time,
yielding  an  orbit  with a  period  of  1487  +-  72 days.  Raboud  &
Mermilliod 1998 suspect a period "around 2900 days," so we or they may
be off by a factor of  2. Correcting for that motion the residuals for
the short period are +-0.70 km  s-1, which is consistent with those of
other stars of the same  rotational velocities. Thus, this seems to be
a  triple system.  Negative  speckle results  and occultation  results
(Peterson & White 1984 and Peterson et al. 1989).



-This appears  to be an double-lined  binary (SB2) in  which the lines
are always partially blended. In refining the orbital elements we gave
those near the gamma velocity lower weight. Negative speckle results.



Our orbital elements are similar  to those of Sanford (1931). Negative
speckle and occultation results.



Negative speckle and occultation results.



Our  spectra show  a peculiar  situation of  possibly a  sharp blended
double-lined pair combined with a very broad-lined star. The first set
of velocities in  Table 2 refer to the broad lines;  the next two sets
refer to the  sharp double lines.  It has not  been possible to derive
orbital elements, except  perhaps a rough period for  the sharper pair
of about 48 days. It is  possible that the broad-lined star plus sharp
pair  represent  the speckle  binary  seen by  Mason  et  al. 1993  at
0".14-0".05 and  in occultation measures  by Peterson et al.   1989 at
0".115. This star  is considered to be a Delta  Scuti star by Tsevtkov



Our spectra  show a double-lined spectrum whose  components are always
blended by rotation, but at least they are clearly discernible most of
the time. Noted  as an double-lined binary (SB2)  in the BSC. Negative
speckle and occultation results.



We find this  to be an single-lined binary (SB1) with  a period of 994
days  and K  = 9.8  km  s-1.  These  confirm the  elements derived  by
Mermilliod & Mayor (1989), who found a  period of 998 days and K = 9.6
km s-1. These imply an  angular separation of 0".023. Peterson & White
found occultation  evidence for a separation of  0".0181 and magnitude
difference of 1.9  mag; they suggest a period of about  4 yr. It seems
likely that  both of these refer  to the same  pair.  Negative speckle



We  confirm the orbital  elements by  Vinter-Hansen (1940)  and derive
elements by combing  her data with ours. We did  not see the secondary
lines  within  our spectral  range.  Herbig  &  Turner (1953)  derived
spectral types of G0 III-IV (primary) and A3 (secondary).



This  appears to  be a  double-lined binary  with components  that are
always  blended  by  high  rotational  velocities.  Only  the  primary
elements  are  useful  and,  in  particular,  only  the  period  seems



Our orbital elements agree well with those by Harper (1926).



Our orbital elements agree with most  of those found by Conti & Barker
(1973) except we find e = 0.30 compared with their e = 0.36.



The  spectrum appears  to  be a  double-lined  binary with  components
always  blended  by  moderate  rotation.   Although  combined  orbital
elements were derived, they are  probably not very accurate. This star
is listed as a Delta Scuti variable by Breger (1979).





Usenko  (1990 Kinem.  Phys.  Celest. Bodies,  6,  No.3) suggested  the
presence of a  B5 companion from the star's  position in the two-color



The radial velosities were published by the same authors in
IBVS 4130 (1994). In this paper the authors calculate the new
orbital elements using the same measured velocities.



To calculate the orbital elements authors used measured (n=79)
and published (n=56) radial velocities. They did not publish
their velocities.



To calculate the orbital elements authors used measured (n=83)
and published (n=117) radial velocities. They did not publish
their velocities.



To calculate the orbital elements authors used measured (n=131)
and published (n=49) radial velocities. They did not publish
their velocities.



To calculate the orbital elements authors used measured (n=58)
and published (n=9) radial velocities. They did not publish
their velocities.



To calculate the orbital elements authors used measured (n=69)
and published (n=93) radial velocities. They did not publish their



Authors calculated orbital elements using all available data.



Radial-velocity curve of A-component was constructed on the
measured and published radial velocity data.



The period was taken by authors from Stefl et al.(1990,
Bull. Astron. Inst. Czechoslov. 41, 29)
The epoch T0 given by the authors referred to the secondary,
here corrected.



Two spectrograms have been taken with the 6-m telescope at the
Special Astrophysical Observatory, and five ones with the 2.6 m
telescope at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.
The period P has been taken from Bondar' et al.(1997,
Astron. Zh. 74, 701)
The radial-velocity curve was constructed based on the measured and
published radial velocities.



Four spectrograms were taken at 6-m Special Astrophysical
Observatory telescope, and five ones were taken at 2.6-m
Crimean Astrophysical Observatory telescope (Crimea).
The radial velocites were determined by two different methods
from first four spectrograms. There is another set of radial
velocities for the primary star.
 JD        RV1  Err1
48578.498  90   11
48579.440  38    7
48581.560 -42   16
48582.561 -15   10

e, K1, K2, V0, rms1, rms2 were derived using data from all previous

P, T0 were taken from Bondar', N.I. and Vitrichenko, E.A., Astron.
Lett., 1995, vol. 21, p.627



Authors used P and T0 of Hill et. al (1976 AAp. 51, 1) Radial-velocity
curve was constructed from 1924-1991 observations of different authors
in joint solution with BVR light  curves. Amplitude K1 is not given by
the authors, derived from the given component masses.

There is another set of radial velocities measured as mean
velocity for the three Balmer lines.


-Because of the variety of  telescopes and instruments used to measure
the radial velocities,  some care is required in  order to account for
possible  systematic differences  between  CORALIE (the  two-fiber-fed
high-resolution spectrograph on the 1.2 m Swiss Euler telescope, at La
Silla, Chile), the FOCES (Fiber Optics Cassegrain Echelle Spectrograph
at the  2.2 m telescope at  the Calar Alto Observatory),  and CfA (the
high-resolution  single-order echelle  spectra at  using  the Multiple
Mirror Telescope (MMT) in Arizona,  the 1.5 m Tillinghast reflector at
the Fred L. Whipple Observatory (FLWO), also in Arizona, and the 1.5 m
Wyeth reflector  at the Oak Ridge Observatory  (ORO), in Massachusetts
at the  Harvard-Smithsonian Center for  Astrophysics) observations, as
well as differences in the  internal precision. In particular, we have
allowed for  differences in  the zero point  of the velocity  scale by
including an offset for the FOCES and CfA velocities, and adopting the
CORALIE  system  as the  reference  because  of  the higher  intrinsic
precision  of  those  observations.  These offsets  were  included  as
unknowns   in  the   least-squares   problem,  and   are  solved   for
simultaneously with the other orbital elements.

-Number of measurements used for the orbital solution from CORALIE, FOCES and CfA:13/8/0
-rms1 for the orbital solution from CORALIE, FOCES and CfA: 2.22/0.97/-
-rms2 for the orbital solution from CORALIE, FOCES and CfA: 0.49/1.08/-

-The relative  weights of observations from the  three telescopes were
determined  by  re-normalizing the  internal  errors  of  each set  of
observations to the standard  deviation of the corresponding residuals
from a preliminary solution, while maintaining the relative weights of
the  individual  velocities within  each  series.  This procedure  was
iterated  until  convergence.   As  a test,  separate  solutions  were
derived   for  each   telescope  when   allowed  by   the   number  of
observations.  No significant  differences in  the elements  were seen
other  than trivial  offsets in  the V0  velocity. Therefore,  for the
final solutions  we combined the observations as  described above.  In
three cases  the formal eccentricity  turned out to  be insignificant,
and we  therefore adopted  circular orbits. Three  of the  systems are
triple-lined, and the velocities  measured for the third component are
also plotted and are near the center-of-mass velocity of the binary in
all cases.



-Because of the variety of  telescopes and instruments used to measure
the radial velocities,  some care is required in  order to account for
possible  systematic differences  between  CORALIE (the  two-fiber-fed
high-resolution spectrograph on the 1.2 m Swiss Euler telescope, at La
Silla, Chile), the FOCES (Fiber Optics Cassegrain Echelle Spectrograph
at the  2.2 m telescope at  the Calar Alto Observatory),  and CfA (the
high-resolution  single-order echelle  spectra at  using  the Multiple
Mirror Telescope (MMT) in Arizona,  the 1.5 m Tillinghast reflector at
the Fred L. Whipple Observatory (FLWO), also in Arizona, and the 1.5 m
Wyeth reflector  at the Oak Ridge Observatory  (ORO), in Massachusetts
at the  Harvard-Smithsonian Center for  Astrophysics) observations, as
well as differences in the  internal precision. In particular, we have
allowed for  differences in  the zero point  of the velocity  scale by
including an offset for the FOCES and CfA velocities, and adopting the
CORALIE  system  as the  reference  because  of  the higher  intrinsic
precision  of  those  observations.  These offsets  were  included  as
unknowns   in  the   least-squares   problem,  and   are  solved   for
simultaneously with the other orbital elements.

-Number of measurements used for the orbital solution from CORALIE, FOCES and CfA: 12/8/12
-rms1 for the orbital solution from CORALIE, FOCES and CfA: 0.30/2.10/1.39
-rms2 for the orbital solution from CORALIE, FOCES and CfA: 0.59/3.11/3.75

-The relative  weights of observations from the  three telescopes were
determined  by  re-normalizing the  internal  errors  of  each set  of
observations to the standard  deviation of the corresponding residuals
from a preliminary solution, while maintaining the relative weights of
the  individual  velocities within  each  series.  This procedure  was
iterated  until  convergence.   As  a test,  separate  solutions  were
derived   for  each   telescope  when   allowed  by   the   number  of
observations.  No significant  differences in  the elements  were seen
other  than trivial  offsets in  the V0  velocity. Therefore,  for the
final solutions  we combined the observations as  described above.  In
three cases  the formal eccentricity  turned out to  be insignificant,
and we  therefore adopted  circular orbits. Three  of the  systems are
triple-lined, and the velocities  measured for the third component are
also plotted and are near the center-of-mass velocity of the binary in
all cases.



-The orbital period is derived from the photometry (Covino et al. 2000,A&A, 361, L49).

-Because of the variety of  telescopes and instruments used to measure
the radial velocities,  some care is required in  order to account for
possible  systematic differences  between  CORALIE (the  two-fiber-fed
high-resolution spectrograph on the 1.2 m Swiss Euler telescope, at La
Silla, Chile), the FOCES (Fiber Optics Cassegrain Echelle Spectrograph
at the  2.2 m telescope at  the Calar Alto Observatory),  and CfA (the
high-resolution  single-order echelle  spectra at  using  the Multiple
Mirror Telescope (MMT) in Arizona,  the 1.5 m Tillinghast reflector at
the Fred L. Whipple Observatory (FLWO), also in Arizona, and the 1.5 m
Wyeth reflector  at the Oak Ridge Observatory  (ORO), in Massachusetts
at the  Harvard-Smithsonian Center for  Astrophysics) observations, as
well as differences in the  internal precision. In particular, we have
allowed for  differences in  the zero point  of the velocity  scale by
including an offset for the FOCES and CfA velocities, and adopting the
CORALIE  system  as the  reference  because  of  the higher  intrinsic
precision  of  those  observations.  These offsets  were  included  as
unknowns   in  the   least-squares   problem,  and   are  solved   for
simultaneously with the other orbital elements.

-Number of measurements used for the orbital solution from CORALIE, FOCES and CfA:12/8/10
-rms1 for the orbital solution from CORALIE, FOCES and CfA: 0.62/1.24/1.72
-rms2 for the orbital solution from CORALIE, FOCES and CfA: 1.08/5.87/7.58

-The relative  weights of observations from the  three telescopes were
determined  by  re-normalizing the  internal  errors  of  each set  of
observations to the standard  deviation of the corresponding residuals
from a preliminary solution, while maintaining the relative weights of
the  individual  velocities within  each  series.  This procedure  was
iterated  until  convergence.   As  a test,  separate  solutions  were
derived   for  each   telescope  when   allowed  by   the   number  of
observations.  No significant  differences in  the elements  were seen
other  than trivial  offsets in  the V0  velocity. Therefore,  for the
final solutions  we combined the observations as  described above.  In
three cases  the formal eccentricity  turned out to  be insignificant,
and we  therefore adopted  circular orbits. Three  of the  systems are
triple-lined, and the velocities  measured for the third component are
also plotted and are near the center-of-mass velocity of the binary in
all cases.



-Because of the variety of  telescopes and instruments used to measure
the radial velocities,  some care is required in  order to account for
possible  systematic differences  between  CORALIE (the  two-fiber-fed
high-resolution spectrograph on the 1.2 m Swiss Euler telescope, at La
Silla, Chile), the FOCES (Fiber Optics Cassegrain Echelle Spectrograph
at the  2.2 m telescope at  the Calar Alto Observatory),  and CfA (the
high-resolution  single-order echelle  spectra at  using  the Multiple
Mirror Telescope (MMT) in Arizona,  the 1.5 m Tillinghast reflector at
the Fred L. Whipple Observatory (FLWO), also in Arizona, and the 1.5 m
Wyeth reflector  at the Oak Ridge Observatory  (ORO), in Massachusetts
at the  Harvard-Smithsonian Center for  Astrophysics) observations, as
well as differences in the  internal precision. In particular, we have
allowed for  differences in  the zero point  of the velocity  scale by
including an offset for the FOCES and CfA velocities, and adopting the
CORALIE  system  as the  reference  because  of  the higher  intrinsic
precision  of  those  observations.  These offsets  were  included  as
unknowns   in  the   least-squares   problem,  and   are  solved   for
simultaneously with the other orbital elements.

-Number of measurements used for the orbital solution from CORALIE, FOCES and CfA:10/11/32
-rms1 for the orbital solution from CORALIE, FOCES and CfA: 0.49/3.28/1.78
-rms2 for the orbital solution from CORALIE, FOCES and CfA: 0.43/1.39/1.57

-The relative  weights of observations from the  three telescopes were
determined  by  re-normalizing the  internal  errors  of  each set  of
observations to the standard  deviation of the corresponding residuals
from a preliminary solution, while maintaining the relative weights of
the  individual  velocities within  each  series.  This procedure  was
iterated  until  convergence.   As  a test,  separate  solutions  were
derived   for  each   telescope  when   allowed  by   the   number  of
observations.  No significant  differences in  the elements  were seen
other  than trivial  offsets in  the V0  velocity. Therefore,  for the
final solutions  we combined the observations as  described above.  In
three cases  the formal eccentricity  turned out to  be insignificant,
and we  therefore adopted  circular orbits. Three  of the  systems are
triple-lined, and the velocities  measured for the third component are
also plotted and are near the center-of-mass velocity of the binary in
all cases.



-Because of the variety of  telescopes and instruments used to measure
the radial velocities,  some care is required in  order to account for
possible  systematic differences  between  CORALIE (the  two-fiber-fed
high-resolution spectrograph on the 1.2 m Swiss Euler telescope, at La
Silla, Chile), the FOCES (Fiber Optics Cassegrain Echelle Spectrograph
at the  2.2 m telescope at  the Calar Alto Observatory),  and CfA (the
high-resolution  single-order echelle  spectra at  using  the Multiple
Mirror Telescope (MMT) in Arizona,  the 1.5 m Tillinghast reflector at
the Fred L. Whipple Observatory (FLWO), also in Arizona, and the 1.5 m
Wyeth reflector  at the Oak Ridge Observatory  (ORO), in Massachusetts
at the  Harvard-Smithsonian Center for  Astrophysics) observations, as
well as differences in the  internal precision. In particular, we have
allowed for  differences in  the zero point  of the velocity  scale by
including an offset for the FOCES and CfA velocities, and adopting the
CORALIE  system  as the  reference  because  of  the higher  intrinsic
precision  of  those  observations.  These offsets  were  included  as
unknowns   in  the   least-squares   problem,  and   are  solved   for
simultaneously with the other orbital elements.

-Number of measurements used for the orbital solution from CORALIE, FOCES and CfA:16/12/18
-rms1 for the orbital solution from CORALIE, FOCES and CfA: 0.68/1.72/2.95
-rms2 for the orbital solution from CORALIE, FOCES and CfA: 0.65/1.99/2.38

-The relative  weights of observations from the  three telescopes were
determined  by  re-normalizing the  internal  errors  of  each set  of
observations to the standard  deviation of the corresponding residuals
from a preliminary solution, while maintaining the relative weights of
the  individual  velocities within  each  series.  This procedure  was
iterated  until  convergence.   As  a test,  separate  solutions  were
derived   for  each   telescope  when   allowed  by   the   number  of
observations.  No significant  differences in  the elements  were seen
other  than trivial  offsets in  the V0  velocity. Therefore,  for the
final solutions  we combined the observations as  described above.  In
three cases  the formal eccentricity  turned out to  be insignificant,
and we  therefore adopted  circular orbits. Three  of the  systems are
triple-lined, and the velocities  measured for the third component are
also plotted and are near the center-of-mass velocity of the binary in
all cases.



-Because of the variety of  telescopes and instruments used to measure
the radial velocities,  some care is required in  order to account for
possible  systematic differences  between  CORALIE (the  two-fiber-fed
high-resolution spectrograph on the 1.2 m Swiss Euler telescope, at La
Silla, Chile), the FOCES (Fiber Optics Cassegrain Echelle Spectrograph
at the  2.2 m telescope at  the Calar Alto Observatory),  and CfA (the
high-resolution  single-order echelle  spectra at  using  the Multiple
Mirror Telescope (MMT) in Arizona,  the 1.5 m Tillinghast reflector at
the Fred L. Whipple Observatory (FLWO), also in Arizona, and the 1.5 m
Wyeth reflector  at the Oak Ridge Observatory  (ORO), in Massachusetts
at the  Harvard-Smithsonian Center for  Astrophysics) observations, as
well as differences in the  internal precision. In particular, we have
allowed for  differences in  the zero point  of the velocity  scale by
including an offset for the FOCES and CfA velocities, and adopting the
CORALIE  system  as the  reference  because  of  the higher  intrinsic
precision  of  those  observations.  These offsets  were  included  as
unknowns   in  the   least-squares   problem,  and   are  solved   for
simultaneously with the other orbital elements.

-Number of measurements used for the orbital solution from CORALIE, FOCES and CfA:15/8/26
-rms1 for the orbital solution from CORALIE, FOCES and CfA: 0.33/1.90/1.31
-rms2 for the orbital solution from CORALIE, FOCES and CfA: 1.76/2.83/7.83

-The relative  weights of observations from the  three telescopes were
determined  by  re-normalizing the  internal  errors  of  each set  of
observations to the standard  deviation of the corresponding residuals
from a preliminary solution, while maintaining the relative weights of
the  individual  velocities within  each  series.  This procedure  was
iterated  until  convergence.   As  a test,  separate  solutions  were
derived   for  each   telescope  when   allowed  by   the   number  of
observations.  No significant  differences in  the elements  were seen
other  than trivial  offsets in  the V0  velocity. Therefore,  for the
final solutions  we combined the observations as  described above.  In
three cases  the formal eccentricity  turned out to  be insignificant,
and we  therefore adopted  circular orbits. Three  of the  systems are
triple-lined, and the velocities  measured for the third component are
also plotted and are near the center-of-mass velocity of the binary in
all cases.



-Observations  were  made   with  the  photoelectric  scanner  CORAVEL
attached  to  the  1.5  m  Danish Ritchey-Chretien  telescope  at  the
European Southern Observatory, Chile.



-Observations  were  made   with  the  photoelectric  scanner  CORAVEL
attached  to  the  1.5  m  Danish Ritchey-Chretien  telescope  at  the
European Southern Observatory, Chile.



This star seems not to be a pre-main-sequence object, as other two SBs
studied  in this  paper. The  authors  do not  provide the  individual
radial velocities.



-T0=epoch of inferior conjunction

-The H-alpha  emission that originates from  the red dwarf  is used to
obtain the red dwarf  radial velocities. The H-alpha emission centroid
was  measured  using  IRAF's  SPLOT  routines. The  shift  in  H-alpha
emission was  converted into  radial velocities, which  were corrected
for  the   Earth's  motion.   The  radial  velocity   measurements  of
Kawka,Vennes,Dupuis &  Koch, 2000,AJ,120,3250 and from  this work were
combined to calculate an improved orbital period of the binary system.



-T0= epoch of inferior conjunction

-K1= Red dwarf semiamplitude

-(*) = Radial velocity  measurements were measured from low-dispersion
spectra.  For the  calculation of  the period  these velocities  had a
reduced  weight (0.25)  compared with  the radial  velocities obtained
from high-dispersion spectra

-High resolution  spectra: using the  Cassegrain spectrograph attached
to the  74 inch (1.9 m)  telescope at Mount  Stromlo Observatory (MSO)
using the 1200 line mm-1 grating blazed at 7500 Angstrom. We have used
the 2K  CCD camera binned  2 × 2.  The spectra range from  6230 to
6830 Angstrom , with a dispersion of 0.50 Angstrom pixel-1.

-Low resolution  spectra:We have also  obtained spectra using  the 300
line mm-1 grating blazed at  5000 Angstrom.  The spectral range of the
spectra up to March 10 was  3335 to 6465 Angstrom with a dispersion of
2.846 Ansgtrom pixel-1, then the grating was tilted to produce spectra
with the  range of  3850 to  6970 Angstrom with  a dispersion  of 2.83
Angstrom pixel-1.



-T0=epoch of inferior conjunction.

-K1=Red dwarf semiamplitude

-(*) = Radial velocity  measurements were measured from low-dispersion
spectra.  For the  calculation of  the period  these velocities  had a
reduced  weight (0.25)  compared with  the radial  velocities obtained
from high-dispersion spectra

-High resolution  spectra: using the  Cassegrain spectrograph attached
to the  74 inch (1.9 m)  telescope at Mount  Stromlo Observatory (MSO)
using the 1200 line mm-1 grating blazed at 7500 Angstrom. We have used
the 2K  CCD camera binned  2 × 2.  The spectra range from  6230 to
6830 Angstrom , with a dispersion of 0.50 Angstrom pixel-1.

-Low resolution  spectra:We have also  obtained spectra using  the 300
line mm-1 grating blazed at  5000 Angstrom.  The spectral range of the
spectra up to March 10 was  3335 to 6465 Angstrom with a dispersion of
2.846 Ansgtrom pixel-1, then the grating was tilted to produce spectra
with the  range of  3850 to  6970 Angstrom with  a dispersion  of 2.83
Angstrom pixel-1.

-We have measured the radial velocity of the white dwarf from the STIS
spectra,  where  the extreme  velocity  difference  is  309 +-  70  km
s-1. The difference in phase of the measurements is 0.4 to 0.6 phases;
therefore the  measured velocity amplitude sets  the minimum amplitude
for the white dwarf. On the other hand, the predicted semiamplitude of
the white dwarf calculated from the semiamplitude of the red-dwarf and
the mass  ratio is  165 +- 35  km s-1,  which suggests that  the Space
Telescope  Imaging  Spectrograph  (STIS)  spectra were  observed  near
quadrature where the maximum velocities occur, and q =< 0.79.



-T0=epoch of inferior conjunction

-A search for the best period  using the EW measurements resulted in a
period of  P= 1.26243  +- 0.00008 with  the epoch of  minimum emission
T0=2451461.906  +-  0.027(HJD). This  period  agrees  with the  period
obtained from radial velocities within the uncertainties.


The systemic velocity of the secondary is listed as -64.0+/-4.7 km/s

The systemic velocity of the secondary is listed as -6.8+/-8.3 km/s


Radial velocities are derived from the IUE spectra by cross-correlation.


The systemic velocity of the secondary is listed as -17.9+/-2.8 km/s


Radial velocities are derived from the IUE spectra by cross-correlation.



Radial velocities are derived from the IUE spectra by cross-correlation.



Radial velocities are derived from the IUE spectra by cross-correlation.



Radial velocities are derived from the IUE spectra by cross-correlation.











The two systemic velocities differ by 33.8 km/s.  In the paper, V0 of the
secondary is listed as -4.6+/-2.8 km/s.  In order to present just one plot
with the two curves, we substracted 33.8 km/s from all the radial veloci-
ties of the secondary.







The systemic velocity of the secondary is listed as -12.3+/-15.0 km/s




The systemic velocity of the secondary is listed as -14.1+/-2.7 km/s

The systemic velocity of the secondary is listed as -0.1+/-5.9 km/s



-Orbital  elements  were   derived  with  the  differential-correction
program  of Barker  et al.  (1967,  ROB, No.  130 ),  as modified  and
described by  Fekel et al.  (1999,A&AS, 137, 369). Our  final elements
for both binaries converged at an eccentricity so close to zero that a
formal  zero-eccentricity solution  was  adopted (see  Lucy &  Sweeney
1971,AJ, 76, 544).

-The standard  error of  an observation of  unit weight is  4.62 kms-1
using  all  available  measurements   of  the  primary  and  secondary
component. Some of Balona's (1987,S. Afr. Astr. Obs. Circ., 11, 1) O-C
residuals are  12 kms-1, and  two of Balona's secondary  O-C residuals
are as large as 23 kms-1

-Spectra appear  as composites,  it is necessary  to separate  the two
stellar spectra  at all phases  in order to extract  activity features
from each spectrum. This is done by generating an artificial composite
spectrum from  two non-active MK  standard stars closely  matching our
object    stars. The   procedure   includes    rotational   broadening,
radial-velocity   shifting,   and    intensity   weighting   of   both
standard-star spectra in the  Fourier domain. The resulting difference
spectrum is  minimized by a  least-squares approach. The input  set of
reference spectra then gives the overall best-fit combination. Finally,
we  subtract  the  'synthetic'  binary  spectrum  from  each  observed
spectrum to  eliminate the  contribution from the  underlying inactive
part of the stellar photospheres and chromospheres.



--Orbital  elements  were  derived  with  the  differential-correction
program  of Barker  et al.  (1967,  ROB, No.  130 ),  as modified  and
described by  Fekel et al.  (1999,A&AS, 137, 369). Our  final elements
for both binaries converged at an eccentricity so close to zero that a
formal  zero-eccentricity solution  was  adopted (see  Lucy &  Sweeney
1971,AJ, 76, 544).

-The standard error for the primary was 0.41 kms-1, and was calculated
using all 38  cross-correlation measurements. The secondary-star orbit
was computed independently  from the primary star by  using the radial
velocities of  the residual H-alpha emission feature.   H-alpha is the
only line that is detected from the secondary star and the accuracy of
the secondary  measurements is comparably poor. Its  standard error of
an observation of unit weight is 8.6 kms-1.

-Spectra appear  as composites,  it is necessary  to separate  the two
stellar spectra  at all phases  in order to extract  activity features
from each spectrum. This is done by generating an artificial composite
spectrum from  two non-active MK  standard stars closely  matching our
object   stars.   The   procedure  includes   rotational   broadening,
radial-velocity   shifting,   and    intensity   weighting   of   both
standard-star spectra in the  Fourier domain. The resulting difference
spectrum is  minimized by a  least-squares approach. The input  set of
reference     spectra    then     gives    the     overall    best-fit
combination. Finally, we subtract the 'synthetic' binary spectrum from
each  observed  spectrum  to   eliminate  the  contribution  from  the
underlying   inactive   part   of   the   stellar   photospheres   and



- Data are the Observed Radial Velocities.

- P and T0 from Zhai,Zhang,Zhang,1983, Inf. Bull. Variable Stars, No. 2275

- The orbit plot shows one deviant pair of points, presumably a typing
error in Julian date or swap with other star in the original paper.



- P and T0 from Zhai,Zhang,Zhang,1983, Inf. Bull. Variable Stars, No. 2275

- Data are  the Orbital radial  velocities: two small  corrections are
employed  to  obtain  the   "orbital"  velocities  from  the  observed
values. First are the corrections derived from measures of the spectra
of  an extensive  series of  synthetic  binaries, created  from a  sky
spectrum observed with  the same equipment, as discussed  in (Popper &
Jeong,1994,PASP,106,189). Second are  the corrections arising from the
effects    of     tidal    distortion    and     mutual    irradiation
(Wilson,1990,ApJ,356,613)  that  reduce the  center  of  light to  the
center of mass, yielding the orbital velocities.

- The orbit plot shows one deviant pair of points, presumably a typing
error in Julian date or swap with other star in the original paper.



- Data are the Observed Radial Velocities.

- P and T0 from D. H. Kaiser 1996, private communication

- The orbit plot shows one deviant pair of points, presumably a typing
error in Julian date or swap with other star in the original paper.



- Data are  the Orbital radial  velocities: two small  corrections are
employed  to  obtain  the   "orbital"  velocities  from  the  observed
values. First are the corrections derived from measures of the spectra
of  an extensive  series of  synthetic  binaries, created  from a  sky
spectrum observed with  the same equipment, as discussed  in (Popper &
Jeong,1994,PASP,106,189). Second are  the corrections arising from the
effects    of     tidal    distortion    and     mutual    irradiation
(Wilson,1990,ApJ,356,613)  that  reduce the  center  of  light to  the
center of mass, yielding the orbital velocities.

- P and T0 from D. H. Kaiser 1996, private communication

- The orbit plot shows one deviant pair of points, presumably a typing
error in Julian date or swap with other star in the original paper.



-In an attempt to derive a precise ephemeris, the authors combined all
of their better data and the 26 velocities from Hutchings, 1987, PASP,
312, 57 runs into a single  time series. There are two sets of allowed
periods, one near  0.1469 d and the other near  0.1474 d; these differ
by 1/44  cycle per day.  Because  of their time  sampling, the present
data unfortunately  do not discriminate between  frequencies spaced by
this  amount.  There is  also some  ambiguity in  the choice  of cycle
count between  the present  velocities and Hutchings'  observations 10
years earlier.



-The orbital period determined here  is similar to those of many other
dwarf novae,  and also similar to  those of other old  novae that have
not become  dwarf novae (Warner, 1995,  Cataclysmic Variables.Cambridge
Univ. Press, Cambridge; Ritter, Kolb, 1998, A&AS, 312, 83).



-Velocities were  measured using the  derivative of a Gaussian  as the
convolution  function, optimized  for  a 10  Angstrom  FWHM line.  The
strongest periodicity in  the 1997 July data was at  1.468 +- 0.016 d,
with  a daily cycle-count  alias near  0.6 d.  We found  no convincing
features at  shorter periods, despite a sampling  strategy designed to
turn up the  short periods more typical of  cataclysmic variables. The
Monte Carlo  test indicates that  the 1.47-d period is  preferred over
the 0.6-d period at the 98 per cent confidence level in the 1997 data.

-We obtained  the 1999 June  spectra to confirm the  unexpectedly long
period.  The new  velocities showed  periodicity at  1.489+-  0.017 d,
consistent with the fit to the 1997 velocities, and the sinusoidal fit
at 1.49 d  was dramatically better than at 0.6  d. The 1999 velocities
were  significantly  'quieter'  than  the 1997  velocities,  and  gave
well-determined  fit parameters.  This second  detection independently
confirmed  the existence  of  a  long periodicity,  and  the good  fit
removes  any significant  doubt concerning  the choice  of  the longer
period. The weighted average of the periods from the two runs is 1.478
+- 0.012 d.



-Dwarf Nova star

- To  measure  radial  velocities   we  used  a  convolution  function
consisting  of positive  and negative  Gaussians of  FWHM  10 Angstrom
separated by 36 Angstrom. This  emphasized the steep sides of the line
profiles and suppressed information from the line cores.

-rms1  is  the  root  mean  square  scatter  around  the  best-fitting
sinusoid. While the  formal error bars on K1  are reasonably small, we
caution against assuming that K1 is  a good indicator of the motion of
either star.



- Dwarf Nova

- The  authors  measured  Halpha   velocities  by  convolving  with  a
double-Gaussian   function,    this   time   with    a   34   Angstrom
separation. Their  1997 September observations  did not give  a unique
period,  so they  obtained  more  spectra in  1997  December and  1998
January.   The periodogram  shows much  fine-scale ringing  because of
alternate  choices of  cycle  count assigned  to  the relatively  long
intervals  between  observing  runs,  but  one  frequency  does  stand
considerably  higher than  the others.  The Monte  Carlo  procedure of
Thorstensen & Freed,  1985, AJ, 90, 2082 confirms  that this frequency
may be selected with high confidence.



-Dwarf Nova star

- The authors tried several  line-measuring algorithms on H-alpha, and
the  best behaved velocities  came from  measures of  the peak  of the
line. The convolution function used  was the derivative of a narrow (6
Angstrom) Gaussian.   Measurements of  the base of  the line  gave the
same results for  the period but at lower  signal-to-noise ratio.  The
periodogram  shows  a  strong  signal  at 5.93  cycles  day-1  and  no
indication  of a signal  at the  0.073 day  (13.7 cycles  day-1 period
found by Shafter  (1985, AJ, 90, 643). A.   W.  Shafter (1998, private
communication) kindly supplied his original velocity time series to us
for reanalysis,  and indeed a  0.073 day sinusoid fits  his velocities
very well;  furthermore, there  is no indication  of any power  at our
period. However, there  are only eight points, taken  in two groups of
four on a single night. Shafter's logs indicate that his velocity data
may have been  taken during a decline from  outburst, which might have
affected  the velocities.   Because our  data are  more  extensive, we
believe that  our period determination supersedes  Shafter's. We think
that Shafter's  result probably arose  from a statistical  accident in
which  eight  points  masqueraded  as a  good  sinusoid.   Statistical
accidents  occur more  frequently in  period searches  than  one might
think because a  single data set is fitted at  a substantial number of
trial frequencies,  so a good  fit at a selected  frequency represents
the  best  of  a number  of  trials  (Scargle,  1982, ApJ,  263,  835,
discusses this issue).

V0 should be increased by 1.8 km/s.

Some observations were neglected in the orbital solution because of strong
influence of the proximity effects and large deviations from circular model.

The period has been adopted after Liu, Yang, & Tam (1987, IBVS no.3080)

Some observations were neglected in the orbital solution because of strong
influence of the proximity effects and large deviations from circular model.

The period was adopted after Faulkner (1986, PASP 98, 690).

V0 should be increased by 1.8 km/s.

Some observations were neglected in the orbital solution because of strong
influence of the proximity effects and large deviations from circular model.

The period was taken from Derman, Demircan, & Selam (1991, AApS 90, 301)

EF Dra is a triple system; the third component is probably a physical
companion, since its radial velocity is -38 km/s.

P was taken from Plewa et al.(1991, Acta Astron. 41, 291)

The period was derived from photometric observations of Robb (1992,
private comm.) and Agerer & Hubscher (1995, IBVS no.4222).

Some observations were neglected in the orbital solution because of strong
influence of the proximity effects and large deviations from circular model.

The period was taken from Yang et al. (1991, Acta Astron. Sinica 32, 326).

V0 should be increased by 1.8 km/s.

Radial velocities were measured with the accuracy of 1 km/s.

The period was taken from Zhang, Zhang, & Zhai (1992, Acta Astron.
Sinica 33, 131).

The period was taken from Markworth & Michaels (1982, PASP 94, 350).

The period was taken from Leung, Zhai, & Zhang (1985, AJ 90, 515).

V0 should be increased by 1.8 km/s.


V0 should be increased by 1.8 km/s.

The period was derived from photometric observations of O. Demircan (1997,
private comm.) and Muyesseroglu, Gurol & Selam (1996, IBVS no.4380).

Four velocities obtained when the components' lines were blended are
listed but given 0.00 weight in the orbital solution.

a1sini = 4900000 +/- 20000 km
a2sini = 5990000 +/- 40000 km

M1 (sin)3 i = 0.139 +/- 0.002 solar masses
M2 (sin)3 i = 0.114 +/- 0.001 solar masses


- Red giant binary in cluster IC 4651

- In order  to distinguish between  field and cluster stars  and detect
the   spectroscopic   binaries   in   the   cluster,   radial-velocity
observations   were  made   during  the   years  1989-1997   with  the
photoelectric   scanner  CORAVEL  (Mayor   1985,  in   Stellar  Radial
Velocities,   IAU    Colloq.   88,   ed.   A.   G.    D.   Philip,   &
D. W.  Latham. L. Davis Press,  Schenectady, 35) on  the Danish 1.54-m
telescope  at ESO,  La Silla.  The  observations are  referred to  the
accurate  velocity  zero-point  determined  from  a  large  number  of
observations of minor planets and standard stars by Udry et al. (1999,
in   Precise    Stellar   Radial   Velocities,    IAU   Colloq.   170,
ed. J.  B. Hearnshaw, & C. D.  Scarfe, ASP Conf. Ser.,  185, 367). The
observing list comprised all known red giants in and near the cluster,
plus all  candidate main-sequence and turnoff stars  brighter than the
limiting magnitude  of CORAVEL  (B ~ 15)  from the then  largest known
photometric surveys of  the cluster, by Eggen (1971  ApJ, 166, 87) and
Anthony-Twarog et al. (1988,AJ, 95, 1453).



- Orbital element omega  corrected by the authors with  respect to the
published value which was in error.

- Red giant binary in cluster IC 4651

-In order  to distinguish between  field and cluster stars  and detect
the   spectroscopic   binaries   in   the   cluster,   radial-velocity
observations   were  made   during  the   years  1989-1997   with  the
photoelectric   scanner  CORAVEL  (Mayor   1985,  in   Stellar  Radial
Velocities,   IAU    Colloq.   88,   ed.   A.   G.    D.   Philip,   &
D. W.  Latham. L. Davis Press,  Schenectady, 35) on  the Danish 1.54-m
telescope  at ESO,  La Silla.  The  observations are  referred to  the
accurate  velocity  zero-point  determined  from  a  large  number  of
observations of minor planets and standard stars by Udry et al. (1999,
in   Precise    Stellar   Radial   Velocities,    IAU   Colloq.   170,
ed. J.  B. Hearnshaw, & C. D.  Scarfe, ASP Conf. Ser.,  185, 367). The
observing list comprised all known red giants in and near the cluster,
plus all  candidate main-sequence and turnoff stars  brighter than the
limiting magnitude  of CORAVEL  (B ~ 15)  from the then  largest known
photometric surveys of  the cluster, by Eggen (1971  ApJ, 166, 87) and
Anthony-Twarog et al. (1988,AJ, 95, 1453).


- Red giant binary in cluster IC 4651

- In order  to distinguish between  field and cluster stars  and detect
the   spectroscopic   binaries   in   the   cluster,   radial-velocity
observations   were  made   during  the   years  1989-1997   with  the
photoelectric   scanner  CORAVEL  (Mayor   1985,  in   Stellar  Radial
Velocities,   IAU    Colloq.   88,   ed.   A.   G.    D.   Philip,   &
D. W.  Latham. L. Davis Press,  Schenectady, 35) on  the Danish 1.54-m
telescope  at ESO,  La Silla.  The  observations are  referred to  the
accurate  velocity  zero-point  determined  from  a  large  number  of
observations of minor planets and standard stars by Udry et al. (1999,
in   Precise    Stellar   Radial   Velocities,    IAU   Colloq.   170,
ed. J.  B. Hearnshaw, & C. D.  Scarfe, ASP Conf. Ser.,  185, 367). The
observing list comprised all known red giants in and near the cluster,
plus all  candidate main-sequence and turnoff stars  brighter than the
limiting magnitude  of CORAVEL  (B ~ 15)  from the then  largest known
photometric surveys of  the cluster, by Eggen (1971  ApJ, 166, 87) and
Anthony-Twarog et al. (1988,AJ, 95, 1453).



- System identification in the  published Table 2 was wrong, corrected
by the authors.

- Red giant binary in cluster IC 4651

- In order  to distinguish between  field and cluster stars  and detect
the   spectroscopic   binaries   in   the   cluster,   radial-velocity
observations   were  made   during  the   years  1989-1997   with  the
photoelectric   scanner  CORAVEL  (Mayor   1985,  in   Stellar  Radial
Velocities,   IAU    Colloq.   88,   ed.   A.   G.    D.   Philip,   &
D. W.  Latham. L. Davis Press,  Schenectady, 35) on  the Danish 1.54-m
telescope  at ESO,  La Silla.  The  observations are  referred to  the
accurate  velocity  zero-point  determined  from  a  large  number  of
observations of minor planets and standard stars by Udry et al. (1999,
in   Precise    Stellar   Radial   Velocities,    IAU   Colloq.   170,
ed. J.  B. Hearnshaw, & C. D.  Scarfe, ASP Conf. Ser.,  185, 367). The
observing list comprised all known red giants in and near the cluster,
plus all  candidate main-sequence and turnoff stars  brighter than the
limiting magnitude  of CORAVEL  (B ~ 15)  from the then  largest known
photometric surveys of  the cluster, by Eggen (1971  ApJ, 166, 87) and
Anthony-Twarog et al. (1988,AJ, 95, 1453).



- System identification in the  published Table 2 was wrong, corrected
by the authors.

- Red giant binary in cluster IC 4651

- In order  to distinguish between  field and cluster stars  and detect
the   spectroscopic   binaries   in   the   cluster,   radial-velocity
observations   were  made   during  the   years  1989-1997   with  the
photoelectric   scanner  CORAVEL  (Mayor   1985,  in   Stellar  Radial
Velocities,   IAU    Colloq.   88,   ed.   A.   G.    D.   Philip,   &
D. W.  Latham. L. Davis Press,  Schenectady, 35) on  the Danish 1.54-m
telescope  at ESO,  La Silla.  The  observations are  referred to  the
accurate  velocity  zero-point  determined  from  a  large  number  of
observations of minor planets and standard stars by Udry et al. (1999,
in   Precise    Stellar   Radial   Velocities,    IAU   Colloq.   170,
ed. J.  B. Hearnshaw, & C. D.  Scarfe, ASP Conf. Ser.,  185, 367). The
observing list comprised all known red giants in and near the cluster,
plus all  candidate main-sequence and turnoff stars  brighter than the
limiting magnitude  of CORAVEL  (B ~ 15)  from the then  largest known
photometric surveys of  the cluster, by Eggen (1971  ApJ, 166, 87) and
Anthony-Twarog et al. (1988,AJ, 95, 1453).



- The RV curve  given by authors corresponds to  omega about 160 deg.,
adjusted here but not given in the paper.

- V0 changes  due to the motion  in wide orbit of  this triple system,
center-of-mass value is given here

- Abt & Willmarth,1999, ApJ 521, 682 published the orbital elements for
a triple  stars system.  However, early attempts  to compute  an orbit
produced residuals  larger (2.98 km  s-1) than the  measurement errors
(0.52 km  s-1) which could  be explained by  a change in  the systemic
velocity. Therefore,  this star  was continuously monitored,  from the
end  of  1979  to  1997  to  follow  the  variation  of  the  systemic
velocity.  Only the Am  primary is  visible. All  efforts to  detect a
correlation for any of the two other components were unsuccessful.

- The  spectroscopic orbit  is solved  by taking  into account  the two
periods. Thus  the radial velocities  of the short  period (P=5d.9701)
are corrected  by the motion  of the center  of masses to  compute the
short solution  and these corrections are  used to solve  for the long
period  (P=2878d). If  the short  period  solution agrees  with Abt  &
Willmarth (1999),  our value  for the long  period system is  twice as
large as  their value.  An attempt to  plot our observations  in phase
with their period failed. Therefore the correct value is P=2878d.



-Abt & Willmarth,1999, ApJ 521, 682 published the orbital elements for
this  triple system.   However,  early attempts  to  compute an  orbit
produced residuals  larger (2.98 km  s-1) than the  measurement errors
(0.52 km  s-1) which could  be explained by  a change in  the systemic
velocity. Therefore,  this star  was continuously monitored,  from the
end of 1979 to 1997 to  follow the variation of the systemic velocity.
Only the  Am primary is visible.  All efforts to  detect a correlation
for any of the two other components were unsuccessful.

-The  spectroscopic orbit  is solved  by taking  into account  the two
periods. Thus  the radial velocities  of the short  period (P=5d.9701)
are corrected  by the motion  of the center  of masses to  compute the
short solution  and these corrections are  used to solve  for the long
period  (P=2878d). If  the short  period  solution agrees  with Abt  &
Willmarth (1999),  our value  for the long  period system is  twice as
large as  their value.  An attempt to  plot our observations  in phase
with their period failed. Therefore the correct value is P=2878d.



- The present  orbital solution  is in very  good agreement  with that
found  by  Sanford,  1931,  ApJ,  74, 201,  although  we  obtained  an
eccentricity somewhat larger than Sanford's value (e=0.2), but in good
agreement with Abt & Willmarth, 1999, ApJ, 521, 682 value (e=0.3).



- The epoch  T0 given by  authors has large  error and is  offset with
respect to the RV curve; it adjusted here to fit.

- This star is also considered as the third component of the visual quadruple system ADS 6921.

- Two additional radial velocities were taken during the survey for magnetic fields of Ap stars with the spectrograph Elodie (Babel et al. 1995, 1997) and were taken into account in the final solution.



- The  data  were  collected  from  1979  to  1996,  independently  by
J.-C. Mermilliod  (JCM) and by J.-M. Carquillat  (JMC), which explains
the large number of observations obtained for this star.

- The  amplitude  of  the  radial-velocity variation  is  still  quite
comfortable for  CORAVEL, but may require  good precision measurements
to detect  it with classical  spectrographs and a  long-term observing



- Our orbital parameters are in good agreement with Abt, 1961, ApJS 6, 37 elements.



- The epoch  T0 given by  authors has large  error and is  offset with
respect to the RV curve; it is adjusted here to fit.

-The observations agrees well with Abt,1985, ApJS 59, 229



- Some RV points are not present on the published RV curve.

- The mean errors  on the radial velocities reflect  the limit inherent
to CORAVEL for measuring Am stars and the effect of rotation.



- The  epoch T0  given by  authors is  offset with  respect to  the RV
curve; it is adjusted here to fit.

- CORAVEL observations began in 1979  and ended in 1993 with a 10-year
gap between  1983 and 1993,  without observation. The  eccentricity is
not well constrained by  our observations and the differences observed
between  our elements  and  Conti,  1969, ApJ  156,  661 elements  are
probably not significant.



- The  epoch T0  given by  authors is  offset with  respect to  the RV
curve; it is adjusted here to fit.

- The system  shows a radial-velocity dispersion which  is larger than
the  standard radial-velocity  error  and P(Chi^2)=  0.000. A  Fourier
analysis gives a possible period of 32.528d. No long-term variation is
obviously seen in a simple  plot of the radial-velocity in function of
time  (from 1979 to  1999). The  orbital solution  is fitted  with the
value  of  the Fourier  period.  The  orbital  parameters represent  a
possible solution, but due to the small amplitude of the orbit, and to
the  radial-velocity errors,  the orbital  solution is  not absolutely

- During some observing runs an observation of vB 132 (the secondary of
the  triple   system)  was  obtained.   vB  132  does  not   show  any
radial-velocity  variation either on  short or  long time  scales. The
separation between vB 131 (the primary) and vB 132 leads us to predict
a  long period  system and  a small  radial-velocity  variation, which
CORAVEL is not able to measure.



- V0 changes  due to the  motion in the  outer orbit of  this multiple
system. The center-of-mass value is given here.

- It is  a visual hierarchical  quadruple system.  The  components are
noted Aa, Ab and Ba, Bb. A is  SB1 with a period of 4.45 days and B is
SB2 with a period of 4.48 days.  The visual orbit has a period of 18.2

- Due  to the  large eccentricity  of the  visual system,  the highest
precision is needed and we used  only the latest data given on the web
site  of the  CHARA  (Center for  High  Angular Resolution  Astronomy)
interferometric  catalogue (Hartkopf  et  al. 1999,  Third Catalog  of
Interferometric  Measurements  of  Binary  Stars,  CHARA  Contribution
No. 4).



- It  is a  visual hierarchical  quadruple system.  The  components are
noted Aa, Ab and Ba, Bb. A is  SB1 with a period of 4.45 days and B is
SB2 with a period of 4.48 days.  The visual orbit has a period of 18.2

- Due  to the  large eccentricity  of the  visual system,  the highest
precision is needed and we used  only the latest data given on the web
site  of the  CHARA  (Center for  High  Angular Resolution  Astronomy)
interferometric  catalogue  (Hartkopf  et  al. 1999,Third  Catalog  of
Interferometric  Measurements  of  Binary  Stars,  CHARA  Contribution
No. 4).





-The eccentricity has been fixed to 0.00, consistent with its short period (Mermilliod & Mayor 1992 in Binaries as Tracers of Stellar Formation, ed. A. Duquennoy, & M. Mayor (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 183; 1996,in Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, ed. R. Pallavicini, & A. K. Dupree, ASPC, 109, 373)



- The system has a faint physical tertiary at about 10" separation.

- The ephemeris  for CD Tau, for both  radial-velocity and light-curve
solutions,  was  adopted as  Min  I  (HJD)=244  1619.4075+3.435 137  E
(Kholopov  1987, GCVS,  4th edn.   Nauka, Moscow).   We used  the SBOP
program (created by Dr P.  B.  Etzel in 1978 and later revised several
times)  and adopted the  Lehmann-Filhes method  (Lehmann-Filhes, 1894,
Astron.    Nachr.,   163,  17;   Underhill   1966,   The  Early   Type
Stars.Reidel,Dordrecht,   p.127)  for   simultaneous  solution   of  a
double-lined radial-velocity  curve. Inclination 87.7  deg., component
masses 1.442 and 1.368 M_sun.

- The errors  of the parameters  were conservatively adopted  as twice
the standard  errors provided  by the SBOP  program. Our  results show
good  agreement   with  the  analysis  of   the  previously  published
radial-velocity  curve of Popper,  1971, ApJ,  166, 361,  although the
curve  coverage and the  individual accuracy  of the  measurements are
significantly better in our study, leading to smaller formal errors.



- BD +00  1617C is  part of a  poorly studied trapezium  system (BD+00
1617) at  the heart  of  a dim  and  very young  open cluster  (Bochum
2). The three O stars appear  equally spaced and on a straight line in
the projection onto the sky.

- Radial velocities have been first measured on the calibrated spectra
by   fitting  individually  each   absorption  line   (with  reference
wavelengths taken from  Moore 1959). This soon led  to the recognition
of star BD +00 1617A as  a constant radial velocity star and the other
two program stars as binaries. Using BD +00 1617A as a Radial Velocity
standard star we have proceeded to re-evaluate radial velocities of BD
+00 1617C by cross-correlation (with the IRAF task fxcor ).

- The  errors of  the orbital  solutions  are of  the order  of 5%  or
less. The  larger errors  for the eccentricities  may result  from the
uneven distribution of the observations along the orbital phase.



- BD +00  1617B is  part of a  poorly studied trapezium  system (BD+00
1617) at  the heart  of  a dim  and  very young  open cluster  (Bochum
2). The three O stars appear  equally spaced and on a straight line in
the projection onto the sky.

- Radial velocities have been first measured on the calibrated spectra
by   fitting  individually  each   absorption  line   (with  reference
wavelengths taken from  Moore 1959). This soon led  to the recognition
of star BD +00 1617A as  a constant radial velocity star and the other
two program stars as binaries. Using BD +00 1617A as a Radial Velocity
standard star we have proceeded to re-evaluate radial velocities of BD
+00 1617B by cross-correlation (with the IRAF task fxcor ).

- The  errors of  the orbital  solutions  are of  the order  of 5%  or
less. The  larger errors  for the eccentricities  may result  from the
uneven distribution of the observations along the orbital phase.



a1sini = 4560000 +/- 10000
a2sini = 6270000 +/- 44000

M1 (sin)3 i = 0.1692 +/- 0.0024 solar masses
M2 (sin)3 i = 0.1231 +/- 0.0011 solar masses


HPO = Haute-Provence Observatory
KPNO = Kitt Peak National Observatory
Fick = Fick Observatory

The two components are on opposite sides of the Hertzsprung Gap.  The
slightly more massive G star is more evolved but fainter than the less
massive and less evolved F star.

a1 sin i = 9064000 +/- 14000 km
a2 sin i = 9014000 +/- 19000 km

m1 (sin)3 i = 0.9605 +/- 0.0041 solar masses
m2 (sin)3 i = 0.9657 =/- 0.0034 solar masses

This star is one of several fainter visual companions to HD 165590 =
V772 Her.

a1 sin i = 12610000 +/-  80000 km
a2 sin i = 13260000 +/- 130000 km

m1 (sin)3 i = 0.534 +/- 0.009 solar masses
m2 (sin)3 i = 0.507 +/- 0.008 solar masses


There is a clear indication of a continuous period decrease.
P was taken from Samec et al. (1998, IBVS no.4616)



The period was taken from Schrimer (1992, IBVS no.3785)



The period was taken from Evans et al. (1985, PASP 97, 648)









In Comment "D" means data obtained by H. Duerbek at the 1.52 m ESO telescope.

The period was taken from General Catalogue of Variable Stars.



The period and T0 were taken from Niarchos, Hoffman, and Duerbeck (1994, AAp
103, 39).







a1sini = 23780000 +/- 270000 km
a2sini = 29080000 +/- 650000 km

m1 (sin)3 i = 1.583 +/- 0.056 solar masses
m2 (sin)3 i = 1.295 +/- 0.037 solar masses


a1sini = 18880000 +/-  80000 km
a2sini = 20500000 +/- 100000 km

m1 (sin)3 i = 0.645 +/- 0.007 solar masses
m2 (sin)3 i = 0.594 +/- 0.005 solar masses

The primary component, Polaris, is a Cepheid variable pulsating with a period
of 3.97 days. The amplitude of the pulsation, however, had been diminishing
until the mid-1990es, since then the pulsation of Polaris has had extremely
low photometric and radial velocity amplitudes. The spectral type of the
secondary is F0V. This spectroscopic binary and a faint visual companion
form a system ADS 1477.

The primary component, Polaris, is a Cepheid variable pulsating with a period
of 3.97 days. The amplitude of the pulsation, however, had been diminishing
until the mid-1990es, since then the pulsation of Polaris has had extremely
low photometric and radial velocity amplitudes. The spectral type of the
secondary is F0V. This spectroscopic binary and a faint visual companion
form a system ADS 1477.


The primary component, Y Car, is a doubly periodic Cepheid variable. The
pulsation period of the fundamental mode is 3.64 days, while the period of
the simultaneously excited first overtone is 2.56 days. The spectral type
of the secondary component is B9.0V, and it is a binary star itself.


The primary component, DL Cas, is a Cepheid variable pulsating with a period
of 8.001 days. The spectral type of the secondary is B9V. The system is a
member in the Galactic cluster NGC 129.

The primary component, AX Cir, is a Cepheid variable pulsating with a
period of 5.273 days. The spectral type of the secondary is B6.0V. A
faint visual companion was also detected by the Hipparcos.

Hierarchical triple system. The primary component, SU Cyg, is a Cepheid
variable pulsating with a period of 3.846 days. The secondary is a binary
star, the spectral type of its brighter component is B8.0V.

SB9: The original correction of 7.99 km/s subtracted to V0 has been discarded.

The primary component, TX Del, is a Cepheid variable pulsating with a
period of 6.166 days.

The primary component, Z Lac, is a Cepheid variable pulsating with a period of
10.886 days. Based on ultraviolet spectra, the spectral type of the secondary
cannot be earlier than A5V.


The primary component, T Mon, is a Cepheid variable pulsating with a period
of 27.025 days. The spectral type of the secondary is B9.8V. The system is
a possible member in the association Mon OB2.

The primary component, S Mus, is a Cepheid variable pulsating with a period of
9.660 days. The spectral type of the secondary is B3.5V.

The primary component, AW Per, is a Cepheid variable pulsating with a
period of 6.464 days. The spectral type of the secondary is B8.2V.

The primary component, AW Per, is a Cepheid variable pulsating with a
period of 6.464 days. The spectral type of the secondary is B8.2V.

The primary component, AW Per, is a Cepheid variable pulsating with a
period of 6.464 days. The spectral type of the secondary is B8.2V.


The primary component, S Sge, is a Cepheid variable pulsating with a period of
8.382 days. The companion itself is a binary.

The primary component, W Sgr, is a Cepheid variable pulsating with a period of
7.595 days. The spectral type of the secondary is A0V. Together with a visual
companion, they form the multiple system ADS 11029.

The primary component, W Sgr, is a Cepheid variable pulsating with a period of
7.595 days. The spectral type of the secondary is A0V. Together with a visual
companion, they form the multiple system ADS 11029.

The primary component, V350 Sgr, is a Cepheid variable pulsating with a
period of  5.154 days. The spectral type of the secondary is B9.0V.



Fick = Fick Observatory
KPNO = Kitt Peak National Observatory

The secondary is a white dwarf.

a1sini = 41600000 +/- 1200000 km

f(m) = 0.00351 +/- 0.00031 solar masses

SAA0 = South African Astronomical Observatory
KPNO = Kitt Peak National Observatory

The primary is a mild Barium star and the secondary is a white dwarf.

a1sini = 276000000 +/- 102000000 km

f(m) = 0.03 +/- 0.03 solar masses


SAA0 = South African Astronomical Observatory
McDonald = McDonald Observatory
Fick = Fick Observatory
KPNO = Kitt Peak National Observatory
IUE = International Ultraviolet Explorer satellite

The secondary is a subdwarf B star.

a1sini =  3552000 +/-  38000 km
a2sini = 26500000 +/- 680000 km

m1 (sin)3 i = 2.24 +/- 0.12 solar masses
m2 (sin)3 i = 0.300 +/- 0.014 solar masses

The primary is a chromospherically active binary.

The period and time of maximum velocity were adopted from photometric
determinations.  In agreement with the photometric solution, The criteria
of Lucy & Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that the circular-orbit
solution is to be prefered over the eccentric-orbit solution.
Value of T is NOT time of periastron passage but is T_0 = time of
maximum positive velocity.

a1sini = 18300000 +/- 80000 km
a2sini = 19140000 +/- 80000 km

m1 (sin)3 i = 1.413 +/- 0.015 solar masses
m2 (sin)3 i = 1.352 +/- 0.015 solar masses


- Orbital elements: e, w, P assumed from Beavers & Eitter, 1988, BAAS, 20, 737

- The  centroid  of  the  Halpha  absorption core  was  measured.  The
secondary is a white dwarf.



-- A visual  quadruple system; the component  A is a  delta Scuti type
and SB1; the  component C is classified  as F3 V and is  paired with a
hot white dwarf  companion.  The companion to component  A is unknown.
Hogkin et  al. (1993,  MNRAS, 263, 229)  assign a spectral  type range
F2-6 IV-V for the C component, in agreement with our stimate of F2 V.



- A visual quadruple system; the component A is a delta Scuti type and
SB1; the component  C is classified as  F3 V and is paired  with a hot
white dwarf companion which is not the spectroscopic secondary of the C system.

- Data of Tokovinin (1997, A&AS 121 71) are merged to get the combined orbital solution



- Our  own velocity  measurements coupled  with Harper's  (1927, Publ.
Dom.  Astrophys.  Obs.  Victoria,  4, 161) data (18 velocities) result
in  an  accurate period  of  21.72168  +-  0.00009 days,  considerably
refining  the period based  on contemporary  data alone.   However, we
only utilize  recent measurements to determine  the velocity amplitude
and the mass function.

The secondary star has been found to be a high-mass white dwarf
(Landsman et al. 1993, PASP, 105, 841 and Wonnacott et al. 1993,
MNRAS, 262, 277).


- Orbital  elements  are derived  from  the  velocities corrected  for
systematic  effects derived  from synthetic  binary spectra  (Popper &
Jeong 1994,1994, PASP,  106, 189) and for the  small effects of mutual
irradiation, derived from the formalism developed by Wilson (1990, ApJ,
356, 613).

- The period is  found by Wolf & Sarounova,  (1996,Inf. Bull. Variable
Stars, No. 4292)

- V0(primary)=19.0  +-0.3, V0(secondary)= 16.0  +-0.9

- one typo corrected in the table 1: JD 2450265.9301 instead of 2450256.6301



- Orbital  elements  are derived  from  the  velocities corrected  for
systematic  effects derived  from synthetic  binary spectra  (Popper &
Jeong 1994,1994, PASP,  106, 189) and for the  small effects of mutual
irradiation, derived from the formalism developed by Wilson (1990, ApJ,
356, 613).

- V0(primary)= -20.1  +-0.3, V0(secondary)=-20.0 +-0.2



- Orbital  elements  are derived  from  the  velocities corrected  for
systematic  effects derived  from synthetic  binary spectra  (Popper &
Jeong 1994,1994, PASP,  106, 189) and for the  small effects of mutual
irradiation, derived from the formalism developed by Wilson (1990, ApJ,
356, 613).

- V0(primary)=20.3  +-0.6, V0(secondary)=19.7  +-0.5

- Period is mis-typed in the original paper



- Orbital  elements  are derived  from  the  velocities corrected  for
systematic  effects derived  from synthetic  binary spectra  (Popper &
Jeong 1994,1994, PASP,  106, 189) and for the  small effects of mutual
irradiation, derived from the formalism developed by Wilson (1990, ApJ,
356, 613).

- V0(primary)=-3.2  +-0.4, V0(secondary)= -1.7  +-0.3

- Period and epoch corrected from the values adopted by the author to match the orbit.



- RV measured on emission line

- The orbital parameters corresponds to the circular solution.

- Since  the data  were  collected during  three  different runs  with
  different  instruments, three  corresponding  systemic velocities  V0:
  V0(84   Dec.)=638+-11,    V0(93   Jan.)=670+-12,V0(93   Nov.)=617+-12.

Epoch rms
1984 December 33.4
1993 January  26.1
1993 November 47.2



- Em: RV measured on emission line, A: RV on absorbtion line

- The orbital parameters corresponds to the elliptical solution.

- Since  the  data were  collected  during  three  different runs  with
  different  instruments,  three  corresponding  systemic  velocitiesV0:
  V0(84 Dec.)=638+-08, V0(93 Jan.)=666+-09,V0(93 Nov.)=614+-09.

Different standard errors (rms) were so determined for each run:
Epoch 		rms
1984 December 	33.4
1993 January 	26.1
1993 November 	47.2



-RV measured from emission line.

-The orbital parameters corresponds to the circular solution.

- Since  the data  were  collected during  three  different runs  with
  different  instruments, three  corresponding  systemic velocities  V0:
  V0(84 Dec.)=453+-11 , V0(93 Jan.)=532+- 08 ,V0(93 Nov.)=474+-12 .

Different standard errors (rms) were so determined for each run:
Epoch 		rms
1984 December 	33.4
1993 January 	26.1
1993 November 	47.2


-RV measured from emission line.

- The orbital parameters corresponds to the elliptical solution.

- Since the data were collected during three different runs with different
  instruments, three corresponding systemic velocities V0:
  V0(84 Dec.)=451+- 16, V0(93 Jan.)=532+-07, V0(93 Nov.)=474+-12.

Different standard errors (rms) were so determined for each run:
Epoch 		rms
1984 December 	33.4
1993 January 	26.1
1993 November 	47.2



- RV measured from emission-line.

- The orbital parameters corresponds to the circular solution.

- Since the data were collected during three different runs with different
  instruments, three corresponding systemic velocities V0:
  V0(84 Dec.)=442 +- 13, V0(93 Jan.)=468 +- 09, V0(93 Nov.)=430 +-09.

Different standard errors (rms) were so determined for each run:
Epoch 		rms
1984 December 	33.4
1993 January 	26.1
1993 November 	47.2



- RV measured from emission-line.

- The orbital parameters corresponds to the elliptical solution.

- Since the data were collected during three different runs with different
  instruments, three corresponding systemic velocities V0:
  V0(84 Dec.)=451 +- 26, V0(93 Jan.)=455 +- 03, V0(93 Nov.)=435 +- 10.

Different standard errors (rms) were so determined for each run:
Epoch 		rms
1984 December 	33.4
1993 January 	26.1
1993 November 	47.2



- RV measured from emission-line.

- The orbital parameters corresponds to the circular solution.

- Since the data were collected during three different runs with different
  instruments, three corresponding systemic velocities V0:
  V0(84 Dec.)=66 +- 10, V0(93 Jan.)=50 +- 12,V0(93 Nov.)=74+- 12.

Different standard errors (rms) were so determined for each run:
Epoch 		rms
1984 December 	33.4
1993 January 	26.1
1993 November 	47.2



- RV measured from emission-line.

- The orbital parameters corresponds to the elliptical solution.

- Since the data were collected during three different runs with different
  instruments, three corresponding systemic velocities V0:
  V0(84 Dec.)=66 +- 10, V0(93 Jan.)=50 +- 13,V0(93 Nov.)=74 +- 13.

Different standard errors (rms) were so determined for each run:
Epoch 		rms
1984 December 	33.4
1993 January 	26.1
1993 November 	47.2


- Solution for C IV 5808 angstroms (emission) for circular orbits for the
  Galactic WR binary.

- Period from Niemela,  Massey & Conti (1984), since  they based it on
  more observations and  over several epochs. They give  no error and it
  is assumed here to be 0.001.  The period found with the data described
  in the present study is 15.6+-3.2d based on only one epoch.

Different standard errors (rms) were so determined for each run:
Epoch 		rms
1984 December 	33.4
1993 January 	26.1
1993 November 	47.2



- Solution for C IV 5808 angstroms (emission) for circular orbits for the
  Galactic binary.

Different standard errors (rms) were so determined for each run:
Epoch 		rms
1984 December 	33.4
1993 January 	26.1
1993 November 	47.2


Slowly pulsating B-star.
Known visual binary with late-type companion.


Slowly pulsating B-star.


Slowly pulsating B-star.


Slowly pulsating B-star.

- Aerts  et  al. (1999, A&A  343,  872)  already  found a  longer  than
expected period of 8.8d with a  rather large amplitude of about 8 km/s
in  their radial velocity  data. This  period was  not found  in their
extensive set of photometric data. Therefore, these variations can not
be due to a large-amplitude, low-degree pulsation. Now, we are able to
assign these  spectroscopic variations  to a short,  eccentric orbital
motion, with orbital parametersobtained here. Since this is the binary
with the  smallest orbital amplitude,  the phase plot for  the orbital
period seems rather noisy in comparison with the other binaries in our
sample. This effect is  strengthened by the multiperiodic character of
this star.



- The line profiles show a lot of asymmetries due to pulsation and the
large,  global Doppler shifts  point out  that we  are dealing  with a
spectroscopic binary

- After removing the orbit,  the first photometric pulsation frequency
nu_1 = 0.84060  c/d also dominates the radial  velocity variations. It
accounts for  60% up to 80%  of the (remaining) variance  in the three
data sets.



- We  find a standard  deviation of  40 km/s  for the  radial velocity,
which is far too large  to be explained by pulsation only. Preliminary
solutions for  the orbital elements  resulted in a  slightly eccentric
orbit  with  e=0.031, but  after  applying  the  Lucy &  Sweeney  test
(1971,ApJ 76,  544 ),  we conclude that  we are dealing  with circular
orbit with a  very short period. The dominant  period in the Hipparcos
photometry and the Geneva photometry is half the orbital period.

- We show the photometric  measurements folded with the orbital period
as   found   in  these   measurements.   The   signal   is  close   to
sinusoidal. This kind of variation  in our photometric data is typical
for  ellipsoidal variable  stars. They  are due  to  the non-spherical
shape  of  the  components  in  a  non-eclipsing  binary  and  to  the
contribution of reflection effects.

- After prewhitening with the orbit, nu_1=0.2148 c/d is found as first
frequency of pulsation in the radial velocities. In the phase diagrams
the original Geneva  V and Hipparcos H_p measurements  are folded with
this period. Also the  Scargle periodogram of the original photometric
data is shown there. It is  easily seen that both the "orbital" signal
and the  "pulsational" signal are prominently present.  Indeed, in the
Hipparcos photometry,  the "orbital" peak is slightly  higher than the
"pulsational"  peak,  while  in  the  Geneva  photometry  it  is  vice
versa. In  both cases, both peaks  are well above  the p_0=0.01 level.
We  conclude that  HD 92287  is  an ellipsoidal  variable  star with  a
pulsating component. Since the observed  orbital period is of the same
order  of  magnitude  as  the  period of  pulsation,  this  object  is
extremely  interesting  in order  to  search  for possible  resonances
between pulsational behaviour and orbital motion.



- According  to the  SIMBAD  astronomical database,  this  star is  an
eclipsing binary of the beta Lyrae type, although we find equal depths
for  the primary  and  secondary  minima, which  is  more typical  for
eclipsing binaries of the W Ursae Majoris type.  We find that HD 69144
is an ellipsoidal variable star.

- The visual companion at 35" is optical.



- The  components should  be very  close to  each other,  so  the tidal
effects are certainly important. Indeed,  we again find evidence for a
deformation of the stellar surface, since the photometric measurements
are clearly dominated by (twice) the orbital frequency.


This is a spectroscopically triple system in wich the contact binary is
the fainter component of a relatively close visual double.

There are 31 additional observations leading to entirely unseparable
broadening and correlation function peaks.


There are 17 additional observations leading to entirely unseparable
broadening and correlation function peaks.

The period is twice the value given in the Hipparcos catalog in which
the time of maximum light is given as the initial epoch.


There are 17 additional observations leading to entirely unseparable
broadening and correlation function peaks.

The radial velocity amplitudes depend on the spectral type of the template
star used to derive the BFs.

This is a spectroscopically triple system in which the contact binary having
solved orbit is the fainter component. The bright companion  is itself
a possible independent spectroscopic binary.

There are 13 additional observations of contact bimary leading to entirely
unseparable broadening and correlation function peaks.

There are 13 additional observations leading to entirely unseparable
broadening and correlation function peaks.

This is a spectroscopically triple system in wich the contact binary
having a solved orbit is the brigter component.

There are 23 additional observations leading to entirely unseparable
broadening and correlation function peaks.


This is a spectroscopically triple system in wich the contact binary
having a solved orbit is the brigter component.

Observations were obtained in two groups (16 and 55 observations) separated
by one year. The authors obtained the second solution based only on the 55
observations of the second season: V0=+31.11 (err=1.26); K1=116.09
(err=1.52); K2=222.87 (err=3.60); T0=51400.1752 (err=0.0022).

There are 11 additional observations leading to entirely unseparable
broadening and correlation function peaks.

There are 9 additional observations leading to entirely unseparable
broadening and correlation function peaks.

There are 18 additional observations leading to entirely unseparable
broadening and correlation function peaks.

The observations were made in the region centered at 5184 A and in the
region centered at 5303 A. The results of independent solutions were
identical, so the authors made a combined solution for both spectral


This is a spectroscopically triple system in which the contact binary is
the fainter component of a very close visual binary. The brighter component
is SB1 star which has a preliminary solved orbit.

There are 21 additional observations leading to entirely unseparable
broadening and correlation function peaks.

The system is a spectroscopic triple, with the third component having
relative brightness of L3/(L1+L2)=0.26. The average radial velocities of the
third component measured in two sets of observations are 48.38 (0.30) km/s
and 43.90 (0.43) km/s.

There are 25 additional observations leading to entirely unseparable
broadening and correlation function peaks; these observations may
be eventually used in more extensive modeling of broadening functions.

There are 11 additional observations leading to entirely unseparable
broadening and correlation function peaks; these observations may
be eventually used in more extensive modeling of broadening functions.

The period was taken from Nelson (2001, IBVS no.5040)


There are 6 additional observations leading to entirely unseparable
broadening and correlation function peaks; these observations may
be eventually used in more extensive modeling of broadening functions.

There are 14 additional observations leading to entirely unseparable
broadening and correlation function peaks; these observations may
be eventually used in more extensive modeling of broadening functions.

There are 30 additional observations leading to entirely unseparable
broadening and correlation function peaks; these observations may
be eventually used in more extensive modeling of broadening functions.

The period is twice as long as in the Hipparcos Catalogue.

There are 16 additional observations leading to entirely unseparable
broadening and correlation function peaks; these observations may
be eventually used in more extensive modeling of broadening functions.

There are 16 additional observations leading to entirely unseparable
broadening and correlation function peaks; these observations may
be eventually used in more extensive modeling of broadening functions.

There are 16 additional observations leading to entirely unseparable
broadening and correlation function peaks; these observations may
be eventually used in more extensive modeling of broadening functions.

There are 18 additional observations leading to entirely unseparable
broadening and correlation function peaks; these observations may
be eventually used in more extensive modeling of broadening functions.

The period was taken from Lasala-Garcia (2001, IBVS no.5075)


There are 28 additional observations leading to entirely unseparable
broadening and correlation function peaks; these observations may
be eventually used in more extensive modeling of broadening functions.

The primary is a chromospherically active binary.

The criteria of Lucy & Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that the
circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the eccentric-orbit solution.
Thus, the value of T is NOT time of periastron passage but is T_0 = time of
maximum positive velocity.

a1sini = 8680000 +/- 30000 km

m1 (sin)3 i = 0.0584 +/- 0.0009 solar masses



Pre-cataclismic  binary composed  of DA  white dwarf  primary  and red
dwarf  dMe  secondary.  The  WD  RVs  were  measured  at  HST  Goddard
spectrograph (UV  lines are shown in  the comments), while  the RD RVs
are from  the previous paper by  Vennes & Thorstensen  (1999, AJ, 112,
284), with some  additional data that are not  reported in the present
paper.   The M-dwarf  amplitude corrected  for the  fact  that H-alpha
originates  at  the  UV-irradiated  hemisphere and  does  not  reflect
center-of-mass motion is K2_corrected= 109.6 +- 5.6.

The  center-of-mass  velocity  listed  is  for the  DA  component  and
includes gravitational redshift of 20-30 km/s, for dMe component it is
29.0 +- 2.4 km/s.



Pre-cataclismic  binary composed  of DA  white dwarf  primary  and red
dwarf  dMe  secondary.   The  WD  RVs were  measured  at  HST  Goddard
spectrograph (UV  lines are shown in  the comments), while  the RD RVs
are from the Hamilton spectrograph  at Lick. Velocities at H-alpha are
used for orbit  calculation, velocities at HeI 5875  line are given in
the notes. The  M-dwarf amplitude corrected for the  fact that H-alpha
originates  at  the  UV-irradiated  hemisphere and  does  not  reflect
center-of-mass   motion   is   K2_corrected=   140.9  +-   2.9.    The
center-of-mass velocity  listed is for  the DA component  and includes
gravitational redshift of 20-30 km/s,  for dMe component it is 22.9 +-
0.9 km/s.

The  RV of  the visual  companion  at 3.2  arcseconds is  +23.2 on  JD
2449770.89945, the  large common  proper motion confirms  its physical
relation to the spectroscopic pair.



Pre-cataclismic  binary composed  of DA  white dwarf  primary  and red
dwarf  dMe  secondary.   The  WD  RVs were  measured  at  HST  Goddard
spectrograph (UV  lines are shown in  the comments), while  the RD RVs
are from the Hamilton spectrograph  at Lick. Velocities at H-alpha are
used for orbit  calculation, velocities at HeI 5875  line are given in
the notes. The  M-dwarf amplitude corrected for the  fact that H-alpha
originates  at  the  UV-irradiated  hemisphere and  does  not  reflect
center-of-mass   motion   is   K2_corrected=   88.5   +-   1.6.    The
center-of-mass velocity  listed is for  the DA component  and includes
gravitational redshift of 20-30 km/s, for dMe component it is -29.5 +-
0.7 km/s.



Combined solution of spectroscopic  and photometric orbits. Masses are
fitted  directly,  so K1  and  K2  are  re-calculated from  the  final
data. Observations not used in the solution are omitted.

The spectroscopic observations have been obtained with the Echelle+CCD
spectrograph  on  the  1.82   m  telescope  operated  by  Osservatorio
Astronomico di Padova atop Mt. Ekar (Asiago).



Combined solution of spectroscopic  and photometric orbits. Masses are
fitted  directly,  so K1  and  K2  are  re-calculated from  the  final
data. Observations not used in the solution are omitted.

The spectroscopic observations have been obtained with the Echelle+CCD
spectrograph  on  the  1.82   m  telescope  operated  by  Osservatorio
Astronomico di Padova atop Mt. Ekar (Asiago).



Combined solution of spectroscopic  and photometric orbits. Masses are
fitted  directly,  so K1  and  K2  are  re-calculated from  the  final
data. Observations not used in the solution are omitted.

The spectroscopic observations have been obtained with the Echelle+CCD
spectrograph  on  the  1.82   m  telescope  operated  by  Osservatorio
Astronomico di Padova atop Mt. Ekar (Asiago).


Cataclismic variable.  Orbital  parameters obtained for absortion-line
component.   The H-alpha  emission  (RVs are  given  in the  comments)
varies in anti-phase  with amplitude of K=58 +-  3 km/s.  Because this
is  an  interacting  binary,  neither velocity  curve  may  faithfully
reflect the  motion of  the underlying star.   Individual RVs  are not
given in the article, provided by the author.

Cataclismic variable.   The orbital  elements are derived  for H-alpha
emission lines.   Because this is an interacting  binary, the velocity
curve may not  reflect the motion of the  underlying star.  Individual
RVs are not given in the article, provided by the author.

Cataclismic variable.  The orbital  elements are derived  for H-alpha
emission lines.  Because this is an interacting  binary, the velocity
curve may not  reflect the motion of the  underlying star.  Individual
RVs are not given in the article, provided by the author.

Cataclismic variable.  The orbital  elements are derived  for H-alpha
emission lines.  Because this is an interacting  binary, the velocity
curve may not  reflect the motion of the  underlying star.  Individual
RVs are not given in the article, provided by the author.


Close binary with both degenerate companions.  We define T_0 such that
star 1 has the  deeper H alpha core and is closest  to the observer at
time  T_0. The  projected  orbital speed  of  star 1  is  K_1 and  its
apparent mean  velocity is V0_1 and  similarly for star  2.  Note that
V0_1 is different from V0_2  because the apparent mean velocity is the
sum  of  the radial  velocity  of  the  system and  the  gravitational
redshift of each star, and  this second quantity is different for each
star (V0_1=  22.3 +- 0.6,  V0_1=15.0 +- 1.2,  average is given  in the
catalog).   Orbital  elements were  computed  by simultaneous  fitting
directly the observed spectra around H-alpha line, hence no individual
radial velocities were derived.



Close binary with both degenerate companions.  We define T_0 such that
star 1 has the  deeper H alpha core and is closest  to the observer at
time  T_0. The  projected  orbital speed  of  star 1  is  K_1 and  its
apparent mean  velocity is V0_1 and  similarly for star  2.  Note that
V0_1 is different from V0_2  because the apparent mean velocity is the
sum  of  the radial  velocity  of  the  system and  the  gravitational
redshift of each star, and  this second quantity is different for each
star (V0_1=-18.4  +- 0.8 , V0_1=-7.4  +- 3.6, average is  given in the
catalog).  Orbital  elements  were  computed by  simultaneous  fitting
directly the observed spectra around H-alpha line, hence no individual
radial velocities were derived.



Close binary with both degenerate companions.  We define T_0 such that
star 1 has the  deeper H alpha core and is closest  to the observer at
time  T_0. The  projected  orbital speed  of  star 1  is  K_1 and  its
apparent mean  velocity is V0_1 and  similarly for star  2.  Note that
V0_1 is different from V0_2  because the apparent mean velocity is the
sum  of  the radial  velocity  of  the  system and  the  gravitational
redshift of each star, and  this second quantity is different for each
star  (V0_1=33.2  1.3  ,  V0_1=38.7  1.6,  average  is  given  in  the
catalog).  Orbital  elements  were  computed by  simultaneous  fitting
directly the observed spectra around H-alpha line, hence no individual
radial velocities were derived.



The early-type eclipsing binary SZ  Cam (HD 25638; SAO 13030; HR 1260;
BD+ 61 676N; ADS 2984 B)  is the northern component of a visual double
star  consisting of two  components with  nearly equal  brightness and
spectral type, which are the brightest members of the galactic cluster
NGC 1502.   The close  spatial coincidence of  two very  similar stars
repeatedly  led to  confusion with  the proper  identification  of the
visual companions (e.g., SZ Cam was erroneously designated as ADS 2984
A in the Bright Star Catalogue, and was also misidentified as HD 25639
in   the  BSC   Supplement,  while   in  all   other  sources   it  is
cross-referenced with HD 25638).

The  eclipsing  binary SZ  Cam  has  a  third component,  detected  by
light-time  effect  and  resolved  by  speckle  interferometry.   This
tertiary is itself a close binary with 2.8-day period.

To obtain consistent radial  velocity curves for both components, the
arithmetic mean of V0_1(5.7 kms^-1) and V0_2(-11.5 kms^-1) was used as
systemic velocity of the eclipsing pair.


The  eclipsing  binary SZ  Cam  has  a  third component,  detected  by
light-time  effect  and  resolved  by  speckle  interferometry.   This
tertiary is  itself a close binary  with 2.8-day period,  its orbit is
given here.

The spectroscopic system  is a primary component of  the visual binary
ADS 12040 with orbital period  around 687 years.  The radial verlocity
of the visual secondary B is -48.2 km/s and is apparently constant.

The spectroscopic pair  is a secondary component in  the Hyades visual
binary ADS 3248  with 40-year period. The RV of  the primary is around
+44 km/s. Both center-of-mass velocity of the spectroscopic system and
of A are slowly changing due to the motion in the visual orbit, likely
semi-amplitudes are  6.7 and  7 km/s, respectively.  Small corrections
are made to account for this in the computation of the orbit of Bab.



The short-period spectroscopic system  is a secondary component in the
visual binary ADS  363 with 54-year period. The  RV difference between
visual components suggests semi-amplitudes around 7 km/s for each.



The spectroscopic system belongs to a visual binary with 4" separation
and  uncertain long-period  orbit. The  visual secondary  has constant
radial velocity.



The spectroscopic  system is a  primary component in a  97-year visual
binary ADS 12656. In  some orbital phases thenunresolved blended lines
of visual components were measured  (marked as "Aa+B"), these data are
included in the orbital solution with low weight. The velocity of the
secondary is constant at -58.6 +- 0.4 km/s.



The spectroscopic system is a secondary component in a 144-year visual
binary ADS  10683. The RV of  the primary is constant,  -53.78 +- 0.16
km/s. Only  measurements at  phases where  the lines of  A and  Ba are
separated are used in the orbital solution.



This 258-year visual binary shows lines of only one component in its
spectrum. Those lines likely belong to the primary and show 50-day RV



M1 (sin i)**3 = 2.502 +/- 0.026 Msun
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.5143 +/- 0.0085 Msun
q = M2/M1 = 0.2055 +/- 0.0025
a1 sin i = 5.117 +/- 0.059 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 24.897 +/- 0.088 x 10**6 km
a sin i = 43.12 +/- 0.15 Rsun


YY Gem is Castor C.

Period and epoch of primary minimum fixed from linear ephemeris
based on times of eclipse:

P = 0.814282212 +/- 0.000000012 days
Min I = 2,449,345.112327 +/- 0.000087 (HJD)

Derived quantities:

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.5938 +/- 0.0046 Msun
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.5971 +/- 0.0046 Msun
q = M2/M1 = 1.0056 +/- 0.0050
a1 sin i = 1.3569 +/- 0.0047 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 1.3493 +/- 0.0047 x 10**6 km
a sin i = 3.8882 +/- 0.0095 Rsun

Time span of observations (days) = 456.9


The criteria of Lucy and Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that the
circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the eccentric-orbit
solution.  Thus, the value of T is NOT a time of periastron passage but
is T_0, a time of maximum positive velocity.

The primary is a gamma Doradus variable.  In addition to its orbital
motion, this star also shows a radial velocity variation due to pulsation,
which has a period of 1.3071 days and an amplitude of about 3 km/s.  This
radial velocity period is nearly identical to one of three photometric
periods, 1.30702 days, determined for this star. The listed radial
velocities include the pulsational variation.  The secondary is likely to
be an M dwarf.

asini = 382000 +/- 19000 km
f(m) = 0.000111 +/- 0.000016 solar masses


The criteria of Lucy and Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that the
circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the eccentric-orbit
solution.  Thus, the value of T is NOT a time of periastron passage but
is T_0, a time of maximum positive velocity.

The primary is a chromospherically active star.

asini = 729000 +/- 16000 km
f(m) = 0.0041 +/- 0.0003  solar masses



Time span of observations = 1325 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.185 +/- 0.016 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.1574 +/- 0.0079 solar masses
q = 0.853 +/- 0.037
a sin i = 2.602 +/- 0.061 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.19

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 41 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 35: km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1096 days
M2 sin i = 0.178 +/- 0.029 (M1+M2)**(2/3) solar masses
a1 sin i = 0.406 +/- 0.066 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 56 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 766 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.741 +/- 0.027 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.596 +/- 0.012 solar masses
q = 0.804 +/- 0.014
a sin i = 16.49 +/- 0.16 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.09

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 7: km/s
                       v2 sin i = 5: km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 708 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.9683 +/- 0.0074 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.942 +/- 0.011 solar masses
q = 0.9728 +/- 0.0061
a sin i = 16.824 +/- 0.053 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 2.14

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 26 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 16 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1326 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 1.062 +/- 0.029 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.578 +/- 0.012 solar masses
q = 0.5442 +/- 0.0077
a sin i = 20.04 +/- 0.16 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.06

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 32 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 4: km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 2213 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.718 +/- 0.016 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.679 +/- 0.011 solar masses
q = 0.945 +/- 0.011
a sin i = 7.642 +/- 0.046 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.36

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 18 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 16 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1388 days
M2 sin i = 0.351 +/- 0.018 (M1+M2)**(2/3) solar masses
a1 sin i = 1.032 +/- 0.052 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 54 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1325 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.612 +/- 0.022 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.603 +/- 0.016 solar masses
q = 0.986 +/- 0.020
a sin i = 17.97 +/- 0.18 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.71

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 27 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 24 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1419 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.235 +/- 0.022 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.1357 +/- 0.0078 solar masses
q = 0.577 +/- 0.024
a sin i = 15.66 +/- 0.42 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.19

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 0: km/s
                       v2 sin i = 0: km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1009 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.5864 +/- 0.0064 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.5681 +/- 0.0072 solar masses
q = 0.9687 +/- 0.0072
a sin i = 10.560 +/- 0.039 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.68

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 8 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 8: km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 703 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.3220 +/- 0.0024 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.3066 +/- 0.0019 solar masses
q = 0.9523 +/- 0.0041
a sin i = 11.231 +/- 0.025 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.55

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 9 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 7 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 2194 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.422 +/- 0.032 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.230 +/- 0.014 solar masses
q = 0.544 +/- 0.022
a sin i = 2.158 +/- 0.048 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.24

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 118 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 95: km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 884 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.3698 +/- 0.0090 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.3438 +/- 0.0070 solar masses
q = 0.930 +/- 0.013
a sin i = 4.623 +/- 0.033 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.63

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 40 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 28 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1388 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.02259 +/- 0.00086 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.01990 +/- 0.00073 solar masses
q = 0.881 +/- 0.021
a sin i = 4.358 +/- 0.052 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.60

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 18 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 3: km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1217 days
M2 sin i = 0.156 +/- 0.044 (M1+M2)**(2/3) solar masses
a1 sin i = 0.309 +/- 0.086 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 54 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1133 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.1110 +/- 0.0023 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.1062 +/- 0.0038 solar masses
q = 0.957 +/- 0.018
a sin i = 7.134 +/- 0.066 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 4.0

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 20 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 9 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1454 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.544 +/- 0.011 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.499 +/- 0.019 solar masses
q = 0.916 +/- 0.019
a sin i = 9.184 +/- 0.089 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 1.22

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 49 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 19 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1477 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.914 +/- 0.066 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.622 +/- 0.027 solar masses
q = 0.680 +/- 0.023
a sin i = 13.57 +/- 0.27 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.10

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 33 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 0: km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Erroneous time of periastron passage in original publication
is corrected here.

Time span of observations = 1144 days
M2 sin i = 0.2440 +/- 0.0034 (M1+M2)**(2/3) solar masses
a1 sin i = 2.901 +/- 0.041 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 14 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1214 days
M2 sin i = 0.2543 +/- 0.0085 (M1+M2)**(2/3) solar masses
a1 sin i = 1.243 +/- 0.041 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 34 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1507 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.5310 +/- 0.0082 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.4233 +/- 0.0076 solar masses
q = 0.7972 +/- 0.0084
a sin i = 24.32 +/- 0.13 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 1.11

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 16 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 7: km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1215 days
M2 sin i = 0.3348 +/- 0.0036 (M1+M2)**(2/3) solar masses
a1 sin i = 1.751 +/- 0.019 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 30 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1172 days
M2 sin i = 0.2248 +/- 0.0014 (M1+M2)**(2/3) solar masses
a1 sin i = 4.189 +/- 0.025 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 2: km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1504 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.947 +/- 0.028 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.893 +/- 0.047 solar masses
q = 0.943 +/- 0.025
a sin i = 15.80 +/- 0.21 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 4.1

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 37 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 14 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1411 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.9307 +/- 0.0062 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.9116 +/- 0.0069 solar masses
q = 0.9795 +/- 0.0044
a sin i = 13.506 +/- 0.031 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.67

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 24 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 17 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1181 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 1.134 +/- 0.069 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 1.068 +/- 0.043 solar masses
q = 0.942 +/- 0.029
a sin i = 109.6 +/- 1.8 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.24

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 8 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 0: km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1916 days
M2 sin i = 0.2641 +/- 0.0075 (M1+M2)**(2/3) solar masses
a1 sin i = 55.2 +/- 1.6 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 7 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 887 days
M2 sin i = 0.1984 +/- 0.0034 (M1+M2)**(2/3) solar masses
a1 sin i = 6.90 +/- 0.12 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 1: km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 764 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.756 +/- 0.039 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.568 +/- 0.017 solar masses
q = 0.751 +/- 0.018
a sin i = 8.62 +/- 0.12 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.07

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 18 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 0: km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 2151 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 1.090 +/- 0.038 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.712 +/- 0.017 solar masses
q = 0.653 +/- 0.012
a sin i = 21.75 +/- 0.22 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.16

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 24 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 5: km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1118 days
M2 sin i = 0.2250 +/- 0.0013 (M1+M2)**(2/3) solar masses
a1 sin i = 5.916 +/- 0.034 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 1: km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1895 days
M2 sin i = 0.332 +/- 0.015 (M1+M2)**(2/3) solar masses
a1 sin i = 62.1 +/- 2.7 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 12 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1404 days
M2 sin i = 0.240 +/- 0.077 (M1+M2)**(2/3) solar masses
a1 sin i = 0.55 +/- 0.18 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 120 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 2301 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.597 +/- 0.050 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.445 +/- 0.030 solar masses
q = 0.746 +/- 0.023
a sin i = 6.76 +/- 0.17 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.13

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 20 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 15: km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1181 days
M2 sin i = 0.545 +/- 0.054 (M1+M2)**(2/3) solar masses
a1 sin i = 1.26 +/- 0.12 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 81 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 2300 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.01861 +/- 0.00173 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.00891 +/- 0.00086 solar masses
q = 0.479 +/- 0.026
a sin i = 2.238 +/- 0.068 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.07

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 29 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 0: km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1890 days
M2 sin i = 0.423 +/- 0.029 (M1+M2)**(2/3) solar masses
a1 sin i = 19.6 +/- 1.4 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 10 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1399 days
M2 sin i = 0.187 +/- 0.020 (M1+M2)**(2/3) solar masses
a1 sin i = 0.709 +/- 0.076 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 39 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1775 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.0845 +/- 0.0052 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.0707 +/- 0.0027 solar masses
q = 0.837 +/- 0.027
a sin i = 1.510 +/- 0.025 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.22

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 51 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 38 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1125 days
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.2749 +/- 0.0082 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.2610 +/- 0.0058 solar masses
q = 0.949 +/- 0.015
a sin i = 13.29 +/- 0.11 solar radii

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.34

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 10 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 9 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 2362 days
M2 sin i = 0.368 +/- 0.065 (M1+M2)**(2/3) solar masses
a1 sin i = 65. +/- 11. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 18 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 2097 days
M2 sin i = 0.194 +/- 0.034 (M1+M2)**(2/3) solar masses
a1 sin i = 0.74 +/- 0.13 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 62 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



-Ascending node epoch: 2443031.537

-The mean internal error is ~ 2 km sec^-1.

-The data  and those already  published have been combined  to improve
the  spectroscopic orbits.  In the  orbit computation.  the individual
observation has been weighted according to the spectrograph dispersion
as suggested by Abt & Smith (1969, PASP, 81, 332).

- The computing  of the standard  deviations from the  computed curves
shows for  most of the  objects under study a  significant improvement
has been achived.

-In  our  analysis  we  have  used  3  observations  of  Shajn  (1951,
Izv.  Krymsk, Astrofiz.  Obs.  7, 337.),  6  of Palmer  et al.  (1968,
Roy. Obs. Bull. 135), 38 of Hube & Gulliver (1985, JRAS Can 79, 49)and
the 10 values from out data.

-The   star  have   been  observed   with  the   two-prism  Cassegrain
spectroghaph   attached  to   the   1.2m  telescope   of  the   Asiago
Astrophysical Observatory.



-Ascending node epoch: 2437642.337

-The mean internal error is ~ 2 km sec^-1.

-The data  and those already  published have been combined  to improve
the  spectroscopic orbits.  In the  orbit computation.  the individual
observation has been weighted according to the spectrograph dispersion
as suggested by Abt & Smith (1969, PASP, 81, 332).

- The computing  of the standard  deviations from the  computed curves
shows for  most of the  objects under study a  significant improvement
has been achived.

-Morbey  & Brosterhus (1974,  PASP, 86,455)  have computed  an orbital
solution  based  on  40  published  observations.  We  used  the  same
published data set plus the 25 new observation from our data. Morbey &
Brosterhus  elements agree within  the errors  with our  final orbital

-The   star  have   been  observed   with  the   two-prism  Cassegrain
spectroghaph   attached  to   the   1.2m  telescope   of  the   Asiago
Astrophysical Observatory.


-Ascending node epoch: 2441227.411

-The mean internal error is ~ 2 km sec^-1.

-The data  and those already  published have been combined  to improve
the  spectroscopic orbits.  In the  orbit computation.  the individual
observation has been weighted according to the spectrograph dispersion
as suggested by Abt & Smith (1969, PASP, 81, 332).

- The computing  of the standard  deviations from the  computed curves
shows for  most of the  objects under study a  significant improvement
has been achived.

-Our analysis  is based  on 3 observations  of Plaskett et  al. (1919,
JRAS  Can, 40, 325),  6 from  Stilwell (1949,  Publ. Dominion  Obs. 7,
337), 13 of  Abt (1961, ApJS, 6,  37), 5 of Abt (1970,  ApJS, 19, 387)
and 5 from our data.

-The   star  have   been  observed   with  the   two-prism  Cassegrain
spectroghaph   attached  to   the   1.2m  telescope   of  the   Asiago
Astrophysical Observatory.


-Ascending node epoch: 2441271.259

-The data  and those already  published have been combined  to improve
the  spectroscopic orbits.  In the  orbit computation.  the individual
observation has been weighted according to the spectrograph dispersion
as suggested by Abt & Smith (1969, PASP, 81, 332).

- The computing  of the standard  deviations from the  computed curves
shows for  most of the  objects under study a  significant improvement
has been achived.

-Our  solution   is  based  on  12  observations   of  Jantzen  (1913,
Astron. Nachr., 196, 117), 5  of Harper (1935, Publ. Dominion Obs., 6,
217), 8 of Abt (1961, ApJS, 6,  37), 20 of Abt & Levy (1985, ApJS, 59,
229), and  the 10  Asiago observations listed  in our  radial velocity

-The   star  have   been  observed   with  the   two-prism  Cassegrain
spectroghaph   attached  to   the   1.2m  telescope   of  the   Asiago
Astrophysical Observatory.


-Ascending node epoch: 2436763.340

-The mean internal error is ~ 2 km sec^-1.

-The data  and those already  published have been combined  to improve
the  spectroscopic orbits.  In the  orbit computation.  the individual
observation has been weighted according to the spectrograph dispersion
as suggested by Abt & Smith (1969, PASP, 81, 332).

- The computing  of the standard  deviations from the  computed curves
shows for  most of the  objects under study a  significant improvement
has been achived.

-Although few in number, our 3 Asiago observations are useful to check
the orbital  period. They  have been obtained  during a  single night,
4630 days after the last Abt (1961, ApJS,6,37) observation. Lee (1916,
ApJ, 43, 320) has published 60 observations, Campbell (1928, Pub. Lcik
Obs. 16, 180 or 257) gives 1 observation, Harper (1937, Publ. Dominion
Obs.  7,  n.1) 2  more,  Abt  (1961)  9 data  and  Voikevitch-Oculitch
(1925).  Our solution, which  is based  on the  above data  except the
Harper's  ones  which  have  unacceptable  O-C  residuals,  is  almost
identical to the Lee's one  en aconfirms the improvement of the period
given by Abt (1961)

-The   star  have   been  observed   with  the   two-prism  Cassegrain
spectroghaph   attached  to   the   1.2m  telescope   of  the   Asiago
Astrophysical Observatory.


-Ascending node epoch: 2443416.073

-The mean internal error is ~ 0.5 km sec^-1.

-The data  and those already  published have been combined  to improve
the  spectroscopic orbits.  In the  orbit computation.  the individual
observation has been weighted according to the spectrograph dispersion
as suggested by Abt & Smith (1969, PASP, 81, 332).

- The computing  of the standard  deviations from the  computed curves
shows for  most of the  objects under study a  significant improvement
has been achived.

-Our orbital solution  is based on 5 observations  of Campbell & Moore
(1928,Pub. Lick  Obs. 16,  180; 1928,  Pub. Lick Obs.  16, 257),  5 of
Frost  et al.  (1929,  Publ. Yerkes  Obs.,  7, 1),  18  of Abt  (1961,
ApJS,6,37), 24 of  Abt & Levy (1985, ApJS, 59, 229)  and our 67 Asiago
Observations  have been  treated as  nightly  mean and  those are  the
radial velocities showed in the paper.

-The   star  have   been  observed   with  the   two-prism  Cassegrain
spectroghaph   attached  to   the   1.2m  telescope   of  the   Asiago
Astrophysical Observatory.


-Ascending node epoch: 2443432.076

-The mean internal error is ~ 2 km sec^-1.

-The data  and those already  published have been combined  to improve
the  spectroscopic orbits.  In the  orbit computation.  the individual
observation has been weighted according to the spectrograph dispersion
as suggested by Abt & Smith (1969, PASP, 81, 332).

- The computing  of the standard  deviations from the  computed curves
shows for  most of the  objects under study a  significant improvement
has been achived.

-Our solution  is based on 21  observation of Abt &  Levy (1985, ApJS,
59, 229)  and 16 of  our Asiago. For  of our observations  are nightly
means. The observations of Harper  (1937, Publ. Dominion Obs. 7, n.1),
Young (1939,  Pub. David Dunl.  Obs. 1, 71)  and Palmer et  al. (1968,
Roy, Obs.  Bull. 145)  have not been  used in the  computation because
they do not appear to follow any periodic pattern.

-The   star  have   been  observed   with  the   two-prism  Cassegrain
spectroghaph   attached  to   the   1.2m  telescope   of  the   Asiago
Astrophysical Observatory.



-For  the determination of  radial velocities  from these  spectra for
stars  with a wide  range of  rotations, we  have developed  a digital
cross-correlation procedure based on  the XCSAO task (Kurtz M.J., Mink
D.J.,  Wyatt W.F.,  1992,  in: Worrall  DM.,  Biemesderfer C.,  Barnes
J. (eds.) Astronomical Data Analysis  Software and Systems 1, ASPC 25,
432) as implemented  in the  IRAF environment, using  a large  grid of
synthetic  template   spectra  covering  the  ranges   in  e  efective
temperature, gravity,  and rotation of  our programme stars.  For more
details see  Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,  1994, A&A
287, 338.

-We have  verified that our radial-velocity zero-point,  which was the
key subject  of Paper I(Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,
1994, A&A 287, 338), remains the  same to within 100 m s^-1 when using
this modified procedure. Thus,  our previous results on the systematic
and random errors  of our radial velocities remain  valid for the data
presented here.

-The  second  refinement   in  our  technique  was  the   use  of  the
two-dimensional  cross-correlation algorithm  TODCOR  (Zucker &  Mazeh
1994, ApJ 420, 806), as implemented at CfA (Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics) by  G. Torres, to extract radial  velocities of both
components  from  the  observed,  blended spectra  of  65  doublelined
spectroscopic binaries in our sample.



-For  the determination of  radial velocities  from these  spectra for
stars  with a wide  range of  rotations, we  have developed  a digital
cross-correlation procedure based on  the XCSAO task (Kurtz M.J., Mink
D.J.,  Wyatt W.F.,  1992,  in: Worrall  DM.,  Biemesderfer C.,  Barnes
J. (eds.) Astronomical Data Analysis  Software and Systems 1, ASPC 25,
432) as implemented  in the  IRAF environment, using  a large  grid of
synthetic  template   spectra  covering  the  ranges   in  e  efective
temperature, gravity,  and rotation of  our programme stars.  For more
details see  Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,  1994, A&A
287, 338.

-We have  verified that our radial-velocity zero-point,  which was the
key subject  of Paper I(Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,
1994, A&A 287, 338), remains the  same to within 100 m s^-1 when using
this modified procedure. Thus,  our previous results on the systematic
and random errors  of our radial velocities remain  valid for the data
presented here.

-The  second  refinement   in  our  technique  was  the   use  of  the
two-dimensional  cross-correlation algorithm  TODCOR  (Zucker &  Mazeh
1994, ApJ 420, 806), as implemented at CfA (Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics) by  G. Torres, to extract radial  velocities of both
components  from  the  observed,  blended spectra  of  65  doublelined
spectroscopic binaries in our sample.



-For  the determination of  radial velocities  from these  spectra for
stars  with a wide  range of  rotations, we  have developed  a digital
cross-correlation procedure based on  the XCSAO task (Kurtz M.J., Mink
D.J.,  Wyatt W.F.,  1992,  in: Worrall  DM.,  Biemesderfer C.,  Barnes
J. (eds.) Astronomical Data Analysis  Software and Systems 1, ASPC 25,
432) as implemented  in the  IRAF environment, using  a large  grid of
synthetic  template   spectra  covering  the  ranges   in  e  efective
temperature, gravity,  and rotation of  our programme stars.  For more
details see  Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,  1994, A&A
287, 338.

-We have  verified that our radial-velocity zero-point,  which was the
key subject  of Paper I(Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,
1994, A&A 287, 338), remains the  same to within 100 m s^-1 when using
this modified procedure. Thus,  our previous results on the systematic
and random errors  of our radial velocities remain  valid for the data
presented here.

-The  second  refinement   in  our  technique  was  the   use  of  the
two-dimensional  cross-correlation algorithm  TODCOR  (Zucker &  Mazeh
1994, ApJ 420, 806), as implemented at CfA (Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics) by  G. Torres, to extract radial  velocities of both
components  from  the  observed,  blended spectra  of  65  doublelined
spectroscopic binaries in our sample.



-Star in double system.

-For  the determination of  radial velocities  from these  spectra for
stars  with a wide  range of  rotations, we  have developed  a digital
cross-correlation procedure based on  the XCSAO task (Kurtz M.J., Mink
D.J.,  Wyatt W.F.,  1992,  in: Worrall  DM.,  Biemesderfer C.,  Barnes
J. (eds.) Astronomical Data Analysis  Software and Systems 1, ASPC 25,
432) as implemented  in the  IRAF environment, using  a large  grid of
synthetic  template   spectra  covering  the  ranges   in  e  efective
temperature, gravity,  and rotation of  our programme stars.  For more
details see  Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,  1994, A&A
287, 338.

-We have  verified that our radial-velocity zero-point,  which was the
key subject  of Paper I(Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,
1994, A&A 287, 338), remains the  same to within 100 m s^-1 when using
this modified procedure. Thus,  our previous results on the systematic
and random errors  of our radial velocities remain  valid for the data
presented here.

-The  second  refinement   in  our  technique  was  the   use  of  the
two-dimensional  cross-correlation algorithm  TODCOR  (Zucker &  Mazeh
1994, ApJ 420, 806), as implemented at CfA (Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics) by  G. Torres, to extract radial  velocities of both
components  from  the  observed,  blended spectra  of  65  doublelined
spectroscopic binaries in our sample.



-For  the determination of  radial velocities  from these  spectra for
stars  with a wide  range of  rotations, we  have developed  a digital
cross-correlation procedure based on  the XCSAO task (Kurtz M.J., Mink
D.J.,  Wyatt W.F.,  1992,  in: Worrall  DM.,  Biemesderfer C.,  Barnes
J. (eds.) Astronomical Data Analysis  Software and Systems 1, ASPC 25,
432) as implemented  in the  IRAF environment, using  a large  grid of
synthetic  template   spectra  covering  the  ranges   in  e  efective
temperature, gravity,  and rotation of  our programme stars.  For more
details see  Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,  1994, A&A
287, 338.

-We have  verified that our radial-velocity zero-point,  which was the
key subject  of Paper I(Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,
1994, A&A 287, 338), remains the  same to within 100 m s^-1 when using
this modified procedure. Thus,  our previous results on the systematic
and random errors  of our radial velocities remain  valid for the data
presented here.

-The  second  refinement   in  our  technique  was  the   use  of  the
two-dimensional  cross-correlation algorithm  TODCOR  (Zucker &  Mazeh
1994, ApJ 420, 806), as implemented at CfA (Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics) by  G. Torres, to extract radial  velocities of both
components  from  the  observed,  blended spectra  of  65  doublelined
spectroscopic binaries in our sample.



-For  the determination of  radial velocities  from these  spectra for
stars  with a wide  range of  rotations, we  have developed  a digital
cross-correlation procedure based on  the XCSAO task (Kurtz M.J., Mink
D.J.,  Wyatt W.F.,  1992,  in: Worrall  DM.,  Biemesderfer C.,  Barnes
J. (eds.) Astronomical Data Analysis  Software and Systems 1, ASPC 25,
432) as implemented  in the  IRAF environment, using  a large  grid of
synthetic  template   spectra  covering  the  ranges   in  e  efective
temperature, gravity,  and rotation of  our programme stars.  For more
details see  Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,  1994, A&A
287, 338.

-We have  verified that our radial-velocity zero-point,  which was the
key subject  of Paper I(Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,
1994, A&A 287, 338), remains the  same to within 100 m s^-1 when using
this modified procedure. Thus,  our previous results on the systematic
and random errors  of our radial velocities remain  valid for the data
presented here.

-The  second  refinement   in  our  technique  was  the   use  of  the
two-dimensional  cross-correlation algorithm  TODCOR  (Zucker &  Mazeh
1994, ApJ 420, 806), as implemented at CfA (Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics) by  G. Torres, to extract radial  velocities of both
components  from  the  observed,  blended spectra  of  65  doublelined
spectroscopic binaries in our sample.



-For  the determination of  radial velocities  from these  spectra for
stars  with a wide  range of  rotations, we  have developed  a digital
cross-correlation procedure based on  the XCSAO task (Kurtz M.J., Mink
D.J.,  Wyatt W.F.,  1992,  in: Worrall  DM.,  Biemesderfer C.,  Barnes
J. (eds.) Astronomical Data Analysis  Software and Systems 1, ASPC 25,
432) as implemented  in the  IRAF environment, using  a large  grid of
synthetic  template   spectra  covering  the  ranges   in  e  efective
temperature, gravity,  and rotation of  our programme stars.  For more
details see  Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,  1994, A&A
287, 338.

-We have  verified that our radial-velocity zero-point,  which was the
key subject  of Paper I(Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,
1994, A&A 287, 338), remains the  same to within 100 m s^-1 when using
this modified procedure. Thus,  our previous results on the systematic
and random errors  of our radial velocities remain  valid for the data
presented here.

-The  second  refinement   in  our  technique  was  the   use  of  the
two-dimensional  cross-correlation algorithm  TODCOR  (Zucker &  Mazeh
1994, ApJ 420, 806), as implemented at CfA (Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics) by  G. Torres, to extract radial  velocities of both
components  from  the  observed,  blended spectra  of  65  doublelined
spectroscopic binaries in our sample.



-Triple-lined system. Only the SB1  orbit for the short-period pair is
determined, the  velocities of  the other component  are given  in the

-For  the determination of  radial velocities  from these  spectra for
stars  with a wide  range of  rotations, we  have developed  a digital
cross-correlation procedure based on  the XCSAO task (Kurtz M.J., Mink
D.J.,  Wyatt W.F.,  1992,  in: Worrall  DM.,  Biemesderfer C.,  Barnes
J. (eds.) Astronomical Data Analysis  Software and Systems 1, ASPC 25,
432) as implemented  in the  IRAF environment, using  a large  grid of
synthetic  template   spectra  covering  the  ranges   in  e  efective
temperature, gravity,  and rotation of  our programme stars.  For more
details see  Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,  1994, A&A
287, 338.

-We have  verified that our radial-velocity zero-point,  which was the
key subject  of Paper I(Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,
1994, A&A 287, 338), remains the  same to within 100 m s^-1 when using
this modified procedure. Thus,  our previous results on the systematic
and random errors  of our radial velocities remain  valid for the data
presented here.

-The  second  refinement   in  our  technique  was  the   use  of  the
two-dimensional  cross-correlation algorithm  TODCOR  (Zucker &  Mazeh
1994, ApJ 420, 806), as implemented at CfA (Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics) by  G. Torres, to extract radial  velocities of both
components  from  the  observed,  blended spectra  of  65  doublelined
spectroscopic binaries in our sample.



-For  the determination of  radial velocities  from these  spectra for
stars  with a wide  range of  rotations, we  have developed  a digital
cross-correlation procedure based on  the XCSAO task (Kurtz M.J., Mink
D.J.,  Wyatt W.F.,  1992,  in: Worrall  DM.,  Biemesderfer C.,  Barnes
J. (eds.) Astronomical Data Analysis  Software and Systems 1, ASPC 25,
432) as implemented  in the  IRAF environment, using  a large  grid of
synthetic  template   spectra  covering  the  ranges   in  e  efective
temperature, gravity,  and rotation of  our programme stars.  For more
details see  Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,  1994, A&A
287, 338.

-We have  verified that our radial-velocity zero-point,  which was the
key subject  of Paper I(Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,
1994, A&A 287, 338), remains the  same to within 100 m s^-1 when using
this modified procedure. Thus,  our previous results on the systematic
and random errors  of our radial velocities remain  valid for the data
presented here.

-The  second  refinement   in  our  technique  was  the   use  of  the
two-dimensional  cross-correlation algorithm  TODCOR  (Zucker &  Mazeh
1994, ApJ 420, 806), as implemented at CfA (Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics) by  G. Torres, to extract radial  velocities of both
components  from  the  observed,  blended spectra  of  65  doublelined
spectroscopic binaries in our sample.



-For  the determination of  radial velocities  from these  spectra for
stars  with a wide  range of  rotations, we  have developed  a digital
cross-correlation procedure based on  the XCSAO task (Kurtz M.J., Mink
D.J.,  Wyatt W.F.,  1992,  in: Worrall  DM.,  Biemesderfer C.,  Barnes
J. (eds.) Astronomical Data Analysis  Software and Systems 1, ASPC 25,
432) as implemented  in the  IRAF environment, using  a large  grid of
synthetic  template   spectra  covering  the  ranges   in  e  efective
temperature, gravity,  and rotation of  our programme stars.  For more
details see  Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,  1994, A&A
287, 338.

-We have  verified that our radial-velocity zero-point,  which was the
key subject  of Paper I(Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,
1994, A&A 287, 338), remains the  same to within 100 m s^-1 when using
this modified procedure. Thus,  our previous results on the systematic
and random errors  of our radial velocities remain  valid for the data
presented here.

-The  second  refinement   in  our  technique  was  the   use  of  the
two-dimensional  cross-correlation algorithm  TODCOR  (Zucker &  Mazeh
1994, ApJ 420, 806), as implemented at CfA (Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics) by  G. Torres, to extract radial  velocities of both
components  from  the  observed,  blended spectra  of  65  doublelined
spectroscopic binaries in our sample.



-For  the determination of  radial velocities  from these  spectra for
stars  with a wide  range of  rotations, we  have developed  a digital
cross-correlation procedure based on  the XCSAO task (Kurtz M.J., Mink
D.J.,  Wyatt W.F.,  1992,  in: Worrall  DM.,  Biemesderfer C.,  Barnes
J. (eds.) Astronomical Data Analysis  Software and Systems 1, ASPC 25,
432) as implemented  in the  IRAF environment, using  a large  grid of
synthetic  template   spectra  covering  the  ranges   in  e  efective
temperature, gravity,  and rotation of  our programme stars.  For more
details see  Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,  1994, A&A
287, 338.

-We have  verified that our radial-velocity zero-point,  which was the
key subject  of Paper I(Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,
1994, A&A 287, 338), remains the  same to within 100 m s^-1 when using
this modified procedure. Thus,  our previous results on the systematic
and random errors  of our radial velocities remain  valid for the data
presented here.

-The  second  refinement   in  our  technique  was  the   use  of  the
two-dimensional  cross-correlation algorithm  TODCOR  (Zucker &  Mazeh
1994, ApJ 420, 806), as implemented at CfA (Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics) by  G. Torres, to extract radial  velocities of both
components  from  the  observed,  blended spectra  of  65  doublelined
spectroscopic binaries in our sample.



-For  the determination of  radial velocities  from these  spectra for
stars  with a wide  range of  rotations, we  have developed  a digital
cross-correlation procedure based on  the XCSAO task (Kurtz M.J., Mink
D.J.,  Wyatt W.F.,  1992,  in: Worrall  DM.,  Biemesderfer C.,  Barnes
J. (eds.) Astronomical Data Analysis  Software and Systems 1, ASPC 25,
432) as implemented  in the  IRAF environment, using  a large  grid of
synthetic  template   spectra  covering  the  ranges   in  e  efective
temperature, gravity,  and rotation of  our programme stars.  For more
details see  Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,  1994, A&A
287, 338.

-We have  verified that our radial-velocity zero-point,  which was the
key subject  of Paper I(Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,
1994, A&A 287, 338), remains the  same to within 100 m s^-1 when using
this modified procedure. Thus,  our previous results on the systematic
and random errors  of our radial velocities remain  valid for the data
presented here.

-The  second  refinement   in  our  technique  was  the   use  of  the
two-dimensional  cross-correlation algorithm  TODCOR  (Zucker &  Mazeh
1994, ApJ 420, 806), as implemented at CfA (Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics) by  G. Torres, to extract radial  velocities of both
components  from  the  observed,  blended spectra  of  65  doublelined
spectroscopic binaries in our sample.



-For  the determination of  radial velocities  from these  spectra for
stars  with a wide  range of  rotations, we  have developed  a digital
cross-correlation procedure based on  the XCSAO task (Kurtz M.J., Mink
D.J.,  Wyatt W.F.,  1992,  in: Worrall  DM.,  Biemesderfer C.,  Barnes
J. (eds.) Astronomical Data Analysis  Software and Systems 1, ASPC 25,
432) as implemented  in the  IRAF environment, using  a large  grid of
synthetic  template   spectra  covering  the  ranges   in  e  efective
temperature, gravity,  and rotation of  our programme stars.  For more
details see  Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,  1994, A&A
287, 338.

-We have  verified that our radial-velocity zero-point,  which was the
key subject  of Paper I(Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,
1994, A&A 287, 338), remains the  same to within 100 m s^-1 when using
this modified procedure. Thus,  our previous results on the systematic
and random errors  of our radial velocities remain  valid for the data
presented here.

-The  second  refinement   in  our  technique  was  the   use  of  the
two-dimensional  cross-correlation algorithm  TODCOR  (Zucker &  Mazeh
1994, ApJ 420, 806), as implemented at CfA (Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics) by  G. Torres, to extract radial  velocities of both
components  from  the  observed,  blended spectra  of  65  doublelined
spectroscopic binaries in our sample.



-For  the determination of  radial velocities  from these  spectra for
stars  with a wide  range of  rotations, we  have developed  a digital
cross-correlation procedure based on  the XCSAO task (Kurtz M.J., Mink
D.J.,  Wyatt W.F.,  1992,  in: Worrall  DM.,  Biemesderfer C.,  Barnes
J. (eds.) Astronomical Data Analysis  Software and Systems 1, ASPC 25,
432) as implemented  in the  IRAF environment, using  a large  grid of
synthetic  template   spectra  covering  the  ranges   in  e  efective
temperature, gravity,  and rotation of  our programme stars.  For more
details see  Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,  1994, A&A
287, 338.

-We have  verified that our radial-velocity zero-point,  which was the
key subject  of Paper I(Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,
1994, A&A 287, 338), remains the  same to within 100 m s^-1 when using
this modified procedure. Thus,  our previous results on the systematic
and random errors  of our radial velocities remain  valid for the data
presented here.

-The  second  refinement   in  our  technique  was  the   use  of  the
two-dimensional  cross-correlation algorithm  TODCOR  (Zucker &  Mazeh
1994, ApJ 420, 806), as implemented at CfA (Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics) by  G. Torres, to extract radial  velocities of both
components  from  the  observed,  blended spectra  of  65  doublelined
spectroscopic binaries in our sample.



-For  the determination of  radial velocities  from these  spectra for
stars  with a wide  range of  rotations, we  have developed  a digital
cross-correlation procedure based on  the XCSAO task (Kurtz M.J., Mink
D.J.,  Wyatt W.F.,  1992,  in: Worrall  DM.,  Biemesderfer C.,  Barnes
J. (eds.) Astronomical Data Analysis  Software and Systems 1, ASPC 25,
432) as implemented  in the  IRAF environment, using  a large  grid of
synthetic  template   spectra  covering  the  ranges   in  e  efective
temperature, gravity,  and rotation of  our programme stars.  For more
details see  Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,  1994, A&A
287, 338.

-We have  verified that our radial-velocity zero-point,  which was the
key subject  of Paper I(Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,
1994, A&A 287, 338), remains the  same to within 100 m s^-1 when using
this modified procedure. Thus,  our previous results on the systematic
and random errors  of our radial velocities remain  valid for the data
presented here.

-The  second  refinement   in  our  technique  was  the   use  of  the
two-dimensional  cross-correlation algorithm  TODCOR  (Zucker &  Mazeh
1994, ApJ 420, 806), as implemented at CfA (Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics) by  G. Torres, to extract radial  velocities of both
components  from  the  observed,  blended spectra  of  65  doublelined
spectroscopic binaries in our sample.



-For  the determination of  radial velocities  from these  spectra for
stars  with a wide  range of  rotations, we  have developed  a digital
cross-correlation procedure based on  the XCSAO task (Kurtz M.J., Mink
D.J.,  Wyatt W.F.,  1992,  in: Worrall  DM.,  Biemesderfer C.,  Barnes
J. (eds.) Astronomical Data Analysis  Software and Systems 1, ASPC 25,
432) as implemented  in the  IRAF environment, using  a large  grid of
synthetic  template   spectra  covering  the  ranges   in  e  efective
temperature, gravity,  and rotation of  our programme stars.  For more
details see  Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,  1994, A&A
287, 338.

-We have  verified that our radial-velocity zero-point,  which was the
key subject  of Paper I(Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,
1994, A&A 287, 338), remains the  same to within 100 m s^-1 when using
this modified procedure. Thus,  our previous results on the systematic
and random errors  of our radial velocities remain  valid for the data
presented here.

-The  second  refinement   in  our  technique  was  the   use  of  the
two-dimensional  cross-correlation algorithm  TODCOR  (Zucker &  Mazeh
1994, ApJ 420, 806), as implemented at CfA (Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics) by  G. Torres, to extract radial  velocities of both
components  from  the  observed,  blended spectra  of  65  doublelined
spectroscopic binaries in our sample.



-For  the determination of  radial velocities  from these  spectra for
stars  with a wide  range of  rotations, we  have developed  a digital
cross-correlation procedure based on  the XCSAO task (Kurtz M.J., Mink
D.J.,  Wyatt W.F.,  1992,  in: Worrall  DM.,  Biemesderfer C.,  Barnes
J. (eds.) Astronomical Data Analysis  Software and Systems 1, ASPC 25,
432) as implemented  in the  IRAF environment, using  a large  grid of
synthetic  template   spectra  covering  the  ranges   in  e  efective
temperature, gravity,  and rotation of  our programme stars.  For more
details see  Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,  1994, A&A
287, 338.

-We have  verified that our radial-velocity zero-point,  which was the
key subject  of Paper I(Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,
1994, A&A 287, 338), remains the  same to within 100 m s^-1 when using
this modified procedure. Thus,  our previous results on the systematic
and random errors  of our radial velocities remain  valid for the data
presented here.

-The  second  refinement   in  our  technique  was  the   use  of  the
two-dimensional  cross-correlation algorithm  TODCOR  (Zucker &  Mazeh
1994, ApJ 420, 806), as implemented at CfA (Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics) by  G. Torres, to extract radial  velocities of both
components  from  the  observed,  blended spectra  of  65  doublelined
spectroscopic binaries in our sample.



-Triple-lined system. Only the SB1  orbit for the short-period pair is
determined, the  velocities of  the other component  are given  in the

-For  the determination of  radial velocities  from these  spectra for
stars  with a wide  range of  rotations, we  have developed  a digital
cross-correlation procedure based on  the XCSAO task (Kurtz M.J., Mink
D.J.,  Wyatt W.F.,  1992,  in: Worrall  DM.,  Biemesderfer C.,  Barnes
J. (eds.) Astronomical Data Analysis  Software and Systems 1, ASPC 25,
432) as implemented  in the  IRAF environment, using  a large  grid of
synthetic  template   spectra  covering  the  ranges   in  e  efective
temperature, gravity,  and rotation of  our programme stars.  For more
details see  Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,  1994, A&A
287, 338.

-We have  verified that our radial-velocity zero-point,  which was the
key subject  of Paper I(Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,
1994, A&A 287, 338), remains the  same to within 100 m s^-1 when using
this modified procedure. Thus,  our previous results on the systematic
and random errors  of our radial velocities remain  valid for the data
presented here.

-The  second  refinement   in  our  technique  was  the   use  of  the
two-dimensional  cross-correlation algorithm  TODCOR  (Zucker &  Mazeh
1994, ApJ 420, 806), as implemented at CfA (Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics) by  G. Torres, to extract radial  velocities of both
components  from  the  observed,  blended spectra  of  65  doublelined
spectroscopic binaries in our sample.



-For  the determination of  radial velocities  from these  spectra for
stars  with a wide  range of  rotations, we  have developed  a digital
cross-correlation procedure based on  the XCSAO task (Kurtz M.J., Mink
D.J.,  Wyatt W.F.,  1992,  in: Worrall  DM.,  Biemesderfer C.,  Barnes
J. (eds.) Astronomical Data Analysis  Software and Systems 1, ASPC 25,
432) as implemented  in the  IRAF environment, using  a large  grid of
synthetic  template   spectra  covering  the  ranges   in  e  efective
temperature, gravity,  and rotation of  our programme stars.  For more
details see  Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,  1994, A&A
287, 338.

-We have  verified that our radial-velocity zero-point,  which was the
key subject  of Paper I(Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,
1994, A&A 287, 338), remains the  same to within 100 m s^-1 when using
this modified procedure. Thus,  our previous results on the systematic
and random errors  of our radial velocities remain  valid for the data
presented here.

-The  second  refinement   in  our  technique  was  the   use  of  the
two-dimensional  cross-correlation algorithm  TODCOR  (Zucker &  Mazeh
1994, ApJ 420, 806), as implemented at CfA (Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics) by  G. Torres, to extract radial  velocities of both
components  from  the  observed,  blended spectra  of  65  doublelined
spectroscopic binaries in our sample.



-For  the determination of  radial velocities  from these  spectra for
stars  with a wide  range of  rotations, we  have developed  a digital
cross-correlation procedure based on  the XCSAO task (Kurtz M.J., Mink
D.J.,  Wyatt W.F.,  1992,  in: Worrall  DM.,  Biemesderfer C.,  Barnes
J. (eds.) Astronomical Data Analysis  Software and Systems 1, ASPC 25,
432) as implemented  in the  IRAF environment, using  a large  grid of
synthetic  template   spectra  covering  the  ranges   in  e  efective
temperature, gravity,  and rotation of  our programme stars.  For more
details see  Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,  1994, A&A
287, 338.

-We have  verified that our radial-velocity zero-point,  which was the
key subject  of Paper I(Nordstrom B.,  Latham D.W., Morse  J., et al.,
1994, A&A 287, 338), remains the  same to within 100 m s^-1 when using
this modified procedure. Thus,  our previous results on the systematic
and random errors  of our radial velocities remain  valid for the data
presented here.

-The  second  refinement   in  our  technique  was  the   use  of  the
two-dimensional  cross-correlation algorithm  TODCOR  (Zucker &  Mazeh
1994, ApJ 420, 806), as implemented at CfA (Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics) by  G. Torres, to extract radial  velocities of both
components  from  the  observed,  blended spectra  of  65  doublelined
spectroscopic binaries in our sample.



-Primary's radial velocities were determined from the original spectra
(after  masking the  atmospheric line  regions) and  from  the cleaned
spectra. Both  results did not differ  from each other by  more than 2
sigma  (2  km/s).  Secondary  contribution  was subtracted  in  a  few
iterations what increased primary velocities by only 1.5 sigma.

-The  primary subtracted  spectra show  many traces  of  the secondary
lines.  A  cross-correlation  funtion  map, calculated  using  the  K2
template, clearly  shows maximun corresponding to V0=-12  km/1 and K2=
188 km/s.  Direct cross-correlation of  the secondary spectra  with K2
template produced our set  of radial velocities which, after rejecting
phases -01 - 0.1 and 01 - 0.6 and a few other deviation points, led to
the  solution  K2=181  +-  5.5  km/s  (V0 value  was  fixed  at  -12.7
km/s). The difference between K2  obtained using both methods is about
1.5 sigma and at least partly is due to the facts taht the CCF-mapping
method  (CCF=  Cross  Correlation   Function  Map) does  not  allow  to
recognize and reject worse spectra.



-Phases were calculated according  to the ephemeris adjusted to obtain
primary  transit at  zero  phase, which  differs  from Strassmeier  et
al. (1988,A&AS, 72,291) ephemeris by delta_phi=0.0226.



-The secondary semi-amplitudes, determined using the CCF-mapping (CCF=
Cross Correlation Function Map) and direct cross-correlation, differed
by almost 8 km/2 (198 km/s  and 206 km, respectively) so, as the final
result, we  have adopted  an average value  with a  properly increased
error estimate; K2=202 +- 6.0 km.s



-No individual RVs in the paper.

-Radial  velocities were measured  for each  star by  fitting multiple
Gaussians to  the Halpha absorption line. The  spectra were normalized
and then the radial velocities  were measured by eye. These velocities
were   removed  from   the   individual  spectra,   which  were   then
averaged. The average was fitted with a model consisting of a straight
line and three  Gaussian components, which were all  fixed to have the
same  velocity. This  model fit  was  then applied  to the  individual
spectra with  the velocity allowed  to vary. A circular-orbit  fit was
determined from  the measured  velocities. The fitted  velocities were
removed from  the spectra, which  were then re-averaged. The  cycle of
averaging,  orbit fitting,  removing velocities  and  re-averaging was
repeated three  times, during which  the model fits sharpened  and the
radial-velocity measurements converged to stable values. If a measured
velocity was found  to be 2sigma or more  from the circular-orbit fit,
the spectrum was checked for  any irregularities. In two cases, points
were  rejected because  of possible  contamination of  the  spectra by
cosmic  rays  at, or  near,  the core  of  Halpha.  A fourth  Gaussian
component was  necessary to get  a suitable fit  to the spectra  of PG

-The orbital  period for  each binary was  determined by  generating a
periodogram ( Scargle 1989,ApJ,  343, 874), which highlighted the most
likely orbital periods. The data were then fitted with circular orbits
for the most likely of these periods. The chi 2 values for the orbital
fits rose sharply for periods  other than that represented by the peak
in each of the periodograms. The  reduced chi 2 values for the orbital
fits  to the  next best  periods  were 27  which rules  out any  other
orbital periods.

-No spectral  features were identified  as belonging to  the companion
star in  the system, whether it  was a MS star  or a WD.   We used the
multiple  Gaussian  fits,  generated  when we  determined  the  radial
velocities,  to  search  for  signs  of  the  companion  stars  around
Halpha. The  models were  subtracted from the  data and  the residuals
were phase-binned and trailed. We also used back projection, computing
the integrals of  sinusoidal paths through the data  for a large range
of systemic  velocities and  semi-amplitudes, and plotting  the result
with the value of each  integral being represented by the intensity in
the plot, to search for any orbital variations in the residual spectra
that might  be due to a  faint companion. Neither  method revealed any
contribution from the  companion stars. This is not  surprising due to
the luminosity of the subdwarf being  far higher than that of either a
WD or low-mass MS companion.

-The reduced chi^2  for the fit to PG 0101+039  is large in comparison
with the fits  for all the other binaries in  the paper. The reduction
and wavelength calibration were checked,  but no errors were found and
the chi  2 value  remained unusually high.  Single Gaussian  fits were
made  to the He  i (6678  Angstroms) line  and the  derived velocities
yielded  orbital parameters  consistent with  those measured  from the
Halpha  lines, with  a consistently  large chi^2  value.  The residual
velocities were examined for any evidence of a companion star or rapid
periodic  radial pulsations  as seen  in EC14026  stars (  Kilkenny et
al.  1997,MNRAS, 285,  640).  The best-fitting  period  to the  Halpha
residuals was 55 min with an amplitude of 5 km s^-1, inconsistent with
the influence  of a  companion star and  far too  long a period  to be
associated with  the pulsations of  EC14026 stars which  have observed
periods  between  120 and  160  s (  Stobie  et  al. 1997,MNRAS,  285,
651). Further, no  such period was detected in the  He i residuals. It
remains a  possibility that  the poor  fit could be  a result  of real
physical  changes  in  the  sdB  component  of  the  binary;  however,
systematic  errors  should also  be  considered.  The  errors in  each
radial-velocity  measurement were smaller  for PG  0101+039 (typically
1.8 km s^-1) than for all other binaries (typically 2.5-3 km s^-1) and
hence the errors in all the derived orbital parameters are smaller for
PG  0101+039. It is  possible that  at this  accuracy, unaccounted-for
systematic  errors in  the measurement  of  the velocity  of the  line
features become significant.



-No individual RVs in the paper.

-Radial  velocities were measured  for each  star by  fitting multiple
Gaussians to  the Halpha absorption line. The  spectra were normalized
and then the radial velocities  were measured by eye. These velocities
were   removed  from   the   individual  spectra,   which  were   then
averaged. The average was fitted with a model consisting of a straight
line and three  Gaussian components, which were all  fixed to have the
same  velocity. This  model fit  was  then applied  to the  individual
spectra with  the velocity allowed  to vary. A circular-orbit  fit was
determined from  the measured  velocities. The fitted  velocities were
removed from  the spectra, which  were then re-averaged. The  cycle of
averaging,  orbit fitting,  removing velocities  and  re-averaging was
repeated three  times, during which  the model fits sharpened  and the
radial-velocity measurements converged to stable values. If a measured
velocity was found  to be 2sigma or more  from the circular-orbit fit,
the spectrum was checked for  any irregularities. In two cases, points
were  rejected because  of possible  contamination of  the  spectra by
cosmic rays at, or near, the core of Halpha.

-The orbital  period for  each binary was  determined by  generating a
periodogram ( Scargle 1989,ApJ,  343, 874), which highlighted the most
likely orbital periods. The data were then fitted with circular orbits
for the most likely of these periods. The chi 2 values for the orbital
fits rose sharply for periods  other than that represented by the peak
in each of the periodograms. The  reduced chi 2 values for the orbital
fits  to the  next best  periods  were 67  which rules  out any  other
orbital periods.

-No spectral  features were identified  as belonging to  the companion
star in  the system, whether it  was a MS star  or a WD.   We used the
multiple  Gaussian  fits,  generated  when we  determined  the  radial
velocities,  to  search  for  signs  of  the  companion  stars  around
Halpha. The  models were  subtracted from the  data and  the residuals
were phase-binned and trailed. We also used back projection, computing
the integrals of  sinusoidal paths through the data  for a large range
of systemic  velocities and  semi-amplitudes, and plotting  the result
with the value of each  integral being represented by the intensity in
the plot, to search for any orbital variations in the residual spectra
that might  be due to a  faint companion. Neither  method revealed any
contribution from the  companion stars. This is not  surprising due to
the luminosity of the subdwarf being  far higher than that of either a
WD or low-mass MS companion.



-No individual RVs in the paper.

-Radial  velocities were measured  for each  star by  fitting multiple
Gaussians to  the Halpha absorption line. The  spectra were normalized
and then the radial velocities  were measured by eye. These velocities
were   removed  from   the   individual  spectra,   which  were   then
averaged. The average was fitted with a model consisting of a straight
line and three  Gaussian components, which were all  fixed to have the
same  velocity. This  model fit  was  then applied  to the  individual
spectra with  the velocity allowed  to vary. A circular-orbit  fit was
determined from  the measured  velocities. The fitted  velocities were
removed from  the spectra, which  were then re-averaged. The  cycle of
averaging,  orbit fitting,  removing velocities  and  re-averaging was
repeated three  times, during which  the model fits sharpened  and the
radial-velocity measurements converged to stable values. If a measured
velocity was found  to be 2sigma or more  from the circular-orbit fit,
the spectrum was checked for  any irregularities. In two cases, points
were  rejected because  of possible  contamination of  the  spectra by
cosmic rays at, or near, the core of Halpha.

-The orbital  period for  each binary was  determined by  generating a
periodogram ( Scargle 1989,ApJ,  343, 874), which highlighted the most
likely orbital periods. The data were then fitted with circular orbits
for the most likely of these periods. The chi 2 values for the orbital
fits rose sharply for periods  other than that represented by the peak
in each of the periodograms. The  reduced chi 2 values for the orbital
fits  to the  next best  periods were  4.2 which  rules out  any other
orbital periods.

-No spectral  features were identified  as belonging to  the companion
star in  the system, whether it  was a MS star  or a WD.   We used the
multiple  Gaussian  fits,  generated  when we  determined  the  radial
velocities,  to  search  for  signs  of  the  companion  stars  around
Halpha. The  models were  subtracted from the  data and  the residuals
were phase-binned and trailed. We also used back projection, computing
the integrals of  sinusoidal paths through the data  for a large range
of systemic  velocities and  semi-amplitudes, and plotting  the result
with the value of each  integral being represented by the intensity in
the plot, to search for any orbital variations in the residual spectra
that might  be due to a  faint companion. Neither  method revealed any
contribution from the  companion stars. This is not  surprising due to
the luminosity of the subdwarf being  far higher than that of either a
WD or low-mass MS companion.



-No individual RVs in the paper.

-Radial  velocities were measured  for each  star by  fitting multiple
Gaussians to  the Halpha absorption line. The  spectra were normalized
and then the radial velocities  were measured by eye. These velocities
were   removed  from   the   individual  spectra,   which  were   then
averaged. The average was fitted with a model consisting of a straight
line and three  Gaussian components, which were all  fixed to have the
same  velocity. This  model fit  was  then applied  to the  individual
spectra with  the velocity allowed  to vary. A circular-orbit  fit was
determined from  the measured  velocities. The fitted  velocities were
removed from  the spectra, which  were then re-averaged. The  cycle of
averaging,  orbit fitting,  removing velocities  and  re-averaging was
repeated three  times, during which  the model fits sharpened  and the
radial-velocity measurements converged to stable values. If a measured
velocity was found  to be 2sigma or more  from the circular-orbit fit,
the spectrum was checked for  any irregularities. In two cases, points
were  rejected because  of possible  contamination of  the  spectra by
cosmic rays at, or near, the core of Halpha.

-The orbital  period for  each binary was  determined by  generating a
periodogram ( Scargle 1989,ApJ,  343, 874), which highlighted the most
likely orbital periods. The data were then fitted with circular orbits
for the most likely of these periods. The chi 2 values for the orbital
fits rose sharply for periods  other than that represented by the peak
in each of the periodograms. The  reduced chi 2 values for the orbital
fits  to the  next best  periods  were 25  which rules  out any  other
orbital periods.

-No spectral  features were identified  as belonging to  the companion
star in  the system, whether it  was a MS star  or a WD.   We used the
multiple  Gaussian  fits,  generated  when we  determined  the  radial
velocities,  to  search  for  signs  of  the  companion  stars  around
Halpha. The  models were  subtracted from the  data and  the residuals
were phase-binned and trailed. We also used back projection, computing
the integrals of  sinusoidal paths through the data  for a large range
of systemic  velocities and  semi-amplitudes, and plotting  the result
with the value of each  integral being represented by the intensity in
the plot, to search for any orbital variations in the residual spectra
that might  be due to a  faint companion. Neither  method revealed any
contribution from the  companion stars. This is not  surprising due to
the luminosity of the subdwarf being  far higher than that of either a
WD or low-mass MS companion.



-No individual RVs in the paper.

- Radial velocities measured using  HeII(4686) line. The data for this
solution   comes   from  the   current   paper   and  Niemela   (1976,
Ap&SS,45,191), Niemela & Moffat (1982, ApJ,259,213).



- Radial velocities measured  using N V(4603) line. The  data for this
solution   comes   from  the   current   paper   and  Niemela   (1976,
Ap&SS,45,191), Niemela & Moffat (1982, ApJ,259,213).

-Emission-line  from  current research  exhibits  a considerably  more
negative systemic velocity than previous measurements.



- Radial velocities measured using N IV(4058) line.



-No individual RVs in the paper.

- Radial velocities measured using  HeII(4686) line. The data for this
solution comes from  the current paper and Niemela,  Mandrini & Mendez
(1985, RevMexAA,11,143).



- Radial velocities measured using N V(4603) line. The data for this solution comes from the current paper and Niemela, Mandrini & Mendez (1985, RevMexAA,11,143).



-No individual RVs in the paper.

- Radial velocities measured using HeII(4686) line. The data for this solution comes from the current paper and Mandrini (1983, MSc Thesis, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina).



- Radial velocities measured using N  V (4603) line. The data for this
solution comes from the current  paper and Mandrini (1983, MSc Thesis,
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina).



- Radial  velocities measured  using N  IV(4058) line.  Emission shows
somewhat  more   negative  systemic  radial   velocity  than  previous
measurements (Mandrini, 1983).



-Our double-lined (SB2) spectroscopic orbit is very well defined, with
small errors in the orbital parameters. We note that determinations of
the radial velocity semiamplitude  of the primary component, K1, agree
well in the four existing solutions.

-The  ephemeris that  we used  was that  of the  photometric  study of
Pribulla et al. (2001,Inf.  Bull. Variable Stars, 5056), which covered
the time  range actually  slightly after our  observations and  gave a
perfect agreement for the time of eclipses. Since the published T0 was
already shifted from the  actual time of observations, we recalculated
the published moment  to our T0 so that no whole  cycles appear in the
phase count in Table 2. We  also used the orbital period from the same
study simplifying it  to the six decimal places,  0.593073 days, which
was entirely suficient  for the duration of our  observations. We note
that the  orbital period cited  in the Hipparcos Catalogue  (ESA 1997,
The  Hipparcos  and  Tycho  Catalogues  (ESA  SP-1200))  was  slightly
different 0.593075 days, while  Pojmanski (1998,Acta Astron., 48, 711)
used 0.593071 days.

-Deviations  relative to  the  simple sine-curve  fits  to the  radial
velocity   data.   Observations   leading   to  entirely   unseparable
broadening-   and  correlation-function   peaks   are  blank.    These
observations  may be  eventually used  in more  extensive  modeling of
broadening functions.



-a1 = These  data have been given half weight  in the orbital solution
for RV1.

-We caution that  there exists certain confusion in  the literature as
to which  component of ADS  2163 should be  called A, and which  B. On
average the southern component, which we identify here with EE Cet, is
the fainter of  the two, and this agrees with the  naming of the stars
in  the  HIP catalog,  where  the  visual  binary appears  under  CCDM
J02499+0856.  However,  in the  ADS  catalog  the  names are  actually
reversed and  in SIMBAD  it is the  northern, brighter  component that
carries  the name  of  EE Cet.  Lampens  et al.  (2001,A&A, 374,  132)
published photometric data for one epoch and gave V(A) = 9.47 and V(B)
= 9.83,  identifying the southern component as  fainter. To complicate
things even further, we found  that the northern component of ADS 2163
is also a close binary system showing radial velocity variations; this
component may very well be a variable star. However, currently we have
insufficient radial velocity data to analyze this binary system; we hope
to be  able to provide  such data in  one of the subsequent  papers of
this series. We  only note that Nordstrom et  al. (1997,A&AS, 126, 21)
gave  its radial  velocity, V0  = +  2.26 +-  0.04 km  s^-1,  which is
similar to the  center- of-mass velocity of EE Cet,  V0 = +1.60+- 0.93
km s^-1.



a1/2/12  = These  data  have been  given  half weight  in the  orbital
solution for RV1, RV2 or both.

- Previous spectral  classification suggests a spectral  type of about
F8; our direct classification is G0 IV, although the spectral type and
the luminosity class  relate to the combined properties  of the triple
system. The average radial velocity of the third component, <V3>=-3.59
+- 0.12 km  s^-1 (the error of a single observation  is 0.93 km s^-1),
is  significantly different  from the  center-of-mass velocity  of the
binary, V0=-7.86 +-0.38 km s^-1.

-Deviations  relative to  the  simple sine-curve  fits  to the  radial
velocity   data.   Observations   leading   to  entirely   unseparable
broadening-   and  correlation-function   peaks   are  blank.    These
observations  may be  eventually used  in more  extensive  modeling of
broadening functions.

-We  note that  the close  binary shows  rather large  radial velocity
variations, so that its small  photometric variation may be partly due
to "dilution"  of the close-binary variability signal  in the combined
light of the visual system.

-Our radial velocity orbit is very well defined, mostly as a result of
the  brightness of  the system  at  Vmax =  7.14. We  could very  well
isolate the signature of the third, slowly rotating star.



a1/2/12  = These  data  have been  given  half weight  in the  orbital
solution for RV1, RV2 or both.

-Deviations  relative to  the  simple sine-curve  fits  to the  radial
velocity   data.   Observations   leading   to  entirely   unseparable
broadening-   and  correlation-function   peaks   are  blank.    These
observations  may be  eventually used  in more  extensive  modeling of
broadening functions.

- Our  radial  velocity orbit  was  based  on  the assumed  period  of
0.582714 days,  as in  the HIP  catalog. For the  initial time  of the
primary minimum, we used the data in Nelson (2001, Inf. Bull. Variable
Stars,  5040),  obtained during  the  span  of  our observations.  The
agreement is very good, given the  somewhat larger error of our T0 for
this star when  compared with other binaries. The  main reason for the
larger error was  the relative faintness of this  binary (Vmax ~ 10.5)
and the  fact that we  discovered a third  "light" in the  system. The
spectral signature of the third star  (which may, but does not have to
be, physically associated with the binary)  can be seen in the BF as a
small feature  projecting onto the prominent signature  of the primary
component.  Similar noise  fluctuations  are common  in  BFs of  faint
stars, but this one is always  present, at the same radial velocity at
all  orbital  phases. By  integrating  the  amount  of light  in  this
additional feature,  we could estimate  that, at the light  maximum of
the  binary, L3/(L1  + L2)  = 0.03  +- 0.01.  Because  the third-light
contribution is so small, we neglected it in our measurement. However,
it may have  slightly affected the amplitude of  the primary component
K1  because of the  facts that  (1) the  radial velocities  of primary
component  are, by necessity,  always close  to V0  and (2)  the third
component appears to have a very small radial velocity relative to the
binary system.

- Herczeg (1993,PASP, 105, 911) pointed out that the orbital period of the system is lengthening.



-GM Dra is a rather uncomplicated  contact system of the W type, i.e.,
with the smaller star eclipsed during the deeper minimum (although the
difference in the depth of the eclipses is very small).

-Deviations  relative to  the  simple sine-curve  fits  to the  radial
velocity   data.   Observations   leading   to  entirely   unseparable
broadening-   and  correlation-function   peaks   are  blank.    These
observations  may be  eventually used  in more  extensive  modeling of
broadening functions.



-a1 = These data have been given half weight in the orbital solution for RV1

-Our radial velocity  orbit is very well defined,  mostly thanks to the
large brightness of the system, Vmax = 6.62.

-Our  initial  T0  was based  on  the  time  determined by  Keskin  et
al. (2000,Inf.  Bull. Variable Stars,4855), which was  obtained in the
middle of our spectroscopic run, but gives a rather large O-C =+0.0224
days. We  have no explanation for  this discrepancy because  our T0 is
nominally accurate to  0.0016 days. The binary is  a contact system of
the  W type with  the less  massive component  eclipsed at  the deeper
minimum; however, the difference in depth is very small.

-Deviations  relative to  the  simple sine-curve  fits  to the  radial
velocity   data.   Observations   leading   to  entirely   unseparable
broadening-   and  correlation-function   peaks   are  blank.    These
observations  may be  eventually used  in more  extensive  modeling of
broadening functions.



-a12 = These data have been given half weight in the orbital solution for RV1 and RV2

-The  photometric  variability  of  the  star was  discovered  by  the
Hipparcos mission. The period assigned  there was equal to one half of
the  true orbital  period.  Instead of  the  exact double  of the  HIP
period,   we   used   the   value   given  by   Gomez   Forrellad   et
al.  (1999,Inf. Bull. Variable  Stars, 4702)  of 0.346503  days. Their
initial epoch  T0 (obtained 3  years before our observations)  and the
new period predict the moment  of the deeper eclipse which agrees well
with our determination.

-Deviations  relative to  the  simple sine-curve  fits  to the  radial
velocity   data.   Observations   leading   to  entirely   unseparable
broadening-   and  correlation-function   peaks   are  blank.    These
observations  may be  eventually used  in more  extensive  modeling of
broadening functions.



-The  radial velocity  of  the  only visible  component  is very  well
defined.  For the  initial phasing  of  our observations  we used  the
original  HIP  (Hipparcos  Project)   prediction  which  gave  a  time
deviation O-C = -0.035 days.



a2 = These data have been given half weight in the orbital solution for RV2

-Rodriguez et al. (1998,1998, A&A, 336, 920) discovered variability of
the  star, apparently  independently  of the  HIP (Hipparcos  Project)
discovery. They classified it as a W UMa type system with a relatively
long  orbital  period of  0.802  days.  Newer  photometry of  Yakut  &
Ibanoglu  (2000,Inf.  Bull.  Variable   Stars,  5002)  (used  for  T0)
confirmed that  the HIP times-of-minima  prediction; in fact,  the HIP
ephemeris gives  a slightly  smaller O-C for  the time of  the primary
eclipse. The  ubvy photometric data  agree with the  previous spectral
type of  F5 Vn, assuming no  interstellar reddening. We  would tend to
give the star a slightly earlier spectral type, F3 V.

-As for other triple-lined  systems, we measured the radial velocities
of  the binary  after removing  the third-body  signature from  the BF
first and then by analyzing the remaining contact-binary BF.

-The radial  velocity measurements for  the third component  show some
residual  dependence on  the  phase  of the  close  binary, which  may
indicate some  "cross-talk" in the measurements.  The semiamplitude of
the variations which  correlate with the binary phase  is about 2.5 km
s^-1,   which   leads   to   a   slightly   elevated   error   per   a
single-observation of  1.50 km s^-1;  for a single sharp-line  star we
could expect  an error at the  level of 1.2  1.3 km s^-1 or  less. The
mean radial velocity of the third  component, <V3> = -30.64 +- 0.20 km
s^-1, is significantly different  from the center-of-mass velocity for
the binary,  V0 =  -25.88 +-0.52  km s^-1, which  may result  from the
motion on the 8.9 yr orbit.

-Deviations  relative to  the  simple sine-curve  fits  to the  radial
velocity   data.   Observations   leading   to  entirely   unseparable
broadening-   and  correlation-function   peaks   are  blank.    These
observations  may be  eventually used  in more  extensive  modeling of
broadening functions.



a1/2/12 = These data have been given half weight in the orbital solution for RV1, RV2 or both.

- The triple-star  characteristics of the  star were handled by  us in
the same way as for the  previously described star in the paper, V2388
Oph. Again we  see some unwelcome cross-talk in  the radial velocities
V3. This case is a bit more extreme than for V2388 Oph, with the error
per  single observation  of  2.86 km  s^-1  in place  of the  expected
1.2-1.3 km  s^-1 or less. We do  not have a ready  explanation for the
coupling  between the  velocities and  why the  scatter appears  to be
increased only within  the first half of the  orbit. The dependence of
V3 on the  binary-system phase has been observed  in some triple stars
in  our program, but  we usually  have no  simple explanation  for its
occurrence.  However, we  are not  very concerned  about  its presence
because  our goal is  the radial  velocity orbit  of the  close binary
system, which  is in fact very  well defined. The  average velocity of
the third  component, <V3>  = -16.02 +-0.37  km s^-1, can  be compared
with  the center-of-mass  velocity of  the  close binary,  V0 =  -8.02
+-1.10 km s^-1.

- The  binary is  a  long-period  contact system  of  the A-type.  Our
spectral type suggests elevated luminosity, F5 III, but classification
of  strongly  broadened  spectra  of  contact binaries  is  not  easy,
especially   when   combined   with   the  spectrum   of   the   third
component. However, a high  luminosity would agree with the relatively
large size of the system implied by the long orbital period.

-Deviations  relative to  the  simple sine-curve  fits  to the  radial
velocity   data.   Observations   leading   to  entirely   unseparable
broadening-   and  correlation-function   peaks   are  blank.    These
observations  may be  eventually used  in more  extensive  modeling of
broadening functions.



- Period taken from Stover et al. 1981, ApJ, 240, 597.

-Dwarf  nova.   The  radial   velocities  of  the  secondary  component
resulting from the cross-correlation procedure were fitted with a sine
curve, to  determine the semi-amplitude, K2, phase-zero  point, and V0
velocity.   The orbital  periods are  already well-determined  for the
observed dwarf nova, so we use the values given in the literature.

- No individual RVs in the article.



- Period taken from Hessman 1988, A&AS, 72, 515

-Dwarf  nova.   The  radial   velocities  of  the  secondary  component
resulting from the cross-correlation procedure were fitted with a sine
curve, to  determine the semi-amplitude, K2, phase-zero  point, and V0
velocity.   The orbital  periods are  already well-determined  for the
observed dwarf nova, so we use the values given in the literature.

- No individual RVs in the article.



- Period taken from Hessman et al. 1984,ApJ, 286,747

-Dwarf  nova.   The  radial   velocities  of  the  secondary  component
resulting from the cross-correlation procedure were fitted with a sine
curve, to  determine the semi-amplitude, K2, phase-zero  point, and V0
velocity.   The orbital  periods are  already well-determined  for the
observed dwarf nova, so we use the values given in the literature.

- No individual RVs in the article.



- Period taken from Horne et al. 1986,PASP, 98, 609.

-Dwarf  nova.   The  radial   velocities  of  the  secondary  component
resulting from the cross-correlation procedure were fitted with a sine
curve, to  determine the semi-amplitude, K2, phase-zero  point, and V0
velocity.   The orbital  periods are  already well-determined  for the
observed dwarf nova, so we use the values given in the literature.

- No individual RVs in the article.



-RV(4922): RV measured using 4922 angstroms = HeI line.

-RV(Hbeta): RV measured using H-beta Line.

-Radial velocities  of the binary  components were derived  by fitting
multiple  Gaussian profiles to  blended features.  In cases  where the
lines of both  components were clearly separated, also  the SPEFO code
was used. When measuring radial  velocities, we noticed that the Hbeta
line  profile  strongly deviated  from  a  simple  Gaussian, while  an
approximation of  the observed profile  by two Gaussians  of different
widths and  depths gave a  reasonably good representation of  the line
features. Velocities  of the primary  component of the Hbeta  line are
systematically more negative by about  16 km s^-1 compared to the same
component of the He I 4922  line. Most probably, this effect is due to
the contribution  of the  Pickering He II  4859.32 angstrom  line. The
secondary component  is not well  separated, and hence  its velocities
less certain. The same behaviour was observed by us in the case of the
O 8-type binary AB Cru (Lorenz  et al. 1994,A&A, 291, 185), where this
systematic deviation  reached 27.7 km  s^-1. Unfortunately, we  do not
know the strength of other He II lines to study the effect of blending
of  hydrogen  Balmer  lines  with  He  II  components  on  the  radial
velocities  more quantitatively.  The  He I  line components  are well
separated,  and  for  the   4922  line  easily  measurable.  The  mean
difference of  both methods (SPEFO versus  GAUSS) is +0.9  km s^-1 for
the primary  and +1.7 km s-1  for the secondary.  However, the primary
component  in the 5015  line always  exhibits some  asymmetry. (SPEFO:
this code compares  the line profile with its  reflection, see Horn et
al. 1996 and Skoda 1996).

-When the  primary and secondary velocities  are solved independently,
the  systemic   velocities  differ.   For   individual  V0:  K1=123.4,
K2=309.8, V0_1 = +40.2, V0_2  = +32.2.



-RV measured using 4922 angstroms = HeI line.

-There are some doubts concerning  the period of this binary. Gulliver
et al.  (1985) give 2.391253d  +- 0.000002. This  value is based  on a
series  of radial  velocity measurements  covering 3300  days,  so its
actual accuracy  is about one order  of magnitude worse.  Using the BV
data  published by Martin  et al.  (1990), van  Hamme (1992)  found "a
phase shift  of 0.9988'';  we got a  similar value. Choosing  an epoch
near  the  middle  of the  time  interval  covered  by the  Martin  et
al.  measurements,  the  zero epoch  time  given  in  Table 4  can  be
calculated.  According to  the  HIPPARCOS catalogue,  another time  of
minimum  is HJD  2448500.5980. With  the van  Hamme ephemeris,  such a
value gives  a rather large O-C  = -0.0433d. However,  if the Kwee-van
Woerden method (Kwee  & van Woerden 1956) is  applied to the HIPPARCOS
photometric measurements, a somewhat different time results.

- When the primary and  secondary velocities are solved independently,
the systemic velocities differ. Giving the secondary data half weight,
the  mean  systemic velocity  is  11.3  km  s^-1, and  the  respective
solution keeping V0 fixed at this value differs only slightly from the
individual solutions  with different V0 values for  both components. A
better coverage of the radial  velocity curve is needed to disentangle
the  three spectra  more  reliably. For  individualFor individual  V0:
K1=116.8, K2=275.8, V0_1=-9.0, V0_2=-15.8.



-RV(4542) = measurement using line at 4542 angstroms.

-RV(4686) = measurement using line at 4686 angstroms.

- RV(Hbeta) = measurement using Hbeta line.

-Note1: Instead of H-beta, radial velocities measured for H-alpha are given.

-The  period is  variable (e.g.,  Mayer et  al.  1998,A&AS,  130, 311;
Degirmenci et  al. 1999,A&AS, 134,  327), probably due to  strong mass
loss via stellar  wind (Koch et al. 1979,PASP, 91,  47). Note that the
variability of  the period  was not taken  into account by  Harries et
al. (1997,MNRAS, 285, 277).

-As judged by the  weakness of the He I lines 4713  and 4922, the star
is considerably  earlier than O  8, i.e. the classification  by Pearce
(1952,PASP,  64, 1952) as  O 6.5  for the  primary and  O 7.5  for the
secondary  appears more correct  than that  by Hiltner  (1956,ApJS, 2,
317) (O 8). It should be  remarked that the equivalent widths, as well
as  FWHMs, are  larger  for  He II  4541  than for  He  II 4686  line.
According    to    atmospheric    models   (Napiwotzki    2001,private
communication) the  equivalent widths of  He II 4686 should  be larger
than that of He II 4541; but  the models do explain the larger FWHM of
He II 4541.  One may compare  the V382 Cyg spectra with those of other
O-type stars published by  Walborn & Fitzpatrick (1990,PASP, 91, 379);
among supergiants,  He II  4686 appears as  an emission line.   In our
spectra of  V382 Cyg, He II 4686  is a net absorption  line, though an
emission  contribution probably reduces  the absorption  strength. One
effect will  be that in near  quadrature spectra the  emission will be
most  evident  at  wavelengths  between  the  two  binary  components,
i.e. around  V0, the  result would be  as observed, and  amplitudes of
both components  should be  smaller than derived  from the  4686 line.
Velocities  obtained from  He II  4541 would  then be  more realistic,
i.e., both K1,2 would be  smaller by several percent, and masses would
be smaller by about 10%.



-Period from HIPPARCOS

-RV(4922), RV(4713): RV measured using 4922 and 4713 angstroms= HeI lines.

-RV(Hbeta): RV measured using H-beta Line.

-RV(Halpha): RV measured using H-alpha line

-Our spectra  were taken before the  binary character of  the star was
known,  and, of  course, without  knowledge of  its ephemeris,  so the
phase coverage is not very good.

-The secondary line is only discernable - at favourable phases - as an
extended wing of the 4922 primary line, and hence its position is only
poorly determined

-To solve  the light curve  as well as  the radial velocity  curve, we
applied the  code FOTEL (Hadrava 1990,Contrib.  Astron. Inst. Skalnate
Pleso, 20, 23;  Hadrava, 1995,A&AS, 114, 393), which  solves the light
and velocity curves simultaneously.

-Radial  velocities as well  as photometry  do not  provide sufficient
constraints to define the system.  It is clear that the deeper minimum
is the secondary minimum, in the sense that the smaller, less luminous
(and probably  also less massive) star with  nearly invisible spectral
lines is eclipsed. At the phase  when the more luminous star is behind
the secondary component, the mutual  distance of both components is so
large that practically no eclipse occurs.

-The  minimum  time of  the  deeper  minimum  derived from  the  FOTEL
solution  comes out  very close  to the  time determined  by HIPPARCOS
data. The following ephemeris results:

 Sec.min.=  HJD 2448508.517 + 9.36575d E

This ephemeris has been used through this paper, since the time of the
deeper  minimum  is  well  defined  and  independent  of  any  orbital



-Orbital elements corresponds to Solution IV in Table 2 in the paper.

-To search for further periods we  use only the new RVs found here and
subtract  orbital solution  III. The  window function  of the  data is
completely dominated by  the 1 d alias peaks. The  highest peak in the
periodogram of the residuals corresponds to a period of P1 = 58d (K1 =
0.58 km/s,  probably a brown  dwarf companion). In the  residuals, the
highest peak corresponds to 0.60d which is  a 1 d alias of P2 = 1.49d,
the period corresponding to the second highest peak.

-From Table 2 the different periods found in the RVs are:

-P1 = 57.67    +- 0.22        K1 = 0.58
-P2 = 1.4822   +- 0.0014      K2 = 0.51
-P3 = 0.210599 +- 0.000029    K3 = 0.17
-P4 = 0.223824 +- 0.000033    K4 = 0.16

-Harper's  (1928, Publ. DAO, 4, 179) values for Solution IV:
V0_Harper =  -32.55 0.94
rms_Harper = 5.30



- Orbital elements  derived for the  data set including the  new (320)
RVs and the old  (208) RV values of Scholz et al.  1997, A&A, 320, 791

-For the recalculation  of orbital elements we first  compare the iron
RVs  of Table  4,  -13.996 kms^-1,  with  the RVs  following from  the
orbital  solution  of  Paper  I  which  distinguishes  between  several
solutions based on different data sets. From Paper I we choose solution
4 which shows minimum scatter.  With the binary period of 4614.51d the
orbital  phase  of   our  new  CCD  spectrograms  is   0.58,  and  the
corresponding RV is  -13.05 kms^-1. Thus, the new CCD  RVs are about 1
kms^-1  below the  expected  one.   In order  to  improve the  orbital
elements we combine  the RVs used for the derivation  of solution 4 of
PaperI with our RVs determined from the Fe lines. Weights were adopted
according to the  weighting scheme given in PaperI.  Fixing the period
of  solution 4  we  get the  new  orbital solution.  This new  orbital
solution should  be compared  with solution 4  of PaperI. One  can see
that the orbital elements are only marginally changed but the accuracy
is evidently improved.

-Old  orbital parameters  derived from  data from  Kamper  & Beardsley
(1987, AJ, 94, 1302), Fekel & Tomkin (1993, AJ, 106, 1156), and Scholz
et al. (1997, A&A, 320, 791 ):

-P 4614.51
-K1 11.90  +- 0.17
-V0 11.74  +- 0.13
-e  0.8941 +- 0.0035
-T  43996.95 +- 0.77
-w  312.2  +- 1.4
-rms  0.92



-deltaRV1/2: non-Keplerian velocity corrections.

-The  radial velocities  were measured  by using  cross-correlation. A
spectrum  of 10  Lac was  used as  the template,  and the  H-delta and
H-gamma    lines   were    excluded    from   the    cross-correlation
calculation.  The  cross-correlation function  (CCF)  peaks were  well
separated at  quadrature, and were  fitted by using a  digital profile
constructed from the autocorrelation  function of a template spectrum,
artificially  broadened  by  a   100  km  s^-1  rotational  broadening
function. The fits to the CCF at quadratures was generally excellent ,
and  it was  found  that the  FWHM  of the  two  digital profiles  was
constant to within 620 km s^-1.  For the more blended CCFs the FWHM of
the fitting functions  were fixed to the mean  values derived from the
quadrature fits  (310 and  245 km s^-1  for the primary  and secondary
respectively). We found  no evidence, either in the  spectra or in the
CCFs, for a strengthening of the spectral features of either component
when the star is appoaching (the Struve Sahade effect).

-We  measured  velocities  along  with the  non-Keplerian  corrections
required by  the photometric solution.  We solved the  radial velocity
curve by using the RVORBIT program (Hill 1986,unpublished DAO manual),
fixing the period at 3.070507 d (Howarth et al. 1991,Observatory, 111,
167) and solving  for the systemic velocity,  the two semi-amplitudes,
the  eccentricity,  the  longitude  of  periastron  and  the  time  of
periastron.  The  resulting eccentricity  (e  =  0.017  +- 0.084)  was
insignificant,  so  we  adopted  a  circular orbit,  fitting  for  the
systemic  velocity, the two  semi-amplitudes and  the time  of maximum
positive velocity of the primary.

-We note that the semi-amplitude of  the primary (94.6 +- 1.1 km s^-1)
is slightly larger  than that found by Howarth et al.  (89.0 +- 1.3 km
s^-1),  but  the  semi-amplitude  of  the secondary  is  in  excellent
agreement  with their  value.  Howarth et  al.  found a  statistically
significant  eccentricity of 0.0310  +- 0.0068  from their  IUE radial
velocity curve,  which had better  phase coverage than  that presented
here. One possible explanation is that the Howarth et al. measurements
(which were made  using Gaussian fits to the  CCFs rather than digital
profiles)  are affected  by  systematic errors  owing  to blending  at
conjunction phases,  which may  introduce a spurious  eccentricity. We
stress that  the derived semi-amplitudes from the  two radial velocity
curves are  in good agreement,  despite this small discrepancy  in the
orbital eccentricity.


-The  system   is  triple,  composed   by  a  close   binary  orbiting
(period=2.7)  a masive companion  (period=50.7 days).  The RVs  of the
tertiary are given in the paper.

-A  circular  orbit  fit  was  made  to the  to  the  measured  radial
velocities, fixing the period at 2.698393 days (Mayer et al. 1994,A&A,
288, L13)  and solving for the  time of maximum  positive velocity and
the two semi-amplitudes.

- The primary semi-amplitude differs  considerably from that quoted by
Mayer et al. (1994) based on a preliminary analysis of their spectra.

-The non-Keplerian corrections were found to be negligible for this detached system.


- Triple system, comprising a semi-detached  binary (P = 1.9 days) and
a gravitationally bound tertiary (P  = 294 days) which contributes ~15
25 per cent to the total radiation.

-deltaRV1/2: non-Keplerian velocity corrections.

-The double-peaked  cross-correlation functions (CCFs)  were fitted by
using two-component  Gaussian profiles, which gave  a satisfactory fit
at all phases. We found  no evidence for the Struve-Sahade effect. The
results is  a circular  orbit solution to  the radial  velocity curve,
fixing  the  period  at   1.811474  days  (Mayer&Drechsel  1987).  The
semi-amplitudes of these new  velocity curves are quite different from
those reported by Mammano et  al. (1977, A&A, 59, 9), owing presumably
to our  data having significantly higher spectral  resolution, by more
than a factor of 2, and to our improved techniques of measuring radial

-We have  studied the observed minus calculated  O-C residuals between
the observed  velocities of both components and  the values calculated
according to our orbital solution  for IU Aur.  The data were obtained
effectively  at three  epochs, separated  by 276  and 758  days. These
residuals  do not show  clear evidence  for any  motion about  a third
body, but we note, in agreement  with Mammano et al., that these (O-C)
residuals  are  substantially larger  than  we  would  expect for  the
quality of spectra employed in this study.



-Orbital elements computed  from visual and spectroscopic observations
by the  method described by Morley  (1975, PASP, 87,  689). The visual
elements are: a=0.97", Node = 152.7  deg. P = 46.43 +- 0.03 years, T0=
1962.52 +- 0.02.



-Orbital elements for primary and secondary were determined separately
as SB1 solutions, with fixed  period (adopted from Bagnuolo & Hartkopf
1989, AJ, 98, 2275) and  circular orbit.  The elements for the primary
(cooler, sharp-lined)  star are given  in the catalog (except  for the
mean V0  for both components), the secondary's  (hotter) elements are:
V0=26.98 +-0.39, T0=42118.825 +-0.260.

-rms: mean error of an observation of unit weight.



-The improved orbit  of the close sub-system Aab  of the visual binary
20 Leo AB is computer here.

-New  velocities and  Fekel  and Bopp  (1977,PASP,89,658  ) data  were
combined  in   order  to  calculate   the  orbital  elements   of  the
spectroscopic binary.

-The quality  of the velocities was  determined from the  scatter in a
solution for the  elements for each component. The  rms1 and rms2 have
weights  of  0.4  and  1.0  respectively. The  rms  residual  for  the
simultaneous solution was determined to be 1.66 km s^-1.

-Once velocities were weighted,  orbital elements for the double-lined
case were  computed assuming a nonzero  eccentricity. The eccentricity
was  found  to  be  negligible  and zero  eccentricity  therefore  was



-Observations using plates.

-We have  considered all  plates to have  equal weight:  internal mean
errors of  measurement are about  1.5 km s^-1,  with only a  few lying
outside the range 1 km s^-1 to 2 km s^-1.

-The close agreement between spectroscopic and photometric times of T0
leads us to believe that the true orbit is circular.

-We do  not believe that  there is evidence  for any variation  in V0,
although the  possibility cannot be completely ruled  out. The present
value   appears  to   differ  significantly   from  those   of  Batten
(1961,Pub. Dominion Astrophys. Obs. 11, 395) and Steward (1958, JRASC,
52, 11),  but we have already  explained that the  true uncertainty in
our value of V0 is probably greater than the formal errors suggest.

- We cannot  rule out the  possibility that pulsations of  the primary
star are affecting the value derived for K1.

-We used lines 432.5767 nm FeI and 450.8283 nm FeII when we found that
the scatter  of their  measures was satisfactory  and that  their mean
residuals did  not differ significantly from zero.  The remaining five
lines each gave self-consistent results, but their mean residuals from
the  plate means defined  by the  five best  lines ranged  in absolute
value from  6 km  s^-1 to  20 km s^-1.  We can  identify at  least one
plausible blending  component for  each of them,  and we have  more or
less arbritrary  adjusted the rest  wavelengths of this second  set of
five lines to give the same  mean velocity as does the first set. This
would  be a  questionable procedure  if  we were  aiming to  set up  a
standard  wavelength  system  suitable  for all  A-type  spectra.  Our
concern, however, is to strengthen the measurements of the spectrum of
one star (not  all of the best five lines can  always be measured) and
we are  more interested in the  range of velocity  variation (K1) than
the mean value (V0). We  have found no significant differences between
orbital solutions  based on measures of  the first five  lines and all
ten, but V0 is about 0.6 kms^-1 more negative when the ten-line set is
used. As expected, the larger  number of lines leads to smaller random
errors, but the  possibility that a systematic error  exists in V0, of
the order  of -1  km s^-1, should  be remembered when  comparisons are
made between our results and the earlier ones.

-Period  and   eccentricity  assumed  (as  defined   by  Sterne  1941,
Pr. Nat. Acad. Sci. Washington, 97, 175)

-rms: mean error of a single plate.



- rms = external mean error of an average plate.

-DAO48: data taken with the 1.2 m telescope and the coude spectrograph
of  the  Dominion  Astrophysical  Observatory (DAO)  at  a  reciprocal
dispersion of 1.0 nm mm^-1.

-DAO72:data  taken  with  the  1.8  m  telescope  and  the  Cassegrain
spectrograph  of the  Dominion  Astrophysical Observatory  (DAO) at  a
reciprocal dispersion of 1.5 nm mm^-1.



-Long-period spectroscopic  orbit of the hot secondary  component B to
the  classical  Cepheid SY  Cyg.   This star  B  is  also a  4.675-day
spectroscopic  binary. To  derive  the long-period  orbit  of the  Bab
center-of-mass  around the  Cepheid, the  short-period  variations and
constant  velocity were  subtracted (hence  V0=0;  true center-of-mass
velocity of the Cepheid is  -21.45 km/s), and the long-period elements
of A were adopted from Evans (1988 ApJS, 66, 343).

-LWR = long-wavelength redundant IUE camera.
-LWP = long-wavelength prime IUE camera.
-SWP = short-wavelength prime IUE camera.

-The orbital elements were calculated with the same Chi^2 minimization
program used to  determine the Cepheid's orbit (Evans  1988, ApJS, 32,
399).   The program  was  run in  the  triple star  mode  in order  to
determine the  velocity amplitude of the  center of mass of  SU Cyg Ba
and  Bb in  the long-period,  simultaneously.  The  other  long period
orbital  elements  were  fixed  at  the  values  determined  from  the
Cepheid's  orbit,  and  the  short-period  orbit  was  assumed  to  be



-Short-period spectroscopic orbit of  the hot secondary component B to
the  classical  Cepheid SY  Cyg.   This star  B  is  also a  4.675-day
spectroscopic   binary.   To  derive   the  short-period   orbit,  the
long-period  variations and constant  velocity were  subtracted (hence
V0=0; true center-of-mass velocity of the Cepheid is -21.45 km/s).

-LWR = long-wavelength redundant camera
-LWP = long-wavelength prime camera
-SWP = short-wavelength prime camera



-The primary is a Cepheid S Mus. The orbital parameters did not change
by more than the formal  errors when two different Cepheid's pulsation
periods were used. The RVs  have the pulsational component (P=9.66d, 5
harmonics) subtracted.

-The orbital solution are performed as described by Evans.

-The orbital solution  is was made giving the  new data (Bohm-Vitense)
very low weight (weight =0.01). The mean residual of the new data from
this solution (-1.8+-0.2)  km s^-1) was added to the  new data for the
final solution, to put all data on a consistent velocity scale).

-A: Paddock (Campbell and Moore, 1928,Pub.Lick Obs.,16,180); dispersion 41 Angstrom mm^-1.

-B: Stibbs, 1955, MNRAS,136,91; 49 Angstrom mm^-1.

-C: Evans 1968,MNRAS,141,109; 49 Angstrom mm^-1.

-D: Evans 1980,S.Afr.Astron.Obs.,1,257; 49 Angstrom mm^-1.

-E: Evans 1980,S.Afr.Astron.Obs.,1,257; 29 Angstrom mm^-1.

-F: Bohm-Vitense et al. 1990,ApJ,229,212; 2.4 Angstrom mm^-1.



-This orbital parameters are  calculated since the eccentricity of the
adopted solution (Orbit 1) is very small.The most important difference
between  the circular  solution  and  the full  solution  is that  the
velocity amplitude is 0.9 km s^-1 smaller in the circular solution.



-About  eccentricity: The  secondary  minimum is  exactly centered  on
phase 0.5 (in photometric light  curve); hence a circular orbit can be
assumed, and  is also supported by  the symmetric shape  of the radial
velocity curve.

-P and T0 according to Vogt & Sterken (1993,IBVS, 3958)

-Radial velocities used to evaluate V0 and K1: results from He I lines
in case of DAO, Ondrejov, Rozen,  Asiago and Calar data, and from NII,
SII lines in case of Lick and ESO data.

-CalarAlto_XXX_D: used HeI 6678.

-The range in the Notes  is the spectral coverage in angstroms.

- DAO:   Photographic   spectra   were   obtained  at   the   Dominion
Astrophysical Observatory (Canada) with  the coude spectrograph of the
1.2 m telescope, with a dispersion of 6.5 Angstroms mm^-1;

-Ondrejov: this  spectra were  obtained at the  Dominion Astrophysical
Observatory (Canada) with the coude spectrograph of the 2 m telescope,
with a dispersion of 17 Angstroms mm^-1.

-Rozen:  this  spectra were  obtained  at  the Dominion  Astrophysical
Observatory (Canada) with the coude  spectrograph of the 2 m telescope
and a dispersion of 17 Angstroms mm^-1

-RETICON: electronic spectra were  taken at the Dominion Astrophysical
-Observatory with  the coude  spectrograph of the  2 m  telescope with
-dispersion  20  Angstroms  mm^-1   CCD:  data  taken  the  Cassegrain
-spectrograph  of the  1.8 m  telescope with  dispersion  15 Angstroms

-For the present purpose, the old data were not used. From the new DAO
spectra radial velocities were determined using lines of HeI, SiII and
MgII. From these velocities we get K1 = 92.2 km s^-1 and V0 = +27.9 km



-A quarduple  system consisting of the eclipsing  6-day system (called
B)  and another  binary (A)  which orbit  is given  here.   The likely
period of AB is 40-50 yrs, as estimated from the light-time effect.

-Comment Notes: ECH = ESO 1.5 m with ECHELEC spectrograph, CAT = 1.4 m
ESO CAT/coude echelle spectrograph(CES).

-Data of Morrison and Conti (MC, 1980 ApJ 239, 212) are used to refine
the period, but  a V0=-8.1 is found for that  data set.  The solutions
somewhat depend  on the assumed  data weighting. Since the  rms values
for  MC  velocities  and for  our  data  were  about  12 and  7  km/s,
respectively,  we gave the  MC velocities  a weight  of 1,  to ECHELEC
velocities a  weight of 2,  and to CAT  velocities a weight of  3.  An
independent solution of  the MC data con rmed  the original results by

-The  large  rms  value  of  our  high  resolution  data  is  somewhat
unexpected  and  must  be  due  to intrinsic  variability  of  unknown
nature. The  error of  fitting the Gaussians  to line profiles  is not
larger  than  2 km/s.   The  deviations  of  the velocities  from  the
anticipated  orbital curve  therefore  represent real  shifts of  line

-We  first tried  to obtain  a solution  of our  radial  velocity data
alone. However,  due to a  gap in the  phase coverage of  the velocity
curve, the  correlation among spectroscopic elements turned  out to be
strong,  and  solutions  tended   to  be  non-unique:  e.g.,  possible
solutions  implied a  relatively broad  parameter range  for  K1. More
decisive results  were expected when  our data were combined  with the
older published  data. However, a combined solution  of different data
sets  requires  the  assumption  of different  velocities  for  widely
separated epochs. In view of the long-term radial velocity changes due
to  the mutual  orbit of  the two  binary systems  A and  B, different
values  of   V0  are   to  be  expected   for  data  with   long  time
separations. MC  also noted a discrepancy  between velocities obtained
from different  lines, so the intended  combination of the  MC and LMS
data with  our measurements required some caution.  Therefore, we only
considered HeI measurements.

-Expected light-time  effect: From our detailed line  blend fitting we
found that the systemic velocities  of both binaries changed on a time
base of approximately 17 years by 11 and +36 kms 1 for systems A (long
period) and B (short period), respectively.



-A quarduple  system consisting of the eclipsing  6-day system (called
B,  the orbit is  here) and  another 20.7-day  binary (A).  The likely
period of AB is 40-50 yrs, as estimated from the light-time effect.

- Few velocities of  the secondary were measured, but  no K2 amplitude
is derived.

-Spectral type according to Walborn (1973, ApJ, 179, 517)

-Comment Notes: ECH = ESO 1.5 m with ECHELEC spectrograph, CAT = 1.4 m
ESO CAT/coude echelle spectrograph(CES).

-Expected light-time  effect: From our detailed line  blend fitting we
found that the systemic velocities  of both binaries changed on a time
base of approximately 17 years by 11 and +36 kms 1 for systems A (long
period) and B (short period), respectively.



-Eclipsing binary. No individual RV data.

-Eccentricity e=0 is assumed by the authors.

-V0 is the arithmetic mean  of two different solutions. V0_1= -0.03 km
s^-1 and V0_2=-1.80 km s^-1. The V0 error us due to the uncertainty of
the V0_1 and  V0_2. H-Beta and HeII(4859) have  been used to determine
V0_1 and V0_2 respectively.

-Using photometry  the following ephemeris has been  determined by the
authors: JD(phi=0) = 2448687.4928(5) + 3.4133135(2)E

-The  radial  velocity curve  of  each  stellar  component was  fitted
separately,  using sine  functions  and the  Newton-Raphson method  as
parameter optimization procedure.



(*) = due to total eclipse only primary lines are visible

- Circular orbit assumed.

Err1/2: mean fit error (Chi^2-based estimation of profile fit quality)

- Instrument used  for observation: ECH=1.52m ESO  telescope + Echelle
spectrograph; CAT=1.4m ESO CAT/coude Echelle spectrograph (CES)

-Systemic velocities for each component: V0_1 = 23.6 km s^-1 and V0_2=
3.0 km s^-1. The large difference of the systemic velocities, which of
course cannot be  real, is a well-known and  so far unexplained effect
in  early-type SB2  systems  and  was already  discussed  by Mayer  et
al. (1991, BAC 42, 230). In order to obtain consistent radial velocity
curves for both  stellar components, the arithmetic mean  was taken as
the final systemic velocity.

-The differences between calculated  (i.e. fitted) and observed radial
velocities of  H-alpha are very similar to  those of He I  4922 in the
respective range of the orbital  phase, and no systematic deviation is
present. Only the H based  velocities from one ECHELEC spectrum (given
one third  weight of the CAT spectra)  are about 25 km  s^-1 below the
fitted curve both for the primary and secondary component.

-Period and T0 calculated from  photometry. The period before the year
1992 appears  to be slightly  shorter (1.4950932 days).  The secondary
eclipse minimum of  the light curve shows a  phase of totality lasting
about 0.030 in phase (about 1 hour).



-rms in this case is the mean error of an observation of unit weight.

-Data   comes   from  the   complete   series   of  Lick   Observatory
radial-velocity  measurements  was  published  by Berman  (1932,  Lick
Obs. Bull,  16, 24). We remeasured  the plates by  modern methods (the
original  measurements were  by Hartmann  spectrocomparator  against a
spectrum of Arcturus  as a standard) to see if  we could eliminate the
large residuals and improve the determination of period.

- The  first  five spectrograms  (1897-1902)  were  obtained with  the
original  Mills 3-prism  spectrograph and  the remainder  (after 1905)
with the new Mills spectrograph (Lick Observatory).

-For the New  Mills Spectrograph: Correction of -0.78  km/s is applied
to  bring  to  the  Victoria  system.  The  internal  mean  errors  of
velocities derived  from these  lines range from  0.27 kms^-1  to 0.96
kms^-1:  the  mean  is  0.46  kms^-1  and  only  four  exceed  0.6  km
s^-1. There are  a few large differences between  our measurements and
Berman's (for the primary  component, the differences range from -2.27
kms^-1 to +0.88 kms^-1 in the sense Berman minus Victoria) but the two
sets  (including the data  obtained with  the original  instrument) of
measures correlates  well.Most individual differences are  less than 1
kms^-1 and the mean is -0.42 +- 0.13 kms^-1.

-For  the Original  Mills Spectrograph:  the standard  deviation  of a
single measure  was 2.0 kms^-1 for  19 of them and  only just exceeded
that value  for the twentieth.  We have probably  somewhat exaggerated
the  internal precision of  our measures  (internal mean  errors range
from 0.29 kms^-1 to 0.67 kms^-1,  with a mean of 0.44 kms^-1) and have
certainly  sacrificed information about  the true  zero point.  Of the
five plates,  our measures of  two - the  first and the last  - differ
rather strongly  from Berman's, in opposite directions  as judged from
the mean for  all five. Thus, the systematic  difference between us is
large and uncertain. For our first set of measures it was it was -3.79
+- 0.69 kms^-1 (Berman minus Victoria) and we were dissatisfied enough
to remeasure all five plates. The mean difference between our two sets
of measures is -0.95 +- 0.64 kms^-1.

-The orbital elements corresponds to the combined solution of our data
and Heintz (1988, JRASC,  82, 140) are: P = 88.30 yr  (32251.6 d) T0 =
19834.30 (JD 2445431.699) e  = 0.495 w(A) = 193.2 K1 =  3.37 K2 = 4.20
,V0 = -7.15



(*) = Velocities from Luck and Bond (1991,ApJS, 77,515)

- Present  observations  were   made  at  the  Dominion  Astrophysical
Observatory in Victoria, using the radial-velocity spectrometer at the
coude focus  of the 1.2-m telescope.  It is capable of  a precision of
about +-0.3  km s^-1, although  with the limited integration  time for
each observation, the observational error for the sgCH stars is closer
to double that value.

- The orbit were first calculated using only the data from the present
set of observations,  giving the velocities from Luck  and Bond (1991)
zero weight. Residuals from  the velocity curves of their observations
were calculated and a systematic difference of +0.85 km s-^1 was found
with a mean error of +- 0.38  km s^-1. The Luck and Bond data were all
shifted by  -0.8 km  s^-1, therefore, and  the orbits  were calculated
again,  giving  all  observations  unit weight.The  resulting  average
residual  for  the   Luck  and  Bond  data  from   the  final  orbital
calculations is +0.04 +- 0.15 km s^-1.



(*) = Velocities from Luck and Bond (1991,ApJS, 77,515)

- Present  observations  were   made  at  the  Dominion  Astrophysical
Observatory in Victoria, using the radial-velocity spectrometer at the
coude focus  of the 1.2-m telescope.  It is capable of  a precision of
about +-0.3  km s^-1, although  with the limited integration  time for
each observation, the observational error for the sgCH stars is closer
to double that value.

- The orbit were first calculated using only the data from the present
set of observations,  giving the velocities from Luck  and Bond (1991)
zero weight. Residuals from  the velocity curves of their observations
were calculated and a systematic difference of +0.85 km s-^1 was found
with a mean error of +- 0.38  km s^-1. The Luck and Bond data were all
shifted by  -0.8 km  s^-1, therefore, and  the orbits  were calculated
again,  giving  all  observations  unit weight.The  resulting  average
residual  for  the   Luck  and  Bond  data  from   the  final  orbital
calculations is +0.04 +- 0.15 km s^-1.



(*) = Velocities from Luck and Bond (1991,ApJS, 77,515)

- Present  observations  were   made  at  the  Dominion  Astrophysical
Observatory in Victoria, using the radial-velocity spectrometer at the
coude focus  of the 1.2-m telescope.  It is capable of  a precision of
about +-0.3  km s^-1, although  with the limited integration  time for
each observation, the observational error for the sgCH stars is closer
to double that value.

- The orbit were first calculated using only the data from the present
set of observations,  giving the velocities from Luck  and Bond (1991)
zero weight. Residuals from  the velocity curves of their observations
were calculated and a systematic difference of +0.85 km s-^1 was found
with a mean error of +- 0.38  km s^-1. The Luck and Bond data were all
shifted by  -0.8 km  s^-1, therefore, and  the orbits  were calculated
again,  giving  all  observations  unit weight.The  resulting  average
residual  for  the   Luck  and  Bond  data  from   the  final  orbital
calculations is +0.04 +- 0.15 km s^-1.



(*) = Velocities from Luck and Bond (1991,ApJS, 77,515)

- Present  observations  were   made  at  the  Dominion  Astrophysical
Observatory in Victoria, using the radial-velocity spectrometer at the
coude focus  of the 1.2-m telescope.  It is capable of  a precision of
about +-0.3  km s^-1, although  with the limited integration  time for
each observation, the observational error for the sgCH stars is closer
to double that value.

- The orbit were first calculated using only the data from the present
set of observations,  giving the velocities from Luck  and Bond (1991)
zero weight. Residuals from  the velocity curves of their observations
were calculated and a systematic difference of +0.85 km s-^1 was found
with a mean error of +- 0.38  km s^-1. The Luck and Bond data were all
shifted by  -0.8 km  s^-1, therefore, and  the orbits  were calculated
again,  giving  all  observations  unit weight.The  resulting  average
residual  for  the   Luck  and  Bond  data  from   the  final  orbital
calculations is +0.04 +- 0.15 km s^-1.



(*) = Velocities from Luck and Bond (1991,ApJS, 77,515)

- Present  observations  were   made  at  the  Dominion  Astrophysical
Observatory in Victoria, using the radial-velocity spectrometer at the
coude focus  of the 1.2-m telescope.  It is capable of  a precision of
about +-0.3  km s^-1, although  with the limited integration  time for
each observation, the observational error for the sgCH stars is closer
to double that value.

- The orbit were first calculated using only the data from the present
set of observations,  giving the velocities from Luck  and Bond (1991)
zero weight. Residuals from  the velocity curves of their observations
were calculated and a systematic difference of +0.85 km s-^1 was found
with a mean error of +- 0.38  km s^-1. The Luck and Bond data were all
shifted by  -0.8 km  s^-1, therefore, and  the orbits  were calculated
again,  giving  all  observations  unit weight.The  resulting  average
residual  for  the   Luck  and  Bond  data  from   the  final  orbital
calculations is +0.04 +- 0.15 km s^-1.



(*) = Velocities from Luck and Bond (1991,ApJS, 77,515)

- Present  observations  were   made  at  the  Dominion  Astrophysical
Observatory in Victoria, using the radial-velocity spectrometer at the
coude focus  of the 1.2-m telescope.  It is capable of  a precision of
about +-0.3  km s^-1, although  with the limited integration  time for
each observation, the observational error for the sgCH stars is closer
to double that value.

- The orbit were first calculated using only the data from the present
set of observations,  giving the velocities from Luck  and Bond (1991)
zero weight. Residuals from  the velocity curves of their observations
were calculated and a systematic difference of +0.85 km s-^1 was found
with a mean error of +- 0.38  km s^-1. The Luck and Bond data were all
shifted by  -0.8 km  s^-1, therefore, and  the orbits  were calculated
again,  giving  all  observations  unit weight.The  resulting  average
residual  for  the   Luck  and  Bond  data  from   the  final  orbital
calculations is +0.04 +- 0.15 km s^-1.



-Observation were  performed with the  radial-velocity spectrometer on
the     1.2-m    telescope     of    the     Dominion    Astrophysical
Observatory.  Although the  instrument is  capable of  a  precision of
about +- 0.3 km s^-1, because of  the faintness of the R stars and the
limited time spend per observation,  the final errors were larger than



-Observation were  performed with the  radial-velocity spectrometer on
the     1.2-m    telescope     of    the     Dominion    Astrophysical
Observatory.  Although the  instrument is  capable of  a  precision of
about +- 0.3 km s^-1, because of  the faintness of the R stars and the
limited time spend per observation,  the final errors were larger than



-The JD  epochs and T0 are  given in "MJD" in  Griffin's notation (0.5
day shift).

-"rej_V2" : Two V2 Cambridge  observations, which differ from the mean
by more than 3 standard deviations, have been rejected.

-Data    source:    P    =    Palomar   observation    (Griffin    and
Gunn,1974,ApJ,191,545);     C=Cambridge     Observation,     (Griffin,
1967,ApJ,148,465)  ; S =  Dominion Astrophysical  Observatory (D.A.O.)
observation (Scarfe, present work);  H= Heintz (1981, ApJS, 46,247); G
= D.A.O. observation (Griffin, R. and R., Observatory,102,217)

-The  DAO data  of  C.D.S.  have been  adjusted  to the  International
Astronomical Union (IAU) system in the manner described by Fletcher et
al.  (1982,PASP,94,1017).  All  other  velocities have  been  measured
differentially against  the Cambridge reference star  63 Aur (Griffin,
1967, ApJ,148,465;Griffin, 1969,MNRAS,145,163)  and an effort has been
made  to  place  them on  the  IAU  system  by  the application  of  a
correction of -0.8 km s^-1 (Griffin and Herbig, 1981, MNRAS, 196,33)

-All of our  own observations except for a few  near to the descending
in  the short  orbit show  some degree  of blending,  but many  can be
resolved either by eye (on Cambridge traces) or by computer.

-The constancy  of the visual  secondary's velocity indicates  that we
may safely assume that the systemic velocity of the short-period pair,
V0_A,  has  also  remained  constant,  and combine  all  the  resolved
observations  of   the  primary  into   a  single  solution   for  the
short-period elements. A solution  led to an eccentricity smaller than
its  standard error.  A circular  orbit was  therefore tried,  and the
resulting  increase in  the sum  of squared  residuals, from  28.46 to
28.85 km^2 s^-2 was not significant.



-The system is a K-dwarf binary.

-New observations are added to  those of Griffin (1987, Obs, 108, 194)
to improve the orbit.

-Only a short abstract is published with the elements, but no RVs.



-Ba II star system.

-The standard deviation of a single observation for late-type stars brighter than about 11th magnitude, such as those reported in this paper, is better than 0.5 km s^-1. The velocities have been standadized to the system of velocities published by Fletcher et al (1992, PASP, 94, 1017), except for a small scale error which affects the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.



-Ba II star system.

-The standard deviation of a single observation for late-type stars brighter than about 11th magnitude, such as those reported in this paper, is better than 0.5 km s^-1. The velocities have been standadized to the system of velocities published by Fletcher et al (1992, PASP, 94, 1017), except for a small scale error which affects the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.



-Ba II star system.

-The standard deviation of a single observation for late-type stars brighter than about 11th magnitude, such as those reported in this paper, is better than 0.5 km s^-1. The velocities have been standadized to the system of velocities published by Fletcher et al (1992, PASP, 94, 1017), except for a small scale error which affects the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.



-Ba II star system.

-The standard deviation of a single observation for late-type stars brighter than about 11th magnitude, such as those reported in this paper, is better than 0.5 km s^-1. The velocities have been standadized to the system of velocities published by Fletcher et al (1992, PASP, 94, 1017), except for a small scale error which affects the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.



-Ba II star system.

-The standard deviation of a single observation for late-type stars brighter than about 11th magnitude, such as those reported in this paper, is better than 0.5 km s^-1. The velocities have been standadized to the system of velocities published by Fletcher et al (1992, PASP, 94, 1017), except for a small scale error which affects the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.



-Ba II star system.

-The standard deviation of a single observation for late-type stars brighter than about 11th magnitude, such as those reported in this paper, is better than 0.5 km s^-1. The velocities have been standadized to the system of velocities published by Fletcher et al (1992, PASP, 94, 1017), except for a small scale error which affects the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.



-Ba II star system.

-Excellent agreement with the orbit  of Griffin & Griffin (180, MNRAS,
193,  957).  Their RVs  were  given a  correction  of  -0.8 km/s  and
combined with the new data to derive the orbit.

-The standard  deviation of a  single observation for  late-type stars
brighter than  about 11th  magnitude, such as  those reported  in this
paper,  is  better  than  0.5   km  s^-1.  The  velocities  have  been
standadized to  the system of  velocities published by Fletcher  et al
(1992, PASP, 94,  1017), except for a small  scale error which affects
the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.



-Ba II star system.

-The JD2447314.781 point is apparently removed from the orbit computation.

-The standard deviation of a single observation for late-type stars brighter than about 11th magnitude, such as those reported in this paper, is better than 0.5 km s^-1. The velocities have been standadized to the system of velocities published by Fletcher et al (1992, PASP, 94, 1017), except for a small scale error which affects the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.



-Ba II star system.

-V0 given in Table 4 wrongly as -16.4 km/s is corrected to 16.4 km/s.

-The standard  deviation of a  single observation for  late-type stars
brighter than  about 11th  magnitude, such as  those reported  in this
paper,  is  better  than  0.5   km  s^-1.  The  velocities  have  been
standadized to  the system of  velocities published by Fletcher  et al
(1992, PASP, 94,  1017), except for a small  scale error which affects
the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.



-Ba II star system.

-The observations do not yet cover the complete orbital cycle.

-The standard deviation of a single observation for late-type stars brighter than about 11th magnitude, such as those reported in this paper, is better than 0.5 km s^-1. The velocities have been standadized to the system of velocities published by Fletcher et al (1992, PASP, 94, 1017), except for a small scale error which affects the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.



-Ba II star system.

-The observations do not yet cover the complete orbital cycle.

-The standard deviation of a single observation for late-type stars brighter than about 11th magnitude, such as those reported in this paper, is better than 0.5 km s^-1. The velocities have been standadized to the system of velocities published by Fletcher et al (1992, PASP, 94, 1017), except for a small scale error which affects the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.


-Ba II star system.

-The standard deviation of a single observation for late-type stars brighter than about 11th magnitude, such as those reported in this paper, is better than 0.5 km s^-1. The velocities have been standadized to the system of velocities published by Fletcher et al (1992, PASP, 94, 1017), except for a small scale error which affects the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.



-Ba II star system.

-The standard deviation of a single observation for late-type stars brighter than about 11th magnitude, such as those reported in this paper, is better than 0.5 km s^-1. The velocities have been standadized to the system of velocities published by Fletcher et al (1992, PASP, 94, 1017), except for a small scale error which affects the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.



-Ba II star system.

-The standard deviation of a single observation for late-type stars brighter than about 11th magnitude, such as those reported in this paper, is better than 0.5 km s^-1. The velocities have been standadized to the system of velocities published by Fletcher et al (1992, PASP, 94, 1017), except for a small scale error which affects the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.



-Ba II star system.

-The standard deviation of a single observation for late-type stars brighter than about 11th magnitude, such as those reported in this paper, is better than 0.5 km s^-1. The velocities have been standadized to the system of velocities published by Fletcher et al (1992, PASP, 94, 1017), except for a small scale error which affects the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.



-Ba II star system.

-The standard deviation of a single observation for late-type stars brighter than about 11th magnitude, such as those reported in this paper, is better than 0.5 km s^-1. The velocities have been standadized to the system of velocities published by Fletcher et al (1992, PASP, 94, 1017), except for a small scale error which affects the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.



-CH star system.

- The observation  JD2445051.664 VR=-258.56 is  apparently excluded by
the authors from the orbital solution.

-The standard deviation of a single observation for late-type stars brighter than about 11th magnitude, such as those reported in this paper, is better than 0.5 km s^-1. The velocities have been standadized to the system of velocities published by Fletcher et al (1992, PASP, 94, 1017), except for a small scale error which affects the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.



-CH star system.

-The standard deviation of a single observation for late-type stars brighter than about 11th magnitude, such as those reported in this paper, is better than 0.5 km s^-1. The velocities have been standadized to the system of velocities published by Fletcher et al (1992, PASP, 94, 1017), except for a small scale error which affects the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.



-CH star system.

-The standard deviation of a single observation for late-type stars brighter than about 11th magnitude, such as those reported in this paper, is better than 0.5 km s^-1. The velocities have been standadized to the system of velocities published by Fletcher et al (1992, PASP, 94, 1017), except for a small scale error which affects the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.


-CH star system.

-The standard deviation of a single observation for late-type stars brighter than about 11th magnitude, such as those reported in this paper, is better than 0.5 km s^-1. The velocities have been standadized to the system of velocities published by Fletcher et al (1992, PASP, 94, 1017), except for a small scale error which affects the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.


-CH star system.

-More than 17 points is apparent on the RV curve given by the authors,
but no  mention of  other data  used is made  in the  paper or  in the

-The standard  deviation of a  single observation for  late-type stars
brighter than  about 11th  magnitude, such as  those reported  in this
paper,  is  better  than  0.5   km  s^-1.  The  velocities  have  been
standadized to  the system of  velocities published by Fletcher  et al
(1992, PASP, 94,  1017), except for a small  scale error which affects
the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.



-CH star system.

-The standard deviation of a single observation for late-type stars brighter than about 11th magnitude, such as those reported in this paper, is better than 0.5 km s^-1. The velocities have been standadized to the system of velocities published by Fletcher et al (1992, PASP, 94, 1017), except for a small scale error which affects the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.



-CH star system.

-The standard deviation of a single observation for late-type stars brighter than about 11th magnitude, such as those reported in this paper, is better than 0.5 km s^-1. The velocities have been standadized to the system of velocities published by Fletcher et al (1992, PASP, 94, 1017), except for a small scale error which affects the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.



-CH star system.

-The standard deviation of a single observation for late-type stars brighter than about 11th magnitude, such as those reported in this paper, is better than 0.5 km s^-1. The velocities have been standadized to the system of velocities published by Fletcher et al (1992, PASP, 94, 1017), except for a small scale error which affects the velocities in that paper at the 01-0.2 km s^-1 level.



-Short-period orbit of the single-lined  triple system. The RVs are as
observed   and  include   both  short-   and   long-period  variations

-In comment column, P indicates a photographic observation; F1, F2 and
K indicate spectrometer observations with the old and new F-star masks
and the  K-star mask, respectively. All observatinos  were obtained by
C.D.Scarfe,  except  those  labeled  as  Harris  (1977)  and  Funakawa
(1980). The observation  on 1981 April 20 was  accorded zero weight in
the solutions.

-In  adition  to spectroscopy  solution,  visual-binary elements  were
obtained from speckle data, with the spectrospically determined period
imposed to  them. In each case  the representation of the  data by the
combined solution is closely similar  to that by the separate ones. We
have  tried without  success  to establish  a  connection between  the
speckle residuals and the short spectroscopic period.



-Long-period orbit of  the single-lined triple system. The  RVs are as
observed   and  include   both  short-   and   long-period  variations

-The value for w refers to the primary.

-In  adition  to spectroscopy  solution,  visual-binary elements  were
obtained from speckle data, with the spectrospically determined period
imposed to  them. In each case  the representation of the  data by the
combined solution is closely similar  to that by the separate ones. We
have  tried without  success  to establish  a  connection between  the
speckle residuals and the short spectroscopic period.

-The elements in common between the visual and spectroscopic solutions
(e, w and T for the  wide pair), showed a good agreement, and combined
solution   was  therefore   obtained,  satisfying   the   speckle  and
spectroscopic data simultaneously.

-In comment column, P indicates a photographic observation; F1, F2 and
K indicate spectrometer observations with the old and new F-star masks
and the  K-star mask, respectively. All observatinos  were obtained by
C.D.Scarfe,  except  those  labeled  as  Harris  (1977)  and  Funakawa
(1980). The observation  on 1981 April 20 was  accorded zero weight in
the solutions.



Double-lined orbit  of the short-period  sub-system in a  triple star.
The long-period variation is not  removed from the individual RVs, the
solution of  short- and  long-period orbits was  found simultaneously,
and V0 reflects the long-period motion.

DAO - Dominion Astrophysical Observatory 1.2 m telescope.

KPNO  - Kitt  Peak National  Observatory, observations  with  the feed
telescope coude and coude spectrograph.

-Preliminary solutions of the  radial velocities alone showed that the
effect  of  applying  light-time  corrections  to  the  times  of  the
observations   is  negligible   on  either   the  elements   or  their
uncertainties. Such corrections reduce the sum of the weighted squares
of residuals by  only a statistically insignificant 7%,  and none have
therefore been used in the final solution. Moreover, no improvement in
the precision  of the periods  was achieved by  including observations
other than our own; hence, nor have those older data been used.

-We  have retained  the weighting  scheme  adopted by  Fekel &  Scarfe
(1986, AJ, 92,  1162); in it, all the new  observations of the primary
star, Aa, were given weight  3.0, and all velocities of the secondary,
Ab, received  half the weight given to  the corresponding primary-star
velocity. Because the radial velocities are much more numerous than



Long-period sub-system  in a  triple star. The  RVs correspond  to the
center-of-mass of the 14.57-day  sub-system (calculated from the known
mass ratio, not  observed directly). The orbit is  a combined solution
using  eight  Center for  High  Angular  Resolution Astronomy  (CHARA)
speckle observations.  A simultaneous solution of those data, together
with  all  of  our  radial   velocities,  has  been  found,  with  the
threedimensional differential  correction program (Fekel  et al. 1997,
AJ, 113,  1095). The element  w was changed  to correspond to  the Aab

-We  have retained  the weighting  scheme  adopted by  Fekel &  Scarfe
(1986, AJ, 92,  1162); in it, all the new  observations of the primary
star, Aa, were given weight  3.0, and all velocities of the secondary,
Ab, received  half the weight given to  the corresponding primary-star
velocity. Because the radial velocities are much more numerous than



-V0_a = -15 +- 1 km s^-1 and V0_b= 9 +- 5

-All observations were given the  same weight (1.0) except the one RV2
observation labeled as "weight_0" in comment column (weight = 0.0)

-The  Period was held  fixed at  its photometrically  determined value
(Barlow and Forbes, 1980, Inf. Bull. Variable Stars, 1882, 130, 69).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 4043.0 days = 971.2 periods

f(M) = 0.00828 +/- 0.00040 solar masses
a1 sin i = 1.533 +/- 0.025 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).
They have been included here.



Preliminary orbit

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 6265.9 days = 0.4 periods

f(M) = 0.0271 +/- 0.0044 solar masses
a1 sin i = 523. +/- 111. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 4085.8 days = 2.0 periods

f(M) = 0.0188 +/- 0.0077 solar masses
a1 sin i = 125. +/- 17. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1499.9 days = 107.6 periods

f(M) = 0.000629 +/- 0.000020 solar masses
a1 sin i = 1.452 +/- 0.015 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Preliminary orbit

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 7099.5 days = 0.7 periods

f(M) = 0.063 +/- 0.031 solar masses
a1 sin i = 522. +/- 179. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1627 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.02993 +/- 0.00079 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.02816 +/- 0.00076 solar masses
q = 0.941 +/- 0.014
a sin i = 12.52 +/- 0.11 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.90

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 4 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 4 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5146.0 days = 1.1 periods

f(M) = 0.260 +/- 0.010 solar masses
a1 sin i = 533.5 +/- 8.0 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1189.7 days = 1.9 periods

f(M) = 0.0826 +/- 0.0061 solar masses
a1 sin i = 91.9 +/- 2.4 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 2 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5201.9 days = 9.1 periods

f(M) = 0.0025 +/- 0.0014 solar masses
a1 sin i = 27.4 +/- 5.2 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 8 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5025.3 days = 11.2 periods

f(M) = 0.00798 +/- 0.00097 solar masses
a1 sin i = 34.4 +/- 1.4 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 1 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 3286 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.792 +/- 0.067 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.638 +/- 0.033 solar masses
q = 0.80 +/- 0.03
a sin i = 77.3 +/- 1.8 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.25

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 6 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 6 km/s



Preliminary orbit

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5214.0 days = 0.9 periods

f(M) = 0.0122 +/- 0.0015 solar masses
a1 sin i = 213. +/- 14. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Preliminary orbit

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5706.2 days = 3.3 periods

f(M) = 0.0035 +/- 0.0023 solar masses
a1 sin i = 64. +/- 15. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 910.6 days = 11.3 periods

f(M) = 0.0137 +/- 0.0016 solar masses
a1 sin i = 13.06 +/- 0.52 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 3622.9 days = 1.7 periods

f(M) = 0.0188 +/- 0.0020 solar masses
a1 sin i = 130.4 +/- 5.0 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 3067 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.287 +/- 0.015 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.2214 +/- 0.0069 solar masses
q = 0.77 +/- 0.02
a sin i = 19.89 +/- 0.28 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.20

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 5 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 5 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 3723.9 days = 1.5 periods

f(M) = 0.054 +/- 0.016 solar masses
a1 sin i = 205. +/- 21. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 6 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5582.9 days = 25.5 periods

f(M) = 0.00206 +/- 0.00028 solar masses
a1 sin i = 13.55 +/- 0.61 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 7 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5280.7 days = 4.7 periods

f(M) = 0.00097 +/- 0.00065 solar masses
a1 sin i = 31.4 +/- 6.8 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 4874.7 days = 1.2 periods

f(M) = 0.00670 +/- 0.00052 solar masses
a1 sin i = 138.6 +/- 4.3 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 6601.9 days = 1.2 periods

f(M) = 0.0155 +/- 0.0013 solar masses
a1 sin i = 228.6 +/- 10.0 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 3399 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.975 +/- 0.095 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.765 +/- 0.053 solar masses
q = 0.79 +/- 0.04
a sin i = 756 +/- 22 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.15

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 4 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 4 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 3367.8 days = 1.9 periods

f(M) = 0.00462 +/- 0.00028 solar masses
a1 sin i = 71.0 +/- 1.4 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 2 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 200.8 days = 7.9 periods

f(M) = 0.001132 +/- 0.000051 solar masses
a1 sin i = 2.638 +/- 0.040 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 1 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1886.0 days = 2.0 periods

f(M) = 0.00226 +/- 0.00034 solar masses
a1 sin i = 37.2 +/- 2.0 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 3 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 2665 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.969 +/- 0.099 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.739 +/- 0.043 solar masses
q = 0.76 +/- 0.04
a sin i = 274.3 +/- 7.6 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.10

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 4 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 2 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 867.6 days = 3.8 periods

f(M) = 0.0099 +/- 0.0012 solar masses
a1 sin i = 23.43 +/- 0.93 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 5 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 6211.0 days = 2.4 periods

f(M) = 0.00345 +/- 0.00077 solar masses
a1 sin i = 83.8 +/- 6.2 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 3 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 6886.1 days = 3.5 periods

f(M) = 0.041 +/- 0.017 solar masses
a1 sin i = 159. +/- 22. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 8 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 826.8 days = 4.0 periods

f(M) = 0.00379 +/- 0.00049 solar masses
a1 sin i = 15.99 +/- 0.69 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 2 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5426.2 days = 14.0 periods

f(M) = 0.075 +/- 0.013 solar masses
a1 sin i = 65.8 +/- 3.8 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 10 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5418.1 days = 18.5 periods

f(M) = 0.0000189 +/- 0.000007 solar masses
a1 sin i = 3.45 +/- 0.43 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 1 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 6913.1 days = 1.9 periods

f(M) = 0.0174 +/- 0.0092 solar masses
a1 sin i = 179. +/- 29. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 4 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1908.8 days = 290.4 periods

f(M) = 0.05832 +/- 0.00096 solar masses
a1 sin i = 3.984 +/- 0.022 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 12 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 719.1 days = 100.6 periods

f(M) = 0.0822 +/- 0.0023 solar masses
a1 sin i = 4.725 +/- 0.043 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 5 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1628.7 days = 2.1 periods

f(M) = 0.0339 +/- 0.0036 solar masses
a1 sin i = 80.6 +/- 2.8 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 4 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2682.6 days = 10.1 periods

f(M) = 0.00048 +/- 0.00014 solar masses
a1 sin i = 9.49 +/- 0.94 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2477.1 days = 1.9 periods

f(M) = 0.0140 +/- 0.0021 solar masses
a1 sin i = 84.0 +/- 4.3 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1929.7 days = 4.1 periods

f(M) = 0.000467 +/- 0.000089 solar masses
a1 sin i = 13.69 +/- 0.88 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2300.8 days = 2.0 periods

f(M) = 0.0055 +/- 0.0010 solar masses
a1 sin i = 56.1 +/- 3.7 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 2 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 3275 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.468 +/- 0.017 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.3818 +/- 0.0085 solar masses
q = 0.816 +/- 0.015
a sin i = 12.81 +/- 0.13 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.15

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 6 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 0 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5500.9 days = 1.7 periods

f(M) = 0.00112 +/- 0.00054 solar masses
a1 sin i = 67. +/- 12. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 1 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5483.0 days = 2.0 periods

f(M) = 0.26 +/- 0.14 solar masses
a1 sin i = 371. +/- 67. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 2 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 4840.7 days = 25.0 periods

f(M) = 0.0173 +/- 0.0038 solar masses
a1 sin i = 25.4 +/- 1.8 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 2 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 503.9 days = 31.1 periods

f(M) = 0.01077 +/- 0.00040 solar masses
a1 sin i = 4.140 +/- 0.052 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 4 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 3165.1 days = 273.1 periods

f(M) = 0.000434 +/- 0.000036 solar masses
a1 sin i = 1.136 +/- 0.032 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 5 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 5837 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.420 +/- 0.033 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.372 +/- 0.018 solar masses
q = 0.89 +/- 0.04
a sin i = 263.2 +/- 5.6 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.45

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 6 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 6 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 3694.0 days = 5.6 periods

f(M) = 0.0047 +/- 0.0022 solar masses
a1 sin i = 37.4 +/- 5.9 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 7160.3 days = 1.1 periods

f(M) = 0.0301 +/- 0.0032 solar masses
a1 sin i = 311. +/- 16. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1792.1 days = 7.9 periods

f(M) = 0.2647 +/- 0.0089 solar masses
a1 sin i = 69.76 +/- 0.78 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 4 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 3576.1 days = 26.8 periods

f(M) = 0.0512 +/- 0.0020 solar masses
a1 sin i = 28.37 +/- 0.36 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1152.9 days = 7.5 periods

f(M) = 0.0775 +/- 0.0062 solar masses
a1 sin i = 35.68 +/- 0.95 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 5 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 6361.8 days = 1.0 periods

f(M) = 0.0774 +/- 0.0043 solar masses
a1 sin i = 416. +/- 12. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 4 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 4517.6 days = 12.7 periods

f(M) = 0.00080 +/- 0.00019 solar masses
a1 sin i = 13.6 +/- 1.1 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 4 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 3378.8 days = 1.3 periods

f(M) = 0.0142 +/- 0.0037 solar masses
a1 sin i = 133. +/- 12. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1930.0 days = 2.3 periods

f(M) = 0.00654 +/- 0.00051 solar masses
a1 sin i = 49.0 +/- 1.3 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 6 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1937.7 days = 1.9 periods

f(M) = 0.00301 +/- 0.00095 solar masses
a1 sin i = 42.7 +/- 4.5 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 2 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 201 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.557 +/- 0.011 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.546 +/- 0.010 solar masses
q = 0.98 +/- 0.01
a sin i = 47.92 +/- 0.30 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.90

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 4 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 4 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2016.6 days = 5.9 periods

f(M) = 0.00229 +/- 0.00024 solar masses
a1 sin i = 18.79 +/- 0.67 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 2 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2627.8 days = 1.1 periods

f(M) = 0.0690 +/- 0.0045 solar masses
a1 sin i = 211.2 +/- 5.7 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 2 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 557.8 days = 1.7 periods

f(M) = 0.00690 +/- 0.00038 solar masses
a1 sin i = 26.74 +/- 0.47 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 773.8 days = 9.5 periods

f(M) = 0.000247 +/- 0.000042 solar masses
a1 sin i = 3.45 +/- 0.19 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 6 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1195 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.460 +/- 0.025 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.395 +/- 0.013 solar masses
q = 0.86 +/- 0.02
a sin i = 32.61 +/- 0.47 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.30

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 8 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 12 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 4790.0 days = 19.3 periods

f(M) = 0.0440 +/- 0.0024 solar masses
a1 sin i = 40.81 +/- 0.73 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 4894.7 days = 1.7 periods

f(M) = 0.0275 +/- 0.0098 solar masses
a1 sin i = 177. +/- 22. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 3 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2067.5 days = 1.2 periods

f(M) = 0.0122 +/- 0.0015 solar masses
a1 sin i = 95.4 +/- 4.4 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 4 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 7068.7 days = 1.8 periods

f(M) = 0.00055 +/- 0.00012 solar masses
a1 sin i = 58.6 +/- 4.4 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 3636.0 days = 7.4 periods

f(M) = 0.097 +/- 0.010 solar masses
a1 sin i = 84.0 +/- 2.8 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 8 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 4845.8 days = 1.7 periods

f(M) = 0.0611 +/- 0.0040 solar masses
a1 sin i = 235.5 +/- 5.5 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 3 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 6564.0 days = 8.1 periods

f(M) = 0.00157 +/- 0.00047 solar masses
a1 sin i = 29.5 +/- 3.0 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1685 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.236 +/- 0.018 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.1939 +/- 0.0094 solar masses
q = 0.82 +/- 0.03
a sin i = 132.5 +/- 2.8 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.35

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 0 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 4 km/s



Time span of observations = 1826 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.906 +/- 0.030 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.799 +/- 0.022 solar masses
q = 0.88 +/- 0.02
a sin i = 204.8 +/- 2.0 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.50

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 6 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 4 km/s



Time span of observations = 416 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.797 +/- 0.035 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.611 +/- 0.015 solar masses
q = 0.765 +/- 0.015
a sin i = 11.07 +/- 0.13 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.12

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 12 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 0 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2637.9 days = 87.4 periods

f(M) = 0.000178 +/- 0.000045 solar masses
a1 sin i = 1.60 +/- 0.13 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 5 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2975.0 days = 16.2 periods

f(M) = 0.0325 +/- 0.0049 solar masses
a1 sin i = 30.2 +/- 1.5 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 8 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 4044.2 days = 2.8 periods

f(M) = 0.0029 +/- 0.0011 solar masses
a1 sin i = 53.5 +/- 6.9 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 618.9 days = 36.6 periods

f(M) = 0.00105 +/- 0.00013 solar masses
a1 sin i = 1.961 +/- 0.083 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 2 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Preliminary orbit

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 6986.9 days = 0.8 periods

f(M) = 0.059 +/- 0.013 solar masses
a1 sin i = 476. +/- 53. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2741.3 days = 13.3 periods

f(M) = 0.0343 +/- 0.0016 solar masses
a1 sin i = 33.22 +/- 0.53 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 6 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Preliminary orbit

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5420.1 days = 0.8 periods

f(M) = 0.0100 +/- 0.0032 solar masses
a1 sin i = 228. +/- 37. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Preliminary orbit

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5434.1 days = 0.8 periods

f(M) = 0.0531 +/- 0.0050 solar masses
a1 sin i = 405. +/- 43. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 5 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 3949.3 days = 1.4 periods

f(M) = 0.0131 +/- 0.0017 solar masses
a1 sin i = 134.7 +/- 6.1 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Preliminary orbit

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5434.1 days = 0.4 periods

f(M) = 0.0133 +/- 0.0036 solar masses
a1 sin i = 405. +/- 187. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 5 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 892.7 days = 27.6 periods

f(M) = 0.0044 +/- 0.0012 solar masses
a1 sin i = 4.89 +/- 0.45 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 8 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 2653 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.721 +/- 0.052 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.607 +/- 0.024 solar masses
q = 0.84 +/- 0.03
a sin i = 47.81 +/- 0.92 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.15

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 6 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 12 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1793.0 days = 85.4 periods

f(M) = 0.001286 +/- 0.000059 solar masses
a1 sin i = 2.424 +/- 0.037 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 4 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 3013 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.682 +/- 0.032 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.580 +/- 0.020 solar masses
q = 0.85 +/- 0.02
a sin i = 73.70 +/- 0.98 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.30

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 6 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 8 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1895.8 days = 6.0 periods

f(M) = 0.0578 +/- 0.0080 solar masses
a1 sin i = 52.8 +/- 2.4 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 10 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1865.8 days = 1.6 periods

f(M) = 0.0430 +/- 0.0079 solar masses
a1 sin i = 112.8 +/- 6.9 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 6 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 888.9 days = 18.0 periods

f(M) = 0.00515 +/- 0.00052 solar masses
a1 sin i = 6.81 +/- 0.23 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 4 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Preliminary orbit

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 6698.8 days = 0.7 periods

f(M) = 0.057 +/- 0.011 solar masses
a1 sin i = 511. +/- 79. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 8 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5178.7 days = 98.1 periods

f(M) = 0.00504 +/- 0.00013 solar masses
a1 sin i = 7.062 +/- 0.060 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 2 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1353.3 days = 1.5 periods

f(M) = 0.0262 +/- 0.0038 solar masses
a1 sin i = 81.3 +/- 4.4 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 5 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1975 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.647 +/- 0.011 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.5396 +/- 0.0074 solar masses
q = 0.83 +/- 0.02
a sin i = 72.97 +/- 0.35 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.10

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 0 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 0 km/s



Time span of observations = 5858 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 1.09 +/- 0.21 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.84 +/- 0.14 solar masses
q = 0.77 +/- 0.06
a sin i = 962 +/- 64 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.25

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 2 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 4 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 3662.9 days = 2.1 periods

f(M) = 0.0764 +/- 0.0036 solar masses
a1 sin i = 179.1 +/- 2.9 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 2 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1510.8 days = 3.8 periods

f(M) = 0.0293 +/- 0.0017 solar masses
a1 sin i = 48.84 +/- 0.90 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 2244 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.432 +/- 0.018 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.400 +/- 0.011 solar masses
q = 0.92 +/- 0.02
a sin i = 84.21 +/- 0.98 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.40

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 2 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 2 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 3446.6 days = 5.6 periods

f(M) = 0.0101 +/- 0.0041 solar masses
a1 sin i = 45.8 +/- 6.1 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 8 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1118 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.0740 +/- 0.0038 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.0686 +/- 0.0025 solar masses
q = 0.93 +/- 0.03
a sin i = 13.66 +/- 0.19 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.50

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 4 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 10 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 986.1 days = 2.1 periods

f(M) = 0.00078 +/- 0.00018 solar masses
a1 sin i = 16.2 +/- 1.3 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5075.2 days = 1.5 periods

f(M) = 0.060 +/- 0.017 solar masses
a1 sin i = 262. +/- 25. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 2 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 3298.0 days = 1.5 periods

f(M) = 0.0179 +/- 0.0048 solar masses
a1 sin i = 131. +/- 15. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 6 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 4790.9 days = 1.2 periods

f(M) = 0.0232 +/- 0.0014 solar masses
a1 sin i = 205.0 +/- 5.5 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 1 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5525.0 days = 1.2 periods

f(M) = 0.0090 +/- 0.0011 solar masses
a1 sin i = 167.3 +/- 7.0 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 6 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1247.8 days = 46.6 periods

f(M) = 0.03088 +/- 0.00031 solar masses
a1 sin i = 8.219 +/- 0.027 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 23 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5230.0 days = 1.2 periods

f(M) = 0.00374 +/- 0.00099 solar masses
a1 sin i = 119. +/- 11. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 360.0 days = 47.8 periods

f(M) = 0.002936 +/- 0.000087 solar masses
a1 sin i = 1.612 +/- 0.016 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 4988 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.454 +/- 0.037 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.422 +/- 0.024 solar masses
q = 0.93 +/- 0.04
a sin i = 663 +/- 16 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.40

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 0 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 0 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 4608.3 days = 1.1 periods

f(M) = 0.0296 +/- 0.0030 solar masses
a1 sin i = 230.8 +/- 8.7 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 353.0 days = 7.2 periods

f(M) = 0.01405 +/- 0.00060 solar masses
a1 sin i = 9.45 +/- 0.14 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5076.9 days = 2.1 periods

f(M) = 0.00428 +/- 0.00091 solar masses
a1 sin i = 86.0 +/- 6.3 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 3 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1421.0 days = 6.0 periods

f(M) = 0.0064 +/- 0.0015 solar masses
a1 sin i = 20.9 +/- 1.6 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 8 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1326.6 days = 68.4 periods

f(M) = 0.00213 +/- 0.00016 solar masses
a1 sin i = 2.720 +/- 0.067 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 7300.9 days = 1.1 periods

f(M) = 0.0108 +/- 0.0030 solar masses
a1 sin i = 223. +/- 26. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 7 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 4046.9 days = 2.5 periods

f(M) = 0.00414 +/- 0.00099 solar masses
a1 sin i = 64.9 +/- 5.3 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 2 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 4037.9 days = 9.2 periods

f(M) = 0.0962 +/- 0.0044 solar masses
a1 sin i = 77.6 +/- 1.2 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 8 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 4833.8 days = 1.8 periods

f(M) = 0.00643 +/- 0.00098 solar masses
a1 sin i = 104.6 +/- 5.3 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1394.0 days = 29.3 periods

f(M) = 0.01619 +/- 0.00050 solar masses
a1 sin i = 9.725 +/- 0.099 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 4 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1538.4 days = 2.3 periods

f(M) = 0.00307 +/- 0.00024 solar masses
a1 sin i = 33.00 +/- 0.83 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 2 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1524.8 days = 18.8 periods

f(M) = 0.0794 +/- 0.0049 solar masses
a1 sin i = 23.60 +/- 0.48 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 1 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1898.7 days = 35.9 periods

f(M) = 0.00201 +/- 0.00021 solar masses
a1 sin i = 5.21 +/- 0.18 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 658.0 days = 9.2 periods

f(M) = 0.0171 +/- 0.0012 solar masses
a1 sin i = 13.00 +/- 0.30 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 3 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 4494.8 days = 1.5 periods

f(M) = 0.086 +/- 0.017 solar masses
a1 sin i = 270. +/- 19. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 7029.8 days = 3.1 periods

f(M) = 0.0048 +/- 0.0020 solar masses
a1 sin i = 85. +/- 12. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 7 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 185.6 days = 9.0 periods

f(M) = 0.00918 +/- 0.00015 solar masses
a1 sin i = 4.623 +/- 0.025 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5198.1 days = 1.1 periods

f(M) = 0.041 +/- 0.010 solar masses
a1 sin i = 285. +/- 43. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 3460.7 days = 10.0 periods

f(M) = 0.215 +/- 0.011 solar masses
a1 sin i = 86.6 +/- 1.4 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 4 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1614.6 days = 5.9 periods

f(M) = 0.00728 +/- 0.00025 solar masses
a1 sin i = 23.96 +/- 0.28 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 6 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1111 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.741 +/- 0.028 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.581 +/- 0.013 solar masses
q = 0.78 +/- 0.01
a sin i = 27.61 +/- 0.28 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.15

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 0 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 0 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2934.9 days = 24.2 periods

f(M) = 0.0100 +/- 0.0053 solar masses
a1 sin i = 15.5 +/- 2.7 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 1 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Preliminary orbit

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5176.9 days = 0.8 periods

f(M) = 0.0055 +/- 0.0014 solar masses
a1 sin i = 173. +/- 30. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 1 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 159 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.861 +/- 0.011 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.7631 +/- 0.0063 solar masses
q = 0.886 +/- 0.006
a sin i = 32.43 +/- 0.11 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.30

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 0 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 0 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 3214.2 days = 1.8 periods

f(M) = 0.063 +/- 0.020 solar masses
a1 sin i = 173. +/- 19. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 5 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 3680.0 days = 9.2 periods

f(M) = 0.0369 +/- 0.0041 solar masses
a1 sin i = 52.7 +/- 2.0 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 1 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 381.9 days = 6.3 periods

f(M) = 0.00268 +/- 0.00022 solar masses
a1 sin i = 6.28 +/- 0.17 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5280.3 days = 1.5 periods

f(M) = 0.00071 +/- 0.00018 solar masses
a1 sin i = 60.0 +/- 5.3 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 554.7 days = 7.3 periods

f(M) = 0.00377 +/- 0.00014 solar masses
a1 sin i = 8.17 +/- 0.10 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 3 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 3242.0 days = 4.4 periods

f(M) = 0.00470 +/- 0.00043 solar masses
a1 sin i = 39.9 +/- 1.2 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2165.0 days = 11.2 periods

f(M) = 0.00208 +/- 0.00038 solar masses
a1 sin i = 12.52 +/- 0.78 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Preliminary orbit

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5438.1 days = 6.8 periods

f(M) = 0.00043 +/- 0.00036 solar masses
a1 sin i = 18.9 +/- 5.3 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2605.8 days = 1.4 periods

f(M) = 0.0228 +/- 0.0038 solar masses
a1 sin i = 124.7 +/- 9.0 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 3006.0 days = 1.5 periods

f(M) = 0.0201 +/- 0.0068 solar masses
a1 sin i = 125. +/- 14. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 5 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 879.8 days = 259.5 periods

f(M) = 0.01408 +/- 0.00018 solar masses
a1 sin i = 1.5954 +/- 0.0069 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 9 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1188.8 days = 52.6 periods

f(M) = 0.0351 +/- 0.0033 solar masses
a1 sin i = 7.66 +/- 0.24 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Preliminary orbit

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5229.7 days = 1.0 periods

f(M) = 0.0212 +/- 0.0035 solar masses
a1 sin i = 239. +/- 14. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 4 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 4518.8 days = 1.5 periods

f(M) = 0.00882 +/- 0.00051 solar masses
a1 sin i = 128.3 +/- 2.5 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 6893.0 days = 5.5 periods

f(M) = 0.00116 +/- 0.00054 solar masses
a1 sin i = 35.6 +/- 5.7 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Preliminary orbit

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5410.0 days = 0.9 periods

f(M) = 0.0222 +/- 0.0090 solar masses
a1 sin i = 274. +/- 84. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Radial velocities in original publication were omitted by mistake.
They have been included here.

Time span of observations = 4032 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.684 +/- 0.095 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.673 +/- 0.063 solar masses
q = 0.98 +/- 0.07
a sin i = 398 +/- 15 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.50

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 7 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 10 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 3142.3 days = 1.8 periods

f(M) = 0.070 +/- 0.010 solar masses
a1 sin i = 176.8 +/- 9.0 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 1 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 3419.7 days = 1.2 periods

f(M) = 0.0058 +/- 0.0016 solar masses
a1 sin i = 104.7 +/- 10.0 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 1 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1857.9 days = 31.0 periods

f(M) = 0.0116 +/- 0.0014 solar masses
a1 sin i = 10.15 +/- 0.40 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 5 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1930 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.0683 +/- 0.0016 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.0618 +/- 0.0012 solar masses
q = 0.91 +/- 0.01
a sin i = 14.64 +/- 0.10 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.40

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 4 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 6 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2705.8 days = 1.1 periods

f(M) = 0.0263 +/- 0.0027 solar masses
a1 sin i = 159.8 +/- 6.6 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2013.7 days = 1043.4 periods

f(M) = 0.0955 +/- 0.0016 solar masses
a1 sin i = 2.075 +/- 0.012 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 37 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1854 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.4920 +/- 0.0052 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.4738 +/- 0.0039 solar masses
q = 0.963 +/- 0.005
a sin i = 12.187 +/- 0.037 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.70

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 6 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 6 km/s



Time span of observations = 2978 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.231 +/- 0.018 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.212 +/- 0.017 solar masses
q = 0.92 +/- 0.04
a sin i = 100.3 +/- 2.5 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.65

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 0 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 0 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2110.1 days = 2.0 periods

f(M) = 0.0252 +/- 0.0019 solar masses
a1 sin i = 88.3 +/- 2.2 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 4 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 4465 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.554 +/- 0.017 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.519 +/- 0.014 solar masses
q = 0.94 +/- 0.02
a sin i = 264.7 +/- 2.5 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.60

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 4 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 2 km/s



Preliminary orbit

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5360.1 days = 2.3 periods

f(M) = 0.0168 +/- 0.0029 solar masses
a1 sin i = 131.1 +/- 7.5 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 4 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 4046.8 days = 13.3 periods

f(M) = 0.000127 +/- 0.000041 solar masses
a1 sin i = 6.67 +/- 0.72 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 1 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2221.9 days = 23.3 periods

f(M) = 0.0186 +/- 0.0025 solar masses
a1 sin i = 16.19 +/- 0.73 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5821.0 days = 4.9 periods

f(M) = 0.00173 +/- 0.00021 solar masses
a1 sin i = 39.4 +/- 1.6 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 4 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1858.9 days = 40.0 periods

f(M) = 0.00175 +/- 0.00024 solar masses
a1 sin i = 4.55 +/- 0.21 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 4 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1209.6 days = 83.4 periods

f(M) = 0.04422 +/- 0.00033 solar masses
a1 sin i = 6.155 +/- 0.015 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 8 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 4766.1 days = 1.5 periods

f(M) = 0.0410 +/- 0.0036 solar masses
a1 sin i = 218.5 +/- 7.0 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5117.0 days = 273.1 periods

f(M) = 0.00533 +/- 0.00045 solar masses
a1 sin i = 3.61 +/- 0.10 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 6610.9 days = 43.8 periods

f(M) = 0.000109 +/- 0.000036 solar masses
a1 sin i = 3.96 +/- 0.44 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 3330 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.859 +/- 0.044 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.831 +/- 0.040 solar masses
q = 0.97 +/- 0.03
a sin i = 646 +/- 10 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.90

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 4 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 4 km/s



Time span of observations = 1226 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.456 +/- 0.010 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.4223 +/- 0.0071 solar masses
q = 0.93 +/- 0.01
a sin i = 13.634 +/- 0.087 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.70

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 5 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 10 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2845.0 days = 14.1 periods

f(M) = 0.000136 +/- 0.000046 solar masses
a1 sin i = 5.18 +/- 0.58 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 1 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1977.8 days = 1.2 periods

f(M) = 0.0373 +/- 0.0019 solar masses
a1 sin i = 135.1 +/- 2.5 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 3737.9 days = 2.1 periods

f(M) = 0.0135 +/- 0.0010 solar masses
a1 sin i = 103.4 +/- 2.8 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Original velocities published by Mazeh et al. (1995),

Time span of observations = 3396 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.478 +/- 0.036 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.447 +/- 0.034 solar masses
q = 0.93 +/- 0.02
a sin i = 472. +/- 12. x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.60

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 4 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 4 km/s



Time span of observations = 4856 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.579 +/- 0.026 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.467 +/- 0.017 solar masses
q = 0.82 +/- 0.02
a sin i = 32.38 +/- 0.43 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.15

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 4 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 2 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 4866.7 days = 1.2 periods

f(M) = 0.0510 +/- 0.0046 solar masses
a1 sin i = 274.8 +/- 8.9 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 5 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Preliminary orbit

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 6683.8 days = 1.0 periods

f(M) = 0.5 +/- 6.1 solar masses
a1 sin i = 840. +/- 3103. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 9 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5091.0 days = 3.4 periods

f(M) = 0.0653 +/- 0.0048 solar masses
a1 sin i = 155.3 +/- 4.0 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 4 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 484.8 days = 2.3 periods

f(M) = 0.00531 +/- 0.00053 solar masses
a1 sin i = 17.94 +/- 0.61 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2625.0 days = 29.9 periods

f(M) = 0.0314 +/- 0.0028 solar masses
a1 sin i = 18.24 +/- 0.54 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 4540.6 days = 1.3 periods

f(M) = 0.0904 +/- 0.0047 solar masses
a1 sin i = 308.6 +/- 6.1 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 3 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1471.0 days = 8.2 periods

f(M) = 0.00778 +/- 0.00093 solar masses
a1 sin i = 18.43 +/- 0.74 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 4434.9 days = 24.2 periods

f(M) = 0.00145 +/- 0.00020 solar masses
a1 sin i = 10.69 +/- 0.48 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 3 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1218.9 days = 1.9 periods

f(M) = 0.00779 +/- 0.00089 solar masses
a1 sin i = 43.0 +/- 1.8 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 1 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 4578.7 days = 1.2 periods

f(M) = 0.0809 +/- 0.0079 solar masses
a1 sin i = 314. +/- 11. x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 3003.9 days = 66.1 periods

f(M) = 0.01013 +/- 0.00051 solar masses
a1 sin i = 8.07 +/- 0.14 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 1 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 156.9 days = 18.1 periods

f(M) = 0.0311 +/- 0.0011 solar masses
a1 sin i = 3.885 +/- 0.047 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 1559 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.250 +/- 0.012 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.2296 +/- 0.0083 solar masses
q = 0.92 +/- 0.02
a sin i = 52.01 +/- 0.72 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.60

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 6 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 6 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1618.7 days = 19.0 periods

f(M) = 0.0943 +/- 0.0036 solar masses
a1 sin i = 25.80 +/- 0.33 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2684.8 days = 1.9 periods

f(M) = 0.0809 +/- 0.0050 solar masses
a1 sin i = 159.4 +/- 4.1 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2328.6 days = 169.6 periods

f(M) = 0.05873 +/- 0.00089 solar masses
a1 sin i = 6.526 +/- 0.033 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 7 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 999 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.499 +/- 0.070 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.351 +/- 0.028 solar masses
q = 0.70 +/- 0.05
a sin i = 20.85 +/- 0.80 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.15

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 6 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 15 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 3094.8 days = 8.8 periods

f(M) = 0.00414 +/- 0.00045 solar masses
a1 sin i = 23.46 +/- 0.83 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 1 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2252.0 days = 2.6 periods

f(M) = 0.00341 +/- 0.00059 solar masses
a1 sin i = 40.4 +/- 2.4 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 1 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1153.9 days = 6.1 periods

f(M) = 0.0173 +/- 0.0018 solar masses
a1 sin i = 25.09 +/- 0.88 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 5 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 4719 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.648 +/- 0.061 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.567 +/- 0.036 solar masses
q = 0.88 +/- 0.04
a sin i = 316.0 +/- 8.3 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.30

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 0 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 0 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1281.3 days = 10.6 periods

f(M) = 0.000085 +/- 0.000017 solar masses
a1 sin i = 3.14 +/- 0.21 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 771.9 days = 7.3 periods

f(M) = 0.0540 +/- 0.0028 solar masses
a1 sin i = 24.74 +/- 0.43 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 1 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 5171.8 days = 106.3 periods

f(M) = 0.002198 +/- 0.000066 solar masses
a1 sin i = 5.073 +/- 0.051 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 0 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2276.8 days = 9.9 periods

f(M) = 0.0115 +/- 0.0016 solar masses
a1 sin i = 24.8 +/- 1.2 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 2 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Time span of observations = 4563 days

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.609 +/- 0.039 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.547 +/- 0.028 solar masses
q = 0.90 +/- 0.03
a sin i = 153.2 +/- 2.8 x 10**6 km

Light ratio L2/L1 = 0.60

Rotational velocities: v1 sin i = 4 km/s
                       v2 sin i = 2 km/s



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 1586.7 days = 2.8 periods

f(M) = 0.0261 +/- 0.0052 solar masses
a1 sin i = 58.9 +/- 3.9 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 2 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 2895.1 days = 7.2 periods

f(M) = 0.0053 +/- 0.0025 solar masses
a1 sin i = 27.8 +/- 4.4 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 8 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).



Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector
                       T = Tillinghast reflector
                       M = MMT

Time span of observations = 448.7 days = 17.3 periods

f(M) = 0.00114 +/- 0.00014 solar masses
a1 sin i = 2.68 +/- 0.11 x 10**6 km

Rotational velocity v sin i = 1 km/s

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.14 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).











































M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.531 +/- 0.011 Msun
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.524 +/- 0.012 Msun
q = M2/M1 = 0.987 +/- 0.014
a1 sin i = 12.14 +/- 0.13 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 12.30 +/- 0.11 x 10**6 km
a sin i = 35.12 +/- 0.25 Rsun

Rotational velocity of primary = 28 km/s
Rotational velocity of secondary = 22 km/s


MWO = Mt. Wilson Observatory
DDO = David Dunlap Observatory
KPNO = Kitt Peak National Observatory

The period was determined from all the radial velocities, but the
other elements were determined only with the KPNO velocities.

The criteria of Lucy and Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that the
circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the eccentric-orbit
solution.  Thus, the value of T is NOT a time of periastron passage but
is T_0, a time of maximum positive velocity.

The primary is a chromospherically active star.  The secondary is probably
an M dwarf.

a1 sin i = 1104000 +/- 6000 km
f(m) = 0.0118 +/- 0.002 solar masses

DDO = David Dunlap Observatory
KPNO = Kitt Peak National Observatory

The period was determined from all radial velocities, but the other
elements were determined only from the KPNO velocities.  The velocity
of HJD 2445784 was give zero weight because of its 3 sigma residual.

Three typographical errors were found in this data set and have
been corrected, the velocity residual for HJD 2434111.846 and the
velocity and its residual for HJD 2447244.882.

The primary is a chromospherically active star.

a1 sin i = 5600000 +/- 73000 km
f(m) = 0.0202 +/- 0.0008 solar masses


This system is a chromospherically active binary and a BY Draconis

a1 sin i = 5430000 +/- 20000 km
a2 sin i = 5450000 +/- 30000 km
M1 (sin)3 i = 0.547 +/- 0.005 solar masses
M2 (sin)3 i = 0.545 +/- 0.004 solar masses

MO = McDonald Obseratory
FO = Fick Observatory
KPNO = Kitt Peak National Observatory

The criteria of Lucy and Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that the
circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the eccentric-orbit
solution.  Thus, the value of T is NOT a time of periastron passage but
is T_0, a time of maximum positive velocity.

The primary is a chromospherically active star, while the secondary
is a DA white dwarf that was detected at ultraviolet wavelengths by
Simon, Fekel, and Gibson (1985, ApJ, 295, 153).

a1 sin i = 5570000 +/- 100000 km
f(m) = 0.0021 +/- 0.0001 solar masses

MO = McDonald Observatory
FO = Fick Observatory
KPNO = Kitt Peak National Observaotry

The criteria of Lucy and Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that the
circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the eccentric-orbit
solution.  Thus, the value of T is NOT a time of periastron passage but
is T_0, a time of maximum positive velocity.

As shown in Figure 2 of the paper by Fekel et al., the center of mass
velocity listed in Table V should be negative rather positive.  In
addition, the velocity for JD 2445242 should be positive rather than

The primary is a chromospherically active star.

a1 sin i = 22620000 +/- 240000 km
f(m) = 0.287 +/- 0.009 solar masses

Chromospherically active binary. The four blended velocities of the primary
and secondary have been given zero weight.

a1 sin i = 21060000 +/-  80000 km
a2 sin i = 23430000 +/- 100000 km

m1 sin(3) i = 0.9865 +/- 0.0094 solar masses
m2 sin(3) i = 0.8866 +/- 0.0076 solar masses


Radial velocities in this table are referred to the center of mass of the
binary system, with V = -18 km/s. V0_true = -15.7 km/s.

Orbital elements are given according Table II from Skul'skii
(1993AstL...19..160S) because some errors were made in present paper.

Oribital elements of secondary component are following: T0 = 48136.6(+-1.0),
V0 = -0.6(+-0.8) km/s, V0_true = -18.6(+-0.8) km/s, e = 0.07(+-0.03),
w = 261(+-2)


Radial velocities in this table are referred to the center of mass of the
binary system, with V = -18 km/s. V0_true = -15.8 km/s.

Oribital elements of secondary component are following: T0 = 48395.7(+-0.6),
V0 = -0.9(+-0.5) km/s, V0_true = -18.9(+-0.5) km/s, e = 0.04(+-0.08),
w = 273(+-1)

Orbital parameters for both components were calculated from data of the two
seasons: 1991 published by Skul'skii (1992SvAL...18..287S) and 1992 (this

Orbital elements calculated from data of 1992 only are following: P = 12.9377,
T01 = 48743.5(+-0.6), T02 = 48745.1(+-0.6), V01 = 1.0(+-0.7) km/s, V02 =
-0.9(+-0.5) km/s, V01_true = -17.0(+-0.7)  km/s, V02_true = -18.9(+-0.5) km/s,
K1 = 189.7(+-1.0) km/s, K2 = 43.3(+-0.6) km/s, e1 = 0.02(+-0.01), e2 =
0.04(+-0.09), w1 = 54(+-1), w2 = 277(+-1), rms1 = 0.73, rms2 = 0.49


Authors have combined their observations with observations of
Campbell (1928) and Frost et al. (1926). Every coathors used differnt
telescope and spectrometer , but the velocity offset found for
each data set is 1 km/s or less.


In the paper T0 = 51000.066 : it is a time when observed velocity equals
systemic velocity.


The parameters of a circular orbit fit to the radial velocities
measured from both spectral lines: H_alpha and He I 6678.

In the paper T0 = 51240.855 : it is a time when observed velocity equals
systemic velocity.


Authors measured radial velocities from 49 spectra of H_alpha line.
They did not publish these velocities.
V0 measured for the second component equals to -1.4 km/s.
T0 is a time when the observed velocity equals systemic velocity.

The value of P was taken from Billeres et al. (2000, ApJ 530, 441)
The time T0 corresponds to the point in the orbit when the sdB star (a
visible companion) is closest to the observer.
The value of V0 =-13.9 is obtained from H_alpha line, there is another value
of V0 = -12.2 (with err 3.7) obtained from HeI 6678 line.
Authors measured radial velocities from 25 spectra obtained.
They did not publish these velocities.

P, e and w were taken from Lacy (1993, AJ 105, 637).
V0 measured for the second component equals to -23.7 km/s with the error
of 1.9 km/s.

P, e and w were taken from Lacy (1993, AJ, 105, 1096).
V0 of secondary component equals to -10.6 km/s with the error of 1.6 km/s.

V0 measured for the second component equals to -15.8 km/s with the error
of 0.5 km/s.
Author did not publish the value of T0.

T, w, e were adopted from the photometric solution.
V0 measured for the second component equals to 44.9 km/s with the  error
of 0.6 km/s
P was taken from Ziegler (1965, Mitt. Ver. Sterne, 2, 185)

V0 measured for the second component equals to -25.4 km/s with the  error
of 0.7 km/s
P was taken from Gulmen et al.(1988, AApS 73, 255)

Author assumed that the third component exist from analysis of photometric

Authors measured radial velocities using 103 spectrograms;
they did not publish these velocities.
In the paper w equals to -0.066 rad.
T0 is the time when the observed velocity equals to the systemic velocity.



Crimea means that the observations have been made at 2.6 m telescope
of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.
SOFIN means that the observations have been made with the SOFIN echelle
spectrograph at 2.56 m Nordic Optical Telescope, La Palma

In the paper T0=50342.883 corresponds to the conjuction with the primary
in the back.

T, e, w were taken from the photometric orbit.
P was taken from ephemeris curve solution.
The value of V0 for the secondary component is -15.0+- 1.0 km/s.

From analysis of the H_alpha line profiles, authors find antiphased radial
velocity variations of the emission component and the photospheric
absorption. They asssumed that absortion-line spectrum is associated with a
more massive primary, while the travelling emission component originates in
a region around a less massive secondary.

Orbital elements  derived for secondary component are following:
V0=-1.6+-0.1 km/s;  P=84.135+-0.004.


Orbital elements were calculated by combining measurements from this paper
with those from Abt & Snowden (1973, ApJS 25, 137), Aikman (1976, Publ.
Dominion Astrophys. Obs. 14, 379), and Tomkin et al. (1995, AJ 109, 780).
The authors weighted 53 their values according to estimated uncertaintes for
the primary (2 km/s) and the secondary (5 km/s).


Radial-velocity curves were constructed from 52 spectrograms. Author did not
published the values of Vr. The orbital elements were calculated in two
models: a circular orbit and an elliptical orbit.

There are another set of elements of primary component derived from FeI
(V0=-10.0 km/s; K=29.5 km/s) and from Ca, Sc, Cr (V0=-2.2 km/s; K=31.5 km/s)

V0 derived for secondary component is -5.7+-0.3 km/s.


Radial-velocity curves were constructed from 52 spectrograms. Author did not
published the values of Vr. The orbital elements were calculated in two
models: a circular orbit and an elliptical orbit.

There are another set of elements of primary component derived from FeI
(V0=-7.7 km/s; K=29.8 km/s; e=0.191; w=179.1) and from Ca, Sc, Cr
(V0=-0.2 km/s; K=33.1 km/s; e=0.155; w=57.2) separately.

Orbital elements  derived for secondary component are following:
V0=-6.0+-0.3 km/s; e=0.097+-0.02; w=260.1+-2.5.

The high eccentricity of primary's orbit is the result of the
absence of observations near phi_orb=0.9 to 0.0.

The system is a visual binary, and its primary star is a chromospherically
active, single-lined binary, making the system triple. The unseen
secondary of the short-period binary is likely an M dwarf, while the
visual binary secondary is probably a K3 dwarf.

a1 sin i = 4356000 +/- 15000 km
f(m) = 0.01018 +/- 0.00011 solar masses

No RV published.





M1 (sin i)**3 = 2.481 +/- 0.023 Msun
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.515 +/- 0.011 Msun
q = M2/M1 = 0.2076 +/- 0.0032
a1 sin i = 5.148 +/- 0.079 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 24.799 +/- 0.079 x 10**6 km
a sin i = 43.03 +/- 0.15 Rsun

Orbit and radial velocities superseded by results in



M1 (sin i)**3 = 2.486 +/- 0.028 Msun
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.516 +/- 0.010 Msun
q = M2/M1 = 0.2076 +/- 0.0031
a1 sin i = 5.151 +/- 0.074 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 24.814 +/- 0.094 x 10**6 km
a sin i = 43.05 +/- 0.17 Rsun

Due to an oversight the elements and derived quantities reported for
the circular orbit in the original publication (Table 2, last column)
are incorrect, and should be replaced by these.

Orbit and radial velocities superseded by results in



Orbital parameters for the absorption lines.
NV emission line gives K = 157 km/s and V0 = 219 ks/sec with
considerably larger scatter.


Calculations based in 73 photographic spectrograms.
Orbital elements are for HeI 3888 absorption.
CIV and NV emissions give smaller velocity amplitudes with larger scatter
and systemic velocities of 65 and 135 km/s, respectively.
Longer periods of 55 and 64 days are also possible, giving eccentric orbits.


Circular elements for CIII-IV emission lines.
HeII, NV and NIV emissions give slightly different solutions.


Primary elements from HeII absorption lines; secondary from OIV emission.
Minimum masses of 7 and 5 solar masses, respectively.
Systemic velocity of OIV emission is -371 km/s.


Primary elements from absorption line spectrum; secondary from NV
4603-19 emission (systemic velocity 9 km/s).
Minimum masses of 4 and 2 solar masses, respectively.
Orbital parameters for HeII emission similar to those of NV.


Orbital elements for HeII 4686 emission.
NV 4603-19 emission gives larger semiamplitude (320 km/s) and
different systemic velocity (204 km/s).


Orbital parameters for NIV 4058 emission.
O-C values are given as errors.
T is the time of conjunction with the WR star in front of the system.
Minimum masses derived from this solution and the O-type absorptions
are 36 and 26 solar masses, respectively.


Orbital parameters for the NIV 5203 absorption line.
O-C values from the orbital fit given as errors.
T is the time of conjunction with the WR star in front of the system.
Minimum masses derived from this solution and the O-type absorptions
are 40 and 33 solar masses, respectively.


Orbital parameters for the HeII 4686 emission line.
O-C values from the orbital fit given as errors.
T is the time of conjunction with the WR star in front of the system.
Minimum masses derived from this solution and the O-type absorptions
are 28 and 14 solar masses, respectively.


Orbital parameters for the NV 4604 PCyg absorption.
O-C values from the orbital fit given as errors.
T is the time of conjunction with the WR star in front of the system.
Minimum masses derived from this solution and the O-type absorptions
are 34 and 44 solar masses, respectively.


Orbital parameters for the average of the O-type Hydrogen absorption lines.
O-C values from the orbital fit given as errors.
T is the time of conjunction with the WR star in front of the system.


Radial velocities and orbital parameters for the NIV 4058 emission line.
T is the time of passage through the systemic velocity V0 from positive to
negative radial velocity.
Multiple system with at least four stars.


Radial velocities and orbital parameters for the  NV 4604 absorption line.
T is the time of passage through the systemic velocity V0 from positive to
negative radial velocity.
Multiple system with at least four stars.


Radial velocities and orbital parameters for the  average of
H absorption lines.
T is the time of passage through the systemic velocity V0 from positive to
negative radial velocity.
Multiple system with at least four stars.


Radial velocities and orbital parameters for the HeII 4686 emission line.
T is the time of passage through the systemic velocity V0 from positive to
negative radial velocity.
Multiple system with at least four stars.


Radial velocities and orbital parameters for the average of HeII
absorption lines.
T is the time of passage through the systemic velocity V0 from positive to
negative radial velocity.
Multiple system with at least four stars.


Radial velocities and orbital parameters for the average of HeI
absorption lines probably originated in a close visual companion,
also of binary nature.
T is the time of passage through the systemic velocity V0 from positive to
negative radial velocity.
Multiple system with at least four stars.
SB9 note: Typo corrected in K1.


Radial velocities and orbital parameters for the HeII 4686
emission line.
A phase lag of approximately 1 day is observed between this
radial velocity orbit and that derived from the average of
the O6 component absorptions.


Radial velocities and orbital parameters for the
average of the He absorpion lines in the O6 spectrum.
A phase lag of approximately 1 day is observed between this
radial velocity orbit and that derived from the HeII 4686
WN emission.


The period and epoch are adopted from Andersen et al. (1984)
[1984A&A...137..281A], and are based on eclipse timings.

M1 (sin i)**3 = 1.454 +/- 0.008 Msun
M2 (sin i)**3 = 1.448 +/- 0.008 Msun
q = M2/M1 = 0.9955 +/- 0.0035
a sin i = 16.763 +/- 0.029 Rsun



T is the time of maximum radial velocity.
O-C values from the orbital fit are given as radial velocity errors.
Orbital solution coincident with previous determinations by
Abt et al.(1972ApJ...171..259A) and
Crampton et al. (1976ApJ...204..502C).


O-C values from the orbital fit are given as radial velocity errors.


O-C values from the orbital fit are given as radial velocity errors.
SB9 comment: omega should be read 164 instead of 16 as in the paper.


O-C values from the orbital fit are given as radial velocity errors.


O-C values from the orbital fit are given as radial velocity errors.
SB9 comment: T0 was changed in order to match the observations


O-C values from the orbital fit are given as radial velocity errors.


SB9 comment: T0 was changed in order to match the observations.


O-C values from the orbital fit given as errors.


O-C from the orbital fit given as errors.


O-C from orbital fit given as errors.




H56 = Heard 1956, PDDO, 2, 107
C79 = Carquillat, Nadal, Ginestet, & Pedoussaut 1979, A&A, 74, 113
SF92 = This paper = Stockton & Fekel 1992, MNRAS, 256, 575

The criteria of Lucy and Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that the
circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the eccentric-orbit
solution.  Thus, the value of T is NOT a time of periastron passage but
is T_0, a time of maximum positive velocity.

Element uncertainties listed in the original paper for this system are
roughly a factor of 5 too large.  Correct uncertainties are now listed.

The primary is a G2 V chromospherically active star. Stockton and Fekel
estimated a spectral type of about K5 V for the secondary from the mass
of the primary and the mass ratio.  They also determined vsini = 31 km/s
for the primary.


SF92 = This paper = Stockton & Fekel 1992, MNRAS, 256, 575

Harper's (1932, PDAO, 7, 1) earlier radial velocities were used only
to improve the orbital period.

The criteria of Lucy and Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that the
circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the eccentric-orbit
solution.  Thus, the value of T is NOT a time of periastron passage but
is T_0, a time of maximum positive velocity.

The primary is an Am star. Abt and Morrell (1995, ApJS, 135, 172)
classified it as A7/F0/F2 based on its Ca II K line, hydrogen lines,
and metal lines, respectively.  Stockton and Fekel have estimated a
spectral type of about F6 V for the secondary from the expected mass
of the primary and the mass ratio.  They also determined vsini =
10 km/s for the primary.


SF92 = This paper = Stockton & Fekel 1992, MNRAS, 256, 575

The radial velocities of Abt and Levy (1985, ApJS, 59, 232) were
used only to improve the orbital period.

The primary is an Am star. Abt and Morrell (1995, ApJS, 135, 172)
classified it as A4/A5/A7 based on its Ca II K line, hydrogen lines,
and metal lines, respectively.  Stockton and Fekel have estimated
a spectral type of about F1 V for the secondary from the expected
mass of the primary and the mass ratio.  The vsini value of 48 km/s
given by Abt and Morrell is much larger than the value of 9 km/s
determined by Stockton and Fekel.

SB85 = Salzer & Beavers 1985, PASP, 97, 637
Aetal85 = Andersen et al. 1985, A&A, 59, 15
SF92 = This paper = Stockton & Fekel 1992, MNRAS, 256, 575

Element uncertainties listed in the original paper for this system are
roughly a factor of 4 too large.  Correct uncertainties are now listed.

The vsini of the primary is 8 km/s


P22 = Plaskett 1922, PDAO, 1, 113
MM87 = Mayor & Mazeh 1987, A&A, 171, 157
BE86 = Beavers & Eitter 1986, ApJS, 62, 147
SF92 = This paper = Stockton & Fekel 1992, MNRAS, 256, 575

The criteria of Lucy and Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that the
circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the eccentric-orbit
solution.  Thus, the value of T is NOT a time of periastron passage but
is T_0, a time of maximum positive velocity.

Element uncertainties listed in the original paper for this system are
roughly a factor of 2 too large.  Correct uncertainties are now listed.

The primary is an F8 V chromospherically active binary. Stockton and
Fekel estimated a spectral type of about K6 V for the secondary
from the mass of the primary and the mass ratio. They also determined
vsini = 15 km/s for the primary.


H56 = Heard 1956 PDDO, 2, 107
I69 = Imbert 1969, A&A, 3, 272
BE86 = Beavers & Eitter 1986, ApJS, 62, 147
SF92 = This paper = Stockton & Fekel 1992, MNRAS, 256, 575

The criteria of Lucy and Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that the
circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the eccentric-orbit
solution.  Thus, the value of T is NOT a time of periastron passage but
is T_0, a time of maximum positive velocity.

Element uncertainties listed in the original paper for this system are
roughly a factor of 4 too large.  Correct uncertainties are now listed.

The primary is a G5 V chromospherically active binary. Stockton and
Fekel estimated a spectral type of about K6 V for the secondary from
the mass of the primary and the mass ratio. They also determined
vsini = 8 km/s for the primary.


Wright and Pugh (1954, Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs. 9, 407) got P = 5.42906.

K variations have been detected relative to Sanford's (1921, ApJ 53, 201)
elements. The system has a faint companion.

Comparison with Lucy and Sweeney (1971, AJ 76, 544) work indicates
a possible K1 variation.

The value for the period was derived by combining the authors' elements
with T0 of Northcott and Wright (1952, J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Canada 46, 11).

The authors derived the value for the period P by combining their elements with
T0 of Lucy and Sweeney (1971, AJ 76, 544), based on Harper's (1925, Publ.
Dom. Astrophys. Obs. 3, 189) measurements.

The authors got e = 0.002 +-0.005 and adopted a circular orbit.
According to detection of K variation the presence of third component
is possible.


HD 95638 is a member of the quadruple system.

Petrie (1959, Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs. 6, 365) got e=0.087+-0.027.
The authors got e=-0.004+-0.011 and adopted a circular orbit.
The old orbit elements were recalculated using Petrie's measurements,
assuming e=0. Then the value for the period P was calculated by
combining derived T0 for the 1959 epoch and the authors' elements.



This is a spectroscopically triple system.

Comparison with the measurements of Petrie and Laidler (1952, Publ. Dom.
Astrophys. Obs. 9, 181) indicates possible K and e variations.



The value for the period  was derived by combining the authors' elements
and Sanford's observations (1924, ApJ 59, 356). T0 was recalculated by
authors for his radial velocities assuming e=0.


VRcorr means that observed radial velocities have been corrected of the V0
variations to allow the determination of orbital elements at the epoch T0.

Comparision with Petrie's work (1937, Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs. 6, 365)
indicates a possible K variation. The eccentricity has been changed as
Petrie got e = 0.213+-0.016.

McKellar and Reeves (1953 Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs. 9, 399) got
e = 0.034 +- 0.008. The authors recalculated T0 for radial velocities
of McKellar and Reeves assuming e = 0. Then the value for the period P
was calculated by combining derived T0 and the authors' elements.

The value for the period was derived by using also T0 of Lucy
and Sweeney (1971, AJ 76, 544) which is based on Harper's (1938,
Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs. 7, 141) observations.

The value for the period was derived by using also Duncan's
(1921, ApJ 54, 226) T0.

The value for the period was derived by using also Heard's
(1966, J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Canada 60, 128) T0.
The authors suggest that V0 velocity is changing, so HD 131861 is probably
a spectroscopic triple system. The given V0 is for JD = 2444500.
VRcorr means that the observed radial velocities have been corrected of the
V0 variation to allow the determination of orbital elements at the epoch T0.

K variation has been detected.
There are two measurements of the faint visual component (HD 134646 B):
  JD 	          Vr	Err
45433.630	-1.71	0.57
45436.578	-1.95	0.51

K variation has been detected.

K variation has been detected.
The authors suggest that HD 144515 includes two close spectroscopic binaries:
HD 144515A with a period of about 4 days and the new HD 144515B (see SB9)
with a period of about 11 days. They are physically connected as their V0
velocity differs by about 1 km/s.

The authors suggest that HD 144515 includes two close spectroscopic binaries:
HD 144515A with a period of about 4 days (see SB9) and the new HD 144515B
with a period of about 11 days. They are physically connected as their V0
velocity differs by about 1 km/s.

The value of P was derived by combining T0 of Sanford (1926, ApJ 64, 172)
with the authors' elements.

The value of P was derived by combining the authors' elements
with T0 of Luyten (1936, ApJ 84, 85), based on Turner's (1907, Lick Obs.
Bull. 4, 163) observations.

The value of P was derived by combining the authors' elements
with T0 of Harper (1925, Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs. 3, 189).

The value of P was derived by combining the authors' elements
with T0 of Lucy and Sweeney (1971, AJ 76, 544), based on
Northcott's (1947, Pub. David Dunlop Obs. 1, 369) observations.

The value of P was derived by combining the authors' results with
T0 of Lucy and Sweeney (1971, AJ 76, 544), based on Plaskett's
(1919 Pub. Dom. Astrophys. Obs 1, 113) observations.

V0 was found to vary. The value of V0 is given for T0.
VRcorr means that the observed radial velocities have been corrected of the
V0 variation to allow the determination of orbital elements at the epoch T0.

The value of P was derived by using the value of Lucy and
Sweeney (1971, AJ 76, 544) for T0, based on observations of
McKellar and Patten (1940, Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs. 7, 239).


SZ Lyncis is an ultrashort-period, 0.12 day, pulsating variable.
The authors measured 69 radial velocities; then they used velocity curves
from Bardin and Imbert (1981, AAp 98, 198 ) as master curves to determine
the mean velocities for seven epochs.

To determine the orbital elements authors used the photometric and
spectroscopic data in a combined iterative solution.


The giant primary star in the system is a Mira variable.

The value of period, 44 years, was assumed and fixed; T0 and w were fixed in
To calculate orbital elements authors used their observations and thirteen
previously published velocities from Merrill (1950, ApJ 112, 314 ),
Jacobsen and Wallerstein (1975, PASP 87, 269), Wallerstein (1986, PASP 92,
275 ).


Radial-velocity measurements were made with cross-correlation techniques or
by manually measuring individual line shifts ("line by line")

Radial-velocity measurements were made with cross-correlation techniques or
by manually measuring individual line shifts ("line by line")

The eccentricity was found to be within two standart deviations of zero and
was taken to be zero.

Authors used following published data to calculate orbital elements:
Fekel et al. (1986, ApJS 60, 551), Balona (1987, SAAO Circ. 11, 1),
Bopp (1983, private comm.).

Authors assumed the value of "e" to be equal zero. T0 and w were taken from
Balona (1987).



The radial velocities were measured at the McDonald Observatory (McDonald)
with the 2.7 m or 2.1 m  telescope and coude spectrograph,  or at the Kitt
Peak National Observatory (KPNO) with a coude feed telescope.

Authors also made a combined solution with their data and velocities
measured at the David Dunlap Observatory and Lick Observatory (Kamper and
Beardsley 1987, AJ 94, 1302). Orbital elements are following: P = 4614.0 +- 0.7;
T0 = 39382.7 +- 1.6; V0 = -12.23 +- 0.08 km/s; e = 0.893 +- 0.002;
w = 312.6 +- 0.9; K1 = 12.1 +- 0.1 km/s.



McD means that the observations were made on a 2.7 m telescope at McDonald
Observatory. All other observations were made on a 1.5 m telescope at
Palomar Observatory.

The preliminary period was determined from solution of primary velocities
from this paper and the published primary velocities combined. This period
was then fixed in the solution for orbital elements.

K2 must be regarded as provisional, not final, because of possible
underestimation of the real error in K2.


The preliminary period was determined from solution of primary velocities
from this paper and the published primary velocities combined. This period
was then fixed in the solution for orbital elements.

K2 must be regarded as provisional, not final, because of possible
underestimation of the real error in K2.

Orbital elements obtained by using secondary velocities only are following:
V0 = -9.2(+-3.9) km/s, K2 = 66.5(+-3.9) km/s.



This is a spectroscopically triple system.
Comment column contains the  radial velocities of the tertiary.

This IAU radial velocity standard star is a spectroscopic binary
with a low-mass companion.

This IAU radial velocity standard star is a spectroscopic binary
with a low-mass companion.

This is IAU radial velocity standard star.
Authors consider their orbital solution to be preliminary.

To calculate the orbital elements authors combined 3 new velocities
with 29 old primary velocities published by Duquennoy et al. (1991, AApS 88,

To calculate the orbital elements authors combined 3 new velocities
with 35 old primary velocities published by Mayor and Turon
(1982, AAp 110, 241).

The relative orbital elements were calculated via a simultaneous fit
to the relative astrometric and primary radial velocity data.
The authors did not publish the radial velocity data.

Authors combined the new radial velocities of the primary and the
secondary with the primary measurements published by Latham et al.
(2002, AJ 124, 1144) to solve the orbital parameters.
They did not publish the radial velocity data.

Authors combined the new radial velocities of the primary and the
secondary with the primary measurements published by Latham et al.
(2002, AJ 124, 1144) to solve the orbital parameters.
They did not publish the radial velocity data.

Authors combined the new radial velocities of the primary and the
secondary with the primary measurements published by Duquennoy and
Mayor (1991, AAp 248, 485) to solve the orbital parameters.
They did not publish the radial velocity data.

Authors combined the new radial velocities of the primary and the
secondary with the primary measurements published by Duquennoy and
Mayor (1991, AAp 248, 485) to solve the orbital parameters.
They did not publish the radial velocity data.
Authors consider their results to be preliminary.

The radial velocities were taken from the archive of IUE observations.
The measured velocities are close to absolute values, but are best
taken as relative.

The value of eccentricity was fixed.

There are the separate single-component solutions.
For primary: P=2.7290(fixed), T0=48603.566(+-0.004), e=0.0293(fixed),
w= 351.0(fixed), K1=210.7(+-1.3) km/s, V0=-2.9(+-1.1) km/s, rms1=4.4 km/s
For secondary: P=2.7290(fixed), T0=48603.562(+-0.003), e=0.0293(fixed),
w=171.0(fixed), K2=230.8(+-1.2) km/s, V0=-4.5(+-1.1) km/s, rms2=4.0 km/s


There is a separate solution for the primary star alone:
P=1.446262(+-0.000011), T0=48102.622(+-0.119), e=0.037(+-0.015),
w=151.4(+-29.1), K1=158.2(+-2.2) km/s, V0=-8.1(+-1.9) km/s, rms1=6.0 km/s

The radial velocities were taken from the archive of IUE observations.
The measured velocities are close to absolute values, but are best
taken as relative.


There is a separate solution for the primary star alone:
P=3.902456(fixed), T0=48883.874(+-0.058), e=0.063(+-0.004),
w=237.2(+-5.1), K1=147.8(+-0.7) km/s, V0=-15.5(+-0.5) km/s, rms1=2.3 km/s

The radial velocities were taken from the archive of IUE observations.
The velocities are relative but the zero point has been adjusted to
bring them close to absolute values.

There are the separate  solutions.
For primary: P=4.002439(fixed), T0=49302.832(+-0.012), K1=154.6(+-2.1) km/s,
V0=4.9(+-1.4) km/s, rms1=7.1 km/s
For secondary: P=4.002439(fixed), T0=49300.789(+-0.008), K2=289.7(+-2.3) km/s,
V0=4.9(+-1.6) km/s, rms2=7.2 km/s

The radial velocities were taken from the archive of IUE observations.
The measured velocities are close to absolute values, but are best
taken as relative.


There are the separate single-component solutions.
For primary: P=3.4142765(fixed), T0=48259.329(+-0.006), K1=232.7(+-1.9) km/s,
V0=-12.1(+-1.5) km/s, rms1=4.8 km/s
For secondary: P=3.4142765(fixed), T0=48261.043(+-0.005), K2=256.5(+-1.8) km/s,
V0=-10.2(+-1.4) km/s, rms2=4.6 km/s

The radial velocities were taken from the archive of IUE observations.
The measured velocities are close to absolute values.



The value of K2 was adopted.

There is the solution in which P, e, w, and T0 have been set at the values
obtained from the X-ray timing analysis (Deeter et al. 1987, ApJ 314, 634)
P=8.964353(fixed), T0=43957.89(fixed), e=0.090(fixed), w= 332.8(fixed),
K1=17.1(+-1.5) km/s, V0=-3.4(+-1.0) km/s, rms1=6.6 km/s

There is the solution of using velocities measured when the small-aperture
spectrum of the standard was employed.
P=8.964353(fixed), T0=43957.89(fixed), e=0.090(fixed), w=332.8(fixed),
K1=18.7(+-1.9) km/s, V0=0.5(+-1.2) km/s, rms1=8.3 km/s

The radial velocities were taken from the archive of IUE observations.
The measured velocities are close to absolute values.


HD 206267 A is a spectroscopic triple system.
Measurements of the very weak secondary are not certain enough to be used in
the determination of the orbital elements.
The radial velocities were taken from the archive of IUE observations.

The radial velocities were taken from the archive of IUE observations.
The zero-point of radial velocities is arbitrary, but approximately equal
to zero.

These radial velocites have been used also to solve for the elements
of a circular orbit: P=7.84826(fixed); T0=43874.768(+-0.047);
K1=77.1(+-3.4) km/s; V0=-40.5(+-2.2) km/s


The radial velocities were taken from the archive of IUE observations.
In the orbital elements derived by authors V0 is "arbitrary".

The radial velocites for 1985 only have been used  to solve for the elements
of a circular orbit: P=3.4118(fixed); T0=46165.438(+-0.023);
K1=5.05(+-0.25) km/s; V0=arbitrary

The radial velocities were taken from the archive of IUE observations.

The secondary velocities have been given weights of 0.4 for those data
close to periastron, 0.2 for those around phase 0.3, and 0.1 for those
close to phase 0.7, while all of the primary data have been given
weights of 1.0.

There is a separate solution for the primary star alone:
P=6.08209(+-0.00038), T0=44113.817(+-0.026), e=0.46(+-0.02),
w=15.4(+-2.1), K1=144.5(+-3.3) km/s, V0=28.8(+-1.8) km/s, rms1=6.5 km/s

The radial velocities  were taken from the archive of IUE observations.
They all have been adjusted to the adopted systemic velocity, V0, taken from
Curtiss R.H. (1914, Publ. Michigan Obs. 1, 118)

The authors also analysed all published data and calculated the following
orbital elements: P=5.732824(+-0.000050), T0=30802.02(+-0.09),
K1=97.9(+-0.9) km/s, e=0.087(+-0.009), w=49.9(+-5.5), V0=20.3(adopted) km/s


Since even at the higher dispersions and at times of maximum or minimum
velocity, signatures of the secondary component were not obvious, the lines
were measured as though they were single using parabola fitting.
To improve the data set the authors used four lines only in final solution
that appeared to behave well consistently: HI at 4101 A and 4340 A, He I
at 4388 A and 4471 A.

All available archival material has also been reexaminated.



The comment means:
NSO - the observations were obtained at National Solar Observatory;
KPNO - the observations were obtained at Kitt Peak National Observatory;
Fleming - the observations were taken from Fleming et al. (1989AJ.....98..692F);
Latham -the observations were taken from Latham et al. (1988AJ.....96..567L)

This is the spectroscopic triple star with two (short and long) periods and
orbits. The standard error of an observation of unit weight is 1.0 km/s.



The comment means:
NSO - the observations were obtained at National Solar Observatory;
KPNO - the observations were obtained at Kitt Peak National Observatory;
Fleming - the observations were taken from Fleming et al. (1989AJ.....98..692F);
Latham -the observations were taken from Latham et al. (1988AJ.....96..567L).

This is the spectroscopic triple star with two (short and long) periods and
orbits. The standard error of an observation of unit weight is 1.0 km/s.

A time of conjunction with the primary behind the secondary is
HJD 2446348.080.



The comment means:
NSO - the observations were obtained at National Solar Observatory;
KT2 - the observations were obtained at Kitt Peak National Observatory.

The standard error of an observation of unit weight is 0.6 km/s.


The comment means:
KT2 - the observations were obtained at Kitt Peak National Observatory using
800x800 TI CCD;
KF - the observations were obtained at Kitt Peak National Observatory using
3096x1024 F3KB CCD.

The standard error of an observation of unit weight is 0.15 km/s.

A time of conjunction with the primary behind the secondary is HJD 2449311.371.


The comment means:
NSO - the observations were obtained at National Solar Observatory;
KR, KT2, KFA - the observations were obtained at Kitt Peak National
Observatory using different detectors;
MR - the observations were obtained at McDonald Observatory of the
University of Texas;
Dadonas - the observations were taken from Dadonas (1994, private comm.);
Donati -the observations were taken from Donati et al. (1997MNRAS.291..658D).

The standard error of an observation of unit weight for the primary
is 0.7 km/s.



The comment means:
KFA, KF, KR, KT1, KT2 - the observations were obtained at Kitt Peak National
Observatory using different detectors;
NSO - the observations were obtained at National Solar Observatory;
MR - the observations were obtained at McDonald Observatory of the
University of Texas.

This is the spectroscopic triple star with two (short and long) periods and
orbits, but only one component shows both long- and short-period orbital

The standard error of an observation of unit weight is 1.3 km/s.



The comment means:
KFA, KF, KR, KT1, KT2 - the observations were obtained at Kitt Peak National
Observatory using different detectors;
NSO - the observations were obtained at National Solar Observatory;
MR - the observations were obtained at McDonald Observatory of the
University of Texas.

This is the spectroscopic triple star with two (short and long) periods and
orbits, but only one component shows both long- and short-period orbital

The standard error of an observation of unit weight is 1.3 km/s.

A time of conjunction in the short-period orbit with the primary behind
the secondary is HJD 2450195.909.


The comment means:
KF, KT1, KT2 - the observations were obtained at Kitt Peak National
Observatory using different detectors;
NSO - the observations were obtained at National Solar Observatory.

Authors combined 18 new velocities with those published by Fekel et al.
(1989, AJ 97, 202)

The standard error of an observation of unit weight is 1.2 km/s.

A time of conjunction with the primary behind the secondary is HD 2447312.447.


The comment means:
KF, KT2 - the observations were obtained at Kitt Peak National
Observatory using different detectors;
ESO - the observations were obtained at European Southern Observatory, La Silla

The period was fixed from circular solution received using new observations
and data from the literature.

The standard error of an observation of unit weight is 3.0 km/s.


The comment means:
KF, KT1, KT2 - the observations were obtained at Kitt Peak National
Observatory using different detectors;
ESO - the observations were obtained at European Southern Observatory, La Silla

The standard error of an observation of unit weight is 0.6 km/s.

A time of conjunction with the primary behind the secondary is HD 2448226.377.



The comment means:
KF, KT2 - the observations were obtained at Kitt Peak National Observatory
using different detectors;
NSO - the observations were obtained at National Solar Observatory.

The standard error of an observation of unit weight is
0.6 km/s.



The comment means:
NSO - the observations were obtained at National Solar Observatory;
Harper - the observations were taken from Harper (1920, Publ. Dominion Astroph.
Obs. 1, 203) and Harper (1935, Publ. Dominion Astroph. Obs. 6, 207);
Olah - the observations were taken from Olah et al. (1998, A&Ap 330,559).

The standard error of an observation of unit weight is 0.9 km/s.

The radial velocities were taken from the archive of IUE observations.
All velocities were adjusted to give adopted systemic velosity of -18 km/s.

There are the separate single-component solutions. The period has been fixed
at 78.519 for all solutions.

a) For O9I star using six lines:T=43606.7(+-4.9), e=0.29(+-0.10), w=258(+-23),
V0=-11.0(+-13.1) km/s, K=42.9(+-4.7) km/s, rms=17.0 km/s

b) For O9I star using two NIII lines:T=43599.3(+-3.1), e=0.50(+-0.16), w=235(+-23),
V0=-18.0(+-4.3) km/s, K=37.1(+-6.6) km/s, rms=22.8 km/s

c) For WR star using ten lines:T=43597.6(+-0.8), e=0.59(+-0.03), w=43(+-7),
V0=-18.0(fixed) km/s, K=121.1(+-5.5) km/s, rms=20.1 km/s

The radial velocities were taken from the archive of IUE observations.
The measured velocities are close to absolute values, probably to an
accuracy of about 2 km/s.

There are the separate single-component solutions.
For primary: P=2.9963(fixed), T0=48040.665(+-0.062), e=0.072(+-0.009),
w=146.6(+-7.9), K1=237.8(+-1.8) km/s, V0=-70.2(+-1.4) km/s, rms1=4.2 km/s
For secondary: P=2.9963(fixed), T0=48040.904(+-0.035), e=0.129(+-0.009)
w=356.6(+-4.8), K2=233.7(+-2.0) km/s, V0=-61.9(+-1.4) km/s, rms2=4.4 km/s


This star is component A of the close visual binary ADS 16800 AB.
Component C, V = 9.5 mag, is separated from AB by about 19 arcsec.
The velocities were obtained when the visual system, which has a
period of 49 years, was near apastron.

Many velocities of the primary and secondary have been given zero
weight in the final orbital solution because of blending problems
with the lines of component B, which is also a double lined binary.
The weights of the velocities were not included in the published
paper.  All velocities are shown in the current orbital plot.


The star is component B of the close visual binary ADS 16800 AB.
Component C, V = 9.5 mag, is separated from AB by about 19 arcsec.
The velocities were obtained when the visual system, which has a
period of 49 years, was near apastron.

Many velocities of the primary and secondary have been given zero
weight in the final orbital solution because of blending problems
with the lines of component A, which is also a double lined binary.
The weights of the paper were not included in the published paper.
All velocities are shown in the current orbital plot.

SAAO = Balona, 1987, SAAO Circ., 11, 1
McD = McDonald Observatory, this paper
KPNO = Kitt Peak National Observatory, this paper

Because of their large residuals three velocities have been
given zero weight in the solution, one from McD and two
from SAAO.  The velocities from the SAAO obtained on
JD 2444235 and 2444639 have extremely large residuals, and so
it is likely that those observations contain typographical
errors in the original publication or should be attributed to
another star.

The criteria of Lucy and Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate
that the circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the
eccentric-orbit solution.  Thus, the value of T is NOT a time of
periastron passage but rather is T_0, a time of maximum positive

The primary is a chromospherically active star.


McD = McDonald Observatory
KPNO = Kitt Peak National Observatory

Velocities of JD 2,444,180 and 2,444,894 had 3-sigma residuals
and were given zero weight in the final solution.

The tests of Lucy and Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that
the eccentric-orbit solution is to be prefered.

The primary is a chromospherically active star.



Coravel = DeMedeiros and Udry, 1999, A&A, 346, 532)
McD =  McDonald Observatory, this paper
KPNO = Kitt Peak National Observatory, this paper

The primary is a chromospherically active star.


- T0: apparent emission-line inferior  conjunction given in the paper,
change to periastron

- epsilon= (P_sh - P_orb)/P_orb = 0.0332 0.0006,
  where P_sh= superhump period; P_orb= orbital period.



The superhump period excess  implied by this choice is epsilon=0.049
+- 0.003, while  the mean relationship from Thorstensen  et al. (1996,
PASP,108,73) predicts epsilon=0.033 at this P.



The detection of the secondary is suggests that the period is fairly
long. Consistent with this expectation, the velocity periodogram shows
that the  orbital period cannot be  of the gap;  the leading candidate
period  is 0.2391 +-  0.0004. Bad  observational conditions  left this
period determination slightly ambigous.





- Period obtained from photometry.

- Orbital elements obtained from H-alpha emission



- Period obtained from photometry.

- Orbital elements obtained from H-alpha emission (binned)



- Period obtained from photometry.

- To expedite readout, the data were binned on chip to 2x2 pixels and a
region of 512x512 (binned) pixels was read.

- Orbital elements obtained from H-alpha emission (binned)

- V0_2= 38 +- 11,  for secondary component (Absortion; binned)

- From H-alpha emission: K1=116+-5, V0=18+-4, rms=19



- Orbital elements using H-alpha lines of all observing runs.

- Because the  velocity curve departs substantially  from the sinusoid
assumed in the period search,  the contrast between the best candidate
frequencies and  their aliases  is not as  strong as one  might expect
from the  time distribution of  the data. The non-sinusoidal  shape of
the velocity  curve also varied  noticeably from one observing  run to
the other,  inducing extra  scatter when all  three were  combined and
further  reducing the selectivity  of the  global period  search.  The
best  frequencies selected  by the  velocities  are near  9.5 or  10.5
1/day.   The modulation seen  in the  photometry gives  an independent
ephemeris constraint.  The interval  between the deeper minima seen in
the March and June runs was 80.889 +- 0.004 (estimated uncertainty)



-Orbital elements obtained using H-alpha line observed in March 2001



-Orbital elements obtained using H-alpha line observed in May 2001



-Orbital elements obtained using H-alpha line observed in June 2001



-Orbital elements obtained using absortion line.



-Simbad coordinates: 19 10 53.3 +28 56 22 (2000)

- Our spectra are from two observing runs. The discovery on 1994 May 1
UT occurred  on the penultimate night  of the first run;  on the final
night  (May 2)  we  obtained  seventeen 600-s  spectra, spanning  3.2
hours. We returned to the object  1997 June 29 July 2, and obtained 35
more exposures using the 2.4  m telescope, modular spectrograph, and a
SITe 20482 CCD detector.

While the uncertainty in P should be realistic, we caution that V0 and
(especially) K1 in cases where  they can be checked, are often serious
mis-estimates of  the systemic velocity and  radial velocity amplitude
of  the  white  dwarf,  so  they  should be  viewed  only  as  fitting

A fit to the 1994 data alone with the period fixed at 0.1429 d yielded
K1 =  114 +-  9 km/s,  V0 =  -48 +-6 km/s,  and rms1  = 23  km/s.  The
improved  rms1 probably reflects  the somewhat  brighter state  of the
star during the 1994 observations.  The time interval between the 1994
and 1997 data sets is so long  that there is no unique choice of cycle
count between them,  but if one assumes phase  coherence, the two runs
constrain the period to P = (1155.745+- 0.003 d)/N; where N = 8090+-55
is  an integer.  The uncertainty  in N  keeps P  within +-  3 standard
deviations of the value above.



-T0 is the epoch of apparent inferior conjunction of the line source.

- The study by Kraft, R. P., Krzeminski, W., and Mumford, G. S., 1969,
ApJ, 158,  589 (KKM) did define  a phase tied  to the red star  in the
system;  this  red-star  phase  should  have a  more  direct  physical
interpretation  than  the  emission-line  phase. KKM  noted  that  the
emission lines  are not  precisely 180 degrees  out of phase  with the
absorption (presumed to represent the  red star), but rather lag by an
additional 0.017 d (some 20 degrees of phase). The ephemeris quoted in
KKM's equation (1) is for the inferior conjunction of the red star; if
we assume that the 0.017 d  offset still holds, we find for an updated
red-star    ephemeris:   Red_star_inferior_conjunction    =   JD_{sun}
2448546.855 + 0.2898406(2) E, where  E is the integer cycle count. For
completeness we give here Emission-line inferior conjunction = JD{sun}
2448547.0174 + 0.2898406(2) E.



-Orbital elements  from re-fit  the H{alpha} velocities  from Robinson
(1973,ApJ, 186, 347)

-The good agreement between the K and V0 velocities in the two studies
gives us confidence that our phases may be compared directly.



- Data from 1989 Nov.

- Our  period is  consistent  with Ratering  et al.,  1993,A&A,268,694
(RDB) period 0.1633  (11) d, and our smaller  uncertainty reflects our
longer time base.



- Data from Oct + Nov 1989.

- Individual  observing runs were  pre-adjusted to  V0=0. The  fits to
combined runs depart only slightly from this.

- RDB's 1989 October observations were reasonably near in time to ours
(43 days) so  we were able to place constraints  on the precise period
by  combining period  by combining  the  RBD 1989  october H-beta  and
H-alpha velocities with our 1989 November data, after adjusting all to
a common V0=0 using fits to the individual observing runs.

- The best fit is found at P=0.16264 (2) d, ~1.9 sigma longer than the
period derived from our November data.



- Data from Oct + Nov 1989.

- Individual  observing runs were  pre-adjusted to  V0=0. The  fits to
combined runs depart only slightly from this.

- This  is a  another choice  of  cycle count  gives a  poorer fit  at
P=0.16184 (2)  d ,  formally 8 sigma  shorter than the  period derived
from our November data.



- Data from 1990 Feb.



- Although  KT Per  was  in  outburst in  1990  February, the  H-alpha
emissioni was reasonably strong (as  RBD found in their 1986 data), so
we again measured radial velocities. The periodicity manifested itself
once again. The  outburst data (JD 2447927 and  2447928) were taken 75
75 days  after the  last observations in  quiescence, so we  should in
principle have been able to extrapolate the ephemeris derived from the
43-day  October-November  baseline with  fair  accuracy. We  therefore
attempted  to  combine the  outburst  velocities  coherently with  the
quiescent velocities,  but found  that the two  data sets did  not fit
together gracefully. A period search of the combined data sets yielded
two cadidate periods, 0.162711 (Case 1) and 0.161817 d (Case 3).

- Case 1:  The high-state velocities  are in phase with  the low-state
velocities, the period  is 0.162711 days, and the  low-state data have
conspired to mislead us about uncertainty in the low-state period.

- Individual  observing runs were  pre-adjusted to  V0=0. The  fits to
combined runs depart only slightly from this.



- Case 3: The  low-state data have misled us as  to the correct choice
of cycle  count on the  October-November baseline, and all  data phase

- This is an alternate choice of cycle count.

- Individual  observing runs were  pre-adjusted to  V0=0. The  fits to
combined runs depart only slightly from this.



-There appears to be modulation at a period slightly different from P_orb, but there is heavy aliasing at ~1 cycle d^-1 intervals because the photometric observations covered a small range of hour angle, so we cannot unambigously determina the photometric period. Also, in view of the small redundancy of the data, we cannot be certain of the modulation's reality, and the nonrandom nature of the underlying noise process makes simple quantitative confidence estimaes unrealiable



- Combining  our  revised period  with  the  superhump period  changes
'epsilon' from 0.0141 +- 0.0023  to 0.0204 +- 0.0015. The mean epsilon
- P_orb  relation  from  Thorstensen  et  al. (1996,  PASP,  108,  73)
predicts  epsilon  = 0.0234.  The  revised  period  is therefore  more
consistent with that expected from the superhump period.



-While our 100.10+-0.07 min  period appears secure, with a (one-sided)
discriminatory  power of  972/1000  and a  correctness likehood  again
indistiguishable  from unity,  we  were unable  to  find a  superhumps
period in the literature for comparison.



- T0: Apparent emission-line inferior conjunction, HJD  2,450,000.



- T0: Apparent emission-line inferior conjunction, HJD  2,450,000.



- To search  the period, we used a  least-squares periodogram technique
(Thorstensen et al. 1996,PASP, 108,39).

-While the  uncertainty in P should  be realistic, we  caution that V0
and (especially) K in cases where they can be checked, rarely indicate
the systemic  velocity and radial-velocity semiamplitude  of the white
dwarf. Thus listed values should not be used in dynamical solutions of
the system.

- T0: apparent inferior conjunction of the emission-line source, which
in any case may not trace the white-dwarf motion accurately. Corrected
to "periastron".



- To search  the period we used a  least-squares periodogram technique
(Thorstensen et al. 1996,PASP, 108,39)

-A  search for  a precise  period by  analyzing all  our emission-line
velocities  together   with  the   velocities  used  by   Jablonski  &
Cieslinski, 1992,  A&A, 259, 198  (JC). The period search  showed fine
structure in the  16.08 d^-1 peak arising from the  cycle count in the
~1900  d interval between  JC's observations  and ours.  A Monte-Carlo
simulation showed that this time  series has a discriminatory power of
985/1000 on  this interval, so  the best period is  strongly preferred
but not stablished absolutely.



-We searched for periods in  the radial velocities by creating a dense
grid  of evenly  spaced  trial frequencies  and fitting  least-squares
sinusoids at each frequency. We then plotted 1/sigma^2, where sigma is
the  standard   deviation  of  the   fit,  as  a  function   of  trial
frequency.  At periods selected  by this  method we  fit least-squares

- The periodogram shows a preferred frequency near 6 cycles day^-1. In 1000 Monte-Carlo simulations, the best-fit period was chosen all 1000 times. The alias choice is therefore secure, especially since our period is consistent (within 1.7 sigma) with that of Shafter, Veal, Robinson, 1995, ApJ, 440.(SVR)



- We searched for periods in the radial velocities by creating a dense
grid  of evenly  spaced  trial frequencies  and fitting  least-squares
sinusoids at each frequency. We then plotted 1/sigma^2, where sigma is
the standard deviation  of the fit, as a  function of trial frequency.
At periods selected by this method we fit least-squares sinusoids.

- The orbital period is most likely 0.16490 +- 0.00001 days (3.96 hr),
but  periods of  0.16551  +- 0.00001  days  (3.97 hr)  and 0.16431  +-
0.00001 days (3.94 hr) are not excluded. Those periods have been found
using Monte Carlo simulations.



-We searched for periods in  the radial velocities by creating a dense
grid  of evenly  spaced  trial frequencies  and fitting  least-squares
sinusoids at each frequency. We then plotted 1/sigma^2, where sigma is
the  standard   deviation  of  the   fit,  as  a  function   of  trial
frequency.  At periods selected  by this  method we  fit least-squares

- The periodogram shows a frequency of roughly 6.5 cycles d^-1. In the
Monte  Carlo simulations,  the  best-fit period  was  chosen all  1000
times. The spectrum is unremarkable for a dwarf nova.



- The  emission  lines  move  with  P =  0.115063(1)  days,  which  is
presumably  the underlying  orbital period  of the  binary. Photometry
reveals a  different period, namely, 0.12228(1) days.  The presence of
this wave in a short-period cataclysmic variable, and the value of the
period  excess  at  6.3%,   suggests  identification  as  a  permanent
superhump.  After subtraction of  this large signal, the residual time
series appears to contain a  weak feature at 0.11193(5) days. The star
evidently shows  positive and negative  superhumps simultaneously. Its
binary period puts it among a modest number of nonmagnetic cataclysmic
variables occupying the 2-3 hr period "gap'.



- From velocities of Ha emission lines, we determine an orbital period
of 0.174774 +- 0.000003 days  (=4.1946 hr), which agrees with Szkody's
value of approximately 4.2 hr.  No stable photometric signal was found
at the orbital period. A noncoherent quasi-periodic photometric signal
was seen at a period of minutes. 20.750.3



- Radial velocities from H + He II lines.

- The photometric data described in  Patterson et al. (1993, ApJS, 86,
235) prove  that  both the  short-period  signal  and the  long-period
signal  wander  significantly  in  period.  Neither  agrees  with  the
spectrocopic period. While there is  no proof that P_spec = P_orb, the
fact remains  that the  photometric periods are  known to  be untable,
which certainly disqualifies  them as candidates to be  P_orb. Thus it
seems likely that  the conventional view (P_orb =  P_spec) is correct,
in  which  case  the  two  photometric signals  satisfy  the  defining
criterion for superhumps: slightly unstable periodic features slightly
displaced (+6.5% and -3.1%) from P_orb.



- Radial velocities from He I line.



- Because  most  of  the  "velocity" amplitude  apparently  comes  from
variations in the  line profile, K is not a  reliable indicator of the
motion of either star.

- Although the interval between 1998  January and March is too long to
derive an  unambiguous cycle count, we  can use the phases  at the two
epochs to restrict the period to

	P = (52.32950.009)/N days,

where is an  integer. The uncertainty of N is  chosen to yield periods
within +-2 standard deviations of the fit to the March data alone.



- Orbital elements from  He I line. 3.2. Those  lines were fairly weak
and  not always  measurable, but  they proved  to be  the  most useful
features for orbital period determination.

- The  radial  velocities  indicate  an underlying  binary  period  of
0.1445(2) day;  the long-term cycle  count is not firmly  decided, but
the best choice implies a period  of 0.144464(1) day. The star shows a
moderately low  excitation spectrum with transient  P Cygni absorption
suggestive  of  a  wind   origin,  occasionally  seen  in  cataclysmic
variables accreting at a high  rate. Curiously, the P Cygni absorption
appears correlated  with binary phase  in our two most  extensive data
sets. A photometric wave with day, slightly shorter than , rumbles P =
0.1394(1)  slightly  shorter than  P_orb,  rumbles  through the  light
curve, as well as a low-frequency wiggle at 3.94(6) days.



- Orbital  elements from  H-beta line.  This emission-line  peaks also
gave a discernible orbital signal, but with a lower amplitude than the
He I lines.



- Orbital elements adopted.  The  0.144464 day period is the strongest
in both  sets of velocities and  lies only about  1 standard deviation
from the photometric  prediction. We therefore adopt it  as a fiducial
period but emphasize its nonuniqueness.



- V magnitude extracted from the paper. V Mag. from SIMBAD = 9.11.

- We obtained 12 velocities and  use them in combination with Boopp et
al.'s (1984,ApJ,285,202) KPNO CCD data  from 1983 and Grewing et al.'s
(1989,A&A,223,172)   data  from   1986,  to   recompute   the  orbital
elements.  All observations  were  given equal  weight. Final  orbital
elements  were  derived with  the  differential-correction program  of
Barker et  al. (1967,ROB,No,  130). A first  run with  the preliminary
elements of Bopp et al.  converged at an eccentricity so close to zero
that a  formal zero-eccentricity solution was  adopted. Some residuals
are as large as 9 km s^-1.



- 'e' and 'w' adopted.

- Bopp et al. (1993,AJ  106, 2502) presented a first zero-eccentricity
SB1 orbit and found a period  of 23.9729 +- 0.0022 days from 44 radial
velocities taken between  1985 and 1992.  We add  our 14 velocities to
refine  the   orbital  elements.   The  adopted   velocities  for  our
cross-correlation stars were 3.2 km  s^-11 for beta Gem (K0III), -14.5
km  s^-11  for alpha  Ari  (K2III),  and +54.3  km  s^-1  for HR  8551
(K0III-IV) (Scarfe  et al. 1990,Publ.  Dom.  Astron.  Obs.Victoria 18,
21). No systematic  velocity differences were evident, but  two of the
velocities from Bopp et al. (1993) were given zero weight.



- We obtained 43 radial velocities from our red-wavelength spectra and
find  the  star  to   be  a  single-lined  spectroscopic  binary.  One
additional  velocity of  19:  km s^-1  was  obtained by  Osten &  Saar
(1998,MNRAS  295, 257)  under  the  assumption that  the  star has  no
composite  spectrum. This  velocity deviates  by 15  km s^-1  from our
smallest value  (-4 km s^-1)  and is therefore  not used in  the orbit
computation.  A  single velocity  from  a  blue-wavelength  Ca II  H&K
spectrum from April  1998 (Strassmeier et al. 2000,A&AS  142, 275) was
only used for the period search but not in the orbit determination.

Initially, all  velocities were given  equal weight for  a preliminary
orbital  solution.  Final  orbital  elements  were  derived  with  the
differential-correction program of Barker et al. (1967,ROB No. 130) as
described  in the  update by  Fekel et  al. (1999,A&AS,137,  369). The
solution  with preliminary  elements converged  at an  eccentricity of
0.001  +-  0.01  so  that  a  formal  zero-eccentricity  solution  was
adopted. The standard error of an observation of unit weightwas 1.5 km
s^-1 but two O-C residuals were as large as 4-5 km s^-1 and were given
half weight in the final solution.



- (*): Nights where no  radial-velocity standards were observed. These
velocities rely on a zero-point from the Th-Ar comparison lamp. Nightly
zero-point  corrections  were  applied  from the  measurements  of  the
radial-velocity standard alpha Ari whenever possible.

- Assuming zero  orbital eccentricity (Fekel 1983,ApJ  268, 274; Donati
et al. 1992,A&A 265, 682), we redetermine the orbit.

- We keep orbital  period fixed to the value  originally determined by
Fekel (1983, ApJ 268, 274) and  obtain the phase shift of the superior

HJD_sup.conj. = 2442766.080 + 2.83774xE

where the  zero point  is a time  of superior conjunction  (primary in
front) and the period is the orbital period.

- The tertiary is a fainter K3V star 6" away.

- Throughout  this  paper,  errors  quoted  are  always  the  standard
deviations  computed from  the combined  line-profile  and light-curve
fits and the data; a weight of 0.2 was assigned to the photometry.

- Our   radial   velocities  from   the   NSO  McMath-Pierce   stellar
spectrograph sometimes show arbitrary shifts  of up to 5 km s^-1, most
likely due  to mechanical motion of the  spectrograph components. Such
shifts were also noted in the 1988/89 NSO data of Donati et al. (1992)
attributed to the same  effect and, consequently, our orbital elements
are  of  large  external   uncertainty.  The  O-C's  are  nevertheless
comparable to Fekel's original orbit  from data taken between 1975 and
1981. Despite  the velocity shifts,  the velocity  differences between
the two stellar components should not be affected.



- Comments: central wavelength in angstrom of the line used to measure
the radial velocity. In parethesis the year when data was taken.

- The orbital  period is  estimated by eye  to be  ~10 yrs based  on a
systemic  velocity of  around -19  km s^-1  and a  time  of periastron
passage  in late  1994,  and remains  fixed  throughout the  iterative
solution for the orbital elements.  The formally best solution gives a
standard error of  an observation of unit weight of  1.7 km s^-1, thus
comparable to  our observational uncertainties, but  the O-C residuals
for the  eight velocities from  1991-1993 are systematically  too high
(by  1.2-3.2 km  s^-1).  Thus, we  emphasize  that our  orbit is  just
preliminary and based on a rough estimate of the period.



- Mag1 from SIMBAD = 10.70.

- The rms for each component  give the upper limits of the measurement
uncertainties, because  they contain  the deviations of  the component
velocities from  the simplified model  of circular orbits  without any
proximity   effects  (i.e.   without   allowance  for   non-coinciding
photometric and dynamic centres of the components).

- The  individual   observations,  as  well  as   the  observed  minus
calculated  (O-C) deviations  from  the sine-curve  fitting to  radial
velocities  of individual  components.  In  order to  find appropriate
fitting parameters we assumed only  the value of the period, following
Odell (1996,MNRAS, 282, 373), and determined the mean velocity V0, the
two amplitudes K1 and K2, as well as the moment of the primary minimum



- As  expected, the  moment  of the  primary  minimum is  considerably
different from  predictions based on the existing  ephemerides. As was
shown by Herczeg & Drechsel (1985,Ap&SS,114,1), the rate of the period
change is not constant in SV Cen. Drechsel provided us a new ephemeris
resulting from a combination of the Drechsel and Herczeg data with the
new moment of the primary minimum

JD_hel(pri)= 2443332.9756(18) + 1.6585318(45)E-4.1(2)x10^-8E^2

with the standard deviation of 0.0039 day. It should be noted that the
quadratic term corresponds to an  e-folding time of the orbital period
change of 55000 yr.

-Drechsel et al. on the basis of colours guessed them to be B1V and B6.5III).



- tel1:  Data obtained  with the  1.2m telescope  and its  32121 coude
spectrograph  which  gave a  dispersion  of  10  angstroms/mm and  the
coverage  of only  100 angstroms  with the  FORD CCD  detector  at the
Dominion Astrophysical Observatory.

- tel2:  Data   obtained  with  the  1.8m  telescope   and  the  21121
spectrograph which gave a dispersion of 15 angstroms/mm and wavelength
of 150 and 240 angstroms with the FORD and RCA CCD respectively at the
Dominion Astrophysical Observatory.

- (*)= half weight were given for this data.

- Circular orbit was adopted.

- Orbital solution was made  using the "Bootstrap" (Efron, 1979, Rietz
Lecture, Ann. Statistics,7,1) method. One thousand samples of ramdomly
drawn data points (with repetitions) from the velocities listed led to
one  thousand solutions  for  each component.  By  analyzing the  mean
values  and  dispersions  of  such  distributions  of  solutions,  the
following elements were obtained:  the systemic velocities V0_1= +43.5
+-  1.8  km/s and  V0_2=+44.7  +-  2.7  km/s and  the  semi-amplitudes
K1=109.7 +- 2.1  km/s and K2=185.7 +- 2.7  km/s. This method, however,
helped to  establish the  rms errors of  the solutions  for parameters

- A  linear solution  for the  light  elements was  tried, giving  the
ephemeris as follows:

HJD min I = 2425918.3597(16) +0.71181663(7)E

In the solution, twenty times  higher weights were given to the minima
determined by photometry than to those obtained by visual photographic



- The period 0.3449094 by Cereda et al. (1988,A&AS,76,255) was adopted
and fixed.  The time T0 of  deeper mideclipse by a  quarter of period,
was not  fixed because  the period of  the system seems  not precisely
determined or may be variable.

- A circular orbit was adopted.



- BF Circular:  radial velocities processed using  the newly developed
method of Broading Function (BF) by Rucinski 1992,AJ,104,1968.

- (*)= Blue spectrum centered at the G-Band.

- Three  sets of  orbital  elements were  obtained  from the  separate
solutions of  the velocities  from the BF  and CCF profiles  using the
traditional approach. First,  we used a Gaussian fit  to the component
simple circular orbit. As the program finds the time T of the positive
maximum  velocity of the  primary star,  we added  one quarter  of the
period to  obtain the  photometric initial epoch.  The period  was set
equal  to  the  recently  derived  value of  0.40752779  (Demircan  et
al.,1991,AJ,101,201). Two  solutions based on the BF  and CCF profiles
with  Gaussian  fittings.  We  found  that  our  determination of  the
initial  epoch, T0,  differed slightly  from the  most recent  time of
light minimum HJD  2447569.36214 (Demircan et al.,1991,AJ,101,201) for
the BF and CCF solutions.



The observations obtained on JD 2450578 and 2450927 showed that the
lines of the components were partially blended and so the velocities
from those observations were given zero weight in the final solution.

The criteria of Lucy and Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate
that the circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the
eccentric-orbit solution.  Thus, the value of T is NOT a time of
periastron passage but rather is T_0, a time of maximum positive

Given the spectral types of the two components, both the primary
and secondary are presumably chromospherically active stars.



The elements listed correspond to a joint astrometric-spectroscopic
solution that combines radial velocities with visual and speckle
measurements of the relative position (angular separation and position
angle) of the components.  The remaining elements of the combined
solution are:

Semimajor axis of relative orbit = 0.1005 +/- 0.0019 arc seconds
Position angle of ascending node (J2000) = 216.58 +/- 0.82 degrees
Inclination angle = 124.97 +/- 0.92 degrees

Derived quantities:

Orbital parallax = 21.44 +/- 0.67 milli arc seconds
Linear semimajor axis = 4.688 +/- 0.086 AU
M1 = 1.363 +/- 0.073 solar masses
M2 = 1.253 +/- 0.075 solar masses
q = M2/M1 = 0.919 +/- 0.027

Time span of observations = 37.1 yr



The elements listed correspond to a joint astrometric-spectroscopic
solution that combines radial velocities with interferometric
visibilities. The remaining elements of the combined solution are:

Semimajor axis of relative orbit = 15.378 +/- 0.027 milli arc seconds
Position angle of ascending node (J2000) = 334.960 +/- 0.070 degrees
Inclination angle = 99.364 +/- 0.080 degrees
Magnitude difference in K (CIT system) = 1.056 +/- 0.013
Magnitude difference in H (CIT system) = 1.154 +/- 0.065

Derived quantities:

Orbital parallax = 46.08 +/- 0.27 milli arc seconds
M1 = 0.844 +/- 0.018 solar masses
M2 = 0.6650 +/- 0.0079 solar masses

Magnitude difference in V = 2.4 +/- 0.2 mag



Photometric variability detected in the Hipparcos observations,
presumably corresponding to ellipsoidal variability. The primary
minimum is only 0.05 mag deep in the Hp band.

Derived quantities:

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.05571 +/- 0.00190 Msun
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.01191 +/- 0.00037 Msun
q = M2/M1 = 0.2138 +/- 0.0045
a1 sin i = 0.1587 +/- 0.0027 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 0.7422 +/- 0.0094 x 10**6 km

Time span of observations (days) = 4435

The unpublished radial velocities reported here, on which the
orbit is based, are preliminary.



Derived quantities:

f(M) = 0.00576 +/- 0.00051 MSun
M2 (sin i) = 0.179 (M1+M2)**(2/3) MSun
a1 (sin i) = 21.48 +/- 0.67 x 10**6 km

Time span = 1601 days



Derived quantities:

Light ratio L(sec)/L(prim) = 0.3 at 5187 Angstroms

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.528 +/- 0.033 Msun
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.440 +/- 0.024 Msun
q = M2/M1 = 0.834 +/- 0.024
a1 sin i = 61.0 +/- 1.2 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 73.2 +/- 1.9 x 10**6 km

Time span = 1601 days



Projected rotational velocity (v sin i) of primary = 22 km/s
Projected rotational velocity (v sin i) of secondary = 22 km/s
Light ratio at 5187 Angstroms: L(sec)/L(prim) = 0.66 +/- 0.02

Derived quantities:

M1 (sin i)**3 = 1.1998 +/- 0.0044 Msun
M2 (sin i)**3 = 1.1338 +/- 0.0035 Msun
q = M2/M1 = 0.9450 +/- 0.0020
a1 sin i = 3.9722 +/- 0.0051 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 4.2032 +/- 0.0072 x 10**6 km
a sin i = 11.746 +/- 0.013 Rsun

Time span of observations (days) = 5816

Changes in the orbital elements reported by other authors are not
confirmed by these observations.



The companion of OGLE-TR-113 is a transiting planet.

The period and transit epoch were fixed in the spectroscopic solution
to the values determined from the transit light curve solution:

P = 1.4324758 +/- 0.0000046 days
T = 2452325.79823 +/- 0.00082 (HJD)

Derived quantities:

M2 (sin i) = 1.21 +/- 0.31 x 10**(-3) (M1+M2)**(2/3) MSun



The companion of OGLE-TR-113 is a transiting planet.

The orbital period and transit epoch were adopted from Udalski et al.
(2002): 2002AcA....52..317U



The companion of OGLE-TR-56 is a transiting planet.

The period and transit epoch were fixed in the spectroscopic solution
to the values determined from the transit light curve solution:

P = 1.2119189 +/- 0.0000059 days
T = 2452075.1046 +/- 0.0017 (HJD)

Derived quantities:

M2 (sin i) = 1.33 +/- 0.21 x 10**(-3) (M1+M2)**(2/3) MSun

An offset of -0.192 km/s has been applied to the observations obtained
in 2003 in order to refer them to the same reference frame as those
from the preceding year. This offset was determined along with the
orbital elements of OGLE-TR-56 in a simultaneous solution involving
also observations of two radial-velocity standard stars (HD 179949 and
HD 209458).



Derived quantities:

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.2396 +/- 0.0027 Msun
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.2220 +/- 0.0025 Msun
q = M2/M1 = 0.9265 +/- 0.0063
a1 sin i = 4.191 +/- 0.021 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 4.523 +/- 0.022 x 10**6 km



The orbital period is listed incorrectly in the original publication.
It has been corrected here.

Derived quantities:

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.24069 +/- 0.00091 Msun
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.22535 +/- 0.00082 Msun
q = M2/M1 = 0.936 +/- 0.003
a1 sin i = 4.2234 +/- 0.0063 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 4.5110 +/- 0.0082 x 10**6 km

v sin i for primary = 6 km/s
v sin i for primary = 5 km/s



Projected rotational velocity (v sin i) = 34 km/s

Derived quantities:

f(M) = 0.0041 +/- 0.0034 Msun
M2 (sin i) = 0.1603 * (M1+M2)**(2/3) MSun
a1 sin i = 0.58 +/- 0.16 x 10**6 km

Time span of observations (days) = 1209



Projected rotational velocity (v sin i) of primary = 25 km/s
Projected rotational velocity (v sin i) of secondary = 10 km/s (approx.)
Light ratio at 5187 Angstroms: L(sec)/L(prim) = 0.14 +/- 0.02

Derived quantities:

M1 (sin i)**3 = 1.12 +/- 0.12 Msun
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.831 +/- 0.049 Msun
q = M2/M1 = 0.743 +/- 0.037
a1 sin i = 2.661 +/- 0.024 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 3.58 +/- 0.18 x 10**6 km
a sin i = 8.97 +/- 0.25 Rsun

Time span of observations (days) = 740



The elements listed correspond to a joint astrometric-spectroscopic
solution that combines radial velocities with visual micrometer
measurements and one photographic measurement of the relative position
(angular separation and position angle) of the two components. The
remaining elements of the combined solution are:

Semimajor axis of relative orbit = 0.924 +/- 0.021 arc seconds
Position angle of ascending node (J2000) = 156.4 +/- 5.2 degrees
Inclination angle = 146.9 +/- 4.7 degrees

Derived quantities:

Orbital parallax = 16.6 +/- 2.1 milli arc seconds
M1 = 1.09 +/- 0.41 solar masses
M2 = 0.69 +/- 0.29 solar masses
M1 + M2 = 1.78 +/- 0.58 solar masses
q = M2/M1 = 0.63 +/- 0.29



The system is triple. Derived quantities for inner (double-lined)

M1 (sin i)**3 = 2.558 +/- 0.012 Msun
M2 (sin i)**3 = 2.488 +/- 0.011 Msun
q = M2/M1 = 0.9729 +/- 0.0029
a1 sin i = 14.669 +/- 0.030 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 15.077 +/- 0.031 x 10**6 km
a sin i = 42.739 +/- 0.062 Rsun

The inclination angle "i" is that of the inner orbit.

Derived quantities for outer orbit (comprising the inner double-lined
binary and a more distant unseen companion):

a12 sin i = 49.8 +/- 1.3 x 10**6 km
f(M) = 0.01070 +/- 0.00079 Msun
M3 sin i = 0.2203 (M1 + M2 + M3)**(2/3) Msun

The inclination angle "i" is that of the outer orbit. M3 is the mass
of the third distant companion, and a12 is the semimajor axis of the
orbit of the inner binary.



Projected rotational velocity (v sin i) of primary = 19 km/s
Projected rotational velocity (v sin i) of secondary = 15 km/s
Light ratio at 5187 Angstroms: L(sec)/L(prim) = 0.39 +/- 0.02

Derived quantities:

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.3168 +/- 0.0061 Msun
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.2825 +/- 0.0046 Msun
q = M2/M1 = 0.8917 +/- 0.0099
a1 sin i = 1.746 +/- 0.012 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 1.958 +/- 0.017 x 10**6 km
a sin i = 5.323 +/- 0.030 Rsun

Time span of observations (days) = 1157



Period and epoch of primary minimum fixed from linear ephemeris
based on times of eclipse.

Radial velocities were computed with the two-dimensional
cross-correlation technique TODCOR, using synthetic templates with
rotational broadening corresponding to v sin i = 10 km/s for both
components. Templates with rotational velocities of v sin i = 20 km/s
lead to very similar orbital elements, with only slightly larger

Derived quantities:

M1 (sin i)**3 = 1.268 +/- 0.005 Msun
M2 (sin i)**3 = 1.250 +/- 0.004 Msun
q = M2/M1 = 0.985 +/- 0.002
a1 sin i = 5.163 +/- 0.008 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 5.242 +/- 0.008 x 10**6 km



The system is triple. Derived quantities for inner (double-lined)

M1 (sin i)**3 = 2.558 +/- 0.012 Msun
M2 (sin i)**3 = 2.488 +/- 0.011 Msun
q = M2/M1 = 0.9729 +/- 0.0029
a1 sin i = 14.669 +/- 0.030 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 15.077 +/- 0.031 x 10**6 km
a sin i = 42.739 +/- 0.062 Rsun

The inclination angle "i" is that of the inner orbit.

Derived quantities for outer orbit (comprising the inner double-lined
binary and a more distant unseen companion):

a12 sin i = 49.8 +/- 1.3 x 10**6 km
f(M) = 0.01070 +/- 0.00079 Msun
M3 sin i = 0.2203 (M1 + M2 + M3)**(2/3) Msun

The inclination angle "i" is that of the outer orbit. M3 is the mass
of the third distant companion, and a12 is the semimajor axis of the
orbit of the inner binary.


This star is the primary component of a close triple system.
It has both delta Scuti type pulsations and ellipsoidal light
variations.  Narrow lines from a second star are also visible
in the spectrum, but the velocities of that star do not
correspond to the secondary of the 1.47-day system.  Rather
the narrow-lined star is a third component.

New velocities not included in the paper indicate that the
third component has an orbital period of almost exactly 2 years.

Because of velocity variations in the long period orbit, only
6 velocities were used in the short-period orbital solution.
The period from the ellipticity effect was increased by a factor
of two and adopted as the orbital period.  Since a circular orbit
was also adopted, the element T is not a time of periastron
passage, but is T_0, a time of maximum velocity.  Note that the
center of mass velocity of the short-period orbital solution is
for the mean epoch of the observations and is not that of the
triple system.



SB9: The period was changed from 6.4372703 to 6.4378703 days.
The radial velocities are not adjusted according to the suggested
change on the systemic velocity along with time.  The weight column actually
lists the factor by which the inverse of the standard deviation is multiplied
to derive the real weight.

The radial velocities are the mean gamma velocities of the inner orbit.

The radial velocities are the mean gamma velocities of the inner orbit.


SB9: P is given with a few more decimals than in the original paper.


SB9: P is given with a few more decimals than in the original paper.

SB9: P is given with a few more decimals than in the original paper.



SB9: T0 is given with a few more decimals than in the original paper and
also ajusted to have omega=0..






The very same orbit with the same radial velocities appears in two consecutive

The very same orbit with the same radial velocities appears in two consecutive












The listed coordinates are those of the cluster.

The listed coordinates are those of the cluster + 5" in dec to make it two
distinct entries in SB9.

The listed coordinates are those of the cluster + 5" in dec to make it two
distinct entries in SB9.



The listed coordinates are those of the cluster.

The listed coordinates are those of the cluster + 5" in dec to make it two
distinct entries in SB9.











The listed coordinates are those of the cluster.



The listed coordinates are those of the cluster + 5" in dec in order to make
two distinct entries in SB9.

The listed coordinates are those of the cluster - 5" in dec in order to make
two distinct entries in SB9.




























4" subtracted from dec in order to make two distincts entries in SB9.







The systemic radial velocity of the secondary is listed as -5.4+/-4.5 km/s
in the paper.  For the plot, an offset of 9.4km/s was added to all
RV of the secondary.









The criteria of Lucy and Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate that
the circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the eccentric-orbit
solution.  Thus, the value of T is NOT a time of periastron passage
but rather is T_0, a time of maximum positve velocity.

The primary is rotating substantially slower than its synchronous
velocity, while the secondary may be synchronously rotating.

The system has at least two and perhaps three types of light variations.
>From their ground-based photometry the authors confirm the ellipsoidal
light variation previously noted in the Hipparcos photometry.  Also
detected in the new photometry are periods of 0.076 and 0.059 days,
indicating that the primary is a delta Scuti variable.  The photometry
also suggests the possibility of extremely shallow grazing eclipses.

This is visual primary in a spectroscopic visual quadruple system.

The comment means:
Instrument code
  DAO - DAO photograhic observation
  MR  - McDonald Reticon detector
  KF  - KPNO Fairchild CCD
  KT  - KPNO Texas Instruments CCD

w - value for component Aa

The value for omega was revised for SB9.  The original value was
w : 289+/-19


This is visual secondary in a spectroscopic visual quadruple system.

The radial velocities were obtained at McDonald Observatory and KPNO.

This is a spectroscopic visual quadruple system:  each visual
component is a short-period spectroscopic binary.

w - value for component B



Observations have been made at KPNO using the Coude-fed telescope with
CCD detectors.

The original orbital period of 27.55 +- 0.05 (Bloomer et al., 1983,
ApJ 270, L79) was refined to 27.5384 +- 0.0045 by finding the O-C residuals
for the orbital phase of mid-primary eclipse as a function of cycle number.

Oribital elements of secondary component are following:
V0 = 13.21 +- 0.53
T0 = 2445462.48 +- 0.05


The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)

The value of eccentricity was fixed.
Preliminary orbit.

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
The values of T0 and e have been fixed.
Preliminary orbit.

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)

The values of T0 and e have been fixed.
PI - The radial velocities were taken from Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
Other measurements have been published by Jasniewicz and Mayor
Preliminary orbit.

The values of T0 and e have been fixed.
The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
Preliminary orbit.

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
Early velocities by Colacevich (1941PUFir..59.....A)
have been used to get a more precise determination of period.
It has been fixed in solution.

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
The values of e and w have been fixed.

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and  Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
P was fixed to its value in the astrometric orbit.
12 additional values of radial velocity were taken from Campbell et al.
(1988ApJ...331..902C) to calculate orbital elements.
Preliminary orbit.

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
For a precise determination of the period authors used early measurements
of Joy and Abetti (1919ApJ....50..391J). The other elements were obtained
with fixed P.

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
Preliminary orbit.

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
Preliminary orbit.
Three solutions with fixed P=3000, 4000, 5000d give respectively e = 0.04,
0.17, 0.26. Authors adopted the second solution as mean preliminary orbit.

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
10 additional measurements by Kamper (1987AJ.....93..683K) were used around
periastron for calculations of orbital elements.

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
Preliminary orbit with arbitrary fixed period.

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
Preliminary orbit.
Other solutions with P = 6850 or 10050d are less credible. The adopted solution
is the best fit using early Lick observations (PLO 16,216,1928) and one
measurement made with CORAVEL on March, 21, 1990 (RV = -27.2 km/s).

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
Three additional velocities from Fick observatory (Beavers & Eitter,
1986ApJS...62..147B) have been used.

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
Preliminary orbit.

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
Other 15 measurements were taken from Mayor and Mazeh(1987A&A...171..157M) to
calculate the orbital elements.
The values of e and w have been fixed.

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)

PI - The radial velocity was taken from Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
Other measurements were taken from Mayor and Turon(1982A&A...110..241M)

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
Preliminary SB2 orbit was derived using West data (1966AJ.....71Q.186W).
The values e and w have been fixed.

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
T0, V0 and e have been fixed.
Preliminary orbit.

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
Preliminary SB1 orbit, using 6 early velocities (LOB 6,140,1911).

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
Preliminary orbit.
T0, e and w have been fixed.

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
Authors obtained preliminary SB2 orbit with fixed visual elements: T0, e, w.

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)

PI - the radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
Other measurements were taken from Jasniewicz and Mayor (1988A&A...203..329J).
Preliminary orbit.
T0, e and w have been fixed.

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281)
Preliminary orbit. SB2 solution with fixed values of T0 and eccentricity.

The radial velocities have been published in Paper I (Duquennoy A.,
Mayor M. and Halbwaschs J.-L., 1991, AApS 88, 281).
SB1 solution.

The system HD 111980 includes a third faint component.

The spectroscopic binary HD 149414 has a faint visual companion, with common
proper motion.

The first two measurements of Rv are from Sandage (1969, ApJ 158, 1115).
They were only used to improve the period. For the determination of the
orbital parameters only the new photoelectric measurements were taken into





































The observations were carried out with the 1.4m Coude Auxiliary Telescope
at ESO's La Silla Observatory in Chile.

The value of period was taken from Brunch et al. (1994, A&A, 287, 829)
A least squares fit gives the eccentricity equals to 0.04, but a circular
orbit provides a better description of the data.

The value of period was calculated using all published data.

The orbital elements were calculated using the combination of the
literature radial velocities and new observations.

Preliminary orbit.

The orbital elements were calculated using the combination of the
literature radial velocities and new observations.

The orbital elements were calculated using the combination of the
literature radial velocities and new observations.

All RVs are commented because the published orbital elements
do not match them well. Comment means which component was measured.

The orbital elements were calculated using the combination of the
literature radial velocities and new observations.
Preliminary orbit.

The orbital elements were calculated using the combination of the
literature radial velocities and new observations.
This star is an eclipsing binary and has a third companion with
a period estimated to 150 yr.

The orbital elements were calculated using the combination of the
literature radial velocities and new observations.
Preliminary orbit.



The radial velocities have been obtained for HeI 4471.
V0 of secondary star equals to -46.4+-11.5 km/s.


The radial velocities have been obtained by a correlation with a synthetic
V0 of secondary star equals to -41.6+-3.5 km/s.

The radial velocities have been obtained for He I 4471 absorption lines.

The radial velocities for the primary and secondary stars are given in
the "zero systemic velocity" reference frame, that is why we put V0 to equal
to zero instead of -30.3 km/s to receive the correct figure.
V0 of the secondary star equals to -28.7+-4.3 km/s.

The spectra was obtained :
-with the Boller & Chivens spectrograph fed by the ESO 1.5 m telescope
-with ESO' 1.4 m Coude Auxiliary Telescope using the Coude Echelle
 Spectrometer equipped with the Long Camera (CAT+CES+LC),
-with the Fiber-fed Extended Range Optical Spectrograph attached to the
 ESO 1.5 m telescope at La Silla (ESO_1.5+FEROS),
-with the Bench-Mounted Echelle Spectrograph (BME) attached to the
 1.5 m CTIO telescope (CTIO_1.5+BME)



In order to combine the RVs obtained from the different lines, the authors
had to refer all the RV measurements to a "zero systemic velocity" reference
frame: they subtracted the corresponding weighted mean between V0 of primary
and V0 of secondary star from the individual RVs of the considered line.
Then they computed a weighted RV mean from all RV data obtained at the same
observing time. These mean RVs are listed in the table. To receive the correct
figure we put V0 to equal to zero instead of 0.2 km/s.

V0 of the secondary star equals to 2.6+-3.4 km/s.

The spectra was obtained :
-with the Boller & Chivens spectrograph fed by the ESO 1.5 m telescope
-with ESO' 1.4 m Coude Auxiliary Telescope using the Coude Echelle
 Spectrometer equipped with the Long Camera (CAT+CES+LC),
-with the Fiber-fed Extended Range Optical Spectrograph attached to the
 ESO 1.5 m telescope at La Silla (ESO_1.5+FEROS),
-with the Bench-Mounted Echelle Spectrograph (BME) attached to the
 1.5 m CTIO telescope (CTIO_1.5+BME)


P, T0 and V0 were received from photometric solution of Hipparcos light
curve. IUE velocities (JD=2444487.4713   RV1=+101  RV2=-155) give K1 and K2.


LM means revised radial velocity from spectra by Levato H., Malaroda S.
et al. (1991, ApJS 75, 869)

1WGA J1958.2+3232 is Intermediate polar (magnetic cataclysmic variable
with an asynchronously rotating magnetic white dwarf).

The orbital elements were determined by radial velocity curve for the
emission line of H_beta.

1WGA J1958.2+3232 is Intermediate polar (magnetic cataclysmic variable
with an asynchronously rotating magnetic white dwarf).

The orbital elements were determined by radial velocity curve for the
emission line of HeII 4686.

An analysis of 1236 new spectra of the eclipsing binary EN Lac and of 994
published radial velocities has allowed authors to disentangle the RV
variations due to orbital motion and due to pulsations of the star.
New accurate orbital elements as well as precise values of the three
pulsation periods (P1, P2, P3) were derived. P1=0.16916703d ,
P2=0.17085554d, P3=0.18173256d.

Radial velocities were determined from high-resolution IUE spectra.

Velocities are given with respect to an arbitrary zero point (which is
within 10 km/s of zero).

P has been obtained from unweighted orbit solution to all data:
both IUE and published DAO (Petrie R.M., PDAO, 12(3), 111, 1962;
Hilditch R.W., M.N., 169, 323, 1974)



Eclipsing system in a semidetached configuration, which is a member of
the rare class of "cool Algols". The radial velocities for both stars
were solved simultaneously with the UBV light curves using the
Wilson-Devinney model. Two solutions of very nearly the same quality
were obtained, one with and the other without accounting for light
from a possible third component. The solution with third light is the
preferred one not only because it is marginally better, but because
the light ratios derived from the photometry are in better agreement
with the spectroscopy (L2/L1 = 1.15 +/- 0.04 at a wavelength close to
V) and the predicted synchronous rotational velocities are also in
better agreement with the spectroscopically determined values of

v1 sin i = 20 +/- 2 km/s
v2 sin i = 34 +/- 2 km/s

The stellar parameters derived from this solution are also in better
agreement with stellar evolution models.

The mass ratio is q = 0.2987 +/- 0.0022, and there is an apparent
change in period in the amount of dP/dt = (-0.75 +/- 0.30) x 10**(-7).

The velocity amplitudes are not reported in the original publication,
and have been added here solely for the purpose of allowing a
graphical representation of the measurements.



Astrometric-spectroscopic solution that includes lunar occultation
measurements and speckle interferometry measurements along with the
radial velocities from three sources, aside from CfA: G = Griffin &
Gunn (1977), BE = Beavers & Eitter (1986), D = Detweiler et
al. (1984). The velocities from Griffin & Gunn listed here are the
original values, but an adjustment of -1.0 km/s was applied in the
orbital solution to bring them onto the same system as the other

The primary star is one of the giants in the Hyades.  The masses of
the components were derived by adopting the distance of the nearby
binary Theta2 Tau, and are 2.91 +/- 0.88 solar masses for the primary
and 1.31 +/- 0.14 solar masses for the secondary. The secondary is 3.5
magnitudes fainter than the primary in V.

Other elements of the astrometric-spectroscopic solution are:

Semimajor axis of relative orbit = 0.2178 +/- 0.0054 arcsec
P.A. of the ascending node (J2000) = 355.54 +/- 0.26 deg

The time span of observations (days) = 25.8 yr


Triple system in which only two stars are visible (star 1 and star
2). They orbit each other with a period of 133 days (outer orbit). The
fainter star is itself a single-lined spectroscopic binary with a
period of 1.76 days. The companion (star 3) is unseen.

Derived quantities in outer orbit:

a1 sin i = 31.08 +/- 0.52 million km
(a2+a3) sin i = 20.98 +/- 0.66 million km
M1 sin**3 i = 0.1271 +/- 0.0079 solar masses
(M2+M3) sin**3 i = 0.1883 +/- 0.0088 solar masses
q = (M2+M3)/M1 = 1.481 +/- 0.051

Derived quantities in inner orbit:

a2 sin i = 0.9605 +/- 0.0087 million km
f(M) = 0.01138 +/- 0.00031 solar masses
M3 sin i = 0.2249 (M2+M3)**(2/3)

Physical parameters are derived as follows:

Effective temperature of star 1 = 7000 +/- 150 K
Effective temperature of star 2 = 6650 +/- 150 K
Projected rotational velocity (v sin i) of star 1 = 19 +/- 2 km/s
Projected rotational velocity (v sin i) of star 2 = 17 +/- 2 km/s

Time span of observations = 882 days

Triple system in which only two stars are visible (star 1 and star
2). They orbit each other with a period of 133 days (outer orbit). The
fainter star is itself a single-lined spectroscopic binary with a
period of 1.76 days. The companion (star 3) is unseen.

Derived quantities in outer orbit:

a1 sin i = 31.08 +/- 0.52 million km
(a2+a3) sin i = 20.98 +/- 0.66 million km
M1 sin**3 i = 0.1271 +/- 0.0079 solar masses
(M2+M3) sin**3 i = 0.1883 +/- 0.0088 solar masses
q = (M2+M3)/M1 = 1.481 +/- 0.051

Derived quantities in inner orbit:

a2 sin i = 0.9605 +/- 0.0087 million km
f(M) = 0.01138 +/- 0.00031 solar masses
M3 sin i = 0.2249 (M2+M3)**(2/3)

Physical parameters are derived as follows:

Effective temperature of star 1 = 7000 +/- 150 K
Effective temperature of star 2 = 6650 +/- 150 K
Projected rotational velocity (v sin i) of star 1 = 19 +/- 2 km/s
Projected rotational velocity (v sin i) of star 2 = 17 +/- 2 km/s

Time span of observations = 882 days


A member of the Hyades cluster.

Radial velocities for the secondary component were not derived
directly, but the authors were able to determine the velocity
amplitude spectroscopically by applying a two-dimensional
cross-correlation procedure (see Zucker & Mazeh 1994) and seeking the
best match of their spectra to a combination of two templates. In this
way they derived K2 and also the projected rotational velocity of the
secondary, v2 sin i = 110 +/- 4 km/s.  The rotational velocity of the
primary is v1 sin i = 70 km/s, and the brightness difference with the
secondary is 1.10 mag in V from lunar occultation observations.

The combination of these spectroscopic elements with the astrometric
elements reported by Pan et al. (1992) yields the masses of the two
stars, as well as the orbital parallax:

M1 = 2.42 +/- 0.30 solar masses
M2 = 2.11 +/- 0.17 solar masses
Orbital parallax = 21.22 +/- 0.79 mas
Distance = 47.1 +/- 1.7 pc



The system is triple. Derived quantities for inner (double-lined)

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.6719 +/- 0.0034 Msun
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.6041 +/- 0.0026 Msun
q = M2/M1 = 0.8991 +/- 0.0027
a1 sin i = 4.6721 +/- 0.0084 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 5.1965 +/- 0.0122 x 10**6 km

The inclination angle "i" is that of the inner orbit. The center of
mass listed corresponds to that of the system as a whole.

Derived quantitis for outer orbit (comprising the inner double-lined
binary and a more distant third companion):

M12 (sin i)**3 = 1.0862 +/- 0.0114 Msun
M3 (sin i)**3 = 0.5352 +/- 0.0058 Msun
a12 sin i = 27.70 +/- 0.15 x 10**6 km
a3 sin i = 56.23 +/- 0.24 x 10**6 km

where M12 represents the sum of the two stars in the inner pair. The
inclination angle "i" here is that of the outer orbit.

Changes in the orbital elements are seen and are due to the three-body



The system is triple. Derived quantities for inner (double-lined)

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.6719 +/- 0.0034 Msun
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.6041 +/- 0.0026 Msun
q = M2/M1 = 0.8991 +/- 0.0027
a1 sin i = 4.6721 +/- 0.0084 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 5.1965 +/- 0.0122 x 10**6 km

The inclination angle "i" is that of the inner orbit. The center of
mass listed corresponds to that of the system as a whole.

Derived quantitis for outer orbit (comprising the inner double-lined
binary and a more distant third companion):

M12 (sin i)**3 = 1.0862 +/- 0.0114 Msun
M3 (sin i)**3 = 0.5352 +/- 0.0058 Msun
a12 sin i = 27.70 +/- 0.15 x 10**6 km
a3 sin i = 56.23 +/- 0.24 x 10**6 km

where M12 represents the sum of the two stars in the inner pair. The
inclination angle "i" here is that of the outer orbit.

Changes in the orbital elements are seen and are due to the three-body


Secondary Phase = Primary phase - 0.051
Weights=0 for Vr on HJD 51419.951 and 51491.730.


Triple-lined system in which the inner binary is eclipsing and has
been assumed to have a circular orbit. Radial velocities for the three
stars were derived using a three-dimensional extension of TODCOR
(Zucker & Mazeh 1994). The projected rotational velocities are 36 +/-
2 km/s and 20 +/- 3 km/s for the eclipsing pair, and 2 +/- 3 km/s for
the third star. The fraction of the total light contributed by each
star is 0.75 for the primary, 0.09 for the secondary, and 0.16 for the
tertiary, with estimated uncertainties of 0.01.

The inner and outer orbits were solved simultaneously incorporating
also times of eclipse as well as measurements from the Hipparcos
satellite (intermediate astrometric data). Additional elements
depending on the astrometry that were derived from the combined fit

Inclination angle of outer orbit = 112.0 +/- 4.9 degrees
P.A. of the ascending node (J2000) = 27 +/- 44 degrees
Semimajor axis of relative orbit = 55.3 +/- 1.8 mas

The mass ratio of the inner pair is q = 0.7266 +/- 0.0042.



Triple-lined system in which the inner binary is eclipsing and has
been assumed to have a circular orbit. Radial velocities for the three
stars were derived using a three-dimensional extension of TODCOR
(Zucker & Mazeh 1994). The projected rotational velocities are 36 +/-
2 km/s and 20 +/- 3 km/s for the eclipsing pair, and 2 +/- 3 km/s for
the third star. The fraction of the total light contributed by each
star is 0.75 for the primary, 0.09 for the secondary, and 0.16 for the
tertiary, with estimated uncertainties of 0.01.

The inner and outer orbits were solved simultaneously incorporating
also times of eclipse as well as measurements from the Hipparcos
satellite (intermediate astrometric data). Additional elements
depending on the astrometry that were derived from the combined fit

Inclination angle of outer orbit = 112.0 +/- 4.9 deg
P.A. of the ascending node (J2000) = 27 +/- 44 deg
Semimajor axis of relative orbit = 55.3 +/- 1.8 mas

The mass ratio of the inner pair is q = 0.7266 +/- 0.0042.



Eclipsing system. Other spectroscopically derived quantities are:

Light ratio L(sec)/L(prim) = 0.528 +/- 0.010 at 5188.5 Angstroms

M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.928 +/- 0.006 Msun
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.869 +/- 0.004 Msun
q = M2/M1 = 0.9375 +/- 0.0035

Time span = 2.43 years



Radial velocities were obtained using the two-dimensional
cross-correlation algorithm TODCOR (Zucker & Mazeh 1994). The system
has been spatially resolved with the Palomar Testbed Interferometer
(PTI). The orbital elements are the result of a simultaneous fit to
the radial velocities and the interferometric visibilities in two
passbands (H and K).  The simultaneous fit yields the following
astrometric parameters:

Relative semimajor axis = 3.451 +/- 0.018 mas
Inclination angle of the orbit = 107.990 +/- 0.077 degrees
P.A. of the ascending node (J2000) = 80.291 +/- 0.079 degrees

The light ratio inferred from the spectra is L2/L1 = 0.64 +/- 0.02 at
the mean wavelength 5188.5 A. Projected rotational velocities are 14
+/- 1 km/s for the primary and 12 +/- 1 km/s for the secondary.



Eclipsing system most likely in a semidetached configuration, which is
probably a member of the rare class of "cool Algols". The radial
velocities were obtained with the two-dimensional cross-correlation
algorithm TODCOR (Zucker & Mazeh 1994).  The velocities for both stars
were solved simultaneously with the BVRI light curves using the
Wilson-Devinney model. Two solutions of very nearly the same quality
were obtained, one slightly detached and the other semidetached.  The
projected rotational velocities determined spectroscopically are

v1 sin i = 35 +/- 1 km/s
v2 sin i = 56 +/- 3 km/s

and the spectroscopic light ratio is L2/L1 = 0.25 +/- 0.05 at the mean
wavelength of the observations (5188.5 A).

An analysis of the existing times of eclipse suggests the period may
be changing at a rate of (+0.95 +/- 0.30) 10**(-6) days per year, but
this needs to be confirmed.



Radial velocities were obtained with the two-dimensional
cross-correlation algorithm TODCOR (Zucker & Mazeh 1994). The system
has been spatially resolved with the Palomar Testbed Interferometer
(PTI). In addition to the velocities, the orbital fit includes
interferometric visibilities obtained at two wavelengths (H and
K). The simultaneous fit yields the following astrometric parameters:

Relative semimajor axis = 4.944 +/- 0.018 mas
Inclination angle of the orbit = 61.56 +/- 0.25 degrees
P.A. of the ascending node (J2000) = 262.29 +/- 0.20 degrees

The light ratio inferred from the spectra is L2/L1 = 0.16 +/- 0.03 at
the mean wavelength 5188.5 A.



In addition to the radial velocities, the orbital solution
incorporates intermediate astrometric data (abscissa residuals) from
the Hipparcos mission as well as the proper motions from the Tycho-2
catalog. The joint solution yields the following astrometric

Semimajor axis of the photocenter = 14.9 +/- 1.3 mas
Inclination angle of the orbit = 83 +/- 15 degrees
P.A. of the ascending node (J2000) = 179 +/- 10 degrees

A significant correction to the original Hipparcos parallax is also
found from this fit, yielding the revised value of 20.6 +/- 1.9 mas.

The unseen companion is found to be overmassive (about 20% larger than
the primary), and is most likely a closer binary composed of M
dwarfs. This is supported by the infrared excess displayed by the



In addition to the radial velocities, the orbital fit includes
interferometric visibilities obtained with the Keck Interferometer in
the K band.  The radial velocities listed here are the same as those
reported by Torres et al. (1995) [1995ApJ...452..870T]. The joint
astrometric-spectroscopic solution yields the following astrometric

Semimajor axis of the relative orbit = 23.3 +/- 2.5 mas
Inclination angle of the orbit = 66.8 +/- 3.2 degrees
P.A. of the ascending node (J2000) = 337.6 +/- 2.4 degrees

Individual dynamical masses for the components are determined for the
first time.  The orbital parallax of the system is 23.7 +/- 2.6 mas,
and the brightness difference in the K band is determined to be 0.612
+/- 0.046 mag.



Radial velocities were derived using the two-dimensional
cross-correlation algorithm TODCOR (Zucker & Mazeh 1994).

Other derived quantities of the fit:

a1 sin i = 0.984 +/- 0.019 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 0.988 +/- 0.026 x 10**6 km
M1 (sin i)**3 = 0.01013 +/- 0.00057 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 0.01009 +/- 0.00048 solar masses

The time span of the observations is 4082 days.



Other derived quantities of the fit:

a1 sin i = 232.3 +/- 7.1 x 10**6 km
f(M) = 0.0778 +/- 0.0070 solar masses

The time span of the observations is 5149 days.



Other derived quantities of the fit:

a1 sin i = 28.9 +/- 3.7 x 10**6 km
f(M) = 0.046 +/- 0.017 solar masses

The time span of the observations is 1181 days.



Other derived quantities of the fit:

a1 sin i = 2.10 +/- 0.23 x 10**6 km
f(M) = 0.0034 +/- 0.0011 solar masses

The time span of the observations is 825 days.


This symbiotic star system is very unusual since the companion of
the M5 III is a neutron star rather than a white dwarf.  Thus,
the system is also an X-ray binary with the X-ray source being
known as GX 1+4.  The spectroscopic orbit, obtained from velocities
of infrared spectra, is for the M giant.  The orbital period of
1161 days or 3.2 years is by far the longest of any known X-ray
binary.  Adopting a mass of 1.35 solar masses for the neutron
star, the M giant has a mass of 1.22 solar masses, and so is the
less massive component.  The M giant does not fill its Roche lobe
and has near solar abundances.


Eclipsing system presenting a hint of apsidal motion from an analysis
of available times of eclipse. The negative value of the apsidal
motion (corresponding to an apsidal period of perhaps 75 +/- 22 years)
would suggest the presence of a third body. This is supported by the
non-negligible value of third light derived from the light curve

Radial velocities for the first and more numerous data set (CfA) were
derived using the two-dimensional cross-correlation algorithm TODCOR
(Zucker & Mazeh 1994). Those for the second (KPNO) data set were
derived with standard one-dimensional cross-correlation techniques. A
significant velocity offset (<CfA-KPNO> = -2.98 +/- 0.62 km/s) was
found between the two data sets.

Other spectroscopically derived quantities:

a1 sin i = 2.9848 +/- 0.0069 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 3.683 +/- 0.015 x 10**6 km
(a1+a2) sin i = 9.583 +/- 0.023 solar radii
M1 (sin i)**3 = 1.733 +/- 0.015 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 1.404 +/- 0.009 solar masses
q = M2/M1 = 0.8105 +/- 0.0037

Both components appear to be metallic-lined. The projected rotational
velocities measured are 45.4 +/- 0.9 km/s for the primary and 40.5 +/-
1.4 km/s for the secondary (average of two determinations).



Eclipsing system. Radial velocities for the first and more numerous
data set (CfA) were derived using the two-dimensional
cross-correlation algorithm TODCOR (Zucker & Mazeh 1994). Those for
the second data set (KPNO) were derived with standard one-dimensional
cross-correlation techniques. An insignificant velocity offset
(<KPNO-CfA> = +0.16 +/- 0.78 km/s) was found between the two data
sets. The orbital solution accounts for this, and includes also
available times of eclipse simultaneously with the velocities.

Other spectroscopically derived quantities:

M1 (sin i)**3 = 1.627 +/- 0.012 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 1.458 +/- 0.010 solar masses
q = M2/M1 = 0.8959 +/- 0.0042

The projected rotational velocities measured are 52 +/- 2 km/s for the
primary and 43 +/- 3 km/s for the secondary (average of two



Eclipsing system with an eccentric orbit. Radial velocities for the
first and more numerous data set (CfA) were derived using the
two-dimensional cross-correlation algorithm TODCOR (Zucker & Mazeh
1994). Those for the second data set (KPNO) were derived with standard
one-dimensional cross-correlation techniques. An insignificant
velocity offset (<CfA-KPNO> = -0.06 +/- 0.36 km/s) was found between
the two data sets. The orbital solution accounts for this, and
includes also available times of eclipse simultaneously with the

Other spectroscopically derived quantities:

a1 sin i = 8.634 +/- 0.0028 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 8.650 +/- 0.0026 x 10**6 km
M1 (sin i)**3 = 2.341 +/- 0.016 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 2.337 +/- 0.017 solar masses
q = M2/M1 = 0.9982 +/- 0.0044
Time of periastron passage = 2,449,718.0448 +/- 0.0078 (HJD)

The orbital fit indicates a somewhat significant apsidal motion in the
amount of dw/dt = 0.00061 +/- 0.00025 degrees per cycle. The
corresponding apsidal period is U = 10700 +/- 4500 years.



Eclipsing system. Radial velocities for the first and more numerous
data set (CfA) were derived using the two-dimensional
cross-correlation algorithm TODCOR (Zucker & Mazeh 1994). The second
data consists of the velocities published by Popper (1971). The
velocity offset between these two data sets was included as an
adjustable parameter in the solution, and was found to be significant:
<CfA-Popper> = -0.94 +/- 0.18 km/s. The fit includes also available
times of eclipse simultaneously with the velocities.

Other spectroscopically derived quantities:

a1 sin i = 9.403 +/- 0.0015 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 8.917 +/- 0.0015 x 10**6 km
M1 (sin i)**3 = 1.6742 +/- 0.0062 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 1.7654 +/- 0.0066 solar masses
q = M1/M2 = 1.0544 +/- 0.0024

The time of eclipse listed with the other elements is a time of
secondary minimum.



Eclipsing system with a slightly eccentric orbit. Radial velocities
for the first data set (CfA) were derived using the two-dimensional
cross-correlation algorithm TODCOR (Zucker & Mazeh 1994). Those for
the second data set (KPNO) were derived with standard one-dimensional
cross-correlation techniques. The velocity offset between these two
data sets was included as an adjustable parameter in the solution, and
was found to be insignificant: <CfA-KPNO> = -0.15 +/- 0.38 km/s.

Other spectroscopically derived quantities:

a1 sin i = 3.897 +/- 0.0019 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 3.995 +/- 0.0010 x 10**6 km
M1 (sin i)**3 = 1.917 +/- 0.013 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 1.870 +/- 0.018 solar masses
q = M2/M1 = 0.9755 +/- 0.0053
Time of periastron passage = 2,451,946.949 +/- 0.076 (HJD)

Time span of the observations = 17 years.



Eclipsing system with an eccentric orbit and a small apsidal
motion. Radial velocities for the first and more numerous data set
(CfA) were derived using the two-dimensional cross-correlation
algorithm TODCOR (Zucker & Mazeh 1994). Those for the second data set
were derived with standard one-dimensional cross-correlation
techniques. The velocity offset between these two data sets was
included as an adjustable parameter in the solution, and was found to
be small: <CfA-KPNO> = -0.74 +/- 0.37 km/s.  The orbital solution
incorporates also the available times of eclipse simultaneously with
the velocities. The apsidal motion is found to be dw/dt = 0.00250 +/-
0.00033 degrees per cycle, corresponding to an apsidal period of U =
2810 +/- 360 years.

Other spectroscopically derived quantities:

a1 sin i = 9.148 +/- 0.0049 x 10**6 km
a2 sin i = 9.298 +/- 0.0049 x 10**6 km
a sin i = 26.502 +/- 0.074 solar radii
M1 (sin i)**3 = 2.332 +/- 0.015 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 2.295 +/- 0.025 solar masses
q = M2/M1 = 0.9838 +/- 0.0054
Time of periastron passage = 2,449,947.3607+/- 0.0075 (HJD)

The time of eclipse listed with the other elements is a time of
secondary minimum.

The time span of the combined data sets is 19.2 years. Projected
rotational velocities for the components are found to be 45 +/- 1 km/s
and 15 +/- 1 km/s for the primary and secondary, respectively.



Eclipsing system with a third, unseen component.  Radial velocities
were derived using the two-dimensional cross-correlation algorithm
TODCOR (Zucker & Mazeh 1994). The orbital solution combines these CfA
data with velocities reported by Popper (1971), and solves
simultaneously for the inner and outer orbital elements as well as for
an offset between the two velocity data sets. This offset is found to
be small: <CfA-Popper> = -1.06 +/- 0.72 km/s.

Other spectroscopically derived properties:

a sin i = 7.656 +/- 0.014 solar radii
M1 (sin i)**3 = 1.2439 +/- 0.0077 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 1.2077 +/- 0.0069 solar masses
q = M2/M1 = 0.9709 +/- 0.0038
Mass function of outer orbit f(M) = 0.0151 +/- 0.0014 solar masses

The projected rotational velocities are measured to be 42 and 41 km/s
for the primary and secondary, respectively, with estimated errors of
2-3 km/s. These are consistent with synchronous rotation.  Although
the third object is not directly detected spectroscopically, its
signature is revealed in the light curves in the form of third
light. It is most likely an M0 dwarf with an estimated minimum mass of
about 0.51 solar masses.



Eclipsing system with a third, unseen component.  Radial velocities
were derived using the two-dimensional cross-correlation algorithm
TODCOR (Zucker & Mazeh 1994). The orbital solution combines these CfA
data with velocities reported by Popper (1971), and solves
simultaneously for the inner and outer orbital elements as well as for
an offset between the two velocity data sets. This offset is found to
be small: <CfA-Popper> = -1.06 +/- 0.72 km/s.

Other spectroscopically derived properties:

a sin i = 7.656 +/- 0.014 solar radii
M1 (sin i)**3 = 1.2439 +/- 0.0077 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 1.2077 +/- 0.0069 solar masses
q = M2/M1 = 0.9709 +/- 0.0038
Mass function of outer orbit f(M) = 0.0151 +/- 0.0014 solar masses

The projected rotational velocities are measured to be 42 and 41 km/s
for the primary and secondary, respectively, with estimated errors of
2-3 km/s. These are consistent with synchronous rotation.  Although
the third object is not directly detected spectroscopically, its
signature is revealed in the light curves in the form of third
light. It is most likely an M0 dwarf with an estimated minimum mass of
about 0.51 solar masses.



Member of the Hyades cluster with a history of spectroscopic and
astrometric observations. Velocities for the primary component have
been notoriously difficult to measure.  New radial velocities from CfA
for both stars were derived using the two-dimensional
cross-correlation algorithm TODCOR (Zucker & Mazeh 1994). Additionally
published velocities by Deutsch et al. (1971) for the secondary
component were used. The elements listed correspond to a joint
astrometric-spectroscopic orbital solution that combines radial
velocities with speckle interferometric measurements.  A velocity
offset between the two radial-velocity data sets was included as an
adjustable parameter in the solution, and was found to be very small:
<CfA-Deutsch> = -0.43 +/- 0.26 km/s.

The remaining elements of the combined solution are:

Semimajor axis of relative orbit = 0.13393 +/- 0.00096 arc seconds
Position angle of ascending node (J2000) = 350.77 +/- 0.45 degrees
Inclination angle = 125.08 +/- 0.50 degrees

Derived quantities:

Orbital parallax = 17.92 +/- 0.58 milli arc seconds
M1 = 1.80 +/- 0.13 solar masses
M2 = 1.46 +/- 0.18 solar masses

The time span of the combined data sets is 44.2 years.



Eclipsing system with a slightly eccentric orbit. Radial velocities
for the first and more numerous data set (CfA) were derived using the
two-dimensional cross-correlation algorithm TODCOR (Zucker & Mazeh
1994). Those for the second data set (CHSL) were derived with standard
one-dimensional cross-correlation techniques. The velocity offset
between these two sets was included as an adjustable parameter in the
solution, and was found to be insignificant: <CfA-CHSL> = +0.5 +/- 0.7

Other spectroscopically derived quantities:

a1 sin i = 0.03352 +/- 0.00009 AU
a2 sin i = 0.03359 +/- 0.00009 AU
M1 (sin i)**3 = 1.329 +/- 0.010 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 1.327 +/- 0.008 solar masses
q = M2/M1 = 0.998 +/- 0.004

Previous reports of Delta Scuti variations are not confirmed. There is
a hint of apsidal motion in the system, but it is very poorly
determined with the data available.



Eclipsing system with an eccentric orbit. Radial velocities for the
first and more numerous data set (CfA) were derived using the
two-dimensional cross-correlation algorithm TODCOR (Zucker & Mazeh
1994). Those for the second data set (KPNO) were derived with standard
one-dimensional cross-correlation techniques. The velocity offset
between these two sets was included as an adjustable parameter in the
solution, and was found to be insignificant: <CfA-KPNO> = -0.40 +/-
0.48 km/s. Times of eclipse were also included in the solution.

Other quantities derived from the orbital solution:

a sin i = 24.29 +/- 0.06 solar radii
M1 (sin i)**3 = 1.526 +/- 0.009 solar masses
M2 (sin i)**3 = 1.502 +/- 0.014 solar masses
q = M2/M1 = 0.9839 +/- 0.0049
Time of periastron passage = 2,450,322.9770 +/- 0.0018 (HJD)
Time of primary eclipse = 2,452,339.60834 +/- 0.00010 (HJD)
Time of secondary eclipse = 2,452,342.76452 +/- 0.00017 (HJD)


















Epochs in HMJD

Epochs in HMJD

Epochs in HMJD

Epochs in HMJD

















The gamma velocity is given at MJD 50000.  It rises by 0.580+/-0.021 km/s per
1000 days, so at (MJD) time t, V0=-25.79+(0.580+/-0.021)((t-50000)/10000) km/s.
That correction is not included in the radial velocities but applied on the
fly when the plot is generated.





































Although the orbit appears in that paper, it essentially dupplicates what
was published in 2001Obs...121..315G.  The radial velocities are taken
from the latter.  In the paper, V0 is given as 16.34 which is the systemic
velocity of the triple star.

No radial velocity published yet for this suspected triple star.


Although the orbit appears in that paper, it essentially dupplicates what
was published in 2001Obs...121...55G.  The radial velocities are taken
from the latter.


Triple system composed of M dwarfs, in which all three stars are
visible in the spectra. Two sets of velocities were derived from the
same spectra using somewhat different procedures and different
implementations of the two-dimensional cross-correlation algorithm
TODCOR (Zucker & Mazeh 1994). The velocities and elements presented
here are from the Tel Aviv analysis.

The final elements adopted for the system are the average of the
elements from the separate Tel Aviv and CfA analyses, and are:

Outer orbit

P = 625.8 +/- 1.3 days
gamma = +15.10 +/- 0.21 km/s
K1 = 4.60 +/- 0.22 km/s
K2 = 2.95 +/- 0.28 km/s
e = 0.053 +/- 0.028
w = 298 +/- 27 deg
T = 2,447,208 +/- 45 (HJD)

Inner orbit

P = 2.965522 +/- 0.000014 days
K1 = 17.01 +/- 0.20 km/s
K2 = 18.77 +/- 0.23 km/s
e = 0.026 +/- 0.007
w = 166 +/- 16 deg
T = 2,447,337.30 +/- 0.14 (HJD)

Spectroscopic light ratios (mean wavelength = 5187 Angstroms):

L(Ba)/L(A) = 0.566 +/- 0.034
L(Bb)/L(A) = 0.358 +/- 0.024



Triple system composed of M dwarfs, in which all three stars are
visible in the spectra. Two sets of velocities were derived from the
same spectra using somewhat different procedures and different
implementations of the two-dimensional cross-correlation algorithm
TODCOR (Zucker & Mazeh 1994). The velocities and elements presented
here are from the CfA analysis.

The final elements adopted for the system are the average of the
elements from the separate Tel Aviv and CfA analyses, and are:

Outer orbit

P = 625.8 +/- 1.3 days
gamma = +15.10 +/- 0.21 km/s
K1 = 4.60 +/- 0.22 km/s
K2 = 2.95 +/- 0.28 km/s
e = 0.053 +/- 0.028
w = 298 +/- 27 deg
T = 2,447,208 +/- 45 (HJD)

Inner orbit

P = 2.965522 +/- 0.000014 days
K1 = 17.01 +/- 0.20 km/s
K2 = 18.77 +/- 0.23 km/s
e = 0.026 +/- 0.007
w = 166 +/- 16 deg
T = 2,447,337.30 +/- 0.14 (HJD)

Spectroscopic light ratios (mean wavelength = 5187 Angstroms):

L(Ba)/L(A) = 0.566 +/- 0.034
L(Bb)/L(A) = 0.358 +/- 0.024



Triple system composed of M dwarfs, in which all three stars are
visible in the spectra. Two sets of velocities were derived from the
same spectra using somewhat different procedures and different
implementations of the two-dimensional cross-correlation algorithm
TODCOR (Zucker & Mazeh 1994). The velocities and elements presented
here are from the Tel Aviv analysis.

The final elements adopted for the system are the average of the
elements from the separate Tel Aviv and CfA analyses, and are:

Outer orbit

P = 625.8 +/- 1.3 days
gamma = +15.10 +/- 0.21 km/s
K1 = 4.60 +/- 0.22 km/s
K2 = 2.95 +/- 0.28 km/s
e = 0.053 +/- 0.028
w = 298 +/- 27 deg
T = 2,447,208 +/- 45 (HJD)

Inner orbit

P = 2.965522 +/- 0.000014 days
K1 = 17.01 +/- 0.20 km/s
K2 = 18.77 +/- 0.23 km/s
e = 0.026 +/- 0.007
w = 166 +/- 16 deg
T = 2,447,337.30 +/- 0.14 (HJD)

Spectroscopic light ratios (mean wavelength = 5187 Angstroms):

L(Ba)/L(A) = 0.566 +/- 0.034
L(Bb)/L(A) = 0.358 +/- 0.024



Triple system composed of M dwarfs, in which all three stars are
visible in the spectra. Two sets of velocities were derived from the
same spectra using somewhat different procedures and different
implementations of the two-dimensional cross-correlation algorithm
TODCOR (Zucker & Mazeh 1994). The velocities and elements presented
here are from the CfA analysis.

The final elements adopted for the system are the average of the
elements from the separate Tel Aviv and CfA analyses, and are:

Outer orbit

P = 625.8 +/- 1.3 days
gamma = +15.10 +/- 0.21 km/s
K1 = 4.60 +/- 0.22 km/s
K2 = 2.95 +/- 0.28 km/s
e = 0.053 +/- 0.028
w = 298 +/- 27 deg
T = 2,447,208 +/- 45 (HJD)

Inner orbit

P = 2.965522 +/- 0.000014 days
K1 = 17.01 +/- 0.20 km/s
K2 = 18.77 +/- 0.23 km/s
e = 0.026 +/- 0.007
w = 166 +/- 16 deg
T = 2,447,337.30 +/- 0.14 (HJD)

Spectroscopic light ratios (mean wavelength = 5187 Angstroms):

L(Ba)/L(A) = 0.566 +/- 0.034
L(Bb)/L(A) = 0.358 +/- 0.024


The primary of this short-period binary is slowly rotating and has
solar abundances.  Such abundances make the primary highly unusual
because slowly rotating A-type stars almost always have spectrum
peculiarities, being classified as either Ap or Am stars.
The unseen secondary is likely a K or M dwarf.

The star is an eclipsing binary with masses of 1.513 and 1.285 solar
masses for the F2 dwarf primary and F5 dwarf secondary, respectively.
The age of the system is about 1.2 billion years.

Value of T is not a time of periastron but is T_0, a time of maximum
velocity of the primary.

The system is a symbiotic binary consisting of a M giant and a probable
hot compact companion.  The large value of the mass function suggests
that this system may be eclipsing.

The system is a symbiotic binary consisting of an M giant and a probable
hot compact companion.  The criteria of Lucy & Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544)
indicate that the circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the
eccentric-orbit solution.  Value of T is NOT a time of periastron passage
but is T_0, a time of maximum positive velocity.

The system is a symbiotic binary consisting of an M giant and a probable
hot compact companion.  The criteria of Lucy & Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544)
indicate that the circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the
eccentric-orbit solution.  Value of T is NOT a time of periastron passage
but is T_0, a time of maximum positive velocity.












He II lines only


































T0 is the time of the secondary minimum.




This orbit is very preliminary and no RV could confidently be derived.



The WR component is treated as the secondary.

































The paper gives several systemic velocities at different epochs.  The one
adopted for SB9 is based on the data accumulated by Batten and Fletcher
(1975).  A period derivative, dP/dt, of 5.9966e-7 was also assumed.









Adopting some spectroscopic elements, an astrometric orbit with the
Hipparcos data resulted in an orbital inclination of 110 degrees.
Lines of the secondary were not seen at red wavelengths.
The spectral type of the secondary is estimated to be M0V.

















The David Dunlap Observatory (DDO) radial velocities
of component A were used in a joint solution with
the Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO) velocities
of components A and B to determine the orbital period.
That period was then fixed and only the KPNO velocities
were used to determine the rest of the orbital elements.

Both stars are chromospherically active.  Based on the
Hipparcos parallax and the derived magnitude differences,
both components are approximately 1 mag above the
zero-age main sequence, a result that is inconsistent
with the assumption that the components are coeval.

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

All dates and epochs in MJD

MSO = Mt. Stromlo Observatory, Gemini S = Gemini South
telescope at Cerro Pachon, KPNO = Kitt Peak National Observatory

The listed orbit was computed from just the radial velocities.
The criteria of Lucy & Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate
that the circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the
eccentric-orbit solution.  Value of T is NOT a time of
periastron passage but is T_0, a time of maximum positive
velocity.  A second orbit that combined the radial velocities
with six line polarization observations from spectropolarimetry
reduced orbital period to 1398 days. This combined orbit
resulted in an orbital inclination of 94.3 +/- 1.4 deg.

The system is a symbiotic star consisting of an M6.5 giant
on the asymptotic giant branch and a presumed white dwarf.
Eclipses were found in data from the Harvard College
Observatory plate archives.  The He II emission feature
near 1.0123 microns is associated with the hot component,
but the orbit that is produced by the emission line radial
velocities does not lead to masses that are consistent with
other results.

MSO = Mt. Stromlo Observatory, Gemini S = Gemini South
telescope at Cerro Pachon, KPNO = Kitt Peak National Observatory

The listed orbit was computed from just the radial velocities.
A second orbit that combined the radial velocities
with six line polarization observations from spectropolarimetry
reduced orbital period to 898 days. This combined orbit
resulted in an orbital inclination of 96.7 +/- 7.1 deg.

The system is a symbiotic star consisting of an M6 giant
on the asymptotic giant branch and a presumed white dwarf.
The system is predicted to eclipse.  The He II emission feature
near 1.0123 microns is associated with the hot component,
but the orbit that is produced by the emission line radial
velocities does not lead to masses that are consistent with
other results.



This binary is the primary component of a close visual double
star, making the system triple.  The spectroscopic binary primary
is a chromospherically active star with extensive star spot
coverage.  The system also has partial eclipses, and a simultaneous
solution of the spectroscopic and photometric observations
results in an inclination of 81.8 deg.  A circular orbit has
been adopted.  Thus, the value of T is NOT a time of periastron
passage but is T_0, a time of maximum positive velocity.

The semiamplitude of 46.6 listed in the original
paper is a typographical error. However, the mass
ratio and minimum masses in that paper are correct.

The primary is a gamma Doradus variable.


Telescope code: MtW = Mt Wilson; Pal = Palomar 200-inch;
Cam = Cambridge 36-inch; 2.7 = McDonald 2.7-m; 2.1 = McDonald 2.1-m.




Telescope code: MtW = Mt Wilson; Cam = Cambridge 36-inch;
 Pal = Palomar 200-inch; Cor = Coravel; V = Victoria;
 2.7 = McDonald 2.7-m; 2.1 = McDonald 2.1-m;
 KP = Kitt Peak coude feed.




The systemic velocity is give for JD 53371.0.  A trend of +1.16km/s/(1000d)
is ajusted for in the plot.  That trend was not applied for the old obser-
vations (i.e. prior to 2002).  Instead, a correction of -4.7, -4.0 and -0.7
km/s was applied to the 1986, 1988 and 1997/8 data respectively.

The systemic velocity is give for JD 53371.0.  A trend of +2.09km/s/(1000d)
is ajusted for in the plot.  That trend was not applied for the old obser-
vations (i.e. prior to 2001).  Instead, a correction of -0.7, -7.4, -45
and -54 km/s was applied to the 2000, 1986/7, 1945/6, and 1933 data









































Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Southeastern component of a visual binary.

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Telescope flags (tel): W = Wyeth reflector, T = Tillinghast reflector, M = MMT

The system is a double-lined hierarchical triple system.  The orbit
and velocities reported correspond to the inner binary.

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).


Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).


Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).


Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).


Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).


Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).


Northwestern component of a visual binary.

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).


Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).


Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).


Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).


Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).


Triple-lined hierarchical triple. Star 1 and 2 form the double-lined
binary, and the velocity of the third star seems constant.

Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).


Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute
velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor planets).

Velocities for observations with blended components were given zero weight.

The criteria of Lucy and Sweeney (1971, AJ, 76, 544) indicate
that the circular-orbit solution is to be prefered over the
eccentric-orbit solution.  Thus, the value of T is NOT a time of
periastron passage but rather is T_0, a time of maximum positive

The SB orbit refers to the B-component of the 6.8" visual binary
STF 1466 = ADS 7902.
MtW - RV from Mount Wilson (Abt, 1970)
DAO - RV from DAO (Plaskett et al., 1921)

Improvement of the orbit published in 2001A&A...374..227T.
Data of Struve  & Zebergs (1959 AJ  64 219) are
used  with a  correction of  -1.8 km/s  (marked 'Struve').  The visual
secondary B = HD 139460 at 11.8" is physical and has a constant radial
velocity of 1.2 +- 0.1 km/s.

COR - CORAVEL data (de Medeiros & Mayor, 1999).
The Aab system is SB, also resolved by speckle as CHR 194.
Preliminary visual elements to complement the spectroscopic orbit are:
a=37.3 +- 1.6 mas, node=330 +-5 deg., incination 50 +- 10 deg.
The resolved photometry of Aa,Ab is based on speckle results.
The AB system of 0.7" separation is Kui 80.
The omega originally published (329.9+/-4.5) was wrong.

The SB orbit refers to the B-component of ADS 16676, at 10" from A.
The orbit is preliminary.

A preliminary orbit based on historical RV data from Mt. Wilson (MtW, Abt, 1973) and Pulkova (Albitsky & Shain, 1933).

Published data of two previous  studies are incorporated in the common
solution with  offsets +1.2km/s (Wright  & Pugh, 1954, PDAO,  9, 407),
0.0km/s (Mayor & Mazeh, 1987,  A&A, 171, 157) and -2.0km/s (present data),
a total of 90 points. The data are listed without offsets.
A faint visual companion was found with adaptive optics in 2004.

Combined visual-spectroscopic orbit.
RVM - Radial-Velocity Meter, the rest is CORAVEL.
0-weight data not included in the orbital fit.

Given the extremely small eccentricity found for the
eccentric-orbit solution, a circular-orbit solution was adopted.
Thus, the value of T is NOT a time of periastron passage but
rather is T_0, a time of maximum positive velocity.

Fekel et al. confirm the large minimum masses of the Am star
components, determined by Heard and Hurkens (1973, JRASC, 67, 306)
but find that the more massive star is the hotter component.
The primary is synchronously rotating, while the secondary is
possibly synchronously rotating.

Given the extremely small eccentricity found for the
eccentric-orbit solution, a circular-orbit solution was adopted.
Thus, the value of T is NOT a time of periastron passage but
rather is T_0, a time of maximum positive velocity.

Fekel et al. find that the primary is an Am star, but the A9
secondary has normal abundances.  The primary is synchronously
rotating, while the secondary is possibly also synchronously

Given the extremely small eccentricity found for the
eccentric-orbit solution, a circular-orbit solution was adopted.
Thus, the value of T is NOT a time of periastron passage but
rather is T_0, a time of maximum positive velocity.

Fekel et al. find that the value of the period given by Abt and
Levy (1985, ApJS, 59, 229) is inconsistent with their primary
velocities.  The mass ratio of Fekel et al. is similar to the
value found by Abt and Levy(1985), but the minimum masses of
Fekel et al. are more than 20 per cent larger. Both components
are synchronously rotating.






















































































































omega was originally 0 in the publication.






















































Unless noted differently, the radial velocities are from McClure and Woodsworth
(1992ApJ...352..709M) shifted to the zero point of Coravel by subtracting

Unless noted differently, the radial velocities are from McClure and Woodsworth
(1992ApJ...352..709M) shifted to the zero point of Coravel by subtracting

Unless noted differently, the radial velocities are from McClure and Woodsworth
(1992ApJ...352..709M) shifted to the zero point of Coravel by subtracting

Unless noted differently, the radial velocities are from McClure and Woodsworth
(1992ApJ...352..709M) shifted to the zero point of Coravel by subtracting







SAO 167450 is the visual secondary of the W UMa-type eclipsing binary
AA Cet, making the system quadruple.  Both components of SAO 167450
are somewhat metal rich relative to the Sun.  The high lithum
abundances argue that the system is less than 1 billion years old.

Observatories: MtStrom = Mount Stromlo, Gemini S = Gemini South,
KPNO = Kitt Peak National Observatory, CTIO = Cerro Tololo Inter-American

The system is a symbiotic binary consisting of a M giant and a probable
hot compact companion.  The orbital elements were determined from the
giant's absorption line velocities.  The measured velocities also contain
pulsational velocity changes.

Velocities of the Paschen delta emission line of hydrogen are
almost 180 degrees out of phase with the M giant absorption features
and also have nearly the same center of mass velocity as the giant.
Thus, they are listed for component B, the presumed hot compact
object.  The emission velocities have only been used to obtain a mass
ratio of the components.

Observatories: MtStrom = Mount Stromlo, Gemini S = Gemini South,
KPNO = Kitt Peak National Observatory, CTIO = Cerro Tololo Inter-American

The system is a symbiotic binary consisting of a M giant and a probable
hot compact companion.  The measured velocities also contain pulsational
velocity changes.

Observatories: MtStrom = Mount Stromlo, Gemini S = Gemini South,
KPNO = Kitt Peak National Observatory, CTIO = Cerro Tololo Inter-American

The system is a symbiotic binary consisting of a M giant and a probable
hot compact companion.  The measured velocities also contain pulsational
velocity changes.

Observatories: CES = Cassegrain Echelle Spectrograph
The star is a member of the open cluster Blanco 1


Observatories: CES = Cassegrain Echelle Spectrograph.

The star is a member of the open cluster Blanco 1.

Observatories: CES = cassegrain Echelle Spectrograph.

The star is a member of the open cluster Blanco 1.

Observatories: CES = Cassegrain Echelle Spectrograph
The star is a member of the open cluster Blanco 1


Observatories:  CES = cassegrain Echelle Spectrograph
The star is a member of the open cluster Blanco 1

Observatories: CES = Cassegrain Echelle Spectrograph.

The star is a member of the open cluster Blanco 1

Observatories: CES = Cassegrain Echelle Spectrograph.

The star is a member of the open cluster Blanco 1

Observatories: CES = Cassegrain Echelle Spectrograph

The star is a member of the open cluster Blanco 1










The T0 originally published was wrong.  S. Rucinski revised it prior to
uploading the orbits in SB9.  He also supplied two alternative solutions:
Solution with:
   P = 0.810720 assumed period, as given in Table 2
V0 = -16.03 +/- 0.45
K1 =  45.36     0.33
K2 = 169.62     1.69
T0 = 2,452,330.2924 +/- 0.0015
          2,452,330.1642 as in the table is incorrect
eps1 =  1.92
eps2 = 12.71

Solution with:
   P = 0.810746,  the Hipparcos photometric period
V0 = -15.85 +/- 0.46
K1 =  45.52     0.32
K2 = 169.58     1.75
T0 = 2,452,330.2870 +/- 0.0015
eps1 =  2.01
eps2 = 12.84

All epochs are in MJD

All epochs in MJD












In the paper, for this system, the table with RV does not list the epoch,
only RV and phase.  The epochs were computed for convenience using the
period and T0 from Table 3 and the epochs from Table 1.













In the paper, for this system, the table with RV does not list the epoch,
only RV and phase.  The epochs were computed for convenience using the
period and T0 from Table 2 and the epochs from Table 1.






The value used for F is not the one liste in Table 2 (0.3053707d) but
the one listed below it.  The latter gives a smaller dispersion.



Eclipsing binary. Radial velocities are on the native CfA system
(+0.139 km/s should be added to these velocities to put them on the
absolute velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor
planets). The secondary velocities have a zero-point offset relative
to the primary velocities, and can be corrected by adding -3.96 km/s.

Eclipsing binary. Radial velocities are on the native CfA system (+0.139 km/s
should be added to these velocities to put them on the absolute velocity system
defined by CfA observations of minor planets).
There was a typo on V0 in the publication which is corrected here.

Eclipsing binary. Radial velocities are on the native CfA system
(+0.139 km/s should be added to these velocities to put them on the
absolute velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor

Eclipsing binary. These velocities are from absorption lines, and are
the ones adopted for the final spectroscopic solution in the original

Eclipsing binary.

Eclipsing binary. Radial velocities are on the native CfA system
(+0.139 km/s should be added to these velocities to put them on the
absolute velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor
planets). The secondary velocities have a zero-point offset relative
to the primary velocities, and can be corrected by adding -2.31 km/s.

Astrometric-spectroscopic binary. Radial velocities are on the native
CfA system (+0.139 km/s should be added to these velocities to put
them on the absolute velocity system defined by CfA observations of
minor planets).

Eclipsing binary. Radial velocities are measured relative to that of
GJ 182, for which the value reported by Montes et al. (2001) is +32.4
+/- 1.0 km/s (2001MNRAS.328...45M).

Eclipsing binary.

Eclipsing binary. Radial velocities are on the native CfA system
(+0.139 km/s should be added to these velocities to put them on the
absolute velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor

Eclipsing binary. Radial velocities are on the native CfA system
(+0.139 km/s should be added to these velocities to put them on the
absolute velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor

Eclipsing binary. Radial velocities are on the native CfA system
(+0.139 km/s should be added to these velocities to put them on the
absolute velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor


Eclipsing binary. Radial velocities are on the native CfA system
(+0.139 km/s should be added to these velocities to put them on the
absolute velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor

Eclipsing binary. Radial velocities are on the native CfA system
(+0.139 km/s should be added to these velocities to put them on the
absolute velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor

Eclipsing binary. Radial velocities are on the native CfA system
(+0.139 km/s should be added to these velocities to put them on the
absolute velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor

Eclipsing binary. Radial velocities are on the native CfA system
(+0.139 km/s should be added to these velocities to put them on the
absolute velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor

Eclipsing binary. Radial velocities are on the native CfA system
(+0.139 km/s should be added to these velocities to put them on the
absolute velocity system defined by CfA observations of minor
















We confirm the assessment of Batten et al., who concluded in the
previous SB catalog that the orbital period of Northcott is correct.
Fair = Fairborn Observatory, KPNO = Kitt Peak National Observatory,
McD = McDonald Observatory

Fair = Fairborn Observatory, KPNO = Kitt Peak National Observatory

Hipparcos photometry shows that this system has partial eclipses.
The stars are at the very end of their main sequence lifetimes or
have just begun crossing the Hertsprung gap.
KPNO = Kitt Peak National Observatory, McD = McDonald Observatory,
Fair = Fairborn Observatory

KPNO = Kitt Peak National Observatory, Fair = Fairborn Observatory

The new orbital elements confirm that the system has a partial
primary eclipse, but whether there is a secondary eclipse in this
eccentric orbit system remains to be determined.
Fair = Fairborn Observatory, KPNO = Kitt Peak National Observatory

Both components are Am stars, and both are rotating
substantially faster than their pseudosynchronous
rotational velocities (Hut 1981, A&A, 99, 126).

Both components of 41 Sex are synchronously rotating.
For the primary of 41 Sex the spectrum line depth changes
noted by Sreedhar Rao et al. (1990, ApJ, 365, 336) were
not detected.

Given the extremely small eccentricity found for the
eccentric-orbit solution, a circular-orbit solution was adopted.
Thus, the value of T is NOT a time of periastron passage but
rather is T_0, a time of maximum positive velocity.

The binary components are rotating significantly faster
than their pseudosynchronous velocities.

A new astrometric orbit computed with the Hipparcos astrometry
and the above spectroscopic orbital elements produces a very
high orbital inclination of 88 deg +/- 5 deg.  An extensive
series of photometric observations was searched, but no
evidence for eclipses was found.

An extensive series of photometric observations was
searched, but no evidence for eclipses was found.
The primary star is likely just beginning to traverse
the Hertzsprung gap.

Observatories: CASS: 2.1m Cassegrain spectrograph at Kitt Peak

The star is a member of the Trapezium System and an eclipsing binary.

Observatories: CASS: 2.1m Cassegrain spectrogrph at Kitt Peak.

The star is a member of the Trapezium System and an eclipsing binary.

Observatories: CASS: 2.1m Cassegrain spectrograph at Kitt Peak.


Observatories: CFS = Coude fees Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coudé Feed Telescope


Observatories: CFS =  Coude feed  Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coudè feed Telescope


Observatories: CFS = Coude feed Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coudè Feed Telescope


Observatories: CFS = Coudè Feed Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coude Feed Telescope


Observatories: CFS = Coudè Feed Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coude Feed Telescope


Observatories: CFS = Coudè Feed Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coude Feed Telescope


Observatories: CFS = Coudè Feed Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coude Feed Telescope


Observatories: CFS = Coudè Feed Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coude Feed Telescope


Observatories: CFS = Coudè Feed Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coude Feed Telescope


Observatories: CFS = Coudè Feed Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coude Feed Telescope


Observatories: CFS = Coudè Feed Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coude Feed Telescope


Observatories: CFS = Coudè Feed Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coude Feed Telescope


Observatories: CFS = Coudè Feed Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coude Feed Telescope


Observatories: CFS = Coudè Feed Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coude Feed Telescope

SB9: This is the orbit as it appears in the original paper.  However, we do
obtain a better plot if one replaces the corresponding elements with T=44464.2;
omega=73deg and K1=30.4km/s.  At least, with those values, the plot looks
close to the one in the paper.  In any case, the the orbit is very poor.

Observatories: CFS = Coude fees Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coudé Feed Telescope


Observatories: CFS = Coude fees Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coudé Feed Telescope

SB9: The orbit is just a cut and paste of the orbit from Levato et al. (1987),
also in SB9.  The data from the paper does not support that orbital solution
which is poorly supported by the original observations.

Observatories: CFS = Coude fees Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coudé Feed Telescope


Observatories: CFS = Coude fees Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coudé Feed Telescope


Observatories: CFS = Coude fees Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coudé Feed Telescope


Observatories: CFS = Coude fees Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coudé Feed Telescope


Observatories: CFS = Coude fees Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coudé Feed Telescope


Observatories: CFS = Coude fees Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coudé Feed Telescope

The publication lists 0 for omega ... but it is not consistent with the
other parameters (SB9).

Observatories: CFS = Coude fees Spectrograph at Kitt Peak Coudé Feed Telescope

The publication lists 0 for omega ... but it is not consistent with the
other parameters (SB9).

Observatories: Dominion Astrophysical Observatory Reticon

The star is a double-lined spectrocopic binary.

Observatories: DAO: Dominion Astrophysical Observatory´s coude spectrograph on the 1.2 m telescope.
The measurements of the profiles were done by fitting Gaussian profiles.

The star is an A-type over contact binary W UMa.

Observatories: DAO: Dominion Astrophysical Observatory´s coude spectrograph on
the 1.2 m telescope.
The measurements of the profiles were done by fitting Synthetic profiles and
the measurements of the primary and secondary components are in excellent

The star is an A-type over contact binary W UMa.

Observatories: DAO: Dominion Astrophysical Observatory´s coude spectrograph on the 1.2 m telescope.
The measurements of the profiles were done by fitting Zero velocity profiles.

The star is an A-type over contact binary W UMa.