Table 6 Swift/UVOT Image Mode Burst Database Format Column Format Description 1 A10 Object ID GRByymmssX 2 F10.6 Right ascension (J2000.0) in decimal degrees 3 F10.6 Declination (J2000.0) in decimal degrees 4 F6.2 Positional uncertainty in arcseconds 5 F11.1 Time of burst trigger in mission elapsed time (MET) 6 A23 Time of burst trigger in Universal time 7 F13.3 Time of middle of exposure in MET 8 F13.3 Time of start of exposure in MET 9 F13.3 Time of end of exposure in MET 10 F8.3 Total exposure time in seconds with all correction applied 11 F8.3 Total elapsed time in seconds 12 A5 UVOT filter 13 I1 Binning factor 14 F4.1 Source aperture radius in arcseconds 15 F7.2 Area of the source region (SR) in square arcseconds 16 F8.2 Area of the background region (BR) in square arcseconds 17 F5.3 Image plate scale in arcseconds per pixel 18 F9.2 Total number of counts in SR 19 F9.2 Error in the total number of counts in SR 20 F9.2 Total number of counts in BR 21 F9.2 Error in the total number of counts in BR 22 F9.2 Total number of counts in standard SR 23 F9.2 Error in the total number of counts in standard SR 24 E11.4 Count rate in SR in counts per second 25 E11.4 Error in the SR count rate 26 E11.4 Count rate in BR per square arcseconds 27 E11.4 Error in the BR count rate per square arcseconds 28 E11.4 Global background rate in counts per second per square arcsecond 29 E11.4 Area of global background region in square arcseconds 30 E11.4 Count rate in coincidence loss region (CLR) 31 E11.4 Error in the count rate of the CLR 32 F5.3 Coincidence loss correction factor (CLCF) for CLR 33 F5.3 Error in the CLR CLCF 34 F5.3 CLCF for BR 35 F5.3 Error in the BR CLCF 36 F9.2 Coincidence loss corrected (CLC) counts in SR 37 F9.2 Error in the SR CLC counts 38 F9.2 CLC counts in BR 39 F9.2 Error in the BR CLC counts 40 E11.4 CLC raw count rate in SR 41 E11.4 Error in the SR CLC raw count rate 42 E11.4 CLC background surface count rate in counts per second per square arcsecond 43 E11.4 Error in the CLC background surface count rate 44 E11.4 Coincidence corrected net count rate 45 E11.4 Error in the coincidence corrected net count rate 46 F5.3 Aperture correction between a 3" and 5" aperture 47 F5.3 Aperture factor used to compute the count rate error 48 E11.4 CLC count rate use to calculate flux and magnitude 49 E11.4 Error on the CLC count rate use to calculate flux and magnitude 50 F5.2 Magnitude/upper-limit of the source (99.00 for upper-limit) 51 F5.2 1sigma error in magnitude (9.90E+01 for upper-limits) 52 F6.1 Signal-to-noise ratio calculated from Columns 41 and 43 53 F5.2 Magnitude of the background per square arcseconds 54 F5.2 1sigma error in background in magnitude per square arcseconds 55 F5.2 "N"-sigma limiting magnitude 56 F3.1 Chosen parameter for "N" 57 F5.2 Magnitude at which the count rate is one count per CCD frame 58 E10.3 Flux density in erg s^{-1} cm^{-2} angst^{-1} 59 E10.3 1sigma error in flux density in erg s^{-1} cm^{-2} angst^{-1} 60 E10.3 Flux density of the sky in erg s^{-1} cm^{-2} angst^{-1} arcsec^{-2} 61 E10.3 1sigma error in sky flux density in erg s^{-1} cm^{-2} angst^{-1} arcsec^{-2} 62 E10.3 "N"-sigma limiting flux density in erg s^{-1} cm^{-2} angst^{-1} 63 E10.3 Flux density in erg s^{-1} cm^{-2} angst^{-1} at which the count rate is one count per frame 64 E10.3 Flux density in mJy 65 E10.3 1sigma error in flux density in mJy 66 E10.3 Flux density of the sky in mJy arcsec^{-2} 67 E10.3 1sigma error in sky flux density in mJy arcsec^{-2} 68 E10.3 "N"-sigma limiting flux density in mJy 69 E10.3 Flux density in mJy at which the count rate is one count per frame 70 F10.6 Right ascension (J2000.0) in decimal degrees of closest non-GRB source 71 F10.6 Declination (J2000.0) in decimal degrees of closest non-GRB source 72 F6.2 Magnitude in the given UVOT band of closest non-GRB source 73 F10.6 Centroided R.A. (J2000.0) in decimal degrees 74 F10.6 Centroided decl. (J2000.0) in decimal degrees 75 F5.1 Centroided positional uncertainty in arcseconds 76 A1 Settling image flag (T/F) 77 A1 Aspect error flag (T/F) 78 A1 Charge trailing flag (T/F) 79 A1 Crowded field flag (T/F) 80 A1 Diffraction spike flag (T/F) 81 A1 Edge of field flag (T/F) 82 A1 In halo flag (T/F) 83 A1 Poor quality flag (T/F) 84 A8 Swift trigger number 85 A12 Name of source FITS extension 86 A54 Image name