Click on a catalogue name or number to move to the corresponding VizieR page (boldface names), or to a summary description when the catalogue is not available through VizieR.
(V/126) MEGA-H proper motion catalog (Kharchenko, 2004)
(V/125) Photometry and Spectroscopy for Luminous Stars (Reed 2005)
(V/124) Approximate elements of eclipsing binaries (Svechnikov+, 1990)
(V/123) Catalog of Cataclysmic Variables (Downes+ 2001-2005)
(V/122) SB9: 9th Catalogue of Spectroscopic Binary Orbits (Pourbaix+ 2004)
(V/121) Catalog of DMS-type eclipsing binaries (Svechnikov+, 1999)
(V/120) Catalog of early-type contact binaries (Bondarenko+, 1996)
(V/119) Catalogue of field contact binary stars (Pribulla+, 2003)
(V/118) Catalog of eclipsing binaries parameters (Perevozkina+, 1999)
(V/117) Geneva-Copenhagen Survey of Solar neighbourhood (Nordstrom+, 2004)
(V/116) Galactic O star catalog (Maiz-apellaniz+, 2004)
(V/115) Semi-detached eclipsing binaries (Surkova+, 2004)
(V/114) MSX6C Infrared Point Source Catalog (Egan+ 2003)
(V/113D) Cataclysmic Binaries, LMXBs, and related objects (Ritter+, 2003)
(V/112) Catalog of Star-Forming Regions in the Galaxy (Avedisova, 2002)