1 | Close to a dither edge (not yet implemented) |
2 | |
4 | Close to a bright source (not yet implemented) |
8 | |
16 | Deblended |
32 | |
64 | Bad pixel(s) in default aperture |
128 | Low confidence in default aperture |
256 | |
512 | |
1024 | |
2048 | |
4096 | Lies within detector 16 region of a tile |
8192 | |
16384 | |
32768 | |
65536 | Close to saturated |
131072 | Photometric calibration probably subject to systematic error |
262144 | |
524288 | |
1048576 | Possible diffraction spike artefact/contamination (not yet implemented) |
2097152 | |
4194304 | Lies within a dither offset of the stacked frame boundary |
8388608 | Lies within the underexposed strip (or 'ear') of a tile |
16777216 | Lies within an underexposed region of a tile due to missing detector |