Table 1       Definitions of the Code Numbering System     (23.05.1991)
Durchmusterung Catalogues
-4.0AABBBBB   CpD   North of -52 without CoD counterpart
-2.0AABBBBB   CoD   South of -52 without CpD counterpart
-0.0AABBBBB   CpD   South of -52 (1875)
-0.0AABBBBB   CoD   North of -52 (1875)
-0.0AABBBBB   BD    North of -23 (1855)
+0.0AABBBBB   BD    Northern hemisphere
              AA = declination zone ; BBBBB = star number
Carte du Ciel
+0.8AABBBBB   Stars in the Carte du Ciel Zones of Greenwich, Oxford and
              AA = declination zone ; BBBBB = star number
HD and HDE Catalogues
+1.00BBBBBB   HD and HDE
              BBBBBB = HD- or HDE number
SAO Catalog
+1.50BBBBBB   SAO stars without HD or DM numbers
              BBBBBB = SAO number
Open and Globular Clusters
+2.XXXXBBBB   NGC Clusters
              XXXX = NGC number, BBBB = star number according to the
              authors quoted in the reference list in table 5
+3.XXXXBBBB   IC  Clusters
              XXXX = IC number, BBBB = star number according to the
              authors quoted in the reference list in table 6
+4.AAXXBBBB   Clusters without NGC or IC identification
              For lists containing less than 100 clusters
              AA = Code for discoverers' names, according to table 2
              XX = Cluster number according to the discoverer's list
              BBBB = star number according to the authors quoted in
              the reference list in table 7a
+5.AXXXBBBB   Clusters without NGC or IC identification
              For lists containing more than 100 clusters
              A = Code for discoverers' names, according to table 2
              XXX = Cluster number according to the discoverer's list
              BBBB = star number according to the authors quoted in
              the reference list in table 7b
Various Catalogues and Lists of Stars
+6.0AABBBBB   Catalogues containing more than 10000 stars
+6.1AAABBBB   Catalogues containing more than 1000 stars
+6.2AAAABBB   Lists of less than 1000 stars
              AA, AAA, AAAA Authors identification according to table 8
              BBBBB, BBBB, BBB = star number
+6.3AAXXBBB   Lists of stars appearing in tables defined by one author
              AA = Author identification according to table 8
              XX = table number, BBB = star number
+6.4XXAABBB   Lists or sequences of stars grouped by constellation
              XX = Constellation code according to table 3
              AA = Author identification, BBB = star number
+6.5XXABBBB   Code for variable stars
              Xx = Constellation code according to table 3
              A  = Catalogue identification, BBBB = star number
+6.6XXXXBBB   Loden's loose star Clusterings
              XXXX = Clustering number,  BBB = star number
+6.7XXXXBBB   Stars in Curtis Schmidt plates
              XXXX = plate number, BBB = star number
+6.80HHMMSS   Stars identified by their coordinates
              HH = hours, MM = minutes, SS = seconds
+6.9ZZZZZZZ   Lists of stars not included in the preceding definitions
              See table 8 for code information content
Selected Areas
+7.AXXXBBBB   Code for stars in Selected Areas
              A = Catalogue identification according to table 9
              XXX = Selected Area number, BBBB = star number
Declination Zones Catalogues
+8.AAXXBBBB   Lists of stars divided by declination zones
              AA = identification list (table 10)
              AA = 00-49  northern hemisphere zones
              AA = 50-99  southern hemisphere zones
              XX = zone, BBBB = star number
Miscellanous Lists
+9.0AAABBBB   Lists of stars in Clusters, Associations and field of galaxies
              AAA = Code for field (see table 4)
              BBBB = star number according to the authors
              in the references list in table 11
+9.2XXXXABB   Photoelectric sequences for NGC objects
              Xxxx = NGC number, A = author, Bb = star number
+9.3XXXXABB   Photoelectric sequences for  IC  objects
              XXXX = IC number, A = author, BB = star number
+9.5AYXXBBB   Standard Regions
              A = identification (table 11), XX = region
              Y = 1-6 (A-F), XX = 01-09, BBB = star number
+9.6AXXBBBB   Miscellanous Regions
              A = region identification  (table 4)
              XX = region number, BBBB = star number
+9.8AXXXBBB   Stars from lists of Giclas or Luyten
              A = Catalogue identification (table 11)
              XXX = Chart number, BBB = star number
+9.9XXXXBBB   LP stars in field with four digits
Table 2       Name Code for Cluster identifications
          +4.01    Abell                +4.21    Hogg
          +4.02    Alter                +4.22    Iskurzdajan
          +4.03    Apriamaswili         +4.23    King
          +4.04    Arp                  +4.24    Lynga
          +4.05    Baade                +4.25    Markarjan
          +4.06    Barhatova            +4.26    Palomar
          +4.07    Basel                +4.27    Pismis
          +4.08    Biurakan             +4.28    Roslund
          +4.09    Blanco               +4.29    Sher
          +4.10    Czernik              +4.30    Stephenson
          +4.11    Deje                 +4.31    Stock
          +4.12    Dolidze              +4.32    Sahlbajan
          +4.13    Dolidze - Dzim       +4.33    Terzan
          +4.14    Dufay                +4.34    Tombaugh
          +4.15    Feinstein            +4.35    Trumpler
          +4.16    Gingerich            +4.36    Upgren
          +4.17    Graff                +4.37    Van den Bergh
          +4.18    Haffner              +4.38    Westerlund
          +4.19    Harvard              +4.39    Zwicky
          +4.20    Haute-provence       +4.40    Bochum
                                        +4.41    Waterloo
          +5.0     Berkeley             +5.3     Ruprecht
          +5.1     Collinder            +5.4     Van den Bergh - Hagen
          +5.2     Melotte
Table 3a      Constellation Code
         1  Andromeda         31  Cygnus            61  Pavo
         2  Antlia            32  Delphinus         62  Pegasus
         3  Apus              33  Dorado            63  Perseus
         4  Aquarius          34  Draco             64  Phoenix
         5  Aquila            35  Equuleus          65  Pictor
         6  Ara               36  Eridanus          66  Pisces
         7  Aries             37  Fornax            67  Piscis Austrinus
         8  Auriga            38  Gemini            68  Puppis
         9  Bootes            39  Grus              69  Pyxis
        10  Caelum            40  Hercules          70  Reticulum
        11  Camelopardalis    41  Horologium        71  Sagitta
        12  Cancer            42  Hydra             72  Sagittarius
        13  Canes venatici    43  Hydrus            73  Scorpius
        14  Canis maior       44  Indus             74  Sculptor
        15  Canis minor       45  Lacerta           75  Scutum
        16  Capricornus       46  Leo               76  Serpens Caput
        17  Carina            47  Leo minor         77  Serpens Cauda
        18  Cassiopeia        48  Lepus             78  Sextans
        19  Centaurus         49  Libra             79  Taurus
        20  Cepheus           50  Lupus             80  Telescopium
        21  Cetus             51  Lynx              81  Triangulum
        22  Chamaeleon        52  Lyra              82  Triangulum Australe
        23  Circinus          53  Mensa             83  Tucana
        24  Columba           54  Microscopium      84  Ursa maior
        25  Coma Berenices    55  Monoceros         85  Ursa minor
        26  Corona Australis  56  Musca             86  Vela
        27  Corona Borealis   57  Norma             87  Virgo
        28  Corvus            58  Octans            88  Volans
        29  Crater            59  Ophiucus          89  Vulpecula
        30  Crux              60  Orion
Table 3b        Letter Code
         A    1       N   14       a    27      n   40
         B    2       O   15       b    28      o   41
         C    3       P   16       c    29      p   42
         D    4       Q   17       d    30      q   43
         E    5       R   18       e    31      r   44
         F    6       S   19       f    32      s   45
         G    7       T   20       g    33      t   46
         H    8       U   21       h    34      u   47
         I    9       V   22       i    35      v   48
         J   10       W   23       j    36      w   49
         K   11       X   24       k    37      x   50
         L   12       Y   25       l    38      y   51
         M   13       Z   26       m    39      z   52
Table 4a        Code of some usual Numbering Systems
               +2.0104  47 Tucanae
               +2.0869  h Persei
               +2.0884  chi Persei
               +2.1901  Cluster in line of sight of the LMC
               +2.2632  Praesepe (M44)
               +2.2682  M67
               +2.5139  Omega Centauri
               +3.2391  Omicron Velorum cluster
               +3.2602  Theta Carinae cluster
               +4.0901  Zeta Scl cluster
               +4.3001  Delta Lyrae cluster
               +4.3107  Abt's new cluster = Stock 7
               +4.3516  Eta Carinae cluster
               +4.3701  CV Mon cluster
               +5.2020  Alpha Persei cluster
               +5.2022  Pleiades
               +5.2025  Hyades
               +5.2111  Coma Berenices
               +6.000   Luyten, Search for faint blue stars - LB -
               +6.001   Luyten, Two Tenth catalogue - LTT -
               +6.002   Luyten, Bruce Proper Motion survey - BPM -
               +6.003   Luyten, Double stars - LDS -
               +6.004   Harvard variables - HV -
               +6.007   Aitken double stars - ADS -
               +6.009   Dearborn Catalogue of red stars
               +6.1000  Stephenson & Sanduleak, Luminous stars in S.M.W.
               +6.1001  Gliese, Catalogue of nearby stars
               +6.1002  Woolley Catalogue
               +6.1003  Jenkins, Yale trigonometric parallaxes
               +6.1004  Worley,  Cat. of visual Binary orbits
               +6.1005  Giclas, Red stars - GR -
               +6.1006  Giclas, White dwarfs - GD -
               +6.1007  Iriarte & Chavira - NGP -
               +6.1008  Chavira - SGP, Ton -
               +6.1012  Merrill & Burwell - MWC -
               +6.1013  Henize - He3 -
               +6.1014  Wolf's lists of proper motion stars
               +6.1016  Haro & Luyten - PHL -
               +6.1017  Klare & Szeidl, OB star Catalogue
               +6.1018  Stephenson, General Cat. of Cool Carbon stars
               +6.1022  Ross, lists of proper motion stars
               +6.1023  Gliese & Jahreiss - GJ -
               +6.1025  Luyten - LHS -
               +6.20001  Feige, Faint Blue stars - F -
               +6.20002  Lynga (1964), OB stars
               +6.20004  Humason & Zwicky - HZ -
               +6.20010  Merrill & Burwell - AS -
               +6.20017  Slettebak & Stock - SSII -
               +6.20020  Eggen & Greenstein - EG -
               +6.20021  Slettebak & Brundage - SB -
               +6.20029  Van Wijk sequence
               +6.20030  Vyssotsky's lists of red dwarfs
               +6.20078  Herbig & Rao catalogue - HRC -
               +6.20141  MacConnell & Frye & Upgren - MFU -
               +6.300   Bok & Bok, standard sequence
               +6.307   Bok & Bok & Miller, standard sequences
               +6.900   Loden's regions without sign
               +6.901   Loden's regions with + sign
               +6.902   Loden's regions with - sign
               +7.0     Harvard S.A., Kapteyn Systematic Plan
               +7.1     Van Rhijn S.A., Kapteyn Special Plan
               +7.2     Mount Wilson S.A.
               +7.3     Bergedorfer Spektral Durchmusterung
               +7.4     Potsdamer Spektral Durchmusterung
               +7.5     Radcliffe proper motions
               +7.8     McCormick zones
               +8.00  No Upgren (1962)
               +8.01  Catalogue LS Vol I
               +8.02  Catalogue LS Vol II
               +8.03  Catalogue LS Vol III
               +8.04  Catalogue LS Vol IV
               +8.05  Catalogue LS Vol V
               +8.06  Catalogue LS Vol VI
               +8.07  Catalogue IRC Northern Zones
               +8.54  Catalogue LS Vol IV
               +8.57  Catalogue IRC Southern Zones
               +8.58  Sanduleak's Catalogue in LMC
               +9.0001  Orion  no Brun
               +9.0002  III Cephei  no Blaauw
               +9.0003  Cyg OB 2 no Reddish  (VI Cygni)
               +9.0004  Ring Ori   no Isserstedt
               +9.0005  Ring Hydra no Isserstedt
               +9.0006  Ring Aql   no Isserstedt
               +9.0007  Sco Ob1  no Braes
               +9.0011  Chamaeleon T association
               +9.0012  Moffat (1976) anon cluster
               +9.0015  Association Mon R2
               +9.0020  New cluster, Havlen, Moffat (1977)
               +9.0022  Association Ara Ob1
               +9.0031  Rho Ophiuci complex
               +9.0032  Anon cluster around V567 Sco
               +9.0050  Cep OB4
               +9.0053  BV sequence for UMi dwarf galaxy
               +9.265221  BV sequence in Baade's window
               +9.50  Harvard Standard Regions
               +9.51  Cousins and Stoy  E  Regions
               +9.60XX  LF Regions
               +9.64XX  XXHLF4 Regions
               +9.80  G-numbered stars
               +9.82  Giclas, double stars - GXXX-BXX -
               +9.85  Luyten - LP -
               +9.86  Luyten - L -
               +9.9   Luyten - LP - (zone with four digit)
Table 4b        Index
Proper Motion Stars
               +9.80XXXBBB   Giclas - G -
               +9.85XXXBBB   Luyten - LP -
               +9.86XXXBBB   Luyten - L -
               +6.1025BBBB   Luyten - LHS -
               +6.001BBBBB   Luyten - LTT -
               +9.82XXXAAA   Giclas, double stars - GXXX-BAAA -
               +6.003BBBBX   Luyten - LDS - (double Stars)
               +6.1014BBBB   Wolf lists
               +6.1022BBBB   Ross lists
               +6.002BBBBB   Luyten - BPM -
Red Stars
               +6.1005BBBB   Giclas - GR -
               +6.20030BBB   Vyssotsky lists
               +6.1018BBBB   Stephenson Gen. Cat. of Cool Carbon Stars
               +6.20117BBB   Upgren et Al, dK and dM stars (south)
               +6.20141BBB   MacConnell & Frye & Upgren, (Barium Stars)
               +6.009BBBBB   Dearborn Obs. Catalogue  - DO -
               +6.20172BBB   Yamashita *C
Nearby Stars
               +6.1001BBBB   Gliese, Catalogue of Nearby Stars
               +6.1023BBBB   Gliese & Jahreiss, supplement catalogue
               +6.1002BBBB   Woolley et al. Catalogue
White Dwarfs
               +6.1006BBBB   Giclas - GD -
               +6.20020BBB   Eggen & Greenstein - EG -
Faint Blue Stars
               +6.000BBBBB   Luyten, A Search for Faint Blue Stars - LB -
               +6.1006BBBB   Giclas - GD -
               +6.1016BBBB   Haro & Luyten - PHL -
               +6.20001BBB   Feige list
               +6.20004BBB   Humason & Zwicky - HZ -
               +6.20015BBB   Barbieri (1968)
               +6.20016BBB   Barbieri & Rosino (1972)
               +6.20022BBB   Jaidee & Lynga - JL -
               +6.20028BBB   Klemola (1961)
               +6.20124BBB   Greenstein & Sargent - FB -
OB Stars
               +6.1000BBBB   Stephenson & Sanduleak - LSS -
               +8.01XXBBBB   Hamburg Survey Vol I - LSN -
               +8.02XXBBBB   Hamburg Survey Vol II
               +8.03XXBBBB   Hamburg Survey Vol III
               +8.04XXBBBB   Hamburg Survey Vol IV
               +8.05XXBBBB   Hamburg Survey Vol V
               +8.06XXBBBB   Hamburg Survey Vol VI
               +6.1009BBBB   Hiltner (1956) list
               +6.1017BBBB   Klare & Szeidl, catalogue
               +6.20107BBB   Muzzio & Orsatti (1977)
               +6.20108BBB   Muzzio & Orsatti (1977)
               +6.20109BBB   Orsatti & Muzzio (1980)
               +6.20126BBB   Forte & Orsatti (1981)
               +6.20002BBB   Lynga (1964)
               +6.20005BBB   Lynga (1968)
               +6.20007BBB   Wramdemark (1976)
               +6.20023BBB   Munch (1951)
               +6.20076BBB   A Spectral Survey of the S.M.W. II O-B5 stars
Emission-Line Stars
               +6.1012BBBB   Merrill & Burwell - MWC -
               +6.1013BBBB   Henize - He3 -
               +6.20010BBB   Merrill & Burwell - AS -
               +6.20036BBB   Haro & Chavira (1964)
               +6.20037BBB   Haro & Iriarte & Chavira (1953)
               +6.20038BBB   Herbig - LkHalpha -
               +6.20055BBB   Vatican emission stars - VES -
               +6.20158BBB   Iriarte & Chavira (1955)
               +6.20059BBB   Iriarte & Chavira (1956)
               +6.20148BBB   Schwartz
               +6.20003BBB   Rubin & Losee
Wolf-Rayet Stars
               +6.20133BBB   van der Hucht & Conti, catalogue
Particular Objects
               +6.20078186   FU Ori
               +6.90800007   UV 1758+36
               +6.90800008   3U 1956+11
               +6.90800017   Markarian 20
               +6.90800018   Wk X-ray 1
               +6.90800019   Wk X-ray 2
               +6.90800020   Fk X-ray 3
Open Clusters
               +2.0581BBBB   M103  (NGC 581)
               +2.0869BBBB   h Persei (NGC 869)
               +2.0884BBBB   chi Persei (NGC 884)
               +2.1039BBBB   M34  (NGC 1039)
               +2.1901BBBB   Cluster in line of sight of the LMC (anon. Bok)
               +2.2632BBBB   Praesepe (NGC 2632, M44)
               +2.2682BBBB   M67  (NGC 2682)
               +2.6405BBBB   M6   (NGC 6405)
               +2.6475BBBB   M7   (NGC 6475)
               +2.6514BBBB   M20  (NGC 6514)
               +2.6613BBBB   M18  (NGC 6613)
               +2.6618BBBB   M17  (NGC 6618)
               +2.6705BBBB   M11  (NGC 6705)
               +3.4725BBBB   M25  (IC 4725)
               +4.0901BBBB   Zeta Scl cluster (anon. Blanco 1)
               +4.3001BBBB   Delta Lyrae cluster (anon. Stephenson)
               +4.3107BBBB   Abt's new cluster = Stock 7
               +4.3701BBBB   Cv Mon cluster
               +5.2020BBBB   Alpha Persei (Mel 20)
               +5.2022BBBB   Pleiades (Mel 22, M45)
               +5.2025BBBB   Hyades (Mel 25)
               +5.2111BBBB   Coma Ber (Mel 111)
               +9.0001BBBB   Orion Nebula cluster
               +9.0012BBBB   New cluster around HD 143183
               +9.0020BBBB   New cluster, Havlen, Moffat (1977)
               +9.0032BBBB   Anon cluster around V567 Sco
               +9.0045BBBB   Anon cluster around WZ Sgr
               +9.0002BBBB   Cep OB3  (III Cephei)
               +9.0003BBBB   Cyg OB2  (VI Cygni)
               +9.0007BBBB   Sco OB1
               +9.0011BBBB   Chamaeleon T Ass.
               +9.0015BBBB   Mon R2
               +9.0022BBBB   Ara OB1
               +9.0023BBBB   Pup OB3
               +9.0031BBBB   Rho Ophiuci Complex
               +9.0038BBBX   CMa R1
               +9.0039BBBB   Mon R1
               +9.0040BBBB   Simeis 188
               +9.0041BBBB   Stars near M8 and M20
               +9.0042BBBB   Vul R1
               +9.0043BBBB   Vul R2
               +9.0050BBBB   Cep OB4
Globular Clusters
               +2.0104BBBB   47 Tucanae
               +2.5139BBBB   Omega Centauri
               +2.5272BBBB   M3  (NGC 5272)
               +2.5904BBBB   M5  (NGC 5904)
               +2.6205BBBB   M13 (NGC 6205)
               +2.6341BBBB   M92 (NGC 6341)
Northern Milky Way (N.M.W.)
               +8.01XXBBBB   Luminous Stars in the N.M.W. I
               +8.02XXBBBB   Luminous Stars in the N.M.W. II
               +8.03XXBBBB   Luminous Stars in the N.M.W. III
               +8.04XXBBBB   Luminous Stars in the N.M.W. IV
               +8.05XXBBBB   Luminous Stars in the N.M.W. V
               +8.06XXBBBB   Luminous Stars in the N.M.W. VI
Southern Milky Way (S.M.W.)
               +6.1000BBBB   Luminous Stars in the S.M.W.
               +8.54XXBBBB   Luminous Stars in the N.M.W. IV (southern zones)
               +8.56XXBBBB   Luminous Stars in the N.M.W. VI (southern Zones)
               +6.1020BBBB   A Spectral Survey of the S.M.W.  I
               +6.20076BBB   A Spectral Survey of the S.M.W.  II
               +6.005BBBBB   A Spectral Survey of the S.M.W.  III
North Galactic Pole
               +6.1007BBBB   Iriarte, Chavira no NGP
               +6.20127BBB   Upgren, List of cool stars
               +6.20017BBB   Slettebak, Stock no SSII
               +8.00XXBBBB   Upgren list
               +8.08XXBBBB   Malmquist catalogue
               +8.09XXBBBB   Sanduleak list (red stars)
               +6.006BBBBB   Weistrop faint red stars
South Galactic Pole
               +6.1016BBBB   Haro & Luyten - PHL -
               +6.20021BBB   Slettebak & Brundage - SB -
               +6.1008BBBB   Chavira - SGP -
               +6.20035BBB   Philip & Sanduleak
               +6.20077BBB   Drilling
               +6.20149BBB   Reid & Gilmore
               +6.20161BBB   Pesch & Sanduleak (M stars)
Large Magellanic Cloud
               +8.58XXBBBB   Sanduleak catalogue
               +6.20050BBB   Fehrenbach, Duflot *G
               +6.20051BBB   Fehrenbach, Duflot *S
               +6.20052BBB   Brunet et al. (1975)
               +6.20057BBB   Feast, Thackeray, Wesselink (1960)
               +6.20012BBB   Ardeberg et al. *C
               +6.20010BBB   Fehrenbach, Duflot *P
               +6.20048BBB   Arp, seq. LMC
               +6.20049BBB   Henize Emission-line stars  no Hen S...
               +6.20062BBB   Warren, Penfold LMC X-3 sequence
               +6.20091BBB   Martin, 9 seq.
               +6.20093BBB   Hodge, Wright, 2 seq.
               +6.20105BBB   Stock, Osborn, Ibanez
               +6.317XXBBB   Walraven, Walraven, 1 seq.
               +6.20136BBB   Breysacher (*WR)
               +6.20142BBB   Westerlund et al,  Carbon stars
               +6.20143BBB   Westerlund et al,  M Supergiants
               +6.20142BBB   Westerlund et al. (Carbon Stars)
               +6.20143BBB   Westerlund et al. (supergiant M stars)
Small Magellanic Cloud
               +6.20053BBB   Azzopardi, Vigneau catalogue
               +6.20027BBB   Sanduleak list
               +6.20110BBB   Florsch list
               +6.20111BBB   Azzopardi, Vigneau (foreground stars)
               +6.20054BBB   Arp, seq. SMC
               +6.20089BBB   Hering et al., 2 seq.
               +6.20090BBB   Martin, 4 seq.
               +6.20094BBB   Basinski, Bok, Bok, 1 seq.
               +6.20101BBB   Walraven, Walraven, 1 seq.
               +6.20102BBB   Dachs, 1 seq.
               +6.20103BBB   Johansson, 1 seq.
               +6.20137BBB   Basinski, Bok, Bok * SMC
               +6.20150BBB   Vigneau & Azzopardi, 2 seq.
               +6.20152BBB   Sanduleak (M stars)
Nearby Galaxies
               +9.0009BBBB   Stars in the Draco dwarf galaxy
               +9.0014BBBB   Stars in the Reticulum system
               +9.0017BBBB   Stars in  IC 1613
               +9.0018BBBB   Stars in the Sculptor dwarf galaxy
               +9.0019BBBB   BV sequence for the Fornax dwarf galaxy
               +9.0035BBBB   uvby seq. in front of the Draco galaxy
               +9.0044BBBB   BV sequence for Leo A galaxy
               +9.0046BBBB   BV sequence for the VLM galaxy
               +9.0047BBBB   BV seqence for Sextans B
               +9.0053BBBB   BV sequence for UMi dwarf galaxy
Table 4c        Acronyms by Alphabetical Order
     A1       6.20015BBB   Barbieri,  Blue object at high galactic lat.
     A2       6.20016BBB   Barbieri,  Blue object at high gal. lat. (ngp)
     ADS      6.007BBBBB   Aitken,  Double star catalogue
     AGK2     8.10XXBBBB   Cat AGK2/3
     AS       6.20010BBB   Additional bright H line stars
     AzZ      6.20053BBB   Azzopardi & Vigneau,  SMC* Cat. of 506 stars
     B        6.20094BBB   Basinski & Bok & Bok,  LMC region
     BD       0.0XXBBBBB   Bonner Durchmusterung
     BPM      6.002BBBBB   Luyten,  Bruce Proper Motion Survey
     Braes    9.0007BBBB   Braes,  Stars in Sco OB1
     Breys    6.20136BBB   Breysacher,  WR Stars in LMC
     Brun     9.0001BBBB   Brun,  Stars in Orion
     BSD      7.3XXXBBBB   Bergedorfer Spektral Durchmusterung
     C        6.20012BBB   LMC,  Additional stars
     Case     6.20115BBB   Nassau et al,  M-type stars
     Case     6.20116BBB   Nassau et al,  S-type stars
     CCS      6.1018BBBB   Stephenson,  Catalogue of Cool Carbon Stars
     CoD     -0.0XXBBBBB   Cordoba Durchmusterung
     CpD     -0.0XXBBBBB   Cape Photographic Durchmusterung
     DO       6.009BBBBB   Dearborn Observatory catalogue of red stars
     Dril     6.20077BBB   Drilling,  Stars near the NGP
     E        9.515XXBBB   Cousins,  Harvard E regions
     EG       6.20020BBB   Eggen & Greenstein,  WD and p.m. stars
     FB       6.20124BBB   Greenstein & Sargent,  Halo faint blue stars
     Feige    6.20001BBB   Feige,  Underluminous hot stars
     G        6.20050BBB   Fehrenbach et al. LMC,  Etoiles a grande vitesse
     G        9.80XXXBBB   Giclas,  G-numbered Stars
     GCVS     6.5XX0BBBB   Kukarkin,  Cat of variable stars (type: Df Tau)
     GCVS     6.5XX1BBBB   Kukarkin,  Cat of variable stars (type: V380 Ori)
     GD       6.1006BBBB   Giclas,  White Dwarfs
     GJ       6.1023BBBB   Gliese & Jahreiss,  1st supplement
     Gl       6.1001BBBB   Gliese,  Catalogue of Nearby Stars
     GR       6.1005BBBB   Giclas,  Red stars
     Haro 6   6.20037BBB   Haro,  Estrellas con emission
     HD       1.00BBBBBB   Henry Draper Catalogue
     HDE      1.00BBBBBB   Henry Draper Extension
     He3      6.1013BBBB   Henize,  Emission line stars
     HG7      5.20257BBB   Giclas,  Hyades stars
     HG8      5.20258BBB   Giclas,  Hyades stars
     HII      5.2022BBBB   Hertzsprung,  Stars in the Pleiades
     Hiltner  6.1009BBBB   Hiltner,  Catalogue Of Ob Stars
     HRC      6.20078BBB   Herbig & Rao,  Catalogue of Orion pop. stars
     HV       6.004BBBBB   Harvard Variables
     HZ       6.20004BBB   Humason & Zwicky,  Faint blue stars
     IC       3.iiiiBBBB   Stars in IC clusters
     Ir-Ch    6.20059BBB   Estrellas con emission
     IRC      8.07XXBBBB   Two Micron Sky Survey
     Jenkins  6.1003BBBB   Jenkins,  Cat. of trigonometric parallaxes
     JL       6.20022BBB   Jaidee & Lynga,  Faint violet stars
     Klemola  6.20028BBB   Klemola,  Blue stars at high galactic lat.
     KS       6.1017BBBB   Klare & Szeidel,  OB stars in the Southern MW
     KW       2.2632BBBB   Klein-Wassink,  Stars in Praesepe
     L        9.86XXXBBB   Luyten,  Proper motion stars
     L        6.20099BBB   Luyten,  White dwarfs
     LB       6.000BBBBB   Luyten,  A Search For Faint Blue Stars
     LDS      6.003BBBBd   Luyten,  Double stars
     LHS      6.1025BBBB   Luyten,  Proper motion stars (>0.5/yr)
     Loden    6.6XXXXBBB   Loden,   Loose star clustering
     LP       9.85XXXBBB   Luyten,  Proper motion stars
     LSN      8.0VXXBBBB   Luminous Stars in the Northern Milky Way
     LSS      6.1000BBBB   Stephenson & Sanduleak,  Luminous stars in SMW
     LSWR     6.20118BBB   Lindsay Smith,  Wolf-Rayet stars
     LTT      6.001BBBBB   Luyten,  Two Tenth catalogue
     Ly       6.20005BBB   Lynga,  Faint OB stars
     MtW      7.1XXXBBBB   Mount Wilson Selected Areas
     MWC      6.1012BBBB   Merrill & Burwell,  Bright H-line stars
     NGC      2.NNNNBBBB   Stars in NGC clusters
     NGP      8.00XXBBBB   Upgren,  Late type stars at NGP
     NS       8.58XXABBB   Sanduleak,  LMC members
     NS       6.20076BBB   Nordstrom,  Spectral survey of the SMW. III
     Numerova 6.1011BBBB   Numerova,  Catalogue of stars in Cygnus
     P        6.1010BBBB   Fehrenbach et al. LMC,  etoiles a petite vitesse
     P        9.0010BBBB   Parenago,  Orion association
     PHL      6.1016BBBB   Haro & Luyten,  Faint blue stars at SGP
     PS       6.20035BBB   Stars earlier than A7 (SGP)
     PSD      7.4XXXBBBB   Potsdamer Spektral Durchmusterung
     R        6.20057BBB   Feast et al,  LMC brightest stars
     RL       6.20003BBB   Rubin & Losee,  Faint blue stars in GAC
     ROC      9.0031BBBB   Lanz, Rho Ophiuci Complex
     Ross     6.1022BBBB   Ross,  Proper motion stars
     S        6.20051BBB   Fehrenbach et al. LMC,  Liste supplementaire
     SA       7.0XXXBBBB   Harvard Selected Areas
     Sand     6.20113BBB   Sanduleak,  Dwarf stars at NGP
     SAO      1.50BBBBBB   Smithsonian Astr. Obs. catalogue
     SB       6.20021BBB   Early type stars (SGP)
     Sk       6.20027BBB   Sanduleak,  SMC members
     SSII     6.20017BBB   Slettebak & Stock,  Stars earlier than A7 (NGP)
     STO      6.20105BBB   Stock & Osborn & Ibanez,  LMC A-F supergiants
     Ton      6.1007BBBB   Blue stars near the NGP
     Tons     6.1008BBBB   Blue stars near the SGP
     Tr       5.2111BBBB   Trumpler,  Stars in Coma Berenices
     vA       5.20251BBB   van Altena,  Hyades stars
     van Wijk 6.20029BBB   LMC sequence
     vB       5.20250BBB   Van Bueren,  Hyades stars
     VES      6.2055BBBB   Vatican emission stars
     Vl       2.26321BBB   VanderLinden,  Stars in Praesepe (no+1000)
     Vyss     6.20030BBB   Vyssotsky,  Dwarf M stars
     Wolf     6.1014BBBB   Wolf,  Proper motion stars
     Woolley  6.1002BBBB   Woolley et al. ROA Vol 5
     WR       6.20133BBB   van der Hucht & Conti,  Cat. of WR stars
Table 5       References for the Numeration of Stars in NGC Clusters
+2.0103BBBB   Hardorp J. 1960, Astr.Abh.Hamburg.Sternw.Bergedorf 5 no 7
+2.0104BBBB   Lee S.W. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 27,381
+2.0129BBBB   Arp H.C., et al. 1959, Astrophys.J. 130,80
+2.0188BBBB   Sandage A.R. 1962, Astrophys.J. 135,333
+2.0225BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.0288BBBB   Alcaino G. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 21,15
+2.0330BBBB   Arp H. 1959, Astron.J. 64,254
+2.0362BBBB   Menzies J.W. 1967, Thesis
+2.0457BBBB   Boden E. 1946, Uppsala Astr.Obs.Ann. 2,1
+2.0559BBBB   Lindoff V. 1969, Ark.Astr. 5,221
+2.0581BBBB   Steppe H. 1974, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 15,91
+2.0609BBBB   Lee V.L., Burkhead M.S. 1971, Astron.J. 76,467
+2.0654BBBB   Mueller E.A. 1955, Z.Astrophys. 38,110
+2.0659BBBB   Steppe H. 1974, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 15,91
+2.0663BBBB   Wallenquist A. 1929, Uppsala Astr.Obs.Medd. No 42
+2.0744BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.0752BBBB   Heinemann K. 1926, Astr.Nach. 227,193
+2.0869BBBB   Oosterhoff 1937, Ann.Sterrw.Leiden 17 Part 1
+2.0884BBBB   Oosterhoff 1937, Ann.Sterrw.Leiden 17 Part 1
+2.0957BBBB   Gimenez A., Garcia-pelayo J. 1980, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 41,9
+2.1027BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.1039BBBB   Dieckvoss W. 1954, Astr.Nach. 282,25
+2.1245BBBB   Chincarini G. 1964, Mem.Soc.Astr.Italiana 35,133
+2.1252BBBB   Bouchet R., The P.S. 1983, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 95,474
+2.1261BBBB   Alcaino G., ContreRAS C. 1971, Astron.Astrophys. 11,14
+2.1342BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.1444BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.1502BBBB   Purgathofer A. 1964, Ann.Univ.Sternw. Wien 26 No 2
+2.1528BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.1545BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.1647BBBB   Cuffey J. 1937, Ann.Harv.Coll.Obs. 105,403
+2.1662BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.1664BBBB   Larsson-leander G. 1957, Stockholm Obs.Ann. 20 No 2
+2.1750BBBB   Li Hen 1954, Ann.Obs.Astr. Zo-Se 23,1
+2.1778BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.1807BBBB   Purgathofer A. 1964, Ann.Univ.Sternw. Wien 26 No 2
+2.1817BBBB   Cuffey J. 1938, Ann.Harv.Coll.Obs. 106,39
+2.1851BBBB   Stetson P.B. 1981, Astron.J. 86,687
              Alcaino G. 1976, Astron.Astrophys. 50,299 (no+1000)
              Alcaino G. 1969, Astrophys.J. 156,853 (no+1500)
+2.1857BBBB   Cuffey J. 1937, Ann.Harv.Coll.Obs. 105,433
+2.1893BBBB   Cuffey J. 1937, Ann.Harv.Coll.Obs. 105,403
+2.1901BBBB   Sanduleak N., Philip A.G.D. 1968, Astron.J. 73,566
+2.1904BBBB   Stetson P.B., Harris W.E. 1977, Astron.J. 82,954
+2.1907BBBB   Purgathofer A. 1964, Ann.Univ.Sternw. Wien 26 No 2
+2.1912BBBB   Cuffey J. 1937, Ann.Harv.Coll.Obs. 105,403
+2.1960BBBB   Boden E. 1951, Uppsala Astr.Obs.Ann. 3 No 4
+2.2024BBBB   Johnson H.L., Mendoza E.E. 1963, Bol.Obs.Ton.Tacubaya 3,331
+2.2081BBBB   Westerlund B. 1961, Uppsala Astr.Obs.Ann. 5,58
+2.2099BBBB   Van Zeipel H., Lindgren J. 1921, Kungl.Sven.Vet.Handl. 61 No 15
+2.2112BBBB   Richtler T. 1985, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 59,491
+2.2129BBBB   Cuffey J. 1938, Ann.Harv.Coll.Obs. 106,39
+2.2141BBBB   Burkhead M.S., et al. 1972, Astron.J. 77,661
+2.2158BBBB   Arp H., Cuffey J. 1962, Astrophys.J. 136,51
+2.2168BBBB   Cuffey J. 1938, Ann.Harv.Coll.Obs. 106,39
+2.2169BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.2175BBBB   Pismis P. 1970, Bol.Obs. Tonantzintla Tacubaya 5,219
+2.2186BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,85
+2.2204BBBB   Hawarden T.G. 1976, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 174,225
+2.2215BBBB   Becker W., et al. 1976, Astr.Inst.Univ. Basel   Kataloge...
+2.2232BBBB   Claria J.J. 1972, Astron.Astrophys 19,303
+2.2243BBBB   Hawarden T.G. 1975, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 173,801
+2.2244BBBB   Ogura K., Ishida K. 1981, Publ.Astron.Soc.Japan 33,149
+2.2251BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.2252BBBB   Van Schewick H. 1958, Veroeff.Astr.Inst.Univ. Bonn No 51
+2.2264BBBB   Walker M.F. 1956, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 2,365
              Vasilevskis S. 1965, Astron.J. 70,797  (no Vas.+300)
+2.2269BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,85
+2.2281BBBB   Vasilevskis S., Balz A.G.A. 1959, Astron.J. 64,170
+2.2286BBBB   Li Hen 1954, Ann.Obs.Astr. Zo-Se 23,1
+2.2287BBBB   Cox A.N. 1954, Astrophys.J. 119,188
+2.2298BBBB   Alcaino G., Liller W. 1974, Astron.Astrophys.Supp. 13,55
+2.2301BBBB   Grubissich C., Purgathofer A. 1962, Z.Astrophys. 54,41
+2.2302BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,85
+2.2323BBBB   Cuffey J. 1941, Astrophys.J. 94,55
+2.2324BBBB   Cuffey J. 1941, Astrophys.J. 94,55
+2.2335BBBB   Claria J.J. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 9,251
+2.2343BBBB   Claria J.J. 1972, Astron.J. 77,868
+2.2345BBBB   Moffat A.F.J. 1974, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 16,33
+2.2353BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.2354BBBB   Durbeck W. 1960, Z.Astrophys. 49,214
+2.2360BBBB   Becker W., et al. 1976, Basle Catalogue
+2.2362BBBB   Johnson H.L. 1950, Astrophys.J. 112,240
+2.2367BBBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,133
+2.2374BBBB   Fenkart R., et al. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,487
+2.2383BBBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,133
+2.2384BBBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,133
+2.2414BBBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,133
+2.2420BBBB   Cannon R.D., Lloyd C. 1970, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 150,279
+2.2421BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,85
+2.2422BBBB   Van Schewick H. 1966, Veroeff.Astr.Inst.Univ. Bonn no 74
+2.2423BBBB   Hassan S.M. 1976, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 26,13
+2.2437BBBB   Cuffey J. 1941, Astrophys.J. 94,55
+2.2439BBBB   White S.D.M. 1975, Astrophys.J. 197,67
+2.2447BBBB   Becker W., et al. 1976, Basle Catalogue
+2.2451BBBB   Williams P.M. 1967, Mon. Notes Astr.Soc.Sth.Afr. 26,30
+2.2453BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Fitzgerald M.P. 1974, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 18,1
+2.2467BBBB   Loden L.O. 1966, Ark.Astr. 4,65
+2.2477BBBB   Hartwick F.D.A., et al. 1972, Astrophys.J. 174,557
              Hartwick F.D.A., Hesser J.E. 1974, Astrophys.J. 192,391
+2.2482BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,85
+2.2483BBBB   Fitzgerald M.P., Moffat A.F.J. 1975, Astron.Astrophys. 20,289
+2.2489BBBB   Lindoff U., Johansson K. 1968, Ark.Astr. 5,45
+2.2506BBBB   McClure R.D., et al. 1981, Astrophys.J. 243,841
+2.2516BBBB   Cox A.N. 1955, Astrophys.J. 121,628
+2.2527BBBB   Lindoff U. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 9,229
+2.2533BBBB   Lindoff U. 1968, Ark.Astr. 4,587
+2.2539BBBB   Pesch P. 1961, Astrophys.J. 134,602
+2.2546BBBB   Lindoff U. 1968, Ark.Astr. 5,63
+2.2547BBBB   Claria J.J. 1982, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 47,323
+2.2548BBBB   Li Hen 1954, Ann.Obs.Astr. Zo-Se 23,1
+2.2567BBBB   Lindoff U. 1968, Ark.Astr. 4,587
+2.2571BBBB   Lindoff U. 1968, Ark.Astr. 4,587
+2.2579BBBB   Lindoff U. 1968, Ark.Astr. 5,63
+2.2632BBBB   Klein-Wassink W.J. 1927, Publ.Kapteyn Astr.Lab. 41
              Vanderlinden H.L. 1933, Etude de l'amas de Praesepe.
              J. Duculot, Gembloux (Belgique). No Vl+1000
+2.2635BBBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,133
+2.2659BBBB   Stetson P.B. 1981, Astron.J. 86,1500
+2.2660BBBB   Hartwick F.D.A., Hesser J.E. 1973, Astrophys.J. 183,883
+2.2669BBBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 9,97
+2.2670BBBB   Lynga G. 1959, Ark.Astr. 2,379
+2.2682BBBB   Fagerholm E. 1906, Uppsala Dissertation
              Murray C.A., et al. 1965, R.Obs.Bull. No 91, (no+400)
+2.2808BBBB   Harris W.E. 1975, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 29,397
              Alcaino G. 1969, Astrophys.J. 156,853   (no+500)
+2.2818BBBB   Tifft W.G., et al. 1972, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 158,47
+2.2910BBBB   Becker W., et al. 1976, Katalogue.... Astr.Inst.Univ.basel
+2.2925BBBB   Topaktas L. 1981, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 45,111
+2.2972BBBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 9,97
+2.3033BBBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 9,97
+2.3105BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Fitzgerald M.P. 1974, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 16,2
+2.3114BBBB   Jankowitz N.E., Mccosh C.J. 1963, Mon.Notes Astr.Soc.Sth.Afr 22,1
+2.3201BBBB   Lee S.W. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 28,409
+2.3228BBBB   Hogg A.R. 1963, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 125,307
              The P.S., et al 1974, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 15,141 (no 30 To 39
+2.3255BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,125
+2.3293BBBB   Turner D.G., et al. 1980, Astron.J. 85,1193
+2.3324BBBB   Claria J.J. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 27,145
+2.3330BBBB   Becker W., et al. 1976, Katalogue.... Astr.Inst.Univ.basel
+2.3496BBBB   Sher D. 1965, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 129,237
+2.3532BBBB   Fernandez J.A., Salgado C.W. 1980, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 39,11
+2.3572BBBB   Steppe H. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 27,415
+2.3590BBBB   Steppe H. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 27,415
+2.3603BBBB   Sher D. 1965, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 129,237
+2.3680BBBB   Eggen O.J. 1969, Astrophys.J. 155,439
+2.3766BBBB   Ahmed F. 1962, Publ.R.Obs.Edinburgh 3,60
+2.3960BBBB   Janes K.A. 1981, Astron. J. 86,1210
+2.4103BBBB   Wesselink A.J. 1969, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 146,329
+2.4147BBBB   Sandage A.R., Walker M.F. 1955, Astron.J. 60,230
+2.4337BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 10,135
+2.4349BBBB   Lohmann W. 1961, Astr.Nach. 286,105
+2.4439BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 10,135
+2.4463BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 10,135
+2.4609BBBB   Feinstein A., Marraco H.G. 1971, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 83,218
+2.4755BBBB   Arp H., van Sant C.T. 1958, Astron.J. 63,341
+2.4815BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 10,135
+2.4833BBBB   Alcaino G. 1971, Astron.Astrophys. 13,287
+2.5024BBBB   Cuffey J. 1965, Astron.J. 70,732
+2.5053BBBB   Purgathofer A.Th. 1966, Mitt.Univ.Sternw.Wien 13 no 3
+2.5138BBBB   Lindoff U. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,231
+2.5139BBBB   Woolley R.R., et al. 1966, R.Obs.Ann. no 2
+2.5168BBBB   Fenkart R.P., et al. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 30,307
+2.5281BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 10,135
+2.5316BBBB   Rahim M.A. 1966, Astr.Nach. 289,41
+2.5367BBBB   Williams P.M., et al. 1977, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 181,709
+2.5460BBBB   Claria J.J. 1971, Astron.J. 76,639
+2.5466BBBB   Cuffey J. 1961, Astron.J. 66,71
+2.5606BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 10,135
+2.5617BBBB   Haug U. 1978, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 34,417
+2.5662BBBB   Haug U. 1978, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 34,417
+2.5749BBBB   Lynga G. 1964, Medd.Lunds Astr.Obs. 2 no 139
+2.5822BBBB   Bozkurt S. 1974, Rev.mex.Astron.Astrofis. 1,89
+2.5823BBBB   Bruck M.T., et al. 1968, Publ.R.Obs.Edinburgh 6 no 9
+2.5897BBBB   Sandage A., Katem B. 1968, Astrophys.J. 153,569
+2.6005BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,155
+2.6025BBBB   Feinstein A. 1971, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 83,800
+2.6031BBBB   Lindoff U. 1966, Ark.Astr. 4,305
+2.6067BBBB   Thackeray A.D., et al. 1962, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 124,445
+2.6087BBBB   Landolt A.J. 1964, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 8,329
+2.6089BBBB   Lee S.W. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 29,1
+2.6121BBBB   Greenstein J.L. 1939, Astrophys.J. 90,387
+2.6124BBBB   Koelbloed D. 1959, Bull.Astr.Inst.Netherl. 14,265
              The P.S. 1965, Contr. Bosscha Obs. no 32
+2.6134BBBB   Lindoff U. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,231
+2.6167BBBB   Bruck M.T., Smyth M.J. 1966, Publ.R.Obs.Edinburgh 5,195
+2.6169BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 10,135
+2.6171BBBB   Sandage A., Katem B. 1964, Astrophys.J. 139,1088
+2.6178BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 10,135
+2.6192BBBB   Kilambi G.C., FitzGerald M.P. 1983, Bull.Astr.Soc.India 11,226
+2.6193BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 10,135
+2.6200BBBB   FitzGerald M.P., Jackson P.D., Moffat A.F.J. 1977, Obs. 97,129
+2.6204BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 10,135
+2.6205BBBB   Ludendorf H.1905, Publ.Astrophys.Obs.Potsdam 15 no 50
+2.6208BBBB   Lindoff U. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,231
+2.6218BBBB   Racine R. 1971, Astron.J. 76,331
+2.6231BBBB   Seggewiss W. 1968, Veroeff.Astr.Inst.Univ. Bonn no 79
+2.6242BBBB   Seggewiss W. 1967, Thesis (Univ. Munster)
+2.6249BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 10,135
+2.6250BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,155
+2.6259BBBB   Hawarden T.G. 1974, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 169,539
+2.6268BBBB   Seggewiss W. 1967, Thesis (Univ. Munster)
+2.6281BBBB   Feinstein A., Forte J.C. 1974, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 86,284
+2.6304BBBB   Hesser J.E., Hartwick F.D.A. 1976, Astrophys.J. 203,113
+2.6322BBBB   Lohman W., Schnur G. 1962, Astr.Nach 287,17
+2.6341BBBB   Sandage A.R., Walker M.F. 1966, Astrophys.J. 143,313
+2.6352BBBB   Hartwick F.D.A., Hesser J.E. 1972, Astrophys.J. 175,77
              Alcaino G. 1971, Astron.Astrophys 11,7   (no+1000)
+2.6362BBBB   Alcaino G. 1970, Astrophys.J. 159,325
+2.6383BBBB   Evans T.L. 1978, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 184,661
+2.6396BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,155
+2.6397BBBB   Woolley R., et al. 1961, R.Obs.Bull. no 43
+2.6405BBBB   Rohlfs K., et al. 1959, Z.Astrophys. 47,15
+2.6416BBBB   The P.S., Stokes N. 1970, Astron.Astrophys. 5,298
+2.6425BBBB   The P.S., Stokes N. 1970, Astron.Astrophys. 5,298
+2.6441BBBB   Hesser J.E., Hartwick F.D.A. 1976, Astrophys.J. 203,97
+2.6475BBBB   Koelbloed D. 1959, Bull.Astr.Inst.Netherl. 14,265
+2.6494BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.6514BBBB   Ogura K., Ishida K. 1975, Publ.Astr.Soc.Japan 27,119
+2.6520BBBB   Becker W., et al. 1976, Basel Catalogue
+2.6530BBBB   Kilambi G.C. 1977, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 178,423
+2.6531BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.6541BBBB   Alcaino G. 1971, Astron.Astrophys. 13,399
+2.6546BBBB   Grayzeck E.J., et al 1978, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 90,742
+2.6604BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,155
+2.6611BBBB   Walker M.F. 1961, Astrophys.J. 133,438
+2.6613BBBB   Lindoff U. 1971, Astron.Astrophys. 15,439
+2.6618BBBB   Ogura K., Ishida K. 1976, Publ.Astr.Soc.Japan 28,35
+2.6626BBBB   Alcaino G. 1981, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 44,191
+2.6633BBBB   Kopff E. 1943, Astr.Nach. 274,69
+2.6637BBBB   Hartwick F.D.A., Sandage A. 1968, Astrophys.J. 153,715
+2.6649BBBB   Madore B.F., van den Bergh S. 1975, Astrophys.J. 197,55
+2.6656BBBB   Arp H.C., Melbourne W.G. 1959, Astron.J. 64,28
+2.6664BBBB   Arp H.C. 1958, Astrophys.J. 128,166
+2.6694BBBB   Cuffey J. 1940, Astrophys.J. 92,303
+2.6704BBBB   Forbes D., Dupuy D.L. 1978, Astron.J. 83,266
+2.6705BBBB   Mcnamara B.J., et al. 1977, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 27,117
+2.6709BBBB   Hakkila J., et al. 1983, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 51,541
+2.6716BBBB   Lindoff U. 1971, Astron.Astrophys. 15,439
+2.6723BBBB   Menzies J. 1974, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 168,177
+2.6752BBBB   Alcaino G. 1970, Astrophys.J. 159,325
+2.6755BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.6791BBBB   Kinman T.D. 1965, Astrophys.J. 142,655
+2.6802BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.6809BBBB   Lee S.W. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 29,1
+2.6811BBBB   Lindoff U. 1972, Astron.Astrophys. 16,315
+2.6819BBBB   Auner G. 1974, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 13,143
+2.6823BBBB   Barkhatova K.A. 1957, Soviet Astr. 1,822
+2.6830BBBB   Barkhatova K.A. 1957, Soviet Astr. 1,822
+2.6834BBBB   Funfschilling H.  1967, Z.Astrophys. 66,440
+2.6838BBBB   Arp H.C., Hartwick F.D.A. 1971, Astrophys.J. 167,499
+2.6866BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.6871BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.6882BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.6883BBBB   Purgathofer A. 1964, Ann.Univ.Sternw. Wien 26 no 2
+2.6981BBBB   Dickens R.J. 1972, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 157,281
+2.6910BBBB   Becker W., Stock J. 1948, Astr. Nach. 277,233
+2.6913BBBB   Tifft W.G. 1958, Astron.J. 63,127
+2.6939BBBB   Kustner F. 1923, Veroeff.Astr.Inst.Univ.Bonn no 48
+2.6940BBBB   Vasilevskis S., Rach R.A. 1957, Astron.J. 62,175
+2.7006BBBB   Sandage A., Wildey R. 1967, Astrophys.J. 150,469
+2.7031BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.7039BBBB   Hassan S.M. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 9,261
+2.7062BBBB   Jones B.F., Van Altena W.F. 1970, Astron.Astrophys. 9,86
+2.7063BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.7067BBBB   Becker W. 1965, Mem.Astr.Soc.Italiana 36,283
+2.7082BBBB   Hassan S.M. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 9,261
+2.7086BBBB   Hassan S.M. 1967, Z.Astrophys. 66,6
+2.7089BBBB   Arp H.C. 1955, Astron.J. 60,317
+2.7092BBBB   Mavers F.W. 1940, Astr.Abh.Hamburg.Sternw. Bergedorf 5 no 7
+2.7099BBBB   Dickens R.J. 1972, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 157,299
+2.7128BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.7142BBBB   van den Bergh S., Heeringa R. 1970, Astron.Astrophys. 9,209
+2.7160BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.7209BBBB   Mavers F.W. 1940, Astr.Abh.Hamburg.Sternw. Bergedorf 5 no 4
+2.7235BBBB   Becker W. 1965, Mem.Astr.Soc.Italiana 36,271
+2.7243BBBB   Lengauer G.G. 1937, Izv.Glav.Astr.Obs.Pulkove 15 no 126
+2.7261BBBB   Fenkart R.P. 1968, Mem.Soc.Astr.Italiana 39,85
+2.7380BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.7419BBBB   Handschel G. 1972, Thesis (Munster)
+2.7510BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.7654BBBB   Lundby A. 1946, Uppsala Astr.Obs.Ann. 1 no 10
+2.7686BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+2.7762BBBB   Chincarini G. 1966, Mem.Soc.Astr.Italiana 37,423
+2.7788BBBB   Becker W. 1965, Mem.Astr.Soc.Italiana 36,277
+2.7789BBBB   Kuestner F. 1923, Veroeff.Univ.Sternw. Bonn no 18
+2.7790BBBB   Sandage A.R. 1958, Astrophys.J. 128,150
+2.7822BBBB   Blanco V. 1959, Astrophys.J. 130,482
Table 6       References for the Numeration of Stars in IC Clusters
+3.0166BBBB   Burkhead M.S. 1969, Astron.J. 74,1171
+3.0348BBBB   Gingrich C.H. 1922, Astrophys.J. 56,139
+3.0361BBBB   Picirillo J., Stein W.L. 1978, Astron.J. 83,971
+3.1369BBBB   Hassan S.M. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 9,261
+3.1795BBBB   Ogura K., Ishida K. 1976, Publ.Astr.Soc.Japan 28,651
+3.1805BBBB   Vasilevskis S. 1965, Astron.J. 70,806
+3.1848BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+3.2157BBBB   Cuffey J. 1938, Ann.Harv.Coll.Obs. 106,39
+3.2391BBBB   Perry C.L., Hill G. 1969, Astron.J. 74,899  (no Cds)
+3.2395BBBB   Lynga G. 1959, Ark.Astr. 2,379
+3.2581BBBB   Evans L.T. 1969, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 146,101
+3.2602BBBB   Braes L.L.E. 1962, Bull.Astr.Inst.Netherl.16,297
+3.2714BBBB   Becker W. 1960, Z.Astrophys. 51,49
+3.2944BBBB   Ardeberg A., Maurice E. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 28,153
+3.4651BBBB   Lindoff U. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,231
+3.4665BBBB   Kopff E. 1943, Astr.Nach. 274,69
+3.4725BBBB   Johnson H.L. 1960, Astrophys.J. 131,620
+3.4756BBBB   Kopff E. 1943, Astr.Nach. 274,69
+3.4996BBBB   Van Schewick H. 1967, Veroeff.Astr.Inst.Univ.Bonn 76,35
+3.5146BBBB   Walker M.F. 1960, Astrophys.J. 130,57
Table 7a      References for the Numeration of Stars in Anonymous Clusters
+4.0802BBBB   Dupuy D.L., Zukauskas W. 1976, RASC. Jour. 70,169
+4.0810BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,85
+4.0901BBBB   Epstein I. 1968, Astron.J. 73,556
+4.1224BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., et al 1979, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 38,197
+4.1225BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,85
+4.1808BBBB   Fenkart R.P., et al. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,487
+4.1815BBBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,133
+4.1816BBBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,133
+4.1910BBBB   Lynga G. 1964, Medd.Lunds Astr.Obs. II no 139
+4.1920BBBB   Turner D.G. 1981, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 92,840
+4.2109BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,125
+4.2110BBBB   Claria J.J. 1976, Astron.J. 81,155
+4.2111BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,125
+4.2112BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,125
+4.2114BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 10,135
+4.2115BBBB   Feinstein A. 1971, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 83,218
+4.2116BBBB   Fenkart R.P., et al. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 30,307
+4.2118BBBB   Hogg A.R. 1961, Observatory 81,69
+4.2122BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 10,135
+4.2308BBBB   Becker W., et al. 1976, Basel Kataloge
+4.2314BBBB   Hardorp J. 1960, Astr.Abh.Hamburg.Sternw. Bergedorf 5 no 7
+4.2402BBBB   Lindoff U. 1968, Ark.Astr. 4,471
+4.2404BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,155
+4.2406BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,155
+4.2407BBBB   Lynga G. 1964, Medd.Lunds Obs. Ser. II, no 139
+4.2414BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,155
+4.2538BBBB   Grubissich C., Becker W. 1980, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 40,367
+4.2550BBBB   Grubissich C. 1965, Z.Astrophys. 60,256
+4.2603BBBB   Canterna R., Schommer R.A. 1978, Astrophys.J. 219,l119
+4.2604BBBB   Burbidge E.M., Sandage A.R. 1958, Astrophys.J. 127,527
+4.2611BBBB   Canterna R., Schommer R.A. 1978, Astrophys.J. 219,l119
+4.2612BBBB   Canterna R., Schommer R.A. 1978, Astrophys.J. 219,l119
+4.2613BBBB   Canterna R., Schommer R.A. 1978, Astrophys.J. 219,l119
+4.2701BBBB   Lindoff U. 1968, Ark.Astr. 5,63
+4.2704BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,85
+4.2705BBBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 9,97
+4.2706BBBB   Fitzgerald M.P., et al. 1979, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 37,351
+4.2708BBBB   Fitzgerald M.P., et al. 1979, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 37,351
+4.2711BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Fitzgerald P.M. 1977, Astron.Astrophys. 54,263
+4.2712BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,85
+4.2713BBBB   Claria J.J. 1979, Observatory 99,202
+4.2716BBBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 9,97
+4.2717BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,125
+4.2718BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 10,135
+4.2720BBBB   Lynga G. 1964, Medd.Lunds Astr.Obs. 2 no 139
+4.2721BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Fitzgerald P.M. 1977, Astron.Astrophys. 54,263
+4.2722BBBB   Westerlund B. 1969, Astron.J. 74,882
+4.2724BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 10,135
+4.2805BBBB   Lee P.D., Perry C.L. 1971, Astron.J. 76,464  (no CDS)
+4.2901BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,125
+4.3001BBBB   Boronkalla W. 1963, Astr.Nach. 287,249
              Eggen O.J. 1968, Astrophys.J. 152,77  (no + 1000)
+4.3102BBBB   Krzeminski W., Serkowski K. 1967, Astrophys.J. 147,988
+4.3107BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 11,3
+4.3108BBBB   Mayer P. 1964, Acta Univ.Car. Mat. et Phys. no 1,25
+4.3113BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,125
+4.3114BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,125
+4.3116BBBB   Fenkart R.P., et al. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 30,307
+4.3401BBBB   Turner D.G. 1983, Jour.R.Astr.Soc. Canada 77,31
+4.3501BBBB   Oja T. 1966, Ark.Astr. 4,15
+4.3502BBBB   Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 17,347
+4.3507BBBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,133
+4.3509BBBB   Pismis P. 1970, Bol.Obs. Tonantzintla Tacubaya 35,293
+4.3510BBBB   Lynga G. 1959, Ark.Astr. 2,379
+4.3514BBBB   Feinstein A., et al. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 12,331
+4.3515BBBB   Grubissich C. 1968, Z.Astrophys. 68,173
+4.3516BBBB   Feinstein A., et al. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 12,331
+4.3517BBBB   Steppe H. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 27,415
+4.3518BBBB   Schmidt H., Diaz Santanilla G. 1964, Ver.Astr.Inst.Univ.Bonn no 7
+4.3521BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 10,135
+4.3522BBBB   Lindoff U. 1968, Ark.Astr. 4,493
+4.3526BBBB   Terzan A., Bernard A. 1981, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 46,49
+4.3527BBBB   The P.S., Stokes N. 1970, Astron.Astrophys. 5,298
+4.3528BBBB   The P.S., Stokes N. 1970, Astron.Astrophys. 5,298
+4.3533BBBB   Grubissich C. 1964, Z.Astrophys. 58,276
+4.3534BBBB   Seggewiss W. 1967, Thesis (Univ. Munster)
+4.3535BBBB   Yilmaz F. 1966, Z.Astrophys. 64,54
+4.3537BBBB   Alksnis A. 1961, Latv.Trans. 8,88
+4.3601BBBB   Rufener F. 1971, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 3,181
+4.3701BBBB   Arp H. 1960, Astrophys.J. 131,322
+4.3801BBBB   Westerlund B. 1961, Uppsala Astr.Obs.Ann. 5,17
+4.3802BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,125
+4.3803BBBB   Westerlund B. 1969, Astron.J. 74,882
+4.4002BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,85
+4.4003BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,85
+4.4004BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,85
+4.4008BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,125
+4.4009BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,125
+4.4010BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,125
+4.4011BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,125
+4.4012BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,125
+4.4013BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,155
+4.4014BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,155
+4.4015BBBB   Jackson P.D., et al. 1977, Astron.Astrophys. 60,417
+4.4101BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., et al. 1979, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 38,197
+4.4102BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., et al. 1979, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 38,197
+4.4103BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., et al. 1979, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 38,197
+4.4106BBBB   Fitzgerald M.P., et al. 1979, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 37, 351
Table 7b
+5.0011BBBB   Jackson P.A., et al. 1980, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 41,211
+5.0019BBBB   Christian C.A. 1980, Astron.J. 85,700
+5.0021BBBB   Christian C.A., Janes K.A. 1979, Astron.J. 84,204
+5.0028BBBB   Dupuy D.L., Zukauskas W. 1976, R.A.S.C.jour. 70,169
+5.0062BBBB   Forbes D. 1981, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 93,441
+5.0082BBBB   Forbes D. 1986, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 98,218
+5.0086BBBB   Forbes D. 1981, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 93,441
+5.0087BBBB   Turner D.G., Forbes B. 1982, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 94,789
+5.0094BBBB   Yilmaz F. 1970, Astron.Astrophys. 8,213
+5.0096BBBB   Del Rio G. 1984, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 56,289
+5.1096BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,85
+5.1121BBBB   Feinstein A. 1967, Astrophys.J. 149,107
+5.1132BBBB   Claria J.J. 1977, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 89,803
+5.1140BBBB   Claria J.J., Rosenzweig P. 1978, Astron.J. 83,278
+5.1197BBBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 9,97
+5.1205BBBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 9,97
+5.1228BBBB   Feinstein A., et al. 1976, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 24,389
+5.1258BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 10,135
+5.1268BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,155
+5.1271BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 10,135
+5.1307BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,155
+5.1347BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,155
+5.1394BBBB   Turner D.G., Pedreros M. 1985, Astron.J. 90,1231
+5.1399BBBB   Hall D.S., Van Landingham F.G. 1970, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 82,487
+5.1463BBBB   Townsed R.E. 1975, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 87,753
+5.2020BBBB   Heckmann O., et al. 1956, Bergedorf no 101
+5.2022BBBB   Hertzsprung E. 1947, Ann.sterrew.leiden 19,3
+5.2025BBBB   van Bueren H.G. 1952, Bull.Astr.Inst.Netherl.11,385
              van Altena W.F. 1966, Astron.J. 1966, 71,482  (no Va+1000)
+5.2066BBBB   Hawarden T.G. 1976, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 174,471
+5.2071BBBB   Hassan S.M. 1976, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 26,9
              Pound M.W., Janes K.A. 1986, Pasp 98,210 (no+1000)
+5.2101BBBB   Braes L.L.E. 1962, Mon.Notes Astr.Soc.sth.afr. 21,16
+5.2105BBBB   Sher D. 1965, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 129,237
+5.2111BBBB   Trumpler R.J. 1938, Lick Obs.Bull. 18,167
+5.2227BBBB   Epstein I. 1968, Astron.J. 73,556
+5.3018BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,85
+5.3020BBBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,133
+5.3032BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,85
+5.3034BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,85
+5.3036BBBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,133
+5.3044BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Fitzgerald M.P. 1974, Astron.Astrophys. 34,291
+5.3046BBBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,133
+5.3047BBBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,133
+5.3049BBBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,133
+5.3055BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,85
+5.3059BBBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,133
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Table 8       References for Catalogues and Lists
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              University Of Minnesota (Minneapolis)
+6.001BBBBB   Luyten W.J. 1957, A Catalogue Of  9867 Stars in the
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+6.003BBBBX   Luyten W.J. 1941, Publ.Astr.Obs.Univ.Minnesota III no 3
+6.004BBBBB   Harvard Variables (no HV)
+6.005BBBBB   Loden L.O., Loden K., Nordstrom B., Sundman A. 1976,
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+6.006BBBBB   Weistrop D. 1979, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 91,193
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+6.1000BBBB   Stephenson C.B., Sanduleak N. 1971, Publ.Warner Swasey Obs. I No
+6.1001BBBX   Gliese W. 1969, Catalogue Of Nearby Stars,Veroeff.Heidelberg no 2
              BBB : Star Number, X : 1, 2, 3,...  Supplementary Stars.
+6.1002BBBB   Woolley R., et al. 1970, R.Obs.Ann. no 5
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+6.20056BBB   Abell G.O. 1966, Astrophys.J. 144,259
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+6.301XXBBB   Fitzgerald M.P., et al. 1969, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 81,804
+6.302XXBBB   Warren P.R., et al. 1976, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 174,213
+6.303XXBBB   van den Bergh S., et al. 1983, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 53,765
+6.304XXBBB   van den Bergh S., et al. 1985, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 57,743
+6.306XXBBB   Westerlund B. 1969, Astron.J. 74,882
+6.307XXBBB   Bok J.B., et al. 1972, Astron.J. 77,733
              Miller E.W. 1972, Astron.J. 77,216  (no + 100)
+6.308XXBBB   Ardeberg A., et al. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 9,163
+6.309XXBBB   Wramdemark S. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 11,365
+6.310XXBBB   Miller E.W., McCarthy C.C. 1974, Astron.J. 79,1294
+6.311XXBBB   Denoyelle J. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 19,45
+6.312XXBBB   Bouigue R. 1959, Ann.Obs.Astr.Toulouse 27,47
+6.313XXBBB   Bouigue R., et al. 1961, Ann.Obs.Astr.Toulouse 28,33
+6.314XXBBB   Seggewiss W. 1971, Veroeff.Astr.Inst.Univ.Bonn no 82
+6.315XXBBB   Dufour R.J., Duval J.E. 1975, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 87,769
+6.316XYBBB   Stock J., Wroblewski H. 1971, Publ. Univ.Chile II no 3
+6.317XXBBB   Walraven T., Walraven J.H. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 30,245
+6.40501BBB   Purgathofer A.T.H. 1969, Lowell Obs.Bull. 7 no 10
+6.40601BBB   Whiteoak J. 1963, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 125,105
+6.40801BBB   Landolt A.U. 1977, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 89,403
+6.40802BBB   Gurzadyan G.A. 1974, The Observatory 94,293
+6.40901BBB   Landolt A.U. 1970, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 82,1364
+6.41400BBB   Claria J.J. 1974, Astron.J. 79,1022
+6.41401BBB   Herbst W., Racine R., Richer H.B. 1977, Publ.A.S.Pacific 89,663
+6.41701BBB   Lynga G., Wramdemark S. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 12,365
              Wramdemark S. 1976, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 23,231 (no+200)
              Wramdemark S. 1980, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 40,81 (*AB, no+100)
+6.41702BBB   Wramdemark S. 1976, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 23,231
+6.41801BBB   Sarg K., Wramdemark S. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 27,403
+6.41901BBB   McGruder C.H., Schnur G. 1971, Astron.Astrophys. 14,164
+6.41902BBB   McCarthy C.C., Miller E.W. 1973, Astron.J. 78,33
+6.42001BBB   Sarg K., Wramdemark S. 1970, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 2,251
+6.42002BBB   Barbier M., et al. 1973, Astron.Astrophys. 27,421
+6.42101BBB   Liller W., Alcaino G. 1982, Astrophys.J. 257,l27
+6.42301BBB   Haug U., et al. 1966, Z.Astrophys 64,140
+6.42302BBB   Lynga G. 1977, Astron.Astrophys. 54,71
+6.43001BBB   Lynga G., Wramdemark S. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 12,365
              Wramdemark S. 1980, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 40,81 (*CD, no+100)
+6.43101BBB   Stenholm B., Soderhjelm S. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,385
+6.43102BBB   Stenholm B., Soderhjelm S. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,385
+6.43103BBB   Loden L.O., Loden K.A. 1964, Ark.Astr. 3,299
+6.43104BBB   Bregman J., et al. 1973, Lick Obs.Bull. no 647
+6.43601BBB   Liller W., Alcaino G. 1982, Astrophys.J. 257,l27
+6.44201BBB   Meech K.J. 1983, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 95,662
+6.45701BBB   Haug U., et al. 1966, Z.Astrophys 64,140
+6.45702BBB   Drilling J.S. 1972, Astron.J. 77,463
+6.45703BBB   Muzzio J.C., McCarthy C.C. 1973, Astron.J. 78,924
+6.45901BBB   Meech K.J. 1983, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 95,662
              Muzzio J.C. 1974, Astron.J. 79 ,959
+6.46101BBB   Liller W., Alcaino G. 1982, Astrophys.J. 257,l27
+6.46201BBB   Philip A.G.D. 1965, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 12,391
 6.46301BBB   Wramdemark S. 1981, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 43,103
+6.46601BBB   Landolt A.U. 1970, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 82,1364
+6.46701BBB   Bunclark P.S., et al. 1980, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 40,81
+6.46801BBB   Lindoff U. 1968, Ark.Astr. 4,433
+6.46802BBB   Munch L. 1954, Bol.Obs. Tonantzintla Tacubaya 9,29
+6.46803BBB   Fitzgerald M.P., Moffat A.F.J. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 20,2
+6.46804BBB   Hilditch R.W., Dodd R.J. 1977, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 178,467
+6.46805BBB   Reed B.C., Fitzgerald M.P. 1982, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 49,521
+6.46806BBB   Meech K.J. 1983, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 95,622
+6.47200BBB   Moffat A.F.J., Vogt N. 1975, Astron.Astrophys. 41,413
+6.47201BBB   Janes K.A. 1979, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 39,135
+6.47202BBB   Heck A., et al. 1985, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 61,375
+6.47301BBB   Roslund C. 1967, Ark.Astr. 4,341
+6.47302BBB   Roslund C. 1964, Ark.Astr. 3,357
+6.47501BBB   Roslund C. 1963, Ark.Astr. 3,97
+6.47901BBB   Landolt A.U. 1967, A.J. 72,1012
+6.48601BBB   Lynga G., Wramdemark S. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 12,365
+6.48701BBB   Harris W.E., Smith M.G. 1981, Astron.J. 86,90
+6.5XX0BBBB   Kukarkin B.V., et al. 1958, 1960, 1967, GCVS
              Star name of the type * Df Tau *
+6.5XX1BBBB   Kukarkin B.V., et al. 1958, 1960, 1967, GCVS
              Star name of the type * V380 Ori *
+6.6XXXXBBB   Loden L.O. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 10,125
                         1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 29, 31
                         1979, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 36,83
                         1979, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 38,355
                         1980, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 41,173
                         1981, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 44,155
+6.7XXXXBBB   Pier J.R. 1982, Astron.J. 87,1515
+6.80HHMMSS   Green R.F. 1980, Astrophys.J. 238,685
+6.900XXBBB   Loden L.O. 1967, Ark.Astr. 4,375
                         1968, Ark.Astr. 4,425
                         1969, Ark.Astr. 5,149
                         1969, Ark.Astr. 5,161
              Loden L.O., Nordstrom B. 1969, Ark.Astr. 5,231
+6.901XXBBB   Loden L.O. 1967, Ark.Astr. 4,375
                         1968, Ark.Astr. 4,425
                         1969, Ark.Astr. 5,149
                         1969, Ark.Astr. 5,161
              Loden L.O., Nordstrom B. 1969, Ark.Astr. 5,231
+6.902XXBBB   Loden L.O. 1967, Ark.Astr. 4,375
                         1968, Ark.Astr. 4,425
                         1969, Ark.Astr. 5,149
                         1969, Ark.Astr. 5,161
              Loden L.O., Nordstrom B. 1969, Ark.Astr. 5,231
+6.9030XBBB   MacConnell D.J. 1968, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 16,275
              X = 1 Nw, 2 Sw, 3 Se, 4 Ne
+6.9040TEEB   Wildey R.L. 1964, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 8,439
              T=table Number, Ee=main Star Number, B=star Number
+6.9050QQBB   Angione R.J. 1971, Astron.J. 76,412
              QQ=quasar number numbered in sequence, BB=star
              number. A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.
+6.9051QQBB   Wing R.F. 1973, Astron.J. 78,684
+6.9052QQBB   Penston M.V., et al. 1971, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 83,783
+6.9053QQBB   McGimsey B.Q., Miller H.R., Williamson R.M. 1976, Astron.J. 81,75
+6.9054QQBB   McGimsey B.Q., Miller H.R. 1977, Astron.J. 82,453
+6.9055QQBB   Vanderriest C., Herpe G. 1980, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 39,395
+6.9056QQBB   Miller H.R. 1981, Astron.J. 86,87
+6.9057QQBB   Miller H.R. 1981, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 93,564
+6.9058QQBB   Miller H.R., Mullikin T.L., McGimsey B.Q. 1983, Astron.J. 88,1301
+6.9059QQBB   Miller H.R., et al. 1984, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 57,353
+6.9060XBBB   McClure R.D., Racine R. 1969, Astron.J. 74,1000
+6.9061QQBB   Smith P.S., et al. 1985, Astron.J. 90,1184
              X=1, 2, 3, 4 For M3, M13, M31, M33 sequences
+6.9062XXBB   Hamuy J., Maza J. 1989, Astron.J. 97,720
+6.907XXXBB   van den Bergh S. 1966, Astron.J. 71,990
              XXX = Reflection nebulae number (northern)
              BB = Star identification, A=1, B=2, C=3,...
              van den Bergh S., Herbst W. 1975, Astron.J. 80,208
              XXX = Reflection nebulae number +500 (southern)
+6.907007BB   Racine R. 1968, Astron.J. 73,233
+6.907009BB   Aveni A.F., Hunter J.H. 1972, Astron.J. 77,17
+6.907019BB   Racine R. 1968, Astron.J. 73,233
+6.907064BB   Racine R. 1968, Astron.J. 73,233
+6.907080BB   Aveni A.F., Hunter J.H. 1972, Astron.J. 77,17
+6.907087BB   Racine R. 1968, Astron.J. 73,233
+6.907090BB   Racine R. 1968, Astron.J. 73,233
+6.907092BB   Racine R. 1968, Astron.J. 73,233
+6.907114BB   Racine R. 1968, Astron.J. 73,233
+6.907119BB   Racine R. 1968, Astron.J. 73,233
+6.907130BB   Racine R. 1968, Astron.J. 73,233
+6.907141BB   Aveni A.F., Hunter J.H. 1972, Astron.J. 77,17
+6.907146BB   Aveni A.F., Hunter J.H. 1972, Astron.J. 77,17
+6.907150BB   Aveni A.F., Hunter J.H. 1972, Astron.J. 77,17
+6.907152BB   Aveni A.F., Hunter J.H. 1972, Astron.J. 77,17
+6.908BBBBB   For references see table 12
+6.910XBBBB   Wehinger P.A., Hidajat B. 1973, Astr..J. 78,401
+6.911XXBBB   Haggkvist J., Oja T. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 12,381
+6.912XXXXB   Loden L.O. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 10,125
+6.913AABBB   Hetzler C. 1937, Astrophys.J. 86,509
              AA=no region, BBB=star number in AA region
+6.914XXXBB   Joy A.H. 1949, Astrophys.J. 110,424
              XXX Region number,  BB Star number
+6.915XXXBB   Sanders W.L. 1966, Astron.J. 71,719
              XXX Region number attributed in order, BB star number
+6.916XXXBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1975, Astron.Astrophys. 45,405
              Lahulla J.F. 1985, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 61,537
              XXX Sharpless (ApJ Sup 4,257) HII Region number, BB star number
+6.917XXXBB   Moffat A.F.J., Fitzgerald M.P., Jackson P.D. 1979,
              Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 38,197 (region HII) XXX = no RCW
+6.918XXBBB   Johansson K.L.V. 1980, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 41,43
              XX = Field Number, BBB = Star Number
+6.919XXBBB   Wade R.A., et al. 1979, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 91,35
              XX = Field Number, BBB = Star Number
+6.920XXBBB   Blanco V.M., McCarthy M.F., Blanco B.M. 1980, Astrophys.J. 242,93
+6.921XXBBB   Arp H.C. 1965, Astrophys.J. 141,43
              XX = (a, B, C, D, E) = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), BBB = star number
+6.922XXBBB   Philip A.G.D., Sanduleak N. 1983, A deep objective prism survey
              of the LMC for OB and supergiant stars. Part I. L. Davis Press
              Schenectady (N.Y.)
Table 9       References for the Catalogues of Selected Areas
+7.0XXXBBBB   Durchmusterung of Selected Areas, Systematic Plan
              1918-1923, Ann.Harv.Coll.Obs. 101, 102, 103
+7.1XXXBBBB   Van Rhijn, P.J. Durchmusterung of Selected Areas
              of the Special Plan, Kapteyn Astr. Lab. (1952)
+7.2XXXBBBB   Mount Wilson Selected Areas
              1930, Carnegie Inst. Publ. no 402
+7.3XXXBBBB   Schwassmann, A.,van Rhijn, P.J. 1938,  Bergedorfer
              Spektral Durchmusterung der 115 Nordlichen
              Kapteynschen Eichfelder. Hamburger Sternwarte in Bergedorf
+7.4XXXBBBB   Becker, F., Bruck, H. 1931-1935, Publ.Astrophys.
              Obs.potsdam, Vol 27-28, Spectral Durchmusterung der
              Kapteynschen Eichfeldern Sudhimmels
+7.5XXXBBBB   Knox-shaw, H., Barrett, H.G.S. 1934, The Radcliffe
              Calalogue of Proper Motions in the Selected Areas
              1 to 115. Oxford University Press
+7.6XXXBBBB   Basle areas
+7.7XXXBBBB   Kiev Areas
+7.8XXXBBBB   van de Kamp P., Vyssotsky A.N. 1937, Publ.McCormick Obs. VII,47
              Vyssotsky A.M., Williams E.T.R. 1948, Publ.McCormick Obs. X,57
Table 10      References for the Lists by Declination
Northern Zones
+8.00XXBBBB   Upgren A.R. 1962, Astron.J. 67,37
+8.01XXBBBB   Hardorp J., et al. 1959, Luminous Stars in the Northern Milky Way
                                       Hamburg - Bergedorf Vol I
+8.02XXBBBB   Stock J., et al. 1960, Hamburg - Bergedorf Vol II
+8.03XXBBBB   Hardorp J., et al. 1964, Hamburg - Bergedorf Vol III
+8.04XXBBBB   Nassau J.J., Stephenson C.B. 1963, Hamburg - Bergedorf Vol IV
+8.05XXBBBB   Hardorp J., et al. 1965, Hamburg - Bergedorf Vol V
+8.06XXBBBB   Nassau J.J., et al. 1965, Hamburg - Bergedorf Vol VI
+8.07XXBBBB   Neugebauer G.N., Leighton R.B. 1969 IRC Northern Zones
              Two-micron Sky Survey. California Institute of Technology, Nasa
+8.08XXBBBB   Malmquist K.G. 1927, Medd.Lunds Astr.Obs. Ser. II no 37
                             1936, Stockholms Obs.Ann. 12 no 7
                             1960, Uppsala Astr.Obs.Ann. S.IV 17 no 13
+8.09XXBBBB   Sanduleak N. 1965, Thesis
+8.10XXBBBB   AG Stars without DM Number (north)
+8.11XXBBBB   Metreveli M.D. 1969, Bull.Abastumani Astr.Obs. 38,93
Southern Zones
+8.54XXBBBB   Nassau J.J., Stephenson C.B. 1963, Hamburg - Bergedorf Vol IV
+8.56XXBBBB   Nassau J.J., et al. 1965, Hamburg - Bergedorf Vol VI
+8.57XXBBBB   Neugebauer G.N., Leighton R.B. 1969 IRC Southern Zones
              Two-micron Sky Survey. California Institute of Technology, Nasa
+8.58XXABBB   Sanduleak N.  1969, Contr.Cerro Tololo Interamer.Obs. no 89
              XX Declination Zone, A=1 Supplementary Stars, BBB Star Number
+8.59XXBBBB   Wooden W.H. II 1971, Publ.Warner Swasey Obs. 1 no 2
+8.60XXBBBB   AG Stars without DM Number (south)
Table 11      Miscellanous Lists
References for the Numbering of Stars in Associations and Rings
+9.0001BBBB   Brun A. 1935, Publ.Obs.Lyon 1, Fasc 12,1
+9.0002BBBB   Blaauw A. et al. 1959, Astrophys.J. 130,69
+9.0003BBBB   Reddish V.C., et al. 1966, Publ.R.Obs. Edinburgh 5 no 8
+9.0004BBBB   Isserstedt J. 1968, Veroeff.Astr.Inst.Univ.Bochum 1,121
+9.0005BBBB   Isserstedt J. 1968, Veroeff.Astr.Inst.Univ.Bochum 1,121
+9.0006BBBB   Isserstedt J. 1969, Astron.Astrophys. 3,210
+9.0007BBBB   Braes L.L.E. 1967, Bull.Astr.Inst.Netherl.Suppl. 2 no 1
+9.0009BBBB   Baade W., Swope H.H. 1961, Astron.J. 66,300
+9.0010BBBB   Parenago P. 1954, Trudy Gos.Astr.Inst.Sternberga Vol 25
+9.0011BBBB   Henize K.G., Mendoza V E.E. 1973, Astrophys.J. 180,115
+9.0011BBBB   Whittet D.C.B. 1987, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 224,497 (no T+100)
+9.0011BBBB   Whittet D.C.B. 1987, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 224,497 (no T+200)
+9.0012BBBB   Moffat A.F.J. 1976, Astron.Astrophys. 50,429
+9.0013BBBB   Herbst W., Turner D.G. 1976, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 88,308
+9.0014BBBB   Demers S., Kunkel W.E. 1976, Astrophys.J. 208,932
+9.0015BBBB   Herbst W., Racine R. 1976, Astron.J. 81,840
+9.0016BBBB   Moffat A.F.J., Fitzgerald M.P. 1977, Astron.Astrophys. 54,263
+9.0017BBBB   Sandage A., Katem B. 1976, Astron.J. 81,743
+9.0018BBBB   Kunkel W.E., Demers S. 1977, Astrophys.J. 214,21
+9.0019BBBB   Demers S., et al. 1979, Astrophys.J. 232,84
+9.0020BBBB   Havlen R.J., Moffat A.F.J. 1977, Astron.Astrophys. 58,351
+9.0021BBBB   Murdin P., Penston M.V. 1977, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 181,657
+9.0022BBBB   Herbst W., Havlen R.J. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 30,279
+9.0023BBBB   Eggen O.J. 1977, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 34,1
+9.0024BBBB   Strom S.E., Vrba F.J., Strom K.M. 1976, Astron.J. 81,314
+9.0025BBBB   Vrba F.J., Strom S.E., Strom K.M. 1976, Astron.J. 81,317
              Marraco H.G., Rydgren A.E. 1981, Astron.J. 86,62 (no+100)
+9.0026BBBB   Strom K.M., Strom S.E., Vrba F.J. 1976, Astron.J. 81,320
+9.0027BBBB   Strom K.M., Strom S.E., Vrba F.J. 1976, Astron.J. 81,320
+9.0028BBBB   Strom S.E., Vrba F.J., Strom K.M. 1976, Astron.J. 81,638
+9.0029BBBB   Strom S.E., Vrba F.J., Strom K.M. 1976, Astron.J. 81,638
+9.0030BBBB   Strom K.M., Strom S.E., Vrba F.J. 1976, Astron.J. 81,308
+9.0031BBBB   Lanz T. 1985, Bull.Inform.CDS 28,125
+9.0032BBBB   van den Bergh S., Younger F. 1979, Inf.Bull.Var.Stars no 1668
+9.0033BBBB   Van Agt S.L.T.J. 1967, Bull.Astr.Inst.Netherl. 19,275
+9.0035BBBB   Stetson P.B. 1979, Astron.J. 84,1167
+9.0036BBBB   Turner D.G. 1982, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 94,1003
+9.0037BBBB   Demers S., Harris W.E. 1983, Astron.J. 88,329
+9.0038XXBB   Herbst W., Racine R., Warner J.W. 1978, Astrophys.J. 223,471
+9.0039BBBB   Herbst W. et al. 1982, Astron.J. 87,98
+9.0040BBBX   Herbst W. et al. 1982, Astron.J. 87,98
+9.0041BBBB   Herbst W. et al. 1982, Astron.J. 87,98
+9.0042BBBB   Herbst W. et al. 1982, Astron.J. 87,98
+9.0043BBBB   Herbst W. et al. 1982, Astron.J. 87,98
+9.0044BBBB   Demers S. et al. 1984, Astron.J. 89,1160
+9.0045BBBB   Turner D.G. 1984, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 96,422
+9.0046BBBB   Sandage A., Carlson G. 1985, Astron.J. 90,1464
+9.0047BBBB   Sandage A., Carlson G. 1985, Astron.J. 90,1019
+9.0048BBBB   Ortolani S., et al. 1985, Astron.J. 90,473
+9.0049BBBB   Heske A., Wendker H.J. 1984, Astr.Ap.Suppl. 57,205
              Heske A., Wendker H.J. 1985, Astron.Astrophys. 151,309
+9.0050BBBB   McConnell D.J. 1968, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 16,275
+9.0051BBBB   Turner D.G., Leonard P.J.T., Madore B.F. 1986, JRASC 80,166
+9.0052BBBB   Alcaino G., Alvarado F. 1988, Astron.J. 95,1724
+9.0053BBBB   Cudworth K.M., et al 1986, A.J. 92,766
+9.0054BBBB   Hodge P.W., Flower P. 1987, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 99,734
+9.0055BBBB   Hodge P.W., Flower P. 1987, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 99,734
References for Sequences near NGC Objects
+9.200450BB   Alcaino G., Liller W. 1984, Astron.J. 89,814
+9.200550BB   Alcaino G. 1980, Astron.Astrophys. 84,354
+9.200551BB   Hanes D.A., Grieve G.R. 1982, Mon.Notes R.Astr.Soc. 198,193
+9.201040BB   Hesser J.E., Philip A.G.D. 1976, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 88,89
+9.201041BB   Cannon R.D. 1981, Mon.Notes R.Astr.Soc. 195,1
+9.201210BB   Tifft W.G. 1963, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 125,199
+9.201520BB   Hodge P.W. 1981, Astrophys.J. 247,894
+9.201760BB   Hodge P.W., Flower P. 1987, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 99,734
+9.202470BB   Hanes D.A., Grieve G.R. 1982, Mon.Notes R.Astr.Soc. 198,193
+9.202471BB   Alcaino G., Liller W. 1984, Astron.J. 89,814
+9.202530BB   Hanes D.A., Grieve G.R. 1982, Mon.Notes R.Astr.Soc. 198,193
+9.202531BB   Alcaino G., Liller W. 1984, Astron.J. 89,814
+9.202880BB   Alcaino G. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 21,5
+9.202881BB   Alcaino G., et al. 1987, Astron.J. 93,1464
+9.203000BB   Graham J.A. 1981, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 93,29
+9.203001BB   Alcaino G., Liller W. 1984, Astron.J. 89,814
+9.203300BB   Arp H.C. 1959, Astron.J. 64,254
+9.203301BB   Carney B.W., et al. 1985, Astron.J. 90,1196
+9.203302BB   Alcaino G., Alvarado F. 1988, Astron.J. 95,1724
+9.203390BB   Walker M.F. 1987, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 99,179
+9.203620BB   Alcaino G. 1976, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 26,359
+9.203621BB   Harris W.E. 1982, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 50,573
+9.203622BB   Alcaino G., et al 1988, Astron.J. 96,139
+9.204580BB   Walker M.F. 1987, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 99,179
+9.206090BB   Lee V.L., Burkhead M.S. 1971, Astron.J. 76,467
+9.210680BB   Penston M.J., et al. 1971, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 83,783
+9.210970BB   Hamuy M., Maza J. 1989, Astron.J. 97,720
+9.212610BB   Alcaino G. 1979, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 38,61
+9.212611BB   Alcaino G., et al 1988, Astron.J. 96,139
+9.212750BB   Penston M.J., et al. 1971, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 83,783
+9.213990BB   Hanes D.A., Grieve G.R. 1982, Mon.Notes R.Astr.Soc. 198,193
+9.214660BB   Penny A.J. 1981, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 197,693
+9.214990BB   Shinohara M., Ishida K. 1976, Publ.Astr.Soc.Japan 28,437
+9.216720BB   Hamuy M., Maza J. 1989, Astron.J. 97,720
+9.217770BB   Mateo M., Hodge P.W. 1985, Astrophys.J. 289,247
+9.217830BB   Walker M.F. 1987, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 99,179
+9.218410BB   Alcaino G., Alvarado F. 1988, Astron.J. 95,1724
+9.218510BB   Alcaino G. 1976, Astron.Astrophys. 50,299
+9.218511BB   Alcaino G., et al. 1987, Astron.J. 93,1464
+9.218560BB   Hodge P.W., Lee S.O. 1984, Astrophys.J. 276,509
+9.218660BB   Arp H. 1958, Astron.J. 63,118
+9.218680BB   Flower P.J., et al. 1980, Astrophys.J. 235,769
+9.219040BB   Alcaino G. 1976, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 26,353
+9.219041BB   Stetson P.B., Harris W.E. 1977, Astron.J. 82,954
+9.219042BB   Alcaino G., et al. 1987, Astron.J. 93,1464
+9.219780BB   Olszewiski E.W. 1984, Astrophys.J. 284,108
+9.219781BB   Olszewiski E.W. 1984, Astrophys.J. 284,108
+9.220040BB   Walker M.F. 1987, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 99,179
+9.220580BB   Flower P.J. 1982, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 94,894
+9.221640BB   Hodge P.W., Flower P.J. 1973, Astrophys.J. 185,829
+9.221641BB   Walker M.F. 1987, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 99,179
+9.222030BB   Hodge P.W., Flower P. 1987, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 99,734
+9.222140BB   Penny A.J. 1981, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 197,693
+9.222430BB   van den Bergh S. 1977, Astrophys.J. 215,89
+9.222570BB   Penny A.J. 1981, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 197,693
+9.222980BB   Alcaino G. 1974, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 13,55
+9.224190BB   Racine R., Harris W.E. 1975, Astrophys.J. 196,413
+9.224191BB   Suntzeff N.B., Kraft R.P., Kinman T.D. 1988, Astron.J. 95,91
+9.228080BB   Harris W.E. 1978, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 90,45
+9.232010BB   Alcaino G. 1976, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 26,251
+9.232011BB   Lee S.W. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 28,409
+9.232270BB   Penston M.J., et al. 1971, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 83,783
+9.233110BB   Smith M.G., Weedman D.W. 1976, Astrophys.J. 205,709
+9.235160BB   Penston M.J., et al. 1971, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 83,783
+9.237830BB   Hamuy M., Maza J. 1989, Astron.J. 97,720
+9.240510BB   Penston M.J., et al. 1971, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 83,783
+9.241510BB   Penston M.J., et al. 1971, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 83,783
+9.242160BB   Hanes D.A., Harris W.E., Madore B.F. 1976, Mon.Not.RAS 177,653
+9.243400BB   Hanes D.A., Harris W.E., Madore B.F. 1976, Mon.Not.RAS 177,653
+9.243490BB   Lohmann W. 1961, Astr.Nach. 286,105
+9.243720BB   Alcaino G. 1974, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 13,345
+9.243721BB   Hartwick F.D.A., Hesser J.E. 1973, Astrophys.J. 186,1171
+9.243722BB   Hartwick F.D.A., Hesser J.E. 1973, Astrophys.J. 186,1171
+9.243740BB   Hanes D.A., Harris W.E., Madore B.F. 1976, Mon.Not.RAS 177,653
+9.244060BB   Hanes D.A., Harris W.E., Madore B.F. 1976, Mon.Not.RAS 177,653
+9.244310BB   Hanes D.A., Harris W.E., Madore B.F. 1976, Mon.Not.RAS 177,653
+9.244580BB   Hanes D.A., Harris W.E., Madore B.F. 1976, Mon.Not.RAS 177,653
+9.244720BB   Hanes D.A., Harris W.E., Madore B.F. 1976, Mon.Not.RAS 177,653
+9.244990BB   White R.E. 1971, Astron.J. 76,419
+9.245260BB   Hanes D.A., Harris W.E., Madore B.F. 1976, Mon.Not.RAS 177,653
+9.245640BB   Hanes D.A., Harris W.E., Madore B.F. 1976, Mon.Not.RAS 177,653
+9.245650BB   Hanes D.A., Harris W.E., Madore B.F. 1976, Mon.Not.RAS 177,653
+9.245690BB   Hanes D.A., Harris W.E., Madore B.F. 1976, Mon.Not.RAS 177,653
+9.245900BB   Harris W.E. 1975, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 29,397
+9.245901BB   Alcaino G. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 29,9
+9.245902BB   Alcaino G., et al. 1987, Astron.J. 93,1464
+9.245940BB   Hanes D.A., Harris W.E., Madore B.F. 1976, Mon.Not.RAS 177,653
+9.245960BB   Hanes D.A., Harris W.E., Madore B.F. 1976, Mon.Not.RAS 177,653
+9.261200BB   Mateo M., Hodge P.W. 1985, Astrophys.J. 289,247
+9.246360BB   Hanes D.A., Harris W.E., Madore B.F. 1976, Mon.Not.RAS 177,653
+9.246470BB   Hanes D.A., Harris W.E., Madore B.F. 1976, Mon.Not.RAS 177,653
+9.246970BB   Hanes D.A., Harris W.E., Madore B.F. 1976, Mon.Not.RAS 177,653
+9.248330BB   Menzies J. 1972, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 156,207
+9.248331BB   Alcaino G., et al. 1987, Astron.J. 93,1464
+9.250240BB   Cuffey J. 1965, Astron.J. 70,732
+9.251280BB   Roslund C. 1969, Ark.Astr. 5,249
+9.251281BB   Graham J.A. 1981, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 93,291
              Mc Elroy D., Humphreys R.M. 1982, PASP 94,828
+9.251390BB   Geyer E.H. 1967, Z.Astrophys. 66,16
+9.251391BB   Cannon R.D. 1981, Mon.Notes R.Astr.Soc. 195,1
+9.251392BB   Arp H.C. 1958, Astron.J. 63,118
+9.252360BB   Mc ElRoy D., Humphreys R.M. 1982, PASP 94,828
+9.252860BB   Alcaino G. 1974, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 18,9
+9.252861BB   Harris W.E., et al. 1976, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 31,13
+9.254570BB   Sandage A., Tamman G.A. 1974, Astrophys.J. 194,223
+9.254660BB   Cuffey J. 1961, Astron.J. 66,71
+9.254661BB   Nemec J.M., Harris H.C. 1987, Astrophys.J. 316,172
+9.255480BB   Penston M.J., et al. 1971, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 83,783
+9.256940BB   Harris W.E. 1975, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 29,397
+9.258230BB   Schnur G.F.D. 1977, Astr.Nach. 298,167
+9.258231BB   Schnur G.F.D. 1977, Astr.Nach. 298,167
+9.258240BB   Harris W.E. 1975, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 29,397
+9.258970BB   Sandage A., Katem B. 1968, Astrophys.J. 153,569
+9.259270BB   White R.E. 1970, Astron.J. 75,167
+9.259271BB   Menzies J. 1974, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 169,79
+9.259272BB   Alcaino G. 1979, Acta Astr. 29,281
+9.259460BB   Martins D.H., Harvel C.A. 1979, Astron.J. 84,1025
+9.259461BB   Alcaino G., et al. 1987, Astron.J. 93,1464
+9.259860BB   Harris W.E., et al. 1976, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 31,13
+9.259861BB   Alcaino G. 1984, Astron.Astrophys. 139,549
+9.260930BB   Harris W.E., Racine R. 1974, Astron.J. 79,472
+9.261010BB   White R.E. 1970, Astron.J. 75,167
+9.261011BB   Alcaino G. 1974, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 18,9
+9.261210BB   Alcaino G. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 21,5
+9.263190BB   Hatzen-Liller M.L. 1984, Astron.J. 89,1551
+9.263191BB   Alcaino G., et al. 1987, Astron.J. 93,1464
+9.261440BB   Alcaino G. 1980, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 39,315
+9.261710BB   Sandage A., Katem B. 1964, Astrophys.J. 139,1088
+9.261711BB   Dickens R.J. 1970, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 22,249
+9.262050BB   Sandage A., Walker M.F. 1966, Astrophys.J. 143,313
+9.262540BB   Harris W.E., et al. 1976, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 31,13
+9.262560BB   Bernard A. 1976, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 25,281
+9.262660BB   White R.E. 1971, Astron.J. 76,419
+9.262661BB   Harris W.E. 1975, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 29,397
+9.262662BB   Alcaino G. 1978, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 32,379
+9.262730BB   Harris W.E., et al. 1976, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 31,13
+9.263040BB   Bernard A. 1976, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 25,281
+6.263041BB   Hesser J.E. 1976, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 88,849
+9.263042BB   Hesser J.E., Hartwick F.D.A. 1976, Astrophys.J. 203,113
+9.263160BB   White R.E. 1971, Astron.J. 76,419
+9.263250BB   Harris W.E. 1975, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 29,397
+6.263410BB   Sandage A., Walker M.F. 1966, Astrophys.J. 143,313
+9.263520BB   Hartwick F.D.A., Hesser J.E. 1972, Astrophys.J. 175,77
+9.263521BB   Hesser J.E. 1976, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 88,849
+9.263880BB   White R.E. 1971, Astron.J. 76,419
+9.263881BB   Alcaino G. 1981, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 44,33
+9.263970BB   Cannon R.D. 1981, Mon.Notes R.Astr.Soc. 195,1
+9.263971BB   van den Bergh S. 1988, Astron.J. 95,106
+9.264020BB   Demers S., Wehlau A. 1971, Astron.J. 76,916
+9.264400BB   Martins D.H., Harvel C.A. 1979, Astron.J. 84,1025
+9.264410BB   Hesser J.E. 1976, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 88,849
+9.264411BB   Hesser J.E., Hartwick F.D.A. 1976, Astrophys.J. 203,97
+9.265170BB   Harris W.E. 1975, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 29,397
+9.265220BB   van den Bergh S. 1971, Astron.J. 76,1082
+9.265221BB   Blanco V.M., Blanco B.M. 1984, PASP 96,603
+9.265280BB   van den Bergh S., Younger F. 1979, Astron.J. 84,1305
+9.265281BB   van den Bergh S., Younger F. 1979, Astron.J. 84,1305
+9.265410BB   Alcaino G. 1979, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 35,233
+9.265440BB   Alcaino G. 1983, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 52,105
+9.265840BB   Alcaino G., Liller W. 1985, Astr.Ap.Suppl. 62,317
+9.266240BB   Harvel C.A., Martins D.H. 1977, Astrophys.J. 213,l49
+9.266241BB   Liller M.H., Carney B.W. 1978, Astrophys.J. 224,383
+9.266260BB   Alcaino G. 1981, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 44,191
+9.266370BB   Hartwick F.D.A., Sandage A. 1968, Astrophys.J. 153,715
+9.266380BB   Bernard A. 1976, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 25,281
+9.266560BB   Philip A.G.D., Goodman B.M. 1975, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 87,801
+9.266561BB   Alcaino G. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 29,383
+9.266562BB   Alcaino G., et al 1988, Astron.J. 96,139
+9.266810BB   Harris W.E. 1975, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 29,397
+9.267120BB   Sandage A., Smith L.L. 1966, Astrophys.J. 144,886
+9.267150BB   Harris W.E. 1975, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 29,397
+9.267170BB   Goranskii V.P. 1979, Sov.Astron. 23,284
+9.267230BB   Menzies J. 1974, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 168,177
+9.267520BB   Wesselink A.J. 1974, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 168,345
+9.267521BB   Cannon R.D. 1981, Mon.Notes R.Astr.Soc. 195,1
+9.268090BB   Alcaino G. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 22,193
+9.268091BB   Harris W.E. 1975, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 29,397
+9.268092BB   Lee S.W. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 29,1
+9.268093BB   Alcaino G., et al 1988, Astron.J. 96,139
+9.268220BB   Kayser S.E. 1967, Astron.J. 72,134
+9.268221BB   Hodge P.W. 1977, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 33,69
+9.268222BB   van den Bergh S., Humphreys R.M. 1979, Astron.J. 89,604
+9.268300BB   Janulis R. 1984, Bull.Vilnius Astr.Obs. 67,18
+9.268640BB   Harris W.E. 1975, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 29,397
+9.269340BB   Harris W.E., Racine R. 1973, Astron.J. 78,242
+9.270890BB   Demers S. 1969, Astron.J. 74,925
              Harris W.E. 1975, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 29,397
+9.270990BB   Alcaino G. 1978, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 33,185
+9.270991BB   Alcaino G., et al. 1987, Astron.J. 93,1464
+9.272130BB   Hamuy M., Maza J. 1989, Astron.J. 97,720
+9.272930BB   Dahn S.C., et al. 1973, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 85,224
+9.274690BB   Penston M.J., et al. 1971, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 83,783
+9.275820BB   Hamuy M., Maza J. 1989, Astron.J. 97,720
+9.277930BB   Hanes D.A., Grieve G.R. 1982, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 198,193
+9.277931BB   Alcaino G., Liller W. 1984, Astron.J. 89,814
References for Sequences near IC Objects
+9.343290BB   Hamuy M., Maza J. 1989, Astron.J. 97,720
+9.351460BB   Forte J., Orsatti A.M. 1984, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 56,211
Balloon-borne plates
+9.4FFCCBBB   Geneva balloon-borne plates
              FF = flight number, CC = plate number, BBB = star number
References for Various Regions
+9.50YXXBBB   Harvard STD Regions 1917, Ann.Harv.Coll.Obs. 71,233
+9.515XXBBB   Cousins A.W.J., Stoy R.H. 1961, R.Obs.Bull no 49
+9.6005BBBB   McCuskey S.W., Houk N. 1964, Astron.J. 69,412
+9.6011BBBB   Wooden W.H. II 1970, Astron.J. 75,324
+9.6012BBBB   Wooden W.H. II 1970, Astron.J. 75,324
+9.6013BBBB   Wooden W.H. II 1970, Astron.J. 75,324
+9.6014BBBB   Wooden W.H. II 1970, Astron.J. 75,324
+9.6403BBBB   Drilling J.S. 1971, Astron.J. 76,1072
              Drilling J.S. 1973, Astron.J. 78,44 (no+1000)
+9.6404BBBB   Drilling J.S. 1971, Astron.J. 76,1072
              Drilling J.S. 1973, Astron.J. 78,44 (no+1000)
+9.72XXXBBB   Lucke P.B. 1973, Thesis
              XXX Association Number, BBB Star number
G - Numbered Stars
+9.80XXXBBB   Giclas H.L., Burnham R., Thomas N.G. 1971, Lowell Obs. Flagstaff
              Lowell Proper Motion Survey (Northern Hemisphere)
              Giclas H.L., et al. 1978, Lowell Obs.Bull. no 164 Southern Survey
+9.82XXXBBB   Giclas H.L., et al. 1963, Lowell Obs.Bull. no 120
                                  1964, Lowell Obs.Bull. no 122
                                  1964, Lowell Obs.Bull. no 124
                                  1966, Lowell Obs.Bull. no 132
                                  1966, Lowell Obs.Bull. no 136
                                  1967, Lowell Obs.Bull. no 140
                                  1970, Lowell Obs.Bull. no 152
                                  1972, Lowell Obs.Bull. no 158
                                  1973, Lowell Obs.Bull. no 160
                                  1975, Lowell Obs.Bull. no 162
Luyten Surveys
+9.85XXXBBB   Luyten W.J.  Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight inch
              Schmidt Telescope.  Univ. Of Minnesota  (LP numbers)
+9.86XXXBBB   Luyten W.J. 1942, Publ.Astr.Obs.Univ.Minnesota II no 12
                          1944, Publ.Astr.Obs.Univ.Minnesota III no 4  (no L)
+9.87XXXBBB   Kondo M., et al. 1982, Publ.Astron.Soc.Japan 34,541
+9.88XXXXBB   Stobie R.S., et al. 1985, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 60,495
+9.890XBBBB   Artyukhina N.M., Kholopov P.N.
              1975, Trudy Gosud.Astron.Inst.Shternberga 46,57
              1976, Trudy Gosud.Astron.Inst.Shternberga 47,105
Table 12      References for Stars under Code +6.908BBBBB
+6.90800001   Star near L1159-16 = Woolley 9066
              Lippincott S.L., Yang C.Y. 1967, Astron.J. 72,840
              Landolt A.U. 1968, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 80,331 (chart)
+6.90800002   Munch G. 1964, Astrophys.J. 140,162   * OB+27.89
+6.90800003   Star E in LMC X-1 error box
              Jones C.A., et al. 1974, Astrophys.J. 190,l1
+6.90800004   Anon near BD-22 4494 (M2Ib)
              Humphreys R.M., Ney, E.P. 1974, Astrophys.J. 194,623
+6.90800005   Comparison star for HZ 29 = AM CVn
              Smak J. 1967, Acta Astr. 17,3
+6.90800007   UV 1758+36
              Giddings J.R., Dworetsky M.M. 1978, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 183,265
+6.90800008   3U 1956+11
              Morgon B., Thorstensen J.R., Bowyer S. 1978, Astrophys.J. 221,907
+6.90800009   Anon 1
              Knacke R.F., Strom K.M., Strom S.E., Young E., Kunkel W. 1973,
              Astrophys.J. 179,847   (chart)
+6.90800010   Anon south of BD-5.2678
              Carney B.W. 1980, Astron.J. 85,38
+6.90800011   Brightest star in the field of G63-36,
              Rucinski S.M. 1981, Acta Astr. 31,363
+6.90800012   Companion to Feige 74
              Penston M.J. 1973, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 164,133
+6.90800013   Star 3 arc min east of HDE 283706
              Straizys V., Meistas E. 1980, Acta Astr. 30,541
+6.90800014   Star 1 arc min south of HDE 333429
              Straizys V., Kalytis R. 1981, Acta Astr. 31,92
+6.90800015   Star 20 in the list of Neckel T., Chini R. 1980,
+6.90800016   Double star near Gamma CrB  (15h 40.9 +26d26)
              Sandage A.R. 1964, Astrophys.J. 139,442
+6.90800017   Mrk 20  (23h17 36.0 +26d49 57 - 1950)
              Markarian B.E., Lipovetski V.A. 1971, Astrofisika 7,511
+6.90800018   Wk X Ray-1  (4h16 23 +28d 19 29 - 1950)
              Walter F.M., Kuhi L.V. 1981, Astrophys.J. 250,254
+6.90800019   Wk X Ray-2  (4h30 11 +24d27 59 - 1950)
              Walter F.M.,kuhi L.V. 1981, Astrophys.J. 250,254
+6.90800020   Fk X Ray-3  (5h00 02 +25d 18.6 -1950)
              Feigelson E.D., Kriss G.A. 1981, Astrophys.J.lett. 248,l35
              Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 39,411
              Position (1950): 05 24 27  +05 28 35
Table 13      List of Authors by Alphabetical Order
+6.20056BBB   Abell G.O. 1966, Astrophys.J. 144,259
+6.20134BBB   Adler D.S., Janes K.A. 1982, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 94,905
+8.10XXBBBB   AG stars without DM number (north)
+8.60XXBBBB   AG stars without DM number (south)
+6.007BBBBB   Aitken R.G. 1932, Carnegie Institution Washington  (ADS)
+9.222980BB   Alcaino G. 1974, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 13,55
+9.243720BB   Alcaino G. 1974, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 13,345
+9.252860BB   Alcaino G. 1974, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 18,9
+9.261011BB   Alcaino G. 1974, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 18,9
+9.202880BB   Alcaino G. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 21,5
+9.261210BB   Alcaino G. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 21,5
+9.268090BB   Alcaino G. 1975, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 22,193
+9.203620BB   Alcaino G. 1976, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 26,359
+9.218510BB   Alcaino G. 1976, Astron.Astrophys. 50,299
+9.219040BB   Alcaino G. 1976, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 26,353
+9.232010BB   Alcaino G. 1976, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 26,251
+9.245901BB   Alcaino G. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 29,9
+9.266561BB   Alcaino G. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 29,383
+9.262662BB   Alcaino G. 1978, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 32,379
+9.270990BB   Alcaino G. 1978, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 33,185
+9.259272BB   Alcaino G. 1979, Acta Astr. 29,281
+9.212610BB   Alcaino G. 1979, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 38,61
+9.265410BB   Alcaino G. 1979, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 35,233
+9.200550BB   Alcaino G. 1980, Astron.Astrophys. 84,354
+9.261440BB   Alcaino G. 1980, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 39,315
+9.263881BB   Alcaino G. 1981, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 44,33
+9.266260BB   Alcaino G. 1981, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 44,191
+9.265440BB   Alcaino G. 1983, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 52,105
+9.259861BB   Alcaino G. 1984, Astron.Astrophys. 139,549
+9.0052BBBB   Alcaino G., Alvarado F. 1988, Astron.J. 95,1724
+9.203302BB   Alcaino G., Alvarado F. 1988, Astron.J. 95,1724
+9.218410BB   Alcaino G., Alvarado F. 1988, Astron.J. 95,1724
+2.2298BBBB   Alcaino G., Liller W. 1974, Astron.Astrophys.Supp. 13,55
+9.200450BB   Alcaino G., Liller W. 1984, Astron.J. 89,814
+9.202471BB   Alcaino G., Liller W. 1984, Astron.J. 89,814
+9.202531BB   Alcaino G., Liller W. 1984, Astron.J. 89,814
+9.203001BB   Alcaino G., Liller W. 1984, Astron.J. 89,814
+9.277931BB   Alcaino G., Liller W. 1984, Astron.J. 89,814
+9.265840BB   Alcaino G., Liller W. 1985, Astr.Ap.Suppl. 62,317
+9.202881BB   Alcaino G., et al. 1987, Astron.J. 93,1464
+9.218511BB   Alcaino G., et al. 1987, Astron.J. 93,1464
+9.219042BB   Alcaino G., et al. 1987, Astron.J. 93,1464
+9.245902BB   Alcaino G., et al. 1987, Astron.J. 93,1464
+9.248331BB   Alcaino G., et al. 1987, Astron.J. 93,1464
+9.259461BB   Alcaino G., et al. 1987, Astron.J. 93,1464
+9.261391BB   Alcaino G., et al. 1987, Astron.J. 93,1464
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              X = 1 Nw, 2 Sw, 3 Se, 4 Ne
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              X=1, 2, 3, 4 for M3, M13, M31, M33 Sequences
+9.0050BBBB   McConnell D.J. 1968, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 16,275
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+6.20120BBB   McConnell D.J., Sanduleak N. 1970, Pub.Astr.Soc.Pacific 82,80
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+6.41901BBB   McGruder C.H., Schnur G. 1971, Astron.Astrophys. 14,164
+6.44201BBB   Meech K.J. 1983, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 95,662
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+6.9056QQBB   Miller H.R. 1981, Astron.J. 86,87
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              Spektral Durchmusterung der 115 Nordlichen
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+6.314XXBBB   Seggewiss W. 1971, Veroeff.Astr.Inst.Univ.Bonn no 82
+6.20011BBB   Sherwood W.A., Dachs J. 1976, Astron.Astrophys. 48,187
+9.214990BB   Shinohara M., Ishida K. 1976, Publ.Astr.Soc.Japan 28,437
+6.20157BBB   Shugarov S.Y. 1984, Inf.Bull.Var.Stars no 2612
+6.20021BBB   Slettebak A., Brundage R.K. 1971, Astron.J. 76,338
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+6.20145BBB   Smethells W.G. 1974, Thesis (Case West. Reserve Univ.)
+6.20118BBB   Smith L.F. 1968, Mon.Notes R.Astr.Soc. 138,109
+9.233110BB   Smith M.G., Weedman D.W. 1976, Astrophys.J. 205,709
+6.9061QQBB   Smith P.S., et al. 1985, Astron.J. 90,1184
+6.20075BBB   Sofia S., Eichhorn H., Gatewood G. 1969, Astron.J. 74,20
+6.20119BBB   Stenhlom B. 1975, Astron.Astrophys. 39,307
+6.43101BBB   Stenholm B., Soderhjelm S. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,385
+6.43102BBB   Stenholm B., Soderhjelm S. 1972, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 7,385
+6.1018BBBB   Stephenson C.B. 1973, Publ. Warner Swasey Obs. 1 no 4
+6.1000BBBB   Stephenson C.B., Sanduleak N. 1971, Publ.Warner Swasey Obs. I No
+6.20146BBB   Stephenson C.B., Sanduleak N. 1975, Astron.J. 80,972
+6.20166BBB   Stephenson C.B., Sanduleak N. 1977, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 33,459
+9.0035BBBB   Stetson P.B. 1979, Astron.J. 84,1167
+9.219041BB   Stetson P.B., Harris W.E. 1977, Astron.J. 82,954
+6.20155BBB   Stobie R.S., et al. 1985, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl.60,495
+9.88XXXXBB   Stobie R.S., et al. 1985, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 60,495
+8.02XXBBBB   Stock J., et al. 1960, Hamburg - Bergedorf Vol II
+6.20105BBB   Stock J., Osborn W., Ibanez M. 1976, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 24,3
+6.20128BBB   Stock J., Wehlau W.M. 1956, Astron.J. 61,80
+6.316XYBBB   Stock J., Wroblewski H. 1971, Publ. Univ. Chile II no 3
+6.20154BBB   Stone R.P.S. 1983, Inf.Bull.Var.Stars no 2380
+6.20112BBB   Straizys V., Kalytis R., Sudzius J. 1979,Bull.Obs.Vilnius 52,3
+9.0026BBBB   Strom K.M., Strom S.E., Vrba F.J. 1976, Astron.J. 81,320
+9.0027BBBB   Strom K.M., Strom S.E., Vrba F.J. 1976, Astron.J. 81,320
+9.0030BBBB   Strom K.M., Strom S.E., Vrba F.J. 1976, Astron.J. 81,308
+9.0024BBBB   Strom S.E., Vrba F.J., Strom K.M. 1976, Astron.J. 81,314
+9.0028BBBB   Strom S.E., Vrba F.J., Strom K.M. 1976, Astron.J. 81,638
+9.0029BBBB   Strom S.E., Vrba F.J., Strom K.M. 1976, Astron.J. 81,638
+6.20026BBB   Sudzius J., Straizys V. 1976, Bull.Vilnius Obs. 43,3
+6.1020BBBB   Sundman A., Loden L.O., Nordstrom B. 1974, Astr.Ap.Suppl. 16,445
+9.224191BB   Suntzeff N.B., Kraft R.P., Kinman T.D. 1988, Astron.J. 95,91
+6.20130BBB   The P.S., Staller R.F.A. 1974, Astron.Astrophys. 36,155
+9.201210BB   Tifft W.G. 1963, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 125,199
+6.20071BBB   Turner D.G. 1977, Astron.J. 82,163
+9.0036BBBB   Turner D.G. 1982, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 94,1003
+6.20139BBB   Turner D.G. 1983, Astron.J. 88,650
+9.0045BBBB   Turner D.G. 1984, Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific 96,422
+6.20162BBB   Turner D.G., Evans N.R. 1984, Astrophys.J. 283,254
+9.0051BBBB   Turner D.G., Leonard P.J.T., Madore B.F. 1986, JRASC 80,166
+6.20127BBB   Upgren A.R. 1960, Astron.J. 65,644
+8.00XXBBBB   Upgren A.R. 1962, Astron.J. 67,37
+6.20117BBB   Upgren A.R., et al. 1972, Astron.J. 77,486
+9.0033BBBB   Van Agt S.L.T.J. 1967, Bull.Astr.Inst.Netherl. 19,275
+7.8XXXBBBB   van de Kamp P., Vyssotsky A.N. 1937, Publ.McCormick Obs. VII,47
+6.907XXXBB   van den Bergh S. 1966, Astron.J. 71,990
              XXX = reflection nebulae number (northern)
              BB = star identification, A=1, B=2, C=3,...
+6.1015BBBB   van den Bergh S. 1971, Astron.J. 76,1082
+6.20041BBB   van den Bergh S. 1976, Astron.J. 81,106
+6.20043BBB   van den Bergh S. 1971, Astrophys.J. 165,259
+9.222430BB   van den Bergh S. 1977, Astrophys.J. 215,89
+9.265220BB   van den Bergh S. 1971, Astron.J. 76,1082
+9.263971BB   van den Bergh S. 1988, Astron.J. 95,106
+6.20122BBB   van den Bergh S., et al. 1980, Astrophys.J. 239,112
+6.303XXBBB   van den Bergh S., et al. 1983, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 53,765
+6.304XXBBB   van den Bergh S., et al. 1985, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 57,743
+6.20061BBB   van den Bergh S., Herbst E. 1974, Astron.J. 79,603
              XXX = reflection nebulae number +500 (southern)
              BB = star identification, A=1, B=2, C=3,...
+9.268222BB   van den Bergh S., Humphreys R.M. 1979, Astron.J. 89,604
+6.20098BBB   van den Bergh S., Kamper K.W. 1977, Astrophys.J. 218,617
+9.0032BBBB   van den Bergh S., Younger F. 1979, Inf.Bull.Var.Stars no 1668
+9.265280BB   van den Bergh S., Younger F. 1979, Astron.J. 84,1305
+9.265281BB   van den Bergh S., Younger F. 1979, Astron.J. 84,1305
+6.20133BBB   van der Hucht K.A., Conti P.S. 1981, Space Sci.Review 28,227
+6.20104BBB   van Genderen A.M. 1969, Bull.Astr.Inst.Netherl. 20,317
+7.1XXXBBBB   van Rhijn, P.J. Durchmusterung of Selected Areas
              of the Special Plan, Kapteyn Astr. Lab. (1952)
+6.20029BBB   van Wijk U. 1952, Harvard Bull. no 921,7
+6.9055QQBB   Vanderriest C., Herpe G. 1980, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 39,395
+6.20058BBB   Vandervort G.L. 1958, Astron.J. 63,477
+6.20067BBB   Veron P., Veron M.P. 1976, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 25,287
+6.20068BBB   Veron P., Veron M.P. 1976, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 25,287
+6.20138BBB   Vigneau J., Azzopardi M. 1982, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 50,119
+6.20150BBB   Vigneau J., Azzopardi M. 1982, Astr.Ap.Suppl. 50,119
+6.916XXXBB   Vogt N., Moffat A.F.J. 1975, Astron.Astrophys. 45,405
              XXX Sharpless (ApJ Sup 4,257) HII region number, BB star number
+9.0025BBBB   Vrba F.J., Strom S.E., Strom K.M. 1976, Astron.J. 81,317
+7.8XXXBBBB   Vyssotsky A.M., Williams E.T.R. 1948, Publ.McCormick Obs. X,57
+6.20030BBB   Vyssotsky A.N. 1943, Astrophys.J. 97,381
+6.20030BBB   Vyssotsky A.N. 1946, Astrophys.J. 104,234
+6.20030BBB   Vyssotsky A.N. 1952, Astrophys.J. 116,117
+6.20030BBB   Vyssotsky A.N. 1956, Astron.J. 61,201
+6.20030BBB   Vyssotsky A.N. 1958, Astron.J. 63,211
+6.919XXBBB   Wade R.A., et al. 1979, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 91,35
              XX = field number, BBB = star number
+9.203390BB   Walker M.F. 1987, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 99,179
+9.204580BB   Walker M.F. 1987, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 99,179
+9.217830BB   Walker M.F. 1987, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 99,179
+9.220040BB   Walker M.F. 1987, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 99,179
+9.221641BB   Walker M.F. 1987, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 99,179
+6.20101BBB   Walraven T., Walraven J.H. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 30,245
+6.317XXBBB   Walraven T., Walraven J.H. 1977, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 30,245
+6.20171BBB   Wamsteker W. 1981, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 43,127
+6.302XXBBB   Warren P.R., et al. 1976, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 174,213
+6.20062BBB   Warren P.R., Penfold J.E. 1974, Mon.Notes Astr.Soc.Sth.Afr. 33,14
+6.20074BBB   Wegner G. 1976, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 177,99
+6.910XBBBB   Wehinger P.A., Hidajat B. 1973, Astron.J. 78,401
+6.006BBBBB   Weistrop D. 1979, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 91,193
+6.20095BBB   Wesselink A.J. 1967, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 137,275
+9.267520BB   Wesselink A.J. 1974, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 168,345
+6.306XXBBB   Westerlund B. 1969, Astron.J. 74,882
+6.20125BBB   Westerlund B., et al. 1963, Observatory 83,74
+6.20142BBB   Westerlund B., et al. 1978, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 31,61
+6.20143BBB   Westerlund B., et al. 1981, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 43,267 (T1)
+6.20144BBB   Westerlund B., et al. 1981, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 43,267 (T2)
+6.20174BBB   Westerlund B.E., Garnier R. 1989, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 78,203
+9.259270BB   White R.E. 1970, Astron.J. 75,167
+9.261010BB   White R.E. 1970, Astron.J. 75,167
+9.244990BB   White R.E. 1971, Astron.J. 76,419
+9.262660BB   White R.E. 1971, Astron.J. 76,419
+9.263160BB   White R.E. 1971, Astron.J. 76,419
+9.263880BB   White R.E. 1971, Astron.J. 76,419
+6.40601BBB   Whiteoak J. 1963, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 125,105
+9.0011BBBB   Whittet D.C.B. 1987, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 224,497 (no T+100)
+9.0011BBBB   Whittet D.C.B. 1987, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 224,497 (no T+200)
+6.20042BBB   Wickramasinghe D.T., Warren P.R. 1976, Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 177,59
+6.9040TEEB   Wildey R.L. 1964, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 8,439
              T=table number, EE=main star number, B=star number
+6.9051QQBB   Wing R.F. 1973, Astron.J. 78,684
+6.20055BBB   Wisniewski W., Coyne G.V. 1976, Vatican Obs.Pub. 1 no 8
+6.20055BBB   Wisniewski W., Coyne G.V. 1977, Vatican Obs.Pub. 1 no 11
+6.1014BBBB   Wolff M. 1919-1930, Lists in Astr. Nach.
+9.6011BBBB   Wooden W.H. II 1970, Astron.J. 75,324
+9.6012BBBB   Wooden W.H. II 1970, Astron.J. 75,324
+9.6013BBBB   Wooden W.H. II 1970, Astron.J. 75,324
+9.6014BBBB   Wooden W.H. II 1970, Astron.J. 75,324
+8.59XXBBBB   Wooden W.H. II 1971, Publ. Warner Swasey Obs. 1 no 2
+6.1019BBBB   Woolley R.  (unpublished)
+6.1002BBBB   Woolley R., et al. 1970, R.Obs.Ann. no 5
+6.1004BBBB   Worley C.E. 1963, Publ.US.Nav.Obs. 18 Part 3
+6.309XXBBB   Wramdemark S. 1973, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 11,365
+6.20007BBB   Wramdemark S. 1976, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 26,31
+6.41701BBB   Wramdemark S. 1976, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 23,231 (no+200)
+6.41702BBB   Wramdemark S. 1976, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 23,231
+6.41701BBB   Wramdemark S. 1980, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 40,81 (*AB, no+100)
+6.43001BBB   Wramdemark S. 1980, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 40,81 (*CD, no+100)
+6.46301BBB   Wramdemark S. 1981, Astron.Astrophys.Suppl. 43,103
+6.20175BBB   Wray (1966) Thesis (in Wackerling, MemRAS 77)
+6.20172BBB   Yamashita Y. 1972, Ann. Tokyo Astron. Obs. 13, 169
              Yamashita Y. 1975, Ann. Tokyo Astron. Obs. 15, 47