594 SAO 255642 = HD 661 + HD 662 (spectroscopic binary)
    736 Is also BPM 46113
   1507 Variable eta Scl
   1796 Variable teta Tuc
   1821 The CPC 18 153a identifier is unrelated to the duplicity of the star. 
	 It is a supplementary number added to the series of running numbers by 
	 the authors of the CPC 18 catalogue.
   2004 Is also PLX 104
   2254 Variable ksi Phe
   2735 Variable rho Phe
   3472 Is also RMC 39
   3606 Variable zeta Phe
   3785 Is also PHL 1003
   3944 SAO 248345 = IDS 01124-6924B with a magnitude of 7.3V was not observed 
	 since it is too near.
   4532 Variable gamma Phe
   4874 Read IDS 01304-3026ABC
   5075 Is also G 272-61 : The sighted object is the sum of : LHS 9 and LHS 10;
        L 726 -8A and L 726 -8B; LP 768 -26 and LP 768 -27; LTT 892 and LTT 893;
        GJ 65A and GJ 65B; LFT 144 and LFT 145.
   5114 SAO 232490 = HD 10360 + HD 10361
   5115 See previous note
   5549 Is also BPM 47357
   5765 Variable eta 01 Hyi
   5827 Variable psi Phe
   6300 Variable nu For
   7287 Is also LTT 1230
   8796 Is also Ci 20 211 and PLX 664
   8812 Is close to 8813, however the distance varies rapidly : 31" in 1950, 
	 26" in 1975, 53" in 2000 (minimum : 23" around 1966)
   8813 See previous note
   9065 Variable tau 04 Eri
   9080 Is also Ci 20 227
   9530 CD-26 1339 = CD-26 1340 = PHL 1556 = ESO 482 -7
  10034 Is also UBV 3627
  10155 CPD-54 599 = HD 24185 + HD 24186 (spectroscopic binary)
  10618 Variable tau 09 Eri
  10674 Variable gamma Ret
  11301 Variable gamma Dor
  11539 Is also PLX 966
  11805 The star located 1' to the south seems to be LTT 1995 = L 663 -20 
	 (not included)
  12014 Variable alpha Dor
  12239 Is also UBV 4538
  12804 Is also ARDB 40
  12814 Is also ARDB 39
  12894 Is also ARDB 53
  12899 Is also ARDB 57
  12909 Is also ARDB 61
  12949 Located in a cluster in the Large Magellanic Cloud
  13005 Is also ARDB 79
  13153 Is also ARDB 103
  13239 Is also LTT 2151
  13342 Is also ARDB 122
  13481 Is also ARDB 141
  13524 Is also ARDB 147
  13568 Is also ARDB 151
  13584 Is also ARDB 154
  13686 Kapteyn star
  13950 Is also ARDB 184
  13974 Is also ARDB 185
  14203 In NGC 1925
  14208 In NGC 1925
  14223 Is also ARDB 203
  14263 Is also ARDB 210
  14275 Is also ARDB 212
  14290 Is also ARDB 213
  14408 Is also ARDB 225
  14551 Is also ARDB 246
  14650 Is also ARDB 262
  14672 Is also ARDB 260
  14700 Is also ARDB 265
  14730 Is also ARDB 272
  14745 Is also ARDB 271
  14942 Variable beta Dor
  15063 Is also ARDB 318
  15066 Variable iota Men
  15183 Is also ARDB 334
  15325 Is also ARDB 341
  15330 Is also ARDB 340
  15341 Has several companions that are not separate
  15551 Is also ARDB 367
  15661 Is also ARDB 375
  15748 Is also ARDB 381
  15777 Is also ARDB 385
  16008 Star observed in a nebulosity. According to HDE, the spectrum is 
  16337 Variable lambda Col
  16375 Is also ARDB 400
  16788 Is also LTT 2431. Read : IDS 05566-3103ABC
  17447 Variable delta Pic
  17540 According to HIC, L 452 -2 is CD-35 2744, at 46" North of CD-35 2745
        According to Luyten, L 452 -2 = LTT 2481 = CD-35 2745
  17544 See previous note
  18269 Is also IRC -30060
  18795 Variable ksi 01 CMa
  19624 The companion IDS 06387-3754B was not observed
  19625 See previous note
  19967 Is NGC 2287 1 : Loden L.O. (1957, Arkiv foer Astronomi. Bd 2 nr 5,39)
  19970 Is NGC 2287 8 : Loden L.O. (1957, Arkiv foer Astronomi. Bd 2 nr 5,39)
  19987 Is also BD-20 1555
  20094 Is also BD-20 1576
  20343 Variable kappa CMa
  20674 Variable omicron 01 CMa
  20803 Is also BD-22 1602
  20903 Two companions were observed with magnitudes of 14 (20904 and 20905) 
	 instead of the single companion, with a magnitude of 12, described in 
	 the IDS
  21163 IDS 06558-2235A = SAO 172722 was not measured
  21337 Variable sigma CMa
  21505 Arbitrary identification. ADS only mentions one companion, whilst CDS 
	 mentions two. The included object is therefore B or C or the sum of 
  22534 Variable omega CMa
  23734 Is also BD-22 1855
  23833 Is also UBV M 32507
  24683 SAO 235287 was observed as an inseparable binary.
  24936 SAO 256428 = HD 62153 + HD 62154
  25060 Is also VDB 98
  25298 Is also LF 12 36
  25884 Is also LF 12 73
  25935 Is also LF 12 76
  26539 Is also LF 12 112
  26900 Is also BD-22 2058
  27083 Is also LF 12 150
  27482 SAO 219184 = HD 65461 + HD 65462 (spectroscopic binary)
  27516 Is also NGC 2516 3 : Cox A.N. (1955, Astrophys. J. 121,628)
  27534 Is also NGC 2516 101 : Cox A.N. (1955, Astrophys. J. 121,628)
  27561 Is NGC 2516 230 : Dachs J. and Kabus H. (1989, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl.
  27575 Is also NGC 2516 96 : Cox A.N. (1955, Astrophys. J. 121,628)
  27607 Is NGC 2516 407 : Dachs J. and Kabus H. (1989, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl.
  27618 Is also LTT 3021, UBV 7702
  27659 Is NGC 2516 36 : Dachs J. and Kabus H. (1989, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
  27674 Is NGC 2516 919 : Dachs J. and Kabus H. (1989, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl.
  27706 Is also LS 896
  27709 Is also NGC 2516 60 : Cox A.N. (1955, Astrophys. J. 121,628)
  27717 Is NGC 2516 937 : Dachs J. and Kabus H. (1989, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl.
  27739 Is NGC 2516 912 : Dachs J. and Kabus H. (1989, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl.
  27824 Is NGC 2516 710 : Dachs J. and Kabus H. (1989, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl.
  28012 Is also NGC 2516 29 : Cox A.N. (1955, Astrophys. J. 121,628)
  28227 IDS 07589-3056B was not observed
  28630 Sum of HD 67417 and HD 67418
  28820 Variable rho Pup
  29069 Variable gamma 02 Vel
  29102 SAO 175293 = HD 68022 + HD 68023 (spectroscopic binary)
  32089 Is also VDBH 17a, NGC 2626 and LS 1097
  32486 Is also LTT 3202
  32612 Variable omicron Vel
  32886 Precedes 32887 by 7.5"
  32887 Follows 32886 by 7.5"
  34260 Is also VDBH 25c
  35111 Variable lambda Vel
  35380 Is also BPM 34020
  36028 Is also UBV 8918
  37703 Variable zeta Cha
  37955 The sum of HD 83386A and B (IDS 09329-4735AB) is possibly PLX 2286
  37956 See previous note
  38605 Is also ESO 167 -3 and He 2 -36. Position inaccurate
  38691 SAO 177908 = GJ 366.1A + GJ 366.1B
  38774 IDS 09412-4933B = CPD-49 2746B = CD-49 4652B may correspond to the star 
	 38774 or 38775 or the sum of both stars.
  38775 See previous note
  39536 CD-83 151 = CPC 22 1225 + CPC 22 1226
  39548 See previous note
  40389 Is also NGC 3114 184 : Lynga (1962, Arkiv foer Astronomi. Bd 3 nr 8,65)
  40668 Is also NGC 3114 136 : Lynga (1962, Arkiv foer Astronomi. Bd 3 nr 8,65)
  40741 Is also NGC 3114 163 : Lynga (1962, Arkiv foer Astronomi. Bd 3 nr 8,65)
  40831 Is also NGC 3114 33 : Lynga (1962, Arkiv foer Astronomi. Bd 3 nr 8,65)
  40880 Is also LF 13 4
  40924 Is also LF 13 7
  41059 CPD-56 2884 and CPD-56 2885 are without doubt the same star
  41543 Is also LF 13 41
  41574 Is also LF 13 45
  41614 Is also LF 13 48
  41701 Is also L 101 -52
  41827 Is also LF 13 62
  41865 Is also LF 13 64
  41880 Is also LF 13 65
  42090 Is also LF 13 77
  42372 Is also BPM 35015
  42379 Is also LF 13 90
  42703 Is also LF 13 106
  42957 Is also LF 13 118
  42997 Is also LS 1588
  43065 HD 300774 was observed as an inseparable binary.
  43198 Is also LF 13 126
  43237 Is also LF 13 127
  43312 Is also L 681 -12
  43384 Is also L 681 -21
  43431 Is also LF 13 143
  43432 Occasionally named HD 91324B
  43453 Is also LF 13 144
  43545 Is also LF 13 150
  43658 Is also VDBH 40c
  43695 Is also LF 13 156
  43704 Is also LF 13 158
  44809 Doubt whether it is CD-61 2773 or CD-61 2774
  44956 Is also LS 1844
  44996 Is also LS 1854
  45061 Variable eta Car
  45065 Is also LS 1870
  45103 Is also LS 1874
  45118 Is also LS 1878
  45157 Is also L 753 -52
  45358 CPC 20.1 2944 = CPC 20 3161
  45368 HD 305612 = LS 1911 designated in the Bochum 11 cluster, the sum of 
	 Boc 11 2, Boc 11 5 and Boc 11 6 (since the latter was not measured for 
	 this catalogue)
  45369 See previous note
  46029 Is also LTT 3994
  46045 SAO 256770 = HD 94650 + HD 94651
  46074 Is also PK 288-00 1 .Nebula
  47460 Variable khi 02 Hya
  48044 Is also LS 2211
  48466 This is not IDS 11100-5129B. The latter, with a magnitude of 12.4, was 
	 observed but was too faint and too close to the main object (48465) 
	 to be sighted
  48553 SAO 251334 = HD 98027 + HD 98028 (spectroscopic binary)
  49453 CPC 20.1 3176 = LHS 2402 = GJ 428A + GJ 428B
  49456 See previous note
  49975 Is also UBV 10403
  50097 Variable omicron 01 Cen
  50107 Variable omicron 02 Cen
  50902 SAO 251522 = HD 101379 + HD 101380 (spectroscopic binary)
  51460 Is also PLX 2716 and possibly LS 2481
  51542 Is also LF 14 2
  51742 Variable mu Mus
  51831 Is also LF 14 13
  51889 Is also LF 14 17
  52107 Variable beta Hya
  52118 Occasionally called HD 103224B or CPD-63 2021B. Is possibly HD 310896
  52249 Is also UBV 10699
  52387 Precedes (32") HD 103653 = CPD-62 2436 = LF 14 42 = UBV M 17522 = 
	 GCRV 21393. Mag. : 10.11V; Sp. : B9; 
	 Observed on 04/05/1975 = 1975.34 at :
        11h 53m 33s.255 -62^o^ 39' 24".71 (1950.0) 0.24" 0.45"
        11h 56m 04s.000 -62^o^ 56' 06".47 (2000.0)
  52414 Is also LF 14 44
  52550 Is also LF 14 54
  52607 Is also LF 14 56
  52869 Is also UBV 10783
  52899 SAO 239600 = HD 104533 + HD 104534 (spectroscopic binary)
  53072 Variable teta 02 Cru
  53272 Is also LS 2590
  53297 Is also LF 14 94
  53328 Is also LS 2596
  53427 CD-60 3992 and CD-60 3993 are without doubt the same star
  53462 Variable delta Cen
  53750 This is not IDS 12066-5316B. The latter, with a magnitude of 13.2, was 
	 observed but was too faint and too near the main object (53749) to be 
  54055 Variable delta Cru
  54254 Variable epsilon Mus
  54286 Read : IDS 12127-2327ABC
  54312 Is also LF 14 142. This star should not be used as a photometric 
	 standard since it is variable.
  54594 SAO 251863 = HD 107463 + HD 107464 (spectroscopic binary)
  54879 Is also GCRV 4337 E
  54896 SAO 251884 = HD 107979 + HD 107980 (spectroscopic binary)
  55442 Is possibly IRAS 12277-6319
  55822 Appears to have a very close companion in addition to IDS 12287-6721B
  56054 Variable alpha Mus
  56467 Is the sum of 3 components that are not separate
  56509 This is not IDS 12364-5554B. The latter, with a magnitude of 14.3, was 
	 observed but was too faint and too near the main object (56508) to be 
  57172 Is also IRC -20245
  57410 Appears to be a galaxy
  57411 Appears to be a galaxy
  57768 Variable mu 02 Cru
  57770 Variable lambda Cru
  58277 Very close to the NGC 4833 cluster
  58682 Is also UBV 11784
  59115 Variable teta Mus
  59502 SAO 240645 is made up of 3 stars that are not separate. 
	 See IDS 13060-5923ABC
  59809 Variable eta Mus
  60186 Is also VDBH 60a
  61054 Is also Bas 19 19
  61060 Is also Bas 19 20
  61067 Is also Bas 19 21
  61094 Is also Bas 19 14
  61730 SAO 252382 = HD 118137 + HD 118138 (spectroscopic binary)
  62023 Variable epsilon Cen
  62128 This is not IDS 13342-5846B. The latter, with a magnitude of 10.0 was 
	 observed but was too faint and too near the main object (62127) to be 
  62182 SAO 252413 = HD 118885 + HD 118886 (spectroscopic binary)
  62591 Is also Ci 20.800
  63012 Variable mu Cen
  63034 Is also L 691 -29
  64453 Variable beta Cen
  64613 Variable teta Aps
  64691 Variable khi Cen
  65674 CPC 20.1 4228 = CPD-62 4017A + CPD-62 4017B
  65675 See previous note
  66814 Variable tau 01 Lup
  67227 Is also LS 3252
  67233 Is also LS 3254
  67260 Proxima
  67895 Variable eta Cen
  68624 Variable alpha Lup
  70296 Variable teta Cir
  70363 Is also UBV 12990 and IRC -20275
  70605 Is also HE 2-113 and HE 3-1044
  70915 SAO 252997 = HD 132539 + HD 132540 (spectroscopic binary)
  71038 Variable sigma Lib
  71315 Is NGC 5822 167 : Brueck et al. (1968 Publ. R. Obs. Edinburgh 6 no 9).
  71660 Error in the CD catalogue, which located it at -61deg 59.7' instead of
	 -60deg 59.7'. This star should have been CD-60 ... The use of 
	 identifier CD-61 4686 is therefore inadvisable.
  72058 Is also L 695 -15
  72413 SAO 206406 was observed as an inseparable binary.
  72427 CPD-67 2807 = HD 134897 + HD 134898 (spectroscopic binary)
  72981 Variable delta Lup
  73116 Is also UBV 13212
  73208 SAO 242463 = HD 136415 + HD 136416 (spectroscopic binary)
  74176 Variable kappa 01 Aps
  75987 SAO 253297 = HD 140483 + HD 140484
  77058 SAO 207152 = HD 142691 + HD 142692 (spectroscopic binary)
  77069 Is also LS 3430 and VDBH 68
  77237 Is also VDB 99
  77719 This is not IDS 15532-6616B. The latter, with a magnitude of 14.2, was 
	 observed but was too faint and too near the main object (77718) to be 
  77853 Is also GJ 9539A
  77855 Is also GJ 9539B and L 697-41
  78490 Is possibly HD 144941 = CD-26 11229 = UBV 13664 = UBV M 21189
  78826 Is also VDB 100
  79787 Is also VDB 101
  79934 Is also VDB 102
  79998 Variable delta 01 Aps
  80030 Is also VDB 103
  80126 Is also VDB 104 and Variable sigma Sco
  80716 Is also VDB 105
  80736 Is also VDB 106
  80767 According to the notes in the HD catalogue (Volume 96, page 232, 
	 published in 1921) :
         HD 147824 = CPD-40 7309 + CPD-40 7310.
         The identifier HD 325539 (80768) only appeared in 1949 in HDE.
  80768 See previous note
  80880 Variable khi Oph
  81175 Variable alpha Sco = Antares
  81265 Is also VDB 108
  81448 Variable omega Oph
  81634 Is also PK 336 -00 1
  81662 Variable mu Nor
  82094 Is also VDBH 72b
  82136 Is also HD 149711B
  82362 The companion IDS 16335-3943B was not observed.
  82491 Is also VDB 109
  82841 Is also LS 3728
  83079 Is also VDBH 73a
  83605 Variable mu 01 Sco
  83830 Is possibly LP 919 -11
  83918 Variable zeta 01 Sco
  83949 The companions IDS 16471-4140B and C were not measured.
  84372 Is possibly CPD-40 7646
  84677 SAO 208258 = GJ 646A + GJ 646B = LTT 6774 + LTT 6775
  84685 Is also UBV M 21813
  86471 Is also IRAS 17120-2159
  86531 Is also UBV 14557
  86730 CPC 20.1 5200 = CPD-60 6745A + CPD-60 6745B
  86731 See previous note
  86936 Is also UBV 14705
  87052 Is also LS 4081
  87109 Is also UBV 14564
  87323 Variable teta Oph
  87399 SAO 208740 = HD 157038 + HD 157039 (spectroscopic binary)
  87495 Variable iota Ara
  87728 Is also UBV M 38978
  87972 HD 157661 = SAO 227971 + SAO 227972 : Inseparable
  88174 Is also UBV 14873
  88974 Identified according to Fitzgerald et al. (1978, Mon. Not. R. Astron. 
	 Soc. 182,607)
  88977 Identified according to FitzGerald et al. (1978, Mon. Not. R. Astron. 
	 Soc. 182,607)
  89331 Is also Ci 20 1046 and GCRV 20417
  90145 Variable kappa Sco
  90738 Is HIC 87000
  91436 Is also LP 808 -23
  92190 SAO 209497 = HD 163195 + HD 163196
  93621 SAO 228708 = HD 165189 + HD 165190
  93673 Is also BPM 79362
  93860 Is also VDB 113
  94025 Is also BD-22 4588
  94240 SAO 161152 = HD 166391 + HD 166392 (spectroscopic binary)
  94630 Variable mu Sgr
  94771 Is also VDB 117
  95154 Is also VDB 118 and LS 4858
  95265 Variable eta Sgr
  96168 Is also BD-19 4992
  96471 Is possibly GJ 2136B
  96836 Is also L 206 -187
  96852 Is also IC 4725 1 : Johnson (1960, Astrophys. J. 131,620)
  96906 Is also IC 4725 4 : Johnson (1960, Astrophys. J. 131,620)
  96967 Is also BD-18 4986
  97105 The star U corresponds to Burnham's star C, near to B and not measured 
	 for this catalogue
  97168 Is also BD-19 5053
  99121 Variable lambda Pav
  99573 Variable kappa Pav
  99742 Variable epsilon CrA
 100441 Is also UBV 16179
 100826 Very close to the NGC 6752 cluster
 101762 Variable rho 01 Sgr
 104467 Is also LP 870 -57 and L 709 -50
 104558 Is also L 709 -63
 105103 Is also L 781 -32
 107117 Variable rho Pav
 108648 Is also GJ 2151
 108999 Variable sigma Oct
 109037 Is also UBV 18226
 109719 Variable teta 01 Mic
 110389 Is also L 714 -21
 110446 Is also L 354 -89
 110610 Variable epsilon Cap
 111082 Is also UBV 18661
 112896 Variable pi 01 Gru
 113240 Is also GCRV 14134
 113243 Variable delta 02 Gru
 113394 Variable nu Tuc
 113950 Variable beta Gru
 115045 LHS 3889 (115048) is close to PLX 5575.2 (115045). The pair is not 
	 mentioned by Luyten. If a proper movement equal to zero for the latter 
	 is assumed, the distance is increasing : 17" in 1950, 35" in 1975, 
	 53" in 2000
 115048 See previous note
 115176 Variable pi PsA
 115752 Is also LTT 9423 and BPM 68205
 116818 Variable iot Phe
 117358 Error of 1' in right ascension in the CD catalogue
 117957 LTT 9818 is also LP 764 -39 and L 793 -35