================================================================================ Title: Revealing a new black widow binary 4FGL J0336.0+7502 Authors: Li K.-L., Yap Y.X.J., Hui C.Y., Kong A.K.H. ================================================================================ Description of contents: This tar.gz archive contains the light curves as presented in Figure 3 of the accepted version of the manuscript listed above. The files included are as follows: boao_rband.mrt/.csv: BOAO light curve in r band cfht_gband.mrt/.csv: CFHT light curve in g band cfht_rband.mrt/.csv: CFHT light curve in r band gemini_iband.mrt/.csv: Gemini North light curve in i band gemini_rband.mrt/.csv: Gemini North light curve in r band lulin_unfiltered.mrt/.csv: Lulin light curve in unfiltered passband There are three columns in all files: Barycentric Julian Date of observation; the observed magnitude; the magnitude uncertainty. System requirements: The files are provided in two formats: CSV and MRT. The MRT files are formatted according to the machine readable format used by the AAS Journals and CDS/VizieR. Specific information on the structure of MRT files can be found at: AAS: https://journals.aas.org/mrt-overview/ CDS: http://cds.u-strasbg.fr/doc/catstd.htx These files can be read in python using the astropy package: from astropy.table import Table data = Table.read("boao_rband.mrt", format="ascii.cds") Additional comments: ================================================================================