1 | AMC \sep Candidate Am CVn variables in Stripe 82 |
2 | FLARE1 \sep Flaring M stars in Stripe 82 (year 1 targets) |
4 | FLARE2 \sep Flaring M stars in Stripe 82 (year 2 targets) |
8 | HPM \sep High Proper Motion stars in Stripe 82 |
16 | LOW_MET \sep Low-metallicity M dwarfs in Stripe 82 |
32 | VARS \sep Unusual variable objects (colors outside the stellar and quasar loci) in Stripe 82 |
64 | BLAZGVAR \sep A flag used in a pilot version of the ancillary targeting program High-Energy Blazars and Optical Counterparts to Gamma-Ray Sources ; no longer used |
128 | BLAZR \sep A flag used in a pilot version of the ancillary targeting program High-Energy Blazars and Optical Counterparts to Gamma-Ray Sources ; no longer used |
256 | BLAZXR \sep A target that might have a match with a Fermi source, but which is now below the detection limits of the early Fermi source catalogs |
512 | BLAZXRSAM \sep A flag used in a pilot version of the ancillary targeting program High-Energy Blazars and Optical Counterparts to Gamma-Ray Sources ; no longer used |
1024 | BLAZXRVAR \sep A flag used in a pilot version of the ancillary targeting program High-Energy Blazars and Optical Counterparts to Gamma-Ray Sources ; no longer used |
2048 | XMMBRIGHT \sep An object that matches a serendipitous x-ray source from the Second XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalog (2XMMi) with bright i magnitudes (i<20.5) and bright 2-12keV fluxes (f2–12keV>5x10–14erg.cm–2.s–1) |
4096 | XMMGRIZ \sep An object that matches a serendipitous x-ray source from the Second XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalog (2XMMi) with outlier SDSS colors (g - r > 1.2 or r - i > 1.0 or i - z > 1.4) |
8192 | XMMHR \sep An object that matches a serendipitous x-ray source from the Second XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalog (2XMMi) with unusual hardness ratios in the HR2-HR3 plane |
16384 | XMMRED \sep An object that matches a serendipitous x-ray source from the Second XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalog (2XMMi) with highly red SDSS colors (g - i > 1.0) |
32768 | FBQSBAL \sep Broad absorption line (BAL) quasar with spectrum from the FIRST Bright Quasar Survey |
65536 | LBQSBAL \sep Broad absorption line (BAL) quasar with spectrum from the Large Bright Quasar Survey |
131072 | ODDBAL \sep Broad absorption line (BAL) quasar with various unusual properties (selected by hand) |
262144 | OTBAL \sep Photometrically-selected overlapping-trough (OT) broad absorption line (BAL) quasar |
524288 | PREVBAL \sep Broad absorption line (BAL) quasar with prior spectrum from SDSS-I/-II |
1048576 | VARBAL \sep Photometrically-selected candidate broad absorption line (BAL) quasar |
2097152 | BRIGHTGAL \sep Bright (r<16) galaxies whose spectra were missed by the original SDSS spectroscopic survey |
4194304 | QSO_AAL \sep Radio-quiet variable quasar candidates with one absorption system associated with the quasar (v ≤ 5000 km/s in the quasar rest frame) |
8388608 | QSO_AALS \sep Radio-quiet variable quasar candidates with multiple absorption systems (associated and/or intervening) |
16777216 | QSO_IAL \sep Radio-quiet variable quasar candidates with one absorption system in the intervening space along our line-of-sight (v>5000 km/s in the quasar rest frame) |
33554432 | QSO_RADIO \sep Radio-loud variable quasar candidates with multiple absorption systems (associated and/or intervening) |
67108864 | QSO_RADIO_AAL \sep Radio-loud variable quasar candidates with one absorption system associated with the quasar (v<=5000km/s in the quasar rest frame) |
134217728 | QSO_RADIO_IAL \sep Radio-loud variable quasar candidates with one absorption system in the intervening space along our line-of-sight (v>5000 km/s in the quasar rest frame) |
268435456 | QSO_NOAALS \sep Radio-quiet variable quasar candidates with no associated absorption systems and multiple intervening absorption systems |
536870912 | QSO_GRI \sep Candidate high-redshift quasar (z>3.6), selected in gri color space |
1073741824 | QSO_HIZ \sep Candidate high-redshift quasar (z>5.6), detected only in SDSS i and z filters. |
2147483648 | QSO_RIZ \sep Candidate high-redshift quasar (z>4.5), selected in riz color space |
4294967296 | RQSS_SF \sep Candidate reddened quasar (E(B-V)>0.5), selected from an SDSS primary catalog object matched with FIRST catalog data |
8589934592 | RQSS_SFC \sep Candidate reddened quasar (E(B-V)>0.5), selected from an SDSS child catalog object matched with FIRST catalog data |
17179869184 | RQSS_STM \sep Candidate reddened quasar (E(B-V)>0.5), selected from an SDSS primary catalog object matched with 2MASS catalog data |
34359738368 | RQSS_STMC \sep Candidate reddened quasar (E(B-V)>0.5), selected from an SDSS child catalog object matched with 2MASS catalog data |
68719476736 | SN_GAL1 \sep Likely host galaxy for an SDSS-II supernova , with the BOSS fiber assigned to the galaxy closest to the supernova's position |
137438953472 | SN_GAL2 \sep Likely host galaxy for an SDSS-II supernova , with the BOSS fiber assigned to the second-closest galaxy |
274877906944 | SN_GAL3 \sep Likely host galaxy for an SDSS-II supernova , with the BOSS fiber assigned to the third-closest galaxy |
549755813888 | SN_LOC \sep Likely host galaxy for an SDSS-II supernova , with the BOSS fiber assigned to the position of the original supernova |
1099511627776 | SPEC_SN \sep Likely host galaxy for an SDSS-II supernova , where the original supernova was identified from SDSS spectroscopic data |
2199023255552 | SPOKE \sep Widely-separated binary systems in which both stars are low-mass (spectral class M) |
4398046511104 | WHITEDWARF_NEW \sep White dwarf candidate whose spectrum had not been observed previously by the SDSS |
8796093022208 | WHITEDWARF_SDSS \sep White dwarf candidate with a pre-existing SDSS spectrum |
17592186044416 | BRIGHTERL \sep Bright L dwarf candidate (iPSF<19.5, iPSF–zPSF>1.14) |
35184372088832 | BRIGHTERM \sep Bright M dwarf candidate (iPSF<19.5, iPSF–zPSF)< 1.14) |
70368744177664 | FAINTERL \sep Faint L dwarf candidate (iPSF>19.5, iPSF–zPSF> 1.14) |
140737488355328 | FAINTERM \sep Faint M dwarf candidate (iPSF>19.5, iPSF–zPSF<1.14) |
281474976710656 | RED_KG \sep Giant star in the Milky Way outer halo |
562949953421312 | RVTEST \sep Known giant star selected as a test of radial velocity measurement techniques |
1125899906842624 | BLAZGRFLAT \sep Candidate optical counterpart to a Fermi gamma-ray source, within 2" of a CRATES radio source and within a Fermi error ellipse |
2251799813685248 | BLAZGRQSO \sep Candidate optical counterpart to a Fermi gamma-ray source, within 2" of a FIRST radio source and within a Fermi error ellipse |
4503599627370496 | BLAZGX \sep Candidate optical counterpart to a Fermi gamma-ray source, within 1' of a ROSAT All-Sky Survey x-ray source and within a Fermi error ellipse, and without typical signs of blazar activity |
9007199254740992 | BLAZGXQSO \sep Candidate optical counterpart to a Fermi gamma-ray source, within 1' of a ROSAT All-Sky Survey x-ray source and within a Fermi error ellipse |
18014398509481984 | BLAZGXR \sep Candidate optical counterpart to a Fermi gamma-ray source, with matches in both radio and x-ray wavelengths: within 1' of a ROSAT All-Sky Survey x-ray source, within 2" of a FIRST radio source, and within a Fermi error ellipse |
36028797018963968 | |
72057594037927936 | BLUE_RADIO \sep Likely star-forming AGN: blue galaxies that match with FIRST radio sources |
144115188075855872 | CHANDRAV1 \sep An object with a Chandra match that is likely to be a star-forming galaxy with black hole accretion |
288230376151711744 | CXOBRIGHT \sep An object that matches a serendipitous x-ray source from the Chandra Source Catalog, with bright i magnitudes (i<20.0) and bright 2-8keV fluxes (f2–8keV>5x10–14erg.cm–2.s–1) |
576460752303423488 | CXOGRIZ \sep An object that matches a serendipitous x-ray source from the Chandra Source Catalog, with outlier SDSS colors (g-r>1.2 or r-i>1.0 or i-z>1.4) |
1152921504606846976 | CXORED \sep An object that matches a serendipitous x-ray source from the Chandra Source Catalog, with highly red SDSS colors (g-i>1.0) |
2305843009213693952 | ELG \sep Luminous blue galaxy with gPSF<22.5 |
4611686018427387904 | GAL_NEAR_QSO \sep A galaxy that lies between 0.006' and 1' of the line-of-sight for a spectroscopically-confirmed quasar |
9223372036854775808 | MTEMP \sep Template M-stars observed as a comparison sample in Stripe 82 |