Definition of the characteristic flags

Option: (0=show all flags, x=hexadecimal)

1 AMC \sep Candidate Am CVn variables in Stripe 82
2 FLARE1 \sep Flaring M stars in Stripe 82 (year 1 targets)
4 FLARE2 \sep Flaring M stars in Stripe 82 (year 2 targets)
8 HPM \sep High Proper Motion stars in Stripe 82
16 LOW_MET \sep Low-metallicity M dwarfs in Stripe 82
32 VARS \sep Unusual variable objects (colors outside the stellar and quasar loci) in Stripe 82
64 BLAZGVAR \sep A flag used in a pilot version of the ancillary targeting program High-Energy Blazars and Optical Counterparts to Gamma-Ray Sources ; no longer used
128 BLAZR \sep A flag used in a pilot version of the ancillary targeting program High-Energy Blazars and Optical Counterparts to Gamma-Ray Sources ; no longer used
256 BLAZXR \sep A target that might have a match with a Fermi source, but which is now below the detection limits of the early Fermi source catalogs
512 BLAZXRSAM \sep A flag used in a pilot version of the ancillary targeting program High-Energy Blazars and Optical Counterparts to Gamma-Ray Sources ; no longer used
1024 BLAZXRVAR \sep A flag used in a pilot version of the ancillary targeting program High-Energy Blazars and Optical Counterparts to Gamma-Ray Sources ; no longer used
2048 XMMBRIGHT \sep An object that matches a serendipitous x-ray source from the Second XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalog (2XMMi) with bright i magnitudes (i<20.5) and bright 2-12keV fluxes (f2–12keV>5x10––2.s–1)
4096 XMMGRIZ \sep An object that matches a serendipitous x-ray source from the Second XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalog (2XMMi) with outlier SDSS colors (g - r > 1.2 or r - i > 1.0 or i - z > 1.4)
8192 XMMHR \sep An object that matches a serendipitous x-ray source from the Second XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalog (2XMMi) with unusual hardness ratios in the HR2-HR3 plane
16384 XMMRED \sep An object that matches a serendipitous x-ray source from the Second XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalog (2XMMi) with highly red SDSS colors (g - i > 1.0)
32768 FBQSBAL \sep Broad absorption line (BAL) quasar with spectrum from the FIRST Bright Quasar Survey
65536 LBQSBAL \sep Broad absorption line (BAL) quasar with spectrum from the Large Bright Quasar Survey
131072 ODDBAL \sep Broad absorption line (BAL) quasar with various unusual properties (selected by hand)
262144 OTBAL \sep Photometrically-selected overlapping-trough (OT) broad absorption line (BAL) quasar
524288 PREVBAL \sep Broad absorption line (BAL) quasar with prior spectrum from SDSS-I/-II
1048576 VARBAL \sep Photometrically-selected candidate broad absorption line (BAL) quasar
2097152 BRIGHTGAL \sep Bright (r<16) galaxies whose spectra were missed by the original SDSS spectroscopic survey
4194304 QSO_AAL \sep Radio-quiet variable quasar candidates with one absorption system associated with the quasar (v ≤ 5000 km/s in the quasar rest frame)
8388608 QSO_AALS \sep Radio-quiet variable quasar candidates with multiple absorption systems (associated and/or intervening)
16777216 QSO_IAL \sep Radio-quiet variable quasar candidates with one absorption system in the intervening space along our line-of-sight (v>5000 km/s in the quasar rest frame)
33554432 QSO_RADIO \sep Radio-loud variable quasar candidates with multiple absorption systems (associated and/or intervening)
67108864 QSO_RADIO_AAL \sep Radio-loud variable quasar candidates with one absorption system associated with the quasar (v<=5000km/s in the quasar rest frame)
134217728 QSO_RADIO_IAL \sep Radio-loud variable quasar candidates with one absorption system in the intervening space along our line-of-sight (v>5000 km/s in the quasar rest frame)
268435456 QSO_NOAALS \sep Radio-quiet variable quasar candidates with no associated absorption systems and multiple intervening absorption systems
536870912 QSO_GRI \sep Candidate high-redshift quasar (z>3.6), selected in gri color space
1073741824 QSO_HIZ \sep Candidate high-redshift quasar (z>5.6), detected only in SDSS i and z filters.
2147483648 QSO_RIZ \sep Candidate high-redshift quasar (z>4.5), selected in riz color space
4294967296 RQSS_SF \sep Candidate reddened quasar (E(B-V)>0.5), selected from an SDSS primary catalog object matched with FIRST catalog data
8589934592 RQSS_SFC \sep Candidate reddened quasar (E(B-V)>0.5), selected from an SDSS child catalog object matched with FIRST catalog data
17179869184 RQSS_STM \sep Candidate reddened quasar (E(B-V)>0.5), selected from an SDSS primary catalog object matched with 2MASS catalog data
34359738368 RQSS_STMC \sep Candidate reddened quasar (E(B-V)>0.5), selected from an SDSS child catalog object matched with 2MASS catalog data
68719476736 SN_GAL1 \sep Likely host galaxy for an SDSS-II supernova , with the BOSS fiber assigned to the galaxy closest to the supernova's position
137438953472 SN_GAL2 \sep Likely host galaxy for an SDSS-II supernova , with the BOSS fiber assigned to the second-closest galaxy
274877906944 SN_GAL3 \sep Likely host galaxy for an SDSS-II supernova , with the BOSS fiber assigned to the third-closest galaxy
549755813888 SN_LOC \sep Likely host galaxy for an SDSS-II supernova , with the BOSS fiber assigned to the position of the original supernova
1099511627776 SPEC_SN \sep Likely host galaxy for an SDSS-II supernova , where the original supernova was identified from SDSS spectroscopic data
2199023255552 SPOKE \sep Widely-separated binary systems in which both stars are low-mass (spectral class M)
4398046511104 WHITEDWARF_NEW \sep White dwarf candidate whose spectrum had not been observed previously by the SDSS
8796093022208 WHITEDWARF_SDSS \sep White dwarf candidate with a pre-existing SDSS spectrum
17592186044416 BRIGHTERL \sep Bright L dwarf candidate (iPSF<19.5, iPSFzPSF>1.14)
35184372088832 BRIGHTERM \sep Bright M dwarf candidate (iPSF<19.5, iPSFzPSF)< 1.14)
70368744177664 FAINTERL \sep Faint L dwarf candidate (iPSF>19.5, iPSFzPSF> 1.14)
140737488355328 FAINTERM \sep Faint M dwarf candidate (iPSF>19.5, iPSFzPSF<1.14)
281474976710656 RED_KG \sep Giant star in the Milky Way outer halo
562949953421312 RVTEST \sep Known giant star selected as a test of radial velocity measurement techniques
1125899906842624 BLAZGRFLAT \sep Candidate optical counterpart to a Fermi gamma-ray source, within 2" of a CRATES radio source and within a Fermi error ellipse
2251799813685248 BLAZGRQSO \sep Candidate optical counterpart to a Fermi gamma-ray source, within 2" of a FIRST radio source and within a Fermi error ellipse
4503599627370496 BLAZGX \sep Candidate optical counterpart to a Fermi gamma-ray source, within 1' of a ROSAT All-Sky Survey x-ray source and within a Fermi error ellipse, and without typical signs of blazar activity
9007199254740992 BLAZGXQSO \sep Candidate optical counterpart to a Fermi gamma-ray source, within 1' of a ROSAT All-Sky Survey x-ray source and within a Fermi error ellipse
18014398509481984 BLAZGXR \sep Candidate optical counterpart to a Fermi gamma-ray source, with matches in both radio and x-ray wavelengths: within 1' of a ROSAT All-Sky Survey x-ray source, within 2" of a FIRST radio source, and within a Fermi error ellipse
72057594037927936 BLUE_RADIO \sep Likely star-forming AGN: blue galaxies that match with FIRST radio sources
144115188075855872 CHANDRAV1 \sep An object with a Chandra match that is likely to be a star-forming galaxy with black hole accretion
288230376151711744 CXOBRIGHT \sep An object that matches a serendipitous x-ray source from the Chandra Source Catalog, with bright i magnitudes (i<20.0) and bright 2-8keV fluxes (f2–8keV>5x10––2.s–1)
576460752303423488 CXOGRIZ \sep An object that matches a serendipitous x-ray source from the Chandra Source Catalog, with outlier SDSS colors (g-r>1.2 or r-i>1.0 or i-z>1.4)
1152921504606846976 CXORED \sep An object that matches a serendipitous x-ray source from the Chandra Source Catalog, with highly red SDSS colors (g-i>1.0)
2305843009213693952 ELG \sep Luminous blue galaxy with gPSF<22.5
4611686018427387904 GAL_NEAR_QSO \sep A galaxy that lies between 0.006' and 1' of the line-of-sight for a spectroscopically-confirmed quasar
9223372036854775808 MTEMP \sep Template M-stars observed as a comparison sample in Stripe 82