1 | DO_NOT_OBSERVE \sep Do not put a fiber on this object |
2 | LRG1_WISE \sep LRG selection in i/z/W plane |
4 | LRG1_IDROP \sep LRG selection in r/i/W plan with (i-z) cut |
8 | LRG_KNOWN \sep LRG selection in r/i/W plan with (i-z) cut |
16 | |
32 | |
64 | |
128 | |
256 | |
512 | QSO1_VAR_S82 \sep Variability-selected QSOs in the repeated Stripe 82 imaging |
1024 | QSO1_EBOSS_CORE \sep QSOs in XDQSOz+WISE selection for clustering |
2048 | QSO1_PTF \sep QSOs with variability in PTF imaging |
4096 | QSO1_REOBS \sep QSOs from BOSS to be reobserved |
8192 | QSO1_EBOSS_KDE \sep KDE-selected QSOs (sequels only) |
16384 | QSO1_EBOSS_FIRST \sep Ojbects with FIRST radio matches |
32768 | QSO1_BAD_BOSS \sep QSOs from BOSS with bad spectra |
65536 | QSO_BOSS_TARGET \sep Known TARGETS from BOSS with spectra |
131072 | QSO_SDSS_TARGET \sep Known TARGETS from SDSS with spectra |
262144 | QSO_KNOWN \sep Known QSOs from previous surveys |
524288 | |
1048576 | |
2097152 | |
4194304 | |
8388608 | |
16777216 | |
33554432 | |
67108864 | |
134217728 | |
268435456 | |
536870912 | |
1073741824 | TDSS_TARGET \sep Target for TDSS (subclass found in eboss_target2) |
2147483648 | SPIDERS_TARGET \sep Target for SPIDERS (subclass found in eboss_target2) |
4294967296 | S82X_TILE1 \sep |
8589934592 | S82X_TILE2 \sep |
17179869184 | S82X_TILE3 \sep |
34359738368 | |
68719476736 | |
137438953472 | |
274877906944 | |
549755813888 | |
1099511627776 | ELG_TEST1 \sep Test targets for ELG selection |
2199023255552 | ELG1_EBOSS \sep Standard DECALS ELG target selection |
4398046511104 | ELG1_EXTENDED \sep Extended DECALS ELG target selection |
8796093022208 | ELG1_SGC \sep Final ELG selection, SGC data |
17592186044416 | ELG1_NGC \sep Final ELG selection, NGC data |
35184372088832 | |
70368744177664 | |
140737488355328 | |
281474976710656 | |
562949953421312 | |
1125899906842624 | STD_FSTAR \sep standard f-stars |
2251799813685248 | STD_WD \sep white dwarfs |
4503599627370496 | STD_QSO \sep qso |