0 | Initial value; resets all bits |
1 | Used within relphot (FEW): skip star |
2 | Used within relphot (POOR): skip star |
4 | Object IDed with known ICRF quasar (may have ICRF position measurement) |
8 | Identified as likely QSO (Hernitschek+ 2015ApJ...801...45H), P_QSO_>=0.60 |
16 | Identified as possible QSO (Hernitschek+ 2015ApJ...801...45H), P_QSO_>=0.05 |
32 | Identified as likely RR Lyra (Hernitschek+ 2015ApJ...801...45H), P_QSO_>=0.60 |
64 | Identified as possible RR Lyra (Hernitschek+ 2015ApJ...801...45H), P_QSO_>=0.05 |
128 | Identified as a variable based on ChiSq (Hernitschek+ 2015ApJ...801...45H) |
256 | Identified as a non-periodic (stationary) transient |
512 | At least one detection identified with a known solar-system object (asteroid or other) |
1024 | Most detections identified with a known solar-system object (asteroid or other) |
2048 | Star with large proper motion |
4096 | Simple weighted average position was used (no IRLS fitting) |
8192 | Average position was fitted |
16384 | Proper motion model was fitted |
32768 | Parallax model was fitted |
65536 | Average position used (not PM or PAR) |
131072 | Proper motion used (not AVE or PAR) |
262144 | Parallax used (not AVE or PM) |
524288 | Mean astrometry could not be measured |
1048576 | Stack position used for mean astrometry |
2097152 | Mean astrometry used for stack position |
4194304 | Failure to measure proper-motion model |
8388608 | Extended in our data (eg, PS) |
16777216 | Extended in external data (eg, 2MASS) |
33554432 | Good-quality measurement in our data (eg,PS) |
67108864 | Good-quality measurement in external data (eg,2MASS) |
134217728 | Good-quality object in the stack (>1 good stack measurement) |
268435456 | The primary stack measurements are the best measurements |
536870912 | Suspect object in the stack (no more than 1 good measurement, 2 or more suspect or good stack measurement) |
1073741824 | Poor-quality stack object (no more than 1 good or suspect measurement) |