Definition of the characteristic flags

Option: 0 (0=show all flags, x=hexadecimal)

0 Initial value; resets all bits
1 Used within relphot (FEW): skip star
2 Used within relphot (POOR): skip star
4 Object IDed with known ICRF quasar (may have ICRF position measurement)
8 Identified as likely QSO (Hernitschek+ 2015ApJ...801...45H), P_QSO_>=0.60
16 Identified as possible QSO (Hernitschek+ 2015ApJ...801...45H), P_QSO_>=0.05
32 Identified as likely RR Lyra (Hernitschek+ 2015ApJ...801...45H), P_QSO_>=0.60
64 Identified as possible RR Lyra (Hernitschek+ 2015ApJ...801...45H), P_QSO_>=0.05
128 Identified as a variable based on ChiSq (Hernitschek+ 2015ApJ...801...45H)
256 Identified as a non-periodic (stationary) transient
512 At least one detection identified with a known solar-system object (asteroid or other)
1024 Most detections identified with a known solar-system object (asteroid or other)
2048 Star with large proper motion
4096 Simple weighted average position was used (no IRLS fitting)
8192 Average position was fitted
16384 Proper motion model was fitted
32768 Parallax model was fitted
65536 Average position used (not PM or PAR)
131072 Proper motion used (not AVE or PAR)
262144 Parallax used (not AVE or PM)
524288 Mean astrometry could not be measured
1048576 Stack position used for mean astrometry
2097152 Mean astrometry used for stack position
4194304 Failure to measure proper-motion model
8388608 Extended in our data (eg, PS)
16777216 Extended in external data (eg, 2MASS)
33554432 Good-quality measurement in our data (eg,PS)
67108864 Good-quality measurement in external data (eg,2MASS)
134217728 Good-quality object in the stack (>1 good stack measurement)
268435456 The primary stack measurements are the best measurements
536870912 Suspect object in the stack (no more than 1 good measurement, 2 or more suspect or good stack measurement)
1073741824 Poor-quality stack object (no more than 1 good or suspect measurement)