Table A5 'MK-Data-vsn-7'. Annotated list of observed spectral type for HR 8752 for the period 1919-1987, collected from the literature, resulting in subsection 8) in a table "Sequence of MK and MK-equivalent measurements from 1919-1987." Also an annotated list three V- observations for the period 1908-1930. In some instances we try estimate dates and uncertainties from dates of some publications, resulting in subsection 9) in a table "Sequence of V-observations for HR8752." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We use an incremental reference number as identifier and indicate Julian Day (JD), date, (uncertainty in days), Morgan Keenan (MK) classification, s-parameter (cf. Table C2, and De Jager & Nieuwenhuijzen 1987A&A...177..217D). Early measurements for HR8752 refer to either Boss 5931 = BD+56 2923 = BS8752 = HD 217476. A table collects relevant data at the end of this section. We discuss also some Non-MK measurements. 1) Non-MK Spectral data. One observation from the Henry Draper (HD) catalogue and two observations from Mount Wilson (MW) are available. They have to be transformed to the Morgan-Keenan (MK)-classification. An overview of the correlation between various spectral classifications by Schmidt-Kaler (1965, Verlag New York, p.294 section mentions Vyssotsky (1941ApJ....93..425V), Seares & Joyner (1943ApJ....98..244S) and Fehrenbach (1958, Springer Verlag, Berlin ). These give corrections from MW to HD, and from HD to MK. Thus for Mt Wilson two steps are needed: MW to HD, and subsequently HD to MK. Seares & Joyner (1943ApJ....98..244S, Fig.3 p.249 ) plots HD-MW against (MW). For the giant MW type G2: the difference HD-MW=-1.0+/-.1, for MW type G3: HD-MW=-0.6+/-.1 (in units of one tenths of a spectral class). This is the first step. Fehrenbach (1958, Springer Verlag Berlin, Tableau 17) compares MK standard stars (Johnson & Morgan, 1953ApJ...117..313J) in both MW and HD systems and gives corrections to the difference between HD-MK , based on MK. We invert the found relationships and find values for MK-HD, based on HD. For HD F9.6 the correction is: MK-HD=+0.4, for HD G1.2: MK-HD=+0.8, for HD G4.4: MK-HD=+0.6. For HD G1.0: MK-HD=+0.7, for HD G2.4 we need to interpolate: MK-HD=+0.7 The above authors state that the transforms are not rigorous and show deviations of between 0.7 and 3.3 classification units. Seares & Joyner (1943ApJ....98..244S, Table 2) give an Accidental Error between Mount Wilson and Harvard for G2 and G3 of between 2.4 and 3.2 (units of one tenths of a spectral class). We adopt an error of 2.8 units. Fehrenbach 1958, Springer Verlag Berlin, Fig. 34) shows deviations in the relations between Yerkes (MK) and Harvard (HD) of about 1.5 classification units around the mean. The resulting MK data therefore have limited accuracy. 1a) Adams et al. (1921ApJ....53...13A) estimate a Mount Wilson spectral classification G2p for Boss 5913 from the intensities of the hydrogen lines in a publication on a study of parallaxes. If the data was taken after a 1917 publication as they mention, this might give as possible observation date 1917-1921 (publication date). We take as mean date 1919 Sept 15+/-500 days. Estimated Measured Mt Wilson Transformed: to HD to MK G2p G2 G(1.0 +/-2.8) G(1.7+/-3.0) The V-magnitude of V=5.6 +-0.1 (V corrected=5.5, Zug 1931ApJ....73...26Z) was taken from the Boss catalogue, published in 1910. For the V observation date we estimate 1908 Jan 1 +/-500 days, JD=2417942. 1b) Cannon & Pickering (1924AnHar..99....CC) observe spectral type cG0. Although no date is given, and unless other data comes available, we adopt as date 1922 September 15+/-700d. We transform the HD data to MK. Measured Harvard Transformed to MK cG0 I G(0.4 +/-1.5) The V-magnitude of V=5.5+/-0.1 (V corrected=5.4, Zug, 1931ApJ....73...26Z) was taken from the Draper catalogue published between 1914-1918. For the V observation date we estimate 1913 Jan 1 +/-500 days, JD=2419769. 1c) Adams et al. (1935ApJ....81..187A) give in their catalogue of the spectroscopic absolute magnitudes and parallaxes of 4179 stars for Boss 5931: the "Mt Wilson spectral type cG3, determined by direct comparison with the spectra of standard stars chosen to accord with the Harvard System and the criteria adopted by the International Astronomical Union." The work is a continuation of earlier work (1917 ... 1926). It is thought that the data might have been taken between 1926 and 1935. Unless other data comes available, we adopt as date 1930 Sept 15+/-1000 days. We have to transform the Mt Wilson data to MK. The spectral type c characteristic indicates a star like alpha Cygni (Adams & Joy, 1922ApJ....56..242A). Measured Mt Wilson Transformed: to HD to MK cG3 G(2.4+/-2.8) G(3.1+/-3.0) The V-magnitude of V=5.47 +-0.03 (V corrected=5.36, Fernie 1972AJ.....77..150F) was taken from the HD catalogue or Extension? published between 1925-1936. For the V observation date we estimate 1930 Jan 1 +/-500 days, JD=2425978. The magnitude if given in accuracies of one-hundredth is from photoelectric measurements (Adams et al. 1935ApJ....81..187A). Combining the V-observations for HR8752 from 1a-1c with estimated date , JD, V corrected, accuracy, correction method, reference we find: 1a: 1908 Jan 1 +/-500 days, JD=2417942, vc=5.5+/-0.1 (Zug 1931ApJ....73...26Z), ref. Adams et al. (1921ApJ....53...13A) 1b: 1913 Jan 1 +/-500 days, JD=2419769, vc=5.4+/-0.1 (Zug 1931ApJ....73...26Z), ref. Cannon & Pickering (1924AnHar..99....CC) 1c: 1930 Jan 1 +/-500 days, JD=2425978, vc=5.36+/-0.03 (Fernie 1972AJ.....77..150F)) ref. Adams et al. (1935ApJ....81..187A) Various measurements with Morgan & Keenan (1973ARA&A..11...29M) MK classification are given in subsections 2)-6) below. 2a) before 1947 : <=G2Ia Nassau & van Albada (1947ApJ...106...20N) in a study on luminosity criteria from objective prism spectra for stars from F0 to K5 continue an earlier study of Nassau & Seyfert (1946ApJ...103..117N) on stars within 5 degree of the north pole. For BD+56 2923 they find spectral type MK G2Ia from drawings reproducing intensity distribution in spectrum, but they note (loc. cit., p.26) "The star BD+56 2923 shows exceptionally strong hydrogen and may be of earlier type than G2. More detailed study of the star seems highly desirable". In view of this remark we use G(1+/-1). The observation procedure to obtain the spectra are described by Nassau & Seyfert (1946ApJ...103..117N). As possible observation date we propose 1944 September 15+/-300 days. The so-called "Case" studies were established for the classification of spectra made with the 4o objective prism attached to the Burrell Telescope of the Warner and Swasey Observatory, Case Institute of Technology. Nassau & van Albada (1947ApJ...106...20N) have i.a. used "The Atlas of Stellar Spectra" of Morgan, Keenan, & Kellman (1943) as mentioned by Nassau & van Albada (1947ApJ...106...20N) extensively. Comparison with other systems show that the "Case" classification appears to be in general agreement with the Henry Draper classification. Measured 'Case Institute' Transformed to HD Transformed to MK G1 +-1 Ia G1 +-1 G(1.4 +/-1.5) 2b) before 1950 : Nassau & Morgan (1952ApJ...115..475N) find G0p (HD), G0Ia (Case Survey Spectral type) from objective-prism plates obtained for the Case survey for early-type stars of high luminosity (Nassau and Morgan, 1951ApJ...113..141N), now used for a survey of F0-G2 stars of luminosity classes I and II on the system of the Yerkes spectral atlas. The study on the early-type stars was presented at a symposium of the University of Michigan, 1950. It seems possible to position a date for when the plates were taken as 1949 June 1+/-300 days. Note: We take the 'Case' spectral type to be equivalent to MK. 2c) 1950-1957 : Keenan & Pitts (1980ApJS...42..541K, Table 2, pp. 561-2) [Perkins spectrograms in 1950 and 1957 give types ranging from G0 to G1], Morgan & Keenan (1973ARA&A..11...29M, p. 44) mention [slow changes between G0 and G5 [ref. Keenan 1971Obs...554...35K]. 1950 Sep : G3 Fry & Aller (1975ApJS...29...55F, p.56) Zsoldos 1986Obs...106..156Z [ref. Keenan 1971Obs...554...35K]. As observation date we take 1950 Sep 15+/-15 days. 1957 Sep : G0 Fry & Aller (1975ApJS...29...55F, p.56) Zsoldos 1986Obs..106..156Z [ref. Keenan 1971Obs...554...35K]. As observation date we take 1957 Sep 15+/-15 days. 2d) 1970-1979 : G4 var 0 Keenan & Pitts (1980ApJS...42..541K, Table 2, p. 562) in their "Revised MK Spectral Types for G,K, and M Stars", state for BS8752 "The type G4 var 0 given in the catalogue is based on a series of matched spectrograms extending from 1970 to 1979. On these small-scale plates only the Balmer lines and the blend surrounding Sr II showed appreciable variations, and the detailed changes described by Harmer et al. (1978Obs....98..250H) did not affect the type appreciably." 1970-1979 : G4 var 0 Keenan & Pitts (1980ApJS...42..541K) 2e) 1970 Jan : G5 var O Morgan & Keenan (1973ARA&A..11...29M, Table 2) give for BS 8752 the spectral type as G5 var 0 from spectrograms of Januari 1970. They remark also "slow changes between G0 0 and G5 0 in the last 20 years (Keenan 1971Obs...554...35K)." As observation date we take 1970 Jan 15+/-15 days. 1970 Jan 15 : G5 var O Morgan & Keenan (1973ARA&A..11...29M) 2f) 1970 Oct 16 : G4 0 Morgan et al. (1981ApJ...243..894M, Table 2, list of spectral types by Keenan), [Keenan (1971Obs...554...35K) classified the spectrum (of HR 8752) as .. G4-G5 in 1970 October (Fry & Aller 1975ApJS...29...55F, p. 56), for which we take as observation date Oct 18, 1970. We shift the date to make them different to the entries of October 16 and 22, 1970. 1970 Oct 16 : G4 0 Morgan et al. (1981ApJ...243..894M) 1970 Oct 18 : G4-5 0 Fry & Aller (1975ApJS...29...55F) 2g) 1971 Sep 21 : G4 0-Ia Morgan et al. (1981ApJ...243..894M, Table 2, list of spectral types by Keenan 1971Obs...554...35K, September G4-G5 and Fry & Aller (1975ApJS...29...55F, p.56) We combine the data in one entry. 1971 Sep 21 : G4 0-Ia Morgan et al. (1981ApJ...243..894M), Fry & Aller (1975ApJS...29...55F) 2h) 1972 Aug 30 : G5 0-Ia Morgan et al. (1981ApJ...243..894M, spectral types, spectra Keenan) 1972 Oct : G5 s=5.25 Fry & Aller (1975ApJS...29...55F, p. 56) state "In 1972 October, Morgan & Keenan (1973ARA&A..11...29M) classified the star as G5. Over the years HR 8752 has become fainter and redder." For the date in October we take 1972 October 15+/-15 days. 2j) 1974 Oct 18 : G4 0-Ia Morgan et al. (1981ApJ...243..894M, Table 2, list of spectral types by Keenan) 1975 Oct 15,22 : G4 0 Morgan et al. (1981ApJ...243..894M, Table 2, list of spectral types by Keenan), we take a mean observation date of 1975 Oct 19. 1976 Sep 12 : G4 0-Ia Morgan et al. (1981ApJ...243..894M, Table 2, list of spectral types by Keenan) 1977 Nov 25 : G4 0-Ia Morgan et al. (1981ApJ...243..894M, Plate 20, Fig. 4) 1978 Sep 2 : G4 0-Ia Morgan et al. (1981ApJ...243..894M, Table 2, list of spectral types by Keenan) 1979 Sep 11 : G3 0-Ia Morgan et al. (1981ApJ...243..894M, Table 2, list of spectral types by Keenan) General note on MK classification. Morgan et al. (1981ApJ...243..894M, p.897) mention: "There is a complimentary approach to MK classification of the G0-K0 super-super giants, which while not furnishing absolute values for spectral type and luminosity class, can give a differential classification of good precision in the language of the observed features themselves; Fig. 4 (Plate 20) gives examples of this approach. In the figure are illustrated a spectrogram of the the F8 standard delta CMa, together with spectra of rho Cas, and HR 8752; all three spectrograms were obtained by Abt at the Kitt Peak National Observatory on 1977 November 25." 3) 1958-Nov-1959 : F9-G0+/-0.15 spectral class; Griffin & Redman (1960MNRAS.120..287G) started observing in Dec. 1956, and stopped in Febr. 1958. As mean estimated date we take 15 sep 1958+/-100d. Note: A spectral class of F9-G0+/-0.15 class can be inferred from Cyan ratio of 2.17 (cf. loc. cit., Fig2.). They have included other measurements in their Fig. 1 and find that "the earlier measurements .... used in our Fig. 1 are not exactly comparable with each other or with ours." So it seems that the earlier (CN) data from i.a. Gyldenkerne (1958Anap...21...26G) cannot be used together with the Griffin & Redman data to find the spectral class of HR 8752 at the time of Gyldenkerne's measurement. 4) 1971 Sep 1971 : G4-5 Fry & Aller (1975ApJS...29...55F) mention that " Keenan (1971Obs...554...35K) classified the spectrum as .., and G4-G5 in 1970 October, an aassignment which seems in accord with our observation of 1971 September." Morgan et al. (1981ApJ...243..894M) from a comparison with model atmospheres find ksi=10km/s gives the best results and for the available lines of Fe, Cr, and Ti, the best compromise model = 5500K, and logg=1.5. As mean estimated date we take 15 sep 1971+/-15d. We keep these data as reference information, but do not use them in the Tables. 4: 2441210 1971 Sep 15 : ~G4-5, Teff=5500+/-300 K, ksi=10 +2-5 km/s, log g=1.5+/-0.5 Fry & Aller 1975ApJS...29...55F 5) 1973 August 13-17 : spectrum plates G8-K3, Luck (1975ApJ...202..743L) gives Teff=4000+/-300K. As observation date we take 1973 August 15. This is not a MK spectrum designation but a comparison: cooler than G8 Ib (flux distribution), cooler than K3 Iab (0'CMa). We combine this with a new determination of K2-5, Lambert & Luck (1978MNRAS.184..405L) (see below subsection-6) to become G8-K5. A year later, in 1974 November, photoelectric measurements were taken that with the method of isophotal wavelengths (MacFarlane 1969PASP...81...46M) gives (B-V)=1.73 +/-0.06. As observation date for the photoelectric measurements we take 1974 November 15+/-15 days. 1973 August 13-17 : comparison of spectrum plates: G8-K3, Luck (1975ApJ...202..743L), later combined with subsection-6) below to G8-K5 1974 November 15 photoelectric spectrum measurement: isophotal wavelengths gives (B-V)=1.73 (Luck 1975ApJ...202..743L) 6) 1977 : Lambert & Luck 1978MNRAS.184..405L p. 407, 418-419) mention "The strengthening of the Fe I line .... between 1965 and 1973 is consistent with the spectral drift from G3 to K", also they mention (loc. cit. p. 410 in Fig.3) "photographic spectra for November 1965, ...", so that we conclude that their November 1965 spectrum (cf. their Figure 3) gave rise to a mention of G3. We assume as observation date 1965 November 15+/-15 days. Near-infrared ... spectra of the Ia-0 supergiant were obtained in 1976 October and 1977 June, with selected regions observed in 1976 September, November and December and 1977 January and February. The 1977 spectra show HR 8752 to be almost indistinguishable from the F8 Ia supergiant rho Cas. Since 1950, HR 8752 has progressed to the right in the HR diagram from a spectral type near G0 in 1950 to K in 1973. Lambert and Luck mention a spectrum K2-5 Ia, this we combine with Luck (1975ApJ...202..743L), see below and above. New observations show that between 1973 and 1976, HR 8752 moved rapidly to the left to return to a spectral type near G0. For HR8752 in October 1976 a spectral type near GO is suggested (Lambert & Luck, 1978MNRAS.184..405L p. 407). We could assume as spectrum F9.5-G1, but the data is not certain enough to use. In Lambert & Luck (1978MNRAS.184..405L, Figure 2) the spectrum of rho Cas (1977 August) is seen to be remarkably similar to the 1977 July spectrum of HR 8752. For mid 1977 first a spectrum earlier than G2 is given, and then for July 1977 a spectrum equal to that of rho Cas in 1977 August, with equivalent widths equal to about 10 percent. They assume rho Cas to have a F8Ia spectrum, but as rho Cas is variable (cf Note 1 below) synchronization is needed, and for the two given data we suggest a combined spectral type F8-G2 and a combined observation date 1977 July 15+/-15 days. 1965 Nov 15 : G3 Lambert & Luck 1978MNRAS.184..405L 1973 Aug 13 17 : K2-5 Ia Lambert & Luck 1978MNRAS.184..405L, this is combined with Luck (1975ApJ...202..743L) to be: G8-K5 1975 : reversal Lambert & Luck 1978MNRAS.184..405L 1976 Oct : F9.5-G1 Lambert & Luck 1978MNRAS.184..405L shell of gas [has been] ejected 1977 mid : <=G2 Lambert & Luck 1978MNRAS.184..405L shell of several stellar radii 1977 Jul 15 : F8 Ia Lambert & Luck 1978MNRAS.184..405L, as rho Cas, combined with 1977 mid to F8-G2 Note1: The spectrum of rho Cas is assumed to be a standard value of F8 Ia for 1977 August, whereas Morgan et al. (1981ApJ...243..894M) mention for rho Cas: 1976 October 13: G2 0-Ia, 1978 September 3: G3 0-Ia spectral types. Note2:"A straightforward interpretation of the 1977 spectrum suggests that a shell of cool gas is expanding above a photosphere which is equivalent to a spectral type near F8Ia. An expansion velocity of 35km/s is provided by the direct measurement of the shell absorption lines (see figs 4 and 9). The shell has a radius of several stellar radii. ...from metal emission-line observations". Note3: Shell radius of several R* , micro vel. 7km/s, macro vel. 11km/s (Luck 1975ApJ...202..743L), mdot~10^-5^Msun/yr. "A permanent manifestion of a large-scale convection zone may be the highly turbulent photosphere." 7) 1985 Dec 16, 1987 Sep 22 F6:7, F6:7; Mantegazza (1988IBVS.3137....1M) finds the same spectral type from two spectra obtained at Ariago resp. Merate observatory. Later Mantegazza (1991A&AS...88..255M, 1992A&A...265..527M) gives spectral type F7 ( s=4.7 ) for both observations. 7p1: 2446416 1985 Dec 15 : F6-7 s=(4.65+-0.05) Mantegazza 1988IBVS.3137....1M 7p2: 2447057 1987 Sep 22 : F6-7 s=(4.65+-0.05) Mantegazza 1988IBVS.3137....1M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) Sequence of MK and MK-equivalent measurements from 1919 - 1987. No. JD date +/-days MK s-parameter Reference ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1a: 2422217 1919 Sep 15 500 G(1.7+-3.0) s=(5.085+-0.165) Adams et al. 1921ApJ....53...13A 1b: 2423313 1922 Sep 15 700 G(0.4+-1.5) s=(5.02+-0.08) HD Catalogue 1924 1c: 2426235 1930 Sep 15 1000 G(3.1+-3.0) s=(5.16+-0.15) Adams et al. 1935ApJ....81..187A 2a: 2431349 1944 Sep 15 300 G(1.4+-1.5) s=(5.07+-0.08) Nassau & van Albada 1947ApJ...106...20N 2b: 2433069 1949 Jun 1 300 G0Ia s=5.0 Nassau & Morgan 1951ApJ...113..141N, 1952ApJ...115..475N 2c2: 2433540 1950 Sep 15 15 G3 s=5.15 Fry & Aller 1975ApJS...29...55F, [Keenan 1971Obs...554...35K], Zsoldos 1986Obs...106..156Z 2c3: 2436097 1957 Sep 15 15 G0 s=5.0 Zsoldos 1986Obs...106..156Z, [Keenan 1971Obs...554...35K] 3: 2436462 1958 Sep 15 100 F9-G0+-0.15 s=(4.95+-0.15) Griffin & Redman 1960MNRAS.120..287G 6a: 2439080 1965 Nov 15 15 G3 s=5.15 Lambert & Luck 1978MNRAS.184..405L 2e: 2440602 1970 Jan 15 15 G5varO s=5.25 Morgan & Keenan 1973ARA&A..11...29M 2f1: 2440876 1970 Oct 16 G4O s=5.2 Morgan et al. 1981ApJ...243..894M 2f2: 2440878 1970 Oct 18 G4-5O s=5.22 Fry & Aller 1975ApJS...29...55F 2g: 2441216 1971 Sep 21 G40-Ia s=5.2 Morgan et al. 1981ApJ...243..894M, Fry & Aller 1975ApJS...29...55F 2h1: 2441560 1972 Aug 30 G50-Ia s=5.25 Morgan et al. 1981ApJ...243..894M, Fry & Aller 1975ApJS...29...55F 2h2: 2441606 1972 Oct 15 15 G5 s=5.25 [Morgan et al. 1972], Fry & Aller 1975ApJS...29...55F 5a: 2441910 1973 Aug 13 17 G8-K5 Ia s=(5.7+-0.3) Luck 1975ApJ...202..743L, Lambert & Luck 1978MNRAS.184..405L 2j1: 2442339 1974 Oct 18 G4 0-Ia s=5.2 Morgan et al. 1981ApJ...243..894M 2j2: 2442705 1975 Oct 19 G4 0 s=5.2 Morgan et al. 1981ApJ...243..894M 2j3: 2443034 1976 Sep 12 G4 0-Ia s=5.2 Morgan et al. 1981ApJ...243..894M 6f: 2443340 1977 Jul 15 15 F8-G2 Ia s=(5.0+-0.2) Lambert & Luck 1978MNRAS.184..405L 2j4: 2443473 1977-Nov-25 G4 0-Ia s=5.2 Morgan et al. 1981ApJ...243..894M 2j5: 2443754 1978 Sep 2 G4 0-Ia s=5.2 Morgan et al. 1981ApJ...243..894M 2j6: 2444128 1979 Sep 11 G3 0-Ia s=5.15 Morgan et al. 1981ApJ...243..894M 7p1: 2446416 1985 Dec 15 F6-7 s=(4.65+-0.05) Mantegazza 1988IBVS.3137....1M 7p2: 2447057 1987 Sep 22 F6-7 s=(4.65+-0.05) Mantegazza 1988IBVS.3137....1M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) Sequence of V-observations for HR8752 from 1a-1c with JD, estimated date, uncertainty of days, V corrected, accuracy, correction method and Reference: No. JD date +/-days vc tolerance correction Reference ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1a: 2417942 1908 Jan 1 +-500 5.5 0.1 (Zug 1931ApJ....73...26Z) Adams et al. 1921ApJ....53...13A 1b: 2419769 1913 Jan 1 +-500 5.4 0.1 (Zug 1931ApJ....73...26Z) Cannon & Pickering 1924AnHar..99....CC 1c: 2425978 1930 Jan 1 +-500 5.36 0.03 (Fernie 1972AJ.....77..150F) Adams et al. 1935ApJ....81..187A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (end)