REMOVE em_res_power REMOVE t_min REMOVE s_ra REMOVE t_exptime REMOVE system REMOVE s_dec ERROR: # Test limitted to 100 resources NOTE: # mapping not similar on em_res_power [# expr(fits/Nov04_ccd1.001.fits) != expr(fits/Nov04_ccd1.003.fits)] NOTE: # mapping not similar on t_exptime [# fits/Nov04_ccd1.001.fits(by keyword) !=fits/Nov04_ccd1.003.fits] NOTE: # mapping not similar on system [# expr(fits/Nov04_ccd1.001.fits) != expr(fits/Nov04_ccd1.003.fits)] NOTE: # mapping not similar on s_dec [# fits/Nov04_ccd1.001.fits(by keyword) !=fits/Nov04_ccd1.003.fits] NOTE: # mapping not similar on t_min [# fits/Nov04_ccd1.001.fits(by keyword) !=fits/Nov04_ccd1.003.fits] NOTE: # mapping not similar on s_ra [# fits/Nov04_ccd1.001.fits(by keyword) !=fits/Nov04_ccd1.003.fits] e meta [25/10/24 15:30:09] WARNING: META DATA INCONSISTANCY [25/10/24 15:30:09] WARNING: The IMAGE class im_J_AA_572_A63 is declared in the table saada_class but has no description in saada_metaclass_image [25/10/24 15:30:09] WARNING: Remove it please [25/10/24 15:30:09] WARNING: META DATA INCONSISTANCY [25/10/24 15:30:09] WARNING: The IMAGE class im_J_AA_572_A63_1 is declared in the table saada_class but has no description in saada_metaclass_image [25/10/24 15:30:09] WARNING: Remove it please [25/10/24 15:30:09] WARNING: META DATA INCONSISTANCY [25/10/24 15:30:09] WARNING: The IMAGE class im_J_ApJ_843_33 is declared in the table saada_class but has no description in saada_metaclass_image [25/10/24 15:30:09] WARNING: Remove it please [25/10/24 15:30:09] WARNING: META DATA INCONSISTANCY [25/10/24 15:30:09] WARNING: The IMAGE class im_J_ApJ_843_33_1 is declared in the table saada_class but has no description in saada_metaclass_image [25/10/24 15:30:09] WARNING: Remove it please [25/10/24 15:30:09] WARNING: META DATA INCONSISTANCY [25/10/24 15:30:09] WARNING: The IMAGE class im_J_ApJ_843_33_2 is declared in the table saada_class but has no description in saada_metaclass_image [25/10/24 15:30:09] WARNING: Remove it please [25/10/24 15:30:11] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.001.fits [25/10/24 15:30:11] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.001.fits [25/10/24 15:30:11] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:11] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:11] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:11] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:11] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:11] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:11] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:11] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.001.fits [25/10/24 15:30:11] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)137 [25/10/24 15:30:11] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:11] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:11] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:11] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:11] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:11] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:11] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:11] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:11] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:11] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.002.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.002.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.002.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.002.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.002.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.003.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.003.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.003.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.003.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.003.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.004.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.004.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.004.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.004.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.004.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.005.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.005.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.005.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.005.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.005.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.006.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.006.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.006.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.006.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.006.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.007.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.007.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.007.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.007.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.007.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.009.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.009.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.009.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.009.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.009.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.010.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.010.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.010.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.010.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.010.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.011.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.011.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.011.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.011.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.011.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.012.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.012.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.012.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.012.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.012.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.014.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.014.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.014.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.014.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.014.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.015.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.015.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.015.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.015.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.015.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.016.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.016.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.016.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.016.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.016.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.017.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.017.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.017.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.017.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.017.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.019.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.019.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.019.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.019.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.019.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.020.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.020.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.020.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.020.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.020.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.021.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.021.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.021.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.021.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.021.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.022.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.022.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.022.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.022.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.022.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.023.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.023.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.023.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.023.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.023.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.024.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.024.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.024.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.024.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.024.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.025.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.025.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.025.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.025.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.025.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.031.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.031.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.031.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.031.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: null [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.031.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)135 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.35058594:8045.040039065 angstroms> converted to <3.63535058594E-7:8.045040039065001E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.032.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.032.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.032.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.032.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.032.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.033.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.033.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.033.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.033.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.033.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.034.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.034.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.034.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.034.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.034.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.035.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.035.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.035.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.035.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.035.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.036.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.036.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.036.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.036.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.036.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.037.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.037.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.037.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.037.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.037.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.038.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.038.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.038.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.038.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.038.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.039.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.039.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.039.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.039.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.039.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.040.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.040.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.040.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.040.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.040.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.041.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.041.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.041.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.041.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:12] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.041.fits [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:12] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.043.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.043.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.043.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.043.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: null [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.043.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)126 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.044.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.044.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.044.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.044.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.044.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.046.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.046.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.046.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.046.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.046.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.048.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.048.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.048.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.048.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.048.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.049.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.049.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.049.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.049.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.049.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.050.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.050.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.050.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.050.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.050.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.051.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.051.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.051.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.051.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.051.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.052.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.052.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.052.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.052.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.052.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.053.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.053.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.053.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.053.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.053.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.054.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.054.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.054.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.054.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.054.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.055.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.055.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.055.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.055.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.055.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.056.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.056.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.056.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.056.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.056.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.058.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.058.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.058.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.058.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.058.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.059.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.059.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.059.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.059.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.059.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.060.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.060.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.060.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.060.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.060.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.061.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.061.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.061.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.061.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.061.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.062.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.062.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.062.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.062.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.062.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.063.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.063.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.063.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.063.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.063.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.064.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.064.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.064.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.064.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.064.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.065.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.065.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.065.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.065.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.065.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.066.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.066.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.066.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.066.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.066.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.067.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.067.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.067.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.067.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.067.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.069.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.069.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.069.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.069.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.069.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.070.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.070.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.070.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.070.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.070.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.071.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.071.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.071.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.071.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.071.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.072.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.072.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.072.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.072.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.072.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.073.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.073.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.073.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.073.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.073.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.075.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.075.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.075.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.075.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.075.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.076.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.076.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.076.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.076.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.076.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.077.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.077.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.077.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.077.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.077.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.078.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.078.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.078.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.078.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.078.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.079.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.079.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.079.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.079.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.079.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.080.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.080.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.080.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.080.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.080.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.081.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.081.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.081.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.081.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.081.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.085.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.085.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.085.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.085.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.085.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.086.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.086.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.086.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.086.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.086.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.087.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.087.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.087.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.087.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.087.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.088.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.088.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.088.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.088.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.088.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.089.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.089.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.089.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.089.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:13] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.089.fits [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:13] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.091.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.091.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.091.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.091.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.091.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.093.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.093.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.093.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.093.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.093.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.094.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.094.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.094.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.094.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.094.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.095.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.095.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.095.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.095.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.095.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.096.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.096.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.096.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.096.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.096.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.098.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.098.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.098.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.098.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.098.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.099.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.099.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.099.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.099.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: null [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.099.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)126 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.100.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.100.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.100.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.100.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.100.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.101.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.101.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.101.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.101.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.101.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.102.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.102.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.102.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.102.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.102.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.104.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.104.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.104.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.104.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.104.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.105.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.105.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.105.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.105.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.105.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.106.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.106.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.106.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.106.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.106.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.107.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.107.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.107.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.107.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.107.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.109.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.109.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.109.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.109.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.109.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.110.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.110.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.110.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.110.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.110.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.111.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.111.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.111.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.111.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.111.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.112.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.112.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.112.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.112.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.112.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.113.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.113.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.113.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.113.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.113.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.114.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.114.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.114.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.114.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.114.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.115.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.115.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.115.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.115.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.115.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.116.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.116.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.116.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.116.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.116.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.118.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.118.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.118.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.118.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.118.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.119.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.119.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.119.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.119.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.119.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.120.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.120.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.120.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.120.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.120.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.121.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.121.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.121.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.121.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.121.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.122.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.122.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.122.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.122.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.122.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)138 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.350585935:8045.04003906 angstroms> converted to <3.635350585935E-7:8.04504003906E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler - Param(IN) -filename=fits/Nov04_ccd1.124.fits - Param(IN) -collection=vizier - Param(IN) -category=spectrum - Param(IN) -obscollection='TEST' - Param(IN) -classifier=sp_TEST - Param(IN) -repository=no - Param(IN) -obsmapping=first - Param(IN) -polarmapping=first - Param(IN) -posmapping=first - Param(IN) -spcmapping=first - Param(IN) -timemapping=first - Param(IN) -name=sp_TEST_Nov04_ccd1.124.fits - Param(IN) -ukw - Param(IN) has_wcs='0' - Param(IN) saadavizierlocal [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: New Builder for Nov04_ccd1.124.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: Builder bound with Nov04_ccd1.124.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: The first SPECTRUM extension is #0 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No WCS spatial axis found [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Iraf axis: system=image not supported (only multispec is supported) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Take axe 1 as spectral axe (projection = WATProjection) [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No time projection found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No polarization found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: No redshift found in wcs [25/10/24 15:30:14] INFO: saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder maps the data file Nov04_ccd1.124.fits [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Mapping collection attribute (saadadb.products.SpectrumBuilder)133 [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observation Axis [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Building the name [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Space Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Energy Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Time Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Observable Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Map Polarization Axe [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Spectral range: <3635.3505859375:8045.0400390625 angstroms> converted to <3.6353505859375004E-7:8.045040039062501E-7 m> [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Closing database [25/10/24 15:30:14] TRACE: Stopping Spooler ERROR: # Test limitted to 100 resources NOTE: # mapping not similar on em_res_power [# expr(fits/Nov04_ccd1.001.fits) != expr(fits/Nov04_ccd1.003.fits)] NOTE: # mapping not similar on t_exptime [# fits/Nov04_ccd1.001.fits(by keyword) !=fits/Nov04_ccd1.003.fits] NOTE: # mapping not similar on system [# expr(fits/Nov04_ccd1.001.fits) != expr(fits/Nov04_ccd1.003.fits)] NOTE: # mapping not similar on s_dec [# fits/Nov04_ccd1.001.fits(by keyword) !=fits/Nov04_ccd1.003.fits] NOTE: # mapping not similar on t_min [# fits/Nov04_ccd1.001.fits(by keyword) !=fits/Nov04_ccd1.003.fits] NOTE: # mapping not similar on s_ra [# fits/Nov04_ccd1.001.fits(by keyword) !=fits/Nov04_ccd1.003.fits]