README FILE OF YNOGKM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the readme file for the code ynogkm (Yun-Nan Observatory Geodesics in a Kerr-Newmann spacetime for Massive particles), which is a public code aimed on the calculating of time-like geodesic orbits for electric charged ({epsilon}0) or electric charge-free ({epsilon}=0) particles in a Kerr-Newmann spacetime (spin a, electric charge e). The reference for this code is: ynogkm: A New Public Code For Calculating time-like Geodesics In The Kerr-Newmann Spacetime (Yang, Xiao-lin & Wang, Jian-cheng 2013 A&A, accepted). You are morally obligated to cite this paper in your scientific literature if you used the code in your research. ynogkm is the direct extension of the published code ynogk. Its algorithm is also the same with ynogk. The 4 Boyer-Lindquist (B-L) coordinates (r, {mu}, {phi}, t) and proper time involved parameter {sigma} are expressed as functions of parameter p, wihch is usually called as the Mino time. Where {mu}=cos {theta}. The functions are: r(p), {mu}(p), {phi}(p), t(p), and {sigma}(p). ynogk can not deal with the special cases with black hole spin |a|=1 (If e0, this conditions becomes a^2^+e^2^=1). This shortage has been overcome by ynogkm. ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources File ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The source file ynogkm.f90 contains three modules, they are: 1. Module constants------which defines many constants often used in the program. 2. Module ellfunctions------Which includes supporting subroutines and functions to com- pute Weierstrass' and Jacobi's elliptical functions and integrals, especially the subroutines for CarlsonĄ's integrals. 3. Module blcoordinates------Which contains supporting subroutines and functions to compute functions r(p), {mu}(p), {phi}(p), t(p), and {sigma}(p). 4. Module sigma2p_time2p------Which contains routines to solve equations {sigma}(p)={sigma}_0_ and t(p)=t_0_. ****************************************************************************** In the sources code, a subroutine named ynogkm can calculate all of the functions with a given p. The header the subroutine is: * ynogkm(p|kvec,lambda,q,mve,ep,sin_ini,cos_ini,a_spin,e,r_ini, radi,mu,time,phi,sigma,cir_orbt,theta_star) * The parameters are: a_spin, e---The spin a and electric charge e of the black hole. r_ini------The initial radial coordinate of the particle. sin_ini,cos_ini------Where sin_ini=sin {theta}_ini_,cos_ini=cos {theta}_ini_, and {theta}_ini_ is the initial {theta} coordinate of the particle. cir_orbt------is a logical variable. If cir_orbt=.True., ynogkm calculates the B-L coordinates for spherical motion, and parameter theta_star (={theta}_*_, see the discussion in section 6.2 of our paper) also should be specified, which is the {theta} coordinate of the turning point. If cir_orbt=.False., ynogkm calculates the B-L coordinates for non-spherical motion. kvec------is an array, and kvec(1)=k_(r)_, kvec(2)=k_({theta})_, kvec(3)=k_({phi})_, kvec(4)=k_(t)_. The definitions of k_({mu})_ refer to Equations (91)-(95) of our paper. k_({mu})_ has the same signs with the initial four-momentum p_{mu}_ of the particle. Thus we use the signs of k_({mu})_ to determine the direction of the particle's motion, also for the signs in front of {Pi}_r_, {Pi}_{mu}_, {Pi}_{xi}_. lambda,q,mve,ep------are the four constants of motion, and lambda={lambda}=L/E, q=q=Q/E^2^, mve=m={mu}_m_/E, ep={epsilon}={epsilon}/E. kvec, lambda, q, mve, and ep can be computed by a subroutine lambdaqm. the header of lambdaqm is: lambdaqm(vptl,sin_ini,cos_ini,a_spin,e,r_ini,signcharge,vobs,lambda,q, mve,ep,kvec) where vptl(3) is an array contains the three physical velocities {upsilon}_r_', {upsilon}_{theta}_', {upsilon}_{phi}_' of the particle with respect to an assumed emitter. And vptl(1)={upsilon}_r_', vptl(2)={upsilon}_{theta}_', vptl(3)={upsilon}_{phi}_'. Similarly, vobs(3) is an array contains the three physical velocities {upsilon}_r_, {upsilon}_{theta}_, {upsilon}_{phi}_ of the assumed emitter with respect to an LNRF reference. And vobs(1)={upsilon}_r_, vobs(2)={upsilon}_{theta}_, vobs(3)={upsilon}_{phi}_.| In the source file, the headers of functions r(p) and {mu}(p) has the following forms: * radius(p|kvecr,lambda,q,mve,ep,a_spin,e,r_ini) mucos(p|kp,kt,lambda,q,mve,sin_ini,cos_ini,a_spin) * where kvecr=k_(r)_, kp=k_({phi})_, kt=k_({theta})_. ******************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Six Examples ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The package of the code contains 6 examples of our code applied to toy problems in the literature. Which demonstrate the utilities of our code to the reader. We show how to start one of them, the other ones are quite similar. The example is to calculate the streamlines of stationary axisymmetric accretion flow composed by non-interacting particles falling onto a Kerr black hole (see the discussion in Section 6.5 of our paper). The source files are given in directory ./5_accretion_flow. To get start one can compile the file streamlines.f90 by following commands: [@localhost 5_accretion_flow] $ g95 streamlines.f90 -o streamlines [@localhost 5_accretion_flow] $ time ./streamlines .r IDL> streamlines ******************************************************************************** If you find any bugs or have any questions about ynogkm please sent an email to me. My email address is: ********************************************************************************