After ensuring that all of the above pre-requisites are working and installed the user can download from here.
The code can be installed using a standard procedure. This can be done by following steps:
The Python version from the EPD version by default creates a PYTHONPATH. If no option is chosen for preferred path then in that case the code will be installed in that default path. This may require the user to have access to the root password:
- Unzip/Untar the source code : unzip pyPLUTO-|version|.zip or tar -xvzf pyPLUTO-|version|.tar.gz
- Enter into the directory : cd pyPLUTO-|version|
- Install the code in the default path : python install
The best practice is to create your own PYTHONPATH and do a local install in the following way:
- Create a directory where to store this module : mkdir MyPython_Modules
- Unzip/Untar the source code : unzip pyPLUTO-|version|.zip or tar -xvzf pyPLUTO-|version|.tar.gz
- Enter into the directory : cd pyPLUTO-|version|
- Install the code in the directory created : python install --prefix=<path to MyPython_Modules>
- Then append the following in your .bashrc : export PYTHONPATH =<path to MyPython_Modules>/lib/python<ver>/site-packages
where <ver> is the python version which the user have used to install the package.
This code is also available as a git repo and can be obtained as follows : git clone git://
After the successful installation, the user can start using GUI application by appending the <path to> into their PATH.