Opacities are stored in the opacity stack opac.OpacStack[NOPSV] lives in opacity.h Opacities are created in OpacityCreateAll.c opacity addressing OpacityCreateAll sets a series of opacity offset indices, that must be used to address opacities. If an opacity source has an offset ipOff, and a threshold n0, then the energy n, which is n-n0 beyond the treshold, will have an associated opacity of OpacStack[n-n0+ipOff-1] if n- is set with ipoint then the first energy cell is n0=1, and the offset is n-n0+ipOff following provides way to obtain any ionic cross section from opacity stack /* function to facilitate addressing opacity array */ double csphot( /* INU is array index pointing to frequency where opacity is to be evaluated * on f not c scale */ long int inu, /* ITHR is pointer to threshold*/ long int ithr, /* IOFSET is offset as defined in opac0*/ long int iofset)