title thermal equilibrium of FeII in STE limit c c commands controlling continuum ========= black 8000 K lte hden 9 c c commands for density & abundances ========= element iron abundance 2 c c commands controlling geometry ========= set dr 0 stop zone 1 c c other commands for details ========= atom feii iterate c c commands controlling output ========= save overview "feii_ste.ovr" save performance "feii_ste.per" save monitors "feii_ste.asr" last save feii continuum last "feii_ste.con" save feii column density last "feii_ste.col" save feii populations all last "feii_ste.pop" save FeII continuum "feii_ste.fe2con" last units microns c c commands giving the monitors ========= // >>chng 02 jul 27, increase error from 0.05 to 0.1, As changed, // dep coef increased slightly monitor feii departure, value = 1 std 0.10 monitor temperature iron 2 8000 c feii_ste.in c class function c ======================================== c This model has a very high iron abundance, 100x H, and most Fe is in the form of Fe+. It is irradiated by a blackbody in strict thermodynamic equilibrium. We check that the temperature of the gas is equal to the radiation temperature, to confirm that the thermal properties of the model FeII atom obey thermodynamics.