title test temperature of gas and dust in high energy density environment c c commands controlling continuum ========= table power law energy density temp 550 c c commands for density & abundances ========= hden 5.0 init "ism.ini" abundances orion no grains grains orion no qheat c c revert to WD01 treatment no grain x-ray treatment c c commands controlling geometry ========= stop zone 1 set drmax 10 c c other commands for details ========= c c commands controlling output ========= normalize to "O 8" 18.97A save performance "grains_hot_wd01.per" save monitors "grains_hot_wd01.asr" last save overview "grains_hot_wd01.ovr" last c c commands giving the monitors ========= // monitor hydrogen 2 temperature 6.210 // monitor grain potential 1 238.4 2 monitor grain potential 4 278.2 2 monitor grain potential 7 319.7 2 monitor grain potential 10 364.7 2 monitor grain potential 11 234.7 2 monitor grain potential 14 300.6 2 monitor grain potential 17 373.6 2 monitor grain potential 20 417.0 2 // monitor grain temperature 1 1099 0.02 monitor grain temperature 4 998 0.02 monitor grain temperature 7 863 0.02 monitor grain temperature 10 712 0.02 monitor grain temperature 11 1366 0.02 monitor grain temperature 14 1201 0.02 monitor grain temperature 17 1038 0.02 monitor grain temperature 20 888 0.02 // monitor line luminosity "GrGH" 0 -1.7525 monitor line luminosity "GrGC" 0 -1.7578 monitor line luminosity "GraI" 0 0.4165 monitor line luminosity "GraT" 0 0.4243 monitor line luminosity "GraC" 0 -1.3267 // >>chng 11 aug 05, from -3.556 to -4.761, make PRD redis func for h-like ions; LY_A func is now for H only // >>chng 12 jul 01, from -4.761 to -4.741, update Badnell DR to 13-electron iso sequence monitor line luminosity "GraD" 0 -4.741 // monitor line luminosity "FeKa" 1.78 -5.3185 c c grains_hot_wd01.in c class limit c ======================================== c This tests the grains in an extreme condition - irradiation by an AGN near the illuminated face of the molecular torus. The gas is predominantly heated by the grains. The grain treatment has been reverted to Weingartner & Draine, 2001, which is NOT appropriate for these conditions. It is however a good test whether the old treatment is not broken....