Definition of the characteristic flags

Option: . (0=show all flags, x=hexadecimal)

1 WARNING on effective temperature (see PARAMFLAG[0] for details) (TEFF_WARN)
2 WARNING on log g (see PARAMFLAG[1] for details) (LOGG_WARN)
4 WARNING on vmicro (see PARAMFLAG[2] for details) (VMICRO_WARN)
8 WARNING on metals (see PARAMFLAG[3] for details) (METALS_WARN)
16 WARNING on [alpha/Fe] (see PARAMFLAG[4] for details) (ALPHAFE_WARN)
32 WARNING on [C/Fe] (see PARAMFLAG[5] for details) (CFE_WARN)
64 WARNING on [N/Fe] (see PARAMFLAG[6] for details) (NFE_WARN)
128 WARNING overall for star: set if any of TEFF, LOGG, CHI2, COLORTE, ROTATION, SN warn are set (STAR_WARN)
256 high chi^2^ (>2*median at ASPCAP temperature (WARN)) (CHI2_WARN)
512 effective temperature more than 500K from photometric temperature for dereddened color (WARN) (COLORTE_WARN)
1024 Spectrum has broad lines, with possible bad effects: FWHM of cross-correlation of spectrum with best RV template relative to auto-correltion of template >1.5 (WARN) (ROTATION_WARN)
2048 S/N<70 (WARN) (SN_WARN)
65536 BAD effective temperature (see PARAMFLAG[0] for details) (TEFF_BAD)
131072 BAD log g (see PARAMFLAG[1] for details) (LOGG_BAD)
262144 BAD vmicro (see PARAMFLAG[2] for details) (VMICRO_BAD)
524288 BAD metals (see PARAMFLAG[3] for details) (METALS_BAD)
1048576 BAD [alpha/Fe] (see PARAMFLAG[4] for details) (ALPHAFE_BAD)
2097152 BAD [C/Fe] (see PARAMFLAG[5] for details) (CFE_BAD)
4194304 BAD [N/Fe] (see PARAMFLAG[6] for details) (NFE_BAD)
8388608 BAD overall for star: set if any of TEFF, LOGG, CHI2, COLORTE, ROTATION, SN error are set, or any parameter is near grid edge (GRIDEDGE_BAD is set in any PARAMFLAG) (STAR_BAD)
16777216 high chi^2^ (>5*median at ASPCAP temperature (BAD) (CHI2_BAD)
33554432 effective temperature more than 1000K from photometric temperature for dereddened color (BAD) (COLORTE_BAD)
67108864 Spectrum has broad lines, with possible bad effects: FWHM of cross-correlation of spectrum with best RV template relative to auto-correltion of template > 2 (BAD) (ROTATION_BAD)
134217728 S/N<50 (BAD)
2147483648 (NO_ASPCAP_RESULT)