================================================================================ Title: SN 2018agk: A prototypical Type Ia Supernova with a smooth power-law rise in Kepler K2 Authors: Wang Q., Rest A., Zenati Y., Ridden-Harper R., Dimitriadis G., Narayan G., Villar V.A., Magee M.R., Foley R.J., Shaya E.J., Garnavich P., Wang L., Hu L., Bodi A., Armstrong P., Auchettl K., Barclay T., Barentsen G., Bognar Z., Brimacombe J., Bulger J., Burke J., Challis P., Chambers K., Coulter D.A., Csornyei G., Cseh B., Deckers M., Dotson J.L., Galbany L., Gonzalez-Gaitan S., Gromadzki M., Gully-Santiago M., Hanyecz O., Hedges C., Hiramatsu D., Hosseinzadeh G., Howell D.A., Howell S.B., Huber M.E., Jha S.W., Jones D.O., Jones .O., Konyves-Toth R., Kalup C., Kilpatrick C.D., Kriskovics L., Li W., Lowe T.B., Margheim S., McCully C., Mitra A., Munoz J.A., Nicholl M., Nordin J., Pal A., Pan Y.-C., Piro A.L., Rest S., Rino-Silvestre J., Rojas-Bravo C., Sarneczky K., Siebert M.R., Smartt S.J., Smith K., Sodor A., Stritzinger M.D., Szabo R., Szakats R., Tucker B.E., Vinko J., Wang X., Wheeler J.C., Young D.R., Zenteno A., Zhang K., Zsidi G. ================================================================================ Description of contents: This tar.gz archive file contains the data behind Figure 3 of the accepted version of the manuscript listed above. These data include 18 spectra shown in the figure and listed here individually: 2018agk-combined-20180711-api.mrt Keck-I spectra taken on phase 103d SN2018agk-20180316-081426-het-v1.mrt HET spectrum on 20180316 on phase -10.6d SN2018agk-20180317-gemini.mrt Gemini spectrum on 20180317 on phase -9.5d SN2018agk-20180319-tns-lco.mrt LCO dupont spectrum on 20180319 on phase -7.7d SN2018agk-20180323-074056-het-v1.mrt HET spectrum on 20180323 on phase -4.1d SN2018agk-20180323-efosc.mrt NTT spectrum on 20180323 on phase -2.8d SN2018agk-20180405-efosc.mrt NTT spectrum on 20180405 on phase 9.8d SN2018agk-20180406-redblu-122345.184.mrt FTS spectrum on 20180406 on phase 10.3d SN2018agk-20180407-efosc.mrt NTT spectrum on 20180407 on phase 11.8d SN2018agk-20180409-redblu-131850.107.mrt FTS spectrum on 20180409 on phase 13d SN2018agk-20180417-redblu-081455.117.mrt FTN spectrum on 20180417 on phase 20.6d SN2018agk-20180420-efosc.mrt NTT spectrum on 20180420 on phase 24.4d SN2018agk-20180425-kast.mrt Shane spectrum on 20180425 on phase 28.4d SN2018agk-20180426-redblu-110751.729.mrt FTN spectrum on 20180426 on phase 29.5 SN2018agk-20180510-lris.mrt Keck-I/LRIS spectrum on 20180510 on phase 43.1d SN2018agk-20180510-redblu-054839.728.mrt FTN spectrum on 20180510 on phase 42.9d SN2018agk-20180618-goodman.mrt SOAR spectrum on 20180618 on phase 80.8d sn18agk_hst_mar24.mrt HST optical and UV spectrum on 2018 March 24 on phase -2.3d All files contain wavelengths in Angstroms and Flux in various units. Errors for Flux values are provided in some files. System requirements: The files are formatted according to the machine readable format used by the AAS Journals and CDS/VizieR. Specific information on the structure of MRT files can be found at: AAS: https://journals.aas.org/mrt-overview/ CDS: http://cds.u-strasbg.fr/doc/catstd.htx These files can be read in python using the astropy package: from astropy.table import Table data = Table.read("sn18agk_hst_mar24.mrt", format="ascii.cds") or with the most recent version of TOPCAT (> Version 4.8) Additional comments: The optical spectra are from various telescopes and reduced through different pipelines (see Section 2.3 and 2.4 for details), so the overall scale of spectral flux in individual spectrum could be off within an order of magnitude. Nonetheless, in the analysis only the normalized spectra have been used, and thus the deviation in the overall scale does not influence our results. ================================================================================