This file provides a detailed explanation of the content of BCtables.tar.gz and BCcodes.tar.gz, along with some details concerning the execution of their various programs. A quick step-by-step set of instructions (UNIX/Linux-oriented) is contained in the file INSTRUCTIONS.txt. The BCtables.tar.gz file contains the following folders, each of which contains many sub-directories: 1) alpha_m04 2) alpha_p00 3) alpha_p04 4) alpha_std The BCcodes.tar.gz file contains the following Fortran computer programs: 1) getinputbcs.for ... code to retrieve BC data for several fixed E(B-V) values 2) getbctable.for ... code to generate BC transformation tables for any E(B-V) 3) gettestbcs.for ... code to retrieve original MARCS data (see below) 4) chkbctable.for ... verification program (see below) 5) bcutil.for ... subroutines to interpolate in BC transformation tables 6) colstar.for ... program to illustrate the use of bcinterp.for 7) bcstars.for ... code to generate BCs for stars of known Teff,logg,[Fe/H] In addition, BCcodes.tar.gz also contains the following files: 8) ... to select photometric systems and MARCS models to use 9) input.sample ... an example of input file for bcstars.for 10)bcgo ... an executable file to compile, link and run bcstars.for (used to select the filters of interest), getinputbcs.for, and getbctable.for are described in considerable detail in the Appendix A of Casagrande & VandenBerg (2014), so we include just a few additional details concerning them here. Files 3-6 are fully described in sections C to E in the following documentation: they provide the means to verify that the program "getbctable" is working correctly. A detailed example is given in section F. A few points worth mentioning/emphasizing: 1) The various codes have been set up for execution on Linux (or UNIX) computers, which use a forward slash to separate sub-directories, as opposed to a backslash that is used for the same purpose on WINDOWS machines. If this package is implemented on a WINDOWS computer, it is necessary to edit "getinputbcs.for" and "gettestbcs.for" to change the definition of "slash" in the relevant DATA statements: comments are contained in these programs to help identify which statement must be corrected. 2) The interpolation subroutines (e.g., "getbc_std.for") will halt their execution with a STOP code if the input [Fe/H] or Teff values are outside the ranges spanned by the interpolation tables. If the input log g value is too high or too low, the output bolometric corrections are set to a value of 9.9999. It is unlikely that this will occur, as interpolations or extrapolations are performed at log g values from -0.5 to +5.5 at the coolest temperatures. 3) Only the "" file includes BCs for log g = -0.5. The other bc*.data files contain BCs for log g values from 0.0 to 5.5, though extrapolations to log g = -0.5 are performed when the data are read. 4) The interpolation subroutines send a message to unit 6 (normally associated with the monitor) when the bc_*.data files are read to inform the user of the E(B-V) value, the input [Fe/H] value, and the filters for which BC transformations are provided. That (and any other) "write(6,*" statement may be commented out if the user prefers to have no such output. 5) The output tables contain bolometric corrections, with or without the effects of reddening taken into account, *NOT* colors. To obtain colors, the usual procedure is to calculate M_bol = 4.75 - 2.5 log L/Lsun, then M_i = M_bol - BC_i and M_j = M_bol - BC_j (for the i, j filters) and finally the color i - j = M_i - M_j = BC_j - BC_i (where i is a bluer filter than j). Note that we have assumed M_bol = 4.75 for the Sun throughout this paper; i.e., all of the BC tables have been generated assuming this value. If anyone wishes to adopt a different value, all of the BC tables that are generated using our software should be adjusted accordingly. SOME DETAILS CONCERNING THE EXECUTION OF THE VARIOUS PROGRAMS FOLLOW: *** Steps A and B are normally all that are needed to obtain the desired *** BC tables. A. "getinputbcs.for" When executing "getinputbcs", a brief summary is sent to the monitor. For instance, if requesting transformations for the ubvri90 B and V filters, "getinputbcs" will generate the following summary: files,, etc., have been created for ubvri90 : jc_B ubvri90 : jc_V ("r00" indicates tables for E(B-V) = 0.0, "r12" is attached to the name of tables for E(B-V) = 0.12, etc.) The "", etc. files are rewritten each time that this program is executed - and they can be deleted when they are no longer needed. Normally, "getbctable" should be executed immediately after running "getinputbcs" in order to produce tables in the form used by the interpolation subroutines. B. "getbctable.for" This code uses Akima splines to interpolate in the output files produced by executing "getinputbcs" (i.e., "", etc.) for the value of E(B-V) that is specified by the user. The code asks the user to enter the value of this quantity, which can be any number between 0.0 and 0.72. The output file will have one of 4 possible names (see below) - "", "", "", or "" depending on the value of the parameter "ialf" in "". If a file with the same name is already resident in the home directory, it will be rewritten; otherwise, a new file with this name will be created. If, e.g., ialf and E(B-V) were set to values of 1 and 0.0, respectively, the successful execution of "getbctable" would generate the one-line summary: has been created assuming E(B-V) = 0.000 NOTE that "" is read by several of the codes, so it should not be edited between the execution of "getinputbcs" and "getbctable" (for instance). *** The following provides the means to verify that everything is working *** correctly. Once sufficient familiarity with this package has been gained, *** steps C to E can be bypassed. C. "gettestbcs.for" This code retrieves from the relevant directories the BC values derived directly from MARCS model atmospheres to provide data sets that can be used to check the results of the interpolation code. These data are organized in data files for fixed values of log g (e.g., "" contains BC values for log g = -0.5, whereas "" and "" contain such data for log g = 1.5 and 4.0, respectively). At log g = 3.5 and less, the BC values were derived from spherical model atmospheres (as indicated by "sph" in the file name), while they are based on plane-parallel atmospheres at higher gravities (hence "ppl" in the file name). This code asks the user to choose one of the following six E(B-V) values: 0.0, 0.08, 0.14, 0.28, 0.44, and 0.56 (an integer must be entered to select one of these choices). (These particular values were chosen arbitrarily (i.e., at random) simply to provide values of E(B-V) that differ from those assumed in the tables that are read by "getinputbcs.for".) Once this selection is made, "getbctable" must be executed for the same reddening value so that the interpolation tables and the "", "", ..., "" files all assume exactly the same value of E(B-V) that was assumed by the previous code. For the example used above (i.e., ubvri90 B and V filters), the execution of "gettestbcs" will generate the following message (which is sent to the monitor): files,,, etc., have been created for E(B-V) = 0.00 to test ubvri90 : jc_B ubvri90 : jc_V The "", etc. files are rewritten each time that this program is executed- and they can be deleted when they are no longer needed. D. "getbctable.for" Any execution of "gettestbcs" should be *immediately* followed by the running of "getbctable" so that the output table is generated for exactly the same E(B-V) value that was assumed by the former code. E. "chkbctable.for" This code interpolates in the output file generated by "getbctable" for the specific values of log g, Teff, and [Fe/H] that are listed in "", "", ..., and compares the BC values in the latter with those obtained by interpolation in the former. Any discrepancies larger than 0.001 are flagged. If the correct files have been created and the codes execute properly, no such discrepancies should be found. (The largest differences are found when comparing the original and interpolated transformations for ultraviolet filters, but even for them, the maximum differences are always < 0.001.) Zero differences will be found if the selected value of E(B-V) is 0.0 since the tabulated/interpolated BC values will be identical with those derived directly from the MARCS atmospheres. F. an example First compile, in turn, the 4 FORTRAN codes (specifically, "getinputbcs.for", "gettestbcs.for", "getbctable.for", and "chkbctable.for") that constitute this software package. If the Intel FORTRAN compiler on a Linux or WINDOWS computer is used, this is accomplished by issuing the commands ifort getinputbcs.for ifort gettestbcs.for etc. (Whatever commands are appropriate for different compilers and operating systems obviously need to be employed.) On a Linux machine, the executable module is normally named "a.out": this should be renamed after each compilation to be, e.g., "getinputbcs.exe" so that all of the executables have unique names. Alternatively, the desired executable module can be obtained in one step via the command: ifort getinputbcs.for -o getinputbcs.exe (etc.) Once executable modules have been generated for them, there will be no further need to recompile these codes. Suppose transformations to the "hst_vega" system and the filters "f390m", "f606w", and "f814w" are needed on the assumption of the standard variation of [alpha/Fe] with [Fe/H]. Step 1: edit "" so that the integers on the first 5 lines have the following values: 1 = ialf (= [alpha/Fe] variation: select from choices listed below) 3 = nfil (= number of filter bandpasses to be considered; maximum = 5) 4 14 = photometric system and filter { 4 selects the hst_vega photometric 4 20 = photometric system and filter { system and 14, 20, 23 select the 4 23 = photometric system and filter { f390m, f606w, and f814w filters. 7 37 ... not used (line can be left as is) 7 39 ... not used (line can be left as is) (The sixth and seventh lines would be used if nfil = 4 or 5. In this example, these lines will not be read, but they should be left as is in case they are needed in the future.) Step 2: execute "getinputbcs" (i.e., issue the command "getinputbcs.exe"). (One may then choose to jump directly to step 6 to generate the BC tables for the selected filters, with the effects of reddening taken into account. The next 3 steps, which enable the user to verify that everything is working correctly and to check the accuracy of the interpolated tables for a few representative E(B-V) values, will normally be bypassed when one has gained sufficient familiarity with this package. Step 3: execute "gettestbcs". When the value of E(B-V) is requested, enter 3 - one of the six permitted choices (so that, in this case, MARCS BCs for E(B-V) = 0.14 will be retrieved from the relevant directory). The data in the sph*.data and ppl*.data files are compared with the interpolated BCs in step 5. As they are used only for testing purposes, the sph*.data and ppl*.data files may be deleted after completing step 5. Step 4: execute "getbctable". When asked to do so, enter 0.14 so that the tables created by "getinputbcs" are interpolated to the same value of E(B-V) that was selected in Step 3. Step 5: execute "chkbctable". The result of this execution will be the following table, which lists for each gravity, the number of MARCS BC values, the number of interpolations that were performed, and in the last 6 columns, the BC values for the selected filter and the maximum differences found between the MARCS and interpolated BC values. The largest of these differences occurred at the Teff and [Fe/H] values listed in the 3rd and 4th columns. The agreement is clearly excellent given that the differences between the "input" and interpolated BC values is at the +/- 0.0001 level or better. (Only in the case of the HST uv filters (e.g., F218W) do the differences rise to as much as 0.0007 mag - and only for some reddening choices. Thus, the interpolation codes *always* reproduce the input MARCS values to within +/- 0.001 mag ... and usually much better than this.) input/ log g checked Teff [Fe/H] f390m delta f606w delta f814w delta -0.5 57/ 57 4000 0.50 -6.8054 0.0001 -1.0218 0.0001 0.3335 0.0000 0.0 161/161 5000 -0.50 -3.3588 0.0001 -0.4103 0.0000 0.4819 0.0000 0.5 237/237 3100 -2.00 -6.4001 0.0000 -2.3103 0.0001 0.0608 0.0000 1.0 278/278 3100 -0.75 -5.9080 0.0000 -3.8406 0.0001 -0.3713 0.0000 1.5 318/318 6500 1.00 -1.7774 0.0001 -0.1344 0.0001 0.3585 0.0000 2.0 332/332 3100 -1.00 -5.1269 0.0000 -3.1481 0.0001 -0.0354 0.0000 2.5 400/400 6500 0.75 -1.5884 0.0001 -0.1650 0.0000 0.3372 0.0000 3.0 411/411 3100 -2.00 -5.4495 0.0000 -1.6838 0.0001 0.2652 0.0000 3.5 408/408 3100 -1.00 -5.0410 0.0001 -2.4185 0.0001 0.1899 0.0000 4.0 418/418 3100 -0.25 -5.2412 0.0001 -2.6951 0.0000 0.0824 0.0000 4.5 412/412 6250 0.00 -1.5128 0.0001 -0.2700 0.0001 0.3082 0.0001 5.0 415/415 3100 -0.25 -5.7941 0.0001 -2.5948 0.0000 0.1139 0.0000 5.5 169/169 3100 0.75 -5.5821 0.0000 -2.9712 0.0001 -0.0598 0.0000 (Steps 3, 4, and 5 may be repeated for other choices of the reddenings to ensure that there are no problems at any of the 6 E(B-V) values for which the original MARCS results have been stored.) Step 6: execute "getbctable" for the particular E(B-V) value of interest: the maximum permitted value of E(B-V) is 0.72. The selected value of E(B-V) is recorded in the first line of the output "bc_*.data" file. It is this file that should be used to transform absolute bolometric magnitudes to (in this example) absolute f390m, f606w, and f814w magnitudes. In practice, many users will likely adopt the BC transformations for the "standard variation" of [alpha/Fe] with [Fe/H], which assumes [alpha/Fe] = +0.4 for [Fe/H] from -4.0 to -1.0, inclusive; 0.0 for [Fe/H] from +0.0 to +1.0, inclusive; and [alpha/Fe] = -0.4 [Fe/H] at intermediate metallicities. Transformations for constant values of [alpha/Fe] may be obtained for smaller ranges of [Fe/H], as noted in "". There is substantial overlap of the assumed ranges in [Fe/H], so that, e.g., transformations for [Fe/H] = 0.0 and [alpha/Fe] = 0.0 can be obtained by running either the ialf=1 or 3 options. Note that only in the case of ialf=1 are transformations provided for log g = -0.5; normally, the range in log g is from 0.0 to 5.0 (but with extrapolations to log g = -0.5). In any case, the summary line which is sent to the monitor when "getbctable" is executed will say whether "" (ialf=1), "", (ialf=2), "" (ialf=3), or "" (ialf=4) has been created. Separate interpolation codes are available for these four cases; namely, "marcsbc_std.for", "marcsbc_p04.for", "marcsbc_p00.for", and "marcsbc_m04.for", respectively. These subroutines are contained in the "bcutil.for" library. Note that the "bc_*.data" files which are read and interpolated in by these subroutines are attached to unit 30 (see the OPEN and CLOSE statements in the latter). In order to obtain the BC values appropriate to, e.g., [alpha/Fe] = 0.24, one will first have to interpolate in the tables for [alpha/Fe] = -0.4, 0.0, and 0.4 to obtain the BCs for the input values of the temperature, gravity, and [Fe/H], and then perform a final interpolation in these BCs to obtain the desired result. "colstar.for" (also part of the package) is a simple code that calls all four subroutines to provide an example of how the latter are used. To execute "colstar", it is necessary to cycle through the ialf = 1, 2, 3, and 4 cases in "" to generate the,,, and files (i.e., the BC interpolation tables for the four different variations of [alpha/Fe] vs [Fe/H]). Note that "bcutil.for" must be compiled with "colstar.for" to create an executable module - by, e.g., issuing the command: ifort colstar.for bcutil.for (on a WINDOWS computer) or ifort colstar.for bcutil.for -o colstar.exe (Linux, UNIX) The results generated by "colstar.exe" should match those reported in the beginning commented section of "colstar.for". "bcstars.for" is a simple code that given an input sample of stars of known logg, [Fe/H] and Teff ("input.sample") determines BCs (up to 5 filters, as selected in This program can be compiled, linked and executed running the shell script "bcgo".