Title: Early Science With Korean VLBI Network: the QCAL-1 43 GHz Calibrator Survey Authors: Petrov L., Lee S.-S., Kim J., Jung T., Oh J., Sohn B.W., Byun D.-Y., Chung M.-H., Je D.-H., Wi S.-O., Song M.-G., Kang J., Han S.-T., Lee J.-W., Kim B.G., Chung H., Kim H.-G. Table: Catalog of positions of 33 sources never before observed with VLBI that have at least three detections in KVN QCAL-1 observing campaign ================================================================================ Byte-by-byte Description of file: aj446031t4_mrt.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 10 A10 --- IAU IAU source J2000 name 13- 20 A8 --- IVS IVS source name 21 A1 --- Typ Source type (1) 23- 24 I2 h RAh Hours of Right Ascension (J2000) 26- 27 I2 min RAm Minutes of Right Ascension (J2000) 29- 35 F7.4 s RAs Seconds of Right Ascension (J2000) 37 A1 --- DE- Sign of the Declination (J2000) 38- 39 I2 deg DEd Degrees of Declination (J2000) 41- 42 I2 arcmin DEm Arcminutes of Declination (J2000) 44- 49 F6.3 arcsec DEs Arcseconds of Declination (J2000) 52- 55 F4.1 mas eRA Errors in right ascension without scaling factor cos delta 57- 60 F4.1 mas eDE Errors in declination 62- 67 F6.3 --- Cor Correlation between estimates of right ascension and declination 69- 70 I2 --- NObs Number of observations source has been detected 72- 73 I2 --- NSes Number of experiments source has been detected -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): N = new source never been observed with VLBI before; C = an amplitude calibrator; blank = target source that have been observed before with VLBI at other frequencies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J0038+1856 0035+186 00 38 28.8915 +18 56 17.641 20.0 13.0 -0.479 6 2 J0202+3943 0159+394 02 02 01.6563 +39 43 21.556 11.0 5.8 -0.235 6 2 J0204+4005 0201+398 02 04 05.1941 +40 05 03.514 20.0 12.0 -0.376 6 2 J0242+2653 0239+266 02 42 20.8303 +26 53 37.722 30.0 17.0 -0.092 4 2 J0251+7226 0246+722 02 51 37.3545 +72 26 55.847 50.0 14.0 -0.287 6 2 J0251+3734 0248+373 02 51 59.1686 +37 34 18.177 33.0 23.0 -0.097 4 2 J0452+1236 0449+125 04 52 42.6001 +12 36 24.586 24.0 18.0 -0.565 5 2 J0502-2057 0500-210 05 02 10.4053 -20 57 16.590 30.0 31.0 -0.615 3 1 J0637+3322 0634+334 06 37 55.9419 +33 22 06.251 20.0 10.0 0.10 5 2 J0750+1021 0747+104 07 50 32.8775 +10 21 26.776 11.0 8.4 -0.414 6 2 J0835+6835 0830+687 08 35 47.6124 +68 35 11.501 50.0 14.0 -0.206 6 2 J0906+6930 0901+697 09 06 30.7556 +69 30 30.829 65.0 18.0 -0.246 3 1 J0919-1539 0916-154 09 19 06.1643 -15 39 06.547 24.0 22.0 -0.507 3 1 J0936-0535 0934-053 09 36 36.6727 -05 35 52.472 15.0 14.0 -0.370 6 2 J1054-0713 1052-069 10 54 41.0072 -07 13 26.290 44.0 25.0 -0.659 3 2 J1128+1039 1126+109 11 28 45.5502 +10 39 06.956 18.0 14.0 -0.369 6 2 J1251-1927 1248-191 12 51 35.2886 -19 27 54.194 28.0 42.0 -0.152 3 2 J1445-1614 1442-160 14 45 09.5747 -16 14 10.759 18.0 19.0 -0.530 6 2 J1553-2358 1550-238 15 53 55.8550 -23 58 41.448 27.0 28.0 -0.703 6 2 J1618+0819 1616+084 16 18 26.9355 +08 19 50.682 20.0 17.0 -0.261 5 2 J1644-0743 1642-076 16 44 52.0606 -07 43 43.178 17.0 15.0 -0.434 6 2 J1726+2717 1724+273 17 26 53.4070 +27 17 16.313 11.0 7.0 -0.473 6 2 J1733-0456 1730-049 17 33 33.0088 -04 56 01.942 15.0 16.0 -0.270 5 2 J1736+0631 1734+065 17 36 28.5816 +06 31 47.542 16.0 12.0 -0.288 6 2 J1815+1623 1813+163 18 15 14.8553 +16 23 46.307 13.0 10.0 -0.452 6 2 J1840+2457 1838+249 18 40 03.4417 +24 57 41.220 28.0 22.0 -0.067 3 2 J2004+7355 2005+737 20 04 17.1211 +73 55 05.996 31.0 7.8 -0.137 6 2 J2015-1252 2012-130 20 15 13.6981 -12 52 56.955 26.0 24.0 -0.241 4 2 J2018-0509 2016-053 20 18 57.7615 -05 09 29.366 18.0 18.0 -0.419 5 2 J2124-1941 2121-199 21 24 44.6392 -19 41 43.410 28.0 40.0 -0.349 3 2 J2133+1443 2131+145 21 33 37.3890 +14 43 46.466 20.0 14.0 -0.492 6 2 J2153-1136 2151-118 21 53 50.2418 -11 36 14.093 19.0 19.0 -0.348 5 2 J2339-1206 2337-123 23 39 47.0435 -12 06 45.837 10.0 9.0 -0.470 6 2