agn\_blr\_albedo & measure rayleigh scattering of Lya \\ agn\_lex00\_u0 & intermediate-ionization x-ray ionized cloud from Lexington 2000 \\ agn\_lex00\_u1 & high-ionization x-ray ionized cloud from Lexington 2000 \\ agn\_lex00\_um1 & low-ionization x-ray ionized cloud from Lexington 2000 \\ agn\_reflector & model of Compton reflector \\ agn\_S\_curve\_grid & temperature across Spitzer thermal stability S curve \\ agn\_warm\_absorber & simple warm absorber model \\ aperture\_beam\_int & test aperture beam command with intensity \\ aperture\_beam\_lum & test aperture beam command with luminosity \\ aperture\_slit & test aperture slit command with luminosity \\ blr\_f92 & standard blr cloud in Ferland et al. 1992 \\ blr\_fp89 & final F+P 1989 BLR model table 3 \\ blr\_hizqso & high Z quasar cloud \\ blr\_kk81 & old blr \\ blr\_level2 & test dominant level2 lines \\ blr\_n09\_p18 & BLR model, density 1e09 cm-3, flux of H-ion phots 1e18 cm2 s-1 \\ blr\_n09\_p18\_Z20 & BLR model, density 1e09 cm-3, flux of H-ion phots 1e18 cm2 s-1, Z=20 \\ blr\_n09\_p20 & BLR model, density 1e09 cm-3, flux of H-ion phots 1e20 cm2 s-1 \\ blr\_n09\_p20\_Z20 & BLR model, density 1e09 cm-3, flux of H-ion phots 1e20 cm2 s-1, Z=20 \\ blr\_n09\_p22 & BLR model, density 1e09 cm-3, flux of H-ion phots 1e20 cm2 s-1 \\ blr\_n09\_p22\_Z20 & BLR model, density 1e09 cm-3, flux of H-ion phots 1e22 cm2 s-1, Z=20 \\ blr\_n11\_p20 & BLR model, density 1e11 cm-3, flux of H-ion phots 1e20 cm2 s-1 \\ blr\_n11\_p20\_Z20 & BLR model, density 1e11 cm-3, flux of H-ion phots 1e20 cm2 s-1, Z=20 \\ blr\_n12\_p19 & BLR model, density 1e12 cm-3, flux of H-ion phots 1e19 cm2 s-1 \\ blr\_n12\_p19\_Z20 & BLR model, density 1e12 cm-3, flux of H-ion phots 1e19 cm2 s-1, Z=20 \\ blr\_n13\_p18 & BLR model, density 1e13 cm-3, flux of H-ion phots 1e18 cm2 s-1 \\ blr\_n13\_p18\_Z20 & BLR model, density 1e13 cm-3, flux of H-ion phots 1e18 cm2 s-1, Z=20 \\ blr\_n13\_p22 & BLR model, density 1e13 cm-3, flux of H-ion phots 1e22 cm2 s-1 \\ blr\_n13\_p22\_Z20 & BLR model, density 1e13 cm-3, flux of H-ion phots 1e18 cm2 s-1, Z=20 \\ blr\_nf84 & early model of blr \\ blr\_nf84\_45deg & early model of BLR, with illumination at 45 degree angle \\ blr\_rnfa & table 1 of Rees et al. ApJ 347, 648 \\ blr\_rnfb & table 1 of Rees et al. ApJ 347, 648 \\ coll\_coronal & model of active region of solar corona \\ coll\_heat\_only & test code in limit where ONLY mechanical heating is present \\ coll\_t3 & coronal equilibrium at 10\^4 K \\ coll\_t4 & coronal equilibrium at 10\^4 K \\ coll\_t5 & coronal equilibrium at 10\^5 K \\ coll\_t6 & coronal equilibrium at 10\^6 K \\ coll\_t7 & coronal equilibrium at 10\^7 K \\ dynamics\_orion\_flow & Orion nebula blister with wind \\ dynamics\_veryfast & very fast wind model \\ dynamics\_veryfast\_rec & very fast wind model \\ dynamics\_wind & test of equations of motion in a very highly ionized wind \\ feii\_hin & test feii in high density limit \\ feii\_hirad & feii in case of high radiation density limit \\ feii\_pump & test feii in continuum pumped limit \\ feii\_ste & thermal equilibrium of FeII in STE limit \\ feii\_t4 & FeII emission in typical intermediate density photoionzied cloud \\ func\_abund\_fluc & check fluctuating heavy-element abundances \\ func\_distance & check that distance and "print flux earth" commands work \\ func\_dlaw & test model with dlaw table \\ func\_fulltrace & test full trace output \\ func\_globule & test of globule command \\ func\_grid\_line\_ratios & test generating line ratios in a grid run \\ func\_hotgas\_coolstar & test very soft continuum, very hot gas \\ func\_ion\_increase & test model where ionization increases with depth \\ func\_lines & create output file with list of func\_lines \\ func\_map & map of heating vs cooling \\ func\_sdrmin & test set drmin command \\ func\_set\_ion & test impact of setting ionization \\ func\_stopline1 & test stop line command \\ func\_stopline2 & test stop line command \\ func\_t10 & test very soft continuum, very hot gas \\ func\_t3 & test low temperature limit of code, 3K \\ func\_test & run smoke test \\ func\_testmole & this runs the standard, one command, test, which contains many asserts \\ func\_trans\_punch & first of func\_trans\_punch/transread pair, punch continuum \\ func\_trans\_read & second of transpunch/transread pair, used transmitted continuum \\ grains\_conserve\_pp & test energy conservation with vastly optically thick dust \\ grains\_conserve\_sp & test energy conservation with vastly optically thick dust, sphere geometry \\ grains\_hot & test temperature of gas and dust in high energy density environment \\ grains\_hot\_wd01 & test temperature of gas and dust in high energy density environment \\ grains\_lte & check that grains equilibriate at correct temp in ste limit \\ grains\_qheat & cool atomic ISM with Si grain quantum heating \\ grains\_temp & test all grain species temperature \\ grains\_temp\_all & test all grain species temperature \\ h2\_cr & H2 with background cosmic ray ionization \\ h2\_cr\_grains & background cosmic ray ionization by suprathermal electrons only \\ h2\_hminus & H2 populations in H- dominated limit \\ h2\_pdr\_leiden\_f1 & low density and flux model 1 \\ h2\_solomon & H2 populations in solomon dominated limit \\ h2\_t2000 & test large H2 molecule in shock-like conditions \\ h2\_t500 & test large H2 molecule in PDR-like conditions \\ h\_otsopen & test ots, inward fractions for pure hydrogen, open geo, filling factor \\ h\_otspp & plane parallel conservation and hydrogenic emission for pure hydrogen \\ h\_otssp & spherical conservation and hydrogenic emission for pure hydrogen \\ h\_outopen & test open geometry \\ h\_outpp & plane parallel H-only, close, test hydrogenic emission \\ h\_outsp & spherical conservation and hydrogenic emission for pure hydrogen \\ h\_t4\_conemis & continuous emission from H atom \\ h\_t4\_conemis\_lon & low-den continuous HI emission with 2-nu important \\ h\_t4\_conemis\_thick & H I continuous emissivity, used for plot in hazy \\ heatomt10 & continuous emission from HeI \\ heatomt10lon & test low-den continuous emission from H atom, 2-nu is important \\ heiont10 & continuous emission from HeII \\ helike\_ar & He-like argon emission \\ helike\_c & he-like carbon emission \\ helike\_co & He-like cobalt emission \\ helike\_cu & He-like copper emission \\ helike\_fe & he-like iron emission \\ helike\_mg & he-like magnesium emission \\ helike\_n & He-like nitrogen emission \\ helike\_ne & he-like neon emission \\ helike\_ni & he-like nickel emission \\ helike\_o & he-like oxygen ion vs. Bautista \& Kallman 2000 Table 1, column 3 \\ helike\_si & He-like silicon emission \\ helike\_zn & He-like zinc emission \\ hhe\_otspp & plane parallel conservation and H-like emission for H, He \\ hhe\_otssp & spherical conservation and H-like emission for H and He \\ hhe\_outpp & plane parallel conservation emission for H, He gas \\ hhe\_outppff & plane parallel filling factor pure H, He gas \\ hhe\_outsp & spherical conservation and H-like emission for H, He \\ hii\_blister & Lexington 1995 dust-free hii blister region \\ hii\_coolstar & dust free cool HII region model, Lexington 1995 \\ hii\_icf & HII region with negative He/H ICF \\ hii\_paris & "New" Paris meeting HII region \\ hlike\_c & H-like C VI case B \\ hlike\_o & H-like O VIII case B \\ igm\_lalpha & Ly alpha forest cloud \\ igm\_primal & cloud with primordial abundances exposed to background at Z=10 \\ igm\_z3 & redshift 1000 recombination epoch \\ ism & cloud irradiated by ism background \\ ism\_cosmicray & background cosmic ray ionization by suprathermal electrons only \\ ism\_grid & interstellar cloud irradiated by ism background \\ ism\_hot\_brems & generate continuum due to hot ism in high Z,z starburst \\ ism\_jura & check rate H2 forms on grain surfaces \\ ism\_opacity & generate standard ISM opacity curve \\ ism\_set\_cr\_rate & background cosmic ray ionization by suprathermal electrons only \\ limit\_casea\_h\_den13 & case A \\ limit\_casea\_h\_den\_temp & Test model H in Case A limit \\ limit\_caseb\_h\_hs87 & "Case B from Hummer and Storey" \\ limit\_caseb\_h\_lot & log density case B, T=500 log n=2 \\ limit\_caseb\_h\_n8 & h\_caseb\_n8 high density case B \\ limit\_caseb\_he2\_den8 & limit\_caseb\_he2\_den8 He II case B \\ limit\_caseb\_he\_den & Test model H and He atoms in Case B limit \\ limit\_caseb\_he\_den4\_temp4 & the best we can do to predict the HeI emission spectrum \\ limit\_caseb\_he\_den\_temp & Test model He atoms in Case B limit \\ limit\_caseb\_hhe\_den & Test model H and He atoms in Case B limit \\ limit\_caseb\_hhe\_den\_temp & Test model H and He atoms in Case B limit \\ limit\_casec\_h\_den2 & H only optically thin in Lyman continuum \\ limit\_casec\_h\_den5 & case C \\ limit\_compton\_hi\_t & test high-T Compton energy exchange \\ limit\_compton\_lo\_t & test low-T Compton energy exchange \\ limit\_compton\_mid\_t & mid-T Compton energy exchange \\ limit\_conserve & test that energy is limit\_conserved \\ limit\_eden & Martin Gaskell's funny model \\ limit\_h\_induc & constant temper black body limit from Ferland and Rees 1988 \\ limit\_hi\_ion & very high ionization parameter limit \\ limit\_laser\_1 & test of H ionization in optically thin limit \\ limit\_laser\_2 & test of H and HeI ionization in optically thin limit \\ limit\_laser\_200 & ionization in Auger-dominated limit \\ limit\_laser\_200\_low & test ionization in Auger-dominated limit \\ limit\_laser\_3 & test H and He ionization in optically thin limit \\ limit\_lowd0 & test low density limit \\ limit\_lowden & test optically thin model that extends to very low densities \\ limit\_lowdm6 & test low density limit \\ limit\_lowion\_low & test conditions of very low ionization matrix/simple solver \\ limit\_lowion\_pops & test conditions of very low ionization matrix/simple solver \\ limit\_lte\_h\_t50\_cion & collisionally ionized H in LTE limit \\ limit\_lte\_h\_t50\_coll & collisionally excited H in LTE limit \\ limit\_lte\_he1\_coll & He atom at high densities \\ limit\_lte\_he1\_ste & He atom in LTE at high densities \\ limit\_lte\_hhe\_coll\_t50 & H, He in LTE at high densities \\ limit\_lte\_hhe\_induc & radiation dominated H, He gas goes to STE \\ limit\_lte\_hhe\_ste & H, He in STE \\ limit\_lte\_hminus & H- goes to LTE \\ limit\_lte\_metal & STE with metals \\ limit\_recoil\_ion & test compton recoil ionization of hydrogen \\ limit\_strom & pure-H Stromgren sphere \\ limit\_supra & secondary ionization dominated gas \\ limit\_vbhum & compare with Van Blerkom and Hummer exact RT results \\ limit\_veryveryfast & very fast simulation for Purify/valgrind \\ nlr\_lex00 & NLR model for Lexington 2000 Meeting \\ nlr\_liner & NLR liner model \\ nlr\_liner\_grains & liner model with grains \\ nlr\_paris & Paris meeting NLR model \\ nova\_dqher & cold nova shell \\ nova\_photos & dense nova photosphere \\ optimize\_phymir & test phymir optimizers \\ optimize\_subplex & test subplex optimizer \\ orion\_hii\_open & conditions similar to Orion nebula blister \\ orion\_hii\_pdr & constant pressure H+ region/pdr \\ orion\_hii\_pdr\_fast & constant gas pressure H+ region/PDR \\ orion\_hii\_pdr\_pp & the Orion HII Region / PDR / Molecular cloud with an open geometry \\ pdr\_co\_fully & H2 and CO in fully molecular limit \\ pdr\_co\_fully\_noneq & H2 and CO are fully molecular, non-equilibrium case \\ pdr\_coolbb & illumination by cool STE blackbody \\ pdr\_dense\_persei & dense phase zeta persei cloud \\ pdr\_HTT91 & low-density PDR from HTT91 \\ pdr\_leiden\_f1 & Leiden meeting model 1 \\ pdr\_leiden\_f2 & Leiden meeting model 2 \\ pdr\_leiden\_f3 & Leiden meeting model 3 \\ pdr\_leiden\_f4 & Leiden meeting model 4 \\ pdr\_leiden\_hack\_f1 & Leiden meeting model 1 with hacks \\ pdr\_leiden\_hack\_f2 & Leiden meeting model 2 with hacks \\ pdr\_leiden\_hack\_f3 & Leiden meeting model 3 with hacks \\ pdr\_leiden\_hack\_f4 & Leiden meeting model 4 with hacks \\ pdr\_leiden\_hack\_v1 & Leiden meeting model 5 with hacks \\ pdr\_leiden\_hack\_v2 & Leiden meeting model 6 with hacks \\ pdr\_leiden\_hack\_v3 & Leiden meeting model 7 with hacks \\ pdr\_leiden\_hack\_v4 & Leiden meeting model 8 with hacks \\ pdr\_leiden\_v1 & Leiden meeting model 5 \\ pdr\_leiden\_v2 & Leiden meeting model 6 \\ pdr\_leiden\_v3 & Leiden meeting model 7 \\ pdr\_leiden\_v4 & Leiden meeting model 8 \\ pdr\_orion\_veil & Orion's veil \\ pdr\_th85ism & TH85 PDR with ISM grains \\ pdr\_th85ism\_cgto & TH85 pdr with ISM grains and C > O \\ pdr\_th85orion & TH85 PDR with Orion grains \\ pn\_fluc & Paris PN with density fluctuations \\ pn\_ots & Paris PN with ots \\ pn\_paris & Paris meeting PN \\ pn\_paris\_fast & Paris PN, fast version \\ pn\_sqrden & PN with density propt R\^-2 and filling factor \\ stars\_atlas & Atlas stellar atmosphere \\ stars\_atlas\_3d & Atlas stellar atmosphere, 3D interpolation \\ stars\_atlas\_all & interpolate on Atlas grids \\ stars\_atlas\_odfnew\_all & access various Atlas ODFNEW grids \\ stars\_bstar2006 & tlusty bstar grid \\ stars\_bstar2006\_3d & tlusty bstar grid \\ stars\_bstar2006\_all & tlusty bstar grid \\ stars\_costar1 & costar interpolation mode 1 \\ stars\_costar2 & costar interpolation mode 2 \\ stars\_costar3 & costar interpolation mode 3 \\ stars\_costar4 & costar interpolation mode 4 \\ stars\_costarhalo & costar halo abundances \\ stars\_kurucz79 & Kurucz 1979 SED \\ stars\_mihalas & Mihalas SED \\ stars\_optimize1 & optimizer on stellar grids \\ stars\_optimize2 & optimizer on stellar grids \\ stars\_optimize3 & optimizer on stellar grids \\ stars\_ostar2002 & tlusty O star grid \\ stars\_ostar2002\_3d & tlusty Ostar grid \\ stars\_ostar2002\_all & tlusty Ostar grid \\ stars\_rauch\_3d & Rauch 3-dimensional grid \\ stars\_rauch\_h+he & Rauch PN central star \\ stars\_rauch\_h-ca & Rauch central star hot PN \\ stars\_rauch\_h-ni & Rauch hot PN star \\ stars\_rauch\_helium & Rauch hot PN star \\ stars\_rauch\_hydr & Rauch hot PN star \\ stars\_rauch\_pg1159 & Rauch hot [WR] PN \\ stars\_starburst99 & Starburst 99 SED \\ stars\_starburst99\_2d & Starburst 99 2D SED \\ stars\_werner & Werner stars grid \\ stars\_wmbasic & wmbasic stellar SED \\