title feii in case of high radiation density limit c c commands controlling continuum ========= black 8000 K lte c c commands for density & abundances ========= hden 9 element iron abundance 2 c c commands controlling geometry ========= set dr 0 stop zone 1 c c other commands for details ========= atom feii constant tempera 8000 iterate c c commands controlling output ========= save overview "feii_hirad.ovr" save performance "feii_hirad.per" save monitors "feii_hirad.asr" last save feii relative populations range 0 200 "feii_hirad.lv1" last save feii relative populations range 201 371 "feii_hirad.lv2" last save FeII continuum "feii_hirad.fe2con" last units microns c c commands giving the monitors ========= // std very large for radiation case since A's incomplete // >>02 jul 27, increase error, 0.05 to 0.1, after change in As monitor feii departure, value 1 std 0.1 c c feii_hirad.in c class limit c ======================================== c This checks that, at high radiation densitites, in which the gas is irradiated by a blackbody in strict thermodynamic equilibrium, the level populations of the large model Fe+ ion go to the proper values, where the departure coefficients are all equal to unity.