title test large H2 molecule in shock-like conditions c c commands controlling continuum ========= c there is a continuum but it is unimportant c first continuum is FIR hot grain continuum produced in c unmodeled HII Region black 30000 intensity -5 range 0.4412 to 1 Ryd c this will remove all ionizing radiation extinguish 24 0 c must provide source of ionization for chemistry cosmic rays, background c c commands for density & abundances ========= hden 6 grains ism, abundance log 0.16 single init file="ism.ini" abundances he -1.01 c -3.52 n-8 o-3.30 ne-8 mg-5.89 continue si -6.10 s -5.10 cl=-7 ar-8 fe -6.60 c c commands controlling geometry ========= stop zone 10 c force zone thickess to 1 cm set dr 0 c need to lower stop temperature since gas is cooler than 4000K stop temperature 3 c c other commands for details ========= failures 2 atom h2 constant temperature 2000 iterate c this stop Lymnan line excitation of H, which is then photoionized c by Balmer continuum case b c c commands controlling output ========= normalize to "H2 " 2.121m c save performance "h2_t2000.per" save dominant rates "h2_t2000.oh" "OH" last save dominant rates "h2_t2000.ohp" "OH+" last save dominant rates "h2_t2000.h2" "H2" last save monitors "h2_t2000.asr" save pdr "h2_t2000.pdr" save h2 rates "h2_t2000.rat" save h2 column density "h2_t2000.col" save h2 lines "h2_t2000.lin" all last save h2 populations "h2_t2000.pop" all last save species column density "h2_t2000.cden" "H2" last save chemistry rates "h2_t2000.h2d" "H2" destruction save raw continuum "h2_t2000.raw" save continuum "h2_t2000.con" save overview "h2_t2000.ovr" save species column densities "h2_t2000.scol" save species column populations "h2_t2000.spop" save species energies "h2_t2000.senr" save species column densities "h2_t2000.scolH2O" "H2O" save species populations "h2_t2000.spopH2O" "H2O" c c commands giving the monitors ========= // >>chng 05 aug 06, par chng to be in lte, everything chenged monitor h2 ortho 3.000 monitor h2 column 5.62 error 0.15 monitor h2 column density level 0 0 3.91 error 0.1 monitor h2 column density level 0 1 4.83 error 0.1 monitor h2 column density level 0 2 4.50 error 0.1 // //>>chng 07 dec 26, from 5.02 to 4.98, us full H-H2 data set monitor h2 column density level 0 3 4.98 error 0.1 // monitor h2 column density level 0 4 4.50 error 0.1 // >>chng 08 dec 13, from 4.89 to 4.849, merging newsolvers branch monitor h2 column density level 0 5 4.849 error 0.1 monitor h2 column density level 0 6 4.27 error 0.1 monitor h2 column density level 0 7 4.56 error 0.1 monitor h2 column density level 0 8 3.87 error 0.1 // // >>chng 07 nov 14, from 2.52 to 2.57, update H - H2 cs data monitor h2 column density level 1 0 2.57 error 0.1 // monitor h2 column density level 1 1 3.46 error 0.1 // // >>chng 07 nov 14, from 3.12 to 3.17, update H - H2 cs data monitor h2 column density level 1 2 3.17 error 0.1 // monitor h2 column density level 1 3 3.65 error 0.1 // c h2_t2000.in c class limit c ======================================== This is a collisionally dominated H2 simulation. The temperature has been fixed at 2000K and the large molecule turned on. The calculation checks the returned value of the ortho to para densities. Cosmic rays and the incident continuum have little effect, the density is high, so the populations should be close to LTE.