title HII region with negative He/H ICF c c commands controlling continuum ========= c this is the result of this command c table star mihalas 46000 c and makes it possible to run these orion sims without c installing the stellar atmosphere files table read "star_mihalas_46000.dat" ionization parameter -2. c add the CMB after hot star shape & luminosity specified CMB c c commands for density & abundances ========= hden 3 init file "ism.ini" abundances ism no grains grains no qheat single metals and grains 0.320 c c commands controlling geometry ========= // >>chng 05 mar 13, from -4 to -3, had gone into mole cloud // precise stop depended on chemistry stop efrac -3 stop temperature 15 sphere c c other commands for details ========= failures 1 c c commands controlling output ========= save performance "hii_icf.per" save overview "hii_icf.ovr" last save monitors "hii_icf.asr" last save dr "hii_icf.dr" last c c commands giving the monitors ========= // >>chng 04 jun 12, from -0.013 to -0.0038 chng cont shield fcn // >>chng 04 dec 08, from -0.0038 to -0.0137, co-ion feedback, check converg // >>chng 05 feb 18, from -0.0137 to -0.0038 incld outwrd cont in line pump // fast gets -0.0137, slow gets -0.0038 // >>chng 05 mar 13, from -0.0038 to -0.0141, chng stop criteria // >>chng 09 feb 23, from -0.0141 to -0.0119, remove otslin, otscon dampers (PR #84, r2758) monitor HHeicf -0.0119 error 0.002 // // this was typical before grain recom put in // >>chng 04 sep 18, from 450 to 530, better mole conv chk // >>chng 05 mar 13, from 530 to 400, chng stop criteria // >>chng 08 dec 08, from 400 to 322, upper limit -> equals (r2515) // >>chng 08 dec 13, from 322 to 332, merging newsolvers branch // >>chng 09 jan 08, from 332 to 329, minor changes in iter/zn, iterations, and zone that crept in over last month // >>chng 09 jan 16, from 329 to 329 (error 0.02), average of 10 runs // >>chng 11 dec 18, from 329 to 335, adjust outstanding botches monitor nzone 335 error 0.02 // c hii_icf.in c class hii c ======================================== This is an example of an H II region irradiated by a hard stellar continuum - one of the Mihalas NLTE stars. The hard continuum produces a negative He/H ionization correction factor, as discussed in Ballantyne, Ferland & Martin (2000). >>refer HeI icf by Ballantyne,D.R., Ferland, G.J., & Martin, P.G., 2000, ApJ 536, 773-777