title H-like O VIII case B c c commands controlling continuum ========= table agn ionization parameter 4 c c commands for density & abundances ========= hden = 8 init file="ism.ini" element oxygen abundance 1 // >>chng 03 apr 28, add following to force low eden equal to O abund set eden 9 c c commands controlling geometry ========= c set following so the n^2 dr is unity set dr -18 stop zone 1 c c other commands for details ========= case b hummer no photoionization no induced processes (OK) constant temperature = 1.e5 c c commands controlling output ========= normalize to "Ca B" 75.89a // the balmer alpha transition save overview "hlike_o.ovr" save performance "hlike_o.per" save results "hlike_o.rlt" save monitors "hlike_o.asr" c c commands giving the monitors ========= // >>chng 03 apr 28, changed model to have different density and thickness // >>chng 03 apr 30, from -6.991 to -1.795, bug in csupra at very high Z monitor oxygen 8 ionization -1.795 // c caseb_o.in c class limit c ======================================== c This test case compares the predictions of the multi-level H-like O VIII atom with the Storey and Hummer (1995) results. The set dr command sets the zone thickness to 1 cm. The case b command sets Lyman line optical depths to very large values. Checks: - Neutral fractions - H* emissivity - Relative line intensities