title test of H ionization in optically thin limit c c commands controlling continuum ========= laser 1.5 Ryd phi(h) 10 c c commands for density & abundances ========= hden 1 init file="hheonly.ini" c c commands controlling geometry ========= set dr 0 stop zone 1 c c other commands for details ========= constant temperature = 4 iterate to convergence c c commands controlling output ========= save overview "limit_laser_1.ovr" save performance "limit_laser_1.per" save monitors "limit_laser_1.asr" last save convergence reason "limit_laser_1.cvr" c c commands giving the monitors ========= monitor ionization hydrogen 1 -3.699 monitor niter 3 error 0.01 c limit_laser_1.in c class limit c ======================================== c This checks the calculation of the hydrogen photoionization equilibrium. The continuum is a laser peaked at 1.5 Ryd, where the hydrogen photoionization cross section is 2.09*10-18 cm-2. Checks: - The hydrogen neutral fraction is nearly 2.00*10-4 (not exact since laser has finite width). - Hb emissivity close to high density case A. The predicted TOTL 4861 intensity should be nearly 2.2 times the expected case B intensity. H cross section is 2.09E-18 cm^2, rec coef is 4.18E-14 answer is neutral fraction 2.00E-4 also checks that only 3 iterations needed