title pure-H Stromgren sphere c the answer is R(Stromgren) = 4.16E17 cm c c commands controlling continuum ========= blackbody 50000 K q(h) 49 c c commands for density & abundances ========= hden 4 init file "honly.ini" abundances all -10 c c commands controlling geometry ========= sphere static radius 16 stop efrac -0.5 c c other commands for details ========= no level2 turbulence 20 km/s constant temper 7500 iterate c c commands controlling output ========= save performance "limit_strom.per" save overview last "limit_strom.ovr" save results last "limit_strom.rlt" save monitors last "limit_strom.asr" save dr last "limit_strom.dr" c c commands giving the monitors ========= monitor thickness 17.619 monitor line "Ca B" 4861 1.00 // // >>chng 05 dec 22, from 160 to 180 (157) // >>chng 08 dec 08, from 180 to 157, upper limit -> equals (r2515) monitor nzone 157 error 0.01 // // >>chng 07 jun 25, from 4 to 4.5, h-like treatment goes to he-like methods. // >>chng 08 dec 08, from 4.5 to 2.834, upper limit -> equals (r2515) // >>chng 08 dec 13, from 2.834 to 4.376, merging newsolvers branch // >>chng 09 feb 23, from 4.376 to 3.701, remove otslin, otscon dampers (PR #84, r2758) // >>chng 09 jun 15, from 3.701 to 3.611, gradual approach to outer edge // >>chng 09 jun 26, from 3.611 to 3.822, remove several dampers monitor itrzn 3.822 // c limit_strom.in c class limit c ======================================== c This case checks that the code computes the geometry and emissivity correctly for a pure hydrogen spherical shell. The low temperature is chosen to avoid collisional ionization. The model stops at the Ho-H+ ionization front. The turbulence is to prevent the Balmer lines from becoming optically thick. Checks - Outer radius should be 4.16391017 cm. - Predicted Hb, case B Hb, and Q(H) Hb, all agree.