title optimizer on stellar grids
c commands controlling continuum =========
table star costar age 5.8 log 36 msol vary
ionization par -3
c commands for density & abundances =========
hden 4 vary
init file "hheonly.ini"
element oxygen on  
c commands controlling geometry  =========
Case B
stop zone 1
c other commands for details     =========
optimize tolerance 0.03
constant temper 4.3 vary
optimize phymir sequential
optimize iteration 500
c the following spectrum was derived by running this sim at hden 5, t=4,
c and log(age)=6.3
c resulting eden was 5.040 and T=4, which we shall assert that we find
optimize lines
// >>chng 06 dec 01, change line intensities due to new Badnell DR rates
// >>chng 07 oct 12, change intensities after case b entered
// previous lines had intermediate H 1 spectrum
o ii  3729  0.0623
o ii  3726  0.1765
o ii  7323  0.2300
o ii  7332  0.1854
o  3  5007  8.2979
totl  4363  0.0784
end of lines
c commands controlling output    =========
print line faint -2
c commands giving the monitors    =========
monitor temperature hydrogen 2 4
save overview "stars_optimize3.ovr"
save performance "stars_optimize3.per"
save monitors "stars_optimize3.asr"
c optimize_phymir.in
c class optimizer
c ========================================

This checks whether the optimizer sets corrects limits for log(age).  The line
spectrum was calculated at T = 1e4 K, n_H=1e5 cm^-3, log(age/yr) = 6.3.