title test energy conservation with vastly optically thick dust, sphere geometry c c commands controlling continuum ========= black 500 STE c c commands for density & abundances ========= init "honly.ini" hden 3.25 -2 grains ism single graphite c c commands controlling geometry ========= radius from 21 to 26 * stop Av 1000 sphere stop temperature 100K c c other commands for details ========= iterate constant temper 500 K no grain gas collisional energy exchange no grain electrons no molecules cosmic rays background -10 c c commands controlling output ========= save grain temperature "grains_conserve_sp.grntem" save overview "grains_conserve_sp.ovr" save dr "grains_conserve_sp.dr" save continuum units microns "grains_conserve_sp.con" c c commands giving the monitors ========= monitor Tu 1.5811 K linear error 0.02 c c grains_conserve_sp.in c class limit c ======================================== c This tests that multiple absorption / reemission by dust conserves energy in a spherical geometry. Radiation density temperature in last zone should be 500 * sqrt(1e21/1e26) = 1.5811 K